
cjohnstonso if your app is "accomp" the templates would go in /accomp/templates/accomp/00:00
cjohnstonjono: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/schedule/templates/schedule/create_private.html   <--- the url shows the path for summit00:00
jonocjohnston, right, so I have everything nearly sorted, I am just not seeing the Ubuntu CSS00:01
jonoand I use {% extends "ubuntu_website_base.html" %}00:01
jonoshould I specify the file location of that file?00:01
cjohnstonjono: did you setup the urls?00:01
jonocjohnston, I did for my page00:02
mhall119jono: you shouldn't need to change anything in ubuntu_website00:02
jonourl(r'^editor/$', 'editor.views.index'),00:02
jonot = loader.get_template('editor/index.html')00:02
jono    c = Context({00:02
jono        'latest_accom_list': latest_accom_list,00:02
jono    })00:02
jono    return HttpResponse(t.render(c))00:02
cjohnstonjono: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/urls.py#L9100:02
jonocjohnston, I think my url is fine, it works00:03
jonothe problem I am having is showing the Ubuntu theme00:03
cjohnstonright... if you look at the very last entery in urls.py, it is what directs to the css00:03
mhall119jono: you  don't need to mess with loading the template yourself00:04
jonocjohnston, aha00:04
jonomhall119, I was just following the tutorial00:04
mhall119jono: it's easier to use https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/shortcuts/#render-to-response00:04
mhall119that'll handle finding and loading the template for you00:04
jonomhall119, hmmm I am not 100% sure what you mean00:05
mhall119in your view, you can return render_to_response('yourapp/index.html', {'latest_accom_list': latest_accom_list}, RequestContext(request))00:06
mhall119and not do any loader.get_template junk00:06
jonook so I am using that now00:10
jonobut I still don't see the CSS, so it looks like I need to update the urls, right?00:10
mhall119which css?00:10
mhall119from ubuntu_website, or your own ?00:10
jonomhall119, ubuntu00:11
jonomhall119, so I am not seeing the ubuntu css design00:11
jonoI have my template loading fine, just no Ubuntu branding00:12
cjohnston(r'^ubuntu-website/media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': ubuntu_website.MEDIA_ROOT}),00:12
mhall119oh right, you need that ^^00:13
mhall119when running from ./manage.py runserver, you have to tell Django to serve the media files00:13
mhall119in production, you typically have Apache serving them directly, bypassing django00:14
jonomhall119, hmm still not running00:14
cjohnstonjono: your still missing some: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~summit-hackers/summit/trunk/view/head:/summit/urls.py#L9100:15
cjohnstoni think...00:17
jonostill no luck00:17
mhall119jono: pastebin your index.html template00:17
jonomhall119, sure00:18
jonomhall119, to test I just pasted the template you mailed me00:18
mhall119the base.html?00:18
jonothat needs to be base.html ?00:19
cjohnstonjono: yes00:19
cjohnstonbase.html provides the "base" layout for the entire site00:19
cjohnstonindex.html, and all other pages will extend base.html00:19
mhall119yeah, base.html will provide the menus and footer for your whole site00:20
cjohnstonthat way you arent putting the whole header and the whole footer etc in each template page00:20
mhall119then index.html will extend that, and just define the content block00:20
mhall119ubuntu_website_base.html->base.html->index.html is how it will inherit00:20
jono{% extends "base.html" %}00:21
jono{% block content %}00:21
jono{% endblock %}00:21
jonofor index.html?00:21
jonook, I added that00:22
dedicated1_jono are you from the ubuntu loco stream or another jono? :)00:22
mhall119ok, where did you put base.html?00:22
jonoCaught TemplateDoesNotExist while rendering: base.html00:22
cjohnstondedicated1_: jono is the jono00:22
jonomhall119, in the same dir as index00:22
dedicated1_haha roger00:22
jonodedicated1_, I am from the loco stream00:22
mhall119jono: and where is index?00:22
jonomhall119, in templates/editor in my project00:22
mhall119in the project or the app?00:22
dedicated1_jono calling me: dead cat or something on his stream xD d3d1cat3d was the name there lmao00:23
mhall119Django will lookup template as <project_root>/<app>/templates/<template_name>00:23
jonojono@forge2:~/source/accomplishmentseditor$ ls00:23
jonoeditor       __init__.pyc  settings.py   settings.pyc  ubuntu_website  urls.py~00:23
jono__init__.py  manage.py     settings.py~  templates     urls.py         urls.pyc00:23
mhall119so put it in ~/source/accomplishmentseditor/editor/template/base.html00:23
cjohnstonhehe.. jonoforge00:24
cjohnstonlike sourceforge on metal00:24
mhall119dead cat, lol00:25
jonodedicated1_, :-)00:25
jonomhall119, ok I moved it, and I see the template, but no CSS00:25
mhall119he must have that dead mouse dj on the brain00:25
jonobtw, is this right: return render_to_response('index.html', {'latest_accom_list': latest_accom_list})00:25
mhall119you need a 3rd parameter00:26
mhall119remember the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS variable we had to setup earlier?  RequestContext is what uses that to fill in site-wide variable in your templates00:26
jonoas in: return render_to_response('index.html', {'latest_accom_list': latest_accom_list}, RequestContext(request))00:26
jonoglobal name 'RequestContext' is not defined00:27
dedicated1_damn with all this work going on I feel like disturbing you guys while at work lol00:27
