=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang [02:29] hey can someone help me im having some serious issues with bluetooth in ubuntu [02:30] hiya Alanbell how are you today? [02:31] M4dH4TT3r: this isn't the support channel [02:31] ohh i know but im banned from the support channel still so this is the next best option [02:31] try askubuntu.com [02:31] no, this is not the next best option [02:32] * M4dH4TT3r still doesnt do forums [02:32] We still don't do support here, sorry. [02:32] but thanks for kicking that dead horse [02:33] well then maybe you can let me into #ubuntu so i can get support...??? [02:33] not today [02:34] well ive been waiting over a year now so im guessing tomarrows probally out of the question too [02:35] funny you got banned 2 days ago [02:35] how does that add up to a year? [02:35] See: ikonia for details [02:35] sorry over a year [02:36] probally closer to 2 [02:36] anyway, you will not be unbanned today. [02:36] well then if you wont let me get support your just gonna have to support me yourself ;) [02:37] That isn't how it works [02:37] if you want support you will need to resolve the ban first [02:37] so i have to pay first huh [02:38] To get that done it will require you agree to follow our channel guidelines and our code of conduct [02:38] ive already agreed to that [02:38] great [02:38] You still aren't going to be unbanned today. [02:38] lmfao [02:38] nice burn [02:38] you can appeal the decision if you like [02:38] !appeals [02:38] If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page. [02:39] ive already mentioned i dont do forums i belive ;) [02:39] you apparently also don't read well either [02:41] email is the same as forums [02:42] it is your choice to follow our procedures or not. [02:42] I am telling you that you will not be unbanned today. [02:42] yeah but its also your choise to make the procedures and your choice to enforce them [02:42] Now please part the channel as we are done here [02:43] so no matter what im outnumbered 2 to 1 [02:43] you see this as a fight, the only thing preventing you from getting access to #ubuntu is you. [02:44] anyway, we are done. have a good night [02:44] fight? [02:44] i never said anything about a fight... [02:44] an argument, battle, something that you feel you need to win. [02:44] this is merely a discussion about my being freed from bondage [02:46] i belive it is you making such assumptions as to my thoughts and character [02:47] so it is in fact you who belives this is a fight [02:47] M4dH4TT3r, please exit the channel [02:47] brb my wife is calling [02:48] ok im back [02:49] jeeze you ubuntu opps always ask people to leave have you ever thought about turning that negative into a posative and asking people to stay? [02:52] lol my bad sorry i forgot our conversation yesterday ill be leaving this channel now :) [02:53] i forgot i was just supposed to ban evade and skip the groveling this bluetooth problem cause me to forget bye all [09:07] hi, I think it might be a good idea to make ubottu address the nick of the invoking person when !list has no "target" mentioned in the channel [09:08] background: just now there was a misunderstanding in #u, zcat[1] left angry because he thought it was targeted at him [09:08] I don't know if that is technically possible [09:08] there can be misunderstanding of *every* factoid then? [09:09] knome: !list can feel a bit accusory to a bystander [09:09] knome: not as much, !list is rarely used to tell it to someone else [09:10] Myrtti: exactly what happened right now [09:10] !patiense ? [09:10] knome: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [09:10] s=c [09:10] * knome sucks today at typing [09:10] knome: I don't want to argue, it was only a quick idea, ... [09:10] no, i'm just wondering [09:11] it is a good idea, I just don't know if it is technically possible [09:11] knome: you do know the usecase of !list, don't you? [09:11] Myrtti, yup. [09:11] (just checking) [09:11] and I don't know if it is possible either, but there will be people who do know [09:12] Myrtti, use $who [09:12] Myrtti, but of course, that *always* prints the nick then... [09:13] Myrtti: knome: having delivered my load :-) - thats it for now, thx for your time... [09:13] !list | knome [09:13] knome: Myrtti, no warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [09:13] mmm. [09:13] Myrtti, yes, i know. but still. [09:13] !list [09:13] knome, no warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [09:13] this is why it might work [09:13] I'll change it back for now [09:14] because it's only the warez guys using the factoid? [09:14] yeah [09:16] * knome is off for now, see you [09:16] !list [09:16] No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ». [09:16] right, so, opinions? ^ [09:51] Hi Alan [09:51] hello Bacta [09:51] :) [09:52] As you may know I've got what I think was referred to as a global ban across all of the Ubuntu channels. I've attempted to appeal it but never heard back. I was wondering if we could discuss it here [09:53] Bacta: I believe your option is to contact ubuntu irc council via email [09:53] yes, you do indeed have a namespace ban [09:54] Tm_T: I attempted to but never got a reply [09:54] This was in August last year [09:55] Bacta: unfortunately there's nothing I can help you with that, try again sending the email [09:55] I see emails requesting that you should be banned, but I am not finding anything from you [09:56] the requests go back to 2009 [09:56] Ok. Will I have to use my real name? [09:56] well give me something to search for, yes [09:57] I did a full text search for "bacta" and only found complaints about you that had been escallated to the IRCC [09:57] Strange. [09:57] What was the email address? [09:58] I am not giving out email addresses of people who complained about you [09:58] do you have any further suggestions of things I might search for to find this email? [10:03] tell you what, you have a hunt for this email in your sent box, otherwise send a new one [10:03] !appeals [10:03] If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page. [10:03] there is an appeal process there, with the address to send it to [10:03] Didn't ask for their email addresses [10:03] Wanted the one to send to [10:04] ircc-appeals@ubottu.com [10:04] Thanks [10:04] ok, I will ask you to leave the channel if that is all for now [10:05] Sent [10:05] Ok [10:05] Thanks [10:07] now why did that not create a new ticket I wonder [10:16] ah, there it is [10:29] Hey any possibility to ban spammer from Ubuntu+1 channel which already leaved ? pasting short links to some kinds of a russian website with videos and etc [10:30] glosoli: he is/was in several channels [10:30] was [10:30] oCean: ah, so you seen it too :) ? [10:31] oh, it was your text above the him, sorry didin't see ;D [10:31] glosoli: yes, that's why I told him to stop it (in +1) [10:31] :) [10:31] sorry. have a good day :) [10:31] glosoli: no problem, thanks anyway [10:34] glosoli: if there's nothing more, don't forget to /part this channel.. [10:34] aa ok :) [16:46] !no final is If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. [16:46] I'll remember that pangolin === IdleOne is now known as pangolin [17:23] anyon: yes? [17:23] where do I fill a butthurt assesment? [17:24] anyon: what is the problem exactly? [17:24] I suspect this is going nowhere [17:24] where's the report form? [17:24] !appeals [17:24] If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page. [17:24] ubuntu council? [17:24] yes [17:25] my wrong [17:25] sorry [17:25] what was the chan for ubuntu council? [17:25] first you email them, if they want you to join the channel they will ask you. [17:26] !council [17:26] !info council [17:26] Package council does not exist in oneiric [17:26] stop fishing [17:27] I gave you the info you need to contact the Ubuntu IRC Council. [17:27] anything else? [17:27] what's the channel, please? [17:27] they had an irc chan on this server [17:28] click the link ubottu gave you. it has all the info you need [17:28] anyon: you might want to read the link ubottu gave you [17:29] anyon: was there anything else we could help with? [17:30] they canceled the #ubuntu-council? :( [17:30] reading all the words on the wiki page would be helpful [17:31] oh thanks, didn't notice the -irc-council [17:32] thanks guys, have a nice morning [18:24] pangolin, explain [18:24] pangolin [18:25] anyon: you clearly did not read the guidelines you were linked earlier. Now you have a week to read them. [18:25] ban for a week? [18:25] impossibru! [18:25] my ip renews every 3 days [18:26] do i have to come every 3 days and ask you to ban me? [18:26] anyon: save me the trouble and don't join the channel at all [18:27] pangolin, do you have such thing at all, though? [18:27] I don't understand the question [18:27] my firefox won't work on pr0nhub, i need some pr0nbrowser.. [18:27] it says h.264 not supported [18:27] anyon: this isn't a support channel [18:27] you banned me on the support channel! [18:27] I did. [18:27] for asking for support, ironically [18:28] I'll give you a hint, look into installing flash. Now please part this channel [18:28] Still why would you ban someone that needs help? [18:29] because you were being disruptive even after I gave you a link to our channel guidelines [18:29] DISRUPTIVE? I WAS ASKING FOR HELP [18:29] this to me shows you didn't bother to read them. [18:29] I read them the first time i came to here [18:29] that would be 2010 i suppose [18:30] and yet you still felt it was ok to repeat your question quickly and to go fishing with the bot [18:30] maybe there was my problem in the faq? [18:30] in the bot's database? [18:30] who knew? [18:31] and i didn't repeat it [18:31] Is there a pr0n browser for ubuntu 11.10? *UNITY* <==== I added unity. [18:31] anyon: I don't have time to waste. The ban is going to be a week, if you ban evade ( your ip changing and you joining the channel is ban evading) the ban will be extended [18:31] I see nothing breaking the rules in my question [18:32] and what link you gave me? [18:32] ubottu: tell anyon about guidelines [18:32] anyon, please see my private message [18:33] ubottu: tell anyon about codeofconduct [18:33] Now we are done. have a nice day. [18:33] so you give me the link afterwards but you ban me the first time? [18:33] I gave you the link earlier, just before you joined this channel the first time [18:34] when was that? I just joined this channel [18:35] !guidelines | anyon Read this please [18:35] anyon Read this please: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines [18:35] oh hi pango, no need to, ur the man [18:35] what? [18:36] you even acknowledged it. [18:36] w-what? [18:36] where can i complain of operators, please? [18:36] you are banned. that's it. [18:36] I also gave you the link to the appeals earlier [18:36] enough wasting time [18:37] dude, what? [18:38] http://paste.ubuntu.com/867070/ [18:38] Please part now. [18:38] You're saying that I talked to you, before, but I just got in here, looking for a solution to my browser wich won't display pr0nhub.com [18:39] Please stop. [18:39] what?! [18:39] The more time you make me waste explaining the same thing to you the less time I have to help people who actually need help. [18:40] I know you think this is fun but really it is annoying, disrespectful and just plain stupid. [18:40] pangolin, I understand that, but how could you have even talked to me if I just started xchat? [18:40] We are done, leave this channel. [18:40] sir, have i insulted you or your ways of .. fixing stuff? [18:42] you've been given the link to the appeals page [18:42] sir, are you being racist and calling me annoying, disrespectful and plain stupid cause I'm canadian? [18:42] anyon: you've been asked to leave, and as the conversation isn't proceeding, just follow the information given ^ [19:08] hi nixternal [19:15] !away > varela_ [21:11] oh great. [21:12] I'm cleaning out -offtopic bans and get a pm how do I get to be an op [21:18] !canibeanop > baconbacon123 [21:27] Myritti keeps unbanning adverisers [21:27] baconbacon123: please stop with random comments [21:27] baconbacon123: you know they are not advertiser and it doesn't matter if they are [21:27] is there something you need help with from the operator team ? [21:28] baconbacon123: hello [21:28] yes they were nm and they just remvoed op status [21:28] baconbacon123: you are making no sense [21:29] they just removed Myritti op status "ChanServ removes channel operator status from Myrtti" [21:30] baconbacon123: Myrtti did that [21:30] baconbacon123: don't concern your self with it [21:31] ok im sorry i thot *!*@c-71-61-33-254.hsd1.pa.comcast.net was a advertiser im sorry nun of my business [21:31] baconbacon123: great, [21:31] huh? [21:31] baconbacon123: anything else you need from the operator team ? [21:32] no thank u for your help :) [21:32] baconbacon123: no problem, as you don't need anything else we ask that you leave this channel