
=== AfC1 is now known as AfC
vilahello all !07:37
wgzmorninh vila07:42
vilawgz: hey !07:43
poolievila, hi08:50
vilapoolie: hey !08:50
hnohow do I show the complete log messages of pending merges (merged but not yet committed)?11:48
quicksilverbzr st -v11:48
hnothat gives the first line only.11:48
quicksilverhno: good question.11:50
jelmerhno: I'm not entirely sure how to do that either; 'bzr qlog' can show that info11:54
hnojelmer, qlog can show uncommitted log info?11:57
jelmerhno: yep, by default it will do so11:58
quicksilverwhen your GUI tool can access information the commandline tools cannot, something has gone wrong with the abstraction layers ;)12:13
jelmerquicksilver: :)12:17
jelmerquicksilver: it's all exposed in the API, mostly just not exposed through the cli frontend12:17
quicksilveryes, I recognise that12:20
quicksilverso I didn't really phrase my objection correctly12:20
quicksilverbut in an ideal world the CLI client would, by definition, expose all the API functionality12:21
quicksilverso shell script hackers can cobble together workflows12:21
quicksilvermaybe such people should just be python hackers.12:21
mgz...an ideal world consists of shell scripts cobbled together?12:21
jelmerquicksilver: well, it is somewhat exposed12:22
jelmeryou can do "bzr st --show-ids" and then feed the resulting revision id into "bzr log -rrevid:REVID"12:22
jelmerthat's basically what qlog does, except it does it for you and in a graphically more pleasing way12:22
quicksilvermgz: an ideal world consists of shell scripts joined orchestrated by fragments of elisp.12:22
quicksilverjelmer: hmm, yes. Good!12:22
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abentleyjelmer: daily builds of pqm are broken, but I can't even see what when wrong this time: https://code.launchpad.net/~bzr/+recipe/bzr-pqm-daily15:19
abentleyjelmer: Ah, looks like someone forced builds.15:20
jelmerabentley: I don't think that happens just on forced builds15:31
jelmerit also happens when the PPA queue is backlogged I think15:31
abentleyjelmer: I hadn't heard of that.15:31
jelmerI've seen it happen quite regularly15:32
abentleyjelmer: Okay, we should probably fix it to drop identical requests.15:54
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lamalexis there a means for reverting the changes introduced in a previous commit?16:23
LeoNerdmerge backwards? replay backwards? uncommit?16:24
LeoNerdpull from a previous version?16:24
mgzLeoNerd: in other words, lots of ways :)16:26
mgzyou probably want, to eg revert all changes introduced in revision 3, `bzr merge -r3..2`16:27
mgzlamalex: ^16:27
lamalexindeed, that's what i was looking for. i can never remember how the -r argument works16:27
mgzmerging the reverse of a rev does take a little mental leap16:28
jelmermgz: I think we should have a somewhat easier way to do this, it's a question that comes up quite regularly16:30
quicksilverI normally go for bzr revert -r2; bzr commit -m "Reverting back to state of code from revision 2"16:42
quicksilveris the merge version better?16:42
quicksilverunless I do it before anyone cares about the history, in which case I go for bzr push --overwrite ;)16:43
mgzwell, the problem is there really are a bunch of different things people will want16:44
mgzI'm not sure how well it'd boil down to a new friendlier command16:44
mgzyour revert method quicksilver is no good when there have been subsequent changes16:45
quicksilveroh, I see "un-cherry-pick"16:45
LeoNerdSurely cherry-unpick ?16:46
mgzand reverse merging a revision also may not be the right thing if you want to reinclude that change later16:46
jelmerquicksilver: yeah, 'bzr merge --reverse -c -4'16:46
quicksilveryes, I normally start with  bzr diff -r2..3 | patch -p0 and then fiddle things until that works16:46
quicksilverbut I know vaguely that merge is better because of things diff can't represent.16:46
quicksilver(why isn't there yet a recognised successor to diff for things which diff can't represent?)16:47
smoserso what is the correct "UDD" way to store quilt 3.0 ubuntu branches ?17:32
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jelmersmoser: what do you mean with UDD in this context? for recipe usage?17:33
jelmerUDD doesn't have anything special for quilt branches at the moment17:33
smoseri have a package (euca2ools) that i previously managed quilt 3.0 and basically tried to force ignoraing of .pc in in version control17:33
jelmerthere has been talk about using bzr-looms to represent quilt packages17:33
smoseri thought aht i had see barry mention improved behavior for quilt 3.0 branches somewhere.17:34
jelmeryeah, newer versions of bzr-builddeb have improved support for merging branches that contain quilt patches17:34
smoserso maybe i should just give up and let .pc be versioned17:35
smoseri reallydislike that 'bzr diff' shows you diff of .pc files17:35
smoseroh, and thakn you for your help on my recipe on mailing list also17:36
jelmerpersonally, I keep patches unapplied for quilt packages that I maintain and I don't version the .pc directory17:36
jelmersmoser: I guess it wouldn't be too hard to get 'bzr diff' to ignore changes under .pc/17:37
