
XMasterrrrالسلام عليكم :)01:13
Mohamedmmالسلام هليكم01:14
Amr_السلام عليكم01:37
nspiritوعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته01:48
Amr_هوا الاجتماع الساعة كام؟01:51
nspiritfrom 2nd of March till 4th01:56
nspiritat 12:00am until Sunday at 11:30pm01:56
sokkareefee 7ad hena06:10
JadolyoWhere is everyone?08:14
egyDevany coders here ?09:40
elacheche_anisegyDev, not me X)09:56
miro_élsäläm älýköm !!10:14
ashamsseiflotfy, dude, when are you going to give your session?12:12
seiflotfyshow me the schedule12:24
ashamsthere's no schedule12:24
ashamsseiflotfy, it's just me and you, I'll give bug triage and you what you zg :-)12:25
ashamsso, just make your schedule and I'll announce it :)12:25
seiflotfytoday or tomorrow12:25
seiflotfylike when od u want to give12:25
seiflotfyi have a meeting from 18:15 to 19:1512:25
seiflotfybut then i am all open12:25
ashamstoday, and you can make it before that ?12:26
seiflotfygimmie 30 minutes to know12:36
ashamscool, thnx12:37
cobra-the-jokerالسلام عليكم14:18
cobra-the-jokerمنورين يا رجالة الأوبن سورس14:19
Menopiacobra-the-joker, ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???????14:19
cobra-the-jokerMenopia: ?!14:19
Menopiahi Eslam14:19
=== mohamed is now known as Guest38582
Eslameh el a5bar, bttklmo 3n eh ?14:19
Eslamطيب شكلكو مش بتتكلمو عن حاجة :D14:20
Eslamانا كنت عايز اقول اني لسا مبرمج مبتدأ و اشتغلت بايثون14:20
cobra-the-jokerفي مشاريع شغالة ... ولا لسه بتفكرو هتعملو ايه ؟14:21
Eslamو كنت عايز اتكلم في موضوع ال gtk14:21
Eslamو ال qt14:21
Menopiael sa3a 8 pm Ahned shams haydy session 3an el bug triaging14:21
cobra-the-jokerMenopia: سيشن صوتي علي سكايب ولا هنا ؟14:22
Menopiacobra-the-joker, hena14:22
cobra-the-jokerEslam: هنا14:24
mhassan01ana awel mara ad5ol el IRC14:24
mhassan01momken 7ad yole hana ah el be7sal14:24
cobra-the-jokermhassan01: كل خير إن شاء الله .. المفروض إنهم النهاردة هيددو محاضرة عن الbug tracing14:25
cobra-the-jokerو مكتوب علي الفيس إنهم هيعملو مشروع لخدمة أوبنتو و تحسينه14:25
mhassan01teab 3lshan asht3'al m3ko14:26
mhassan01a3mal ah  w el mafrod akoon 3aref ah ?14:26
cobra-the-jokermhassan01: شارك بإللي تقدر عليه14:26
Menopiamhassan01, fe toro2 kter14:27
Menopiamomken targma aw development14:27
Menopiaaw 7ata artwork14:27
Menopiaw momken tenazl nos5et ubuntu 12.04 w tgarbha w law la2et ay bug te3mlha report14:27
mhassan01ana badres computer scince , momken afeed fe el 7ta bt3e development14:28
cobra-the-jokermhassan01: جامعة ايه ؟14:28
mhassan01cairo uni14:29
cobra-the-jokerسنة كام :D14:29
cobra-the-jokerتمام ... أنا في رابعة CS14:29
Menopiamhassan01, momken teshta4al be lo3'et eh?14:29
mhassan01cairo uni ?14:29
Eslamsory disconected14:30
mhassan01tamam ,14:30
cobra-the-jokerEslam: np14:30
cobra-the-jokermhassan01: أنت كنت في الbooth  إللي كان في الكلية ؟14:30
Eslamطيب انا كنت عايز اعرف هي ايه الفكرة عموماً من تجمعنا هنا14:30
cobra-the-jokerإللي كان تبع أوبنتو14:30
mhassan01da mash el sanade14:31
EgyParadoxenahrda elcommunity betetgama3 3ashan tetawar fee ubuntu14:31
mhassan01kan el sana el fateet14:31
cobra-the-jokerكنت فيه ؟14:31
EgyParadoxmomken tetawar bee kaza taree2a14:31
cobra-the-jokerأنت إللي كنت بتوزع CD's ?14:31
Menopiaguys see this video http://youtu.be/ITk8PGBkMXQ :)14:31
EgyParadoxdevelopment, translation, bug triaging14:31
mhassan01mash bazabt kada14:31
mhassan01da sa7be14:31
mhassan01asmo shaker14:31
cobra-the-jokerعرفته ... أنا كنت فاكرك هو14:32
cobra-the-jokerتشرفنا يا معلم14:32
mhassan01w ana el 3amlt install l el ubuntu fe lab 7 ,14:32
Eslami guess development a7sn14:32
Eslam1- فكرة مشروع14:33
Eslam2- تحديد لغة البرمجة14:33
Eslam3- المكتبة اللي هتُستخدم لعمل ال14:33
Eslamانا كدا بفكر صح ؟14:34
Eslamبس كنت محتاج اقرأ عن ubuntu api14:34
