
pleia2knome: updated the pad (quick question about wording of the first item) and created a draft in wordpress for the announcement (linked in pad, just log in to see)03:43
pleia2testing people: any "known issues" we should include in the announcement?03:44
Unit193Last I knew Ubiquity was off color.03:45
Unit193When is that going up?03:45
pleia2at release03:46
Unit193Yeah, don't know when that one is. :P03:48
pleia2no one does :)03:49
pleia2some time on March 1st03:49
pleia21010-xubuntu-icon.svg has failed to upload due to an error Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.04:27
pleia2oh wordpress :\04:27
Unit193Did you happen to see my comment last night? :P04:57
mr_pouitmicahg: no, it's not possible :/09:28
micahgmr_pouit: ok, so, for 12.10, we'll either have to fight for the gtk2 indicators to remain or fork the code :-/09:50
mr_pouityep, we'll probably have to fork+reintroduce gtk2 packages09:57
mr_pouit(just reading the latest mail from ted on devel confirms that we don't use the same ubuntu archive anyway)09:59
micahgheh, I need to respond to that one still10:01
mr_pouitslangasek already responded that the idea was insane for universe anyway10:01
micahgyeah, as did doko, but I want to address the indicator point specifically10:02
micahgwe're stuck until at least 13.04 as is Ubuntu Studio10:02
mr_pouitwe already knew that they'd drop gtk2 support eventually10:03
mr_pouitI'm glad it's still in precise10:03
micahgyeah, but if we can keep it through 12.10, I'd be happy10:03
micahgwell, gtk2 is still in main for precise :), might not be there for 12.10 though10:03
micahgfor 13.04 I think we need to jump to 4.11.x regardless of the release date (unless they're not planning it until 2014)10:04
mr_pouit(I'm afraid that it might be as usual, meaning not ready for 14.04)10:05
micahgwell, 4.10 should be next month (hopeful)10:05
nelson8874I need to slow down my mouse. How can i do that?10:46
Riddellmore tests needed for beta 1 http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/208/builds14:38
Riddellknome ^^14:39
skaetpleia2, pasi, madnick - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview needs a scrub for Xubuntu - can some take a pass at it?14:41
skaetknome ^14:42
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
G__81hi everyone installed xubuntu for the first time and its really cool. I have used xfce in fedora but i see a big difference with xubuntu compared to fedora. Great work15:29
G__81i am interested in contributing and being part of the team. Whats the starting point15:29
knomeskaet, sorry, http://pastebin.com/Vciq0t7U should be it16:12
knomeRiddell, we need how many more tests - and do we need them today?16:14
Riddellknome: we are releasing in the next hour or three, I don't know how many you'd need to look at the your entries on the iso tracker16:15
knomedo we need one of each, or 5/5 etc?16:16
Riddellpaste.kde.org || paste.ubuntu.com >> pastebin16:16
Riddellthe ones marked "Mandatory" should be done but skaet will have the final decision16:16
knomeskaet, can you elaborate?16:17
skaetknome,   if you don't believe the tests should be mandatory,  please review and update the tests before beta 2.16:22
knomeskaet, will do that. what about beta1 release, do you feel comfortable in releasing us, or would you need some more tests?16:24
knome i mean, i could maybe do one or two, depending when you'll release16:24
skaetknome,   if there are some tests done in the prior spins,  and you have confidence the images are good to ship and won't cause your users too many problems they can't recover from,  we can look at releasing.16:24
skaetknome,  its what you think is safe and good for the xubuntu community too. 16:24
knomeafaik, there hasn't been any major issues - how do i check the tests for prior spins then?16:25
knomeUnit193, you online?16:26
* knome gets some painkillers16:27
knomeone test more done17:11
knomeskaet, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview is updated17:11
skaetknome,  thanks.    how goes testing?17:14
knomei'm running another test now, and holstein is running one more17:15
pleia2Unit193: can you submit a bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website for a feature request (re: screenshots), busy time for me right now so it's hard for me to keep track of things mentioned in irc17:17
knomeG__81, joining this channel is a good start :)17:18
knomeG__81, and hey17:18
skaetthanks knome,   probably have about an hour before the ship or not decision gets made.   Sorry you're having to crunch it... :(17:28
G__81knome, hey17:29
knomeskaet, well, can't blame you :)17:31
knomeskaet, i'm pretty confident that's a "ship" though17:31
knomei'm running two tests parallel now17:31
* skaet nods17:31
holsteinskaet: question... im testing the resize scenario in the 386 desktop iso area17:41
holsteinfirst step references the alternate iso... do i just do that with the live CD?17:42
holsteinand assume a typo in the test case?17:42
holsteinhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/208/builds/12682/testcases/134/results is where i am17:42
* knome starts his fourth tests17:44
knomeholstein, i think you can expect a typo17:46
knomeholstein, you near finishing?18:08
knomemicahg, mr_pouit: should the nm-applet be visible in today's builds?18:10
holsteinnope :/18:10
knomemicahg, micahg: i mean, in live18:10
Unit193knome: Nope.18:19
knomenope what?18:19
knomeskaet, you can ship xubuntu beta1. the technical overview -page is updated :)18:21
knomeskaet, thanks. i'll make sure we get the tests right for beta2.18:21
skaetThanks knome.  :)    Please go ahead and add to the TechnicalOverview any bugs that you think Xubuntu specific users might encounter and you want to warn them about.18:22
