
SpamapSjust FYI, the permission issue was the problem..00:41
SpamapSPerhaps notifications when local failures spike would be nice.00:41
facundobatistaChipaca, I wrote the review karni mentioned... he wrote the other one that says that file synchronization from the desktop is blazing fast01:41
ralsinait is blazing! My computer is overheating since I added ~/Pictures as aUDF! ;-)02:05
karniralsina: hahah :D02:09
karniNight guys o/02:09
ralsinakarni: night!02:09
=== smb` is now known as smb
mandelmorning all!09:07
JamesTaitHappy St David's Day, everyone!  I'm not about to attempt to type Welsh.... :D09:31
czajkowskiJamesTait: just bang the keyboard hit space everyonce in a while09:33
JamesTaitI was going to say something like that, but I didn't want to offend anyone. :-P09:33
czajkowskiJamesTait: have foot open mouth insert :)09:34
JamesTaitczajkowski: You can get away with it, I don't think I would.09:34
jmlcymru am byth!10:27
Chipacajml: el qué, che?10:32
ChipacaJamesTait: morning10:33
JamesTaitHey Chipaca. :)10:34
JamesTaitSomething I said?10:36
czajkowskioh shinny U1 magically syncs my photos on phone :D10:52
mandelczajkowski, kudos to karni for that..10:53
czajkowskiworks rather nice didnt know about it till popey just told me10:53
czajkowskinew phone so just setting it up10:53
gatoxgood morning!11:12
mandelgatox, buenos dias!11:13
mandelhm... cute: Failure: ubuntu_sso.utils.webclient.common.WebClientError: Cannot resolve proxy hostname (https)11:31
gatoxnessita, hi12:07
nessitahello everyone!12:07
ralsinagood morning!12:09
ralsinamandel: "For that I wrong this small function" you say!12:10
mandelralsina, wait what?12:10
mandelralsina, looks like my spelling :)12:10
ralsinamandel: your blog12:10
mandelah, ups, fixing12:10
mandelralsina, I was certain I could type that.. I don't know what is wrong with my brain/spelling12:11
mandelralsina, did you test if the widget are not showing the correct palette due to the fact that qt uses gtk2?12:13
ralsinamandel: QPalette and gtk simply have different ideas about colors12:13
ralsinamandel: for example, QPalette has no separate toolbar color12:14
ralsinamandel: so it's more a matter of stylesheets12:14
mandelralsina, the style is going to be crazily hardcoded, as in, it wont change if I change the theme..12:15
mandelwe can have that I suppose12:15
ralsinamandel: you can reference palette roles in the stylesheet, I think12:15
ralsinamandel: so, if the toolbar color is there for some other role, we can use that as "variables"12:15
mandelralsina, that would be awesome!12:16
ralsinamandel: let me check if that's possible12:16
ralsinamandel: yes, any color in a qss can be defined as a PaletteRole12:18
ralsinamandel: so, you canuse things like http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet-reference.html#paletterole12:18
mandelralsina, that sounds like the next step for the style12:19
ralsinamandel: yes, but still I have to see if the colors we want are there, and the stupid designer doesn't show hex colors12:20
mandelralsina, well, at least we know we can..12:21
mandelralsina, by the way, alecu is working today, right?12:21
ralsinamandel: I would have to check canonicaladmin12:24
ralsinamandel: and it's not working for me12:24
mandelralsina, I suppose that;s a yes :)12:24
ralsinadamn, the closest color in the palette is text and that is 3c3c3c12:25
ralsinagatox: you have to talk to HR12:32
jmlI've just installed a new laptop with precise12:32
ralsinagatox: you filed carnaval as "Holiday" instead of "National Holiday". Not the same thing!12:32
jmlU1 errors out every time I try to log in12:32
gatoxralsina, ahhhhh... too late to change that?12:33
jmlThe main window goes grey, and a blank dialog appears with the title "Ubuntu One experienced an error"12:33
ralsinagatox: and the 27th swap you filed as holiday too!12:33
ralsinagatox: perhaps you don't want to have holidays this year :-)12:33
gatoxralsina, i want....12:33
ralsinagatox: I already approved them because I am stupid.12:33
ralsinagatox: so, ping #hr about it12:34
gatoxralsina, ok, thanks12:34
mandeljml, can you ask rye to give you a hand?12:34
ryejml, do you have ubuntuone-control-panel-qt or ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk installed?12:35
jmlrye, both.12:36
ryejml, mmm, ok, if you shut the control panel down and run ubuntuone-control-panel-qt in the terminal - does it print anything looking like a Traceback?12:37
ryejml, also, what is the version of the -qt one?12:37
jmlrye, which I assume is what happens in the default system installation, since I haven't explicitly installed any U1 stuff in the last two hours12:37
jmlrye, and I only installed Ubuntu itself 2 hours ago :)12:37
ryedobey, ^ do we have both control panels on the cd now?12:37
jmlrye, no traceback.12:38
ryejml, ok, i have an idea12:38
jmlstrace says it's blocked on:12:39
jmlfutex(0x2dbfa14, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 1, NULL12:39
ryejml, did it prompt you to add the account? In a window with a weird padding?12:40
jmlrye, It says "Sign in to Ubuntu One"12:40
jmlrye, If I had to guess, I'd say it's an HTML widget embedded in a window12:41
ryejml, http://ubuntuone.com/3uRI1uTtMVDIptRloDsz6V ?12:41
jmlmostly because the background around most of the stuff is white12:41
jmlrye, that's the badger.12:41
ryejml, ok, when does the error happen?12:41
jmlrye, when I enter my email address and password12:41
ryejml, sweet, reproduced12:41
jmlrye, hey, I guess that's something :)12:42
ryejml, you can try using the -gtk control panel for now, digging into the details now12:42
ryeralsina, http://paste.ubuntu.com/863345/12:43
jmlrye, gtk seems to work12:43
jmlrye, fwiw, I was entering an incorrect password12:43
ryejml, hm, me too :)12:45
ryeralsina, qt control panel gets completely stuck if user enters invalid password now - http://ubuntuone.com/4Ub05bg6sJtIrOvr87xGUr12:46
ralsinarye: yes, there was a bug in the last release when entering a wrong password12:46
ralsinarye: does it still happen on nightlies?12:46
ryeralsina, no, that's what in the archives12:46
ralsinarye: let me check nightlies, I think it's fixed12:46
ralsinarye: still there12:47
