
* karni waves goodbye01:52
=== smb` is now known as smb
Chipacamorning, peeps08:34
JamesTaitHappy Friday, everyone! :D09:31
czajkowskiJamesTait: you're way too happy09:41
JamesTaitczajkowski: Only because I see your face on my Facebook timeline in the mornings. ;)09:41
czajkowskiJamesTait: ROFLOL09:42
davidcalleChipaca, hello. I'm going to ask for an upload today, with what we have in trunk. Any other change we could have missed?09:48
Chipacadavidcalle: nope. Only remaining change in my mind at this moment would be when we move the server to something.ubuntu.com09:51
davidcalleChipaca, ok09:53
gatoxgood morning!11:09
mandelgatox, morning!11:31
gatoxmandel, hi11:32
gatoxbrb (in 5min)12:36
nessitahola gatox12:49
gatoxnessita, hi12:49
nessitagatox: show-errors is approved, I'm looking at the last one now12:50
gatoxnessita, great!12:50
gatoxnessita, everything looks prettier now? :P12:50
gatoxat least a little bit more.....12:50
nessitagatox: while doing the last review, I found: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/94476712:51
gatoxmmmm maybe i miss a show_overlay there12:51
nessitagatox: you can queue that up for after the INTERNAL SERVER ERROR12:51
nessitagatox: yeap12:51
gatoxnessita, yes12:51
gatoxcan i assign that to me?12:51
gatoxah..... i assume that i should queu that :P12:52
nessitagatox: I assigned it already12:52
nessitarefresh pliz! :-)12:52
nessitagatox: also reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/944769 (as a Medium)12:55
gatoxnessita, roger that12:56
nessitagatox: approved12:57
gatoxnessita, thanks12:57
alecuhello, all!12:57
gatoxalecu, hi! o/12:58
nessitaholaaaa alecu12:58
ralsinagood morning!12:59
ralsinaDespite appearances, I am not working until 2PM. So I may or may not do things I should be doing. You are warned ;-)12:59
gatoxralsina, jeeje ok13:00
* nessita does not see ralsina13:01
nessitaralsina: is great you're coming after 2pm, I will have tons of reviews for you :-D13:01
ralsinanessita: awesome!13:03
gatoxnessita, don't scare ralsina13:03
gatoxlet him enjoy his morning13:03
ralsinanessita: if you have any, I may do one as a communitymember in the morning, as well ;-)13:03
mandelralsina, you have to sign the agreement then :P13:08
ralsinamandel: I have!13:09
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nessitamandel, gatox: if you have some minutes, would you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-933576-1/+merge/95557 ?13:45
mandelnessita, sure!13:46
gatoxnessita, ok13:46
mandelnessita, I'm off to have lunch and will finish the review when I'm back13:55
nessitamandel: thanks!13:55
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
dobeythe really annoying thing about debugging the music player, is that i can't play music while i'm doing it :(14:14
dobeyugh. 464M for libwebkitgtk-3.0-dbg14:17
nessitagatox: there is a conflict in https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/934502/+merge/9484114:20
gatoxnessita, ok.... fixing14:20
alecugatox, ping14:27
gatoxalecu, pong14:27
alecugatox, did you ever encounter something like this in pyqt?14:27
alecu"""QObject.connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'MyType'14:28
alecu (Make sure 'MyType' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)"""14:28
gatox:S..... nop14:28
gatoxalecu, what are you doing?14:28
gatoxnessita, approve14:28
alecugatox, I'm trying to connect to this signal: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qabstractsocket.html#stateChanged14:29
nessitagatox: thanks!14:29
* gatox looking14:29
alecugatox, in that doc it says very clearly: "QAbstractSocket::SocketState is not a registered metatype, so for queued connections, you will have to register it with Q_REGISTER_METATYPE() and qRegisterMetaType()."14:29
alecugatox, but I'm not finding the right docs for those two methods in the pyqt docs14:29
alecuQ_REGISTER_METATYPE() and qRegisterMetaType()14:29
gatoxalecu, give me a sec14:29
* gatox looking14:29
gatoxalecu, do you have qt assistant installed?14:30
dobeyi wonder if anyone even ever uses this feature in the music store plug-in, where we have clicking on the song in the "my downloads" page, start playing that song in your library14:30
dobeyaquarius_: ping14:30
aquarius_dobey, pong14:31
=== aquarius_ is now known as aquarius
alecugatox, seems I don't. what is the package for that?14:31
dobeyaquarius_: you were doing some stuff with rhythmdb queries outside of rhythmbox, right?14:31
aquariusdobey, I was14:31
dobeyaquarius: do you know if you can query it for a list of tracks from a certain library, in the list of libraries?14:32
