
Riddellyay, I'm informative "Kubuntu and KDE (Score:5, Informative)" http://linux.slashdot.org/story/12/03/01/2047217/ubuntu-1204-lts-precise-pangolin-beta-1-released00:09
Riddellhmm, should I take the bait and reply? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2012-March/055692.html00:11
=== vorian is now known as v
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | Thanks everyone for getting Beta1 tested! | Precise: Feature Freeze, time to squish beasties | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html TODOs! | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-lts-announce | Jussi's new baby's name is Elodi! :)
rbelemRiddell, i got it working00:52
rbelemRiddell, i forgot to install startactive-data and startactive-ksplash-theme00:52
rbelemRiddell, and it is missing some runtime deps00:55
rbelemRiddell, kde-workspace-bin installs kdm :-/00:57
Riddellrbelem: so you can log in from lightdm?01:06
rbelemRiddell, yup, but it is failing to load some modules :-/01:32
Riddellrbelem: better than nothing, if you package it up tonight I can put it into the archive tomorrow and make some images01:33
rbelemRiddell, here is the log http://paste.kde.org/432188/01:34
Riddellrbelem: that doesn't mean much to me, best ask notmart or the like in #active01:35
rbelemRiddell, will do now01:38
rbelemRiddell, he is not there :-/01:39
Riddellit is late in Europe01:39
rbelemRiddell, hum... is it almost 2am for you?01:40
Riddellyes, and +1 later on the continent01:40
* Riddell snoozes01:40
rbelemRiddell, :-)01:41
rbelemRiddell, good night01:41
Riddellhttp://lwn.net/Articles/484829/  Kubuntu 12.04 to be Supported for 5 Years01:44
darthanubisThank you!!01:55
rbelemRiddell, i got everything working02:24
rbelemRiddell, plasma-active pkg needs patching02:25
Riddellrandom e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/432266/09:39
rbelemRiddell, i slept in the keyboard10:04
rbelemRiddell, i will ping you when i finish the changes10:06
Riddellrbelem: did you pull a rodrigo? :)10:11
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
BluesKajHiyas all12:20
soeehi BluesKaj 12:37
BluesKajhi soee12:38
soeeih made upgrade yesterday12:39
soee11.10 > 12.04b112:39
soeeworks fine so far12:39
soeewaiting for kde 4.9 now -.-12:41
yofelsoee: happy waiting then :D http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.9_Release_Schedule12:42
* yofel wonders if dirk forgot about 4.8.112:42
soeeyeah i know :)12:42
soeeyofel, btw12:42
soeeyou rememeber i couldnt upgrade yesterday?12:44
soeeso i found some file related update -manager where i had to change release type from lts to normal, than do-release-upgrade form console worked12:45
yofelhm, makes sense, except that it shouldn't be set to lts if you were on 11.1012:50
yofelbut this should've still worked12:50
yofelI'll try to reproduce it, thanks12:50
Peace-here it goes 12:53
=== greyback is now known as greyback|away
Peace-plasma-widget-daisy is working again here12:53
Peace-just compiled :D12:54
yofelPeace-: on precise?12:56
Peace-yofel: sure12:57
yofelor at least with 4.8?12:57
Peace-i did a package deb with cpack as usual 12:57
Peace-yofel: http://wstaw.org/m/2012/03/02/plasma-desktopWv1827.png12:58
soeePeace-, you are from Poland ?13:31
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Peace-soee: nope13:39
Peace-yofel: are you on precise?13:40
Peace-yofel: 32bit?13:40
yofel64 right now, but my eeePC is 3213:41
Peace-mm :D https://peace-packages.googlecode.com/files/plasma-widget-daisy_0.0.5.deb13:41
=== greyback|away is now known as greyback
BluesKajodd , i have a usb stick that i'd like to reformat but the notifierand dolphin don't see it , altho it's listed with lsusb 13:45
Peace-BluesKaj: i have seen that issue too13:45
Peace-BluesKaj: partitioon manager can see it ?13:45
BluesKajPeace-,  yes, partition manager sees it but it has no valis partition13:48
Peace-BluesKaj: mm :) so you need to format it 13:48
BluesKajyup , what's best, fat32?13:49
Peace-BluesKaj: i guess yes13:50
BluesKajgoing to put freeNAS on it 13:50
BluesKajok Peace- , done , thanks for the tip ..forgot about partition manager :)13:51
yofelsoee: ok, that you couldn't update was a bug in software-properties-kde14:05
soeeit took me whole night to update yesterday argh :D14:06
yofelin software-properties-kde you can set if you want to be notified on new releases for: Never, Normal, LTS only14:07