ralsinarye: but nessita is doing a lot of work on the auth pages of u1cp-qt so it will be fixed soonish12:47
ryeralsina, also, why doesn't it shut down on Ctrl+C when it is stuck this way? Same reason why u1sdtool does that?12:48
ralsinarye: yes12:48
nessitarye: yes12:48
* rye likes Ctrl+C12:48
ralsinarye: but if you close the window it dies :-)12:48
ryeralsina, nope12:49
ryeralsina, you can't close the foreground window12:49
ralsinarye: let me double-check12:49
ralsinarye: right, it's unclosable12:50
mandelyou have to kill the process.. is a PITa12:54
karniczajkowski: Happy to surprize :)12:59
czajkowskikarni: it;s really cool!13:00
karniczajkowski: It's about to get even better :) (low level details :) )13:01
karniczajkowski: Thanks!13:01
duanedesignkarni: your everywhere this morning ;)13:03
karniduanedesign: It's magic13:03
karniduanedesign: I tent to limit myself to web-and-mobile, so I'm back on being everywhere13:03
* czajkowski stabs aq13:03
duanedesignkarni: yeah i need to try and hang here more. Try and hook any users looking for help >.>   <.<13:04
duanedesignthat way d_obey does not have to always ping me :)13:04
mandelralsina, I'm off to have an early lunch sine I'm a little blocked until alecu is back13:08
ralsinamandel: ack, buen provecho!13:09
karniralsina: Very cool article you've e-mailed yesterday. The Joel test site link within the article takes you to an even more interesting site full of interesting articles. I've read somein the night.13:29
karniralsina: I am totally for that degree of automation, and I strive to work in that direction.13:30
karniralsina: re: "Here's an apk" - I often do that. When there's a bug report, and I fix it, I often post a link to an apk so that the person can see if it fixes the problem :)13:30
karniralsina: The build of U1F is to ant commands (ant setup; ant release) - one too much ;) I'll write a script that downloads that stuff, and builds it :)13:31
ralsinakarni: thanks! one interesting thing about jenkins is the artifacts archive. So, suppose you want to see if something was broken in revno xyz, you jut go to that build, get the  artifact (the apk in your case) and there you go13:37
ralsinakarni: imagine doing bisection IRL by trying a few apks toseewhere you broke something ;-)13:37
alecumandel, ralsina: I'm around, but the repair guys arrived 30 minutes ago and they are reassembling a working air conditioner in my living room.13:45
alecumandel, I'll be back in 15 minutes or so.13:45
ralsinaalecu: ok!13:47
karniralsina: Yeah, the artifact archive is great. I can't wait to start using that stuff. The java lib I wrote will be the first one to use that, I think.13:48
dobeyrye: i think neither are on the CD now. -gtk was, and should be removed now. -qt is installed by the installer13:57
dobeyrye, nessita, ralsina: also, the ubuntuone-control-panel-qt ^C issue is not the same as u1sdtool.13:59
nessitadobey: what's the difference?13:59
dobeynessita: the qt panel is just ignoring the KeyboardInterrupt inside the loading event handler thing14:00
nessitait is? hum14:01
nessitagatox: does that ring any bell? ^14:01
dobeynessita: run it in a terminal, hit ^C, and look at what gets printed :)14:01
gatoxnessita, dobey is running using qtreactor?14:02
nessitagatox: nopes, plain qt mainloop14:02
gatoxthe qt loop by default ignore that....14:02
nessitawhy? :-/14:02
gatoxwhen we have it using qtreactor, it allows keyboard interrupt14:02
dobeyit's an easy fix either way; unlike the twisted+glib issue14:03
dobeywhich also seems to happen with glib2reactor, not just gireactor14:03
Chipacadavidcalle: hi there14:04
davidcalleHi Chipaca14:04
ralsinadobey, nessita, gatox: turns out PyQt apps ignore ^C by default14:05
dobeyralsina: yes, gatox just said that :)14:05
Chipacadavidcalle: yesterday I added a source, and the scope picked it up, but the lens (in unity 2d) did not update the labels. Is there a reason you're using strings of numeric ids for the labels ids? I'm presuming it doesn't update the label of a filter it already "has"14:06
ralsinadobey: hey, I am reading the backlog top-down ;-)14:06
davidcalleChipaca, are you sure it's not a Unity-2D-not-updating-labels-at-all issue?14:07
Chipacadavidcalle: so, before the new source was added there were [foo] [bar] [baz] source filters; then I added quux after foo, and the lens displayed [foo] [bar] [baz] [baz]14:07
ralsinanessita: the "why" is really "it's a bug in PyQt that is not trivial to fix, and has been there since ever"14:07
Chipacaand [bar] was actually quux, the first [baz] was bar, and the second [baz] was baz14:07
nessitaralsina: booooo :-)14:08
gatoxralsina, nessita it's a way to "fix" that it seems.... but both are really hackish14:08
nessitagatox: no worries14:08
ralsinagatox: using signal.signal?14:08
Chipacadavidcalle: I'll debug later to see if using numerical ids is indeed the problem; I wanted to check with you if there was a reason to not use just the source name as the id14:08
davidcalleChipace, can we test it now? I'd like to check if it happens on 3D. Can you add a fake source in 5 min?14:08
Chipacadavidcalle: but that would by lying!14:09
Chipacadavidcalle: <grins evily>14:09
gatoxralsina, that's one..... but you have to use another key combination...... because ^C can be valid for the ui14:09
davidcalleChipaca,  :D14:09
Chipacadavidcalle: tell me when to add it, and it will be added14:09
ralsinagatox: but ctrl-c on the UI won't be caught by signal.signal14:09
ralsinagatox: only ctrl-c on the terminal14:09
davidcalleChipaca, ok, I'm raising the frequency of source updates.14:09
Chipacadavidcalle: removing from the middle of the list probably presents the same problem14:09
gatoxralsina, really?? so that would be ok14:10
ralsinagatox: just import signal, signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) should do it14:11
pedronisaquarius: in a meeting? ping me when you can14:11
ralsinagatox: the way Ctrl-C works, is the terminal gets the keycode, and sends the signal to its foreground job14:11
nessitaralsina: stop distracting gatox with fun stuff! :-D14:11
nessitaralsina: wanna propose a branch with that? :-)14:11
davidcalleChipaca, I'm ready, mess with the sources when you want :)14:11
