
gordonjcpautotools are terrible though00:03
gordonjcplayer upon layer of hideous misfeature00:03
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu Accomplishments Updates - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/03/05/ubuntu-accomplishments-updates/06:18
knightwisemorning everyone07:42
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: Happy Birthday!07:46
TheOpenSourcererThank you AlanBell07:46
AlanBellI would sing happy birthday, but there is a problem with that http://unhappybirthday.com/07:57
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: You have a cluster called the "Train Wreck" named after you: http://arstechnica.com/science/news/2012/03/galactic-pile-up-leaves-behind-mysterious-dark-matter-core.ars08:09
DJonesMorning all08:23
MooDoomorning all08:28
selinuxiumMorning all  o/08:40
diploMorning all08:52
popeymorning all09:02
MooDoomorning popey09:03
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:03
selinuxiumjust realised how long it must of been since I last logged into IRC!09:05
selinuxiumI have updated to precise..09:06
selinuxiumhi czajkowski! how is you?09:07
czajkowskiselinuxium: oi oi :) good thnanks09:07
selinuxiumczajkowski, Nearly let the French win yesterday... Bet you where as fun to watch as the game!09:10
TheOpenSourcererMorning all.09:10
czajkowskiselinuxium: so close :/ gave away the ball too many times09:11
selinuxiumMorning TheOpenSourcerer09:11
bigcalmHappy birthday, TheOpenSourcerer09:12
TheOpenSourcererThanks bigcalm09:12
MooDoono one sing the song though, it's copyright infringement ;)09:13
TheOpenSourcererOoops - Major fail on Github: http://chrisacky.posterous.com/github-you-have-let-us-all-down09:13
oimonwhy would anyone sing happy birthday to someone who isn't friends/relatives?09:16
bigcalmWe're all friends in here09:16
czajkowskioimon: yup lots of times in restaurnants09:16
oimonas the irish theme pubs say, there are no strangers but just friends we haven't met yet..09:17
oimonalthough if they took the cead mile failte literally, you would be there all night getting welcomes before having a drink09:19
oimonmy machine is running like a dog...and chromium wanted 1Gb RAM to have a facebook tab open: guess where i closed the fb tab: http://ubuntuone.com/54DdsAontZK4uQj5thnESe09:35
JamesTaitHappy Monday, folks! :D09:48
dwatkinsI walked into a pub in Ireland once carrying a guitar, and was therefore expected to play it. I doubt them implement that  particular rule in those theme pubs, oimon.09:48
gordonjcpdwatkins: it's the same in Scotland09:49
gordonjcpif you take it out of its case, you can't put it back without playing a tune09:49
dwatkinsgordonjcp: I wasn't aware of that, thanks for the warning (just moved to Edinbrugh)09:50
gordonjcpdwatkins: ah cool, where in Edinburgh?09:50
dwatkinsTollcross, the briht centre of the universe ;)09:52
gordonjcpoh aye09:53
dwatkinsare you also in Edinburgh, gordonjcp?09:53
gordonjcpno, I work in Glasgow but I live just outside09:54
diploWas using a gb of swap as well oimon !09:54
gordonjcpthe edlug bunch are a bit weird09:54
diploWas being hammered :/09:54
dwatkinsI've not met any of them yet, gordonjcp - I do know some retro gaming fans live here, and will be meeting up with them soon09:54
diploAnyone run Ubuntu as there web host ?09:55
diploI've done so for many years but only ever locally :)09:55
MooDoodiplo: debian here so kinda similar09:55
diploWant to make sure I'm secure and set up correctly09:55
dwatkinsdiplo: yeah, but only locally09:55
gordonjcpthey're not so bad now but they used to be a bit Christian Vegan Gender-Dysmorphic Differently-Abled Otherkin Group09:56
dwatkinsdiplo: one thing I would strongly reccomend: denyhosts09:56
diploI can't get permissions correct using Nginx and permissions09:56
diploInstalled Fail2ban already09:56
gordonjcpdiplo: I'm using Debian at the moment but I'm considering switching to Ubuntu Server09:56
diploThink denyhosts is pulled in with it09:56
dwatkinsdiplo: ah good, it's definitely worth having in these days of wardialling09:56