jonodo I need to import something?00:27
jonodedicated1_, well, we are at work :-)00:27
mhall119from django.template import RequestContext00:27
jonowell, mhall119 isnt, he finished earlier00:27
cjohnstonjono: im trying to get him to do code reviews for me since he is off now.. he refuses :-(00:27
dedicated1_but why in a public channel if it's work? xD00:27
mhall119for some definition of "finished" that still has me here doing quasi-work related stuff00:27
jonodedicated1_, because Ubuntu is a public project00:28
jonowe do most things out in the open00:28
jonomhall119, :-)00:28
dedicated1_jono: ahh alrighty00:28
jonothanks cjohnston, mhall119 I think I am good to go now and keep going00:28
mhall119jono: good luck00:28
cjohnstoncss working?00:28
jonoit looks like some of the CSS is broken00:28
jonolike the buttons and the links00:29
mhall119jono: if you get stuck, #django is a helpful place00:29
jonothanks mhall11900:29
mhall119hey cjohnston, do you guys still have seaworld passes?00:29
dedicated1_jono: I'll soon be orginasing a jam because of your live stream, but first I need to find something I can contribute on myself and also see if I know how to do it aswell ;)00:29
mhall119Michelle just got some for us00:29
cjohnstonwe are going saturday00:30
mhall119dedicated1_: organise the jam first, figure out what to to later (or never, socializing is okay too)00:30
jonodedicated1_, cool!00:30
mhall119cjohnston: they're over there right now00:30
mhall119which is why I don't feel bad for continuing to work00:30
cjohnstonthey should stop by and say hi00:30
dedicated1_haha fun is cool but at least I'd like something to learn then ^^00:30
cjohnstonmhall119: then in that case.. summit reviews00:31
mhall119dedicated1_: if nothing else, put 12.04 on a USB thumbdrive, boot people's laptops with it and run the test suite00:31
cjohnstonpractice making ubuntinis00:31
mhall119cjohnston: dammit, I shouldn't have said anything00:31
dedicated1_ubuntinis? god there's some weird terms in here lol00:31
mhall119ubutuni == Ubuntu Martinis00:32
dedicated1_who would have ever guessed that haha00:32
dedicated1_god that looks delicious00:33
dedicated1_great pic00:33
mhall119then there's whatever it was they served in Budapest00:33
mhall119that was an unnatural orange for a beverage00:34
dedicated1_btw, if I'd install a 12.04 version (aplha beta?) will it auto update to the stable version when it's released?00:35
greg-gdedicated1_: yep00:35
cjohnstonyou have to do it, but yes00:35
cjohnstonyou can upgrade a few times a day normlall00:36
dedicated1_I can upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 beta too?00:36
dedicated1_through the updates00:36
cjohnstonyes.. you can00:37
dedicated1_cool :)00:37
mhall119update-manager -d00:37
bkerensaso no sushi for lunch... I had Popeyes Chicken00:37
mhall119will tell it to look for the development release00:37
mhall119bkerensa: close enough00:37
bkerensabut Im gonna go have dinner with my friend from yahoo and have sushi now :D00:37
bkerensathen maybe find a place to do some boozing00:37
mhall119it'll be pizza00:37
dedicated1_I already had sushi earlier today ^^00:38
dedicated1_on nom00:38
* mhall119 hasn't had sushi in years00:39
* cjohnston wants sushi00:40
bkerensamhall119: Do you come to PDX at all? If you come up we can do a Ubuntu Hour and Sushi and Booze afterwards00:40
bkerensamy favorite place to booze: http://groundkontrol.com/00:40
mhall119bkerensa: it's a bit of a drive for me00:41
mhall1193,044 miles, according to Google00:42
mhall119Google says I can do it in 2 days, I think it lies00:43
dedicated1_dunno how far for me, I'd have to cross half the world to get there xD00:44
bkerensamhall119: Expense a flight00:46
mhall119bkerensa: easier said than done00:47
mhall119bkerensa: but if you come down to Oakland in May, we can definitely find some sushi and booze00:47
bkerensamhall119: jono holds community leadership summit in June and you could expense it as community management training :P00:47
bkerensamhall119: I think I applied for that :P00:47
bkerensaso we shall see00:47
mhall119bkerensa: still easier said than done00:48
bkerensaBerkeley has pretty good Sushi :P not sure about Oakland :)00:48
mhall119When I think of sushi,  I automatically think of Oakland00:48
jonoOakland has awesome sushi00:49
dedicated1_tried to make a launchpad account and after I gave my confirmation code and clicked log me in I got: An attribute required for logging in was not returned (nickname).00:49
jonoso I am told00:49
jonoI hate sushi, personally00:49
dedicated1_anyone had this before aswell?00:49
bkerensajono: What!00:49
* pleia2 invites everyone over the bridge00:49
cjohnstondedicated1_: when you go to login, you have to check the box next to nickname00:49
pleia2yummy sushi :)00:49
bkerensajono: What is your favorite american dish then?00:49
mhall119dedicated1_: there's a process that syncs Launchpad username to Ubuntu SSO, it may take a bit for that magic to happen00:49
jonobkerensa, I am a big BBQ fan00:49
cjohnstonbbq ftw00:50
mhall119jono: next tie you're in Orlando, you can try some of mine00:50
bkerensajono: Famous Daves BBQ when you come up for CLS then?00:50
cprofittJono you have to come visit me at some point then00:50
cprofittcan take you to Dinasaur BBQ00:50
cjohnstonmhall119 makes some perdy good bbq00:50
dedicated1_it only has the boxes: full name and email which I unticked00:50
cjohnstondedicated1_: no unticking00:50
pleia2yes! dinosaur bbq!00:50