ralsinanessita: then assign me the bug :-D14:11
nessitarye: then file me the bug :-P14:12
gatoxralsina, great... i'll try it later :P14:12
nessitagatox: you mean after 5pm? :-D14:12
gatoxnessita, of course! ninja has the same problem14:12
ralsinagatox: hands off, I will fix it ;-)14:12
* nessita is on mode bitch on14:12
gatoxralsina, :P14:12
* ralsina uses evil manager power to steal easy bugs14:12
nessitacareful crowd, PMS is knocking at the door14:12
nessitadobey: any ring bells in the test failure here? https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/installer-not-panel/+merge/9523714:13
Chipacadavidcalle: there14:13
Chipacadavidcalle: added one at the beginning14:13
davidcalleChipaca, I've seen Fake appearing, without issue.14:14
Chipacadavidcalle: at the beginning, or at the end?14:14
davidcalleChipaca, end14:14
Chipacai added it at the end, then realized it wouldn't demonstrate the problem, moved it to the beginning14:14
Chipacaso it's now at the beginning14:15
alecumandel, I'm back, let me know when I can be of help.14:15
davidcalleChipaca, ok, you were right, my sources/results don't match.14:15
Chipacadavidcalle: so if it's updated the list of sources since I said "added one at the beginning", and it's still at the end, you're seeing the issue. Test it out by trying to click the first remote source.14:15
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Chipacathere ya go :)14:16
ralsinarye: I added bug 94401214:16
ralsinarye: I added bug #94401214:16
dobeynessita: didn't you open a bug for that already?14:16
ralsinarye: for the ctrl+c thingie14:16
Chipacadavidcalle: so, now my question is, can't we use the source name as the id?14:16
nessitadobey: as far as I recall... no14:16
Chipacadavidcalle: if the bug is what I think it is, it should fix it :)14:16
* Chipaca removes the fake source14:16
davidcalleChipaca, I'm not sure it if will work, as I've only seen filter option ids being very simple. But I'm trying it.14:18
aquariuspedronis, pong14:18
dobeynessita: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/935568 i guess?14:19
Chipacadavidcalle: note source names are unicode14:19
Chipacadavidcalle: so, encode14:19
Chipacadavidcalle: (or not; maybe it's fine with them being unicode too :) )14:19
Chipacadavidcalle: test test test :)14:19
davidcalleChipaca, I'm not forgetting it :)14:19
nessitadobey: ah yes, is a "different" error (FailTest vs DirtyReactorAggregateError), but may be caused by the same bug in the test14:20
nessitadobey: approving14:20
Chipacadavidcalle: changing code here too, to test on 2d14:20
mandelalecu, can you give me a hand with the ssl tests, I'm getting a cancelation error from libsoup14:25
mandelalecu, I might have a very stupid error..14:25
davidcalleChipaca, looks fine, but we need to test again with a fake source.14:26
Chipacadavidcalle: right now?14:26
davidcalleChipaca, When you are ready.14:26
alecumandel, sure thing14:26
nessitamandel: comments added to https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/ssl-dialog/+merge/94012, please read then when you have a minute before globally approving14:27
mandelnessita, looking14:27
mandelalecu, let me give you the lp branch14:27
mandelalecu, here it is: lp:~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/add-ssl-support14:28
nessitadobey: saw my review in https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-control-panel/remove-gtk/+merge/95252 ?14:28
mandelnessita, changing the tests and cleaning accordingly right now so I don't forget14:28
nessitamandel: awesome!14:28
dobeynessita: yeah. just trying to do 5443565433 things at the same time, so haven't come back to it yet :)14:29
alecumandel, looking14:29
nessitadobey: great, just wanted to know you where aware (no rush on this end)14:30
alecumandel, what does "cancelation" mean for libsoup?14:30
mandelalecu, let me get you the exact error from the docs14:31
mandelalecu, I'm getting an error code of 1l which is SOUP_STATUS_CANCELLED14:32
alecumandel, probably that's libsoup way of telling you that the ssl certificate was invalid... right?14:34
mandelalecu, hm.. good point, might be realted to this: http://developer.gnome.org/libsoup/stable/SoupSession.html#SoupSession--ssl-strict14:35
alecumandel, can you look at the "reason-phrase" in the message?14:36
mandelalecu, will do, gime me 10 mins to fix what nessita pointed out in her review and I'll do it14:36
alecumandel, right, ssl-strict seems to be the cause.14:36
alecumandel, in any case our code *should* be using ssl-strict=True14:37
alecumandel, and we should be setting "ssl-ca-file" to U1 certificates.14:37
mandelalecu, hm.. should it? then we have an issue since we will get a cancel error.. and the pinned certificate will be ignored14:37
alecumandel, (or to the fake certificates for the tests)14:37
alecumandel, what's a "pinned certificate"?14:38
mandelalecu, ssl-ca-file should be for the proxy one14:38
alecumandel, oh, right.14:38
alecumandel, in that case we have a serious issue!14:39
mandelalecu, a pinned certificate is that one that has been accepted by the user but is not validated by the trust tree14:39
mandelalecu, yes, we do..14:39
pmatulishello.  i am witnessing the loss of executable permissions on sync'd files.  known issue?14:39
alecumandel, we want to be able to bypass strict certificate checking for the proxy, but not for the remote servers!14:39
alecupmatulis, Ubuntu One does not synchronize file permissions14:40
mandelalecu, I've been cahting with upstream about http://developer.gnome.org/gcr/unstable/gcr-Trust-Storage-and-Lookups.html but is not stable yet (good because we can help with the design)14:40
pmatulisalecu: good to know.  i wonder what is removing my permissions?14:40
alecumandel, cool about the pinned certificates.14:40
mandelpmatulis, those permissions don't make sense if you are supporting more than one platform14:40
mandelpmatulis, there is not way to 'match' the windows and linux ones..14:41
pmatulismandel: makes sense14:41
mandelpmatulis, also, if you sync with a Fat32 partitions they are ignored :)14:41
