
MeXTuXI'm starting with Xubuntu and want to customize a little my desktop. How can I make a backup??? so if I screw it up I'll can restore to its original state00:39
Marzatajust copy your file to some other location00:45
MeXTuXWhat's the file name and where is it located??00:49
Marzataall files in your home folder00:50
Marzataother idea would be to create just another user00:55
holsteinor experiment on the live CD00:57
MeXTuXbackup ~/.config/xfce4 ???01:01
holsteinbackup the whole thing01:01
holsteinall of ~/you01:01
dajhornMy window borders are one pixel, which makes them difficult to resize.  How do I change the window border thickness in xfce4?01:27
GridCubechange the theme you are using dajhorn01:28
dajhornGridCube:   I tried to do that after doing a Google search.   All of the default Xubuntu themes are the same.01:29
GridCubein fact they are not01:30
dajhornGridCube: I want to use Xubuntu in a HTPC.  How do I get 5 or 10 pixel borders?01:30
GridCubethis one its like 5px wide01:31
GridCubeits not that pretty tho, tyrex its nice and has a wide border too01:32
dajhornBummer.  Xfce4 can't change the border thickness except through a theme change.01:34
GridCubeyou might be able to manually edit the theme01:34
GridCubesome of the other themes are nice tho01:35
anachoretfor 12.04 beta 1 known issues, how is nm-connection-manager run?02:12
Cyndaris anyone around that might be able to give me some advice? it's in regards to forcing a wine window to use 16 bit color depth. after checking the man pages i can't find a setting for it. i've also tried switching X to use 16bpp by default but i can't find xorg.conf in the usual places i'd go to edit it.02:27
Cyndarusing xbuntu 11.10 and wine 1.302:28
holsteinanachoret: i would check #ubuntu+102:43
holsteinCyndar: whats the issue?.. i wouldnt think that would be something you should need to bother with.. i would refer to the application page at wineHQ *if* there is one02:44
Cyndarholstein: it's a certain game that can only run in 16bpp02:45
GridCubeCyndar, you should check on #wine02:46
CyndarGridCube: it's invite only at the moment02:47
GridCubeno its not02:47
CyndarCannot join #wine (Channel is invite only).02:47
anachoretholstein: thanks02:47
GridCubeoh, yes, sorry my mistake Cyndar, its #winehq02:48
Cyndarah, got it, thanks02:48
Paschalis89is there any tutorial how to install java on xubuntu?02:50
anachoretPaschalis89: other than OpenJDK?02:52
CyndarPaschalis89: i'd imagine the easiest way would be to open the ubuntu software center and search for jave02:53
Paschalis89yes.. dont want the openJDK02:53
anachoretoracle has self-extractors and rpms02:55
Paschalis89found a tutorial, with 3 commands and it seems to work..02:59
Paschalis89thank you anyways!03:01
anachoretwhat requires distribution other than openjdk?03:02
Paschalis89got some problems with openJdk..03:06
Paschalis89android and such..03:06
92AAAE1A4Hm. Admittedly I haven't had any problems, but I haven't really *used* it much either. I'm curious what the particular problems are.03:08
ztag100Is there a way to update xubuntu to the new beta? or do I need to do a clean install?03:39
holsteinztag100: i would check in #ubuntu+1 ... i mean, you *can* do what you like.. should you is the question03:40
Ironholdsahoy. Anyone available for a quick spot of wifi-related tech support?05:54
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!07:04
mattyh88hi, where can i find xubuntu for i686 pls? i'm looking at the downloads page but there only intel or amd (x64?)11:28
baizonmattyh88: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/oneiric/release/desktop/xubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso11:32
mattyh88baizon: i386, isn't that intel?12:05
baizonits for x86 cps12:05
baizonintel and amd12:06
baizonworking for both12:06
mattyh88ahh okay :)12:06
Sysilike amd64 works for both intel and amd12:06
xubuntu403hablan español?12:17
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #xubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. Si nadie responde allí puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.12:17
xubuntu403estoy instalando xubuntu usando wubi, lleva un buen rato con la pantalla como de bienvenida, arriva pone instalando, o instalacion, pero no aparece barrita de que esté instalando nada y lleva asi un buen rato12:25
knomexubuntu403, english only please12:26