bkerensaMy BBQ skills are mediocre at best...00:50
mhall119jono: if I remember, I'll bring you a jar of my dry rub in May00:50
pleia2best eaten at the New York State Fair :)00:50
jonomhall119, thanks!00:51
jonocprofitt, :-)00:51
dedicated1_cjonston: how come? I never share my name xD00:51
cjohnstondedicated1_: then put a fake name00:51
cprofittpleia2: its darn good at their original location too -- in Syracuse with a few of the wives still waitressing00:51
mhall119dedicated1_: summit needs your username00:51
dedicated1_kk I'll tick it00:51
pleia2cprofitt: haha, nice00:51
cprofittthey tell you to go get <censored> when you ask for stuff00:51
cprofittits a very unique ambiance00:51
pleia2ah, new york :)00:52
dedicated1_mhall119: it askes for my full real name, not my nickname00:52
mhall119oh, we don't need that for summit00:52
mhall119just the nickname00:52
mhall119which is the error you got00:52
jonocjohnston, mhall119 so I am now at a point where I am ready to create my form where the accom can be edited00:52
cprofittits the fact that they are bikers I think...00:52
jonois there a way to just display the admin form?00:52
jonoor do I need to manually construct the form?00:52
mhall119the ModelAdmin you made is really just for the /admin/ site00:52
dedicated1_but the uption to tick "username" isn't there for me00:52
cjohnstonjono: its just as easy00:53
mhall119fortunately, there is a ModelForm that will build a form from your model00:53
jonooh cool00:53
cprofittjono: http://www.foodnetwork.com/the-best-thing-i-ever-ate/bar-b-que/index.html00:53
cprofittthey are event listed on Foodnetwork00:53
jonocprofitt, cool!00:54
ChrisGagnonmhall119 bkerensa I got my event listed on http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/1443/detail/ today.  Thanks for your help last night!00:54
cprofittin 2009 Good Morning America named it the best BBQ in the country00:54
mhall119jono: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/topics/forms/modelforms/00:54
mhall119ChrisGagnon: great to hear!00:55
jonomhall119, just readind this now :-)00:55
dedicated1_lol I ticked everything and am still getting the same error00:55
cjohnstondedicated1_: what is your nickname00:55
dedicated1_lol weird got it working00:55
dedicated1_I clicked on send report00:55
dedicated1_it send log in00:56
dedicated1_then it worked00:56
mhall119dedicated1_: like I said, it probably was waiting for your new launchpad username to get sync'd with Ubuntu SSO00:57
jonomhall119, so do I create the ModelForm in the view and then pass it to the template?00:58
mhall119jono: you create a new form class that inherits from ModelForm00:59
mhall119then you create an instance of that in your view, and pass it to the template00:59
jonomhall119, ahh I see00:59
mhall119so, you make class AccomplishmentForm(ModelForm):00:59
jonomhall119, so do I create the new form class in another python file?00:59
mhall119you can, or just before your view function in views.py01:00
mhall119it's convention to use a forms.py though01:00
dedicated1_wait I create a launchpad account to add an event I want to organise and it says I am not part of a team xD where do I add a local event? srry for all the trouble lol01:00
mhall119dedicated1_: you have to join a loco team on Launchpad01:01
mhall119then the next time you log in to loco.ubuntu.com, it will know you're a member of that team, and let you register events for that team01:02
dedicated1_would be cool if there's any Dutch people near me in my team01:08
cprofittdedicated1_: there likely are people near you01:08
dedicated1_good to hear01:08
dedicated1_netherland is small anyway so that helps01:08
jonomhall119, cjohnston in terms of pre-populating a form with data from a record, should I just pass it the instance and it should automatically pre-populate?01:44
cjohnstonI believe so01:45
cjohnstonwe normally do two different forms, and create and an edit01:45
cjohnstonbut yes, the edit when you pass the info will prepopulate01:45
mhall119jono: yes, if you pass instance= to your form, it'll bind itself to that instance01:45
jonocjohnston, so I don't need to do anything in the view or template, it should automatically pre-populate?01:46
mhall119an calling form.save() will also call instance.save()01:46
jonoI doing this:01:46
jonodef detail(request, accom_id):01:46
jono    a = Accomplishment.objects.get(id=accom_id)01:46
jono    f = AccomplishmentForm(request.POST, instance=a)01:46
jono    return render_to_response('detail.html', {'AccomplishmentForm': f}, RequestContext(request))01:46
cjohnstonin the view you need to pass the instance01:46
mhall119jono: exactly01:46
jonomhall119, unfortunatly it doesnt seem to render the forum01:47
jonosorry, pre-populate01:47
jonoit renders the form, but doesn't pre-populate01:47
jonooh hang on01:47
jonoI think I am being an idiot01:47
mhall119I'll excuse it01:48
jonooh no01:48
jonoit should work01:48
jonobut it isnt01:48
mhall119pastebin your detail.html01:48
jonomhall119, ^01:52
mhall119jono: looking, but it seems okay...01:52
jonomhall119, ahh01:52
mhall119jono: try not passing request.POST to your form01:53
jonomhall119, that looks like it fixed it01:53
mhall119you'll need an if request.method == 'POST': eventually, to handle POST requests01:53
mhall119let me find you an example01:54
jonoit seems to have not selected the default values for the drop down boxes01:54
mhall119http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ltp-devs/loco-team-portal/0.2/view/head:/loco_directory/events/views.py#L269 shows you how we check if it's a POST, and handle the form differently01:56
