
Blackiany idea what should I do now ?00:01
L3topthis is gonna be hard for me to troubleshoot atm because I use hardware RAID, and don't have anything up atm, but try: mdadm --examine /dev/disk/by-uuid/3bcf8905-81fa-491e-83ea-3cd4e4d8b94700:02
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awesomejeffmy wifi stoped working00:04
L3topMy wife stopped putting out00:04
L3topoh... sorry...00:04
L3topsupport, not humor... my bad.00:05
awesomejeffhelp i disabled my WiFi on my dell inspiron mini running Ubuntu 11.10 to save battery life but when i try to re enable it says wireless is disabled by hardware switch i tried my hardware switch but it does not help thanks in advance00:05
L3topHow did you disable it awesomejeff00:06
hiexpowith the button00:06
L3topphysical button on the hardware itself?00:06
awesomejeffno on the top left coner00:06
hiexpodo a reboot00:07
awesomejeffi did00:07
L3topawesomejeff: iwconfig00:07
L3toptell me which device has a bunch of writing00:07
L3toplike... eth100:07
awesomejeffok brb00:07
intokOther then Mednafen and SDLMame are there any actively developed NeoGeo emulators with a frontend?00:07
awesomejeffhere you go00:08
awesomejeffawesomejeff@jeff-Inspiron-1018:~$ iwconfig lo        no wireless extensions.  wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:off/any             Mode:Managed  Access Point: Not-Associated   Tx-Power=off              Retry  long limit:7   RTS thr=2347 B   Fragment thr:off           Power Management:on            eth0      no wireless extensions.  awesomejeff@jeff-Inspiron-1018:~$00:08
L3topsudo ifconfig wlan0 up00:08
awesomejeffgot error SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill got error00:09
Raymond_wireless hardware not turning on.00:09
awesomejeffya =(00:10
Raymond_its a broadcom430600:10
delinquentme_has anyone noticed that new files require a refresh to show up in a directory ... but only in non-stock versions of the ubuntu skin?00:11
L3topsudo rfkill unblock wifi; sudo rfkill unblock all00:11
awesomejeffnope stile won't work00:12
L3topthat was a fast reboot00:12
awesomejeffoh i have to reboot00:12
awesomejefflet me do a reboot brb00:13
meowsusSay I have someones user folder and I want to remove all files that start with a dot (rather, any file matching this pattern: .*) in all directories and subdirectories of the current folder.00:13
meowsusWhat would the command be?00:14
itaylor57meowsus, find . -name ".*" -exec rm -f {} \;00:15
meowsuswhat's the {} \; part?00:15
itaylor57meowsus, find . -type f -name ".*" -exec rm -f {} \;00:16
L3toprm -r /path/to/user/folder/.[a-zA-Z0-9]*00:16
L3topor that.00:16
* L3top is skurred of find00:16
meowsusL3top, i need it to find and remove all of the files recursively, regardless of where they are00:16
meowsusitaylor57, thanks!00:17
L3topthen itaylor57 gave the anser00:17
itaylor57L3top, i am an old 26 user unix/linux00:17
L3topI am just an old user00:18
awesomejeffnope wifi stile won't work =(00:18
L3topsudo ifconfig wlan0 up00:18
L3topsee if error is same00:18
awesomejeffSIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill error is the same00:19
L3toponly a couple of years in nix... itaylor5700:19
stercorWhat's a quick way to create a 1GB file.  Contents don't matter.00:19
L3topI would google that error awesomejeff... if it is not on the kill list, I dont know why you would get that.00:20
itaylor57L3top, yea got a lemur ubuntu back on 10.1000:20
L3topunless someone else knows.00:20
fffffawesomeheff: is there combination  [Fn key] + [wifi icon key]  ?00:20
awesomejeffyes i pressed it doesn't do anything00:21
synneri fear i may have broken apt-get :(00:21
douglI have remote desktop configured but cannot vnc into my ubuntu machine with chicken of the vnc on my mac - what am I missing?00:21
synneri am not very familiar with all this00:22
L3topwhat is apt-get doing synner00:22
synnerit tells me that i have python2.7.05-ubuntu05 and that i need python 2.7.05-ubuntu0500:22
L3topwell... apt is not broken00:23
synnerit also suggest me to run apt-get -f to fix it00:23
fffffawesomejeff: then how about this? try to wifi signal on by [fn] + [wifi] and trun off, and detach battary. 10sec after attach back and trun on.00:23
synnerthen, it tells me that structs is not found00:24
awesomejeffmy wifi is stile broken'00:24
awesomejeffcan't spell stile =P00:24
L3topnot so awesome afterall...00:24
L3topsynner: dpkg --configure -a00:25
synnercan i pm you L3top ?00:25
L3topsynner: apt-get update00:25
L3topits best we stay here, in case I make an error00:25
synnerhere is the output00:25
synnerYou might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these.00:25
synnerThe following packages have unmet dependencies: python-dev : Depends: python (= 2.7.1-0ubuntu5) but 2.7.1-0ubuntu5.1 is installed00:25
FloodBot1synner: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:25
L3topyou can pm me the flood00:25
L3topor pastebin00:25
synnerpastebin it is00:26
synnerhere is my pastebin: http://pastebin.com/0v4RC9Et00:26
L3topthe issue is going to be one of dependencies it looks like00:26
L3tophave you changed them recently?00:27
fhsaleshello people00:27
fhsalesi need help00:27
fhsalessomeone can help me?00:27
L3toppython is a pain in the bum to move around as well...00:27
stiltzkinfhsales, what do you need help with?00:27
L3topwhat were you trying to do when this happened?00:27
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synneri had the apt-gui00:28
synnerand i clicked on "update"00:28
fhsalesmy problem is that i installed ubuntu 10.04 on my machine.00:29
fhsalesbut it faile to recognize my usb wireless adapter.00:29
stiltzkinfhsales, what is the model number of your wireless adapter00:29
fhsalesand i would like to know if there is a way to make it work.00:29
fhsalesElsys EWU-2n3SA00:29
synnerl3top: here is the pastebin for dpkg -a --configure http://pastebin.com/75trJtK800:29
amaroksHello, my server is ubuntu and I have a command running that is using 50% of CPU00:31
amaroks./BC -d , what is this command?00:31
stiltzkinfhsales, do you have the adapter plugged into your computer now?00:31
amaroksand also this command: /usr/sbin/dae00:32
amaroksand this also : ./sec -d00:33
amaroksany help?00:33
meowsusHow big can tar.bz2 files be?00:33
Athanasiusamaroks: I'd be a little worried about a rootkit00:33
meowsusOr, rule of thumb, when (if ever) should I split them?00:33
fhsalesyes, i do.00:33
Athanasiusamaroks: run "find / -iname sec"00:33
L3topI have to bail for a bit synner... what I would do is apt-get remove python-minimal python-httplib2; apt-get install reinstall python00:33
L3topto start with00:33
synnerok. will try00:33
Halexander9000Um, a little help here please? http://pastebin.com/V04WEPBG00:33
L3topyou are probably gonna have other breaks in there00:34
stiltzkinfhsales, open up a terminal and if you can, give me the output of the command "lsusb" (on pastebin, etc)00:34
L3toppython is pretty important as things go...00:34
amaroksAthanasius its looking.00:34
digitalslaveanyone know why ubuntu wouldnt show an eSata drive? nothing in dmesg or fdisk but my bios does detect the drive. drive does blink while ubuntu loads.00:35
synnerwow... here is the result python-dev : Depends: python (= 2.7.1-0ubuntu5) but 2.7.1-0ubuntu5.1 is to be installed00:35
stiltzkindigitalslave, from past experience I can tell you that different versions of Ubuntu give very different results for eSATA drives. You've tried starting the computer with the drive plugged in yes?00:36
fhsalesstiltzkin whe i do that it only appears 4 lines00:36
fhsalesMicrosoft COrp00:36
=== daswort is now known as exoplanet
fhsalesLinux Foundation00:36
digitalslavestiltzkin, yeah and tried hotswap and upgraded my bios in hopes that may be it00:36
fhsalesRealtek semicondutor00:36
fhsalesLinux foundation 2.000:37
stiltzkindigitalslave, do you have a physical eSATA card/adapter or is this a laptop with integrated eSATA or something like that?00:37
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digitalslavestiltzkin, im going to try a live disk as well - downloading now00:37
stiltzkinfhsales, what else is displayed on that Realtek Semiconductor line00:38
digitalslavestiltzkin, asus pt6 deluxe version 2 with onboard eSata port00:38
whatspherehey what is that: http://whatsphere.com/whatsphere4/ ?00:38
amaroksAthanasius: this server has 10s of openVZ containers, searching would take long time, any other way to find the path of the running script?00:38
stiltzkindigitalslave, yeah I can't offer much in the way of real advice, I've had a very hard time getting my eSATA drive working with my laptop as well. But I'm using a JMicron ExpressCard/eSATA adapter so I focused on getting that to work00:39
bill2012amazing...there's a page for *updating* from eol versions.....00:39
fhsalesBus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:8171 Realtek Semicondutor Corp.00:39
stiltzkindigitalslave, it seems that different kernels have widely varying levels of support00:39
Athanasiusamaroks: I'm not sure. You might try "find /root /home /tmp /var/tmp -iname sec" just to search those folders00:39
digitalslavestiltzkin, thanks for attempting! figured this would make a nice backup to my raid setup but it's definitely starting to be a struggle00:40
bill2012(i bought a laptop with hoary installed--and it doesn't recognize my floppy)00:41
stiltzkindigitalslave, if I remember correctly it worked in 8.10 or so, stopped working in 9.x series, started working again in 10.04, and then it hasn't worked since haha. No rhyme or reason to it00:41
bill2012so i'm going to upgrade until i find a version that does, then do a fresh install\00:42
bill2012i have no other way to creatge boot media00:42
digitalslavestiltzkin, haha crap maybe i'll ride it out with USB2 for a while00:42
stiltzkindigitalslave, that's what I'm doing with my 1tb right now :/00:42
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amaroksAthanasius any command to trace process IP ?00:43
bill2012but i need to know if i'm running a "-desktop" of ubuntu, and which one if i am.  how do i find out?00:43
bill2012"-desktop" version\00:43
fhsalesstiltzkin (21:40:07) fhsales: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:8171 Realtek Semicondutor Corp.00:44
jribbill2012: why don't you just install the latest?00:44
FrestormsIs 75c like HOT for a duo core CPU00:44
synnerFrestorms: yes00:45
JelouHi all! I've installed pureftpd and i noticed that if someone downloads (from me) a file, it takes all my upload bandwidth and i can't do anything with internet, is this normal?00:45
Frestormsit's beyone me, I've got nothing running for it to be that hot00:45
bill2012because i don't have any way to create a boot medium yet00:45
jribFrestorms: check fans are not blowing air the wrong way :)00:45
bill2012once i'm upgraded far enough it'll recognize my floppy and THEN i install latgest00:46
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meowsusWhen should I split a .tar.bz2 file? 4GB?00:46
jribbill2012: not sure I understand.  Why not just install the latest?  It will be much much faster than upgrading00:47
stiltzkinfhsales, I can't find much information on your card, but it looks like it uses a Realtec rtl819x chip which should be supported in Ubuntu. I'm looking for more information on this.00:47
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bill2012right.   but to do that i have to do a boot from something.  i have no boot media right now.00:47
fhsalesstilzkin THANKS!00:47
whiskgot a really wierd problem in ubuntu on ppc, colors are off in all SDL games and in the icons on fluxbox00:47
jribbill2012: ah, you can't boot from cd?00:47
bill2012no cd00:47
bill2012just floppy00:48
bill2012and hoary doesn't see it00:48
aguiteli am in 10.04 ;network-manager applet icon have red line ,why?00:48
Guest51924hello, how can I mount my wifi dongle usb on ubuntu?00:49
ghostnik11hi, i am trying to load a .jsp site, called tickettoread.com00:49
whiskgoogle the wifi dongle model number00:49
ghostnik11but it won't show any images after i sign in with my user info00:50
stiltzkinfhsales, try this process: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9125399&postcount=1000:50
bill2012so i'll just upgrade until i find a version that sees my floppy, create the boot media, and then i do a fresh install to latest00:50
Guest51924whisk : wl-167g from asus00:50
ghostnik11the site shows me that firefox 10 is not supported but that it supports firefox 3 and internet explorer 7, i loaded user agent and it pass system checks but still when i log in it doesn't work and i see no images00:51
ghostnik11I wanted to know how do i enable javascript in firefox00:51
Jay_LevittI'm using Desktop Sharing for the first time, connecting to a fresh 11.10 desktop from my Mac via Chicken of the VNC.  I can control the Ubuntu box's desktop, all right, but all of the windows only open on the real monitor, not on my virtual desktop - which just shows the background, menu bar, etc..?00:52
stiltzkinghostnik11, check edit -> preferences -> content -> enable javascript00:53
ghostnik11stiltzkin, it shows that its enabled, but yet when i log in to tickettoread.com with user name and password, it doesn't load any images00:54
ghostnik11stiltzkin, it worked before i used update manager to update to firefox 1000:54
stiltzkinghostnik11, showing fine on my machine on Fx 10.0.02...maybe reinstall Firefox?00:55
Guest51924whisk  : whatnow? :)00:55
ignoredthoughtswhere in xchat do I set up an autoreply to NickServ for my identify?00:56
ghostnik11stiltzkin, will do a reinstall via synaptic and see if that solves the issue00:56
stiltzkinghostnik11, make sure to do a "completely remove" of firefox first to purge any configs that may have been messed up00:56
VisualAssassinwhat is the best version of ubuntu that is not as laggy or buggy? any suggestions would be helpful00:56
stiltzkinghostnik11, as one command you can do "sudo apt-get purge firefox && sudo apt-get install firefox"00:57
capslock286I use two keyboard layouts; swedish and Greek. Now, Greek is stuck on the log-in screen and it won't let me change layout. I cannot make any sudo-commands as I'm on my guest account on my own computer :-( Can anyone help?00:57
ignoredthoughtsVisualAssassin, it depends on your comp00:57
ignoredthoughtsVisualAssassin, what are you running on?00:57
capslock286I Use 12.04.00:57
aguiteli am in 10.04 ;network-manager applet icon say i am not connected but i am ,whay happens this?00:58
ignoredthoughtswhen you boot do you get00:58
ignoredthoughtsWaiting for Network configuration?00:58
ghostnik11stiltzkin, synaptic is telling me if i do a complete removal it will install chromium automatically, but i don't want that, i need firefox because its for a little kindergartener, who in school is used to firefox00:58
Haig_220hello world :)00:58
VisualAssassinI am running on a celeron m with 1.5GBS00:58
ignoredthoughtsVisualAssassin, what RAM?00:58
stiltzkinghostnik11, don't use synaptic, just issue the purge and install commands00:58
VisualAssassinthis machine used to have windows vista on it than i got rid of that an installed ubuntu 10.04 and I have upgraded to 11.04 i think but its a little laggy00:59
VisualAssassini think it is ddr2, i upgraded a while ago and cant remember00:59
capslock286anyone that  has got a clue on how to solve layout problem on login?00:59
bill2012the instructions say, "If you run a -desktop version of ubuntu...." how do i tell if i am?01:00
ghostnik11stiltzkin, even running the commands via terminal still says chromium will be installed but will just do it, then run sudo apt-get install firefox after the purge even though chromium will be installed01:00
fhsaleshey people01:01
fhsalesi need some help01:01
ignoredthoughtsdoes chromium still have a ton of mem leaks?01:01
Athanasiusamaroks: Possibly, but I'm not sure how01:01
AthanasiusI'm a little rusty on linux CLI01:02
cordycepsAudacious, the music player, won't let me edit the track info. Says I don't have permission. What to do?01:02
ghostnik11stiltzkin, okay command just finished in terminal will see if it works now01:02
capslock286problems with layout configuration at login. Anyone who would like to troubleshoot?01:03
fhsaleshey people01:03
fhsalescan someone help me?01:03
Muelli!anyone | fhsales01:04
ubottufhsales: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.01:04
Muellicordyceps: well, maybe you don't have the permissions. You can probably edit them using the file manager01:04
bill2012the instructions say, "If you run a -desktop version of ubuntu...." how do i tell if i am?01:05
ghostnik11stiltzin, still doesn't work, will try chromium to see if the .jsp website will actually load01:05
Muellibill2012: can you click stuff, then yes ;-)01:05
krycomthere are several listings of wine in ubuntu software center,  If I want to run World of Warcraft,  which one should I download?01:05
Muellicapslock286: hm. What exactly are "layout problems"?01:05
bill2012heh.  well, actually, i still need to know *which* -desktop version01:06
maykoHi all; I'm running lubuntu 11.10 on a dell inspiron. Sometime in the last day, my microphone has stopped working. I've run through the obvious things, played with alsamixer and pavucontrol, reinstalled the OS, cleaned the plug in case it had clear nailpolish on it... no good. Here is the alsa report, which I understand may be useful. Halp? http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=306da35832559ecef3fa9c71022caa96728fbc0901:06
capslock286I'm stuck on Greek layout at login and cannot change it even with sudo commands as my keyboard layout in is stuck on Greek alhabet, which is different than latin.01:06
MuelliI don't know krycom, but I'd just the most appealing one and try. I don't think you can mess things up with that.01:06
Muellibill2012: lsb_release -a or so.01:06
cordycepsMuelli: these are mp3s, the file manager give the correct title, but the so-called track info is differnt. How do I give myself permission please?01:06
Muellicordyceps: hm. Can't you right click the file in the file manager and then edit permissions?01:07
Muellicapslock286: you mean during login you have a greek keyboard layout? I.e. you can't enter your password correctly/01:07
fhsalesdoes anybody knows how to configure wireless connection on ubuntu 10.04?01:07
ZaitzevI just installed apache2, haven't touched any configurations yet, what do I need to do to make the server accessible from WAN?01:07
Muellifhsales: yes.01:08
MuelliZaitzev: that should be it.01:08
capslock286Muelli: That's correct.01:08
ZaitzevMuelli: Apparently it's not working01:08
MuelliZaitzev: you can check with "netstat -tulpen" on which interfaces apache is listening.01:08
MuelliZaitzev: how do you know it's not working?01:08
Muellicapslock286: hm. And do you know whether you use GDM or lightdm?01:09
fhsalesMuelli: i worked it out some commands to make ubuntu recognize my usb wireless adapter. it seemed to work. In the end it says device is not ready.what should i do now?01:09
Muellicapslock286: at least GDM should support switching the layout. I don't know about lightdm. But I'd consider it a bug if it didn't01:09
capslock286Muelli: I use te standard login sceen manager in 12.0401:09
bill2012it just tells me that i'm running hoary....which i already knew.01:09
Muellifhsales: who says "device not ready"?01:09
synnerso, i got a quick question about ubuntu01:09
ztag100What programs can I use for widgets on my desktop?01:09
synnersomehow, python kinda broke apt-get01:09
cordycepsI've got permission, their in Music. The titles in the file mgr are correct. BUT when I right click the audacious line, the so called track-into is incorrect. It's editable but I can't save it.01:10
ztag100I've been using conky but its not as nice as I thought01:10
Muellicapslock286: oh, then #ubuntu+1 is probably the appropriate channel01:10
ghostnik11how can i download firefox 9 or 8 for ubuntu because firefox 10 won't let my kindergartener go on her tickettoread.com website to do her work01:10
capslock286muelli: thanks,01:10
cordyceps*track info01:10
benoisLook at this:01:10
benois"asa victim of male circumcisio nand male genital mutilation thsis whoel god dman coutnry its goverments and its relgions can literall ycrumble into hell and rot for all i care"01:10
Muellighostnik11: you can check available versions with "apt-cache policy firefox". I doubt an older version will be available though.01:11
fhsalesMuelli, in the top right corner of my desktop there is a connection icon. when i put my mouse on it, it appears wireless networks: device  not ready01:11
cordycepsbenois: ot01:11
Muellifhsales: hm. Do you know what chip is in the device? I.e is that something weird like Broadcom?01:11
synnerso? no clue regarding python with natty updates?01:11
benoisThat's what male circumcision can do a man's psyche.01:11
Muellicordyceps: how do you know that you've got permissinos?01:11
Muelli!details | synner01:12
ubottusynner: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:12
cordycepsthe usual way ls -l01:12
Muellicordyceps: and what does it say on the file in question?01:12
ghostnik11Muelli, yeah i did the command in terminal and it only shows firefox 10, but firefox 10 is the problem, because on chromium the site works when i put in her login info, but in ff10 it doesn't load anything after she puts in her login info01:12
fhsalesmuelli Realtek 8192 SU chipset01:13
ghostnik11Muelli, i wish i never updated to this new ff1001:13
fhsalesMuelli Realtek 8192SU chipset01:13
Erealzhey guys i was just wondering what software package controls screen brightness?01:13
hiexpohola ubuntu01:13
Muellighostnik11: well. I think you have to somehow get an older version then. Can't really help with that. Compiling it on your own is very tough.01:13
Muelli!info xbacklight | Erealz01:14
ubottuErealz: xbacklight (source: xbacklight): simple utility to set the backlight level. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1 (oneiric), package size 7 kB, installed size 60 kB01:14
* cordyceps backing out the door, guns blazing...01:14
hiexpoErealz, F301:14
Muellifhsales: hm. I think that should work then. So what I'd do, is to pull the stick out, reboot, do a dmesg -c, plug it in, and pastebin the result of a new "dmesg -c"01:15
ghostnik11Muelli, the thing is i think its closed because when i do a search in google i only get firefox 10 versions01:15
maykobump for a missing mic?01:15
grid_bugwhat package provides /usr/bin/phonet-at ?01:16
mbaiWhat is the x window system I want to run to get a bare xserver with nothing in it?01:16
Muellighostnik11: well. What can I say? If you're not able to find an old version, there's probably little we can do for you. I don't know where to get firefox support from.01:16
sgo11hi, after every reboot, the /etc/resolv.conf becomes empty. I have to give nameserver manually. my current interfaces setup: http://pastebin.com/4GuVFJ8V  what is the problem? thanks.01:16
fhsalesMuelli, dmesg -c is a command i should put in the terminal? and what is pastebin? i never used ubuntu before.:)01:16
Muellighostnik11: but well, it's probably a bug in firefox if it used to work but doesn't anymore. So feel free to file that.01:16
whatsphereliked it : http://whatsphere.com/whatsphere4/01:16
Muelli!pastebin | fhsales01:16
ubottufhsales: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:16
Muellifhsales: yes, dmesg -c is a terminal command. Ctrl+Alt+T should give you a terminal.01:17
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bill2012sgoll:  sounds like dhcp is rewriting it01:17
ghostnik11Muelli, cool i will i will have to tell her to use chromium but it takes away from what she is used to in her computer lab01:17
fhsalesMuelli, it says Operation not permitted01:17
Muelligrid_bug: check packages.ubuntu.com01:17
Muellifhsales: unplug, reboot, sudo dmesg -c, plug in, sudo dmesg -c01:17
synnersure: I am running natty. After running apt-get update/upgrade, i received an error about python dev, requiring 2.7.1-ubuntu5 but python_2.7.1-ubuntu5.1 is installed01:18
synnerwhen i install it, i get the error _struct is not defined01:18
Muellisynner: can you pastebin us the full output?01:18
synnerof course01:18
sgo11bill2012, just saw your reply. so how to solve this problem? I have two PCs with the same ubuntu release 11.10. another one does not have this problem, but that one is using dhcp instead of static ip address. by the way, my nick is one one not ll. thanks.01:19
amaroksHello:::::: Massive packet loss when server doesnt have DDoS attack and server load is just fine what it measn? network issue?01:19
synnerhere is the output: http://pastebin.com/mpRAfEuy01:19
synneri really appreciate it, i am out of ideas01:19
Halexander9000Um, a little help here please? http://pastebin.com/3SSdCiTF01:20
Muellisynner: can you fully quote your shell please, i.e. including the command you've run01:20
=== christopher is now known as Guest5489
haylowhy cant i get voice on ##linux ??01:20
bill2012oops sorry... anyway, i know unix, not ubuntu, so i can't help beyond that01:20
Muellisynner: just like Halexander9000 just did it. Very well done :01:20
norchttp://pastie.org/3492862  << this is my /etc/init/openvpn.conf01:20
Halexander9000Muelli: What did I just do?01:21
Muellisynner: hm. looks like it's b0rken. Try a apt-get update01:21
sgo11another problem is the network settings, all options are grayed out. I can not edit it for my card. why?01:21
norcWhen I type service openvpn start, it hangs (stdin still seems to work) - the status of the service is running, but the exec command is never executed.01:21
MuelliHalexander9000: you pasted a nice shell quote :)01:21
norcCan somebody point me in the right direction here?01:21
synneri tried apt-get update01:21
norc(Already send HUP to init with kill in case the inotify interface didnt work properly to let know about the file)01:21
Halexander9000Muelli: Thank you.01:21
amaroksguysss, what is this command: /usr/sbin/dae01:22
MuelliHalexander9000: FWIW: you can use GNOME-Shell to record your desktop (with Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R IIRC) or Istanbul.01:22
fhsalesMuelli i have done that. i dont understand a thing it is written, but it appears in the end the OS is trying to download the firmware.but i do not have internet on that computer.01:22
synneri also tried manually installing packages (dpkg -i). I also tried installing/reinstalling. I also did apt-get -f install01:22
Muellisynner: can you pastebin us the (full!) output of apt-get update?01:22
Halexander9000Muelli: What what?01:22
Muellifhsales: well. bad then.01:22
MuelliHalexander9000: you try to record your screen, no? And it fails. I've just mentioned alternatives to ffmpeg's screenrecord.01:23
norchttp://pastie.org/3492862  << this is my /etc/init/openvpn.conf - when I try to start the service via `service openvpn start' it hangs, the exec command is never executed. But upstart *thinks* the process is running. Already tried `kill -HUP 1' with no luck01:23
MrKeunerhello, gnome-launchers cannot trigger firefox, how can I make them do that01:23
norcwhops, sorry for reposting.01:23
maykobump - can anyone help me get my microphone working? It's important since my computer is my phone :o01:23
Halexander9000Muelli: ffmpeg is the alternative here, and I'm trying to make is work.01:24
Halexander9000Muelli: My machine, in case you're wondering is an ASUS EEE PC 904HD from 2008.01:24
MuelliHalexander9000: sorry. I don't know anything about that. I used istanbul or GNOME-shell and it used to just work.01:24
Halexander9000Muelli: I used the gtk-recordmydesktop to record a gaming session on a 640 by 480 screen with stereo audio in an .ogv file.01:24
MrKeunerThey were triggering chromium when it was installed01:24
synnerMuelli: full apt-get update / install : http://pastebin.com/n7TEuKBN01:24
Halexander9000Muelli: That file plays just fine, and it uploads and plays on youtube just as well.01:24
JosephHarrietha Do I have to escape the space in the if statement here:  if [ -e "$cydiaPath/Sections/bAd *" ]01:24
Muellimayko: hm. maybe check pa-prefs and alsamixer.01:24
MrKeunerwhat's wrong with my firefox installation?01:24
Halexander9000Muelli: But when I try to edit it, Kdenlive and OpenShot, both don't even play the file properly in the preview window, much less render it without artifacts. Same thing happens when I try to convert it.01:24
JosephHarrietha Its checking if a file with bAd(space)* exists, is it correct how i've done it?01:24
Muellioh, okay Halexander9000. Sorry. No idea.01:25
orlokHalexander9000: Hah, i use an eee901!01:25
sgo11anyone any ideas? network settings are not editable. DNS gets reset to empty in every reboot. ubuntu 11.10. use static ip with the configuration of interfaces file. thanks.01:25
Halexander9000Muelli: That's why I'm trying ffmpeg. I've been recompiling and unmaking all day long for the past two days. I'm sick of it.01:25
maykoMuelli: I have tried alsamixer and pulseaudio. When I open pulseaudio the mic is unmuted, but even when turned all the way up the levels bar is dead.01:25
Halexander9000orlok: Can you record your own desktop and edit the resulting video file?01:25
Muellijep JosephHarrietha. Bonuspoints if you do smth like "${variable}/ ..."01:26
maykoed: when I open pavucontrol01:26
norcsgo11: It sounds like some unwanted process is "hijacking" your configuration files and changing them back. Which filesystem are you using?01:26
orlokHalexander9000: I would not try...01:26
Muellimayko: and you plugged the mic in? ;-)01:26
rattatouesgo11, did you set the dns in your /etc/resolv.conf?01:26
Muellisgo11: well. You probably run NetworkManager, no? I guess it overwrites that stuff for you.01:26
Halexander9000orlok: You have an SSD right? I have a 160 HDD but I doubt the hardware differs in any other aspect. So why not?01:27
maykoMuelli: the microphone is plugged in, in the mic hole, and unmuted.01:27
norcMuelli: It shouldnt.01:27
sgo11norc, ext4. I don't really agree that. I think it's networkmanager problem.01:27
stiltzkinfhsales, any luck with that card?01:27
norcsgo11: Want an overkill workaround?01:27
Muelli!sound | mayko01:27
ubottumayko: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.01:27
sgo11rattatoue, inside that file, it says "# Generated by NetworkManager". I edited it. then reboot. become empty.01:27
sgo11norc, not really. I think it's network manager problem.01:28
rattatouesgo11, you could turn off the write permission of that file once you have it set, that way nothing could change it01:28
sgo11Muelli, I think I run networkmanager.01:28
fhsalesstiltzkin it says device not ready01:28
Muellisgo11: yeah, it's the default. So configure NetworkManager then, I'd say01:28
JosephHarriethaMuelli, Heh, thank you01:28
norcsgo11: Well, I'd write what I need into the file, mark it as immutable, kick back and watch a movie.01:29
sgo11rattatoue, it's a workaround. I can do that. but it doesn't really solve the problem.01:29
norcsgo11: Note, *that* is overkill though. ;)01:29
tazjinIs it possible to change the menu bar at the top to always show the different menus?01:29
norcrattatoue: That wont be enough.01:29
Muellihm synner. Looks like your installation goes mad. What does apt-cache policy python{,-minimal} say?01:29
tazjinI find it a bit confusing to have to hover over them first01:29
norcrattatoue: You need to mark it immutable, because applications can and sometimes even do adapt file permissions in order to change that. Since he uses ext4 which supports immutable - that'd be the way to do it.01:29
Muelli!networkmanager | sgo1101:29
ubottusgo11: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager01:29
sgo11Muelli, how to configure networkmanager? in the panel --> network settings, every option is grayed out. in nm-nework-editor, the edit buttion is grayed out.01:29
sgo11Muelli, is that because I edit interfaces file by root for static IP?01:30
rattatouenorc, I have used the file permissions way without any problem even on ext4. When I had the same prob he is having. So yes it does work.01:30
Muelliyeah sgo11, probably because it somehow thinks it's a managed interface. Probably because you messed around with it01:30
Halexander9000Guys, is orlok really dead?01:31
synnerhere is the output ofthe apt-cache: http://pastebin.com/uzH8VZNY01:31
Muellisgo11: maybe check files in /etc/NetworkManager/ whether they look alright. If you're keen, you can also try to reset NetworkManager configuration, i.e. with smth like dpkg-reconfigure -p low networkmanager or so. Don't know really how to do it.01:31
sgo11well. I think I will try something. will get offline for now. back later. thanks.01:31
norcSo, does anyone have any idea for my upstart problem?01:31
sgo11Muelli, ok. let me try something first. will be back soon. :)01:32
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kryceksudo rm -rf /tptb01:32
Muellihm synner. What does "apt-get install --reinstall python python-minimal" give you?01:32
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synnerMuelli: http://pastebin.com/sQJsMqda01:33
maykoMuelli: I have been through most of these already. I've played with alsa, editted the alsa config file,  pavucontrol, reinstalled pulseaudio, reinstalled the os. Here is my alsa report if it helps: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=306da35832559ecef3fa9c71022caa96728fbc0901:34
Muelliwell mayko. Has the mic ever worked?01:34
Muellihm synner. Interesting how you managed to screw that up ;-) Lemme think...01:35
maykoYes. it abruptly stopped sometime yesterday.01:35
Muellieh, synnern. WTF? Why do you have stuff in /usr/local/?!01:35
Muellisynner: ^^01:35
synneri am in /usr/local because i wanted to make sure that python is a symlink to python2.701:36
synneri dont mind moving to /home/myUser01:36
Muellihm mayko. weird then. If you've checked everything, including alsamixer and pavucontrol and pa-prefs, I am out of ideas, sorry.01:36
maykook thanx01:36
Muellisynner: yes. please. Do you remember having done smth similar/01:36
Muellimay I suspect that to be SPAM?01:37
synneri did it this morning. i had the apt-get GUI01:37
synnerand i clicked yes01:37
synnernot even command line or anything01:37
key2http://whatsphere.com/whatsphere4 http://whatsphere.com/whatsphere4/01:38
key2wrong channel01:38
fhsalesMuelli are you still there? here is the pastebin from before i put the usb wireless http://paste.ubuntu.com/862799/01:38
rattatouesynner, check in /usr/local/bin/ and see if there is a python executable in there or not. Please.01:38
Muellifhsales: after you've plugged it in is more important ;-)01:38
Muelliwell synner. please move all /usr/local out of the way for now.01:38
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synnerrattatoue: There is one01:39
synnerso, i should move it?01:39
Muellisynner: yes. everything.01:39
krycekif you type 420 in google as he is your friend you will find it out01:39
rattatouesynner, just temporary rename it to something else01:39
fhsalesMuelli here is the after http://paste.ubuntu.com/862802/01:39
Raymond_g++-4.4 is dependant on libstdc++6-4.4-dev and vis versa01:39
kryceksudo -i guys meh!01:40
Muellisynner: so do a apt-get install -f :)01:40
rattatouesynner, now run sudo dpkg --configure -a01:40
krycekrm -rf /me01:40
Raymond_and niether will install01:40
synnerit solved it01:41
Muelliwell synner. You screwed up. We solved it ;-)01:41
synnerhow come?01:41
synnerhow could i have it in there?01:41
rattatouesynner, im curious which command? mine or muellis01:42
Muellisynner: because you put stuff in /usr/local/01:42
synnerRattatoue: yours01:42
Muellifhsales: can you pastebin us "apt-cache policy linux-firmware" and "dpkg --listfiles linux-firmware"?01:42
rattatouesynner, glad you got it working. This way for furture reference.01:42
fhsalesMuelli, i will go out now, but i will be back in a few minutes.01:43
rattatouesynner, no problem. I write python scripts too. So I know errors like that can be pains01:43
Muellifhsales: well. You need to have this package installed. If you haven't, get it from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/oneiric/all/linux-firmware/download01:43
Raymond_g++-4.4 is dependant on libstdc++6-4.4-dev and vis versa and neither will install01:43
krnli login to the server as root, and try to change user with "su foo". ~/.profile of user foo is not read. how can check what can be the error?01:43
Muelli!details | Raymond_01:43
ubottuRaymond_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:43
Raymond_10.04 LTS01:44
Muelli!enter | Raymond_01:44
ubottuRaymond_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:44
Muellikrnl: does that happen with "sudo -i" or "sudo -s", too?01:44
Raymond_Muelli, g++-4.4 is dependant on libstdc++6-4.4-dev and vis versa and neither will install, i am using 10.04 LTS01:45
Muellisorry Raymond_. But that's not detailed at all. Again: What are you doing, what happens and what have you expected instead01:46
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krnlMuelli: i try to change to user "foo" and not *do* something with it. i would like to use su instead of su. or did i misunderstand you? "su -s foo" says "Cannot execute foo: No such.."01:46
tazjinDoes anybody know which apt-get package has the largest dependency tree?01:46
krnland invalid option for "-i"01:46
Muellikrnl: "sudo -s -u foo" and "sudo -i -u foo'01:46
Raymond_muelli, both programs are dependent on each other and will not install01:46
Muellisorry Raymond_. But that's not detailed at all. Again: What are you doing, what happens and what have you expected instead01:47
Raymond_muelli, are you a bot?01:47
* krycek 420!!!01:47
krnlMuelli: with "-i" it works, thanks a lot!01:47
hiexpowhat sudo su01:48
Muelli:) no krnl01:48
sgo11Muelli, rattatoue, norc,  just FYI. I have solved the network problem. The problem is basically caused by editing /etc/network/interfaces file by me/root manually. NetworkManager can not edit the interfaecs file. so everything in NetworkManager is grayed out and it can not set DNS properly. what I did is: (1) remove all configs about eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces with sudo (2) reboot and re-configure eth0 by using NetworkManager interface. it will save this01:48
sgo11config in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections. after then, everything works fine.01:48
kryceksudo -i then exit then sudo -i then exit then sudo -i01:48
Muellisgo11: :) As I've said.01:48
rattatouesgo11, glad it all works!01:48
sgo11Muelli, rattatoue thanks. ^_^01:48
kaenMy toshiba laptop overheats like crazy, happens in 11.10 and 12.04, but not windows. It seems this a known bug but I can't find a solution. Can someone point me to a starting place?01:49
Raymond_muelli, both .deb programs are dependent on each other and the dependency recommendation is the other program for both programs01:50
Omni|WorkThe bugzilla4 package is available for Natty. I've installed it. But I can't find anything about it on packages.ubuntu.com01:50
kaendpkg -i --force-install foo.deb bar.deb01:51
Raymond_both .deb programs are dependent on each other and the dependency recommendation is the other program for both programs01:51
kaenWorked in the past for me01:51
sponixwant to ensure that my HD is named the same /dev/sda each time on boot. Seems my machine randomly assigns it either sda or sdf, this makes for issues with mapping raw devices for VirtualBox (Solaris ZFS Raidz) ... Fun times01:52
norcRaymond_: It's called a circular dependency and shouldn't happen. Report it as a bug.01:52
Muellisponix: check udev rules.01:52
Raymond_norc, thx01:52
norcRaymond_: although I wonder, which is the current stable version in ubuntu of gcc?01:53
sponixMuelli: I know nothing of udev rules, take it you are saying that is what I need to research to force the device naming ?01:53
Raymond_norc, i downloaded from packages.ubuntu.com the one for lucid01:54
norcRaymond_: ..........01:54
norcRaymond_: How are you installing this?01:54
Raymond_norc, its a .deb01:54
Muellisponix: yes. Although I'm quite surprised that udev gives you random names. I though we were past this.. So yeah, check /etc/udev/rules.d/, there will probably be rules which assign names to devices01:54
norcRaymond_: What's wrong with apt-get?01:54
norcRaymond_: It handles all the dependencies like magic.01:54
Raymond_norc, no internet connection01:54
norcRaymond_: Give me a second01:54
Raymond_norc, i am installing ndiswrapper01:55
trismOmni|Work: you must have adding a ppa for it, possibly related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bugzilla/+bug/919628 (see comment #1)01:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 919628 in bugzilla (Ubuntu) "Very outdated version of bugzilla" [Wishlist,New]01:55
takumiis there a way to open accdb files with openoffice on ubuntu? anyone know anything?01:55
Omni|WorkI've installed the package 'bugzilla4' on my Ubuntu natty system, but I can't find any information about it on packages.ubuntu.com01:55
norcRaymond_: There's a tool for you, give me a sec01:55
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Omni|Worktrism: Thanks.01:56
Omni|WorkThat explains it. :-/01:57
norcRaymond_: Obviously there's the possibility to install from CD repositories, but there's a neater package that produces shell scripts that download the packages required, which you can put on an USB drive, execute on another machine, plug the USB drive into your old machine, and it will use that as a repository.01:57
* norc has to remember its name01:57
norcRaymond_: apt-zip01:58
GaryDevLinux noobie looking for some advice on creating a script to run at boot time. I have a custom program that I run with "./cdserv foldername &" .. it basically runs a server application that listens on a port, and since they are started in putty, it needs the & to tell it to keep running after putty closes.01:58
norcGaryDev: can you be more specific with 'boot time' ?01:59
GaryDevI have the script made in init.d and I can run it... and it does "run" the software, but I can't exit putty and keep it running...01:59
Raymond_norc, thankyou02:00
christinepea777what is the syntax for using the --exclude flag in tar?02:00
takumiis there a way to open accdb files with openoffice on ubuntu? anyone know anything?02:00
norcGaryDev: Use upstart.02:00
norcGaryDev: and ignore init.d02:00
GaryDevwe run an old msn zone type server.. game lobbies for playing crimson skies etc...02:00
GaryDevupstart? sorry, never heard of that.. (my bad...)02:00
norcGaryDev: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:01
norcGaryDev: It's what you want. :)02:01
norcand its much easier and comfortable to use and less convoluted than the alternatives02:01
GaryDevI will look at it, thanks kindly for the advice02:01
GaryDevlike I say, I can run the script.. but it seems to ignore the & part, so when I exit, the software also stops02:02
GaryDevand of course, the server has no GUI part to it...02:03
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takumiis there a way to open accdb files with openoffice on ubuntu? anyone know anything?02:03
norctakumi: No luck if you want to use the native openoffice afaik.02:05
norc*native linux openoffice02:05
norctakumi: Reason is you need some proprietary software from Microsoft to open them, which only work on windows and are proprietary/closed source02:07
takumii have libre office but accdb isnt an option...02:07
GaryDevnoroc... reading the docs and stuff. I don't want to change any of the ubuntu LTS starting items, do I *have* to change everything to work with upstart, or can I just use it to start our lobby software at boot time?02:07
takumii was able to open it on my windows pc with openoffce before i installed access02:07
norctakumi: Yes, because you probably have the right drivers installed02:09
norctakumi: specifically these: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=2373402:09
norctakumi: You could try wine + OpenOffice + that driver package.02:09
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* krycek lights it ### ###### ######### ## ####02:10
bitjixsup all. would anyone be able to tell me what version of python comes ported on the latest version of ubuntu? i'm running 10.04 LTS, and I'm curious as to when the switch Python 3.x occur02:11
MrKeunerhello, when chromium installed xdg-open mygnomedesktoplauncher.desktop opened in chromium, when uninstalled chromium xdg-open mygnomedesktoplauncher.desktop does not open the url in launcher file in firefox. how can I fix that?02:11
norcMrKeuner: err. what?02:12
norcbitjix: embrace http://packages.ubuntu.com/ :)02:12
MrKeunernorc, familiar with xdg-open?02:13
norcMrKeuner: Yes.02:13
MrKeunernorc, where can I set what url handler it uses?02:13
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MrKeunernorc, I'd like gnome launchers tirh url location to launch in firefox02:14
norcMrKeuner: Look at xdg-open to see what it does.02:14
norcMrKeuner: But IIRC its an environment variable $BROWSER02:15
norcMrKeuner: ah well thats ugly. apparently you should simply use update-alternatives02:16
MrKeunernorc, x-www-browser?02:16
norcMrKeuner: yes02:16
bitjixi see that packages for python 3 and 2 are available. but which one will be default?02:17
MrKeunernorc, set that one already, also gnome-www-browser02:18
norcbitjix: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all02:18
MrKeunernorc, does not help02:18
norcbitjix: Its pretty obvious.02:18
bitjixnorc: ahh. sorry i didn't see the "default version" in the description02:19
bitjixthanks though02:19
norcMrKeuner: mhm, they use different mechanics then, just try the $BROWSER environment variable - I believe thats what xdg-open uses02:19
MrKeunernorc, http://pastebin.com/asWRy87h this is the launcher file I am trying to open02:19
norcbitjix: for a more generic overview across distribution versions, just use `any' rather than `oneiric' like I did: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=python&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all02:20
MrKeunerexport BROWSER="/usr/bin/firefox"; xdg-open test.desktop still opens in gedit instead of firefox02:20
GaryDevnorc: I tried to grab upstart using webmin, but apparently it is already installed in the distro from the ISP... no clue where it is or how to use it.. looking at the 'cookbook'02:21
norcGaryDev: upstart is one of the core components of ubuntu :)02:21
GaryDevthere ya go... sucks being a linux noobie02:22
MrKeunernorc, xdg-open "http://www.google.com" open in firefox, xdg-open mylauncher.desktop does not02:23
norcMrKeuner: That's MIME specific for the mylauncher.desktop file then02:23
norcMrKeuner: Sorry didn't read carefully.02:23
MrKeunernorc, can you elaborate a bit more?02:24
GaryDevthis is too complex... *screams*02:24
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norcGaryDev: Well it's extremely powerful. But to get an idea, just open /etc/init/cron.conf02:24
norcGaryDev: That's what a very simplistic job looks like, which can be manually started and stopped via `service cron start' or `service cron stop' << cron is deduced from the filename /etc/init/cron.conf02:25
norcGaryDev: In all likelihood that's what your service should look like (except `exec cron' will be `exec command-to-be-executed' in your case) if you don't need any of the fancy facilities that upstart has to offer02:26
MrKeuneris there a standard for url launchers in ubuntu?02:27
norcMrKeuner: give me a second02:27
GaryDevnorc: I used to be a wiz in dos and cp/m... I could never grasp linux. Most of my problem comes from not knowing just the simple basics. These things you talk about, you know... and are totally greek to me. ... but I will look at the files you said, and see if I can make sense of them02:28
norcMrKeuner: /usr/share/applications (or ~/.local/share/applications) contains the file associations that xdg-open uses02:29
norc(if it's not an URL)02:29
norcGaryDev: the /etc/init/cron.conf is extremely simple :)02:30
MrKeunernorc, /usr/share/applications/defaults.list?02:30
norcMrKeuner: for example.02:30
thelodgerHey all, just noticed that sending a running apt-get upgrade to background using ctrl-z makes it stop. Is it planned that way? I'm on Maverick btw02:31
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MrKeunernorc, what sort of line should I be looking in there? text/html?02:31
tensorpuddingthelodger, ^z suspends the process02:32
GaryDevsimple... if you understand it. :(02:32
norcMrKeuner: check your /etc/mime.types to see02:32
tensorpuddingit doesn't background it02:32
MrKeunernorc, for this file... http://pastebin.com/asWRy87h02:32
norcMrKeuner: or more generally xdg-mime02:32
tensorpuddingthelodger, if you want to background it, run bg %<job> where <job> is the number of the job02:32
tensorpuddingthelodger, you can see running jobs with the jobs command02:33
norcMrKeuner: coincidentally xdg-mime can also set the default application02:33
norc(for a mimetype)02:33
fhsalesDoes anybody understands on configuring wireless networks?02:33
tensorpuddingthelodger, conversely you can foreground it with fg %<job>, or disown it (separating it completely from the shell) by disown %<job>02:34
fachexhello Ufellows!02:34
norcGaryDev: What part about it dont you understand?02:34
tensorpuddingthelodger, does that make sense?02:34
thelodgertensorpudding, Doh! Thanks for that, for some reason I thought ^z sent it to the background while still running =/ Shows how much I use it =)02:35
sgo11hi, how can I convert .ttc to .ttf? thanks.02:36
GaryDeveverything. I'm frustrated beyond belief. I've been programming and fixing and building computers for 30 years. I've never HAD to deal with linux until now... I just want to start something and have it run in the background at boot time02:36
fachexI can't believe what just happened to me. I really need your help. I was installing U. 11.10 and chose the option "updgrade from 11.04", the installation got stuck (all the files were copied) on the keyboard selection. I had not other choice but to force power off, now I have a guess account but NONE of my previous files are there. Help!!! where would they be?02:36
awwwIs anyone by any chance familiar with a bug like this: http://i.imgur.com/19nWL.png   <--- This affect all user account. This problem appeared ever since I installed pidgin-libnotify   and it's dependency, hours later, I come back to find my unity tray all messed up.02:36
kryceklinux is tha shiz!@# sorry to hear that you have deal with linux :( gl02:37
krycektha is the me lol02:38
awwwGaryDev: Why Linux? o_O02:38
krycekGaryDev: was it microsoft you where working on before linux was dropped in your lap?02:39
GaryDevlinux runs our game lobby servers...02:39
sgo11fachex, this may not be a good suggestion. I am newbie too. maybe you can try sudo apt-get -f install # while internet connected.02:39
MrKeunerGaryDev, you cannot motivate people here to help you getting angry with their toys02:39
norcGaryDev: description should be obvious. start on/stop on defines which runlevel it starts and stops at (for a normal ubuntu user runlevel 2 means running system), expect fork tells upstart that the process will be forked (into a new process), respawn will make sure the process will respawn if it dies, and exec defines the command to be started.02:39
krycekand you drift the servers?02:39
GaryDevya.. I do a lot in VB and C/C++ and some dot net applications02:39
fachexsgo11, what would that do?02:40
fachexplease, please don't tell me I lost my files02:40
awwwDoes unity 5 need to use a specific upgraded kernel to use before upgrading to unity 5?02:40
sgo11fachex, -f just fix broken dependencies. if there is a broken dependencies, it will install from online repo.02:41
krycekfachex: you lost your files ;(02:41
norcfachex: What filesystem are you using?02:41
fachexnorc whatever U11.10 uses by defoult02:41
fachexthey should be somewhere02:42
norcfachex: that should be some ext3 or ext4, which use a journal. a mere power-off will not have damaged your filesystem in any way.02:42
sgo11fachex, you'd better check if your home directories etc... still there or not. you may need to mount harddrive manually....02:42
GaryDevwhen I login to putty, I do a "cd /opt3/dbsservers" then I enter "./cdserv crimson &" and then "./cdserv mechgold &" and repeat that for each game server I want to run02:42
fachexwell this is the problem02:42
fhsalesdoes anyone knows how to configure Wireless connections?02:42
norcfachex: Search for them on the entire harddrive. Files dont magically disappear.02:42
fachex I was installing U. 11.10 and chose the option "updgrade from 11.04", the installation got stuck (all the files were copied) on the keyboard selection. I had not other choice but to force power off, now I have a guess account but NONE of my previous files are there. Help!!! where would they be?02:42
norcfachex: Why are you repeating your problem...02:42
fachexI know, I am extremely stupied for not backing up my files02:43
bastidrazorGaryDev: add the script to /etc/rc.local and it'll run at boot02:43
fachexI trusted Ubuntu02:43
GaryDevI can get the script I made to execute... but it just doesn't parse or do anything with the & command to run in the background02:43
norcfachex: If you wish people to put you on your ignore list, repeat that question again.02:43
awwwGaryDev: Pretty much. If your goal is to start up servers.02:43
fachexthinking that it would keep my files as it said it would02:43
bastidrazorkrycek: stop that.02:43
norcGaryDev: Ok so you have a script that you want to be executed when the system starts up?02:44
krycekoh sry 0002:44
GaryDevI've been on linux for a few years, our old server was fedora and was solid for 200 days or more. Our new ISP has been having mega hiccups every 4 days, so I just want to start the things needed.. Did one for teamspeak3, and it works...02:44
fachexnorc it was not my intention, I thought you might not have read it and it was trying to update you.02:44
GaryDevI have the script.. I can run it manually... I know the commands to be used LATER to add it into the boot process02:45
norcfachex: Well I will tell you again. Files dont magically appear. And a power-off will not cause any files on your filesystem to disappear because it uses a journal to prevent exactly that.02:45
norcGaryDev: Does that script start anything permanent like a service?02:45
GaryDevif the script would JUST run in the background, life would be perfect... (or run the software we run)02:46
GaryDevnot a service persay no...02:46
sgo11fachex, can you login with guest account? what df -h gives you? and sudo fdisk -l gives you? show them in a pastebin.02:46
fachexnorc, any idea on how to get them back? you are right U did not format my drive, I hope..I thought i was just replacing the system files02:46
etyrnalhow do i change where the nfs kernel server logs to?02:46
norcGaryDev: Copy the cron job from /etc/init/cron.conf, remove the `expect fork', adapt the description accordingly, and change the command AFTER `exec' to execute your script. Then put that file into /etc/init/02:46
fachexsgo11, Yes I can login02:46
norcGaryDev: thats it. magic done.02:46
GaryDevit is a "server", in that it comunicates packets that are just text02:47
GaryDevnorc: I can try that02:47
norcGaryDev: If the script itself however forks, make sure you keep the `expect fork'02:47
sgo11fachex, I think if you want help. you'd better provide more detail information. 'df -h' and 'sudo fdisk -l' may give some advice. just a tip. :)02:47
fachexthe files are not in the home folder02:47
etyrnalon system-a where does are atempts from other systems to mount exports logged?02:47
fachexso, they might be somewhere lese02:47
fachexok., I will do that sg1102:48
norcGaryDev: make sure you name the file in the format of foo.conf (foo being the name of your service) inside /etc/init/02:48
etyrnali.e. on the machine i am sitting at, where does it log success/fail messages for clients trying to mount this machine's exports?02:48
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norcGaryDev: and if you dont want the script to be started again if for *some* reason it exits/get killed, remove the `respawn' as well.02:49
fachexsgo11, fdisk -l returns nothing02:49
sgo11anyone know how to convert .ttc to .ttf ? mayb how to uncompress .ttc? thanks.02:49
sgo11fachex, 'sudo fdisk -l' ?02:49
sgo11not sure if guest account can do sudo ....02:50
GaryDevnorc: our program must be run in the folder it is located, because it then parses the input line for the lobby it has to run.. so I would "exec cd /opts/dbsservers" and then "exec ./cdserv foldername &"02:50
sgo11never use guest account by myself.02:50
fachexnope, it cant02:50
otaviobarretohow to setu he coolors on x chat ?02:50
fachexsgo11, no it cannot02:50
fachexbut df -h did return something02:50
norcGaryDev: no02:50
norcGaryDev: use the chdir stanza :)02:50
norcGaryDev: add line before the exec line `chdir /foo/bar/whatever'02:51
sgo11fachex, just show what it returns in pastebin02:51
GaryDevah, ok.. I am understanding a *bit* more02:51
norcGaryDev: Refer to http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:errnJulRY9kJ:upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Stanzas+upstart+chdir&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=de&client=firefox-a to see a compact list of the available stanzas02:51
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fachexok, sgo11, give me a second, I am in another machine chatting02:51
etyrnalhow can i escape a " " space character in a pathname in the fstab file for an nfs mount that has a space in the filename?02:52
fhsaleshey people02:52
norcGaryDev: (Its kind of outdated, but for the most part it should be fine)02:52
fhsalescan someone help me out ?02:52
norcetyrnal: `\ ' maybe?02:52
hspcdfhsales: what's going on?02:52
sgo11fachex, sure. but I think you really need sudo or root account. otherwise, you can not do anything. maybe other people know how to do that in guest account...02:52
fhsaleshspcd i am trying to make my usb wireless work.02:52
GaryDevnorc: your patience with me has been wonderful, I thank you for that. With the experience I have, I *should* be able to do better... I don't know why linux is such a "lock" for me in learning it02:53
etyrnalnorc, that works from the cli to mount manually, but it seems whatever reads the fstab lines doesn't like it02:53
fhsaleshspcd but in terminal it says it cant download the firmware. i will send a paste02:53
etyrnali tried \040 also02:53
hspcdfhsales: can you tell me make, model and symptoms?02:53
norcGaryDev: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/oneiric/man5/init.5.html  << this is actually the better short reference02:54
norcetyrnal: oh in that case wrap the whole thing into quotes?02:54
Ho^OhI'm facing an issue in Unity where my Unity launcher icons all have a progress bar on it, and are spread far apart from other unity launcher icons.02:54
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fachexsgo11, here it goes http://pastebin.com/ajhQzYVG02:55
GaryDevnorc: maybe that's why I have such a hard time... if manpages were called womenpages, I might want to read them more... :P Thanks for the info02:55
norcetyrnal: Ohh nevermind. Use the \040 octal sequence as space for fstab :-)02:55
fhsaleshspcd it is a elsys EWU-2n35a, actually it is a Realtek 8192SU. i tried some commands to make linux recognize it.but in the end ubuntu says in desktop that device is not ready.02:55
fhsaleshspcd i am trying to use the dmesg -c on terminal but it aint working.02:56
hspcdfhsales: just type in dmesg02:56
Ho^OhAlso, when I logout/login back using Unity, all my icons then become invisible. :(02:56
sgo11fachex, that shows you have 229G for /.  is that all what you have in your previous linux installation before update?02:56
norcGaryDev: Just make sure to use `expect fork' **if and only if** your command forks.02:56
hspcdfhsales: what version of ubuntu are you using?02:56
norc(if and only if it forks exactly once that is)02:57
fhsaleshspcd when i type sudo dmesg -c nothing happens02:57
etyrnalnorc, thanks. trying now.02:57
mrguserHow can i install wine 1.0 instead of 1.2? Can someone suggest?02:57
norcGaryDev: If it does not fork at all, no line. If it forks once, use expect fork. If it forks twice, use expect daemon. Just FYI02:57
GaryDevnorc: I don't know what "forks" means to be honest... anything we do, is always done in the one directory, the program makes internet calls and database calls...02:58
hspcdfhsales: don't use the -c option02:58
fhsaleshspcd ok understood.02:58
GaryDevnorc: and the program is run once, for each game server it 'listens' to, on a defined port02:59
norcGaryDev: When a process forks it creates a copy of itself, which then runs as a child process02:59
norcGaryDev: I certainly hope you're not planning on adding multiple services for that :p02:59
fhsaleshspcd maybe it is happening because i am installing a driver?03:00
norcGaryDev: That child process then is free to do something different while the parent process resumes execution after it forked.03:00
GaryDevnorc: The server is in c++, and it's not threaded... it handles one thing at a time for the most part03:00
mrguserHow can i install wine 1.0 instead of 1.2? Can someone suggest?03:00
norcmrguser: apt preferences pin03:01
c_smithmrguser, I don't believe you can install them without compiling, I could be wrong.03:01
hspcdfhsales: can you put the relevant parts of dmesg in pastebin so I can see the log?03:01
etyrnalmrguser, force version in synaptic03:01
norcmrguser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto03:01
c_smithmrguser, also, you could use Playonlinux to get different versions of Wine in one machine.03:01
norcmrguser: describes various methods to accomplish that, including but not limited to synaptic.03:02
mrguserEtyrnal means?03:02
norcmrguser: Just check out the link I gave you.03:02
norcmrguser: and please *read* it and dont stop at the first command you see to just copy and paste it ;)03:02
mrguserOk etyrnal03:03
GaryDevnorc: would it be 'safe/prudent' to just leave the 'expect fork' line in... I really doubt the 'fork' side would happen but... or, take it out and if there are hiccups, put it back in?03:03
norcGaryDev: No.03:03
norcGaryDev: If in doubt, dont use anything03:03
GaryDevnorc: understood03:03
hspcdfhsales: also, can you do an "ls /lib/firmware/RT*" (without the quotes) and pastebin the output?03:03
norcGaryDev: But if it then forks, upstart will track the wrong process and it could have consequences03:03
fhsalesok. i am restarting the system and will do thar03:04
etyrnalmrguser, in Synaptic Package Manager, look under menu for Package - should be a force version option03:04
norcGaryDev: Like it could re-run the script unexpectedly multiple times, you will be unable to use service xxx stop for those services (or that might even have dangerous side effects)03:04
norcGaryDev: is this a bash script you are executing?03:05
hspcdfhsales: you should get fresh log entries simply by unplugging / plugging the device (FYI)03:05
GaryDevnorc: yes.. I *think* so... LOL.. its in etc/init.d at the moment03:05
hspcdfhsales: you should not have to reboot, in other words03:05
norcGaryDev: put it somewhere else, like /usr/local/bin03:06
fhsaleshscp are you there?03:06