karnijoshuahoover: duanedesign: In case a user has problems signing into the U1Music app for Android, please direct them at this bug report. Users are reporting setting proper device time resolves the issue, and it's a recurring bug report, that pops-up whenever I close it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-android-music/+bug/90959714:41
pmatulismandel: i just noticed that the other sync'd computer has not lost these permissions.  how would you explain that?14:42
Chipacadavidcalle: fake added14:43
davidcalleChipaca, hmm, still at the end.14:43
davidcalleChipaca, but filters are not confused anymore...14:44
Chipacadavidcalle: and adding it at the end is ~fine14:44
Chipacait's weird, but ok :)14:44
alecupmatulis, perhaps those files were added to the U1 folder on that other computer14:44
davidcalleChipaca, yeah :)14:44
alecupmatulis, U1 should not be removing permissions on purpose, but it will definitely won't be syncing them14:45
pmatulisalecu: i don't follow, they are the same files14:45
alecupmatulis, I mean... you copied those files into the U1 folder into the other computer.14:45
dobeypmatulis: u1 doesn't sync the executable bit14:45
pmatulisalecu: i've been using these scripts for a while now.  those permissions were set and working on both computers14:46
alecupmatulis, oh, I see.14:46
dobeybut shouldn't be unsetting it locally, either14:46
alecupmatulis, did you modify the file in any of the computers?14:47
alecupmatulis, in that case the permissions would be lost in the other, since u1 would download the file as a new temporary-file (without the execute bit), and then rename it into the proper filename.14:48
pmatulisalecu: no, this entire directory is actually called 'oldscripts' and i don't use them much.  there are about 2 dozen shell scripts that have lost permissions, including a subdirectory and it's contents14:49
pmatulisalecu: but i did not that 2 scripts in another directory that i do use much more often had lost permissions.  i just redid them and moved on, but now this...14:50
pmatulisalecu: although the sub-directory did not lose permissions14:51
mandelnessita, changes made, is it save to approve? I mean, no FF exceptions issues or anything like that, right?14:53
pmatulisalecu: fwiw, i also noticed that i got u1conflict files for an entirely separate file, my ~/.vimrc file that i was changing quite quickly last night (but all seems good now, on both computers).  not sure if this can be related14:53
nessitamandel: well, I assume you already have a UIFe for this?14:53
mandelnessita, yes, but I'll double check with josh14:53
alecupmatulis, yup, it's annoying that permissions are not being handled in a consistent way. But AFAIK "not handling permissions" was an design constraint for the current syncdaemon, so probably there's no easy bug to fix for this.14:54
alecupmatulis, but if it starts getting annoying for many users like in your case we should definitely revisit this decision.14:54
alecupmatulis, do you have .vimrc symlinked into your U1 folder?14:55
mandelpmatulis, I would file a bugs, worst case scenario, is hard and we tell you :)14:55
pmatulisalecu: yes, how else would i get u1conflicts?14:55
gatoxteam meeting in 5?14:55
ralsinagatox: oh, yes, team meeting14:56
pmatulisalecu, mandel: so far, i learned here that it's expected to lose permissions when modifying a file (that is hard to accept).  but like i said, i didn't modify any of the affected files so this is quite nasty.  i'll open a bug14:57
mandelralsina, mumble, right?14:57
alecupmatulis, so... it's ok in that case to get .u1conflicts if you were modifying the file in both computers before it was replicated, but it should not affect the permission on other files14:57
ralsinamandel: yes14:58
nessitayes, mumble, be there in 2 minutes14:58
pmatulisalecu: no, i was only modifying it on one computer14:58
mandelralsina, you were a sysadmin in another life, right?14:58
ralsinamandel: yes14:58
Chipacadavidcalle: so, you fix, or i fix? :)14:58
mandelralsina, could you give me reasons why using proxies is so common in a corporate env, I need some use cases for the certificates conversations with gnome14:59
mandelralsina, and the ones I come up with sound like bullshit :P14:59
ralsinamandel: corporate control freakness and surveillance of thepeons14:59
ralsinamandel: I can write it nicer, of course ;-)14:59
mandelralsina, I was expecting something more serious, I already mentioned facebook and porn hehe15:00
alecupmatulis, on what computer did the u1conflict showed up? on the one were the modifications took place or on the other?15:00
mandelralsina, please do, I'd really appreciate it, I'll also ping other people I know to see if they can give me some real examples :)15:00
pmatulisalecu: on the one the mods took place15:00
ralsinamandel: there are basically 3 reasons: 1) easier intranet access (using custom DNS resolvers, etc)15:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ralsina2) access control to pages that are not good in a working environment (example, a computer with porn on its screen opens a company to liability by anyone who sees it)15:01
alecupmatulis, *that* sounds like a serious bug15:01
pmatulisalecu: and i lost permissions on the other computer.  again, not sure if this is related seeing that the files are not the same at all15:01
ralsina3) control over resource usage (who uses a lot of bandwidth, etc)15:01
ralsinamandel: those are the 3 things I used to sell proxys at least :-)15:01
pmatulisalecu: couldn't the conflicts be due to quickly-chaning file but a slow internet connection?15:01
dobeyoh meh15:02
mandelralsina, sweet I'll jot that down15:03
pmatulisalecu: but again, the conflicts have resolved themselves on their own.  just permissions problem persists15:03
ralsinathisfred, joshuahoover: weekly desktop call and you are invited!15:03
joshuahooverralsina: yep, getting my headset fixed here...one min.15:03
davidcalleChipaca, sorry was getting a coffee. I've submitted a merge for you to review. As you've touched the sources code, I don't want to miss a change.15:10
Chipacadavidcalle: ah :)15:10
gatoxif someone can read this.... everything crash..... brb15:12
Chipacadavidcalle: +1'ed15:13
davidcalleChipaca, ok, merging15:14
mandelalecu, send be the lp urls and I'll review them!15:20