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baizon!ask | gagan66212:57
ubottugagan662: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:57
Qantouri1cIs there a way to run the installer in vesa ?13:05
gagan6621help!! jst few days ago installed xubuntu.its working fine but ...13:07
gagan6621show around 40% cpu when you interact with window(scroll & move)13:08
gagan6621same with any window13:08
gagan6621rest of things are fine13:09
knomeQantouri1c, try the alternative image13:09
knomegagan6621, have you tried to disable compositing?13:09
gagan6621yep i m using alternative.....13:09
knomegagan6621, that wasn't for you ;)13:09
SysiQantouri1c: there's xforcevesa boot option13:10
Sysigagan6621: what graphics card? lspci | grep VGA13:11
gagan6621knome <- need some help .:)13:11
gagan6621mobility radeon hd 5xxx13:11
gagan6621ATI Technologies Inc Manhattan [Mobility Radeon HD 5400 Series]13:12
gagan6621Sysi <- there?13:16
knomegagan6621, please be patient, we're all volunteers13:18
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Qantouri1cSysi: kernel boot option i presume ?13:18
SysiQantouri1c: yup13:19
Sysigagan662: settings -> Additional drivers, does it suggest anything?13:20
Qantouri1cknome: won't help i'm arraid, it's memory of the gpu witch is fried (again)13:20
gagan662Sysi: fglrx and fglrx post update13:21
gagan662Sysi: i tried fglrx but other one produce error while installing.13:22
Sysiif fglrx installed succesfully, reboot and see if you still have that problem13:23
gagan662Sysi:With no results i then tried to installed from ati website but no results13:23
Sysiand it was same before installing any additional drivers?13:24
knomeQantouri1c, alternative? even if it uses the text-based installer?13:24
Qantouri1cknome: a like that :)13:25
knomeQantouri1c, ?13:25
Qantouri1cknome: text-bases would also solve it yes13:26
knomeQantouri1c, yes, then as i said, try the alternative image13:26
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david_j_rjust tried running Xubuntu beta live from USB - cannot get network manager to run!15:15
david_j_rTried to run "nm-connection-manager" as noted on download page, and got "not found" error - any help on this?15:16
GridCubenot manage15:17
david_j_rAh - thank you! Someone should change instructions here then:15:17
GridCubein any case david_j_r  using tab to autocomplete the name on the terminal would have teached you that :P15:18
david_j_rExcept I did "nm*" and got nothing15:20
david_j_rAlso, just launched "nm-connection-editor" and got three GTK-warning/error messages15:20
GridCubemmm, you wrote nm, then press tab twice, and got nothing?15:20
david_j_rand no network manager in the systray :(15:20
GridCubeyeah, thats a bug15:21
kvarleyHow can I change/remove the "Web Browser" and "Mail Reader" entries in the menu?15:21
david_j_rGridCube: no, but just tried nm<tab><tab> and get 9 returns15:21
david_j_rsorry - 8 ;)15:21
david_j_rincluding nm-connection-editor15:22
david_j_r"nm-applet" appears in Task Manager, but I cannot see it anywhere.15:22
GridCubekvarley, you could try using alacarte, don't know if it does what you need, remember to install alacarte with the --no-install-recommnds flag, because else it would pull half unity/gnome aswell15:22
david_j_rIf I open Network Connection from Menu > Settings, I get that - but no way to actually initiate connection.15:23
david_j_rGridCube: so how do I start wireless during live session?15:23
GridCubedavid_j_r, its a known bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/94257315:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 942573 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Network connections indicator not shown" [Undecided,Fix released]15:24
GridCubedavid_j_r, in this beta1 state it seems you can't, i wont bother too much and report as much as i can to the bug tracker, im sure it will be fixed soon15:24
david_j_rRight - at the bug report. Is there a workaround?15:24
david_j_rOK - a wee shame though!15:25
david_j_rThanks for letting me know.15:25
GridCubedan64, read post 10 on the bug report15:25
GridCubesorry, dan64, i meant david_j_r15:26
araneaI have a small problem with XFCE's terminal: The setting 'Advanced/Compatibility/Backspace key' generates is set to 'Auto-detect'. Now, when I use screen inside such a terminal, non-readline programs (e.g mail) don't recognise the use of the backspace key, but print Ctrl+H instead. Surely, that's no problem, I'm just interested if it leads to other problems if I modify this setting.15:26
