
frankbangmb: good morning, i am going to grab some food, if you have time and will, I've got 2 MPs11:34
gmbfrankban, Sure, I'll take a look (sorry, missed your ping whilst doing the upgrade dance)11:52
gmbfrankban, Both approved. Great work :)12:05
* gmb -> lunch12:05
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
frankbanthanks gmb12:36
gary_posterbenji is still down for the count :-/13:02
gary_posterooh, benji!13:11
gary_posterare you alive?13:11
benjiI'm almost back to normal.13:11
benjiI hate software that I didn't write.13:11
gary_posterbenji frankban gmb call in 113:11
gary_posterfrankban, sorry for short notice but https://talkgadget.google.com/hangouts/extras/canonical.com/goldenhorde13:13
benjiif anyone gets the terminal sharing to work or has problems getting it to work, I'd love to know.13:39
benjigary_poster: one of the changes in the new one is that you can press control-C to break out13:40
gary_posterbenji, oh, reading the messages on the ln/overlayfs bug more closely, it looks like apw says that the workaround kees gave won't work.  Maybe.  Maybe still worth an experiment13:41
gary_posterbenji, ctrl-c: yay! I have some minimal power over my terminal! :-)13:41
benjigary_poster: speaking of, you should get a giant, red, lighted arcade button and wire it up to an arduino which is plugged into your USB port and have it emulate a right click13:43
gary_posterbenji, lol that would be awesome14:02
benjiunity/compiz hates me, I'll be back in a minute14:04
gary_posterbenji, did you see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-March/034880.html14:04
gary_posteroh oops14:04
gary_posterI'll try that again in a second :-)14:05
frankbangary_poster (or anyone else): please take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/python-shell-toolbox/add-extra-repositories/+merge/9556714:08
gary_posteron it14:08
frankbanthank you14:09
gary_posterbenji, did you see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2012-March/034880.html14:11
* benji looks.14:13
benjigary_poster: interesting; I guess lxc is a big enough beast to have pushed them over the edge; does that change anything for us though?  should we switch or forge ahead with a workaround?14:15
gary_posterbenji, I'd say attempt the workaround, and if that fails...have a hangout and talk about it :-)14:16
gary_postermy thinking is that we want the overlayfs bits to work; it might be nice to have another version of lxc-start-ephemeral that is a fork of the current one and that substitutes in aufs but is otherwise identical14:17
gary_posterwe ought to be able to switch back and forth easily14:17
gary_posterand ideally we ought to be able to move overlayfs-version fixes easily over to aufs14:18
gary_posterfrankban, why is this the logic we want?14:25
gary_posterassume_yes = None if distribution == 'lucid' else '-y'14:25
frankbangary_poster: I've seen that apt-add-repository is changed, now it is interactive without the -y flag14:25
gary_posterfrankban, ah! So, in lucid, it is not interactive by default?14:26
frankbangary_poster: it seems so, and the -y arg does not exist14:26
gary_posterfrankban, cool, got it.  I'll suggest in the review that we have a brief explanatory comment.  My only other note that I have is "Please add a description of the kwargs to the run docstring" :-) I'll note these and then approve14:28
frankbangary_poster: cool, thank you14:28
benjifrankban: it looks like I've been bitten by the install_extra_repository-can't-possibly-work bug, what do you suggest?  Is your fix coming soon or should I hack it locally?14:56
frankbanbenji: coming soon14:56
frankbanbenji: I've just requested a new build for python-shell-toolbox15:05
benjifrankban: cool; do you have a link to a place I can look to see when it gets finished?15:05
frankbanbenji: sure, https://code.launchpad.net/~yellow/+recipe/python-shell-toolbox-daily-115:06
gary_posteranybody else having zero luck getting printing to work?  It either doesn't send anything at all or it prints a blank page.  Works fine on OS X side.15:12
benjiI don't print from my laptop.15:22
gary_posterbenji, what do you print from?  I'm about to switch to OS X to get some HR paperwork done. :-/15:38
benjigary_poster: I print so little that I just print to PDF in a directory that is synced to U1 and then I walk to the Windows machine, pull up my U1 web page and print out the PDF15:39
benjiand then I walk to school in the snow15:39
gary_posterI see15:39
gary_posterOK, I'm going to go to OS X.  Back in a few :-)15:40
benjifrankban: I'm confused.  After updating my slave checkout and upgradnig the charm, hooks/install.install_extra_repository still doesn't use --yes; what am I missing?15:59
frankbanbenji: in what distribution are you running install_extra_repository?16:01
benjifrankban: precise16:01
frankbanbenji: I see. I've fixed install_extra_repository in the shell-toolbox, not in the install hook of charms.16:02
frankbanbenji: I am going to replicate my changes in the helpers still present in the install hooks of master and slave, sounds good?16:03
benjifrankban: ah! ok, I'm not familiar with how the shell-toolbox works, is the new install_extra_repository available for import?16:03
benjifrankban: sure, that'll get us moving again; what is the long-term plan to remove the copies?16:04
frankbanbenji: unfortunately to use shell-toolbox we need to install an extra repository.16:05