hspcdfhsales: pastebin those items and put the link <here> .  I'll be right back03:06
norcGaryDev: Check the bash scripts for any ampersands (&) or `exec' occurences - if there's none there, no fork magic03:06
norc(or at least probably no fork magic)03:07
GaryDevnorc: Our software will not run a 2nd instance on the same port... if that port is in use, then it simply exits.. and I have NO need for a "start/restart/stop" type of options03:07
fhsaleshspcd situation has changed. it seems the device is working now.Instead of device not ready it says disconnected.maybe now i just have to configure my wireless system03:07
norcGaryDev: Either check yourself or pastie the script and I can check whether that script will fork or not03:07
hspcdfhsales: perhaps you'll be running in no time then03:07
GaryDevnorc: well, the script is basically what I type in putty...03:07
haylowhy cant i get voice on ##linux ??03:08
norcGaryDev: Which *might* fork. Just pastie it please :)03:08
GaryDevin here or in private? Its short, but.. I don't want to fllod here03:08
c_smithHow do I get Emerald to start on startup?03:08
haylooh i see now srrrru03:08
Ho^Ohhaylo: That's offtopic, if you have to ask, then you shouldn't be voiced & etc.03:09
TUX11how can i change ubuntu 11 theme to the origional ubuntu theme03:09
GaryDevnorc: I will send it in a whisper...03:09
TUX11this is rubbish03:09
hayloHo^Oh, that is not an appropriate thing to say03:09
bazhang!ot | haylo03:09
ubottuhaylo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:09
dannymy update manager wont update anything because it says the action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources well how do i make it ignore this03:10
bazhangTUX11, original meaning which?03:10
hayloyou guys banned me from ubuntu-offtopic03:10
norcGaryDev: yeah please use pastie.org for that kind of work, that way you can simply paste the URL to the pastie snippet :)03:10
haylothats why i asked here03:10
TUX11without all the sidebar crap, and the bar at the bottom so i can see whats open03:10
bazhanghaylo, try ##linux-ops03:10
c_smithhaylo, then there's a reason you are banned from that channel.03:10
fhsales2hspcd did you see my last message?03:10
GaryDevnorc: ah, sorry.. noobie factor again :)03:10
Ho^OhTUX11: You can see what's opened in Unity...03:11
haylonah i got banned from here at same time- but only this one was lifted03:11
bazhang!notunity | TUX1103:11
ubottuTUX11: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic03:11
norcGaryDev: (Note you can use any other pastebin service as well, not trying to advertise pastie.org :P)03:11
Ho^OhTUX11: You can add and remove icons from Unity app launcher.03:11
bazhanghaylo, lets move on03:11
Ho^OhTUX11: Or try this wonderful alternative: http://cinnamon.linuxmint.com/03:11
TUX11ok gnome shell will that make it look like the previous 10.403:11
GaryDevnorc: as you can tell, I'm also not very strong in IRC ways either..03:11
hspcdfhsales: I saw it.  Is it working now?03:12
norcGaryDev: Just pastie the script please ;)03:12
reith2004_hey guys.. good morning, just wanna ask, how will i fix my apt-get, it always shows duplicate in my apt list but when i check it out, everything in there was unique or no duplicate03:12
TUX11im guna break this pC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:12
GaryDevnorc: http://pastie.org/349333003:12
fhsales2hspcd look the command here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/862880/. Well, it says disconnected. now i should configure my wireless network? or it should recognize automatically?03:13
c_smithTUX11, have you tried Cairo/GLX dock?03:13
urfr332gOTUX11, gnome 2 is not supported by its developers anymore 10.04 is supported for a year past april though.03:13
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norcGaryDev: Yeah no fork there :)03:14
urfr332gOreith2004, you mean the sources.list?03:14
c_smithTux11, Cairo/GLX dock run really nicely (can even be started from the login screen and run in tandem with a barebones Gnome session)03:14
GaryDevnorc: all I need is for the "&" part to work... :(03:14
reith2004urfr332g0 yea... when i try the update manager it works, but the apt-get always says there was a duplicate entries03:15
GaryDevnorc: the script does run, the server does start, it works perfect... until I exit putty03:15
reith2004BW: Disable (0 Mbit) 0 b/s (0 bytes) down, 0 b/s (0 bytes) up03:15
urfr332gOreith2004, you can save the one you have and set up a new one with this site or at least compare and contrast.  http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/03:15
GaryDevnorc: and when I run the command itself, rather than the script... it works perfectly after I leave putty03:15
fhsaleshspcd still there?03:16
sacarlsonreith2004: urfr332gO: I see the same thing at update I think it's a duplicate package in one of the ppa that I have added.  not sure witch one it is, I've ignored it so far with no problems03:16
urfr332gOreith2004, did you add any ppa's with a ppa add and also put them in the sources.list, there is a sources.list.d in etc/apt03:17
norcGaryDev: http://pastie.org/3493351  << then that should be all you need. place it in /etc/init/aoeserver.conf for example.03:17
Kowboyanyone here do Ruby development on Ubuntu?03:17
norcKowboy: I did a while ago03:17
Kowboyis it best just to install ruby and rubygems from source?03:18
reith2004sacarlson,urf332g0 yea it tried that,03:18
Kowboyor is it difficult to use gem2deb?03:18
sacarlsonKowboy: I do ruby dev on ubuntu also,  I also monitor #ruby03:18
etyrnalonly one problem left to solve - nice03:19
Kowboysacarlson, what is your recommended setup?03:19
sacarlsonKowboy: I've never used gem2deb, I just install the needed dev packages that the gem loader needs or install the prepackaged ruby packages03:20
c_smithMy Flash Drive shows it is mounted when it is not connected, yet when I connected, it tries to mount a duplicate of it.... is there anything I can do about this?03:20
urfr332gOreith2004, you can use crtl-f in the sources.list to find duplicate save them from the terminal.03:20
reith2004urfr332gO ok im gonna tried thanks...03:21
c_smithand this flash drive is only listed in the sidebar in Nautilus, it's not actually in /media03:21
GaryDevnorc: Ok, I'll give it a shot and see what happens... I will remember to add in the chdir command as well :)03:21
reith2004urfr332gO not on my home pc :) thanks for tips03:21
sacarlsonKowboy: if gem loader fails there is normaly a prepackage ruby deb in the repository,03:21
urfr332gOreith2004, no problem. :)03:22
norcGaryDev: well since your script already does that, no need for that :)03:22
Kowboynot for the things I am looking for03:22
norcGaryDev: but sure, you can add it nevertheless03:22
Kowboyjekyll for instancew03:22
GaryDevnorc: OH... yes... I see, you are calling the script... DOH!03:22
norcGaryDev: Or actually, you dont need to call that script. Thats just stupid03:22
Kowboylooks like gem install is working03:23
norcGaryDev: Use the chdir stanza and call the application directly.03:23
Fernandosanyone with a HP TM2?03:23
urfr332gOc_smith, did you add the flash to fstab?03:23
Fernandostaps on the touchscreen don't fire a click, only move the mouse pointer.03:23
GaryDevnorc: seems a lot simplier... and then if I have others (for the other lobbies).. all I have to do is just add or remove those CONF files out (or in) and not have to worry about anything else with rc.d ??03:24
bazhangFernandos, whats the issue03:24
norcGaryDev: that wouldnt be pretty at all.. but it would work.03:24
urfr332gOc_smith, it has to be mounted to show in media.03:24
sacarlsonKowboy: did you read this page for install of jekyll? https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Install03:25
Fernandosbazhang: when I tap the screen it only moves the mouse pointer, the styles and eraser work perfectly, but tapping the screen doesn't make a click, it just moves the mouse03:25
jschallI am mostly unable to connect to my university campus wifi (not sure if campus-wide or on a specific AP) It will connect once and then if I reconnect it it will just throw the following error in syslog : "wlan0: 00:1a:1e:8d:35:60 denied authentication (status 17)". changing the macaddress fixes the problem once. additionally, sometimes if I get real lucky the adapter will decide to use 5ghz and it will work without changing the mac03:26
GaryDevnorc: also.. the re-spawn.. our lobby never crashes, so I don't need it to auto-start.. there are times when I just kill the process, I don't want the thing to start back again.. or, would respawn heed my "kill" command and not worry about it03:26
norcGaryDev: no keep it.03:26
Fernandosbazhang: does it work for you?03:26
norcGaryDev: If you want to stop the service, you'd use `service aoeserver stop'03:26
norcGaryDev: Its for unexpected crashes/exits.03:27
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Kowboysacarlson, yes that is what I've been looking at03:27
urfr332gOjschall, you sure it is the right connection, my universities wifi has several channels some not for students.03:27
GaryDevnorc: ok.. so, you say I should do "more" than just put those CONF files? What else would be required?03:27
norcGaryDev: nothing else :)03:27
norcGaryDev: just add one simple tiny conf file, and thats it.03:27
mister2i'm having some issues with java. I have openjdk and icetea installed, loading applets in firefox crashes it. i can load .jars fine, is it just a firefox issue? reinstalling that might work?03:27
jschallurfr332gO: there is exactly one essid for the campus wifi.03:28
sacarlsonKowboy: I've never installed that but sometimes they fail to document all the needed packages needed03:28
GaryDevnorc: ok... I'll give it a shot :)03:28
urfr332gOjschall, I would talk to there IT people if you can.03:28
GaryDevnorc: these files go into init?03:29
norcGaryDev: /etc/init/ yes03:29
GaryDevnorc: awesome. Thank you *again* for your patience and assistance...03:29
sacarlsonjschall: sounds like you might be band from one or more access points,  if you find the mac address of the one that works maybe you can set your connection to that one,  I'm not sure how easy or hard that might be03:31
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jschallsacarlson: it seems that it bans me every time i connect to it. it's been reset by IT repeatedly and it still bans me.03:31
jschallsacarlson: i'm not sure if it's because my adapter is doing something or because it thinks its still connected to my adapter or what03:32
shubbarrecently, i used the wubi migrate script, but i think it did not complete03:32
sacarlsonjschall: it might be that it finds another ap it see's better and moves but the sig levels or other reason the ap bans you,  still might find another mac that works03:32
shubbarstill see the main partition mounted in /media03:32
jschallsacarlson: don't understand what you mean.03:33
urfr332gOshubbar, do you get a grub menu at boot?03:34
sacarlsonjschall: each ap even if on the same network should have a unique mac address,  the problem might also be on your side since no one else is having the problem I assume03:34
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jschallsacarlson: if the problem is on my side its a problem that is causing the ap to ban me.03:35
jschallsacarlson: since it miraculously starts working again if i change mac addresses.03:35
sacarlsonjschall: ya try disable network-manager and try manualy control things and see what happens03:35
fhsalesdoes anyone knows why my terminal does not recognize my files?03:35
urfr332gOfhsales, can you be like real specific?03:36
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sacarlsonjschall: when you change mac address maybe just try change it back again to the bad one and see if it still works03:36
fhsalesurfr332gO it is becaus i downloaded a realtek driver and i am trying to mount it. i put the files into my desktop but when i do the commands it says it cant found the archives.03:37
jschallsacarlson: ok, i'll try that next time. any other thoughts?03:37
sacarlsonjschall: sounds more like the mac change is reseting something needed03:37
jschallsacarlson: i doubt it.03:37
urfr332gOfhsales, what is the command how about a link to them.03:37
bazhangfhsales, Desktop?03:37
jschallsacarlson: since i've turned the wifi off and on again and it doesn't solve the issue03:37
GaryDevnorc: So this "final result" would be correct... providing I named it something like "aoeking.conf" and it would respond to 'service aoeking start" ... etc... http://pastie.org/349345303:38
norcGaryDev: yes.03:38
fhsalesurfr332gO sudo apt-get install unzip03:38
norcGaryDev: except03:38
fhsalesbazhang how should i call it?03:38
norcGaryDev: Remove that ampersand.03:38
etyrnal_fstab nightmare03:38
bazhangfhsales, did you change directories to the Desktop with a capital 'D' ?03:38
sacarlsonjschall: off and on like unpluged a wifi dongle?  maybe reset isn't doing what it should03:38
norcGaryDev: upstart already does the magic putting that into background.03:38
GaryDevnorc: ok...03:38
fhsalesbazhang no.03:39
etyrnal_i can not seem to find any way to escape a space within the fstab03:39
GaryDevnorc: <bow>03:39
fhsaleswhat i am missing to unzip and cd the driver?03:39
norcGaryDev: If you *did* use the ampersand, you actually would have to add expect fork too by the way. But you dont need the ampersand anyway03:39
urfr332gOfhsales, you have a zip file it would need to be exstrated and then a cd I would think03:39
sacarlsonjschall: is your wifi device a broadcom ?03:39
jschallsacarlson: intel advanced-n 623003:39
fhsalesurfr332gO exactly how do i do that?03:39
urfr332gO!tar | fhsales03:40
ubottufhsales: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression03:40
jschallsacarlson: what i mean by off and on is i used the key combination on the laptop to power the wifi chipset off03:40
sacarlsonjschall: well I would try total manual without network-manager as I've had problems with it in the past and only got some ap to work with custom scripts03:40
GaryDevnorc: alright, thanks again... I'm off to go create some of these conf files, and then I'll have to wait several hours before the main server is empty and I can do a reboot to test them out03:40
norcGaryDev: I probably wouldnt create multiple jobs in upstart for this.03:41
urfr332gOfhsales, does not matter whether on the desktop, a extract would be a right click on the zip and open with the archive manager to exstract03:41
bazhangZenIRCBot, irssi03:42
ZenIRCBotbazhang: Use weechat.03:42
GaryDevnorc: well... we have an average of 10 game servers running, so it needs to start 10 times (all using different folder/game names of course)03:42
fhsalesurfr332gO ok, but after extracting what do i do to cd it?03:42
norcGaryDev: Well I would have upstart start a service that manages starting multiple instances.03:43
JoseeAntonioRHello! I case I have Ubuntu Server installed, and want to install the graphic interface, which package should I install?03:43
urfr332gOfhsales, read the link the bot gave there is more to it then just a cd03:43
sacarlsonjschall: maybe some geek just doesn't like you,  do you use alot of bandwidth?03:43
GaryDevnorc: ok... would that be just adding in multiple "exec" lines then?03:43
norcGaryDev: But I suppose doing *that* properly is more complicated than simply adding a bunch of jobs to upstart.03:44
jschallsacarlson: no, that's not it.03:44
bazhangJoseeAntonioR, ubuntu-desktop for gnome , kubuntu-desktop for kde4 , xubuntu-desktop for xfce403:44
norcGaryDev: no, just use multiple jobs - its not pretty but it will work.03:44
urfr332gOfhsales, cd ~/Desktop  if that is where it is at, then more ciommands to install if this is a tar03:44
jschallsacarlson: it's happening on 2 identical s76 gazelle professionals03:44
JoseeAntonioRbazhang: Perfect! Thank you!03:44
sacarlsonjschall: oh ok so it must be related to the wifi device then03:45
jschallsacarlson: yeah, i know, but it wasn't happening until recently03:45
GaryDevnorc: I'll watch the resources used... if the stress on the system is too much, then I will just find another way so that the scripts run, and use the rc.d command for getting them to start at boot time03:45
norcGaryDev: or actually03:45
norcGaryDev: give me one minute please03:45
jschallsacarlson: i don't think it's an update though, i think they added or reconfigured an AP03:45
GaryDevnorc: grin.. ok :) I think I might be starting to punish you a bit... LOL03:46
norcGaryDev: nah its cool, I use this to learn more about upstart :)03:46
sacarlsonjschall: maybe they got a new ap,  I had a problem like this before where 2 devices in a 10 computer wifi network didn't work and they weren't even the same03:47
sgo11anyone know how to convert .ttc to .ttf please? ....03:47
GaryDevnorc: I see.. well, since I am teaching you then (snort) I only charge 295.95 per minute :P03:48
jschallsacarlson: they did tell my mother (they won't reply to my emails, i'm just a lowly student, she's a professor of computer science) they were "improving" the wifi in the building03:48
jschallsacarlson: since before this issue, it was horrificly slow03:48
norcGaryDev: Ok I have an acceptable implementation for that03:50
sacarlsonjschall: in my case with the 2 that didn't work it ended up that the new accesspoint I had added wanted to be the one that did the dhcp to authenticated,  not sure why some computers still worked03:50
fhsalesurfr332GO it did not work.03:50
agentgasmaskI've checked my resolve.conf file and the output of route. all looks to be in order. Anything else to check to see why DNS seems to be down, ie I can't resolve google or amazon.03:50
fhsalesurfr332gO i tried to cd the archive. but it did not work. inside this folder there is a tar file.03:51
jschallsacarlson: so there were two APs providing dhcp or something?03:51
jschallsacarlson: i don't quite understand your sentence structure03:51
WiCkD1is anyone else here able to change masked hosts for a nick?03:51
sacarlsonjschall: yes it was double nat that seemed stupid to me but that's what worked03:52
sacarlsonjschall: nat = network-address-translation03:52
urfr332gOfhsales, First install tars is not really something I have done often, so my help is really as a look here this tells you how, so look at the links and the web.03:52
jschallsacarlson: aware03:53
pangolinWiCkD1: #freenode can help with that03:53
WiCkD1Thanks pangolin03:53
jschallsacarlson: hmm03:53
urfr332gO!pm | fhsales I don't PM and most wont without being asked.03:53
ubottufhsales I don't PM and most wont without being asked.: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:53
jschallsacarlson: well, thanks for the thoughts, i think the next thing to do is change the mac address back after it bans me and see if its still banned to make sure it is on the AP side03:53
sacarlsonjschall: I wasted alot of time on that one since I was so convinced that the problem was on the client side but in the end that worked03:54
jschallsacarlson: and then after that's confirmed it's a matter of complaining to it until they fixit.03:54
GaryDevnorc: and I am listening :)03:54
fhsalesurfr332Go understood.sorry.03:54
norcGaryDev: yes give me one more sec03:54
sacarlsonjschall: or get an external wifi adapter that does work is another option if they fail to move03:55
urfr332gOfhsales, no biggie. lol, you just want to remember that we help for free.03:55
jschallsacarlson: hell. no.03:55
GaryDevnorc: no problem...03:55
fhsalesurfr332gO my question here is because i am unable to make my usb wireless work. i found a site here which says how to make that happen.But when it comes to make the commands, i am failing.03:55
fhsalesurfr332gO in the end, what should i do with that tar file?03:55
sacarlsonjschall: you say that now but 6 months from now you might wish you did03:55
urfr332gOfhsales, get one that plugs and plays as suggested, there are ones that are very cheap, and there is a wiki that will tell ones that work.03:56
norcGaryDev: http://pastie.org/3493546  << something like that.03:56
orlokTinfoil around the microwaves maybe?03:56
jschallsacarlson: not buying an external wifi adapter when A. i already have the best available internal wifi adapter for linux, B. it's not my fault their AP blows, C. i can kludge around the problem by picking a random macaddr03:56
sacarlsonjschall: oh the random macaddr works for how long a whole session?03:57
norcGaryDev: set PIDDIR to some directory where the pid files go to (notice that the rights must be set properly for that directory)03:57
jschallsacarlson: on session03:57
jschallsacarlson: one03:57
sacarlsonjschall: oh ok ya just write a script that randomizes then as long as it works one sesion that should be good03:58
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norcGaryDev: err wait whops03:58
GaryDevnorc: I have that bookmarked... I think for the moment, I'll stick with the single script for each one until I know it will run right. ... waiting...03:58
norcGaryDev: http://pastie.org/349355203:59
norcGaryDev: that sorry.03:59
norcGaryDev: you really should do that instead.03:59
norcGaryDev: its much cleaner03:59
norcand dang03:59
GaryDevnorc: ok.. I think... lol03:59
norcGaryDev: http://pastie.org/3493559    -- last one.04:00
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norcGaryDev: Wah. Shoot me in the head for not being precise :(04:01
GaryDevnorc: again.. appreciated. I will wander off, do some reading and testing :)04:01
norcGaryDev: http://pastie.org/349357004:01
norcGaryDev: haha.04:01
GaryDev4th time lucky? :P04:02
norcGaryDev: http://pastie.org/349357204:02
norcGaryDev: 5th time.04:02
norcGaryDev: I dont have a linux system available right now so i cant test it.04:02
blackmamba55out of curiosity is there a stripped down version of ubuntu i can download that does not have unity or anything so i can install gnomeshell04:02
GaryDevnorc: not to worry.. our server program (./cdserv) takes a folder name as a starting arg... it then looks in "that" folder to get all the info about the game, ports, configs etc... and uses that folder for storing logs. aoekings, crimson, cfs1 etc are the type of 'args' passed04:04
norcGaryDev: No my point is, if I had a linux server at my disposal I would have tested it with my own scripts for syntax errors and logic errors04:05
norcGaryDev: but my last revision should in principle work04:05
norcthough I dont think sleep 9999999 is so sleek04:06
norcyou probably could use something like `exec bash'04:06
norc(it's just a pseudo thing to be executed for upstart to track)04:06
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USBoothey guys, anyhelp would be appreciated, ive got ubuntu booting from usb, but its not utilizing the whole space on the drive, any ideas?04:06
GaryDevnorc: Starting to see and understand. Off to explore how much trouble I can cause now, thanks kindly :)04:06
norcobviously you'll lose the respawn semantic entirely if you do that04:06
norcUSBoot: "utilizing" ?04:07
GaryDevrespawn doesn't matter to me, to be honest..04:07
USBootyeah, ive got 500gb available, and it only uses about 2.5 :/04:07
norcGaryDev: In any case, your previous attempt with the scripts in /etc/init.d/ is for sysvinit - which Ubuntu has replaced with upstart. :-)04:08
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norc(While I think upstart can still parse those for compability reasons, real upstart jobs like the one I just gave you are the way to go)04:09
sacarlsonUSBoot: did you partition the drive at all?04:10
USBootprior to installing the image on the usb?04:10
sacarlsonUSBoot: I guess durring the install image04:10
USBootit didnt give me an option04:11
USBootbecause most of the programs dont recognize a 500 gb external as a usb, i cant use unetbootin04:11
sacarlsonUSBoot: you would have to pick manual partition at that point,  to do partitioning on it now would require booting from another device04:11
=== spieder is now known as fugihen
westzokay, i've been away from good ol' tux for a while. i boot from a USB drive sometimes and it always hangs @ "unknown keyword in configuration file. boot:" prompt. i used to type something here and it would boot. wasnt "help" but i cant remember what it was for the life of me04:12
USBootoh and ive tried that as well04:12
USBootit says the partition is the full 500 gb04:12
USBootbut the image is much smaller04:12
westzit was something short like 4 or five letters04:12
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sacarlsonUSBoot: well to boot from usb I think you can't use extX type format so it can't get that big04:12
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sacarlsonUSBoot: therefore you would have to create at least one more partition other than the boot partition to be the big one04:13
westznot "boot" "start" "usb" "help" or anything else easy i can remember04:14
sacarlsonUSBoot: oh and unetbootin might not have options for adding partitions, but ubuntu I would think does04:16
melvincv!precise | melvincv04:18
ubottumelvincv, please see my private message04:18
soreauhey guys, I have two ubuntu systems and the clocks are 10 minutes apart. I don't see any server sync settings in the time config.. does it never sync the time to a server?04:19
sacarlsonsoreau: I guess ntp is an option not default installed04:20
soreausacarlson: oh ok04:20
fhsalesdoes someone know the kernel for ubuntu 10.04?04:22
vaccineHowdy folks.. Im trying to get packages installed for my MacBook Air.  Im following the instructions on help.ubuntu.com but I can't add the packages it says to04:22
isaac__where was ubuntu made04:23
VenneGreetings! Is anyone here that can help me? Its actually very simple.04:23
urfr332gOisaac__, in the dungeon. :)04:23
isaac__in what country :P04:23
urfr332gOisaac__, transylvania.04:24
urfr332gOisaac__, I ribbing you. :)04:24
vaccineI added a PPA to my system (I think) but I still can't install packages from it.04:25
urfr332gOisaac__, try #ubuntu-offtopic04:25
fhsalesdoes anyone know the kernel of ubuntu 10.04?04:25
VenneAnyone? I was just wondering why firefox won't work on Ubuntu lol the problem is I just...can't connect I can ping websites but I can't downloads apps and I cant get on the browser it says server not found.04:25
sacarlsonvaccine: did you sudo apt-get update ; ?04:25
vaccinesacarlson, yep04:26
Vennei can try04:26
vaccineIm trying to follow the post-install instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir3-2/Meerkat04:26
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sacarlsonVenne: you sure you have an isp?  sounds like you don't have any port 80 if you do,  is any other browser working?04:27
vaccinewhen I try to install the packages, it says they aren't found =(04:27
sacarlsonvaccine: ok install packages is not the browser so that's another app that fails to get port 80 access04:28
sacarlsonopps I mean Venne04:28
Venneyeah i do i got an ISP..i think well how would i be on here now if i didn't (i use the same internet cord cause im poorfag)04:29
sacarlsonVenne: ok and you are using this same isp with ubuntu then?04:29
newerI use google-talk by empathy, and I add a google talk account. But how I can chat with other?04:30
CFHowlettnewer   not through empathy04:30
soreausacarlson: yea I think installing ntp fixed it, thanks04:31
sacarlsonsoreau: cool04:31
soreaunow they're only one second apart ;)04:31
CFHowlettnewer   correction: I've not done it.  It appears that google-talk chat SHOULD be possible.04:31
sacarlsonVenne: so what is different on these two ubuntu systems that might make one work and the other not?  different versions?04:31
vaccineE: Unable to locate package applesmc-dkms04:36
sacarlsonvaccine: that was on the ppa?  sometimes the servers go down and ppa I'm not sure they have a backup like standard repository04:37
CFHowlettvaccine   if you haven't enable the ppa in software sources, you won't see it.  http://bitmath.org/code/applesmc-dkms/04:37
newerwho can tell me  how to  edit my window by style css ?04:37
soreauvaccine: According to the internet, "As of 25OCT2008, the package applesmc-dkms is available in the mactel ppa."04:38
tiyowanhello everyone, was wondering whether anyone has had trouble setting up color syntax highlighting for php on vim in ubuntu 11.10?04:38
K0wb0yK0derhi  all04:38
vaccineCFHowlett I enabled it using sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mactel-support/ppa04:38
vaccinedo I need to do more than that?04:38
CFHowlettvaccine   nope that should do it...04:39
soreauvaccine: apt-get update04:39
CFHowlettvaccine  as soreau said: apt-get update04:39
CFHowlettfailing that, try through git.04:39
CFHowlettK0wb0yK0der   greetings04:39
novataxhe did, I think the PPA goes down for a while..04:40
vaccineyeah, I tried04:40
K0wb0yK0derthank you :) my first time in this IRC. i spend most of my time in the #linux channel04:40
newerwho can tell me  how to  edit my window by style css ?04:40
sacarlsonnewer: isn't css like for web pages?04:41
CFHowlettnewer   that's not really an ubuntu question.  Maybe try to find a css channel.04:41
K0wb0yK0dernewer, what are you looking to do? pm me04:41
CFHowlettK0wb0yK0der   this is an ubuntu support channel.  Have you a specific problem to solv?04:41
soreau! pm04:42
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:42
CFHowlettvaccine   what version of ubuntu are you working with?04:42
vaccineCFHowlett 11.1004:43
K0wb0yK0dernope mostly going to stay silent. provide support when i can. otherwise learn. 99% of the time im using Rhel. first time installed ubuntu.04:43
CFHowlettvaccine   this says its for the maverick and I see no upgrades:  http://ppa.launchpad.net/mactel-support/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/a/applesmc-dkms/applesmc-dkms_0.17.3-maverick-mactel1_all.deb  from http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/mactel_support/maverick/main/base/applesmc-dkms04:44
norcOk, I think I discovered some severe bug in upstart. For some bizarre reason it remembers an old pid of a process that no longer even exists :/04:44
edwinkcwis there any good desktop app to reader google reader feed?04:45
norc(And subsequent starts/stops don't change it, it still tries to track the process using that old and *long* outdated pid)04:45
* norc hates this04:45
vaccineCFHowlett does that mean it's in the kernel now?04:45
bagels_hey guys, I think my go-home-applet or something is screwed up.  I used to have something similar to Unity, but don't know what it's called.  I need help figuring it out.  here's a pic: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oEGXTEGgX-I/TJ5UE4ZeUEI/AAAAAAAAAPs/tyPTriejXMA/s1600/Screenshot.png04:45
CFHowlettvaccine   it's a ppa and NOT in the linux kernel.04:46
z3r0n0idnot understanding the cut command. help?04:46
CFHowlettedwinkcw   see firefox add-ons - plenty in there.04:46
z3r0n0id1. Use the cut command on the output of a long directory listing in order to display only the file permissions04:47
edwinkcwCFHowlett: oh, I am looking for desktop app ...04:47
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CFHowlettedwinkcw   search in software center - it's there.04:48
vaccineCFHowlett how do you recommend I proceed?04:48
mcurranAnyone know how to get rid of all the default firefox crap in /usr/lib/firefox*/ ****04:49
mcurranI use the aurora, but I don't think it likes it when I take out the other false apps.04:49
CFHowlettvaccine   I've never installed ubuntu on a mac.  I assume you're using a tutorial?  Follow that.  So far as the .deb is concerned, download it to your desktop, open a terminal and run *sudo dpkg -i mactelfile.deb*04:49
mcurranI'm gonna try to take out the older ones and see what happens04:49
bagels_how do i find out what program I'm running to pick my programs/show my desktop?  It looks like Unity but isn't.04:51
soreaubagels_: maybe xprop?04:52
vaccineCFHowlett Im trying to follow the tutorial, it says add the PPA and then apt-get install a few packages, but it doesn't seem to be able to find them =(04:52
bagels_http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oEGXTEGgX-I/TJ5UE4ZeUEI/AAAAAAAAAPs/tyPTriejXMA/s1600/Screenshot.png soreau does it look like that?04:52
soreaubagels_: no, run xprop then click on the window/surface in question04:53
urfr332gOvaccine, you run a update after adding the ppa then searching for packages?04:54
CFHowlettvaccine   I found that .deb on the first page of searching.  If the ppa's aren't available, I'd generally consider that installation method to be defunct and look for an alternate.  You can always install virtualbox for apple and install ubuntu into that.04:54
vaccineurfr332gO, yep04:54
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bagels_soreau i got a whole mess of gobbledygook04:54
urfr332gOvaccine, I noticed the instructions were for maverick so as suggested might be outdated. Installing on a mac is not for the faint at heart, never done it but it does not look like fun.04:55
bagels_soreau reason i ask when i hit the Super button, or go-home-applet, my desktop flashes and i don't get a program picker.04:56
vaccineurfr332gO, only a couple minor issues, it's too bad the how-to doesn't seem to work.  Im not giving up yet =)04:56
CFHowletturfr332gO   agreed.04:56
urfr332gOvaccine, you might be installed I have not followed your posts.04:56
urfr332gOnot sure I would even try lol.04:56
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pleiadescynase but cool hand luke is so pimp..05:00
Huundurhey guys i was just wondering if i could have some help installing nmap for ubuntu05:00
urfr332gOpleiades, you on the correct channel?05:00
pleiadesit just mad..05:01
L3topI can eat 50 eggs.05:01
urfr332gOL3top, why would you?05:01
* L3top was quoting cool hand luke... sorry05:01
pleiadesi have kids.. their like real bad bots05:01
HuundurI just need to know how to set up nmap lol sudo ap get isn't helping because05:02
bagels_L3top: are you Gaston from disney's beauty and the beast05:02
urfr332gO!info nmap05:02
ubottunmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 5.21-1.1 (oneiric), package size 1584 kB, installed size 7064 kB05:02
L3topI see...05:02
Huundurlook it wants me to use sudo apt get to get nmap and it says when i try to get it Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package nmap05:02
pleiadeseat it05:02
L3topcan you specify a distro version?05:02
drounsehi, i cant get my computer to boot a usb, i have before but i cant anymore05:03
Huundurim trying to get 5.5105:03
CFHowlettdrounse  you have to change the bios during POST05:03
Huundurthe distro version i mean is 5.5105:03
sacarlsonHuundur: did you try sudo apt-get update ?05:03
L3topHuundur: apt-cache policy nmap05:03
drounseCFHowlett i have my BIOS set to boot from usb05:03
L3topis there anything under candidate?05:04
urfr332gOHuundur, here is a link never used it myself may be in a repo you don't have open. http://namhuy.org/blog/2007/08/16/how-to-install-nmap-into-ubuntu/05:04
CFHowlettdrounse   what's it doing then?05:04
drounseCFHowlett it keeps saying "Boot Error"05:04
L3top!info alsa-base05:04
ubottualsa-base (source: alsa-driver): ALSA driver configuration files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.24+dfsg-0ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 136 kB, installed size 516 kB05:04
CFHowlettdrounse   I'd say recreate your boot usb.05:05
HuundurL3top it says "N: Unable to locate package map"05:05
urfr332gOHuundur, you have the multiverse repo open?05:05
L3topwhat version are you on?05:05
urfr332gOI'm jusdt guessing though.05:05
sacarlsonHuundur: what version of ubuntu did you say you were running?05:06
drounseCFHowlett i have many times, ive tried different distros too, i want ubuntu server tho... also a few days ago i got it to boot, and install then after i rebooted it hung on the page that says "Ubuntu" with the dots loading05:06
pleiadeswhy not using rdp?05:06
Huundurim using 11.0405:06
sacarlsonHuundur: sounds like you forgot to do sudo apt-get update or you might change the repo host if that's not it05:07
CFHowlettdrounse   have you md5sum checked these iso05:07
L3topHuundur: are you familiar with pastebin?05:08
L3topor pastebinit05:08
Huundur-_- im fucking retarded its downloadin the update now05:08
sacarlsonHuundur: thank you05:08
Huundurat least i think it is...thats what it looks like its doing ....thhanks guys...let see if this works05:08
drounseCFHowlett yes i have05:09
drounseCFHowlett ive checked everything from the iso, to the hardware and cannot find anything wrong05:09
drounseCFHowlett ive used unetbootin and startup disk creator05:10
CFHowlettdrounse   if you're getting a completed installation, there's something in that configuration that's causing your issues.05:11
gdeebleHey, I was wondering if anyone is any good with serial console setups? I got a couple problems and questions.05:11
L3topdrounse: can you get to that ubuntu bootloader again05:11
Huundurgot it :D thanks everybody i feel really stupid now though :( im new to this lol05:11
pleiadesoh i see05:12
L3topdont feel stupid Huundur... we all began somewhere.05:12
L3topsome time05:12
logNach0z: Home sweet home. ;P05:12
bagels_when i hit the Super button, or go-home-applet, my desktop flashes and i don't get a program picker.  How can i figure this out?05:12
sacarlsonHuundur: we all make mistakes and will all continue to make them, no one is perfect05:12
Huundurright alright im off to get a shitload more apps now that i can lol05:13
drounseCFHowlett i only got a completed installation once and that was last week, i havent been able to boot the usb, i am installing on a new usb, but i have gotten the usb to work on my main desktop, so i think it might be hardware related but ive completely take then computer apart and reassembled and still cant get it to work05:13
Nach0zlog: yup05:13
drounseL3top no unfortunatly05:13
Nach0zyou aint kiddin05:13
CFHowlettdrounse   suspect hardware is reasonable.  Sorry, IDK what to tell you...05:13
drounseCFHowlett thats ok, i just cant think of what the problem would be, i might try to update the BIOS and maybe itll hlp05:14
CFHowlettdrounse   good luck05:14
drounseCFHowlett thanks05:14
L3topdrounse: I didn't see... are you using more than one usb drive?05:15
sacarlsondrounse: I guess you need to at least get the grub console active instead of the flash blinker to get an idea where the problem is locking up05:16
L3toptypically you can just hit escape and it will show console activity05:16
pleiadesyeah.. plan your missions wisely.. for youve only got one shot05:16
drounseL3top yes, i have three usb flash drives, and i have tried in multiple usb ports on the computer, the computer is picking up that the usb is in but for some reason it wont boot05:17
sacarlsonL3top: drounse: cool try that esc thing then05:17
drounsesacarlson ok05:18
FreezeRayThere sure is a pile of people in here.05:18
sacarlsondrounse: best guess is that is don't like your graphic adapter and stops there, if so maybe force vga until you find drivers that work05:18
FreezeRaySo I am having issues installing ubunto.  I keep getting hangups  during the install process...  they seem to be related to disk formating.05:19
drounsesacarlson i have used a usb before on this computer and got it working fine, this used to be my old primary desktop like a month ago, then i got a new chassis plugged everything and it worked, i switched out hard drives and let it sit for a while while i used my other computer, when i came back maybe a week later ive been having nothing but trouble05:20
FreezeRayHas anyone need lockups during the "creating ext4 file system for / parition #1..." during an install from USB/boot CD?05:21
sacarlsondrounse: when it was working I'm not sure you were using the same version of ubuntu, or something else broke,  disable all internal components in bios is another option05:21
drounsesacarlson it was the same version of ubuntu, i havent touched anything, thats why i cant figure out whats wrong :/05:22
nibbierFreezeRay, use alternative installer cd if you runinto trouble....05:22
sacarlsondrounse: well your blind until you see the grub console and what the problem might be05:23
drounseif i want to update my bios will i need freedos?05:23
drounsesacarlson i cant see anything05:23
gdeebledrounse, depends on the motherboard. I know my asus boards, I've hit ALT + F2 and throw the bios rom on a usb drive and flash that way.05:24
sacarlsondrounse: yes I know that's why L3top suggested the esc key to enable grub console, not sure it works or not05:24
drounsegdeeble i have an emachine board but the file is an .exe05:25
drounsesacarlson the esc key does nothing05:25
FreezeRayNibber: I don't think this is an Alt installer issue.  Everything runs very well live.05:26
sacarlsondrounse: well it's now installed can the boot configs be changed so that you can see the grub console?05:26
sacarlsondrounse: oh but this is on the usb so can't be changed?05:26
ludwin01alguien habla español?05:27
drounsesacarlson its not installed, it was installed on another hdd, but i needed it for my main computer so i have a smaller hdd in with no OS, yes this is a USB05:27
FreezeRayNibbler: also I'd be totally lost with text based install...  lol05:27
djludwin01, #Ubuntu-es05:27
gdeebledrounse, the question comes then, is it a dos file, if so, freedos should work on a USB key from what I know. I'd check the bios for an EZ Flash option to be sure before running through a headache to flash it. IMO05:27
ludwin01very funy @dj05:28
WillMarshallQuestion for you guys. I have a bunch of peak volume readings from a digital audio source being streamed to me in 10ms intervals05:28
WillMarshallI'm trying to turn that into a useful graphical display on a column of 9 LEDs, as per analog DJ mixers etc05:28
WillMarshallDoes anyone have any idea where I'd start looking to find out what kinds of processing I can use on this datastream to get good-looking results?05:28
Name141When is the next release estimated? April ?05:28
sacarlsondrounse: I'm running out of idea's so maybe pxeboot from the other system?  maybe the problem is the usb hardware05:28
CFHowlettName141   end of april 201205:29
drounsegdeeble well it has an easy way to install the update but its from within a windows pc and i currently have no OS05:29
primenumberHi all05:29
drounse! | pxeboot05:29
Name141CFHowlett: Then looks like if I want to get on the Ubuntu train I might as well do it now seeing as it's 2 months from the next release.05:29
pleiadeswhat.. in the.. name of christ.. and all.. that is holy.. happened to brainwreck.. right in the middle of mt chat.. <---- is NOT happy.. in.. fact.. im furious05:29
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drounsesacarlson whats pxeboot?05:29
Peckerpxeboot = if you are getting os from a network server aka ltsp05:30
sacarlsondrounse: boot from ethernet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYQCFEnjWYA05:30
pleiadesthe book of listsisagreat book05:30
primenumberis unity worth using, or should I stick with 10.0405:30
Peckerprimenumber: imo sitkck with 10.0405:30
Peckermy reason, informal testing with nexuiz game, 10.04 gets double fps05:31
primenumberis the power bug any better in 11.10?05:31
drounsesacarlson thank you ill try right now05:31
gdeebleCurious, does anyone know if you can use a USB Serial adapter or Serial PCI Add-on card as a console port for a server? My on-board serial port just keeps dumping random letters like the settings are wrong but they match 100% the server and client machine.05:33
ludwin01anybody has configured a omega webcam?05:34
ubottupleiades: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:34
pleiadesgot given a few years,I wonder if they find gold.. Since writing that note, my concerns about nuclear power mainly how do I need to amke myself a semiagnostic protestant that believes in science and culture in the ocen 40 miles north of boston..05:34
pleiadesyou guys have a good night and thanks for the help. I have some work ahaead of me.. ahead*05:34
SubjectOnegood morning05:36
terminhellgood morow05:37
CFHowlettSubjectOne   greetings05:37
pexgood day05:37
tazjinIn case anyone cares, after three hours of waiting it finally appears that kubuntu-full is the package with the most dependencies. Followed by gnome-desktop-environment05:38
tazjinGood night :305:38
bagels_when i hit the Super button, or go-home-applet, my desktop flashes and i don't get a program picker.  How can i figure this out?05:38
Peckeranyone have keybord and mouse freezes in 10.04?05:39
pleiadesstealcian i still havent written ciao a letter to your right..05:39
pexi have 1105:40
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L3topno Pecker.05:40
pexhave you tried it in a terminal?05:41
pexto bagels, the terminal question05:42
Peckerdarn, seesm noone can figure this out05:42
bagels_pex what?05:43
bagels_let me see here05:43
pexcan you navigate that way in your term?05:43
gdeeblebagels_, could try a live cd and see if happens there?05:44
bagels_pex narwhal is a version number i thought05:44
bagels_pex gdeeble i'm running ubuntu ubermix05:45
pleiadesmy ad has a.308 (223) umm.. wtfis it called.. the auto the mil uses.. shit iforget05:45
pexi get them mixed up05:45
makarai'm using jpegoptim to convert a whole lot of files, but they're in recursive folders and the app has no recursive option. What are my options?05:45
bagels_http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oEGXTEGgX-I/TJ5UE4ZeUEI/AAAAAAAAAPs/tyPTriejXMA/s1600/Screenshot.png pex gdeeble it is supposed to look like this05:45
pexi hate using dos for networking.05:45
pexgimme a sec to checkitout in another browser window05:46
makarais there some nifty bash sequence I can use to feed files into this program?05:46
terminhellyou could just use a bash script05:47
pexyou want the program picker on the left side right?05:47
pleiadeswas that a joke kick flamoot05:47
bagels_pex yes, and all i have is a flashing desktop05:47
bagels_pex i can't figure out what got corrupted05:48
terminhellmakara: put all the autoconvert options with all the directories you want on seperate lines05:48
makaraterminhell: I don't understand05:49
pexjust re-load it! thats the beauty. if it was hacked you want to do that any way.05:49
pleiadessince i quit booze and smoke pot.. like.. i notice colors are brighter.. nad stuff.. i been drawing alot05:49
terminhellmakara: the tool your using, does it have a cli too?05:50
makaraterminhell: there are many directories05:50
makaraterminhell: what's cli?05:50
bagels_pex it wasn't hacked.  I screwed up a setting somewhere05:50
makaraits very basic 'jpegoptim'05:50
pexyou could also use the 'launcher' app  to open those programs you can't get to.05:50
terminhell.........................................*face palms................05:50
makaradon't give me that please05:51
bagels_i don't have launcher05:51
terminhellmakara: the terminal...command line interface05:51
terminhellaka 'dos prompt'05:51
makaraits only terminal05:51
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pexnot the panel, the one from ubu 10.4 i think05:52
CFHowlettterminhell   "dos prompt?  grrrrrr05:52
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terminhellCFHowlett: i didnt want to say that, trust me05:52
CFHowlettterminhell   forgiven ... THIS time.05:53
pexbagles, what os are you using05:53
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terminhellmakara: is this a nautilus script that you downloaded? or, nvm, you said its cli only05:53
Django_Novicehi there05:53
makarasudo apt-get install jpegoptim05:53
Django_Noviceany one have idea of No machine??05:53
pleiadesprint out y should I get blue screens of death to an Opteron one, I may have been calling me still but she is an anagram of "Pig indictable, glib boogie.. Junk connivant nerd abhors..05:53
terminhellso then just make a bash script by creating a new document, and then start it off with #!/bin/sh and on the next line start putting in the jpegoptim command followed by ../dir_name && ../dir_name205:54
K0wb0yK0derNo machine?..i know of No-SQL. but not No machine.05:54
clarinetHi, guys.05:55
makaraterminhell: thanks for your suggestion05:55
Django_NoviceIm talking about NX05:55
Django_NoviceNX for VMware05:55
clarinetHow to boot into safe mode through GRUB 2?05:55
clarinetAnyone can help me?05:55
terminhellmakara: ive not used the program personally so im not sure if that will work. you may have to do the paths individually. But at least you can cp/paste and let the script run it all for you afterwards05:56
K0wb0yK0derno i cant help. im only familar with the basics of ESX 4.005:56
gdeebleCurious, does anyone know if you can use a USB Serial adapter or Serial PCI Add-on card as a console port for a server? My on-board serial port just keeps dumping random letters like the settings are wrong but they match 100% the server and client machine.05:56
Django_NoviceI just want to get the existing session on a different machine05:57
skorketI can consistently crash my computer when plugging in an arduino compatible device.  I am running Ubuntu 11.10, 3.0.0-15-generic.  It uses an ftdi driver to communicate.  Does anyone have suggestions on how to fix this?05:57
terminhellgdeeble: no idea =/05:57
clarinetIt seem like Ubuntu 11.10 doesn't have save mode option in recovery mode.05:57
K0wb0yK0dergoogle would be more helpful then me :( sorry mate05:57
clarinetsafe mode05:57
K0wb0yK0derClarinet, why are you looking for a 'safemode' option05:58
clarinetMy OS type is x6405:58
brian1992in google chrome, how do i update the flash to 10.105:58
clarinetThere is nvidia driver installed on my system, but when I change ati card, It can't boot normally.05:59
clarinetso, I want to boot into safe mode.05:59
pleiadeslol.. im out from that stagnant cycle i was in denmark05:59
clarinetand install ati driver.05:59
gdeebleBoo! Google doesn't seem to bring up an answer to my question.  When I try to do it, the server hangs trying to initialize the card I think, not really sure tho.06:00
ZeloZeloscan i make one empty rotate and its rotation translated to move another empty along the x, the rotating one rotates around y06:02
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clarinetDoes anyone know how to boot into safe mode in Ubuntu 11.10 x64?06:02
ZeloZelosoh,,oops wrong channel :)06:02
skorketlooking at the syslog, I see a message 'INFO: task khubd:26 blocked for more than 120 seconds.' which happened right at the time of the system hang06:07
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pleiadeslets fuck.. HAWWW06:07
Guest40224Anyone able to help me with some WINE issues?>06:08
GhostWolfhi, i just upgraded to 11.10 ubuntu, does anyone know if there is a way to install a theme for ubuntu? i know theres 4 pre-installed themes for it, but i don't like any of em and i want to use a different theme06:08
pleiadeshow would i go back to a 2.6 kernel>06:08
c_smithpleiades, keep it clean06:08
clarinetDoes anyone know how to boot into safe mode in Ubuntu 11.10 x64?06:08
pleiadesno i am06:08
pangolinpleiades: Please mind your language and topic.06:08
c_smithnot with the language before......06:08
pleiadesis some device made in australia that has certain breathing mixture with like half the amount of the show she is pretty hot but they are useful..06:08
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c_smithpleiades, I'm afraid you lost me there......06:09
pleiadeson this stats tracker on myspace.. i just thought it was odd.. 42 and 999 together just like that hit at the same time06:09
Guest40224WINE won't provide me any audio, can anyone help me with this?06:09
GhostWolfclarient safe mode should be selected in the grub menu06:09
ubottupleiades: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:09
pleiadesword.. i'm gonna reset his corpus to pure beetris again soon.. he's powered by beetris' brain.. brb06:09
pleiadesyou dont feel angry very often on antipsychotics and if you have hallucination or delusion problems they help with those06:09
macmartinewhy might my syslog be taking up 100% cpu?06:09
clarinetHi, anyone can help me?06:09
clarinetHow to boot into safe mode?06:09
GhostWolfclarinet, i just told you how..06:09
Guest40224So, can anyone assist me in getting my audio to work with WINE in Ubuntu?06:10
ubottuGuest40224: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:10
GhostWolfdoes anyone know how to install a different theme to 11.10?06:11
ZzBombI want to print 10 pages doublesided but my printer does not have a duplex feature, any way to manually invoke it? I saw gnome-manual-duplex but according to other people online it sounds like it's just going to break and I dont feel like wasting paper.06:11
Guest40224Another unrelated question.  Is there any way to "boost" the audio  volume?  When I play some songs they seem too quiet.  I've tried PulseAudio Volume Control and it doesn't make it louder than I can already get it.06:12
fairuz_Hi, how to clear apt-cacher caches? Can I just delete all the contents in /var/cache/apt-cacher06:12
clarinetsorry, there are some problem with my network.06:12
CFHowlettfairuz_   sudo apt-get clean06:12
lorrien3can anyone see me06:12
ZzBombGuest40224: There is a way to make it go over then 100% in the sound settings, also software like VLC has an amplifier.06:12
lorrien3can anyone see me?06:12
ZzBomblorrien3: We see you.06:13
CFHowlettlorrien3   icu06:13
clarinetIt seem like Ubuntu 11.10 doesn't have safe mode option in recovery mode.06:13
macmartinelorrien3: no06:13
L3topGuest40224: I assume you have gone to wine/configure wine/audio06:13
clarinetI'm running 64-bit system.06:13
fairuz_CFHowlett: That will clean local cache right? Will it clean cache from apt-cacher too?06:13
ZzBombclarinet: go into recovery mode? you can access a recovery terminal that way06:13
GhostWolfclarinet do you know how to get the grub menu?06:13
Guest40224L3top: Yes, I've gone through the wine/audio configuration06:13
CFHowlettfairuz_   as I understand it, yes06:13
L3topwhat audio driver did it choose for you?06:13
Guest40224L3top: OSS06:14
clarinetThere no safe mode option in recovery mode.06:14
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fairuz_CFHowlett: Hm that's not good. What if I just want to clean my local cache?06:14
clarinetI don't know how to enter safe mode in terminal.06:14
GhostWolfclarinet, recovery mode is same as safe mode for linux/ubuntu.06:14
CFHowlettfairuz_ sorry that's the only cache cleaner I'm familiar with.06:14
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L3topI really only know anything about alsa06:14
ZzBombclarinet: I've never heard of a safe mode in linux. It's same as recovery06:14
clarinetOh, yes. but how to run in low graphics mode?06:15
fairuz_CFHowlett: ok thanks06:15
ZzBombclarinet: try starting x. If you cannot, open a terminal and run recovery scripts to get it running again06:15
clarinetThere is nvidia driver installed on my system, but when I change ati card, It can't boot normally.06:15
ZzBombThere are about 100 tutorials for it on the ubuntuforums.06:15
GhostWolfdoes anyone know if there is a way to install themes for the new 11.10 ubuntu?06:15
ZzBombGhostWolf: Appearance manager?06:16
crizzyGhostWolf: themes should be copied to ~/.themes/06:16
crizzyZzBomb: no such thing in gnome3 :)06:16
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ZzBombcrizzy: Ah I forgot that got removed, I still dont understand why.06:16
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GhostWolfZzBomb i have no idea i don't know how the 11.10 works, in 11.04 you were able to install it from the same area as you change your desktop screen06:16
crizzyZzBomb: i bet it comes back later on in gnome3 cycle06:17
crizzyZzBomb: wasn't exactly 'removed', just wasn't rewritten back in the g3 cycle06:17
ZzBombGhostWolf: like crizzy said then .. copy into  ~/.themes/06:17
GhostWolfcrizzy, ok but i don't know how to install some of these i downloaded i just know how to install them from the appearance window on the previous ubuntu versions06:17
crizzyZzBomb: nothing unusual, original gnome 2.0 missed *a lot* of features, they just put the initial work on the platform06:17
ZzBombcrizzy: that's kinda the equivalent of being removed.06:17
crizzyZzBomb: but yes, it is ugly that you can't even change fonts without tweak tool06:18
Guest40224L3top: When I go to my audio preferences though under applications it says somethign about ALSA, not OSS06:18
ZzBombcrizzy: I think there is a tweak tool you can install. I dont remember the package name and it might be in a ppa06:18
crizzyGhostWolf: don't they come up with instructions? depends a bit on theme too06:18
GhostWolfcrizzy, not all of them06:18
crizzyZzBomb: gnome-tweak-tool06:18
ZzBombGo figure..06:18
crizzyGhostWolf: ok, general way to install themes is this:06:19
newbie007anyone here using GIMX ?06:19
crizzyGhostWolf: open nautilus. press ctrl-l, type ~/.themes/ there, open your theme .tar.gz by clicking it, drag contents to ~/.themes06:19
ZzBombWell hey, if anyone wants a challenge, help me figure out how to manually print double sided without the function built into printer.06:19
crizzyGhostWolf: then select it from 'advanced settings' (which is package: gnome-tweak-tool)06:20
GhostWolfok crizzy i'll try that. do you know if there are spefici themes done just for 11.10? or is it all versatile?06:20
Guest40224Played around with some random audio settings06:20
Guest40224it seems to play audio through wine now06:20
crizzyGhostWolf: this is a bit ugly atm, but i'm sure these options will come back later on in gnome3 cycles. 12.04 already restores many old missing style configuration options06:20
Guest40224but I can't seem tog et spotify to open now06:20
crizzyGhostWolf: just look for GTK3 themes :)06:20
Guest40224Spotify used to open fine using wine, now it doesn't06:20
Guest40224Have they changed it recently?06:20
L3topGuest40224: apt-cache policy alsa-base06:21
crizzyGuest40224: i use native linux client, works fine06:21
Guest40224crizzy: Don't you need premium for the native client?06:21
GhostWolfcrizzy, is the gtk3 themes different than themes for the 11.04 themes at all?06:21
Guest40224L3top: What is that for?06:21
L3topsee if there is a version installed06:21
ZzBombGuest40224: I imagine they regularly update spotify. At least they did when I was using in windows, although you should have noticed it generally asks you.06:21
c_smithGuest40224, have you tried the native client.06:21
L3topit tells me what is available, and what is installed06:21
crizzyGuest40224: yes, you do. but i need it for android/3g streaming anyway06:21
crizzyGhostWolf: well, yes. 11.04 and earlier used gnome2 and gtk206:22
crizzyGhostWolf: i don't think these themes are compatible06:22
crizzyGhostWolf: big version transitions are always a bit painful, but this'll be much better again when 12.04 comes out06:22
Guest40224L3top: http://paste.ubuntu.com/863005/ was what that command gave me06:22
GhostWolfcrizzy, ok thanks i'll look for them, i only downloaded themes for the 11.04 on a site, let me give you the addy for them to see if it does06:22
ZzBombOk. Time to get Funky. Just going to have my printer print Even ones.. Then odd ones. So lame that feature does not exist. It's so simple.06:22
Guest40224crizzy: Well, yeah, I can't afford that haha. I use google music for my android streaming.06:22
Guest40224c_smith: I can't afford the native client as a broke college student :S06:23
crizzyGuest40224: it's only like 9,90eur/month :)06:23
GhostWolfcrizzy, well i was upgrading cause before when i upgraded there was an issue with a toolbar i used06:23
crizzyGuest40224: price of a burger meal here :P06:23
c_smithGuest40224, ah, well, I don't use Spotify, so I didn't know that was a premium feature....06:23
c_smithalthough that's really cheap of them, making people pay just because they don't use Windows....06:24
clarinetZzbomb, startx doesn't work. Do you know how to run in low graphics mode?06:24
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crizzyGuest40224: isn't google music us-only anyway? :/06:24
Guest40224c_smith: Lol, I make $0 a month, so I can't really afford it. I'm saving my cash to buy a raspberry pi when they are more readily available.06:24
Guest40224c_smith: I meant that to be towards crizzy06:24
c_smithGuest40224, I hear those are nice. might have to get me a few....06:24
ZzBombclarinet:  hm Generally if you can run in low graphics mode it will ask if you want to go into it when you start like normal. So I think you can assume xorg is too dead to even do that.06:25
Guest40224crizzy: I'm not sure about google music's global availability06:25
GhostWolfcrizzy, here is the site i was using before, http://www.techiesouls.com/2008/11/27/collection-of-50-best-looking-linux-gnomeubuntu-themes-to-download/06:25
Guest40224crizzy: Although from what I've used it seems really well done.  The beta phase was shaky, but now it really seems to have come together.06:25
Guest40224c_smith: For $35 USD it'd a a crime not to buy at least one06:25
ZzBombclarinet: What errors does it show when starting? That's generally a good indicator, if you see the loader try switching with... (I think it's F3, but I dont really remember) to view verbose startup.06:25
ZzBombMaybe it's F2.... It's been a while since I have need to.06:26
crizzyGuest40224: take a look here: http://gnome-shell.deviantart.com/gallery/2938065306:26
Guest40224So before I could launch spotify but it had no audio, and now that I had audio, I can't launch spotify... Something must always go wrong.06:26
ZzBombOk I missed something. $35, only thing I can think of that is $35 is the raspberry pi06:27
L3topGuest40224:   amixdigital=$(amixer | grep Simple | grep IEC | cut -d' ' -f4,5,6 | sort | uniq); for output in $amixdigital; do amixer sset $output unmute; done06:27
ZzBombGuest40224: Reinstall spotify.06:27
crizzyGuest40224: also here http://abhizweblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/some-gtk-3-themes-ubuntu-n-fedora.html06:27
L3topopen wine, select alsa wave out, test sound06:27
L3topthat was wrong06:27
L3topthat is digi only06:28
L3top  amixdigital=$(amixer | grep Simple | cut -d' ' -f4,5,6 | sort | uniq); for output in $amixdigital; do amixer sset $output unmute; done06:28
crizzysorry it was GhostWolf who asked for themes06:28
ZzBombGuest40224: Or start like perusing your wine logs. But generally a reinstall is easier if it just wont start... If you can.. removing the wine prefix is pretty easy s well if you dont have other stuff in it. Something like PlayOnLinux is also good since it's a bit more optimized already for the software.06:28
crizzyGhostWolf: check those links ^^ :P06:28
Guest40224crizzy: I think someone else was looking for the themes06:28
L3topthen type alsamixer06:28
L3topsudo alsamixer06:28
clarinetZzBomb, all this happened when I change my nvidia card to ati card.06:28
Guest40224Also, I've reinstalled spotify to no avail06:29
crizzyGhostWolf: http://abhizweblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/some-gtk-3-themes-ubuntu-n-fedora.html and http://gnome-shell.deviantart.com/gallery/2938065306:29
clarinetWhen nvidia driver enabled.06:29
L3topmake sure all vols are at acceptable level06:29
ZzBombclarinet: Do you have any other type of video? Because changing video card types would Absolutely cause that to happen...06:29