EgyParadoxEslam: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment14:37
seiflotfyashams: can i help you14:37
seiflotfyashams: can u translate ofr me since i cant write arabic14:38
seiflotfybut i can read it14:38
Eslam@EgyParadox Thanks14:38
meetingologyEslam: Error: "EgyParadox" is not a valid command.14:38
seiflotfyEslam: you are approaching the thing to sophsiticatedly14:38
Eslami would like to approach to something advanced14:39
EslamThanks EgyParadox for the link14:39
EgyParadoxyou're welcome14:40
Eslamhave any one worked on Rapid PHP on windows ?14:40
Eslami wish i could see such a software on linux14:40
Eslamfast, easy, simple, comfortable14:40
Eslamalso the shortcuts (keyboard shortcuts) are perfect14:41
seiflotfyEslam: u have an idea rightÜ?14:41
Eslami thought of something but it may not be useful14:42
Eslamanyway i will say it in arabic14:42
seiflotfygo ahead14:42
Eslamهي الفكرة انا كنت بدأت فيها ووقفت لاني حسيت انها مش مفيدة14:42
Eslamالفكرة استوحيتها14:42
Eslamمن Chrome OS14:43
Eslamشاشة واحدة من خلالها بتعمل كل حاجة14:43
Eslamفي لينكس او اي نظام عموما14:43
Eslamلما بتحب تفتح ملف14:43
Eslamبتشغل ال file manager14:43
Eslamلو حبيت تشغل اغنية14:43
Eslamهتضطر تشغل14:43
Eslammp3 player14:43
Eslamلو حبيت تشغل ملف ضغط14:43
Eslamهتفتح برنامج برضوا14:44
Eslamو هكذا و هكذا14:44
seiflotfybut same things goes for chrome14:44
Eslami know14:44
seiflotfyu open an app that however runs insdie the chrome browser14:44
Eslamهقولك دلوقتي الاختلاف14:44
seiflotfyneverthe less it is an app14:44
Eslamلو ستمع عن elementary14:44
seiflotfyi am in the board of elementary14:44
Eslamكانوا كاتبين عن تشغيل الملفات المضغوطة14:45
Eslamو تصفحها14:45
Eslamwow nice14:45
Eslamداخل ال file manager14:45
Eslamهي غالبا اتطبقت بالفعل في مارلن14:45
Eslamانا فكرتي ان ممكن كل حاجة تتعمل جوا مصتفح الملفات14:45
Eslamزي مثلا تشغيل الأغاني14:46
Eslamممكن يبقي14:46
Eslamبار من فوق14:46
seiflotfyu want one UI to rule them all14:46
Eslamو ال playlist14:46
Eslamليها زرار14:46
seiflotfyi got someting for you14:46
Eslamانا كنت مسمي البرنامج14:46
seiflotfysomething i worked on 3 years ago that does exactly that14:46
Eslamو كنت بفكر ف نظام Plugins14:46
Eslamيعني فكرتي طلعت محروقة :D14:47
seiflotfywatch this Eslam14:49
Eslamokay minute14:50
Eslamthe idea of the journal manager is brilliant14:51
seiflotfyEslam: u know zeitgeist14:51
seiflotfyor gnome-activity-journal14:51
EgyParadoxseiflotfy, is the project maintainor of zeitgeist14:51
Eslamyeah i know zeitgeist14:51
seiflotfyEslam: we need ppl to help us port activity-journal from gtk2 to gtk314:52
seiflotfyi am ready to mentor14:52
Eslamsee i am still a beginner, can you in brief explain the porting process14:53
Eslamas i understand the code is written for gtk2, you need it edit it to be suitable for gtk3 ?14:53
seiflotfyor we can write from scratch which is my preference tbh14:54
Eslamyeah from scratch is a good idea14:55
Eslamthere is also "Ahmad Sadiq" he is an ubuntu lover14:55
Eslamhe is from palestine14:55
Eslamwe worked on a simple text editor14:56
Eslambut he preferes Qt14:56
Eslamبس انا عندي سؤال14:57
Eslamفلنتفرض اننا جمعنا فريق14:57
Eslamازاي هنقدر نظبط الشغل14:58
Eslamانا لسا مبتدأ14:58
Eslamو اكيد هيبقي في ناس زي حضرتك14:58
Eslamمستواها عالي14:58
Eslamيعني ازاي نوفق بين مهاراتنا14:58
Eslamانا و احمد صداق كنا بنشتغل علي موقع scrum do14:58
Eslamبنحط مهمات و بنحدد اهميتها و صعوبتها14:59
Eslamو بنشوف مين اللي يقدر يعملها14:59
seiflotfy1) no hadretak14:59
seiflotfy2) I dont use scrum really14:59
seiflotfyi dont believe in scrum and i dont believe in what unis teach us14:59
seiflotfyi never finished uni and never studies CS14:59
Eslamعلي فكرة انا كلية تجارة :D15:00
Eslamسنة تانية15:00
Eslamو فاشل15:00
Eslamلو مكنتش فاشل مكنش زماني قاعد معاك دلوقتي :D15:01