benjioh, so we have a bootstrapping problem: the function to install an extra repository is in an extra repository16:06
frankbanbenji: The long term plan involves charm-utils (or something like that). But IMHO the long term plan is that juju should support deb dependencies.16:06
benjiok, for the time being I'll hack hooks/install's install_extra_repository16:07
frankbanbenji: working on it, I will duplicate my changes in the charms16:07
gmbExperimenting with debian packaging makes me understand why people still swear by slackware.16:17
benjifrankban: I assume this is something new: setuplxc.py: error: argument directory does not reside under the home directory of the system user.16:27
frankbanbenji: what arguments are used?16:28
benjifrankban: this is examples/lpbuildbot.yaml, so: "-u buildbot -e launchpad-pqm@canonical.com -f 'Launchpad PQM' /var/lib/buildbot"16:28
benjiif we continue to develop these charms for much longer, we're going to need some sort of CI16:30
frankbanbenji: I've found your change here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~yellow/charms/oneiric/buildbot-slave/trunk/revision/18#examples/lpbuildbot.yaml16:31
frankbanthat;s the problem, before was the setuplxc directory was {installdir} (/var/lib/buildbot/slaves/slave)16:32
benjifrankban: hmm, let me see what I can do about that16:32
frankbanbenji: I have 2 MPs for that add-repository problem, would you like to take a look at them?16:44
frankban(same changes for master and slave)16:45
benjifrankban: sure; will after lunch (approx 1 hour from now) be ok?16:46
frankbanbenji: yes, thank you, I will merge them just before my EOD16:46
benjifrankban: branches approved17:28
frankbanthanks benji, merging them now17:28
gary_posteraaaand...we're back17:59
* gary_poster tries again...18:05
gary_posteraaaand...we're back18:05
gary_posterfun fact:18:06
gary_posterwell, ok, fun facts:18:06
gary_poster(1) I now suspect bluetooth as being the source of my hangs.  But maybe that's my imagination18:06
gary_poster(2) My notebook's trackpad supports click and move but not right click18:07
gary_poster(3) My external trackpad supports right click but not click and move18:07
gary_poster(4) I've seen an email from the Ubuntu dev saying that, for 12.04, we can only have one (right click or click and move) at a time.  Whee.18:08
benjiI'm glad that you know the rule of saving the punchline until the end.18:10
gary_posterbenji, how goes your battle?  I can join it in about an hour if it is helpful, or start my own card18:11
benjigary_poster: I'm about to find out if we have any problems left (trying an actual run, now that the slave is happy)18:12
gary_posterbenji, cool.  So, what did you do about xvfb/overlayfs?18:14
benjigary_poster: nothing yet, I've just mannaged to get this far but I plan on trying the Kees workaround18:15
frankbangary_poster: aws expenses filed18:16
gary_posterfrankban, already approved18:17
gary_posterand yay for landing that stuff18:17
gary_posterbenji ack18:17
gary_postergmb, fwiw approved yours too18:17
gary_posterbenji, did not approve your non-existent one ;-)18:18
frankbanthanks gary_poster, have a great weekend everybody18:18
benjigrr, why why is testr not installed on the slave18:18
benjigary_poster: I just submitted my AWS expenses.19:13
gary_posterbenji, I just received it, and approved it :-)19:35
* benji wonders who cakehero is, but welcomes him anyway. :)19:40
cakeheroI'm david19:41
cakeheroDavid Cakehero19:41
cakehero<-- realname David Kullmann19:42
cakeheroI'm good looking, single, I type fast19:42
cakeheroI'm kind of a dick but I'm really just trying to be funny19:42
gary_poster[insert annoyed comment about beta software]19:42
cakeheroSometimes girls get upset with me about it and I say it's funny and they say "no you were being a dick" and I say "whats the difference?"19:42
gary_posterhi cakehero19:42
cakeherohi gary_poster19:42
gary_posterwe're boring.  why are you hanging out with us?  :-) Did somebody already ask you that?19:43
cakeheroAbout what?19:43
cakeheroHe said he didn't know who I was19:44
gary_posterabout why you are hanging out with us19:44
cakeheroso I'm explaining who I am19:44
cakeheroHe said "I wonder who cake hero is"19:44
cakeherotoo bad there's no IRC command to find out whois someone19:44
benji/whois cakehero19:44
benji^^ that works for me :)19:44
cakeheroWhy am I in launchpad yellow19:45
cakeheroWhat happens here19:45
gary_posterbenji, do you want to hang out before my system crashes again?19:45
benjigary_poster: sure19:45
cakeherolean stuff?19:45
cakeheroand kanban boards19:46
cakeheroWhat do you guys do?19:46
benjicakehero: it's as if you can see into our souls19:46
cakeheroI am looking deep into your soul19:46
benjiwe work on launchpad.net19:46
gary_posterwell, we used to ;-)19:46
benjigary_poster: yeah, now's a good time19:46
gary_posterand may yet again!19:46
benjiwe're the "yellow" squad, hence launchpad-yellow19:47
cakeheroWhat do you do now?19:47
gary_posterwe're also easily frightened, hence launchpad-yellow19:47
gary_posterwe are working on a different approach to testing launchpad that involves juju and lxc.  It's fun.19:48
cakeherowhat do you do there?19:50
cakeherodoes everyone in this room work there?19:50
gary_posterwell except for the two robots, and the guy who used to work with us but went on but still likes to say hi19:52
benjigary_poster: you can't see this but you're gone from the hangout22:11

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