GhostWolfcrizzy, i will thanks. so those themse on the link i showed you won't work with 11.10 then?06:29
ZzBombclarinet: I mean like onboard.06:29
crizzyGhostWolf: likely not06:29
clarinetZzBomb, yeah.06:29
gdeebleCurious, does anyone know if you can use a USB Serial adapter or Serial PCI Add-on card as a console port for a server? My on-board serial port just keeps dumping random letters like the settings are wrong but they match 100% the server and client machine.06:29
Guest40224what are the commands to check my GTK version?  Although I was not directly looking for a GTK theme that does seem intriguing.06:29
crizzyGhostWolf: i'm kinda boring, i run stock unity, with only wallpaper changed :P too busy with actual work to fiddle with themes..06:30
GhostWolfok thanks crizzy, btw have another question, is there a way to not have multiple windows like the browser windows on top of each other?06:30
GhostWolfcrizzy, i just like something different, i like things to be a bit darker06:30
ZzBombGhostWolf: Maybe im confused.. But just drag one over another.06:30
clarinetZzBomb, grub menu displayed normally.06:31
ZzBombclarinet: Ok yea thats not doing anything yet. What happens next?06:31
Guest40224crizzy: I change my wallpaper like every day.  I'm a fan of reddit.com/r/earthporn  NOTE: That is not actually porn, it is entirely SFW.06:31
GhostWolfcrizzy, in 11.10 when i open more than 1 browser window open, and when i want to tab over it, i only see one firefox icon but i see like 3 little arrows thing saying i have 3 pages up. i want them to be seperate, instead of on top of each other06:31
crizzyumm i have no idea06:32
crizzyi mostly use super-w for changing windows06:32
omeWhy does `sensiable-browser` doesn't respect the defualt browser ? or how does it decides which browser to use ?06:32
ZzBombGhostWolf: That's a compiz setting, im not sure if you can change it06:33
GhostWolfand ZzBomb you can't drag it cause you have to hit the down key to see the other browser windows06:33
crizzyGhostWolf: try hitting super(win button)-w if you're on unity3d06:33
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ZzBombOh yea.. that's a good question. GhostWolf, are you using unity-3d or 2d?06:33
GhostWolfcrizzy, yea i did that, but it just minimizes everything, i don't want that06:33
GhostWolfi have no idea i just upgraded to 11.10 from 11.0406:34
crizzyminimizes? it should display all open windows at once06:34
ZzBombGhostWolf: Do you have accelerated graphics?06:34
GhostWolfcrizzy, thats what i mean minimizes all programs i have open to see whats open06:35
GhostWolfZzBomb, again i don't know im not very familiar with alot of things in ubuntu06:35
clarinetZzBomb, ubuntu logo can displayed and then black screen when boot from normal mode.06:35
ZzBombclarinet: Click F2 when you see that ubuntu logo, should switch to verbose(can someone confirm that its f2?)06:36
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zayanhey guys06:36
ju_hello, everyone06:36
clarinetZzBomb, thanks, I'll try it later.06:36
zayani need help06:36
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CFHowlettzayan   ask away06:37
ZzBombGhostWolf: I am pretty sure your referring to a compiz setting. Try install compizconfig-settings-manager and playing with your unity settings.06:37
zayanis there any one who have used peppermint os 206:37
CFHowlettzayan   not on this channel.06:37
zayanwhich ?06:37
ZzBombzayan: I am pretty sure you are in the #ubuntu room06:37
zayanah this channel is ubuntu <:)06:37
ju_can anyone here help with xubuntu 11.10 settings?06:37
CFHowlettzayan   try #peppermint06:37
GhostWolfZzBomb, all i know is when you open a program like a browser you hit tab and you can see all the programs up. with firefox if you have more than one firefox window open it is ontop of the other window06:38
ZzBombGhostWolf: It most likely does that with other programs with multiple windows too then. Try the compiz settings.06:38
ZzBombGhostWolf: I think that's part of the Expo settings06:39
ju_hello... ?(06:39
CFHowlettju_   greetings06:39
GhostWolfZzBomb, never had any other program that uses multiple windows. i don't see someone using more than 1 xchat or other programs of the sort06:39
ZzBombGhostWolf: Or maybe not, idk ill poke around it some06:39
hopstafarianwondering if anyone here has experience with beowulf cluster under ubuntu?06:39
zayanno one is there ?06:39
zayanin that channel06:39
ju_can u help with xubuntu 11.10 settings?06:39
GhostWolfsorry ZzBomb i rather not poke on sometihng i don't know what it is of06:39
CFHowlettzayan   see http://peppermintos.com/06:40
ju_or it is in another channel?06:40
ZzBombGhostWolf: On my system when I alt-tab it shows firefox as one, then if I hover over it for a bit it expands and shows both windows.06:40
GhostWolfZzBomb, yes thats what i mean, i have a printscreen to show you, but i don't want that i want to make it seperate06:41
Guest40224When I try to do the automatic updater it says something along the lines of "trying to install package from untrusted source, then when I ask for more info it says spotify-qt-client.  And then it installs no updates.  How do I get it to install all my updates?06:41
LinSkyrateanyone got the awus036NH card working after upgrade to 3.2.6?06:41
crizzyGuest40224: i think you should add the spotify repository key to get them verified06:42
zayanHow do i add home folder and trash bin in Ubuntu06:42
Guest40224crizzy: Why does it stop all my like 300+ updates though, why can't I just skip the spotify one?06:42
crizzyno idea :)06:42
crizzyGuest40224: http://www.spotify.com/fi/download/previews/ see here anyway06:42
ZzBombGhostWolf: Ok I checked compiz settings, unless there is a hidden feature for doing it otherwise you cannot use the Unity Switcher in that way. You could use something like the Shift Switcher, Ring Switcher, Static Application Switcher, or Application Switcher to get the effect you want.. And then just redo the hotkeys for that manually.06:43
crizzyGuest40224: make all those steps, then spotify updates should have no problem06:43
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GhostWolfZzBomb, i did not understand what you just said. sorry06:43
finnBeta is out tomorrow, anyone using a recent cvs version?06:44
ju_hi. i have a problem - can't bring window buttons close, maximize, minimize to the left (xubuntu 11.10)06:44
ZzBombGhostWolf: Install the compizconfig-settings-manager, you can change that stuff there. It's pretty self explanatory once your in it. The feature you want is not built into the "Unity" plugin which manages the switcher by default. But there are a few other plugins that can do exactly what you want.06:44
crizzybe VERY careful with compizconfig06:44
crizzyit can and it WILL eventually break your config06:44
crizzyand then you can't start unity anymore06:45
ZzBombYea.. I've broken mine a dozen times.. Fortunately It's easy to reset.06:45
crizzybefore you even start, instructions to fix it:06:45
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crizzystart unity 2d: start compizconfig again, and click unity plugin back on06:45
ZzBombPreferences - Reset to defaults.. Woo.06:45
CFHowlettju_   Settings -> Settings Manager -> Window Manager -> Button Layout (R Column) Drag the maximize, minimize, close and menu buttons where you want them.06:45
crizzyi think compizconfig is remoed from 12.04 repos already.. at least software centre06:45
LinSkyrateget this msg when modprobe rt2800usb: WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release.06:46
Guest40224Whats the best FTP client for Ubuntu?06:46
urfr332gOcrizzy, #ubuntu+1 is 12.0406:46
GhostWolfthis is what i see, http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/405/screenshotat20120229224.png/ i don't want that, i want those 3 firefox winders seperated from each other.06:46
ZzBombcrizzy: Shucks, I usually customize my configuration like crazy, there will be some variation of it I am sure...06:46
dithello all06:47
ZzBombGhostWolf: Ok.. Yep.. That's what I am talking about.06:47
urfr332gOcrizzy, unity is a plugin in compiz it is not going anywhere.06:47
crizzyurfr332gO: duh, was just implying using compizconfig is dangerous06:47
CFHowlettdit   greetings06:47
ditcan anyone tell me how to install geo server in ubuntu06:47
ZzBomburfr332gO: the editor is going away.. not compiz06:47
ju_<CFHowlett> oh thanks ... it was SO easy...06:47
crizzyurfr332gO: and fiddling with it WILL eventually disable the unity plugin when it breaks the config (and it does it a lot)06:47
urfr332gOZzBomb, what editor?06:47
GhostWolfi just don't want to have that, is there anyway to not have it like that?06:47
CFHowlettju_    worked?06:47
ZzBomburfr332gO: compizconfig-settings-manager06:48
urfr332gOcrizzy, not if you know what your doing.06:48
clarinetDoes anyone know how to enter Failsafe Graphics Mode from terminal?06:48
ju_<CFHowlett> yes.. )06:48
CFHowlettju_   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7001421/Pictures/Success.jpg06:48
crizzyurfr332gO: no, it just does it. known problem06:48
ZzBomburfr332gO: It's not as bad as it used to be. But when unity first came out I broke my config about 100 times.06:48
FloodBot1zayan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:48
ditCFHowlett: i ve downloaded bin file of geoserver06:48
crizzyurfr332gO: compizconfig freezing and destroying your configs is barely 'not knowing what you're doing'06:48
ju_<CFHowlett> :-)06:48
CFHowlettdit   http://suite.opengeo.org/docs/usermanual/installation/linux/geoserver-ubuntu.html06:48
ditCFHowlett: but not able to install06:49
clarinetor from grub 2?06:49
zayanFloodBot1 : how do i add the home folder recycle bins and stuff like that in my dekstop?06:49
CFHowlettdit this appears to be the official instructions.  If this doesn't work, I sure don't know what else to tell you ...06:49
urfr332gOZzBomb, crizzy  plenty of web tutorials on how to tweak compiz in unity, if you tweaked  without reading then well.d06:49
crizzyzayan: install 'gnome-tweak-tool' package. then you can find this as 'advanced settings'. there's options for that06:50
clarinetZzBomb, maybe Failsafe Graphics Mode can avoid this problem when changing gfx card.06:50
ZzBomburfr332gO: Some of us started using it before "plenty" of tutorials existed. Plus they generally dont cover anything I want to do06:50
ditCFHowlett: thanks06:50
zayanto add home folders , recycle bin?? in compiz ? i never thoought of that in using compiz !06:50
crizzyurfr332gO: crappy softwar crashing has nothing to do with person not knowing what he's doing. and compizconfig does destroy compiz config files when it does that. stop defending it, you clearly have no clue what YOU are talking about.06:51
CFHowlettdit   good luck06:51
ZzBombclarinet: Usually it will ask you to enter that if its going to let you (in my experience)06:51
urfr332gOcrizzy, yeah hiolster your ego.06:51
GhostWolfwell i guess i have to just keep it like this. aslo realized if i don't go to another program or window i can tab from 2 browsers06:51
crizzyzayan: read above, gave you instructions06:51
crizzyurfr332gO: known bugs in compizconfig have nothing to do with my ego, either.06:52
clarinetZzBomb, Yeah, there is failsafe graphics mode option in previous release.06:52
ZzBombGhostWolf: Telling ya, it's pretty easy to enable one of the other switchers with that manager and those are generally not features that break things.06:52
Companionssh root@home.pulse207.com06:52
clarinetZzBomb, but I can't see it in Ubuntu 11.10 recovery mode.06:52
Companionoops D:06:52
urfr332gOcrizzy, no just your discourse.06:52
GhostWolfZzBomb, nah i rather not mess with anything if its not something simple i don't want to bother thanks anyways06:52
ZzBombGhostWolf: It's pretty simple.. You install one package and click one checkbox. Then optionally redo your hotkeys.06:53
GhostWolfagain ZzBomb no thanks06:54
ZzBombAlrighty :p06:54
GhostWolfbut im out, got the main thing i wanted and will look into those themes later06:54
=== Silver is now known as kittenh
gdeebleCurious, does anyone know if you can use a USB Serial adapter or Serial PCI Add-on card as a console port for a server? My on-board serial port just keeps dumping random letters like the settings are wrong but they match 100% the server and client machine.06:54
ZzBombclarinet: have you seen like... this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/91352/blank-screen-after-ati-video-card-installation-on-ubuntu-11-10-amd6406:55
ZzBombLike im pretty sure there are a bunch of other people who have had this issue.06:55
clarinetZzBomb, OK, thanks.06:55
ZzBombThat's not such a good article but yea. Thats totally something that is all over the forums and such if you look around06:56
clarinetZzBomb, Yeah.06:56
ZzBombclarinet: You most likely just need to install the ati drivers which I assume would remove the nvidia ones. Although I dont really know, never had an ATI card.. all my stuff is nvidia06:57
ZzBombThis one looks useful06:57
ZzBombYou may need to adapt it to you using a terminal though,06:57
clarinetZzBomb, OK, thank you.06:57
ZzBombSo to download, use wget. To install just chmod +x then run ./app06:58
ZzBombetc etc06:58
ZzBombOk I guess I am done.06:58
user1hi, can i install ie browser in ubuntu 11.10??07:00
urfr332gOuser1, only with wine07:00
ZzBombuser1: try #wine07:01
Canadian1296user1: IE requires windows or wine. I suggest you use Firefox instead but its up to you07:01
user1ZZbomb, but it is not working when i installed with wine07:01
ZzBombtry winetricks07:01
crizzyonly ie6 iirc works with wine, so it's pretty useless07:01
capecarnationwhen installing ubuntu can i break up the hard disk into 4 logical partitions, and then create in the first partition, for example, create all of my partitions for ubuntu (ie, /, swap, /boot, /home, /tmp, /var, /log)?07:02
ZzBombIve used ie7 in it pretty flawlessly, and i think ie8 works now too07:02
urfr332gOcapecarnation, logicals go in a exteneded07:02
ZzBombHaha. Using ie flawlessly. what a joke.07:02
Canadian1296Where is the Linux mint support channel?07:02
ZzBombCanadian1296: ##linuxmint07:03
urfr332gO#mint ##linuxmint07:03
ZzBombCanadian1296: Official support channel is #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:03
capecarnationurfr332gO, ok, so it's HARD DRIVE -> EXTENDED -> LOGICAL -> PARTITION?07:03
Canadian1296ZzBomb: Thanks07:04
ZzBombcapecarnation: or Harddrive -> Primary Partition07:04
ZzBombAssuming your structure is msdos07:04
ZzBombaka not a mac....07:04
urfr332gOcapecarnation, why would you want to break it up like that kinda old school.07:04
ZzBomburfr332gO: Mine right now goes [primary][primary][primary][extended[logical][logical]]. Stupid manufacturer included 4 primaries, took me forever to rearrange it to allow extras.07:05
capecarnationurfr332gO, i thought that was the way everyone did it?  i would like to have one of the extended partitions for ubuntu, another extended partition for a "test bed for distros", and yet another extended partition for putting all of my music on.07:05
ZzBombcapecarnation: if you only want 3, just do 3 primaries.07:06
urfr332gOZzBomb, I have 3 primaries to but W7, NTFS shared, and The W8 released today, I don'y reall use windows though I just feel sorry for those that do.07:06
ZzBomburfr332gO: I test things virtually.07:07
urfr332gOZzBomb, I have a netbook not really enough power.07:07
capecarnationurfr332gO, i certainly don't use windows.  been burned too many times.  i do wonder if my son will be able to play his Jump Start software in linux, though.  hopefully wine will support that.07:07
ZzBomburfr332gO: yar.. I have a 15" w/ an i7. Wonderful specs for price. :307:07
capecarnationZzBomb, that face you made almost looks like a cat face.  just need the whiskers ;)07:08
urfr332gOZzBomb, I might buy something with more umph in grad school.07:08
ZzBombcapecarnation: that's what it was :P07:08
ZzBomburfr332gO: I was thinking about buying a netbook soon but it looks like tablet would be better for what I would be using it for.07:09
ZzBombI just dont think tablets have come quite as far as I want them to before I buy one.07:09
urfr332gOZzBomb, yeah.07:10
capecarnationthat's what i was thinking.  tablets seem to be going out the door.  they should just make netbooks that have touch-screen functionality built in so that you can completely open up the netbook 'til it's flat on the table (both sides), then use the touch screen.07:10
zayanHey guys07:10
omeTablets are a joke if you want a serious computer.07:10
zayani need some help07:10
zayando any of you know a good screen recording software07:11
zayanwhich screencasts myself even07:11
CFHowlettzayan   recordmydesktop07:11
omecapecarnation: that is what I have always dreamt about, being able to silide and have different keybaord/controllers!07:11
zayanoh ill check that out thanks!07:11
omeit's just amazing if they have made something like that !07:11
ZzBombcapecarnation: No i mean, tablets are pushing netbooks out of the way.. Since basically those new "Ultrabooks" keep getting smaller the netbook category is fading. So I am just waiting for tablets to improve a little more. They are in no way going away.07:12
capecarnationhave never heard of Ultrabooks.  why can't they just make netbooks to look like giant slider phones that use for texting :)07:13
ZzBombHa. Because that would be impossible to use. Who has big enough hands?07:13
capecarnationby the way, is there a better brick and mortar place to buy laptops then best buy?  their selection is abysmal, looks worse than it did a year ago.07:13
capecarnationZzBomb, no it wouldn't.  the keyboard would be the size of the netbooks, it would just slide in underneath the screen when the user only wants to be in tablet mode.07:14
omecapecarnation: one of the reasions that they are not making them is that the technology used for smartphone/tablets screens are pretty expensive. it would make the laptops pretty unafordable.07:14
capecarnationit would?  wouldn't the competition only make the laptops cheaper?07:15
clarinetWhat does noapic mean?(grub boot loader parameter)07:16
capecarnationi think the edubuntu install has 'stalled' on my other computer.  ....funny, just as i type this (after waiting damn near30 minutes), it's about finished installing.  my son is tickled to death to have  his own computer :)07:16
user1hi, in ubuntu 11.10 bluetooth device is not activating, even when i press bluetoth button.07:16
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omecapecarnation: the competation will make things cheaper, but not cheaper then what it costs to make them. the multitouch is pretty expensive and it gets more expensive as your screen size.07:18
clarinetDoes anyone know what "noapic" stand for?(grub boot loader parameter)07:18
omeIIRC, the price of multitouch is exponetional to the screen size.07:18
ZzBombok im gunna do some work, laterz07:19
omeaction hemmmm07:20
capecarnationome, gotcha.. hadn't thought of that.07:20
capecarnationnice talking to you, ZzBomb07:20
capecarnationclarinet i used to play that instrument 6th grade through 11th grade, many years ago :)07:21
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pyrokamileonwhats a good channel where I can get help with Testdisk?07:23
clarinetcapecarnation, Oh, for 5 year. I only played for 1 year, many years ago too.07:23
clarinetcapecarnation, do you like it?07:24
capecarnationdid i like the clarinet?  not sure, really.  my embechure (or however you spell that) wasn't correct for the reeds, and i quickly fell in love with percussion.  i never took music that seriously, and regret it.  looking back, had i done so, i would have for sure gone onto DCI. can you imagine being in the Blue Devils percussion? :D07:27
doc-saintlySo some of you may recognize me - but here's the situation: I have a 3tb raid that took a dump. I have a backup of it from about a month ago, I have the contents of what I retrieved from the raid with testdisk, and I have the original raid which I've fsck'd with a backup superblock (with errors of course)07:29
urfr332gOcapecarnation, different fingering for every octave, I used to play reeds and jazz professionally.07:29
doc-saintlyWhat's the best/easiest way to go about this? I figured that if I did a binary comparison between what was on the fsck'd system vs the month old backup I could verify the integrity and potentially restore anything that is corrupted.07:29
doc-saintlyThen I need to look at the fsck'd and the testdisk files vs. the month old backup to see how many of the intermediate files I can restore.07:30
doc-saintlyI look forward to any suggestions on how to accomplish all this.07:30
clarinetcapecarnation, I don't know so much about Blue Devils.07:35
capecarnationclarinet, go to youtube, type in blue devils percussion and enjoy.  unreal how tight their line is.  other great ones, too.  phantom regiment, santa clara vanguard, cavaliers (rosemont, il).....07:36
clarinetcapecarnation, OK.07:37
capecarnationurfr332gO, the fingering aspect of it wasn't a problem for me.  i  have slender fingers.  it was the mouth part that gave me fits, my bite was terrible.07:38
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capecarnationhow come edubuntu was able to download everything it needs just fine for installation, and after rebooting it can't see the wired connection?07:38
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fairuzI use local mirror (setup using apt-cacher) to upgrade one of my machine from 11.10 to 12.04. In order to do that, I modified the sources.list of the machine to point to the local mirror. I have no problem with apt-get update and upgrade. But what will happen for do-release-upgrade? When the machine is upgraded to 12.04, will it re-modify the sources.list to point to precise's repo of my local mirror or the default one?07:45
chown_guys what do i do when all menu bars disappears?07:45
chown_so i cant moxe the windows applications around07:46
pyrokamileonI'm using Testdisk to try and recover my partitions and it finds both of them but when I try and undelete them both is refuses to work for me because doing so would make the structure bad07:49
pyrokamileonanyone have any ideas?07:49
bkerensanathwill: ping07:49
urfr332gOpyrokamileon, did you overwrite the partitions and use them?07:50
pyrokamileonI don't believe so07:51
phpN00bany one knows of a good Navicat alternative for Ubuntu?07:51
pyrokamileonI'm trying to help a friend out, I don't think he had a chance to use them07:51
pyrokamileonit's doing a deep scan right now so I guess I can't do much with it07:52
pyrokamileonbut at first it did find both my recovery and main system partition, they were both listed as deleted07:52
pyrokamileonwhen I tried to undelete them both testdisk wouldn't let me proceed because that would make the structure bad07:53
chown_is there a way to restart x without loosing all windows open? i mean, when x restarts again it would open all that was opened again?07:53
pyrokamileonthe first partition ends on exactly the same cylinder that the next partition begins, I'm not sure but I think they should be consecutive and not share that same number..07:53
pyrokamileonbut I'm not even sure where to look to try and figure out what to do about it!07:54
urfr332gOchown_, I have run a restart of ldm not everything running was still running.07:55
chown_urfr332gO: i see, well sometimes my windows menu bars disappears... i dont know what to do so i run rr ldm, do u think is there another way?07:56
urfr332gOchown_, have you tweaked compiz, I assume your running unity.07:56
chown_urfr332gO: yeah, im running unity. what do u mean?07:57
urfr332gOchown_, is compiz running stock?07:57
chown_urfr332gO: compiz is running to07:58
urfr332gOchown_, have you changed compiz at all?07:59
raymearshi everyone. i cloned my notebook hard drive onto a sandybridge desktop. with intel graphics.07:59
chown_urfr332gO: a little, do you think my changes are causing it?07:59
raymearsi can boot into the system, X starts after i removed the fglrx drivers and installed the intel ones from the glasen ppa08:00
raymearsbut it only supports resolutions up to 1280X102408:00
raymearsany ideas whats missing?08:00
urfr332gOchown_, probably I set mine to run the cube, regularly the window header disappear, you can install  compiz-fusion, and make a desktop launcher that will restart compiz, or just do it in the terminal.08:00
chown_urfr332gO:  oh,  so it is compiz that makes it disappear08:01
chown_urfr332gO: so by restarting compiz it would fix08:01
chown_urfr332gO: ty08:02
chown_is tehre some type of default shortcut to open terminal window?08:03
theadminchown_: ^M-T (Ctrl-Alt-T)08:04
chown_theadmin: savelifer08:05
chown_or is it lifesaver?08:05
theadminchown_: lifesaver lol08:05
chown_my english is cruel to me08:05
satishhow do i change to indian channels08:06
theadmin!in | satish08:06
ubottusatish: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India08:06
satishthank you08:06
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ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India08:07
satishhow do i get there08:07
theadminsatish: /join #ubuntu-in08:07
ndkellyRecently been getting regular Firefox crashes, related to the GLX version. Says it need to be 1.308:07
ndkellyHow would i go about updating this?08:07
ndkellyI'm running 10.04 on a Dell Mini 10v.08:08
jessiewhen i formatted my usb in starup disk this is the error im getting how to fix it unable to mount 4.1GB file system08:08
toxiccity90is it possible to install lightdm on 10.10 ubuntu?? and if so how??08:09
toxiccity90what ppa do I use or source packages??08:09
capecarnationif ubuntu and my mp3's are on separate extended partitions, will i be able to access the mp3's from ubuntu?08:09
TypedirnoI think08:09
jessie"Unable to mount 4.1 GB file system" in starup disk how to fix it08:09
ndkellycapecarnation, Yes. just navigate with Nautilus08:09
theadmincapecarnation: Sure08:10
chown_urfr332gO: well in order to enable cube, you had to disable unity, right?08:10
capecarnationi am just wondering if separating stuff with extended partitions is going 'too far', or if logical partitions is enough.  the hard drive is 500GB and I NEVER come close to using that much space.  just don't know what to do with all that space.08:10
TypedirnoK im new, whats that colon08:10
capecarnationthe thing that gets examined when you turn 40 :)08:11
urfr332gOchown_, no there are web tutorials OMGubuntu has one I think, the key is that restart cause the desktop goes crazy.08:11
Typedirnois it like "username4i: hi" "hi, username4i"08:12
auronandaceTypedirno: colon is :08:12
theadminTypedirno: Yeah, it's all the same08:12
Typedirnok like on opera08:13
toxiccity90is there a way to install lighdm on ubuntu 10.10 or 10.04?? LTS?? if so how08:13
ndkellyHow would i update my GLX version?08:14
capecarnationwhat about if i put /home, /tmp, /var and /opt all in another extended partition?  will that work?08:15
theadmincapecarnation: Sure08:16
capecarnationtoo many options :)  i just don't know how to set up this hard drive.08:16
n2diyHow can I determine what version of Xwindow I'm running?08:17
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capecarnationi was looking at the following web page and i'm just not quite sure it applies to me.  (the section giving an example of a 500GB partition scheme) -> http://content.hccfl.edu/pollock/AUnix1/Partitioning.htm08:18
capecarnationhe just gave Linux the bird ;)08:19
urfr332gO!cn | Issca08:20
ubottuIssca: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:20
Typedirnowhat freenode is this08:21
n2diyHow can I determine what version of Xwindow I'm running?08:23
n2diy! x08:24
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:24
ubuntuhow to resolve the problem of grub> after starting the ubuntu system08:25
scientesahh help, my xchat windows is rotated 45 dfdeg in a wierd08:26
scientesafter doing gnome-shell --replace in oneric08:26
scientesits like the regular window08:26
scientesbut its all wierdly rotated, but still rectangular08:26
scientesif i click on another window it goes back to normal08:27
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scientesbut as soon as I focus it goes to the wierd mode again08:27
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scientesguess that isn't supported that way...08:28
toxiccity90anyone can i install lightdm on ubuntu 10.10?? and how??08:32
jasonmspHey all.  I'm running Natty.  I've been having problems with USB devices.   They dissapear and unplugging, reseting the USB with various scripts from google searches doesn't work.  The only thing that works is reboot with the device unplugged and then plug it back in.  Any thoughts I'm at the end of my google search brain capacity.08:33
toxiccity90i guess never mind08:34
toxiccity90i figured it out myself08:34
snowrichardinstalling 11.10 on my beagleboard08:35
scientesyou should install precise instead snowrichard08:35
scientesand the armhf one08:35
scientesarmhf is much faster on those devices08:36
snowrichardwell i haven't downloaded those images yet08:36
scientesand they are two differn't arches08:36
snowrichardi had already downloaded the 11.10 ubuntu preinstalled08:36
scientesnow, with multiarch it IS possible to cross-grade08:36
scientesbut its not really sensible to do it08:36
mister2so i purged my openjdk icetea and firefox installs and reinstalled them, because loading applets crashes firefox. still does it... any ideas what could be the problem?08:37
snowrichardi installed debian squeeze with a net install it took a whole day to download the stuff08:37
mister2though i do have more updates to install, so, i'll do that and see if anything fixes itself08:38
IlianHi, I've followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Logitech_Marblemouse_USB to setup the scroll of my trackball, but now the button of my normal mouse are changed(backward button and wheel-click are switched)08:40
Ilianis there a way to set different settings for usb trackbal and ps/2 mouse?08:40
demon_sporkWhen building a .deb, how do I pass options to the configure script? dpkg-buildpackage just uses the default options and I don't see any way to pass the flags I want to the configure script08:45
theadmindemon_spork: ./configure --your-options && make && sudo checkinstall08:45
bezgois this for servers or is it just the chat server08:46
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sharpKhow can I enter a password into the login screen for 11.10 from SSH?08:46
demon_sporktheadmin, and then I run the dpkg-buildpackage or do I need to do something different than that?08:46
oCeanbezgo: this is ubuntu technical support. #ubuntu-offtopic is for social chat, #ubuntu-server is specific server help08:47
theadmindemon_spork: checkinstall will build the deb08:47
weeb1eHi everyone, every 24 hours when nginx rotates its logs my tail script running under a user account gets a permission error. Can anyone tell me how I can make the log file always readable from users that are not root?08:47
theadmindemon_spork: It's the way you do it nowadays08:47
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sharpKhow can I enter a password into the login screen for 11.10 from SSH?08:48
demon_sporksharpK, ssh prompts for password usually won't show you typing it, not even *, just type out the password and press enter it should accept it08:49
demon_sporkeven though it looks like nothing is showing up08:50
sharpKtried it, but still a blank password field with a blinking cursor and no go...08:50
hex20decHi everyone, I've setup SPF record from this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix/SPF     and when I check the header in Gmail it's strill neutral. How do I get it to say "Pass"?08:51
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StevenCodes22sup Nexus608:55
StevenCodes22sup the-newsman2  *08:55
adyhow can i move a folder ?08:55
adyinto invisible folder?08:56
nibbierady mv folder .folder08:56
sharpKis there a specific ssh command for keyboard input ?08:56
adyah ty08:56
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adyis there a copy command?08:57
hex20decady cp08:57
nibbierady: if the first character is a dot "." its considered hidden08:57
aleale97aA dot first08:57
calicohi guys, i need  to edit /etc/default/grub08:58
calicocould someone please tell me how do i do that08:58
nibbiercalico, chose your weapon (vi, vim, nano, gedit etc), if its a cli tool prepend su, if its a gui tool prepend gksudo, and add the path to the file afterwards - there is your command. eg: sudo vim /etc/default/grub09:00
Shirakawasuna2I haven't used compiz in a long time (running xubuntu here). Is the emerald settings thing still the proper way to change themes?09:02
theadminShirakawasuna2: No, it's not, Emerald's dead09:02
hex20decnibbier: vi and vim is the same thing.09:02
theadminhex20dec: They're not09:02
Shirakawasuna2theadmin: what do I want instead?09:02
theadminhex20dec: vim has much more features than vi09:02
theadminShirakawasuna2: Well, uh, not sure, haven't used compiz in a long time either09:03
calicotnx nibbier09:03
demon_sporkoh geez, I just wanted to build the package to install on another system, I didn't need it installed on the system that was compiling it09:03
demon_sporkoh wells09:03
vubuntor753is exists the way to recovery file deleted by find command with -delete argument09:03
caliconibbier, do you know if i could add second line duplicating GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= but with different value09:04
theadminvubuntor753: There's no real way to recover files sanely. You can try e2undel, foremost, photorec...09:04
theadmincalico: No, just modify the kernel lines themselves09:04
theadmindemon_spork: Sorry about that, checkinstall has an option to just build too though09:05
Ilianhow can I find the current attached mouse identifer?09:05
calicotheadmin, because I edit this in order to be able to change the brightness on my laptop GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quite splash acpi_osi="  but now I need to add this GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pcie_aspm=force i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1"09:05
theadmincalico: Combine the two, as in: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pcie_aspm=force i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i195_enable_fbc=1 acpi_osi="09:06
vubuntor753i tried "find /media/Document/ *.db -type f -delete" with no -name09:07
vubuntor753and ..........09:07
theadminvubuntor753: Well, you can likely use photorec. db files are berkeley databases, right?09:08
theadminvubuntor753: I think it should be able to recover those, at least partially.09:08
vubuntor753i used getdataback for ntfs09:09
vubuntor753but ....09:09
calicothanks theadmin09:09
theadminvubuntor753: I tell you try photorec, it recovers almost everything. Might be a little damaged, ESPECIALLY text files, but it works nicely other than that09:09
linociscoI have dual boot ubuntu and windows7. on laptop. I deleted my ubuntu partitions from windows7 and now it didn't boot ended with Grub error. my CD drive is also not working. how could I fix with which command to make windows7 boot09:10
linociscoI have dual boot ubuntu and windows7. on laptop. I deleted my ubuntu partitions from windows7 and now it didn't boot ended with Grub error. my CD drive is also not working. how could I fix with which command to make windows7 boot?09:10
vubuntor753linocisco: use mbrfix09:11
L3topboot to rescue09:12
novataxlinocisco : fix it with windows 7 installer repair options09:12
L3topbeen a while09:12
L3topfixmbr,   might possibly have to run fixboot as well... but try it without first09:13
vubuntor753linocisco: boot to mini window XP on hirenboot09:16
vubuntor753use bootsect command09:17
L3topI dunno about live xp to win7 bootsect...09:18
L3topI would use the 7 dvd and fixmbr09:18
vubuntor753linocisco: use grub4dos4.409:18
vubuntor753to use09:18
calicoI'm stuck in a tutorial because of this:09:19
calicocalico@ubuntu:/tmp/acpi_call$ lscpi -vnnn | grep VGA09:19
calicoNo command 'lscpi' found, did you mean:09:19
calico Command 'lscpu' from package 'util-linux' (main)09:19
calico Command 'lscp' from package 'nilfs-tools' (universe)09:19
calico Command 'lspci' from package 'pciutils' (main)09:19
FloodBot1calico: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:19
L3toplspci -vnnn | grep VGA09:20
L3topI would think it was -vnn09:20
L3topbut whatever09:20
calicooh, there's a mistake in the tutorial itself i see thank you09:20
bluefrogL3top, just that apparently lspci doesn't like pipe to grep09:22
UnknownCoderhi, i want to install lubuntu alongside to an existing win 7 installation on my notebook09:22
UnknownCoderi tried this installation on a virtual box system without any problem09:22
Wingedeis unity 5.0 available for 11.10?09:22
L3topit does09:22
L3topI do it quite a bit09:22
theadminWingede: Nope09:22
UnknownCodernow i made a cd from iso and want to install it like i does in my virtual box09:22
UnknownCoderbut the install-cd doesn't find my existing win 709:23
UnknownCoderso it offers me to erase the whole hdd09:23
bluefrogL3top, indeed the command is faulty  lscpi instead of lspci09:23
Wingedetheadmin: doh, guess another vm to have a looksie at 12.04 then09:23
UnknownCoderehat have i made wrong09:23
L3toproot@l3top:/home/mcc/lmce-test# lspci -nn | grep VGA09:23
L3top00:02.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:27a2] (rev 03)09:23
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MacroManAnyone know how to start the Network Connections GUI as root?09:24
calico:S I'm stuck again, bash: ./test_off.sh: Permission denied09:24
calico   and sudo doesn't work too09:24
MacroManMy default connection isn't showing my connections09:24
L3topsudo su09:24
theadmincalico: chmod +x test_off.sh09:25
L3topthats it09:25
theadminL3top: Never use "sudo su", it breaks the environment09:25
L3topexit sudo su09:25
FloodBot1L3top: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:25
MacroManIs there like a 'sudo network-connections' or something?09:25
calicotheadmin, sudo su doesn't work anyway :S09:26
bambanxguys i am using a mobile usb modem , and i have problem with it, i insert on my laptop and work but them ubuntu disconnect it, other times when i insert on the usb ubuntu dont recognize it , what can i do? (sorry for my bad english :) )09:26
theadmincalico: As I said, make the file executable: chmod +x filename09:26
L3topwhat do you mean by breaks the environment? In that it doesnt carry the env settings?09:27
calicoTrying \_SB.PCI0.P0P1.VGA._OFF: ./test_off.sh: line 34: /proc/acpi/call: Permission denied09:27
calicocat: /proc/acpi/call: Permission denied09:27
calicothe three lines are pasted i typed only the dots09:28
L3topcalico now run as sudo09:28
L3topsudo ./test_off.sh09:29
L3topnow that it is executable09:29
MacroManAnyone know the command to start the Network Connections gui as root/sudo?09:29
theadminMacroMan: Why would you need that?09:29
calicodo you have an idea what this means09:29
calicoTrying \_SB.PCI0.P0P1.VGA._OFF: failed09:29
calicoTrying \_SB.PCI0.P0P2.VGA._OFF: works!09:29
calicocause it's the same, just failed / works09:29
MacroManWhen I start the GUI as me (from the menu) it doesn't show my network connection09:29
L3topone is POP1 and one is POP209:30
MacroManI need to set a static IP, which is much easier from the GUI09:30
calicooh! i'm like disabled visually today...09:30
calicothanks again09:30
theadminMacroMan: That probably means it doesn't see your network card, that's all -- configuring from CLI is more senseful anyway09:30
bluefrogMacroMan, edit connections then09:30
theadminOr yeah add a connection if you have no dhcp09:31
MacroManI'm already connected via DHCP, but I can't see the connection to edit it09:31
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MacroManSo I assumed that I would be able to see it if I run the GUI as root09:31
almoxarifeMacroMan: you do see the connection icon?09:32
bluefrogMacroMan, right click on the network manager icon and choose edit connections09:32
MacroManYes, done that. My connection doesn't show!09:32
MacroManJust an empty list09:32
calicoL3top, so this is what the tutorial says, but I don't have the slightest idea how to interpret that, can you help09:32
calico$ lscpi -vnnn | grep VGA # Check status here09:32
calico$ ./test_off.sh # Check for any line that says "it works"09:32
calico$ lspci -vnnn | grep VGA # Check with result of above09:32
MacroManBut I am online, chatting here right now09:32
bluefrogMacroMan, what is written in /etc/network/interfaces ?09:33
almoxarifeMacroMan: did you make changes to network-manager?09:33
MacroManI haven't made any changes. New computer 2 months ago and I've never edited the network settings. I just plugged the ethernet cable in when I first switched it on and it worked fine09:35
UnknownCoderhi folks09:35
UnknownCoderi have a problem with my dualboot install09:35
bluefrogMacroMan, http://pastebin.com/3q0Gu2dA09:35
UnknownCoderi tried to install lubuntu alongside to my existing win7 installation09:35
UnknownCoderi tried this before in a virtual box without any problems09:35
bluefrogMacroMan, and if you dind't play with connections, someone did for you...09:36
UnknownCoderbut nowwhen i am booting from a cd the installer only offers me to erase the whole disk09:36
UnknownCoderinstead of finding my existing windows09:36
MacroManbluefrog, won't that knock out my connection?09:36
UnknownCoderwhats the problem?09:36
ArtificialMy Ubuntu box isn't booting up properly - all of a sudden it's just stopped working. On boot, it gets to the Ubuntu loading screen, and then after about 1-2s the screen just goes black. Does anyone have any ideas?09:36
UnknownCoderhave i done anything wrong?09:36
MacroManNo, I installed Ubunutu on this machine myself. The only thing network related I edited was the iptables09:37
bambanxguys i am using a mobile usb modem , and i have problem with it, i insert on my laptop and work but them ubuntu disconnect it, other times when i insert on the usb ubuntu dont recognize it , what can i do? (sorry for my bad english :) )09:37
bluefrogMacroMan, it shouldn't but then your network-manager should take care of everything09:37
MacroManbluefrog, so my network manager will restore the correct settings?09:37
almoxarifebluefrog: it would close the current connections and restart09:37
bluefrogMacroMan, no. it will just manage eth0 which it doesn't do right now09:38
n00gieUnknownCoder: is there an option for manual partitioning?09:38
MacroManah ok thanks09:38
UnknownCodern00gie, yes09:38
bluefrogMacroMan, anyway from scratch  install  you only have the loopback device in that file09:39
almoxarifeMacroMan: you did something with iptables, did you change how your network was managed?09:39
UnknownCodern00gie, but i thought it will be more secure if the installer founds both by itself09:39
calicocould someone please help with this part of a tutorial, I don't understand it09:40
calicocould anybody help with this part of a tutuorial09:40
calico<calico> $ lscpi -vnnn | grep VGA # Check status here09:40
calico<calico> $ ./test_off.sh # Check for any line that says "it works"09:40
calico<calico> $ lspci -vnnn | grep VGA # Check with result of above09:40
calico<calico> i don't understand that...09:40
FloodBot1calico: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:40
UnknownCodern00gie, i have allready created an empty partition09:41
UnknownCoderas i did before in my virtual box09:41
UnknownCoderbut i don't understand why the installer couldn't find the esiting win, i am afraid of that i will damage my windows install, but i need it for my work09:42
ArtificialWhen I try to boot in to Ubuntu, the screen goes black. Where would the system logs be located where I can see exactly whats going wrong?09:42
jpmeniljust installed ubuntu precise on guest kvm09:44
n00gieUnknownCoder: you need to create a 'swap' partition and a '/' partition, IIRC. make sure you leave the windows partition untouched09:45
n00giethen it should be ok09:45
jpmeniland can't find virtio_net module in imahe
oCeanjpmenil: Precise/12.04 is not yet released (still alpha). Please /join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion09:45
UnknownCodern00gie, the problem is, that the partition manager shows me that the whoole disk is empty09:45
jpmenilyep, thnaks ;)09:45
UnknownCoderso i could not create a partition without loosing data09:45
n00gieUnknownCoder: hmmm. something is wrong then.09:45
UnknownCoderyeah i think so, but i don''t know what it ist09:46
UnknownCoderif i start the live system09:46
UnknownCoderand watch the filesystem09:46
n00giewhat version of ubuntu?09:46
UnknownCoderthen i can see the files from the win-partition09:46
fairuz I use local mirror (setup using apt-cacher) to upgrade one of my machine from 11.10 to 12.04. In order to do that, I modified the sources.list of the machine to point to the local mirror. I have no problem with apt-get update and upgrade. But what will happen for do-release-upgrade? When the machine is upgraded to 12.04, will it re-modify the sources.list to point to precise's repo of my local mirror or will it be modified to the default one?09:46
UnknownCoderlubutnu 11.1009:47
n00gieUnknownCoder: unmount the filesystem before you start the installer09:47
UnknownCoderbut i start the installer without mounting anything09:47
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n00giefairuz it will probably be the default one.09:48
UnknownCoderok i try to get into the live system now09:48
UnknownCoderand then unmount the fs09:48
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n00gieUnknownCoder: it lists the entire drive as unpartitioned?09:48
UnknownCoderyeah as empty space09:48
toxiccity90hi im getting this error when trying to run lightdm no background just black screen. here is debug log file [+0.03s] DEBUG: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log09:48
toxiccity90[+0.03s] DEBUG: Starting Light Display Manager 0.3.2, PID=116309:48
toxiccity90[+0.03s] DEBUG: Loaded configuration from /etc/lightdm.conf09:48
toxiccity90[+0.03s] DEBUG: Loading display default-display09:48
toxiccity90[+0.03s] DEBUG: Logging to /var/log/lightdm/:0.log09:48
FloodBot1toxiccity90: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:48
toxiccity90[+0.03s] DEBUG: Starting on /dev/tty709:49
UnknownCoderonly in the livesystem i can see the files09:49
n00gietoxiccity90: use a pastebin when you want to share logs09:49
fairuzn00gie: So I need to re-modify the sources.list to point it to the local mirror after upgrading?09:49
n00giefairuz you can copy the file out and restore it afterwards09:49
fairuzn00gie: But if I restore it afterwards, it will be sources list for oneiric (local mirror) right?09:50
toxiccity90getting this error when trying to use lightdm black screen. here is log file for lightdm http://pastie.org/349513509:51
n00giefairuz yea, generally you can do a search and replace to replace 'oneiric' with whatever the new nickname is09:51
ubuntuplz reply the above question09:52
fairuzn00gie: Ok good enough for me. I'm just wondering what will the upgrade process do. Replace the sources.list with a new one, or just take the old sources.list and replace oneiric by precise.09:52
fairuzIf it's the latter, I don't have to modify teh sources.list after the upgrade09:53
n00giefairuz you may be safer to remove your own customizations to the sources.list. i think the upgrade does a search and replace but i am not sure.09:54
soreau! 12.04 | fairuz09:54
ubottufairuz: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 - Blueprints at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:54
fairuzsoreau: My question is not specific to 12.0409:55
UnknownCodern00gie, thank you for your help so far, but i have to leave. i'll come back later if i need further help09:55
n00gieUnknownCoder: sure.09:55
jiffe1how can I fix a directory that appears corrupt ? (can't ls or rm -r it, the commands just hang), fsck didn't find any problems with the disk09:55
fairuzn00gie: I will just try then :). Will take a bit of time to reinstall oneiric and re-upgrade, but worth the knowledge. Thanks!09:56
soreau<fairuz>  I use local mirror (setup using apt-cacher) to upgrade one of my machine from 11.10 to 12.04.....09:56
bambanxanyone wanna be my ubuntu friend?09:56
fairuzsoreau: Well I can change the question *from 11.04 to 11.1009:56
bluefrogjiffe1 what's the error message with ls?09:56
fairuzMy question is related to the upgrade process.09:57
soreaufairuz: #ubuntu+109:57
ArtificialDoes anyone know where I sohuld look if Ubuntu doesn't boot properly? It doesn't get passed the loading screen, it quickly goes black09:57
soreauArtificial: Have you tried nomodeset? what graphics card is it?09:57
bluefrogArtificial, boot in recovery mode (network mode) and have a look at the logs or just apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade09:58
ArtificialI have a radeon 695009:58
ArtificialUsing amd catalyst09:58
Ho^OhAny suggestions on how I can resolve this issue? My unity launcher icons are spread far apart, has annoying progress bar on it.09:58
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sharpKwould you say debian is more stable than ubuntu?10:03
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Artificialbluefrog, update and dist-upgrade did nothing, any specific logs I should be looking at?10:03
AboodasharpK: I would say Ubuntu is quite stable when used with the right DE. In my experience, KDE is nicht gut.10:03
sharpKAbooda: is unity the right DE? because I am on IRC every single day with random hickups and errors, it's like windows 98....10:04
sharpKgranted, I'm new to all this, but still quite time-consuming...10:04
AboodaI am on Gnome 2.x, haven't moved to Unity10:05
AboodasharpK: what problems are you having? what do you get when you put "top" in a commandline? which programs eat your resources?10:05
bluefrogArtificial, then from recovery mode I would add a test user (password test) and try to log in with that one. user.log10:06
Artificialbluefrog I don't get to the log in screen10:06
bluefrogArtificial, to add a user: adduser test10:06
ArtificialI'm logged in via command line at the moment10:06
sharpKI wish I could tell you that right now, but my ubuntu box isn't starting up and giving me a "Checking battery state.... [ OK ]" without ever loading, tried the [SOLVED] community post but it's still giving me the error...10:06
bluefrogArtificial, oh thought you entered your credentials and then black screen..10:06
ArtificialIts literally as soon as it gets past grub and you see the ubuntu loading screen10:07
ArtificialFor 1 second or so10:07
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sharpKthough past errors have included xbmc freezing up the whole system, multi monitor setup being a nightmare, and various other things that havne't been smooth though seem like they should be (maybe I am spoiled coming from windows 7)10:07
AboodasharpK: try loading a previous kernel? or can you not even get that far? did this happen just after installing Unity?10:07
ActionParsnipsharpK: not had any of those issues here10:08
sharpKabooda: this just happenned right now after rebooting... not exactly sure how/why...10:08
bluefrogArtificial, syslog, dmesg, kern.log10:08
ActionParsnipsharpK: my media pc which works 100% OOTB, took 2 hours to find sound drivers and crank the page file...10:08
Artificialbluefrog, thanks - I'll take a look10:08
sharpKactionparsnip, what do you use for your multimonitor setup? I used the nvidia control panel which gave me lots of random errors/hickups...10:08
bluefrogArtificial, and if you have the choice of different kernel, try booting using a previous one10:08
AboodasharpK: you've probably done something wrong with your hardware setup .... this is not a Ubuntu issue. Do you get the chance to load a previous kernel?10:08
Artificialbluefrog, tried that - tried booting in to all of them, same issue10:09
sharpKabooda: how would one load a previous kernel? (I can SSH into it and issue terminal commands)10:09
AboodasharpK: no no, when you first boot, you get a list of kernels loaded, like choosing "safe mode"10:09
AboodasharpK: can you use safe mode?10:09
sharpKAbooda: let me restart and try to catch it10:09
ActionParsnipsharpK: not use multimonitor. I have 1 monitor for 4 systems :)10:10
ActionParsnipsharpK: if I did though, i'd use an nvidia gpu10:10
ActionParsnipsharpK: you may need to run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    to get things started10:10
sharpKabooda: weird, this restart it went through... it comes and goes like that, sometimes freezing on the checking battery, then I wait like 10 minutes, restart, and boots into unity...10:11
Thefallenangelwhat's mean of the ubuntu10:12
CommaCrazyHey all, I have a problem. In the Update Manager I have "Unity appmenu integration for FireFox" that does not want to update, I can't select it and I can't remove it10:12
AboodasharpK: is this the first time it happened? try going through what ActionParsnip said ... see if it helps for later.10:12
CommaCrazyany suggestions would be most appreciated10:12
sharpKActionParsnip, unless I'm mistaken it has a GUI which I've used to configure a bunch of settings (using a monitor + a TV output), but it was super messy, especially with xbmc, and I would always get hangups and frozen systems...10:12
sharpKabooda: will do thanks10:12
jiffe1bluefrog: no error message, it just hangs10:12
bluefrogjiffe1, only on a certain folder? l for all other folders works?10:13
ActionParsnipsharpK: you may need an xorg.conf file to steady things off, if you run nvidia-settings with gksudo, you can then export the settings to the file and it may help10:13
ActionParsnipsharpK: not sure about xbmc with stability, its a 3rd party app so not supported here10:14
sharpKactionparsnip, possibly, but speaking of the devil, I just booted into unity, an error that goes below the screen (can't press close) with all the "trying mode resolutionxresolution pass 0 failures", the system is haning and I can see the mouse move but can't do anything...10:15
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bluefrogjiffe1 are you using NFS?10:15
ActionParsnipsharpK: what nvidia GPU do you have?10:15
n00giesharpK: you need to use nvidia's tool for multi-monitor setup10:15
n00gienvidia does not support xrandr, and so standard desktop tools don't support it10:16
sharpKActionParsnip some entry-level geforce card from like a year or two back...10:16
sharpKdon't recall the exact model...10:16
n00giesharpK: what error messages did you get?10:16
sharpKn00gie: that's what I am using and got the error....10:16
ActionParsnipsharpK: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc10:16
bluefrogjiffe1, and lastly how many folder/files do you think you have in there?10:17
sharpKn00gie: could not apply the stored configurtion for monitors none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes: trying modes for CRTC 354: and then a humongous list that goes off screen of different resolutions and hertz....10:17
sharpKActionParsnip: let me try that through ssh.... (can't do anything on the ubuntu box but see the error and the mouse move)10:17
n00giesharpK: what monitors and what kind of connection are you using?10:17
sharpKActionParsnip: oneiric10:18
bluefrogjiffe1 and you could strace to in case there is something obvious in the output (you may be lucky)  strace ls10:18
ActionParsnipsharpK: and if you run:  lspci | grep -i vga   what GPU is it?10:18
sharpKn00gie: one is an LCD (vga I think), and the other is a panasonic tv (hdmi)...10:18
n00giesharpK: what resolutions do they support?10:19
sharpK01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 220] (rev a2)10:19
ActionParsnipsharpK: you could try the xorg edgers update ppa (less fresh more stable)10:19
n00giesharpK: sometimes TVs lie about being 1080p.10:19
sharpKn00gie, I am pretty sure standard resolutions for the lcd (can't recall exactly) and the tv is 1080p (worked with windows, at least)10:20
ActionParsnipand with TVs smaller than 40" you won't see much difference10:20
n00giesharpK: what resolutions did you try to assign to each of the displays?10:20
n00giesharpK: there is no standard resolution for lcd.10:20
sharpKn00gie: whatever had them actually working when I was messing with the nivida control panel... I got it to work but at the cost of stability it seemed, especially when running xbmc on one of them and using the other...10:22
sharpKn00gie: I know, but I can't recall exactly, it's a non-widescreen LCD, probably something like 1024x768 since it's pretty small10:22
pw-toxicim on my notebook, and my display gets very dark after about 10-30 seconds of inactivity.. this is annoying. how can i disable this?10:22
sharpKactionparsnip: would it be a good idea to do a reformat/reinstall of ubuntu, not sure i installed a lot of these drivers proerply and may have some really bad settings if you say your operation's smooth...10:23
n00giesharpK: you installd the nvidia drivers from ubuntu repositories yea?10:23
n00giesharpK: also, try setting the displays to slightly lower resolutins than you know they support.10:23
n00giesee if that works10:23
hex20decI just wanted to share this song that is stuck in my head for the past 2 days. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcm55lU9knw&feature=share10:23
sharpKn00gie whatever apt-get was on the community forums (or someone gave me here on IRC)10:23
oCeanhex20dec: please don't post such links here10:25
sharpKtrying to restart unity with "unity" over SSH and I'm getting: unity-panel-service: no process found10:25
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n00giesharpK: did you connect with X forwarding?10:27
sharpKn00gie not sure, let me try and see in putty settings10:27
n00giesharpK: anyway, why would you want to restart unity via ssh?10:28
Guest85050hi all im just about to try an update my BIOS using the dellBiosUpdate only im running from livecd as i have no HDD, and the guide im using as a reference http://bigbrovar.wordpress.com/2008/12/07/upgrade-downgrade-your-dell-bios-on-ubuntu/ says i need to add reboot=bios to my menu.lst ? is this needed or can i update using livecd ? thanks..10:28
sharpKn00gie cause the whole thing is hung up... I can move my mouse and see that giant error, but can't actually do anything... and I'm scared to restart so I don't get that "checking battery state [OK]" deal again which freezes on boot...10:28
n00gieGuest85050: you cannot do it from a livecd.10:29
CommaCrazyHey all, I have a problem. In the Update Manager I have "Unity appmenu integration for FireFox" that does not want to update, I can't select it and I can't remove it10:29
CommaCrazyany suggestions would be most appreciated10:29
Guest85050n00gie, ? not at all ?10:29
n00gieGuest85050: yes, because the changes you make to that file wiwll be lost when you reboot.10:30
n00gieGuest85050: which means they won't allow you to boot in the appropriate mode.10:31
opalepatrickHaving trouble with a canon mp550 printer. The printer is recognised, the driver chosen from the db, it appears to process for print and complete, but nothing happens at the printer. Had this running with other linux distros10:31
n00gieopalepatrick: you may need proprietary firmware10:31
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 - Blueprints at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:32
Guest85050i see, so im going to have to find something to install ubuntu onto before i can install the updates!, thanks n00gie10:32
opalepatrickn00gie, it is poss, I forced this from a driver spewcific download form canon australia. Maybe I am missing something10:32
precisepangolinwhen will precise pangolin be on beta?10:32
ShirakawasunaI want to install the precise pangolin version of compiz, and very little else. Is there a reasonable way to do this in general outside of installing packages manually/hoping for a ppa?10:32
n00gieGuest85050: if windows is running on the machine, yous houdl be able to install from windows10:32
n00gieget an appropriate bios update tool for windows, Guest8505010:33
Guest85050windows lol, thats about the only os i have'nt got available lol, no worries,10:33
oCeanprecisepangolin: actuall today/tomorrow (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule) further discussion of 12.04 is in #ubuntu+1, not here10:34
n00gieopalepatrick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=865528710:34
L0k3yhello hello10:35
L0k3yI have a question and I was hoping someone could help me out.  I just setup backtrack 5 on a triple boot machine.  The install order was windows 7, ubuntu and finally backtrack 510:35
oCeanrootss333: do you have an actual question?10:36
opalepatrickthanks n00gie - that was what I followed but I just realised that some of the dependencies listed are inf fact important. Thanks for sending me back there :-)10:36
L0k3yi setup grub in ubuntu.  now I am trying to update backtrack 5 R1 to R2 per the instructions on their home page, but during the dist-upgrade process the install is failing because the postinst hook script cannot complete update-grub10:36
ActionParsnipL0k3y: what's the issue?10:36
ActionParsnipL0k3y: backtrack isn't supported here10:36
precisepangolinif i download x64 edition will it run x86 code?10:38
precisepangolin... like in windows?10:38
n00gieprecisepangolin: yes.10:38
precisepangolinn00gie, any performance issues between the two of them?10:38
n00gieprecisepangolin: you will need to install relevant 32-bit libraries10:38
n00gien00gie: not really. x86 and amd64 don't differ too much.10:39
precisepangolini have i64, does it work?10:39
n00giewhat is i64?10:39
precisepangolinIntel x6410:39
n00giewhat processor? core i3? i5? i7?10:39
ActionParsnipn00gie: itanium10:39
n00gien00gie: doesn't it support amd64?10:40
precisepangolincore 2 :D10:40
frenkieit does10:40
n00gieprecisepangolin: well, its amd64.10:40
n00gieprecisepangolin: and amd64 can run 32 bit code perfectly. you will simply install 32-bit libraries. skype on ubuntu for instance, is a 32-bit app.10:40
precisepangolinhow bout compability issues?10:41
n00giejust run your apps already. there are no issues.10:41
ActionParsnipn00gie: there is a 64bit skype deb in the skype site10:41
n00gieActionParsnip: the point was just to demonstrate that it is possible to run 32 bit apps in a 64-bit ubuntu.10:42
ActionParsnipn00gie: oh absolutely, it can get messy but its possible10:42
precisepangolindoes lubuntu work with wubi installer?10:42
ActionParsnipprecisepangolin: i believe so10:42
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ActionParsnipprecisepangolin: the guys in #lubuntu will be better to ask ;)10:47
precisepangolinubuntu for android - where?10:48
popeyprecisepangolin: not available yet10:48
ActionParsnipprecisepangolin: there is very little on it, its not available yet. The omgubuntu site has as much as anyone knows10:48
precisepangolinWhere's the repo?10:49
ActionParsnipprecisepangolin: repo for what?10:49
precisepangolinnightly buildsS?10:49
ActionParsnipprecisepangolin: builds of what?10:49
precisepangolinubuntu app for android10:49
ActionParsnipprecisepangolin: its not available10:50
precisepangolinso it's closed source?10:50