seiflotfyi love u already15:01
seiflotfyso please read15:01
Eslamlol the domain is very funny15:02
Eslamdoes that mean i am a programming motherfucker :D ?15:04
Eslamvery nice site, very nice t-shirt i want to buy one :D15:06
seiflotfyEslam: I learned that when it comes to programing what counts most is passion15:08
seiflotfyanything else can be learned15:08
Eslamtotally agree !15:08
Eslamعلي فكرة انا متحمس جدا و حابب البرمجة اوي15:09
Eslamبس مشكلتي اني مشتت15:09
Eslamمش بعرف استقر15:09
mostafsشباب عندى سؤال16:01
mostafsمنين اقدر احصل على اوبنتو 10.1016:01
mostafsلان موقع اوبنتو مش علية غير16:01
ashamshey Menopia o/17:36
Menopiahi ashams17:36
iahvectorHi all, Your time to shine Shams :D17:38
ashamsiahvector, hope I won't breake it :P17:39
iahvectorIt's going to be great isA17:39
ashamsI hope so, Thanks :)17:39
Menopiaashams, yall hawol .. ana el sa3a 3andy tel3et UTC17:41
Menopiama3lesh bgd ma5detsh baly 5ales :(:(17:41
ashamsMenopia, it is not a probelm at all, it's just 19:4217:42
ashamsso we didn't miss anything17:42
ashamsnot yet :D17:42
sarhanhello guys17:42
ashamsHi sarhan o/17:43
sarhanUGJ was ok?17:43
ashamsWe did not have a venue17:43
ashamsit's tooo cold in here17:43
sarhanwhy? :(17:43
ashamscold and raining all the day17:44
sarhanon tunisia it's hot :D17:44
* ashams feels envy :P17:44
sarhanashams, so you will did it on irc?17:44
ashamsit's almost the same :D17:45
sarhanyou will make a workshop?17:45
ashamsah, yeah a session then some q&a17:45
ashamsand best practices17:46
sarhanin english?17:47
sarhanor arabic17:47
ashamsit was very hard to right it in arabic17:47
ashamsok, it's time to go18:01
ashamsSA Everybody, This is Ubuntu Global Jam;18:01
ashamsShould we start?18:01
ashamsI was announcing to the fb group18:03
ashamsA Class on Bug Triaging is happening NOW!18:04
ashamsWhat is a bug?.18:04
ashamsA bug is a problem with some software that makes it behave in a way different from it should!18:04
ashamsIf you have incorrect or unexpected result from your software that makes you *unable* to complete your work, then you found a bug!. However, not all problems are bugs...18:04
ashamsWhat is not a bug?18:05
ashamsNot all issues that obstacle your way are not always bugs, sometimes you miss a feature that would help a lot and help avoiding many other redundant work. Users may report such problems to the bug tracker and Triager should recognize it at once.18:05
ashamsFor example, *Support Requests*, these are when the user needs help with using the features of the software, but all problems s/he is facing are not related to software itself but to how s/he uses it.18:06
ashamsAnother example can be, *Feature Requests*, these are when you find that a software is lacking some feature, whether this feature is essential or trivial, it's not a bug, it's a request to add a new feature.18:06
ashamsAnother example can be, *Feature Requests*, these are when you find that a software is lacking some feature, whether this feature is essential or trivial, it's not a bug, it's a request to add a new feature.18:07
ashamsBut, this does NOT mean that Support Requests and Feature Requests shouldn't be reported, but each has it's own method to request.18:07
ashamsTo get support, a user can simply go to https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu and ask his/her question, this is the traditional way, however, there are many other successful ways, like http://AskUbuntu.com . #ubuntu and #ubuntu-beginners on Freenode, and even by contacting some friends from your LoCo Team....18:07
ashamsGetting back to bugs...18:08
ashamsWhat are types of bugs?18:08
ashamsGenerally, there are 2 different types of bugs: 1)Crash bugs, and 2)non-crash bugs.18:08
