
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine_
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=== webjadmin is now known as JackyAlcine_
pittiGood morning05:42
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didrocksgood morning07:27
Sweetsharkmorning. unfortunately not so much a good one. :-/07:29
* Sweetshark found out people have ripped him of a ~1000Euros on his Visacard.07:30
bschaeferdidrocks, hey08:07
bschaeferdidrocks, good morning for you08:08
pittihey didrocks08:09
didrockshey bschaefer08:09
didrocksmorning pitti08:09
pittiSweetshark: urgh -- but I guess they'll reimburse it?08:09
bschaeferdidrocks, so a I've been asked about doing an SRU for the new ibus changes08:09
bschaeferdidrocks, or more or less people have asked for it08:10
didrocksbschaefer: hum? did your management asked for it?08:10
thumperdidrocks: no, I told him to ask you :)08:10
bschaeferdidrocks, nope, thumper told me to talk to you about it. As the changes would be in both nux and unity08:10
didrocksbschaefer: seems quite a big change IMHO08:10
thumperand largeish08:11
didrocksbschaefer: and 2 month before we recommend using the LTS08:11
bschaeferdidrocks, agreed08:11
didrocksdoesn't seem reasonable to me08:11
didrocksbetter to focus on precise now08:11
bschaeferdidrocks, I just wanted to check so I have something to tell people when I get asked about it :)08:11
bschaeferdidrocks, but that sounds good thank you :)08:11
didrocksyou can tell the above ^08:11
BigWhaleI am experiencing strange movement of applications when I click their icons in launchre.08:41
=== webjadmin is now known as JackyAlcine_
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone08:45
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?08:45
micahghi chrisccoulson08:45
pittichrisccoulson: is your foot any better?08:45
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, it's much better, thanks08:45
BigWhalechrisccoulson, I hope you didn't shot yourself in the foot. :)08:46
chrisccoulsonheh, not quite ;)08:47
BigWhaleall well then.:)08:47
=== webjadmin is now known as jalcine
pittineed to take my wife to the doctor, back later08:49
glatzormorning mvo08:52
mvohey glatzor!08:52
mvoglatzor: did you had a chance to look at my aptdaemon branch? the one about sudo vs admin group?08:52
glatzormvo, regarding lp:~mvo/aptdaemon/admin-group-fix, we cannot rely on the group that the user is in08:53
mvoglatzor: in the test? or in the actual code?08:53
glatzormvo, every user could theoretically buy software - thanks to policykit08:53
glatzormvo, in the code.08:53
mvoglatzor: hm, in this case we could a) use 0640 and set the group to the users gid or we use the /etc/apt/netrc file for the username/password storing08:54
mvoI guess (b) is more elegant08:54
glatzorjust for the background: ubuntu has merged the sudo group from debian? is there an automatic migration from admin to sudo?08:56
glatzorwhy is the permission root:root insufficient?08:58
glatzordoes the user need to read his own password anywhere?08:58
didrockschrisccoulson: hey hey, how was your week-end?09:04
chrisccoulsondidrocks, yeah, not too bad thanks. and yours?09:04
didrockschrisccoulson: was nice. However, the night was short (took Julie to see the doctor urgently, was feeling some pain. She's better now)09:05
didrocksso, lacking sleep now :)09:05
didrockssalut seb12809:05
chrisccoulsonoh, that sucks. it's good that she's better now though09:05
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:06
seb128lut didrocks09:06
seb128didrocks, what happened to Julie?09:06
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you?09:06
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, not too bad thanks09:06
seb128I made chrisccoulson do desktop work again \o/09:06
chrisccoulsonyeah :)09:06
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks for fixing that, I still don't get why the valgrind log on that bug didn't show an invalid write in nautilus code09:06
didrocksseb128: some stomach pained which seems to have happened shortly, but in an intensive way09:06
seb128didrocks, oh :-(09:07
seb128didrocks, is she better?09:07
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm not sure valgrind works for stuff which isn't heap allocated09:07
didrocksseb128: yeah, way better this morning :)09:07
seb128chrisccoulson, hum, could be, maybe it's time I get a 64bits install ;-)09:07
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks for sorting it in any case!09:07
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome :)09:07
RAOFseb128, didrocks: If you see anyone complaining about "X froze when I moved the mouse to the screen edge to reveal the launcher", bug #946954 is what I'm using to track it.  apw has very kindly furnished me with a backtrace fully describing my oversight.09:28
ubot2`Launchpad bug 946954 in xorg-server "Deadlock on attempting to reveal launcher" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94695409:28
seb128RAOF, hey, ok, great, thanks!09:28
RAOFNow, dinner.09:29
didrocksoh nice, thanks RAOF :)09:29
didrocksRAOF: enjoy09:29
chrisccoulsonRAOF, oh, i keep seeing that bug too09:34
chrisccoulsoni also noticed at the weekend that i get a blank screen when i resume from suspend (although, my session is functional and i can still interact with it - i even see the cursor changing on the screen)09:35
seb128chrisccoulson, but I'm sure you were blaming it on dx :p09:35
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, it's always compiz fault09:35
chrisccoulsoni was getting ready to blame compiz for the nautilus crash ;)09:36
seb128well to be fair that one was dx's fault :p09:36
seb128it was a patch from them09:36
chrisccoulsonooh, nice: https://twitter.com/#!/mozhacks/status/176597541285142528 ;)09:37
seb128ok, I'm out for half an hour or so, bbiab09:37
mvoglatzor: ups, sorry missed your message. so ubuntu did merge sudo but there is *no* automatic migration09:42
mvoglatzor: root.root and 640 is not good  because then apt will not be able to read the package information for that repository09:43
mvoglatzor: and 644 is not good because the password is visible systemwide09:43
mvoglatzor: the alternative is 644 and putting the password into /etc/apt/netrc, maybe that is the way to go, let me test, its pretty much untested :/09:44
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mvoglatzor: so /etc/apt/auth.conf seems to be fine, would you accept the patch if I simply write to there?09:59
xclaesseis it known that language reverted to English in ubuntu precise?10:00
