[11:50] hey translators, how's everyone doing? [11:59] dpm: busy... they keep bombing me with questions and translations to approve :( [12:05] dpm: there is something strange here: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+templates [12:05] the kde modules were all uploaded last year [12:06] but kde 4.8 was released and packaged this year... looks like the translations were not uploaded at all. [12:06] do you know anything about this? [12:13] hey dpm [12:13] guys, how many strings are there in precise that should be translated? [12:14] i made a quick math and it comes to about 46660 strings, but i am pretty sure it is far more than that. [12:16] kelemengabor: yeah, many KDE packages/templates seem to be missing from LP (versus kde l10n svn) [12:26] kelemengabor: did you file a bug? [12:26] not yet [12:27] I'm busy with the GJ :\ [12:27] could you help me out with that? [12:31] jokerdino, it depends on the languages [12:31] jokerdino, for which language? [12:31] Tamil. [12:32] Not the number of strings that are remaining, but the total number of strings [12:34] kelemengabor: sure [12:34] artnay: thanks! [12:35] kelemengabor: hey. Thanks for the patch [12:35] you are welcome :) [12:35] I have sent a mail to the list [12:35] if anyone can approve it [12:35] need to put it in UIFE [12:35] as per the requirement [12:36] kelemengabor: you have access to the list? [12:37] I don't think so. but dpm probably has [12:39] m4n1sh, lte me approve it now [12:39] dpm: thanks. I know you lead this team, but you know who leads -doc? [12:39] kelemengabor: bug 945560 [12:40] umh, okay... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/945560 [12:40] hey dpm. Everything go ok yesterday, getting the new stats page back up [12:41] artnay: thanks. now I have to figure out whom to assign it :) [12:41] launchpad bug 945560 [12:41] amithkk: your bot is MIA? [12:42] He's not here [12:42] there he is [12:43] Ha! [12:43] He hasnt had a crash since till now [12:43] that sucks [12:43] It didnt crash yet [12:43] Still on record [12:43] @list admin [12:43] amithkk: capability add, capability remove, channels, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, join, nick, and part [12:44] @list [12:44] amithkk: Admin, Alias, BadWords, Bugtracker, Channel, Config, Encyclopedia, IRCLogin, Misc, Owner, and User [12:44] dpm: thanks [12:44] @list Owner [12:44] amithkk: announce, defaultcapability, defaultplugin, disable, enable, flush, ircquote, load, log, quit, reload, rename, unload, unrename, and upkeep [12:44] amithkk: don't spam.. [12:44] k [12:45] i see both amithkk and m4n1sh here. [12:45] now is the best time to discuss Indian English locale [12:45] go ahead [12:45] so, is it logical to have one? [12:45] there is one\ [12:45] i personally feel it is different enough to have one. [12:45] en_IN [12:46] oh? [12:46] Its not very different though [12:46] And we have one as m4n1sh says [12:46] not much [12:46] jokerdino: but you can use the indianized english if you want [12:46] dpm: ah gotta go again, I'm on family visit during the weekend, so if you need me for anything for the jam, contact me on email [12:47] ah, let me find it [12:47] amithkk: do yo know any reference guide to en_IN ? [12:47] nope [12:48] jokerdino: remember if you are going with en_IN, it is more similar to en_GB than en_US [12:48] en_GB or en_UK whatever you call, not much of a i18n geek [12:48] UK it is [12:48] I didn't even know how to i18nize xml files until Kelemen submitted the patch [12:49] no, GB: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+lang/en_GB [12:49] ah, thanks [12:50] i am going to proceed and set up a team for en_IN [12:50] dammit. en_IN is fully untranslated [12:50] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/precise/+lang/en_IN [12:50] i saw that :/ [12:50] we need a team to do anything [12:50] jokerdino: which all langs you know? [12:51] i know Tamil. and well yeah [12:51] Ill contact em [12:51] * jokerdino is living in Singapore. [12:51] like indian words are more similar to UK [12:51] what about you m4n1sh ? any lang? [12:51] english and hindi [12:52] no kannada? :/ [12:52] nope [12:52] in