=== rai_ is now known as rai` === Guest93112 is now known as nicekiwi [00:02] rpg32: Don't look for topic experts. Just ask. [00:02] hey I had Ubuntu installed inside windows, but somehow the Grub menu thing on the windows drive got messed up and errors when I try to boot into windows. How can I fix that? === braiam2 is now known as braiam [00:05] nicekiwi, so what do you get when you power on now MS bootloader or grub [00:05] well i was just wondering if anyone could help me gain better understanding about database normalization... specifically i was wondering if it makes sense to have a database of dates with date ids for a social networking site [00:05] i was trying to "fix" my wired network and i broke everything in my ubuntu machine (now im using my mac), not even the wireless is working, i lost the network icon and been playing a lot, i think that the problem is the file /etc/network/interfaces, is there any standard way it should look like? the only two lines i have are: auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback. I'm trying to connect using wpa_supplicant, but the interfaces file looks very different from min [00:06] since dates will be stored for various things... i.e. when were you born, when did you graduate, so on [00:06] Fyodorovna: something like "cannot find device: 43h2iu4h234h324h23oh4jj2i3 <- some random string of numbers and letter, then the grub commandline comes up === wolfmitchell is now known as Guest6832 === mzhang is now known as penta [00:06] nicekiwi, so no bootloader but maybe this grub> [00:07] Does anyone know where the remmina (remote desktop) config is stored? [00:07] Fyodorovna: oh yeah [00:07] hi guys, I find that the search feature (Alt-F2) of Unity is very unresponsive... [00:07] rpg32, try asking at #sql [00:07] it seems like it's completely ignoring the keyboard [00:07] penta: does it come up after you wait? [00:08] nicekiwi, you had a b\grub update that overwrote the mbr if your only getting grub> you have a restore or install disc for windows? [00:08] s/grub [00:08] pythonsnake, no... [00:08] Fyodorovna: i do.. but that didnt seem to work :/ [00:08] nicekiwi, the autorepair does not work generally. did you try that? [00:08] Fyodorovna: yes [00:09] nicekiwi, what is the windows version [00:09] I need a 32 bit library to launch XAMPP. Any ones you know? [00:09] Fyodorovna: windows 7 x64 [00:09] what's a good way to get a list of all the packages in main? i have the "allpackages" file from packages.ubuntu.com but packages aren't marked with "main" [00:09] pythonsnake, I looked at ~/.xsession-error, there is some warning, corresponding to certain keypress [00:09] *32 bit compatibility library [00:09] paste? [00:10] nicekiwi, boot the disc after language hit r for repair go to the terminal and run bootrec.exe /fixmbr [00:10] nicekiwi, there are other commands if this doesn't work. [00:10] Fyodorovna: hmmm ok, brb [00:11] soccermitchy: you use multiarch [00:11] soccermitchy: http://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation [00:11] soccermitchy: http://www.google.com/search?q=multiarch+oneiric [00:11] soccermitchy, you dont want xampp, you want a real lamp [00:11] Ok. [00:11] where do I go to report a bug concerning Ubuntu wiki? [00:11] soccermitchy: oh wait, yeah if you want xamp then install from the repos [00:11] soccermitchy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP [00:12] Fyodorovna: Chnaged devices [00:12] ? === Nicekiwi_ is now known as Nicekiwi [00:12] I've tried launchpad and am stuck in an loop, I am logged in and it send me to a page asking me to login [00:13] Nicekiwi, ? [00:13] soccermitchy, if you install the oficall lamp stack from the repos, you wont need any extra libs, and it will be native 64bit [00:13] !lamp | soccermitchy [00:13] soccermitchy: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) [00:13] Hello, what's a good substitute for "curlpaste" for Ubuntu? something you can paste the results of a command/program to (pastebin) automatically? [00:14] DSee: pastebinit [00:14] I like XAMPP better... [00:14] DSee, 'pastebinit' [00:14] !pastebinit | DSee [00:14] DSee: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com [00:14] GDM won't start when the machine starts, please help. [00:14] soccermitchy: too bad [00:14] soccermitchy: repos are superior [00:14] soccermitchy, if you use xampp you will have headaches, not to mention, its unsupported 3rd party software [00:15] getting 'no space left on device' error, but it's not true [00:15] I have already done this: sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults [00:15] i was trying to "fix" my wired network and i broke everything in my ubuntu machine (now im using my mac), not even the wireless is working, i lost the network icon, i think that the problem is the file /etc/network/interfaces, the only two lines i have are: auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback. I'm trying to connect using wpa_supplicant. [00:15] quietone: You want to file a bug against ubuntu-website (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+filebug) [00:16] But when I restart, the PC just hangs at the ubuntu logo screen. [00:16] delerium, are you out of inodes? [00:16] Flannel, thank you. That takes me to the sign in page I can't get past [00:16] berevgia: no, that file is practically empty when using network manager to manage the interfaces [00:17] quietone, no wonder there has never been a bug report about it then [00:17] Fyodorovna: It worked!!! :D th anks you so much!! [00:18] quietone: Ok, try going to regular-old launchpad.net, are you logged in? (top right)? [00:18] quietone: Do you have cookies disabled or anything? [00:18] Nicekiwi, my pleasure. :) [00:18] is there a channel for precise? [00:18] Mmmmm cookies [00:18] levu: #ubuntu+1 [00:18] @daftykins: thanks, any suggestion on how to make the icon back? i was installing: ppa:network-manager/trunk and then i broke everything. [00:18] !12.04 | levu [00:18] levu: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+1 [00:18] Flannel: thanks [00:19] quietone: The wiki says you can also go to #ubuntu-website to talk about it, so you can perhaps go there and have them help file the bug for you/etc? They may be able to help with the launchpad issue (although that should probably be #launchpad) [00:20] hello, i made some changes in a package source and i want to upload it to my ppa, how can i generate a .changes so i can upload it? [00:21] A regular lamp stack is sounding better by the minute. [00:21] But how do I start/stop/restart all the services in that type? I'm used to typing "sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start" to start everything. [00:22] Flannel, sorry it was a cookie, which I has all ready checked twice. I just deleted all my blocked cookies. [00:22] And where do my files go? [00:23] soccermitchy, sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop/start/restart, or sudo service apache2 stop/start/restart etc [00:23] Ok [00:23] soccermitchy, that's for Apache, similar thing for mysql [00:23] And the website files? [00:23] berevgia: beyond me i'm afraid, can you purge reinstall network-manager ? if that's even a package [00:24] soccermitchy, are usually located in /var/www... and setting files for apache2 are /etc/apache2, php settings /etc/php5 [00:24] User_007: debuild -S; assuming you have your keys setup [00:24] Ok, thanks. [00:25] Thanks guys! pastebinit works fine :) [00:25] @daftykins: that's whaty i'm googligng right now….. they talk about wicd network manager too, i'll see what i can fidn, thanks a lot!!! [00:27] How can I install on a pc without usb port nor cd? [00:27] pythonsnake, network install [00:28] pythonsnake, or put the harddrive in a box with usb/cdrom [00:28] hi guys, i got an issue with the osd overlay icon for volume. you know when you use the media keys on your keyboard for volume up or down, this fancy onscreen display overlay comes up and its supposed to be nice looking and all. well mine is ugly. nothing wrong with the icon in itself, its just that you see a pack of pixels instead of the actual speaker icon. it seems to be a low resolution picture. has anyone ever encountered that or has an [00:28] idea ? thanks ! [00:28] Hi everyone, can someone point me to the log that would show what failed to mount on boot? [00:28] Flannel, thanks! Second time lucky, last time I did it the bug report didn't get saved [00:29] fuhreal, dmesg should have that info [00:29] What are the package names for PHP, MySQL and Apache? [00:30] quietone: Glad you got it figured out :) [00:30] can i do it from windows? [00:30] soccermitchy: you could do tasksel and select lamp [00:30] anyone ? please ? [00:30] soccermitchy, you should be installing with tasksel [00:31] pythonsnake, no [00:31] soccermitchy, yeah as wylde said either 'sudo tasksel' or have a look at this http://www.linuxcandy.com/2011/11/how-to-install-lamp-in-ubuntu-1110.html [00:31] Ok. [00:31] But why tasksel? [00:31] pfifo, unfortunately its not there.... [00:31] soccermitchy, it's the safest and easiest way [00:31] soccermitchy: I shoud say LAMP server, is how it's listed [00:31] pfifo, it is an error displayed during the ubuntu splash [00:32] Ok. [00:32] i can provide screenshots if you want : http://i40.tinypic.com/fw3b4x.jpg [00:33] I have a particular USB device that crashes my computer when plugged in. I haven't had this trouble with any other USB device. I'm not sure if it's a software or a hardware issue (my computer has been flakey in the past with regards to hardware). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to debug? I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 [00:34] skorket: I'd start by looking at dmesg and the syslog etc. [00:34] wylde, what am I looking for? [00:35] fuhreal, if you boot witout 'quiet splash' you might get an informative message [00:35] skorket: System > Administration > System Log Viewer , basically anything that looks wrong or explicitly declares an error [00:35] is it possible to upgrade a lts release to a more modern ubuntu? [00:36] without a clean install? [00:36] chromaticwt, yes [00:36] skorket: I'm sure some of the more experienced in here could pop a grep thislog.log line at you to help :) [00:37] Is it possible for me to edit the 11.04 initrd such that I can remove udev and just have a static set of devices in there? [00:37] neat. is it usually a clean upgrade or can problems arise? [00:37] chromaticwt, `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` [00:37] chromaticwt, I have never successfully upgraded [00:37] pfifo: you have tried though? [00:37] pfifo, ok thanks, i'll try [00:38] chromaticwt, I always try, theres always problems [00:38] I have upgraded from 10.04 all the way up to 11.10 without any problems [00:38] hm... [00:38] I will probably just do a clean install, and backup my files. [00:39] If you use ccsm make sure to disable it or remove it first [00:39] I've noticed the more you've customized the higher the chance of upgrade fail heh [00:39] just to be sure. [00:41] I'm more concerned about "hidden" problems with upgrades. problems that don't show up until later. [00:42] heh, that's why I'll putter along with my 10.04 until 12.04 becomes stable :) [00:42] one time i tried to sidegrade from 9.10 to debian 6.0 [00:42] I never had any but if you want to be 100% satisfied just do a clean install, and you won't be kicking yourself in the ass l8r on down the road [00:42] pfifo, didn't work so well did it, lol. :) [00:43] Fyodorovna, failed upgrading upstart [00:43] where does one get a package list for an ubuntu iso? [00:45] chelz, on the iso, look at the file casper/filesystem.manifest [00:46] goodnight for all people ... bye [00:46] à+++ [00:46] wylde, I see where I plugged in the device in the syslog, I don't think there are any errors, then it just crashes [00:47] hi [00:47] skorket, what happens when you plug in the device? [00:48] skorket: did you happen to look in dmesg or udev? [00:48] i try to boot my ubuntu kernel (on the local system) into a NFS-root-partition [00:48] I have tested 12.04 Beta 1 64 bit Live CD and can only get to web sites by typing the IP address. Has anyone else seen this issue? [00:49] Russ: not me [00:49] Russ_W_, join #ubuntu+1 [00:49] pfifo, after a few seconds I am no longer able to input anything (i.e. no mouse, no keyboard). After a few more, mplayer which was still playing in the background stops. I have to reboot after that [00:49] skorket, does unplugging it fix the issue? [00:49] Thank you PoolShark_ pfifo [00:49] pfifo, no [00:50] skorket, is the device known to work on other computers/operating systems === rafa is now known as Guest9913 [00:50] pfifo, I plugged it into a windows machine (running XP I think) with no issues. It did not crash the computer and I was able to communicate with the device normally. [00:51] skorket, if the device is powered, are you using a usb port that is able to provide enough power? [00:52] pfifo, hmm, I assume so but I don't know how to test that [00:52] pfifo: can't say i'm finding that file [00:52] skorket, remove all other devices and then plug the device into the back of the computer if you have ports on both front and back [00:53] pfifo: i have an iso mounted now, where should it be? [00:53] wylde, the last entry I see in dmesg is "low speed USB device number 2 using ohci_hcd". I don't know what I'm looking for in the udev log... [00:53] chelz, if it is a debian cd then it is there. /media/cdrom/casper/filesystem.manifest [00:54] HELLO ALL [00:54] HELLO [00:54] pfifo, All other devices aside from the mouse were unplugged when I last tried. I also plugged it into one of the ports from the back. I believe I even used one port that was being used for the mouse in one of my iterations. Would you like me to unplug the mouse and try again? [00:55] skorket, so you have tried in different ports as well? (was my next question) [00:56] всем привет) [00:56] skorket: udev log will simply give you information on the detected devices on your system. [00:56] pfifo, yes [00:57] skorket, have you tried using it with a different usb cable? [00:57] pfifo, no [00:57] есть кто из России? [00:58] !ru | clox-clox [00:58] clox-clox: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [00:58] skorket, try a different cable, or verify that the cable you have is working [00:58] does server open samba ports by default when you install samba with tasksell [00:58] ? [00:58] #UBUNTU-RU [00:58] exit [01:01] pfifo, I used the same cable when connecting to the windows machine [01:01] How would I open up archive manager with command-line sudo? [01:01] Um...The title of my CompizConfig window changed to this (exactly):58185618618asve [01:01] skorket, ok, then does the device have an external power supply? If so is the power supply plugged in and turned on. [01:02] Wth does that mean?!?!?! [01:02] pfifo, the device does not have an external power supply [01:02] soccermitchy, what did you do to it? [01:02] skorket, what kind of device is this? [01:02] I just scrolled in the window, and it did that. [01:03] How would I open up archive manager with command-line sudo? === myth is now known as myth2 [01:03] pfifo, a duemilanuve arduino compatible board (link here: http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/seeeduino-v30-atmega-328p-p-669.html?cPath=80) [01:03] lilvaratep, you might be better off just using cli agchive tools [01:04] lilvaratep maybe you want to start fileroller? [01:04] I just closed the window, currently reopening the program. [01:04] lilvaratep sry file-roller [01:04] how can i check my laptop's temperature ?? [01:04] skorket, did this device come with linux drivers? [01:04] LostPW: it doesn't see some directories such as Downloads when i 'sudo' it =o [01:05] lilvaratep: gksu file-roller [01:05] !lmsensors | aaGp [01:05] aaGp: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions. [01:05] Oer: thanks [01:05] Is there a way to control fan speeds? [01:06] soccermitchy: yes fancontrol package [01:06] pfifo, I'm not sure. It uses an ftdi chip which is a usb to serial chip. All the documentation I've seen indicates that it is linux compatible and that a /dev/ device should be created that allows for serial communication to the USB device. [01:06] Anyone know any good color schemes for C++/Java in VIM? [01:07] e [01:07] soccermitchy: it requires lm-sensors as well, I'd get that setup first [01:07] Ok. [01:07] lilvaratep, it should automagically show colors in vim [01:07] Also, it there a way to run 2 [01:07] 'sudo' commands at once [01:07] itaylor57: yes, but i wanna change to a different color scheme [01:08] sudo && sudo && sudo [01:08] ... [01:09] I mean without it saying "E: Could not get lock for /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open(11: Resource temporarily unavailable)" [01:09] soccermitchy: Try logging out and back in. That usually frees up that error. [01:10] lilvaratep, http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Switch_color_schemes [01:10] ...I want to keep that program running as rooot. [01:10] It's installing my web server. [01:10] skorket, press alt+ctrl+F1 to get to a console (alt+ctrl+F7 to get back) and then plug in the device, do you still lose keyboard support, and experience the freeze up? Does it print out any information [01:10] soccermitchy: you don't have to do anything with it, just let it finish [01:11] Ok... [01:11] Oer, try `sudo {; ; ; }` [01:11] soccermitchy: if you started it with sudo it keeps root until the process finishes [01:12] I already started it. [01:12] soccermitchy: I gathered that [01:13] Owait, reading pfifo's post, directed to someone else... [01:14] pfifo, I have done this test. When I plug in the device I am able to still type into the