brousch | Dicey roads around Lowell, but we made it home | 01:43 |
rick_h_ | yay, how was the sprint? | 01:47 |
brousch | Intimate | 01:48 |
Blazeix | brousch++ | 01:57 |
brousch | Just snap-l, gib, me, and jodee | 01:58 |
snap-l | Very intimate. | 02:00 |
snap-l | Had soft music, candles, and libations | 02:00 |
brousch | Still no dup on my bugs. I am awesome | 02:04 |
snap-l | <- Wow, it's like musical geocities | 02:43 |
rick_h_ | snap-l: cool, sorry it wasn't a full house | 02:51 |
rick_h_ | ummm ... | 03:18 |
nixternal | why does every freakin' java package have a dependency on ant? at least they fixed them installing ant & maven at the same damn time | 03:20 |
nixternal | and why would you install jenkins or any java package from the ubuntu repos? everyone should know by now you don't touch them or ruby packages with a 10-foot pole | 03:22 |
rick_h_ | well I wanted to check out the officials vs the jenkins ppa | 03:22 |
rick_h_ | since we're starting to use a lot of jenkins figured it'd be good stuff | 03:23 |
rick_h_ | and it's a new precise install | 03:23 |
rick_h_ | but then that scared the crap out of me | 03:23 |
nixternal | i have started creating a ~/.dev-src and just building from source | 03:23 |
rick_h_ | ah | 03:23 |
nixternal | especially with java & ruby stuff | 03:23 |
rick_h_ | yea, I'm working on trying to setup more docs/auto building things for stuff I use | 03:23 |
nixternal | i need to do the same now that work is picking up | 03:24 |
nixternal | plus with jenkins, the easy part is installing. setting it up, even from the repos is still a pita | 03:25 |
rick_h_ | yea, definitely. I wish there was a better export/import/setup stuff | 03:25 |
rick_h_ | but oh well, I need to get it running so here we go | 03:25 |
nixternal | build one :) | 03:25 |
rick_h_ | havne't had bookie auto builds in a while | 03:25 |
rick_h_ | heh, I've got enough crap to code right now | 03:25 |
nixternal | thanks for bookie btw. it has pretty much replaced my /web-dev/ feeds in google reader :) | 03:26 |
rick_h_ | oh you tinkering with it? | 03:26 |
nixternal | oh yeah | 03:26 |
nixternal | i snoop it daily a couple of times a day | 03:27 |
rick_h_ | awesome | 03:27 |
jjesse | nixternal, how come i was in chicago for 2 weeks and we never got together? | 03:27 |
jjesse | like lunch or antyhing | 03:27 |
nixternal | how come you never called me while you were here? that is all your fault you were here that long and didn't touch base with me :p | 03:28 |
jjesse | hahaha | 03:28 |
jjesse | cause i no longer have your # in my phone | 03:28 |
jjesse | i mean hell i checked all over foursquare | 03:29 |
nixternal | 630 445 3860 | 03:29 |
nixternal | my website has my number on it too | 03:30 |
jjesse | ok ok added it | 03:34 |
nixternal | groovy | 03:37 |
nixternal | what were you doing in chicago for 2 weeks? | 03:37 |
snap-l | | 03:49 |
nixternal | you ever watch that tv show on hbo called angry boys? | 03:51 |
nixternal | that reminded me of the rapper dude, smouse and his raps. especially the no arms one | 03:51 |
nixternal | he just repeats nonsense over and over. absolutely hillarious | 03:51 |
snap-l | apparently i found a disciple. | 03:53 |
tjagoda | nixternal | 03:56 |
tjagoda | your number is now logged in the ubuntu irc logs | 03:56 |
tjagoda | fyi =( | 03:56 |
nixternal | my number has been in the logs forever | 03:58 |
nixternal | my number is in LP, my website, twitter, you name it | 03:58 |
tjagoda | This guy | 03:59 |
tjagoda | Is the face in the dictionary next to "open" | 03:59 |
snap-l | tjagoda: It's also got a "see also: don't fuck with me" | 04:00 |
nixternal | believe it or not, i rarely get spammed. people who use it and call me are legit, and it gets me work when i am sitting around in my undies doing nothing :) | 04:00 |
snap-l | I have my GV number on my site | 04:00 |
snap-l | And sometimes that gets me useful calls, but mostly it gets me recruiters that don't know when to bugger off | 04:01 |
nixternal | yeah, i think mine is there now as well | 04:01 |
nixternal | i have them both actually | 04:01 |
jjesse | who wants a that mental picture of nixternal sitting in his undies | 04:01 |
jjesse | garagh | 04:01 |
nixternal | if someone calls & the number isn't in my address book, it goes straight to voice mail anyways | 04:01 |
nixternal | better than the mental picture i am about to give you. i am chatting to you right now sitting on the toilet | 04:02 |
jjesse | awesome have a good dump for me | 04:02 |
nixternal | you are sick! | 04:02 |
snap-l | mention my name for a good seat | 04:03 |
snap-l | Pinch one off for victory | 04:03 |
nixternal | haha | 04:03 |
nixternal | you all have issues, worse than me i think | 04:03 |
nixternal | rick_h_: actually, the font you use for the bookie logo, inspired me to use it for my cycling team's website. is that cabin sketch or are you using a non-free font? i can't remember now | 04:05 |
nixternal | it fits perfect when used with a blueprint like background, especially when "By Design" is in your team's name | 04:06 |
nixternal | maybe one of these days I will finish the damn site | 04:06 |
rick_h_ | nixternal: yea, cabin sketch from google's fonts and just cabin for the rest | 04:06 |
nixternal | heh, yeah, i was using cabin already, but didn't know about the cabin sketch until i snooped your github | 04:06 |
nixternal | well, i know who is adding the bandcamp links now | 04:07 |
rick_h_ | bah, stupid jenkins isn't using a jenkins user, "start by user anonymous" so I can't su and fix path issues :( | 04:07 |
nixternal | from the repos? | 04:07 |
rick_h_ | yea | 04:08 |
rick_h_ | figured wtf I'd try it, not regretting it | 04:08 |
rick_h_ | set shell to /bin/zsh, can't find virtualenv in python path, but it's installed system wide | 04:08 |
nixternal | hrmm, i swore by default the user:group was jenkins:jenkins | 04:08 |
rick_h_ | yea, used to be, but nothing in my /etc/passwd for it | 04:08 |
nixternal | now that is interesting. i use zsh and have no probs with virtualenv | 04:09 |
rick_h_ | % sudo su jenkins (rharding@wingman:~/) | 04:09 |
rick_h_ | Unknown id: jenkins | 04:09 |
nixternal | hrmm, did the package creat a jenkins group? | 04:09 |
nixternal | or are they using www-data by default? | 04:09 |
rick_h_ | nope, just tomcat | 04:09 |
rick_h_ | oh hmm, dind't think of www-data | 04:09 |
rick_h_ | hmmm, if I su www-data I can get virtualenv | 04:10 |
nixternal | did you log in/out after setting the shell to zsh? that can be a tricky sob if you don't log in/out | 04:11 |
nixternal | chsh - enter your password - then do: /bin/ksh - i dare you! | 04:11 |
nixternal | i would like to kill the 1990s linux user who set korn shell on every freakin' machine at one of my client's locations | 04:12 |
nixternal | first thing i do now is type 'bash' | 04:12 |
nixternal | i can't stand ^h anymore | 04:13 |
rick_h_ | bah, set unix auth and now can't login. I have a feeling this test with local packages is coming to an end | 04:14 |
nixternal | haha | 04:23 |
rick_h_ | almost, cool | 04:42 |
rick_h_ | well this was a bigger pita than originally planned | 04:42 |
nixternal | it usually is especially when the plan starts with 'sudo apt-get' | 04:44 |
nixternal | or zypper, or yum, or pacman. it doesn't matter which distro (except for slackware), they all have bum packages when it comes to a non-distro development environment | 04:45 |
nixternal | great for packaging and writing useless python scripts/apps | 04:46 |
nixternal | remember, the goal behind any dev environment in ubuntu is "opportunistic". real dev starts with './configure && make -j9 && make install' | 04:46 |
nixternal | or pip :) | 04:46 |
rick_h_ | well fortunately it's make install && make builder_test | 04:47 |
nixternal | i get scared when they take care of the ./configure portion | 04:47 |
rick_h_ | well this is bookie so pure python stuff in a virtualenv | 04:47 |
snap-l | Good morning | 14:29 |
rick_h_ | morning | 14:29 |
_stink_ | yo | 14:43 |
brousch | water heater burst this morning. fun fun | 15:41 |
tjagoda | Carpeted area around it? | 15:43 |
brousch | no | 15:43 |
brousch | and i had a pan and drainage hoses hooked up, so not too bad | 15:43 |
tjagoda | Thats good | 15:44 |
tjagoda | Last time our burst it overflowed the pan and got the carpet in the room next door | 15:44 |
brousch | it would've gone over if i wasn't home to turn off the water | 15:44 |
rick_h_ | ugh, that sucks brousch :( | 15:45 |
tjagoda | nice | 15:45 |
brousch | and blown up the house since the pilot went out and gas was leaking | 15:45 |
tjagoda | oh jesus | 15:55 |
tjagoda | electric water heaters here | 15:55 |
snap-l | brousch: Ugh, sorry to hear that. Hope it can get cleaned up and fixed soon | 17:28 |
snap-l | and glad it didn't happen during jam time | 17:28 |
brousch | snap-l: yeah | 17:58 |
brousch | it's not a big mess. i had hoses hooked up beforehand. just no hot water until we get it replaced | 17:58 |
tjagoda | Giant system76 machine about to be reviewed on this neat show about Linux: | 18:53 |
tjagoda | The Leopard water cooled extreme omg machine | 18:53 |
snap-l | Reminder: Meeting tonight | 18:54 |
tjagoda | brousch: | 19:44 |
tjagoda | erh | 19:44 |
tjagoda | brousch: | 19:44 |
tjagoda | It's attempting to modernize Gnome2.2 | 19:44 |
brousch | bah | 19:48 |
brousch | just use kde | 19:48 |
Blazeix | or xfce | 19:48 |
brousch | there are what, 3 different things trying to fork gnome2 now? | 19:48 |
Blazeix | are ther any successful ones? the only other one I've heard of is Mate | 19:49 |
Blazeix | which seems kind of dead | 19:49 |
tjagoda | Believe in the gnome of yesteryear, brousch! | 20:02 |
snap-l | god, I hate Windows. | 20:29 |
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