India it is Colour and not color [12:52] you can use preponed as an opposite of postpone in India [12:52] we should first have a en_IN guide. [12:52] Whats the ISO 639 language code for en-IN? [12:52] it isnt found in any other dictionary [12:53] TLE, yeah, it worked :) I'm about to take another timestamp, but I'm quite busy talking to people and can't find a minute to do it properly [12:53] dpm: TLE left [12:53] later [12:53] cya :D [12:53] stay here 2bottu :D [12:53] LOL [12:53] m4n1sh: i am serious about en_IN. [12:54] jokerdino: I know [12:54] you need to get in contact with indian translation team [12:54] should i email them? [12:55] ask them [12:55] wait, there is a Indian translation team? [12:55] there should be [12:55] there is if i last remember [12:55] there is for different languages, but none for Indian English [12:55] jokerdino: this should help a bit http://lh.2xlibre.net/locale/en_IN/ [12:56] cook thanks. [12:56] *cool [12:56] there is no Indian English translation team [12:56] jokerdino: look at this too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_English#Vocabulary_and_colloquialisms [12:56] we should be pinging dpm already. [12:57] there isnt Indian "English" translation team [12:57] yep [12:57] but Indian translation team [12:57] Im ready to translate [12:57] I dont think words like "bunk a class" and "prepone" or "under scanner" or "clean-chit" are used anywhere else in the world [12:57] Holidays ahead [12:58] amithkk: esp use words like lakhs, crores too [12:58] very common in India [12:58] oh yeah. [12:58] jokerdino, you can calculate the total from [12:58] just do the maths from the percentage translated and the untranslated count [12:58] anyway, going for lunch now... [12:59] * dpm lunches [12:59] jokerdino: amithkk "Allopathy", "Jaundice" and "curd" is more of Indian English [12:59] i can't find the Indian language team [12:59] * jokerdino loathes [12:59] never heard about "non-veg" being used to refer to meat in other parts of the world [12:59] jokerdino: "SMS" means mobile text message [13:00] lots of scope for en_IN [13:00] open a gdoc and put these there? [13:00] nope [13:00] ubuntu wiki [13:00] for the time being. heh [13:01] jokerdino: indian english is called hinglish [13:01] as it is a lot lot lot influenced by hindi [13:01] true that [13:02] jokerdino: keep bookmarking http://www.theindiansabroad.com/2011/04/hinglish-indian-english-idioms-or-and-phrases-ii/ [13:03] amithkk: you found the ISO code for en_IN? [13:04] cya [13:04] is that necessary for going ahead? [13:04] i guess so. [13:04] there are procedures for starting a new team [13:05] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/StartingTeam [13:09] m4n1sh: i think the ISO code is same as English. [13:09] yes [13:10] but it should also add something after en_GB.utf-8 or something like that [13:10] heh the australians don't have those [13:10] jokerdino: so two locales can have same ISO code? [13:11] where is dpm when we need him most :S [13:12] my google fu is failing [13:15] http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php [13:15] there is only one English [13:16] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-l10n-eng sholud be useful [13:16] yeah [13:17] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-en-gb for en_GB. [13:17] so ours should be en_IN [13:19] shall i proceed to start a team then? [13:22] my hands are itching [13:30] jokerdino: lol [13:30] consult a few people first [13:31] yeah haha, haven't started yet [15:05] jokerdino, lunching, what's up? [15:05] you still lunching huh? [15:05] we were discussing the idea of starting Indian English locale team. [15:05] viable and acceptable? [15:07] and i have done the math for the translation strings. total strings = 47k++ [16:26] jokerdino, weren't you thinking of helping in another team first? I think contributing to Tamil might be more useful, as it seems they might need a push to reinvigorate the team. [16:27] You can of course start the en_IN team, but I think you can create more of an impact and help more users by contributing to the Tamil one [17:02] jokerdino: AFAIK Tamil team is pretty active