mhall119jono: does your 'a' variable have a value for that drop-down field?01:57
jonooh it looks like it is working01:58
jonothanks mhall11901:58
jononow I just need to figure out how to submit the form01:58
jonoand then I am on my way :-)01:58
cjohnstonjono: when are we gonna see this magical site? tonight?01:59
mhall119jono: look over the link I posted above for LTP events01:59
jonomhall119, one quick q - in terms of doing the bulk of the processing, should this all happen in views?01:59
jonocjohnston, hah, unlikely01:59
jonocjohnston, I learned django for the first time today01:59
jonoso I am pleased how far I have got :-)01:59
cjohnstoni know01:59
cjohnstonim impressed01:59
cjohnstonbut you know python already, so that helps alot02:00
mhall119jono: jcastro says he has a juju charm for Django apps, make him deploy it02:00
* mhall119 is off to pickup chinese-takeout for dinner02:00
jonomhall119, indeed02:00
jonocjohnston, I am also a bit of a python n00b02:01
jonois __init__.py the place to put things for when I start the app?02:03
jonocjohnston, do you know if it is possible to add extra form elements on the fly, like how you can in the admin interface?02:11
jonoe.g. if someone wants to add another step in the accomplishment so it adds another text box02:12
mhall119jono: you'll need inline formsets, which gets into some of the hairier side of django02:18
jonomhall119, interesting02:18
cprofittyou guys are working late... must be crunch time heh?02:22
jonocprofitt, just enjoying some hacking :-)02:27
mhall119cprofitt: raking in that over-time pay02:29
cjohnstonI want OT pay02:32
jcastrocjohnston: NINJA.02:46
jcastrocjohnston: you have a webcam at home or a tablet so I can G+ to the jam at least?02:46
jcastrowe almost got it with mhall on G+ with us in budapest, but for some reason on my tablet G+ing a person mutes the audio.02:47
cjohnstonjcastro: hrmm.... i may be able to move a desktop with a webcam out there02:48
cjohnstonI'll try to make it happen..02:49
jcastrocjohnston: oooh, if you had a projector I could oversee you all like minions03:06
cjohnstonjcastro: i could hook it to the tv03:09
cjohnstonhave a 55" jcastro03:10
jcastrocprofitt: if it makes you feel better, I'm watching TV03:44
cprofittjcastro: yeah.... that helps03:45
cprofittnight all... gonna head off to sleep03:45
cjohnstong'nite cp03:46
pleia2what, it's not awaking time yet07:20
* pleia2 hugs czajkowski 07:20
czajkowskipleia2: morning07:20
czajkowskiwhy are you up so late missy07:20
pleia2it's only 11:20 :)07:21
* czajkowski has physio this morning 07:21
czajkowskithen the mothership invades for the weekend07:21
pleia2I am complaining about the cold winter with my fellow californians, it's funny07:21
pleia2ah, busy day then!07:21
czajkowskiit's rather mild over here which is nice07:21
czajkowskipleia2: yeah an hr of torture awaits me07:21
pleia2it's about 4C here now, cold ;)07:21
* czajkowski hugs pleia2 for using C 07:22
pleia2been getting this low at night for a month!07:22
czajkowskicannot believe I've almost 3 weeks done at the new job07:23
czajkowskithat flew07:23
czajkowskiright off for torture time07:24
pleia2good luck07:24
head_victimIt's a cool 27C here :)07:28
pleia218C is good, it's usually that here07:28
pleia227 too hot, 4 too cold :)07:29
head_victimA constant 18 would be perfect actually07:29
pleia2it is mostly paradise here07:29
head_victimOur humidity is the killer here though, not the actual temperature.07:30
pleia2head_victim: coming to UDS? :)07:30
head_victimpleia2: nah, can't afford the trip or the time off work :/07:30
* pleia2 nods07:30
pleia2time off work is always really tricky07:30
head_victimI really do want to make one though so when I have a bit more time at work I might apply for sponsorship07:30
head_victim(I work in a non IT field, Linux is a hobby not a job)07:31
pleia2ah, gotcha07:31
head_victimHence why I'm useless with anything technical I've never had to do previously. I only learn stuff as I need it really.07:31
pleia2I can usually justify UDS attendance to my boss, IT is my field, but my sysadmin work in debian doesn't actually have much to do with Ubuntu07:31
head_victimThe airfare alone from down here would kill me.07:32
pleia2so I have to sell it as being on the cutting edge of the blah blah blah of Ubuntu's awesomeness07:32
pleia2yeah, it can be expensive07:32
pleia2this is the first one I'm attending without sponsorship, and that's because it costs me $8 round trip to get to the venue (train)07:33
pleia2and about 20 minutes07:33
head_victimHah nice. Well if they ever have one in my home town I'll call in sick if I had to ;)07:33
head_victimI currently have over 500 hours of sick leave and annual leave owing but if I take it, no one does my job when I'm away.07:34
pleia2yeah, I know how that is07:35
pleia2I'm the main sysadmin where I work, my boss saves up customer requests while I'm gone (he does systems work too, but mostly he's running the business)07:35
jonomorning dholbach07:46
jononight dholbach07:46
head_victimpleia2: at least you know your job is safe ;)07:46
dholbachhey jono07:46
pleia2head_victim: haha, indeed :)07:46
dholbachgood morning07:46
pleia2hi dholbach07:47
dholbachhey pleia207:47
dholbachit's not only beginning of UGJ and Fix-It Friday, but also ARM Porting Jam: http://rsalveti.wordpress.com/2012/03/02/arm-porting-jam-this-friday/ :)07:47