aquariusI don't know off the top of my head14:32
alecugatox, I've got the qt designer, but not the assistant. And I can't find a package for that14:32
dobeyie "all tracks in ~/.ubuntuone/Purcahsed from Ubuntu One/" ?14:32
aquariuscould maybe work it out14:32
gatoxalecu, i think you can install libqtassistantclient4..... if that doesn't work.... you can always install qt4-dev-tools14:32
gatoxalecu, the web documentation is not loading here....... that's why i mention qt assistant14:33
gatoxalecu, take a look at the answer here, to see if it is useful for you: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2585442/sending-custom-pyqt-signals14:36
dobeyaquarius: is the code for the queries stuff you were doing somewhere i could look at it?14:37
gatoxalecu, i think that probably using: Q_REGISTER_METATYPE() is more c++ way..... and the one in that  page is more python-ish14:37
aquariusdobey, it's only a one-liner, but it's not helpful to you, because it was about querying the ExtDB (where the album art is stored), not the RhythmDB.14:37
dobeyah right14:37
aquariusdobey, I'm currently looking into it14:38
dobeyi'm looking at the .gir and can't even figure out how to do a query and tell it what to query for14:38
aquariusI am a little worried that rhythmdb_query_parse and cousins are not bound into gir :(14:38
dobeyit's introspectable=014:39
dobeyah, because a RhythmDBQuery isn't an object14:42
aquariusdobey, but... if you've got multiple libraries, I think they're all separate sources14:42
aquariusso what you want to do is not construct a query; I think you want to get the list of sources, find the one in it that's your library, and then that source's query_model contains all the tracks14:43
dobeyaquarius: nah, they're all under the same source it seems14:43
aquariusreally? how do you get the source?14:43
aquariusif you can get the source I ma be able to build a query for it14:43
dobey        libsrc = self.shell.props.library_source14:44
aquariusthat only works inside a plugin :(14:48
aquariusexternal pytohn scripts don't get a shell object :(14:48
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
aquariusdobey, ah, you've gotta use it in a plugin; all the other stuff doesn't work safely externally. bah. So, I don't have time to fiddle with that right now :(14:52
dobeyaquarius: right. new rb has some behavioral differences, and i think making it so that if you select the "Ubuntu One" store, you can hit play and it will play your purchased music, would be nice, and get rid of some of the weirdness i'm seeing in fixing other stuff :)14:54
ralsinagatox: ping14:57
gatoxralsina, pong14:57
ralsinagatox: please talk to Christine on canonical IRC *now* and give her your picture :-)14:57
gatoxralsina, ok14:57
ralsinagatox: not the darth maul one, please14:58
gatoxralsina, jeje okok14:58
urbanapebriancurtin: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/MacFSEvents15:00
briancurtinurbanape: inttttteresting15:01
nessitagatox, mandel, alecu, dobey?15:02
nessitaurbanape: ?15:03
nessitaalecu: standup15:04
nessitaDONE: lots of reviews, helped gatox with a branch to make sso qt more beautiful, team call, more on u1cp sigin screen branch15:04
nessitaTODO: proposed the branch for the aforementioned UIFe, finish reviews15:04
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes15:04
nessitaNEXT: briancurtin15:04
* alecu writting notes15:04
briancurtinDONE: got to where SSO tests are passing, moving on with client15:04
briancurtinTODO: push forward with client tests15:04
briancurtinBLOCKED: nope15:04
briancurtinNEXT: mandel15:04
mandelDONE: Debugging why libsoup throws an IO erro when a cert is wrong and ssl-strict is set to false. Some reviews for alecu,15:04
mandelTODO: finish nessitas review, more debugging.15:04
mandelBLOCKED: no, I mean, devugging..15:04
mandelurbanape, please15:04
urbanapeDONE: Made significant progress getting the ubuntu-sso-client tests passing in OS X (had to hard-code the network state). 1 random window size test failure.15:04
urbanapeTODO: starting on the syncdaemon stuff. Need to write our own platform package.15:04
urbanapeBLOCKED: Nada15:04
urbanapegatox: go15:04
gatoxFixed UI stuff and branches finally landed. Couple of reviews.15:04
gatoxWorking on INTERNAL SERVER ERROR when executing an installed sso.15:04
gatoxalecu, gord15:04
alecuDONE: tunnel server use from Syncdaemon15:05
alecuTODO: fix some bugs, more of the above15:05
alecuBLOCKED: stuck with weird Qt signal and metatypes15:05
nessitadobey: go15:06
alecudobey, go15:06
