
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine_
=== webjadmin_ is now known as JackyAlcine_
philipballewIf someone tells me to find my bridge ipaddress, where would I look for it? bridge is the same as gateway right?01:04
stlsaintphilipballew: depends on what concept01:04
philipballewim setting up a vpn01:04
stlsaintbridge as in network bridge?01:04
stlsaintphilipballew: well yea your bridge is probably the gateway in that sense01:05
philipballewim using this guide and in https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/openvpn.html and I beleive it is the address of the bridge interface01:05
philipballewmy router is a so that would thee the address maybe01:06
philipballewisnt networking fun stlsaint01:08
stlsaintphilipballew: considering i had to get N+ certified i have to make it fun lol01:09
philipballewi had get certified for hardware once. there all a pain. If the router is a .254 though, I would probably rut that I guess?01:10
stlsaintyou sure your router is a .254?01:12
philipballewyeah, Its a att default router. Its my parents house. im gonna stash a server here when i am 600 miles away for school01:13
stlsaintphilipballew: ssh?01:14
philipballewwell ssh is currently set up. im setting up a vpn on it.01:16
philipballewmy school blocks all my favorite sites because they label them as hacker01:17
philipballewso im am setting up a vpn01:17
philipballewand also, I need a good way to connect to my system besides ssh.01:19
philipballewalso, because  I can01:19
stlsaintssh is actually very versatile and robust. Able to handle much of what vpn can if not more and alot easier to manage and setup.01:21
stlsaintproxy, encryption, web, etc01:22
philipballewyeah, what would I google for to look to set up a ssh tunnel to have from my desktop in my dorm to my server here to not have annoying website restrictions? stlsaint01:24
philipballewI think its a reverse ssh tunnel01:29
philipballewI have had that before. I might do that. I am wanting a challenge now and think a vpn might be a fun thing to have01:30
stlsaintphilipballew: correct01:31
philipballewI will read the openvpn config file tonight as well01:31
stlsainti never setup openvpn so meh01:33
philipballewyeah, me either. If i set up a reverse ssh tunnel I can just use browse the web as if i was on my home's network. Just like a vpn does?01:35
pleia2philipballew: it has a lot of extra stuff (we were writing a scalable infrastructure) but the core of openvpn configuration is applicable: http://www.debian-administration.org/article/Scalable_Public_Key_Infrastructure_for_both_OpenSWAN_and_OpenVPN01:36
stlsaintoh nice01:37
pleia2heh, has my old name on it01:37
* pleia2 wonders if that can be changed01:37
stlsaintpleia2: i downplay openvpn in no way. I just have never used it and i know ssh has very low overhead and resource usage01:38
pleia2stlsaint: I use ssh tunnels myself :)01:38
pleia2and tinyproxy <301:38
philipballewpleia2, thats what I am thinking of using. I just was wanting a challenge with vpn. but is tiny proxy secure and private?01:40
pleia2philipballew: hah, no tinyproxy sucks, but it's easy01:40
philipballewI get really annoyed when my schools sysadmins watch what I look at01:40
pleia2openvpn is a fun project to learn, but I'd use ssh for that01:41
philipballewpleia2, just set up a reverse ssh tunnel probably?01:41
stlsaintphilipballew: i suggest getting ssh setup for the stable connection and as you gain experience migrate your setup to openvpn if you still want01:41
stlsainteither way its a win :D01:42
philipballewwell ive been running ssh for a good year and a half since i set up the server01:42
pleia2learning more ssh is always good :)01:42
philipballewwhere would be a good place to learn this, or what would I google?01:42
pleia2"ssh tunnel"01:42
pleia2"tunnel web traffic over ssh"01:43
* pleia2 shrugs01:43
philipballewthank you pleia201:43
stlsaintphilipballew: one sec i may have a good link on ssh (MAYBE lol)01:43
philipballewits spring break so i have nothing better to do anyway01:43
philipballewsome people go partying on spring break, I work on my server01:44
stlsaintphilipballew: this isnt ssh specific but it comes in pretty handy for server stuff: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/SystemAdminTopics01:46
* philipballew loves reading!!!01:47
stlsaintphilipballew: once i get my servers setup we can see whos more secure ;)01:49