xclaessemaybe lang pack are broken or something?10:00
seb128xclaesse, no, works fine here10:01
seb128xclaesse, what does "locale" say?10:01
xclaessehm, weird, it's a mix of fr_FR and en_US...10:02
seb128did you play with the control center region capplet?10:02
xclaesseseb128, I've played with the stuff in keyboard layout (not asking why language is there...)10:03
seb128xclaesse, seems like a bug in the region stuff then10:03
xclaesseseb128, ok, I've moved french to the top in ubuntu's language window, and now all is fine10:06
xclaesseso it seems that conflicts with g-c-c10:06
seb128it should not, the GNOME region stuff is known to be buggy and unfinished though, that's why we hide it under Unity10:08
seb128it was on the list of stuff to fix for this cycle but we didn't get to it10:08
seb128so next cycle I guess10:08
xclaesseseb128, ok fair enough :)10:15
glatzormvo auth.conf?10:26
micahgseb128: is there any reason not to update to the latest libglib-perl? I see one small feature (Add a fallback implementation of SvMAGIC_set), it also fixes the FTBFS in the latest rebuild10:26
seb128micahg, don't ask me, I've no clue about perl nor interest for it10:27
seb128micahg, but not reason as far as I'm concerned10:27
mvoglatzor: yeah, its a (very underused) feature in apt to support seperation of credentials from sources.list10:27
mvoglatzor: I work on a branch for it now and updated the merge proposal10:27
glatzormvo, ah I see - back from Lucid :)10:27
mvoglatzor: yes10:28
mvoglatzor: I push my initial branch and need to run to a appointment10:28
glatzormvo, is it ok for you if I take a look at it this afternoon?10:28
mvoglatzor: sure, I push my branch and you can tidy it up and make it pretty, sounds good?10:29
mvoglatzor: or I can make it as pretty as possible and you just need to ack it10:30
glatzormvo, that is the way to go!10:30
glatzormvo, it is ok for me to to do the dirty work :)10:30
mvoglatzor: awsome! lp:~mvo/aptdaemon/use-apt-auth.conf is the branch10:30
mvoglatzor: so far it just contains the failing test, but its hopefully easy to add the rest, I will see what I can do before lunch and leave you the pieces ;)10:31
BigWhaleWhy are my windows randomly displaced around the desktops? :/11:06
pittihey seb128, how are you?11:18
seb128pitti, hey, alter! wie gehts?11:18
seb128I'm good thanks, had a relaxing w.e11:18
pittiseb128: me too; we can't do much anyway these days :)11:19
seb128pitti, so my week of effort was just enough to balance your two apport uploads and you got over the mark with jockey today, I'm working on fixing that ;-)11:19
pittiseb128: hehe11:20
seb128pitti, how is your wife doing?11:20
* pitti finishes the lightdm upload he was preparing before11:20
pittiseb128: it's going as expected, no difficulties11:20
seb128ok, good11:20
seb128pitti, >lightdm, I guess it's just the fd leak stuff?11:20
pittia lot of sessions at the physiotherapist and some at the doctor still, of couse11:20
seb128not a fixed 1.1.4?11:20
pittiseb128: oh, right, I should pick that, too11:21
pittiseb128: I'm working on bug 86840011:21
ubot2`Launchpad bug 868400 in gnome-settings-daemon "Synaptics touchpad stops working - two syndaemon instances running" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86840011:21
pittiit also needs a g-s-d fix11:21
seb128pitti, the issue is mostly g-s-d11:21
seb128i.e when gsd segfault and is respawned11:21
pittiyes, understood11:21
seb128I think the lightdm part was a redherring11:21
pittiwell, not quite11:21
pittiit also starts a syndaemon in the greeter session, and it's not properly killed11:22
pittianyway, it can't hurt to just disable it, it's not really needed11:22
pittibut yes, I'll also work on the g-s-d side, that's more involved11:22
seb128gsd side> I think we should do whatever syncdaemon is doing in gsd11:22
seb128like copy the code there if we can11:23
seb128rather than calling an external command11:23
seb128I hoped upstream would pick it up but they didn't yet11:23
pittithat'd be more elegant, but it's also quite a lot of code11:23
pittiand the code also isn't very good11:23
seb128ok, that's what I feared11:23
pittias a g-s-d maintainer I'd be opposed to adopting it11:23
pittiit's a very ugly polling loop, instead of subscribing to key events11:24
seb128I guess the easiest way is to check if a syndaemon is running and not start one in this case11:24
pittiI tried writing an event-based replacement, but did not get that far yet11:24
pittiseb128: right, and I'll start with that11:24
seb128GNOME 3.3.91 tarballs day today btw11:24
pittiwe have bug 906987 to track the "ugly code" part11:24
ubot2`Launchpad bug 906987 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics "syndaemon polls 5 times a second even though it is started with the -R XRecord extension option" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/90698711:24
seb128just for info for those interested11:24
pittiseb128: the fd leak fix doesn't backport well, I'll rather wait for mterry to investigate the 1.1.4 regression11:28
seb128pitti, ok11:29
Sweetsharkpitti: libreoffice_3.5.0-2ubuntu1 on chinstrap is waiting for sponsoring.11:43
Sweetsharkdidrocks: unless you volunteer for ^^11:43
didrocksSweetshark: still kind of busy with unity/compiz11:43
pittiSweetshark: sure, doing; BTW, did you get any feedback on your PPU application?11:49
seb128pitti, urg, your lightdm hack is wrong imho11:54
seb128pitti, I will revert that in the vcs11:56
pittiseb128: oh, how else do you provide an user specific dconf setting?11:56
seb128pitti, lightdm has nothing to do with gsd11:56
seb128pitti, that's an unity-greeter specific issue11:56
pittiperhaps, but it's lightdm which creates the user11:57
seb128pitti, and unity-greeter already has code to disable half the gsd plugins11:57
Sweetsharkpitti: still only one endorsement (yours), so I didnt really push it further.11:57
pittiand the bug is not speicifc to the unity greeter11:57
seb128pitti, no other greeter run gsd11:57
pittiseb128: oh, fair enough; if it's better done in unity-greeter, I won't object11:57
seb128pitti, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-greeter-team/unity-greeter/trunk/view/head:/src/settings-daemon.vala11:59
seb128pitti, I think it's better to add a line there11:59
seb128pitti, rather than doing postinst hacks11:59
pittiseb128: oh, it already disables the mouse plugin12:00
seb128pitti, right, I wonder why the bug is happening at all then :-(12:00
pittiseb128: presumably due to multiple g-s-ds in one session (after crashing)12:01
