
=== jkridner_ is now known as jkridner
axisyshow do I cross compile ? I need a realtek usb ethernet driver for my android tablet04:29
axisysmy laptop is ubuntu 11.10 x86 64bit04:29
twbaxisys: http://wiki.debian.org/QemuUserEmulation04:30
twbStrict that is not cross-compiling, that is using native compilation + a CPU emulator04:31
twbIME it is simple and reliable and it doesn't involve recompiling the compiler itself, so nice and handy until the migration to multiarch is complete and we can simply install everything directly via apt.04:31
axisystwb: so this should let me compile a realtek usb ethernet driver rtl8150.ko for armv7l if I have the source code of realtek driver ?04:33
twbThat all depends04:34
twbOf course, drivers are almost always included with your stock kernel04:34
axisysif I plug that usb ethernet adapter to my ubuntu laptop I get this http://pastebin.com/rcHjQMRE04:35
axisysso I guess linux has the source code for it04:36
twbYes, at least for that specific model and for that kernel04:37
twbIf you are running an older or wackier kernel on your arm you may not have it04:37
axisysLinux localhost #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Oct 19 10:52:26 JST 2011 armv7l GNU/Linux04:37
axisysthats my android tablet toshiba thrive04:37
axisysrunning android 3.2.104:38
twbIt doesn't matter what android is running; it matters what ubuntu will be running on the arm device04:38
axisysi was planning to compile the kernel module and force install04:39
twbI have no idea what android will do in response to that; I don't support android04:42
GrueMasteraceat64: Sorry, I was out with the famn, damily.  How can I help?04:54
axisystwb: found the source code I was looking for04:59
axisystwb: http://pegasus2.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/pegasus2/rtl8150/04:59
axisystwb: now I need to follow your direction to try to cross compile it04:59
micahghas anyone started looking at the ghc failure on armhf, I'm about to kick off a test build for it10:24
janimo`micahg, I can take a look later today or Monday unless someone else has already been on it10:33
janimo`micahg, btw I got chromium to build on armhf, just need to formulate the patch so as it is not messy. gyp/scons only10:34
micahgjanimo`: I kicked off a test build with -mfloat-abi=hard to see if it helps10:34
micahgjanimo`: sounds great, thanks10:34
janimo`micahg, ok. Although I wonder why mfloat-abi=hard is not the default. Should it not be on armhf?10:34
janimo`or is ghc overriding gcc flags when calling it?10:34
micahgooh, unrecognized compile flag, that would explain it :)10:35
micahgjanimo`: did I do it wrong? pastebin.ubuntu.com/864862/10:36
janimo`micahg, well that is a gcc flag, ghc uses different ones.10:37
janimo`but it may have some means to tell it to pass cflags to the gcc step for the generated C code10:37
janimo`micahg, well I'll download ghc and give it a run on the panda, see how it fails :)10:39
micahgjanimo`: there's a build log alreayd10:39
janimo`The logs suggest some objects were built correctly10:39
micahgah, you saw it10:39
janimo`micahg, well see how it fails  + debug :)10:39
janimo`where did the patches for armhf come from? Debian?10:39
micahgjanimo`: probably, laney in #ubuntu-motu can help with pushing fixes back there as well10:40
janimo`micahg, ok. I'll have the ftbfs reproduces on my panda hopefully in 3 hours and then I'll try poking at it10:41
janimo`poor panda, this past week it only had to deal with large package builds - libo, chromium, mongodb now ghc :)10:41
janimo`al with their funky build systems10:41
* Laney phases in11:49
int_uaI have a question about uImage creation with mkimage. How should I select load address and entry point? I've seen 0x80008000 and 0x30008000 in different sources, but they all are hardcoded. Shoudn't it be platform-dependent?11:56
RiddellGrueMaster: local electronics shop does not stock double USB-Y cables12:12
RiddellGrueMaster: would a 5V USB hub do instead?12:12
xranbyRiddell: i use a 5V usb hub and it solved all my panda instability problems12:14
xranbyi have a usb harddrive attached to the hub12:14
Riddellxranby: oh cool, so it can handle a USB keyboard & mouse easily then12:14
Riddellxranby: and DVI monitor ok?12:14
xranbyyes DVI monitor ok here12:15
xranbyi attach keyboard and mouse to the hub as well12:15
xranbyrunning opengl-es tests and some quite heavy builds on it12:16
Riddellxranby: and I need an ethernet cable for networking I expect?12:19
Riddellgroovy thanks12:19