david_j_rGridCube: thanks - just read #10 ... But see also #13!15:26
GridCubewell, report, report, report15:27
david_j_rRight - *U*buntu beta - not Xubuntu beta.15:27
david_j_rSorry - reading too quickly here!15:27
kvarleyGridCube: Thanks15:27
david_j_rWill hope to see it fixed soon - is there a nightly I can grab?15:28
GridCubehttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/ david_j_r  the daily15:29
GridCubedavid_j_r, at the bottom theres the xubuntu daily tests for the day, and links to them15:29
GridCubeif you do install it please consider reporting to the tracker15:31
david_j_rGridCube: Just put this record of my experience on Bug Tracker:15:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 942573 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Network connections indicator not shown" [Undecided,Fix released]15:33
david_j_rHope that helps!15:33
david_j_rQuite disappointing really, but hopefully will be able to trial fixed version soon.15:35
david_j_rGridCube - your help is appreciated! That's me away now.15:35
hobgoblinthat should be fixed15:38
hobgoblinat least it is here15:38
LartzaHaving some GPU problems with old Fujitsu Siemens Amilo laptop16:55
LartzaThe image is on the upper left corner little over one fourth of the screen and dmesg shoes that it has detected render errors and the GPU hangs at some point16:56
LartzaIt seems to be using i91516:56
LartzaThough it "works" fine X starts and everything its just not working properly :)16:58
=== ubuntu_ is now known as alexandru4392
alexandru4392installing xubuntu17:15
baizongood to hear :)17:16
baizon!hello | alexandru439217:17
alexandru4392man,it's super fast17:17
alexandru4392opening things is a breeze17:17
alexandru4392i got xubuntu because i hate gnome 317:17
baizongood alternative to gnome3 / unity :)17:19
jackotheshadowHey, this is really my first time using linux. I'm running off a bootable flash drive a friend gave me, cuz I have a virus on this computer, but I don't know how to install anything...17:21
baizonjackotheshadow: use software center17:21
jackotheshadowSo, I've downloaded Avast as a .rpm, but when I double click on it, it opens with archive manager and doesn't seem to actually install anythign17:21
jackotheshadowwhere/what is software center/17:22
baizonwhy do you download avast17:23
baizonubuntu doesnt use rpm17:23
baizononly deb17:23
jackotheshadowoh... I saw somewhere that there's three filetypes linux uses. I didn't know there was a difference17:24
baizonjackotheshadow: http://desktoplinuxreviews.com/2010/05/10/xubuntu-linux-10-04/softwarecenter-2/17:24
baizonthats the software center17:25
baizonyou can there easily install software17:25
jackotheshadowSo, I downloaded the .deb for Avast, and opened it with Software Center, but I'm getting the error "wrong architecture 'i386'". I've browsed around some, and seem to be getting that with everything I try to install with software center.17:34
jackotheshadowi don't know how to get around this17:35
jackotheshadowany ideas?17:35
GridCubejackotheshadow, you are usng a deb for amd64 on an i386 install, it wont work17:40
w30Why does libreoffice open up when I close Firefox? Can it be fixed so it don't?18:01
GridCubeive never heard that one18:04
freenetworki'm install xubuntu 11.10. I miss plagin keyboard switcher. Him not add panel.18:06
freenetworksorry english18:06
GridCubefreenetwork, no the plugin its not on the panel, you can add it easily to the panel as a new element18:09
freenetworknot add panel18:09
freenetworkHe is not there,18:10
GridCubefreenetwork, left clic on an empty space of the panel, go to the last option >panel and then to the big green + icon that says "add element" and among the ekements theres a keyboard one18:12
xubuntu902italiano ?18:13
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:13
GridCubesorry xubuntu902 :(18:13
freenetworkok, he is not there in add panel.18:14
GridCubemmm probably i got it with xfce4-goodies18:16
GridCubeyes, i got it with xfce4-goodies18:16
GridCubeyou can get it by using >sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xfce4-goodies18:17
freenetworkyes. i'm do it18:17
freenetworkbest guide!) it's work!18:23
GridCube:D awesome18:23
GridCubeo/ highfive18:25