diploI've used ubuntu server on 20+ boxes over the last few years, but never worrying about hosting on the web :)09:57
MooDoodwatkins: my deny.hosts file is getting huge thanks to deny hosts :D09:57
popeyalan@bishop:~$ wc -l /etc/hosts.deny09:57
popey5599 /etc/hosts.deny09:57
dwatkinsMooDoo: sadly I'm not surprised with all those script kiddies out there. It seems we had one on here the other day asking how to nmap the entire planet *rolls eyes*09:57
diploSo my web stuff is in /srv/www/html/<domain>/09:57
diploNginx uses www-data09:58
MooDoonot at many as popey still - 992 /etc/hosts.deny09:58
diploHow would you set permissions09:58
gordonjcpfail2ban > denyhosts09:58
gordonjcpwait, is it denyhosts?09:58
diplowc -l /etc/hosts.deny09:58
diplo19 /etc/hosts.deny09:58
diplolol, only been up 1 1/2 days with nothing set on it09:58
diploah, that's the comments :D09:59
gordonjcppretty sure Arch ditched denyhosts in the stock install09:59
popeymine's been up 4 years09:59
dwatkinsdiplo: I've installed Windows XP and connected the machine to the internet to install a servicepack back when I was much more naive about security and had it infectied with a virus in less time than it took to browse to the update page10:00
popeyso over 1000 a year, 3 a day10:00
MooDoodwatkins: what had you been clicking on?  just installing a service pack wouldn't infect a machine10:01
gordonjcpMooDoo: nothing, most likely10:01
dwatkinsMooDoo: no, connecting it to the internet without a firewall resulted in it being infected in minutes10:01
MooDooi don't believe you :D :p  [but if you insist :)]10:02
gordonjcpMooDoo: <shrug>10:02
gordonjcpMooDoo: ever heard of "port scanning"?10:02
MooDooyeah i suppose10:03
diploDefo happens MooDoo , when that virus that i can't remember name of spread the world10:03
diploLooking for open ports10:03
dwatkinsMooDoo: 'There is now a 50% chance of being infected by an internet worm in just 12 minutes of being online using an unprotected, unpatched Windows PC.' - http://www.sophos.com/en-us/press-office/press-releases/2005/07/pr_uk_midyearroundup2005.aspx10:03
diploTook down our company in minutes10:03
gordonjcpdiplo: Code Red10:03
diplonope, began with an S maybe10:03
diploBeen to man years10:03
gordonjcpI have seen unpatched Windows 2000 boxes be infected on dialup in minutes10:03
diplothat's it!10:04
popeyMooDoo: its well known that windows machines become compromised within minutes of being online if there is no NAT/firewall10:04
diploWe weren't very security concious in those days10:04
diploWe were after :D10:04
* MooDoo shuts up lol10:04
gordonjcpwe had a dialup router in the office I used to work in10:04
diploI wasn't IT in those days either, was one of the users10:04
dwatkinsMooDoo: I couldn't believe it at the time, either - the machine just slowed down without having actually visited any dodgy websites etc.10:04
gordonjcpthe boss's son decided that the firewall was "getting in the way" and hooked his PC directly to the modem10:04
gordonjcpCode Red-ed in two minutes10:04
gordi like that firefox now things every word i type is misspelt, lots of pretty red squiggles10:10
dwatkinsWhat language are you typing in, gord?10:11
dwatkinsah ok, I often write e-mails in French and German, and it sometimes takes my mail client a minute to work this out.10:12
gordyeah no this is just some dictionary bug in firefox or something ;)10:12
dwatkinsmy nephew was fascinated when we got the old typewriter out, because it didn't underline his words in red when he spelled them incorrectly.10:13
dwatkinsI think we should get the BBC Micro out and have him sit there and wait for a game to load from tape.10:13
dwatkinsI did replace the shell on my Ubuntu machine with a command to run Beebem, perhaps that's a better way forward - "if you want internet access, write a TCP/IP stack for the 6502 in machine code!" ;)10:15
MooDoomorning s-fox10:26
s-foxHello MooDoo , how're you?10:26
MooDoos-fox: i'm ok thanks :D10:27
s-foxWhat you up to today then MooDoo ?10:30