alecu REVIEWS NEEDED:15:23
alecu * https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/proxy-tunnel-server/+merge/9507515:23
alecu * https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/proxy-tunnel-client/+merge/9507715:23
mandelalecu, looking15:25
mandeldobey, updated: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-credentials-text/+merge/9401615:25
mandelalecu, may I have a review for https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-credentials-text/+merge/9401615:25
mandelalecu, very very easy15:25
dobeymandel: nessita needs to review that15:26
mandeldobey, oh.. dammed, ok :)15:26
mandelnessita, please: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-credentials-text/+merge/9401615:26
nessitamandel: sure!15:26
dobeymandel: well, she claimed a review and it's pending :)15:26
alecumandel, sure. There was another branch from last week that you did and I needed to review... right?15:26
mandelalecu, yes, let me find it for you15:27
mandelalecu, here it is: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/webclient-use-dialog/+merge/9441615:28
nessitamandel, dobey: approved15:30
mandelnessita, super, thx!15:30
=== teknico_ is now known as teknico
pmatulisalecu, mandel: i'm about done in reporting the bug but i cannot remember how i set up my sync directory.  right now i am using ~/Data/U1 .  where is that configured?15:42
mandelpmatulis, that is a udf15:43
mandelpmatulis, just state it, I think is enough15:43
pmatulismandel: beg your pardon?  a udf?15:43
mandelpmatulis, a udf is a User Define Foder that is outside the ~/Ubuntu One folder15:44
mandelpmatulis, sorry, internal jargon15:44
pmatulismandel: regardless if it's irrelevant, i would personally like to document it for my own15:44
dobey'cloud folder'15:44
mandelpmatulis, you probably added it via the control panel of ubuntu, right?15:45
pmatulismandel: i'm actually using lubuntu15:45
mandelpmatulis, uh, cool.. ask rye he might know15:46
pmatulismandel: but the other 'puter is running ubuntu.  i prolly used the same (manual?) method there15:46
mandelpmatulis, well, I'd say you used u1sdtool to do it15:47
pmatulismandel: ah, that sounds familiar15:47
mandelpmatulis, u1sdtool --create-folder=PATH15:48
pmatulismandel: yeah, that too.  does that end up somewhere in a config file?15:48
mandelpmatulis, I think that goes server side, right rye, alecu ?15:49
alecupmatulis, u1sdtool --list-folders15:50
pmatulisalecu: yes, it shows up but is there any other trace of that config somewheres?15:51
mandelthisfred, lol15:52
pmatulisalecu: and is the "id" that shows up in that output of a sensitive nature (include in bug)?15:52
ralsinaalecu: want to do the 1-1?15:54
briancurtinralsina: i'm due for a 1-1 at some point as well15:56
ralsinabriancurtin: indeed. You first!15:57
briancurtinlogging back in15:57
ryepmatulis, the subscribed folders do not end up in config file, but in metadata only, not easily visible by the user, and we usually interact with it via syncdaemon only15:57
pmatulisrye: roger15:58
ryepmatulis, the UUID you are seeing is not sensitive since it is not possible to attach another user's volume using the UUID (only via shares, but shares have their own UUID space)15:58
alecupmatulis, I think it's not sensitive, but no need to include it in the bug report unless the sync guys request it.15:59
* gatox lunch15:59
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
alecuralsina, let me know when and we'll have the 1-115:59
pmatulissounds like you guys need to sync up, *wink*16:00
mandelalecu, so getting back to the ssl issue, I'll think that ssl-strict is a problem.. I'm going to try with it being false and ets see how far I get16:00
mandeldobey, can I have a super easy +1 for this: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/fix-credentials-text/+merge/9401616:01
mandeldobey, I want to forget about this :)16:01
nessitaralsina: you busy to help me debug an annoying thing in qt?16:02
ralsinanessita: in 5'?16:03
dobeymandel: i added another comment which needs fixing. the grammar for "Please provide login details." is wrong.16:04
dobeymandel: should be either "Please provide the proxy login details." or "Please provide your login details."16:04
mandeldobey, ah, but I did not write that!16:04
mandeldobey, that is the design/ux people16:05
dobeymandel: they don't know english very well?16:05
mandeldobey, they are British ;)16:05
ralsinanessita: shoot16:05
dobeywell, 1 of them is british16:05
mandeldobey, don't look at me, I know I make spelling mistakes so I don't argue with them16:05
nessitaralsina: could you please branch: lp:~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-93357616:06
mandeldobey, robert, roberta are the ones that did it, aren't they native speakers?16:06
nessitaralsina: and, having your U1 credential removed, please run inside it:16:06
nessitaralsina:  ./setup.py clean build; U1_DEBUG=True PYTHONPATH=. bin/ubuntuone-control-panel-qt16:06
dobeymandel: oh, roberta isn't on design team. lisettte is dutch and i don't remember where patricia is from. but she definitely hasn't got a british accent :)16:07
nessitaralsina: you should get the screen I've been emailing to robert. Please confirm that you get a single default button, but when changing focus to other app, and the to the cp again, you get 2 default buttons16:07
mandeldobey, true, well, I'm telling them to look at the bug16:07
nessitamandel, dobey: please ping roberta in u1-internal instead of arguing :-)16:07
mandelnessita, doing that :P16:08
nessitaor rtgrant, they should be in synced16:08
nessitadobey: typo?16:08
ralsinanessita: ok, got it,reproduced it16:08
nessitaralsina: WTF? :-)16:08
ralsinanessita: give me 2' to see what's happening16:08
nessitaralsina: is a qwizard bug?16:08
ralsinanessita: no, it's something else, I think16:08
nessitaralsina: sure, a pointer: go to ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/wizard.py16:08
mandelnessita, arguing is to strong in eng, discussing/chatting is more appropriate16:08
mandelnessita, also waisting time ;)16:09
nessitamandel: ah, ok, I mean arguing as "discutir"16:09
mandelnessita, yes, I make the same mistake16:09
ralsinanessita: which one is the mutant button?16:09
