
=== nanotube is now known as notnanotube
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pleia2feed is now going to the planet "There were some firewall issues with planet.u.c getting to the frontends for xubuntu.  This should be fixed now." :)04:32
knomepleia2, huh? it isn't?10:05
knomepleia2, oh right, fixed. good.10:05
knomeUnit193, ding!10:35
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ochosibtw, the plymouth theme doesn't look very nice atm. it looks like there's a light-sabor hovering beneath the logo (i.e. the blue hue of the glow is borked/incompatible with the new wallpaper)13:45
ochosiwho's taking care of plymouth atm? madnick?13:46
ochosimeh :(13:51
mr_pouitI replaced the background picture only13:51
mr_pouitnoticed that the blue wasn't the same, and told it to knome :p13:51
ochosiis it easy to change the blue?13:52
mr_pouitso yeah, the progress bar image uses a different blue hue for its border13:52
ochosicause i might be able to tell you what to change it to13:52
mr_pouitprobably only a small update for some pngs is needed13:53
mr_pouitthere's no hardcoded color in the plymouth script, so it's only the png fault afaik13:54
ochosiit's really weird that they dropped resize-grips from gtk2 now14:02
ochosiright after they accepted the unico-patch to style the resize-grip in gtk314:03
ochosiabout plymouth: i'd rather have knome take care of that, i have to fix a few more greybird issues first14:03
ochosiand lightdm ideally14:03
mr_pouittoo many issues were caused by the patch14:04
ochosiwhat patch? the gtk2 resizegrip?14:04
mr_pouit(it took them 1 year to notice that, though)14:04
ochosiyeah, lol14:04
ochosii mean that seemed clear from day1 tbh14:05
mr_pouitprobably not to the design team :)14:05
mr_pouit- will fix issues with libreoffice (lp: #749986) and splash screens in other softwares (lp: #704105, #734381)14:06
ochosiwhere is the lightdm gtk-theme set again?14:06
mr_pouit(from the changelog)14:06
mr_pouitin /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf I think14:06
ochosi(doesn't seem to be in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf)14:06
mr_pouit"In libreoffice, dragging the window with the grip, displays the 'File' menu and blocks the resizing process (see the attached screenshot)."14:08
mr_pouitthat was awesome14:09
ochosinice one14:09
ochosii was wondering whether we should advertise specific xfwm shortcuts more14:09
ochosilike alt+rightclick for window-resize14:09
ochosihm, seems that trying to use lightdm-greeter.css from ambiance doesn't work for our greeter14:10
ochosidunno why though, the class ".lightdm.menu" looks ok in a way14:11
ochosiand with ambiance lightdm looks okayish14:13
ochosialthough not specifically themed14:13
ochosimr_pouit: where can i find unity's lightdm greeter code?14:15
ochosigreat, it's all vala14:18
ochosiwe're using this: /usr/share/lightdm-gtk-greeter/greeter.ui, right?14:27
Unit193knome: Yeeeees?14:46
G__81hi knome 14:51
mr_pouitochosi: yes14:59
ochosimr_pouit: ok, good to know. btw, i just fixed the tab issue14:59
knomeG__81, hey15:00
knomemr_pouit, damn it, yeah, i must fix that...15:01
mr_pouitdon't worry, the xubuntu pl will whip you so that you don't forget15:02
mr_pouituh, no, wait15:02
knomeskaet, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS seems to raise some confusion. do you think that page could in any case say anything about the derivatives?15:03
knomemr_pouit, do you have any idea if transparent png's work?15:04
knomemr_pouit, re: plymouth15:04
skaetknome,  its referencing Kubuntu,  but using the term "editions" - is that the source of the confusion?15:05
knomeskaet, that too, probably, but generally not listing the derivative/flavor/whatever lts periods15:06
skaetHow about "The Ubuntu project will decide which flavors will be LTS and support duration for each, early in the LTS development cycle."15:07
knomeskaet, and a link to a page that lists those durations?15:07
knomeskaet, or just list those durations?15:07
Unit193knome: I see, thank you!15:07
knomeskaet, i mean, it would be ok even in the very bottom of the page...15:07
knomeUnit193, ;)15:08
knomeUnit193, np15:08
skaetknome,  problem is that this is a general page,  not just one for this release.   The durations change based on project.    Where the durations should be expressed is:15:11
skaetwhich is still missing your signoff.... that I've got the details there correct.  ;)15:12
knomeskaet, i see. but i can also see why it's confusing for somebody to not have that list...15:12