MooDoos-fox: i'm at work at the moment, hopefully doing some poster/flyer work tomorrow10:31
dwatkinsmornin s-fox10:35
s-foxHello dwatkins , how are you today10:36
dwatkinsI'm good thanks, how are you?10:36
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:37
MooDoomorning brobostigon how are you this fine day?10:37
brobostigonMooDoo: not bad, various pains, but not bad, also didnt sleep properly. and you?10:37
MooDoobrobostigon: not bad actually, bit of man flu, but ok lol10:39
brobostigonMooDoo: :)10:40
dwatkinsI once said I had flu and was told in no uncertain terms by a friend that if I actually had flu I'd be at death's door :-/ I hope you're all better soon and it's just a bit of a cold, MooDoo10:41
gordonjcpI had the flu and was told that if it really was the flu I'd be at death's door and it was in fact a cold10:44
gordonjcpand then having snottered and sneezed for a couple of days and taken enough sudafed to kill an Israeli fighter pilot, it turned out that I did, in fact, have the flu10:44
MooDoodwatkins: man flu = little bit of the sniffles but feel like i'm dying ;)10:45
dwatkinsah yes, 'tis a common phrase down our way, MooDoo ;)10:47
s-foxI am good thank you dwatkins , poking around on mod website :)10:48
s-foxHello brobostigon :)10:48
dwatkinss-fox: I daren't ask what kind of poking you're doing to their website10:48
brobostigonhello s-fox :)10:48
s-foxTrying to find what I am looking for dwatkins ;)10:49
dwatkinsisn't their purpose to make stuff difficult to find? ;)10:49
MartijnVdSs-fox: ♫ But [you] still haven't found what you're looking for ?10:49
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: and I thought I'd be the only one to think of that song...10:49
s-fox /kick Martinp23 for being musical on a monday morning ;)10:49
MartijnVdSpoort Martinp2310:50
s-foxoops, wrong marti ;)10:50
MartijnVdSWow.. Asus barebone + 4G RAM + (disk I have lying around) + Sempron CPU = cheap10:52
MartijnVdSVERY cheap10:52
dwatkinscheaper than a Raspberry Pi, MartijnVdS? ;)10:52
oimondiplo, yeah, i swapped off and swapped on again10:53
MartijnVdSdwatkins: no, but available immediately (replacement Granbuntu machine -- the current one is suffering from exploded caps)10:53
oimonnow compiz is eating all my cpu again10:53
MartijnVdSoimon: notabug, wontfix :P10:53
oimonwonder whether 12.04 beta is stable enough to upgrade my work pc to10:53
dwatkinsI'd be interested to see if I could fix a machine with exploded caps, but I suspect that it would be tricky (see iMac for reference) and that other components would probably end up being damaged as a result of the capacitor plague.10:54
gordunless you are interested in it failing and reporting bugs, i don't recommend upgrading to betas ;)10:54
MartijnVdSdwatkins: I've repaired an Abit board once, long ago.10:54
MartijnVdSdwatkins: but I'm not trying again :)10:54
oimonthe only choice is to go back to 10.0410:54
dwatkinsI used to work with someone [supporting SLES and RH] who said all the time that Linux will remain in beta forever.10:54
oimon11.10 too sucky in terms of resources on a core2 duo10:55
MartijnVdSdwatkins: the current machine is 11 years old (but runs Unity2D just fine)10:55
diplooimon, I was debating the two same things, 10.04 or 12 getting kinda unbearable now10:55
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: nice :)10:55
MartijnVdSdwatkins: it was top of the line back then ;)10:55
dwatkinsI'm hoping my laptop will last as long, MartijnVdS.10:55
MartijnVdSdwatkins: I always hope my hardware lasts that long10:55
MartijnVdSIt seldom does though :(10:56
MartijnVdSthough I have a bunch of old WRT54GLs that come close.10:56
MartijnVdSthey're from '03-'0410:56
MartijnVdSI just re-flashed them with bleeding-edge OpenWRT, and they're happy again :)10:56
dwatkinsMartijnVdS: I'm empted to tomato one of those10:56
MartijnVdSI considered Tomato, but I already knew OpenWRT (I put WhiteRussian on them back in the day)10:57
dwatkinsI suspect I'd need to use an ADSL router whatever I did, as I'm with BT at the moment.10:59