console, but am not able to 'hit return', i.e. not able to log in from a login shell and not able to execute any shell commands. I am able to switch between consoles. Eventually I get error messages printed out to the console that say a process has not responded in X amount of time (I think that's what the message said) [01:15] Is it possible for me to edit the 11.04 initrd such that I can remove udev and just have a static set of devices in there? [01:16] CharminTheMoose, yes, just replace udev with a link to true or something of that nature [01:18] I am getting troubles in installing sun java in Ubuntu 10.04. any help? [01:18] skorket, Im stumped on this one, you best bet would be to ask around in the forums at the manufacturers website. [01:18] pfifo, any reason to suspect it might be faulty hardware on my side? [01:18] pfifo, as in a faulty connection on my usb connection, bad memory, etc? [01:19] skorket, well, if it works in windows, chances are its operating correctly [01:19] pfifo, the device, but perhaps not my computer [01:19] Hey Gus :) [01:19] skorket, my best guess is that linux is trying to use it as a serial console [01:19] *guys [01:20] pfifo, yes, but that shouldn't inherently cause problems, no? [01:20] Another question: Is there a way in bash to make a screen that looks like the one in tasksel or the ubuntu server installer? If so, how? [01:20] skorket, if its sending keystrokes to the device, that would explain a bit. [01:21] N00b question: I see that PHP5.4 has just been released but how come it is not yet available as an update? [01:21] http://php.net/releases/5_4_0.php [01:21] soccermitchy, your looking for the ncurses library [01:22] pfifo, hmm...But you don't think there's any reason to suspect it might be hardware on my desktop that could be causing the problem? [01:22] pfifo: Any docs? [01:22] codyc1515, probably will be available in 12.04 [01:22] soccermitchy: man ncurses [01:22] tr33m4n: shouldn't it be available sooner? [01:22] anyone seen Chippzz in the chat? [01:22] Completely forgot about 'man' [01:22] skorket, if your desktop had faulty hardware, then you would have problems with other devices too [01:23] codyc1515, becouse it need to be tested, most of administators and developers don't wan't to change evoirnament indementli [01:23] codyc1515, becouse something could not work [01:23] ah true [01:23] soccermitchy, you might prefer the 'screen' program for interactive shells [01:23] pfifo, which I sometimes do...my computer seems pretty flakey at times. It has crashed before when plugging in my USBtinyISP, though that hasn't happened in a while [01:23] Ok. [01:24] pfifo, in fact I remember it doing that quite a bit before I upgraded to a newer version of Ubuntu, so I assumed it was a software issue [01:24] codyc1515, but ofc if u wan't u can download package and compile and install it by yourself [01:24] rexor: that can take a really long time though [01:24] What is the ncurses package name? [01:25] ? [01:25] codyc1515, yes compiling PHP takes a long time [01:25] hmm [01:25] what do you mean? [01:26] soccermitchy, ncurses if a library for C programmers to use in their software http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/ [01:26] is a* [01:26] codyc1515, here's a similar question to yours with a solution http://askubuntu.com/questions/109404/php-5-4-0-update-apt-get-update-brings-me-to-5-3-6 [01:27] okay I need some help. on my usb keyboard the right side which has the numlock etc on it is not working for the numbers even when i turn the numlock on or off but keys 7 9 1 3 are now controlling the mouse. Any ideas on how to fix that ??? === Fishman12a is now known as Fishman12 [01:28] tr33m4n: cool, so its basically an alternate repo that offers newer versions of things [01:28] codyc1515, yes, in this case php5.4 [01:28] pfifo: I need a bash one. === Contra is now known as Drathe [01:29] lwizardl: ctrl-shift-numlock [01:29] soccermitchy, what exactly are you trying todo? [01:29] shift+numlock fixed that thanks [01:30] Does Ubuntu 11.10 use GTK+3? [01:30] yes [01:30] thanks [01:30] soccermitchy: You probably want whiptail or dialog [01:32] soccermitchy: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/040 explains how to use dialog in a shell script. whiptail will be similar. [01:33] */10 * * * * rsync Does that look right for running every 10 minutes? Trying to read the man page and a guide, but I'm not certain that actually works the way I think it will. [01:33] Ubuntunub: yes [01:34] jrib: Thanks. :) [01:34] How do I resize the VIM window in terminal? I can't click-drag, only maximize [01:34] Ubuntunub: Note that there are two crontab manuals. crontab(1) and crontab(5). The latter explains the file format; man 5 crontab [01:35] lilvaratep: :resize and :vertical resize [01:36] Sorry, was AFK. [01:36] I am trying to make a menu to send setting via variables in a bash script to launch a program. [01:37] wine problem with fivebyfive it will not run [01:37] what is the error [01:37] Oh boy, I'm in love... drag and drop to side of screen to maximize to that side just like w7! [01:37] no error [01:37] run it from console and you should see an erorr [01:37] from terminal, i meant [01:38] ok iwill try that [01:38] Does anyone program with VIM in terminator? [01:40] Brb [01:42] Back [01:43] what works better? Nvidia official driver or nouveau? [01:43] I mean what has better perfomance [01:43] which one [01:43] BlouBlou: depends if you want 3d acceleration [01:43] wylde: I want it, yeah [01:43] BlouBlou: then you need the proprietary driver [01:44] all right, thank you :) [01:45] I found fivebyfive is for windows only. === L3top_ is now known as L3top [01:46] i don't know ho to run it in wine [01:49] oi [01:49] hiiii [01:49] hiiii [01:50] alguem do brasil [01:50] oi [01:50] oi [01:55] Hi, I'm new to VIM and for some reason it just froze... [01:56] The cursor still blinks and it's stuck on INSERT mode [02:01] Is there a package for ncurses? [02:02] soccermitchy: aptitude search ncurses [02:03] Ok [02:03] soccermitchy: or apt-cache search ncurses [02:03] !info libncurses5 | soccermitchy [02:03] soccermitchy: libncurses5 (source: ncurses): shared libraries for terminal handling. In component main, is required. Version 5.9-1ubuntu5 (oneiric), package size 138 kB, installed size 556 kB [02:04] spacebug-: yeah, just the aptitude console output is easier to read heh [02:04] wylde: yes but aptitude is not installed by default in never versions of ubuntu [02:04] newer* [02:05] I liked aptitude but have begun to change to apt-get / apt-cache [02:05] spacebarbarian: my bad then, I'll keep that in mind thanks :) [02:05] its ok hehe [02:06] spacebug-: I use apt-cache and apt-get plenty, was just looking to make it easier for soccermitchy to find [02:06] :) [02:08] wish game for ubuntu u guys recommend me? [02:08] oki doki. and yes easy is always good [02:08] what should i put on my netinstall for wireless? will nm-applet be potentially sufficient? [02:09] what kind of games do you like? [02:09] i dont know [02:09] a action one [02:09] haylo: if you're not doing any fancy pants neatworking then yes [02:09] networking* [02:09] like world of war [02:09] some like that [02:10] EpiCam, that is a #ubuntu-offtopic question this is ubuntu support [02:10] sorry [02:10] EpiCam, no biggie not everyone knows. :) [02:11] gcc for windows? [02:11] is there a gcc for win? [02:11] yes [02:11] There's a terminal emulator for windows as well [02:12] cygwin [02:12] But, in cmd you can gcc [02:12] aaGp, there is a wiki on what actually run in linux, and ones that run in wine. [02:12] lilvaratep, I want to use gcc in win, [02:13] first I need to install cygwin? [02:13] chroot, ask in #wine [02:13] ok [02:13] or #windows [02:15] Fyodorovna: ¬¬ === hogehoge is now known as reaherbe [02:17] is there an easy way to get sun jde onto ubuntu? [02:17] aaGp, yes [02:18] Name cool things to run in your terminator terminal! [02:19] !java [02:19] To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software Development Kit" (SDK). Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations. [02:19] !topic java [02:19] !list java [02:19] !channels [02:19] A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist and !alis - See also !Guidelines [02:20] i need ot install netbeans a programming ide which requires this sun JDE [02:20] aaGp, I don't speak Arabic so what ever that is only suits you. [02:22] waxstone, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Netbeans [02:22] found this Oracle (Sun) Java 6 is no longer available to be distributed by Ubuntu, because of license issues. :( [02:22] old news [02:22] thanks iraylor57 and lilvaratep [02:22] very old news :) === cyn_ is now known as Cyndar [02:23] What did I say? lol === lilvaratep is now known as lilVaratep [02:24] old news is new to someone new to ubuntu and linux [02:24] How would I go about temporarily suspending services (across boots) from the terminal? [02:25] I don't want to remove them, only stop them across boots for some time [02:25] waxstone, you might find this helpful http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html [02:25] Ebron, rename the services /etc/init/whatever.conf to be whatever.DONTRUN (is one way) [02:26] In irssi, how do I change between the rooms that I'm in? [02:26] control+n, control+p [02:26] (emacs keybindings) [02:26] alt-# Canadian1296 i belive. is one way. or alt-left/right arrows also [02:26] dr_willis: is that the hacky way? [02:26] irssi homepage has some good docs. [02:26] Ebron, not that im aware of. [02:26] sorry to be a pain, but is there a gui for network-manager i can use in my ubuntu 11.04 netinstall. i installed it and ran it [02:27] Fyodorovna: whatever man. [02:27] itaylor57: thanks again, reading up on these links [02:27] Muser: That worked like a charm thanks [02:27] dr_willis: as in that the service would try to be started but oops no config file as expected? [02:27] I'm not sure if this should be directed towards this channel or elsewhere, but my Adobe Flash Player won't let me enable my webcam for video chat on Ubuntu 11.10. Is there an easy way to fix this? [02:27] Ebron, last i looked the upstart standards/docs basically said to rename the file. or edit the file and add some option to tell it to not start [02:27] Ebron, that is the file that starts the service. [02:27] dr_willis: I tired your way too, but it took me out and back into irris (I'm on a mac, irssi though macports) [02:28] dr_willis: thank you [02:28] Canadian1296, out to where? [02:28] hm [02:28] i cant get my internal mic to work with skype ..i tried all the forums and google...anyone have ideas? [02:28] i got an acer aspire one [02:28] hm === brian is now known as epistax [02:30] aaGp, mu thoughts exactly. :) [02:30] my* [02:31] !non ubuntu [02:31] anyone know chan for ubuntu(non ubuntu-related) [02:31] dr_willis: I have no idea. Like i open terminal, and type irssi, and it starts. for me alt + left arrow brings me back to the prompt where I started irssi from, (no new prompt, as irssi is stil running) [02:32] lilVaratep: #ubuntu-offtopic ? [02:32] aeon-ltd ty [02:32] alt-left would eventually take you to the initial server 'window' of irssi where server messages are - i belive [02:33] I'm not sure if this should be directed towards this channel or elsewhere, but my Adobe Flash Player won't let me enable my webcam for video chat on Ubuntu 11.10. Is there any way for me to fix this? [02:33] is anyone around that might be able to give me some advice? it's in regards to forcing a wine window to use 16 bit color depth. after checking the man pages i can't find a setting for it. i've also tried switching X to use 16bpp by default but i can't find xorg.conf in the usual places i'd go to edit it. i'm using xubuntu with wine 1.3 === nick_ is now known as Guest71148 === tazjin is now known as tazjin|away === tazjin|away is now known as tazjin [02:38] Cyndar: By default there is no xorg.conf, If you need to set specific settings, just create one. [02:40] arand: tried that. i stopped X, ran sudo Xorg -configure but it said configuration failed. it still created the config file so i tried putting it in /etc/X11 and rebooting but it was still in 24bpp. did i miss a step? [02:42] Cyndar: I'm afraid I don't know much more than what and where in this case. [02:42] My Flash player freezes whenever I go into the settings to change them. Is there a way to fix this? [02:42] I'm running on Ubuntu 11.10 [02:42] arand: thanks for trying. been at this for hours now. [02:43] Hi folks, super basic question here. Are there alternative themes for Unity? I hate Orange. :-) [02:43] Also purple. Purple is cute but dangit. [02:45] thanks ubottu [02:45] brad[], you mean the spash? [02:46] ello [02:46] Ok... I am not familiar with oneiric desktop [02:47] Can someone navigate Drathe to find his defunct windows drive? [02:47] from live dvd [02:47] Fyodorovna: I know I can change the wallpaper and the dash color changes which is pretty slick [02:47] What he descrives is not what I expect to see [02:47] describes* [02:47] Fyodorovna: main thing I want to do is use a theme other than ambiance or radiance [02:48] Fyodorovna: I've enabled Adwaita using gnome tweak tool but it doesn't quite work right and I've found a lot of other themes arent quite proper [02:48] It seems like a theme has to have very specific properties to be compatible with the Unity desktop [02:52] brad[], I'm not sure about extra themes I was looking at the web yesterday about this and found links like this with ppa's not sure really. http://www.redmondpie.com/4-beautiful-ubuntu-unity-themes-complete-with-how-to-download-and-install/ [02:55] I like that Elementary theme, pretty nice. [02:55] is there a linux command to extract lines of a file between N and M ... for example the 5th to 10th line? [02:55] Fyodorovna: interesting [02:55] i know there's head / tail .. but those extract from the beg on end... [02:56] Fyodorovna: wonder if those will work in 12.04 [02:57] wchan... yes... [02:57] wchan_, yeah, use awk but Im not sure the exact string, would ahve to play aournd with it for a while. ask in #awk they'll know straight away. [02:57] KI7MT: tx [02:57] thx === LL2|Android1 is now known as LL2|Android === Omega- is now known as Omega [03:04] So I had some virtual hosts configured in apache, but it was all default mod_php. I was having permissions issues, so I installed SuPHP, but now my PHP pages won't load correctly on the server. I've searched and searched and everything says I just need to make sure my directories are 755 and my files are 644. They are. I still can't get past this. Would love some advice, please. [03:06] POOP :D [03:07] wchan_, if your still here it would be somethign like this: cat | awk 'NR>=5&&NR<=9' "file" [03:07] KI1MT: i just ended up doing a head then a tail lol [03:07] wchan_, or just using: awk 'NR>=5&&NR<=9' "file" [03:08] KI7MT: not the most efficient . but it works. [03:08] Yeah, you didn't say best method :-), just one that works :-) [03:08] How can I get terminator terminal to make a noise whenever someone says my name in irssi? [03:09] brad[], you would have to check the ppa's [03:09] hey all.. is there a way i can record my mic to a buffered pipe? [03:09] erm file [03:11] okay [03:11] Question [03:11] Is it possible to get irssi to beep every time someone says my name? [03:11] if i Unmount my 80 Gig file system, will i have na option to Remount it or another drive? [03:12] wchan_, here's one for range: same concept though: awk 'BEGIN{min=2;max=5} [03:12] { [03:12] if (NR>=min) [03:12] { [03:12] if(NR<=max) [03:12] print [03:12] KI7MT: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:12] or how do i make this derm thing show me drive 1... it shows drive 2 [03:12] Drathe: drive 2 meaning? [03:12] okay i have 2 Hd's on my pc [03:13] one is 80gig other is 150 or so.. it only shows me the 80gig [03:13] i need to see the 150 gig drive to move a few files so i can reinstall windows [03:13] 2 drives or one hd with 2 partitions [03:13] two hard drives [03:13] one has windows OS and this Ubuntu [03:13] the other hard drive has only games and such [03:14] mount them by hand if you want total cobtrol [03:14] !mount [03:14] mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount [03:14] xD why cant it just show me lol -grumble- [03:14] if a ntfs is shown as needing checked the system wont moynt it. for safty [03:15] is a commin reason [03:16] Unless you ahve an fsck in init.d [03:16] oh dear god [03:16] there is no simpler way? [03:16] like an application? XD [03:16] LOL [03:16] just create a ount point, mount the drive, do your buiz, and umount it. [03:16] learn how to mount by hand... its not that complex [03:16] -.