ActionParsnipprecisepangolin: its only in dev right now, its open source10:50
ActionParsnipprecisepangolin: there is #ubuntu-phone where you can discuss and speculate the project but there isn't much on it right now10:50
ActionParsnipprecisepangolin: when you ask for information, try giving full details rather than just a few words, it makes things a LOT quicker and people don't have to milk tiny fragments of info from you10:51
root`zhourui_: helo10:51
ActionParsniproot`: not wise to irc as root, dude10:52
precisepangolinok ActionParsnip, sorry10:53
Shirakawasunawhat's the general situation with ARM? Let's say I have a tcl app I require (which I do), which is basically a massive script that is run with the tcl package. Under the oneiric package info, it says it's available for all architectures. Can I expect my app to (probably) run?10:55
KaltizCould I get some help installing Ubuntu :/10:58
calicowhat do you mean... :)10:58
calicoim a noob too but its quite easy10:58
KaltizI am having some unexpected troubles10:59
ActionParsnip!arm | Shirakawasuna may help10:59
ubottuShirakawasuna may help: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.10:59
KaltizI have downloaded the 64 bit version from the ubuntu sight10:59
Shirakawasunahmm,already read the wiki10:59
KaltizI used pen drive linux to put it onto a usb11:00
ActionParsnipShirakawasuna: did you stop by at #ubuntu-arm ?11:00
KaltizThen booted from the USB11:00
Shirakawasunanope, I'll try that11:00
ActionParsnipKaltiz: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?11:00
KaltizNot sure what an MD5 test is11:00
KaltizAlso the boot menu is exteremely different from what I've seen in screenshots11:01
ActionParsnip!md5 | Kaltiz11:01
ubottuKaltiz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:01
KaltizIt is black, with 2 ubuntu logos one at the top and one at the bottom O.o11:02
Kaltiznot the purple one I've seen screenshotted11:02
ActionParsnipKaltiz: you haven't tested your image, so it could be damaged11:02
CommaCrazyQ: In the Update Manager I have "Unity appmenu integration for FireFox" that does not want to update, I can't select it and I can't remove it11:04
KaltizThey are the same11:04
ActionParsnipCommaCrazy: close it and run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade    use http://pastie.org to give the output. Thanks11:04
ActionParsnipKaltiz: cool, ok what GPU do you use?11:05
KaltizRadeon 565011:05
ActionParsnipKaltiz: try the boot option: nomodeset11:05
KaltizHow do I do that?11:05
FreddyJuniorI have Ubuntu 11.10 on this laptop and I have plugged my USB key into my laptop... now I opened the Terminal and did   cd /media with everything being okay... but then I did  cd my stuff  and it said   bash: cd: mystuff: No such file or directory11:05
KaltizAll the guides are off because my ubuntu boot looks nothing like any of the ones I've found11:06
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Kaltiz11:06
ubottuKaltiz: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:06
ActionParsnipFreddyJunior: use tab to complete the folder11:06
FreddyJuniorand i am 100% sure that there _is_ a dir named mystuff on my USB key... so wht is wrong?  the properties of the usb key say  Location: /media11:07
ActionParsnipFreddyJunior: if you run:  cd /media; ls   do you see the folder?11:08
ActionParsnipFreddyJunior: ok then type:   cd   then press TAB to complete the folder name11:08
hithurHey guys, is it a good move/idea to simply run dist upgrade to use unity 5 to resolve issues I'm currently facing in unity 4.28? My unity launcher icons are abnormally spaced apart from other launcher icons, and they each have a progress bar on it. Even dash.11:08
SeySayuxDoes anyone know of a Mac-like GTK theme that doesn't look like total crap?11:08
ActionParsniphithur: i'd ask in #ubuntu+111:09
hithurSeySayux: For which desktop environment?11:09
ActionParsnipSeySayux: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc11:09
hithurThe problem seem to appear since I install pidgin-libnotify11:10
SeySayuxhithur: Does that matter?11:10
hithurSeySayux: Yea it does. Themes works in certain desktop environment..11:10
SeySayuxhithur: Isn't it the same for all GTK+ applications?11:10
hithurNot exactly.11:11
ActionParsnipSeySayux: can you give the output of the command I gaveand I may be able to find how-tos11:11
SeySayuxActionParsnip: oneiric11:11
ActionParsnipSeySayux: have you seen the macbuntu script?11:12
SeySayuxActionParsnip: sec, let me check that11:12
ActionParsnipSeySayux: and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFJYTu4kSRQ11:13
ActionParsnipSeySayux: http://ubuntuguide.net/install-macbuntu-to-make-ubuntu-11-04-unity-look-like-mac-os-x11:13
SeySayuxOh, mac4lin, I found that, but I'd like a Lion theme, not a Snow Leopard theme.11:14
ActionParsnipSeySayux: macbuntu too11:15
SeySayuxActionParsnip: That's Snow Leopard as well.11:15
ActionParsnipSeySayux: i don't know the difference11:16
ActionParsnipSeySayux: you could always tweak the files11:16
SeySayuxActionParsnip: Buttons and scrollbars look differently.11:16
Hulkerinhowhen i plug in my USB key in Ubuntu 11.10 and then do  cd /media  in the Terminal and then  ls   i don't see any of my directories in my usb drive... and i do have them... so what's wrong?11:16
ActionParsnipSeySayux: then install the theme, then tweak it11:16
ActionParsnipHulkerinho: is the partition healthy?11:16
ActionParsnipHulkerinho: what format is the partition? When did you last check it's health?11:17
Hulkerinhoit is fat3211:17
SeySayuxActionParsnip: I'm not really that much of a GTK+ themer or artist...11:17
ActionParsnipHulkerinho: when you last unplugged the device, what steps did you take?11:17
Hulkerinhoi used the Safely remove the device11:17
Hulkerinhoit was unplugged yesterday11:18
ActionParsnipHulkerinho: if you run:  mount    what is output. Use a PASTEBIN to hold the output please11:18
nucc1how can i run ubuntu's restricted drivers manager from the command line?11:18
Hulkerinhothe machine was rebooted 2 times since11:18
ActionParsnipnucc1: gksudo jockey-gtk11:18
ShirakawasunaHulkerinho: /media should list only your usb drive, not its subfolders, assuming it mounted11:18
Hulkerinhodo i run mount in the /media dir?11:19
xxxCryptoxxxHello, Good Morning... I've been looking at the stat() structure and I seen there was a type in there called __mode_t so I went looking for it. I noticed inside #include <bits/types.h> /* For __mode_t and __dev_t.  */ So, I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 and I go searching after this Include/bits/types.h Come to find out its not there. I do a whereis types.h and get bukkas... Anyone know why? After11:19
xxxCryptoxxxsearching google I found bits/types.h and found __mode_t but I want to know how to do it inside my own damn terminal.11:19
ShirakawasunaHulkerinho: what does ls /media say?11:19
SeySayuxActionParsnip: http://arstechnica.com/apple/reviews/2011/07/mac-os-x-10-7.ars/3 -- mouse over to see the difference11:19
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Hulkerinhols /media says   DE7B-2F1711:19
ShirakawasunaHulkerinho: what does ls /media/DE7B-2F17 say?11:20
Hulkerinhonow i see my folders!11:20
Hulkerinhols /media/DE7B-2F17/mystuff  is tht how i should access the stuff on my usb?11:21
Hulkerinhoby including the DE7B-2F17 part right?11:21
ActionParsnipSeySayux: thats such a tiny difference...11:21
ShirakawasunaHulkerinho: /media/DE7B-2F17 is your card, yep!11:21
Hulkerinhook great11:21
Hulkerinhothanks a bunch11:21
ShirakawasunaHulkerinho: It should also show up in the file manager11:21
xxxCryptoxxxError in text above -- I noticed inside sys/stat.h that it said #include <bits/types.h> /* For __mode_t and __dev_t.  */11:21
Hulkerinhoyeah it does11:21
SeySayuxActionParsnip: Let me assure you it's quite noticable when put next to each other.11:22
Hulkerinhoi just didn't know the DE7B-2F17 part was imortant :)11:22
ShirakawasunaHulkerinho: yep :D. /media is where all mounted media gets thrown, including CDs and such11:22
Hulkerinhothanks Shirakawasuna11:22
Shirakawasunaso there's separate names11:22
SeySayuxActionParsnip: I'm running Ubuntu seamless in a VM on Mac OS X, so yea, they're next to each other.11:22
Shirakawasunano problem Hulkerinho!11:22
ActionParsnipSeySayux: just have to keep digging, doesn't look like anyone else has replied..11:22
ActionParsnipSeySayux: could make your mac os look like ubuntu instead11:23
SeySayuxActionParsnip: Mac OS X isn't themable.11:23
hithurLol @ ActionParsnip.11:23
SeySayux(or at least, not AFAIK)11:23
hithurSeySayux: Sure it is, just hax it!11:23
ajl7c7How do I add files/directories to the new unity launcher?11:23
ActionParsnipSeySayux: sounds about right for an apple product, keep choice to a minimum11:24
ActionParsnipajl7c7: drag them from dash11:24
ajl7c7rly? I thought I tried that11:24
ajl7c7Sure that works with files?11:24
raph_Hey Koen11:24
SeySayuxActionParsnip: There used to be third party retheming applications, but the way themes are handled changed on Lion, and those applications haven't updated yet.11:24
ActionParsnipajl7c7: you may need to make a .desktop in /usr/share/applications file with an extra menu item on the right click11:25
ActionParsnipSeySayux: thats pretty poor11:25
ActionParsnipajl7c7: they are called service menus if memory serves11:26
ajl7c7@ActionParsnip ok, cheers :)11:26
shawnyHoping somone can point me in the right direction here,  I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 desktop, every time I try to do a VNC to my computer, I can see my desktop, but it never refreshes.  If I open up anything from VNC nothing happens, but if I go to the actual computer, whatever I clicked has been opened.  Can anyone tell me where I might look to fix this?11:26
SeySayuxActionParsnip: Anyways, thanks for the help :)11:26
ActionParsnipshawny: if you log in to Unity2D, does it work ok?11:26
Kaltiz_Alright I've done the nominee set11:27
harsh343I want to know is nameserver and subdomain is same ? or different11:27
Kaltiz_But it gets stuck on the Ubuntu screen with 4 dots11:27
shawnyActionParsnip ~  I haven't tried, but I was thinking about that.  The wierd part is I have the same setup on my laptop, and if I do a VNC from my desktop to the laptop its fine.11:28
playmancan any one tell me how I can see if my dhcp is running11:28
ActionParsnipshawny: i seem to remember compiz messing stuff up (no suprises there)11:29
user1hi, bluetooth device is not enable in ubuntu 11.1011:29
ActionParsnipplayman: are you on the dhcp server itself?11:29
Kaltiz_Timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdb'11:29
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
playmanActionParsnip: yes, I have it next to me11:30
ActionParsnipplayman: ps -ef | grep -i dhc | grep -v grep    will show you the service if it is running.11:30
ActionParsnipuser1: if you run:  dmesg | grep -i blue    do you see the adapter detected?11:31
branantAny news on 12.04 beta?11:32
playmanActionParsnip: the terminal gave me 2 line that I dont get11:32
ActionParsnipbranant: ask in #ubuntu+111:33
Kaltiz_ActionParsnip: any idea what this error is about?11:33
ActionParsnipKaltiz_: no idea, sorry11:33
rigvedbranant: not yet. you should ask in #ubuntu+1, like ActionParsnip said ^^11:33
ActionParsnipplayman: you can pastebin the output if you want11:34
Kaltiz_ActionParsnip: what should the boot command look like?11:35
branantI meant to ask if its out yet, not what the changes are, etc.11:35
user1ActionParship -    19.273176] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.1611:35
user1[   19.273240] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized11:35
user1[   19.273243] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized11:35
user1[   19.273245] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized11:35
user1[   19.273439] Bluetooth: SCO11:35
FloodBot1user1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
ActionParsnipKaltiz_: how do you mean 'boot command'?11:36
branantThanks anyway...11:36
antismaphello, i would like to know what are the advantages of ubuntu server compared to debian11:36
makaraearlier I asked about how to run the program jpegoptim on many files all in nested directories (it doesn't provide recursion). Well I found a solution in the book 'A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux'. For interest, this is how: jpegoptim -m80 -p $(find . -name *.JPG -print)11:36
MonkeyDust!best| antismap11:36
ubottuantismap: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:36
ActionParsnipantismap: thats offtopic here, try in #ubuntu-offtopic11:37
user1ActionParship / FloodBot1 - i paste o/p in paste.ubuntu.com11:37
T_H_Xantismap: http://askubuntu.com/questions/15314/debian-stable-vs-ubuntu-lts-for-server11:37
antismapthanks !11:38
ActionParsnipuser1: thats why I suggested a pastebin11:38
Kaltiz_It's /Casper/vmlinuz noprompt CDROM-detected/try-USB=true file=/CDROM/pressed/Ubuntu.seed boot = Casper persistent initrd=/Casper/initrd.lz splash --11:38
ActionParsnipKaltiz_: not something I've used dude, sorry11:39
user1ActionParship - please let me know how to enalbe bluetooth.11:40
harshadahey anybody knows linux command to get information about last month reboot and shutdown time ?11:40
ActionParsnipuser1: if you run: sudo hcitool dev     does it list a device11:41
KaltizWhat was that thread you linked me to before about nomodeset?11:42
xxxCryptoxxxHello, Good Morning... I've been looking at the stat() structure and I seen there was a type in there called __mode_t so I went looking for it. I noticed inside sys/stat.h that it said #include <bits/types.h> /* For __mode_t and __dev_t.  */  So, I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 and I go searching after this Include/bits/types.h Come to find out its not there. I do a whereis types.h and get bukkas...11:43
xxxCryptoxxxAnyone know why? After searching google I found bits/types.h and found __mode_t but I want to know how to do it inside my own damn terminal.11:43
xxxCryptoxxxso stat() says to look at sys/stat.h we look at it and it says >> #include <bits/types.h> /* For __mode_t and __dev_t.  */ >> Well ok lets look at bits/types.h and we see >>  65: typedef __u_int __mode_t;  /* Type of file attribute bitmasks.  */ >> Ok perfect so we look at >> 34: typedef unsigned int __u_int; >> OK GREAT WE ARE DONE... BUT WE DID THIS ALL ON THE INTERNET.... NOT ON THE UBUNTU11:43
FloodBot1xxxCryptoxxx: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:43
MonkeyDustxxxCryptoxxx  is that C programming?11:44
MonkeyDustmay be beyond this channel11:44
xxxCryptoxxxI'm on Ubuntu 11.1011:44
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | Kaltiz11:45
xxxCryptoxxxSomeone has to know11:45
ubottuKaltiz: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter11:45
xxxCryptoxxxIts killing me11:45
ActionParsnipharshada: http://www.unix.com/aix/115669-find-shutdown-log-files.html     may help11:45
KaltizThe thing is11:45
MonkeyDustxxxCryptoxxx  better ask in ##C11:45
Kaltizmy Ubuntu boot install screen looks nothing like that :(11:45
ActionParsnipKaltiz: hold shift at boot, it may make it show the old school11:46
KaltizTried that just a black screen with some version ifno and boot:11:46
KaltizI haven't run ubuntu successfully onces11:47
mrd_nay boyd11:47
computer_Hi all, say I am trying to figure out how to manage a small network of ubuntu desktops from a central server like a domain server with windows11:48
ActionParsnipKaltiz: then search the web and find out how. I'm a little tied up but there will be guides around11:48
fhsaleshello people11:48
user1ActionParnship - output is Device:11:48
fhsalesi need your help11:48
MonkeyDustcomputer_  there's zendya linux, or something similar11:48
fhsalesdoes anyone know how o configure wireless networks?11:49
computer_Do you just run Ubuntu server on a box and get all of the Ubuntu desktops to log on to the Ubuntu server?11:49
mrd_i need a monitoring tool for linux11:49
MonkeyDustcomputer_  it's Zentyal11:49
xxxCryptoxxxMonkeyDust I wasn't able to join11:49
computer_Okay thanks for the replay MonkeyDust11:49
MonkeyDustxxxCryptoxxx  to keep out funny spammers, you need to register, i guess11:50
user1Actionparnship - its showing nothing just Devices:11:50
mrd_need an help in monitoring in linux .............expect wireshark11:50
ActionParsnipuser1: does the system have a make and model, use TAB to autocomplete nicks11:50
ActionParsnipmrd_: snmp11:51
fhsalesDoes anyone know how to solve wireless connections problems?11:51
KaltizIll try a DVD then11:51
computer_I am searching google but am just getting instructions on how to get Ubuntu server to control a windows domain11:51
ActionParsnipfhsales: what is the issue?11:51
user1ActionParsnip - i didnt get u11:51
MonkeyDustcomputer_  http://www.zentyal.org/11:51
ActionParsnipuser1: does the system have a make and model?11:52
playmanActionParsnip: sorry for the delaid response, here is the output I got http://pastebin.com/LrCm4LQ111:52
computer_Where as I would like to control an Ubuntu domain, and what thinking I could use Ubuntu Server11:52
ActionParsnipplayman: then its running :)11:52
user1ActionParnship - laptop model hp 63011:52
computer_Right, MonkeyDust looking at it now11:52
fhsalesActionParsnip, i was trying to install my usb wireless adapter on ubuntu 10.04 but it never worked.then i just upgraded it to 12.04. Now it recognizes the usb and shows the connections. When i try to connect, it keep asking the authentication key.when i put it, it stays a while trying to connect, then re-ask the password11:53
ActionParsnipuser1: and do you have the latest BIOS? are there any bugs reported for that model>?11:53
ActionParsnipfhsales: #ubuntu+1 for Precise support11:53
computer_So could I do the same thing with Ubuntu Server MonkeyDust?11:53
locsmifHi all. I have an RTL 8168 NIC. I've compiled the driver and installed it, and it works, but the next time I reboot, it looks as if r8169 is loaded again. I removed it from /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net  and specified r8168 as the preferred driver, but somehow it's ignored and r8169 is still loaded. What's going on?11:54
user1Actionparnship - no bugs, but when i shutdown for sometime its enabled but wireless network not connect.11:54
acidonyxfhsales, what issues are you having?11:54
fhsalesActionPasnip thank you very much.11:54
MonkeyDustcomputer_  dunno, but Zentyal is Ubuntu based, too -- it used to have a different name, i forget which11:54
fhsalesacidonyx (08:53:00) fhsales: ActionParsnip, i was trying to install my usb wireless adapter on ubuntu 10.04 but it never worked.then i just upgraded it to 12.04. Now it recognizes the usb and shows the connections.When i try to connect, it keep asking the authentication key.when i put it, it stays a while trying to connect, then re-ask the password11:54
ActionParsniplocsmif: run: echo "blacklist r8169" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf   and reboot11:55
computer_Cool thanks for the info11:55
MonkeyDustcomputer_  i think it was Boxeee11:55
playmanActionParsnip: allright thanks :D but it's still strange, i'm trying to run clonezilla server on 10.04 and on another computer I boot it up from Clonezilla live cd, somehow I dont get a handshake between them, I even tried etherboot and I got a timeout from it, you know what could be wrong?11:55
ActionParsnipplayman: i'd ask in the clonezilla channel11:55
playmanActionParsnip: ah lol, I never thought of checking if they had a channel thanks11:57
KaltizActionParsnip Installing Ubuntu from a CD seems to have fixed my problem.11:58
fhsalesacidonyx did you see what i wrote?11:59
ActionParsnipKaltiz: sweet :011:59
locsmifActionParsnip: ty11:59
fhsalesActionParsnip unfortunately nobody answers me on ubuntu+1 can you help me?11:59
locsmifActionParsnip: will do. Just out of curiosity: how is it possible r8169 is still listed in lsmod when it's not even in the kernel's module directory?12:00
MonkeyDustfhsales  maybe you have to be more patient12:00
ActionParsniplocsmif: not sure, i'm not too familiar with kernels. Sorry12:01
locsmifActionParsnip: np, tx12:01
ActionParsnipfhsales: your release is offtopic here12:01
fhsalesMonkeydust, actually nobody is talking in the channel body.12:02
ikoniafhsales: you waited a few minutes for a response12:02
ikoniafhsales: that is not acceptable in a developemtn channel, there is no support for your release and that is one of the decisions you make when beta testing, wait for someone to be free in #ubuntu+112:02
newerI want to install debian  by usb stick,  and who can help me.12:04
warfarennewer: what OS are you running now?12:04
Thor^^Hi, I'm trying to output some data from awk (shasum piped to awk to just get the checksum: http://pastebin.com/MN4uusmn), but when I try to compare with a test file it claims it's not equal tho they are. (example output: http://pastebin.com/hNSdxwuw)12:04
ikonianewer: the people in #debian can12:04
ActionParsnipnewer: grab the debian ISO, MD5 test it and use unetbootin to put it on a USB device12:04
MonkeyDustnewer  there's Unetbootin and MultiSystem12:04
CommaCrazyActionParsnip,  http://pastie.org/3495811 at the bottom of the file is the apt-get upgrade12:05
locsmiffhsales: what are you trying, WPA2?12:05
ikonialocsmif: it is not on topic for this channel, please end discussion12:06
locsmifikonia: sure12:06
sinedeviancehi all! i'm running ubuntu server 11.04. I was just curious, is there a cronjob that clears /var/log/ by default?12:06
ikoniasinedeviance: house keeping12:06
kalimojohi just installed 11.10 on an ibm, i want to get rid of unity and use gnome. how do i do it ?12:06
chown_hey guys i found a usefull software how do i install it? At the software site it is avaliable a "*.deb" file12:06
ikoniakalimojo: unity is gnome,12:06
fhsaleslocsmif. WAP212:06
locsmifikonia: can I talk in #ubuntu+112:06
ikonialocsmif: sure12:07
MonkeyDust!nounity| kalimojo12:07
ubottukalimojo: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:07
warfarenkalimojo: you can select which one to use from the drop down menu at login too12:07
kalimojoikonia i want the gnome shell12:07
sinedevianceikonia: uh... is that it /etc/cron.d ? i'm not seeing it anywhere12:07
ikoniakalimojo: then follow the info ubottu just gave you12:07
ActionParsnipCommaCrazy: if you go to: http://ppa.launchpad.net/backbox/two/ubuntu/dists   it only supports up to natty12:07
ikoniasinedeviance: sorry, I missunderstood what you where saying12:07
LOSTTHello !12:08
ActionParsnipCommaCrazy: the package is kept back as it is ready but the dependancies of that package are not met, when the time comes, it will install12:08
sinedevianceso there's NOT a cronjob that cleans out /var/log by default?12:08
warfarensinedeviance: by cleaning out, do you mean deleting all the files in there?12:08
sinedeviancewarfaren: yeah. say, for example, once a week. or so.12:08
Thor^^Hi, I'm trying to compare some data from awk (shasum piped to awk to just get the checksum: http://pastebin.com/MN4uusmn) with a parameter, but when I try to compare with a test file it claims it's not equal tho they are. (example output: http://pastebin.com/hNSdxwuw)12:08
ikoniasinedeviance: there is logrotate12:09
ikoniasinedeviance: that runs by default I believe12:09
warfarensinedeviance: no i dont think it does that. typically it rotates the logs (moves the logs to new files with .1 .2 .3 etc at the end of the file name)12:09
sdx23Thor^^: so you need to repeat it every 4 minutes?12:09
warfarenso that the log files don't get too big. they remain in the same catalogue though12:10
ActionParsnipsinedeviance: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/how-to-i-clear-all-my-apache-log-files-844259/   may help12:10
sinedevianceikonia, warfaren: okay. well, logrotate seems to be installed, but my log files never get any prefixes or suffixes in their names12:10
sinedevianceinstead, i have really huge log files12:10
sinedeviancesyslog is up to 200 megs now12:10
warfarensinedeviance: for how long has the machine been running?12:10
warfarenoh woah12:10
warfarensounds like logrotate isn't working correctlhy12:10
sinedeviancewarfaren: well the machine auto-reboots every day at 6:30am. i do that because it's a web server and rebooting clears APC cache.12:10
KaltizI have 32gb of free space on my hdd, how can I tell ubuntu to install in that space?12:11
shawnyso I just dropped compiz and now my desktop is different.  Any idea why the running apps are showing on the top title bar....right over top of the File Edit View .... that is not usuable in the top bar.....also, VNC still does the same thing....12:11
sinedeviancewarfaren: yerp :D that's why i finally came here. googling the problem didn't help much12:11
ikoniasinedeviance: whoaaaa who set it to auto boot ?12:11
MonkeyDustKaltiz  you can do that in the Ubuntu installer12:11
KaltizI can't seem to find the option ;/12:11
warfarenmaybe that affects it. like if the log rotation is set to be done somewhere around that time it gets missed. in that case anacron is your friend (it does all the jobs that cron missed)  but i don't know if that runs by default12:11
sinedevianceikonia: i did. i added the line to crontab. i WANT it to do that.12:12
MonkeyDustKaltiz  choose 'something else' to do it manually12:12
sinedeviancewarfaren: logrotate doesn't show up in any crons12:12
KaltizYes I have12:12
KaltizBut it says 32gb is unusable12:12
ikoniasinedeviance: where are you looking for logrotate ?12:12
MonkeyDustKaltiz  maybe you hav e to format it12:12
warfarensinedeviance: yeah i think the ones that are set to ru nby default isn't visible in /etc/crontab for example. btw perhaps there's another way you can make it clear your APC cache without rebooting?12:12
KaltizI have a Windows install already on it12:13
sinedevianceikonia: logrotate is already installed. i'm just looking for a command that would run it in all the cron files, and none exists12:13
ikoniasinedeviance: sorry, I meant where are you looking for the cron files ?12:13
sinedeviancewarfaren: it's easier and better this way12:13
MonkeyDustKaltiz  is it free or do you have windows installed on it?12:13
sinedeviancerebooting only takes 30 seconds so it's literally a negligible amount of downtime12:13
Kaltizit is free12:13
Kaltizit is says "free space 32.2gb up the top12:13
Kaltizbut in the partition list it also says 32.2 gb is unusable12:14
MonkeyDustKaltiz  in the live cd, use gparted to see more12:14
sinedevianceikonia: /etc/cron*12:14
ikoniaKaltiz: how many partitions do you have on the system12:14
ikoniasinedeviance: so cron.daily etc etc12:14
KaltizI believe I have 412:14
wadkarwhere do I set ntp server address/ip ?12:14
ikoniaKaltiz: that is why then12:15
sinedeviancewarfaren: if i don't reboot the system automatically every morning, then php-fcgi causes my VM's ram to fill up. rebooting clears that, as well as the APC cache it runs on12:15
ikoniaKaltiz: you cannot create more than 4 partitions without an extended dos partition on a dos based partition table12:15
sinedevianceikonia: yep. i grep'd /etc/cron* for logrotate12:15
chown_hey guys im trying to install a software here at a.deb file, and i have to know what processor type i have, how do i know that?12:16
ikoniasinedeviance: so are you saying something is clearing the logs down, or you want something to clear the logs down ?12:16
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sinedeviancechown_: ubuntu 32bit or 64bit?12:16
wadkarthere is not /etc/ntp.conf in there12:16
sinedevianceikonia: i want to clear the logs, yeah12:16
chown_sinedeviance: i installed 3212:16
sinedeviancechown_: then use i68612:16
ikoniasinedeviance: ahhh setup logrotate then, you'll find it's sport on12:16
warfarenchown_: cat /proc/cpuinfo gives you info about your CPU12:16
Kaltizthen how do I install ubuntu?12:16
ikoniasinedeviance: sorry, I thought you where saying something WAS clearing the log downs12:16
ikoniaKaltiz: you need to have a free partition12:16
sinedeviancechown_: if you have a 64bit CPU you can run ubuntu 64, btw. in that case, you'd use amd_6412:16
KaltizI need to delete one of my current partitions?12:17
Kaltizor create another in Windows?12:17
sinedevianceikonia: nah, i want to clear the logs that aren't getting cleared :D12:17
ikoniasinedeviance: logrotate will sort you out12:17
MonkeyDustKaltiz  select to unused space to install ubuntu12:17
KaltizThere is no option12:17
LinSkyratehmm.. anyone know howto use my wifi usb inside VirtualBox when its up and running in ifconfig but not in Wicd manager? only eth0 from VB are there? no wifi net12:18
KaltizWhen I select the free space12:18
MonkeyDustKaltiz  there is, but you do not seem to find it12:18
ikoniaMonkeyDust: there isn't because he's already got 4 partitions12:18
Kaltizit says " No root file system is defined"12:18
sinedevianceikonia: i know, but shouldn't logrotate already be run by default?12:18
MonkeyDustah, i was away from my desk, sorry12:18
chown_sinedeviance: my processor is 64bit, but i installed a 32bit OS, but its a intel processor, what does the amd mean?12:18
ikoniasinedeviance: I thought it was installed/setup by default, but I wouldn't bet my life on it12:18
sinedeviancechown_: if you have a 64bit processor you really should be using ubuntu 64bit to take advantage of that, but 32bit will work fine as well. amd_64 is what 64-bit is considered in the unix world, because AMD (as in, the company that makes AMD cpus) designed the original 64-bit spec.12:19
ActionParsnipchown_: how much ram do you have?12:20
wadkaranyone knows how to configure "set time : (radio button) automatically from internet" ?? please help !!12:20
chown_http://code.google.com/p/synergy/downloads/list wich one should i downoad?12:20
sinedevianceikonia: fair enough, i'll see if i can figure out what's going on. thanks!12:20
chown_ActionParsnip: 4, but im using 3.2 because of the 32 bit installations12:20
KaltizSo I have to delete some partitions or what?12:21
T_H_Xchown_: apt-get install quicksynergy12:21
ActionParsnipchown_: you can use the PAE kernel and see the whole lot. I doubt you will see any benfit of 64bitness. It will make a difference if you want to add more ram12:21
oCeansinedeviance: logrote is in /etc/cron.daily, which is started from /etc/crontab12:22
cmolHi, have anybody here worked with NIS/YP?12:22
MonkeyDustcmol  it seems to be a FreeBSD thing12:23
bazhangcmol, whats the real issue12:23
oCeanMonkeyDust: uh, NIS? no, it's unix/linux (old and not secure etc)12:24
MonkeyDustoCean  idd, just found it :)12:24
cmolbazhang, i hace nis running, and it's synchronizing the users fine, but the passwords are not synchronized.12:25
T_H_Xsinedeviance: suss out /etc/logrotate.d/12:25
kalimojoive installed gnome-shell now how do i switch to the gnome desktop. i stillget unity when i login ?12:26
rebeubuntu is not detecting my pendrive, how do I fix that ?12:26
cmolbazhang, and strangely the /lib/yp/domain/shadow.findbyuser file is updated fine (on the server)12:27
jribkalimojo: at the login screen, you can select your desktop environment (click on the gear I think)12:27
Metaphysicistare there any grub parameters for the kernel that will give me a more verbose output than normal during boot?12:27
chown_T_H_X: by installing quicksynergy sygergy is installed together?12:28
CommaCrazyActionParsnip, thank you for answering I appreciate it :)12:28
T_H_Xchown_: yeap12:28
IarfenHow I can disable the middle key click of the mouse??12:30
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ActionParsnipMetaphysicist: press ESC during boot and you should see the boot messages12:32
dhyllGood morning :)12:33
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wadkarfound it with 'grep -r ntp /etc' its tucked inside /etc/default/ntpdate12:34
sinedevianceikonia: i figured out the problem and fixed it. logrotate was set to run as part of /cron.daily, but was failing due to a bug in /cron.daily/logrotate12:34
MetaphysicistActionParsnip: I mean even more verbose.12:34
sinedeviancei patched it any all works well12:34
cmolHmm. For now I'm finding something about editing the makefile for the scripts.....12:34
ActionParsnipMetaphysicist: you could read:  dmesg | less     after you log in12:34
sinedevianceikonia: thanks again12:34
ikoniasinedeviance: well done12:34
T_H_X|-o-| <-o-> |-o-|12:35
sinedevianceikonia: yeah, hopefully i won't see any 200mb syslogs anytime soon :D12:35
FredJuniorin Ubuntu 11.10 if I delete some large amount of data, I can see the File Operations window and at the bottom it shows the approximate amount of time it would take to delete that data... what's the package name of the File Operations window?12:35
FredJuniori wanna make a patch12:35
sinedeviancealso it seems auth.log was 2GB! i hadn't even noticed until i looked again12:35
sinedevianceFredJunior: that is part of nautilus i believe. if you're using gnome, you'll have to edit nautilus sources12:36
FredJuniori find the string a little bit ackward12:36
FredJuniornautilus, ah thanks12:36
sinedevianceFredJunior: in any case, that is generally handled by the main file manager on the system12:36
sinedeviancewell... afaik, it is12:36
sinedeviancei know it's handled by thunar in xfce12:37
sinedevianceFredJunior: just a heads up, if you're serious about making a patch you'd need to speak with someone in the GNOME project to submit it12:37
sinedeviancei dont think GNOME takes patches from random people12:37
FredJuniori don't like the string  that tells how much has been deleted and how much time it would take to finish12:37
ActionParsnipsinedeviance: it may do if they analyse it.12:38
FredJuniorexample: 137 files to remove---2 minutes left12:38
FredJunioractually it's an m dash there12:38
FredJuniori dislike the fact that the m dash is not space-separated12:39
FredJuniorit looks ugly12:39
ubican i give permalink with description of my problem12:39
FredJuniorit should be space-separted12:39
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FredJuniorso where can i file this bug or in which packaage will i find the string to fix it and then make a patch? any idea fellas?12:40
ubipls help http://testist.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=112:40
ActionParsnipFredJunior: yes, file a bug with your patch12:41
bazhangubi, what is the issue12:41
ActionParsnipubi: ask away12:41
ubibig partition of unallocated space12:41
bazhangubi, so what is the issue12:41
MonkeyDustFredJunior  there's also an ubuntu brainstorm page, where you can submit new ideas12:41
ubii cant delete ubuntu partition12:41
ultrixxubi: why?12:42
FredJuniorso i need to get the nautilus source in order to make a patch?12:42
ubiit wont let me, it gives me option to format whole partition, and that would delete my win XP12:42
alvesjnrhi guys. I installed an software by compiling its sourcecode. But the Ubuntu don't let me add this software as an default software to open some kind of file (when I right-click on the Icon and select open-with, the ubuntu gives me an list of softwares, but it doen't let me add any other software on this list). How can I do it?12:43
soreauubi: What tool are you trying to use?12:43
ubii am using gparted12:43
FredJunioris nautilus on launchpad? can i get its source by  bzr branch lp:nautilus  ??12:43
chown_in order to change my computer name i have to change: /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts?12:43
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soreauubi: It sounds like maybe you are running the installer instead of gparted directly12:43
MonkeyDustFredJunior  try sudo apt-source nautilus12:44
ActionParsnipalvesjnr: you need to make a .desktop for it in /usr/share/applications    there is a type line (i believe) which tells the OS what sort of app it is and it will list in the options12:44
alvesjnrActionParsnip, thanks12:44
ubino i am running gparted from usb bootable stick, gparted live12:44
ActionParsnipalvesjnr: I suggest you copy the .desktop of an list of current options and make the changes to it so that it appears in the same list12:44
soreauubi: Then it should work12:44
FredJuniorMonkeyDust: bt then i can't make a patch that way12:45
FredJunioris nautilus on launchpad ?12:45
fhsales1ActionParsnip: Hey, i have been sent from ubuntu+1 to here.12:45
FredJunioris it maintained by bazaar ?12:45
ubiit does work, please see this post, here is my problem explained http://testist.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=general&thread=1&page=112:45
MonkeyDustFredJunior  https://launchpad.net/nautilus12:46
ikoniafhsales1: who sent you from #ubuntu+! to here ?12:46
ActionParsnipFredJunior: yes, you can run:   ubuntu-bug nautilus12:46
FredJuniorbzr branch lp:nautilus   i am getting the source now12:46
fhsales1ikonia: Zzecool did.my problem now is in trying to connect to the wireless connection12:46
ikoniafhsales1: sorry - 12.04 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 channel, not here12:47
FredJuniori need the source to make a patch, not just file the bug report12:47
fhsales1ikonia: can you help me privately, then?12:47
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ikoniafhsales1: no12:47
fhsales1ikonia:  thanks anyway.12:47
soreaufhsales1: \12:48
anodesniHi, I've just installed ubuntu 11.10, using a home directory left over from another distro. Now the settings are messed up (ugly fonts etc.). How can I start with a fresh new home directory and fresh new config files?12:48
soreaufhsales1: Why are you so reluctant to get help in #ubuntu+1? or conversely, why are you so adamant about asking here?12:48
KaltizFinally I think i've done the dual boot install12:48
fhsales1soreau:  i was talking to people there and they sent me here again.12:48
fhsales1ikonia:  do you think is a good idea for me to install ubuntu 11.10?12:49
soreaufhsales1: Well you need to explain that you are using 12.04 and you must get help there12:49
fhsales1soreau:  yeah, i am doing that right now.:)12:49
FredJuniorcan you tell me where will i find the File Operations window code in nautilus source?12:49
FredJuniorin which file exactly ?12:50
alvesjnrActionParsnip, okay, I did it. But it's not working yet. Maybe I need to restart gnome?12:50
ikoniafhsales1: nothing you have said in either channel makes any sense, so I'm not going to advise you12:50
soreauFredJunior: If you cant figure it out, you probably dont have any business trying to code a patch12:50
fhsales1ikonia:  how come?i just said what i am doing. i am not trying to troll anyone.12:51
FredJuniori just wanna know where to find the thing12:51
fhsales1ikonia:  at 09:36 zzecool said to me to come here. see there.12:51
ikoniafhsales1: you referenced someone "kicking" your desktop and then it saying "mode line not supported" but you can't get your wirleless to work etc etc12:51
FredJuniori can hack though :)12:51
soreauFredJunior: Then you better start looking12:51
ubipls pls help12:52
FredJuniorany pointers would be nice :)12:52
fhsales1ikonia:  that was because my brother arrived and accidentally kicked the no break, shutting down everything and my computer was not turning on anymore.but i solved that.12:52
soreauFredJunior: I gave you a pointer, dont code if you done know how12:52
KaltizIs ubuntu friendly with switchable graphics cards?12:53
FredJuniorsoreau: shut up12:53
ikoniafhsales1: again - nothing's making any sense, so I suggest joining #ubuntu+1 asking for help clearly with your current problem and see if anyone can help12:53
ikoniaFredJunior: tone that down12:53
ubihttp://testist.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=1  pls help12:53
ikoniaFredJunior: unacceptable.12:53
ActionParsnipKaltiz: not very, nvidia and ati both said they will only be supporting windows with it12:53
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KaltizSo I am going to have to use that nomodeset12:54
danileigh79ActionParsnip: That shouldn't affect already pre-installed integrated graphics for lappys, right?12:54
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soreauKaltiz: Switchable graphics is a fairly new concept for which drivers are still being developed. It may be hot or miss depending on your setup12:55
[^_^]KaBois the channel support help?12:55
danileigh79Kaltiz: Yes12:55
danileigh79[^_^]KaBo: yes12:55
fhsales1ikonia: i am talking to zzecool there already, just explaining to you what is happening.I am trying to fix a wireless connection, but in the middle of it my computer turned off and would not turn on again.just that.12:55
[^_^]KaBoi like to download poweredge t100 driver12:55
soreau[^_^]KaBo: Its the official ubuntu support channel12:56
KaltizCan I find out which Gpu ubuntu is using?12:56
[^_^]KaBoi use linux12:56
ActionParsnipdanileigh79: yes, the switchable laptop video card things is a big mess12:56
soreauKaltiz: Usually the first one listed in the output of lspci|grep VGA12:56
ActionParsnip[^_^]KaBo: centos isn't supported here12:56
soreauKaltiz: Or see /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:56
ActionParsnip[^_^]KaBo: this is ubuntu support, ask in #centos12:56
danileigh79ActionParsnip: *smh*12:56
ActionParsnipdanileigh79: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics12:57
ubiis there any gparted help channel12:57
ActionParsnipubi: try #gparted12:57
ikoniaubi: yes #gparted12:57
danileigh79ActionParsnip: thx, my graphics are fine then, it's a single integrated video chipset12:57
[^_^]KaBono one answer :$12:58
ActionParsnipdanileigh79: oh, single chips are fine12:58
ActionParsnip[^_^]KaBo: wait then, you can't defect here just because you get no answer12:58
soreau[^_^]KaBo: You probably need to exercise patience. In any event, we cannot help with any non-ubuntu issue here12:58
danileigh79[^_^]KaBo: Your question about Ubuntu gpu depends on your machine12:59
[^_^]KaBoOK Thank you guys, but if any one know other channels support Centos help please let me know.12:59
[^_^]KaBoThanks an advance.13:00
ActionParsnip[^_^]KaBo: #linux maybe13:00
danileigh79[^_^]KaBo: Did you try to google centos support irc?13:00
[^_^]KaBoyes that's why i come here13:00
soreau[^_^]KaBo: When asking in any channel, always ask your question with as much information as possible. Dont ask to ask and dont ask questions like Is anyone here13:00
danileigh79[^_^]KaBo: well, we apologize, but this is the Official Ubuntu Support channel13:01
ActionParsnip[^_^]KaBo: http://wiki.centos.org/irc13:01
[^_^]KaBosoreau OK BOSS :)13:01
danileigh79ActionParsnip: you beat me to it, lmao I was gonna post that lnk13:01
[^_^]KaBodanileigh79 Thanks.13:01
asguhow to check user in command prompt? pls any one help me13:02
ubinobody in #gparted :'(13:02
playmanActionParsnip: hi sorry for troubling you again, but I get no response on the clonezilla chan. I get both eth0 and eth1 with ifconfig on ubuntu, but somehow it does not seem to be letting other computer to connect, you know what that could be?13:02
jribasgu: whoami13:02
danileigh79asgu: What do you mean?13:02
ActionParsnipplayman: not something i've used13:02
melvincv[^_^]KaBo, '/join #centos' of course.13:03
asguhow to check users list? help me13:04
playmanActionParsnip: ok, lets say if I did not have clonezilla, and just wanted to let other computers connect to my ubuntu, what should I check if I get no connection?13:04
[^_^]KaBomelvincv Yep, Thank you i already did and waiting the answer13:04
JonathanEllisHi. I'm just about to install Ubuntu 11.10 on a very old Dell C610 laptop. Running on the LiveCD at the moment and everything seems OK. Should I use ext4 or ext3 for the system partition?13:04
ActionParsnipJonathanEllis: if it is low spec then i'd use lubuntu13:05
ActionParsnipJonathanEllis: ext4 is default, i'd go with that13:05
qwebirc82012Hey, all. I was wondering on entering an entry for the 12.04 LTS countdown banner contest, but I can't seem to figure out how I can upload a submission to the ssubmissions page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/PreciseCountdownBanner. Does anyone know how?13:05
MonkeyDustJonathanEllis  what is 'very old'? what are the hardware specs?13:05
drostieOkay, I have an application running as user:group drostie:drostie. I am a member of the group wireshark. How the hell do I run something as drostie:wireshark?13:06
melvincvqwebirc82012, I was looking for a countdown banner, thanks.13:06
ActionParsnipqwebirc82012: #ubuntu+1 for anything Precise based please13:06
asguhow to check users list? help me13:06
JonathanEllisActionParsnip: Its a Pentium III 1GHz with 1GB RAM and 60GB hard disk. Ive got about 12GB free to partition and I was planning to make the system partition 5GB.13:06
drostieAll of the googling I've done tells me how to setgid which should be totally unnecessary.13:06
JonathanEllisMy Jaunty partition is 4.3GB and has free space.13:06
ActionParsnipJonathanEllis: not bad, I'd use Lubuntu, it will give a snappier OS13:06
qwebirc82012melvincv: Alright. Heading over to there. thanks, mate.13:07
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asguhow to check users list? help me13:07
aithoxhello. i've activated my Nvidia driver from additional drivers13:07
JonathanEllisAre there any particular pros and cons to ext4 vs ext3?13:07
aithoxi've got high resolution but no drop shadow.. etc..13:07
ActionParsnipJonathanEllis: fs-driver and partimage can't manipulate ext4 afaik13:08
jribdrostie: sg (never used it)13:08
crizzyJonathanEllis: lots of pros in ext4. it's not that much different from ext3, just modernized by adding new features13:08
ActionParsnipJonathanEllis: ext4 is a little faster too, its pretty groovy13:08
JonathanEllisFor an old machine is it faster?13:08
drostiejrib: yeah just found that, thankee. :D13:08
ActionParsnipJonathanEllis: should be, yes13:09
JonathanEllisOK. Well I'll try it. What is Lubuntu?13:09
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playmanwhat is the difference between eth0 and eth0:0?13:09
the-newsman2hi guys. how can i make my VM client (backtrack in here) to see the shared folders on the host correctly. ??13:09
ActionParsnipplayman: eth0:0 is a sub inteface13:09
ActionParsnipplayman: you can have multiple subinterfaces on the same interface, gives the single interface multiple IPs13:10
the-newsman2hey guys13:11
computer_So the only options for managing multiple users on multiple Ubuntu desktops on multiple computers on a network is ether Cononical Lanscape or zentyal? Is that right?13:11
the-newsman2any1 here to help me ?13:11
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playmanActionParsnip: ok is that anything like having eth0 and eth1? I mean, If I follow a install guide, and i'm told to have eth0 and eth0:0, would it matter in anyway if I made it eth0 and eth1 instead?13:11
ActionParsnipplayman: eth0 and eth1 will be 2 seperate interfaces and you will have 2 wires coming from your system13:12
computer_the-newsman2, in Virtualbox you need to install the "Guest Additions" before network folders will workm13:12
computer_I don't use VMware13:13
KaltizDoes anyone here use ubuntu and steam?13:14
ActionParsnipKaltiz: it minght work in wine. Check the appdb13:14
KaltizI heard it might work, I was wondering if it worked well :P13:14
computer_the-newsman2; You do realise that you are asking about folder sharing Backtrack in VMware in an Ubuntu channel right?13:14
the-newsman2yes computer i do13:15
the-newsman2however i belive the same can go for any dist of linuxes13:15
melvincvI got Orbit downloader to work in Wine. hurray!13:15
computer_the-newsman2,  If I where you I would ask your question in the VMware channel13:15
the-newsman2my problem is, if i write the exact location manually, it works fine. but the BT itself cannt find the sahred folders13:16
playmanActionParsnip: yeah, I know that, but would it make the program not work if I used eth0 and eth1 instead of eth0 and eth0:0?13:16
ikoniathe-newsman2: #backtrack-linux is there you need to be13:16
Fusrodahhello, I've downloaded something that says do not unpack as root, what does this mean?13:16
the-newsman2so i can see, and cannt see in the same time the outisde folders13:16
computer_the-newsman2, Make a short cut?13:16
ikoniathe-newsman2: #backtrack-linux is there you need to be please.13:16
ikoniacomputer_: sorry, we don't pickup back track support in here13:16
ikoniaFusrodah: it means don't use the root user to unpack it13:17
the-newsman2computer_,  yes i can13:17
Fusrodahhow do I know if I'm using a root user13:17
ikoniaFusrodah: your username would be "root"13:17
computer_ikonia: I think it is more a VMware support question13:17
ikoniathe-newsman2: - PLEASE, #backtrack-linux13:17
JonathanEllisActionParsnip: Looking at the website for lubuntu, it doesnt look very mature. Is it really necessary with a Pentium III 1GHz and 1GB RAM?13:17
Fusrodahok where can I find my username?13:17
ikoniacomputer_: it's vmware support on backtrack so #vmware or #backtrack-linux13:17
ikoniaFusrodah: you logged in with it13:17
HansiSolohello. I am just confused by encodings. Umlauts are working well on all kde- or gnome-components, or other apps and on ttys. The output of "locale" seems ok (de_DE@UTF-8"). The preferences window of gnome-terminal show umlauts in the font test window. But, the default encoding was ansix3.4-1968 --> umlauts result in a '?'.  Using utf-8 encoding results in control chars. Remote connection on the same terminal to other machines shows umlauts corre13:17
HansiSoloctly.Any hints? (natty 11.04)13:17
JonathanEllisActionParsnip: Jaunty was more or less OK on this machine13:18
computer_ikonia, Yar13:18
FusrodahI use my own name to log on13:18
ikoniaFusrodah: then you are not root13:18
computer_Thats nice Fusrodah13:18
the-newsman2ikonia,  r u ok ?13:18
ikoniathe-newsman2: fine,13:18
the-newsman2ikonia,  then plz shut up13:18
Fusrodahsorry are red text private whispers, I didn't know13:19
whatspherehttp://tinyurl.com/8axwxpn or that ?  http://tinyurl.com/8axwxpn13:19
melvincvFusrodah, if you are running Ubuntu and not using the command 'sudo' to unpack it, you are not root13:20
hithurIs dist-upgrade nothing more than simply changing and editing sources.list?13:20
deepubros, anyone here?13:20
ikoniadeepu: you can see people chatting......do you think people are here ?13:20
melvincvdeepu, everyone's here, just ask your question...13:21
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FusrodahI downloaded a browser and I'm unpacking to desktop using right click, instruction says do not do it as root but I didnt know what that meant, sorry I'm a noob13:21
deepui got a problem here13:21
Dave2win 2113:21
deepudell vostro laptop, ubuntu maverickmeerkat, internal speakers not working13:21
computer_So can anyone tell me if it is possible manage about 5 users on different machines from Ubuntu Server with out using Canonical Landscape or Zentyal?13:22
ikoniacomputer_: yeah, simple things like ldap for example13:22
melvincvFusrodah, no need to be sorry :)13:23
melvincvFusrodah, which browser is that?13:23
computer_Cool thanks ikonia13:23
Fusrodahsome secure browser called Tor?13:23
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ikoniaeskiador95: please don't do that13:24
detrix42Hi. I just purchased a external hard drive. its usb 3.0 compliant.  My ubuntu  computer has a motherboard with a usb 3.0 compliant ports. And as far as I can tell, I am not getting the higher transfer rate.  Is there something I need to do, like install a kernel module to enable 3.0 speeds?13:24
computer_Ooooooh, so in Linux land Domain management = Directory Access Management? Yes?13:25
mosnodetrix42, how do you know you're not maxing out the drive I/O as  opposed to the USB I/O?13:25
Fusrodahso if I want to run as root, how do I do that? and how would I change back13:27
detrix42mosno: I am transferring movies to it. I tried the 3.0 port, the file transfer dialog reported 20Mbs/sec  then I tried in a usb 2.0 port, got the same speed.13:27
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mosnodetrix42, my question stands...13:27
detrix42mosno: so the file dialog does not report proper speed then....hmmmm13:28
detrix42mosno: so how do I know for sure.13:29
Fusrodahthere are too many long weird codes just to do simple things :(13:29
detrix42mosno: how do I find out for sure what speed the usb 3.0 port is transferring at?13:30
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mosnodetrix42, i'm saying that maybe your drives can only run that fast perhaps13:30
detrix42mosno: ahhh. ok13:31
god-zotacwhat fusrodah said.. in windows; there are too many clicks buried beneath too many levels of windows and preferences  just to do simple things..13:32
computer_Is it easy to implement a time limit for users with LDAP?13:32
computer_god-zotac, RIGHT ON!13:32
computer_The basic OS work-flow in fragmented to the war-zoo13:33
computer_To me it is a direct reflection of the corporate culture inside of Redmond13:34
ikoniacomputer_: what are you talking about ?13:34
bazhang!ot | computer13:34
ubottucomputer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:34
KakturionDo anybody know if there are any drivers for akai eie pro?13:34
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computer_ikonia; I am talking about being able to set a time limit on a clients user account from the server13:36
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computer_Perhaps I should just look at using Zentyal13:38
ikoniacomputer_: a clients user account from the server ?13:38
max1982after noon guys13:38
ikoniacomputer_: a time limit to do what /13:38
computer_Yes ikonia like in Windows Domains13:38
ikoniacomputer_: a time limit to do what ?13:39
computer_Why to log the off ikonia13:39
ikoniacomputer_: do you mean active working hours ?13:39
MadsRCWould anyone know the answer to this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1933935 ?13:39
ikoniacomputer_: or auto log off after a certain time13:39
computer_To limit a user computer time13:39
ikoniaMadsRC: the guys in #bash are best palced13:39
computer_To set a limit for the maximum hour a user can use a computer for in a day13:40
ikoniacomputer_: I've never seen that setting, but as there is an AD mirror schema for ldap, it should be possible13:40
max1982am trying to find another software centre for ubuntu i had it before but cannot find what was the name of it do any one know any other then the one comes with ubuntu?13:41
computer_So to do everything I want to do in LDAP it is all text based config files yes]13:41
ikoniacomputer_: no, it's an ldap directoy, exactly the same as AD13:42
computer_There is no GUI or Web interface right?13:42
tensorpuddingmax1982, maybe you removed it from the menu on accident?13:42
ikoniacomputer_: AD was based of LDAP, so it's the same directory service13:42
computer_Sorry ikonia I don't know what AD is?13:42
tensorpuddingmax1982, oh, you are probably talking about synaptic or the old add/remove programs, the latter of which i think is gone13:42
max1982i already havethe software center but there is 1 similer to it which i cannot remember the name of it13:42
ikoniacomputer_: active directory13:43
computer_Ooo Active Directory13:43
tensorpuddingoh, synaptic is gone too13:43
max1982its got windows apps on it also13:43
computer_Yes I guessed it13:43
tensorpuddingoh, that's not either of what i'm thinking of, then13:43
max1982dam i should have writen the name of it before i formated the machine lol13:44
computer_ikonia, All machines on this network are Ubuntu13:44
tensorpuddingmax1982, what version of ubuntu is this13:44
ikoniacomputer_: yes, I know that's why I said "use LDAP" not "use AD"13:44
computer_There are no Windows installs involved13:45
computer_Oh okay thanks13:45
tensorpuddingyeah i don't know what you're talking about13:45
john_doe_jrWhen you download abode reader for ubuntu it comes as a .bin file...how do I install it so that I can use it to open up PDFs ?13:46
hithurWhat package only affects unity launcher?13:46
siddhionhello. my 10.04 Package Manager has been hitting an error for the past 3 weeks. here is a detailed explanation of my issue => http://askubuntu.com/questions/108015/update-manager-updating-process-results-in-error-in-10-0413:47
siddhionany ideas on how to solve this issue?13:47
max1982dam got it, its cold playonlinux13:47
max1982lol 3 day trying to find it13:47
tensorpuddingjohn_doe_jr, you'd have to read their docs, it's probably some sort of executable shell script13:48
max1982tensorpudding: found it13:48
tensorpuddingjohn_doe_jr, just mark it executable and try running it, and cross your fingers and trust adobe to not be idiots13:49
jambohi , anybody knows how to enable root user ?13:51
jamboin ubuntu ?13:51
jrib!root | jambo13:51
ubottujambo: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:51
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jrib!away > fen|afk13:51
ubottufen|afk, please see my private message13:51
MadsRCIt's funny, I switched to Ubuntu for everyday use back home 7 months ago, and didn't really use windows much... but now I've started working at a firm where my work pc has to be Windows atm, and I just can't get used to it again :P13:52
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: hey, i just used the ubuntu software center & found it...by the way, I did mark the .bin file as executable but it still didn't install when I clicked on it...do you have any idea why?13:53
tensorpuddingi'd have to look at the file13:53
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: maybe I don't have the programs to execute a .bin file...what programs do you need normally to do that?13:54
BertoIlarioGattijambo: sudo passwd root13:54
tensorpuddingyou don't need anything special to run a shell script13:55
BertoIlarioGattithen su; and enter your password13:55
jrib!noroot | BertoIlarioGatti13:55
ubottuBertoIlarioGatti: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.13:55
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: a .bin is not a script is it ?13:55
tensorpuddingthere is no special .bin thing in linux, executable scripts are given an extension matching the shell they're written for, and binaries have no extension at all13:55
janisalanisWhere can I place alias for my terminal? So I don't need to redefine them every time I open a terminal.13:55
BertoIlarioGattiubottu: ok thank you13:55
ubottuBertoIlarioGatti: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:55
BertoIlarioGattithat's a shame13:55
tensorpuddingbut .bin is used by some companies distributing proprietary installers for some reason13:56
jribjanisalanis: ~/.bashrc13:56
wankdankerI'm working on an upstart config and I want the process to start when /dev/ttyS0 is ready. Anyone have any ideas?13:56
janisalanisjrib, thanks.13:56
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: so your saying that I could have just used sh adobe_etc.bin ?13:56
jribwankdanker: try #upstart maybe13:56
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:56
wankdankerjrib: thanks, not too many people over there, will try anyway.13:56
tensorpuddingit could be an executable binary but if it were it might well have not worked on your system due to mismatched library versions or something, it's pretty hazardous to distribute binaries13:56
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: but 'sh adobe_reader.bin' would have been the way I would have installed it right?13:57
tensorpuddingif it were an sh script13:57
tensorpuddingbut it's not, it's a binary, i just downloaded it13:58
tensorpuddinghow weird13:58
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: alright so what command would I have used for the .bin file...would I have just moved the .bin file into /usr/bin or something to get it to work?13:58
tensorpuddingno, it's probably some dreadful installer13:58
bastidrazorjohn_doe_jr: ./13:58
tensorpuddingyou'd need to make it executable, then run 'sudo ./AdbeRdr-...whatever.bin'13:59
john_doe_jrbastidrazor: thanks ...would that have moved the .bin files in the right place when it installed?13:59
bastidrazorjohn_doe_jr: that would have run that file. the installer would have to do the rest.13:59
tensorpuddingfirstly because it is a terminal app for some reason and you need to run it from the terminal, and secondly because you need administrator privileges to install to where it wants to install, in /opt14:00
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: how did you know that it would install in /opt ?14:01
tensorpuddingi ran it14:01
tensorpuddingit asked me where to install it, and the default was /opt14:01
tensorpuddingit's interactive on the terminal14:01
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: cool...well, you taught me something today...I didn't know how to install a .bin file...I thought you must move it to /usr/bin where all the other binary files are located14:02
tensorpuddingif it was a regular program and not an installer, it would be acceptable to put it there14:02
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: did you open it up....how did you know the difference ?14:03
ActionParsniptensorpudding: installing the app to /opt is fine :)14:03
tensorpuddingjohn_doe_jr, well, to be honest, i used a little tool called file14:03
tensorpuddingit's a little terminal utility that reads a file and tells you what it is14:04
tensorpuddingit's not always accurate at knowing the differences between types of text files, but it's a whiz at finding out what kind of binary a file is14:04
ubican i give link of post where i described my problem in detail14:05
tensorpuddingrunning file on that .bin told me it was an x86 linux executable, plus other details14:05
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: cool, I didn't know about that utility either14:05
MadsRCDoes anyone know how to disable the X-Server, so that ubuntu doesn't start it by default, but starts up in a terminal, from which I'd have to start the xserver if needed?14:05
jrib!nox | MadsRC14:06
ubottuMadsRC: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:06
HDroidHi. I'm trying to setup my fonts but my Appearance dialog doesn't have a font tab. Has this moved or am I missing a package?14:06
MadsRCthanks jrib :D14:06
tensorpuddingi kinda wish its functionality were integrated into Files, it would be pretty useful14:06
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: hey are you a programmer?14:07
tensorpuddingi guess i am14:07
FxIIIhi all14:07
ubipls help ubi14:07
gbjkHiya. I'm finding that under 11.10 with gnome2, compiz window rules and place windows don't appear to work, assuming simple rule matching like "xterm" (grabbed, too)14:07
ikoniaubi: please stop saying "please help" if someone can help and wants to help, they will14:08
arandHDroid: I think you'd do that via gnome-tweak-tools nowadays.14:08
FxIIIi have a problem please help :D14:08
gbjkDoes anyone have any ideas? Google is less helpful than usual here.14:08
arandHDroid: Oh, nevermind, I don't thing that works on unity, I though I was in another channel :)14:08
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: do you know of any program out there that helps you decompose problems....like in Object Oriented Programming..you got to build up small pieces to get a program working?  Or is it more of an art?14:09
HDroidarand: oh, that's a pity14:09
FxIIIi using ubuntu on an usb sd memory, i have moved /tmp/ in ram but i want to know if there are other places where files can be writed with high frequencies14:09