dwatkinsI could double-NAT, but that's just messy10:59
MartijnVdSdouble NAT is eww10:59
MartijnVdSTime for V6 everywhere10:59
oimonthis might be my problem11:00
jpdsMartijnVdS: It already is, with link-local.11:00
dwatkinsI should look into implementing IPv611:01
oimonand this http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=9820011:02
oimoni can't be the only one with problems11:02
diploI have same issues oimon11:02
diploalso youtube kills flashplayer quite often11:03
davmor2morning all11:03
davmor2czajkowski: PROD!!!!!11:03
dwatkinsoimon: I've had that a couple times, does the Chrome task manager say owt?11:03
davmor2MooDoo: me owld mukka11:03
MooDoodavmor2: alreeeeeet cheief11:03
oimondwatkins, not really, maybe i'm not looking on the right tab11:03
czajkowskidavmor2: GOOOD DAY TO YOU!11:03
davmor2bigcalm, gord, mrevell all set for thursday11:04
bigcalmMorning davmor2. I shall be there11:04
bigcalmAnd Wednesday evening11:04
dwatkinsoimon: you have to enable the task manager by showing the hidden window, iirc11:05
mrevellbigcalm, Most certainly.11:05
bigcalmmrevell: coming on Wednesday evening?11:05
oimondwatkins, ah yes, i'll try that11:06
dwatkinsalso, shift+esc, although that tends to still require unhiding on OS X: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=9567211:09
* gord books a train ticket five minutes later than he normally takes and gets it for half the price11:11
davmor2gord: sounds about right11:12
oimontried to logout of twitter." 403 Forbidden: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it."11:12
gordoimon, delete the cookies instead?11:13
mrevellbigcalm, Probably not.11:16
mrevellbigcalm, Weds evenings are pretty hard for me, as I have a work call.11:16
MartijnVdSjpds: I have a /48 from my ISP.. but it's the only ISP in the country (at the moment)11:16
MartijnVdSjpds: 2 others will be rolling out "this year"11:16
davmor2My mom just emailed me this and put a smile on my face so I thought I'd share http://paste.ubuntu.com/869690/11:20
* popey wonders if gord can reproduce bug 94704711:22
lubotu3Launchpad bug 947047 in cheese (Ubuntu) "Effects turn webcam image purple" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94704711:22
gordpopey, yeah, happens across multiple webcams, been happening for ages11:23
gordpopey, changing webcam resolution or closing cheese and opening again usually fixes, but removing the effects will turn you purple again11:23
davmor2popey: bigcalm can11:25
davmor2popey: I blame gord though it's bound to be his fault11:25
gordits a shame, cheese is a nice app11:25
gordrather puzzling why we don't ask people to hook up their facebook/google/twitter accounts in the installer/first run, i wonder how many people even realise that facebook instant messaging is built into ubuntu11:36
dwatkinsI acknowledge that there are good things about facebook integration, but I tend to avoid it like botchilism ;)11:40
gordthis is the good type of facebook integration :) the kind that means i don't need to log into the website and can just use the IM application on my OS :)11:41
dwatkinsI see what you mean, I tend to log-in to facebook about once a day, and I use its messaging feature like e-mail, but I guess there are people who chat on there like I use IRC and Jabber :)11:42
davmor2gord: there is a slide for it11:44
gorddavmor2, instead of having that slide we should have a "hey while your waiting, why not hook up your online accounts?" section that lets people do that ;)11:45
gordthen start gwibber/empathy on first start, whack them in the launcher - people will get the idea once they start getting messages/tweets11:46
davmor2gord: can't do that the app would need to install into a home directory initially,  anyway talk to ev, cjwatson and kenvandine about all that11:46
gordcan't isn't a good word to use ;)11:47
davmor2gord: why does can't mean you have to prove me wrong, in which case you could just post the initial draft to ev and ken and let them run with it :P11:51
