[00:00] ironhalik: aaa :) I remember my roommate facing that problem that he needs to take apart the whole notebook even keyboard :D [00:01] but he was on Acer, on my Asus jist one thing to take apart and easy [00:04] * yofel repaired 2 fans so far, for both he had to take half of the notebook apart (a thinkpad and an eeePC) [00:07] Ok, I lost the battery indicator [00:07] yofel: hmm, that's why I love Asus :/ [00:07] the eeepc was from asus. Maybe the notebooks are better [00:09] yofel: or just mine and few others I have seen so far, 4 bolts and there you go CPU Fan and Ram [00:09] ram is as easy, but the EeePC's fan is below the mainboard === bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [00:49] any updates ? [01:11] glosoli: if you're curious about what gets updated you could subscribe to https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/precise-changes [01:11] or just check the archive [01:12] yofel: thanks : [01:12] :) [01:18] hi.. can somone help with 12.04 beta1? it is not booting [01:20] knewbie_: im not using the 1204 beta yet, but tell me [01:20] where does it stop [01:20] the boot process [01:21] I can not tell. It shows the human icon then, loads sometime... black screen whole time. [01:21] is this to install , or after installation? [01:21] to install.. [01:21] is there an option to edit the kernel command line [01:22] if there is, I dunno how [01:22] the 12.04 had you pressing f6 i believe [01:22] ok then? [01:22] it will allow you to modify thew boot string [01:22] ok.. to? [01:22] erase the word quiet and the word splash [01:22] then you will get to see the entire boot process in text [01:23] might have some more info we can use to deduce what happens [01:23] ahh that sounds much better [01:23] I will try that and come back. thx [01:23] np good luck [01:23] maybe the eerror is something you can google [01:23] or try your luck with here [01:24] maybe.. I heard some kernel issues with iommopage something? [01:24] virtual iommpage mapping feature being on by default? [01:24] no idea , try to boot like this and check what error the lodain stops at.. [01:27] ok. might as well as google first.. might save me a retry.. [01:29] found it.. I want to try vmware fast graphics with new mesa 8.0 but installing on regular use is mistake? [01:30] hello and help. how can i build wine with 12.04? apt-get build-dep wine1.4:i386 says everything is ok, but configure fails because "X 32-bit development files not found" [01:31] zuti, does installing wine even work ? [01:32] knewbie_: yup, but it doesn't run my programs. closes right away [01:32] and keeps complaining about gnome keyring [01:33] zuti, so no wine. I read that they switched from 32bit thing to multi-arch... [01:34] yeah, i noticed that after just updating. strange that the build-dep doesn't provide all needed libraries, even if i define i386 [01:35] actually, sorry, misread that... it says it can't find a source package for it. ar [01:36] https://launchpad.net/~alexandre-montplaisir/+archive/winepulse [01:36] here is lauchpad using multi-arch support [01:38] hmm. upgrading to new 12.04 sounds like a bad idea for normal use.. [01:39] oo.. winepulse, even. that's just what i need. have been compiling the multimedia branch lately to get any sound out of wine [01:40] or is the name just misleading. still built from vanilla [01:40] only 1 way to find out [01:41] or maybe i might just read the description :) [01:43] hmm. I guess I will wait on trying beta. wine is a stopper. [01:43] for me at least [01:46] anyone know why most GS shell do not work in 12.04? Is it a code thing Ubuntu thing [01:52] hey, is anyone else having trouble loading the Gnome Fallback Session on the Precise beta 1? [01:52] have you updated lately? [01:53] c_smith, Do that first that fix my problem [01:53] c_smith, you load the gnome-shell that also loads the fallback. [01:53] Captain_Proton, I've been updating every few hours. [01:54] and my hardware is capable of running the default Gnome Shell, I just want the old Gnome 2 look. [01:54] can you load gnome-shell [01:54] i know just see [01:55] Captain_Proton, I'll have to install it, which where I'm at, a coffee shop, it isn't a suitable place to grab and install a bunch of packages like that, I'll have to install it later on, [01:55] what does it do now [01:56] hmmmmm, not as many packages are needed as I thought...... [01:56] I thought it would be up in the hundreds of megabyte's worth. [01:56] only about 10-20 mb. [01:56] k, I'll let you know when I get it installed and try. [01:57] k It may just fix your problem [01:57] kk [01:59] Captain_Proton, thanks for the tip, it really helped. [02:00] Gnome fallback is working. [02:00] sweet :) [02:01] might be the updates I applied a couple hours ago, or your tip, dunno for sure. [02:01] all good :) [02:01] either way, I had it working shortly before I did a clean install of beta 1 over alpha 2. :D [02:02] one thing I must say about Precise, is the new LightDM look is tight, modest changes really go a long way in this case. [02:03] that one o the thing that keep using ubuntu is the polish. [02:03] yup. [02:05] whaat? sound works with the distro version of wine. wonderful :) [02:06] i guess i don't need to build anything anymore [02:06] yea i seen they went back to alsa. [02:07] anyone here test the windows 8 customer preview? [02:08] yeah [02:09] what you think? [02:09] i test the dev not very good based on that i say it a turd [02:09] Captain_Proton, not bad, Ihave W7 as well, but I started on open source I just have windows cause I feel sorry for the users. :) [02:09] get better [02:10] no I have a win7 box to for games [02:10] many have no clue on dual booting that is where I help the most. [02:10] and in It so i have to kow it [02:10] linux for work windows for play [02:11] Steve Gibson call windows a toy lol:) [02:11] linux 99.99% for me. [02:11] oh, wow. the win8 preview was awful :) [02:11] anyone here uses TeamViewer in Precise ? [02:12] zuti: too much awful.. [02:12] fullscreen windows everywhere. can't wait to see how you are supposed to use any productive application [02:12] I smell bias. :) [02:13] The ##windows channel has plenty of hating go there, this is ubuntu development [02:13] I dont know Dvorak agress with them [02:14] Fyodorovna: I don't hate anything :) I like them as I like any other sucessful company, Ubuntu has good competitors to learn from :) [02:15] there is a channel for thta OS [02:15] that* [02:15] They talk about the ubuntu on Andriod on twit i think last week [02:15] Fyodorovna: THis channel is also just for precise, so aint you doing a bit offtopic too ? ;D [02:16] Captain_Proton: Seen the overview in OmgUbuntu [02:16] yes I answres once and left it at that. [02:17] answered. [02:17] yes it looks cool I keep my peice of crap phone till that comes out lol. did you preorder the sparkle tab [02:21] * glosoli Anyway if somebody Cares Gimp 2.7.4 will have Precise ppa in few weeks :) [02:23] * glosoli also Skype Guys replied that they didin't ditched Skype for Linux, even though there wasn't any release for years [02:34] hm... i see the outputs under sound settings aren't numbered anymore. a bit confusing to see four different outputs with the same exact name [02:42] has someone changed the terminal colors in precise. it's really messed up here [02:44] i changed the background a couple of hours ago. seemed to work. [02:44] eh, i'm talking about default terminal colors [02:45] ah :) [02:46] kanliot: the terminal colors should be the same as oneiric, but gtk made a bunch of theme changes this cycle [02:47] i think i'll just post a screenshot to the lubuntu mailing list [02:47] and all hell will break loose [02:53] hi, the overlay icon when i press volume up or down is now a lowresolution image, im running ubuntu precise with compiz turned on, any ideas guys ? [02:58] hi.. ok 12.04 beta1 locks at nouveau driver [02:58] how