philipballewlately ive been building old desktops up and turning them into server clusters. Its been a hobby of mine01:49
philipballewwell have a hack off!!!01:49
stlsaintphilipballew: you use a framework...such as proxmox?01:49
stlsaintphilipballew: if you have some time take a gander at proxmox01:50
philipballewno. I installed ubuntu, set up ssh and thats it01:51
philipballewi am getting it looking nice today I think01:51
philipballewrsa and all01:51
stlsaintphilipballew: fail2ban and denyhosts is your friend :D01:52
stlsaintphilipballew: and you probably could use some nice iptables01:53
philipballewwhat does fail2ban do?01:53
philipballewI used iptables to ban twitter and facebook during finals week at school!01:53
pleia2fail2ban sets iptables-based bans01:53
pleia2when people start hammering your server01:54
stlsaintphilipballew: http://www.fail2ban.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page01:54
philipballewthats right. I helped my friend set that up on his vps01:54
pleia2(I use fail2ban on my servers where I have a kernel supporting iptables, denyhosts elsewhere)01:54
stlsaintphilipballew: pretty funny to actually tail the logs of people attacking your server01:54
stlsaintgood your already using keys...thats step one01:54
philipballewmy friend and i attack each others servers and we compeate to who can attack with the craziest user names01:55
stlsaintcareful...make a mistake and people start reporting to ISP01:56
philipballewlol. yeah. We have all the ip's and all set up. We know who each other is01:56
stlsaintwe had a soldier playing around on a computer in south korea and he pinged a system in north korea....that turned bad lol01:56
pleia2stlsaint: oh dear :)01:56
stlsaintpleia2: yea lol01:56
philipballewnorth korea has internet?01:57
stlsaintphilipballew: yes sir01:57
philipballewthat makes sense. Some countries America doesnt like I would assume they'd use icann and play with n.k. internet01:58
philipballewI always prefer http://kimjongillookingatthings.tumblr.com/01:58
stlsaintphilipballew: how ya iptables looking? i have some pretty strict ones passed down the server admin line starting from bodhi ;)01:59
philipballewthere default.01:59
philipballewi changed my interface file once02:00
philipballewi should look into asking him02:00
stlsaintphilipballew: ha, asking bodhi for server stuff will cause a brain overload lol02:02
philipballewI had him talk to my about ssh the first time I installed a server. I had to take a break and think about all he said02:03
stlsaintphilipballew: yea and dont get him started on apache ;) if you ever need a webs at nginx02:04
philipballewapache is kinda simple once you read up on it02:06
pleia2it can get complicated, but it's very heavy for a basic site (for most people nginx is fine)02:07
philipballewagreed. sometomes apache is more the standard so people like to learn that02:10
philipballewjust got a call to go go to frys with friends. Thanks for the help!!102:14
ArizonaBayhow can i play minecraft on ubuntu 11.1003:20
philipballewArizonaBay, good question. Lets look at this03:26
philipballewwhat kinda minecraft are you wanting?03:27
philipballewto have a minecraft server or just connect to something?03:27
ArizonaBayi want to play it in the browser03:28
ArizonaBayno server03:28
ArizonaBayjust play the game and createe a world03:28
philipballewalright. sounds fun. lets see03:30
philipballewso you have java installed maybe?03:32
ArizonaBayi have JDK 6 run java time03:36
philipballewwell you should be able to right click on your minecraft jar and run with open jdk03:43
philipballewDo you have the minecraft jar?03:44
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ArizonaBayphilipballew it worked04:11
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jalcines-fox: how do you do?10:26
s-foxI'm good thank you jalcine , how are you?10:26
jalcinenearly the same, added some unit tests to a project of mine.10:27
jalcineperhaps the most important thing for downstream packagers.10:27
jalcineRight, as I've signed onto IRC on mobile, I'll be off the desktop now.10:31
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jemohAnyone pliz explain to me how am supposed to install SIP in order to run pyqt414:22
holsteinjemoh: what are you trying to do?14:24
holsteinshould be this easy http://www.saltycrane.com/blog/2008/01/how-to-install-pyqt4-on-ubuntu-linux/14:24
jemohAm trying to install SIP to my computer so that I can run pyqt414:28