mandelnessita, is more like 'pelear', stupid lang :)16:09
nessitaralsina: the wizard cancel button, see line 47 in that file I pointed out eariler16:10
nessitaralsina: I'm setting the mutant button to: self.setButtonText(self.CancelButton, CLOSE_AND_SETUP_LATER), and then self.setOption(self.NoDefaultButton, True)16:10
ralsinanessita: ack16:10
mandelalecu, with the ssl-strict to false i get an IO error, I might have set up the twited server wrong, can you take a look, I'm not used to the twisted.application package16:13
dobeymandel: eh, change it and we can ask for forgiveness later16:14
pmatulismandel, alecu: fyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/94411016:14
ralsinanessita: got it16:14
mandeldobey, thx :)16:14
nessitaralsina: you did? wow16:14
nessitaralsina: tell me!16:14
ralsinanessita: that is not a default button, it's a focused button. Press tab :-)16:14
mandeldobey, we should start adding the default str in spanish hehe16:14
dobeymandel: the string in that branch anyway.16:14
ralsinanessita: you can set the button to NoFocus and that may get fixed16:14
dobeymandel: all the strings would be "joder puta!" if you wrote them16:14
mandeldobey, would be lovely hehe16:15
ralsinanessita: or, we need to change the stylesheet so that focused buttons that are not default are not orange16:15
ralsinanessita: my qt-fu is strong!16:15
nessitaralsina: stylesheet already has that16:16
ralsinanessita: if it does, it's not working because when the button loses focus it returns to grey16:16
nessitaralsina: is gets worse... if you click on the "first" default button, you will get the Qt sso dialog, if you close it, that button "looses" the fault coloring16:17
ralsinanessita: self.button(self.CancelButton).setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.NoFocus) fixes it16:17
mandeldobey, can you give me a hand with libsoup, I'm getting a 'Connection terminated unexpectedly' do you know how I can get more info?16:17
nessitaralsina: can you reproduce that last bit?16:17
ralsinanessita: again, that is not a default button, it seems.16:18
nessitaralsina: it is!16:18
ralsinanessita: let me re-check16:18
nessitaralsina: put an assert in there16:18
nessitaralsina: I added this to the wizard __init__: assert self.signin_page.panel.ui.login_button.isDefault()16:19
nessitaand is not failing16:19
alecumandel, can you give me the link to the branch again?16:19
ralsinanessita: ok, yes it is a default button. It seems that when it's losing the style. That one I don't understand yet :-)16:19
mandelalecu, certainly, I'll be doing your reviews16:19
nessitaralsina: weird thing is that we're not "changing" the style at runtime... so no idea how it gets lost16:19
mandelalecu, lp:~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/add-ssl-support16:20
nessitaralsina: also added this assert: assert not self.button(self.CancelButton).isDefault() and is not failing (as expected)16:20
dobeymandel: no idea. a closed connection is a closed connection. not sure you can get an answer about why it's getting closed16:20
mandeldobey, thx16:21
* mandel starts debugging16:21
ralsinanessita: can we mumble 1'? That should be easier16:21
nessitaralsina: sure!16:22
mandelalecu, at some point we need to move the SaveHTTPChannel and SaveSite to ubuntuone dev tools, seems stupid to re-write it all the time :)16:22
mandelalecu, not now of course!16:22
mandelalecu, I'll file a bug for the next release :)16:22
alecumandel, yup, I agree with you on that :-)16:23
alecumandel, I don't see any "ssl-strict" in the branch I've just merged...16:27
alecumandel, re: SSL_DOMAIN_HELP = _('the domain whose ssl certificate we are going to show.')16:28
alecuand SSL_DETAILS_HELP = _('the details ssl certificate we are going to show.')16:28
alecu^^^ what's with that error messages?16:29
mandelalecu, I did not push that16:29
alecumandel, oh, you mean ssl-strict16:29
mandelalecu, yes, the ssl-strict16:29
alecumandel, I'm asking about those messages because I don't understand when they are supposed to be shown.16:29
dobeyok, really need to go get some lunch16:29
mandelalecu, also, the SSL_DETAILS are the translations of the command like of the ssl dialog16:29
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
alecumandel, that sounds a bit like "internal" help, not help that should be shown to the user and translated... right?16:31
mandelalecu, can be removed, not a huge issue16:32
mandelalecu, I can even remove the help16:32
alecumandel, sure, it's not an issue at all...16:32
alecumandel, I'll open a bug, we can deal with this after the freezes are done.16:32
mandelalecu, cool16:33
mandelalecu, bug 944125 for after the release of P16:34
alecumandel, cool!16:35
mandelalecu, added the u1proxy tag so that we remember to clean up16:35
ralsinanessita: the "focused-buttons-are-orange" is not us, it's the gtk style16:36
nessitaralsina: ah... may be!16:36
ralsinanessita: just noticed it when closing mumble :-)16:36
nessitaralsina: so, the "orange" from the gtk style is different from ours, can you tell if there are 2 different oranges?16:36
mandelI have the impression that no one reads my emails..16:37
alecumandel, I was about to create a bug for the ssl dialog help strings, but I reconsidered and decided we should keep them, since the dialog might be reusable from other places.16:37
nessitaralsina: and I just tried this:16:37
nessita     85 QPushButton:focus {16:37
nessita     86     background: red;16:37
nessita     87     color: green;16:37
nessita     88     border-color: white;16:37
nessita     89 }16:37
ralsinanessita: didn't notice differences. But here's how to see it. Close mumble, see the "close/disconnect" dialog, and press tab16:37
mandelralsina, nessita its a bug, selected buttons don't stand up, it was in my verbal diarrhea  in the mainling list16:37
nessitaralsina: and on focus change no button was red with green letters in it16:37
ralsinanessita: right, the gtk style is stepping over the stylesheet16:37
ralsinanessita: using hardcoded colors instead of reading the qss16:38
nessitamandel: can you please expand?16:38
ralsinanessita: try that using -style=windows16:38
