
Omni|WorkI want to create a 'full clone' of an upstream repository that has a number of branches.00:09
Omni|WorkI want copies of all of those branches on my local system.00:09
Omni|WorkIs this possible?00:10
spivCurrently, not in a single command.00:10
spivYou can of course make a local repository and then branch each upstream branch into it (and there might be plugins that can help you automate that?)00:11
Omni|WorkHow do I do that and ensure that the branches are 'branched into the local repository' rather than each turning into their own standalone repositories?00:12
wilxOmni|Work: You branch them into a shared repo.00:13
Omni|Workwilx: bzr init-repo something ; cd something ; bzr branch bzr://repo/a-branch00:15
spivOmni|Work: right00:15
mgrandiwhat does this error mean? bzr: ERROR: _ssl.c:319: No root certificates specified for verification of other-side certificates.03:25
spivYou're trying to connect to an HTTPS server?03:29
mgrandii think, tried to just put a github url as the thing to merge with03:29
spivIt means that for some reason the pycurl library (which bzr uses for https) hasn't got any root certificates configured, thus it can't actually verify the authenticity of any server certificates.03:30
mgrandiwell i'm on a mac, where are these certificates ?03:30
spivI don't know, sorry :(03:31
goddardwhats a good bzr tutorial for some one with a short attention span?03:33
mgrandithe bzr docs? oo03:33
mgrandineeds the keychain, hmm >.>03:34
goddardmgrandi: thats funny03:45
mgrandii mean, if you don't want to read some documentation wehn its pretty simple as that, i dunno what to tell you...03:46
goddardmgrandi: i didn't say it was me.03:48
pooliemgrandi, there's an 'in ten minutes' doc on doc.bazaar.canonical.com04:08
mgrandiah, tell that to goddard =)04:08
pooliei mean, goddard04:08
pooliemgrandi, for you, there's an open bug that bzr doesn't know how to talk to the os x keychain, i think04:08
pooliethere's a way to disable it04:09
pooliewhich bzr version are you using?04:09
mgrandiit says to use -Oca.certs=none or something04:09
mgrandiwhich worked04:09
pooliemgrandi, ok good06:05
pooliei think that's fixed to be off by default in 2.5.006:05
mgrandiusing ssl certs?06:05
poolieyes on mac os06:06
poolieuntil it's hooked up06:06
mgrandiis there an api for the keychain?06:06
mgrandihow does any other program look up ssl certs then...06:07
goddarddoes bzr upload let you have a dev and a live upload?07:14
goddardor how do you do that?07:14
pooliegoddard, i think you can just give it different urls to upload to07:14
pooliethat's probably what i'd do07:15
pooliemaybe two branches, depending on how much you expect them to vary07:15
pooliei would aim for not having too much variation07:15
goddardwhat is the point of branches?07:17
goddardi know it is the line of development for a project07:18
goddardbut what should i use it for?07:18
mgzmorning all!09:09
pooliehi all, and goodbye09:19
wgzhm, the bzr beta ppa is dead? maxb was maintaining and hasn't been updated since November09:30
wgzwhat should be suggested in bug 944557 as an alternative?09:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 812749 in bzr-builddeb "duplicate for #944557 Misuses bzr 2.4's new set_commit_message hook to disable editor prompting for a commit message entirely" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81274909:31
wgz...you're being too clever ubot5, I wanted a link to the dupe09:32
sorenI'm having trouble with bzr behind a proxy.10:25
sorenbzr branch lp:reincarnate10:26
sorenbzr: ERROR: Certificate error: hostname 'proxy-sjc-1.cisco.com' doesn't match either of '*.launchpad.net', 'launchpad.net'10:26
Davieysoren: Do they have ssl bump proxy?10:26
sorenBoth $http_proxy and $https_proxy read "http://proxy-sjc-1.cisc.com/"10:26
sorenDaviey: It works well enough to talk to launchpad in w3m.10:26
sorenSorry, that was a lie. Both $http_proxy and $https_proxy read "http://proxy-sjc-1.cisc.com:80/"10:27
Davieysoren: right, but are they MITM'ling you?10:27