do I turn off nouveau kernel driver? [03:03] Evening, all [03:10] any way to blacklist kernel module from boot line? [03:13] think found it..bbl [03:14] does the HUD seem to not present logical choices at the moment? [04:47] hey guys, I'm running precise beta, and so far, it rocks. One thing I'd like to fix though is that when I move my mouse between screens, it "sticks" to the edge until I move it a certain distance. Can I disable that? === reith2004_ is now known as reith2004 [05:08] swaj, no, you cannot disable that. [06:07] you guys having any issues with the Dash search not returning anything meaningful? [06:07] Just tried searching for some of my music by artist name, and i get no results. [06:07] Coincidentally, I'm playing that same artists in Rhythmbox at the time [06:13] tried looking though google for a doc on how to use the hud and train it is there such a thing yet? [06:33] nanobolic_: not that i know of. to train it, you just use it. it will automatically group your frequently used actions first. [06:41] rigved, I tested it with firefox and going to the add-ons and it kept bringing up network connections [06:41] will have to keep using it I guess to see "how" to use it I guess [07:47] hmm.. minecraft runs like crap now [07:48] seems okay to begin with.. then just becomes really jerky/stuttery.. using either fglrx or radeon driver [07:50] ;/ [07:51] not sure if its a java problem.. a libwjgl problem.. minecraft problem.. etc [07:51] all i know is.. it used to run better at one point ;) [07:56] snadge: what java verison are you using ? [07:56] probably openjdk 6 [07:58] snadge: try this guide http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html [07:58] but first go to java website to check your java version [07:58] and check again after the guide [07:59] here http://java.com/en/download/installed.jsp [08:06] yeah.. but im not sure if i can compile android with java 7 [08:07] i have a script which changes between the various installed versions of java though [08:08] can always try :p [08:15] hmm.. doesnt appear to make too much difference [09:45] might be compiz related.. unity2d works better with minecraft [10:21] hello , installing last beta ubuntu , gives that error x86_64 : http://bitsy.me/img4dy - WTF? [10:23] James_KL: stop the spamming [10:23] im not spam !! [11:19] just upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 beta1 and when loading google earth it gives the following error - error why loading shared libraries [11:19] how do i solve this [11:25] sindile: which libraries? [11:25] yofel [11:26] libGL.so.1 [11:28] lt [11:28] sindile: looks like a missing symlink to me, there is /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 but there's no /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1 symlink to that, which is why it fails [11:29] sindile: file a bug against libgl1-mesa-glx [11:29] that is provided by the alterantives [11:29] try reinstalling your mesa provider [11:30] well, that would be mese [11:30] *mesa [11:30] not necessarily [11:30] it can also be nvida or fglrx [11:30] I'm running nouveau, so it's mesa [11:30] but right, could be something else for him [11:30] try apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx [11:31] nope, still no symlink [11:31] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so is there, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1 not [11:31] weird [11:36] what do /etc/alternatives/x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf and /etc/ld.so.conf.d/x86_64-linux-gnu_GL.conf point to? [11:36] yofel: the .so symlink is installed by glx-dev is that installed [11:36] ? === _nyuszika7h_ is now known as nyuszika7h [11:41] 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 Feb 29 20:50 /etc/alternatives/x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf -> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/ld.so.conf [11:41] 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Feb 11 12:16 /etc/ld.so.conf.d/x86_64-linux-gnu_GL.conf -> /etc/alternatives/x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf [11:41] the dev package is installed [11:42] hm, should theoretically be fine then [11:42] sindile: ^ ? [11:42] k so building will be a problem, but the ld.so.confs are correct so everything should work [12:06] Hi, my when I select a text and click both keys in my touchpad, nothing is pasted [12:07] click middlebutton [12:14] ripps: I don't have a middle button [12:14] crizzy: ^ [12:14] i've installed beta1 on mb air but grub/boot is not available. any way i can reenable grub/boot on mac/efi system w/o reinstall? [12:14] ajmitch: grub-install [12:14] aljosa: ^ [12:15] * edgy wonders why my new keyboard paste the wrong name twice [12:15] edgy: so boot ubuntu install, chroot and run grub-install? any idea if i should install on MBR or some partition? [12:20] edgy: ^^ then.. http://grepmonster.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/ubuntu-11-10-middle-mouse-button-emulation/ this might help [12:21] aljosa: yes, install on mbr [12:22] crizzy: ok thanks I will try that when I have access to my pc from work [12:22] crizzy: but why did they stop the emulation by default? [12:23] crizzy: is it a generic problem or based on specific hardware [12:23] no idea ^^ 2 button mouses being rarity nowadays perhaps [12:23] edgy: you said touchpad, does it paste if you tap with 2 fingers? [12:24] the middle button emulation for mouses has been gone for quite a while [12:25] morning [12:26] yofel: what do you mean by tap with 2 fingers? I pressed both keys to no avail [12:26] yofel: or do you mean touch the touchpad with 2 fingers instead? [12:26] latter [12:26] morning FernandoMiguel [12:27] which version of xinput will final 12.04 release have? anybody knows if recent xinput/multi-touch stuff will be available? [12:27] The following packages will be REMOVED: [12:27] compiz-plugins-extra [12:27] I guess we are losing even more effects :( [12:28] yofel: I touched but nothing is pasted [12:28] hm, tapping with 2 fingers is middle button click though usually [12:29] works for me at least [12:32] which script is being executed, by default, when eth0 goes up? [12:33] FernandoMiguel: Hmm maybe just dependencies problems ? [12:33] maybe.... [12:33] anyway compiz plugin extras, has nothing that I am enabled [12:34] yofel: thanks for your care [12:35] FernandoMiguel: they are not trying to remove for me [12:36] hi guys, i am having problems with gnome 2 under pangolin.. alt-tab doesn't do anything and the app buttons in the panel don't show the text, just the icons. actually, the selected app shows the text too but it's very faint. is this a known issue? is there a fix? [12:37] additionally, gdm does not display the keyboard layout selector, and it defaults to us qwerty, which makes it impossible for me to type in passwords [12:38] cheako: Gnome 2 in Pangolin?? [12:38] glosoli: did you apt-get update and dist-upgrade? [12:39] FernandoMiguel: sure I did [12:39] There was some updates and all were success [12:39] let me change mirrors [12:39] imma using MAIN [12:40] glosoli: yeah, the "gnome classic" mode or whatever it is called [12:40] glosoli: that is gnome 2, right? [12:40] or am i mixing things up? [12:40] cheako: it isnt :) [12:40] it's Gnome 3 [12:40] ah [12:41] but in a gnome 2 style setting? [12:41] ok [12:41] any ideas about the issues i am having? [12:41] cheako: GDM is ditched since Oneiric as I know [12:41] you installed it by yourself ? [12:41] it's not "ditched" since it's in a package [12:42] it's just not the default [12:42] it still should work [12:42] $ pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list [12:42] http://paste.ubuntu.com/866603/ [12:42] glosoli: ^^^^ [12:42] hmm [12:43] cheako: maybe, sorry have no Idea about LightDM, since it's not default I dont ever use it again :) [12:43] FernandoMiguel: you change everything in that file ? [12:43] you