knomeskaet, i don't understand what's "ship-live" ?:)15:12
knomeskaet, and why do we have "desktop" and nobody else does?15:13
skaetrather not create another page - when the ReleaseManifest is already there,  and an established part of our infrastructure.  :)15:13
knomemr_pouit, HALP!15:13
knomeskaet, yeah. maybe just link to that and take care of updating every release :)15:13
skaetknome,  those are the seeds, and I cut/pasted from the last version - they may not be accurate anymore,  and if so,  should be fixed.  :)15:13
knomeok... in that case... mr_pouit: MORE HALP!15:14
skaetlol,  :)15:14
skaethmmm..... what also might be useful,  is to put onto the Release Schedule,  which of the point releases you'll be participating in.     Which would illustrate the expectations as well.    ie. does it make sense for you to participate in 12.04.1 if so,  lets add a Xubuntu 12.04.1 to the Release Schedule.... etc.  thoughts?15:16
skaethttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule - scroll down past the release date...15:17
knomeyep. i'll have to check that with mr_pouit, too.15:17
knome(i hope he's getting enough highlights!)15:17
skaet:)   let me know what you think might work for you,  and we can talk with the other flavors that are LTS  as well. 15:18
knomei can see how it'd help if the project leader was a more technical person ;)15:18
knomesure, thanks15:18
Unit193Hmmmm..... Seems all are set as 18M duration, while some thought they were just doing a normal release.15:19
skaetknome,  added some wording changes to the LTS page.   Still need to figure out how to make explicit ref to the manifest in such a way it won't get stale,  but problem for another day.  :)15:23
knomeyup :) thanks15:24
knomebbl ->15:24
G__81hi knome i was the one who sent the request of joining the xubuntu team today 15:52
G__81in Launchpad15:52
knomeG__81, yeah, i figured out. :)16:07
G__81knome, how ? :)16:07
knomeG__81, one of the team leader secrets :P16:08
G__81does LP have my nick ? i mean is it updated. i dont remember 16:08
knomeanyway, as said in the message, we don't usually give out team memberships in LP right away16:08
knome(unless there is a specific reason, like needing to be part of the team to access something)16:08
knomeG__81, is there something specific you'd like to work on?16:09
G__81yeah 16:09
G__81knome, let me introduce myself16:09
knomesure :)16:10
G__81I have been contributing to open source projects and have been using Linux for many years. I have been a fedora contributor maintain couple of packages and i  am an active contributor to quagga (open source routing daemon) and also sent 2-3 patches to kernel and UML16:11
G__81i dont know anything about Ubuntu Processes. I have not done packaging either 16:12
knomeright :)16:12
knomemr_pouit and micahg are people you want to talk with16:12
knomethey can help you get started mostly16:13
knomehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/GettingStarted too16:13
G__81knome, is packaging the only way ?16:13
knomeG__81, no, not really, but knowing it at least a bit helps :)16:14
knomethe xubuntu team doesn't actually write much own code16:14
knomewe generally speaking just gather stuff and make sure it works well together16:15
ochosithis limitation (code-writing) is mostly due to the little amount of manpower16:15
G__81hmm ok i get it 16:15
knomethat too, but also, when we do write code, we try to get most of it upstream :)16:16
G__81my question is xfce development is as such slow so what do you guys do every version as such 16:16
knomeG__81, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/16:16
knomeG__81, that's our roadmap for the precise release16:16
knomethere is usually lots of little things to fix...16:17
G__81oh ok16:18
G__81ok how can i help apart from packaging16:19
knomeand if you look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule, you can see the feature freeze, for example, was already on feb 16 for this cycle16:19
knomethis basically means there isn't really 6 months to do stuff...16:19
knomefor this cycle, there is quite little what you can do since we've past most of the freezes16:20
G__81oh ok16:20
knomea good way to start is to start following the xubuntu-devel mailing list, this IRC channel and just hang around16:20
knomegetting to know the ubuntu procedures is good too16:20
knomeand any kind of communication is encouraged16:20
G__81yeah i could do that 16:21
knomeyou can also help with testing the releases and reporting bugs if you notice them16:21
knomefor example, there's no tests done for today, yet, except the upgrade tests16:22