bkerensadholbach: Too much jam in the fridge.... Which one to spread07:50
locodir-usercan anybody tell me what is new in 12.04v?08:03
bkerensalocodir-user: More info is available on omgubuntu.co.uk under the Beta 1 article08:03
locodir-userk.... i'll check on it...08:06
locodir-usermy query ...... why ubuntu is free???08:07
dpmgood morning all08:18
dholbachyo dpm08:20
dholbachdpm, can we update the packaging guide? :)08:20
dpmdholbach, hey Alter. Sure, I can do it manually straight away. Did it not get updated yesterday?08:20
dpmdone, does it look ok now?08:22
dholbachdpm, weird it should be r7808:24
dpmdholbach, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/864738/08:25
dpmso it seems it's fetched the right one08:26
dpmat least08:26
dholbachbut it seems to mess up the rest of the script :)08:27
dholbachdpm, did you set OUTPUT_DIR?08:29
dpmdholbach, ah, that was it, let me re-run...08:29
dpmdholbach, ok, updated with the right version now08:31
dpmenjoy :)08:31
dholbachgreat, thanks08:31
dholbachnow the permanent '¶' are gone08:31
dholbachit's a bit less painful on the eyes now08:31
dpmdholbach, do you happen to know if with bzr you can branch just selected directories instead of the whole tree?08:55
dholbachno, I'm not aware of such an option08:57
dpmok, thanks09:06
czajkowskitorture over09:07
dpmczajkowski, being tortured, or torturing someone else? ;)09:14
czajkowskidpm: being :) just had physio on my back09:17
czajkowski3 weeks of 2 1 hr sessions a week09:18
dpmdo they help?09:18
czajkowskiyup a lot, just trying to get extra movement in my back post op09:19
czajkowskibut it does help just hurts :)09:19
czajkowskidpm: did the mail re translations mailing lists make sense09:19
dpmczajkowski, it did, I just have to find the time to go over it, but I would think many of them can be deleted. Before doing that, though I'd recommend sending an e-mail to the team's owner.09:20
czajkowskidpm: aye was going to do tat also09:23
czajkowskibut just wondered was there a central mailing list for translations?09:23
dpmczajkowski, yeah, it's ubuntu-translators@ lists ubuntu com - ok, so let's unblock that now. Give me two mins to go through the list first...09:24
dpmczajkowski, ok, replied09:31
czajkowskinp thanks09:31
dpmjussi, who can I ping to install bugbot on #ubuntu-translators? I already asked on #ubuntu-ops a few days ago, but received no reply10:32
czajkowskidpm: poke AlanBell10:51
dpmAlanBell, :-) ^^10:55
AlanBelloh pokeage11:08
dpmthanks :)11:13
dpmhi s-fox11:13
s-foxHello dpm , how are you doing?11:14
dpmfine, just finishing a few things before going for lunch. I have to celebrate that it's Friday, so I'll have to go out somewhere nice for lunch :)11:15
ScG^Dedicatedgood morning11:51
s-foxo/ ScG^Dedicated :)11:52
ScG^Dedicatedgot a rejection after applying to team-nederland last night :\11:52
czajkowskiScG^Dedicated: eh?11:53
ScG^DedicatedThe status of your membership in the team Ubuntu Nederland (ubuntu-nl)11:53
ScG^Dedicatedwas changed by leoquant (leoquant) from Proposed to Declined.11:53
czajkowskiScG^Dedicated: any reason as to why ?11:54
czajkowskido you have to apply for membership for the loco ?11:54
ScG^Dedicatedno reason in the email11:54
czajkowskisense_: ping11:54
ScG^Dedicatedlooks like an auto email11:54
sense_czajkowski: pong11:54
czajkowskisense_: does the nl team moderate who can join the loco ?11:54
sense_ScG^Dedicated, czajkowski: We do not have membership, the ubuntu-nl team is used to show which teams are semi-officially recognized. If you want to show your membership of the community, you can join the LP team at <https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-nl-community>.11:56
sense_The warning should be clear: "***** DIT TEAM KENT GEEN INDIVIDUEEL LIDMAATSCHAP *****"11:56
czajkowskisense_: what do you mean semin offical recconfised?11:56
ScG^Dedicatedwel it's confusing what the individual means in this case really11:57
sense_czajkowski: Practical recognition, in order to be able to work flexible, there are no official sub groups. If people want to start a group, they can just start. If they need to permission thing from LP, they can join the LP team.11:57
czajkowskisense_: thats not really how locoteams work11:59
czajkowskithey all have a team on lp11:59
czajkowskiand people join that11:59
sense_czajkowski: We have a subteam for people to join.11:59
ScG^Dedicatedreally I am already damn confused xD11:59
czajkowskiwhy the need for a sub team ? is what I'm trying to figure out12:00
sense_We want to contain the open joining, though, that's why we're using a subteam.12:00
czajkowskiScG^Dedicated: you're not the only one12:00
czajkowskiScG^Dedicated: why do you need to contain who can join12:00
sense_Because we don't want any team to join so it can pretend it belongs to us.12:00
czajkowskisense_: there is still no need for a sub team, really.12:01
czajkowskiyou just moderaate the people joining12:01
czajkowskibut ScG^Dedicated got rejected from joingin which seems very oposite of being open and about ubuntu locoteams tbh12:02
ScG^Dedicatedokay ubuntu nederland is listed as an approved team, so I thought i'd be okay to join O_o12:03
sense_czajkowski: His application was rejected because he was trying to join to wrong team. The rejection notice probably should have explained that, I'll mention that to leoquant, but the way we currently work it was simply the wrong team. We have a subteam for joining.12:03
sense_ScG^Dedicated: We're not approved for a few months now.12:03