ashamsLet's start form the end, 1) *non-crash bugs* are any form of problem that obstacles or slowing the intended productivity. These should be reported by running "ubuntu-bug <package-name)" or through https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu (Or you can use the pad.lv url redirector: http://pad.lv/fb/ubuntu)18:08
ashams(Make use of it: http://pad.lv)18:09
ashamsThe other type18:09
ashams2) *Crash bugs* are that kind of problems that cause the software to collapse either while loading or while running. This kind of bugs has it's very special nature and gets handled in a special way too. Will come to this later, in detail.18:09
ashamsTher's another type of bugs, that's bugs related to Ubuntu itself18:10
ashamsnot to the software generally18:10
ashamsand those should be fixed by Ubuntu Developers18:11
ashamsUbuntu has it's own patches to software to adjust it for other Ubuntu specific Components and configurations.18:11
ashamsA good example of Ubuntu-specific changes are making all applications recognize Unity Launcher and notification behaviours across the system, these changes should be applied to all applications. Ubuntu Developers reserve the right, by nature, to change software code to meet Ubuntu's needs.18:11
ashamsNow its' almost clear about bugs itself, but what is bug triaging?18:12
ashamsA Triager is a person who do almost everything for a bu but fixing it :D18:13
ashamsA Triager's work starts when there's a report on the Tracker18:13
ashamsSimply, A Triager's job is to answer the the following questions about a Bug:18:14
ashamsa)Where does that bug *REALLY* come from?18:14
ashamsb)How did it happen, Steps to reproduce.18:15
ashamsc)Does the Report has all information needed to start with fixing it?18:15
ashamsWe can understand it better by knowing what it is NOT18:15
ashamsIt always worthy to acknowledge that Bug Triaging is not Fixing Bugs, it's just to do everything with a bug till it gets ready to get Fixed, But NOT fixing... Fixing is another story.18:16
ashamsAnswering these questions is a matter of practice and changes per bug18:16
ashamsWhy Bug Triaging is that important?18:17
ashamsA bug takes 2 to 8 months from the minute it reported to the minute it Fix Released. Long period...18:17
ashamsNow imagine if a developer has to deal with users to ask them to give more information about how and where the bug occurred?18:17
ashamsThat would waste a lot of time, right?18:18
ashamsSo, what if we made developers work on fixing bugs only, and we do everything else. Won't that save us more time?18:18
ashamsWell, that's why Bug Triaging is Important, because without it, Ubuntu can not actually fit into 6 months development cycle. Or it will be released every 6 months without any significant changes or bug fixes ;O18:18
ashamsA bug triager's work can be like hell some times  and other times it can be pretty clear and direct18:19
ashamsBug Triaging can be realy hard if s/he doesn't get enough information for the reporter18:19
ashamsbut unluckily, not all  bug reporters can give all needed info18:20
ashamsso, there's *Apport*18:20
ashamsWhat is Apport?18:20
ashamsApport is the Bug tracing and reporting in Ubuntu, it detects crashes(in non-stable releases) and automates the process of collecting needed information from the victim machine and auto reports the bug to Launchpad Bug Tracking System.18:21
ashamsApport is not enabled by default in stable releases, even if it is installed, and there are two ways to enable it:18:21
ashamsFirst One: If you want to debug a specific program once, just open your Terminal and run:18:22
ashams    sudo service apport start force_start=118:22