pittiseb128: ok, I'll revert it in lightdm then, sorry12:01
seb128pitti, no worry, just revert it in the vcs12:01
seb128pitti, I'm puzzled by the second entry in the changelog btw, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/95371871/lightdm_1.1.4.is.1.1.3-0ubuntu1_1.1.4.is.1.1.3-0ubuntu2.diff.gz12:02
=== CharlieMike is now known as ayan
seb128pitti, I see no actual change matching it?12:02
pittihm, that change already was in bzr12:03
pittiso yes, that looks missing indeed12:03
pittiseb128: I'll add it for good, while I'm at it12:04
pittiseb128: thanks for spotting this12:04
seb128hum, I disconnected during lunch it seems12:20
seb128pitti, if you said anything for me after my " oh, I bet robert_ancell forgot to bzr add in r1077" please say it again ;-)12:20
seb128(or anyone else)12:20
pittiseb128: I didn't actually see that any more12:21
pittipitti | hm, that change already was in bzr12:21
pittipitti | so yes, that looks missing indeed12:21
pittipitti | seb128: I'll add it for good, while I'm at it12:21
pittipitti | seb128: thanks for spotting this12:21
seb128pitti, thanks ;-)12:21
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
mvoglatzor: welcome back, I have a merge-proposal for you, but a second pair of eyes is more than welcome :)12:49
mvoglatzor: so for the install-different-versions branch you suggest that I simply make my code smarter to understand about upgrade/downgrade and use that when  a version is forced? and that will work even if apt is not of the opinion that the package is upgradable (its only upgradable when the version is explicitely set)?12:52
m4n1shdidrocks: ping13:00
didrockshey m4n1sh13:00
* didrocks will try to find some time to have a break at some point :)13:00
m4n1shas you wished, here is UIFe proposal https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/activity-log-manager/+bug/94555713:00
ubot2`Launchpad bug 945557 in activity-log-manager "[UIFe] Selection list for blocking application logging provides usage and last-used column. Upload activity-log-manager 0.9.3" [Undecided,New]13:00
m4n1shyou need to go hiking in the alps after every ubuntu release13:00
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
didrocksm4n1sh: well, I was born in the alps, so knowing this kind of landscape quite well ;)13:01
m4n1shthat's even better13:01
m4n1shso what is the next step for UIFe process13:01
m4n1shwill it discussed in release meeting or they will look into the proposal separately?13:01
didrocksm4n1sh: we need to wait for the documentation team to ack or nack the change13:02
didrocksm4n1sh: as you subscribed them, they should look at it13:02
didrocksmaybe, try to catch some people on IRC as well13:02
didrockslike Jeremy is around normally13:02
m4n1shoh, he is in docs team. never knew that13:03
didrocksyeah ;)13:03
didrocksasking when he's around is the easiest way13:03
desrtgood morning, ubupeeps13:04
seb128hey desrt13:04
* m4n1sh once saw a photo of desrt comically photoshopped with ploum13:05
didrockssomething in a bed I guess :)13:05
didrockshey desrt13:05
m4n1shI think I found it, but not sure if it as per CoC13:05
seb128the internet never forget ;-)13:05
desrtm4n1sh: i think everyone has seen that picture13:07
m4n1shit turned up on PGO and Planet Ubuntu13:08
desrtincluding my parents...13:08
desrtit comes up on the first page when you google my name, so.....13:08
desrtpretty much everyone i know has seen it :p13:08
m4n1shso as per the post next up is with vincent13:10
desrtfortunately vuntz doesn't have the same flair for GIMP as ploum13:10
glatzormvo, sorry. my laptop crashed.13:19
mvoglatzor: no worries13:20
mvoglatzor: glatzor: welcome back, I have a merge-proposal for you, but a second pair of eyes is more than welcome :)13:20
mvo glatzor: so for the install-different-versions branch you suggest that I simply make my code smarter to understand about upgrade/downgrade and use that when  a version is forced? and that will work even if apt is not of the opinion that the package is upgradable (its only upgradable when the version is explicitely set)?13:20
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
Sweetsharkricotz: thats for the python reply. I thought that was a backport only issue. sorry about that.13:25
glatzormvo,  I will be back soon13:26
glatzorsee you13:26
mvoglatzor: see you13:26
ricotzSweetshark, yeah, it is a upstream problem after all ;), but thanks for notifying13:27
Sweetsharkricotz: 90% of our open launchpad LO bugs are upstream -- and most even feature requests, so no exception there ;)13:29
ricotzSweetshark, alright -- don't forget to push the git changes13:30
Sweetsharkricotz: done already.13:31
ricotzSweetshark, i see, wasnt there when i looked ealier ;)13:32
xclaesseis there a way to disable apparmor on mission-control ?13:35
xclaessenow when I install a telepathy-gabble from source, MC won't be able to read my accounts anymore because:13:36
xclaesseopen("/usr/local/share//telepathy/managers/gabble.manager", O_RDONLY) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)13:36
jdstrandxclaesse: sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.telepathy to temporarily do it. to do it permanently, sudo aa-disable /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.telepathy. You can also add entries to /etc/apparmor.d/loca/usr.lib.telepathy such as '  /usr/local/** mr,' and do 'sudo apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.telepathy'13:40
jdstrand/etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.telepathy allows you to make local policy changes13:40
xclaessejdstrand, thanks13:43
* xclaesse just disabled permanently, to not get bothered anymore :)13:43
* jdstrand does not generally advocate that ;)13:44
xclaessejdstrand, any reason to not include /usr/local in those rules?13:45
jdstrandit isn't really appropriate for the disto. any number of things can be in there13:46
xclaessehm, and teleapthy-* installed in /usr/local/libexec does not seems to get dbus-activated anymore neither13:49
kenvandinegood morning everyone13:50
xclaessejdstrand, I don't get it, only root can install in /usr/local13:52
xclaesseso surely if that's compromised, there is nothing you can do anymore....13:53
jdstrandxclaesse: /usr/local is site-specific and we don't know what's in there. the profile itself limits what it can read from /usr as well, which is also admin controlled. the point is to have a policy that is still meaningful security-wise. allowing all of /usr/local is too open13:54
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