ScG^Dedicatedohh well it's says on the site you do :P12:03
czajkowskisense_: they were reapproved recently12:04
ScG^Dedicatedi gues the difference is team: ubuntu nederland and ubuntu nederland community?12:04
sense_ScG^Dedicated: 'ubuntu-nl' is just an umbrella LP team, 'ubuntu-nl-community' is the LP team for everyone.12:05
=== danilo_ is now known as danilos
ScG^Dedicatedroger then I'll join that now thnx12:05
czajkowskisense_: th it still doesnt make much sense12:06
czajkowskiwil mention it to the LC12:06
ScG^Dedicatedjoin teams should link to the community teams I'd think12:07
ScG^Dedicatednot the not joinable teams :P12:07
sense_ScG^Dedicated: I agree we should make it clearer.12:07
ScG^Dedicatedgood to hear that :)12:08
sense_I'll mention it on the council meeting 10 March.12:09
ScG^Dedicatedcool, I hope it helps for the future people willing to join12:10
sense_I hope so, we do want to encourage people!12:11
ScG^Dedicatedwell you surely got my attention. from facebook to jono to the loco teams :) worked like a charm12:12
dholbachmhall119, should https://code.launchpad.net/~taltos/ubuntu/precise/scribes/add_quicklist/+merge/95289 be rejected too?12:39
dholbachand https://code.launchpad.net/~arthur-talpaert/ubuntu/precise/supertuxkart/add_quicklist/+merge/9496112:39
dakerdpm, do you know why d.u.c is loading two versions of jQuery ?12:42
cprofittballoons: ping12:58
cprofittgot a dependency error when I tried to install checkbox-app-testing last night12:59
mhall119dholbach: is scribes in main or universe?13:05
dholbachdaniel@daydream:~$ apt-cache show scribes | grep ^Fil13:05
dholbachFilename: pool/universe/s/scribes/scribes_0.4~r910-0ubuntu2_all.deb13:05
dholbachuniverse :)13:05
mhall119dholbach: then yes, but let me comment on it first13:05
dholbachsure sure13:06
dholbachcan you ask in #ubuntu-devel to get the two rejected then?13:06
dholbachsomebody like pitti should be able to do it13:06
dholbachI'm out taking the dog for a walk13:06
mhall119dholbach: sure13:06
dholbachballoons, it seems like your ppa build succeeded finally - can I remove the packages on people.c.c now?13:09
mhall119dpm: I updated your spreadsheet last night13:25
mhall119in the notes of the sound menu and message menu13:26
nigelboh wow, irssi teaches me lots of things. TIL /sb end. Scrollback down to the end in case you scrolled up too much.13:28
mhall119nigelb: it taught me that I never have to /part a channel or /close a PM, just add more!13:36
mhall119I installed advanced window list when I hit 30 windows, now I'm in the 90's13:37
nigelbmhall119: I also learned this one -> /foreach query /unquery13:37
nigelbCloses all PM windows.13:37
nigelbIf you want to do that at some point ;)13:37
dpmmhall119, cool, I'll be moving more stuff to d.u.c today13:40
mhall119dpm: grand!13:41
mhall119^^ was for czajkowski13:41
mhall119because I had alreasy types 'awe' before I caught myself13:41
nigelbmhall119: "splendid"13:42
snap-lUbuntu-haters theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbMXPsmyAiI13:52
czajkowskinigelb: eh ?14:40
czajkowskimhall119: eh ??14:40
nigelbczajkowski: "awesome"...14:42
czajkowski /ignore :)14:42
cprofittnigelb: use a new word or two... like "totally rad"14:42
cprofittyou can take us back to the 1980s14:42
cprofittawesome takes us too far back... no need to go back to 159814:44
s-foxrad... my house has a few of them.. ;)14:48
IAmNotThatGuyrat* ? ;P and hello team14:51
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
s-foxnigelb,  Rad is a slang term for a radiator14:58
mhall119czajkowski: I *did* use a new word15:28
czajkowskiwell done15:31
czajkowskithat is very good15:31
technovikingcrap I can use alt key window change in weechat anymore in Unity15:36
mhall119technoviking: alt+left/right?15:38
jonomorning all!15:53
dholbachoi jono15:53
s-foxo/ jono15:53
technovikingmhall119: YUP15:56
jonoczajkowski, CDCD?15:56
s-foxtechnoviking,  Ping15:57
technovikingworked a couple of days ago, but I'm in Unity testing15:57
technovikings-fox: pong15:57
s-foxtechnoviking,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193411015:57
jonodpm, dholbach, jcastro, balloons, mhall119 demo day in 3mins15:57
s-foxSearch playing up on the forum, might be related to the upgrade15:57
dpmjono, ok15:57
s-foxOnly seems to play up for non-staff technoviking15:57
dholbachjono, yep15:57
czajkowskijono: I cant ctrl alt left/rigt to work spaces and forgot keys wouold type here15:58
jonogot my first ever Ubuntu Accomplishments merge proposal :-)15:58
jonoczajkowski, yeah they are switching that back15:58
mhall119jono: cjohnston's wireless is questionable, but we'll try to hangout15:59
technovikings-fox: will look into it15:59
jonomhall119, np15:59
s-foxThanks technoviking15:59
mhall119we'll see how well it handles 3 hangout sessions15:59
czajkowskijono: I hope so use that daily been annoying having to press it on the launch bar to go to the desktop I'm working on16:00
czajkowskiand people are seeing a lot of CDCD :)16:00
jonodpm, dholbach, jcastro, balloons, mhall119 invite sent16:01
technovikingthink php.ini on the forums server need to be editted ping IS16:04
technovikingthere is max_execution_time = line should be increased16:04
s-foxThat would be my guess too technoviking16:06
cjohnstonjcastro: your loud16:12
jcastrocjohnston: https://gist.github.com/16:36
jcastrodholbach: can you paste in a link to that board?16:41
mhall119http://ubuntuone.com/15nClPfOMixOzysVmPzAsb yummy16:43