yofelsome sofware-properties developer had the great idea to change the meaning order to: Normal, LTS only, Never14:07
yofelso I you had set LTS in sofware-properties-kde, you had in fact set it to Never14:08
* yofel goes fixing14:08
shadeslayerRiddell: hardy? Really? :D14:19
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm?14:26
shadeslayerRiddell: the email paste :)14:27
Riddelloh aye, I'll send my stock reply14:27
yofelsoftware-properties is odd14:28
Riddellyofel: what's odd about it?14:32
yofelit's python14:32
Riddellit has the tricky job of making a sane UI out of the sources.list format which is not very user friendly14:32
yofelwell, *that* part isn't even broken14:33
Riddellglatzor wrote it ages ago14:33
yofelI'll hack this to work for now and talk with mvo later14:35
yofelthe gtk ui uses a dbus backend now. Using that would be the proper way to fix this14:36
Riddellyofel: does this need a backport?14:36
yofelit needs an SRU for oneiric, or you'll see more confused users like soee14:37
Riddellpoor soee 14:37
soeeim not confused, im suprised!14:37
Riddellwe also needs a "ensure your system is up to date before starting a release upgrade" notice on the instructions14:37
soeeill start to learn some new languages used in ubuntu/kde and ill fix this :D14:38
soeeatm im strict php, javascirpt user14:39
Riddellpython is easy to learn14:39
Riddelland sane compared to javascript :)14:39
yofelwell, one way to fix it is to simply adjust the mapping: i = (i+1)%3 - which would have the least chances for regressions14:40
yofelI'll file a bug and see what mvo says14:41
shadeslayerDid someone say dbus14:43
shadeslayerkill that stuff with fire14:43
kubotushadeslayer meant: "kill that stuff with napalm"14:44
ScottKThanks to upstart we have dbus on servers now too.14:45
yofelhurray, now I can blame dbus if my system doesn't boot, not only if I can't log in14:46
rbelemRiddell, :-D14:47
Riddellrbelem: so you can log in from lightdm into active?14:47
rbelemRiddell, yup14:47
Riddellrbelem: lovely, what's the trick?14:47
rbelemRiddell, some changes are needed in the plasma-active pkg, runtime deps, and in the startactive, patching and runtime deps14:48
Riddellrbelem: well done on working it out, you going to put packages into ~kubuntu-active?14:49
rbelemRiddell, yup14:49
rbelemRiddell, in a couple minutes14:49
* Riddell holds breath14:49
* rbelem just arrived in indt office :-D14:49
ScottKIs anyone there to make sure you don't pull a Rodrigo in the midst of all this?14:56
rbelemScottK, everybody went to a windows shit presentation :'(14:57
Riddellit's brazil, there must be a samba band in the office next door or something to keep him awake14:57
rbelemhahah :-D14:57
ScottKfabo and debfx: Do we wan to make a change in our Qt (we multiarch and the -dev package)?14:59
RiddellScottK: I don't understand that question15:00
ScottKRiddell: It's a carry over from #debian-qt-kde, sorry.15:00
txwikingerhi folks15:05
Riddellguten tag txwikinger 15:06
txwikingerGuten Tag Jonathan15:06
txwikingerwoot.. power outage15:10
shadeslayerwait ... you have power outages? :O15:12
txwikingerNormally not15:13
txwikingerYesterday they had a big power outage just north of here. 4 hours 70% of customers off the grid15:13
txwikingerI guess they still repairing stuff and now ours is flaky too because of that15:14
shadeslayertxwikinger: It's just that, power outages are unheard of in First/Second World Countries15:14
txwikingerNo they are not15:14
txwikingerThey have power outages all the time15:14
shadeslayertxwikinger: this is the first time I've heard about a power outage on this IRC channel in the past 2-3 years :P15:15
txwikingerEsecially in winter when ice and frozen rain cuts power lines15:15
debfxScottK: I don't know if there is a compelling use case for that15:25
rbelemRiddell, startactive uploaded15:35
rbelemRiddell, do you think put startactive as depends of plasma-active is ok?15:39
Riddellrbelem: yes15:44
rbelemRiddell, plasma-mobile uploaded16:07
rbelemRiddell, could you upload kde-active-artwork?16:07
Riddellrbelem: looking16:08
rbelemRiddell, thanks :-)16:08
rbelemRiddell, do you think kde-active-artwork should be a dependency for plasma-active pkg?16:09
rbelemRiddell, without it shows lots of warnings16:10
Riddellrbelem: yes sounds like it should be16:10
=== aleix is now known as apol
rbelemRiddell, could you do that before upload them? :-)16:10