dobeyλ DONE: team meeting, rb debugging, fixed one CRITICAL in rb upstream, fixed click-to-play on 'my downloads' page15:07
dobeyλ TODO: more rb debugging, twisted glib2/gireactor debugging, tarmac locking?15:07
dobeyλ BLCK: none.15:07
nessitadobey: can you please delay the  twisted glib2/gireactor debugging and start working on the installer UI refactopring? the UI fix has way more priority than the other thing15:08
nessitaralsina: I know you're not here, but do we have the bug for the installer UI refactoring?15:08
mandelalecu, in https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/proxy-tunnel-server/+merge/95075 in FakeServerTunnelProtocol why is remote_disconnected empty?15:09
alecumandel, probably it's not needed by the fake. lemme check15:10
nessitadobey: can you please give me an ack? :-)15:10
nessitaI know you're not happy about that, but we have no other choice for that15:10
dobeythere is no bug filed for installer ui15:11
dobeyand all i have for it is a screenshot15:11
ralsinanessita: I don't think there is a bug15:11
ralsinaalecu: can I help you with the weird signal/metatype thing?15:12
nessitaralsina: can you please file the bug with the details (or ask rtgrant to do it)?15:12
alecuralsina, if you have some minutes, please do :-)15:12
ralsinaalecu: ok!15:12
ralsinanessita: I will ping rtgrant about it15:12
dobeynessita: and no. the rhythmbox stuff has much higher priority. and it's what i'm concentrating on at the moment.15:13
nessitadobey: I said to delay the glib/gi debugging, not the RB stuff15:13
alecuralsina, did you ever encounter something like this in pyqt?15:13
alecu """QObject.connect: Cannot queue arguments of type 'MyType'15:13
alecu  (Make sure 'MyType' is registered using qRegisterMetaType().)"""15:13
alecuralsina, I'm trying to connect to this signal: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qabstractsocket.html#stateChanged15:13
alecuralsina, in that doc it says very clearly: "QAbstractSocket::SocketState is not a registered metatype, so for queued connections, you will have to register it with Q_REGISTER_METATYPE() and qRegisterMetaType()."15:14
ralsinaalecu: are you connecting accross threads for some reason?15:14
dobeyand i think the twisted stuff is also a higher priority15:14
ralsinaalecu: because queued connections are accross threads and they have to be marshalled15:14
alecuralsina, if I don't use "2" as the second parameter to connect I'm getting segfaults15:15
ralsinaalecu: then yes, it's across threads15:15
ralsinaalecu: and you are officially in some trouble :-/15:15
alecuralsina, the weird thing is that if I print the "thread.get_ident()" then it seems to be the same.15:15
* gatox lunch15:15
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
ralsinaalecu: that is weird, yes15:16
briancurtinurbanape: mumble?15:16
alecuralsina, this is probably qt4reactor playing with our heads.15:16
ralsinaalecu: but keep in mind that Qt uses threads for non-blocking I/O so maybe you are later emitting the signal from another thread15:16
urbanapebriancurtin: omw15:16
alecuralsina, oh, that makes more sense.15:16
alecuralsina, the thing is that I looked for .connect() in qt4reactor, and they *are not* using queued connections.15:17
ralsinaalecu: hmmm15:17
ralsinaalecu: let me think 1'15:17
alecuwhich sounds awfully dangerous15:17
alecu(not you thinking)15:17
ralsinaalecu: usually people don't use queued connections, andthey get used automatically if needed15:18
alecuralsina, what's "if needed" ?15:18
ralsinaalecu: if you are doing it from a non-UI thread15:19
alecuralsina, if I'm connecting to the signal, or using the signal?15:19
ralsinaalecu: not sure, never tried it ;-)15:19
alecuralsina, :-)15:20
ralsinaalecu: a 0 (the default) means "auto" and it will guess if it's director queued15:20
ralsinaalecu: 0(default) If the signal is emitted from a different thread than the receiving object, the signal is queued, behaving as Qt::QueuedConnection. Otherwise, the slot is invoked directly, behaving as Qt::DirectConnection. The type of connection is determined when the signal is emitted.15:20
alecuralsina, so, state changing signals like "disconnected" or "stateChanged" look to be coming from a different thread at some point... because sometimes the process ends with a segfault.15:21
alecu(those are QTcpSocket signals)15:21
alecuas usual with thread stuff, it's impossible to reproduce.15:22
ralsinaalecu: right15:23
alecuso, for instance, if I add a "print" it stops crashing.15:23
ralsinaalecu: is it at all possible to do this without connecting that signal?15:23
alecuralsina, in order for tests to pass correctly I need the tcp connections to be completely closed.15:25