directhexgord, facebook integration is nontrivial for first-run, because most people log into facebook via email not username, and FB chat only works if you've logged in once via the web via username11:51
gorddirecthex, empathy has a little thing that lets you do that from within empathy iirc11:55
gordbasically a small browser pane, same for anything that requires OAUTH11:55
davmor2gord: empathy does for chat and logs in via username not email,  for gwibber you login via email not username and the web pane appears again for account access11:57
directhexdavmor2, any facebook auth box asking for email address will accept username instead12:01
AlanBellHUD updates arrive, it still doesn't like people who can type :(13:07
PendulumI assume you mean can't type?13:07
AlanBellno, it is fine if you can't type13:07
AlanBellif you spell words correctly it takes them away from you13:08
daubersdirecthex: Is there a less costly alternative of mono for android than monodroid?13:09
AlanBellBug #937020 but it has probably been reported elsewhere too13:10
lubotu3Launchpad bug 937020 in indicator-appmenu (Ubuntu) "hud searches should strip() the search string" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93702013:10
AlanBelland still silent to orca :(13:13
gordguys, there is unicode for a happy cat with love heart eyes 😻 - i find this confusing13:36
directhexgord, japanese people do a LOT of smileys, and the japanese mobile phone manufacturers wanted to standardize their smileys across brands - so they went to the Unicode consortium13:41
directhexdaubers, i think koushik dutta did his own port, but much of monodroid's sugar is in the integration of tools, e.g. the linker.13:42
daubersdirecthex: Okies. Might put that to one side for now then. Thanks :)13:43
popeyAlanBell: how do I stop orca appearing on my screensaver ?13:50
popeyI once started orca now it always appears13:51
ali1234you mean the osk right13:51
ali1234not orca13:51
popeyoh, yes13:51
ali1234i have the same thing13:51
ali1234dunno how to fix it13:51
ali1234don't see a problem really :)13:51
popeyit's fugly13:51
ali1234well except fo that13:51
gordyou have a screensaver?13:52
ali1234onboard, and the unlock screen, not actually the screensaver13:52
ali1234popey: http://askubuntu.com/questions/84050/how-do-i-disable-the-on-screen-keyboard-in-the-unlock-screen13:53
popeyexcellent, thanks!13:53
* popey rates that answer up13:54
ali1234it has nicer themes btw :)13:54
ali1234blackboard and droid are ok13:54
ali1234the model m theme is nicer than i expected it to be13:54
ali1234it doesn't look anything like a model m13:54
AlanBellhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ModelM.jpg it was modeled on that14:07
AlanBellI picked colours off that photo, but someone else changed them a bit14:07
ali1234yeah colours are right i suppos14:08
popeyam i the only one for whom youtube full screen doesn't suppress lock screen?14:12
ali1234i set timeout to 30 minutes14:12
AlanBellI found out how to make youtube actually go full screen yesterday14:12
ali1234possibly 1 hour14:12
AlanBellyou pop out the viewer, then F11 to make that go full screen14:13
AlanBellthen the actual image is full screen rather than having huge black borders all the way round14:13
ali1234you still have firefox chrome14:13
AlanBellno, that goes away14:13
AlanBellI get moving video all the way to every edge14:14
ali1234how do you pop out the player?14:14
popeyyoutube goes full screen for me by just clikcing the "full screen" icon in the video14:14
AlanBellright click on it14:14
ali1234ah that's new... nice14:14
AlanBellreally popey? I will try to do a screenshot later of what I see, it is rubbish14:15
ali1234are you using two monitors?14:15
popeyi have no borders or anything14:15
ali1234not you popey :)14:16
AlanBellI am using two monitors14:16
ali1234it's a known bug in flash which adobe refuses to fix14:16
AlanBellthat is what I have always had14:16
ali1234i made a fix for that last year: http://al.robotfuzz.com/content/workaround-fullscreen-flash-linux-multiheaded-desktops14:16
