
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
lifelesswgrant: btw http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Serializable is likely to fuck us over. Excuse the direct language.06:10
lifelesswgrant: if we don't already drop our serialization level :)06:10
wgrantlifeless: Yeah, I'd seen that. IIRC most of our stuff is READ COMMITTED.07:12
lifelesswgrant: btw07:25
lifelesswgrant: arrays and indexing, what did you learn.07:25
lifelessbigjools: so tell me about these subscription services07:29
bigjoolslifeless: in a bit, busy07:29
wgrantlifeless: For bug access checks, array indexes work but aren't really useful (since most bugs are public it's faster to just read them all and filter inline). For tag searches I haven't really looked yet, but I suspect they won't work well unless the planner can use stats on the columns, which AIUI is only implemented for tsvector so far.07:32
lifelesswgrant: thanks07:35
lifelesswgrant: I'm thinking subscriptions you see07:35
lifelesswgrant: +tag and -tag arrays, f'instance07:35
wgrantlifeless: GIN-indexed string or int array columns should work very well for that. http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/intarray.html provides some additional support for integer arrays.07:39
wgrantBut most stuff is doable with GIN natively now.07:39
lifelesswgrant: is that in trunk or we'd need the addon ?07:41
lifelesswgrant: in core I mean07:41
wgrantlifeless: Still contrib, even in 9.1, AFAIK07:42
lifelessso, we could map tags to ints via a data table07:42
lifelessand ditto queries07:42
lifelessand use that07:42
wgrantThat would probably be optimal, yes.07:42
lifelesswe've run contrib before07:43
lifelessthis seems safer than the online defrag contrib module07:43
lifelessbigjools: would maas be a reasonable project to cargo cult buildout for django w/system packaged django use ?07:45
bigjoolslifeless: I *think* so, flacoste just fixed it to do that properly07:46
lifelesslp:mass right?07:46
lifelessmaas. thingy.07:46
bigjoolsI have not tried it myself yet having been mostly on a plane or in a jetlagged blubbery mess07:46
bigjoolsmaas, yes :)07:46
lifelessmoving + tzs -> nightmare07:46
wgrantJetlagged blubbery messes are the best situations to rework critical infrastructure :)07:47
lifelessactually there is some research supporting that07:47
wgrantForces you to accidentally think outside the box :)07:47
lifelessdrunk works too07:47
wgrantBecause you're delirious.07:47
bigjoolscurrently trying to book inspections for rentals next week. Lazy Aussie agents don't work saturday afternoons it seems07:47
lifelessbigjools: ^07:48
bigjoolswow, I should be one of the most creative people in the world then07:48
lifelessright now, yeah, you probably would be07:48
bigjoolsor does it require simultaneous sleepy and drunk?07:48
lifelessbasically, get the supervisor module turned off -> more options considered when thinking about something07:49
lifelesshttp://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-briscoe-tsvwg-re-ecn-tcp-09.txt is brilliant07:57
lifelesslast paragraph of section 5.107:59
nigelbwoah, bigjools, you moved?08:37
nigelbI like how LP is now having more people in the East.08:39
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