xclaessejdstrand, is there a way to disable all of apparmor? even after disabling the telepathy rules, telepathy-gabble installed in /usr/local does not get dbus-activated13:58
jdstrandxclaesse: if you are not getting any apparmor denials (look at kern.log), then it shouldn't be apparmor blocking that. that said, yes you can disable apparmor: boot with apparmor=014:00
xclaessejdstrand, I see no apparmor log in kern.log14:02
xclaesseeven though I'm 100% sure that denial ( open("/usr/local/share//telepathy/managers/gabble.manager", O_RDONLY) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)) was because of apparmor since disabling telepathy rules made it pass immediately14:03
jdstrandxclaesse: you might be hitting the kernel rate limiting: sudo sysctl -w kernel.printk_ratelimit=014:06
jdstrandxclaesse: surely apparmor was not allowing /usr/local/share//telepathy/managers/gabble.manager, but that doesn't mean it is blocking dbus services (indeed, we don't confine dbus in Ubuntu)14:08
* jdstrand points xclaesse to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApparmor14:08
m4n1shjbicha: ping14:17
Robot101jdstrand: why is this file in /usr/local being prohibited anyway?14:17
jdstrandbecause the policy doesn't allow it (see backscroll for why the policy is written this way)14:17
Robot101I only recently joined14:18
jdstrand07:54 < jdstrand> xclaesse: /usr/local is site-specific and we don't know14:18
jdstrand                  what's in there. the profile itself limits what it can read14:18
jdstrand                  from /usr as well, which is also admin controlled. the point14:18
desrtmore telepathy apparmor woes?14:19
jdstrand                  is to have a policy that is still meaningful security-wise.14:19
jdstrand                  allowing all of /usr/local is too open14:19
Robot101isn't the policy supposed to protect from buggy software, not buggy administrators?14:19
Robot101like, /usr/local is still admin-controlled14:19
jdstranddesrt: if there are bugs in the telepathy profile, please file them14:19
cyphermoxRobot101: there is no reason to put things in /usr/local/ rather than somewhere else in /usr/ allowed by policy.14:20
desrtjdstrand: just thinking about this recent bug where the profile caused problems with dconf as well14:20
cyphermox(or elsewhere on the filesystem of course)14:20
jdstrandRobot101: the policy is not supposed to protect against buggy software, it is supposed to limit the accesses the confined application has access to so an attacker as a smaller attack surface14:20
jbicham4n1sh: good morning14:20
m4n1shjbicha: good evening :)14:20
Robot101jdstrand: well... yes. I characterise an application controlled by an attacker to be buggy. :)14:20
Robot101cyphermox: because the FHS says that's what /usr/local is for, the local administrator to put things which they'd like to be run on the system?14:21
m4n1shjbicha: are you in ubuntu-doc team? can you approve my mail which is in the queue? (I am not subscribed, but as per UIFe policy, I need to send a mail to it)14:21
jdstrandif an admin is installing things in /usr/local, the admin presumably knows what he/she is doing and can update the /etc/apparmor.d/local policy14:21
cyphermoxRobot101: nm me, I thought this was a different kind of policy (regarding packaging things in /usr/local/)14:21
jbicham4n1sh: I'm not a list admin, you could try subscribing to the list and then resending your email14:22
cyphermoxregardless, I'm fully behind jdstrand re: the rationale for not allowing /usr/local/ in apparmor policy14:22
m4n1shjbicha: looks like the only way left14:22
xclaessejdstrand, I doubt ever dev building their sw knows about apparmor14:22
jdstrandthat admin knows better than us where things are being installed. we shouldn't try to guess that or water down the shipped policy14:22
xclaesse(hm, in the meantime, it seems my gabble gets activated now... wondering what I changed...)14:23
Robot101I don't think that follows at all - the admin can't necessarily be expected to be familiar enough with apparmor or telepathy to correctly reconfigure those things14:23
jdstrandxclaesse: that may be true, but an admin can ask for help, like you did. we don't want to reduce the security policy of the (vast) many for the few14:23
* kenvandine runs out for a bit, bbl14:23
Robot101I still don't understand what "vulnerability" running stuff which was put into /usr/local by root actually exposes you to - root can disable apparmor or any policy anyway can't they?14:24
jdstrandif you are an admin, you by definition should know how to administer the system. apparmor provides debug logs for denials14:24
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jdstrandRobot101: you are conflating two things. we are protecting the normal user. if there is a security bug in telepathy, we want to limit what it has access to. just like we allow specific accesses to /usr, we don't allow full access to /usr/local. if you want full access to /usr/local, put it in /etc/apaprmor.d/local14:25
jdstrandRobot101: if someone were running telepathy as root, it would prevent a security bug from allow root to modify policy via telepathy14:26
jdstrandapparmor is root strong14:26
Robot101is there some middleground where we could provide the policy for, eg, telepathy to work properly in /usr/local, but have it disabled by default?14:26
jdstrandwell, we have that now. anyone can add whatever they want to /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.telepathy14:27
Robot101the policy embodies a load of domain knowledge in how telepathy and apparmor should interact which I don't expect on average, an admin would have - and they'd just disable apparmor as a consequence of "stuff doesn't work"14:27
jdstrandas for some sort fo runtime variable-- it would be possible, but then the developer still needs to know to switch it14:27
desrtRobot101: +114:27
desrtmy general approach to apparmor is the same as my general approach to selinux: my life is a lot easier when i turn it off14:28
jdstrandwhich, in this case, they have to know about apparmor, and can just add the rule in /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.lib.telepathy14:28
desrtover-active policies just make me turn it off that much faster14:28
Robot101yeah, but we're going to get a bunch of support requests from this - "I installed this; stuff didn't work" "ok, disable apparmor"14:28
jdstranddesrt: that is very unfortunate. if there iare bugs against apparmor policy in Ubuntu, please file them. we work extremely hard to have the apparmor policy work for normal users in the default install14:29