- [03:17] i dont need to learn i have no intentions of using ubuntu ever again XD [03:17] goodby then. [03:17] lol [03:17] well now thats just rude... [03:17] it's real easy: mkdir /mnt/some-name .. mount /dev/-your-drive /mnt/some-name job done. [03:17] Anyone know if there is a specific channel dealing with networking ip addressing and subnets? or able to answer a question for me? === Knorre is now known as Knorre`BNC [03:18] seemed a measured response to me [03:18] Ki tyvm.. im assuming name is my login yes? [03:18] in WHM on my live server there's a section called "Configure PHP and SuExec" and in there is a drop down that allows me to change the PHP 5 Handler from suphp, dso, fcgi, and cgi. so that must issue some sort of command when I submit a change here, right? Any idea what the equivelant is in Ubuntu? [03:19] Drathe: type mount | grep sd [03:19] figure out what your drive is first... [03:19] L3top id say i love you <3 hehe [03:19] and if i remember correct... you have a dual boot on the one drive... [03:19] is that right? [03:19] angelleye, thoseare python scripts that do all config work in WHM/cPanel [03:20] I got my Adobe Flash issue fixed, but now the audio quality is very bad and choppy. Could this be a sound-card issue or something else? [03:20] !uuid [03:20] To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) [03:20] mount would not show a unmounted filesystem [03:20] duh [03:21] However it would show the drives that it has mounted, to disregard as the drive that wont ;) [03:22] L3top will you PM me please? [03:22] * L3top guessing his non mounting drive is sda1... just wanted to make sure it wasnt already mounted [03:22] anyone know why my normal ubuntu login desktop wouldn't be working? (i have to use ubuntu 2d) [03:23] 3d drivers not working would be a common reeaso okum [03:24] dr_willis: all i did was installed gnome-session-fallback and then uninstalled it. === KaiSforza is now known as KAISFORZA [03:24] dr_willis: shall i check for drivers? [03:25] okum: always a good idea [03:26] test with a newly made user is a good test also [03:27] Hello? [03:28] sysdoc: Hi [03:28] hi there [03:28] i'm looking for a little help, anyone have the time? [03:28] sylasL ask away [03:28] oh, thank you! [03:29] just intalled ubuntu on my old computer.. now having problems getting wireless working [03:29] bbl [03:29] have tried looking at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing_b43_drivers [03:29] sylasl what version of ubuntu and what type of computer [03:30] and searching ubuntu forums, but hoped one-on-one would be more successful [03:30] sylasL: And what type of wireless (wep, wpa, wpa2...) [03:30] let's see.. [03:31] im missing a driver, so i try to compile from https://github.com/ambrosa/DVB-Realtek-RTL2832U-2.2.2-10tuner-mod_kernel-3.0.0, and I get "fatal error: dvb-usb.h: no such file or directory" . this displeases me much, why is this? i have linux headers. why no compile! :( [03:31] test [03:31] ubuntu 11.10; compaq presario, wireless wpa [03:32] sylasL run the following command and paste it please lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 [03:32] Can someone say my name? (I want to test something about my client) [03:32] !paste|sylasl [03:32] sylasl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [03:32] i've been messing around with the b43 driver [03:32] Canadian1296: [03:33] rypervenche: Thanks :) [03:33] Hi there [03:34] sylasL, I use Broadcom drivers on my system... The easiest way I found to install them was being navigating to pool/restricted/b/bmwl on my installation media and installing them from there, or if you're connected via ethernet install from repos [03:35] CFHowlett, is BCM4318 helpful? [03:35] sylasL, jockey should mention about installing them as well, if not run gksudo jocket-gtk [03:35] sylasL exactomundo! [03:35] I'm having trouble finding a repository with sun Java for an armel device. [03:35] sylasL does your computer have hardwired internet access or is it off-line [03:35] sylasL, *jockey-gtk [03:36] calebu2, sun java 6 was removed from the repos a few months ago [03:36] Is there a solution because iced tea is not stable [03:36] off line... [03:37] Is there a legit way to get it that doesn't go through the standard repositories? === JoFo_ is now known as JoFo [03:37] sylasL OK from the broadcom wireless tutorial, you should use b43 - No internet access to set it up, right? [03:37] calebu2, download it from oracle.com [03:37] is anyone aware of a way to get pidgin IM installed on 11.10 ? Ive tried a variety of ways, still cant get it installed.. help ? [03:37] Anyone know how to get TERMINATOR to BEEP? [03:37] tr33m4n, if i navigate there, i cannot see any bmwl folder, the "b" file is empty as far as i can tell. [03:38] lilVaratep terminator is an irrsi app? You should as the irrse channel - [03:38] I couldn't figure out their site to save myself. Will take a look again but they're not exactly making it easy to find [03:38] Quan-Time: sudo apt-get install pidgin [03:38] Quan-Time, if you hit Ctrl + Alt + T and then type "sudo apt-get install pidgin" it should work. [03:38] sylasL, that's strange, on every recent install I've had a folder containing drivers for Broadcom [03:38] CFHowlett TERMINATOR is a terminal emulator pretty much... [03:39] sylasL you don't need the bcmwl file, you need teh b43-fwcutter file [03:39] Is there a way to update xubuntu to the new beta? or do I need to do a clean install? [03:39] i may totally be missing something... [03:39] calebu2, that would be consistent with oracle's stated intentions regarding java6 [03:39] sylasL when you're ready then ... [03:39] CFHowlett, i have transferred that file to my desktop [03:39] I'm using a video chat website and the audio/video playback is laggy and choppy. The site uses Adobe Flash Plugin in order to work for the webcams. Does anyone know how to fix the choppiness of the playback? [03:40] sylasL and the *patch* file as well [03:40] prappl93: fact: flash sucks in linux, go complain with adobe perhaps¿ [03:40] xangua, do you know of anything I could use as a replacement? If so, how do I replace Flash with it? [03:41] prappl93, HTML5 [03:41] prappl93: if you mean any of the opensource flash plugins, they don't support all the features adobe's [03:41] i have that in my ...pool/main/p/patch folder, but when i click on it, nothing really seems to happen [03:41] prappl93: no, it doesnt work that awy. [03:42] is that possible? [03:42] Quan-Time, is it giving you any specific errors? [03:42] sylasL http://paste.ubuntu.com/867706/ [03:42] prappl93: http://pastebin.com/up9UtL8p [03:42] software center comes up, but the "install" button is greyed out. same problem in pool/main/b folder [03:43] sylasL, give it a second, it may take a while on slow hardware [03:43] sylasL mount the patch then double click on the b43-fwcutter.deb to install it [03:43] tried multiple ways around it, still cant seem to work it out.. tried the PPA, without it, libpurple0 HAD issues, but i *think* i resolved it [03:43] will try it === testBOT is now known as Guest67422 [03:44] Quan-Time, what version of Ubuntu are you running? [03:45] Hi. I have a server running Ubuntu 11.04 and the last time it booted, it got into this weird mode. === tazjin is now known as tazjin|away [03:45] prappl93: [03:45] uname -a [03:45] Linux Shim 3.0.0-16-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 27 17:44:39 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [03:45] GAH sorry ppls. [03:45] Quan-Time: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. [03:45] It just shows the Ubuntu loading progress screen, but no console prompt or gdm login [03:45] I can't get to the console with Ctrl-Alt-F1 or Alt-F1 or F2, etc. [03:45] Any ideas? [03:45] deltaray, what does it say when you hit the up arrow? [03:46] escott: nothing. It doesn't have a cursor or anything. [03:46] I can connect to the server remotely and its fine other than that. [03:46] I'd rather not reboot it right now. [03:47] Because its running stuff. [03:47] deltaray, what runlevel are you at? [03:47] escott: when I run runlevel it says N 2, but I'm not sure what that means in upstart [03:47] I'm used to init [03:48] deltaray, 2 is the standard runlevel so thats good. if there is nothing in your logs you could see if service gdm start brings gdm up. ive seen that randomly not start before [03:48] escott: I've already restart stop gdm and start gdm and that didn't bring it up. [03:49] CFHowlett, didn't seem to work. not sure what i did wrong [03:49] deltaray, and no messages in the logs as to why X is not starting? [03:49] tr33m4n, the install button never ungreys. [03:49] Quan-Time: remove the pidgin ppa you added [03:50] xangua: alreday done.. [03:50] sylasL you downloaded the files in step 2, installed in step 3 and the activated in step 4?? [03:50] escott: Actually, X does start, but I can't see. it [03:50] escott: Full disclosure, this machine has 3 video cards. I've tried all the other DVI ports and they are all black. [03:50] deltaray, ps aux | grep X should tell you what vt it is running on [03:50] sylasL, possibly because you have to install dependencies first... from what I can remember you need to install patch from pool/main/p/patch and dkms from pool/main/d/dkms [03:50] nooo [03:51] escott: /usr/bin/X :0 -br -verbose -auth /var/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-EIxTra/database -nolisten tcp [03:51] sylasL going back to the tutorial, you should use the b43 - no internet access method detailed in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing_b43_drivers [03:52] yes, that is what i have been trying to do. i appreciate that it is laid out there so nicely. however i am apparently unable to make this business function :/ [03:53] deltaray, hotplugging dvi could easily confuse X11. you might need to rerun xrandr to get it to rescan the available output devices. but your aux