sorenDaviey: Not enough to make w3m upset at all.10:27
sorenwget is also perfectly content fetching things over https.10:28
sorenSo no. They're not.10:28
Davieysoren: right, but if *.cisc.com is a valid cert, it won't complain, right?10:28
sorenDaviey: Then why would bzr?10:28
DavieyIt seems to me that bzr has stricter checking.10:28
sorenIt really looks like the checknig is backwards.10:29
sorenIt gets bzr branch lp:reincarnate10:30
sorenbzr: ERROR: Certificate error: hostname 'proxy-sjc-1.cisco.com' doesn't match either of '*.launchpad.net', 'launchpad.net'10:30
sorenGah, whoops. Sorry.10:30
sorenIt gets the '*.launchpad.net', 'launchpad.net' from the cert, but compares it to the hostname of the proxy.10:30
sorenWhich seems wrong.10:30
wgzsoren: file a bug, the urllib2 checking is new and python doesn't help out much, so there are probably issues.10:31
sorenI guess maybe corkscrew will work for now.10:31
wgzsoren: it would probably be useful to try with pycurl as well and confirm that that works10:31
Davieysoren: try, -Ossl.cert_reqs=none10:31
sorenDaviey: But I *do* want cert checking :)10:32
sorenDaviey: But it works.10:32
Davieysoren: and you DO want to be MITM'd? :)10:32
sorenEr.. no.10:34
sorenI thought we agreed I wasn't being MITM'd?10:34
Davieysoren: but yes, it would seem it doesn't take proxy into account.10:34
Davieysoren: i didn't agree that..10:35
Davieysoren: it's likely you are correct, but they could be doing. http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/SslBump10:36
wgzsoren: try this as a cute workaround:10:38
wgznope, wrong value...10:39
wgzannoying that there's no way to override the connection method of that10:40
sorenQuite, even.10:41
wgzsoren: I take it `bzr info https://bazaar.launchpad.net/` also complains about the cert?10:43
wgz(just to confirm this isn't xmlrpc specific)10:43
sorenwgz: Hm.  No.10:46
soren$ bzr info https://bazaar.launchpad.net/10:46
sorenbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "https://bazaar.launchpad.net/".10:46
wgzokay, then it's launchpad plugin specific10:46
wgzcertainly a bug in our code or a dependancy then10:47
wgzplease file :)10:47
sorenwgz: Already did.10:48
wgzsoren: thanks!10:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 944696 in Bazaar "When using a proxy to talk https, cert checking validates against proxy host name" [Undecided,New]10:48
wgzconfirming that your browsers are happy talking to https://xmlrpc.launchpad.net/bazaar/ is probably also a good idea10:49
sorenwgz: It just says "Your request didn't fit the protocol expected by this server."10:50
sorenwgz: Which is also does from somewhere else, so that's fine.10:51
wgzyup, that's expected.10:51
wgzsoren: the easy work around for now, provided you can ssh out, is to set your launchpad login so the lookup over http step isn't required10:54
wgzotherwise you can use the http url that lp:reincarnate resovles to to avoid the lookup for that particular branch10:55
sorenwgz: I just added some more info to the bug (with a better stack trace)10:58
sorenwgz: I can't ssh out, unfortunately.10:58
wgzwell, `bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~soren/reincarnate/trunk/` should work at least10:59
sorenwgz: Indeed it does.11:00
wgzloses much of the convience of lp: urls but generally they get remembered after the first time11:00
PikkachuI want to fork a branch but it's overkill, I just want one file...what should I do?11:46
Pikkachuis it possible to create a separate branch which has nothing to do with it for then merging on a per file basis?11:46
jelmerPikkachu: branching is cheap, even for a small change it shouldn't have much overhead11:53
jelmerPikkachu: can you perhaps try to explain what you're trying to do exactly?11:53
Pikkachujelmer: patching purple plugin pack, it' a whole pack but I just need one single file from it11:56
jelmerPikkachu: what is the problem with simply merging that file?12:00
Pikkachujelmer: the problem is a common ancestral to begin with12:03