knomeskaet, yeah, i just did.18:23
* skaet hugs knome18:23
* knome hugs skaet18:23
* knome goes as far away from computers as he can18:23
knome...so, about 3m18:23
pleia2I'll add the nm-line to known issues in our announcement18:30
holsteinyeah... im still waiting on an NTFS partition to be created :/18:31
Unit193I had nm-applet in alt, IIRC.18:34
Riddellknome: ping18:39
Riddellyour PR needs some work https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview#Xubuntu18:39
Riddellplease tidy18:39
Riddellknome: also please join us in #ubuntu-release18:39
Unit193I just booted my alt from yesterday, it does have nm-applet in panel.18:43
pleia2what needs to be more tidy?18:44
pleia2I think knome is taking a break18:44
micahgknome: should be18:49
micahgknome: is it not?18:49
Riddellknome: well removed the weird one about ubiquity and moved the nm issue to known issues, the features could do with some marketing love18:49
Riddellpleia2: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview#Xubuntu18:50
Riddellpleia2: and joins us in #ubuntu-release if you want to take over as release contact18:50
pleia2Riddell: yes, I helped write it, what was weird about maybe-ubiquity?18:51
pleia2(I can't take over, I just help with marketing)18:51
Riddellpleia2: I have no idea what "Using the new installer, maybe-ubiquity" means18:53
Unit193Maybe-ubiquity is the new design for selecting if you want to try or install it.18:53
pleia2yeah, so I guess "installer" is the wrong word, should be whatever that screen is called18:54
pleia2"Using new maybe-ubiquity greeter"18:55
Unit193Bug 943682 hits too.18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 943682 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "gtk3 draws black backgrounds with unico themes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94368218:58
knomepleia2, are you going to publish the beta1 announcement as soon as it's out?19:42
pleia2knome: that's the plan19:44
knomepleia2, okay, great, and thanks for helping out19:45
* knome 's head and back has been hurting like hell all night19:45
pleia2hope you feel better19:46
knomewell, bit by bit. and just coping. :)19:46
pleia2I'm hopped up on sudafed for an ear ache :D19:46
pleia2(no infection, doctor just said my head is full of liquid)19:47
knomehopefully not urine19:47
knomeanyway, get well soon19:48
* knome starts working with more ibuprofein, paracetamol, sugar and eventually alcohol on his pains19:49
* knome enters the last phase21:18
knomeanother consideration is: how important the alternate image really is?21:22
knomemadnick, what's up?21:24
micahgmore customizable21:26
knomemaybe we should ask for feedback on our site, mailing lists and so21:26
knomethere's also the minimal cd for customization21:27
pleia2a lot of people still use xubuntu on older systems and the big gui installer can be bad for that (I need the alt installer for my old laptop)21:27
knomealso, if we get to ship the xfce-only alternative installation set, doesn't that somewhat defeat the purpose?21:27
knomepleia2, i see. but those low-end systems are pretty bad at running xubuntu too, or?21:28
pleia2knome: they do ok21:28
Unit193Not too bad.21:28
pleia2I also use LVM and RAID on my desktop, need the alt installer for that21:28
Unit193pleia2: Also, for earlier ping, is that something that'd be helpful?21:29
pleia2Unit193: it might be, a few people have asked for it so if you make a bug I can point them there and others can contribute to the conversation21:30
knomepleia2, Unit193: what's it about? (i understood website, but...)21:33
pleia2bigger screenshots21:33
Unit193Bug #944365 this is why I don't file bug reports. :P21:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 944365 in Xubuntu Website "The website needs more/bigger screenshots" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94436521:34
knomei'm not sure if i want lightbox or so, but we could just add a big link covering the screenshot area that links to a screenshot page21:34
knome*there* you could have ligtbox21:34
pleia2Unit193: thank you :)21:34
pleia2I was thinking just a little link below lightbox21:35
Unit193Anything that can actually *help*, not hinder!21:35
knomepleia2, err, you mean below the slideshow?21:35
pleia2knome: yeah21:35
pleia2but my brain is full today21:35
Unit193Yeah, that's wishlist, when someone gets time to add or poke me for a few, if they need it.21:37
knomeUnit193, feel free to add those to the bug, for example, and i'll add them when i'll look at the issue generally21:38
Unit193May want to wait until a later beta or alpha? (Not that there won't be more important things)21:39
knomewell, maybe final :P21:39
pleia2knome: blog post look ok? I'm getting the official one on fridge and then I'll publish ours22:29
knomepleia2, looks good to mee22:31
* knome goes to bed22:32
knomesee you tomorrow, and thanks again pleia2 :)22:32
pleia2and tweeted22:45
micahggah, I still need to update blueman...22:48
raevoldid any updates to the bluebird theme for gtk3 make it into beta1?23:07
raevolerr, micahg was that what you were just talking about?23:08
Unit193No, that was bluetooth23:08
micahgraevol: no23:12
GridCubeknome, more news for the site http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/completely_blank_xfce_desktop23:24
pleia2GridCube: it mentions xubuntu, but it looks to be an article about xfce23:26
GridCubemmm now that you say it, i think you're correct23:27
GridCubewell this one is about xubuntu. and its in chinese http://software.it168.com/a2012/0206/1307/000001307632.shtml23:27
GridCubeah it just rips a softpedia article23:29
pleia2ugh, our feed still isn't going to planet23:30
* pleia2 submits ticket23:30

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