xranbyRiddell: to power the panda itself i use a 5v 4A adaptor12:20
Riddellxranby: oh12:22
Riddellwell that's different then12:22
xranbyso i have two poer adaptors 1 to the usb hub and one to the panda12:22
xranbypower adaptors12:23
Riddelloh well I'll just buy a usb hub and see if it works12:27
xranbyRiddell: i am sure it will it all depends on how good powersupply the hub got12:31
int_uaAnyone familiar with U-Boot and uImage?13:15
rsalvetindec: was dropped from the call, but I think we're done already13:21
ogra_yeap, he thought someone joined :)13:22
ogra_(you beeped when dropping)13:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
GrueMasterRiddell: The problem with using a usb hub to power your panda is going to be the same.  A single usb port will not give you enough power (hence the need for a Y cable).15:52
RiddellGrueMaster: damn, they don't sell Y cables15:54
RiddellGrueMaster: it has a green light turned on, is there a way I can check it works?15:54
GrueMasterNot without at least a serial cable or monitor.  The green light is a power indicator.  Just like any pc, you need some sort of console.15:55
RiddellI have a monitor now15:56
Riddellwill it have enough ampage for a DVI monitor?15:56
GrueMasterHDMI or DVI?15:56
GrueMasterDo you have an HDMI to DVI cable?15:57
GrueMasterOk.  Without a usb-Y cable or 5v power supply, you still won't get far.  The board draws ~1.2 amps on boot, which is more than a single usb cable can provide.15:58
GrueMasterIf you have a cell phone charger with mini usb and >1amp out, that will also work.15:59
RiddellGrueMaster: really I need one of these? http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?WT.z_header=search_go&lang=en&site=us&keywords=993-1019-ND&x=14&y=1716:00
GrueMasterThat would be optimal.16:00
GrueMasterTry checking with someone in the UK office.  They may have one at Millbank.16:01
GrueMasterIf you can't get one before UDS, let me know.  I will bring you one then.16:02
Riddellthat won't help with testing beta 2 :)16:04
rbasakRiddell: you're in the UK? What do you need? Just a panda power supply?16:07
Riddellrbasak: yes16:08
Riddellrbasak: know where I can get such an item?16:08
rbasakRiddell: how soon do you need one? I got mine off eBay, I can find you a link16:09
Riddellrbasak: toot sweet16:09
ogra_Riddell, heard of that thing called ebay ?16:12
ogra_if you order a proper power supply now, you should have it before B216:12
* GrueMaster is also checking amazon.co.uk for Riddell.16:13
ogra_(thats seriously better than poking around half breeded solutions with Y cables and USB hubs)16:13
Riddellogra_: there are 1295 different power supply types, how will I know I'm getting the right one?16:17
Riddellthe electronics shop tried every one in stock and none fitted16:17
Riddellogra_, GrueMaster: I put in an SD card with an image and pressed a button and now I have two green LEDs on, is that a good sign?16:18
ogra_one should start blinking ... but in any case, give up on the USB idea16:18
GrueMasteryes, that means it is booting and resizing.  Not sure how far you will get w/o full power though.16:18
ogra_unless you want to test any headless images16:19
ogra_you will definitely hit stability issues and wont be able to tell if its a SW prob or caused by a bug16:19
ogra_Riddell, http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?KeyWords=993-1019-ND&site=us&lang=en&WT.z_slp_buy=TI_PandaBoard16:20
ogra_thats the recommended power supply16:20
ogra_http://www.applegate.co.uk/listings/stock/rs-components-ltd/power-supply-desk-top/PSAC30U-050-4482.html is  a UK supplier16:21
Riddellso it's RS16:22
RiddellI heard their website is down because of something to do with raspberries16:23
GrueMasterI clicked and it came up.  Try the link.16:23
Riddell£25 for a power supply!16:29
ogra_there is another one16:30
ogra_well, you use a developer board ...16:31
ogra_here is one for under twenty http://www1.conrad-uk.com/scripts/wgate/zcop_uk/~flN0YXRlPTM2MjUyMTE5MDI=?~template=PCAT_AREA_S_BROWSE&glb_user_js=Y&shop=UK&zhmmh_lfo=&zhmmh_area_kz=&product_show_id=512922&gvlon=&p_init_ipc=X&p_page_to_display=fromoutside&~cookies=1&gclid=&cookie_n[1]=uk_insert&cookie_v[1]=89&cookie_d[1]=&cookie_p[1]=%2f&cookie_e[1]=Tue%2c+03-Apr-2012+16%3a30%3a08+GMT&scrwidth=102416:33
Riddellnah I trust RS more16:34
ogra_alternatively just get a universal 5V/3-4A one with plug adapters included16:36
ogra_that should be below 1516:36
Riddellogra_: yeah except the plug adapters don't fit it the ones in my local shop are anything to go by16:38