tensorpuddingi don't know of any program that helps you design programs in that way14:09
john_doe_jrtensorpudding: alright...no problem14:10
FxIIIi noted that sometimes i get input/output error... when I use the gui (not when i use ssh that is the most of the time)14:11
acidrainFxIII: ssh has more privaledges i believe. your i/o error from a gui is prolly a lack of that14:12
acidrainFxIII: gksudo nautilus14:13
kk23http://pastebin.com/FTpBCRSQ this is ok?14:13
bosonghi just installed 11.10 on an ibm., what codecs do i need to install ?14:14
FxIIIacidrain: the problem is that if i work on this machine remotely, all goes fine. when i start use it directly, often i get this io error14:14
kk23baktrak the ok it was for me?14:14
acidrainFxIII: and this machines hdd is a sd card? i mean like i said, it still sounds like ssh has the proper rights to access any part of the sdcard14:15
HDroidarand: apparently that is the tool to use anyway14:15
acidrainif you want to mess with it locally, my suggestions is to run the gksudo nautilus command14:15
FxIIIacidrain: the fact is that when i get this io error notthing works anymore. this includes every open ssh session14:16
acidrainFxIII: that is very odd14:17
FxIIIacidrain: my fear is that something is wearing out my sd card14:18
FxIIIacidrain: that is why i moved the /tmp in ram14:18
FxIIIi understand that is a very specific topic and a very odd behaviour14:19
bosonggjust installed 11.10 on an ibm laptop. which codecs should i install ?14:19
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acidrainFxIII: in that case my suggestion is to backup the sd card quickly.14:19
ikoniabosongg: anyone you want/need14:20
ikonia!codecs > bosongg14:20
ubottubosongg, please see my private message14:20
FxIIIacidrain: i did :D14:20
mi3I want to make a plymouth screen that does not loop over and over again, i want it to be played from frame one to frame 60 without looping ,can someone suggest me how to? I have 60-70 frames.14:20
FxIIIacidrain:  the strange thing is that the problem arises when i work on the gui...14:21
detrix42mosno:  me again. well, I did not find any info on the max speed of a seagate goflex drive, but I locked dual core cpu at 3GHz, and now I am gettting 80MB/sec.  I like that much better.14:21
mi3umm anyone ? plymouth14:24
kk23may this work http://pastebin.com/Z0TqenF1 ???14:24
ikoniami3: how is that a useful comment "anyone plymoyth" - ask a question, wait for a response14:25
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:25
mi3sorry plymouth screen ikonia14:25
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ikoniami3: I know what it is, but saying "anyone plymouth" isn't helpful as there is no question or info in there, just random words14:25
* jrib hands ikonia 2 patience tokens; looks like you will need them today :P14:25
ikoniajrib: expired14:25
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mi3i asked the question before ikonia am waiting for a reply can you suggest me ?14:26
ikoniami3: ok, so wait for a reply, saying "anyone" is just useles noise14:26
mi3hehehehe ok ok\14:26
mi3I want to make a plymouth screen that does not loop over and over again, i want it to be played from frame one to frame 60 without looping ,can someone suggest me how to? I have 60-70 frames.14:26
* kokyu waves14:27
ericusAny ideas on this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193396114:28
kokyudoes anyone know what would be the best practice to upgrade libvirt-bin package on a ubuntu 10.04 from the current 0.7.5 to something .... more up-to-date? (like 0.9.x)?14:28
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ikoniaericus: you have no swap partition14:28
NecrosporusNautilus window disappear suddently, I guess that's maybe possibly a segfautl, but I have not found a way to make Nautilus show messages in console, no key like --debug in --help14:28
NecrosporusIs there any way to run nautilus from the command line not letting it to go background?14:29
harishhw r u?14:29
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chris__hi, how do you fix choppy flash video (360p) on an amd fusion apu (e-450)?14:32
bosongghow do i change my hostname ?14:33
iceroot!hostname | bosongg14:33
ubottubosongg: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:33
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bosonggthanks, anyone got any advice on installing kazam ?14:36
L3top!info kazam14:38
ubottuPackage kazam does not exist in oneiric14:38
bazhangbosongg, what version of ubuntu are you now on14:39
rio__can i ask about driver??14:39
L3topchris__: flash + linux = annoying  can you tell me what driver you are using?14:40
rio__i've activated my graphic driver but Xorg.conf haven't configured14:40
am_let me try to answer14:40
L3topchris__: for the AMD14:40
chris__L3top, the open aource ones because flgrx displays an unsupported hardware watermark and breaks suspend14:41
philinuxbosongg: Via ppa > http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/kazam-screenrecording-app-fixed-for-ubuntu-11-10/14:41
Trevor69420i dunno if anyone here has done this before, but has anyone ever set their ubuntu server up to send SMS messages of  various events?14:41
bosonggbazhang im on 11.1014:41
ActionParsnipL3top: if your OS is 64bit, be sure you use 64bit flash14:41
Trevor69420like if i want to to txt me if certain things happen for example14:41
bazhangbosongg, if you wait until 12.04 kazam is in the repos there14:42
chris__how do I check flash 64-bitness?14:42
narcislinuxwhat's "Pepper-based  api " ?14:42
bosonggcant wait till april bazhang14:42
am_skype no longer works in ubuntu?14:42
L3topWe are stuck in 32 land for now...14:42
philinuxbosongg: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/kazam-screenrecording-app-fixed-for-ubuntu-11-10/14:42
jpdsL3top: Not with multiarch.14:42
ActionParsnipchris__: if you can give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'     I can advise, use a pastebin14:42
bosonggphilinux do i add that as a ppa ?14:43
compdocyou can ask14:43
goruswhello. I still have no ideas. I just tested with "LC_ALL="de_DE.UTF-8". /etc/default/console-setup has charmap "utf-8" and "Uni2". Default is always ansix3.4-1968 encoding, but also after switching to utf-8, I got no Umlauts ??? or ? in any virtual terminal (no matter if xterm, konsole or gnome-terminal). Doing an ssh to a remote machine, shows that umlauts can be displyed and typed in. Any hints where I could continue the search?14:43
L3topI don't know if that is possible for our project jpds14:43
philinuxbosongg: Yes click the link down the page for full instructions14:43
fommilHi all, I am using LTS and I just updated apache2 via aptitude. The 'deflate' module now breaks some of my hosted glassfish applications! Is this a known bug (workaround is to turn off deflate, but that hits my bandwidth)14:44
philinuxbosongg: It might have bugs but they'll need reporting14:44
jpdsfommil: → #ubuntu-server14:44
am_i asked if skype no longer works in ubuntu?14:44
ActionParsnipam_: works fine here14:44
viciumHi. whats the mode to gzip a entire folder? i tried gzip folder -f to force but did not work14:45
chris__ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/6ZBcPXMz14:45
viciumcommand* even if so14:45
lonelycatmmhi, i'm using arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc shipping with ubuntu, but i found that the "-march" parameter seems doesn't work.it can only produce armv7-a code, how can i use it to produce code for older arm cpu?14:45
skaEvery attempt to hibernate or suspend my system has resulted in system freeze or reboot.14:45
jpdsvicium: tar xcvf folder.tar.gz folder14:45
philinuxam_: I had a problem with the webcam but this fixed it for me. http://www.ubunturoot.com/2010/05/how-to-fix-webcam-problem-in-skype.html14:45
am_here it wont install action14:45
skaThis is a desktop, not a laptop.14:46
ActionParsnipchris__: you are using gnash, so it will match your arch (which is 64bit)14:46
philinuxam_: it's in the repos14:46
ActionParsnipam_: grab the deb from the skype site, be sure the arch matches the arch of your ubuntu install (32bit / 64bit)14:46
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vicium$ tar xvcd minecraft.tar.gz minecraft14:47
viciumtar: You may not specify more than one `-Acdtrux' or `--test-label' option14:47
vicium@ jpds14:47
viciumi assume i am missing a - or something14:47
L3toprio__: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup; sudo xorg --configure; sudo cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:47
jpdsvicium: Sorry; tar cvfz minecraft.tar.gz minecraft14:47
ActionParsnipcould just use unp, no need to remember the options for tar then :)14:48
morriI wanted to play a game called bubbles- but each time i want to start it  "cd BubbleShooter; bubbles14:48
morri"it tells me "he program 'bubbles' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:14:48
morrisudo apt-get install dnssec-tools14:48
morri" looks like it is referring to a totally different program. how can I make it start the programme without referring to the other programme14:48
rio__can i download the ready made setting? for my graphic card?14:48
FloodBot1morri: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:48
viciumAlso, very off-topic if its okay to ask here. But, windows emulation for games havent improved insanely since about 10 years ago no? Still tricky and messy?14:49
L3top!info unp14:49
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0~pre7 (oneiric), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB14:49
viciumOr applications in general*14:49
L3topoh thats nice... thanks ActionParsnip14:49
bazhangvicium, check the appdb for wine support14:49
ActionParsnipvicium: depends on the game14:49
bazhang!appdb | vicium14:49
ubottuvicium: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:49
viciumI feel like installing ubuntu on main workstation to improve my learning curve14:49
nunodmorri, did you installed it via the software center or download &compiled?14:49
viciumBecause right now just ssh and well, when I hit a wall I ask for help14:50
ActionParsnipL3top: should be default installed imho, as well as gyache14:50
ActionParsnipsorry, guake14:50
viciumI'd get more enclined to learn more if I had it on main pc14:50
viciumok thanks :)14:50
L3top!info gyache lucid14:50
ubottuPackage gyache does not exist in lucid14:50
rio__it won't boot in gui mode when i've run nvidia-xconfig14:50
ActionParsnipL3top: guake, my bad14:50
L3top!info guake lucid14:50
ubottuguake (source: guake): A drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-3 (lucid), package size 139 kB, installed size 960 kB14:50
oCeanL3top: please use ubottu in private:  /msg ubottu !bot14:51
bosonggphilinux thanks14:51
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ActionParsnipL3top: Drops a terminal from the top and hides it wth one key, saves having to click or alt+tab to the terminal window. Very handy if you use cli a lot14:51
L3topthanks oCean, new at this.14:51
oCeanmorri: cd BubbleShooter  then  ./bubbles14:52
dohertyI have an nvidia graphics card, and I'm not currently using the proprietary driver. On similar or identical hardware, one of my colleagues enabled the proprietary driver, and it totally broke his system - he couldn't even boot into single user mode, IIRC. Is there a way to know if that will happen on this machine? Maybe a way to automatically enable it, then disable it after 30s to see if it survives?14:52
bazhangdoherty, whats the card14:52
Shakyjhey, I have ubuntu installed and decided I wanted to try KDE. Do I did "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" Seemed ok but I am having 2 problems, transparent backgrounds don't work and I am getting the error "this operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided" when trying to change settings14:52
philinuxbosongg: no worries, have fun !14:53
L3topdoherty: lspci | grep VGA14:53
morrithanks :)14:53
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dohertybazhang, L3top: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 06fd (rev a1)14:53
viktor133does anybody know if it's possible to set up a facebook account for chatting, using finch?14:53
L3topone moment please14:54
stephanbhi there, if i install the latest alpha of ubuntu 12.04, will i be able to simply update until 12.04 is released? or do i have to reinstall once it's released14:54
ActionParsnipstephanb: it will use the same repos, so it will upgrade seamlessly14:54
viciumThank you for the appdb link. I'm curious, How would I go at it, and what do I need to run win7 and ubuntu on the same PC? Can i just have them on diferent partitions, or do they have to be seperate HDD's?14:54
stephanbActionParsnip: thanks14:54
viciumSince wine does not support 1 of the games I play most actively14:55
ActionParsnipvicium: Separate partitions is fine, you can multiboot of a single drive if you wish14:55
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UnknownFearNGWhere can I install the latest version of Ubuntu 12.04, and will I be able to still keep all my files?14:56
bazhang!away > neersighted14:56
ubottuneersighted, please see my private message14:56
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  was faster to reply :)14:56
MonkeyDustUnknownFearNG  #ubuntu+114:56
viciumActionParsnip: Assuming I have the hardware for it. Is there any way to dual boot operative systems and toggle between them? :P14:56
viciumOr would that be weird :D14:56
ActionParsnipUnknownFearNG: I suggest you ask in #ubuntu+114:56
UnknownFearNGMonkeyDust: Thank you, I'll ask there14:57
sacarlsonvicium: there is virtualbox that can run many different systems inside another system14:58
MonkeyDustvicium  you could use a virtual machine if you want to toggle14:58
viciumAh that probably suits me more14:58
viciumI'll google some14:58
ActionParsnipvicium: virtualbox alllows you to boot true installed OSes but I've heard of data corruption. You will not be able to game wel in virtualbox14:58
viciumBut I could virtualbox a unix dist, yes?14:58
viciumIN windows*14:58
viciumOr did I misunderstand the concept of it?14:58
jonobonono87685@vicium yes, you could14:59
ActionParsnipvicium: sure, why not :)14:59
viciumBecause then playing games shouldnt be an issue14:59
viciumHow much of a performance sinker is it?14:59
ActionParsnipvicium: depends on your hardware14:59
sacarlsonActionParsnip: I even hear people speak of virtualbox that uses the graphic gpu cards but never seen it myself14:59
jonobonono87685Btw, can 3D accelerated drivers be installed in a Windows Guest OS in VB?15:00
viciumHmm, that wouldnt give me the whole experience though hmm :D15:00
viciumDo i have to repartition or could i just download a ubuntu net-isntaller and make the installer do that partitions from unallocated space?15:00
viciumIf i have a unclaimed 500gb one i.e15:00
bazhangjonobonono87685, ask in #vbox15:00
viktor133vicium, actionparsnip, just wondering, wouldn't it work better to use linux on wubi in that case?15:01
ActionParsnipvicium: virtualbox installs to a file, like wubi15:01
jonobonono87685bazhang Thanks, mate, didn't know there was a channel for that too :)15:01
elijahDoes Ubuntu have anything like Expose?15:01
ActionParsnipviktor133: doesn't allow to use both OSes at the same time15:01
ActionParsnipelijah: what does it do?15:01
wyldevicium: when using a virtual machine both OS's are sharing the resources of the host machine, you'd want to have high end hardware to try to game in a VM15:01
Shakyjhey, I have ubuntu installed and decided I wanted to try KDE. Do I did "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" Seemed ok but I am having 2 problems, transparent backgrounds don't work and I am getting the error "this operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided" when trying to change settings15:02
bazhangelijah, putting all the windows on the desktop to choose from?15:02
elijahbazhang: yes15:02
viciumwylde: i7 2500ki 16gb ddr3 1600mhz ram atleast gpu is rrelevant afaik? :P15:02
bazhangelijah, unity-2d does that15:02
viciumHmm. wubi looks promising15:02
ActionParsnipvicium: it'll run ok :)15:02
steelboxhi there!15:02
elijahbazhang: Is there a default keyboard shortcut I can invoke that from?15:02
viktor133does anybody use finch?15:02
jonobonono87685vicium, Wubi is not very pleasing on resources15:03
ActionParsnipvicium: wubi just gives a dual boot but it installs to a file which is loop mounted at boot, you will still need to reboot to switch OS15:03
doda1hi, today is the realase of precize beta 1 ?15:03
bazhangelijah, not sure, clicking one of the upper icons on the dock does it though15:03
AklsMy pc doesn't work with my wifi router( it connects, internet works for 2 seconds and then it's not working while still connected) with other wifi networks it works! And my laptop can connect to any wifi , including my own. so what wrong here?15:03
rio__how can i give administrator right to new user ?15:03
ActionParsnipdoda1: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything precise based15:03
bazhangdoda1, #ubuntu+1 for that15:03
viciumI could do it on my ECS but, I want a GUI because even if i learn better through ssh commands a GUI would save me of coming in here every 5 seconds15:03
MonkeyDustrio__  visudo15:03
ActionParsniprio__: sudo usermod -a -G admin username15:03
steelboxI would like to switch the bitrate of my wifi card from 54 to 108Mb/s but it does not work. I have no problems under windows.15:04
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: the 'admin' group is a much safer way to give users admin rights15:04
Trevor69420what is a decent tool to uncompress RAR files in ubuntu?15:04
elijahbazhang: That shows me all the spaces, which is great but I am looking to show all the windows inside a space, not sure if that is called expose now that I think about it15:04
Trevor69420command line tool that is15:04
AklsTrevor69420, unrar15:04
steelboxTrevor69420: unrar ?15:04
L3top!pm rio__15:04
Trevor69420oh is unrar already installed in ubuntu by default15:05
bazhangelijah, not sure, sounds like a compiz plugin issue15:05
azertyu"\u201c%Error reading ftp: //xxx.xx.xxx.xx/a.jpg (Connection timed out)\u201d"15:05
steelboxI would like to switch the bitrate of my wifi card from 54 to 108Mb/s but it does not work. I have no problems under windows.15:05
ActionParsnipTrevor69420: install rar unrar p7zip-full p7zip-rar unp     you can then use file roller via nautilus, or unp in cli15:05
bazhangsteelbox, dont repeat so quickly please15:05
rio__L3top, srry15:05
steelboxbazhang: ok15:05
azertyui can't run this script http://paste.ubuntu.com/863544/15:05
ActionParsnipTrevor69420: its not default, it needs installnig15:05
Trevor69420oooo nice15:06
L3topno worries rio__... but especially with xorg.conf you want to make sure advice anyone gives you is not wrong.15:06
viciumHmm why is wubi downloading amd64.tar.gz? :P15:06
L3topso in channel is better15:06
viciumcpu: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.30GHz (at 3301 MHz)15:06
azertyui got this error : bad interpretor15:06
viciumgah nbs didnt get it right either15:06
viciumits an intel nontheless :P15:06
chris__ActionParsnip, installed flashplugin-installer          but its still choppy15:07
ActionParsnipchris__: if you rerun my command, what is output?15:07
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wyldevicium you could always run 2 complete systems and toggle through a KVM switch :)15:07
viciumIs that a monitor switch?15:08
elijahDoes compiz fusion come default in Ubuntu 11.10?15:08
viciumwith keyboard/mouse aswell*15:08
viciumthat actually sounds like a brilliant idea!15:08
wyldevicium it shares you mouse, keyboard and display between two separate computers15:08
chris__ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/wJtaMnf415:08
azertyuhello anyone there ?15:09
BertoIlarioGattiHow does one remove a PPA through the command line?15:09
bazhangelijah, yes, it's called just compiz now though15:09
bazhangBertoIlarioGatti, ppa-purge15:09
ikoniaazertyu: you can see people talking...what do you think15:09
azertyui can't run this script : http://paste.ubuntu.com/863544/15:09
viciumgonna try wubi first atleast :)15:09
azertyui got bad interpretor15:09
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html15:09
BertoIlarioGattias in ppa-purge [name]?15:09
bazhangBertoIlarioGatti, see above15:10
BertoIlarioGattiok thanks all15:10
ActionParsnipchris__: sudo dpkg -P browser-plugin-gnash gnash gnash-common15:10
ActionParsnipchris__: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer15:10
ActionParsnipchris__: then enable the partner repo and install adobe-installer15:11
quantumlemurhey guys, I have a potentially bad problem.  I had just started a dist-upgrade to 12.04, and it had gotten past downloading everything, and was installing and configuring, when either I did something, or it did something, and everything disappeared15:11
elijahbazhang: thanks, I am in system settings and cannot find the compiz settings.15:11
quantumlemurmy desktop wallpaper is still shown, and the cursor sometimes changes to a hand depending on where I am, but I can't do or see anything else that I can tell15:11
Trevor69420also maybe someone has an idea of this too... i've been using my ubuntu server as my router and I want to be able to set something up that when one of my client PCs try to access facebook.com it'll then redirect them to another page that I specify... i only want it to be for one machine tho not all of them15:12
elijahbazhang: My nvidia driver is installed15:12
bazhangelijah, got ccsm installed?15:12
elijahbazhang: probably not15:12
Trevor69420is it possible to create a DNS record that only applies to one client PC without editing the DNS record on the client PC15:12
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bazhangelijah, compizconfig-settings-manager is the package15:12
quantumlemurI was running the upgrade within guake, so if I'm able to access the contents of that from one of the text-based interfaces, I could theoretically continue it, but is there any way to do that?  or get the contents of my session back?15:13
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chris__ActionParsnip, partner repos have been enabled from the start. you mean install flashplugin-installer again?15:13
norehi everybody!15:13
ActionParsnipchris__: no, install adobe-installer15:14
Metaphysicisthow do I purge old packages that I no longer need with apt-get15:14
* linkbuck hi all15:14
jattsudo apt-get autoremove15:15
noreI removed apache2 package, but somehow I still have apache2 apachectl commands. Moreover, the system is trying launch apache during the booting. How can I fix that (I mean completely remove apache2 package)? Thanks!15:15
jribnore: remove apache*-common15:15
jattdpkg --purge remove apache*15:15
chris__ActionParsnip, caonical partners are enabled but there is no adobe-installer15:16
FluxiFlax2023how is there a command/service that allows me to get the time in a certain city .. I.e. if I want to know whwat the time is in NY or Berlin right now ..something like get_time_now Berlin15:16
vicium_Hi. Well WIBE downloaded and installed nicely. Just 1, humorous question. How do I get back to windows? :P15:16
TopGearHi. I've got a problem with Ubuntu on my laptop...15:17
norejatt, jrib thanks. But it didn't work. It's complaining about dependencies15:17
bazhangFluxiFlax2023, with a screenlet/widget15:17
ActionParsnipchris__: should be. try:  apt-cache search adobe15:18
TopGearIn Windows, my battery runs for at least 3 hours, when not even fully charged and with Aero powered on. Ubuntu (12.04 and 11.10) runs for a maximum of 1h and 30m when the battery is fully charged. And 12.04 does have all the latest updates, same as 11.10.15:18
elijahbazhang: I guess I had installed it previously. New question, is there a way to access it by right clicking on desktop or through system settings, or do I have to launch it separately?15:19
bazhangelijah, the expose feature? or the ccsm settings15:19
bazhangTopGear, #ubuntu+1 for 12.0415:19
Ho^OhI've decided to just stick with unity 2d, i just don't know what would've given me the messy buggy launcher problem, regardless of what I do, I can't resolve it, not even package downgrade.15:19
elijahbazhang: the ccsm settings15:20
compdocTopGear, there seem to be some well known power save bugs15:20
BertoIlarioGattiOK so when i try to install applications from the software center, it always fails because it says it can't authenticate. Is there any way to fix this? (By the way I can still install the app by typing sudo apt-get install [foo] but i have to type 'y' when prompted that apt-get can't autenticate)15:20
Ho^OhWhere are all the unity configuration files that I can just delete so I can get a fresh install of Unity?15:20
noneioyou know when you press alt tab to switch between programs..what shows that? the WM?15:21
doronghey guys15:21
elijahbazhang: Btw, I found the expose equivalent and the default keyboard binding is shift+alt+up!!! Awesome!15:21
dorongI'm trying to understand what do I need to to create a RAID10 array for mongodb.15:22
chris__ActionParsnip, no package of thatg name: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=adobe-installer&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all15:22
dorongI've created the array itself (mdadm --create....)15:22
norejatt, jrib: thanks again guys. I managed to completely remove by removing its dependencies15:22
ikoniadorong: so what is the question then ?15:22
* linkbuck http://ef741e91.linkbucks.com Welcome15:23
ranjanubuntu 10.04 firefox java plugin crashing, Any workaround?15:23
dorongbut I'm not sure if I should create a physical volumoe above it (pvcreate) and than a volume group (vgcreate) and than a logical volume (lvcreate) or just treat the /dev/md0 as my volume and that's it15:23
doronghere is a more detailed explanation for what I'm talking about -15:24
Mike9863HDMI audio output is not working for me. Can anyone help?15:25
SubNormalif I have IP wont I be able to ping
L3topMike9863: what is your hardware/Ubuntu version15:25
elijahJust want to say that Ubuntu is getting to be very kick ass as of when I first installed it at 7.04. Really looking forward to 12.04!15:25
Mike9863L3top: I'm running Ubuntu 11.10. Are you asking about my speaker hardware? I'm not sure how I can find information on the specs, but my laptop is an HP Pavilion dv6.15:26
ActionParsnipranjan: how did you install java?15:26
dorongikonia, any advice ?15:27
L3topYour video hardware15:27
ActionParsnipchris__: not sure the packages site lists partner repo tbh.15:27
compdocelijah, it keeps getting better in some ways15:27
ranjanActionParsnip: from ubuntu repositoruy15:27
ActionParsnipranjan: its not packaged anymore15:27
ikoniadorong: it's up to you, you can just use the raw meta device, or you can put LVM on top of it15:27
ranjanActionParsnip: but, why firefox crashes15:27
BertoIlarioGattiReposting because no answer (even a bug number would help) → When i try to install applications from the software center, it always fails because it says it can't authenticate. Is there any way to fix this? (By the way I can still install the app by typing sudo apt-get install [foo] but i have to type 'y' when prompted that apt-get can't autenticate)15:28
ActionParsnipranjan: not sure, how exactly did you install java?15:28
dorongikonia, can you please elaborate about the cons/pros for each of them ?15:28
ActionParsnipBertoIlarioGatti: can you use http://pastie.org  to give the output of:  sudo apt-get update    close software centre etc first15:28
ikoniadorong: lvm is more flexible if you want to change sizings, but it also has an admin overhead, that's it15:28
dorongikonia, did you had any experience with using mongodb on such a volume ?15:29
ranjanActionParsnip: using sudo apt-get install sun-jdk15:29
ranjanActionParsnip: dont remember the name15:29
ikoniadorong: I've used many applications on raw devices or lvm, never mongodb though15:29
ranjanActionParsnip: of the package15:30
MonkeyDustranjan  use open-jdk, not sun-jdk15:30
ranjanMonkeyDust: ok thank you :) let me try. now leaving15:30
N3M35I5_hey, can anyone help me? i want to get an email when a user ssh's into my server and a full log on ssh activitys. can this be done? ive been googling for ages and found nothing, thanks15:30
ikoniaN3M35I5_: seems massive overkill, but you can script that sure15:31
SubNormalquestion, if I have IP wont I be able to ping
bcuraboyhi erveryone.how can i share my 3g connection on ubuntu 11.10 to my Sony Xperia?15:31
ikoniaSubNormal: try ##networking15:31
BertoIlarioGattiActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/349715015:31
dorongikonia, ok thanks you. last thing - if I do decide to use lvm on top of it, are all of the commands I wrote required (first "pvcreate /dev/md0" than "vgcreate -s 64M mongodb_vg /dev/md0" than "lvcreate -l $num_extents -nmongodb_lv mongodb_vg") ?15:31
ActionParsnipN3M35I5_: you could make a script to check /var/log/auth.log   and when it sees someone log in, send you a mail15:31
enzotibyou can usually change terminal window title with echo -ne "\033]0;New Title\007" (provided PS1 do not change it back): where is this documented?15:31
N3M35I5_ikonia, its just i have a few people sshing on my box and i want to keep an eye on ehat there doing. Any idea where ican find a script?15:31
viciumNow I forgot the tar flagz for folder again.. wasnt it xcvf?15:32
SubNormalikonia: ok thanks15:32
chris__ActionParsnip, strange, I have this line in mt sources.list: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu oneiric partner15:32
N3M35I5_ActionParsnip: i want to see what commands there running via ssh too, then when they log out, recieve the log15:32
ikoniadorong: yes you will need those commands, and you'll need to put a file system on the logical volume15:32
ikoniaN3M35I5_: write one, should be quite simple15:32
ikoniaN3M35I5_: multiple options,15:32
dorongikonia, ok thank you very much for the help15:32
ikoniadorong: welcome15:32
N3M35I5_ikonia, i can write scripts, wanna help ? :D15:33
ActionParsnipBertoIlarioGatti: http://paste.ubuntu.com/863593/15:33
elijahWhat are the differences between the Nvidia drivers? I see version current, version current post release and recommended etc.15:33
N3M35I5_ikonia: ive tried commands in .profile but still no joy15:33
tyzierdoes anyone know how to get smartmon deamon to print to a custom defined logfile?15:34
ActionParsnipchris__: does it have a hash at the start of the line? Did you run:  sudo apt-get update15:34
bcuraboyhi erveryone.how can i share my 3g connection on ubuntu 11.10 to my Sony Xperia?15:34
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ActionParsnipN3M35I5_: you'll need to read their ~/.bash_history file, after they connect you will need to have an app copying their history file changes to another file and so on. Sounds messy. There may be an app that already does it but I'm not sure15:35
cathhi everyone15:35
N3M35I5_is there not a command i could put in .bash_profile to start logging and then email on exit?15:35
ZalN3M35I5_, keep in mind that a savvy user can still hide their activity from you. If you don't trust them, don't give them a shell.15:36
Mike9863HDMI audio output is not working for me. I'm running Ubuntu 11.10. Can anyone help?15:36
ActionParsnipN3M35I5_: i guess you could put stuff in there.15:36
dorongikonia, sorry for the bombardment, but I've setup the array on /dev/md0, and after a restart it got renamed to /dev/md127. any idea why ?15:36
ActionParsnipMike9863: is it selected as the output ni sound options and is it unmuted and cranked in alsamixer15:36
ZalN3M35I5_, .bash_profile can be used to run commands when the shell starts, .bash_logout when it exits.15:36
N3M35I5_script -f -q /tmp/session-$USER-$CURDATE-$RAND.log15:37
N3M35I5_for EMAIL in $EMAILS; do15:37
N3M35I5_    cat "/tmp/session-$USER-$CURDATE-$RAND.log" | mail -s "SSH session transcri$15:37
FloodBot1N3M35I5_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
N3M35I5_somethinglike that?15:37
MonkeyDustbcuraboy  i don't use 3G myself, but maybe this link is useful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkManager/Hardware/3G/Probing15:37
xsl.bash_profile ? aint .bashrc ?15:37
xslor .profile15:37
bcuraboylet's take a look15:37
N3M35I5_yeah its .profile on mine, just saying .bash_profile so people know what im talking about15:38
AlessandroLableoi tem algum Brasileiro On ?15:38
Mike9863ActionParsnip: Yes15:38
Zalxsl, Bash reads any one of those, depending on circumstances.15:38
MonkeyDust!br| AlessandroLable15:39
ubottuAlessandroLable: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:39
Mike9863ActionParsnip: Actually, I just selected the HDMI soundcard in alsamixer and it's showing me one option for S/PDIF which is at 00 and cannot be adjusted. Any ideas?15:39
G__81i want to install citrix receiver in Ubuntu 11.10 Its actually Xubuntu but when i install it i get lot of unmet dependencies. I follow the following link15:39
elijahCan someone help me add a folder to Ubuntu One?15:39
G__81can some one help me with this please?15:39
ActionParsnipMike9863: does the system have a make and model?15:41
bcuraboyMonkeyDust, i've read the link,but there's nothing about sharing15:41
elijahI would think that in cloud folders I just right click and add folder but no go15:41
ActionParsnipMike9863: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh15:41
chris__could someone tell me where do I find the package adobe-installer?15:42
elijahWhen I right click on a folder, go to Ubuntu One and then synchronize nothing happens15:42
Mike9863ActionParsnip: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=75ad5d867f82d5c5cfdeefddea7d6cacd14fcd6e15:43
MonkeyDustbcuraboy  can't find anything relevant15:44
ActionParsnipMike9863: keep hold of that URL. I'm no good at sound stuff but somebody else may be able to use that data15:44
bcuraboyhmmm i'll search a little more15:44
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Mike9863ActionParsnip: Okay thanks15:45
G__81can some one here help me out on how to resolve the errors ?15:46
elijahIs there a way to have the desktop background fade between instead of the harsh change?15:46
ro_70show do I unpause a printer?15:46
MonkeyDustG__81  the channel #citrix is open15:47
ro_70sweird there are always people here normally15:47
expelibamboosro_70s can you clarify, please?15:47
MonkeyDustro_70s  world wide community, the earth never sleeps :)15:47
ro_70s@ expelibamboos -- yea. the priunter wont print. it is lsited as paused15:47
ro_70s@ expelibamboos - how do I unpause it15:48
elijahIs there a keyboard shortcut to launch a new nautilus window?15:48
ro_70s@monkeydust - seems to be a display error on my computer's part :) thought no wone was here at first15:48
expelibamboosro_70 What printer is that and which Ubuntu version?15:48
LukeNukemhow can i install libsub-1.015:48
elijahI want to change a default binding preferably and not make a new one but I need to know what it is called. Launch new nautilus window?15:49
ro_70s@ expelibamboosit is an HP OfficeJet ... but I doubt the specific version matters? It is 11.10 ubuntu15:49
ro_70s@ expelibamboos officejet pro 8500a plus15:49
CombatjuanHowdy. Not sure where to ask this. Not sure where to ask this.  From my ubuntu box, if I do 'ping data' I get the ip address  If I instead do 'ping \\data' I get  What do those leading backslashes mean?15:49
Mike9863Can anyone help me get my audio hdmi output to work? Here is my hardware information http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=75ad5d867f82d5c5cfdeefddea7d6cacd14fcd6e15:49
CombatjuanI suspect that '\\data' is a windows share.  But I would expect ping to either ignore the backslashes and also give me '' or to raise an error about that being a malformed hostname.15:49
ro_70s@ expelibamboos - shouldnt there be a pause/unpause generic option somehwere,m regardless of specific printer ?15:49
LukeNukemhow can i install libsub?15:50
philinuxro_70s: go here in firefox http://localhost:631/printers/15:50
MonkeyDustLukeNukem  apt-get install libsub, no?15:50
expelibamboosro_70s depends on CUPS version, tbh, i'm not using Ocelot atm15:50
LukeNukemi need to add a rule to udev15:50
LukeNukemwhich file do i need to edit?15:50
ro_70s@ philinux wow that's neat. so it says "Officejet_Pro_8500_A910HP OfficeJet Pro 8500A PlusHP Officejet Pro 8500 a910 hpijs, 3.11.7En pausa - "Paused""15:50
ubottuNo warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:51
expelibamboosro_70s can you restart it?15:51
AlessandroLable_alguem podeme dizer como ir para o servidor Brasileiro da Ubuntu,  ?15:51
Pici!br | AlessandroLable_15:51
ubottuAlessandroLable_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:51
LukeNukemMonkeyDust, unable to locate package15:51
ro_70s@ AlessandroLable_ hay un version especifica br?15:51
bastidrazorLukeNukem: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libsub&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all15:51
elijahnevermind, got it, was called home folder under launcher15:51
philinuxro_70s: click on the printer then on maintenance and choose resume15:51
LukeNukemhow can i add a new rule to udev?15:52
ro_70s@ philinux thank you :)15:52
philinuxro_70s: bookmark that link15:52
ro_70syea good idea15:52
LukeNukemSUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0fce", SYSFS{idProduct}=="*", MODE="0777"15:53
LukeNukemi need to add that rule15:53
expelibamboosphilinux: thanks, didn't know that15:54
theadminLukeNukem: echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0fce", SYSFS{idProduct}=="*", MODE="0777"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/your_rule15:54
b0otI currently am dual booting ubuntu 10.1015:55
b0otand 10.0415:55
b0otI want to reinstall 10.0415:55
b0otover the current 10.04 ... how do I do that with the advance partitioning in the install?15:55
bosongwhen 12.04 comes out do i just run apt-get upgrade ? im on 11.1015:55
theadminbosong: You run "do-release-upgrade"15:56
ActionParsnipb0ot: if you can wait il April, precise will be out and is also LTS :)15:56
ActionParsnipbosong: it will be offered to you15:56
b0otI hate unity15:56
LukeNukemtheadmin, oh shit, gedit the cd rules and added it in using text editor15:57
ActionParsnipb0ot: you don't have to use unity15:57
mnk0b0ot: unity is a work in progress15:57
mnk0we need the communnity support15:57
mnk0it'll be getting better and better15:57
b0otmost of my experiments have been in 10.04, so I would like to keep working in it until it runs out of support15:57
philinuxb0ot: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1928350&highlight=classic15:57
mnk0not happy with 11.x ?15:57
b0otI still strongly prefer 10.0415:58
mnk0i stick with xbuntu15:58
ActionParsnipb0ot: you can install xubuntu and it will look and feel like gnome215:58
ActionParsnipb0ot: lucid will eventually be eol :)15:58
mnk0or just apt-get install xfce415:58
LukeNukemi did this15:58
LukeNukemmarshall@DisasterProne:~$ echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0fce", SYSFS{idProduct}=="*", MODE="0777"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/flashtool15:58
LukeNukemis that fine15:58
philinuxb0ot: 10.04 got support till April 2013 (Desktop)15:58
b0otis the next LTS 3 or 5 year support15:59
philinuxb0ot: 515:59
MonkeyDustb0ot  OT: ubuntu 11.10 classic (no effects) looks very much like 10.0416:00
philinuxb0ot: unity in 12.04 is very customisable with myunity 3.0 http://www.webupd8.org/2012/02/myunity-30-released-with-new-gui.html16:00
bosongcan i still run gnome-classic in 12.04 ?16:01
subz3r0unity is just a piece of .... :)16:01
philinuxbosong: Yes http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1928350&highlight=classic16:01
ActionParsnipbosong: no but you can jig the desktop to be similar. I'd just install xfce416:01
ActionParsnipsubz3r0: runs ok here16:02
philinuxsubz3r0: unity is just a DE and there are others out there like xfce16:02
ActionParsnipphilinux: unity isn't a DE16:02
subz3r0xfce != gnome 216:02
ActionParsnipphilinux: unity is a shell for the gnome de16:02
subz3r0the feel and look may be equal, but i dont like it16:02
aplantier_hello all16:02
bosongi dont like unity either ;)16:03
ActionParsnipsubz3r0: sure, but it acts the same, with the menus and the 2 panel approach. xfce is also built on gtk, just like gnome16:03
subz3r0i know :)16:03
Zalwhat command-line tool should I be using to check if a package is installed? I'm reading "man apt-get" but am not seeing the option there.16:03
thelodgerAra lads, sure it's all binary underneath. Can't we all just get along?!16:03
MonkeyDustand: alacarte!!!16:03
b0otIs ubuntu going to be able to run on ras pi?16:03
subz3r0atm im happy with my gnome shell. i like the way how it looks16:03
subz3r0and i feel very comfortable in using it16:03
ActionParsnipb0ot: sure, its just an ARM CPU...16:03
b0otwasn't sure if it would have the horsepower to handle it16:03
MonkeyDustZal  apt-cache policy16:04
philinuxActionParsnip: I think i prefer the term interface lol16:04
ZalMonkeyDust, thanks16:04
subz3r0philinux, :D16:04
ActionParsnipphilinux: same difference16:04
philinuxActionParsnip: gnome-session-fallback is in 12.0416:05
ZalWhat is the name of the package that contains mod_ssl ?16:05
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mnk0apt-cache search ssl16:06
MonkeyDustZal  try apt-cache search mod_ssl16:06
ActionParsnipdpkg -S mod_ssl16:06
Zalgreat, thanks guys16:06
DarsVaedahow do I set processor speed in ubuntu unity 11.10?16:06
ActionParsnipphilinux: i read somewhere it disables stuff, like safemode in windows16:06
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tobyinkHave just installed Ubuntu 11.10 over an old broken 10.04 install. (Completely over it; i.e. reformatting.)16:07
philinuxActionParsnip: Ok I've not seen that.16:07
bastidrazorDarsVaeda: cpufrequtils package and cpufreq-set and cpufreq-info16:07
tobyinkSeems to have mostly gone well, but my mouse cursor is now almost invisible. Looks like two very faint lines at a right angle.16:08
Whiskeyanyone knows where the login screens are savved on the system?16:08
tobyinkThis is just the "normal" cursor affected - when dragging a window, the cursor is visible; when hovering over a test box, it is visible.16:09
ActionParsnipWhiskey: do you mean the background?16:09
philinuxActionParsnip: this threads been going a while now http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192835016:09
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Whiskeythe login screen16:09
Whiskeywhere you pick username and session16:10
Mike9863Can anyone help me get my audio hdmi output to work? Here is my hardware information http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=75ad5d867f82d5c5cfdeefddea7d6cacd14fcd6e16:10
Whiskeythe login screen16:10
viciumHi. I am having trouble "NOT" mirroring my displays, I Just want to extend one of them. But upon placing them in a logical fashion, it says "required virtual size does not fit available size: requested 3840, 1080, minumum 320,200, maximum 1920, 192016:11
viciumSo well yes, obviously I see maximum is 1920, 1920, but why. I want one of the screens to be assigned as a workplace16:11
dch4pm4nWould this be the correct channel to ask a specific question dealing with Ubuntu AMIs for Amazon EC2?16:11
ActionParsnipWhiskey: thats Mint. Are you using mint?16:11
Whiskeybut its same as ubuntu anyways16:12
ActionParsnipWhiskey: mint isn't supported here16:12
ActionParsnipWhiskey: it's not, it's mint16:12
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:12
MonkeyDustWhiskey  mint is a different ditro16:13
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Whiskeyit is16:13
ActionParsnipWhiskey: mint has its own forum and own support channels, not here16:13
Whiskeywhen i search i find user/share/theme16:13
Whiskeybut i don´t find the theme in there16:13
viciumIs it possible to assign a monitor to a specific workspace+ or extend the desktop to it?16:13
ActionParsnipWhiskey: mint isn't supported here16:13
bastidrazormy trollface ;D16:13
WkurtzGreetings all: I have a quick question. Have a problem with the buttons of the windows and I'm tired of trying to fix it. How can I restore all settings of Gnome?16:14
MonkeyDustWkurtz  unity-reset ?16:14
Wkurtzsimple as that? Thank you!16:14
phpN00bwhere are gnome shell extensions stored?16:14
wyldevicium, are you using proprietary video drivers?16:14
ActionParsnipWkurtz: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc16:14
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viciumNot sure what that menas wylde, but no. I downloaded the reccomended ATIAMD drivers that was suggested to me.16:15
WkurtzActionParsnip: Oneiric16:16
viciumSo its GPU related? (since its limited at 1920x1920) which it shouldnt16:16
wyldevicium, ahh ok. I'm running dual monitors here but I've set them up using the most up-to-date nvidia driver from their website, using twinview16:16
ActionParsnipWkurtz: http://askubuntu.com/questions/70572/reset-unity-and-gnome-to-default-values16:17
phpN00bis tehr a photoshop and illustrator alternative for Ubuntu?16:17
Wkurtzthank you very much!16:17
ActionParsnipphpN00b: gimp16:17
Wkurtzand have a nice day :)16:17
PeckerphpN00b: GIMP and Inkscape16:17
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dch4pm4nCan someone suggest the latest Amazon Ubuntu AMI that support FUSE and mounting remote directories with SSHFS? I currently have ebs/ubuntu-images/ubuntu-maverick-10.10-amd64-server-20101007.1 (ami-548c783d) which does not have/support FUSE.16:19
Whiskeyfound source of the theme after 2h searching :D16:19
Whiskeyso now idon´t need to find it myself just install it :D16:19
viciumTrying the proprieatry drivers now wylde, looks promising :)16:19
wyldeyeah, you tend to have a fair number more configuration options that way vicium16:20
phpN00bI can't add a folder to my favorites in Nautilus :(16:20
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ActionParsnipphpN00b: should be able to just drag it16:20
Peckerdoes anyone hav ekeyboard and mouse freeze issues with 10.04 on certain computers?16:20
phpN00bActionParsnip, can't :(16:20
ActionParsnipphpN00b: or go into the folder and click bookmarks at the top16:20
phpN00bActionParsnip, that worked16:21
ActionParsnipPecker: do they freeze with other keyboards?16:21
ActionParsnipphpN00b: sweet16:21
phpN00bActionParsnip, can I hide the list "computer" in nautilus?16:21
wunnlehello. why drag and drop apps not working on ubuntu? is it about the "whitelist" thing? :/16:21
acidrainyay. my onboard etho card has held a wired connection for 2 days now!16:21
m3asmiI cant install   python-xmlbase :(16:21
acidrain<3 @ ubuntu16:21
PeckerActionParsnip: its not a keyboard hardware issue that i find, although will have to try that... same keyboard works fine on another 10.04 machine,its a newer corei5 that hates it16:22
VictorCLhow can  iapt-get safari browser?16:22
ActionParsnipPecker: is the ram healthy?16:22
MonkeyDustacidrain  wired is more stable and faster than wireless16:22
PeckerActionParsnip: yeah, runs win7 and 9.10 just fine. even threw in new ram when the old sticks hated me16:22
MonkeyDustVictorCL  if it's not in the repos, you cannot apt-get it16:22
ActionParsnipVictorCL: safari is proprietary so you will need wine16:23
ActionParsnipPecker: maybe its a bug  with the new kernel. I would test the ram just in case16:23
chris__ActionParsnip, where do I find the adobe-installer deb, I'll download it manually16:23
philinuxVictorCL: If you want safari you'll have to do some work. http://techhamlet.com/2011/02/safari-on-ubuntu/16:24
VictorCLlet it be xD16:24
ActionParsnipchris__: not sure, you could always grab the tar.gz from the adobe site and throw the plugin file into your browsers plugins folder16:25
xhero35hi, I'm looking for some kind of tool what can do unwrap in text file. Any ideas?16:25
philinuxVictorCL: Good choice IMHO16:25
j0n4hola buenos dias16:25
Picixhero35: What do you mean by 'unwrap'?16:25
xhero35for example: text16:25
xhero35like this16:25
dch4pm4nCan someone suggest the latest Amazon Ubuntu AMI that support FUSE and mounting remote directories with SSHFS? I currently have ebs/ubuntu-images/ubuntu-maverick-10.10-amd64-server-20101007.1 (ami-548c783d) which does not have/support FUSE.16:26
L3top!info flashplugin-installer chris__16:26
ubottu'chris__' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, unstable16:26
xhero35i want to have: for example text like this16:26
L3top!info flashplugin-installer16:26
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 9 kB, installed size 160 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)16:26
PeckerActionParsnip: runing memtest86 now...16:26
xhero35unwrap lines16:26
viciumIs the amd prioprietry driver .run script supposed to take like an hour to complete? o_O16:26
viciumIt's loading it in gedit16:27
chris__ubottu, what is not a valid distribution?16:27
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:27
L3topchris__: that was me16:27
xhero35Pici: up16:27
L3topI was trying to direct the flashplugin-installer info to you16:27
pleiadeswhatsapower meeting..16:27
L3topit doesnt work that way16:27
bill2012i managed to get my inspiron 3800 upgraded to dapper (it was hoary).  it doesn' believe that i have a floppy.  oddly enough, i *can* mount the floppy--using /dev/hdc! but i can't format floppies that way.  i need to format. any ideas?16:28
Picixhero35: you could use tr to delete all the newlines.  cat filename | tr -d "\n" > newfile16:28
pleiadesthe dog out and was like "go to my gf, let her get a lot at once but the iplayer.. let's just settle down nah..16:28
Peckerdapper? that old? try a live cd of a newer vresion, ike lucid?16:28
bill2012no cd!16:28
new3432I am setting up 10 computers in a lab to print to an IPP printer. My question is this, if i don't care about restricting how/when people can print, what is the win of making the clients use a cups printer on ubuntu server (and having ubuntu submit the jobs) as opposed to simply attaching them to the IPP printer url directly?16:29
xhero35Pici: thx for this but my file has sometimes "-" at the end od some lines.. It sorts part of my problem only16:30
Peckerbill2012: live usb?16:30
bill2012i have a usb b ut nothing to attach to it besides a memory stick16:31
bill2012can't boot from it though16:31
Peckerdang... must have really old machine16:31
macmartineI'm trying to setup dovecot and all docs say to change 'mail_location'  in dovecot.conf but it's not in there. has it moved?16:31
chris__ok so I installed adobe flash with the flashplugin installed but full screen wids are very choppy on my amd fusion apu. is there a way to help this with the free drivers16:31
bill2012i just need to format some floppies so i can make boot media.  then i upgrade to latest.16:32
Peckerwith that old a machine..i wouldnt upgrade past 10.10, id stick with upgrading to 10.0416:33
Picixhero35: hows this: cat filename | tr "\n" " " | sed 's/- //g' > newfile16:33
L3topchris__: I believe you are going to have to install the fglrx driver. What was your problem with that again?16:33
chris__L3top, that breaks suspend to ram on my aspire 425016:33
chris__and has a watermark o the screen16:33
bill2012i'll keep that in mind16:33
L3topso you are using the radeon driver?16:34
xhero35Pici: Thx.. I will analize and check it :)16:34
chris__L3top, yes the name of the module is radeon16:34
AlessandroLablealguem brasileiro que possa me ajudar ?16:35
AlessandroLabletava no canal ubuntu-br mas infelizmente ninguem ta respondendo mt =x16:35
AlessandroLablepessoal deve tarocupado sei la16:35
chris__L3top, not sure where to find the X11 config file since they changed it16:35
AlessandroLablealguem pode dar um help aqui ?16:35
PiciAlessandroLable: /join #ubuntu-br16:36
vicium_How do I connect to another IP via SSH in a terminal opened in my ubuntu gui?16:37
AlessandroLabledesculpa "Pici" mas ja tentei infelizmente nao tao me respondendo la16:37
AlessandroLablealgum Brasileiro pode me ajudar ? alguem on ai ?16:37
MonkeyDust!br| AlessandroLable16:37
ubottuAlessandroLable: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:37
phpN00bcan gnome3/nautilus do pdf previews?16:37
L3topchris__: /etc/X11 does not contain an xorg.conf correct?16:37
PiciAlessandroLable: #ubuntu  por Ingles. #ubuntu-br por português.16:38
AlessandroLablePici are u a user ?16:38
chris__L3top, it does but it barely contains anything16:38
Peckervicium_: ssh
LukeNukemhow to create a rules files once more please tell me16:38
vicium_Pic is a muppet :)16:38
_MarcusAlessandroLable: Este é um canal Inglês, você deve falar Inglês. Veja # ubuntu-br16:38
AlessandroLableow ok16:38
Picivicium_: only sometimes.16:39
AlessandroLablesry but i16:39
vicium_Thank you Pecker btw16:39
vicium_Ofcourse when I think about it.. tried connect but no :d16:39
PiciAlessandroLable: If you can ask in english, you can stay here.16:39
MonkeyDustand ubottu is very intelligent lady16:39
L3topchris__: if that is the case try: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.backup; sudo xorg --configure; cp /root/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf16:39
_MarcusHello, Duality16:40
AlessandroLablesorry, but I'm not getting the necessary help to solve my problems in the Brazilian channel of ubuntu16:40
_MarcusAlessandroLable: If you can ask in English, ask here.16:40
Dualityi got clicking in flash video's in the sound, but only when the video is uncovered when i put a random window over it the clicking stops any one got any ideas?16:40
Peckervicium_: ssh will attempt connecting with username as your current user, if the user you want to connect as doesnt match your system username, do ssh -l username16:40
AlessandroLableI'm having problems with permissions on my ubuntu, I use the version 10.1116:40
Pecker10.11? lol that doesnt exist16:41
Peckeryou mean 11.10?16:41
AlessandroLablesry its 11.1016:41
Peckerwhat you trying to do16:41
AlessandroLableaccess my hd16:41
Peckerthat bad16:41
L3topvicium_: or ssh user@
_MarcusAlessandroLable: What file?16:41
_MarcusAlessandroLable: Is it outside your home directory?16:42
Peckerwher is the file located16:42
AlessandroLablei dont know why the system dont let me open it16:42
_MarcusAlessandroLable: Is it outside your home directory?16:42
MonkeyDustAlessandroLable  everyting outside /home needs sudo16:42
dorongguys, I've setup a RAID10 array on /dev/md0, and before using lvm to create a volume (or using it without lvm) I restarted the machine. after the restart the device changed from /dev/md0 to /dev/md127. any idea why could this happen ?16:42
_MarcusAlessandroLable: What is the location of the file? The exact path please16:42
AlessandroLablethe system does not let me open the hardrive16:43
AlessandroLablebut until 2 days ago16:43
AlessandroLablewas fine16:43
Dualitybye going afk something happend over here :)16:43
vicium_So i've got a .jar file (minecraft.jar) to be exact. I made a .sh script. And to run the game I have #!/bin/sh         screen java -Xincgc -Xmx3072m -jar minecraft.jar16:43
vicium_The parameters I use feel incorrect16:44
AlessandroLableup to two days behind I could use my two hd16:44
_Marcusvicium_: Are they the parameters that they tell you to use on Minecraft's website?16:44
AlessandroLablebut yesterday the computer started giving me a message that the device could not be mounted16:44
Peckervicium_: add -S it after screen16:45
Peckereg screen -S java16:45
vicium__Marcus: No, its actually for the server script I have, I copied them. Because I know it allows for more memory usage16:45
chris__this fusion apu is a nightmare16:45
Peckerscreen -S mc java cmd16:45
u77hello, I have a python script (added to Startup Applications) that mounts a drive in server with sshFS16:45
Peckerid look at my start sctipr but i cant get in server..dang net16:46
u77the strange thing is that it doesn't mount in the first time, but mounts after I have rebooted16:46
MonkeyDustu77  and did you reboot?16:46
vicium_Pecker, adding the screen -S messes up the file, it wont boot16:46
vicium_It did before*16:46
Peckerok then16:46
vicium_Maybe screen is not really needed since im launching it via my ubuntu GUI anyway?16:47
vicium_No need for the java log in the background16:47
u77I don't understand, why the script doesn't work in the first bootup16:47
Peckervicium_: dont use screen?t hen dont press close button then lol16:47
vicium_Oh what happens then? :P16:48
NillyHi, I am 100% new to linux...  (o:  I am looking for advice on the how to partition up a dual boot system best and what file systems to use.    So obviously win on the primary as NTFS then an extended parition with various linux logical partitions inside.  Is there a good strategy for partitioning up linux and if I want to share files with windows, how do I do this?16:48
_MarcusPecker: I think he is running this without a GUI, seeing how he wants to use Screen.16:48
Peckerif you run inside the gui with nos creen, if you press close button it will close seesion..whihc will close mc server16:48
_MarcusPecker: I think he is running this without a GUI, seeing how he wants to use Screen.16:48
forever2432AlessandroLable: what format is the drive ntfs or extx16:48
vicium_I used to run it without GUI on a Elastic cloud server, just got wubi wibu? for my homestation so trying it out16:48
L3topchris__: ???16:49
LukeNukemHow can i delete files using ubuntu16:49
PeckerNilly: id do 4 types of partitions. NTFS for windows, ext4 for linux, swap drive for linux, and a FAT32 parition for sjaring files16:49
chris__L3top, I need to stop the x server to run Xorg -configure16:49
wyldeu77 I've found loading my sshfs mounts in /etc/fstab as removable drives easier16:49
vicium_Because now without screen I can just click the corner 'X' and it closes as far as I can tell atleast :)16:49
t_rakowskiAnyone knows how to install php4 with apache2.2 on ubuntu ?16:49
azertyui just reboot my reboot my server i got this error16:50
azertyuon the ubuntu boot screen16:50
t_rakowskiI've managed to compile php4 but it segfaults when I start apache16:50
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L3topcould be... one second.16:50
Pecker_Marcus: i think the gui he is referecing is what yuo get withh Applications->terminal16:50
azertyuthe disk drive /tmp not yet ready or not present16:50
AlessandroLableforever2432 the system hd = ext4 the files hd is ntfs16:50
LukeNukemL3top, can you tell me how to add a rule16:50
azertyui can't understand16:50
azertyuwhat i have to do ?16:50
forever2432 AlessandroLable:ok 1 sec16:51
NillyPecker: [NTFS Primary] [{Ext4 Linux OS}{Fat32 sjaring}{swap}]    Also I have a 2nd HDD, so I might ut the "sjaring" files on there.      What does sjaring mean exactly?16:51
L3topI am not sure what you want LukeNukem...16:52
LukeNukemi want to create a new file in etc/udev/rules.d16:52
LukeNukemand add new rules16:52
azertyuthe disk drive /tmp not yet ready or not present16:52
vicium_Also. To enhance my experience in this channel. Anyone reccomend a good IRC client with a GUI? Currently using irssi in terminal.16:52
georgieeedoes anyone know how to look up command of apps which are on the gnome 3 favorite bar?16:52
azertyuwhat i have to do ?16:52
AlessandroLablebut the system also does not let me mount the DVD drive16:52
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:52
vicium_Kinda hard to keep track with the SERIOUS userspam :P16:52
AlessandroLablenenhum BR mesmo nao xD?16:53
Nillyvicium_: no kidding16:53
L3topI have never created rules, only changed them. I am probably not the best person to ask LukeNukem16:53
wyldevicium_, using x-chat here16:53
forever2432AlessandroLable: run: sudo fdisk -l in console to see if the drive is present16:53
L3topchris__: you can ctrl alt f2 , then service gdm stop16:54
AlessandroLable1 sec16:54
L3topthen run.16:54
L3topI think16:54
xhero35Pici: Thank you! It's works and It was exactly what I want.16:54
Picixhero35: great :)16:54
thelodgervicium_: Pidgin is what I use16:54
L3topI dont recall ever having done that, but... I usually run in a very different x environment without a desktop manager16:54
NillyPecker:  lol sjaring ='s sharing.   My typo vision sucks.  lol16:55
AlessandroLableok i can see both16:55
AlessandroLablethe ntfs and the ext4 drivers16:55
AlessandroLableand seens normal here16:55
LukeNukemhow to rename files?16:56
forever2432AlessandroLable: is the ntfs on sda?16:56
LukeNukemusing termianl16:56
PiciLukeNukem: mv oldfilename newfilename16:56
AlessandroLablenops SDB16:56
PeckerNilly: my typing sucks..yeah16:56
nagarjunaLukeNukem: mv  sourcefilename  destinationfilename16:57
AlessandroLableyeah the ntfs is sdb16:57
jwmtoI have a IMAC running 11.10 but I can't run gnome 3 because my video driver is not up to snuff.  the normal "additional drivers" update facility is not working for me.  Can anyone advise?16:57
forever2432AlessandroLable: try sudo mkdir /media/drive216:57
AlessandroLablebut i dont realy know what that mean xD16:57
AlessandroLable.... nothing hapens16:58
sm0kiehey guys, how can i add a text message after a user SSH to my server?16:58
sm0kiewhats it called so atleast i can google it mayb?16:58
georgieeeHow do I see which commands my Gnome 3 bar uses to open apps???16:58
forever2432 AlessandroLable: then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o “rw+x” eg./dev/sdb1 /media/drive116:59
forever2432AlessandroLable: then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o “rw+x” /dev/sdb1 /media/drive116:59
AlessandroLable1 sec, that works here16:59
jwmtobumping my question: I have a IMAC running 11.10 but I can't run gnome 3 because my video driver is not up to snuff.  the normal "additional drivers" update facility is not working for me.  Can anyone advise?16:59
AlessandroLableow sht =x16:59
AlessandroLablethat msg isnt good =x17:00
AlessandroLablentfs-3g: Failed to access volume 'eg./dev/sdb117:00
forever2432AlessandroLable: ok then sudo mount -t ntfs -o 777 /dev/sdb1 /media/drive117:00
AlessandroLablehumm... nothing again17:01
phpN00bwhat kernel version is ubuntu 12.04 going to ship with?17:01
LukeNukemnagarjuna, i need to rename a file in etc/udev/rules.d17:01
LukeNukemhow to?17:01
forever2432AlessandroLable:but no error?17:01
AlessandroLablenops, anything at all17:01
geirhaLukeNukem: cd /etc/udev/rules.d && sudo mv oldfilename newfilename17:02
vicium_Should I get alien to convert a .rpm file to a package?17:02
forever2432AlessandroLable: cool then navigate to /media folder with file manager17:02
vicium_(installing x-chat)17:02
Picivicium_: x-chat is in the repositories.17:02
AlessandroLablewhat did u doooooo man ?17:02
AlessandroLableits working know =x17:02
AlessandroLablewhat happens ?17:03
ActionParsnip!info xchat17:03
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-3ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 350 kB, installed size 928 kB17:03
vicium_Aha, I tried apt-get install x-chat17:03
AlessandroLableafter that donst work but its open now o.o'17:03
forever2432AlessandroLable: we created a new folder in /media called drive1 and mounted your drive to it17:03
Picivicium_: As ActionParsnip showed above, the package name is 'xchat'17:03
vicium_dashes bad!17:03