TheOpenSourcererpopey: can I dm you for a mo?14:17
ali1234pop out works better than flash's own fullscreen mode anyway14:18
ali1234it doesn't close if you click in another window for one thing14:18
ali1234and it works properly on both monitors14:18
AlanBellI had no idea that youtube fullscreen worked for anyone ever!14:18
ali1234yeah your problem is a problem with how flash calculates what "fullscreen" means14:19
ali1234i explained it on that page, exactly what causes the bug14:19
AlanBellI read your article, that makes sense now14:19
ali1234it's been reported to adobe multiple times, they just lose it "can't reproduce"14:19
TheOpenSourcererI had one of these: https://twitter.com/#!/O2/status/176673345318830080/photo/114:20
ali1234i've never seen that pop out option before, is it new? or youtube only?14:20
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: i had one too ☺14:21
* daubers had a 48k+14:21
daubersthis one http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:ZX_Spectrum%2B.jpg14:21
popeythat link no longer works!14:21
popeystupid twitter14:21
popeyalso, it wasn't 21 years ago.14:22
TheOpenSourcererI had a Spectrum too.14:22
popeyit was 30 years14:22
MartijnVdShex 21 = 33, close enough ;)14:23
TheOpenSourcererThis was my first machine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compukit_UK10114:23
gordonjcpyukky 10114:24
popeyDid you see Liam put his UK101 on ebay recently?14:24
TheOpenSourcererWow that kept its value :-)14:25
* popey ponders building a vt101 from parts14:26
MartijnVdSpopey: you still want one then?14:27
TheOpenSourcererWhat will you do with a VT10014:27
gordonjcpoh, Liam Proven, I used to know him from the classiccmp mailing list14:27
MartijnVdSTheOpenSourcerer: play nethack of course14:28
MartijnVdSor Zork14:28
popeyi knew him from Cix back in uhm.. 1995 I think14:28
gordonjcppopey: cool, does he live down about where you are?14:37
popeygordonjcp: he's in London iirc14:42
gordonjcppopey: have you ever encountered Tony Duell on any of the mailing lists?14:44
AlanBellanyone want an high level important job for no money? http://bitly.com/xN81Zv16:00
MartijnVdSAlanBell: "Employment terms: not fair and open"16:02
DJonesHeh, I like that job provides clarity on compliance requirements against a suite of mandatory open standards, but employment terms aren't fair & open16:03
DJonesOn the plus side, you don't need a CRB check for it16:03
popeyEmployment Terms: Post Type  Temporary (Not fair and open)16:08
AlanBellit is one of those things that just will get stuffed with microsoft partners :(16:09
AlanBellit would be good for someone from Canonical to apply16:09
AlanBelland the form is a .doc16:11
davmor2czajkowski: so you gonna come over to millbank at somepoint tomorrow so I can pick on you?16:56
czajkowskidavmor2: might do16:58
czajkowskiwill I get any work done :)16:58
davmor2czajkowski: I'm going to be in and out of meeting most of the day so I should think so16:58
czajkowskiokie dokie16:59
czajkowskidavmor2: will be in so tomrrow17:13
davmor2czajkowski: do you want to try that line again in English ;)17:13
bigcalmmrevell: I think you were right, the DVDs will be with you on Thursday17:14
mrevellbigcalm, Oh lovely. Thanks!17:14
czajkowskidavmor2: will be in millbank tomorrow17:15
davmor2czajkowski: ah okay :)17:16
bigcalmdavmor2: so far, only 10 of us will be at the LUG meeting. Does anybody turn up without replying to the list request?17:24
* bigcalm looks forward to a good steak and chips. Oh, and the company is ok ;)17:25
davmor2bigcalm: yeap and then there are those at work with no personal email so will be added at a latter date17:25
bigcalmYou mean there are people who don't have their email thrust in their face 24/7?17:26
bigcalmI've tried disabling work emails from syncing to my phone out of office hours, but I'd always forget to re-enable it the next day17:27
* bigcalm nips out to mow the lawn \o/17:28
gordmowing the lawn? its nearly night time17:28