output suggests that it is not attached to a vt. mine looks like /usr/bin/X :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch [03:53] without trying to be redundant, i am a real novice at this. [03:53] sylasL start over, do ALL the steps and we'll troubleshoot [03:53] ok [03:53] *thanks* for your patience! [03:54] sylasL no worries ... [03:54] escott: ok. those are good clues. Thanks for your help. [03:56] hi all, I'm in gparted live cd. what is the best tool to use to do low level format? [03:56] is irc still used for downloading [03:57] ok...step 1. when i try to go to the pool/main/b or /p files and double click on the contents... nothing happens. so if i try to right click on it and open with software center, i get a window with a greyed out install button. [03:57] Micko113, gparted is perfectly adequate [03:57] escott: It still doesn't quite explain why i can't get back to the console since there are getty's running on 1 through 6 [03:57] I installed the AMD64 version on a Intel Core 2 Duo - can this be the reason for my 2 crashes the past 30 minutes (fresh install)? [03:58] sylasL, CFHowlett think the best way would appear to do things via command line using dpkg [03:58] deltaray, it could be modesetting. usually one hears of more obvious framebuffer crashes but try !nomodeset [03:58] ok. [03:58] escott: what tool do I use there? There's too many [03:58] deltaray, but if you cant get to a getty then it sounds like your framebuffer is crashed [03:58] terminal open, now what, please? [03:58] Xabster, AM64 is the same as x86_64 it's just not all distro's call it out as such. [03:59] i see [03:59] escott: but wouldn't it be the framebuffer that is displaying this Ubuntu boot progress screen? [03:59] then i'm a little confused :) [03:59] sylasL, are you familiar with basic commands such as cd, ls etc? [03:59] How do you make TERMINATOR terminal beep when in irssi? I already '/set' all the stuff for irssi and I even edited the config.py in /usr/share/terminator/terminatorlib/config.py to audible_something True [03:59] not really. [03:59] sylasL sudo dpkg -i [drag and drop the b43-fwcutter here] [03:59] Xabster, with regaurds to your crashes, what is happening, and on what version of Ubuntu? [04:00] deltaray, the kernel does modesetting in newer versions, but if X crashed the graphics hardware trying to bring it up then you could be left with the last framebuffer before the video card stopped responding [04:00] it crashed during "language selection" and then again right after rebooting after the updates and trying to install firefox 10 - mouse responds and can left click/scroll but not right click, 2 terminal windows are open but i can't type in them and they dont have a menu-bar - it's 11.10 KI7MT [04:00] deltaray, you never really know what you will get with a framebuffer crash [04:00] oh that's wild. [04:01] Is there a good guide to getting synaptic package installer to launch? Image I installed doesn't seem to be fully working [04:01] it also appears that my keyboard isn't responding at all, KI7MT [04:01] I tried some instructions I found on line no luck [04:01] firefox 7 is running and i can move it around, click back and forward, but obviously can't type in any url [04:02] deltaray, the hardware is just a clock that keeps reading and spitting out the contents of some segment of ram, but the kernel/X thinks it has already told the graphics card to scan a different region of ram. so it just keeps dumping the same old contents to the screen [04:02] Xabster, wow, that's allot of troubles .. if it crashed during install, either you have a Hardware issue, or maybe the CD was bad, did you MD5 the ISO before burning it to CD? [04:02] no I did not, but I tried again and got through the install [04:02] Micko113, are you in gparted and need to know how to use gparted. or are you in a livecd trying to figure out how to open gparted? [04:03] ...ok [04:03] calebu2, you get any errors? [04:03] Xabster integrity checking an iso takes 60 seconds - just sayin ... [04:03] How do you make TERMINATOR terminal beep when in irssi? I already '/set' all the stuff for irssi and I even edited the config.py in /usr/share/terminator/terminatorlib/config.py to audible_something True [04:03] sylasL, has that worked? [04:03] CFHowlett, yeah, i should had done that [04:03] escott: Do you think I could try rmmod vesafb to fix that? [04:03] Xabster feel free to redeem yourself by doing so now [04:03] What is the best way to find out a forgotten username? [04:04] escott: I've used Hiren's Bootcd and launched it from there. So I think I'm in gparted. [04:04] my computer made a noise like it was doing something and then.. nada [04:04] i dont have the .iso but I do have the CD - can i do it still? [04:04] sylasL step #? [04:04] just wondering, does ubuntu one let me backup my system settings? or just files? [04:04] Nothing happens [04:04] deltaray, see if !nomodeset is appropriate for you. also check if removing some graphics cards/setting a fixed Xorg.conf helps (so that X doesn't have to scan the pci bus but knows exactly what to use) [04:04] Micko113, don't know what Hiren's bootcd is [04:04] sylasL, so you did 'sudo dpkg -i name_of_deb.deb' then entered your password, and nothing? [04:05] calebu2, you could try gksudo synaptic from a terminal and if any errors show google them or post them. [04:05] Xabster we could check the cdrom to make sure you got a good burn ... of course a good burn of a bad iso is still a bad cdrom.... [04:05] i did verify the dvd after it was burnt, but i did not check the iso [04:05] Tripp, in a terminal: cat /etc/passwd will list all the users on the box, not the passwords fo course. [04:05] calebu2, be sure to use nics when responding or we don't see the response. :) [04:06] escott, its a live cd that has bunch of programms that load into memory [04:06] Hah. It worked from terminal. I feel silly :-) [04:06] however, I rebooted and everything is back to normal - i'll look into it when it happens again =) [04:06] calebu2, cool. [04:06] escott: I'm confused. nomodeset is a kernel boot option right? Are you suggesting I reboot? I'm trying to avoid that if possible, but maybe its not. [04:06] Micko113, and you are in the ubuntu channel. if you were using the ubuntu livecd i could tell you what to do. but ive never heard of this [04:06] Xabster, another possibility is a bad burn of the ISO meaning the burner is having trouble, maybe burned at too high of speed maybe. [04:06] KI7MT: I am at the login prompt. Password is not an issue, just username. What do you mean by at a terminal? [04:07] deltaray, if your framebuffer has crashed the only thing you can do to get the graphics back is reboot. but yes nomodeset is a kernel option. it started being necessary with 11.04? [04:07] escott, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hiren%27s_BootCD [04:07] KI7MT, the app i used to burn the DVD spent more than a minute verifying it - i hope thats enough [04:07] Tripp, Ahh, well I wasn't much help then was I. sorry. [04:07] escott, no problem [04:07] Fyodorovna. I'm on a tablet. It keeps trying to auto correct your nick [04:07] So I gave up :-) [04:08] calebu2, cool [04:08] it acts REALLY strange when I try to alt-tab between programs [04:08] Xabster, I don't know just seems to be allot of errors from install, thats very rare. [04:08] tr33m4n, no, it doesnt say 'name_of_deb.deb' it says 'media/Ubuntu 11.10 i386/pool/main/b/b43-fw-cutter' [04:08] like, flashing and stuff [04:08] tr33m4n, i pressed enter, and it never asked for my pwd [04:09] calebu2, did show in red the last time though I think you have got it. :) [04:09] sylasL, yes good, I was just using an example... have you included the .deb extension on the end of the 'media/Ubuntu 11.10 i386/pool/main/b/b43-fw-cutter'? [04:10] there, it just happened again - i used alt-tab and it fucked up [04:10] tr33m4n ok :) no, i didn't put the .deb ext. [04:10] no longer listening to my keyboard [04:10] menubar on terminal gone, can't mouse-right-click [04:10] sylasL, try that and see what happens [04:10] ok [04:10] is alt-tab doing something other than cycling through running programs that I don't know of? i'm a linux newbie [04:11] K17MT: No Worries, I got it. -- recovery mode, drop to root, ls /home [04:11] sylasL, so the full command would be 'sudo dpkg -i "media/Ubuntu 11.10 i386/pool/main/b/b43-fw-cutter.deb"' [04:11] How do you make TERMINATOR terminal beep when in irssi? I already '/set' all the stuff for irssi and I even edited the config.py in /usr/share/terminator/terminatorlib/config.py to audible_something True [04:11] sylasL, so the full command would be 'sudo dpkg -i "/media/Ubuntu 11.10 i386/pool/main/b/b43-fw-cutter.deb"' [04:12] thanks :) ok, so i got something new now [04:12] sylasL, ignore first command i just posted [04:12] sylasL, good [04:12] hello [04:12] Which actually concerns me somewhat.. I can just hit esc during boot and use recovery mode to access root... How exactly is that not a huge security hole? [04:12] tr33m4n, is there any particular part you need to know? [04:12] I think I need to go for a fourth OS for my tablet. 