vicium_Yeah i got it, thanks :)17:03
AlessandroLablei dont really understand that but thanks xD17:03
AlessandroLableseriously xD17:04
jwmtono one with video driver update advice?17:04
forever2432AlessandroLable: now sudo chmod -R 777 /media/drive117:04
Peckerjwmto: id help but i dont use macs17:04
jwmtoThanks Pecker, at least I know I'm heard17:04
forever2432AlessandroLable: to give full access to your files17:04
ViciumOk, here we go17:05
ViciumYeah, 500% increase in visibility :)17:05
AlessandroLableok 1 sec17:05
jwmtooutta here17:05
ViciumSo is my amd-driver-installer-12 blabla for linux really supposed to be opened with gedit? And its been loading for 30 minutes now :P17:06
ViciumIt's a .run file.17:06
wyldeVicium, no17:07
macmartineWhere does this go in Dovecot 2.0.13? https://gist.github.com/195144917:07
chris__if you think flash should burn in hell then append &html5=True to the end of the URL for the youtube video you want to watch17:07
wyldeis the executable bit set on the file?17:07
Viciumlet me check17:07
AlessandroLable.... forever17:07
AlessandroLablethis comand inst doing anything =x ?17:07
forever2432AlessandroLable:but your HD led was on for a while?17:08
AlessandroLableyeah i guess17:08
Viciumwylde, How do I check that? I'm looking at the files properties atm. It lists gedit as default applicaiton to launch its fyletype though17:08
Vicium"Execute, Allow exceuting as a program"17:09
wyldeVicium, that's odd... I suppose you could just chmod +x filename anyway to be sure17:09
forever2432AlessandroLable:cool then if you navigate to /media/drive1 you should have full access to all your files17:09
AlessandroLablehumm understand17:09
AlessandroLablewhen i reset the pc17:09
AlessandroLablewil be good ?17:09
Pici!ot > chris__17:09
ubottuchris__, please see my private message17:09
AlessandroLablewill continue working?17:09
nathaneltitanehey guys17:10
wyldeVicium, and I'm sure you'll need to sudo ./driverfile.run17:10
nathaneltitaneanyone know if davfs can be made any faster when accessing the contents?17:10
forever2432AlessandroLable: yes it should be good for a restart coz any access trouble that it had is gone now17:10
ViciumIt worked when I checked the box allow to run as excetuable17:10
AlessandroLabledude, seriously, thank you, I'm new to ubuntu, but I thought this problem would make me lose the files, thank you, even17:10
AlessandroLablerealy thank you =]17:10
ViciumHowever, i had to remove some old drivers first appearently17:10
wyldeVicium,  yep that's the same as chmod +x17:10
Viciumaha ok :)17:11
forever2432AlessandroLable: Glad to help :)17:11
ViciumCan I force the installation instead?17:11
Viciumchmod -xf ?17:11
AlessandroLableI'll try to use the computer, thanks, I'll log out now =]17:11
wyldeVicium,  nope17:11
AlessandroLablethank you again ^17:11
wyldeVicium,  safest to remove the old drivers anyway17:12
AlessandroLablegood bye =D17:12
ViciumYeah but there was no information on howto, and I dont know which drivers either17:12
forever2432AlessandroLable: cheers :)17:12
nathaneltitaneanyone?? anyone know if davfs can be made any faster when accessing the contents?17:12
wyldeVicium,  just make sure you can get to your driver file from CLI in case of issues17:12
ViciumAlso I get an error everytime i start something, something 'map' let me see if I can catch the full sentence...17:13
ViciumGtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",17:13
ViciumI dont think its exclusive to pixmap though, seen more afaik17:14
wyldeVicium, that's a theme engine. It means you don't have it installed17:14
Al_nz1if in an extracted archive, I have two .c files and a Makefile - how do I compile/install/run it?17:14
ViciumIt a fresh install of it though (ubuntu) , i havent changed any settings17:14
Al_nz1i have no make file, only a makefile17:15
sipiorAl_nz1: try "make"17:15
wyldeVicium, I don't know for sure, but I don't think that theme engine is installed by default with Ubuntu17:15
ViciumThere we go. 'A previous install of fglxr driver has been detected, please ninstall the older version first. Detective work time then17:15
Al_nz1sipior: thats the problem there is no "make" file only a "makefile"17:16
sipiorAl_nz1: try "make".17:16
ViciumAh found it, great.17:16
SilverFoxI've got a MBP 5,3 running on Oneiric.  There are a few relatively minor driver bugs/issues, but overall seems pretty ok.  Should I be on this version, or should move to another?17:16
wyldeVicium, I was lucky with my video drivers, they were able to remove my old drivers automattically17:16
=== victor__ is now known as vicium
Al_nz1sipior: ok so that added a .a and a .o file17:17
luminosowhy does facebook fonts look so different from windows to ubuntu? how may i fix that?17:17
sipiorAl_nz1: yep.17:17
=== tazjin is now known as tazjin|away
Al_nz1sipior: ./runlibname from here in?17:17
jadoehttp://sprunge.us/jMQR<- can someone explain this to me?17:17
wyldeluminoso, install MS core fonts from the restriced-extras I would think17:17
sipiorAl_nz1: you build a library. now you'll generally want to link other programs against that library (it won't run directly).17:18
Companionjadoe, reinstall wine it should be fine :)17:18
birdman007Can i install ubuntu on a seperate HD and have my main HD with windows encrypted with truecrypt and be able to boot into whichever without any problems?17:18
MonkeyDustjadoe  "jMQR%3C not found"17:18
=== Mud is now known as Guest48557
jadoeCompanion: already did that17:18
jadoeMonkeyDust: http://sprunge.us/jMQR17:18
Companionjadoe, hmmm17:18
CompanionI have not installed wine for years atm :s17:19
Companionbirdman007, ofc you can17:19
SilverFoxjadoe: I'm guessing you can paste a single line in here, rather than using a web paste.17:19
Companionbirdman007, simply unplog all other drrives before installing17:19
Companionbirdman007, then hit F8 and chose hard drive to boot from17:19
aFeijohi folks17:19
Al_nz1sipior: I should be able to run a comand line program at the end of "installing/compiling" it17:19
MonkeyDustjadoe  type the complete path, not just the command17:20
aFeijoI'm trying to write a script to upload files to my 4shared.com account, I manage to login into my acct, but the mput command fails17:20
geirhajadoe: Run: file /usr/bin/wine17:20
azertyuanyone there ?17:20
geirhajadoe: My guess is it's a 32 bit binary on a 64 bit OS.17:20
sipiorAl_nz1: then consult the documentation for the code you want to build. you probably just need to supply an argument to make. (possibly "make install")17:20
azertyui got this error at the boot17:20
luminosowylde, already done that. and copied font settings from windows. any other tip?17:20
azertyuThe disk drive for /tmp is not ready yet or not present.17:20
jadoeMonkeyDust: same result. geirha: /usr/bin/wine: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped17:20
dijonyummythe plugin-container is taking up lots of cpu, any idea what that is?17:20
SilverFoxis precise mostly bugfixes from previous releases, or is there a lot of feature enhancement going on?17:20
theadminSilverFox: That's a question for #ubuntu+1 , but there are many major UI improvements.17:21
azertyuis not ready /home /boot /bin /tmp is not yet ready17:21
geirhajadoe: And do you have 32 bit ubuntu, or 64 bit?17:21
azertyuwhat is the probleme  ?17:21
wyldeluminoso, hmm none, other than checking on your browser's preference settings17:21
Al_nz1sipior: yeah I read the readme - the stink thing is it says nothing about installation17:21
Al_nz1sipior: I tried "make install" too17:22
wyldeluminoso, it could possibly be set to use a specific font17:22
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jadoegeirha: 64bit. i did not install the :386 package, however17:22
melvincvdijonyummy, that's the firefox process managing the plugins. So maybe a ff plugin is malfunctioning?17:22
geirhajadoe: Regardless, you need a 32-bit loader to run 32 bit binaries.17:23
luvswatihello everyone !17:23
Al_nz1sipior: I should be able to run the executeable "irecovery [args]" and i have a irecovery.c plus some libireocry files with .a .c .o17:23
jadoewhat do I do?17:23
dsmith__So, question. Anyone know why my ethernet interfaces would be arbitrarily changing designation at every boot? I'm running Oneiric. I thought this wasn't a problem anymore since like 1998.17:24
dijonyummymelvincv, thanks for the info i'll try to disable stuff17:24
melvincvdijonyummy, you're welcome :)17:24
geirhajadoe: ia32-libs should install it iirc17:24
SilverFoxdsmith__: changing from something like eth0 to eth1?17:24
sipiorAl_nz1: you can look for make targets in the makefile, but (politely) bugging the author for more documentation is a better long-term solution.17:24
jadoegeirha: "ia32-libs is already the newest version."17:25
dsmith__SilverFox: Yes. I have two networks, one of which is static with isc-dhcpd, the other of which is normal DHCP. Obviously, it's important I not get them backwards!17:25
Al_nz1sipior: there is a line "TARGETS = $(LIBIRECOVERY_STATIC_TARGET) $(IRECOVERY_TARGET)17:26
luvswatiif i remove the repository , does it will remove the application related to it  ?17:26
ESphynxhey guys, i'm trying to run oneiric in a VirtualBox... it locked up after trying to set up Compiz :|17:26
jadoehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/852101 <- is it this bug?17:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852101 in eglibc (Ubuntu Precise) "32-bit applications do not start on 64" [High,Triaged]17:27
dsmith__I remember the old days when changing kernels or moving cards around would rearrange your ethX values, but that stopped long ago with udev and the like! And I've NEVER encountered a case where they would jump around without any kernel/hardware changes! They are jumping back and forth on reboots!17:27
geirhajadoe: how about libc6-i386?17:27
jadoegeirha: just reinstalled that, worked17:27
jadoethanks for your help17:27
SilverFoxdsmith__: I'm not sure what would cause that.  I do know that ubuntu has started using this 'manager' to handle the network rather than the old /etc/network/interfaces.  Is it possible that the two methods are in conflict?17:28
dsmith__Unsure. I've only been editing /etc/network/interfaces. Didn't know about any other configuration place.17:29
SilverFoxdsmith__: look at the network settings in the gui.17:30
SilverFoxI believe it is called "network manager"17:30
sriniIs there any advertisement channel?17:30
dsmith__It's an embedded system, running Oneiric server.17:30
theadminsrini: That's offtopic on Freenode, so no17:30
dsmith__No GUI.17:30
srinitheadmin, ubuntu-offtopic huh?17:31
luvswatiif i remove the repository , does it will remove the application related to it  ?17:31
dsmith__Dapper! This is old. :-)17:31
nycMonkeyHi, I am trying to remove the Mac OS on my machine and put ubuntu there instead. All my web searches have resulted in finding sites on how to uninstall applications from the mac OS, not uninstall the OS itself17:31
theadminsrini: Nah, I mean -- advertisement is offtopic on this entire IRC network.17:31
nycMonkeyDoes anyone know of a good tutorial I could follow?17:31
PeckernycMonkey: i dont think you can unistall mac from a mac17:32
KillianI'm somewhat a noob and have a question regarding Chromium. Is there anyway to set the new tab page as the original home page?17:32
Peckeri recommened a dual bott: aka have ubuntu AND mac17:32
dsmith__nycMonkey: No need to uninstall the OS. Just start installing Ubuntu and that'll take care of it automatically. :-)17:32
srinitheadmin, how to switch over to that channel?17:32
baronosIf perform the installation "Alternate Ubuntu 12.04 command line" and  after then install "gnome-desktop-environment", then the boot after the grub menu, occured "kernel panic not syncing: Attempted to kill init!"17:32
ActionParsnipdsmith__: you will need to set DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf   if you use static IP17:32
nycMonkeyPecker: curses. Do you know what key to press when rebooting to get the computer to read the install disc?17:32
SilverFoxdsmith__: yes, wiki page is old.  Not sure how applicable it is to you.  See the 'disabling network manager' section and see if things look similar.17:32
ActionParsnipbaronos: ask in #ubuntu+1 for anything precise based please17:32
Peckermacs a re a different animal, i dotn use mac myself but i beleive you need to check out bootcamp17:32
nycMonkeyI've heard of bootcamp but am running a fairly old version of the mac os and am not sure where to find bootcamp. It's not where it is in the newer versions17:33
theadminsrini: To which one? I did tell you advertisement is offtopic (i.e. not welcome) on the entire network. Again, though, to join a channel use /join channame (e.g: /join ##test )17:33
KilliannycMonkey to boot from cd you need to press and hold C.17:33
Peckeri dotn use mac so couldnt tell yuo myself, but hats how macsc work for another os17:33
nycMonkeyThank you Killian!17:33
dsmith__SilverFox: Ah, yes. Actually that service is not running and that file is not present (from the disabling section). So I think that means I'm good there...17:33
Killiananybody have an answer to my Chromium question?17:34
gorogawaHi, I'm on the latest stable ubuntu and i'm having problems with flash on firefox. how do i make sure i have the right version and no alternative plugins installed?17:34
nycMonkeyKillian, holding C did not work...17:35
gorogawai just need the right package name17:36
Killianwhat mac do you have?17:36
theadmingorogawa: flashplugin-installer17:36
dsmith__nycMonkey: Shut it off, press and hold the "option" key, and then turn it on while continuing to hold option. You can have the CD in already, or put the CD in after the menu loads.17:36
ChipzzzKillian: can you repeat your chromium question, please?17:37
luvswatiif i remove the repository , does it will remove the application related to it  ?17:37
gorogawatheadmin: does that install it for my architecture or i386?17:37
dsmith__luvswati: No.17:37
theadmingorogawa: Not sure really.17:37
Killianis there anyway to set the new tab page to open the original home page17:37
theadmingorogawa: I only ever used 32-bit buntus17:37
LukeNukemtheadmin, yo17:37
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theadminKillian: There's an extension called "New tab behaviour"17:37
gorogawatheadmin: mine is 64bit17:37
dsmith__gorogawa: If you get it off apt and it doesn't say :386, it'll be 64-bit.17:38
nunodis it normal that gnome-calculator takes me 7secs to start??17:38
dsmith__(AMD64 to be precise)17:38
nunodeven firefox starts faster than that... :/17:38
Killiantheadmin: thanks I'll give that a try17:38
theadminnunod: Yeah that thing is slow :/ Try bc or some other calculator17:38
blitzI use a c-based calculator17:38
blitzfrom terminal17:38
nunodthis is ridiculous....17:39
luvswati<dsmith__> does the application will work ?17:39
ixiaqlaHello. I have installed PHP on Ubuntu through the official repos. I have installed  the mcrypt package and phpinfo on both HTTP and CLI shows mcrypt installed and enabled. However, when my CLI scripts run, they complain: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_module_open() . I don't have any HTTP code that depends on mcrypt to test at the moment17:39
dsmith__So, nobody have any more ideas on my problem with eth0 and eth1 switching themselves around on reboots?17:40
baconbacon123dsmith__: coulnt u delete the eth117:40
sipiordsmith__: i assume you already have a udev rule in place?17:40
gregsan123hi all, I'm writing some software for automatic bug detection and I would need to know how many bugs are marked as duplicates on ubuntu launchpad. Can somebody help me, please, with this?17:41
Laurencebhi Can't create RFCOMM TTY: Address already in use17:41
Laurenceb^why would i get that?17:41
dsmith__sipior: No!17:41
sipiordsmith__: please do that.17:41
dsmith__That sounds like the solution! :-)17:41
sipiordsmith__: it is :-)17:41
dsmith__How do I do that? You know off the top of your head?17:41
chris9812how do I prevent unity panel from autohiding?17:41
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nunodchris9812: system settings -> appearance17:42
baconbacon123go to ccsm and diable autohide17:42
sipiordsmith__: look for examples in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, for example.17:42
luvswatiis there possible to change the login window of ubuntu to gnome 3 ?17:42
RandLATbrand new Ubuntu desktop 11.10 installation: Even with HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth in .bashrc by default, why is the history saving and spewing out all these duplicates? How can it be fixed?17:42
viciumOkay, so succesfully installed the newest drivers. I still cannot setup my dual displays (They just mirror eachother atm.) Upon just trying the GUI display-mode properties and setting them up as they should be, I get prompted that I can only setup a maximum of 1920, 1920 which should be false17:42
baconbacon123hello anon17:43
ActionParsnipluvswati: sure, its called lightdm, you can find guides how to theme that17:43
chris9812I dont see anything in systemsettings --> appearance that fixes that17:43
baconbacon123chris9812 u have to install ccsm17:43
MonkeyDustluvswati  using ubuntu-tweak, you can change the background17:43
sipiordsmith__: the udev manpage is also pretty comprehensive.17:43
wyldevicium, did the new drivers also install a different configuration application?17:43
anonPlease anybody can enlighten me? How can I set up a Jabber account on unity in 11.10 ?17:43
aboudreaultIs there a tool to get a list of available documentation in html in /usr/share?17:43
dsmith__sipior: Perfect. I'll start there. Thanks!17:44
anonPidgin starts but refers to some account window that I can not find anywhere.17:44
monsterripperhi baconbacon12317:44
nunodchris9812: you dont have a "behaviour" tab on the top?17:44
viciumwylde, Yes17:44
baconbacon123monsterripper: herroe17:44
luvswatibut i am not talking about bg only but also the whole window 117:44
sipiordsmith__: no trouble, good luck.17:44
viciumWell no,17:44
anonhi baconbacon12317:44
viciumthe ubuntu one still looks the same, havent gotten around to start the ATI one17:44
nycMonkeydsmith_: when I hold the option key and the menu pops up, it has an icon with my hard drive name on it, and two buttons, one that looks like a refresh button and the other that is an arrow pointing right. When i click the arrow pointing right, it boots up Mac OS. Does this mean that it's not reading the ubuntu install disc?17:45
baconbacon123Anon: sup17:45
wyldevicium, and it still won't enabled both monitors?17:45
ESphynxOK so I get wobbly windows now, so I'm assuming compositing 'is' working17:45
baconbacon123all the cool effects mess up unity17:45
Killiantheadmin: Thanks works great!17:46
chris9812thanks, I it looks like unity just needed restarted17:46
dsmith__nycMonkey: Give it about a minute at that menu screen and see if another icon pops up. Sometimes it can take a minute to read the disc. If it still doesn't come up, it's likely that the disc is damaged, or not the right architecture.17:46
wyldevicium, ahh the new configuration application will have what you need then. I'm not familiar with the ATI drivers so I unfortunately won't be muchhelp there.17:46
anonPlease anybody can enlighten me? How can I set up a Jabber account on unity in 11.10 ?17:46
oCeanbaconbacon123: do you have an actual support question? Chat channel is #ubuntu-offtopic17:46
ESphynxI could really do away without unity.17:46
MonkeyDustluvswati  no, just the background an de logo can be changed17:46
MonkeyDustand the*17:46
nycMonkeydsmith_: okay thanks, I'll try that.17:46
KilliannycMonkey: have you tried the disk in any other computers? You could have a bad disk if it didn't get burned correctly.17:47
nycMonkeyIt's worked before, the computer I'm on now has ubuntu from that disc17:47
baconbacon123is there other good stuuf other than unity gnome xcfe and kde17:47
anonNo pidgin users in here?17:48
nycMonkeyI just installed ubuntu on here in september, so it's been awhile since I've had to remember how to do this17:48
nycMonkeyI'm installing it on almost the exact same machine17:48
nycMonkeyYeah it's definitely not reading the disc :(17:48
Killianit could be the drive...17:48
dsmith__nycMonkey: Another unfortunate possibility is the CD-ROM in that Mac is unreliable. A way to potentially test this is to boot into the Mac normally, and see if it sees the Ubuntu disc when it's booted.17:48
baconbacon123is yer cd drive bad17:48
MonkeyDustbaconbacon123  there's lxde, e17, openbox, fluxbox...17:49
MonkeyDustbaconbacon123  there's jwm17:49
nycMonkeyIt does see the ubuntu disc when it's booted. I can navigate its directories and such17:49
baconbacon123oohhh which one is the lightest17:49
viciumAnyone with knowledge about aticonfig? I put sudo aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=right17:49
viciumNo changes are done immideatly, do I have to reload the config file or something?17:49
MonkeyDustbaconbacon123  jwm is the lightest, but very basic17:49
viciumI shouldnt have to reboot everytime, or?17:49
dsmith__nycMonkey: That means it's PROBABLY not the drive. But it still very well could be the disc.17:49
theadminvicium: Just restart X: sudo /etc/init.d/*dm restart17:49
baconbacon123Monkeydust: any way to install in ubuntu17:49
ActionParsnipbaconbacon123: openbox is pretty light but still usable :)17:49
MonkeyDustbaconbacon123  apt-get install jwm :)17:50
nycMonkeydsmith_: is there any way to run the disc from the mac environment?17:50
ActionParsnip!info jwm17:50
ubottujwm (source: jwm): Very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-3 (oneiric), package size 95 kB, installed size 296 kB17:50
ActionParsnip!info flwm17:50
ubottuflwm (source: flwm): Fast Light Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.02+cvs20080422-9 (oneiric), package size 40 kB, installed size 156 kB17:50
baconbacon123Monkeydust: does it use gtk+17:50
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: flwm is smaller..17:50
luvswatiwhat is the gnome server !17:50
MonkeyDustbaconbacon123  i use it for remote connections over ssh, can't really say17:50
dsmith__nycMonkey: No, unfortunately. Something else you could try, though, is making a USB stick out of the data from the disk, and then putting the USB stick in while you're at that menu. That should work. But it's complicated.17:50
Killiananon: have you tried empathy?17:50
luvswatisorry i mean gnome server name !17:51
nycMonkeyI'll give that a shot17:51
anonKillian, yes but I want to use Pidgin.17:51
dsmith__nycMonkey: There's a howto at... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/How%20to%20install%20Ubuntu%20on%20MacBook%20using%20USB%20Stick17:51
baconbacon123how do u ssh with graphical envoirment17:51
ActionParsnipbaconbacon123: ssh -X username@server17:51
wyldebaconbacon123, you mean sftp?17:51
Killiananon: didn't see that part sorry, lol.17:52
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baconbacon123Hmm ill try that17:52
ActionParsnipbaconbacon123: you can then launch GUI aps from the terminal an they will show on the client system17:52
nycMonkeythanks dsmith_:17:52
baconbacon123how do u do that actionpartnership17:52
wyldebaconbacon123, don't try and start a full desktop seesion though! l17:52
dsmith__nycMonkey: And https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:53
baconbacon123oops just did17:53
dsmith__Unfortunately, like I said, a little bit complicated.17:53
ActionParsnipbaconbacon123: type its name17:53
retentiveboyThis terminal-nore-repainting issue is driving me insane!17:53
forever2432anon:It seems Jabber was removed a few versions ago, i think its a optional addon now.17:54
Joey-Jo0Hey there, I'm having trouble booting into Ubuntu from a DVD.17:54
Joey-Jo0Basically, I've put Ubuntu 11.10 on a DVD.17:55
wyldebaconbacon123, you have to use xnest to run a complete desktop session over ssh, but you can do things like gedit /home/user/filename.txt with the -X set in your ssh terminal17:55
wyldemeh too late17:55
Joey-Jo0It starts and I get the loading screen. After a while, however, everything freezes.17:55
victor__That restarted everything, but yeah I assume you hinted something in the command u wrote :P17:55
KilliannycMonkey: this is another site that might be worth looking in to. http://techtikus.com/how-to-install-ubuntu-10-10-with-a-live-usb-in-13-steps/17:55
Joey-Jo0During the loading, the hard drives is obviously working(I can hear that). Upon freezing, I don't hear the HDD anymore.17:56
victor__Regardless it works, it ended up being the wrong monitor being extended but I went lazy mode and swapped the DVI cables17:56
victor__So thanks :)17:56
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baconbacon123Is there any waty to do the grapjhical envoirment in the terminal windows only17:56
wyldebaconbacon123, you have to use xnest to run a complete desktop session over ssh, but you can do things like gedit /home/user/filename.txt with the -X set in your ssh terminal17:56
Joey-Jo0Does anyone know what could be wrong?17:56
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ActionParsnipbaconbacon123: just run the apps you need.17:56
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ActionParsnipJoey-Jo0: what GPU do you use?17:56
ChipzzzJoey-Jo0: does it run any other operating systems, or ubuntu from a cd?17:56
baconbacon123P1p1 thatZ annoying17:57
Joey-Jo0Chipzzz, it refuses to run Mint x86 too.17:57
Joey-Jo0But I'm currently booting into Mint amd64.17:57
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:57
MonkeyDustJoey-Jo0  wrong channel, Mint is not supported here17:57
ActionParsnipJoey-Jo0: then you should ask in the mint channel17:58
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org17:58
Joey-Jo0I was responding to Chipzzz.17:58
christopher_dont use the alarm17:58
acidrainyour mint is no good here17:58
Joey-Jo0I do not seek Mint support, Chipzzz was merely asking if I was able to boot into a different OS.17:58
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AcidRainhow do i request my login information for this server?17:59
christopher_chippzz: i think there is a channel for linux mint17:59
christopher_Acidrain: u cant17:59
pangolinHey folks, the  mere mention of another OS/distro is not cause for hitting !factoids. Please consider the context before slamming with !factoids.17:59
Joey-Jo0And what Graphics card... I don't know. This laptop has been given to me by a friend. It runs XP without a hitch, too.17:59
AcidRainwas that a stupid question?17:59
AcidRainis there an expire date for it?17:59
ChipzzzJoey-Jo0: since the computer ran for a little while, i was wondering if it ran any other os's... seemed a reasonable question17:59
christopher_idk just messin17:59
pangolinAcidRain: #freenode can help you with that17:59
Joey-Jo0I say, once again, I do not seek Mint support.17:59
AcidRainwho is admin?17:59
ActionParsnipJoey-Jo0: what is the make and model of the laptop then...?18:00
christopher_dont use the ! op18:00
Joey-Jo0Let's see. Compaq Presario R3000.18:00
christopher_ubottu: how do i install a lamp server18:01
ubottuchristopher_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:01
forever2432Chipzzz: Joey-Jo0: booting Ubuntu with a fault makes it a ubuntu question18:01
ActionParsnipJoey-Jo0: looks like its an ATI thing, try the boot option:  nomodeset18:01
christopher_how do i change my nick in xchat18:01
guntbert!lamp > christopher_18:01
ubottuchristopher_, please see my private message18:01
ActionParsnipchristopher_: tr18:01
ActionParsnipchristopher_: /nick newnick18:01
Chipzzzforever2432: that's what i would think too18:01
Joey-Jo0ActionParsnip, how do I specify a boot option. The loader grants me no screen to specify anything.18:01
ActionParsnip!bootoption | Joey-Jo018:02
ubottuJoey-Jo0: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.18:02
christopher_ christopher_:  /nick baconbacon12318:02
christopher_ christopher: /nick baconbacon12318:02
christopher_ christopher:  /nick baconbacon12318:02
guntbertJoey-Jo0: press <shift> while booting - gives you the grub menu18:02
pangolinchristopher_: stop18:02
Joey-Jo0guntbert, thank you.18:02
christopher_sorry was just followinf instuctions18:02
Joey-Jo0Let's try that.18:02
pangolinchristopher_: the command is /nick newnick18:03
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baconbacon123sorry bout that pangolin18:03
guntbertchristopher_: we use your nick to make clear that we are talking to you18:03
baconbacon123guntberg: sorry imma newb18:03
guntbert!tab | baconbacon12318:04
ubottubaconbacon123: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:04
baconbacon123did i just post that im really sorry18:04
Joey-Jo0I wonder, why do you have to press shift to enter the boot menu?18:05
baconbacon123wait nm thot i just posted all the usernames with f18:05
baconbacon123sup moises18:05
guntbertJoey-Jo0: if you have only one OS installed there is usually no need to display the menu - speeds up the process a little :)18:05
baconbacon123what is to command to disconnect18:06
Chipzzzbaconbacon123: "/quit"18:06
pangolinbaconbacon123: if you have a support question, please ask it. otherwise join #ubuntu-offtopic if you feel like chatting.18:06
baconbacon123thanks chipzzz18:06
guntbertbaconbacon123: to leave a channel  type     /part        to leave the network   type    /quit18:06
Joey-Jo0Okay, using nomodeset still makes it freeze?18:07
Zaitzevsomething screwed up really good for me now18:07
ActionParsnipJoey-Jo0: try:  radeon.nomodeset=118:07
Zaitzevwas trying out various compiz-settings when the entire desktop vanished18:07
Zaitzevreboot didn't help either18:07
ESphynxhey guys, when I try to boot oneiric on my i7 it gets stuck. last thing I see is something about scsi device...18:08
Zaitzevanyway, I reinstalled ubuntu, keeping the /home partition..and now things are..weirdly different18:08
b0otIf you wanted to move from a casual user of ubuntu to a true power user what would you recommend. I mean I know some of the areas fairly well, (networking) etc but I feel like my overall knowledge has lots of holes18:08
b0othow would you suggest doing it18:09
ChipzzzZaitzev: different in what way?18:09
LDBhi guys, how can i install the 12.04 without X?18:09
philinuxb0ot: run the development release on a separate drive or partition.18:09
Zaitzevcan't put my finger on it all, but it's not the same18:10
guntbert!12.04 | LDB18:10
ubottuLDB: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 - Blueprints at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:10
Zaitzevunity must be borked or something, idk18:10
Zaitzevnone of my harddrives are visible anymore either18:10
Joey-Jo0ActionParsnip, no luck with radeon.nomodeset=1 either. :(18:10
ChipzzzZaitzev: by keeping /home, you saved most of the settings, but you have to install the packages that correspond to the settings if you want the software...18:11
Zaitzevi know that18:11
forever2432Zaitzev: what format were your drives ntfs or extx18:11
Zaitzevand they were all visible in /media18:12
forever2432Zaitzev:have you tried remounting them through console?18:12
Zaitzevand now for some reason I got the fugly grub boot menu showing up on startup..18:12
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Zaitzevforever2432: no, how?18:12
forever2432ok 1 sec18:13
Zaitzevseeing as they aren't visible in fstab or anywhere18:13
forever2432Zaitzev: run: sudo fdisk -l and check if the drive are there18:14
Zaitzevlooks like it, I see a couple of HPFS/NTFS/exFAT18:15
forever2432Zaitzev: cool then run: sudo mkdir /media/drive218:15
sentenza /budus macro xdcc d 15018:16
forever2432Zaitzev: then run: sudo mount -t ntfs -o 755 /dev/sdb /media/drive218:17
dr_willisnot SDb?18:17
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dr_willissilly auto corrections18:18
forever2432Zaitzev:dr_willis: correct thanks mistype18:18
forever2432Zaitzev: how many ntfs drive are there?18:18
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Zaitzevhalf the keyboard doesn't even work now18:19
Zaitzevthe arrowkeys don't work18:19
Zaitzevhome, pgup etc18:19
Zaitzevwhat the hell is this ><18:19
dr_willisNTfs-config can automate some of this18:19
Zaitzevbtw, /dev/sdb1 = linux18:19
forever2432Zaitzev: it would have said drive allready mounted18:20
DarkCoreany tips on no GUI backup tool to backup a folder once a week?18:21
Joey-Jo0Finally, got it to work.18:21
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
Zaitzevi think i'll just backup some of the crap on /home and erase the entire drive18:21
llutzDarkCore: rsnapshot18:22
mysteriousgnah got a little problem with a script. did anyone experience the problem that a script stops after executing pkill within it?18:22
philinuxZaitzev: how about tryin unity --reset from a terminal18:22
forever2432Zaitzev:you could do that to or we can try mount it, but still how many drives are you running?18:22
Zaitzevforever2432: not counting the OS drive, 418:23
daswortis there an "human readable"-option for fdisk?18:23
Zaitzevphilinux: didn't actually do anything18:24
forever2432jeez ok lot of console work, have you got disk utilty?18:24
rumpe1daswort, try "sudo parted -l"18:24
Zaitzevi installed gparted18:24
philinuxZaitzev: it should have reset unity to its default18:24
delinquentmesudo apt-add-repository ppa:awstools-dev/awstools  << specifically what does this command do?18:24
infernalHello. I have messup passwords for both root and my account. I tried erasing the password section of /etc/shadow/ from a live cd and passwd from recovery and it didn't work. Ubuntu 11.10. Anything else i need to add?18:24
forever2432Zaitzev: gparted better you can mount from gparted18:24
compdocdaswort, what are you having problems with in fdisk?18:25
Zaitzevforever2432: not that the drives are visible there..18:25
zykotic10delinquentme: it adds the awstools-dev/awstools PPA to your system18:25
daswortrumpe1, thanks, thats much easier.18:25
ZaitzevI had Ubuntu for a full TWO days before all this trouble started18:25
ZaitzevI'm gonna go back to Windows.18:25
forever2432Zaitzev:if you can see them on fdisk -l then you should see them on gparted18:25
delinquentmezykotic10, PPA is prepackage archive?18:26
daswortcompdoc, its easier to find an programm like `parted`, than explain a newbee what these lon number mean!18:26
zykotic10!PPA | delinquentme Yes18:26
ubottudelinquentme Yes: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:26
compdocdaswort, try gparted - its a nice gui18:26
delinquentmezykotic10, i < 3 yew18:27
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Zaitzevphilinux: the only noticeable difference that reset did, was the "dash home" button no longer working.18:27
daswortcompdoc, no. I need it for support. I dont want that somebody sends me Screenshots :)18:27
DarkCorellutz, is rsnapshot just for entire filesystems, or can I use it for just one folder as well?18:27
llutzDarkCore: works with folders18:27
daswortbut thanks for the hint Zaitzev  compdoc18:28
delinquentmezykotic10, sudo apt-get update << and this generic update updates... ?18:28
zykotic10Zaitzev: if you are backing up the hidden files/folders in your home directory, be aware you could be moving the issue with you.  Try creating a new user to test.18:28
wtfdoggie22what would be the advantages of preferring xfs over ext4?18:28
zykotic10delinquentme: to update - "sudo apt-get update" followed by "sudo apt-get upgrade" is the generic update commands18:28
ActionParsnipwtfdoggie22: http://www.ilsistemista.net/index.php/linux-a-unix/6-linux-filesystems-benchmarked-ext3-vs-ext4-vs-xfs-vs-btrfs.html18:29
compdocdont think XFS is native - ext4 is, and it works well for moi18:29
Zaitzevzykotic10: the only thing I would back up is a few movies and photos18:29
BryanRuiz1hmm.. so i messed up my /etc/sudoers and i dont know the root password..  how can i fix this?18:29
ZaitzevI haven't had time to accumulate a whole lot in two days18:29
Zaitzevbut I can't backup since none of the other drives are visible anymore, so..18:29
MFenwhat do i have to do, to fix "cannot execute binary file" on oneiric. I am running AdobeAIRInstaller.bin which is a 32-bit executable, and this is a 64-bit system.18:29
delinquentmeso in this particular AWS tutorial its not saying to run the upgrade portion. so what would just the update command do?18:29
MFenit is a stripped, statically-linked 32-bit ELF executable18:30
infernalCan anyone help me recover/change my password?18:30
zykotic10BryanRuiz1: where you using visudo to edit sudoers?  (it should let you break it?)18:30
MFeni already have ia32-libs installed, not that it should matter since this is a static exe18:30
zykotic10BryanRuiz1: s/should/shouldn't/18:31
wtfdoggie22ActionParsnip: ok benchmarks, but there are other, more important things for a fs18:31
BryanRuiz1zykotic10: you know.. i should of used it, but i didnt18:31
BryanRuiz1now i know why i should use it :-/18:31
BryanRuiz1i was hoping to be able to do something at startup with grub magic18:32
BryanRuiz1but there is no grub!18:32
zykotic10BryanRuiz1: hold SHIFT after bios to get grub18:32
Zaitzevat least I know one thing now18:32
ZaitzevI'm not gonna touch compiz anymore.18:32
BryanRuiz1zykotic10: ah! great!18:32
MonkeyDusti don't use it, even18:32
MFenlibc6-i386 is also installed18:33
ActionParsnipwtfdoggie22: the tests are pretty extensive, testing all sorts of stuff with mixed results.18:33
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zykotic10MFen: why are you wasting your time with AdobeAir - it's gnu/linux support has been dropped...18:33
MFenzykotic10: because i need a program that needs it.18:34
zykotic10MFen: get a better program ;)18:34
MFenzykotic10: thanks for your help18:34
zykotic10MFen: sorry - not helpful i know.  But hopefully informative.  Good luck.18:35
delinquentmeBash, Shell, Terminal, console ... these are all terms for the same thing -- right?  is any more correct than another?18:35
MonkeyDustMFen  what program is that?18:35
MFenMonkeyDust: balsamiq18:35
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forever2432MFen: are you sure .bin is exec, coz exe and msi are win exec18:35
zykotic10delinquentme: not exactly... but difficult to explain difference across irc18:35
synthetixhey guys18:35
synthetixtrying to update to 12.0418:36
ActionParsnipforever2432: its a binary, just needs marking as executable18:36
arloshello, whats wrong here chown -RW user:user shoppen.com ?18:36
synthetixand get's following message18:36
MFenoh, hmm, it's actually dynamically linked18:36
theadminsynthetix: Precise is not supported here, please visit #ubuntu+118:36
forever2432ActionParsnip: is this from the linux side?18:36
MFenbut ldd says: "not a dynamic executable"18:36
icerootarlos: what should -W do?18:36
MFenis there a 32-bit version of ldd I should be running?18:36
Zaitzevlol wtf!18:36
icerootarlos: -RW does NOT mean read write18:36
Zaitzevget this: all the mounts are visible now18:37
Zaitzevall the drives are there18:37
arlosso i what is full code?18:37
MonkeyDustMFen  i find a lot of linux balsamiq mockups18:37
InfernallCan onyone help out with  password problem?18:37
Zaitzevand I haven't done anything at all!18:37
arlosi will read folder to user?18:37
R3dythis is lame, I can't install or remove anythying because of linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.39-2.6.35-31-generic18:37
R3dybut if I try to remove it same error18:37
Zaitzevthere has to be ghosts in my pc.18:37
R3dysudo apt-get install -f18:37
R3dysame error18:37
ActionParsnipforever2432: some companies use it (adobe, nvidia, hplip)18:37
forever2432 Zaitzev:it heard that you wanted to go back to win haha!18:37
R3dyhow can I remove linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.39-2.6.35-31-generic18:37
R3dywithout using apt-get18:37
crow_hey, i'm having issues running java applets in firefox. why is that?18:37
arloschown -rw user:user foldername ?18:38
icerootarlos: what you want to do?18:38
arloswritable a folder18:38
icerootarlos: there is no -w (see man chown)18:38
MonkeyDustcrow_  use open-jdk, not sun-jdk18:38
Zaitzevforever2432: Well, if I managed to completely bork Ubuntu in under two days18:38
icerootarlos: chmod is for permissions18:38
Zaitzevand I have no idea WHAT happened18:38
forever2432ActionParsnip: but correct me can windows open a bin as a executable?18:38
Zaitzevjust that something happened18:38
icerootarlos: who should get write-access? the user?18:38
MFenMonkeyDust: yes? it's a nice program.18:38
crow_monkeydust i am, as well as icedtea. i've also reinstalled all packages relating to java and firefox, and reinstalled ubuntu itself18:38
arlosyes user18:38
zykotic10arlos: chmod and chown are different ;)18:38
wyldearlos, chmod 0755 foldername18:38
ActionParsnipforever2432: in windows a .bin would be seen as a 'data file'18:38
arlosno i will change user18:39
icerootwylde: arlos dont use 755 if others should not read the file18:39
Zaitzevso yeah, it's tempting to reconnect my win7-drive and leave it be.18:39
ActionParsnipforever2432: if you have a file installed that added a file type for '.bin' then it would show that18:39
arloswith file18:39
icerootarlos: chown u+w filename18:39
icerootarlos: chmod u+w filename18:39
ActionParsnipforever2432: linux is smart and doesn't rely on file extensions, it looks at the data18:39
wyldeiceroot, true18:39
forever2432 ActionParsnip: Thought so, so then linux can open it as a executible binary18:39
zykotic10iceroot: chmod and chown are different :p  ;)18:40
arlosso full code is chown -rw user:user foldername ?18:40
R3dycan someone take a lookat this and point me in the right direction ?18:40
forever2432ActionParsnip:I've been using ubuntu for about a month now and learning mountains of info18:40
icerootzykotic10: and i corrected myself :)18:40
ActionParsnipforever2432: we're all learning :)18:41
R3dyActionParsnip: been using Ubuntu for 2+ years, still learning every day18:41
synthetixCould not calculate the upgrade18:41
synthetixAn unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:18:41
synthetixE:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.18:41
synthetixThis can be caused by:18:41
synthetix* Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu18:41
FloodBot1synthetix: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:41
synthetix* Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu18:41
crow_nobody has any help with my java problem? :/18:41
icerootarlos: chmod u+w filename18:41
forever2432ActionParsnip: :-)18:41
icerootarlos: chmod o+w filename   that will add write-permission to the owner18:41
pangolinsynthetix: are you trying to upgrade to 12.04?18:42
Infernalli know this password stuff sounds like complete rubish, but i cant log it with my root or my user account. can someone give some help?18:42
ActionParsnipforever2432: you can test with an image, ask file to tell you what it is, then change the extension then ask file to tell you what the nwe filename is. Windows would see it as a damaged file as the data and extension don't mesh but linux will just look at teh data and open it as it should be opened18:42
synthetixcan someone help me with upgrade18:42
pangolinsynthetix: are you trying to upgrade to 12.04?18:42
synthetixpangolin, yes18:42
arlosi will write permissions to the user?18:42
llutziceroot: o=other18:42
pangolinsynthetix: join me in #ubuntu+118:42
icerootllutz: and what is "owner"?18:42
llutziceroot: u18:42
philinuxsynthetix: from 11.1018:42
arlosarh its working18:42
forever2432ActionParsnip:true win sucks when it comes to powerful tools18:42
llutziceroot: man chown :)18:43
icerootllutz: thing i have to go to bed...18:43
icerootllutz: man chmod18:43
icerootllutz: :)18:43
ActionParsnipforever2432: powerrshel is handy18:43
llutzargh, bedtime too :(18:43
R3dydoes dpkg post error logs somewhere18:43
R3dyI really need to fix this issue18:43
forever2432ActionParsnip:will try it out thanks18:43
philinuxsynthetix: sudo apt-get install -f "should fix the broken packages18:43
R3dyas it stans i can't update/install anything untill I fix this progen problem18:43
R3dyphilinux: correct18:44
R3dyhowever it does not18:44
philinuxR3dy: try synaptic see what it says18:44
R3dyphilinux: kk looking18:45
MonkeyDustR3dy  "No space left on device"18:45
R3dyMonkeyDust: I saw that, however there is space on my device18:45
R3dyI will post df -h18:45
philinuxR3dy: you could try purging linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.39-2.6.35-31-generic18:45
MFeni figured out the problem18:45
R3dyphilinux: sudo apt-get purge?18:46
MFenreadelf -a AdobeAIRInstaller.bin indicates that it's looking for: **/lib/ld-linux.so.2** which did not exist18:46
MonkeyDustMFen  kindly share it with us, for future reference18:46
MFeni symlinked it to /lib32/ld-linux.so.218:46
zykotic10R3dy: did you notice the "No space left on device" message?18:46
Infernalli tried accesing the shadow file, now it gives me give root password for maintenance (or tpye control-d to continue),  but it just ignores the password18:46
freez00can somebody please explain me how to install vapor steam chat ? i cannot find a proper tutorial for that :(18:46
philinuxR3dy: yes then try reinstalling it if you need it18:46
sha1sumHow can I force "dpkg --get-selections" to just output the packages without warning me about piping output through less or more? I'm trying to output to a file.18:46
MFenHowever, i would like to know why everyone else in the world but me seems to have that file, since i know i didn't remove it18:46
icerootsha1sum: but stderr to /dev/null18:47
icerootsha1sum: command 2> /dev/null18:47
gandhijee_hey how the heck do i enable screen savers in 11.10 with the classic desktop?18:47
R3dyphilinux: same error18:47
crow_can someone please explain to me why the default installs of java and firefox are crashing when i try to load applets in firefox, but i can run jar files just fine18:47
philinuxR3dy: that package dont exist on my system18:47
zykotic10philinux: re R3dy - did you notice the "No space left on device" message?18:47
R3dyphilinux: correct I tried to pull it down18:47
R3dyit failed to install18:47
R3dyand now I can't remove it18:47
R3dyzykotic10: I did see that however df -h says I have used only 42%18:47
dalek_I am getting message "Direct3D9 is not available without OpenGL" when trying to launch Team Fortress 2. I am running wine on Ubuntu. How do I fix this? HOw do I fix OpenGL?18:48
ixiaqlaHello. I have installed PHP on Ubuntu through the official repos. I have installed  the mcrypt package and phpinfo on both HTTP and CLI shows mcrypt installed and enabled. However, when my CLI scripts run, they complain: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_module_open() . I don't have any HTTP code that depends on mcrypt to test at the moment18:48
R3dyof an 85gig part18:48
MonkeyDustcrow_  oracle stopped supporting sun-java for linux -- did you install open-jdk?18:48
zykotic10R3dy: try "df -i"18:48
crow_monkeydust we just talked about this, yes, default apt-get installs18:48
crow_monkeydust and i reinstalled *everything* including ubuntu at one point18:48
R3dy/dev/sda7            14278656  850306 13428350    6% /18:49
MFenwell, not quite tada. now it has other things missing but i can probably work my way in from this point18:49
R3dythat's from df -i18:49
zykotic10R3dy: do you have any other paritions beside / ?18:49
R3dyzykotic10: just a part for boot18:50
zykotic10R3dy: and is boot full?18:50
sha1sumiceroot: yeah I'm trying to figure that out now... I want to output to a file though, not stdout... so how would I do a combination of those?18:50
R3dy/dev/sda5              24384     225   24159    1% /boot18:50
R3dyI lied ai have a few more18:50
icerootsha1sum: command 2> file18:51
zykotic10R3dy: it's boot that's probably the issue18:51
R3dyzykotic10: it probably is not18:51
dahaxxeroh hai18:51
R3dynothing is trying to write to boot18:51
R3dyI alwas set up my *nix boxes this way18:51
dahaxxerhaw do i choose windows boot manager instead of grub?18:51
forever2432 ixiaqla: does it just give you a fatal error or does it also run your php scritp in your browser on localhost?18:51
roastedQuestion - if I synchronize data with an rsync-based Windows application such as DeltaCopy, would it be able to synchronize to my file server running Ubuntu?18:51
R3dydahaxxer: windows boot manager doesn't play as nicley with *nix as grub plays with windows18:51
dahaxxerhaw do i choose windows boot manager instead of grub? (windows xp boot mgr)18:52
ixiaqlaforever2432, it just gives me a fatal error.18:52
zykotic10R3dy: lines 16 - > 18 in your origional post are doing just that - writing to /boot and saying "No space left..."18:52
dahaxxerR3dy, that means, what exactly?18:52
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  you using wubi? or a full normal linux install?18:52
R3dyzykotic10: well look at that18:52
Peckerdahaxxer: youll need to install ntldr into the mbr18:52
N3M35I5_anyone know fo a simple way to email a users .bash_history after they logout and then delete it. so next time they logout i'll get a fresh log. please guys18:52
R3dythey are LOL18:52
dahaxxernot ubi18:52
R3dykk thanks!18:52
dahaxxernormal ubuntu installation18:52
dahaxxerwith grub3 i guess18:52
forever2432ixiaqla:are you using mcrypt in your php programming?18:52
Dr_willisGrub can boot windows, or linux, or other os's - Im not sure how you would set up the windows bootloader to boot linux.18:52
R3dydahaxxer: it means I advise against messing with windows' boot manager18:52
ActionParsnipR3dy: uninstall old unused kernels and you will free space in /boot18:52
Dr_willis #windows could advise better i imagine18:52
R3dygeneral rule of thumb if you are dual booting nix and doze18:52
Infernallhow is rescue mode different from a live cd?18:53
R3dyinstall doze first, then install nix, let nix handle the boot process18:53
ActionParsnipInfernall: the changes stick18:53
Dr_willisInfernall,  its logging into your installed system, to a rescue shell/menu normally18:53
dahaxxerbut I suck at grub3, i want win bootmgr what shall i do?18:53
R3dyActionParsnip: thanks I'm embarssed i didn't see that18:53
sha1sumiceroot: not quite working... Doesn't 2> redirect the error output?18:53
R3dyI couldn't think for a sec it would be writing to /boot but sure enough...18:53
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  i suggest learning grub better.18:53
hydrozenis the dvd installer like the alternate installer? or more like the normal installer? I need LVM support..18:53
swebi have an error during make nginx18:53
sha1sumI definitely want the output of: dpkg --get-selections 2> /dev/null18:53
ActionParsnipdahaxxer: you'll need your XP CD to reinstate the bootloader with18:53
sha1sumbut I want it to go to a file, not stdout.18:53
dahaxxerDr_willis so ubuntu is evil and takes over my system and I can't get it back?18:53
Infernalldr_willis: but i can make changes from a live cd to my install now cant i?18:54
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zykotic10hydrozen: dvd is just cd with more languages18:54
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  no.. windows takes it over  and makes it hard to boot other os;s18:54
Dr_willisInfernall,  you can chroot, or mount the installed system if you wanted to18:54
ActionParsnipInfernall: yes, you can edit the files, or even chroot so that the commands you run are as if you were booted to the system18:54
hydrozenzykotic10: ok so I still need to get the alternate installer if I want to setup LVM during the install18:54
dahaxxerDr_willis win loader is simple, you just edit the settings in boot.ini18:54
dahaxxerDr_willis for grub you got to compile18:54
llutzsha1sum: dpkg --get-selections >file18:55
zykotic10hydrozen: i believe so, but i don't use LVM (i think alt or mini actually).  good luck.18:55
R3dyuname -a says I"m running 2.6.39-318:55
ActionParsnipdahaxxer: ive never compiled grub under ubuntu18:55
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  then to reserach what you put in the  boot.ini for a linux boot then i guess...   and you are confused about grub.18:55
R3dythat being said, woudl it be safe to delete anything in /boot that references a differnt kernel18:55
R3dysay 2.6.35 for example?18:55
sha1sumllutz: I get a warning about a lot of output and it won't go away unless I either pipe to less or more, or redirect stderr to /dev/null18:55
dahaxxerCan I triple boot: Winxp, Ubuntu and Backtrax?18:55
llutzsha1sum: what warning?18:55
ActionParsnipR3dy: no, you uninstall the packages which install the old kernels and it will remove clean18:55
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  with grub you could boot several dozen+ os's if you wantd to take the timne to set it up18:56
sha1sumllutz: I'm trying to pipe into grep...18:56
llutzsha1sum: dpkg --get-selections >file 2>/dev/null18:56
dahaxxerDr_willis, can't it recognize them automaticaly?18:56
llutzsha1sum: what ist your exact command?18:56
sha1sumI suppose I could probably just grep the file after it's written.18:56
crow_hey, does anybody know of a fix for addonChat? they want proprietary sun java but i'm using the openjdk... is there an alternate client or something?18:56
MFenanyone know where "getlibs" comes from? there's a link to a deb on the webs, but the link is 404 now18:56
ixiaqlaforever2432, wut. mcrypt is used in one of my scripts, yes.18:56
sha1sumtoo much of a hassle otherwise18:56
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  depends on yoru setup. It might do it.18:56
ActionParsnipdahaxxer: windows boot loader wont detect them automatically either18:56
MFena forum post suggested that i needed getlibs to resolve my troubles18:56
R3dyso I shoudl uninstall the linux-headers-version-im-not-using?18:56
llutzsha1sum: dpkg --get-selections  2>/dev/null |grep whatever > file18:57
sha1sumllutz: dpkg –-get-selections | grep -v deinstall > /tmp/ubuntu-files18:57
dahaxxerSo i shouldn't Install ubuntu?18:57
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  do what you want. If you dont want ubuntu.. then dont install it..18:57
sha1sumllutz: that produces empty file18:57
DarkCoreoh sweet18:57
DarkCorersnapshot works great18:57
sha1sumllutz, iceroot: nevermind... I'm just going to grep the file after writing it.18:58
Peckergrub should detect bith ubuntu and xp, so if youre worried about not seeing the other os dont be18:58
forever2432ixiaqla: coz i was thinking you should just disable it in your apache2 conf and write a php function mycrypt18:58
DarkCorealtho it copies the entire folder tree from root and up18:58
dahaxxerI want ubuntu cause it's tiny, but i don't want to make my computer harder to understand18:58
dahaxxerthanx pecker18:58
dahaxxerur da man18:58
llutzsha1sum: you have a typo in your command18:58
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  i think you are making it harder to understand, not grub.18:58
DarkCorealso, thanks llutz18:58
DarkCorewhat now? is grub  hard to understand?18:58
sha1sumllutz: it's not a typo in my command, it's a typo in someone else's command that I didn't notice and still don't see lol18:59
Zalgrub isn't too hard, but it does offer lots of cool functionality that no one ever uses.18:59
llutzsha1sum: you would have seen, if you would have read the error/warning18:59
llutzsha1sum: dpkg --get-selections     2 dashes19:00
sha1sumllutz: got it from here: http://www.arsgeek.com/2006/09/19/ubuntu-tricks-how-to-generate-a-list-of-installed-packages-and-use-it-to-reinstall-packages/19:00
sha1sumwasn't paying much attention other than the double-dash19:00
sha1sumis it not two dashes?19:01
llutzsha1sum: it is 2 dashes,but your command has a weired character+1 dash19:01
llutz[19:57:13] <sha1sum> llutz: dpkg –-get-selections    <- those aren't both dashes19:01
sha1sumsone of a $*(&# it's actually showing just a *hair* thicker on my terminal... Almost inperceptable.19:02
ScuniziI'm using FF on a bank site that did a check to see if FF is 128bit encryption compatible.  The check reports that it is not. Is that true?19:02
sha1sumit's an &mdash; html entity19:02
Dr_willis'--' used befor a 'long style command argument'  i belive. :) not sure if thats a posix standard or where it comes from19:02
sha1sumI believe.19:02
llutzsha1sum: try a better readable console-font19:02
sha1sumyeah good call. Or stop going to websites that have bad plain-text formatting.19:03
dahaxxeris precise pangolin stable?19:03
sipiordahaxxer: no.19:03
sha1sumGuy actually gives this warning on the site: "NOTE: WordPress interprets two dashes (- -) as one dash (–). When you’re putting this into your CLI, make sure it’s dropping two dashes ‘- -’ without the space between them."19:03
dahaxxer!precise > dahaxxer19:04
ubottudahaxxer, please see my private message19:04
Dr_willisgotta love sites that mess up your code.19:04
ChamunksIs there a name for the ubuntu linux sound manager I want to install it for linux mint19:05
crow_!precise > crow_19:05
ubottucrow_, please see my private message19:05
MonkeyDustChamunks  mint is not supported here19:05
ChamunksMonkeyDust,  I'm not asking for support for linux mint19:05
crow_monkeydust he's asking about an ubuntu program19:05
Chamunksif you would have read my question.19:06
ChipzzzChamunks: alsa and pulse19:06
seanhHey, I installed postgresql on my ubuntu server but the psql file is giving me "could not connect to server: No such file or directory". Do you know how I start postgres?19:06
forever2432Dr_willis: it worked fine back when we only used PHP now we got javascript incompatiblities with different browsers19:06
DarkCoreChamunks, gnome-sound-applet?19:06
ChamunksChipzzz, thanks I'm just stuck using an old looking UI that isnt very intuitive and the ubuntu one is much nicer.19:06
ChamunksDarkCore, thats likely it :)19:06
Chamunksthanks you guys you're always great :D19:06
Mech0zis there a way to launch a simple text editor that can do the same as VI in ubuntu?19:07
Mech0zwith admin rights19:07
MonkeyDustChamunks  crow_ ok, get it => there's alsamixer, in the terminal19:07
InfernallDr_willis: what can i do to set my root password, i tried the shadow file route, and the remove likewise-open also didnt work19:07
zykotic10!noroot | Infernall19:08
ChamunksMonkeyDust, I'm mainly looking to install the ui from ubuntu that for some reason is missing within my install of mate19:08
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ChamunksI think that I had it in gnome3/gnome-shell19:08
forever2432Mech0z: sudo nano /dir/file19:08
Chamunksbut I just recently was experiencing some issues there so i switched back19:08
Infernallzykotic10: how do i use that19:09
Chamunksthanks all :)19:09
Infernallzykotic10: right now i'm as a root user from recovery and it seas event not found19:09
zykotic10Infernall: bot seems to be MIA - that factoid says, the setting a root password is not supported in #ubuntu (you can do it on your own system, but don't ask for help here - sorta thing)19:09
Infernallzykotic10: so were can i go for help? i have no idea what else can i try?19:11
sipiorInfernall: can you log in with your normal user account? what exactly happened to your system?19:11
zykotic10Infernall: sorry i haven't been following your actual issue, was just reacting to your "how do i set a root password".  I can't help - good luck.19:11
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ubottuInfernall: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.19:12
Infernallsipior: can i go private with you?19:12
sipiorInfernall: we can talk here.19:12
rocketsWhere is the root crontab file located on ubuntu?19:13
rocketsI can edit it with sudo crontab -e but I'd like to know where it actually is19:13
theadminrockets: /etc/crontab19:13
compdocthat never worked for me - I edit /etc/crontab with an ediotr19:14
cordycepscan I do sudo something && sudo somehting? Or will it ask me for a password for the second sudo?19:14
rocketstheadmin, no, that's not it.19:14
Gentoo64cordyceps, if it times out it will19:14
jribrockets: read crontab's man page, it tells you19:14
Mech0zdo you need to add something to samba to enable windows sharing19:14
Mech0zor is that on by default19:14
cordycepshow long do I get19:14
Gentoo64cordyceps, idk 15 min by default i think19:14
Zaitzevbefore I reformat again19:15
rocketsjrib, thanks19:15
Gentoo64cordyceps, you can change the time in sudoers19:15
Zaitzevany helpful advice on partitioning?19:15
jribrockets: note you shouldn't edit those files directly though19:15
rocketsjrib, I know, I just wanted to know where it was.19:15
negativeZaitzev: What are you trying to do?19:15
cordycepsGentoo64: thkx ;)19:15
ActionParsnipZaitzev: are you dual booting19:15
compdocMech0z, its not default on any systems Ive installed19:15
ZaitzevActionParsnip: No19:15
Zaitzevnegative: I understand having /home, /boot etc on their own partitions19:15
Infernallsipior: after installing ubuntu i didnt set root password, i wanted to set root now so i can get some privilages for my user... it seemed there was nothing i could do to change the root, as it allways returned invalid token, so i tried it for my user. i went to the UA settings to change the pw, there it got stuck. After 10min of loading screen i just rebooted the system to find out i cant log into my root or my user19:15
Zaitzevis a smart thing to do19:15
ActionParsnipZeroedout: 10Gb Ext4 for /, 1.1 x RAM for swap and the rest ext4 for /home19:16
Zaitzevfailtab? :P19:16
sipiorInfernall: are both /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow in place?19:16
ActionParsnipZeroedout: unless you have less than 2Gb RAM, then 2.1 x RAM for swap19:16
ZaitzevI have 6GB ram19:16
ActionParsnipZaitzev: yep. se above :)19:16
cordycepsDoes 'buntu have something like a 'root' terminal, no sudo reqd?19:16
ActionParsnipZaitzev: do you need hibernate / suspend?19:16
ActionParsnipcordyceps: run:  sudo -i19:16
syddrafIs there a utility that will allow me to view the ttl time of a dns entry in my cache?19:17
ActionParsnipZaitzev: then you can easily get away with no swap :)19:17
Infernallsipior: no i didnt check /etc/passwd wasnt in the instructions i was using up till now, i'll check19:17
Zaitzev10gb for /19:17
Zaitzevrest for /home19:17
Zaitzevthat's all I need?19:17
icerootZaitzev: swap is also a good idea19:18
ZaitzevI could probably go a little up on / seeing as I got a 320GB drive to use19:18
Zaitzevwhat about /var, /usr and the others?19:18
DarkCorecordyceps, haven't tried, but shouldn't gksu gnome-terminal work?19:18
icerootZaitzev: the best is to use the ubuntu defaults the installer is suggesting19:18
sipiorInfernall: for future reference, the account you created at install should be able to acquire superuser privileges by running commands via "sudo"19:18
barnoldanyone using Kompozer?19:18
DarkCoreoh yeah, it does19:18
iceroot!anyone | barnold19:18
ubottubarnold: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:18
cordycepsDarkCore: sudo -i does the trick, thanks ActionParsnip ;)19:18
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Zaitzeviceroot: that's the thing, I don't even know what the defaults are19:18
icerootZaitzev: why? ubuntu is asking you "install ubuntu on this drive?"19:19
icerootZaitzev: then its creating / and swap automaticly19:19
Lord_KakturionDo anybody know if there are any drivers for akai eie pro?19:19
Infernallsipior: noted, thou i wanted to set root ether way, just so everything is in place19:19
Zaitzevand /home etc on its own partition?19:19
icerootZaitzev: no19:19
Zaitzevexactly, hehe19:19
icerootZaitzev: /home will be part of /19:19
sipiorInfernall: in place?19:19
calicohey guys, i'm running xubuntu on a virtual box. Have setup shared folders and everything, but can't see my hdd's in file manager...  Help how to fix that really appreciated19:19
XanthippusDo you guys know of any good hardware channels?19:20
icerootXanthippus: ##hardware19:20
iceroot!alis | Xanthippus19:20
ubottuXanthippus: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:20
ZaitzevI'll try 20GB for /, 1.1xRAM for swap and the rest for /home19:20
codepalI've just installed libglib2.0-0 2.30.2, but libgimp2.0 : Depends: libglib2.0 (>= 2.30.2)19:20
codepaland it won't install19:20
XanthippusThanks iceroot c y'all19:21
forever2432calico: the HDD's from the main desktop?19:21
codepalanybody tell me why libglib2.0 is showing the correct version required in apt-cache showpkg - yet apt won't install ?19:21
calicoforever2432,  yes19:21
Infernallsipior: i mean just i its set19:21
ZaitzevI'll be back :)19:21
codepalcan I tell apt to force install ?19:21
Nach0zcodepal: yes19:22
Infernallsipior: does the passwd file work the same? do i delete the 2nd entry?19:22
calicoforever2432, told it to auto mount, permanent, I rebooted and still...19:22
DarkCorecodepal, apt-get install -y19:22
forever2432calico: you need to install linux additions and then shutdown VM and edit your VM folder options to add Drives as virtual network drives19:22
sipiorInfernall: you shouldn't delete anything in /etc/passwd.19:22
Infernallsipior: in that case, yes the file is there19:22
sipiorInfernall: verify that your user account is present, and the file is undamaged.19:22
codepalDarkCore, didn't work19:22
icerootInfernall: you should never ever edit /etc/passwd19:22
sipiorInfernall: the second entry should be "x"19:23
icerootInfernall: NEVER19:23
icerootInfernall: use "usermod"19:23
sipioriceroot: system recovery. leave us alone.19:23
forever2432calico: on your VM menu there is load VM additions19:23
icerootsipior: no need for your strange attitude19:23
DarkCorecodepal, my bad.. apt-get -y install19:23
sipioriceroot: you're geting in the way.19:23
Infernallsipior: noted, and 2nd entry indeed is x19:23
calicoforever2432, I did loaded them but.. btw i've installed linux additions before setting shared folders19:23
northernencodepal, what does 'ldd  _file_' say?19:23
sipiorInfernall: is /etc/shadow also intact?19:24
icerootsipior: usefull infos over "bad suggestions" are never in the way19:24
sipioriceroot: bye now.19:24
forever2432calico: You need to install the Guest additions on the VM run Ubuntu19:24
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codepalnorthernen, hrmm which _file_ would that be19:25
Infernallsipior: the file is there, thou i have allready deleted the hashed entries19:25
forever2432calico: otherwise VM Ubuntu wont understand that its running on VM19:26
sipiorInfernall: the lines are completely gone? or do you simply mean the password hashes?19:26
Peckerjumping in here late..what is calico trying to do19:26
calicoforever2432, i did this: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-utils19:26
calicobefore setting up shared folders on vbox19:26
Infernallsipior: i mean the password hashes root::....19:26
calicoPecker, i can't see my shared folders on virtual box xubuntu19:26
digitalcaketrying to apt-get install libjpeg but no luck did they remove that lib from ubuntu?19:26
forever2432calico:look on VM Device>Install Guest additions on the program19:26
digitalcakelibjpeg-dev install fine though19:27
Peckeryou need the guest additions, click devices->install guest additions iirc19:27
Peckercourse id rather use samba shres for sharing files with vm19:27
calicoforever2432, yes, it mounts just a cd19:27
northernencodepal, libglib2.0. Guessing that's a shared library? If it is, it's possibly looking for the required library in the wrong path. In that case you'll have to create a symlink to the real file in the location libglib2.0 is looking.19:28
forever2432calico: additions have to be installed on the first desktop and your VM desktop for it to work19:28
Peckeri dont remember you having to put guest additions on the host to get this working?19:28
calicoi didn't understand that, is it a separate program, different from virtualbox ?19:28
forever2432calico: cool now install and restart19:29
sipiorInfernall: you're currently running a live cd, i suppose?19:29
codepalnorthernen, I'm trying to use apt-get to install gimp 2.7.5 from matt's repo19:29
Infernallsipior: yes19:29
guntbertforever2432: no, the guest additions need only be installed in the guest  -- vbox support in #vbox too19:29
calicoshould i restart virtual box forever2432 ?19:29
codepalunfortunately his instructions to add ricotz & gnome3 repos are not working19:29
Peckercalico devices->install guest additions, it mounts a cd image, run script from that cd in vm19:29
Mech0zhow do I make a user owner of a folder?19:29
icerootMech0z: chown username folder19:29
TelrothI have /usr/bin/screen crashing once or twice a week; Is there a way to get a core dump or a better log than the "screen has segfaulted" in dmesg?19:29
PeckerMech0z: chown user /folder19:29
ratcheerMech0z: chggrp19:29
icerootMech0z: and chown -R username folder if you also want everything in that folder set to the user19:30
northernencodepal, do you have a pastebin?19:30
sipiorInfernall: where is your system root currently mounted?19:30
forever2432calico:run autorun.sh to install on VM run ubuntu19:30
calicoPecker, this is my first linux day, "script" is abstract as God19:30
ZalTelroth, run it through strace maybe19:30
codepalnorthernen, https://launchpad.net/~matthaeus123/+archive/mrw-gimp-svn19:30
ratcheerMech0z: No, my answer was wrong.19:30
Peckercalico: ah....need to learn otherwise linux wont be useful to you ;)19:30
Mike9863I ran the first command given on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure and it installed a bunch of software that I do not want such as Unity, Empathy, etc. How can I remove everything it did?19:30
codepalnorthernen, sure I have pastebin19:30
KehoroBladecould someone point me to the room that helps with Debugging a program for a bug report I have all the dbgsym packages installed but need to get some help with getting the correct information.19:30
northernencodepal, of the error message.19:30
TynachHey, I'm having annoying sound issues. Sound USED to work fine, and it seems random how this happens...19:30
codepalbut ldd isn't going to help, cause I haven't installed gimp2.7.5 yet19:30
forever2432calico: from the virtual cd look for in folder autorun.sh and run to install19:31
TynachSometimes when I log in, sound works. Other times, it doesn't.19:31
PeckerMike9863: sudo apt-get remove unwantedapp19:31
calicoPecker, im good at copying and pasting stuff in the console tho19:31
Infernallsipior: the live cd i suppose19:31
calicoforever2432, let me check that19:31
Mike9863Pecker: I do not want to have to do it for every application it installed. I don't even know the list. Is there no way to revert the changes it made?19:31
* Pecker starts virtualbox so he doesnt have to remember how it worked19:31
Tynachoverall, I'm finding I have to log out/log in/log out/log in over and over until sound works. Sometimes I have to reboot.19:31
northernencodepal, it reports you missing libglib?19:31
sipiorInfernall: you've mounted your system's root partition somewhere, obviously.19:31
Peckerwas there a script you used or something Mike9863 ?19:31
TynachRight now, nothing's working. How do I solve this?19:32
PeckerTynach: need mroe info as to what 'what' is19:32
Infernallsipior: /media/long string19:32
Mike9863Pecker: Just that first command19:32
sipiorInfernall: okay, use chroot: chroot /media/blahblah /bin/sh19:32
ZalMike9863, that's actually a whole script, just written as one line. You'll have to rewrite it in reverse.19:33
TynachPecker, what do you mean? The issue is that I don't know what is causing sound not to work. I'm asking you guys what it could be.19:33
sipiorInfernall: then "passwd <username>"19:33
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Peckerah misssed your question part19:33
Mike9863Zal: Well I see that it ran sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Is that what would install all those packages?19:33
codepalnorthernen, missing the correct version to continue to install libgimp2.019:33
forever2432calico: just tested it now again and my shares folders from my host is in /media19:33
PeckerMike9863: seesm to me it ran upgrade and dist-upgrade... otherwise all it did was pluseaudio which is needed for sound19:34
codepaland with apt-cache showpkg libglib2.0-0 I KNOW I have the right version19:34
ZalMike9863, no, upgrade won't typically install a bunch of new packages as far as I know. The *next* command installs new stuff though19:34
tuxguyHey Folks...am a n00b & running 12.04 alpha2 on a 64 bit dell laptop....trackpad does not work19:34
calicoforever2432, it said that i already have it, now im reinstallign19:34
codepalneed to tell apt it's got it's facts wrong19:34
Peckernot much you can do if you dont remember what was installed except apt0get remove app19:34
tuxguyanybpody else having issues with trackpad on 12.04 pp alpha2 ?19:34
xangua!pangolin | tuxguy19:35
ubottutuxguy: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:35
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tuxguy@ubottu..i know19:35
Peckerstil mad at ubuntu for not making p be penguin19:35
tuxguyinstalled the alpha using dist-upgrade19:35
TynachAnyone have a clue on my sound issue?19:35
codepalnorthernen, http://pastebin.com/Vf6zYmu719:35
zykotic10tuxguy: dist-upgrade?  are you sure your on 12.04 then?  "lsb_release -sc"19:36
Mike9863Zal: I'm guessing the ubuntu-desktop package is the one that comes with all the packages. If I were to remove ubuntu-desktop would it revert to what I had previously or would it remove essential things as well?19:36
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forever2432calico: just tested it now again and my shares folders from my host is in /media19:36
Infernallsipior: so far seems good19:36
xanguaMike9863: it won't19:36
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widewakehi guis.19:36
Peckercalico: devices_install guest additions->open cd drive in vm-> run autorun.sh19:36
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sipiorInfernall: check /etc/shadow to make sure the entry is present. you should then be able to log in to your system with your user account.19:36
ratcheerTynach: From my experience, it could be any of about a thousand things.19:36
Mike9863xangua: It won't remove essential things or it won't remove only the packages it newly installed?19:37
* dahaxxer headbangs19:37
tuxguyctrl+c instead of ctrl+shift+c19:37
tuxguytux@tux-Inspiron-N4030:~$ lsb_release -a19:37
tuxguyNo LSB modules are available.19:37
tuxguyDistributor ID:Ubuntu19:37
tuxguyDescription:Ubuntu precise (development branch)19:37
FloodBot1tuxguy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
widewakeAdobe flash player will crash whenever i try to access my cam or mic, wat do?19:37
xanguatuxguy: did you read the part where it says Pangolin Support is in #ubuntu+1 ?19:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:37
zykotic10tuxguy: reask your question in #ubuntu+119:37
tuxguythanks guys, my bad, am new to irc, took me a while to figure out #ubuntu+1 is another channel...19:38
tuxguyi initially thought it's an email list19:38
Tynachratcheer, if it helps, the sound seems to 'work' at the login screen - i.e. I can move the volume slider back and forth. When I log into Unity (2D|3D), the sound symbol is the speaker and two dashes - as if it were muted - and the volume slider is unusable.19:38
widewakeAdobe flash player will crash whenever i try to access my cam or mic, wat do?19:38
zykotic10tuxguy: FYI beginners should not be running the development version, you're going to run into issues!19:38
Infernallsipior: longest hash i' v ever seen :)19:38
tuxguyeverything else works fine,e xcept the trackpad...want to be on the bleedinge edge19:38
TynachUbuntu should create some sort of 'rolling release' version of Ubuntu.19:39
=== KingPhisher is now known as AndreLametti
widewakeAdobe flash player will crash whenever i try to access my cam or mic, wat do? adobe website also does to recognize my mic or cam. so i cant adjust there. though cam and mic have worked plenty of times.19:39
ratcheerTynach: Yes, I think it is muted. Will the "--" icon not drop down to a menu? And on that menu, there should be an unmute button...19:40
Tynachratcheer, as I said, it appears as if it's muted. But the 'unmute' button is not visible, and I cannot 'slide' the volume slider. Attempting to slide the volume slider actually crashes the menu.19:41
calicoPecker, now i that i see my shared folders, i dont have permission to access them??19:41
dahaxxer----------> win bootmgr or grub2? <----------19:42
ratcheerTynach: Rolling release sounds wonderful, doesn't it? In reality, it is just different headaches. I know, I run Arch, too.19:42
Tynachratcheer, trying to open Sound Settings, it has "Choose a device to configure", and has no devices listed.19:42
Infernallsipior: it worked, might i bother with a quick question what is a login keyring?19:42
Peckercalico: this is why i hate shared folders..never seems to work right.19:42
Peckerwhats is the exact error you get19:42
northernencodepal, did you check for libglib2.0 having unmet dependencies?19:42
calicopermission denied19:42
widewakeAdobe flash player will crash whenever i try to access my cam or mic, wat do?19:42
sipiorInfernall: a data store for various credentials.19:43
Zalcalico, shared folders are going to need proper group ownership and permissions, and users will need to be in the right group.19:43
ratcheerTynach: So, it sounds fairly messed up. I'm not sure what to tell you.19:43
sipiorInfernall: you can change the password of the keyring to match your own login password, and it won't ask you for a password after logging in.19:43
sipiorInfernall: have a look at the gnome-keyring utility.19:43
calicoZal, so how do I do that...19:44
Tynachratcheer, I know. That's why I'm asking on here :p I'm normally pretty good at Linux.19:44
TynachDoes anyone know where the pulseaudio settings are stored?19:44
codepalnorthernen, http://pastebin.com/PeEjPiAk19:44
Dmoleis there a chan for 12.04?19:44
codepalI can't see any unmet dependencies....19:44
delinquentmeif Im trying to install java over terminal ... what would I use ?   like i ran this:  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk  and it was unable to find any candidates19:45
delinquentmei've found a tut .. but it says I need to add someone PPA... for java that feels weird19:45
ratcheerTynach: Have you looked at the in-depth sound issues troubleshooting thread on ubuntuforums.org?19:45
icerootdelinquentme: its not in the repos anymore19:45
icerootdelinquentme: you have to download it from the oracle website19:45
Zalcalico, create a group, put your users in that group, change the group ownership of the folder to that group, and read "man chmod" for fine-tuning access controls.19:46
delinquentmebest way to do that for an EC2 instance?19:46
icerootdelinquentme: oracle is evil and is not allowing anymore to provide java19:46
codepal2.30.2-4ubuntu1~oneiric1 == 2.30.2!!!19:46
* Zal goes to lunch19:46
codepalso why!19:46
Tynachratcheer, I've looked for such threads, have not found any. The ones I've found have a big long command line, and reading it, I do NOT want to install random stuff from a new repository. So no thanks.19:46
vithosis there a way to restore a ubuntu-server (11.10) install to a "pristine" state? i had to upgrade my new vps from 10.10 to 11.10 but some things seem misconfigured19:46
icerootdelinquentme: the best is to use openjdk instead of sun/oracle java19:46
ratcheerTynach: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188524019:46
icerootvithos: only with your backup19:46
OerHeksDmole, join #Ubuntu+1 for Pangolin 12.0419:46
delinquentmesudo apt-get openjdk19:46
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.19:47
DmoleOerHeks: thanks :)19:47
icerootdelinquentme: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre19:47
ratcheerTynach: Also, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76668319:47
guntbertI tried to ppa-purge webup8team/gnome3 and it gives some scary output about removing *many* packages - see http://paste.ubuntu.com/864010/ . Any opinions on this?19:47
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:48
Dr_willisyousure you gave the command right to remove that repo?19:48
Dr_williserrr ppa. :)19:48
Tynachratcheer, Firefox is trying to access sound in the background whenever I click on a link apparently (even though no sound is played), and it freezes/crashes upon me trying to read those pages. Lawl.19:48
GeorgeJHow does one disable 3d effects on Ubuntu 12.04?19:48
icerootGeorgeJ: #ubuntu+119:49
calicoZal, how do I change the ownership of the folder19:49
Dr_willisGeorgeJ,  go to #ubuntu+1 for that release19:49
GeorgeJAllright, thank you19:49
ratcheerTynach: Wow. I've never heard of anything like that.19:49
Dmolewhat is the normal way to run a script on user login?19:49
guntbertDr_willis: sudo ppa-purge ppa:webupd8team/gnome3     seems correct?19:49
Dr_willisDmole,  depends on what its doing.19:50
Dr_willisguntbert,  all i know about the command is shown in that factoid url. :) ive never needed to use it.19:50
DmoleDr_willis: howso?19:50
Tynachratcheer, it eventually continues, having given up. But that basically means I have to wait for 30 seconds after hitting the 'back' button.19:50
Dr_willisDmole,  what is the script doing...19:50
DmoleDr_willis: the script is running xbmc if you must know :)19:50
guntbertDr_willis: any opinion on the *long* list?19:50
Dr_willisDmole,  last i checked - xbmc added a session entry in the LightDm/Login menus. You could put a link from the xbmc.desktop file to your autostart directory19:51
* calico slapz XuMuK 19:51
Dr_willisor is it autorun..19:51
dahaxxerguys, I cannot install lubuntu from wubi19:51
Dr_willis ~/.config/autorun (or autostart)19:51
dahaxxerit is not in the list19:51
amrive tried disabling ServerSignature in httpd.conf, but I can't seem to get it to work19:52
DmoleDr_willis: where is the "autostart directory"?19:52
dahaxxerwhy isn't the best of ubuntu in a list of a win32 installer?19:52
amrive restarted apache, and httpd.conf is included in apache2.conf, so where else should i specify this?19:52
amrin a site?19:52
urfr332gOdahaxxer, are you sure you want a wubi, it is not for long erm use.19:52
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  wubi can be problemnatic. You could download a lubuntu.iso perhaps and point the wubi installer to it.19:52
dahaxxerwhy would they still give it away then?19:53
calicodahaxxer, i confirm, noob user here, installed ubuntu from wubi, nothing but problems19:53
dahaxxerI want to keep my bootmgr and wubi is the way to go19:53
Dr_willisits for 'testing' out the release.19:53
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  i dont see the point in worrying about the boot manager. and id reccomend using virtualbox over wubi.19:53
urfr332gOdahaxxer, you can even with a dual boot with esaybcd.19:53
dahaxxereasybcd only works with win719:53
Dr_willisYou could install grub to a flash drive if you really wanted to and not touch the windows disk.19:54
Dr_willisYou could even install to a flash drive for a totally portable setup.19:54
urfr332gOdahaxxer, did you mention the windows install your using?19:54
calicocan someone please explain how do I change permissions of folders? I'm at https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/nautilus-file-properties-permissions.html#folders and still can't do it19:54
dahaxxerlast question in here, how do i take off 5gb of an existent partition to make swap space?19:54
Dr_williscalico,  chown or chmod options foldername   normally19:54
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dahaxxerurfr332gO: XP19:55
Infernallsipior: thx for your time, everything is setup19:55
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  use a gparted live cd, or some other tools to resize your existing partions.19:55
marvindoppeltdahaxxer, have you tried gParted?19:55
urfr332gOdahaxxer, a swap wont work with the wubi I believe wubi is just a file in windows19:55
sipiorInfernall: great, glad you're up and running again.19:55
jhutchins_I have a fresh install on a Dell Optiplex GX280.  A lot of the text in dialog windows, xchat's input box, etc. is messed up.  On th eother hand, the chat window text is fine.19:55
DmoleDr_willis: ah I found "startup applications" int the menu I'll try that.19:55
Dr_willisnever noticed if wubi uses a swap partion if it exists.. :) never really heard anyone mention that befor.19:55
dahaxxergparted is my way to go19:55
Infernallsipior: btw, why is the root pw a taboo here?19:56
Dr_willisDmole,  that just manages the links in that autorun dir basically19:56
urfr332gOInfernall, there isn't one.19:56
Dr_willisInfernall,  its goes against the ubuntu security 'methodogy' :)19:56
dahaxxerhave a nice night, will be back to help when i'm done with my precise lubuntu19:56
sipiorInfernall: it can trip up inexperienced users. also, the default openssh daemon on ubuntu permits root logins. (a bad policy)19:56
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  for 12.x go to #ubuntu+119:56
urfr332gOdahaxxer, see #ubuntu+1 for precise19:56
dahaxxerDr_willis, I'm ubuntu geek, I can outscore u+119:56
delinquentmewhen I want to install a software package (JRuby ) I want to run ./path/to      .. what file?19:56
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  from what ive seen.. i dont think so,,19:57
sipiorInfernall: sudo also permits a much finer allocation of superuser privileges, along with extensive logging.19:57
LucidGuyRouting question.  I have two ISPs.  Both configured but only one default route as we speak.  I have a certain IP/host on the internet I want to connect to only through the ISP connection that does not have a route in place.  Assuming that makes sense, does any know if that is possible?  Running Ubuntu.19:57
dahaxxerDr_willis, i knew of  gparted, just i knew there was a way in the setup, that's what i meant19:57
calicoDr_willis, so (me = calico) chmod calico+rw /media, right?19:57
Infernallsipior: btw, well thx anyway :)19:57
dahaxxerand I tottaly hate grub19:57
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  i dont think wubi's setup does partioning at all.19:57
sipiorInfernall: you can get a root shell via "sudo -i", if you need it.19:57
sipiorInfernall: sure thing, have fun.19:58
urfr332gOdahaxxer, yeah right and I'm the king of Siam.19:58
dahaxxerokay thanks19:58
Dr_willis!permissions | calico19:58
ubottucalico: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:58
dahaxxerurfr332gO, kings are fags.19:58
urfr332gOdahaxxer, if you use that tgerm you will be banned.19:58
dahaxxerhuh? u cnt ban me19:58
DmoleDr_willis: nice that worked so where is this "autorun dir"? and it there a "logoff applications" thingy?19:59
urfr332gOdahaxxer, no but I can report you if yo continue.19:59
Dr_willisDmole,  i gave its path earlier...19:59
Dr_willis ~/.config/autorun (or autostart)   <- I think19:59
jhutchins_Any clue how to address font issues?  d is displaying as an uppercse E19:59
urfr332gO!pm | dahaxxer20:00
ubottudahaxxer: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:00
DmoleDr_willis: thanks20:01
dahaxxerhand guys20:01
calicoDr_willis, ok i did sudo chmod 777 /media but still cant access it20:01
Silver`calico:  what message r u receiving?20:02
urfr332gOdahaxxer, you have been reported along with your pm.20:02
Dr_williscalico,  a bit weird to need to do 777 to /media/ can you 'cd' to the directory and do a 'touch testifile' as a user?20:02
TynachOk, think I may have fixed it. brb, rebooting.20:02
calicoSilver`,  permission denied20:02
pangolindahaxxer: Please don't PM people without asking first.20:02
dahaxxerurfr332gO, please note that PM != #ubuntu20:02
DmoleDr_willis: I looked at "tree ~/.config/autorun" and I'm not seeing it...20:03
pangolindahaxxer: Please don't PM people without asking first. Some people consider it rude.20:03
dahaxxerso, don't expect me to get banned for having a nice chit chat via PM.20:03
Silver`calico i ment after you wrote the chmod command20:03
Dr_willisDmole,  it may be autostart. i dont rember. and im not on a linux box.20:03
dahaxxernot sure if pangolin bot or human but kay20:03
Dr_willisYou can get banned for being rude in PM.20:04
calicoSilver`,  nothing that's all:20:04
calicocalico@calico-VirtualBox:~$ sudo chmod 777 /media20:04
calico[sudo] password for calico:20:04
dahaxxerDr_willis, I was sweet as cake KP20:04
Dr_williscalico,  so you now do a  cd /media/ and  touch testfile    and get an error?20:04
DmoleDr_willis: "tree -a ~/|grep -i start" found "startupCache.8.little" but that looks wrong....20:05
Dr_williscalico,  i dont really see wny you need to be doing this to /media/ unless you somehow messed it up.20:05
dahaxxercan i install ubuntu from SDHC?20:05
Dr_willisDmole,  theres some bot factoid on it.20:05
Dr_willisdahaxxer,  if your system can boot a sdhc you can. done it befor.20:05
Dr_willisive also installed to sdhc :)20:05
dahaxxerwhat was the command for killing the client again?20:06
Dr_williswhat client?20:06
Dr_willis perhaps /quit20:06
dahaxxerty hand20:06
calicoDr_willis, i just want to access my virtual box shared files that's all. I'm a new ubuntu user and all this frustrates me :(20:06
Phinnayhey! i am having a problem with one of my ubuntu 11.10 server machines20:07
DmoleDr_willis: well I'll look into it another time thanks anyway20:07
Dr_williscalico, I never needed to mess with /media/ to access the special vbox share.. you could also just access the machine/vm via the network/samba/ssh/sftp methods20:07
Phinnayi go to log on, i enter the username and password... it shows me the motd and then kicks right back to the logon prompt...20:07
guntbertcalico: you can ask for virtual box support in #vbox too20:07
Dr_willisvbox also has a decent manual/20:07
sipiorPhinnay: this is at the console?20:08
mohawkjohnI went on vacation and when I came back my launcher icons were invisible and spread out. I can still click on things if I wait for t he tooltips to show up, but not all of them are even within the screen boundaries because they've been spread out so much. What gives?20:08
velko_Phinnay, have you changed your login shell? in /etc/passwd?20:09
BoreeasIs there a command to put my laptop in suspension mode from the console?20:11
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Phinnayyeah, this is at the console20:13
Phinnayand ive done nothing to /etc/passwd20:13
Phinnayjust... happened one day o.o20:13
sipiorPhinnay: do you have any other access to the system? is there a file called /etc/nologin present?20:13
Phinnayi booted up with the CD and went to the "recover a broken system" option and mounted /20:14
Phinnaylet me check20:14
Phinnayno on the /etc/nologon20:15
sipiorPhinnay: your entry in /etc/passwd looks correct?20:15
sipiorPhinnay: any unusual entries in your .login, .profile, &cet.?20:16
velko_Phinnay, what are the last entries in /va/log/auth.log?20:16
sburwI've an Android tablet and want to connect  it to my ubuntu desktop computer. What do I need to do?20:18
Silver`i failed at that one too:)20:18
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sburwAnyone has a suggestion?20:19
Phinnayscrollin thru, it looks like someone was trying to log in as root over and over again20:19
Phinnayis a loong file20:19
urfr332gOsburw, you can actually install ubuntu on it.20:19
Peckersburw: what are you trying to do with it? i assume grab a usb acable and hook the 2 systtems to gether20:19
afaccrucazz12x BRAZZERS ACCOUNT ENJOY :   http://adf.ly/5sOTy20:20
afaccrucazz12x BRAZZERS ACCOUNT ENJOY :   http://adf.ly/5sOTy  120:20
afaccrucazz12x BRAZZERS ACCOUNT ENJOY :   http://adf.ly/5sOTy  220:20
afaccrucazz12x BRAZZERS ACCOUNT ENJOY :   http://adf.ly/5sOTy  320:20
afaccrucazzspam time20:20
FloodBot1afaccrucazz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:20
DJones!ops | afaccrucazz20:20
ubottuafaccrucazz: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!20:20
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sburwPecker, I've a cable and yes, I want to share between both20:20
Peckeryou shoul djust hook the 2 system together with usb cable, and it should work together just like that..idk dotn have andriod stuff so basing off of how other devices work20:21
Zaitzevtypical that the nvidia driver installation doesn't let me use dual monitor20:21
brandhi could someone tell me how to install tar.gz file in ubuntu please20:22
plantttbrand: you cannot install a tar.gz file, only extract it20:22
Silver`Pecker it's really not that easy lol20:22
urfr332gO!tar | brand,20:22
ubottubrand,: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression20:22
aeon-ltdbrand: is this the source?20:23
ssfdre38how can i fix a GPG Key error?20:23
brandyes i have extracted the file20:23
dorongI've created a RAID10 array using mdadm on /dev/md0 and haven't created a filesystem from it (nor an lvm volume over it) before I restarted the machine (ubuntu 11.10), and after the restart the device was name /dev/md127 instead of the /dev/md0 it was created as.20:23
brandhow can i proceed after that20:23
aeon-ltdbrand: is this the source?20:23
Zalssfdre38, what error?20:23
brandsource? what is source.yes i think so20:23
sburwI' connected them. Haven't looked whether it worked or not. Do I need some drivers or whatever?20:23
aeon-ltd!compile | brand20:23
ubottubrand: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall20:23
brandits a setup file20:23
plantttbrand: kind of depends of what is in the tarball.20:23
urfr332gObrand, the bts link tells you how to install a tar, it is all over the web as well.20:24
ssfdre38Zal, http://paste.ssfdre38.com/6720:24
sburwSee ya later20:24
fishcookeris there any regex tool offline @ubuntu?20:24
Zalssfdre38, hm, you'll have to locate, download, and install their public key20:24
plantttfishcooker, please elaborate20:25
ssfdre38Zal, well i use a ppa from kubuntu to update to the 4.8 kde desktop20:26
Ubi_DaXI have some problems with moving the instalation to the Flash in here20:26
fishcookeri don't get your point planttt20:26
Ubi_DaXI get copy failed20:26
fishcookeractually i usually test my regex online20:26
Ubi_DaXUNetBootin will not extract the files to the drive and Universal USB Installer gts copy failed20:26
Ubi_DaXwhat hsould I do?20:26
brandi am still really stuck in installing an application.this is the 1st time im using linux.need help guys20:27
Priceybrand: what app?20:27
plantttfishcooker, what do you mean with "regex tool" and what do you mean with "offline" ?20:27
brandi have extracted the tar and cd cd into the installation folder20:27
brandsidefx houdini20:27
Priceybrand: are you sure it isn't available in the repositories?20:27
brandyes i think so20:27
plantttfishcooker, but, to get you started, Perl has regexes built in20:27
Priceybrand: We really really don't reccomend randomly compiling random stuff off the intarwebs.20:27
PsyCl0neGentlemen, and women. Can someone assist me in enabling my touchpad with out a mouse and Internet.20:27
plantttfishcooker, so does PHP20:27
Zalfishcooker, kde has a regular expression widget. Maybe Gnome does too, I dunno20:28
fishcookerbut on this case i can't do that .. usually i go to http://rubular.com/20:28
brandbut its not a spam application or something20:28
fishcookercan u get my point planttt?20:29
Priceybrand: have you seen http://www.sidefx.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1207&Itemid=273#install ?20:29
plantttfishcooker, i do now, and gave you two pointers20:29
Silver`Can anyone recommend a good firewall?20:29
AlanBellUbi_DaX: is the drive otherwise writeable?20:30
Ubi_DaXAlanBell, of course20:30
fishcookerperl and php, planttt?20:30
Ubi_DaXIt writes boots info, but not the ubuntu20:30
plantttfishcooker, yes20:30
plantttfishcooker, o btw, JavaScript has it built in as well. If you have a browser, you have a "regex tool"20:31
AlanBellUbi_DaX: so you have what an SD card in a USB reader or something?20:31
velko_Silver`, what is a good firewall? easy to setup for a single user or complex but flexible?20:31
Ubi_DaXIt's a USB 2.0 HDD20:31
Silver`Ubi_DaX:  did you try extracting to the desktop and then copying then to the usb?20:31
Ubi_DaXIt's actually an USB flash drive20:31
Ubi_DaXSilver` will that work?20:32
Ubi_DaXjust simple copying? :\20:32
urfr332gO!info firewall20:32
ubottuPackage firewall does not exist in oneiric20:32
AlanBellyou can dd recent images to a USB drive and they should work20:32
Silver`did for me but if u wait i can tell u exactly how20:32
AlanBell!firewall | urfr332gO20:32
ubottuurfr332gO: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.20:32
fishcookerhmmm planttt, i choose php over perl.. but still i can't get your point abt the solution on php20:32
Tynachratcheer, I finally solved the problem, by deleting all Gnome settings. I deleted .local, .gnome2, .config, and several others in my home directory. I then rebooted. Not the prettiest solution, but it worked.20:32
urfr332gOAlanBell, wasn't for me but thanks.20:33
plantttfishcooker, you can install the php-cli package and have a php shell20:33
ratcheerTynach: Excellent. Great work!20:33
Silver`Ubi_DaX:  there r some steps if you want to boot from the USB20:33
urfr332gOSilver`, ^^^ see the bot20:33
brandPricey: thank you very much..the problem im facing is this The chosen installation directory          /homee/H12/hfs10.0.249     does not exist.      Create this directory for installation of software?     (Choosing 'n' will allow you to go back to the previous menu)      Create Directory (y or n) [y] ==>20:33
ratcheerTynach: What led you to try that?20:33
Ubi_DaXSilver` I know how to boot from usb, but can i simply extract to usb with no crappy unetbootin20:34
fishcookerzal, what kind of widget.. let me know abt it20:34
Ubi_DaXthat's what you stated.20:34
Priceybrand: that's a prompt, not a problem20:35
Tynachratcheer, because I know nothing changed in my system config, and nothing changed in my hardware configuration. So, figured it had to be user settings.20:35
fishcookerOMJ, planttt php-cli.. then i can test it on command prompt rather than gui one20:35
TynachIf Btrfsck tools are ready by 12.04, I'm going to do a fresh install and switch to Btrfs.20:36
brandPricey: mkdir: cannot create directory `/homee': Permission denied mkdir: cannot create directory `/homee': Permission denied mkdir: cannot create directory `/homee': Permission denied Pricey;Permission denied20:36
Zaitzevare there any better alternatives to disper?20:36
Ubi_DaXcan't there be something wrong with lubuntu 12.04 image?20:36
namananyone up for google summer of code20:36
Priceybrand: try /home/, not /homee/20:36
plantttfishcooker, right20:36
plantttfishcooker, or install Firebug and use the Javascript console to do it there20:36
AlanBellUbi_DaX: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-June/033495.html20:36
ratcheerTynach: I thought btrf fsck tool was still just a theory, heh heh.20:37
Tynachratcheer, there's a version available in the "dangerdonteveruse" branch.20:37
clouder`grrfishcooker, if you are using rubular I'm assuming you are using ruby, why not use irb if you are going to go console route20:37
fishcookeri'm bleeding planttt :D20:37
marvindoppeltPerhaps this is not the right place to ask this, but if I may ask; I have just partitioned my hard on my Dell Vostro and installed Ubuntu 10.04.  The problem now is that though I can select windows option at the grub menu, the windows startup continues upto a point where I just get a black blank screen.  What could be the problem?20:38
ratcheerTynach: Yes, I know. I got all excited reading about it on Phoronix, until I saw the donteveruse tag.20:38
plantttfishcooker, is that a good thing (/me is not native english speaking)20:38
fishcookeris there any desktop regex tool :p20:38
TynachThey're being VERY careful about Btrfsck.20:38
Peckerfishcooker: for regex: kiki20:38
TynachBut it's supposed to be ready by the next release of Oracle Linux.20:39
Silver`urfr332gO:  sorry i read your note, but i ment another firewall, already configured20:39
llutz!info kodos20:39
ubottukodos (source: kodos): A visual regular expression editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.9-6.3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 429 kB, installed size 1484 kB20:39
llutzfishcooker: ^^20:39
urfr332gOSilver`, there is firestarter, what do you need one for?20:40
Silver`can i pm you?20:40
urfr332gOSilver`, I probably know the least about linux firewalls, so it would be a waste, the channel is better really.20:41
Ubi_DaXI'll get to suicide watch20:42
Silver`what happened?20:42
Ubi_DaXWhy is this forbidden?20:42
PiciPrecise is not supported in this channel, try #ubuntu+120:43
Silver`idk maybe because it's a beta version that failed?20:43
TynachUbi_DaX, you're downloading from torrent.ubuntu.com.20:43
Pici: Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.20:43
Ubi_DaX... Obviously i am Tynach..20:43
TynachMaybe that's only a torrent tracker site, and not an actual download site?20:44
Ubi_DaXI'm such a noob20:44
Peckermultiple personalities day?20:44
Silver`skizos r scary20:44
codepalok so now I'm screwed20:45
codepalI used apt-get download libglib2.0-0 -20:45
codepalthen ran dpkg -i libglib2.0-020:45
urfr332gOPecker, you a John Waters fan?20:45
Peckernever heard of him20:45
Zaitzevlol, userlogos.org is wiped20:45
codepalnow synaptic won't do anything cause libgimp still thinks libglib is < 2.3020:45
codepalbut it's libglib 2.3120:45
urfr332gOPecker, he has a movie with your nic as the name.20:46
codepalhow to remedy?20:46
ZeloZelosanybody know how to get an objects rotation to change the location of another?20:46
codepalcan I edit the status file somewhere to manually override this?20:46
mzillacrap, i need to flash the bios of my acer aspire to fix an overheating problem but the only way to do that is via Windows and I have no windows :(20:46
p1l0tZeloZelos: in what?20:46
ZeloZelosdang it wrong channel agian20:46
codepalmzilla, overheating problem?20:46
codepalmzilla, clean it ;-) ?20:47
ZeloZelosblender p1l0t20:47
Picicodepal: Do you realize that glib is an integral part of your system and you risk completely breaking your install by changing its version?20:47
codepalPici, it's working...20:47
urfr332gOPecker, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pecker_%28film%29 funny movie akk his are.20:47
codepalso it's not broken yet20:47
luminosohi! i have 3 folders in /sys/class/backlight and only one works. how do i make FN hotkeys to set the right folder?20:47
p1l0tWhat is !blender20:47
ubottublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro20:47
codepaland if Matthias GIMP suggests I can install it, I don't see why it won't work20:47
Silver`that sounds like u want to break it, codepal20:47
codepalI can always chroot and unbreak it20:48
ZeloZelosp1l0t, its a 3d animation program20:48
codepaljust help me tell dpkg it's not broken20:48
Picicodepal: What are you trying to do exactly?20:48
codepalcause it's not20:48
p1l0tSounds like awesomeness I'm going to try it20:48
codepalI've installed gimp 2.7.520:48
codepalit's working20:48
Peckerah urfr332gO you a fan of Jak and Daxter, thats when the name comes from for me20:48
FreeWIllyhi all im trying to partition and format a 3tb drive in ubuntu server20:48
codepalbut now dpkg thinks libglib is a older version than is actually installed20:48
codepalI suspect a packaging problem in ricotz ppa20:49
nycMonkeyI'm trying to convert the ubuntu iso to an img for installing from a USB on mac. The hdiutil command I've found it not working for me. Can anyone offer any assistance? The command I'm typing is: hdiutil convert -iso -o UDRW filename.img filename.iso20:49
FreeWIllyhowever creating the first partition and formatting it the size is only 447gb20:49
codepalall I want to do is cheat, and tell dpkg that it's got no dependency problmes20:49
urfr332gOPecker, never been a gamer, but to each his own.20:50
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c0nv1ctnycMonkey: that isn't going to work since modern Macs require USB storage to use GPT20:50
c0nv1ctnycMonkey: to be bootable, that is20:50
p1l0tOh you need a GUI for that aye20:50
mads-Anyone else having problems downloading the new beta release as torrents?20:50
delinquentmecan I get a 2 line breakdown of x64 vrs x32 ?  like are x64s inherently faster?20:51
FreeWIllyhere a link using fdsik to create a partition again but dont know really what to put in to make the partition max, near to 3tb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/864112/20:51
p1l0tdelinquentme: Yes.20:51
yaroHey guys, I just tried 3.2.9 kernel and I get a black screen at lightdm. Lenovo l420 hd 3000 graphics.20:51
yarotried it on 11.1020:52
icerootdelinquentme: amd64 can adress more memory, some application may be faster but you will not see the difference in speed. if possible always use amd6420:52
ikoniayaro: go back to the supported ubuntu kernel20:52
theadminyaro: Unofficial kernels are not supported here.20:52
icerootyaro: then use the kernel from ubuntu again, everything else is not supported here20:52
xanguayaro: try the kernel incluided in official repository20:52
theadminyaro: chroot into your setup and install an official kernel20:52
yaroI know that supported one works.20:53
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FreeWIllycan anyone help using fdisk and creating the max partition20:53
yaroBut if I don't report, they won't fix it in 12.04 won't they?20:53
ikoniayaro: ok so if you know the standard kernel works, why areyou changing it20:53
yaroso could you please show me the way?20:53
ikoniayaro: what version of ubuntu are you working ?20:53
velko_FreeWIlly, are you on this step right now? line in the pastebin?20:53
yaro11.10 now20:53
SaalkoHello there, I am using Ubuntu 11.10 And i wanted to start a game. But the game doesn't starts and closes. There is an terminal at the Terminal. That I am not using actual drivers. Can anyone help? My laptop has  a geforce GT555M graqfikchip. If I ask for VGA something in terminal, he says: So my question. is my grafik running across my CPU or with my grafik chip?20:54
velko_FreeWIlly, and you press 1. what happens?20:54
yaroor should I try beta 1 and report with its kernel?20:54
icerootyaro: if the error is happening with 12.04 report a bug20:54
ikoniayaro: ok - so why are you testing non-11.10 kernels ?20:54
ikoniayaro: what are you trying to do/achieve ?20:54
kevinhi all. i am looking for some software suggestions... i need to create some very basic 2d animation with a static background and a rotating, moving image in the foreground that can be saved as an avi/mpg/etc. i know flash can do this using motion tweens, but i'm looking for a linux-compatible solution. any ideas?20:54
icerootyaro: and 12.04 goes to #ubuntu+120:54
yarook sorry for troubling you ;)20:54
ikoniayaro: its no trouble, just not sure what you are trying to do ?20:55
Ubi_DaXumm what the difference between alternate install and desktop install? *newb*20:55
ikoniaUbi_DaX: the install routine, nothing else20:55
theadminUbi_DaX: alternate = text installer20:55
yarotrying to report that 3.2 kernel doesn't work with hd300020:55
ikoniaUbi_DaX: one is a full desktop/gui prompted installer, the other is ncurses20:55
yaro3.3 does, but 3.3 doesn't have sound20:55
FreeWIllyvelko_: i get this line: Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-267349, default 267349):20:55
Ubi_DaXwich one has try first?20:55
ikoniayaro: mixing distro components is not a valid test20:55
icerootyaro: please test 12.04 and if that doesnt work, report a bug20:55
yarotrying to let the devs know about the problem20:55
Ubi_DaXthe desktop?20:55
ikoniaUbi_DaX: just use the desktop20:55
FreeWIlly(hope its okay i paste a one liner in here20:56
ikoniayaro: you are making problems, not reporting existing one20:56
icerootyaro: everything else is not related to ubuntu20:56
ikoniayaro: use 11.10 components with 11.10 - 12.04 with 12.0420:56
yaroit is a problem, it is with all distros on 3.2 kernel20:56
ikoniayaro: ok, so then it's not an ubuntu issue, it's a problem with the kernel that needs to be logged to the kernel, not the distro20:56
icerootyaro: test it with 12.0420:56
yarook ;)20:56
Silver`Ubi_DaX:  yes, the desktop20:57
icerootyaro: if it is a bug in the kernel report it to launchpad and to LKML20:57
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icerootyaro: but using 11.10 with that kernel is not supported20:57
velkoFreeWIlly, i was disconnected. i don't know if you talked to me in the meantime20:58
FreeWIllyvelko_: sorry did u get that20:58
FreeWIllyvelko: Last cylinder, +cylinders or +size{K,M,G} (1-267349, default 267349):20:58
FreeWIllythats funny coz it sees 364801 cylinders initially20:58
velkoFreeWIlly, just press enter. the default is to use the whole drive20:59
FreeWIllyshould i just go with that max then try extend20:59
velkoFreeWIlly, i don't think you have any other option20:59
FreeWIllylemme try20:59
codeperli am in problem now.can anyone please help?i am running this command.http://pastebin.com/dm74rexk20:59
codeperlin ubuntu 11.0421:00
codeperland it gives me the error,21:00
codeperli can not understand how to solve.21:00
fishcookerok thanks all of my fan(llutz + pecker + zal +clouder`grr + especially for planttt.. thanks for bearing with me) for helping me abt the regex :D.. your help have inspired me to use wine + desktop regex tool. You all are the best :p21:01
icerootcodeperl: output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "cat /etc/issue"21:01
theadminfishcooker: By the way, give http://regexr.com a try. It's web-based, but pretty damn powerful21:01
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Peckercodeperl: sudo apt-get --fix-broken21:02
fishcookerthanks theadmin,, i'll check it out later21:03
timblack1Hi all.  I'm trying to upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10, but get the error described here:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/67698/could-not-calculate-the-upgrade-on-distribution-upgrade.  To attempt to fix this, I disabled all software sources not provided by Ubuntu, and I uninstalled all software not provided by Ubuntu in the Ubuntu Software Center.  Synaptic tells me I still have natty/restricted nvidia-current, nvidia-glx-180, and nvidia-g21:03
timblack1lx-185 installed.  Could these last packages be what is holding back the upgrade?  What can I do to find out what packages are holding back the upgrade?21:03
codeperlPecker, i just run the command?21:04
BoreeasIs there a command to put my laptop into suspension mode from the command line?21:04
compizloveHi @ all, i'm afflicted by a few unkillable compiz processes. They do not respond [or die, for that matter] to killall or kill -9 . What else can i try?21:04
codepalPici, just used this to fix my dependency problem... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63672421:04
codepalI'll let you know when my system breaks...21:05
aeon-ltdcompizlove: sudo ?21:05
compizlovei am root21:05
compizloveaeon-ltd: ^^21:05
velkoBoreeas, do you use gnome?21:05
aeon-ltdcompizlove: kill X along with it?21:05
compizlovetried killall Xorg , it restarts X but leaves the compiz processes hanging21:06
codeperlsudo apt-get --fix-broken dont give me the solve.21:06
compizlovethats what generated the multitude of hanging compiz processes, in fact21:06
codeperliceroot, what i have to do?21:06
Trevor69420is there a way to take over someone else login session21:06
Trevor69420land see what they are looking at21:06
icerootcodeperl: use the commands and paste the output to pastebin21:06
hack_help me21:06
ubottuhack_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:07
raidocompizlove: have you turned compiz off in the settings and then restarted x?21:07
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Joshunwhat are canonical going to about flash discontinuing the mozilla api?21:07
hack_help me21:07
compizloveraido: thats like an ISP asking a client with a broken connection to send them an email21:07
compizloveraido: :D21:07
EgonRuudaCan my friend call any american? It is a life long oal of his.21:07
Peckercodeperl: yesy21:07
velkoBoreeas, if yes you may try this "dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=org.freedesktop.UPower /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend"21:07
Jacruthdo you know any voice changer for Ubuntu?21:07
compizloveraido: i only see a cursor21:08
raidocompizlove: so you have no X now?21:08
EgonRuudaif you would help me on this i would be very happy21:08
compizlovex is started, yes21:08
Peckercompizlove: reboot?21:08
raidocompizlove: you said X restarted21:08
icerootJacruth: canocial has nothing to do with mozilla firefox they dont change firefox21:08
compizlovebut i only see a cursor21:08
CFHowlettEgonRuuda  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic21:08
icerootJacruth: wrong nick, sorry21:08
raidocompizlove: then it did not restart?21:08
Jacruthah, okay21:08
codeperlPecker, http://pastebin.com/yD8JqC0E21:08
icerootJoshun: see above21:08
compizlovePecker: i've been transferring data from a usb drive for the last 16 hours, would hate it to reboot now21:08
codeperland iceroot21:08
compizloveraido: X died off.21:08
compizloveit brought me back to the login screen21:08
Joshun@iceroot where21:08
compizloveand from there i logged in again, and spawned yet another compiz process21:09
Joshunwill they ship firefox still21:09
Trevor69420EgonRuuda, what do u mean can your friend call an american?21:09
hack_helo skye not video  ok21:09
Trevor69420like on the fone?21:09
Joshunor go with chrome21:09
Peckermust have a different apt version codeperl21:09
Joshununless the pepper api was created as an addon for firefox21:09
Peckeri got that cmd from 10.0421:09
compizloveraido, Pecker , does that make sense to you?21:09
icerootJoshun: canocial has nothing to do with mozilla firefox they dont change firefox21:09
SeveasJoshun, we can't see in the future :) These things are usually decided at UDS'es, so attend one of those21:09
EgonRuudaTrevor69420: just to talk to one by phone21:10
Joshunbut then they still have a while yet21:10
icerootJoshun: and also canocial is not allowed to change something in firefox and provide it21:10
Trevor69420EgonRuuda, that's pretty weird request... why would he want to do that?21:10
raidocompizlove: but after loging in, do you get a desktop or not21:10
SeveasJoshun, yeah. At leasy until may :)21:10
compizloveraido: no. i only get my background and a moving mouse cursor.21:11
dtcrshrCFHowlett: hey man, just tryed the STA no internet access but still no wireless on the d53021:11
icerootJoshun: but not having flash is good not bad21:11
EgonRuudaTrevor69420: I do not know, really... at the moment he is trying any number21:11
compizlovethis is a snippet of 'top' ; http://pastebin.com/qxTJdGNb21:11
delinquentmeif im SSHed into a machine on EC2 ... surely there is a really easy way to get files I've got held locally ... up onto the instance ?21:11
icerootcodeperl: that are not the commands i told you21:11
sayo'lo everyone, any chance anyone could help me with a n00b upgrading question? I can't "parse the lists" required for automatic upgrade to unload 11.10 onto my netbook, is there perhaps a manual on upgrading someone knows about?21:11
Trevor69420EgonRuuda, he can call me later21:11
icerootdelinquentme: scp21:11
Seveasiceroot, that's not entirely true. It's free software so they can do that. However, they can't then call it firefax anymore due to trademark nonsense.21:11
demonsporkI can't believe how amazing Ubuntu works on my CR48! I love all of you people. Thank you for being an amazing community and always being here when I am at a loss for answers21:11
Joshun@iceroot - but the web would be unusable for most people without flash21:11
Seveasdelinquentme, rsync.21:11
icerootJoshun: no21:11
raidocompizlove: what version are you running21:11
Joshunhomework sites21:11
Joshunvideo streaming21:12
icerootSeveas: correct, they cant provide it as firefox21:12
guntbertcodeperl: why don't you paste the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" and "cat /etc/issue" , as has been asked before?21:12
compizloveraido: ^^21:12
icerootJoshun: html521:12
codeperliceroot here is the result of 1st command21:12
icerootJoshun: please dont support non-free software21:12
Joshunit looks promising21:12
Joshuni don't support it21:12
CFHowlettdtcrshr   as I recall your chip had 2 methods we could have tried.  If STA doesn't work , try b43.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx21:12
compizloveand its updated to the latest status21:12
Joshunbut blocking it doesnt solve the problem21:12
compizlovei am also using the ATI proprietary drivers.21:12
codeperland 2nd command gives me this result21:13
SeveasJoshun, adobe blocks it, nobody else does :-)21:13
compizloveso my text mode is broken too, not sure if thats related.21:13
compizloveit does not always happen21:13
icerootJoshun: iphone and ipad are not having flash21:13
compizloveonly sometimes21:13
icerootJoshun: and they work21:13
compizlovealso sometimes my audio devices are not detected properly21:13
icerootJoshun: so if firefox dont have flash it will work also21:13
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velkoJoshun, this is really offtopic21:13
raidocompizlove: can you get an xterm up at all?21:13
Joshunbut they are not desktop pcs for normal use21:13
CFHowlettdtcrshr   also, I seem to recall that you had actually blacklisted the driver.  Blacklist = no wifi...21:13
compizloveraido: i've got ssh21:13
compizloveraido: but, no.21:13
Zaitzevare anyone here running serviio (or an equivalent decent dlna server) ?21:13
compizloveno xterm21:13
Joshun@velko - not really considering it could affect the web's future21:14
compizloveor anything X based, or text mode :(21:14
codeperlguntbert, here is the output.21:14
icerootcodeperl: you installed some debs by hand?21:14
sayomy pastebin, in case anyone can help: http://pastebin.ca/212333821:14
velkoJoshun, yes. you can do it in #ubuntu-offtopic or whatever. not in the support channel for the current release21:14
icerootcodeperl: or always using apt-get/synaptic?21:14
raidocompizlove: ok, so you can ssh into that machine right?21:14
guntbertcodeperl: please listen to iceroot21:14
codeperlfrom command prompt i use apt-get21:14
compizloveyep, and i've got root priviledges21:14
ubuntuHypothesis: getting a netbook with 1 or 2 gb ram and Lubuntu installed to carry with me in the city to do development on would be a great idea. Thoughts?21:14
codeperland gui synaptic21:15
iceroot!who | codeperl21:15
ubottucodeperl: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:15
delinquentmeif im trying to get the global IP of a remote machine .. will ifconfig give me what I want?21:15
codeperl!ubottu, ok21:15
jhutchins_wk_delinquentme, ifconfig in a remote shell would.21:15
delinquentmejhutchins_wk_, thanks21:15
icerootcodeperl: what is the exact "apt-get install" line you are using to get that error?21:15
Seveasdelinquentme, it may.21:15
raidocompizlove: ok, reconnect via ssh as your regular user but with the "-X" operand so you are forwarding the X protocol21:16
Seveasdepends on how it's set up21:16
jhutchins_wk_Oh, lovely, gnome-xchat dcoesn't use consistent nick colors.21:16
ubuntuHypothesis: getting a netbook with 1 or 2 gb ram and Lubuntu installed to carry with me in the city to do development on would be a great idea. Thoughts?21:16
morgan_hi i don't arrive to install gnome shell in ubuntu21:16
morgan_help me please21:16
codeperl!iceroot, http://pastebin.com/dm74rexk21:16
ultrixxjhutchins_wk_: i like standard gnome better, too21:16
CFHowlettubuntu if not lubuntu then xubuntu.21:16
compizloveraido: it bitches about a missing .xauthority file, and i'm on a mac here, so not sure if X is supposed to be forwarded automagically21:17
urfr332gOmorgan_, once installed choose it at login.21:17
compizloveor better, received21:17
compizlovei do have X installed here though21:17
xangua!nounity | morgan_a21:17
ubottumorgan_a: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:17
raidocompizlove: whats the username on the ubuntu machine21:17
jhutchins_wk_ubuntu: Only shortfall on my netbook is those stupid text graphics people love to post to facebook are often too small to read.21:17
icerootcodeperl: my guess is that some of that packages you are trying to install is not in the mainrepos but one of the package in the main-repos as a suggestion of one of them so apt-get knows the package (else you would get cant find package foobar)21:18
compizloveyou mean root? or the hanging compiz's ? those are 'user' and 'buddy'21:18
icerootcodeperl: solution: go to packages.ubuntu.com look in what repos all the packages are and enable that repos21:18
jhutchins_wk_ubuntu: Other than that it's what I use 99% of the time.21:18
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compizloveraido: those two users have no corresponding user on the machine where i'm ssh'ing from21:19
codeperl!iceroot, you want to see the error result of that command?21:19
ubottucodeperl: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:19
raidocompizlove: ok from the mac do "ssh -X -l buddy addressofubuntumachine21:19
ubuntuany recommended models?21:19
icerootcodeperl: i already have them21:19
ubuntujhutchins_wk_: what model do you use?21:19
icerootcodeperl: also no need to start your line with ! that will wake up our bot ubuntu21:19
brandhow can we go to  /opt/21:19
icerootcodeperl: also no need to start your line with ! that will wake up our bot ubottu21:19
icerootbrand: cd /opt/21:19
roastedHello! Question - has anybody installed Ubuntu on a Macbook? I'm getting some terrible response from the touchpad... curious if there's a way to get it to work more smoothly.21:20
codeperliceroot: ok21:20
iceroot!info libreadline6-dev natty21:20
ubottulibreadline6-dev (source: readline6): GNU readline and history libraries, development files. In component main, is optional. Version 6.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 230 kB, installed size 608 kB21:20
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raidocompizlove: no worries21:20
compizloveraido: should i expect anything other than a regular shell prompt?21:20
compizlovewhats next?21:21
itaylor57codepal, didn't you state earlier that you installed a non standard version of glib?21:21
compizloveor what are you suggesting to do?21:21
codeperliceroot: so, what i can do now can you please say? i am very new.21:21
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raidocompizlove: so, now do "gnome-appearance-properties"21:21
ubuntujhutchins_wk_: what model of netbook do you use?21:21
virungaHi, how can i know the name of the driver module of my graphic card?21:21
codepalitaylor57, yes21:21
compizloveraido: i don't have such command21:21
compizlovewhat package provides that?21:21
raidocompizlove: hmmmm, yeah gnome21:22
codepalricotz version -- ppa is listed on the link @ matthias gimp ppa page21:22
Joshun@velko - sorry, I thought you meant offtopic as in irrelevant ;) . Joined other channel21:22
velkoJoshun, no worries21:22
delinquentmenahh jhutchins_wk_ which computer am I running this from ?  im looking at this tutorial and also im not sure how the routing is going to get to my computer with only the external network IP21:22
delinquentmeit would be super simple if i could push from my localmachine up to the node .. but i tried that and I dont think it worked:  scp /home/thrive/jruby_oscar.zip  domU@
raidocompizlove: Im on an older version, perhaps its different in 11.10 but you want to run whatever the gui settings manager is for compiz on that versioon21:23
compizloveits gonna be fun to install something like gnome with 4 processes @ 50% cpu usage21:23
compizlovei aee.21:23
raidocompizlove: dont install it if you dont use it21:24
compizlovelet me look that up21:24
raidocompizlove: what WM are you using?21:24
Joshun@virguna: lspci | grep VGA21:24
codeperliceroot: what is the problem actually? how can i solve?21:24
compizlovewhatever came default with 11.1021:24
compizlovenot sure what it is. doesn't look like kde nor gnome21:24
ubuntujhutchins_wk_: what model of netbook do you use?21:25
roastedHello! Question - has anybody installed Ubuntu on a Macbook? I'm getting some terrible response from the touchpad... curious if there's a way to get it to work more smoothly.21:25
raidocompizlove: uts like Unity/Gnome321:25
raidocompizlove: hang on21:25
CFHowlettroasted   see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook21:27
roastedCFHowlett: I saw that, but I was nervous about it since 11.10 wasn't listed.21:28
raidocompizlove: try "ccsm" ?21:28
roastedCFHowlett: found this however: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173036121:28
compizlovenot there either. but i'll install it, ought to be that21:28
compizloveraido: ok. what am i looking for?21:29
raidocompizlove: try this "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager21:30
compizloveraido: yep. got that already21:30
compizlovewhat setting am i looking for?21:30
raidocompizlove: run it21:30
compizloveit works21:30
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compizlovegot it in front of me, raido21:31
raidocompizlove: ok, now I suggest you basically turn off everything compiz related for now, till you get a working X again21:31
ubuntudoes anyone else use an Ubuntu netbook (Or lubuntu??) What specs do you have on it? Are you happy?21:31
John-brhi guys21:31
brandhi how to enable 3d acceleration?21:32
raidocompizlove: once youre done, go the the ubuntu machine and restart x21:32
rasfarI've got a dual boot Win7 (Home Starter) / Ubuntu 11.04 (GNU/Linux 2.6.38-13-generic i686), and I'm hoping to shrink my Windows partition.21:32
compizloveraido: to be honest all i see is "compiz library toolbox"21:32
UnknownCoderhi is it possible to install (l)ubuntu on a hdd using a GPT? afaik grub2 is able to handle GPT ..21:33
rasfarI don't care if I mess up Windows, really, but I don't want to mess up the linux.  Any advice?21:33
brandit says opengl warning: failed to connect to host.make sure 3d acceleration is enabled for this vim21:33
compizloveraido: i'll just disable everything. no features, less bug potential, no? :)21:33
raidocompizlove: you dont see this: http://www.techdrivein.com/2011/10/15-things-i-did-after-installing-new.html21:33
raidocompizlove: yes indeed21:33
rasfarCan GParted do it?21:33
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: Yes it is. In fact if you install to a larger than 2 TiB disk, or to a disk which already has GPT, it will be used by the Ubuntu installer automatically.21:33