xclaessejust like SElinux14:29
Robot101the net result of neither us nor the administrator understanding or caring about apparmor. if we could say run "sudo aa-enable telepathy-local" or whatever, that'd be far nicer.14:29
desrtjdstrand: i think i have a fundamental disagreement with the idea behind things like apparmor/selinux14:29
jdstrandRobot101: we've shipped apparmor policy for various things since hardy. this is not new. people file bugs, we fix them14:29
jdstranddesrt: then we disagree. I would appreciate if you would not promote deactivating a meaningful protection that is protecting literally millions of users because you have a philosophical problem with it. by all means, on any systems you administer, do what you want, but the protection is real14:31
jdstrandplenty of times remote code execution vulnerabilities were reduced to a denial of service because of apparmor protections14:31
jdstrand(and these are noted in our USNs)14:31
seb128desrt, Robot101: well, normal users don't install stuff in /usr/local or when they do that 90% of the time bite them back later14:33
seb128some days I think we should drop /usr/local being loaded before /usr by default14:33
jdstrandRobot101: if you would like that functionality, please file a bug and submit a patch. we have been shipping a telepathy policy since oneiric. we have had extremely few bugs against the policy when compared against the number of users14:33
seb128it keeps bitting people who do make install without understanding and 1.5 year later wonder why things stop working because they have a 1.5 years old glib in local14:34
desrtseb128: i think /usr/local is a mistake from a forgotten era14:34
jdstrandand when there are bugs, I take them seriously and fix them14:34
seb128desrt, right, Robot101 seems to think it's not useful,used though14:34
desrtseb128: that doesn't change my fundamental hate for selinux and (to a lesser extent) apparmor :)14:34
Robot101jdstrand: I'm not 100% convinced either way - I just wanted to hear the arguments :)14:34
Robot101I don't disagree that a maximally-restrictive but properly-functioning policy by default is the best thing14:35
xclaessenote that it's not only /usr/local, if you install a telepathy CM in any prefix, you won't be able to use it until you disable apparmor rule14:35
seb128Robot101, your users should never have to fiddle with /usr/local14:35
seb128xclaesse, that seems wrong, the normal /usr directory for those should be whitelisted14:36
xclaesseseb128, that's even worse, you mean I should make install into /usr ??14:36
seb128xclaesse, no, I mean normal users shouldn't make install ever14:36
jdstranddesrt: I doubt I would convince you of anything else. but know that the security team is keenly aware of people knee-jerkingly turning off selinux and do not want them to turn off apparmor. we strive hard to make sure things work for people. there are bugs-- report them and we'll fix them. we also are keen to not break things-- look at the disabled by default rsyslog policy for evidence. we ship it, but could not ship it enabled for all Ubun14:37
xclaesseyeah, normal users are on windows7 anyway :p14:37
xclaesseseb128, devs are pretty common linux users...14:37
Robot101xclaesse: seb128 has a point - old crap in /usr/local probably breaks our stuff more often than apparmor does :)14:37
seb128xclaesse, dev should be able to run aa-complain or have a custom profile14:37
desrtjdstrand: i appreciate your position and i do appreciate that apparmor is quite a lot less bad than selinux14:37
desrtjdstrand: but these sort of added-on-after-the-fact approaches to security will always have these sorts of problems14:38
didrockschrisccoulson: hey, are you still on unity on precise, right?14:39
desrtby and large, the 'upstream' world has failed to be convinced that one of these systems is necessary or useful14:39
desrtand therefore software is not written with it in mind14:39
jdstrandcertainly. unfortunately stuff has security bugs and we can't fix them before the fact. telepathy is a network listening daemon installed on all Ubuntu systems and in use on many. a bug in it is scary stuff, so we do the best we can with what we've got14:39
mdeslaurdesrt: that's because upstream thinks they write secure code :)14:39
desrtno.  it's more like upstream thinks that the standard unix permissions model will be good enough14:39
jdstrand(well, we could fix them before the fact with a deep audit, but then the codebase changes so significantly that audit would soon be out of date...)14:40
desrthonestly, this problem won't be solved by something like apparmor14:41
desrtit's just a hack/workaround14:41
desrtwe need a proper privilege separation concept in the kernel as a first-class citizen14:41
desrtsomething like what android does, for example14:41
Robot101telepathy upstream doesn't think we write secure code - we designed telepathy specifically so it /could/ be thusly contained :)14:41
Robot101I mean, we load in libpurple. we're automatically doomed.... :P14:41
xclaesseeach distro having completely different security rules/tools does not help trusting them...14:41
desrt(although that's obviously insane for us to adopt in its current form)14:41
Robot101olpc's rainbow thing did the same uid containment thing pretty nicely14:42
mdeslaurdesrt: we're more like what ios does14:42
desrtthings like disabling ptrace by default are quite helpful14:42
desrtbut probably nowhere near good enough14:42
desrtanyway.. what i think i mean is that there needs to be higher walls between processes as a basic property of the normal functioning of the operating system14:43
desrtnot according to some policy written by a human that changes from time to time14:44
desrtuntil that happens we are failing14:44
desrtpitti: ping14:45
pittihello desrt (on call)14:46
desrtpitti: just a poke about XDG_RUNTIME_DIR14:46
desrtpitti: things are going to start getting *really* bad for dconf+nfs if you don't support this14:46
desrtpitti: i have an incoming patch, basically.  i could probably argue that we're well past feature freeze and i should hold off until next cycle14:48
desrtpitti: but it's absolutely certainly going to be in by early next cycle14:48
desrtif you will go systemd already next cycle and don't want to waste time doing the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR upstart hack in the meantime i could use that as an argument to wait14:49
mitya57jbicha: Can you please upload gnome-panel 3.3.91? It fixes half of bug 828392 :)15:03