nessitaralsina: what if I put the focus mandatory on the "login_button"?16:38
mandelnessita, so, the problem is that our orange bottons are stronger so when you have a button selected you won't know16:38
nessitaralsina: it happens the same16:39
mandelnessita, so, lets use tab as an example, in the grey ones it works great, on the oranges ones..16:39
ralsinanessita: another idea: change the tab order. Put the "login" button first on the tab order, then when switching back to the window, it gets the focus16:39
nessitaralsina: nice16:39
mandelnessita, is a design problem, nothing wrong with the code perse16:39
nessitamandel: I see, but I think our case is a bit different... :focus properties are not being taken into account16:40
nessitaralsina: any API to do that?16:40
ralsinaand then if the user tabs... well, it acts "reasonably"16:40
ralsinanessita: Widget.setTabOrder16:40
ralsinanessita: let me find the doc16:40
nessitaralsina: ack, thanks!16:40
nessitaralsina: no need16:40
ralsinanessita: you may need to do that after the page is shown, though16:41
mandelalecu, in https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/proxy-tunnel-server/+merge/95075 I see that a number of the setups of the tests are very similar, maybe making a base test case is a good idea, what do you think?16:43
mandelalecu, mock web server, tunnel web server, etc.. are always there16:44
ralsinaamazing. If I type "mumbl" the dash finds mumble. If I type "mumble", it doesn't.16:44
alecumandel, sure, I'll take a look at merging those.16:44
mandelalecu, great :)16:45
mandelalecu, I love the use of unicode to explain the tunnel server! lol16:46
mandelI think that if you pass an empty username and empty password to QNetworkProxy you will have problems, I remember having to None or not passing them at all16:47
gatoxnessita, ping16:49
nessitagatox: pong16:49
gatoxnessita, i'm going to upload what i have in the errors branch now... the only thing remaining is the space between the email and password, please take a look at it and let me know what you think..... uploading....16:50
nessitagatox: did you make the separation between those to be 20 px?16:50
gatoxnessita, no, that the thing remaining.... because if i do that, we have another problems..... i'm uploading what i have now, before start to test some things about that16:51
nessitagatox: ack16:51
mandelalecu, partial review done: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/proxy-tunnel-server/+merge/9507517:15
mandeldobey, can you approve the string mp, got a green light from design17:17
dobeymandel: no, but i'll abstain17:32
mandeldobey, fair enough :)17:32
dobeyi can't approve things that violate POSIX17:33
mandelmeh, I'm more pragmatic :P17:33
dobeyor at least, that knowingly violate POSIX.17:34
dobeymandel: you're not pragmatic, you just don't care :)17:34
mandeldobey, I care, but I won't argue if it not my call17:35
gatoxis nessita around?17:38
mandelEOD for me, laters all!17:45
ralsinabye mandel!17:47
nessitagatox: I was having lunch17:48
nessitahere I am!17:48
gatoxnessita, ok..... let me know about the branch.... maybe we can talk about the padding there are some spaces that we can not remove17:49
nessitagatox: which spaces?17:49
briancurtinrunning SSO tests on mac and getting "ImportError: cannot import name loadingoverlay_ui" -- i think i saw this before on win32 but can't remember what fixed it17:50
gatoxnessita, the password part is going to be more expanded because of the password_assistance...... i tried to reduce it the most i can..... let me know if it is ok like this or we can talk some options}17:50
ralsinadobey, nessita, gatox, alecu: very very very trivial branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/control-c-means-quit/+merge/9542417:51
gatoxralsina, on it! :P17:51
ralsinabriancurtin: python setup.py build17:51
ralsinabriancurtin: and/or setting PYTHONPATH to .17:51
briancurtinhm, i thought that was a part of run-tests (it is in run-tests.bat)...and that worked. thanks!17:52
briancurtinor at least it got us further :)17:52
ralsinabriancurtin: step by step :)17:53
nessitagatox: I will take a look, thanks. Though I still don't understand why vertical padding will affect the password assistance which is  on the side, and not above or below17:53
gatoxnessita, if you look at the .ui you will understand17:53
nessitagatox: I will17:55
gatoxnessita, all the conflicts has been resolved in both branches18:08
gatoxi will start with the internal server error now18:12
nessitagatox: ack18:13
alecuralsina, ping.18:16
alecuralsina, I've met with facundobatista, we found a solution to the bug that looks clean18:16
facundobatistaralsina, the bug looks clean, the solution is a bloody mess18:16
alecuralsina, we found other issues on the progressbar shown btw :-(18:17
alecuralsina, the solution looks like this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/863839/18:17
alecufacundobatista, why a bloody mess? it's adding a new event, and changing the way two commands are created18:18
alecuand some logic in the aggregator, too...18:21
alecuso, yes, it's a bit of a mess. But it surely it's not bloody!18:21
dobeymy spanish isn't that good18:22
facundobatistaalecu, it was a "words game"18:24
dobeyalso, google translate can be dumb sometimes; moving words around18:27
dobeyA o B -> or A B18:28
ralsinaalecu: looking...18:33
dobeysigh; so i can't seem to run rhythmbox under valgrind18:33
dobeyand chasing mem corruption in just gdb is a bit trying :(18:34
dobeyand by trying, i mean nigh impossible :(18:35
dobeyevery time it crashes, the bt is subtly different, and i have to install another dbg package18:36
alecuralsina, so, basically, it's a bunch of stuff to be done inside syncdaemon. I'm not sure I'll have time to work on that before beta 2, but I may be able to guide somebody working on that.18:36
alecuralsina, what we found out, going thru the code with facundo is that the values shown by the progressbar will most likely be wrong (the progressbar in the U1 unity launcher)18:38
alecuralsina, and that's because we don't have the size of the file in the case of uploads at the moment we are storing it (it comes as None and we ignore it)18:38