rbelemRiddell, how about the kubuntu-mobile-settings? Should we drop it or update and rename it?16:14
Riddellrbelem: drop it16:17
Riddellreplace with kubuntu-active-default-settings16:17
rbelemRiddell, oki :)16:17
rbelemRiddell, kubuntu-active-default-settings uploaded16:31
* rbelem goes to lunch16:32
rbelemRiddell, are the pkgs ok?17:52
faboRiddell: how can I know which archive have been used to build ubuntu armhf images for beta1 ? or even build logs17:53
yofelfabo: take for example qt: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-x1117:55
yofelclick on the latest upload version17:55
yofelon that page click on the architecture you want17:55
yofeland there you'll find the build log for that arch17:55
faboargh doesn't help -> http://ftpmaster.internal/ubuntu/17:57
faboI try to build my own image and it fails when I use ports.ubuntu.com17:58
yofelthose are just gpg warnings...17:59
fabothe build fails right after that18:02
yofelah, might be because apt exits non-zero on that I think18:02
yofelfabo: if you're looking for the cd image logs, they're here: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/18:02
yofelthat's about what I know about image building18:03
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
schnelleyofel: new kmess is officially released :)21:04
yofelschnelle: what was the issue again?21:04
schnelleyofel: new kmess was tagged in git but we were waiting for official tarball21:05
schnellecurrent kmess version in repositories doesn't work because changed something in their servers21:07
schnellelibmsn was updated but kmess doesn't use libmsn21:07
yofelschnelle: oneiric or precise?21:07
schnelleso we need new kmees for precise21:07
yofelschnelle: is it really broken in precise?21:08
yofelI was just taking another look at the changelog for -2, and it might not be21:09
schnelleyofel: I will test beta 1 later and will test kmess 21:11
schnelleyofel: i assumed if it is broken in oneiric then it is broken in precise too21:11
schnellebecause there weren't official kmess updates on their site till today21:11
yofelwell, I made a mistake last time and didn't properly read the changelog, but this is only in precise:21:12
yofel  * Add follow-location-redirects.diff, this makes KMess usable with the latest21:12
yofel    changes in MSN servers. (Closes: #648080)21:12
schnelleyofel: well than kmess is fixed :) I will test it in precise and report back21:14
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
rbelemRiddell, ping22:21
Riddellhi rbelem, sorry I got distracted then went out22:21
RiddellI'll do the active packages in a bit22:21
rbelemRiddell, thanks :-)22:23
ScottK!ninjas | 4.8.1 tarballs up.22:56
ubottu4.8.1 tarballs up.: Ninja Time! apachelogger, bulldog98, debfx, JontheEchidna, Lex79, maco, neversfelde, nhandler, Quintasan, rgreening, Riddell, ScottK, stalcup, txwikinger, yofel22:56
ScottK~ninjas | 4.8.1 tarballs up.22:56
ScottKOK, got it right the first time.22:56
ScottKShall we use the .xz tarballs?22:57
Riddellrbelem: well I got the ksplash showing with a few tweaks to the packages22:58
Riddellbut it doesn't run plasma-device after that22:58
RiddellI'm afraid I need to go to sleep now22:58
rbelemRiddell, could you upload your changes?22:59
Riddellno I didn't package them but the xsession script isn't in the package23:01
Riddelland /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes/ActiveAir/ needs some files in /usr/share/kde4/apps/ksplash/Themes/ActiveAir/images/23:01
rbelemRiddell, it is on the kubuntu-active-default-settings23:01
rbelemRiddell, i fixed that in the kde-active-artwork that is in the ppa23:02
rbelemRiddell, and i upstreamed the fix23:03
bulldog98ScottK: sounds good23:05
yofelScottK: I'm all for xz as you know23:09
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu: Friendly Computing | 4.8.1 https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging | Precise: Feature Freeze, time to squish beasties | http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-flavor-kubuntu.html TODOs! | http://www.kubuntu.org/news/12.04-lts-announce | Jussi's new baby's name is Elodi! :)
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/meta-kde] Philip Muškovac * 31 * debian/ (changelog rules) Bump for SC 4.8.123:17
bulldog98yofel: no xz tars present in upstream location23:19
yofelbulldog98: it's in xz/ subfolder, so your script doesn't work23:19