alecu The "right" way is to use the disconnect signal, but it's not fired if the socket is looking up the hostname.15:25
alecuso I'm trying to use the statechanged signal.15:25
alecuI *could* use a "callLater" with a check of the state()...15:25
ralsinaalecu: yes15:26
ralsinaalecu: do some polling15:26
alecubut it makes the test ugly.15:26
ralsinaalecu: and locking while looking up is not unusual behaviour15:26
nessitamandel: hola!15:26
mandelnessita, dime :)15:26
nessitamandel: were you able you finish my review?15:26
alecuralsina, well, not exactly polling, because I'll still be releasing the cpu with the reactor.callLater...15:26
alecuralsina, but it's very ugly.15:26
ralsinaalecu: yes, a slow polling ;-)15:26
mandelnessita, running tests atm and will +115:26
nessitamandel: awesome, thanks!15:27
alecuralsina, I'll give it a try, thanks for the input :-)15:27
mandelnessita, es un placer!15:27
ralsinaalecu: sorry I couldn't solve it :-(15:27
ralsinaalecu: but you are in the dark, seamy underground of Qt since a while ago ;-)15:27
alecuralsina, I guess it would have been easier if I did this in C++; pyqt seems to be focused on the gui parts of qt :-)15:28
ralsinaalecu: actually, maybe that's not as crazy as it sounds. Qt'sidea of C++ is very python-like15:28
nessitaok, need to run a quick erran, brb!15:29
alecuralsina, let's see how the tunnel turns out; in any case we can side-port it to C++ later :-)15:30
mandelnessita, +1 done15:30
nessitamandel: thanks!15:30
ralsinaalecu: indeed15:31
ralsinaalecu: may be a fun weekend project, actually (a generic SSL over HTTP proxy tunnel?)15:32
mandelralsina, alecu I'll avoid C++ if possible :P15:36
ralsinamandel: C++ is the natural language for this. Or go, if there is a decent network library :-)15:37
mandelalecu, velociraptor!15:37
mandelralsina, alecu go sounds more reasonable for this15:37
alecusorry, I'm not here. I'm compiling!15:37
alecumandel, ralsina: Qt bindings for go?15:37
ralsinaSome people have a problem. Then they use C++ and now the C++ points to element problem+115:38
ralsinaalecu: not exists, AFAIK15:38
mandelalecu, you can call c from go, so we just look at the vtables :P15:38
ralsinaand my C++ joke has a syntax error15:38
ralsinamandel: and do the mangling manually15:38
mandeldid that once with c... painful!15:38
briancurtin3ralsina: at least you aren't using templates in that joke15:39
alecumandel, and it only worked for one compiler only... since they mangle differently.15:39
ralsinabriancurtin3: I could try to work that in, but it would specialize on compile time.15:39
mandelalecu, yep.. it was a very hacky thing15:39
briancurtin3and produce a 50,000 word error message15:39
ralsinabriancurtin3: which amounts to "you left a space before the >" or "you missed a space before the >"15:40
mandelbriancurtin3, ralsina well, after dealing with erlang I think thisfred is ready to read template errors15:40
thisfredI explicitly declined to deal with erlang, mostly ;)15:40
ralsinamandel: you know C++ templates are turing complete?15:41
ralsinamandel: you can write your program in *templates* with no actual code.15:41
thisfredJust like XSLT then ;)15:41
ralsinahttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/189172/c-templates-turing-complete for example15:41
mandeljikes!!! ugly ugly..15:42
* ralsina considers generating templates from XML descriptions via XSLT15:44
mandelralsina, if you that I wont talk to you again, I'll use alecu as a proxy15:45
ralsinahttp://gitorious.org/metatrace a C++ compile-time raytracer. You write the scene, you compile it, the image is in the binary.15:46
ralsinaWhich is the greatest thing I have seen in the last 5 weeks at least15:46
alecumandel, I'll be your tunnel15:46
ralsinaalecu: yikes15:46
mandelalecu, that is what she said..15:47
gatox_lunchnessita, if i'm right..... and you can try it there...... you should go to: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu_sso$ ........ and then do: sudo find . -iname '*.pyc' -delete....... and try the problem between sso and control panel again, and should be fixed..... something went wrong between the update and the pycs15:47
gatox_lunchit seems15:48
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
gatoxohhhh i was gatox_lunch15:48
mandelgatox, dude there is a guy with a nick very similar with lunch at the end, was it you?15:50
gatoxmandel, no!! who who??15:51
urbanapebriancurtin3: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/watchdog16:00
urbanapemandel, et al: what if we used watchdog for all platforms?16:00