3 just isn't confusing enough [04:13] Tripp, physical access is and always has been and always should be root access [04:13] sylasL, not really, if it installs with no errors all is good :) [04:13] sylasL, in theory :p [04:13] oh, let's not get ahead of ourselves here [04:13] we do have an error [04:14] sylasL, what is it? is it something to do with dependencies? [04:14] escott: Yet ubuntu feels the need to force sudo on people... [04:14] dpkg:error: unknown option - / [04:14] Tripp, more often than not, it's much safer than root. [04:15] Tripp, if you dont want to use sudo there are many other distributions that will gladly help you shoot yourself in the foot [04:15] tr33m4n, did i enter the first initial code incorrectly? [04:15] Especially with folks that are new to Linux in general. [04:16] sylasL, copy and paste this http://paste.ubuntu.com/867727/ [04:16] tr33m4n, ok [04:16] escott: *chuckles* Why another distro when you can just reenable root within ubuntu in what.. 3 commands? (yes yes *stern voice* That is not supported by #ubuntu) [04:17] Will also cause you problems as the infrastructure is setup for root-sudo [04:18] i have not had any issues running as root [04:18] ubuntu doesn't force sudo on you [04:18] you can easily switch to root user [04:18] there is a setting [04:18] You would be the exception moer than the rule on a Ubuntu disto. [04:18] sylasL, oh hang on a minute... is b43-fw-cutter a folder? [04:19] you won't damo22, pretty much it is scare tactics of the younger generation afraid of responsibility [04:19] sylasL, and is there another file inside? [04:19] tr33m4n,ah, yes! [04:19] lol [04:19] tr33m4n, i will replace the one for the other? [04:20] Tripp, b/c if they are using another distro thats one fewer person to come into channel and say some variant of "I just chown -R /'ed, chmod -R /'ed, rm -rf /'ed and broke my system" [04:20] sylasL, aahh! what's the name of the file inside? [04:20] That's why Im on a gentoo box, doing support for Ubuntu :-) .. root's not scary, you just need to know what your doing and allot of new linuc users don't, which is understandable. [04:20] obviously i dont log into X as root, thats not really too clever, but running as root in a terminal is ok [04:21] Not wise to IRC as root either, but people still do it. [04:21] sylasL, sorry, it's quite difficult sometimes figuring things out without the actual situation in front of you :p [04:22] tr33m4n, no problem at all, i am just thankful to have someone who has a better idea of what do do than me! :) [04:22] I have a voip server running on a box, the only reason I log into it is for maintenance / administrative reasons. I cannot even begin to count how many lectures I have gotten because I login as root. [04:23] I always loggin to my web server as root [04:23] The webserver doesn't run as root though [04:23] :) [04:23] doing maintenance from root is fine [04:23] sylasL, so what is the name of the file inside the folder b43-fw-cutter? [04:24] someone using a box for their desktop machine obviously surfing porn as root would be bad practice, but I downloaded the ISO for Ubuntu Server and by default it forces you to use sudo [04:24] I currently have ubuntu installed through WUBI or something through WIN7. Is there a way to make it so Ubuntu is installed into the hard drive itself without formatting the hard drive just to make partitions? [04:24] Tripp: if you are using ubuntu for a server, you should be using sudo [04:24] I run my server on debian [04:25] Yup, wasn't goign there, but true true :-) [04:26] actually I've come to the conclusion that for my purposes distro does not really matter. [04:26] tr33m4n, the name is b43-fwcutter_014-9_i386.deb [04:26] lilVaratep, You can dual boot the system having WinDoze installed first, which the preferred method. [04:26] sylasL, ok, try copy and pasting this command instead http://paste.ubuntu.com/867732/ [04:26] From first login till having the server live is like 1/2 dozen commands including network and ipsec setup. lol [04:27] KI7MT wtheck is windoze [04:27] lilVaratep, :-) Windows XP,Vista,7 etc etc: here have a read through this first.: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot [04:28] The way I see it, ubuntu is for a laptop/desktop and you don't have to worry about whether or not it works [04:28] tr33m4n, it looks like the "outer" file's name on my comp is b43-fwcutter, not b43-fw-cutter, should that be different? [04:28] nigger`' [04:28] stupid friend sent that [04:28] sorry [04:29] lilVaratep, If your running WUBI now, that's not a true Linux env, it's still runnign in a Win env. [04:29] I'll tell him to go beep him self [04:29] how different are osx and ubuntu? I want to use unity 3d game engine [04:29] I guess I should of clarified my current sitting at home defination of server ;) [04:29] sylasL, why dont you use tab completion [04:29] sylasL, ah right, yeah try changing it to that then [04:29] damo22, because i have no idea what that means [04:30] sylasL, all you have to do is type the first bit of the name and hit tab to finish it [04:30] chipmonk: in terms of end use? or interms of internals? [04:30] KI7MT is that why I can't find .config files? [04:30] tr33m4n, will try it [04:30] either [04:30] lilVaratep, not sure about that, but, if you want a true Linux / Ubuntu environment, Dual boot is a good option. === o_ is now known as longwuyuan [04:31] KI7MT I thought WUBI was a dual boot that's why... because it lets me choose at system startup which OS I want =\ [04:31] it's not the same as a real dualboot [04:31] KI7 - What's your thoughts on BSD? (can I ask that publicly..?) *shrugs* [04:31] it is an application that simulates a dual boot [04:32] lilVaratep, negative, it's a set of files install within the windows environment, similar to a large applicaiton. [04:32] is there an osx emulator for linux? [04:32] tr33m4n, yay! something new! [04:32] KI7MT How do I save all my settings from this ubuntu then? I've done a LOT of work on it and customizing it. [04:32] chipmonk: you might be able to run a VM, but you need to have a license [04:32] sylasL, excellent :) only a couple more to go :p [04:33] tr33m4n, reading.. unpacking.. looking more promising [04:33] chipmonk, afaik you can install osx inside vmware legally [04:33] chipmonk, as long as you own osx [04:33] tr33m4n, ok, looks like we're ready for something else now [04:33] hi, everyone [04:34] lilVaratep, I've not done allot of work inside WUBI, just tested the installs for UB-QA, so maybe somebody else could chime in one that one. [04:34] sylasL, are you sure there is nothing in pool/restricted/b? [04:34] am looking for way to play bsg online free with unity engine...which comes in osx and win7 versions only [04:34] tr33m4n, i don't see anything when i open the file [04:35] * ztag100 is a stupid alcholic [04:35] hmm is there a vmware channel? [04:35] it's going to take 3 hours for my update [04:35] Tripp: why vmware? [04:35] chipmonk, from my understanding, no, there's no native OSX emulator, but there are a few apps that can and do port over. [04:35] Tripp: what do you need to know [04:36] ztag100: installation of vmware tools on a command line linux installation [04:36] Tripp, i just did that [04:36] sylasL, then you'll need to download this file and some how get it to your un-connected computer [04:36] why do you want to use vmware? [04:36] Pretty much I am getting tired of pressing crtl-alt [04:36] tr33m4n, ok. [04:36] ztag100: why would you not run vmware is the question [04:37] use kvm instead [04:37] kvm? [04:37] yah, kvm and qemu [04:38] what is the advantage of that? [04:38] Hi, is there a pre-made Ubuntu Xen Template (domU) with a paravirtualized (PV) kernel from a trusted source ? [04:38] Hello, I'm having some trouble getting Pyrit-CUDA to work in 11.10 (/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcuda). I was wondering if anyone in the room uses the program? [04:39] tr33m4n, ok plugged in flash drive with kernel on it [04:40] Do alot of people really use ubuntu on a server? [04:40] sylasL, ok, first we need to install a couple more files before we can install that kernel file. essentially we need to do the same command we did before, but modify it slight to install patch and dkms [04:40] lead the way [04:41] hi, i am a iter [04:42] hi, [04:42] sylasL, so the path in the 'sudo dpkg -i' command needs to change from b/b43-fw-cutter/b43-fwcutter_014-9_i386.deb to p/patch/name_of_your_patch.deb [04:42] tr33m4n, ok [04:46] ztag100: No Clue, what do you prefer? [04:46] I want to setup a secure mail server. Do i need to enable TLS in postfix, dovecot OR simple