jcastrospeaking of trello mhall119 can you update your cards?16:45
jcastroURL is in /topic16:45
jcastroyou have some hanging around16:45
czajkowskijcastro: is trello the same as leankitkanban.com16:47
jcastroit's a similar tool16:47
jcastrotrello is more of a simple one, it's not like a strict kanban tool16:47
jcastroit kind of let's you be more freeform16:48
jcastrobut it doesn't have an API16:48
czajkowskiI notice canonical use the latter, just wondered why ye were using trello instead16:48
jcastroyeah some dev teams use kanban, and there are a bunch of tools out there, leankit seems to be the one we like16:49
jcastrotrello is more "a set of lists you can define and move around, it just happens to look like kanban"16:49
jcastrothe URL to a generic community one is in the /topic16:49
jcastrothe idea being if we know what the team needs to do you can dive in and do it16:50
mhall119jcastro: trello updated16:50
czajkowskijcastro: true, was just curious given other teams use the other one what the difference was16:50
jcastroI think it doesn't have some of the things "real" kanban tools have though16:50
jcastroit's more of a "team todo list" style thing afaict.16:51
technovikings-fox: ticket number 1938416:51
s-foxNoted, thanks technoviking16:51
popeyczajkowski: leankitkanban licenses cost money too16:52
czajkowskipopey: ahhh that would have an effect on things16:52
czajkowskimate is looking at stuff for her work place and was asking for recommendations on tools to use.16:53
popeyits only internal that uses lk16:53
popeycanonical internal that is16:53
jcastromhall119: I applied for an account on the test SUMO16:54
jcastrodo you need to approve me and put me in the right group like you did for jim?16:55
mhall119jcastro: yes16:55
mhall119jcastro: try it now16:56
nigelbdholbach: "In our time we used the wiki and we liked it!"17:01
nigelbmhall119: ^17:01
dholbachI still remember the time when we used the wiki before this one - and I had just committed hours and hours of work into it when the binary blog where it stored its data decided to be unhappy17:02
dholbachso yeah, we used the wiki, but there were times when I liked using it a bit less :)17:03
jcastromhall119: the quickstart guide is 40417:03
jcastroso I don't know how to write an article17:03
dholbachso even if I feel a bit nostalgic, it makes me cringe at times17:03
dholbachjcastro, in reStructuredText?17:04
cjohnstonjcastro: check g+ for an invite17:04
dholbachczajkowski, "Laura Czajkowski and Łukasz Czyżykowski shared the same link." - finally someone with the same name as you17:05
dholbachok ok, I was kidding :)17:05
czajkowskidholbach: we both have had this conversation17:05
czajkowskihis nick used to throw me for some time17:05
dholbachnow let me see what you have to say about vegetarians :)17:05
jcastroI love vegetarians17:05
jcastrothey're delicious!17:05
mhall119bkerensa: ping17:06
czajkowskidholbach: deep down we love yo17:07
czajkowskiyou are the exception to all rules dholbach17:07
mhall119jcastro: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/superheroes-wanted17:07
dholbachwhat about mvo? :)17:07
dholbachI sound like I'm buying seats on Noah's ark17:08
czajkowskidholbach: I only make one exception to any rule, you got the veggie card17:08
dholbachok, whatever17:08
nigelbwhat about mdz :P17:08
dholbachyeah and janimo and all the others17:08
czajkowskiwhat about him17:08
dholbachright, he's a vegequarian17:09
czajkowskiI have amate who points out the benefits of being a veggie17:09
czajkowskimy counter argument is look at my head of hair and look at your bald head :)17:09
czajkowskihe goes rather quiet then17:09
christofferIs there any special global jam irc channel?17:18
nigelbmhall119: ^17:19
dholbachchristoffer, as far as I know there #ubuntu-locoteams where LoCo teams generally coordinate all kinds of events17:19
dholbachmight be good to just hang out there and ask questions17:19
christofferdholbach, thank you17:19
dholbachit's also nice to get a feeling for what everybody else is doing :)17:19
dholbachchristoffer, which LoCo are you from?17:19
dholbachchristoffer, ha en trevlig dag :)17:20
christofferwhere just a few going to do some vimeo "getting started with Ubuntu videos" and try testing livecds17:20
dholbachthat's awesome17:20
christofferdholbach, tack detsamma!17:20
dholbach(my girlfriend's half-Norwegian, so I picked up a few things)17:21
dholbachI'm just about to head out as I'm invited for dinner17:21
dholbachso have a great weekend and great Jams everyone17:21
jonohey all17:26
jonojamming in Walnut Creek :-)17:26
s9iper1jono: hey17:28
jonohey s9iper117:29
s9iper1howz you whats up ? i is this jono bacon ?17:30
jonos9iper1, yup17:30
jonogood thanks17:30
s9iper1jono: we are planning to have a party of ubuntu release  here in pakistan  so what you suggest  we decide to have it in pizza hut ?17:32
jonos9iper1, yeah that would work17:32
czajkowskis9iper1: sounds like fun and  a really good idea17:32
s9iper1hmm thanks so much17:33
cjohnstonjcastro: we hear you17:39
cjohnstonjcastro: post the link to the hangout in here17:39
jonocjohnston, can you poke mhall to respond to my ping?17:45
cjohnstonhe's on my system right now17:46
jcastrocjohnston: hey so I'll just type17:49
jcastroso check this out, we syndicate content on cloud.ubuntu.com17:49
cjohnstonwe hear you jcastro17:49
balloonss9iper1 we're having pizza hut also17:52
jcastrodaker: around?17:53
s9iper1balloons: thanks  hay balloons i have seen you some where may be in ubuntu bugs.. and you also lead the meeting as i remember17:53