mean gdm [12:43] ok [12:43] thanks anyways [12:44] maybe someone else will know about this gdm issue [12:44] cheater: you might try forums maybe anyone there will be using GDM [12:44] thanks [12:44] i think that's a good idea [12:44] anyway, LightDM is quite promising :) [12:44] minimalistic [12:46] actually from what ive seen lightdm is getting more features with each release. :) [12:46] i still wonder whats up with that grid of white dots.. [12:46] Dr_willis: It can be disabled [12:46] But don't remember how :D [12:47] i recall needing to use some extra ppa to disable it. but again. I dont see any point in them at all. it looks like somthing people just overlooked. ;) [12:48] so far 12.04 has been working decently on my problematic ati desktop test bed. :) [12:49] I did notice i had to change vlc2 to use alsa instead of 'default' for sound to not sound funny.. [12:49] Dr_willis: ATI laptop here [12:50] do you get these login corruptions ? [12:51] i see some initial corruption when X first starts then it clears up. Using the open drivers. not fglrx [12:52] not tried gnome-shell yet. [12:52] glosoli: I have a few on .d/ [12:53] The following packages have been kept back: [12:53] compiz compiz-core compiz-gnome compiz-plugins compiz-plugins-default compiz-plugins-main compiz-plugins-main-default debhelper libcompizconfig0 [12:53] libdecoration0 libnux-2.0-0 libnux-2.0-common libunity-core-5.0-5 unity unity-common unity-services [12:53] meh [12:53] I guess depencies are broken [12:53] as usual, Friday is always a bad day for upgrades [12:53] hmm. just updated/upgraded earlier and had no issues. [12:53] try a dist-upgrade? [12:54] FernandoMiguel: Friday ? ;D [12:54] yeah, was about to say that :> [12:54] glosoli: Saturday takes what ever fridays pushes [12:54] FernandoMiguel: aa :D [12:54] Dr_willis: if upgrade aint doing a clean upgrade, Im not disting it :) [12:54] I'm not THAT crazy [12:55] FernandoMiguel: disting may be needed for compiz [12:55] FernandoMiguel, dist-upgrade makes 'held back' packages upgrade... [12:55] ik [12:55] it does not upgrade to the next release... [12:55] i dist-upgrade all the time during beta [12:55] that's why you will see that message [12:55] until you dist upgrade [12:55] Dr_willis: I miss aptitude :( [12:55] * Dr_willis scoffs on aptitude [12:55] Dr_willis: you just need to check if it's not trying to remove smth by dist [12:55] ive had aptitude do some really weird things befor. :) [12:56] i cant recall seeing dist-upgrade removeing stuff.. guess its possible. :) [12:56] aptitude doesn't have multi arch support [12:56] dis-upgrade is supposed to handle just that, dependencies [12:56] Dr_willis: it's sometimes :) if dependencies are wrong, may times tryed to remvoe my ia32-libs, or evne unity itself, but it asks before [12:56] hence Im not using it [12:56] many times'' [12:57] normally during beta i have a script/alias that does a update,upgrade, dist-upgrade :) [12:57] The following packages will be REMOVED: [12:57] compiz-plugins-extra [12:57] hence why I'm not disting :) [12:57] reinstall it afterwards. [12:57] LOL [12:57] !package compiz-plugins-extra [12:57] could be that package has been obsoleted also. [12:57] I love compiz to much to even touch it [12:57] yeah, or the funcionality replaced by something else [12:58] i have to wonder if you are even using any of the extra plugins [12:58] I might [12:58] I avoid messing with it [12:58] it's just "perfect" [12:59] Check Compiz Config I am sure you aint using any [12:59] extra plugins [12:59] ;D [12:59] there are only three of them [12:59] if it's categorized properly anyway, be patience, dependencies will be fixed [12:59] $ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade [12:59] Unable to resolve dependencies for the upgrade: no solution found. [12:59] Unable to safely resolve dependencies, try running with --full-resolver. [12:59] As it didin't want to remove anything for me [13:00] FernandoMiguel: are you on x86 ? [13:00] ill wait a few days [13:00] :D [13:00] x64 [13:00] apt-get --fix-the-silly-thing [13:00] so what the ... for aptitude ? [13:00] lunch [13:00] bbl [13:00] glosoli: aptitude doesn't support multiarch [13:00] I have skype and a few others installed [13:01] what is multiarch? [13:01] sounds like a marketing term. :) [13:01] a 'Super Huge McDonolds [13:02] :DDD [13:02] multiarch is support for x86 packages in x64 systems. [13:02] heh [13:02] Daekdroom: oh, gotcha [13:27] So I am trying to install ubuntu 12.04 32bit server onto virtual box. everything looks good up to the point that I pick my english and then press enter to install. This is where the error starts. this is what I get and it will not move past that. http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=201807 [13:28] bobweaver: Does virtualbox allow you to select features of the guest cpu? [13:29] long time since I've used it [13:29] Unity 5.4 isnt available for Ubuntu oneiric using ppa? [13:29] ppa:unity-team/ppa dont have anything compiled [13:29] (Im using 5.4 in precise and this is why ive asked here) [13:29] penguin42, yes [13:30] bobweaver: Then try enabling PAE in the guest CPUs [13:30] yep, that's it ^ [13:30] PAE_NX ? [13:30] yep, tick that box [13:30] bobweaver: Hmm NX is something else [13:31] It looks like it could be YEs it is working \0/ [13:31] penguin42: vbox provides this as one config option. [13:31] thanks oCean and penguin42 [13:32] there is a pae kernel out the git go I take it [13:32] bobweaver: Out of interest was this a new VM you created or just booted the CD on a previously created VM? [13:33] it was just a regual setup [13:33] sorry about spelling [13:33] I picked ubuntu and names it pannel and gave it 20 gig HDD and 1gig ram [13:34] [13:34] then grabed the cd and put it onto the storage drive [13:34] for booting not a real cd just a iso image [13:36] I wonder if I create new one and call it server if it will check PAE_NX for me auto or not === yofel_ is now known as yofel [13:38] penguin42, oCean do you all have wiki's ? [13:38] would like to put up a postive thing for the both of you. it is the least I can do [13:39] bobweaver: hah, that's nice, but there is no need. [13:46] bobweaver: No I don't; but thanks - your thanks will be held in perpetuity in the logs of the channel? [13:47] Does anyone here have magneto installed on there server ? I can not get it to install I get to the part where it wants to create the data base and it can not ever sign in I have tried adding sql users and useing there profile I ave tried roots profile. [13:59] Hi, I updated my kernel and now cannot install nvidia driver [13:59] http://pastebin.ca/2123791 [14:00] what can I do to fix it? [14:14] edgy: which version of kernel and are you using latest nvidia ? [14:14] ubuntu precise with kernel 3.3.0-030300rc5-generic [14:14] edgy: how do you managed to get 3.3 in precise ? [14:19] glosoli: one of the bugs in launchapd asked to to test the latest kernel from canonical kernel site [14:19] edgy: Did you tryed latest nvidia driver, or you're already using it ? [14:20] glosoli: I was using it on my old kernel but when booted the new one it didn't work so I tried installing and got [14:20] ERROR (dkms apport): kernel package linux-headers-3.3.0-030300rc5-generic is not supported [14:20] Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.3.0-030300rc5-generic (x86_64) [14:21] "is not supported" [14:22] edgy: OPen Source drivers works just fine yes ? [14:22] Hi, I've created a LiveUSB out of 12.04-beta1 using unetbootin, Lili, and universal usb installer, and with all 3 i get boot problems (usually kernel panic), but the cdrom I burned from the same iso works fine, any ideas? [14:22] jStefan: You should just be able to dd the 12.04 cd image onto a thumb drive [14:22] jStefan, just dd the iso file to a usb. Or under windows . i used the tools from pendrivelinux to make one earlier today that worked [14:24] glosoli: how can I check? [14:25] penguin42, ok thanks [14:25] edgy: just remove nvidia driver and do: http://bpaste.net/show/24514/ [14:28] glosoli: nvidia works with my old kernel, can't I just keep it and enable the open source driver for this kernel only? [14:30] edgy: well, I don't know if you can, and if you can, I don't know how to [14:30] edgy: what problem do you have with older kernel ? [14:30] edgy: all old kernels should show up in the grub boot menu [14:30] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/944271 [14:30] Launchpad bug 944271 in linux (Ubuntu) "iwlwifi: Microcode SW error detected. Restarting 0x2000000" [Medium,Confirmed] [14:33] edgy: the way the driver is set up you can only use it for all kernels, or none [14:33] yofel: ok [14:35] how is the new lts lookin? [14:37] thanks guys for your help [14:37] Raggs: promising [14:38] major bugs or is it fairly stable at this point? [14:38] Raggs: for me it's fairly stable with some anyoing minor bugs :) [14:40] hello [14:41] glosoli: i might just have to wait for it to come out [14:41] hi, how stable is pangolin already? [14:42] worth risking the update of my main laptp? [14:42] Raggs: well for example getting screen distortion for a few seconds until it properly loads into desktop :) At the moment no custom themes are working fine with Ubuntu, no icons set were updated and so on :) [14:42] kandinski: I'm using it on main [14:42] feel free to try it - but make backups [14:43] I have /home in a different partition [14:43] but right [14:43] i always use a seperate home [14:43] Well you can always run into some problems, but we're here to fight against them together [14:43] :) [14:44] glosoli, ta [14:44] But anyway any contribution into using Precise will make it work better in Final release [14:45] the thing is overweight opposum or whatever 11.10 is called eats my batterylike it's choc chip cookies [14:45] and I just read that precise has a fix for that [14:45] The ASPM fix, yes. [14:45] right, the kernel fixes for aspm help a lot on my notebook [14:46] is there some idea about "pipelining" apt-get? I mean downloading packages while installing others, instead of download-all-&-then-install [14:46] Hi there is there some thing different in 12.04 then there is in all the rest when it comes to *.desktop files? Today is ubuntu global jam and I thought that adding unity Quicklists was a good idea for me but after reading and looking at my *.desktop files they all seem different compaired to where I am reading from could someone look at that and tell me if it for real or not .. http://mhall119.com/2012/02/contributing-to-unity-for-non- [14:46] developers-quicklists/ [14:47] yofel: do I need apply that ASPM somehow customly or it is applied by default [14:47] ? [14:48] I tried to do it to filezilla and this is what I put http://paste.ubuntu.com/866726/ no it is not in menu no biggie I will just change back made backup's but would like to do this for the jam today [14:48] glosoli: by default [14:48] What exactly is the "gcc toolchain" and how can I learn it? [14:48] s|no|now [14:49] ChogyDan: gcc is the Gnu Compiler COllection [14:49] ChogyDan: It's the C, C++ and Fortran compiler used on Linux (and a lot of other things) [14:49] yofel: but still Ubuntu is far away from windows for battery lasting time.. When I used Windows it lasted 3 hours, with Ubuntu Precise even 2 hours [14:50] well, there's still room for improvements sure, but the aspm fixes for me mean 3h -> 5h [14:50] glosoli: Try running powertop and seeing if it gives any suggestions for tweeks (note some of the things it suggests may cause crashes) [14:50] which is enough for me [14:51] penguin42: do you know which programs other than gcc I should learn about so I can say I know the "gcc tollchain"? I was looking for an IDE, and folks keep saying that one needs to learn the gcc toolchain regardless if you use an IDE [14:51] penguin42: Ah, I am better then with lower battery lifetime but stable system :) [14:51] like for a c++ project [14:52] glosoli: Most of the problems you get with powerotps suggestions will kill it with in a few seconds; so try the suggestion and if it's OK don't worry [14:53] penguin42: who will kill it hmm ? [14:53] ChogyDan: Well if you just want to write a C++ project you don't really need to know a lot about gcc; it's the C compiler and just doing gcc myprogram.C -o myprogram will compile it for a simple one; life gets a little more complex with multiple files; there are some separate IDEs though - I don't normally use them [14:53] bbl [14:53] glosoli: Sorry, I mean when you try some of the things powertop says sometimes your machine will crash within a few seconds; if it doesn't then just keep using the option it suggests [14:53] penguin42: ultimately, I would like to help with unity [14:54] penguin42: how to revert if it crashes ? [14:54] ChogyDan: OK, I don't know much about the inside of Unity [14:54] glosoli: Most of the things Powertop suggests it tells you things like 'Try disabling ____' and it'll give you the command to do it but doesn't save it, so it should be back to normal after a reboot [14:55] penguin42: well, thanks for your advice! its a start. [15:09] hey guys, seems after last updates cannot get into (no effects) session,, compiz is starting regardless of session..anyone else have this issue? [15:24] when will precise be released? [15:24] /topic [15:24] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule [15:35] hi all [15:35] 12.04 is going to be a really exciting release! === dr_willis_ is now known as Dr_Willis [15:56] hello [15:57] how help me pleae? [15:57] hows it going [15:57] please* [15:57] With what? [16:01] beg for help.. then clam up.... [16:02] ;> [16:02] Dr_Willis: you working on ubuntu 12.04 or just a user [16:04] just loaded it yesterday to test out. [16:04] so far runs good on my very problematic ati desktop and runs well on the netbook [16:04] new user interface is up now right? [16:05] new? they have been tweaking unity since day 1 :) [16:05] yea.. gnome-shell is now working correctly on my ati desktop [16:05] said march 1st test build of new user interface? [16:05] they may ment that HUD feature [16:05] HUD, in Unity2d [16:05] wich seems like a neat idea. but in some ways seems like a work around for a bigger problem of overlycomplex menus [16:06] its kinda neat, could use some better alghoritms for picking the suggestions [16:06] I cant even see the suggestions with the theme/wallpaper i am using [16:07] hud in terminal, for the word 'new' gives new profile, while new tab would be a much better suggestion [16:10] very hard for me to read the suggestions. i got a grey background and set the panel colors to a greyish also. [16:12] default colors are a bit better. :) but over all the hud seems like a neat idea that may not catch on. [16:13] or will take some 'relearning' to learn to use effectively [16:15] * penguin42 hasn't used the hud - but I was just watching the demo video, hud-cli actually looks very neat [16:16] hud-cli [16:16] ** CRITICAL **: main: assertion `session != NULL' failed [16:16] :) dosent like being ran over ssh it seems [16:17] Dr_Willis: It probably could if you get the right env variables to point to your session [16:18] seems to need a bit of work also.. it just started printing ctrl-j when i hit delete. backspace worked. :) [16:19] * penguin42 wonders why ctrl-j of all things [16:19] ctrl-h is backspace. ctrl-j is delete isent it? also seemed to print A and B for the arrow keys. :) [16:19] but its a basic tool for testing [16:21] reading up on the lastest at -> http://www.webupd8.org/2012/03/ubuntu-1204-lts-beta-1-released.html [16:21] no, delete is 127 ascii [16:22] hurray for showing a shortcuts helper when holding the super key.. too bad my old box's dont een have keybrds with a super key. :) [16:22] gotta love heavy IBM-Model-M's [16:24] can anyone recommend a