AlanBellthat is probably an euphamism for something17:29
bigcalmSun is still up here, getting it done while I can17:29
bigcalmRecycling collection is tomorrow (includes garden waste)17:29
bigcalmAlanBell: ... :P17:29
davmor2bigcalm: you waste you garden17:30
bigcalmdavmor2: I do what?17:51
davmor2bigcalm: You waste your garden?17:54
bigcalmdavmor2: do you want my grass cuttings?17:54
* davmor2 has this image of bigcalm wrapping his entire garden up in a green bag and handing it to the bin men in the morning17:55
bigcalmdavmor2: you are deranged, sir17:56
davmor2bigcalm: You just figured this out?17:57
bigcalmdavmor2: yeah, thought you quite down to earth until now :P17:57
davmor2bigcalm: hahahahaha17:58
brobostigondirk gently, bbc4, 9pm, :)17:58
bigcalmbrobostigon: already set to record :)17:58
brobostigonbigcalm: :)17:59
gorddavmor2, you don't have a garden waste bin collection thing round your area?18:01
davmor2gord: I'm in a 3rd-4th floor maisonette what garden?18:02
gorddavmor2, window garden?18:03
popeyhttp://api.ning.com/files/TnyFdD9AJe*K53vpQ6QPEdVaKAlNFaNWPwdKV5ChcmdHRFH8XmtYUX8sGBfLk2mCypoluCHULpMXbH6pV*WgdygWvGa1GP4M/stephenwildish.jpg  like that18:03
gordthere is a really cool TED talk about some people who design open source window gardens18:03
davmor2gord: not likely Plus we just have the one bin chute for everything, bah paper,tins and glass we have separate bins down stairs for those18:04
bigcalmpopey: that makes me want to make all 4 now18:16
bigcalmWell, maybe not the pasta, I'll just buy that :)18:17
bigcalm12.04 is out next month, do we know which day?18:19
ali1234my guess is the last working day?18:19
bigcalmNot quite ready I take it?18:19
popeyits always thursday18:22
bigcalmAha. I wonder if the Samsung Galaxy S3 will be out before then18:22
AlanBellunless it isn't18:23
ali1234this just plopped into my inbox: http://www.visionmobile.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/infographics/milliondollar/100MillionClub_2011.jpg18:23
popeyGo symbian!18:27
popeywell, S4018:27
* popey hugs his old 668018:27
* TheOpenSourcerer has a house full of curry-type food :-D18:39
* dwatkins has curry preparing itself18:48
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: You mean you have a curry full of household stuff18:54
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
ubuntuuk-planet[Tony] A Wonderful Woodland Wedding - http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2012/03/05/a-wonderful-woodland-wedding/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-wonderful-woodland-wedding19:18
davmor2ali1234: you have too much time on your hands19:27
ali1234what makes you say that?19:27
davmor2ali1234: finding weird and wonderful youtube clips like that :D19:28
ali1234i am subbed to that guy, he's genius19:29
davmor2ali1234: ps funny as hell by the way19:29
diplo-evening all19:42
lubotu3another contentless ping... sigh...20:06
davmor2Im in olde ye London Town tomorrow to annoy czajkowski erm work with the qa sprint to try and unify the tools we use erm annoy czajkowski20:08
davmor2night all20:08
=== nothingspecial is now known as angela-android
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
madpupcan i ask a question? ( not this question )20:35
lubotu3Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:35
madpupopps, sorry.20:35
dwatkinsno worries, just saying you don't need to ask madpup :)20:35
madpupOk, ive got ubuntu 11.10 64bit installed and everything works except sound, the sound glitchs and fades in and out quickly?20:36
dwatkinsWhat kind of sound hardware do you have, madpup?20:37
madpuperrr brb lspci20:38
madpup SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)20:39
MartijnVdSmadpup: check /proc/asound/cards20:39
OmNomDePlumemadpup: can I ask you a question?20:40
madpupHDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB20:40
madpupHDA-Intel - HDA NVidia20:41
MartijnVdSSo.. two sound cards -- one on-board and one on the HDMI output?20:41
MartijnVdSThat shouldn't confuse the software, but it might20:42
