
nathandyer_Hey, guys. Quick q. I e-mailed about summary writing about a month ago, and although I never heard back I see the doc in my Google Docs. Is it okay if I add summaries to the doc?17:54
pleia2nathandyer_: what's your name? (that you would have emailed with)18:14
nathandyer_Nathan Dyer18:15
pleia2hmm, nothing turns up in my search for your name in my email18:15
pleia2can you PM me your email address so I can add you to the list?18:15
pleia2and yes, you're welcome to add summaries to the doc :)18:16
pleia2thanks for your help18:16
nlsthzn-workhmmm... seems that the summaries are in place then...18:28
* pleia2 takes a look18:29
* pleia2 adds last minute one to LoCo News18:30
pleia2looking good!18:31
pleia2I'll start reviewing and copying them over to the wiki now :)18:32
nlsthzn-worklol... I wrote that about "precise's awesomness" and thought that it wasn't to egotistical by the authors :p18:39
pleia2haha, I wanted to put it in quotes so it didn't sound editorial :)18:39
nlsthzn-workI saw and agree :)18:41
nlsthzn-workcrazy to watch someone edit a document in real time :p18:42
pleia2multiplayer word processing!18:42
nlsthzn-workThe latest MMO craze...18:46
pleia2thanks for doing that last LoCo News summary :)18:46
pleia2just going to do one last pass through my RSS feeds18:46
nlsthzn-worknp... I have been a bit lacks at doing the summaries... always "something" else that needs doing more and all those excuses...18:48
pleia2I know how it goes18:48
pleia2ok, moving stuff over to the wiki now18:51
nlsthzn-workanyhow... glad I had time and could help...18:52
pleia2thanks, you rock :)18:52
pleia2if more people write about their Global Jams before 00:00 UTC I'll toss those in last minute18:53
nlsthzn-workwas expecting a lot more reports but I think it is stil a bit early over in the USA :p18:59
pleia211AM here, 2PM on the east coast19:00
nlsthzn-workoh so not that early...19:12
Silverlionnlsthzn-work how is your work?20:57
Silverlionhow so (if i may ask?)20:59
nlsthzn-workI have to be @ work and do work and I am not @ home doing what I want to ... it is a pain in the @5five21:09
Silverlionnlsthzn-work guess what i did the last 14 hrs of the day?21:09
Silverlionnlsthzn-work nope? slept only three hrs in total the last three nights21:11
* nlsthzn-work grows tired of the guessing game...21:11
nlsthzn-workyou where playing chess21:11
Silverlionnope? did the same as you do now ... working21:11
nlsthzn-workah... very good21:12
nlsthzn-workwork = pay = food21:12
Silverlionbut it is still a pain21:13
=== nlsthzn-work is now known as nlsthzn

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