ashamsThen you can simply trigger the crash again, and Apport's dialog will show up with instructions to report a bug with traces. Apport will be automatically disabled on next start.18:22
ashamsSecond One: If you want to enable it permanently. Open your Terminal and run:18:23
ashams    sudo nano /etc/default/apport18:23
ashamsthen change "enabled" from "0" to "1".18:23
ashamsBut Why Ubuntu has Apport and doesn't just use any other bug reporting application?18:24
ashamsWhy Apport?18:24
ashamsThat answer is pretty direct:18:24
ashamsIn 3 Points.....18:25
ashams1) Not all users know how to collect needed information for reporting a bug, right?18:25
ashamsThis would make Ubuntu receive a not-enough amount of feedback and thus it affects development action. Plus, there's no such easy bug reporting application that Ubuntu can get into the distro. So, Ubuntu developers had to make it by hand and from scratch.18:25
ashams2) It detects Crash bugs and auto reports it(in non-stable releases). Crash bugs may not be reportable without it.18:26
ashams3) Existing bug reporting applications like bug-buddy or krash are specific to a particular desktop environment and it's not easy for a distro developer to utilize it to adapt to the specific needs of his distro. Also, other bug reporting solutions do not work for crashes of background servers (like a database or an email server), and do not integrate well with existing debug packages that a distribution might provide, like hooks.18:26
ashamsWhat are Apport hooks?18:27
ashamsApport Hooks, are scripts added to a package that tells Apport what are the needs information(i.e. logs and config files) when reporting a bug in that package.18:27
ashamsWhen installing a package that has a Apport Hook, it extacts it to */usr/share/apport/package-hooks*. While reporting a bug about *hot-pkg* (for example), Apport will look in /usr/share/apport/package-hooks to find if there's a hook named *source_hot-pkg.py*, if it found it, it runs it.18:28
ashamsThe job of that script is to collect all needed information about that package and save it to a directory, then Apport uploads these information to Launchpad BTS while reporting the bug.18:29
ashamsand it'll be attached to the bug report as seen on this image: http://ubuntuone.com/65GvZqmIYZ56ceEinI2YKu18:30
ashamsFind more about Apport here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport18:30
ashamsApport would not be able to do this without full compatibility from Launchpad18:31
ashamsLaunchpad BTS is a great way to track bugs.....18:32
ashamsWhat is launchpad BTS?18:33
ashamsEvery peace of software should have it's own BTS(Bug Tracking System), that receives bug reports from users and manages it during the life cycle of that bug.18:33
ashamsUbuntu uses the Launchpad BTS, also called *Malone*, for all bug work.18:33
ashamsMalone, receives bug reports, keeps information files and tracks the status of a bug on the upstream BTS.18:33
ashamsUpstream: Ubuntu is a distro that collects it's components from everywhere and puts it into one place. A distro is like a fall, of a river, that all components fall into, thus it has a stream of development above all other development happen in Ubuntu.18:34
ashamsBug Triagers deal with Malone all the time... and it's quite lovely18:35
ashamsMore on bugs living on Malone.18:36
ashamsBug Status18:36
ashamsWhat is bug status?18:36
ashamsA bug has a life cycle that can take from 2 to 8 months to get fixed. All effort happens in Ubuntu is solely a collaborative work. Means, everybody has the right/needs to see what is happening in every bit of the system.18:36
sammanwhat kind of bug it can be ?18:37
ashamsany type of bug18:38
sammanlike !!!!!!!18:38
