
* EvilResistance walks in02:14
EvilResistanceUbuntu global jam started yet?02:14
* InHisName wanders in after browsing unanswered ubuntu questions to answer.03:05
InHisNameEvilResistance: it started Friday03:08
InHisNameEnds tomorrow03:08
passstabanyone home?03:37
* InHisName thinks he is home03:38
passstabwould it help to bring a system 76 laptop tomorrow?03:39
passstabi don't have a spare drive for it03:40
passstabmeh i'll bring it03:45
InHisNamewould that be a decendant from IBM system 36  ?03:49
passstabgood night03:59
InHisNameGood Morning11:06
jedijfsetup and ready at hive76 - come on down - we'll be here til 6pm14:40
jedijfupdating my dell hoping to do some friendly testing15:13
jedijfyou can do friendly testing at home too, dl 12.04 beta1 burn to cd, run live and do system testing - send report - i know each of you have at least 3 boxes you can do!15:14
waltmanI just uploaded my first-ever video to youtube, but I'm not seeing it there. Does it usually take some time to show up?15:26
waltmanAt least, iMovie *said* it was uploading it to youtube...15:27
pleia2jedijf: woohoo!18:18
InHisNamewaltman: did your movie show up yet ?19:49
EvilResistanceInHisName, ah, this is what happens when I disappear due to studyi8ng :/20:09
InHisNamebing !   torrent notified me that my 12.04 d/l has completed.20:11
ChinnoDogpungent pangolin21:12
ChinnoDogThat would have been a fun name for an Ubuntu release21:14
EvilResistanceChinnoDog, lol21:35
waltmanInHisName: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgUjD0Axgjc21:55
waltmanThe version I uploaded from iMovie never showed up.  That was sent from my iPhone.21:55
waltmanThe iPhone *said* it was uploading as "HD", but the highest quality's only 360p.21:56
ChinnoDogYour phone lied to you22:01
ChinnoDogAre you surprised?22:03
waltmanWell, "HD (23.0 MB)" seemed odd, considering the full 1080p clip was 237 MB.22:04
rmg51sound isn't working for me in flash :P22:18
ChinnoDogI wish there was an open source shared disk file system that was both Linux and Windows compatible22:23
rmg51don't like fat?22:24
ChinnoDogfat is not shared disk22:25
ChinnoDogIf I mount that from two operating systems at once it will blow up22:25
ChinnoDogIt will be a grease fire!22:25
rmg51Microsoft doesn't care about linux22:26
rmg51not unless linux can close the user gap22:26
ChinnoDogShared disk file system developers care about compatibility. There just aren't any that are open source/free with Windows drivers that I can find.22:27
rmg51that's why I keep separate laptops for linux and windows22:30
ChinnoDogI don't like lugging around separate laptops.22:31
ChinnoDogI am not a pack mule22:31
rmg51I use Teddy for that ;-)22:31
rmg51any more I just leave the windows box at home22:32
ChinnoDogpoor teddy22:37
rmg51not really......22:37
rmg51he expects me to not only carry the laptops but him as well :P22:38
MutantTurkeyweeb wub22:39
MutantTurkeyhit this gym for the first time in a long time22:39
ChinnoDogYou should do a teddy bear case mod so you only have to carry one item instead of two. You can connect the disk lights to LEDs behind teddys eyes.22:42

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