good, reasonably inexpensive, server case for the home? Preferrably 0-1 5.25in bays, at least 5-6 3.5bays [16:24] and preferrably not humongous [16:24] a 7 bay case thats not huge? :) [16:24] they're out there, you just gotta look [16:25] problem is with hds packed in tight - is heat. [16:25] i thought about one of those Lian Li cubes, but dont' like their layout [16:25] yeah, see, thats my other issue. [16:25] I tend to get antec because thats what i find on sale :) [16:25] for sure. [16:26] but i havbent needed more then 4 hds in a box for some time. [16:26] I'm playing with a dell power edge 2850 server right now [16:26] usually fry's has coolermaster cases on sale [16:26] well, the box is only gonna have 4 HD's, but.. i figure might as well have room to expand fi necessary [16:26] with more then 4 hds heat and power can get to be a problem. I think i got 5 hds in one old machine and weight can be an issue. :) [16:27] why is weight an issue [16:27] are you taking it to lag parties? [16:27] I like extra drive bays.. because i found these 'storage drawers' that fit in a drive bay. just the right size to hold recovery media and flash drives [16:27] i also like the clean look on the front, w/o a bunch of unused bays being there. [16:27] really? [16:27] where'd you get those? [16:27] when you got 3 pcs sitting on a desk.. it started to bend.. [16:27] lol [16:28] got them at compusa ages ago.. not really seen them in stores lately [16:28] this P900 (i think) case i got ages ago had neat clips for holding the hds. made things nice. :) [16:28] and both sides came off, so you could plug them in easy. [16:29] i guess i could always jsut get a sonata [16:29] like these? http://compare.ebay.com/like/320854998434?var=lv<yp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar [16:29] those are such good cases, and you can usually find them pretty cheap (60-70) [16:29] thats awesome [16:29] I must have 5+ old pc cases out in the garrage. :0 [16:29] friggin $6 shipping! [16:30] Dr_Willis: hmm, anyu of them fit my needs? [16:30] lets make a deal..lol [16:30] if you were in kokomo indiana, id give them to you. [16:31] I dont even rember why they are int he garrage.. dead ps perhaps.. or has a dead mb still in them.. [16:31] i'm in Indy! [16:32] so it would be a 70+ mile drive round trip for ya. :) [16:32] lol [16:32] at $4 a gallon, i'll just go to Fry's..lol [16:32] and gas is $4 a gal.. :) [16:32] they've always got uber cheap cases there... just none of them ever seem to meet my needs [16:32] Get the hot pink ones.. :) [16:33] lol [16:33] well i will bbl. gotta help the wife [16:33] l8r [16:35] i've never been to a frys [16:36] it's pretty nice.. just be careful, if you walk in and look remotely like you're having trouble, you'll be surrounded by employees. [16:36] heh [16:37] i was just reading a box on a motherboard one time, and 4 different guys came up to me asking if i needed help..lol [16:37] cheaper than best buy for components? [16:37] that is the nice thing though, unlike Worst Buy, etc.. they have motherboards, CPU's, etc [16:37] maybe on some things, i honestly dion't buy a lot of stuff at BB or Frys' [16:38] all cheaper online [16:38] our BB, really only carries optical drives, hard drives, RAM, and video/sound cards. [16:38] local places are just for when your power supply dies on a friday night heh [16:38] yeah, it is.. but then you gotta ship, etc [16:38] and w/ cases, that gets expensive [16:47] hi [16:47] I want to install ubuntu 12.04 beta 1. Does ubuntu 12.04 beta 1 has many bugs? [16:48] check launchpad [16:48] it seems stable for me but it is beta so bugs are expected [16:49] ugg [16:49] my old dell power edge 2850 says it has battery problem [16:49] looked it up… its been unplugged too long and i have to wait 3-4 hours while it re-charges the raid battery before i can use it again [16:51] nOStahl: Interesting, isn't it letting you boot? [16:52] * penguin42 thought the cache batteries were optional [16:55] hangs at a battery problem screen [16:55] annoying [16:55] Hello, I am looking for the netboot image for precise beta 1, but the links provided by the Ubuntu home page (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/12.04/) and the ISO qa tracker (http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/daily/20101020ubuntu115/precise-netboot-i386.iso) do not work. Is there another link to get them? Thanks. [16:56] i have no experience with raid [16:56] if I have problems with ubuntu 12.04 can I discuss them here? [16:56] ubuntu 12.04 beta 1 [16:56] Edico: Yes, that's what this channel is for. [16:56] this is the right place Edico [16:57] that encouraging for installiing the beta 1 [16:57] :) [16:59] two things. 1) to get libreoffice working correctly with alt+tab i'm relinking the link /usr/bin/libreoffice to point to /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin 2) why does not a newly started nautilus (home) windows get focus? [17:04] glosoli: Sorry, I don't understand. [17:04] ohh, cheat-- not cheako. [17:06] Does any one know where I might find gtk+ programming assistance? The docs are so not helpful. [17:08] cheako: PyGTK has some nice docs [17:08] if youre working with python, that is [17:09] It's perl, but I don't think it'll matter too much. [17:09] thx. [17:09] perl is evil :> [17:13] the world is controlled by evil === IdleOne is now known as pangolin [17:19] penguin42: why :D [17:20] yay, these pygtk docsare good. [17:24] glosoli: Because it's controlled by Perl! [17:24] Why you say so [17:24] :D [17:24] oh there are little perl scripts embedded all over the place [17:25] ;DD even in toilet ? [17:26] glosoli: You don't think they flush themselves do you? [17:26] penguin42: some of them do :D [17:27] probably programmed too :D [17:27] ...with a perl script [17:27] penguin42: are you sure ? [17:27] ...and now I've managed to lock up my display with pixmap->get_image. [17:28] glosoli: No :-) [17:28] penguin42: :DD [17:28] penguin42, you're controlled by evil too though [17:28] you can't deny that [17:28] * penguin42 is sure he is - I'll do anything for chocolate [17:29] * glosoli I will do anything for hm for nothing :DD [17:30] I think gtk+ is the wrong toolkit for me. I'd like to do xmms visual plugin stuff... [17:31] 1. Continually darken with a timer. [17:31] 2. Draw dots of varying sizes and alpha. [17:35] * glosoli loves Qt [17:37] Gtk2::GLExt looks promising. === stkrzysiak_ is now known as stkrzysiak [17:47] Hello. Will Ubuntu 12.04 support AMD E-450 video devices? [17:47] And what kernel version is is shipping with? [17:50] allain: People have reported everything working when running e450 hardware [17:50] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1857911&page=15 [17:50] Thank you so very much! [17:50] allain: current kernel is 3.2.0-17 [17:50] beautiful [17:52] Also, what's the support for the AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter? [17:52] uses ath9k stuff [17:54] Sorry, to be asking so much, but I've spent about a week trying to get this stuff setup and I'm ready to try just about anything including using an unreleased version of Ubuntu. [17:54] :) [17:54] allain: there's some info here concerning the wireless card, looks like some people have had success... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1857808&page=7#postcount11347273 [17:55] allain, get one that works out of the box they are rather cheap, and ther is a wiki naming them. [17:58] I may eventually need to do that. [18:09] whats the package resposible for fan control in ubuntu? [18:13] ironhalik: fancontrol ? ;D [18:13] ironhalik: as I remember some time ago there was some package called fancontrol or somewhat which gave ability to control [18:13] it doesnt recognize the fan as PWM fan [18:13] yeah, I tried that [18:14] I am happy that I cleaned my fan yesterday, now even flash things don't get up too high for cpu fan [18:14] there's one that was specifically for thinkpads but later it started being used for all pcs [18:14] i forgot the name but i installed it in 10.04 because it always spun the fans at max speed [18:15] thinkfan? :> [18:15] fancontrol i think [18:16] precise linux-headers-3.2.0-16-lowlatency depends on linux-headers-3.2.0-16, which doesn't exist in the repos (only -17 and -18). should it be like this or am I missing something? [18:17] yeah i think it was "thinkfan" [18:18] hey guys, does anyone know why gdm stopped displaying the keyboard layout selection? i am comparing to 10.04 [18:18] cheater; gdm? [18:19] yes, gdm [18:19] cheater; don't you mean lightdm? [18:19] no, i mean gdm [18:20] hello. installing 12.04 to try and get around graphics hardware issues. ubuntu 4 dots appear fine and at a beautiful resolution but then after a while, 4 dots are lit, disk goes quiet and.nothing happens. suggestions? [18:20] cheater: is there a reason you aren't using lightdm? [18:21] yes, it is because i want to use gdm [18:22] nm. only does it.when choosing run from disk option [18:24] my ati 5600 no play the minecraft any ide for help me [18:25] no ide for help me? [18:29] gid0: don't understand you [18:29] he has an ati 5600, he can't run minecraft [18:29] very understandable [18:29] cheater: well gdm 3.0 is definitely different than gdm 2.30, anyway, most people using oneiric & precise use lightdm so it's easy to get help/bugfixes there [18:30] *easier [18:30] cheater: seems there is a bug for it: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=648749 (doesn't seem to be much progress) [18:30] Gnome bug 648749 in general "gdm 3.x doesn't display the currently active keyboard layout and it doesn't offer an option to change it" [Major,New] [18:30] trism: that just might be it, thanks [18:35] trism: that was it, thanks a lot. [18:36] jbicha/trism/everyone: is there a way to make precise use metacity instead of whatever it's using now? [18:36] probably compiz? [18:36] i can do metacity --replace from a terminal, but i don't see a configuration pane anywhere to set it to default [18:36] and i don't know of any configs i could edit [18:38] cheater: pick Unity 2D from the login screen to use metacity instead of compiz [18:40] i want to use gnome classic [18:41] let me try that, 1 sec [18:41] cheater, install the gnome-shell and you get the fallback and gniome 3 [18:41] gnome 3 [18:42] i did that [18:42] glosoli: ? [18:42] glosoli: the heat is going onnnnnn in the dodge bug [18:42] about the dodge removal [18:42] zzecool: hmmmmm [18:42] really?????? [18:42] Mark Shuttleworth commented [18:42] ... [18:42] https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/930148 [18:42] Launchpad bug 930148 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dodge windows is down but what about making the launcher autohide only on maximised apps ?" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [18:44] cheater: the gnome classic (no effects) option also uses metacity [18:47] yeah i just figured it out [18:47] i'm having crashes when i use gnome classic :/ [18:47] that's not nice [18:47] gnome-panel crashes :( [18:48] zzecool: good or bad ? [18:49] very bad [18:49] https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/930148 [18:49] Launchpad bug 930148 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dodge windows is down but what about making the launcher autohide only on maximised apps ?" [Wishlist,Confirmed] [18:49] read [18:50] The issue has been settled, and if you care enough about it, you'll find [18:50] the rationale and be satisfied that at least it was considered and [18:50] experimented with and decided against. This was one of my favourite [18:50] features too, but I believe taking it out makes the whole better. [18:50] oh sorry pastebin [18:50] strange comment, he could have let silent set for that feature [18:50] I have 37 'dbus' processes spending 1,7MiB RAM each. :| [18:50] and all power uses would have been happy [18:50] to use some tool to set it :) [18:51] and indicator-application-service is leaking memory for me :( [18:51] if my installer froze solid at the restoring previously installed packages state, how pricked are things? [18:58] hi does anyone know if 12.o04 will be used for ubuntu tv [18:59] megamanx1978: Chances are yes [18:59] Ubuntu TV isn't ready yet. [19:00] I know it is not out yet but I am curious about it [19:03] I wonder if I will be able to install standard ubuntu software on ubuntu tv [19:26] #945738 [19:31] Hi, in one new Precise installation I saw dnsmasq installed by default for local DNS caching. But I don't have it here in my older Precise installation. Which package does that? [19:33] alkisg: resolvconf, I think. [19:33] Thanks, /me looks... [19:33] Hmm no, it doesn't have dnsmasq in depends nor in recommends [19:34] alkisg: Enhances: ..., dnsmasq, [19:35] alkisg: dnsmasq Suggests: resolvconf. [19:35] jpds: but what installs dnsmasq? [19:35] There's no dependency or recommendation there [19:36] alkisg: network-manager→dnsmasq-base. [19:36] OK let me get it another way. Could someone running precise run ps aux|grep dnsmasq, and tell me the command line there, because I don't have it? [19:36] dnsmasq-base was there in previous versions too [19:36] But it wasn't used as a caching server then, only for link-local networks [19:37] (the main reason that I'm looking at all this is that this new dns cache will break our setups, as we're using dnsmasq for a normal dns server, and there was a conflict in that new installation that I saw, but I can't reproduce it here without installing precise all over again...) [19:38] alkisg: See http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ [19:38] thanks, looking... [19:41] No /run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf here... probably some postinst script checked and saw that I already had dnsmasq installed, and didn't do it for my installation [19:47] can someone confirm bug 945813 [19:47] Launchpad bug 945813 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "magnification settings do not work on Ubuntu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/945813 [19:54] Could someone running precise tell me the output of this command? ps -fC dnsmasq [19:56] looking [19:58] http://paste.ubuntu.com/867186 [19:58] alkisg: need the conf file too? [19:59] cheater: yes please, thank you! [19:59] http://paste.ubuntu.com/867187 [19:59] yw [20:00] (mine looks like this, and I don't get the new local dns thing: /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -x /var/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid -u dnsmasq -r /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf -7 /etc/dnsmasq.d,.dpkg-dist,.dpkg-old,.dpkg-new) [20:00] hmm, if dnsmasq is not caching, what is it for? :> [20:00] alkisg: the local dns thing was disabled due to security concerns [20:01] I personally use bind9 for dns caching [20:01] ironhalik: wait, I saw the problem 2 days ago, was it disabled after that? [20:02] Or do you mean the caching, but not the resolution? [20:02] I mean local caching [20:03] OK I don't mind about that, I mind that this dnsmasq instance is conflicting with our regular dnsmasq for port 53 [20:04] Hmm, there was someone here with similiar problem [20:04] but cant remember how it turned out [20:05] At least, if I can (1) reproduce the new behavior, cause now I don't get it at all, and (2) manage to disable it somehow, e.g. by commenting out #dns=dnsmasq in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, then it's not too bad... :) [20:05] Let me check the channel logs... [20:05] it was more then a week ago :) [20:05] I think [20:06] I personally disabled dnsmasq [20:06] and installed bind9 :P [20:06] http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/02/18/%23ubuntu-us-or.txt, [00:52] [20:07] nice catch [20:10] strange, theres no conf for dnsmasq by default [20:12] There's /etc/dnsmasq.conf