ashamsWithout that, a real big problems and waste of time can occur. Simply because, if two developers know about one bug and each one of them don't know about each other's activity with that bug, they can work against each other and waste time on fixing the same bug, instead of fixing *two*.18:38
ashamssamman, you need an example of a bug?18:38
lubotu3Launchpad bug 24061 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [High,In progress]18:39
ashamsThat's a well known one18:40
sarhan!bug 118:42
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/118:42
lubotu3For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:42
ashamssee how ppl change bug status to reflect what they do, like on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/24061/comments/4318:42
lubotu3Launchpad bug 24061 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "GPG error with apt-get/aptitude/update-manager behind proxy (BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5)" [High,In progress]18:42
ashamsWe'll discuss bug status in detail18:43
ashamsThus, a bug status should always acknowledge what's happening with that bug till it gets fixed.18:43
ashamsLaunchpad Bug Tracking System(lp bts) has some realistic status options:18:43
ashams*New*: Bugs are submitted with this status and they still need to be triaged.18:44
ashamsIncomplete: Set bug to this status if you need to ask the *original* reporter a question.18:45
ashamsNote: Bugs with this status will give the reporter 60 days to reply and change status, else lp bts will auto-set bug status to *Expired*, so use it with care.18:45
ashamsSee status on launchpad either by getting to the previous bug link, or by just veiwing this screen shot: http://ubuntuone.com/5vKRiVnJQjKSNYnJX51pva18:45
ashamsStatus: *Opinion*: Use this bug status to mark that the community did not decide whether it's a bug to be fixed or not a bug at all.18:46
ashamsThis status acknowledges that the report is *Closed* and developers can look at something else, but lp bts will allow discussing and commenting till  a decision shows up, then anyone can set it back to *New* and Triaging work will be started over.18:47
ashamsStatus: *Invalid*: This status declares that this is not a bug at all, but rather an intended behaviour.18:48
ashamsIt will close the report and won't allow further discussion.18:48
ashamsStatus: *Expired*: It came to be a bug status after 60 days of setting it to *Incomplete*. Or, a Triager can set it him/herself but it's not a recommended action, just ask your question and set it to *incomplete* and a bot will take care of it.18:48
ashamsStatus: *Confirmed*: Set it to acknowledge that you're sure that the described bug is really there.18:50
ashamsStatus: *Triaged*: After being set to *Confirmed*, a Bug Control member will come and check if that report has all needed information to start working on it.18:50
ashamsAND to here, the bug triage is almost done.18:50
ashamsFrom now on, a developer will be almost in charge of that bug, but a triager still can change status as part of his/her work18:51
ashamsStatus: *In Progress*: This status will be set the person working on that bug, and that declares that s/he is now in charge of it so bug triagers should ask him/her for update before changing Status/Importance.18:52
ashamsStatus: *Fix Committed*: That shows that a developer has fixed it but it wasn't uploaded to the Public Archive yet OR it was fixed somewhere Upstream.18:52
ashamsFix Committed is also used when an updated package exists in a -proposed repository i.e. lucid-proposed.18:53
ashamsthat wil be waiting to get moved to the main archive18:53
ashamsStatus: *Fix Released*: That shows that a bug is now fixed and uploaded to Archive and people can now update their systems.18:54
