
Kilosafternoon all of ya12:14
Kiloshi all15:04
Kilosinetpro, found a lekker cli tool to convert html's to pdf15:05
Kilosafternoon superfly 15:07
superflyhi Kilos15:08
superflyKilos: ek maak potjiekos15:08
Kilosoooo lekker , eet bietjie vir my ook15:09
Kilossuperfly, hows the yank and the larvae doing15:14
Kilosand zak?15:14
Kilosis his name Zacharia15:14
Kiloscome down cause i'm going to your house for tea?15:15
superflyhaha, no, his name is Zachary15:15
superflythey are all doing well thanks15:16
* superfly is just exhausted because he never got to take an afternoon nap... had a potjie to look after15:16
inetproKilos: why do you want to convert from HTML to PDF?15:47
inetprogood afternoon Kilos, superfly, and all others15:48
Kiloslol i was waiting for that15:48
Kilosso that when i open it it doesnt need to open with a browser and try go online15:49
Kilosdoes that sound reasonable15:49
inetproKilos: a locally downloaded HTML file will not need to go online15:50
Kilosthe nws said something about floods in northern natal but i missed it15:50
inetproa HTML file is just like any other file15:51
Kilosyep they can open locally inetpro but if you are online you can watch data run15:51
Kilosthere must be some reason that guy made pronce15:52
inetproKilos: only if it has references to remote images, scripts, or style sheets15:52
Kilosoh is that what it tries to fill in?15:53
inetproKilos: do yourself a favour and open the HTML file in your text editor15:55
inetprotry to read it like you read english15:56
inetproit's very simple stuffs15:56
Kilosah didnt try that , always used epiphany. ty inetpro 15:56
Kilosoh my15:57
inetprosuperfly: enjoy the potjie15:57
inetproand watch out that you don't burn it15:57
* Kilos wonders why the bot forgets where to find our weather16:00
nuvolario/ lo oom Kilos 16:01
nuvolarions is darm nog droog16:01
Kiloslo nuvolari wen jy seun?16:01
nuvolariwen oom? ek word nog wakker :P16:01
Kiloshoe laat het jy gaan slaap16:02
nuvolariseker so na 2 oom16:02
nuvolariI think it's a good ti to hibernate. I stay hungry :-/16:08
nuvolari*good time16:09
Kilosthats only for bears and fat peeps16:09
nuvolariKilos: I qualify for the 2nd position :P16:10
nuvolarijoh, there's some wind now16:11
Kilosbeen blowing like mad here last 2 hours or so16:11
nuvolariugh! How do people type over 100wpm!??16:20
superflyinetpro: I don't know how to burn it... I've never burnt a potjie16:21
inetprosuperfly: good for you16:32
inetproif the pot is to hot and you don't notice in time it will burn16:35
inetproand then it will not taste as nice16:35
inetprosuperfly: what potjie did you make?16:35
superflyjust chicken and veggies16:36
* inetpro getting very hungry now16:36
Symmetriahttp://www.typeonline.co.uk/typingspeed.php <=== someone try that and see what they get16:39
Symmetrialol my best time is 98 wpm with no mistakes16:39
Symmetrialol introduce numbers though and I drop to about 85 :(16:42
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:07
superflytumbleweed: btw, I installed Mollom18:32
nuvolarinaand oom Kilos 19:05
Kilosnaand nuvolari 19:06
Kilosian het twee pcs wat nie in bios even can boot nie19:06
tumbleweedsuperfly: and I haven't migrated the site yet :?19:07
nuvolariSymmetria: try play.typeracer.com much easier to use19:09
inetprowb Kilos19:10
Kilosty inetpro 19:10
nlsthzn-workhey uncle Kilos ... do they make funny beeping noises when booting...19:12
Kilossec i ask ty nlsthzn-work 19:13
Kilosno sound at all nlsthzn-work just a small message saying vga cable disconnected19:16
Kiloson both even with differnet cards19:17
nlsthzn-workhmmm... if the PC speaker is connected you will often get POST beeps that help to identify boot problems... 19:17
Kilosi was wondering if there is a geek way into bios other than del or F119:18
nlsthzn-workno point getting into the BIOS if you can't see anything :p (also, depending on the problem your keyboard isn't working so pressing anything is pointless)19:20
nlsthzn-workneed to identify the hardware causing the system not to boot...19:20
Kilosso what is giving the message on the screen that vga is disconnected19:22
nlsthzn-workthat is the screen itself19:26
Kiloshe has his screen from his pc and the fault is on 2 others from the same guy19:27
nlsthzn-worktwo other PC's you mean...19:29
nlsthzn-worknot two other screens19:29
Kilosya 2 other pcs19:30
nlsthzn-workneed to figure out what is stopping them from booting ... if you can't even access the BIOS splash etc. something is prventing the POST from completing... can be many things and that is why most mother boards have POST error codes which are short and long beeps that help identify what the problem is19:33
Kilosdo you have some relevant links i can mail him so he can look at work please nlsthzn-work 19:34
nlsthzn-workwell, he can have a look at this one - http://www.computerhope.com/beep.htm19:35
Kilosty nlsthzn-work will mail them to him. he is on his fone now19:39
Kilosty for your help19:39
nlsthzn-worknot sure it will assist him much if they aren't beeping...19:39
Kilosthe owner is a mechanic that likes to fiddle so who knows what he did19:43
nlsthzn-workmaybe remove the free-flow and turbo and try again...19:45
Kiloswhats the freeflow nlsthzn-work 19:52
superflyKilos: he was joking about the mechanic - free flow exhaust19:52
Kilosthe cheeky little sh1t19:53
Kiloscaught me because my p3 doesnt boot if the turbo switch is in19:53
Tonberryp3s have turbo switches?19:55
Kilosya my old intel19:56
Kilospower turbo and reset19:56
nlsthzn-workOh wow... can't remember when last I saw a Turbo button :)20:00
Tonberryalways thought they stopped with that after p220:00
Kilosworked better overclocking in the bios20:00
Kilosturbo was just probs20:01
Kilosthanks nlsthzn-work night all20:04
nlsthzn-workgood night uncle Kilos 20:05
Kiloshave a good night nlsthzn-work 20:05
nlsthzn-workyou to sir20:05
=== nlsthzn-work is now known as nlsthzn

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