s9iper1thanks awesome :D17:53
jcastrodaker: hey so, you know how we syndicate people's blogs on cloud.u.c?17:53
jcastrodaker: the feedwordpress plugin isn't using rel="canonical"!17:53
jcastroso I searched, and found this:17:54
dakeri don't know17:54
dakergive me some time to investigate17:54
jcastroyeah I was just wondering if we put that in the template someplace17:55
jcastroI wonder if it's just replacing something like get_permalink(); with get_syndication_permalink();17:56
cjohnstonjcastro: we invited you back17:56
balloonsjcastro, join the new hangout17:56
balloonss9iper1, yes i'm around with ubuntu qa ;-k17:57
s9iper1balloons: nice to met you :)]17:58
balloonsnice to meet u also17:58
dakerjcastro, ok but before we need to update the plugin17:59
jcastrook so I should file an RT then?17:59
jcastrook so the new version of the plugin does it or ... ?18:00
jcastroI am just trying to figure out what to put in the ticket18:00
dakerhttps://cloud.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/plugins.php shows that there is an update18:00
jcastro"Warning: This plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress."18:01
jcastrohah, of course!18:01
jcastrodaker: ok from what I can tell we don't really need the plugin to be updated18:02
jcastrojust the template file for the theme18:03
jcastrooh dude wait!18:03
jcastrohe has a config option for it18:03
dakerthe plugin has a settings panel but doesn't work anymore https://cloud.ubuntu.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=feedwordpress/syndication.php18:04
jcastrooh ok, so then that's why you probably want an update. :)18:04
jcastro<3 awesome, filing RT, thanks dude!18:05
cjohnstonsomeone kick svwilliams out!18:31
cjohnstonjcastro: judgement free zone18:39
cjohnstonjono: I need someone to do summit reviews... do you happen to know someone who may be able to do that for me? ;-)18:53
jonojcastro, hey, you around?18:59
jonojcastro, I have a dude here at the UGJ who works for reddit19:00
jonoI have been telling him about Juju19:00
jonoI think he could be a great person to reach out to19:00
jcastroit would be awesome19:00
jcastrofeel free to assign me to do whatever he wants/needs.19:00
jcastroI could 1-on-1 with the guy19:00
jonohe is coming now19:00
jcastroor do a team thing for them19:00
jonohe is is alienth19:00
technovikingthey want cats19:00
jonojcastro, he is joining in a sec19:01
jonojcastro, can you give him the jcastro treatment and help him play with it?19:01
jcastrofor sure19:01
jonothanks, man19:02
* jcastro goes to find the reddit source code19:02
jcastrojono: send him to #juju actually19:02
jcastroso I can pull in Clint and co.19:02
jonojcastro, cool, he is on his way19:02
dakeroh popey starts working for canonical19:10
dakerHave a great week end everyone ツ19:16
bkerensamhall119: pong19:22
jo-erlendjono, time for a chat?19:24
jonojo-erlend, I can on IRC, but cant do voice, in a coffee shop19:25
jo-erlendjono, heh, that's cute. "Chat" means audio to you. :)19:25
jo-erlendyes, I meant the IRC style chat. :)19:26
jonojo-erlend, just because I spend so much bloody time on the phone :-)19:28
popeydaker: yeah, just 3 months ☺19:30
balloonssvwilliams.. u jammin'?19:36
svwilliamsballoons, I don't know I'm across the table from you at cjohnston house19:39
balloonssvwilliams, in that  case i would say you are19:40
bkerensamhall119: Ok I will be back I have to go to Lowe's and find some Tacos19:40
mhall119bkerensa: nvm, #sumo answered me20:48
cjohnstonmhall119: can you please help svwilliams with the block stuff20:50
cjohnstonfor some reason it isnt working20:50
svwilliamsoh its working just strangely20:51
technovikings-fox: forums fix should be in place21:01
* balloons is endlessly looping bob marley's jammin' to cjohnston and svwilliams21:09
balloonsthis might not end well21:09
pangolinI balloons I have done extensive testing, you can only listen to that song 27 times in a row before someones smashes your computer/media device.21:13
pangolinerr -I21:13
balloonspangolin.. ahh.. lol i didn't know it had a beginning or end ;-)21:15
cjohnstonwe have honey badgers over here21:22
juancarlospacolooking the Trello, interesting thingy  :)21:23
juancarlospacodpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5"  ---> goes to 404 on IRC Topic Header  :(21:24
jcastromhall119: is ubuntu sso "ISD" or is there one guy I should talk to?21:31
mhall119jcastro: it's ISD, but I always ping pindonga21:50
jcastroIS helped me out, thanks!21:51
akgranerjono ok so it took me a couple days for this to click - you got involved in open source when you were 16?23:23
akgraneror 1823:24
akgranerI can't remember how old you are23:24
jonoakgraner, 1823:25
cprofittYou have only been involved with open source for two years jono?23:25
akgranerahh -  for some reason I thought you were only 30 now :-/23:25
cprofittakgraner: you know he is only 20 :-)23:26
cprofittstop teasing the poor man23:26
cprofittakgraner: can you read something in a few minutes?23:33
cprofittproof read it?23:33
akgranercprofitt, sure23:33
akgranerhappy too23:33
cprofittakgraner: sent in email23:48
akgranercprofitt, OK I'll take a look now while I wait for the video to render :-)23:50
cprofittthanks akgraner23:51
akgranerjono, are the lyrics for the songs on the Liberate CD somewhere. If they are on the site I have just over-looked them - sorry23:56

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