holsteinjemoh: SIP? like ekiga? i dont understand why you would need that...14:28
holsteinwhat are you trying to do?14:28
holsteinshould be as easy as searching for pyqt in a package manager.. or following the instructions at that link14:28
holsteinsudo apt-get install python-qt414:29
holsteinjemoh: are you trying to install a sip client that requires python or something?14:29
jemohOk this is what I want I want a pyqt4 toolkit14:30
holsteinjemoh: cool.. just search for it in whatever package manager you use.. software center, synaptic.. and just install it.. or try that command in the terminal that i linked, and report errors :)14:31
jemohI cant find it in the software centre. What should I do14:33
holsteinjemoh: i would try opening a terminal and run sudo apt-get install python-qt414:33
jemohOK lemmi do it14:34
jemohThis is what the terminal displays after I run it :14:35
jemohReading package lists... Done14:35
jemohBuilding dependency tree14:35
jemohReading state information... Done14:35
jemohpython-qt4 is already the newest version.14:35
jemoh0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:35
holsteinjemoh: right... you alread have it14:37
holstein09:35 < jemoh> python-qt4 is already the newest version.14:37
holstein^^ means its alreayd installed, and up to date14:37
jemohHow come I see the start icon14:39
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holsteinjemoh: its not really something you "click" on14:40
holsteinif the SIP client you are tyring to use/install needs it, it'll use it14:40
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jemohso how do I install the SIP Client ?14:41
holsteinjemoh: you just let me know exactly what client you are trying to install, and i'll help you with it14:41
holsteinyou search in the package manger of your choice by name14:41
holsteinopen the software center, search "ekiga" or whatever14:42
jemohthis is my case am a beginner in python and am looking for a suitable software to code my own graphical applications. What suitable software should I use ?14:45
holsteini would use whatever you are comfortable with14:47
jemohAny suggestions ?14:48
holsteinpython sounds like a great idea14:48
holsteini feel like maybe you are looking for a GUI development kit or whatever...14:49
jemohYeah exactly. So pliz give me an example14:52
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holsteinthere are others in the repos too.. but to code in python is more text based14:55
jemohSo which do you think is the best GUI kit for python14:57
holsteinjemoh: thats what im getting at.. text files14:57
holsteinim not a coder, but i do know enough to suggest to you to maybe start with bash14:58
holsteinif you want a GUI, then, just go with the one you know, and dont worry much about the language, since you waont be really 'seeing' it anyways14:58
holsteinif you want to learn python, i say start with bash scripting, and just open a text editor and start learning14:59
jemohAv used IDLE shell before but I could not use to code graphical applications so I think illumination will work15:01
jemohThnx alot you saved <holstein>15:10
jemohI installed the mysql software from the ubuntu software center and now I cant start it because its asking me for a password, server hostname, username and default schema what should I do to start using it ????15:34
holsteinits more complex than just installing it15:35
jemohWhat should I do then15:35
holsteinwhat are you trying to do?15:35
holsteininstall a CMS?15:36
jemohWhat is CMS15:36
holsteinlike drupal, joomla... some C.ontent M.anagement S.ystem ?15:36
jemohAm trying to open mysql in order to create a database15:36
holsteinyou should have been prompted during install for passwords15:37
holsteinthough, when i built a drupal box from scratch on a powerpc machine, i just followed a guide that assisted with the database setup and all that15:38
holsteini think you'll do betting thinking "bigger picture"15:39
holstein"im trying to install and setup up drupal" for example... instaead of "mysql isnt running"15:39
holsteini would come here *first* before you get started with the task, and sound out some ideas15:39
jemohOk lemmi try it out15:43
jemohOk. should I first uninstall mysql then install it again ?15:59
holsteinjemoh: again, i would go bigger.. what are you trying to do? why do you need a database? start with a tutorial for that larger project16:02
jemohlook our teacher told us to install it so that he can teach us to create databases in sql16:03
