
akgranerjono - DOH!  just ordered the pressed cd :-P00:01
cprofittmhall119: ping -- how do photos get on the UbuntuGlobalJam page again? I thought it was using the ubuntu tag... but I am not seeing the ones I added on the page... wanted to make sure I did not miss a step00:15
cprofittmhall119: nvr mind it just took a while to get on... and they showed up in the middle...00:25
mhall119cprofitt: yeah, I put one on flickr, it took about 20 minutes to make it on their tag feed00:42
cprofittmhall119: there are some really old micro blogging items -- are those from twitter or identi.ca?00:47
mhall119cprofitt: they're from the locoteams status.net account that hasn't been used in over a year01:08
mhall119I want to just remove that feed01:08
cprofittmhall119: sorry for the delayed response... do you need approval to remove it?02:05
cprofitthey Pendulum02:21
mhall119cprofitt: no, but it's a code change, so it'll take a deployment02:23
* cprofitt nods02:27
cprofittsounds good.02:28
cprofittmhall119: I found a person who knows python and django that might be willing to hack on summit02:28
cprofittI will try to introduce him to you guys in the next week or so02:28
mhall119cprofitt: awes...uh, I mean, excellent02:30
mhall119cprofitt: make sure he talks to cjohnston02:30
Pendulumhiya cprofitt02:31
cprofittI will.02:32
cprofittthe new word for awe...uh... is Totally Radical02:32
cprofittor Tubular02:33
cprofittyour choice02:33
mhall119cprofitt: I'm still trying to forget the 80's02:44
cprofittI forget the 80s for you is like the 70s for me02:45
cprofittI keep trying to forget about the 70s02:45
cprofittakgraner: I did link to those items -- text email just did not show it02:53
cprofittakgraner: thanks... going to see if I can find that email on the list...02:57
=== IdleOne is now known as pangolin
brittyazelhello everyone!18:33
MrChrisDruifAloha brittyazel18:35
brittyazelHow is everyone this morning/afternoon?18:35
brittyazelIs anyone having any bug squashing jams today that I can hop into?18:40
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
jcastrojo-erlend: when someone asks two questions in one ask them to split it up21:29
jcastrootherwise we have to go back and flag it21:29
jo-erlendjcastro, I usually do that. In this case, the two questions were really quite related.21:47
jo-erlendbut your edit were good. Thanks.21:47
pleia2trello would be cooler if I could ever remember the name of it21:51
jcastrojo-erlend: his first part was a dupe, but I've fixed that one too21:52
jcastroI didn't know we could adjust that multimonitor stickiness though21:52
jcastro<3 I learned something today!21:52
jo-erlendjcastro, oh, ok. I didn't check for duplicates since we just entered Beta a couple of days ago, and those things are new in Precise. Thought all the older questions would've been deleted.21:53
jo-erlendjcastro, glad to hear it :)21:53
jcastrono, if a question is the same, then you dupe it, and then go update the original21:54
jcastrootherwise we'd have 10 questions "How do I install flash on version XX"?21:54
jo-erlendjcastro, I didn't quite understand that.21:54
jcastroinstead we force them all to be in "How do I install flash?" and then provide answers for multiple versions if we can21:55
jcastrowhat we usually do now is update the popular questions to 12.0421:55
jcastroso when it's out we have a decent chance of most of the major ones being updated21:55
jcastromost of the GUI ones as far as I can tell are already updated though21:56
jo-erlendcrash again...21:59
jo-erlendjcastro, I didn't see anything after " otherwise we'd have 10 questions "How do I install flash on version XX"?21:59
jcastrooops, bad paste, but you get the idea22:00
jo-erlendbut that's the point; since that question couldn't possibly have been asked before, I didn't check for existing questions.22:02
jo-erlenddo you mean someone asked how to get something back before it was removed? I don't understand.22:02
jcastrooh no, I am not saying you should check for dupes22:02
jcastroI am saying that if you see a question that you answered, and then it gets closed as a duplicate, you can instead post it on the original question22:03
jcastrosorry, I realized I had thought that but not actually typed it out to you, heh22:03
jo-erlendheh, I thought that's what I always do.22:05
jcastroI am just happy you knew this multimonitor thing22:05
jcastroyou made my day!22:05
jo-erlendhehe, great. :)22:08
jo-erlendI think I actually came up with that idea, so it's cool that it's used :)22:08
jo-erlendwish we could get it for synergy as well.22:09
jcastromy left edge is synergy so I've always had autohide off22:10
jo-erlendyup. There's a bug there right now, similar to the one we had with nvidia, I think.22:10
jcastrois there a way to remove the 2nd launcher when in multiple monitors?22:10
jo-erlendnot yet, anyway22:11
jcastrodo you have the bug # handy?22:13
jcastroI am still not sure if I like the launcher in the middle or not22:13
jo-erlendsynergy bug? I don't even know if it's reported. I've meant to, but keep forgetting.22:15
jcastrono I meant for the launcher on two displays22:48
popeyBARK BARK BARK jcastro BARK BARK!23:13
jcastropopey: I am listening to your podcast23:19
jcastrothe one you were just on23:19
jcastroand I didn't know about kazam!23:19
popeyoh, spatry23:19
popeythat was fun23:19
popeythey were very positive23:20
jcastrothis is FANTASTIC23:21
jcastroneeds a quicklist instead of an indicator I think23:22
jcastrobut I'm no designer23:22
popeyi need a version that has no desktop visibility at all23:22
popeyplease do file bugs where required, David is really active23:23
jcastrooh right23:23
popeyhe's applied for UDS23:23
jcastrolike a "pro mode" I need to show this /exact/ desktop23:23
popeywould be great if he gets it23:23
popeywell, an "OOTB mode" to say "this is what ubuntu looks like when you install" with no icons for screencast apps anywhere23:23
jcastropopey: http://askubuntu.com/a/29954/23523:24
jcastroadd a screenshot or two there23:25
jcastroso it stands out23:25
jcastropopey: nice work on talking about the QA stuff23:29
jcastrothat's like, so huge23:29
popeyfeel free to pimp it23:29
jcastropopey: the compiz stuff is in upstream23:32
jcastropopey: the kicker is the GTK+ patch we have to carry23:32
popeywe are upstream for compiz effectively23:40
jo-erlendpopey, are you talking about kazam?23:47
popeyjo-erlend: where?23:49
jo-erlendpopey, uh… Here?23:49
jo-erlendI do a lot of screencasting, and I'm able to use gtk-recordmydesktop fairly effectively, but there are things that makes me interested in exploring options. I've never tried kazam.23:50
popeykazam is very good, and actively developed23:51
popeywhich cant be said for any other screencasting app23:51
jo-erlendis that what you said were with upstream compiz?23:51
popeyi dont understand23:52
jo-erlendpopey, did you mean to say that kazam uses compiz to create screencasts?23:56
jo-erlendoh, and where do recordings go? I just tried to make one, but I can't find it.23:57
jo-erlendoh, it just took a little time.23:57
popeykazam doesn't "use compiz"23:59
popeythere is a plan to make it use compiz to improve performance and reliability23:59

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