[19:14] When I import (.MP4) video into lives, it saves it into ~/livestmp/weird_number directory, right? So I can then reopen it already divided into frames pointing this directory? [19:16] whats "lives" ? [19:16] i say, try it... it shouldnt break anything.. it'll just work or not [19:16] L.I.V.E.S [19:17] it takes a time, the importing of the videos to mix sound from one with edited version of another. [19:17] http://lives.sourceforge.net/ [19:17] found something on it [19:17] if its taking time, then its likely reading, and pulling in what you want [19:17] I'll find, but it will be in another era or so... [19:18] it creates frames as separates files [19:18] i mean, it really depends on how its set up... [19:22] it's its style [19:27] Hello good people of #ubuntustudio. Does anyone have a moment to answer a question about where the studio controls have disappeared to in the new precise pangolin edition of studio? I want to sort out my Firewire card for realtime shizzles. [19:28] What are 'shizzles'? [19:29] gareth_: you shouldnt need that [19:29] um you know I've never thought to ask. I think it's a condencement of "sh*ts and giggles" [19:29] if you need a realtime kernel, you need to use https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ppa [19:30] gareth_: im not following man [19:30] i have a firewire device [19:30] i start out with the command... [19:30] gksudo qjackctl [19:30] when that is running stable i then move forward knowing other issues are permissions related [19:31] if you need a lowlatency or realtime kernel, refer to that PPA [19:31] we do not ship a kernel like that right now, though 12.04 will have it [19:32] if you want to be using 12.04 now, its beta.. i would join #ubuntu+1, and report any bugs offically... you are welcome to join any mailing lists, and/or #ubuntustudio-devel [19:33] although that would be shiggles. Either way it has served only to confuse the question :) ok qjackctl runs without realtime enabled if that is what you mean by stable [19:33] the RT checkbox should *not* cuase jack to crash now [19:34] i would run , like i suggested... gksudo qjackctl [19:35] this will take the permissions issue out of the equation [19:35] you wont get true RT with firwire, and the generic kernel [19:35] no it's crashed out on me still when running as root [19:36] or at least that is what my recetnnt testing has proved [19:36] recent* [19:37] gareth_: what you are finding also tells you something [19:37] you have the machine configured incorrectly [19:37] the driver support isnt there for your device, or the firwire chip [19:38] you can try ubuntustudio 12.04 live [19:38] you can try AVlinux live [19:40] ah ok it's just I hade 10.10 and that was just the generic bog standard ubuntu and qjackctl worked on RT without much work. [19:40] but you're saying there's another version of Studio that I'd have to use to get RT with 12.04 [19:41] gareth_: nope [19:41] im saying, 12.04 *will* ship with a lowlatency kernel [19:41] but not yet? [19:41] im saying, 10.10 through 11.10 did *not* have the RT kernel [19:41] gareth_: 12.04 is in beta [19:42] it has not shipped at all yet [19:42] that PPA i linked works with the others [19:42] however, the need for a realtime kernel is much less important these days [19:44] yeah I know it's beta. And despite the last few incarnations of ubuntu didn't have the RT kernel I could still run qjackctl in RT mode [19:44] yup [19:44] its not mandatory anymore [19:44] but, you were not getting full RT [19:45] if you look in the jack messages... its just not stopping on that "error" anymore [19:46] ok so what was I getting and is it possible to get the same with the 12.04 beta or will I have to wait for the RT kernel to be shipped with the release when it actually is released? [19:47] gareth_: you can try it.. you can even try it live [19:47] i cant guarantee anything til its actually released [19:47] i have tried the live CD with my firewire gear to test [19:47] you can do the same :) [19:49] oh wait I think you misunderstand. I've installed 12.04 studio already, done a full clean install as I wanted to go for a studio install rather than the vanilla Ubuntu. I thought I could iron these issues out when they arised [19:50] seeing as I was pretty confident that the firewire support was quite robust now [19:50] gareth_: cool.. you can join #ubuntu+1 [19:51] otherwise, just fire up the device, and troubleshoot the errors [19:51] i can only say, again, that my firewire device has tested fine in the 12.04 live environment on my studio rig [19:52] i would not expect 12.04 to be stable at all though for a while === CFHowlett_ is now known as CFHowlett === CFHowlett_ is now known as CFHowlett === CFHowlett_ is now known as CFHowlett