holsteinjemoh: cool... its installed, so i say you are good to go :)16:04
holsteinyour teacher will talk you through the user management and all that16:05
jemohHe is teaching us with the windows platform and so am trying to install and use the one for linux16:06
holsteinjemoh: cool ...i have no experience with in in windows, but it should be the same idea16:07
jemohOk. Am trying to install a package called easy Gui but I seem not to get the installation process @ http://easygui.sourceforge.net/download/version_0.96/index.html#installingEasyguiOnLinux pliz show me how its done16:09
holsteinwhen going outside the default repos, you really need to go with the maintainers instructions16:10
holsteini typically search the repos, then i look for a PPA, then a .deb, then i consider downloading from elsewhere and building or whatever16:11
holsteinthere are instructions at that link though16:11
holsteinIn a console window, at the command prompt, enter the command:16:11
holsteinpython  setup.py  install16:11
holstein^^ thats in a terminal16:11
jemohI did it and this is what I get :python: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory16:12
holsteinjemoh: have you downloaded the file? and unzipped? and cd'd into that directory?16:13
holsteini sometimes just include the entire path ... ~/Downloads/whatever.py16:14
jemohI have downloaded and unpacked it. what is cd'd16:14
holsteinyou can cd to where it is16:17
holsteincd /home/you/whatever/you.R.looking416:17
TeodorMHi! please help me!. I am using unbutu 11.10 *(dual boot with windows 7 - partition C windows, patition D ubuntu)and I want to see files that I have in D, personal files saved from windows, too see them in ubuntu. I have searched the google an found that I need to edit fstab file, but I dont know what to do exactly. When I type in terminal sudo nano /etc/fstab,  it show me  # UNCONFIGURED FSTAB FOR BASE SYSTEM16:31
TeodorM/host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disk    none    swap    sw      0       0.16:31
holsteinadding it to fstab is one way... you can just mount and chown it.. if its something you just want to see once, you can use a live CD... you can mount and chown the directory, you can add to fstab16:34
holsteinitres really up to you...16:34
TeodorMok.. I am tryng to make the manual configuration from that link.. but when I enter sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig gksudo gedit /etc/fstab, I get this in terminal sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig gksudo gedit /etc/fstab16:49
TeodorMsorry.. I get this (gksudo:2588): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",16:50
TeodorM(gedit:2590): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to create file '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.8ZYJAW': No such file or directory16:50
holsteinyeah, thats just not right16:50
holsteinTeodorM: fstab is a file... a text file16:51
holsteinyou can copy that for backup *however* you feel comfortable16:51
holsteinright click somewhere and make a text file called fstab.backup or whatever16:51
holsteincopy and paste the text in16:51
holsteinthen, you need root acess to edit the file.. so running16:51
holsteingksudo gedit /etc/fstab16:52
holstein^^ that allows you to edit the file.. it comes up, and you edit as you please, and save it16:52
holsteinyou reboot, knowing how to recover that information you backedup using a live CD (in case the machine doesnt boot)16:52
holsteinOR, you do one of the other options in that link that *doesnt* require editing fstab16:53
holsteini used to just click and mount mine, and right click on them for permissions for years16:53
jemohYo holstein when I ran the cd.. command this is waht I get : python: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory16:53
holsteinjemoh: correct, that means you have no file there16:54
holsteinso, you can try using the *entire* path16:54
holstein /home/you/Downloads/whatever/setup.py16:54
holsteinOR, go and find it in the GUI, in nautilus or whatever and just drag it over onto the terminal16:55
holsteinthe path with complete 'inside/quotes/probably'16:55
holsteinjemoh: not sure what you are going for though.. you dont need a GUI for python16:55
holsteini would suggest doing those few tutorials i linked earlier16:56
TeodorMsorry.. I did not understand what to copy to this new document fstab.backup?16:56