usually, and /etc/dnsmasq.d for additional stuff [20:19] Hi, I don't see the battery monitor icon on my panel [20:22] Hey, which display manager does the latest version use? [20:23] X.org? [20:23] Well, I heard they were going to use somethign other than gdm. [20:23] I mean the login program. [20:23] e-head: lightdm for ubuntu [20:23] LightDM [20:23] it uses lightdm [20:23] thanks [20:23] snapity snap [20:23] boom :p [20:23] It used LighDM in 11.10 too [20:24] if I do an upgrade will it swithc it for me automagically? [20:24] e-head what version are u running? [20:24] If you're currently using gdm, I think you'll be prompted to select which one to use. [20:24] 11.04 I think [20:24] I would still suggest a full reinstall [20:25] You'd have to go 11.04 -> 11.10 -> 12.04 [20:25] oh no! [20:25] lot of work. ;) [20:26] many many opportunities for things to go wrong [21:04] Hello folks. I'm working successfully with my laptop on linux... ever with 12.04 and am ecstatic. I only have one remaining problem and then this system is perfect. Specifically, connecting through wifi freezes up my system unless I have an ethernet cable unplugged. [21:06] I'd solved it before on Debian 6.0.4 by uninstalling network-manager and then configuring everything through the /etc/network/interfaces file. The problem is that I really like the simplicity of the network-manager when I'm connecting to public wifis. Since I work mostly from coffee shops, this is a big deal for me. [21:06] Any thoughts, or a pointer to a more appropriate channel to ask in? [21:16] Hi all... I am testing the new precise beta 1, and there is something curious that was not there in oneiric - pulseaudio seems to start on system bootup, even if I am not logged in and still on the login screen. Looking in /etc/ I have not seen anything obvious that would start it and the init.d script seems to do nothing. Any ideas what starts pulseaudio on system start? [21:19] Connecting up wifi freezes up my system unless I have an ethernet cable unplugged. I'd solved it before on Debian 6.0.4 by uninstalling network-manager and then configuring everything through the /etc/network/interfaces file. The problem is that I really like the simplicity of the network-manager when I'm connecting to public wifis. Since I work mostly from coffee shops, this is a big deal for me. Any thoughts, o [21:19] r a pointer to a more appropriate channel to ask in? [21:19] beniwtv: it is started in /etc/rc2.d/S50pulseaudio [21:20] (which is default runlevel) [21:21] spacebug-: That was my first guess - that script checks /etc/default/pulseaudio (parameter PULSE_SYSYEM_START), which needs to be 1, but I checked and it's 0. [21:22] Another clue was that that script passes some arguments, which on my instance are missing. [21:22] allain_: OK, that shouldn't happen so start by reporting a bug, 2nd I guess I'd try starting the connection from a text terminal and see if some errors come out - see if there is a kernel panic or anything else [21:23] beniwtv: that is true. Hum.. then I don't know. Maybe somehow lightdm starts it? [21:24] spacebug-: That's what I am thinking, but so far I am unable to find where this is configured... [21:24] penguin42. Thanks. Will do. [21:25] beniwtv: how do you know it is started before you log in? [21:26] spacebug-: I'm on ssh, doing simply a ps ax... If I stop lightdm, pulseaudio goes away, if I start it again, it's there... [21:28] yes. Looking at an old boot chart file, I can see that gdm starts pulseaudio so probably lightdm does it now. But it should not start until you login. lightdm does not handle ssh-logins [21:30] spacebug-: It could be the unity greeter... [21:33] hum [21:36] beniwtv: on my system (oneiric updated to precise) it does not start until I have logged in using lightdm. Well I havent tested logging in with ssh but looking at the pid # of lightdm and pulseaudio then pulseaudio is started after and is also started as my user (lightdm is not, it is started as root) [21:37] spacebug-: Well, the funny part is that pulse starts as my user when I start lightdm via /etc/init.d/lightdm start [21:38] err no... sorry it starts as lightdm [21:44] hello. i upgraded to 12.4 yesterday and my wifi doesnt work anymore. the little wifi icon on my keyboard doesnt light up anymore. network connections says wireless is unavailable. what do i do/ [21:44] Siegel-, what network card do you have? [21:44] im not sure. how do i find that out? [21:45] try 'lspci -v' in the terminal [21:46] should display something concerning your network card [21:46] yes lots of stuff [21:46] which one is it [21:47] something that mentions Ethernet controller perhaps? [21:47] lspci -vvnn [21:48] zzecool: Nautilus bug has been fixed. [21:49] tr33m4n: Subsystem: Dell Wireless 1370 WLAN Mini-PCI Card [1028:0005] [21:50] yes but what chip is it using [21:51] hm. i seem to be having issues with the provided wine version that i didn't have with the one i had compiled earlier. has anyone complied the "official" wine source with 12.04? [21:52] bjsnider: where do i see that? [21:52] Siegel-, from a bit of googling it would appear Broadcom [21:52] Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:4318] (rev 02) [21:53] Siegel-, have a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx [21:54] ok thanks ill have a look later [21:54] tr33m4n: and once i identify it, how do i install it? i have to find the linux driver for it? [21:55] maybe the new version doesnt support it? is it possible/ would it be better to go back to two versions ago/ [21:55] Siegel-, it explains that in the links I posted [21:55] tr33m4n: ok thank you. ill have a look later. [21:56] Siegel-, Also, I have a broadcom chipset in one of my systems and I installed a fresh copy of 12.04. It worked fine, however I had to install the drivers from the install disk as they are not included in the standard install, however are included as extras [21:56] read the wiki page [21:56] tr33m4n: i see. i just did an upgrade. no disk [21:56] that's the ticket [21:58] bjsnider: yeah i guess when you do the upgrade things go missing, right? so i guess i should just create a startup disk and reformat the computer [21:58] why? [21:59] Siegel-, if you download 12.04 iso, mount it, go into pool/restricted/b/bcmwl and install that package, all should work [21:59] tr33m4n: i see [22:00] tr33m4n: in fact i think im going to go back to the latest official release and skip the betas from now on [22:00] Siegel-, fair enough :) they're betas for a reason [22:00] yes [22:01] problem is how do i create a startup disk for an earlier versionnow/ [22:01] beniwtv: "ps auex | grep bin/pulseaudio" shows the envoronment pulseaduio is started with and there I can see that I am logged in to a gnome/unity session and LOGNAME=spacebug and so on [22:02] Siegel-, you'll have to do a fresh reinstall I reckon, just download 11.10 and make sure you've backed up whatever you need (for future installs I'd suggest putting your /home on a seperate partition so you can preserve important data) [22:02] beniwtv: same result should be given by the command: cat /proc/$(pidof pulseaudio)/environ [22:03] Siegel-, You could possibly try and downgrade however the amount of problems that could cause would be vast [22:03] tr33m4n: i dont need backup. i save nothing. tr33m4n why do you suggest 11.10 instead of 10.04? [22:04] tr33m4n: a fresh reinstall whilst deleting all data sounds ideal. i need to create a startup disk then or usb stick. ill just get a usb stick as my computer doesnt burn cds [22:04] Siegel-, 11.10 is the latest stable Ubuntu release, if you've upgraded from 10.04 I'm not surprised things are not working. Ubuntu 10.04 is the Long Term Support version for servers and ultra stable computers [22:05] tr33m4n: i see so the difference for me is irrelevant. i understand. so 11.10 is what i had all the way up until yesterday and my wireless worked with