
dholbachgood morning07:47
Unit193Howdy, dholbach. You should /set irc_join_delay 3   if you want your cloak to apply before you join a channel. :)08:37
dholbachUnit193, where would I do that in xchat-gnome? :)08:42
Unit193Right where you typed that line, alternativly, you can set the server password to dholbach:supercoolpassword which seems to work better.08:43
dholbachUnit193, but is the setting going to stay even for the next time I launch xchat-gnome?08:43
Unit193Yep, should.08:43
Myrttiyou know08:44
dholbachthanks Unit19308:44
Unit193Myrtti: Yes, ma'am?08:44
MyrttiI think xchat has sasl/ssl support08:44
Myrttiafaik using that the whole problem would vanish08:44
Unit193It does, here http://freenode.net/sasl/README.txt and it mostly does, yes.08:45
Unit193Server password is easier for most, and works just as well.08:45
Myrttiyup, of course with sasl/ssl thing you get the extra bonus of added security08:46
Myrttithe IRC/irssi basics does have a section about how to enable it in irssi.08:46
Unit193SASL is a bit annoying for irssi sometimes, and it puts it in a plain text file that's easy to see.08:47
Myrttithat reminds me to check it's chmod 60008:51
Unit193This is a single user system, but may as well.08:52
Myrttiyeah, mine has ...08:53
Myrttimyrtti@hilla:~$ ls /home/users/ |wc -l08:53
Unit193Woah... Right, shell or something.08:55
* Myrtti toodles elsewhere08:56
* Unit193 has early morning and it is 03:5708:57

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