urbanapeit abstracts away inotify, FSEvents, and Windows stuff.16:00
mandelurbanape, hm..it will add an abstraction layer for all which is good, but I'm sure they have not fixed the fact that moves are diff etc.. although, you can use it for mac, and then we can consider it for windows16:04
mandelurbanape, I think that adding a lib in there is a smart move.. the problem is how well tested it is, does it solve all the issues and how do we hook that to twisted16:04
mandelurbanape, so in summary, if you have the time is ok for me but you need facundobatista to approve such a major change16:05
urbanapejust found it looking to see if anyone had already mapped inotify events to FSEvents16:05
facundobatistaurbanape, if you a library that abstracts them all into one set of semantics, *maybe* SD can be tuned to use those semantics, and we'd be happy16:07
mandelfacundobatista, would mean loosing the open event for sure16:07
mandelfacundobatista, urbanape it will also mean pushing all the dirty code to a lib maintained by others \o/16:08
facundobatistamandel, which is double edged sword16:09
mandelfacundobatista, true.16:09
urbanapeit's got a bunch of dependencies on it, too, which we might not want to take on16:11
urbanapePyYAML, argh, argparse, pathtools, and Brownie16:11
urbanapemight not actually need those (just for the extra scripting support)16:12
dobeyok, need to get lunch. bbiab16:18
=== briancurtin2 is now known as briancurtin
briancurtinurbanape: sry, comcast seems extra flaky today16:23
urbanapeno problem16:24
mandelralsina, nessita I have an appointment in the ophthalmologist, so I'm leaving in 5 mins to be there on time16:28
mandelok, time to go and see if i'm more blind :P16:32
nessitamandel: ack!16:36
elopionessita, ralsina, can you take a look at bug #940884 ?16:59
elopiowe will not sync files with names longer than what the os allows. Is that our problem, or the os problem? I think you'll know better.17:00
ralsinaelopio: it's the OS fault but it's our problem17:01
elopioralsina: ok, you have it on your plate.17:04
ralsinagood evening u1 team! I am now working, so hit me with reviews ;-)17:05
nessitaralsina: about to!17:05
nessitaguh, when I fix this lint issues17:05
nessitaralsina: would you know if rtgrant filed the bug?17:09
gatoxralsina, nessita really trivial review: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/back-button/+merge/9562217:10
nessitagatox: looooking17:10
ralsinanessita: seems he didn't. I'll do it myself17:11
nessitaralsina: :-/17:11
ralsinanessita: I pinged (with the request) but he never ponged, maybe he's not on IRC today, andit's late in the UK already, so...17:13
nessitaralsina: if you consider this can wait till Monday, we can email him asking him to please file it17:13
ralsinaI guess it can, since we are not going to file the UIFe today.Let's mail him and he can do it early monday17:14
ralsinanessita: I'll send the mail right away17:15
ralsinanessita: mailed, with you as CC17:18
ralsinagatox: The "enter verification" page is the one for the token you get by email for new accounts?17:19
gatoxralsina, yes17:19
ralsinagatox: why shouldn't there be a back button there?17:20
gatoxralsina, let me give you the bug description17:20
ralsinaAnd the right way to not have a back button is to make the previous page a "commitPage" IIRC17:20
gatoxralsina, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/94476917:20
ralsinagatox: looking17:20
ralsinawhat happens if you registered with a wrong email? Then you want to go back...17:21
gatoxnessita, ^17:21
nessitaralsina: well, the user can close the window and re-open, no? Or, we can leave the button there but cleanup the whole fomr17:25
nessitaralsina: otherwise we'll let the user think he can "retry" the registration17:26
nessitawhich he can not17:26
nessitaralsina: I prefer not having a back button, the user already had to enter the email *twice*17:26
nessitaralsina: the review you were asking for is https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-933576/+merge/9562717:30
nessitagatox: if you could too... ^17:30
gatoxnessita, on it17:30
gatoxso.... what should i do with the back button isssue..... i'm working in another issue now...... to know if i need to modify anything there17:31
nessitaralsina: any thoughts re: Back button? my food is ready so you can share those with me when I came back17:31
nessitagatox: mark the MP as WIP until ralsina and I decide what is best17:31
gatoxnessita, ack17:32
ralsinanessita: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-installer/+bug/944982 from Robert17:38