ubot2`Launchpad bug 828392 in gnome-panel "light-themes don't display well in gnome-panel 3+" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82839215:03
dobeyseb128: i'm going to ping moch to make a rb release, when that side of the globe comes on-line later today, but if he doesn't make a tarball release tonight, do you think it would be better to package a snapshot, or to cherry-pick some fixes into the ubuntu package?15:20
seb128dobey, either way, I didn't look at git enough but I would be in favor of snapshot to reduce the delta with the next tarball15:21
dholbachcan we do something about the desktop sponsoring items? there's 22 of them (not only quicklists)15:23
dobeyseb128: ok. it brings back magnatune plug-in i think, and a few other big changes (like getting rid of most all the gtk_dialog_run usage).15:23
dobeyricotz: i guess i should ask you if you have any opinion on it as well? ^^15:23
seb128dobey, open a ffe bug I guess15:24
seb128dholbach, heya15:24
dholbachhey seb12815:25
seb128dholbach, I will try to have a look but today is GNOME 3.3.91 tarball day so it's likely to not be your lucky day for sponsoring15:25
dholbachthanks seb12815:26
didrocksseb128: when you get a chance, can you try latest compiz and unity (I just copied them in unity-team/ppa)?15:26
seb128didrocks, ok15:26
didrocksseb128: seems that most of RC bugs are fixed, but I still don't get any appmenu showing on pressing alt on Qt app or xul ones15:26
didrocksthanks seb128 :)15:27
didrocksseb128: I can help you with 3.3.91 btw now15:27
seb128didrocks, \o/15:27
seb128didrocks, well waiting for tarballs still mostly but that will start soon :p15:27
didrockslet's do no-brainer uploads :)15:27
didrocksok ;)15:27
* didrocks opens the pad15:27
seb128didrocks, maybe you can get the gedit ql patch in? It seems mostly good on bugzilla and they already rolled their tarball for this week15:28
didrocksseb128: hum, sorry? I don't see it on the gnome ftp ML15:31
seb128didrocks, "it"?15:32
* Sarvatt will be extremely happy to see https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/942625 fixed in 5.6.0, all macs are hanging in unity when 3 fingers are used on the bcm5974 touchpads and there are bugs all over the place about it15:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 942625 in unity "Unity hangs when touching my touchpad/trackpad" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:33
seb128didrocks, sorry I was unclear, jbicha did it on friday already, it's just the unity list patch15:33
didrocksah ok :) didn't get any newer than 3.3.5 :)15:33
didrocksok, adding the ql then, I guess it's on the sponsoring list15:33
seb128didrocks, bug #93874815:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 938748 in gedit "Add Unity Quicklist support" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93874815:34
didrocksseb128: thanks15:34
BigWhaleWhy do I always find these potentially useful programs that are unmaintained and broken? :(15:45
=== ken[out] is now known as kenvandine
BigWhaleIt seems I'll be picking up another thing that barely works and I'll fix it ...15:58
ockhamanyone feel like reviewing this?16:15
ockham https://code.launchpad.net/~ockham-razor/unity-lens-bliss/distutils/+merge/8470216:15
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
didrocksm4n1sh: around?16:31
seb128didrocks, there are some tarballs now if you feel like doing some16:33
m4n1shdidrocks: yes16:33
didrocksseb128: ok :)16:33
didrocksm4n1sh: famous last words? Going to update to newer a-l-m, nothing I should be awared of apart from your email?16:34
m4n1shdidrocks: what else do you want to know?16:34
didrocksm4n1sh: just checking that anything went badly meanwhile :)16:34
m4n1shha ha. nothing here16:35
m4n1shbrb. dinner16:35
didrocksm4n1sh: enjoy :)16:36
kenvandineseb128, i'm going to start uploading all the packages that need to change for the new empathy to the ~ubuntu-desktop PPA16:36
kenvandineeven pidgin will need a rebuild :(16:37
seb128kenvandine, ok16:37
kenvandinefarstream build dep16:37
seb128oh, ok16:37
kenvandineso the package rename16:37
* didrocks knows someone who didn't update the gnome-utils debian/watches :p16:53
Riddellwasnae me!16:53
Riddelldidrocks: how much do you use debian/watches files?16:54
didrocksRiddell: I do uscan on debian/ only bzr dir to check the version bump I need to do in debian/changelog16:55
Riddelldidrocks: how do you know you need to do that?  surely if upstream tells you there's a new version you already don't need to run uscan16:55
seb128didrocks, wazza! gnome-screenshot? iz new source with a correct watch!16:56
didrocksRiddell: so, you always download manually the tarball for you bzr branch16:56
didrocksseb128: ah interesting… in fact, was me :) the parent branch was gnome-utils16:57
didrocksand somehow bzr didn't complain16:57
* didrocks rm -rf * and bzr branch a clean new complete seb128's bzr branch :)16:57
seb128didrocks, we use full source now, i.e ubuntu:gnome-screenshot16:58
seb128did I forgot to drop the vcs from the control?16:58
seb128that I might have done :p16:58
didrocksno, I'm just using old branches16:58
didrocksdidn't try debcheckout16:58
* didrocks does to check16:58
seb128didrocks, I was too lazy to create a project and launchpad wouldn't let me use ~ubuntu-desktop/gnome-screenshot without a project with the same name16:58
didrocksseb128: you dropped it :)16:58
didrocksI thought you changed your mind!16:58
didrocksjust for less than a minute :)16:58
* didrocks apt-get source then16:59
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
seb128dobey, the gsettings key mirco listed on that bug exists17:13
seb128dobey, your notify-osd is correctly installed?17:13
dobeyseb128: it's not incorrectly installed. at least, it's installed as the packaging system installed it. and dconf-editor shows no notify-osd keys in it under com.canonical17:28
seb128dobey, gsettings list-recursively com.canonical.notify-osd17:28
seb128what does that say?17:28
seb128  <schema id="com.canonical.notify-osd" path="/apps/notify-osd/">17:29
seb128dobey, I guess it's under apps > notify-osd in the editor17:29
dobeyseb128: oh, hmm. that does list them17:29
dobeywell that's a bug then i guess17:29
seb128I blame gsettings for have id and path17:30
seb128rather than using the id as a path :p17:30
dobeybut still, notify-osd doesn't have a setting for that key, which does what i want it to do. and for some reason it's not an enum, so i can type any value into the list, even though it won't work. whee17:33