Pikkachujelmer: I wanted to move irchelper/irchleper.c to the top but it seems to confuse bzr completely, to the point of saying non-sense. I'm gonna try keeping file structure...12:04
jelmerPikkachu: you can force common ancestry by using "bzr merge -r0..-1"12:05
Pikkachu(bzr 2.3) bzr: ERROR: No final name for trans_id 'new-4', file-id: None, root trans-id: 'new-0'12:24
jelmerPikkachu: what are you trying to merge into what exactly? I can give it a try with 2.5.12:27
Pikkachuthe problem is how to being12:27
PikkachuI have a branch with lots of stuff12:27
PikkachuI jus want a new branch with only of those files, what to do?12:27
PikkachuI want to merge updates to that secific file later12:28
jelmerPikkachu: I would suggest just writing a script that pulls in the files you need12:34
nisuhow is nested tree support comming for bzr? It's hard to find comprehensive up-to-date imformation about that12:36
jelmernisu: there are small incremental steps towards nested tree support12:39
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jelmerwith a bit of luck, 2.6 will have nested tree support12:39
jelmerI don't think we've published much about it12:39
jelmerI should finish off the update to the developer docs document about nested trees...12:40
nisujelmer: sounds good12:41
nisudoes that include tracking remote repositories of lets say subversion code as nested trees?12:41
=== Pikkachu[Away] is now known as Pikkachu
Pikkachuhm ok jelmer thanks anyway12:54
fayazhi, is there any way i can convert a shared repository into one with no-trees?12:56
jelmernisu: that's a separate topic, although in the case of bzr-svn and bzr-git most of the code to support svn-externals and git submodules is already present (just waiting for the support from bzr core)13:10
nisujelmer: that is not exactly what I meant, I am more interested to know if it will be possible to import a plain svn or git branch using bzr-* into a nested tree of a pure bzr project13:13
jelmernisu: ah, I see13:14
jelmernisu: yes, that would be possible13:14
nisujelmer: nice, can't wait to try it out :)13:15
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Pikkachubzr branch pack fork; mv fork/sub/file .; rm -r fork/*; mkdir fork/sub; cp file fork/sub; cd fork; bzr add; bzr commit -m "Pack purge except for file"; bzr tag PURGE; <patches here>; bzr commit -m "my fork"; bzr merge ../pack/sub/file13:38
Pikkachuis this workflow ok?13:38
jelmerPikkachu: sure13:44
Pikkachuhow about making 'fork' --stacked for having it even more lightweight?13:50
jelmerPikkachu: there is a --stacked option to 'bzr branch', if that's what you mean14:02
Pikkachuthat's what I mean, I would like to stick the branch on exactly where I diverge14:03
Pikkachuso when I branch it from LP it's lightweight14:04
Pikkachu(I likely won't be any interested in changes prior to the divergence and purge)14:04
Pikkachubut I'm a bit afraid after reading the docs...:(14:05
jelmerPikkachu: how do you mean?14:12
PikkachuI'm just afraid of using it, nothing much...14:17
james_wif running some code using bzr is exiting and just printing "Killed" to the terminal, what would that indicate?14:33
mgzjames_w: SIGTERM I'd guess14:36
mgzjames_w: SIGKILL rather14:44
james_wI wonder if celery is getting involved even though I'm not actually going through it in this case14:45
mgzI was going to suggest you installed a signal handler, but doesn't help with that case14:45
james_wit's pretty hard to branch large branches if you can barely get the revision history from the server prior to whatever timeout is kicking in :-)14:48
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james_woom killer14:59
mgzan old friend15:00
abentleyjelmer: the daily builds of pqm for oneiric-lucid are failing.  I can't reproduce the errors locally-- even with no email set, I get a default.15:19
jelmerabentley: I think it might be related to the version of bzr16:07
jelmerlet me see if I can reproduce it here16:07
goddardbzr just chokced on me over a file name16:09
jelmergoddard: what's the file name?16:10