ssl setup in httpd is enough? [04:46] wow - whatever happened to my video doesn't work? [04:47] tr33m4n, all right, looks good for the patch, too [04:47] sylasL, brilliant, now we do the same for dkms, so d/dkms/name_of_your_dkms.deb [04:48] how do u use beep (command) with pulseaudio? [04:49] Is there an virtual image "ubuntu appliance" (similar to VMWare) but for xen? [04:49] why doesn't thunderbird show in my alt-tab list? [04:50] tr33m4n, ok, looking fine [04:51] sylasL, so now that they are both installed we need to install that kernel .deb. the best thing to do would be to copy the file from your usb drive onto your desktop [04:51] Hi, I'm on a MacMini4,1 (Unibody 2010 model w/ DVD drive) and I keep having trouble booting the OS. I run a dual monitor setup, and even with the boot option "nomodeset", both monitors display nothing. If I only have one monitor connected, it works just fine. What should I do? [04:51] This includes the LiveCD. [04:52] tr33m4n, ok pasted onto desktop [04:52] trying to run setup of unity 3.5of5 in wine and get unable to elevate installer it requires administrator access....any comments [04:52] sylasL, and then use the command 'sudo dpkg -i /home/your_username/Desktop/bcmwl-kernel-source_5.100.82.38+bdcom-0ubuntu3.2_i386.deb [04:52] sylasL, obviously replacing your_username [04:53] tr33m4n, yes, i understood it this time but thanks for being so clear :) [04:53] Anyone have any suggestions as to what I should do? [04:54] nt51 who made your video [04:54] sylasL, no worries, better to be safe than sorry [04:54] nt51: install with one monitir then install the video card drivers perhaps [04:54] chipmonk, Im a bit confused here, Unity and wine don't normally go together, unless there's a Windows app called Unity. [04:54] Hey all, when doing anything with files (du -hc --total, or moving/deleteing a large amount, transferring them to another pc, etc) my load average jumps (sometimes up above 5), any ideas on how to fix this? [04:55] unity 3.5of5 is an online gaming engine [04:55] nt51: then hookup the other monitor [04:55] dr_willis, even with the video card drivers installed (which happens to be the built in neavou driver), it still displays nothing, and only half of the time I boot the system will the driver initialize. [04:55] is it possible to get thunderbird to auto open the thread where the new email is? [04:55] chipmonk, Ok, no idea what that is, so I'll shut up now :-) [04:55] for even one display [04:55] is it possible to give a user read/write permission to a directory without changing the ownership of the directory [04:55] tr33m4n, should i put quotation marks around /home...deb this time? [04:56] a valid question k17mt [04:56] nt51: you tried the actyal nvidia drivers nit the nouveau ones? [04:56] Nicolas_Leonida2, put him in a group that could write to that dir [04:56] sylasL, it's not necessary but you can do. The quotation marks are used when there are spaces in folder names [04:56] ok [04:56] dr_willis: I have had no luck getting the actual nvidia drivers to work, only the nouveau ones will initialize and start the WM successfully...which is every other time I start the system. [04:57] Notimik: any other way? [04:57] Nicolas_Leonida2, xattributes? [04:57] nt51: ive had worse luck with neovu [04:57] are they nvidia drivers for mac version of video card to run in linux? [04:57] Nicolas_Leonida2, make it so that other could read and write to it, guess it could be solved thru acl too [04:58] tr33m4n, ok! [04:58] Nicolas_Leonida2, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_file_attributes [04:58] sylasL, cool... I'd suggest a reboot, then see where we are from there [04:59] chipmonk: I haven't seen any Mac version of the 320M drivers anywhere. dr_willis: yeah, it's buggy. one time I boot the system, it'll start just fine, while if I reboot, it'll hang. [04:59] tr33m4n, ok, let's see what happens [04:59] Nicolas_Leonida2, or maybe a better read ... http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/learn-to-use-extended-file-attributes-in-linux-to-boost-security/1116 [04:59] Nicolas_Leonida2, you could create a group, give it R/W and add only him to the group preserving the dir ownership. === malandro95_ is now known as malandro95 [05:02] tr33m4n, ok i've rebooted [05:02] sylasL, any sign of wifi life? [05:03] tr33m4n, not really. [05:03] man I hope so you all been at this broadcom issue for a while. [05:03] it seems like I always have some type of GPU problem on this machine...every other machine works just fine. [05:03] sylasL, hmm. Is there a wifi toggle switch on your laptop, maybe a function key or something? [05:03] nt51 look at pastebin 867768 [05:04] tr33m4n, do i need to somehow further "activate" it? the wireless button isn't turning on [05:04] I think I got the answer, it's not possible without additional stuff such as xattributes, or acl [05:04] I created a folder within that folder, and made the user the owner that was a good work around [05:04] sylasL hardware switch would be my guess as well [05:05] tr33m4n, CFHowlett just a moment [05:05] chipmonk: how do I get to that paste? [05:06] Nicolas_Leonida2, it's done all the time for things like web-folders, make a group, add them to group, give group r/w permissions. [05:06] msg nt51 http://paste.ubuntu.com/867768/ [05:06] !plymouith [05:06] where might I find the default contents of /etc/modprobe.d ? [05:06] if I don't have an ubuntu install [05:06] !plymouth>cfhowlett [05:06] CFHowlett, please see my private message [05:06] KI7MT: the reason I hesitate to do that is that root is the owner, changing that may screw things up, wouldn't it? [05:07] chipmonk: ah, thought you mean pastebin.com...will take a look. Thanks [05:07] why does ubuntu lag? Firefox will freeze for up to 30 seconds and the screen dims out on it. Any ideas!? [05:07] indystorm: has to do with flash [05:07] Nicolas_Leonida2, No, the owner would remain, but the person could add, edit, delete files within the folder. [05:08] KI7MT: right, thanks [05:08] OK- is there a fix? [05:08] chipmonk: okay, how would this help me in any way? does nVidia provide Linux drivers for this card on their website that I haven't seen? [05:08] indystorm, don't run flash? [05:08] indystorm, ;) [05:08] indystorm: you can try gnash... but many specific things wont work... like huludesktop etc [05:09] not cool- I might as well not run linux if I can't fun flash---! [05:09] indystorm, do you have unity 3d (default ubuntu) and what video card are you using [05:09] Nicolas_Leonida2, here's an example: http://superuser.com/questions/19318/how-can-i-give-write-access-of-a-folder-to-all-users-in-linux [05:09] I don't use hulu [05:09] indystorm: was just an example [05:09] see answer 29 [05:09] sylasL, brb, migrating to another room [05:10] i imagine in a year or two flash will have gone the way of realplayer [05:10] some things will not work... but for the most part gnash works pretty well. [05:10] dr_willis, thats the idea behind HTML5 AFAIK [05:10] I am actually running Zorin-OS... it's based on ubuntu 11.10 just with a fancy desktop gui- it's pretty cool, I like it a lot.... running on a stock dell optiplex 755... core 2 duo- 80gig drive, 2gb ram... on board video- standard 15 pin vga... no DVI..... [05:10] I dunno if that is correct... HTML5 has some things flash just does well [05:10] not to mention deep market saturation [05:11] but that is the idea [05:11] Yep HTML5 will solve allot of this Flash nonsense we put up with now. [05:11] realplayer had deep market saturation... once. [05:11] ;) [05:11] fair enough [05:11] it still does on certain sites. [05:11] heh [05:11] I hope to hell it does--! flash is crap- so slow- [05:11] so did lotus 123 at one time [05:11] I am certainly on board... [05:11] Flash will never go away, it will continue to bother you because of video streaming [05:12] nah [05:12] er, system froze. anyone know were I would find the default contents /etc/modprobe.d without having ubuntu installed? [05:12] where, even [05:12] Nicolas_Leonida2: if you go to youtube, you can subscribe right now to the html5 beta [05:12] I'm in the process of following a guide to remove Unity and use Gnome Classic instead. Part of the guide says: "Remove Truzzi of ubuntu." I googled, but I don't know what that means... any help? [05:12] which is the best compression software for files in ubuntu? [05:12] adobe is killing themselves slowly... first acrobat reader was good... then got progressivly worse, now its a huge download, runs slow, and is pretty much crap [05:12] its a comin [05:13] !nounity | Xabster [05:13] Xabster: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default. To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic [05:13] !best|desk51 [05:13] desk51: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. [05:13] L3top: I know, but developers have no control over html5's