ralsinanessita: buen provecho!17:38
dobeynessita: "removing the dbus service" means bin/ubuntuone-control-panel-backend also? are we certain no apps in ubuntu are using it?17:39
dobeynessita: deja-dup uses the dbus service in control panel17:44
ralsinanessita: on your branch, if I login using an existing account, the SSO window is empty and u1cp is not usable until I close it manually17:48
nessitadobey: why would they? is not an official API :-/17:52
nessitaralsina: do you have nightlies updated?17:52
ralsinanessita: updated to last night. let me update and retry17:52
nessitaralsina: (remember that SSO code is independent from the control panel code)17:52
ralsinanessita: yes, I was thinking if I had to file a bug on SSO and/or if you knew about it17:53
nessitaralsina: ah, ok. LEt's try to reproduce with latest nightlies17:53
nessitaralsina: with sso window empty, what do you mean?17:54
dobeynessita: because it's probably the only way to do it. and any published api is an official api.17:54
dobeynessita: if you know of a better way to do that, feel free to help mterry switch deja-dup over to it :)17:55
nessitadobey: I disagree with your last sentence, but will not discuss about that. Ok, if you are sure deja-dup uses it, I guess we need to leave that in place :-/17:55
ralsinanessita: all widgets disappear and the window stays open17:56
dobeywell i just asked mterry in #ubuntu-desktop, because it is depending on ubuntuone-control-panel17:56
nessitaralsina: weird :-/. Would you let me know if this happens with latest sso?17:56
ralsinanessita: yep17:56
nessitadobey: well, sadly, there is no better way to do the quota querying without doing all the REST thingy by hand. SO I guess we cna leave that (the controlpanel dbus service) in place.17:58
gatoxnessita, ralsina another really small branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/ensure-overlay/+merge/9563618:08
nessitaralsina: what shall we do regarding the back button? saw my comments from before?18:08
nessitagatox: did you check all the screens?18:08
gatoxnessita, yes18:09
nessitaawesome :-)18:09
ralsinanessita: let's remove it and prepare a request for UX18:09
ralsinanessita: so that we can make it better in the not-so-close-future18:09
nessitaralsina: ack, gatox, did you get that ^? (also not sure if you should apply what ralsina said about the CommitPage)18:09
gatoxnessita, yes..... i'll check about CommitPage18:10
nessitagatox: thanks!18:10
nessitagatox: I haven't tested IRL yet, but... in https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/ensure-overlay/+merge/95636, shouldn't the overlay be hide when the operation is completed? ie, in the method on_email_verified y en on_email_verification_error18:26
gatox....... yep.......18:27
nessitagatox: I meant on_email_validated and on_email_validation_error18:27
nessitagatox: would you please add that?18:28
gatoxnessita, of course....18:28
nessitaralsina: did it work?18:34
ralsinanessita: still upgrading18:34
ralsinanessita: day of lots of updates, friday18:35
dobeylooks like rain18:42
ralsinadobey: in a wedding day?18:42
dobeyweddings are lame anyway18:43
ralsinaOh. My attempt at alanis-rolling failed :-(18:44
nessitaralsina: I got it :-)18:44
nessitais like a free ride, when you already paid ;-)18:44
ralsinait's a good advice!18:44
dobeyand i really do not like debugging untraceable race conditions that corrupt memory :-/18:44
nessitadobey: is the RB thingy? :-/18:45
ralsinadobey: ugh18:45
dobeyi am pretty certain now that it's not the entry that i'm creating in the plug-in, which is being dereferenced.18:46
ralsinadobey: if you had no luck with valgrind, have you tried any of the debuggig mallocs?18:46
dobeywell i'm just doing gdb18:47
dobeyand using G_SLICE=always-malloc makes the crash go away18:47
ralsinadobey: like dmalloc or whatever (I am just digging in old C stuff Ihalf-remember, so feel free to ignoreme)18:47
ralsinadobey: oh, a heisenbug18:47
dobeyvalgrind seems to be problematic, because it crashes in webkit when i run under vg18:47
ralsinadobey: valgrind isa whole freaking virtualized thing, it finds more bugs than there really are, sometimes18:48
gatoxralsina, the setCommitPage(True) is not working for this case18:49
ralsinagatox: really? remember it's on the PREVIOUS page ;-)18:49
gatoxralsina, yes, i'm setting that in the setup_account_page18:49
ralsinagatox: ok, then do it the other way around18:49
ralsinagatox: maybe it's because it relies on the order of the pages18:50
gatoxralsina, i'm checking why is not working.....18:50