ralsinaalecu: ok, so, we need to find time to fix this. If we think we can find the time to do it before, say, final freeze, we do nothing now18:40
alecuralsina, this is a different issue, but probably related to this changes.18:40
ralsinaalecu: if we won't be able to fix it this cycle, then we change the strings18:40
alecuralsina, I think we should add the new strings for "many more files uploading/downloading", and after that try to fix the root issue as a bugfix.18:47
ralsinaalecu: but then we may have to undo the string change18:51
ralsinaalecu: I do prefer accurate reports instead of "many more" :-)18:52
ralsinadobey: should I still hold my branch about making indicate optional?18:52
alecuralsina, we should set a limit for the cutoff value (I was thinking 100). If we need to revert it we could increase it to say, 1000.18:52
ralsinaalecu: I meant, to change to "and many more files" we need a UIFe. To go back to "and XYZ files" we need another.18:53
dobeyralsina: sorry, no. mine is also proposed, whichever lands first, the other can resolve the conflict easily enough :)18:55
ralsinadobey: I'd rather wait for yours and get no conflicts, no rush for me :-)18:56
gatoxralsina, +118:56
dobeyralsina: well, there will be a conflict, because you add a call to logger.something() and i remove the logger import :)18:57
ralsinagatox: cool, thx18:57
ralsinadobey: hahaha, it's ok, I will redo it from scratch probably18:57
urbanapebriancurtin: back18:57
dobeyralsina: actually i think your branch is pretty much fine except for that logger call :)18:57
ralsinadobey: have a better but slightly more intrusive change in mind. Show_message should not return anything18:58
ralsinadobey: my branch makes show_message dangerously inconsistent18:58
alecuralsina, hmmm... The thing is that after beta2 we'll probably be fixing some proxy bugs, so I'm not sure how much time we'll be able to devote to this.18:58
dobeyralsina: oh, actually, my branch landed already :)18:58
ralsinaalecu: ok, so let's just go for the string change, add the fix plan to the bug, and move on18:59
ralsinadobey: cool, starting mine then :-)18:59
alecuralsina, and I'm not proposing getting rid of "xyz files"; I propose to replace it with "many files" only when going over the threshold18:59
dobeydear google multiple sign in thingy; fuck you too. why don't you work properly already damnit!19:00
briancurtinurbanape: same, getting setup right now19:00
alecudobey, amen19:00
dobeyralsina: oh, also; uh, 1-1? :P19:02
ralsinaalecu: ok, so it's adding a string. Good!19:02
ralsinadobey: haha, sure!19:02
ralsinadobey: mumble?19:02
ralsinadobey: irc is cool19:02
urbanapewoohoo, loads of tests passing.19:17
urbanapewith a hard-coded "Yes, we've got network, just get on with it." we've got 1 failure and 1 error in ubuntu-sso19:22
ralsinaurbanape: that's pretty impressive!19:22
urbanapewe're skipping quite a bit (not sure if we need to or even should)19:23
urbanapeand as a spike, we're not testing the new platform bits yet.19:24
nessitaralsina: can I query a qwizard button layout somehow?19:32
ralsinanessita: sure19:33
ralsinanessita: let me check the exact method19:33
nessitaralsina: sure? I'm intrigued, been looking for 15 minutes19:33
nessita(want to avoid patching)19:33
ralsinanessita: or maybe you can't ;-)19:33
ralsinanessita: you can see what buttons are visible, by iterating on button() (yeeech)19:34
ralsinanessita: but you can't see where the stretches are19:34
nessitaralsina: how can I iterate on button()?19:35
nessitaasking for each known button?19:35
urbanapeand run the tests enough times, that one error flips around and goes away19:35
ralsinanessita: for b in range(9): wizard.button()  (yeech)19:35
urbanapeso, one failure, in test_window_size for the Wizard.19:35
* nessita throws up a little19:35
nessitaralsina: same question for tabOrder :-D19:36
ralsinanessita: of course you can use QWizard.BackButton instead of 0 and so on19:36
nessitayes, of course19:36
dobeyso why does ^C work fine on syncdaemon; but doesn't on sdtool19:37
nessitadobey: I think syncdaemon  has a signal handler somewhere19:38
ralsinanessita: amazingly, looks like you cannot get the tab order19:39
nessitaralsina: why 9? I count 10:     52         buttons = ['BackButton', 'CancelButton', 'CommitButton',19:39
nessita     53                    'CustomButton1', 'CustomButton2', 'CustomButton3',19:39
nessita     54                    'FinishButton', 'HelpButton', 'NextButton', 'WizardButton'19:39
nessita     55         ]19:39
ralsinanessita: https://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwizard.html#WizardButton-enum19:39
ralsinanessita: there is no WizardButton, AFAICS19:40
ralsinanessita: +1 on login-not-register19:43
ralsinanessita: and "trivialish" so maybe just merge it19:43
dobeyhrmm; fixed one bug, though not the bug i'm looking for19:55
briancurtinralsina: did you have a bug # for that windows admin/root thing?20:05
ralsinabriancurtin: yes, let me find it20:07
ralsinabriancurtin: bug #930398 and similars20:08
briancurtinralsina: thanks, assigned to me20:09
nessitadobey: BTW, CTRL+C does not work on syncdaemon20:15
nessitadobey: I just CTRL-C it, and is hanging20:15
nessitajust got this printed:20:15
nessita^C2012-03-01 17:15:11,282 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon - DEBUG - Signal received 220:15
nessitaah, it ended eventually20:15
nessita20 seconds later :-.20:16
dobeynessita: it does end. it just takes a little bit, depending on where it is in the syncdaemon process20:16
nessitadobey: my syncdaemon was IDLE... so is weird, "before" it ended immediately if it was IDLE20:16
dobeynessita: yes, i think some event has to happen for it to get through20:17
dobeyit's quite odd indeed20:18
urbanapebriancurtin: you kinda went silent.20:18
briancurtindumb mute button20:19
ralsinaI'm gonna take a short break. Will be back later20:31
gatoxEOD for me!20:48
gatoxsee you tomorrow people!20:48
dobeydebugging is hard.21:00
dobeycjohnston: what's up?21:43
cjohnstontyping in the wrong window21:43
nessitaok, I'm gone22:09
nessitabye all!22:09
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
dobeylater all22:30

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