Riddellanyway ordered that one16:38
RiddellI'll be back with more questions next week :)16:39
Riddellogra, GrueMaster!16:40
ogra_yes ?16:40
RiddellI go back into the other room with the panda board in and it's booted and showing on the monitor!16:40
GrueMasterRiddell: !16:40
ogra_nice ... still, i wouldnt count on stability with that power setup16:40
Riddellyeah, ordered anyway16:42
Riddellogra, GrueMaster: so this thing boots into ubiquity and you have to install it before you can do anything?16:43
ogra_it boots into oem-config16:44
ogra_you need to set up a user, TZ, language, kbd etc16:44
Riddellright, same thing kindae16:44
ogra_not really16:44
ogra_everything is installed16:44
ogra_its just the user cration and initial configuration .... no partitioning, no package installation16:45
Riddellsure I know16:47
Riddellthis thing is a bit slow :)16:47
ogra_the "thing" is fast ... the SD card isnt ;)16:47
ogra_the CPU/RAM isnt slower than an intel ATOM ... but you run off an SD car with max 16-17M/s throughput16:48
Riddelloh really?  would attaching a solid state hard disk by usb be faster?16:49
ogra_that should get you around 24-25M/s16:49
ogra_so yes, its a bit faster ... but its still just USB ...16:49
ogra_the panda sadly doesnt have a real disk controller, thats the limiting factor16:50
rbasakRiddell: sorry, the exact item I got from eBay is no longer available16:52
rbasakRiddell: I can tell you the maplin code for the DC connector if you like16:52
rbasakRiddell: if you fancy hooking one up yourself16:52
Riddellrbasak: I got one from RS16:54
Riddellthanks for looking16:54
Nekowhich mmc host does omap3/4 use?16:55
GrueMasterRiddell: If you plan on doing development work, I suggest getting an external USB drive and an extra SD (an old 128M or greater is sufficient).  Then you can put netboot in the SD and install to the usb directly.  For image testing, a 4G SD is sufficient (class 10 highly recommended).16:56
GrueMasterHaving 1 SD to boot to USB & 1 for image testing is ideal.16:57
NekoI couldn't find any info but I hope omap5 has an sdxc controller16:58
RiddellGrueMaster: so netboot on Sd card then install over ethernet to the USB solid state hard disk?16:59
Nekolike a decent one with ddr support and a bus speed to match so you can get those 45MB/s UHS cards to work16:59
ogra_that gives you a faster system16:59
GrueMasterYes.  You should have sufficiently better bandwidth to ports.ubuntu.com than I do, so it should be fairly quick.16:59
ogra_for testing the kubuntu images you still want to use the 4G SD you have in use now17:00
NekoRiddell, at the point you're using USB you don't really need to be solid state on the hard disk, just get a cheap rotating hard drive17:00
* ogra_ points Neko to #pandaboard with his questions17:00
Nekoyou think they'd know the down dirty details of the omap5 sdxc controller?17:00
Nekoworth a try I guess17:00
ogra_well, there are many TI employees that work on designing the board17:01
ogra_not sure they will disclose any such info before the board is out though17:01
GrueMasterIs omap5 even out yet?17:01
Nekono but it should be RTM by now according to their schedule, and in devices by the end of the year17:02
Nekosame as we've got MX6 months ago, someone has to have an OMAP5 on their desk17:02
Nekoit doesn't matter so much as it definitely has SATA anyway, but... you know :D17:03
=== arun__ is now known as arun_
RiddellI think my pandaboard only boots up with no mouse/keyboard plugged in17:06
Riddellthat explains why it didn't boot when I was watching it17:06
ogra_yeah, mouse and kbd likey draw more power ...17:07
GrueMasterRiddell: Exactly.  not enough power.17:07
ogra_and you are on the edge17:07
=== amitk is now known as amitk-afk
smplmandoes anyone know if 1ghz is supported in the kernel yet on a beaglebaord xm?17:38
rcn-eenot in mainline, still quite a few patches needed to make it stable. Not even sure who at TI is even tasked for the smartreflex 1.5 stuff..17:41
shra1i am trying ubuntu on pandaboard and the screen blanks after 10 mins? how to disable screen blank18:38
shra1however if i connect to that pandaboard thru ssh once, then the screen does not blank18:39
GrueMasterI believe there is an xset setting for that.  It should be the same as on any desktop/server in x86.  Try googling for the setting (I don't know off the top of my head).19:08
=== dduffey_afk is now known as dduffey

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