holsteinTeodorM: the text.. imagine your machine doesnt boot16:56
holsteinyou edit that file, and you break funtionality16:57
holsteinyou want to backup whatever it takes to restore that functionality16:57
holsteinone way, is to copy *all* that text, and back it up16:57
holsteinthe other is to sudo cp the file16:57
holsteinbut you dont *have* to use the command line for that16:57
TeodorMok... I will do that... earlier I google-it a little this problem... in this fstab file... I shoud be more that # UNCONFIGURED FSTAB FOR BASE SYSTEM16:59
TeodorM/host/ubuntu/disks/swap.disknoneswapsw00 right? (this is all it is written in my file)16:59
jemohOK. I have cd,,d it an this is what I get : bash: /home/jemoh/Downloads/easygui_version_0.96_docs/setup.py: Permission denied16:59
holsteinTeodorM: the # is a comment16:59
holsteinthat is not read by the system17:00
holsteinthats just for you...17:00
holsteinTeodorM: whatever is in the file already should be left alone.. personally, i suggest to you to leave that file alone for a while til you are more comfortable17:00
holsteinTeodorM: i would just click and mount the partition17:00
TeodorMthen What to backup? pecose this is all that is written in the file17:01
holsteinjemoh: cool... so you dont have permission.. you can use sudo as is suggested in that link http://easygui.sourceforge.net/download/version_0.96/index.html#installingEasyguiOnLinux17:01
holsteinTeodorM: not following you17:01
holsteini would backup that *entire* file17:02
holsteinhowever you feel comfortable doing that17:02
holsteinimagine the machine doesnt work.. it wont boot, and you need to restor that file *as-is*17:02
jemohI did it and this is what I get :jemoh@Hiuhu:~$ sudo python  setup.py  install17:04
TeodorMok.. I was telling you that all the text from my file, is that comment, and I wanned to know if that is normal or it is allready a problem with my ubuntu17:04
jemohpython: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory17:04
holsteinjemoh: correct.. you need to both use the complete path, *and* the sudo command17:05
holsteinsudo python /home/jemoh/Downloads/easygui_version_0.96_docs/setup.py install17:06
holsteinat least thats how i read it at http://easygui.sourceforge.net/download/version_0.96/index.html#installingEasyguiOnLinux17:06
jemohI did it and this is what I get sudo: home/jemoh/Downloads/easygui_version_0.96_docs/setup.py: command not found17:09
holsteinjemoh: what are the :'s ?17:11
holsteini dont personaly want to install that to test it out17:11
holsteinbut, you get the path correct, and it *should* work17:11
holsteinnot sure what you are trying to get, or why17:12
holsteini would just look for packages in the default repos to use17:12
holsteinthat *should* be in there17:12
holsteinjemoh: open a terminal17:13
holsteintype sudo, then hit the space bar17:13
holsteingo over and find that *exact* file, and drag it over into the terminal17:13
holsteinsee that the path completes17:13
holsteinshould look like... "sudo 'home/jemoh/Downloads/easygui_version_0.96_docs/setup.py' or something17:14
holsteinactually i see the issue...17:14
holsteinok get rid of that... do this..17:14
jemohwhat is it17:14
holsteinsudo python home/jemoh/Downloads/easygui_version_0.96_docs/setup.py install17:15
holstein^^assuming that path is correct17:15
TeodorMI have tried the automatic configuration, and when I tipe gksudo ntfs-config, same thing... (ntfs-config:2867): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "pixmap",17:15
holsteinTeodorM: thats just one option... i would just click on it.. mount it, and read what i need.. if i need write permissions, i deal with it17:16
holsteinor troubleshoot the fstab17:16
jemohAv dan it and now it only displays an interpreter17:18
TeodorMok.. I dont understand what you mean with "just click on it" click on what (sorry but I am new to linux)17:18
holsteinTeodorM: the windows partition... in the filemanager17:19
holsteinyou can also just use something like dropbox to "sync" some key documents automatically between the OS's17:20
jemohSorry but what does the python interpreter indicate ?17:20
holsteinjemoh: im not a python guy.. sorry... the little python i have done i have literally just used a text editor for17:20
holsteini did those few tutorials i linked you, and that course.. and i just used nano, or gedit, or vi/vim17:21
jemohOK but thanx for your help rilly apprecuated17:21
holsteinthats where i think you should start17:21