bulldog98yofel: ok23:20
yofelI fetched everything with: rsync -avh --progress --delete ftpubuntu@ftpmaster.kde.org:/home/ftpubuntu/stable/4.8.1/src/xz/ 4.8.123:20
yofel(If you have the bandwidth)23:20
bulldog98yofel: I have it by now :)23:20
bulldog98yofel: only command left is the rename command23:21
yofelklinksource works, just tested 23:21
bulldog98yofel: btw what’s our current workflow kgetsource, bzr builddeb -S, pbuilder?23:24
yofelpretty much23:24
Riddellrbelem: I still get stuck at http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/startactive-test.log23:24
rbelemRiddell, but the splash worked with kde-active-artwork ppa pkg?23:25
bulldog98yofel: what to do if symbols mismatch or something else?23:26
bulldog98not that they do in the current build23:26
Riddellrbelem: yes23:27
yofelfor new ones just add them, for missing ones check if they're public and if yes troll upstream and use the debianabimanager to manually bump the SONAME23:27
Riddellrbelem: but plasma-device does not run23:27
rbelemRiddell, try remove the /usr/share/kde4/apps/startactive/modules/setup-contour-intro.module23:28
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/oxygen-icons] Philip Muškovac * 94 * debian/changelog New upstream release23:30
Riddellrbelem: yay it sort of works!23:31
Riddellplasma-desktop gets run as well as plasma-device23:31
rbelemRiddell, try remove the /usr/share/kde4/apps/startactive/modules/desktop.module23:32
rbelemRiddell, try remove the /usr/share/kde4/apps/startactive/modules/plasma-desktop.module23:32
Riddellrbelem: No such file or directory23:32
rbelemRiddell, for both?23:32
Riddell/usr/share/kde4/apps/startactive/modules/plasma-desktop.module: No such file or directory23:32
rbelemRiddell, hum... i think we still need the desktop files that overrides the default for plasma-desktop 23:33
rbelemRiddell, sudo chmod -x /usr/share/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop23:35
rbelemRiddell, just to test :-)23:35
Riddellrbelem: that file isn't +x23:36
Riddell.desktop files aren't executable23:37
rbelemRiddell, oops23:37
bulldog98yofel: how do you do the l10n stuff?23:37
rbelemRiddell, i mean -r23:37
yofelbulldog98: last, using the script from the l10n branch23:37
bulldog98yofel: will it work right now?23:37
yofelno idea, with the xz tars probably not23:38
yofelwe can figure that out once the rest is done23:38
Riddellrbelem: yay, working23:38
Riddellrbelem: but no mouse cursor.  theme missing?23:38
rbelemRiddell, that is expected23:38
rbelemRiddell, because it is meant for tablets23:39
Riddelloh I see :)23:39
CIA-42[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokegen] Philip Muškovac * 24 * debian/changelog New upstream release23:39
rbelemRiddell, but we can disable it23:39
Riddellprobably we should disable it until someone gets a tablet to use :)23:39
rbelemRiddell, oki :-)23:40
bulldog98yofel: we should upload a new version of kubuntu-dev-tools to somewhere23:40
rbelemRiddell, my laptop will shutdown23:41
rbelemRiddell, could you apply these changes?23:41
yofelbulldog98: iirc debfx had something against uploading it to the archive. But I don't remember what the issue was23:41
yofelput it in ninjas if you want23:42
rbelemRiddell, i can update the kubuntu-active-default-settings23:42
CIA-42[lp:kubuntu-dev-tools] Jonathan Kolberg * 148 * debian/changelog Did an update of the changelog23:44
Riddellrbelem: ok so I'll upload these (but not tonight, prob tomorrow evening)23:45
Riddellwe need to work out what is dragging plasma-desktop onto the kubuntu-active CD image23:46
Riddelland we're good to go23:46
RiddellI got my arm board working today too, but only for oneiric not precise yet23:46
yofelbulldog98: please put the changelog contents in the commit message, or describe the change you did - your message doesn't tell much..23:46
bulldog98yofel: only change the version and put my name into the comment line23:47
yofelwell, "bump version for precise" would've told me that23:48
bulldog98yofel: I try to keep that in mind23:48
yofelthanks, takes practice :)23:49
bulldog98yofel: we don’t have something like an l10n script in kubuntu-dev-tools23:50
yofelbulldog98: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging/L10nOperatorGuide23:50
yofelwe do l10n last anyway23:50
yofell10n is tricky23:51
bulldog98I don’t have upload rights either23:51

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