
gmbHurrah! I have a connection. And now, email dealt with, I'll have some lunch12:04
benjiwell, ok then unity, just stay crashed, I don't need you anyway13:04
benjihmm, if I want to switch windows, I guess I do need you; rebooting13:05
gary_posterbenji who is not here, frankban gmb call in 213:08
gary_posterah ha, today is a no-isight day for my apparently. :-/13:09
gary_postergmb & frankban if benji is not back soon I'll postpone for a minute to see if we can catch him13:10
gary_posterwhere "a minute" is a phrase intending to reflect an indeterminate time period, which in this case I expect to mean about 3 or 4 minutes13:10
gary_posterbut no one else is here either!  so I am talking to myself :-P13:11
frankbangary_poster: I am here :-)13:11
gary_posterfrankban, cool :-)13:12
gary_posterfrankban, let's go ahead and get going13:14
gary_postergmb we lost ya.  Do you have anything for us?13:32
gmbgary_poster, I was eaten by a grue.13:37
gary_postergmb, I hope you emerged without too much ectoplasm-or-equivalent on your clothes13:37
gary_posterbenji, btw, approved your expenses this weekend13:38
gmb'm fine13:38
gmbVMware, you do not need 95% CPU.13:38
benjigary_poster: thanks; while doing this month's I realized that I forgot the others13:39
gary_posterI love the smell of system hangs in the morning13:43
benjigary_poster: I'm about cought up on email and coffee, do you want to pair on Friday Afternoon, Part II?14:03
gary_posterbenji, sure, generally.  I have a few things I need to react to first.  We could hang out while I do those, or we could wait till I'm done.  Preference?14:06
benjigary_poster: lets wait until you're done; I just remembered that we have to pay the slave time tax; I wish I had remembered earlier and it would probably be done by now :\14:07
gary_posterbenji, ack14:07
gary_posterbenji, maybe add the setuplxc changes to incorporate the workaround to 944386, and check with frankban to see if we can test his changes too?14:08
benjigary_poster: sure14:08
gary_posterbefore you kick off the slave I mean14:08
gary_postergood juju email, frankban14:08
frankbanthanks gary_poster14:09
benjifrankban: is there a branch I should merge in?14:10
frankbanbenji, gary_poster: my MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~frankban/launchpad/setuplxc-scripts-shh-keys/+merge/9590314:10
frankbanbenji: that branch, untested14:11
gary_posterthanks frankban.  benji, when you have a branch let me know & I'll try it on canonistack simultaneously14:16
gary_posteror will try to :-)14:16
benjigary_poster: k14:16
frankbanbenji: I've just updated the branch14:23
benjifor some reason mergeing that branch is taking forever14:23
benjigary_poster: it's a little late for "simulatneously", but here's the branch I'm deploying to ec2: lp:~benji/launchpad/more-integration15:22
gary_posterbenji, :-) k15:23
gary_posterbenji, canonistack is not working--or working intermittently at best--and the vanguard on #is is not responding, so I've not been making fantastic progress on my side :-/15:23
gary_posterbenji, I noticed your sinzui JS review did not remove the semicolons that would make your suggestion work (i.e., before the .set) but hopefully he can see what you mean.15:26
gary_posterstill not working15:26
gary_posterit was working for one brief shining moment15:26
benjigary_poster: heh, thanks; I'll allert him to my gaff15:26
frankbanbenji: could you please merge my branch again? just a quoting fix in script generation.15:48
benjifrankban: it's too late for this run15:50
frankbanbenji: np15:50
benjifrankban: maybe I can manually apply the patch and trigger the script generation step15:51
frankbanbenji: for this run, if the checkout dir does not contain spaces, the generated script should work15:52
benjifrankban: we should be ok then15:53
benjifrankban: your branch seems to have worked well (xvfb is still failing, but that's on me, not you)16:15
gary_posterFWIW, I've given up on canonistack16:15
gary_posterI have to do babysitting/lunch starting @11:25 (in 9 min)16:16
gary_posterafter that, and after your lunch benji, I should be ready for pairing.  xvfb still failing, huh?16:16
gary_posternew reason?16:16
benjigary_poster: sounds good; re. xvfb: not sure yet, investigating now16:17
gary_posterbabysitting starts now16:27
gary_posterbenji, btw, I will be ready 1:15-ish.  Here now if you need anything.17:54
benjigary_poster: sounds good17:54
* gary_poster still messing with canonistack...supposedly better now?18:21
benjiam I here?18:22
gary_posternot so far18:22
gary_posteryou are18:22
benjigary_poster: I lost internet connectivity for a minute; I'm ready when you are18:22

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