
knomemadnick, ?12:23
knomemadnick, can you answer asap12:24
madnickknome: yes12:27
knomemadnick, great! ochosi needs your help :)12:27
ochosihey madnick :)12:28
madnickhi ochosi :)12:28
ochosii'm trying to theme lightdm-gtk-greeter with gtk3 css12:28
ochosido you know how to find out the correct classes?12:28
* knome goes setting up 2-step verification for google accts12:28
ochosi(i tried according to http://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/3.3/GtkCssProvider.html example 24)12:28
madnickI am acctually nore sure12:29
ochosiaccording to the glade file, the gtkwindow id is "login_window"12:29
madnicki see12:30
ochosilooking at the gtk3.3 doc the suggested syntax to match it would be "GtkWindow#login_window"12:30
ochosibut that doesn't work12:30
madnickI have never acctually used this feature12:30
ochosidunno who else i could ask12:30
ochosii'm also mostly guessing12:30
madnickThere is a project called something12:30
madnickthat project that unity desktop uses12:30
madnickthey have an irc channel you can ask about lightdm aswell12:30
madnickpandora? hm, something "pan" i think12:31
ochosihm, ok, i'll try to find that then12:32
madnickI am really sorry I cannot be of more help12:33
ochosii guess there's no other way to theme the default greeter12:34
madnicknot in a major way 12:37
ochosiwell, i mostly want a dark theme for it12:37
ochosiand a few widgets seem broken12:37
ochosilike the userlist12:38
ochosimadnick: can't find it here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList12:39
ochosiat least nothing with "pan"12:40
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:40
madnicksorry i cant find it either :\12:45
GridCubepleia2, knome http://xubuntu.org/news/precisebeta1/ here where it says >nm-connection-manager, should say nm-connection-editor15:20
knomeGridCube, fixed16:05
knomeGridCube, btw, i just added you to the xubuntu-team @ LP16:06
knomemadnick, do you think you could fic the fsck-text for precise in the current plymouth theme?16:10
GridCube:3 thanks16:10
knomemadnick, also, would transparent PNG's work for the indicator, or do you need a non-transparent one?16:10
GridCubeknome, are we going to use madnick's ligthdm engine for login? or the current oldskull one?16:11
knomecurrent for precise16:11
knomewe're trying to get some improvements into it though16:12
knomeGridCube, do you think the current testcases are fine? i mean, does it make sense that with desktop, manual partitioning is mandatory, but with alternate it's run-once ?16:13
knomeGridCube, also, what about wubi? do we have anybody to even test that?16:13
madnickknome: transparent should work16:15
knomemadnick, okay, thanks. i'll provide you a new throbber sometime soon, if that's okay?16:15
madnickI will try to get on the fsck-text, i have a vauge memory of already fixing that, but i will see16:15
madnickokay sounds good16:16
knomei think with that, plymouth is almost optimal16:16
GridCubeknome, i haven't done many desktops installs, but i find it rather silly to force manual partitioning on desktop16:16
knomei mean yeah, the throbber could be circular, but yeah...16:16
GridCubedesktop is for users trying a new desktop, moving from windows to linux, so, forcing them to do high level stuff its silly16:16
knomeGridCube, so that could be run-once? :)16:16
knomeGridCube, well, we aren't forcing. it's just an option, and some want that16:17
knomeGridCube, so what about wubi?16:17
madnickwell, ill get back to you tomorrow, i shall get some much needed sleep :) Poke me if I seem afk, I mostly have IRC open 16:18
knomemadnick, okay, i will. thanks :)16:18
knomeGridCube, i'm generally trying to make the tests doable with current manpower16:18
GridCubeyes, i usually do the autoresize and whole disk, not much about manual, in my tests16:19
knomeGridCube, and trying to direct extra manpower to most useful tests first16:19
GridCubebecause i want to know if it doesnt mess things up16:19
GridCubeif thats what youre asking16:19
knomemmh. what about wubi?16:19
knome(still asking the same question :P)16:19
GridCubecan't do wubi tests16:20
knomedo we have anybody to even do that?16:20
GridCubeno idea16:20
knomehave you seen any wubi test for xubuntu been done ever?16:20
knomeskaet, you there?16:20
GridCubenot that i know off, but a friend of mine installed 11.10 with wubi a few weeks ago16:20
knomeyeah, i see16:20
GridCubeno problems on her end16:20
ochosiknome: just to be sure, you'll take care of plymouth?16:47
knomeochosi, i will16:47
ochosiknome: ok good, then i can remove that from my list16:47
* knome just ate pasta with naga jolokia, again :)16:47
ochosigreybird's gtk3 is finally bug-free again in precise16:47
knomelove it16:47
ochosino clue what naga jolokia is16:47
ochosibut i gotta vacuum the living room now16:48
knome2x hotter than habanero16:48
ochosimm :)16:48
GridCubeochosi, question, its possible to make greybird borders at least 2px, 1px its just not working for so many people16:48
knomeGridCube, that's why there's the resize-grip :)16:48
knomeand we should really promote shortcuts like alt+right-click-drag16:48
GridCubei've never heard of that one16:49
knomehahah, yeah16:49
knomethat's why we should promote16:49
knomeyup, no worry of 1px border...16:49
ochosiGridCube: usually telling the people about the shortcut is even better than thicker window-borders16:51
ochosibut yeah, i know, some people have also been moaning about it on the forums16:52
ochosipersonally i think it's ok that you can resize xfwm easily in the top corners16:52
GridCubethis is something that should go to a faq16:52
ochosisomething like the shortcuts-overlay in unity could also be nice for xubuntu16:53
knomeGridCube, let's say we're planning a whole article on it and the other shortcuts :P16:53
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pleia2ochosi: did you get my email re: artwork page to review?18:29
astraljavaknome: others: I created an initial version of -live. You can find it @ https://code.launchpad.net/~astraljava/+junk/xubuntu-live, because I'm not a part of ~xubuntu-dev.19:32
astraljavaNote that this is just a rename of everything Ubuntu Studio so far, so changes will happen largely, still.19:33
astraljavaBut check it out, point out bugs etc.19:33
astraljavaAnd whenever you feel like it, create a project under your team, and merge my branch to that.19:34
knomeastraljava, mmh, need to look at that. i was thinking that maybe we want to postpone until P+119:48
knomeastraljava, what do you think?19:48
knomeastraljava, i mean, rather wait now, and push it as soon as possible in the Q cycle, then allow people to test it and see if there are problems19:48
knomeastraljava, and, now you are a member of xubuntu-team19:49
astraljavaknome: I don't really have an opinion. Whatever you want to do about it.20:13
astraljavaknome: Ok, thanks. I can register the project later, and register the branch for that project, then.20:13
astraljavaI'll be sleeping now, gotta wake up at 5:30 tomorrow.20:14
ScottLcan someone help me with some bash magic?21:25
ScottLi want to install a default settings file for JACK for new installs, but if the file exists (i.e. the use is installing ubuntustudio-default-settings and already has settings) i don't want it to install21:26
GridCubeScottL, :P wouldnt #bash be like the best place to ask?, just sayan21:26
chelzsounds like a packaging thing21:29
micahgScottL: you don't need bash magic, but a postinst that installs it on install only21:29
ScottLmicahg, correct, that's what i really meant, sorry for the confusion22:31
ScottLmicahg, would this be a good example to use?  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/xubuntu-default-settings/precise/view/head:/debian/xubuntu-default-settings.postinst22:47

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