dobeyralsina: i don't think it's finding a bug that isn't there in this case. but the trace from it isn't helpful18:50
ralsinadobey: right18:50
ralsinadobey: my sympathies, man18:50
ralsinadobey: that and 99 cents get you the dollar menu at Wendy's, though18:50
dobeynah. you need about $1.11 to buy something off the dollar menu at wendys, here anyway18:51
dobeyyay taxes18:51
nessitaralsina: got another review that will not depend on your system being up to date: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-94412018:51
ralsinanessita: on it!18:51
nessitadobey: would you please review it as well? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/fix-944120/+merge/9564218:51
nessitaralsina: merge link is  ^18:51
gatoxralsina, the attribute is being set correctly..... but i think that something involving how we navigate between the pages disable the commitPage thing18:52
dobeynessita: can you re-review my remove-gtk branch? :)18:52
gatoxso..... the other way is already in repo18:52
nessitadobey: yes, already branching it18:52
gatoxin the proposal i mean18:52
dobeyralsina: ^^ can you look at the remove-gtk branch as well pelase?18:52
nessitacd review_remove-gtk #and start reviewing ;)18:52
ralsinadobey: sure18:52
ralsinadobey: link?18:52
ralsinadobey: thanks, queued18:52
ralsinadobey: (+7/-7509) 25 files modified nice!18:53
nessitadobey: so, your branch still has the docs/ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk.1, but I don't want you to remove but to rename it to be the Qt cp man page. Can you do that in this branch pliz?18:54
nessitadobey:  with that we can tackle another bug ;-)18:55
nessitadobey: bug #93302118:55
dobeynessita: i'll remove it. i won't rename it to -qt. the arguments aren't the same, i'm pretty sure18:55
nessitadobey: please do not remove it18:55
nessitadobey: you can edit the man page to be correct, no?18:56
ralsinalet's do a branch that edits and renames18:56
nessitadobey: or I can do it, but do not remove it so I can cheat and re use it18:56
dobeynessita: why not just make a new one with the --help output from -qt instead?18:56
dobeyit's simple enough to do. there's a tool that does it18:56
gatoxnessita, ok..... both my branches are ready.... now i'm going to start with the tasks we talk18:56
ralsinahelp2man IIRC18:57
dobeyyeah, that18:57
dobeyit's easier to cheat that way, than copy the gtk one over18:57
ralsinaAlso, remember the help from the Qt version is a lie18:57
nessitadobey: as you wish, my gastritis is bad enough to be discussing at this  time of the week18:57
nessitadobey: let me know when you made whatever change you decide to make to that branch, and I'll re-review18:58
ralsinanessita: assign me the bug, I will do it18:58
nessitaralsina: ack, thanks18:58
nessitaralsina: assigned, and updated milestone18:58
ralsinanessita: +1 on fix-94412018:59
nessitaralsina: thanks!18:59
dobeynessita: are we supposed to maintain the other order on windows, and only have this order on ubuntu?19:00
dobeylisettte: ^^19:00
nessitadobey: I don't think so, we need to have the same UI accross all platforms19:00
nessitadobey: the mock for the controlpanel always had the restore to the left and not default, I've probably  done it wrong from the start19:01
nessitadobey: you can check the google doc with the spec19:01
nessita(which was originally for windows)19:01
dobeyok, well +1 anyway. i'm fairly apathetic, and it's too late to get an answer out of millbank today anyway19:02
nessitadobey: the mock: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/drawings/d/1O_Q9EIJNbvnimroBTvoxvpFXuawEp8pA01iyfW-lHn419:02
dobeyoh google docs; i hate you too.19:02
ralsinaOn a future UI refresh, there is something called a QButtonBox that's supposed to give platform-correct primary/secondary button ordering, but I can't even find the docs today19:03
nessitaralsina: nice to know19:04
gatoxralsina, are you sure about qbuttonbox?? i can't find it in qt assistant19:04
dobeynote that there is no "platform correct" answer to that really19:04
ralsinagatox: it's there in designer :-)19:04
ralsinagatox: but I think it's not a real widget19:05
dobeythough the ButtonBox widget makes it easy to switch directions of the buttons19:05
gatoxralsina, maybe is something like the "line" in the qt designer, that is actually a qframe19:05
ralsinagatox: yes, I think so19:05
dobeymacos generally hasn't got dialog buttons. windows is usually "[ok] [cancel]" though basically arbitrary for non-standard apps. kde uses "[ok] [cancel]" and GNOME uses "[cancel] [ok]"19:06
dobeyand then there are all the other environments too!19:07
