
=== flaviamissi_ is now known as flaviamissi
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: good morning13:40
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Morning!13:42
niemeyerMorning all!13:42
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: Yesterday I started my work with juju local provider13:43
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: I started creating the lxc lib13:44
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Ok, I have a very critical recommendation on this area, for everybody's sanity :)13:45
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Please don't wait until you have a *ton* of code before pushing13:45
niemeyerandrewsmedina: No branch is small enough..13:46
niemeyerandrewsmedina: You can push even single-liners for review, and we'll be happy to review and integrate13:46
niemeyerandrewsmedina: So whenever you feel you got something nice working, just push for review and we'll comment/integrate13:46
niemeyerandrewsmedina: This may be half a library.. a function.. a line.. whatever.13:47
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: do you prefer LXC as an internal juju lib or independent lib?14:07
niemeyerandrewsmedina: It's fine to have it internal for now14:07
niemeyerandrewsmedina: Makes both your and our lives easier right now14:08
niemeyerandrewsmedina: We can move it out eventually14:08
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: ok, I have started as a independent lib14:10
andrewsmedinaniemeyer: I put it in juju/go/lib ?14:11
niemeyerandrewsmedina: I'd say juju/go/lxc for now14:12
niemeyerandrewsmedina: lib is a dangerous "bag of things"14:12
niemeyerandrewsmedina: The Python module is actually lib.lxc, which keeps some isolation.. but Go would make it "lib" only14:13
rogniemeyer, andrewsmedina: wouldn't juju/go/environs/lxc be more appropriate?14:15
andrewsmedinarog: +1 for now14:16
niemeyerrog: Sounds good14:22
niemeyer_Heading to lunch.. biab16:14
fwereade_happy weekends all :)17:24
rogfwereade_: and to you!17:33
niemeyer_fwereade_: have a nice one17:39
niemeyer_Hmm.. why is my IRC client only partially connected?17:39
rogoff the the weekend. see y'all monday18:01
TheMueah, test for open port passes too. will propose it later, when i'm back from my daughters sports.18:36
=== andrewsmedina_ is now known as andrewsmedina
hazmatjcastro, any luck with mup?22:05
TheMueniemeyer: so, sports of my daughter is over, has been her first softball training. done some bats too, made fun. here's my next branch for review: https://codereview.appspot.com/5727045.22:32
TheMueniemeyer: i'm off for the weekend now.22:32
jcastrohazmat: bah it fell of my plate, thanks for the reminder23:12
hazmatniemeyer, is there a way to pass lbox the file it needs from the cli instead of getting popped  into an editor23:56

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