
_d4vidbazhang, artus banned my host00:00
_d4vidwith a ubuntuhelp bot00:00
bazhang_d4vid, yes I know. what was the original one for, as this was the second one.00:01
_d4vidskai set on me +q00:02
bazhangfor what00:02
_d4vidfor youtube link00:03
_d4vidthen i quit and change my nickname to _d4v_d00:03
_d4vidand artus ban me00:04
bazhangso not for nothing00:04
bazhangfirst being offtopic/posting youtube; 2nd changing nick to avoid +q00:04
_d4vidhe say " i look that noboy -q you" and than ban me00:05
bazhangwas the +q removed? or did you change nick to get around it00:05
_d4vidi get change my nickname00:06
_d4vidbut nobody -q me00:06
_d4vidforgot i think00:07
bazhangso you changed to get around the +q00:07
bazhangso please don't do that in future00:07
bazhangcome here if you have issues00:07
_d4vidi still here.00:08
bazhangand I know that local channels are a bit more relaxed about chat, but random youtube links seems a bit too much00:08
_d4vidapologize for my behavior00:09
bazhangtry to join now00:10
_d4vidthank you00:10
_d4vidpity that you do not understand Russian00:11
bazhangsure I do00:11
bazhangjust too lazy to switch kb setup00:11
_d4vidto understand that what artus and skai do in a channel without control00:11
_d4vidbazhang, i c00:11
_d4vidbazhang, thank you00:12
bazhang_d4vid, have fun00:12
bazhangartus, you have a question? about removing _d4vid 's ban?00:13
artusbazhang, bypassing penalty , 2.14 http://help.ubuntu.ru/terms/irc00:15
bazhangartus, want to PM ?00:15
botfatherAlanBell: ah ok thnx .. will look a bit further into it ;]00:49
Unit193tsimpson: Have you gotten a chance to remove the autojoin in ubot5 to #lubuntu?03:44
dholbachgood morning07:47
tsimpsonUnit193: it shouldn't autojoin, has it been or are you just checking?08:46
Unit193I was just checking if I could remove the temp ban I put in place.08:47
tsimpsonok, I just checked again and it's not set to join there any more08:49
Unit193Great, I've already removed it.08:52
Unit193Thank you.08:52
=== Guest27963 is now known as Zic
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
AlanBellhi issyl019:19
issyl0Hi all.19:19
issyl0Can someone check if my Ubuntu membership has expired, please?19:20
issyl0I have a feeling it has - Launchpad emailed me this morning saying I was no longer member of ubuntumembers on there.19:20
issyl0I wouldn't like to renew my membership - I just haven't been active enough to justify doing so.  :-(19:21
AlanBellI think it has indeed expired19:21
AlanBellrenewing is just pressing a button, there is no reapproval process as such19:22
AlanBellit should have sent you an email with a click here to renew link on it19:22
issyl0It idd.19:22
issyl0But I think that's a bit ridiculous.  I wouldn't be able to justify the renewal to myself, considering how painfully inactive I've been within the community of late.19:23
pleia2membership recognises past contributions and it gives you membership for life, as long as you care enough to click renew you're welcome to it19:23
pleia2I can readd you if you'd like19:24
issyl0pleia2: Oh, right!19:24
issyl0Can I renew my membership at any time, or does it have to be now?19:24
AlanBellwell has to be nowish :)19:25
* issyl0 will think for 15 minutes.19:26
issyl0OK, I'll click renew.  :-)20:33
issyl0Nothing to lose.  :-)20:33
pleia2issyl0: since you've already expired you can't click renew anymore, I'll add you back20:33
pleia2there you go :)20:34
issyl0pleia2: Ah, thanks!20:46
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
bobweavernot sure if this is the right place but I would like to get a ubuntu cloak22:44
bobweaverHere is my launchpad account https://launchpad.net/~josephjamesmills22:48
AlanBellit is the right place bobweaver22:57
bobweaverthanks AlanBell  can you help me out ?22:58
AlanBellyes :)22:59
bobweaverthanks you ! ...22:59
AlanBellit all looks to be in order, staff, can we get an /ubuntu/member/bobweaver cloak please22:59
bobweaverI can not wait to rep the community23:00
bobweaverwith a grand old cloak23:00
AlanBellmight be some time bobweaver, just hang about here and someone will sort it out23:04
bobweaverthanks AlanBell  I got all the time in the world23:05
* Myrtti has a peek23:05
* bobweaver is just happy to just be a ubuntu member 23:05
bobweaverI can finally hand out cds downtown and say that I am a real ubuntu member \o/23:06
AlanBell\o/ what a lovely cloak bobweaver23:07
* AlanBell claps Myrtti on her first cloaking23:07
bobweaverThanks! you all are Awesome I can not say it enough.  now what can I do to spread the joy that I have found from this OS23:08
* bobweaver has big plans for the states 23:09

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