TeodorMwell if I go to home folder > media> I see the HDD but in it, are files that I have in C partition of windows.. and I need files from D partition17:22
holsteinTeodorM: you shouldnt see those labels anyways... C and D17:22
holsteinyou should see all partitions there.. if not, open a terminal and run17:22
holsteinsudo fdisk -l17:22
holsteinyou'll see them there, and you can mount them, chown them, add them to fstab, whatever you like :)17:23
TeodorMok.. I have /dev/sda1   *          63    92164904    46082421    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT17:24
TeodorM/dev/sda2        92164905   488375999   198105547+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)17:24
TeodorM/dev/sda5        92164968   488375999   198105516    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT17:24
TeodorMhow I mount them?17:24
holsteinor just find them in the file manger, and click on them17:26
TeodorMwell I dont see them in file manager17:28
johnny77I'm trying to create a bootable usb to install Ubuntu, but it's giving me a operating system not found error.18:56
philipballewjohnny77, I can help18:57
bobweaverjohnny77, how did you make the usb ?18:57
philipballewdid you make it in windows osx or linux?18:57
johnny77philipballew: windows with Universal-USB-Installer then I tried it with unetbootin18:58
philipballewunetbootin is good. If only you were in sacramento id give you my usb install18:59
philipballewwhat did you do with it?18:59
philipballewlike what steps did you do?18:59
johnny77philipballew: I let Unetbootin create the bootable USB from the iso I downloaded from the Ubuntu website then rebooted my computer and get a missing operating system error as it boots. Then it just boots windows.19:03
holsteinjohnny77: i format those sticks *each* time19:07
holsteini point unet to the downloaded iso19:07
bobweaverjohnny77,  is there anything else on the usb ?19:07
johnny77Nope. I formatted it before using.19:08
holsteini would format again... then use unet and point to a download iso that you have confirmed the checkome on19:09
holsteincheck sum*19:09
johnny77how do I confirm the check sum19:09
bobweaverhobgoblin,   +1 with the md5sum19:09
ubot2`To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:09
holsteinis the machine capable of booting USB sticks?19:10
holsteinhas it *ever* booted a USB stick?19:10
johnny77Yes, I've done it before on both machines.19:10
holsteindo you have another machine to test that the USB will boot on?19:10
holsteinthese can be rhetorical ;) ... just troubleshooting tips19:10
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johnny77I'm trying on two different machines that have been booted from the USB before and it's giving me the same error.19:11
hobgoblinbobweaver: I agree with the +1 - not sure why you pinged me though - been a long day here :)19:11
johnny77Windows does show it as an install ubuntu USB in my computer.19:11
philipballewdid you use the wubi or regular iso?19:11
holsteincool... so its the stick.. you nave another stick to test with?19:11
johnny77no, but I've used this stick to boot from before. Just had ChromeOS on it and booted from it. Formatted then started trying ubuntu.19:13
johnny77I'm using the desktop iso.19:13
bobweaverjohnny77, is there a tutorial that you followed that we could see ?19:14
holsteinjohnny77: you have confirmed the md5 of the iso?19:15
johnny77i have not confirmed the md5 yet.19:16
johnny77bobweaver: tutorial for installing Ubuntu on the USB?19:16
holsteinjohnny77: confirm the md5... that will make a bunk stick19:16
philipballewthe ubuntu download page has a guide, but its with pendrive19:17
johnny77I tried pendrive, but it didn't work either.19:18
holsteinjohnny77: hows that sum?19:19
johnny77Well, the md5 gave me a whole bunch of errors... That is weird since I downloaded it from ubuntu website. I'll try with unetbootin and get it to download it and go from there.19:19
holsteinnah. download it *without* unet19:20
holsteinthen you can confirm before you make a stick19:20
philipballewjohnny77, the ubuntu website might not be the problem.19:20
philipballewyou probably had some sort of tcp error and lost some packets coming from the other side of the world when you downloaded the iso19:20
holsteinyeah, if its your connection, then the one unet DL's will be bad, and you'll have another stick that dont work19:20
johnny77I gotta run, I'll try the download again later..19:21
holsteinyup :)19:21