darkurzai have a question. i recently just installed xubuntu on my comp19:22
darkurzait came with firefox19:22
darkurzahalf the videos on youtube i cant watch because flash is not installed but it is by default19:22
darkurzaanyone experience that before19:23
magerquarktry:  Nokia 619:24
pleia2darkurza: your comment is a bit confusing, is flash installed or not?19:24
darkurzait is19:25
darkurzawell it was installed by default19:25
darkurzabut youtube didnt pick it up so i installed it again19:25
darkurzathats when it told me that it's already installed19:25
magerquarksudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:25
darkurzai ddi it anyways19:25
magerquarkdid you install the restricted extras?19:25
darkurzabut am doing it now19:26
darkurzaive been having other pressing issues19:26
darkurzalike the fact that my EEE PC is too new and there are no drivers for this yet19:26
darkurzaso im stuck with 800x600 on a 1024x600 native19:26
darkurzai also live in a uni residence so my internet didnt work while i had no OS on my comp19:26
darkurzai see this windows lookalike in my terminal19:28
darkurzacant proceed19:28
darkurzait's to install the tff font or something19:28
magerquarkyou can also use the ubuntu software center19:28
magerquarksearch for "ubuntu restricted extras"19:29
darkurzalemme try19:29
darkurzaanother problem that seems like a noob problem19:31
darkurzashockwave flash came with it19:31
darkurzawhen i have it on, my youtube videos lag like mad19:32
darkurzabut when i take it off, it's fine although at the beginning of the videos, it tells me it cant detect a flash plugin19:32
darkurzait plays the video nonetheless19:32
darkurzasame problem19:35
darkurzai clicked install xubuntu restricted extras19:35
darkurzathe flash box has no check mark19:36
darkurzaso i check it19:36
darkurzainstall it19:36
darkurzanow when i try watching videos, it still says i need flash 9.0 or higher?19:36
darkurzaso i try installing from the flash website but that doesn't work either19:36
darkurzasoftware center wont let me install the xubuntu restricted extras now19:37
darkurzathats why the installation went fast19:37
magerquarkdo you have a standard xubuntu installation?19:38
darkurzaim getting sick of ubuntu19:39
darkurzathe more shit they upgrade every six months, the more bugs there are and the less time they have to really focus on fixing things19:39
magerquarkdarkurza, perhaps you should use the LTS-versions19:40
darkurzai did that on my old laptop19:40
darkurzaworked fine for a while19:40
darkurzaill brb19:41
GridCubedarkurza, you use firefox?19:41
darkurzacant start up synaptic19:41
GridCubeinstall flash-aid plugin19:42
darkurzaaid or add?19:42
darkurzais that the package name?19:43
darkurzaim restarting my comp brb19:44
darkurzajust restarted but now my synaptic wont start up...19:47
well_laid_lawndarkurza: any errors?19:53
darkurzabut i fixed it19:53
darkurzanow i can install packages19:53
darkurzawhat i dont understand is why ubuntu restricted extras will throw a windows console lookalike screen at me with no way of proceeding or going back19:54
darkurzaok so i installed the restricted extras19:55
darkurzastill says i need a flash player 9.0 or higher19:55
GridCubedarkurza, on firefox, go to the about:addons page, and search for flash-aid addon19:57
darkurzaok running the wizard19:59
darkurzayoutube still says i need to install a flash player20:01
darkurzaand when i try to, it says failed20:01
darkurzano errors20:01
GridCubethats weird darkurza you are having some other problem somewhere20:02
darkurzaok now it works20:02
darkurzai used the aid plugin to just download a stable release20:02
GridCubethats the best one20:03
darkurzatechnology has been pissing me off for the past 2 weeks20:03
GridCubethe other breaks to often for my taste20:03
darkurzamy comp broke 2 weeks ago20:03
darkurzaduring exam period20:03
darkurzaso i waited 11 days before i bought a new one20:03
darkurzaonce i buy one, i find out that there are no drivers yet20:03
darkurzamy internet wasnät working20:03
darkurzaand i had a netbook with no OS20:03
darkurzaoh thank god i can watch wipeout online now20:04
darkurzathanks for your help gridcube20:04
darkurzabist du vielleicht deutscher?20:04
GridCubenope, im a spañish speaker myself20:04
darkurzau understood that lol20:05
GridCubethat was pretty obvious on context :P20:05
darkurzaoh lol20:05