madpupyep one on the mobo and one on the nvidia 560ti, ive disabled the Nvidia one20:42
dwatkinsHow did you disable it, out of curiosity, madpup?20:43
madpupwent to hardware tab in prefs->sound->hardware  profile off20:44
madpupin outputs the 'conecter' drop down boxs flickers between 'analog output' and 'headphone output' it happening and the the same speed and the sound glitches20:45
madpupshould i just yank out the front panel audio connection lead off my mobo?20:47
madpupok im going to yank my front panel cable off my mobo untill i canfix this20:49
madpupthanks all, brb, tosee if this helps20:49
madpupok that fixed the sound issues, nowto fix the boot errors20:52
madpupthanks for everyones help20:52
ali1234it's the headphone detection glitch21:02
ali1234large number of HDA motherboards confuse headphone connector and frontpanel connector21:02
ali1234so if you have connected the frontpanel output, it thinks headphones are connected and mutes the line out21:03
ali1234the fix is to run alsamixer and turn on "independent hp"21:03
bigcalmczajkowski: ping21:13
czajkowskibigcalm: fixed21:15
bigcalmczajkowski: :)21:15
bigcalmI'd done a screen shot for you 'n all!21:15
brobostigongently driving an austim princess. :) lol21:15
bigcalmbrobostigon: that sounds like a car from the 70s21:18
brobostigonbigcalm: it is.21:18
* gordonjcp had one, until it got stolen21:18
bigcalmOh, I got confused21:18
* bigcalm goes back to sleep21:18
jacobwsleep is good21:21
ali1234does anyone remember the name of that browser plugin from years ago21:26
zleapali1234, what did it do ?21:26
ali1234where you go to a webpage, and if other people with that plugin are on the same page, you can see their little character walking around on the page21:26
ali1234and chat with them21:26
ali1234from the 90s21:26
ali1234pre dotcom bubble21:27
ali1234you may have had to download a whole browser to use it in fact21:27
ali1234it was called something like "web buddies" or something21:27
ali1234and the characters were like little blue furry gremlin things21:28
zleapnot sure, i had a plugin for kids to make a friendly browser with chat etc21:28
jacobwi think so21:28
jacobwi'm remembering the early 2000s though, not the 90s21:28
ali1234it was completely public so you didn't have to add people21:29
ali1234could have been early 2000s i guess21:29
ali1234probably was still going for a few years :)21:29
zleapali1234, not kidzuie - browser plugin21:38
ali1234it wasn't aimed at kids21:39
ali1234rocket on is a similar idea21:39
ali1234but they only started a couple of years ago21:39
ali1234this was back when everyone was using netscape21:39
zleapso early / mid 90's21:41
zleapi remember those days21:41
ali1234mid - late 90s21:41
mrevellbigcalm, Hey, still around?22:50
bigcalmmrevell: for some reason, yes I am :)22:50
* popey tickles mrevell 22:50
mrevellhey popey22:50
mrevellbigcalm, How long did it take you to go from normal phone, through rooting, to having CM all nicely sorted?22:51
bigcalmNot that long. I did it some time ago so don't remember much. I do recall having to follow a howto. And I think things are easier these days22:52
bigcalmHave you started, thinking about it or bricked your phone?22:52
bigcalmWhich Desire handset do you have?22:53
bigcalmGSM, CDMA, HD, S?22:54
mrevellbigcalm, Standard ole GSM22:54
mrevellOh yes, last time I looked at it doing it appeared I needed Windows. Did you do it from within Ubuntu?22:55
bigcalmI think I had windows back then22:56
mrevellOh, looks like no need for that. Okay, ta. I won't start it tonight but might give it a bash tomorrow.22:56
ubuntuuk-planet[Andy Loughran] Project Management - http://zrmt.com/2012/03/05/project-management/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=project-management23:18
ubuntuuk-planet[Andy Loughran] Etape Pennine - http://zrmt.com/2012/03/05/etape-pennine/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=etape-pennine23:18
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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