ashamsIf a bug is fixed in the current development release, it is Fix Released. If the bug also needs to be fixed in a stable release, use the "Target to release" link to nominate it for that release.18:54
ashamsWe still have one Status;18:55
ashamsStatus: *Won't Fix*: Bug Reports with this status are almost not pure bugs, but rather a change to some feature that some ppl see it doesn't behave correctly that way and others see it behaves correctly :)18:55
ashamsThus, it can be used with bugs too controversial.18:55
ashamsTriager can also use it to mark a bug that was nominated to be fixed in some release, but it won't be fixed for some reason!18:55
ashamsPlus, it can be used for *Feature Requests*(reported as bugs), to declare that developers do not want to implement that feature for some reason.18:56
ashamsMore Here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status18:56
ashamsLast thing, is to be a good triager and that's the hardest part.....18:57
ashamsNo body knows everything and no body born with Linux Knowledge.18:57
ashamsIf I tried to triage bugs for some software I do not use or know about, I'll hate bug triage for ever.18:57
ashamsStart triaging with the simplest bugs first to get used to lp bts.18:58
ashamsThen get a bit deeper as you go by time..18:58
ashamsIf you need anything any time, join to #ubuntu-bugs , #ubuntu-beginners or #ubuntu and ask.18:58
ashamsAnd remember, there are no stupid questions-- don't be shy!18:58
ashamsGoogle is your friend, plus, Ubuntu has some great resources to help you finish the job.18:59
ashamssuch resources are:18:59
ashamsUbuntu Wiki resources:18:59
ashamsand also other distros' Documentation and KnowledgeBases like Arch Linux's: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Step_By_Step_Debugging_Guide19:00
ashamsFinal thing, Good Triagers have their own set of manners:19:01
ashams1) You'll represent the whole Ubuntu Community, so make sure you make it look good. Be neat in answers and comprehensive while giving support.19:01
ashams2) Be always polite, even if ppl are not polite to you or they break CoC(Code of Conduct: http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct).19:02
ashams3) Triage for Software you are comfortable with, if not, study it first.19:02
ashams4) Use Standard responses if possible(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses).19:03
ashamswell, that was all19:04
ashamsnow go ahead and try it19:04
ashamsif you need any help drop it here19:04
MenopiaThanks ashams for this great session19:04
ashamsThanks, I hope I didn't cause you headache :)19:05
iahvectorThe session is logged, right? I want the log please.19:05
ashamsiahvector, ok, one sec19:05
ashamsiahvector, here you go: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/03/02/%23ubuntu-eg.html#t18:0419:06
iahvectorThanks :)19:07
ashamsyw :-)19:07
ashamsIf anyone wants to give it a try, you can start here: http://is.gd/nOxAV219:08
Hatem_السلام عليكم19:16
ashamsوعليكم السلام19:18
nspiritهو مش المفروض 12!22:26
ashams12 ايه؟22:26
ashamsيخلص الساعة 12 يعني؟22:27
ashamsالايفنت من يوم 2 ليوم 4 أصلاً22:27
nspiritانا دخلت امبارح في نفس الميعاد ملاقتش حاجه22:28
ashamsمش محدد بساعة، حتى لو ساعة واحدة في اليوم أو يوم واحد22:28
ashamsأه، كنا نايمين مثلاً22:28
nspiritطيب وحصل كلام فأي ساعه ولا لسه :D22:28
ashamsأه، لحظة22:29
nspiritاوك اتفضل22:29
ashamsnspirit, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/03/02/%23ubuntu-eg.html#t18:0422:29
ashamsبكرة، ان شاء الله هيبقى في درس تاني عن Zeitgeist22:30
ashamsالساعة 822:30
ashamsعلى الله سيف ماينساش seiflotfy :P22:30
nspiritاوك إن شاء الله22:30
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