dobeyi think xfce matches gnome. and i'm not sure unity/ubuntu specifies that, but generally has followed gnome as it's been gnome.19:07
dobeyi swear, if i have fixed this crash with this insane hack, i don't know what i'll do. maybe go get drunk right now19:08
dobeyok good. it didn't fix it19:09
ralsinadobey: right, I was thinking [ok][cancel]   on windows, [cancel][ok] on windows19:09
ralsinaoops, make one of those linux19:09
dobeyalso, i am getting tired of listening to the tron soundtrack previews19:10
dobey        player.play_entry(entry.ref().ref().ref().ref().ref().ref(), self.source)19:10
dobeyand it still crashed19:10
dobeyso i'm pretty sure that entry isn't the point of unref failure :)19:10
ralsinabah, ButtonBox does that, but doesn't let you change the button texts.19:11
ralsinaThis is going to sound really strange, but my chromium window has turned grayscale, and all the others are ok.19:12
dobeycompiz turns hanged/blocked/crashed applications grey19:14
ralsinadobey: but chromiumworks19:14
dobeyisn't buttonbox just a specialized container that you can stick any widget in?19:14
dobeyralsina: i never specified the IQ of compiz.19:15
ralsinadobey: not in this case, it's just a gadget in designer,  doesn't seem to exist in real life19:15
ralsinaSo I am now in the 1920s web19:15
dobeyhrmm, i hate these kinds of bugs :(19:33
ralsinanessita: with nightlies updated, I can't login with any of my test accounts :-(19:38
ralsinanessita: I get "authentication failed" for all19:38
nessitaralsina: are you sure those are valid U1 accounts?19:39
nessitaralsina: can you share a pair username and password? (I ask since those are test accounts)19:39
ralsinanessita: sure19:39
nessitaralsina: just checking, you fully updated and rebooted, right?19:39
ralsinanessita: updated, not rebooted19:40
nessitaralsina: shouldn't make any difference... but who knows. gatox and I had an issue with pyc files19:40
ralsinanessita: so, I'll reboot. This notebook fscks on every reboot so it will take a little while19:40
gatoxralsina, try to remove the pycs before just in case19:41
ralsinaok, will try that first19:41
ralsinanessita, gatox: yay, that did it! weird!19:42
nessitaralsina: there something very bad19:42
ralsinanessita: confirmed the branch works great IRL, the empty window thing is gone19:42
nessitaralsina: ffiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu19:42
ralsinanessita: so, I'll finish the review quick19:43
gatoxralsina, jejeej yep..... it happens to me too.... i figure it out modifying the files with sudo19:43
nessitaralsina: thanks!19:43
dobeyRB, Y U NO REF?!19:43
gatoxwhich force the generation of the pyc (wonder why it didn't do it before)19:43
ralsinagatox: maybe permissions on the pyc?19:44
ralsinagatox: but I am pretty sure I did not sudo edit ay py files :-)19:44
gatoxralsina, yes... it's weird19:44
gatoxralsina, i did it because i was trying to debug that19:45
dobeymaybe i should look at twisted for a bit instead19:45
ralsinadobey: change the air19:45
dobeyor just go try to unlock kaori on ssx19:46
ralsinanessita: +1 on fix-93357620:04
ralsinagatox: +1 on ensure-overlay20:05
gatoxralsina, thanks20:05
gatoxpeople! EOD here! have a nice weekend!20:18
nessitaralsina: doi you have https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/back-button/+merge/95622 in your queue?20:18
nessitawho's up for a review?20:20
* dobey hopes this bug is 'gone' now20:20
ralsinanessita: looks like I didn't20:20
ralsinanessita: doing that one then20:20
nessitaralsina: thanks!20:20
=== gatox is now known as gatox_brb
dobeyhrmm is not; well the criticals aren't anyway20:21
ralsinanessita, gatox_brb: global approve on back-button20:27
nessitaralsina: nice, thanks20:27
=== gatox_brb is now known as gatox
gatoxralsina, great thanks20:33
cjohnstonu1filestatus.py doesn't work anymore on precise20:50
cjohnstonhas anyone updated it to work?20:50
dobeyrye_: ^^20:58
rye_cjohnston, i know, but I haven't yet found a way to get it working21:07
cjohnstonmy u1 stuff just keeps getting worse21:12
dobeyhow so?21:17
cjohnstondobey: u1 started deleting my files, and now isnt syncing right21:21
cjohnstonI've been working with duanedesign for a week on it21:21
dobeyhmm. that sounds quite odd21:24
dobeyevery time i think i've found something related to this bug, nothing changes :(21:30
ralsinaEOD for me, I may do some reviews late tonight if needed for the release, please mail21:48
briancurtinhave a good weekend ralsina21:48
dobeylaters. i need to get off here for a while before my hands go numb from typing "bt" in gdb22:03
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