holsteinjohnny77: good luck!19:21
ArizonaBayhow can i make Qbittorrent as my default client ?19:38
philipballewArizonaBay, lets do that!19:39
ArizonaBayyes please :D19:39
philipballewdid you figure out minecraft yesterday?19:39
ArizonaBayhow can i do that19:39
philipballewhow is it working?19:39
philipballeware you in ubuntu or kubuntu?19:40
ArizonaBay:x i just got a command on how to open the jar file through java19:40
ArizonaBayno ubuntu 11.1019:40
philipballewthats what i was gonna suggest next :)19:40
ArizonaBaylol well thanks its really nice of u to want to help19:41
ArizonaBayhow can i change the bit torrent client &19:41
ArizonaBayalso how do i i locate the bit torrent client i downloaded19:41
ArizonaBayII did the locate command in the terminal19:42
ArizonaBaybut it just shows all the file19:42
philipballewjust download a ,torrent file and right click on it and choose properties > open with19:42
philipballewyou locate via clicking the ubuntu logo on the side bar and typing in wwhat you want19:42
ArizonaBayyeah but the program doesnt show19:42
ArizonaBayi have to locate the path19:42
philipballewhow did you download it?19:43
ArizonaBayfrom a website19:44
ArizonaBayi can download it again19:44
ArizonaBayits a magnet file19:44
philipballewcheck this out19:44
philipballewwith apps in ubuntu19:45
philipballewand linux in general you can just search for it with the software center or via say a app remove programs app19:45
philipballewand download from there19:45
ArizonaBayu cant remove defaulta aps :/19:46
ArizonaBaythats the new ubuntu for u19:46
philipballewyeah you can?19:46
ArizonaBaythere are a lot of awful glitches19:46
philipballewwho said that?19:46
ArizonaBayi tried it many times19:46
philipballewnot true..19:47
philipballewalright, ill make this fun!19:47
philipballewopen a terminal session19:47
philipballewsudo apt-get install qbittorent19:48
philipballewi think thats how its spelled/19:49
ArizonaBayits installed already19:49
philipballewand you instelled it via apt-get or the software center, or did you compile it?19:49
ubot2`Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall19:49
ubot2`checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!19:50
ArizonaBayvia software center19:51
ArizonaBayin mozilla i checked on REMEMBER MY CHOICE FOR FILES LIKE THIS... i picked the wrong application and now it wont even download19:51
philipballewso find a maggent link or whatever kinda file your trying to open and right click > properties > open with. Pick whatever you want. If you dont see it there let me know. also feel free to send a spreen shot of what your doing19:52
philipballewI can emplain the software for default apps and even explain how to do it from bash, but this is the easiest way19:54
* philipballew waits19:56
ArizonaBayi think i solved the issue temporarily through chrome19:56
ArizonaBayi still need to change the default app19:57
ArizonaBayim going to do what u just said19:57
philipballewalright. try it19:57
ArizonaBayits not working20:00
ArizonaBayi cant download a magnet file20:00
ArizonaBayi just cant20:00
ArizonaBayi dont know why20:00
ArizonaBaybut im not able to download a magnet file20:00
philipballewmaybe your network blocks the,20:00
ArizonaBaywhen i click it it opens the Transmission app20:00
ArizonaBayand when i right click it there is none of the SAVE options20:01
philipballewso you did download it?20:01
ArizonaBayi found another torrent site without a legit torrent file and not a manget20:01
philipballewyou dont like transmisson, just sudo apt-get purge transmission20:01
philipballewyou still have everything set to transmission20:02
ArizonaBaywhat about magnet files ; __ ;20:03
philipballewArizonaBay, can you do what i tell you to do here please20:03
ArizonaBayi did20:03
ArizonaBayi purger transmission20:03
ArizonaBayand i tried to right click on regular torrent files to set em up to Qbit torrent20:03
ArizonaBayi did all that20:04
ArizonaBaybut the magnet file20:04
ArizonaBaythat is tricky20:04
ArizonaBayi cant set it up20:04
philipballewcheck it out!20:04
ArizonaBaythe link ?20:04
philipballewit now has torrent files set to open in qbittorrent but not magnet files. you need to have magnet files open in qtorrent20:04
ArizonaBayyeah i know :c20:05
ArizonaBayexcept i cant download Magnet files to set em up20:05
philipballewso why dont you do it?20:05
ArizonaBayMagnet files are hash files20:05
ArizonaBayi cant see em20:05