abentleyjelmer: Yeah, I reverted to the version of bzr specified by the bzr package name, but still couldn't get it.16:13
jelmerabentley: it seems to've built fine here16:16
jelmerand there is a new build pending16:16
abentleyjelmer: unless you've changed those tests, I'd expect the pending builds (except precise) to fail.16:17
jelmerabentley: unfortunately I can't see any of the old builds on the daily build page (https://code.launchpad.net/~bzr/+recipe/bzr-pqm-daily)16:18
abentleyjelmer: No, you can get to them via the PPA package listings, though.16:18
abentleyjelmer: https://code.launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/daily/+packages?batch=75&memo=75&start=7516:19
goddardthis is what it is giving me16:22
goddardlooks like a cached file to me16:23
jelmergoddard: that file seems to contain a backslash, which is a prohibited character16:25
goddardthat is why i got the error16:36
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lamalexDoes anyone know when the -c flag was added to bzr merge?20:07
jelmerlamalex: it's really old - it's been there for as long as I can remember20:07
lamalexfar out20:08
lamalexi wish i knew this ages ago. i thought you had to do bzr merge -r Y..X barnch20:08
jelmerthere are a few other commands that support -c too20:09
jelmer'bzr diff' and 'bzr log' in particular20:09
wilxIs there any explanation anywhere about the three different merge algorithms?21:16
wilxMerge3, LCA, Weave?21:17
wilxNever mind, I have found this: http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/developers/lca-merge.html21:19
wilxHmm, still not enough information about the --weave algorithm.21:23
wilxAlso, what is the --reprocess switch about? The help text is rather uninformative.21:23
fullermdJust try using it.  Then you'll be doubly uninformed.21:24
wilxI want to know what to expect.21:24
fullermdThere are some fair explications of weave merges out there.  I think --weave is not actually precisely a weave merge anymore, but it's comparable.21:24
fullermdIf you can dig up some of the talk about "Precise Codeville Merge" from years back, I believe that's essentially a reinvention of weave merges.21:25
wilxI see.21:31
wilxIsn't LCA what monotone uses?21:31
fullermdI think mark-merge is a bit different.  But I was a little hand-wavy on the details when I had it all loaded into my brain, and that was years ago.21:33
wilxI hate wiki spammers :(21:36
wilxThey destroy so much useful stuff.21:36
fullermdSadly, that's been abandoned to the spammers for many years now   :|21:36
smoserhey all.21:50
wgzhey smoser21:55
smosertrying to get a dailyb build going21:57
smoserand its not being nice21:57
smoserany ideas ?21:59
wgzthe error message seems pretty clear, but I'm not sure what you want.22:03
wgzthrow a quick mail to the udd list22:04
smoserwhy would there be a tag for that thing ?22:04
smoserthat string 'upstream-0.9.4+r4177' is only a creation of this daily build recipe22:05
wgzI don't know, I haven't done any of the fancy recipe things22:05
wgzjelmer will be able to point you in the right direction, and I'm sure he'll look at email over the weekend :)22:13
smoserewll, i sent email just now, but i think i must have unsubscribed from that list at some point22:15
smoserand i just tried re-subscribe but still haven't gotten the conf mail22:16
smoserso dont know if my mail will go through22:16
wgzit arrived.22:17
smoserwell, thanks for confirming that.22:17
wgzthanks, that's a clear problem report22:17
* smoser steps away for weekend.22:18
wgzpart of my issue with builder problems is they tend to get asked on irc, quickly answered by jelmer, then my only recall of them is searching through irc logs :)22:18
wgzhave a nice weekend!22:18
Amozjelmer, I'm trying to fix the bzr-gtk FTBFS in precise, and xvfb-run -a ./debian/testsuite.sh works well if I run it manually in precise, but fails in pbuilder due to an assertionerror22:38
Amozany pointers of what could be happening here?22:38

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