
pleia2if anyone wants to do editorial review, please do :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue25501:30
pleia2I'll add stats and security stuff in the morning01:30
* nlsthzn is in the final stretch of night shift # 3... mind has vacated the premises01:52
pleia2hehe :)01:53
pleia2good luck on the final stretch!01:53
pleia2I used to work the night shift, but I was younger and didn't like sleep as much01:53
nlsthzn:) well, I am not working night shifts because I like it (which sucks)... but second last one for this cycle is now done... time to go home and catch some epic Zzzzzs....02:39
nlsthzncheers all02:39
dholbachgood morning07:55
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
pleia2stats are in, if anyone wants to do editorial review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue25517:46
pleia2(you can edit the wiki, or just say in here if you see a typo/error)17:46
pleia2I'll publish in 7 hours17:47
nlsthzn-workpleia2: cool ... will have a look see as time permits17:47
MrChrisDruifpleia2; I'll do a final check the Weekly meetings links17:58
pleia2MrChrisDruif: thank you :)18:00
pleia2nlsthzn-work: thanks!18:01
akgranerpleia2, thanks!  you all are rocking18:36
pleia2actually, I'll have time in 2.5 hours to release (lunch break :))19:25
pleia2akgraner: global jam was helpful this weekend, snagged some more summary writers from events :)19:26
akgranerawesome :-)19:26
MrChrisDruifGreat pleia219:29
* Silverlion waves21:34
* MrChrisDruif waves back21:38
MrChrisDruifAre we an ocean now? ^_^21:38
SilverlionMrChrisDruif hoe gaat het ? ... ups. sorry. had to speak dutch all day ...21:39
MrChrisDruifI'm fine, you?21:39
SilverlionTired as hell... customers care for foreign people (dutch in my case) is very exhausting21:40
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue25522:16
Silverlionpleia2 u are doin' a hell of a job in this team ... just so you know22:17
nlsthzn-workawesome, congrats to all... now on to the next one22:17
pleia2Silverlion: thanks22:17
pleia2and thanks everyone :)22:17
MrChrisDruifCredits due where credits due: both akgraner and pleia2 have busted their asses off last year or so to keep UWN afloat!!22:21
Silverlionthat is why ;)22:21
Silverlionmaybe we should get akgraner do an interview ;)22:21
bkerensaakgraner should be interviewed... she is always interviewing everyone else ;p22:45
Silverlionbkerensa feel free ^^23:21
bkerensaSilverlion: oh no... I'm too busy :P as things stand I had to cancel a trip to seattle since release party is next month and conflicts :(23:22
* Silverlion is off now to get some rest23:26
Silverlionluckily my schedule tells me to have two days off duty :D23:26
Unit193Howdy, Froyo.23:27
nlsthzn-workIt's a trap!23:27
IWantFroyoHello there.23:27
IWantFroyoAnyways, I've been thinking of joining the group.23:27
IWantFroyoAnyone willing to provide a link to some information?23:28
pleia2IWantFroyo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam has details for all the stuff we work on23:28
* Silverlion would do so but needs to head for the bed23:28
pleia2and welcome :)23:29
IWantFroyoThank you. Heading over.23:29
nlsthzn-workpleia2: how can new peeps be added to your weekly call to arms?23:30
pleia2nlsthzn-work: details here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Join23:30
pleia2they can email editor.ubuntu.news@ubuntu.com to request to be added23:30
nlsthzn-workoh sorry... should have gone and checked it myself I guess... (just something about wiki's that I don't like) :p23:31
IWantFroyoDo I need to email editor.ubuntu.news@ubuntu.com for an editor position? Or is that just for the publishers and writers?23:33
sheverhi all...nlsthzn-work suggested that I pop over here and basically just rip off exactly what IWantFroyo has said :)23:33
pleia2IWantFroyo: to be an editor you just hang out here and when the newsletter is ready we ask people in channel to review the newsletter :)23:33
pleia2usually happens on Monday23:34
sheverso, if you need a second pedantic proofreader, then I'm happy to add my name to the list. On UF my nick is "lechien73", but for some reason XChat chose my secondary nick when I logged on!23:34
