[00:41] Hi, I assume this is a common problem. I have an ext4 drive for data, and I dont want to bother with permissions. Is there some way I can make the whole concept go away? I've run chmod 777 on it, but it seems like new files/directories created do not inherit the full permissions. (at least, "Others" is still set to read-only.) [00:42] Or am I better off just switching to ntfs or something? [00:44] zeech, what exactly are you saving and what exactly do you exspect. [00:45] its a drive for my media, which I am sharing with samba on my local LAN. I just want everyone to have full access to the drive, forever, without further commands needing to be run every time a new folder/file is created. [00:45] zeech: that needs to be set within samba iirc [00:46] samba is set to guest and stuff, I think its fine on that end. I just need to get the drive permissions set up. I can do it once with chmod, but it doesnt seem like new directories will inherit the settings. [00:47] I wish umask=000 would work on ext4.... [00:58] Hmm, noone has had to do something like this? For example, when you have an USB harddrive that you just want to be able to take anywhere and use wherever, what do you do? [00:59] zeech: your just wanting a networked drive? or a persistent drive? [01:00] I dont understand those terms. It's a local drive that I am giving other PCs on my local network access to. [01:03] and how does everyone not have access? [01:05] Currently all my files and folders have rwx for all files and dirs. But if I create a new folder, for example, it only has R for the "others" group. [01:05] I want new folders and files to default to rwx for everyone. [01:05] zeech: what are you using to share the drive? [01:06] samba. However, my specific example above refers to when I am manipulating the drive on the local PC. Samba is not involved yet afaik. [01:14] ok, on further testing: 1. Create file locally. On another PC, can read but cannot write or delete. 2. On local PC, grant read/write access to Others group. On another PC, can now write and delete. 3. On other PC, create a file. It can read and write straight away. [01:16] So currently, everytime I create a file or folder on that drive locally on this PC, I have to manually grant write access on the new files to the "others" group before network PCs can write to it. [01:21] Hmm, on further reading, it seems like it might have something to do with the default permissions set on new files I create. It doesnt seem to inherit from the folder/drive, but something in your user account? Is this true? [01:22] you should be setting permissions on th elocal device itself [01:23] How do I do that? At the moment I'm using "sudo chmod 777 /media/mydrive" Is this incorrect? [01:25] try using the -R switch [01:26] Yes, I do that too. Sorry I should have mentioned it. I run both just to be safe. [01:27] But if I create a new file afterwards, the permissions are not inherited. [01:27] hrm, not sure [01:27] probaby check samba man page [01:28] hmm, ok. Thanks anyways. So, do you ever use a USB harddrive with ext4? [01:28] no [01:29] all my externals use ntfs [01:31] ah. I'm getting the feeling I should just use ntfs >_> oh well [09:37] Hey everyone I have something I need help with [09:37] Is anyone around to help out? [09:38] Beatbox_Hero: What is the problem? [09:39] ubuntu wont boot. I installed it and everything went well. I even rebooted the first time and it worked fine. [09:39] But the second time i went to boot it just gave me a blank screen with a cursor [09:39] I tried boot repair [09:40] tried safe mode [09:40] Nothing helped [09:40] I would really appreciate some help cuz Ubuntu rocks haha [09:42] and yes im on a liveCD of Ubuntu right now [11:43] 0/ === yofel_ is now known as yofel [18:24] Hello [18:26] Anyone here now about tagging music?, I use kid3. I want to know if it is important at all to tag the track number as 01 or 1 ? [18:26] not sure it will make a difference [18:26] to most apps 01 = 1 [18:28] Thank you. That really helps actually/ [18:28] So in most cases it might not matter. [18:30] I couldn't find anything on Google for what I was thinking. [18:31] It's useful for the filename to contain 02 rather than 2. [18:31] because 02 sorts before 10, but 2 sorts after 10 [18:31] I mean it was mentioned on this page: http://kid3.sourceforge.net/kid3_en.html [18:31] Track number digits is the number of digits in Track Number fields. Leading zeros are used to pad. For instance, with a value of 2 the track number 5 is set as "05". [18:32] seems like it will pad automatically [18:32] So under tracker number it doesn't matter, but under filename it does. I knew that the file name mattered which made me wonder [18:32] ?? pad?? I didn't understand and still don't [18:32] since most applications use id3 tags I seldom care about track names... [18:33] if the field is set to 2 and you only enter one digit the application adds the 0 to make sure the field has two digits like it is supposed to.... [18:34] american footbal players wear padding... the padding makes them look bigger... it takes more space [18:34] so by padding it basically means "fill the space"... hope my haphazard explenation helps :p [18:35] I noticed something when messing with kid3. When I number the track number below precceeded by zero it does stick until I go back and add the zero later. Is that what is ment by pad automatically? [18:35] It sounds like the opposite [18:36] I must be messed up in the head [18:36] lol [18:36] I meant what I said though [18:36] :) who knows... stranger things have happened... [18:36] O well. [18:37] I tagged all my music with 01 instead of 1. Should I change it back? [18:37] both for the track number and for the file name to match [18:37] Like said before [18:37] it most likely doesn't matter [18:38] unless the 0 really bothers you, just keep it. [18:38] OK, lol. Sorry if I wasted anyone's time here. [18:38] yup... keep them as is :) [18:39] TY both. I am going to go and watch something funny. [18:39] np, we are paid professionals [18:39] Really, lol. [18:40] I can dream can't I :p [18:40] I wasn't actually sure if you are paid. If so I had no idea and I am not laughing at you [18:41] I have seen some of the things posted on here and it gets crazy [18:41] You'll recieve the bill by mail within three working days [18:41] :) [18:41] Great. Works for me. [18:41] Take care. [18:42] :D [18:44] :) [19:18] adios === PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes