
Cheri703I am trying to get my brain wrapped back around android rooting and doing things with adb shell...got a new phone for my mom and I'm getting it rooted and set up05:13
Cheri703it has been a long time since I've messed with it much05:13
Cheri703my phone is old and my nook was easy to root05:13
paultagcanthus13: :D05:13
paultagCheri703: :D05:13
paultagcanthus13: :)05:13
paultagoh hey gilbert, around?05:13
paultagCheri703: you can do awesome stuff from the shell via adb05:14
paultagCheri703: launching intents, looking like a l337 h4x0r, etc05:14
Cheri703yeah, my mom's phone is going to be set up as simply as I can, buuut *rubs hands together* soon I hope to have a galaxy s 2 (the sprint version) of my own to play with. this is an lg optimus s05:14
Cheri703got my mom on www.ting.com and I'm headed there as soon as I can afford a phone05:15
canthus13Cheri703: My Motorola Photon was amazingly easy to root.05:17
canthus13one click, pretty much.05:17
Cheri703I have been debating between the s2 and the photon05:17
Cheri703I got a one click thing for the optimus, we'll see how it does05:17
canthus13Cheri703: aside from the touch screen, I *LOVE* it.05:17
Cheri703well...the touch screen is a slightly important part >.>05:18
paultaggilbert: just applied to NM, advocation pending :)05:18
canthus13Cheri703: I just don't like typing on touch screens. I want a keyboard. :/05:18
canthus13Cheri703: it's a nice touch screen, though.05:18
Cheri703it is bulky compared to the s205:19
canthus13Cheri703: It's not as bulky as I thought it would be.05:19
canthus13the S2 is crap.05:19
canthus13my wife has it. no SD card slot.05:19
Cheri703I like the idea of the sim card slot, but it is ~$100 more than the s2 with ting05:19
Cheri703hmm...I thought it had one? at least the sprint one does05:19
canthus13The S2 also has weird issues hanging.05:19
* Cheri703 checks05:19
canthus13...I don't think so.05:19
canthus13Just the internal 16GB.05:20
Cheri703at least from ting "Memory    16GB ROM, 1GB RAM, up to 32GB with MicroSD "05:20
* Cheri703 goes to check sprint site05:20
Cheri703it may be under the back cover, lots of phones are like that05:21
canthus13Never mind. SHe's got the Nexus S.05:21
Cheri703ah, ok, and that one is crappy?05:21
Cheri703I need to get into a store and play with *actual* phones, not demos, yay mansfield, they're not easy to find :/05:22
canthus13The Nexus S gets really, really slow when there are a lot of pictures on it.05:23
Cheri703I got a 16gb class 4 microsd on amazon for <$15...05:24
Cheri703WAY more than my mom will ever need, but it means she'll never have to worry about running out of space05:24
Cheri703my old cdma hero is getting glitchier and glitchier these days :/ it is well over 2 years old05:25
Cheri703which, for cell phones....ancient05:25
Cheri703canthus13: have you checked out dice.com for jobs? I was poking at it the other day, no idea how it compares to other sites05:27
canthus13Not in years.  I really should.05:28
Cheri703worth a look05:28
canthus13Last time I looked at it, it was very poorly organized.05:28
Cheri703has a pretty reasonable search function now05:28
Cheri703you can choose multiple areas to search05:28
Cheri703or by metro area05:28
canthus13I just found it a bit weird to use an IT focused site with such crappy web design.05:29
Cheri703heh, yeah05:29
Cheri703"we don't hire it folks, we just help them find other jobs"05:29
Cheri703paultag: you mess with arduinos and such, right?05:31
Cheri703(or anyone?)05:31
paultagCheri703: yeah sure05:32
Cheri703I want to find something like this: http://www.adafruit.com/products/170 without the arduino (friend sent me one, but a. I have no idea where to start, and b. I have no bits and pieces to play with)05:32
Cheri703do you know of any sources for something like that?05:33
Cheri703adafruit does not have them05:33
Cheri703from what I could find05:33
Cheri703I really want to play with it, but it has been sitting in a drawer for months :/05:33
paultagCheri703: I get most of my stuff from sparkfun and radioshack05:33
paultagalso old computers from the dump05:33
Cheri703ok, do they have any kits and such?05:34
paultagyep, I think so05:34
paultagsparkfun that is05:34
Cheri703yeah, I don't want to hassle with teardowns at this point, low effort entry point is the goal. I have SO MUCH CRAP that I am behind on, and so little free time, I think this would be a good "after work" hobby to mess with. I have to do quiet things because husband is asleep when I get home05:35
Cheri703ok, will check it out05:35
Cheri703thanks paultag :)05:37
paultagyep :)05:37
Cheri703looks like their primary "here's a ton of stuff to use WITH arduino" kits come with them :/05:40
Therion87Good morning Ohio13:29
Therion87Morning fellas13:30
paultagTherion87: good morning :)16:04
Therion87What's up?16:05
paultagnada man. how are you?16:05
Therion87Excited to be part of the LoCo16:06
Therion87Just joined16:06
Therion87Thinking about going to the Akron meeting Friday if I can16:06
paultagI think that's the one thafreak runs16:08
Therion87I made a post ont he forums asking about it hoping to get a reply before Friday16:09
Therion87I gotta go for a bit16:11
Therion87I'll be back16:11

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