knomeUnit193 can help you getting started with testing16:22
Unit193Charlie-tca is best, and GridCube is another one.16:22
knomeit's pretty straightforward though, just follow the testcases16:22
knomeUnit193, sure. but they aren't online nearly as much as you are :)16:23
G__81Unit 193 ?16:23
G__81i dont see it 16:24
G__81i see a table 16:24
knomeG__81, you're referring to the tests?16:24
G__81no 16:24
G__81builds page16:24
knomeon that page, scroll down to "xubuntu"16:24
G__81ok 16:25
knomethere's four rows for all the images16:25
knomenext to each one there is a column "mandatory"16:25
knomewell, as you can see, none of those have been done today16:25
knomelet's say you want to test the desktop i386 image16:25
knomeyou click on that16:25
knomeand you get a different table, where you can see all the tests that need to be done for the i386 desktop image16:26
G__81i see an other table 16:26
knomeon the left there is an icon with a document and a tool16:26
knomeif you click that, you'll see what you need to do to be able to pass/fail the test case 16:27
G__81oh ok 16:27
G__81i see it16:27
knomeyou can report passes/fails after you've logged in16:28
knomeand there's also the download info link there :)16:28
knomeif you do testing day-after-day, i recommend using some kind of syncing16:28
knomethat way, you don't need to download 100% of the iso every day again16:28
Unit193https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-qa-tools has some easy scripts.16:29
G__81how do i do that16:29
Unit193Using rsync or zsync.16:29
G__81oh ok 16:29
G__81i have an other question 16:30
G__81you guys also do packaging right, i see xfce 4.10 is under development and current is 4.8 so whats that you guys package 16:30
knome4.8 is in precise16:30
ochosi(with a few patches from 4.9.x)16:30
G__81for eg: I maintain the thunar-python bindings in fedora and i dont see any updates there coz it hardly gets updated 16:30
G__81for 12.04 also its gonna be 4.8 16:31
knomeG__81, yes, precise == 12.0416:31
G__81yeah so whats that you are gonna package 16:31
G__81if i have to package something what would it be ?16:31
knomefor precise, we won't package nothing at this stage :)16:32
knomewe get most of xfce stuff from debian16:32
knomebut we do some changes on top of that, with ubuntu-deltas16:33
knomebut seriously, mr_pouit is much better in explaining that :)16:33
G__81so this release the only way i could get involved is testing is it 16:33
knomethat, and bug fixes16:33
knomemost of that's probably artwork-related16:34
knome(fighting with GTK3...)16:34
G__81i could do bug fixes 16:34
G__81i could try rather :)16:34
knomeagain, i have to point you to mr_pouit :)16:35
knomeor micahg 16:35
G__81knome, ok nice to know all these 16:41
knomesure :)16:43
knomeif you have any other questions... feel free to ask in the channel16:44
* knome is off for now16:44
Unit193Adios knome, catch you Sun/Mon.16:44
G__81thanks knome 16:45
knomeUnit193, hf with no pc :)16:45
knomeG__81, np :)16:45
micahgG__81: 4.10 will go in 12.1016:50
Unit193And GTK3 even later. :/16:50
G__81yeah micahg i could see it 16:50
G__81micahg, xfce does not have a method by which i can auto-arrange icons on desktop 16:52
G__81is that available in xfce?16:52
micahgidk, I thought Thunar handled that16:53
ochosino, xfdesktop handles the desktop16:53
ochosiunfortunately it has quite a few shortcomings, because it's practically unmaintained for a while already now16:54
G__81is it available ?16:54
ochosiif you mean sort-modes then i guess no (but i have to admit that i never use the desktop-icons)16:55
G__81ochosi, yeah auto-arrange lets say i delete an icon on desktop then there is a gap formed coz the other icons dont go up automatically to take up the blank space on the desktop right17:00
ochosithat doesn't work17:00
G__81oh ok17:02
ochosithe long-term plan is to make the desktop a thunar-extension17:02
ochosiso that it would have the same features and behave consistently17:02
G__81lxde has that feature 17:02
ochosibut that'll be a long way down the road i fear17:03
G__81why is xfce devel so slow ?17:06
ochositoo little manpower17:06
ochosino paid devs, no company behind it17:07
G__81but the good thing is that they have not screwed up the interface unlike gnome17:07
G__81oh ok17:07
G__81sometimes i get a dialog box which says some keyring blah blah.. 17:15
G__81i dont have any clue on why i get it sometimes 17:15
G__81any clue on why we get that ?17:15

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