raidocompizlove: then when you want start adding one feature at a time to test stability21:34
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compizlovei hadn't seen that link no21:34
compizlovelong time since i haven't been on ubuntu21:34
raidocompizlove: thats what your tool should look like21:34
UnknownCoderJordan_U, yeah but there is my problem. i have a hdd (705GB) using the GPT but the installer doesn't find my existing win7 installation and offers me an empty disk ...21:35
compizloveraido: yeah it looks that way21:35
raidocompizlove: ok21:35
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: If the installer sees no existing partitions then you have an *invalid* partition table. "sudo parted -l" will tell you specifically what is wrong.21:35
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: Are you using a UEFI install of Windows or a standard BIOS install?21:36
UnknownCoderstandard bios21:36
UnknownCoderit's a not that new pc21:36
brandhi i  am running linux 10.0.4 ubunti in virtual box21:37
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: Windows can't boot from GPT on BIOS systems without a "hybrid" mbr, which is ugly and likely part of your problem. Why do you want to use GPT?21:37
brandit says to 3d acceleration is not enabled by this vm21:37
brandplease help me out21:37
BoreeasHow do I execute crontabs as root?21:37
Seveasbrand, install it on real hardware :)21:37
Jordan_Ubrand: What virtual machine software are you using?21:37
UnknownCoderJordan_U, i don't want to use it but it is present and i have to keep my existing win install21:38
ikoniaBoreeas: sudo crontab -e21:38
UnknownCoderbecause it's part of my working pc21:38
SeveasBoreeas, add the cronjob as root (sudo crontab -e)21:38
brandoracle vm21:38
Boreeasikonia: Ah, thanks21:38
brandseveas? what? how21:38
Seveasor stick it in /etc/crontab21:38
UnknownCoderis there a way to save my data and converrt gtp to normal mbr?21:38
brandthis is the first time in trying linux21:38
Seveasbrand, pop an install cd in your computer, install ubuntu :)21:38
dalek_I am getting message "Direct3D9 is not available without OpenGL" when trying to launch Team Fortress 2. I am running wine on Ubuntu. How do I fix this? HOw do I fix OpenGL?21:38
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: How did you get a GPT label in the first place?21:38
HuselCould not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?  My account is administrator21:38
ikoniaHusel: use sudo21:39
brandseveas i have already installed ubuntu21:39
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Huselikonia: do I just add that at the front?21:39
brandbut when i start a 3d application i get the 3d acceleration error21:39
Schleswhat can i do with a drunken sailor?21:39
Seveasbrand, yes, in a vm. VM's don't generally do 3d acceleration well, or at all21:39
SeveasSchles, early in the morning?21:39
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l" it should clarify what the current situation is, and from there a solution is probably easy.21:39
ikoniaHusel: what command are you trying to run ?21:39
UnknownCoderjordan, i don't know, just installed win7 normaly without any special commands. never heared of GPT till today when i am faced the problem and found the postes tht showed me that GPT could be a problem21:39
Huselapt-get install kdelibs-bin21:39
brandseveas: so do i need to install ubuntu21:39
ikoniaHusel: yes, but sudo in front of it21:39
Huselthanks :)21:40
UnknownCoderJordan_U, one moment please i'll reboot21:40
Seveasbrand, yeah, on the actual computer. Not a vm. You can use dual-boot if you're not yet ready to leave windows behind :)21:40
brandno i dont want to use on a actual computer,can you tell me how to fix the problem in vm21:40
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Seveasbrand, no. You simply cannot do 3d applications in a virtual machine.21:41
Jordan_USeveas: Yes you can actually.21:41
SeveasJordan_U, with virtualbox?21:41
Jordan_Ubrand: You need to install the Virtualbox guest additions.21:41
brandSeveas: oh,but i have installed the 3d application in vm21:41
Jordan_USeveas: Yes.21:41
brandJordan could you tell me how to do that21:41
Jordan_USeveas: It's not the greatest, but it does exist.21:41
SeveasJordan_U, have you tried it? The few things that work a re slow as molasses21:41
compizloveraido: fsck it. as soon as i unpicked a checkbox it segfaulted and now it refuses to restart ccsm and comes back with a python traceback21:41
draeathHello. I uninstalled command-not-found but I'm still getting "hints" (eg "No command 'xevt' found, did you mean: <list of possibilities>") - what package is responsible for this?21:42
compizlovei'll just wait another 16 hours till the usb transfer is finished (WHAT THE CRAP got into LaCIE's mind to build a 1TB drive with only USB2 connectivity???) and then i'll reboot the box and install enlightenment on it.21:42
Seveasdraeath, sudodpkg -P command-not-found (it leaves a configfile behind)21:43
Seveascompizlove, heh, that's insane :)21:43
raidocompizlove: mmmm, thats not good. So a reboot sounds in order, but you have that transfer going... let it fining or dont its up to you. BUT why the heck is it taking 16 hours21:43
Seveasraido, usb2. 1 TB.21:43
raidocompizlove: oh, I see21:43
draeathheh now I'm getting a python error21:43
raidocompizlove: is it one giant file21:43
draeathSeveas: seems there's still some other 'droppings' left over21:44
compizloveno, its a hell of a media collection. this is my living room pc21:44
compizlovekind of fun21:44
compizlove3 2TB drives in ZFS raidz21:44
compizlovei like.21:44
raidocompizlove: so just cut it off and start where you left off21:44
draeathSeveas: ah got it. had to purge the -data package too.21:44
Seveasah yes, forgot that21:44
Seveasit's the first thing I throw out after install21:44
draeathOdd that it still functioned after a removal. Unless the "config file" is the whole of the functionality?21:44
draeathIndeed. I hate hand-holding :P21:45
Seveasyeah, it's a script in bashrc.d21:45
Seveaswhich is considered a configfile21:45
compizloveyeah i could try that. i'd even more like to crack open the awesome "DESIGN BY.. " HDD enclosure and just connect it via SATA, but yeah, the damn thing is tighter than fort knox21:45
compizloveand i don't wanna break it21:45
rasfarCan GParted shrink my Win 7 without messing up my installed linux (dual-boot single SATA2 HDD)?21:46
Seveascompizlove, tsk. Use the force!21:46
compizlovecredit cards, you mean? :)21:46
SeveasI was thinking sledgehammer21:46
draeathrasfar: make sure you use a modern version (eg what comes on a current release of System Rescue CD) - it should work and has for me. but older versions have totally broken windows (half said one capacity, half said another, and nobody could "fix" it)21:46
compizlovethat only works on old TV's from the 60s. IT equipment doesn't cope well with sledgehammers and bulldozers. :)21:47
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: I need to leave, but look into http://www.rodsbooks.com/fixparts/ .21:47
draeathrasfar: ... also had grub break W7's SP1 installer. ended up using grub4dos inside windows to chainload to a grub outside the MBR.21:47
Seveascompizlove, and that's where the creditcard comes in, afterwards :)21:47
spitziHi. The same old story: installed Windows 8 Consumer Preview, grub menu is gone. Got a quick link to how I can reconstruct the grub menu ? I tried update-grub2, but it doesn't recognize my WinXP or Win8 partitions, only Win7, how come ?21:47
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)21:47
rasfarthanks draeath!21:47
LordDeathI am looking for something like this for ubuntu: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/21:47
SeveasLordDeath, something on launchpad should have that21:48
spitziubottu: thanks. What if I want to rebuild grub menu from scratch instead of restoring it ? And why doesn't WinXP and Win8 get recognized ?21:48
ubottuspitzi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:48
UnknownCoderJordan_U, thank you21:48
riktkinghi, installed lxde package, selected gnome/openbox now have no launcher to log out backto unity can anyone help??21:49
compizloveraido: but still, a process that won't die off to kill -9 and its NOT within square brackets [] aka endless sleep? wtf?21:49
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EastwardWinter6Does anybody know about HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb why does this occur?21:49
brandcould somebody tell me how to install guest additions in vm21:49
Seveasriktking, you could try rebooting21:50
riktkingSeveas: i have done that and it auto boots into the last session i had21:50
theadminriktking: right-click the desktop for the openbox menu21:50
dalek_I am getting message "Direct3D9 is not available without OpenGL" when trying to launch Team Fortress 2. I am running wine on Ubuntu. How do I fix this? HOw do I fix OpenGL?21:50
UnknownCoderJordan_U, are u still there?21:50
riktkingtheadmin: tried it, dontget anything21:51
theadmindalek_: This is a question for #winehq21:51
SeveasLordDeath, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/21:51
theadminriktking: Hm, k. You can hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 and uninstall this session from there21:51
dalek_theadmin, that is totally unuseful. at #winehq they tell me this is a question for ubuntu.21:51
UnknownCoderJordan_U,  i have the parted -l and it said what you mentioned, that there is a non vlid GPT and it asks me a question. will it kill my windows installation? or can i go on without any problems?21:51
theadmindalek_: Well. This channel offers no support for Windows apps, sorry.21:52
theadminAnyway everyone, I'm off21:52
riktkingtheadmin: will that b0rk my current login tho?21:52
theadminriktking: Nope21:52
SteevcaI am geting this message Could not apply the stored configuration for the monitor21:53
dalek_theadmin... but isn't the problem with opengl on ubuntu which wouldn't be a windows app?21:53
SteevcaI have used xrandr to generate 1152x864 resolution and made a xrog.conf file,and started to get this problem.21:53
Seveasdalek_, do  you have a decent videocart and the drivers installed?21:53
haylocan i do a netinstall and just add xorg and jockey-gtk for my gpu drivers and use openbox?21:54
draeathdalek_:   glxinfo | grep -i direct            (you may need to find and install a package to get glxinfo).21:54
Seveashaylo, yeah.21:54
draeathif that doesn't say yes in response, then your graphics drivers are not installed properly or your hardware is insufficient21:55
hayloor will i need other stuff? i am about to do it and would like t know a little bit what to expect?21:55
hayloawesome! .xinitrc in home or root?21:55
EastwardWinter6is HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb error because my live cd is broken or because my hd is shot?21:55
dalek_Seveas, I have nvidia GeForce FX Go5200 32M with 173 version driver21:55
UnknownCoderi have a running win7 install but it seems that it messed up the GPT. if i run parted -l i get a message that the GPT was not set up correctly and it starts asking me questions. can i go on without any dataloss or will there be problems?21:55
draeathdalek_ 32 or 64 bit?21:55
hayloil put in root i guess21:55
dalek_draeath, 32 bit I think21:55
=== victor__ is now known as vicium
draeathdalek_ do 'uname -a' and see if you see x86_64 in there21:56
draeathif so, then perhaps you forgot to tell the nvidia installer to put the 32-bit compat libraries down. Maybe you also need the other 32-bit compat libraries (search in aptitude for ia32 for some leads)21:57
dalek_draeath, nope - is i68621:57
brian1992whats the command to install virtualbox-ose21:57
MonkeyDustbrian1992  sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose21:57
draeathdalek_ hmm then drop by #winehq - assuming your 3d is actually working.21:57
randomDudeusing ubuntu 11.10, and getting : hci_cmd_task: hci0 command tx timeout21:58
brian1992thank you monkeydust21:58
dalek_draeath,  glxinfo | grep -i direct gives "Error: glXCreateContext failed"21:58
draeath... that's bad!21:58
draeathHow did you install nvidia drivers?21:58
dalek_system>administgration>additional drivers21:59
viciumHi again guys. So I've succesfully setup 2 of my monitors. And extended the desktop to one of them. However, one of them is just plain white background. (I can hoover to the extended desktop and open up background settings menu. But upon changing it onlyu main desktop is changed.21:59
viciumAlso I get a X as a cursor instead of the regular cursor.21:59
draeathhmm. unfortunatly I only know how to do it the hard way (eg with nvidia's download). something went wrong it looks like. perhaps this might help? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia22:00
viciumAlso, now stuff is pretty much froozen, can only type in here and use WIN button for menu.22:00
UnknownCoderi have a running win7 install but it seems that it messed up the GPT. if i run parted -l i get a message that the GPT was not set up correctly and it starts asking me questions. can i go on without any dataloss or will there be problems?22:00
draeathdalek_ you might try scrubbing nouveau, it's given me grief before. (sudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau) Check out hte other troubleshooting items on that page.22:01
SteevcaI am geting this message Could not apply the stored configuration for the monitor22:01
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: Please pastebin the exact error message from parted.22:01
jhutchins_wk_UnknownCoder, Sure, you have good backups, right?22:01
SteevcaHow to fix it?22:01
UnknownCoderjhutchins_wk_, i want to but i have no space to do that :/22:02
draeathUnknownCoder: I'd write down the starts/ends and such of the partitions and gpt now, before you touch anything :P just in case22:03
UnknownCoderJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/frXnTvXf22:03
EastwardWinter6has anybody encountered HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb?22:04
UnknownCoderdraeath, yeah think i'll do that22:04
wunnlei have a problem with panel (i think that is name of top bar). I installed 2 different drag-and-drop-to-share application, and i have the same problem with both of them. Dragging to panel icon simply not working, except i run software with sudo. But when i run them with sudo, interface of app gets shitty (i guess it not use gtk?). What do you think the problem is?22:04
graftokay, so, somehow installing wine associated jpegs with 'wine internet explorer', and i haven't been able to figure out why, or how to eradicate this... is there some way i can configure file associations easily?22:04
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: Please run the command twice. The first time answer "yes" and the second time answer "no".22:04
draeathUnknownCoder: also if worse comes to worse, system-rescue-cd has gpart, which can guess partition starts/ends and rebuild a partition table with some success and luck22:04
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: You probably just need to remove the GPT signatures, which fixparts can do, but I want to be sure that the msdos label is valid.22:05
draeathI've used that tool and a lot of paper and recovered from a completely scribbled MBR (it got zeroed)22:05
UnknownCoderis there a good opensource tool to make a complete backup of my hdd? maybe with some compressions i'll find some space?22:05
draeathUnknownCoder: clonezilla is decent22:05
haylohow much is this 64bit netinstall going to download, i started it with US mirror22:05
draeathneed another disk or machine though, to store the clone on22:05
HuselI'm trying to do cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..  but it's saying   CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindKDE4.cmake:98 (MESSAGE):   ERROR: cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake not found in   /home/jon/.kde/share/apps;/usr/share/kde4/apps22:06
hayloim kind of scared? i mean its not downloading a desktop is it?22:06
HuselAny idea why it isn't working?22:06
UnknownCoderthanks so i'll try to make a backup before do anything else maybe i find some space ;)22:06
UnknownCoderJordan_U, if i do so, will it touch the disk?22:06
draeathhaylo - dunno. pass debconf/priority=low on the kernel command line during boot to get more control.22:06
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: No.22:06
haylooh crap ok thanks draeath22:07
rasfarvicium: what happens if you open a terminal (either monitor) and enter:22:07
SeveasHusel, you'll need to install some kde -dev package22:07
rasfar xsetroot -solid black -display :0.122:07
ubottuSearch factoids for term: !search <term>22:07
Seveas!find cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake22:07
draeathhaylo: specifically it will let you select the tasks to install (some of which is the desktop) and a bunch of other goodies.22:07
ubottuFile cmake/modules/FindKDE4Internal.cmake found in kdelibs5-dev22:07
Seveas^-- that one22:07
draeathhaylo: like debian installer in 'expert' mode22:07
haylook cool22:07
haylonice that was what i was hoping22:08
UnknownCoderJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/2dNQZxwH22:08
haylosomething about ubuntus kernel is awesome with my machine. thanks you guys!22:08
draeathhaylo: note don't choose the openssh-server task. you'll get a scary error and have to go back and unselect it. (just install it after)22:08
haylook good to know lol!22:08
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: This partition table seems to have even more problems. Can you pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -lu"?22:08
EastwardWinter6is my hd finished if i get this HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb from the live cd?22:09
HuselSeveas: thanks22:09
dalek_draeath, I purged nouveau... now I get "direct rendering: Yes" from glx-info22:09
UnknownCoderJordan_U, oh sry i rebooted due to start a backup22:09
draeathdalek_ you should be good. on a side effect things should be running a LOT better now22:09
draeathdalek_ you unknowingly were actually running the non-3D open source driver :P22:09
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: I still think that fixparts is your best bet at fixing it, so if I leave before being able to give you complete instructions look there first.22:09
UnknownCoderJordan_U, sorry for that hope you're not only holding the line because of me ...?22:09
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UnknownCoderJordan_U, i'll start the backup and give it a shot tomorrow maybe you are on again22:10
viciumI can't seem to find howto configurate my dashboard?22:10
draeathUnknownCoder: oi make sure you do a full bitwise backup (eg dd) - since the partitions might be screwy22:10
UnknownCoderJordan_U, draeath , Thank You!22:10
Jordan_UUnknownCoder: You're welcome.22:11
UnknownCoderdraeath, does clonezilla do that?22:11
draeathyes, you'll get that as an option22:11
draeaththough the backup takes up a LOT more space22:11
draeathat most, the full size of the source disk22:11
eagle_eyesevening room....i'm a novice at linux (ubuntu 11.10) and need some help on installing a adobe reader .bin file I loaded and to get it working in Firefox22:11
UnknownCoderi thought so.. is there no option to compress the bitwise copy?22:12
draeathUnknownCoder: I mangled PXE and clonezilla into being an automated image deployment system. That thing is SUPER powerful if you can learn to work it22:12
john_doe_jrwould you all happen to know why I can set my environment variable but then it disappears?22:12
draeathUnknownCoder: yea, it can gzip/bzip/lzma the thing on the fly but it will take some time22:12
UnknownCoderthats ok, so i'll start it today and wait till tomorrow in the evening22:13
UnknownCoderthank you very much22:13
Zaitzevffs, google chrome is stupid now22:13
Zaitzevno flash plugin22:13
UnknownCoderyou helped me a lot22:13
draeathUnknownCoder: fyi another tool is ddrescue (not dd-rescue) - that can save to a log file22:13
UnknownCoderboth of you22:13
draeathso if you drop/abort, you can resume where you left off22:13
UnknownCoderok sounds good22:13
draeathI use it to rescue dying disks22:13
* draeath needs to stop monopolizing the channel :P22:14
HuselHow do I fix this? CMake Error: your CXX compiler: "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER-NOTFOUND" was not found.   Please set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to a valid compiler path or name.22:14
draeathHusel you need a c++ compiler (g++)22:15
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john_doe_jrdoes anyone know why my environment variable disappears after it is set?22:15
Huselcmake is just C?22:15
draeathcmake is just a build script thing (like GNU "make")22:15
draeathyou still need compilers and linkers22:16
Huseloh okay22:16
draeathtry aptitude install build-essential22:16
draeaththat should get you most everything22:16
Husel*very new linux* lol22:16
Huselthanks :)22:16
craigbass1976There's a "Hot Corner" in GNOME3 where if I put my pointer up there the dashboard thing flies out for me.  Is there a Unity equivalent?  Just like hitting the Windows key, but with a mouse since my hand's already on it to begin with22:16
grendal-prime 22:16:37 up 497 days,  2:30,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.0022:17
bastidrazorcraigbass1976: yeah the left side of the screen.22:17
draeathlol was it just sitting in the closet eating power?22:17
draeathCirculating the dust bunnies?22:17
viciumI can't seem to find howto configurate my dashboard? Running the newest version22:17
viciumDoes anybody reccomend any certain/specific desktopmanager/general theme?22:18
supremazyhi there22:18
craigbass1976bastidrazor, What do you mean?  Nothing happens when I mouse over there.22:18
supremazyi want to implement a program to ubuntu without install desktop enviroment22:19
supremazyhow can i do that ?22:19
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viciumsupremazy, Via SSH preferably22:19
viciumWhat's the program?22:19
draeathvicium: I like KDE4. select the 'desktop' activity and install Py-Cashew widget, drag onto desktop: instant "normal" desktop run by KDE422:19
bastidrazorcraigbass1976: you mean dash or the unity bar?22:19
draeathsupremazy: What do you mean?22:19
dwatkinssupremazy: you can just use the text console for that22:19
draeathare you trying to install something that wants to drag in the full desktop?22:20
supremazyi want to make22:20
hypervisorwhat is up with empathy22:20
supremazypcsx2 emulator22:20
supremazyto open startup22:20
hypervisorwhy do I need to use empathy -h to start it up when I log in22:20
supremazywithout start the desktop environment22:20
supremazylike xmbc live22:20
supremazyis this possible ?22:20
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draeathsupremazy: yea, sorta. you'd poke around in /etc/X11 and make it run a base X11 and then the emulator, instead of gdm/kdm22:21
EastwardWinter6I'm not having any luck googling this error. Anybody know what's going on? HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb22:21
draeathkind of nasty. Or just not start gdm/kdm, and set up your .xinitrc to start a basic X11 and run the emulator22:21
craigbass1976bastidrazor, I think the Unity Bar.  And I found what you were probably talking about in System Settings --> User Interface --> Behavior --> Reveal Spot.  Sending the pointer into the left side doesn't consistently bring the bar out though.22:21
draeathyou'd log in via shell, then do 'startx' to get going22:21
infernalHi there, is there a way to make a symlink that linkts to the content of the folder rather than the folder itself22:21
draeathsupremazy: 'twm' would probably work - with only one window open the window should run fullscreen22:22
MonkeyDustinfernal  ln -s folder/* ?22:22
cantonichey guys. i need to set up a new VPS with GUI for browser automation. Is there a lightweight gui you could recommend?22:22
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draeathinfernal: not really, you'd have to keep adding links when you add new files. I think maybe unionFS could be helpful? not sure.22:23
infernalMonkeyDust: i gave that a shot and it didn't really work out, it seems it just touches a file "*" in the destination folder22:23
supremazyok so which ubuntu distro i need for this22:23
=== FatDarrel is now known as hypervisor
supremazycan i do this with ubuntu minimal cd ?22:23
hayloit says it is installing the base system in netinstall. am i still going ot get the options to not install desktop eviron ?22:23
supremazyand i forgot one think22:24
draeathsupremazy: use the alternate installer disk and install a CLI system.22:24
draeathhaylo: that comes later22:24
hayloretreiving file 2 of 522:24
haylook cool thanks :)22:24
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draeathhaylo: the base system is the super basic stuff and bits that allow you to install the rest22:24
draeathprobably about 25-50mb22:24
infernaldraeath: well in that case its just probably just easer to change the reads and writes, as i just wanted to have some files i'm working on be allready in /var/www/22:24
haylook very nice22:24
infernalmight as well work on them directly22:24
craigbass1976bastidrazor, I could just quit hiding it...22:24
supremazywhen i put the cd or sd card to pc it should start with fulscreen pcsx2 emulator window22:25
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draeathinfernal: I like to keep my VH's in SVN. I set up apache to refuse access to .svn directories. Then I can checkout wherever I want when I want another location :P22:25
viciumWhat's a good application to use for (ubuntu) that works pretty much like WINSPC?22:26
viciumwith a GUI*22:27
draeathvicium: I think you can browse via SSH in the file browser22:27
Zalvicium, what does WINSPC do? Or do you mean WINSCP?22:27
draeathtry going to ssh://user@hostname:/path22:27
EastwardWinter6What does this mean? HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb22:28
viciumAh yes Zal :)22:28
viciumOh draeath, cool22:28
draeathmidnight commander might also be up your alley22:28
Mike9863Can anyone help me get HDMI audio output to work? Here is my system information: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=75ad5d867f82d5c5cfdeefddea7d6cacd14fcd6e22:28
draeathvicium: also look into sshfs :P22:28
draeathyou can mount a remote system path via SSH, and see it like a regular mount!22:28
draeathuses FUSE22:28
viciumOh cool22:28
infernaldraeath: i barely followed, but after some googling. i think i got what you meant :P22:28
linux_boa noite22:29
viciumSo FUSE is what I want to mount a remote system?22:29
viciumOr sshfs*22:29
draeathwell FUSE is a... framework? sshfs is a module in it. You want sshfs (it will pull in fuse automagically)22:29
viciumAh okay :)22:29
ZaitzevI have google chrome installed, but it doesn't show in software center, how do I remove it completely?22:29
draeathyou may need to add your user to a group (probably "fusers" or "fuse")22:29
mar112yo guys, I'm trying out placid platypus or whatever it's called. It's really nice and I consider to install it permanently, but I really don't like the dash launcher. Can it be disabled somehow?22:30
draeathZaitzev: how did you install it?22:30
mar112I did google for it.22:30
viciumdraeath, running WIBU or whatever its called, doesnt make a diference?22:30
viciumI've never set a root password....22:30
Zaitzevdraeath: a .deb I believe22:30
draeathwobu? Not familiar with it22:30
bastidrazormar112: ask in #ubuntu+122:31
mar112thanks :)22:31
MonkeyDustmar112  what's  placid platypus ?22:31
Zaitzevdraeath: problem is, it seems chrome is broken since flash (and a bunch of other plugins) isn't installed there..22:31
draeathZaitzev: try doing "which chrome" (or whatever) to find the binary, then "dpkg --search <whatever which gave you>" to see if it tells you anything helpful?22:31
viciumSo if I "connect" to the remote system via sshfs in terminal it should show up in the GUI?22:31
draeathvicium: it should show up like any other folder (it mounts the same way a disk or cdrom would)22:32
geisterchorI have a problem with thunderbird (using Ubuntu 11.04): With my current user thunderbird always starts in version 3.1.x. With other users it starts in version 10.x. How can I start the newer version from my account?22:32
mar112MonkeyDust, it's what other people refer to as Precise Pangolin ;)22:32
viciumAh okay, cool. Off to read sshfs documentation :)22:32
Zaitzevdraeath: this is what it returned; google-chrome-stable: /usr/bin/google-chrome22:33
mhsyhi, i am testing ubuntu 12.04, in unity. Many applications frequently do not appear in the alt+tab list, even if they are on the same workspace. Instead, I get the arrow pointing to the launcher (as opposed to the triangle)22:33
swex_does anybody knows how to restore default auth keys .. terminal?22:33
MonkeyDustmar112  Pleasant People, they are, hmmm22:33
draeathok. do "aptitude --purge google-crhome-stable"22:33
geirha!precise | mhsy22:33
ubottumhsy: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 - Blueprints at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:33
draeathZaitzev: ^22:33
draeathgah. spelling.22:33
viciumOne question draeath :) WHat's a mountpoint?22:33
Zaitzevthat didn't do anything22:34
draeathvicium: try remove instead of purge22:34
Peckervicium: the folder in where the drive is moutned?22:34
mar112I'm kinda irked they didn't use <P-adjective> Platypus22:34
mhsygeirha, thanks22:34
viciumOh so I cant mount the entire homefolder?22:34
mar112surely there's no more awesome animal than the platypus!?22:34
viciumOr well that'd be /home/22:35
Peckerim irked they didnt use adjective.starting.with.p Penguin22:35
draeathvicium: instead of drive letters like windows, filesystems are "mounted" (loaded) to a directory (usually an empty one) - that directory is called a mountpoint22:35
geisterchordoes anyone know where the version of thunderbird is specified, as which thunderbird is executed by the user?22:35
viciumfuse: mountpoint is not empty22:35
viciumfuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option22:35
draeathvicium: random fact: you can actually do that in Windows too but it's not obvious :P22:35
mar112Pecker, that'd be too obvious.. ;)22:35
Peckergeisterchor: update-alternatives --config thunderbird22:35
viciumWell ofcourse, I am mounting a folder that contains that stuff I want to access?22:35
draeathvicium: make an empty directory somewhere and mount it there instead22:35
geisterchorPecker: no alternatives for thunderbird22:36
draeathit's talking about the local place you are putting it. you'd essentially be "replacing" it (temporarily)22:36
Peckermar112: too obvious yet really irks me..i mean come on you cant use linux mascot..grr u ubuntu22:36
bastidrazorgeisterchor: thunderbird --version22:36
viciumOk, i can just rename dir afterwards?22:36
viciumOr would that fuck up the mounting?22:36
Zaitzevalright, time to reinstall google chrome, hopefully i get the plugins back.. :<22:36
Peckergeisterchor: then you only have 1 version of thunderbird22:36
draeathvicium: not while it's mounted. you'll get an error (in use)22:36
viciumI have lots of www apache root paths and stuff leading to it22:36
JohnnyonFlameIs there any way I can do Persistence on a ubuntu Install without using the Casper-RW method?22:36
viciumWe're talking about the target PC's folder now, correct?22:37
JohnnyonFlame(USB Pendrive ubuntu install)22:37
draeathvicium: ok pretend you want to mount it in /home/vicium/remote/               mkdir -v /home/vicium/remote; sshfs user@host:/path /home/vicium/remote22:37
geisterchorbastidrazor: that's the funny part, It says 10.0.2. But if I execute thunderbird it says version when I look at Help -> Info22:37
draeathin this example, /home/vicium/remote is the LOCAL path to attach it to22:37
draeathand host:/path is the path on the remote system you want to attach to22:37
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draeatheg if you have a file on server1 in /home/temp/BigFile.big22:37
draeathmount to /home/vicium/remote,22:38
viciumBut the first time I mount the folder has to be empty?22:38
draeathyou will see /home/vicium/remote/BigFile.big    (if you mount server1:/home/temp/ to /home/vicium/remote)22:38
viciumTarget folder* of other PC22:38
nd456Can anyone help me update the Luminance repository? (qtpfsgui)22:38
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draeathThe local directory is only going to be the attachment point. When you dismount it, the files "disappear" - they were never really local, they only looked that way22:38
pengwhi there22:38
pengwis there anyone know how to set PCman as the default22:39
viciumOkay, but just to double-check I got this right. The mountpath, is a folder on my LOCAL PC? not the remote one?22:39
draeathok ok:     sshfs [options] remoteSystem:/remotePath  /localPath22:39
draeathdoes this help?22:39
viciumYes, thanks :)22:39
draeathwhen you do this, /localPath will (essentially) be replaced by remotePath until it is dismounted22:39
draeath(fusermount --unmount /localPath)   (or umount /localPath for non-fuse stuff)22:40
viciumOkay, so I assume I have to have that terminal open whilst mounted?22:40
draeathalso: if you forget the user@, it will try to use the username you have on your local machine now.22:40
viciumOr screen it22:40
mar112the guys at #ubuntu+1 are boring..22:40
viciumIts the same username, so win :)22:40
draeathNah, you can close the terminal. It stays mounted until you dismount it, or shut down/reboot22:40
viciumAh awesome22:41
draeath(or something else dismounts it, which shouldn't happen :P)22:41
viciumAnd now if I understand correclty, the remote path, does not have to empty then?22:41
viciumonly local path does?22:41
draeathvicium: this may help ya http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/mounting.html22:41
draeathand even then, you can override it22:41
draeaththe files will "dissapear" but that's only because they are "covered" by the remote stuff. When you dismount, the old stuff reappears22:41
draeathvicium: if you go through that, just remember sshfs is just a wrapper around mount - it's mounting a remote system via SSH, instead of a local disk. same ideas though.22:42
EastwardWinter6HDIO_GET_IDENTITY failed for /dev/sdb is doing my head in22:43
viciumits working :D22:44
viciumbig thanks :)22:44
MonkeyDust!details| EastwardWinter622:44
ubottuEastwardWinter6: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:44
draeathEastwardWinter6: looks like a kernel bug22:44
ki7mtcheck into sshfs for remote mounting drives on another linux box, works well.22:44
draeathvicium: welcome :)22:44
draeathki7mt: that's what I was just teaching about actually22:44
ki7mtI use it allot, have about 10 drives mounted from several machines, works a treat22:45
viciumAlso, this version of the dist im running WIBE/WUBE.. even forgot the name. Someone mentioned it was very performance sloppy?22:45
=== Adran is now known as Ttech
EastwardWinter6MonkeyDust Ubottu dreath i'm trying to install 11.10 to my net book. i get the the language selection and get that. I'm using a live USB22:45
haylook i am at the netinstall section with all the downloadable options.i dont see anything i need except maybe the audio plugins? i dont think i need the server system do i? and you said not to use ssh at first.22:46
draeathEastwardWinter6: doesn't seem to like the disk for some reason. how many disks (and what kind of disks are they) is on the thing?22:46
viciumSpecs are fine, i7 running at 3.8ghz, and 16gb 1666mhz dd3 ram and ubuntu is on a SSD, but just thinking if its a bad idea or if it works fine running (WIBU?)22:46
viciumShame to set everything up to later realise I should reformat22:47
EastwardWinter6draeath is it the live usb or the netbook hd thats the problem?22:47
draeathhaylo: I forget what options are there. can you give me a quick list?22:47
haylodo i need the audio plugins or should i just install alsa later?22:47
draeathEastwardWinter6: that's what I'm trying to guess. Can you get to a shell at all, or is it stuck at boot?22:47
draeathhaylo: what is it calling "audio plugins" exactly?22:47
draeathi think that's the ubuntu-studio stuff for audio editing22:48
hayloBasic sever, openssh server, LADSPA/LV2/DSSI adio plugins22:48
viciumWhilst I am at it. Can I configure keybindings somehow? I'd like WINbutton+E to open homefolder... :P22:48
draeathhaylo: ok you want 'basic server' and you shouldn't need anything else. you can always run 'tasksel' later or directly install stuff with apt / aptitude22:48
hayloManual Package selection, Mythbuntufrontend and etc, the rest are all kubuntu etc22:48
EastwardWinter6draeath stuck at boot.22:48
haylook great22:49
eagle_eyesany ideas how to get adobe reader .bin plugin working in firefox?22:49
draeathhaylo: FYI there's a tool called 'apt-zip' that lets you download packages on one machine, with the intention of carring them to a networkless one to install. might be handy if your network won't work because of missing packages22:49
EastwardWinter6draeath I managed to run check disk for errors from the live usb screen, and got no errors.22:49
draeathEastwardWinter6: can you do 'blkid /dev/sd?' - this should tell you what letter is what drive22:50
draeathalso try blkid /dev/sd??   (yes two ?s)22:50
haylowow ok draeath that makes sense22:50
Zaitzevwell, reinstalling chrome didn't help at all..22:51
viciumCan I make a scrip on my local machine to access either a screen on another remote system? Or option 2) start a remote .sh script?22:51
Escherialhey, anyone happen to know of a way to suspend/hibernate my current ubuntu session and boot into another os?22:51
maujhsnHello everybody I am interested in downloading the firefox flash plugin installer! Does anyone know an alternative website other than firefox?22:51
draeathZaitzev: I seem to remember having to symbolic link the flash .so file into a directory for chrome to see it.22:52
viciuma screen as in a running process*22:52
xanguayou can install flash plugin from the partner repository via software center22:52
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »22:52
draeathvicium: look up "gnu screen" - couple that with SSH :P22:52
Zaitzevdraeath: yeah?22:52
EastwardWinter6draeath it's gone to the ubuntu spalsh screen, but the error was sdb which is the larger partition with all the files saved on it.22:52
draeathZaitzev: yea had to do it on debian. looking for details now.22:52
MonkeyDustvicium  i'm familiar with screen and ssh, what's up22:53
draeathZaitzev: this isn't it, but try this to make sure: http://linux.chrissweeney.co.uk/topic.php?t=7622:54
viciumMonkeyDust, I have a (minecraft) server script running on a ECS. I'd like to (if possible) remotely be able to stop/start it, atleast start (I launch a .sh file) But just wondered if there was an easier faster way then to remote connect via ssh, cd, and then run the sh script22:54
xangua!info flashplugin-installer | maujhsn22:54
ubottumaujhsn: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 9 kB, installed size 160 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)22:54
viciumTLDR Launch a .sh script on a remote machine running ubuntu22:54
Zaitzevdraeath: already did just that. it is non-existant22:54
draeathvicium: you can run a command directly via SSH22:54
viciumlike ssh domain.com /home/sh.script.sh ?22:55
viciumEven with -user -password flags?22:55
draeathyep. make sure the script is executable and does a 'cd' to the path it needs to be in22:55
viciumSo minimal input rquired22:55
Zaitzevthe strange thing is22:55
viciumIs it safe to have a plain text .sh file contain pw though?22:55
ZaitzevIt HAD flash installed before the formatting22:55
draeathotherwise it tries to run it from the home directory22:55
MonkeyDustvicium  what you can do: modify .profile on the remote pc thus, that your script is run as soon as the ssh connection is made22:56
draeathvicium: generally not safe to have passwords sitting around22:56
Zaitzevwhy it isn't now, I can't for the life of me understand22:56
Zaitzevit seems so random22:56
draeathZaitzev: look for a /plugins directory in your chrome directory22:56
draeaththen find libflashplayer.so and copy/link it there22:56
viciumOkay, thanks guys :)22:56
viciumSo much questions......22:56
reeskim having a problem with software central its saying theres a coding error in aptdemon with this Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 968, in simulate22:57
maujhsnubottu "I know your not human ...but how the hell are you:)?"22:57
ubottumaujhsn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:57
Zaitzevdraeath: there aren't any22:57
draeathok is there a /opt/chrome  ?22:57
viciumCan I set terminal to be opened on my secondary screen by default? :P22:57
Zaitzevdraeath: yes22:58
draeathand did you install flash via the flashplugin-installer package?22:58
draeathalso: 32 or 64 bit system? if 64, is chrome 32 or 64?22:58
Zaitzev64, both22:58
Zaitzevflashplugin-installer package?22:58
maujhsnxangua Is this a command you sent me?22:58
EastwardWinter6draeath: thanks, it appears to be doing something now, so i'm going to leave it overnight. :)22:59
reeskhow do i fix it22:59
draeathZaitzev: yea how did you install flash? I recommend you install that flashplugin-installer package. look to see if /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so exists22:59
xangua(16:52:06) maujhsn: Hello everybody I am interested in downloading the firefox flash plugin installer! Does anyone know an alternative website other than firefox? -  flashplugin-installer from repository22:59
ZaitzevI haven't installed any flash manually22:59
draeathok, see if that file exists22:59
Zaitzevand I didn't need to when it DID work22:59
fire44having trouble with downloading updated onto new /used comp22:59
draeathZaitzev: just look to see if it's there. you might be running flash through some gnash half-bakery and that might be the breakage. :P23:00
draeathwork with me :)23:00
Zaitzevdraeath: I try ;D23:00
Zaitzevlook where, tho?23:00
wunnlei have a problem with panel (i think that is name of top bar). I installed 2 different drag-and-drop-to-share application, and i have the same problem with both of them. Dragging to panel icon simply not working, except i run software with sudo. But when i run them with sudo, interface of app gets shitty (i guess it not use gtk?). What do you think the problem is?23:00
draeathheh. so run "file /usr/lib*/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so"23:01
haylonothing but a blinking _  in the end. i used unebootin should i try agian?23:01
draeathhaylo: did you install grub or lilo?23:01
Zaitzevdraeath: guess I gotta install flashplugin-installer then23:01
hayloi didnt see an option i thought it was grub automatically installed23:02
draeathyep. what will happen then, is you/ll have that file created (either in /usr/lib or /usr/lib64) - if 64, that one you want.23:02
Zaitzevlib32 u mean ;P23:02
draeathyea :P23:02
draeathignore that one :P23:02
draeathso just /usr/lib23:02
draeathso you'll want to create the /opt/chrome/plugins directory if it is missing23:03
draeaththen either copy the libflashplayer.so there, or make a symlink (ln -s)23:03
draeathi recommend linking, so it updates when you update flash23:03
draeathcd /opt/chrome/plugins; ln -sv /usr/lib/blahblah/libflashplayer.so23:04
reeskanyone know whats wrng?23:04
Zaitzevalright done23:04
Zaitzevnow let's see what happens23:04
draeathhaylo: nope, in expert it doesn't do so. you need to step through all the steps it hilights for you23:04
draeathhaylo: sadface :(23:04
Zaitzevi'm on youtube now23:05
Zaitzevand, haha,23:05
Zaitzevevery video i click goes html523:05
draeathZaitzev: https://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/23:05
fire44how do you know if you are having a graphics cars issue or an ubuntu issue?23:05
MonkeyDustZaitzev  is that good or bad?23:05
draeathZaitzev: it runs a small animation and tells you the version you are running23:05
Zaitzevdraeath: i know, hehe23:06
Zaitzevi just like testing on videos :p23:06
Zaitzevbut yeah it works23:06
draeathlol trial by fire eh?23:06
draeathGood :D23:06
Zaitzevhaha yep xD23:06
Zaitzevdraeath: you are my hero of the day23:06
draeathso: real flash wasn't installed, and at some point one of the opensource flash "replacements" was working, then stopped23:06
ZaitzevI did reinstall Ubuntu tonight23:06
draeath(i'm all for flash replacements... when they work)23:07
Zaitzevbecause of some major fubar23:07
viciumWow. Minecraft actually uses less memory in ubuntu, how is that even possible :P23:07
Joey-Jo0Hey, so, I've got a Broadcom BCM4306 card. I've installed the firmware-b43legacy-installer package, rebooted.23:07
fire44im trying to instull ubuntu but running into issues23:07
draeathvicium: you running a server?23:07
_Marcusfire44: What issues?23:07
Joey-Jo0The system recognizes my card, but fails to run it because of 'missing firmware', why is this?23:07
_Marcusvicium: Magic23:07
draeathvicium: if so I highly recommend bukkit.org23:07
Zaitzevnext milestone to reach, get mIRC installed in wine23:07
viciumYes, I'm using the most recent development build atm23:07
Zaitzevwine is already installed23:08
viciumBut talkign about client-side now23:08
draeathooh quick tip for ya :D23:08
reeskim having problems with software cetral23:08
viciumBukkit reason I started with ubuntu :D23:08
draeathuno momento vicium23:08
viciumHence my interest to install it on my homestation now :D23:08
draeathvicium: http://pastebin.com/BRR0UZF023:09
fire44not sure if its ubuntu or a grafix card but it loads up and lets me log in but when i go to the applications on top left (11.4) the drop down bar turns to the ubuntu purple screen just in that dropdown23:09
Free_Bulletsanyone have any ideas why raid-0 only yields a 30% performance improvement for these disks? each disk gets 100 MB/s on its own, but the raid array only gets 130 MB/s.23:09
draeathmy server launcher tweaks. uses a bit more overhead but much less hitching for players23:09
fire44it does the same thing when ever i go to any dropdown menu23:09
fire44does not show the options ether23:09
reeskso i take it im screwed and this cant be fied then23:09
viciumAh I see23:10
draeathvicium: basically forces the JVM into garbage collecting objects as they are released, instead of waiting until the memory is needed to halt everything and do it in one chunk23:10
jribreesk: you need to be more detailed... use a pastebin23:10
aethelrickreesk: im still waiting to here the problem mate23:10
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reeskive said it tice and given you all the errors23:10
reesk[22:57] <reesk> im having a problem with software central its saying theres a coding error in aptdemon with this Traceback (most recent call last):   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 968, in simulate23:11
viciumdraeath, this is my current... #!/bin/sh23:11
viciumscreen java -Xincgc -Xmx3072M -jar craftbukkit-dev.jar23:11
jribreesk: use a pastebin to show us the full error23:11
draeathvicium: also, if you are running 32-bit java, add "-server" - the server hotspot starts slower but is more efficient overall.23:11
reeskthats everything23:11
jlenis it possible to intercept keystrokes before they reach my applications?23:12
draeathclient hostspot (default 32-bit jvm) emphasizes fast startup23:12
aethelrickreesk: do have the same problem in synaptic?23:12
viciumI took your line 1-7 and pasted into mine23:13
viciumThe 8th line, Is pretty much the same what does nogui do?23:13
draeathvicium: Zaitzev: gotta run. nice talking. vicium, make sure you stick $EXTRAPARMS in before the -jar else they don't actually get put in23:13
reeskhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/864281/ havnt tried synaptic i was more concered about this not working23:13
draeathvicium: I have x11 on the server (for another reason) that just guarantees it doesn't try to connect to it23:13
viciumAh okay, cheers, thanks a bunch :)23:13
aethelrickreesk: ok, i'm keen to understand if the problem is in software centre or under it in apt23:14
jribreesk: are you positive?  Where is it being displayed?  Is there a scrollbar?  Can you click on it and press down to show more?  What do you do to get this output? (there are several questions here)23:14
jrib!caps | estreptococo23:15
ubottuestreptococo: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:15
estreptococosomebody help me?23:15
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Escherialif i'm dual booting two OS's, is it possible to hibernate in one, reboot to switch to the other, then come back to the first?23:15
reesksynaptic isnt even installed when i click it it opens software center and asks me if i wanna isntall it23:15
fire44marcus_not sure if its ubuntu or a grafix card but it loads up and lets me log in but when i go to the applications on top left (11.4) the drop down bar turns to the ubuntu purple screen just in that dropdown23:15
Escherial(the first one is ubuntu, which is why i'm asking here)23:16
jribreesk: What do you do to get this output?23:16
Zaitzevok, now it's time for WINE to be a weirdo program..heh23:16
estreptococosome app for cut .cue in separate flac?23:16
reeski find a application i clikc install it asks for password which i give and then it does stuff for a secodn or 2 then throws the erorr23:16
jribreesk: find an application where?23:17
reeskin software center23:17
jribreesk: was this problem always present?23:17
ph8hey all, i'm making a script to work with inserted usb disks. Ubuntu desktop automounts them (i think that's part of the desktop) - but how can i check it's mounted? I'm writing it in mono but is there an easy command line i can run or am i needing to parse the output of mount /dev/<device> /mnt/tempdir - or something?23:17
aethelrickreesk: any app in particular? all of them? just one?23:17
reeski dont think it was i managed to install java just fine23:17
reeskpretty much all of them23:18
estreptococonobody help me?23:18
reeski even tried to download a ubuntu software23:18
estreptococono exist in Ubuntu software center23:18
v5632ifpi uz jede jo?23:19
v5632to ste se moc nepochlapili :)23:19
MonkeyDustwhat language is that?23:20
aethelrickreesk: try opening a terminal, and entering: sudo apt-get install synaptic23:21
fire44any idea what my issue could be23:21
L3topestreptococo: I am sorry but I am not sure what you are asking for.23:21
MonkeyDustsounds huitzilopochtli to me, mayan or zo23:21
fire44not sure if its ubuntu or a grafix card but it loads up and lets me log in but when i go to the applications on top left (11.4) the drop down bar turns to the ubuntu purple screen just in that dropdown23:21
jribreesk: sounds like bug #65943823:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 659438 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "Installation/Removal fails because of package which could not be located (failure in apt.Cache.required_download)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65943823:22
estreptococoL3top: i need cut .cue archives ( audio) in separate .flac audios...  exist an app in Linux for this?23:22
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reeskohh bug #659438 i know that verry well ok i dont what is it23:22
g0v3rn0rhi all23:23
jribreesk: see ubottu's message23:23
reeskahh kk23:23
reeskok synaptic is done what you want me to do now23:24
jribreesk: read through the comments in the bug report23:24
g0v3rn0rdo anyone know what's the tool to administrate services on ubuntu 10.04 ?23:24
g0v3rn0rI mean something like svcadm on unix23:24
L3top!info cuetools23:25
estreptococo<L3top> u understand me?23:25
ubottucuetools (source: cuetools): tools for manipulating CUE/TOC files. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.1-12 (oneiric), package size 79 kB, installed size 268 kB23:25
reeskjrib: would conecting a 56k modem to my machine and whistling dtmf dial tones into it help any lol23:25
L3top!info shntool23:25
ubottushntool (source: shntool): multi-purpose tool for manipulating and analyzing WAV files. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.7-1ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 66 kB, installed size 264 kB23:25
L3topcheck out those estreptococo23:25
estreptococoubottu: im noob in Linux, how i can this?23:25
ubottuestreptococo: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:25
jribreesk: doubtful :)  I must go, but the comments in the report seem to claim that you should make sure your ubuntu is up to date (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade).  If that doesn't fix it, keep reading.  If you are still unsure, ask again here but mention your ubuntu version23:26
reeskim pretty sure it updating that broke it in the first place23:26
patman023hey all, best partition scheme for a new install?23:26
aethelrickestreptococo: a cue file is a cd image right? you may have to convert it to an iso file you you can mount it and rip it to a format of your choice23:27
L3topestreptococo: check http://onubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/06/splitting-cueflac-files.html see if that is what you are looking for23:27
reeskcue file should come with bin files i belive23:27
reeskatleast mine usually do23:28
zykotic10aethelrick: bin/cue should generally not be converted to ISOs.  ISOs can only be "regular" data, while bin/cue can be several things.23:28
Tank_hi all, need help plz... Running 11.04, I have a USB dongle wifi. Want to run it as a hotspot like I do on windows 7 with Connectify. I went to networks and clicked "use as hotspot" it then switches on and then off? How can I fix this?23:28
arshadis this the ubuntu server channel?? or the regular channel??23:30
zykotic10arshad: #ubuntu-server23:30
arshadr u using xchat by any chance??23:30
sskalnik_what's the proper command to edit a changelog?23:30
Tank_zykotic10, where can we ask support questions?23:31
zykotic10Tank_: here23:31
sskalnik_I remember there being a specific program that formats everything automagically, but forgot the exact command23:31
Tank_Can any one  help with this?... Running 11.04, I have a USB dongle wifi. Want to run it as a hotspot like I do on windows 7 with Connectify. I went to networks and clicked "use as hotspot" it then switches on and then off? How can I fix this?23:31
Zaitzevi'm about to give up ubuntu completely now23:31
ZaitzevI'm constantly stonewalling on a new problem, one after another23:31
zykotic10Zaitzev: that's pretty common for ubuntu23:32
Zaitzevhere's the latest;23:32
Zaitzevfor example, deluge is running maximized23:32
wadIs there a way to configure how Ubuntu alerts me when I get email?23:32
Zaitzevhowever, if i hit the restore-button so I can have it windowed23:33
tajysI've been searching how to fix this for a while, but have come up with nothing. When I updated to 11.10, my on screen volume adjustment in the top bar disappeared. Anybody know how I can get it back? It's a pain in the arse to go through a terminal and alsa mixer every time I want to adjust the volume =/23:33
Zaitzevthe window size is JUST outside the top of the screen23:33
Zaitzevso I can't actually move it around23:33
Zaitzevit happens to several windows23:33
zykotic10tajys: do you have pulse running on your system correctly?23:33
fire44not sure if its ubuntu or a grafix card but it loads up and lets me log in but when i go to the applications on top left (11.4) the drop down bar turns to the ubuntu purple screen just in that dropdown23:33
fire44any help?23:34
brandhi everyone im new to computers23:34
brandi was using ubuntu on my virtual box over windows23:34
tajyszykotic10, I never could get pulse to work right, so I just got rid of it23:34
velkoZaitzev, you can also move windows by pressing "alt", clicking anywhere in the window, holding the mouse button down and moving23:34
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brandnow 3d dint work properly in Virtual box.so i am planning for a dual boot23:34
Zaitzevsee! it's stuff like that23:34
Zaitzevwish I knew :C23:34
brandcould someone guide me23:34
zykotic10tajys: THAT is why you don't see Gnome Volume then!!!  It requires Pulse.23:34
brandcould someone tell how to uninstall linux which is already installed with the virutal box23:35
Zaitzevvelko: thanks a million23:35
wadbrand: Sure, just burn a CD with whatever ubuntu version you like, then boot to it.23:35
Zaitzevi can cross of another annoyance now :P23:35
brandwad:could someone tell how to uninstall linux which is already installed with the virutal box?23:35
wadbrand: Just delete the virtual machine.23:35
tajyszykotic10, Bugger >.< I'd gotten rid of it before, too, and still had my volume adjustment thing =/23:35
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zykotic10tajys: not anymore...23:35
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=== Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC
RoastedSSH Question - can I get two systems to authenticate to  my file server with the same key? I'm looking to set up a backup process over the WAN but I have 1 user, and 2 computers (laptop vs desktop). Can I just copy the pub key for both client systems?23:36
brandwad: how much space is needed?23:36
brandi just have 5gb left in my C drive23:37
tajyszykotic10, *sigh* So, with pulse, I have no sound. Without pulse, I have no volume adjustment. Lame.23:37
wadbrand: That's a little small.23:37
velkoRoasted, yes23:37
brandwad:yeah can i install it in D drive or something?23:37
haylowhich kernel should i install to get the standard one that comes with 11.04? i have a looong list here in theis netinstall. my usual one is a 2.6.38.? generic23:37
wadHow many physical hard drives do you have?23:37
wadbrand, do you know the difference between physical hard drives and partitions?23:38
brandwad: no im very new to computers23:38
the_copshow can I circuvent my schools admin password?23:38
reeskjust letting you know problem fixed ran apt-get update and apt-get upgrade and now it works23:38
wadthe_cops, boot to an Ubuntu CD. :)23:38
wadbrand: Do you have a D: drive?23:38
the_copswad good idea!23:39
wadHow much space is on it?23:39
the_copswad tomorrow i will install ubuntu instead of windows we have no bios password23:39
mike9863I think I accidentally removed my graphics driver. can anyone tell me how to install the open source ati graphics driver from the command line?23:39
wadIf you have physical access to the computer, even a bios password won't help. You can reset it on the motherboard.23:39
brand11gb is free there?23:40
wadbrand, what else do you have on that drive?23:40
haylono kernel suggestions? there are 12 to chose from. how about linux-image-2.6.38-13-generic?23:40
brandfew important stuffs23:40
brandwad: i cannot delete it23:40
tajyszykotic10, At least now I know why it's not there, though. Thanks ^.^;23:40
wadbrand, it's very likely that you only have a single physical hard drive in the computer. It is partitioned into two areas, which Windows calls C: and D:.23:40
brandwad: oh23:41
a7xhi, while creating a bootable USB pen from mac23:41
wadbrand, the best thing to do is to move anything you need to keep from the D: drive to the C: drive, and then use Windows to delete the partition that Windows knows as D:.23:41
cordycepsHow come every time I boot the clock is out by exactly 7 hrs, which is the relative universal time. The BIOS clock is right.23:41
maujhsnHey folks cheese vs xawtv which is the better of the two for webcam transmission?23:41
a7xit is necessary to do dd ... bs=1m? it's really slow this way23:41
bastidrazorhaylo: that is the current kernel in 11.04.23:41
wadThis will free up a whole bunch of space on the machine, and booting to an Ubuntu CD will let you use all that space for Ubuntu, giving you a nice dual-boot system. Which is what I use, actually.23:42
zykotic10cordyceps: change your time zone (sorry not sure how ubuntu deals with that, debian method doesn't work)23:42
haylonice thanks23:42
brandwad:can i use ubuntu in my hard disk external23:42
cordycepsmy timezone is correct, MST23:42
wadbrand, I'm not sure. Probably not. It's probably a USB drive, so the USB drivers would need to be loaded from the bios in order to boot to it....23:43
velkocordyceps, maybe you are dual booting with windows? and linux keeps the clock updated with utc and windows - with the local time. so basically they are fighting for the clock and overwrite its value23:43
wadCopy all your D: drive stuff onto the external drive, then use windows disk manager to delete that partition.23:43
brandwad: how much space does it actually take to install ubuntu23:43
wadI don't know. A couple of gigs.23:44
cordycepsdual booting w/ other linux23:44
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zykotic10!requirements | brand23:44
ubottubrand: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu23:44
cordycepsno window$ here23:44
velkocordyceps, are bot installations with correctly adjusted tz settings then?23:44
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wadAny of you guys know how to turn off these annoying email notifications that Thunderbird emits? I think it's part of Ubuntu, not Thunderbird.23:45
cordycepsthe other yes, 'buntu no. I ran tzdata(if that's what you're referring to) but it didn't help things. I have to run the Time/Date app in the menus23:46
cordycepsor sudo date <something>23:47
velkocordyceps, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata"23:48
cordycepsvelko: doesn't work23:48
cordycepsbeen there etc23:48
cordycepsvelko: oh wait, mebbe it only works when the time is already wrong and not AFTER it's been corrected...23:50
cordycepsI mean tzdata works23:51
ScuniziSkype is listed twice in the Partner repo's when looking in synaptic or software center.. both are i386 versions.  Is there a 64 bit version available in the repos someplace that I'm missing?  It is on the Skype site23:51
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brandwad: i have installed few applications in a virtual box23:51
wadbrand, yeah, those will be gone.23:51
branddo i need to uninstall them or it will automaticallly work if i dual boot linux23:51
wadbrand,  assuming you delete that virtual machine.23:52
brandi deleted it23:52
wadbrand, ah.23:52
wadbrand, you understand what a virtual machine is, right? It's basically a computer inside your computer.23:53
wadBy deleting the virtual machine, you effectively vaporized that computer. :)23:53
wadI hope you understood that when you deleted that box. I assumed you did... hopefully you didn't have data in there that you wanted to keep!23:54
mcurrancan anyone tell me how to successfully remove the nouveau driver and install the nvidia binary without it complaining about nvidia.ko being built.  I tried blacklisting them all conflicting modules and also adding boot line options, but still no go.  I used to have the solution hyperlinked, but now I cannot find agian.23:56
mcurranfriggin' I rm -rf 'ed my home directory the other day, and caught it in time, but not intime for all my linux notes/handy facts.23:57
zykotic10mcurran: (not helpful) but installing nvidia proprietary is suppose to blacklist nouveau automatically...23:59

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