ArizonaBaythats what ur not getting20:05
ArizonaBaythere is a difference between regular torrent files and manget files20:06
ArizonaBayI did set up torrent files thanks to you :) and everything is good20:06
philipballewI know that dude!20:06
ArizonaBaybut magnet files i cant click em20:06
ArizonaBayi cant download em20:06
ArizonaBaythey wont open20:06
ArizonaBayand in google chrome they just open transmission20:06
ArizonaBayi should try it again since i purged transmission :x20:07
philipballewi thought you purged that?20:07
ArizonaBayyes i did20:07
ArizonaBayit just opens chrome20:07
ArizonaBayhere ill past the code20:08
ArizonaBayReading package lists... Done20:08
ArizonaBayBuilding dependency tree20:08
ArizonaBayReading state information... Done20:08
ArizonaBayPackage transmission is not installed, so not removed20:08
philipballewso you dont have it installed20:09
ArizonaBaybut its there20:09
ArizonaBayit open magnet files20:09
ArizonaBayu want a screen shot ?20:09
philipballewsure. you can also try #qbittorrent if you need specific app help20:10
ArizonaBayooooh thnaks20:10
ArizonaBayill show u a screen shot give me  a sec20:10
=== hobgoblin is now known as forestpiskie
=== nothingspecial is now known as angela-android
=== Pets-Gone is now known as Petskull
=== bodhizazen is now known as bodhi_zazen
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
=== forestpiskie is now known as elfy
ArizonaBayu cant take a whole screen shot at ubuunt D:20:15
ArizonaBayalso philipballew20:15
philipballewyeah you can?20:15
ArizonaBayI copy the link address of the magned file and pasted it in the qbittorrent now it workd :c20:16
ArizonaBayalso how do u take a whole sc reen shot ^20:16
philipballewpress the screens shot buttion on your keybord20:16
nlsthzn-workprint screen20:19
ArizonaBaynoooooooooooo he quit20:38
ArizonaBaydoes anyone know why downloading in ubuntu is 10 times slower then in windows ?20:38
nlsthzn-workWhat are you using to download?20:39
ArizonaBayqbittorrent and transmission both gave slow downloading20:39
nlsthzn-workAnd my downloads are solid under both, windows and ubuntu20:39
ArizonaBaybut with qbittorrent its a bit faster20:39
ArizonaBayscratcg that. in both clients it takes me 20 minutes to download 1 episode20:40
ArizonaBayit takes me 5 minutes to do that on windows20:40
ArizonaBaysomeone explain this to me20:40
ArizonaBayand what can id o20:40
nlsthzn-workNot sure... I have not had issues with torrents... I nornally max out my connection easily...20:40
nlsthzn-worksounds like the problem is higher up, with your network drivers etc...20:41
ArizonaBayyou think :c20:42
nlsthzn-workmight be...20:42
nlsthzn-workI can't think of any reasons torrents would be effected seperatly...20:43
johnny77Hello, I'm back. I can't seem to download Ubuntu correctly - md5sum is giving me all kinds of errors. I've downloaded it several times, direct download, bit torrent, desktop, alternate...20:45
elfyjohnny77: shouldn't get an erro with a torrent download20:47
johnny77elfy: keyword: shouldn't.20:48
nlsthzn-workare you sure you are using the correct check-sum?20:48
johnny77I'm typing - md5sum -c filename.iso20:49
elfyassuming you are in the correct directory then I only ever md5sum name.iso20:49
Unit193-c, --check             read MD5 sums from the FILEs and check them    means you're reading the md5sum from filename.iso and that's not right.20:50
johnny77ok, I won't put that in there and I'll try it. But I got a link from here and that is how it said to do it... just letting you guys know.20:51
* nlsthzn-work checks his files by burning them and trying to install... always shows a bad download by borking your PC20:51
Unit193That link says to: md5sum iso-image.iso   or   md5sum -c MD5SUMS21:02
johnny77ok, now I'm getting the right checksum, using md5sum filename.iso  But it is still giving me an missing OS error on boot.21:15
nlsthzn-workIs anyone else effected by this bug?!?!!? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+bug/894112?comments=all21:58
ubot2`Launchpad bug 894112 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu "Precise Pangolin - Please include ubuntuforums.org in the slideshow" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:58
E3D3StumpWM won't start although its installed. I made a .stumpwmrc-file by copying the example-config but get no error-message whatsoever. Can anyone help me ?23:02

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