smoserbut then you can't rely on the importer to do that for you17:37
smoserif you bzrignore the .pc17:38
smosereach time it does the import for you, it screws things up17:38
smoserat least i couldn't (iirc) cget it to actually respect my .bzrignore17:38
jelmerit doesn't, as the contents of the udd branch is supposed to reflect what's in the archive17:38
smoserright. so then i had to remmeber to push there each time.17:39
smoserand if someone else uploaded...17:39
smoserthen issues.17:39
smoserso i didn't like that17:39
smoseri was hoping there was somethign better now.17:39
jelmerthere have been improvements with regard to quilt, but that's all related to merging of branches containing quilt17:40
jelmernot with regard to the importer17:40
jelmerpersonally, I think udd branches shouldn't have the quilt patches applied by default; that's hard to change now though17:40
smoseri think i agree with you on that.17:41
smoserbut its just a pain if osmeone else updates and uploads17:42
smoserthen i ended up with broken importer i think.17:42
smoseri dont know.17:42
smoserit seemede like no easy way to get what i wanted17:42
smoserso i'm apt to stop fighting bots17:42
jelmersmoser: in what way is it a pain?17:42
jelmerjust because of the noise in 'bzr diff' ?17:42
smoseri guess that was my largestt grevence.17:43
smosers/bad spelling/good spelling/17:43
jelmersmoser: can you perhaps file a bug about that against bzr-builddeb?17:44
smoserhow would htat be a builddeb bug ?17:44
smoseroh. does it have hooks. on 'bzr diff' ?17:44
jelmeryeah, bzr-builddeb lso has the various hooks to improve the merging of branches that contain quilts17:45
smoserjelmer, i think i'm not going to open a bug.17:55
smoserits not straight forward17:55
smoserbcause sometimes you'd wan tot see the .pc files in diff17:55
smosersometimes you wouldn't17:55
smoserjelmer, there is no way to tell the importer that it should not store patch files applied, is there ?17:57
jelmersmoser: I don't think you would ever want to see them, as long as they're consistent with what's in debian/patches/17:58
jelmersmoser: no, there isn't any way to tell the importer that AFAIK17:58
smoseryeah, i guess "as long as they're consistent with what's in debian/patches"17:59
smoserbut if you just import a patch, you'd potentially want to see that you updated those files.17:59
jelmersmoser: wouldn't that show up as a change to debian/patches/X too though?18:01
smoserit would, yes.18:01
smoserbut how else would you know to commit those files18:02
smoseras they're being verisoned, you should commit them.18:02
smoser(ie, if you were going to commit and push, rather than just let the importer do it)18:02
jelmerif we're hooking diff, we can hook commit too18:02
jelmerin other words, we should consider .pc/ metadata I think18:02
jelmermetadata that we should keep up to date, but preferably not bother the user with18:03
smoserits not a bug report i'm pround of18:03
smoserproud of18:03
smoserbug 94733718:03
ubot5Launchpad bug 947337 in bzr-builddeb (Ubuntu) "bzr diff with bzr-builddeb should ignore .pc changes in .pc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94733718:03
smoser(ie, not proud because it has no easy recreate or example)18:03
jelmerheh, fair enough18:04
jelmerit's a bug report though, not your phd thesis :)18:04
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Rcarthey there19:39
RcartI want to add a apport hook for mpd and downloaded the apport package19:39
Rcartbut the branch (bzr branch ubuntu:apport) is out-dated19:39
Rcartwhen I do bzr update in the branch, it says up to date19:40
jelmerRcart: please file a bug against the udd project in launchpad19:41
Rcartjelmer: great. Working on...19:42
Rcartjelmer: "udd" does not exist in Ubuntu.19:55
jelmerRcart: it's not a package but a project, see http://launchpad.net/udd19:56
Rcartyeah, but when I try to send the bug claims about that error19:57
Rcartthen I don't select a package before send it?19:57
jelmerRcart: actually, it seems for apport you probably want lp:apport19:58
jelmer(rather than ubuntu:apport)19:58
jelmerRcart: https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+filebug19:58
Rcartjelmer: bzr lp:apport works20:00
Rcartjelmer: bug 94745120:17
ubot5Launchpad bug 947451 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "apport branch OUT-OF-DATE" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94745120:17
Rcartjelmer: thanks for your help (:20:17
pooliehi all20:54
pooliehi wgz?20:54
wgzhey poolie21:26
bsdHi abentley.  Is there are way to export a patch for a particular pipe as a merge directive or something more solid than a patch?  I was wondering about file/directory moves and deletions… kinda like a shelf?22:12
abentleybsd: You should be able to export a merge directive with -r ancestor::prev22:24
jonohi all23:32
jonoI just merged in a branch and deleted a directory (which was not required anymore) and bzr is complaining that it can't remove the dir as it is not empty23:32
jonoyet the directory is deleted23:32
jonohow can I fix this?23:32
jononevermind, fixed it23:34

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