seb128dobey, what are you trying to get?17:36
Saviqdesrt, hey, didrocks pointed me your way with a problem we have in unity-2d tests17:38
Saviqdesrt, one of our tests relies on a schema being installed17:38
Saviqbut we'd rather not actually install the package that provides it17:38
Saviqso I created a fake schema, compiled it and pointed GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR to the dir17:38
Saviqdesrt, but that didn't help, not even with GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory17:39
Saviqdesrt, it would be great if you'd have an idea how to tackle that17:40
desrtSaviq: should have worked...17:40
desrtthe backend has nothing to do with it, though17:40
desrtSaviq: you point the schema dir to the place that has the gschemas.compiled?17:40
seb128saviq: did you run glib-compile-schemas on that dir?17:42
Saviqseb128, yes17:42
Saviqdesrt, yes17:42
desrtshould be working, then17:42
Saviqif I go `gsettings list-schemas` then it works17:42
Saviqshows the schema17:42
desrtsounds working, indeed17:42
desrtbut g_settings_new() for the same schema fails?17:42
Saviqdesrt, we're not using those APIs directly, let me try and find out what's our path17:43
Saviqdesrt, oh it seems you wrote QConf - so yeah, we're using that :)17:44
dobeyseb128: i want the notifications to only appear on the primary display17:44
desrtSaviq: i bet it doesn't look at the environment variable17:45
desrtnope... it does17:45
desrtit really should be working17:45
Saviqdesrt, ok so I'd say I'm not setting the env var soon enough17:45
Saviqdesrt, ok let me try something else17:46
seb128dobey, isn't that the default mode?17:46
dobeyseb128: no. as per my bug report, it pops at the far right of all screens17:48
dobeyand dbarth changed my bug to be a bug about it not popping on the screen with the foucsed window; which just seems like a silly thing to do anyway, to me17:48
seb128what, showing notification on the screen you are looking at?17:51
dobeyseb128: focused window != eye focus17:54
seb128dobey, well you have a good chance that you are working on the focussed application so it's a reasonable bet17:54
seb128or rather looking at the screen which has the focussed application17:54
dobeyi very often have something focused on one screen, and am looking at firefox or something on the other screen (and even scrolling the unfocused window)17:55
dobeyand even when my eye focus is on the right screen, it's usually toward the left of the screen, not the center of it (generally, my eye focus stays near the split between both screens), and the notification is so far away that by the time i notice there is a notification, it is fading away, and i can't read it or even see what it was for17:56
seb128dobey, right, I don't argue your usecase it's not valid, I'm just saying the "use the screen which has the focus" is a reasonable default17:57
seb128dobey, some user do look at the screen they are working on ;-)17:57
dobeyi don't think it is a reasonable default, when the rest of unity doesn't do that.17:57
dobeythe rest of unity is on all screens at all times17:57
seb128dobey, should be on all screen by default?17:57
seb128yeah, works for me17:57
dobeyso the notification default should probably be to pop on all screens by default17:57
seb128dobey, well it was not at the time notify-osd took that behaviour17:57
seb128but yeah, since that changed this cycle notify-osd should probably follow17:58
dobeywell, it doesn't seem to have taken that behavior yet. since it's not the default and i never changed the config :)17:58
seb128you should open a bug about that if there is not one17:58
dobeywell i made that comment in my bug after dbarth changed it18:00
dobeythough i don't know why he made it affect unity, since it's all in notify-osd18:00
seb128dobey, check with dbarth I guess18:01
jcastroAnyone have any insight on bug #924612 ?18:05
ubot2`Launchpad bug 924612 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGABRT in __GI___assert_fail()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92461218:05
jcastrospecifically if anyone has a clue on things I can do less of to make it not crash. :)18:06
dobeyjcastro: log in less?18:06
pittiseb128: want me to look into the new glib version, or are you on it?18:06
seb128jcastro, it's not a bug18:06
seb128pitti: I'm on it18:06
seb128pitti: but thanks ;-)18:06
jcastroseb128: Aww man, I was hoping it was a GTK boog18:06
seb128pitti: they have new g-i tarballs18:06
pittiseb128: oohh, finally18:07
* pitti grabs in pad18:07
seb128pitti: if you want to do those18:07
dobeyseb128: anyway, i just filed #947339 for the gsettings schema bug. :)18:07
seb128dobey, thanks18:07
didrockshave a good night18:18
Saviqdesrt, take a look here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/870263/18:21
Saviqdesrt, do you recognize where the "Settings schema 'com.canonical.Unity' is not installed" message comes from?18:21
desrtSaviq: why are you root?18:22
Saviqdesrt, that's pbuilder18:22
desrtyou will definitely need to use the memory backend in this case18:22
desrtbecause you don't have a dbus18:22
desrtbut qconf doesn't have backends18:22
desrtso you're screwed :)18:22
desrti think you can't do what you're trying to do, basically18:23
desrtunless you whip up a fake dbus18:23
Saviqdesrt, but then I'd have to launch the dconf backend with GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR, right?18:24
Saviqdesrt, ok thanks, will work off of that18:25
dbarthdobey: because affecting unity is our way to track that along with the main unity release18:27
dbarthdobey: otherwise, it all goes into /dev/null18:27
dobeythat is confusing18:28
dbarthdobey: and as for the focus, i'll clarify with john tomorrow18:28
dbarthdobey: for you, but not for the people who have to release it ;)18:28
dbarthwhether it should be window focus or just mouse focus18:28
dbarthi guess the former18:28
dobeyi don't want it to be any focus. and the default should be all screens i guess18:28
dbarthso a patch to determine which monitor holds the focused window would be nice if you know how to do that quickly18:29
dobeythat's easy to do, and afaict, notify-osd already does that, it just isn't the default18:29
dobeyjust tested it, and it will pop up on the screen where the window is focused18:30
ronocmvo - ping ?18:36
ronocthat signal on the package kit interface has changed18:36
ronocby the looks of things18:36
ronocso now it's restartschedule instead of restartscheduled ?18:37
ronocis this correct ?18:37
ronoci.e. i don't want to push a release with this small change if it is to be reverted18:37