pleia2welcome shever23:34
nlsthzn-workwith many eyes all grammer mistakes are shallow...23:35
pleia2nlsthzn-work: grammar ;)23:35
sheverpleia2 - beat me to it :P23:35
nlsthzn-workglad I hadn't said anything about spellinh23:35
pleia2we only send emails out for summary writing, since those take a couple of days to write23:36
pleia2editing usually happens in a window of just a few hours, so IRC works better than email23:36
IWantFroyoAnyways, I joined the mailing list and the launchpad group. It'll be a pleasure to work with you chaps. My UF account, so we can get to know each other better:http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1212450.23:37
IWantFroyoDo they note the times for working sessions in emails?23:37
pleia2I'm not a chap, but thanks for coming to help out :)23:37
pleia2IWantFroyo: the email includes a link to a document, it's done when all the summaries are completed23:37
pleia2so there isn't really a time23:37
pleia2it starts when the email is sent, ends when all the summaries have been written23:38
IWantFroyoWell, I got to go right now, but I'll be back and at it after the next email.23:38
IWantFroyoGood night!23:38
nlsthzn-workbai IWantFroyo23:39
pleia2hm, they haven't sent an email to get added to the list :\23:39
nlsthzn-worklol... perhaps in time...23:40
sheverI've just requested to join the launchpad group (Matt Rudge is the real name)23:40
pleia2yeah, I'll ask them the next time they join23:40
pleia2shever: thanks, we need to sort out the launchpad groups soon (we don't use them right now, lots of pending people)23:40
shevercould you let me know how to join the mailing list, please? I think I joined a little late in the conversation for that.23:40
pleia2shever: the news team does several things, you can learn about them here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewsTeam23:41
sheverpleia2: great, thanks :)23:41
pleia2link to the mailing list is there :)23:41
pleia2the list I was talking about is different - a list of individuals we email each week when we're ready to get article summaries written23:41
pleia2specifically for Ubuntu Weekly News (one of the three things the news team works on)23:42
sheverok...I recently was approved for membership based on forums contributions, and want to help out more23:43
pleia2great :)23:44
sheversince I mentioned to bodhi_zazen that my particular..."interests" :) were coding and proofreading, I was pointed to here as a starting point23:44
sheverI've proofread technical manuals, and also the "ZX Spectrum Book" by Andrew Rollings, so if you want an irritatingly pedantic old git to look over anything then, I'm ashamed to say, I could well be your man!23:46
pleia2well, as I said we do proof-reading of the newsletter here on Sunday night - Monday (for this week, I asked for reviews 22 hours ago and then again 6 hour sago)23:46
pleia2https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue255 is the latest issue, we ask for proof-readers to make sure the summaries make sense and don't have any obvious errors23:47
pleia2(this one is already released, so no more editing needed)23:48
nlsthzn-work... because butchers of the english language like nlsthzn hacked on it ... :p23:48
sheverGrand...first glance says that "reoccurring" (under 12.04 Development Update) isn't a word - it should be "recurring" ;)23:51
sheverBut I'll pop back on Sunday evenings for proofreading fun :D23:51
Unit193I'm always the one saying something went wrong the day or so after. :P23:51
pleia2shever: see, too late for that issue, but I hope to have your help for the next!23:52
pleia2Unit193 :P23:52
sheverpleia2: no problem...I'll be in and out throughout the week, and back here on Sunday23:52
Unit193You didn't disagree, but I've actually helped better before. :P23:53
pleia2great, thank you :)23:53
sheverin the meantime, it's nearly midnight here...which is my cue to go to bed before Ubuntu gets cited in divorce papers ;)23:54
pleia2hehe, have a good night!23:54
sheveryou too :D23:54

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