it. though some flash players wouldnt work for me. such as veehd.com, gorillavid [22:05] spacebug-: Hmmm.. running that ps command reveals lightdm started it - seems via d-bus activation [22:05] even though i had the restricted extras installed as well as adobe flash [22:06] i upgraded yesterday from 11.10 tr33m4n , not from 10.04 [22:06] Siegel-, You will find a startup usb disk utility in Ubuntu, simply download an Ubuntu 11.10 iso for your computers architecture (32bit or 64) and use the program to put the iso to usb drive [22:06] Siegel-, ah fair enough [22:07] tr33m4n: yeah i know it. i just need a usb stick first. lol [22:07] beniwtv: hum ok [22:07] tr33m4n: anyway thanks. youve cleared up some things. ill work on it tomorrow. bye [22:09] hi I have installed Ubuntu Server 12.04 beta [22:09] Installed gcc,etc. and libxml2-dev [22:09] now i am trying to compile a program depending on libxml2, still it gives me: undefined reference to `xmlStrncmp' [22:10] libraries are installed, contain the function, can't get what is wrong here and why it doesnt link [22:15] skinkie1, which lib contains the function? [22:16] libxml2.so [22:16] it is the most common function in there [22:16] i guess any libxml2 example would work to test linking [22:16] where are the header files installed to? /usr/include? === glosoli_ is now known as glosoli [22:20] xml2-config --cflags --libs -I/usr/include/libxml2 -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lxml2 [22:25] glosoli: :D [22:25] i just got the nautilus [22:26] brb [22:36] any clues gyes [22:36] skinkie1: for what ? [22:37] tryingto compile any code against libxml2-devel [22:37] gives me undefined reference to `xmlStrncmp' [22:37] etc [22:37] could it be that the code refere to the function and that the header is not defined ? [22:41] Does anyone know why alt+F10 (maximise window) doesn't work anymore in 12.04? [22:41] skinkie1: make sure -lxml2 comes after the object files that contain the reference [22:41] Is this a bug or by design? [22:42] LBo: by design. check Keyboard Shortcuts in system settings :) [22:42] it's set to super + up [22:43] glosoli: thanks, going to check that [22:43] LBo: you can change it though [22:44] trism: thank you very much [22:44] is this a 4.6 thing? [22:44] Mine says alt+F10 (upgraded from 11.10) [22:44] LBo: try resetting it :) [22:45] glosoli: thanks [22:46] I also upgraded and my actuallt is alt+F10 (even though it is slow) [22:46] skinkie1: changes to how the linker resolves symbols in oneiric+, http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking [22:46] LBo: worked ? [22:47] yep, resetting worked [22:47] You know they've changed it? [22:47] I've used alt+F10 for years [22:48] I really have to think about maximising windows now :) [22:48] thanks again :) [22:49] LBo: I know, because I 've seen it in my systme settings, though I never used it :) I like double click with mouse [22:51] Yeah I also double-click when I'm mousing [22:51] Almost never use the icon :) [22:52] Also, 12.04 boots into unity-2d (intel drivers) [22:52] time to kill some ORD :DDDDDD [22:52] ORD ? :D [22:52] I did disable the HUD when upgraded to precice. Everytime I changed window in irssi with alt+num I got that enoying window popping up [22:52] wrong window [22:52] Is this a known issue or should I report it? [22:52] glosoli: http://www.xda-developers.com/announcements/do-you-have-obsessive-rom-updating-disorder-ord/ [22:54] FernandoMiguel: :DDDD [22:54] weird [22:57] spacebug-: how id you disable the hud? [22:59] LBo: probably in ccsm [22:59] glosoli: we are all weird! that's why we are here [23:01] Around 12.04 alpha 2, I ran `sudo do-release-upgrade -f kde -d` to upgrade to 12.04, and nearly every day I've been offered lots of Software Updates. Now that beta 1 is out, do I need to repeat that, or am I already there? [23:01] FernandoMiguel: nah, we are special [23:01] so that's what the cool kids call us this days... [23:01] Anyone else having problems with intel & 3d? [23:02] !update | skierpage [23:02] skierpage: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [23:02] LBo: o/ [23:02] it's compiz bugs, I think [23:02] I'm running PPA version, a bit better [23:02] but I still see lots of artifacts [23:02] FernandoMiguel: PPA for compiz? [23:03] and Nautilus is crapping out on me! click and select with mouse does nothing.... kb works [23:03] FernandoMiguel: we are as weird as mac or windows users, we just like being weird with ubuntu ;D [23:03] :D [23:03] FernandoMiguel, thanks but those don't really answer my question. E.g. `lsb_release -a` says I'm on 12.04, but doesn't indicate if I'm on an alpha2 or beta track [23:03] !final | skierpage [23:03] skierpage: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. [23:03] skierpage: well it shouldn't be indicated or should it ? [23:03] $ pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unity-team-ppa-precise.list [23:03] http://paste.ubuntu.com/867431/ [23:03] spacebug-: ^^ [23:04] tnx [23:04] I guess I'll rerun https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PreciseUpgrades/Kubuntu , it can't (?!) hurt. [23:04] skierpage: just upgrade as you normaly do! [23:04] skierpage: it just shows you are on developement or final :) [23:04] skierpage: yes just normal updates now, you don't need to do the do-release-upgrade again [23:06] I'm getting: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0" [23:07] So my guess would be something with X/intel driver [23:11] trying to upgrade to the beta. An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: [23:11] E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. [23:13] thanks all! FWIW, `kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade` printed "Checking for a new Ubuntu release No new release found", and `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` ended with "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." [23:17] Awesome, installing bumblebee fixed it for me :) [23:23] Could someone tell me why compiz crashes on Precise here when I click the right mousebutton ? [23:24] It seems that the crashreport app does not catch the crash, so it does not get reported. [23:24] I do not have any freaky hardware here, so I am wondering if I am the only person to experience this nasty bug. [23:24] ? [23:25] MCR1: can you see somehting with dmesg ? or maybe in /var/log/syslog ? [23:25] Quite hard to work with a system without using the right mousebutton (in some cases even impossible)... [23:25] people worked on Macs for years [23:25] ;> [23:26] MCR1: if its compiz crashing, report it with 'ubuntu-bug compiz' [23:27] ironhalik: :) [23:27] ironhalik: Unfortunately some Linux apps do not care much about MacOS ;) [23:28] spacebug-: Can you instruct me how to find the culprint causing the bug to eliminate it ? [23:29] I can reproduce it any time, if that is good news... [23:32] MCR1: first of, check 'dmesg' in terminal [23:33] preferably, right after the crash and reboot [23:33] not sure I can but one can try [23:35] ironhalik: I can crash compiz and it will restart immediately, so I can run dmesg right afterwards - one moment === stkrzysiak_ is now known as stkrzysiak [23:38] this is the output: http://pastebin.com/g2wZG1wi [23:45] spacebug-, ironhalik: do you see anything suspicious or can I provide other additional info ? [23:47] looking [23:50] spacebug-: thx a lot. it is driving me crazy ;) [23:51] don't know.. could be the drivers for the graphic card [23:53] I am using xorg edgers ppa, but the strange thing is that gfx is working fine, just the right mousebutton always crashes compiz. [23:54] it also crashes nautilus [23:55] i want to upgrade to the beta, but i am getting errors [23:55] I am also using gnome3 team ppa :-[ [23:55] MCR1: actually it seems it traps on interrupt rather than segfault [23:55] maybe I am just too bleeding edge :-D [23:56] spacebug-: What does this exactly indicate ?