darkurzai only thought that because you wrote JA20:05
GridCubeit was an interjection of laughter20:06
darkurzaoh right20:10
darkurzaj is like an english H sound20:10
darkurzai see so many people writing jajajajaja20:10
darkurzaim thinking in my head 'yes yes yes yes yes'20:10
darkurzabut really it's like JAJAJAJAJA20:11
GridCubeXD yes indeed20:11
darkurzai wanted to learn spanish for next semester but my other language courses conflict with it20:11
darkurzawhich kinda sucks20:11
GridCubebtw darkurza this is more for #xubuntu-offtopic if you don't mind to go there :)20:11
darkurzalol ok20:14
darkurzawell i wanst really gonna continue20:14
darkurzaanyways thanks for your help20:14
GridCubehola bigshum, este canal es en ingles, para ayuda en español entra a #ubuntu-es20:32
bigshumyo soy Ingles :D20:32
bigshumI just like to confuse everyone20:32
GridCube:P oh okay20:32
bigshumyour concern is duly noted though, you gain points ;)20:33
bigshumI'm, er, having an issue with a powerpc xubuntu install on a G3 iMac20:34
bigshumbooted off the minimal cd20:34
bigshumit's saying 'no disk drive was detected. If you know the name of the driver….' etc etc20:34
bigshumis it referring to my optical drive or my hdd?20:35
bigshumor is there an installation channel I should ask in?20:35
GridCubebigshum, this is the place to ask, but i dont know the answer you should wait for someone smarter to come20:43
bigshumha ha cool20:43
bigshumhave asked in the ubuntu room too20:44
GridCubealso google your error exactly20:44
bigshumgathering from their conversation they seem to be quite smart20:44
bigshumyea my google-fu is failing me20:44
bigshumi gather it's the hdd20:47
bigshumbut i did a debian install on it earlier so it should be ok..20:47
ChristopherNghello does anyone know how i can do a sitemap/sitesearch via the command line? are there any apps that can do it?20:55
GridCubea search?20:57
c3lChristopherNg: what do you mean by sitesearch?20:57
ChristopherNgc3l: basically im trying to find the email addresses of people who have thenameofdifferentpeople@thewebsite.com21:10
ChristopherNgim trying to see if there is a tool that will find all email addresses for that website and give me a list21:11
TheSheepChristopherNg: that is not possible21:11
ChristopherNgthere must be some way21:11
TheSheepChristopherNg: even the mail servers are configured in such a way as to not hint if the addres is correct21:12
TheSheepthat is because the spammers were using that to collect lists of addresses to spam21:12
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nmittalwhere is the disk utility tool on xubuntu.. ?23:07
GridCubedisk utility? like gparted? nmittal ?23:13
GridCubeif its that you need to install it, its on the livecd but not on the final desktop23:14
nmittalnot gparted.. in the regular install of Ubuntu there is "Disk Utility"23:16
nmittalGridCube, i have already installed XUbuntu and am not trying to setup RAID.. can i not do it on? do I have to do it during install?23:17
GridCubei don't know what that means23:17
nmittalnever mind.. do you know about the RAID?23:17
GridCubenmittal, sorry :/ i don't understand your problem23:17
GridCubei've heard of it but never setted it up23:18
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:18
nmittalok thanks23:18
chelzdisk utility is a lightweight tool that show disk usage and i think lets you format partitions and not really anything else23:29
nmittalchelz, yeah.. i am trying to setup raid after installing xubuntu.. is it possible or do I have to reinstall23:29
GridCubenmittal, install gparted23:30
nmittalGridCube, i just did.. no option to setup RAID23:30
GridCubedoesnt the links ubottu posted tell you how to?23:31
nmittalGridCube, they are dated..23:31
chelzfyi Disk Utility is aka Palimpsest Disk Utility. package is gnome-disk-utility and it depends on gnome23:32
chelzor at least libgtk2.0-023:32
nmittalGridCube, i was hoping there would be a GUI based tool.. i dont want to mess up with a command line way23:32
chelznmittal: things are best done in the terminal sometimes23:33
nmittalchelz, i was afraid you woudl say that :!23:33
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GridCubenmittal, i bet you might get better help at #ubuntu-server23:34
nmittalok worth a try .. thanks23:35
=== bigshum_ is now known as bigshum

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