micahgseb128: your glib changelog mentions pcre 8.30, but precise only has 8.1218:52
seb128micahg, I'm just copying the upstream NEWS18:56
seb128micahg, that's the pcre copy in the glib source18:56
micahgseb128: right, just wanted to make sure that we weren't expecting anything from it :)19:01
dobeyhas anyone else experienced lost button press/release events in precise?19:03
dobeylike, sometimes i will click on the send/recv icon in the evolution toolbar, and it will press, but not pop back up (like it stays pressed in), and thus not actually check for new mail, but it doesn't have a mouse grab, and i can click on other windows/applications just fine19:05
seb128dobey, I noticed that a few times in the control center breadcumb while doing debugging19:23
dobeyseb128: i wonder if it's a gtk+ issue, or something one of the unity things is doing that breaks it19:25
seb128dobey, not sure either19:26
mvoglatzor: <ronoc> that signal on the package kit interface has changed. so now it's restartschedule instead of restartscheduled ? <- did you see that?19:26
nessitahello everyone! quick questions, would anyone know if changing a string from using "old" python string formatting to new style triggers a retranslation of the string? an example: going from "Hello %(world)s" to "Hello {world}"19:29
dobeynessita: yes19:29
nessitadobey: thanks19:29
seb128jbicha, hey19:32
seb128jbicha, is there any reason you stopped using the pad?19:32
jbichaseb128: no, except I wasn't going to do many uploads until tonight19:35
seb128jbicha, well I noticed you ignored my gedit comment on friday and uploaded ghex while it was in the "to claim"19:36
seb128jbicha, so I was wondering ;-)19:36
jbichaseb128: oh, I thought the gedit quicklist was waiting on upstream19:38
jbichaI also didn't expect the pad to say anything over the weekend so I didn't look19:39
seb128jbicha, sort of, it seemed on good enough track for it and since they already rolled their tarball for this week19:39
seb128jbicha, no worry ;-)19:39
seb128jbicha, I just wanted to make sure you didn't ignore it for good because I'm working on some updates :p19:39
jbichayeah I generally keep an eye on it when gnome has a big release day19:40
seb128jbicha, ok, great ;-)19:41
seb128jbicha, how are you btw? ;-)19:41
seb128jbicha, did you talk to pitti about updating gnome-keyring yet?19:41
seb128we should do that this week if at all19:41
seb128since gnome-shell seems to depend on that as well now19:42
jbichaseb128: not yet, he's gone for today right? I think it just needs a ffe now19:46
seb128jbicha, yes19:46
ricotzseb128, dobey, hi, i am all in favor for a git snapshot of rhythmbox if there is no release planned19:46
seb128ricotz, hey, thanks19:46
seb128jbicha, "just", I emailed upstream a few weeks ago and he said most work in this cycle was gnome-shell integration work19:47
seb128jbicha, he also said that "fallback" didn't get that much testing19:47
ricotzseb128, if you want to pick it up a tarball there is one from today in my ppa19:47
seb128jbicha, which is not very encouraging when that's what we use for our default desktop experience ;-)19:48
seb128ricotz, I will let dobey deal with it but thanks19:48
dobeyricotz: hey, thanks.19:48
ricotzseb128, alright19:48
ricotzdobey, go for it then19:49
jbichaseb128: I'll push the gnome-keyring stuff to the desktop ppa then?19:49
seb128jbicha, no, please not, get pitti to ffe ack it first19:49
seb128the desktop ppa is stuff that are aiming at landing this cycle19:50
ricotzjbicha, hi, i guess you are running the new gnome-keyring packages?19:50
seb128we shouldn't put stuff that might get ffe nacked there19:50
dobeyricotz: yeah, i'm just waiting for moch to come on-line, and reply about making a tarball19:50
ricotzdobey, he is online19:50
glatzormvo, ronoc what is the excat problem?19:51
dobeyricotz: he's connected, but i suppose inactive, as he hasn't replied19:51
seb128glatzor, mvo: the issue is indicator-session not picking the "need to restart"19:51
ricotzdobey, ah, i see19:51
seb128glatzor, mvo: seems like ronoc debugged it today and figured that the signal changed since he wrote the code earlier in the cycle19:51
dobeyricotz: it's only 6 am there still :)19:52
ricotzdobey, ok, so he still needs some time ;)19:54
glatzorseb128, mvo I am not aware of a change. it must have been a typo in indicator. the indicator is still not using the pk glib client?19:54
jbicharicotz: yes, gnome-keyring seems fine here19:56
seb128glatzor, it is, see https://code.launchpad.net/~cjcurran/indicator-session/migrate-to-new-apt-api/+merge/9208819:56
seb128glatzor, that's what got merged19:56
seb128glatzor, it has a + else if (g_strcmp0(signal_name, "RestartScheduled") == 0) {19:56
ricotzjbicha, ok, i was holding them back for now19:56
jbicharicotz: please try them out :)19:58
ricotzjbicha, i like to, but i am already dealing with other problems and dont wont to risk to loose the gpg-agent19:59
ricotzi will give them a try later this week19:59
ricotzseb128, which reminds be careful when there is a gtk3 tarball ;)20:00
seb128ricotz, still breaking scrolling?20:00
ricotzyes, pretty much20:00
seb128ricotz, even current trunk?20:01
seb128ricotz, where,in which way?20:01
ricotzalthough my snapshot is 10hours old20:01
ricotzseb128, no way to properly use the scrollwhell20:02
ricotzsurprisingly it works in gedit20:02
ricotzhardly in nautilus20:02
ricotznot working in gnome-terminal20:03
seb128ricotz, is there a bug upstream? did you mention it on the gtk channel?20:04
ricotzseb128, i guess one could turn off the xi2.2 support which might make it work20:05
ricotzseb128, i mentioned it on the weekend to mclasen and he confirmed it20:05
ricotzi dont know if there is a report20:05
seb128ricotz, ok, let's hope they will fix it for the release20:05
seb128ricotz, did you try today? there was some commit yesterday like http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=ab87579e3f7c63ab7b48b535c0aaae959b47882b20:06
seb128ricotz, or http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?id=3dd5e88c07f659d66ee0f7305a96b51b7fe1072d20:06
ricotz19 hoursgdk: Remove an unused enumeration20:06
ricotz(this is a snapshot base ^  -- https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/testing/+sourcepub/2288187/+listing-archive-extra)20:08
dupondjeAre there plans to integrate thunderbird calendar into gnome? Cause now it still connects to evolution22:49
micahgdupondje: not this cycle AFAIK22:52
seb128good evening23:07

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