
snadgeive just gotten used to the "new" way of doing it.. and its been reverted ;)00:00
DaekdroomWhy the hell do you ask that every time?00:02
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snadgei just wanna know if its gonna get changed again00:14
snadgeor what the story is00:14
thumpersnadge: as far as I'm aware, it was decided to revert back01:01
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snadgebut i thought this was related to super being used for the help popup01:04
snadgethe help popup doesnt reflect the reversion either.. it still says shift/alt super01:04
DaekdroomDoes anyone here know if there's a bug report regarding sometimes when you drag icons from Launcher, they will sort of "get stuck" somewhere?01:35
thumpersnadge: mine doesn't, I'm pretty sure it is getting it from compiz-config01:59
thumpersnadge: although perhaps just once, I've not checked01:59
thumperDaekdroom: stuck where?01:59
* thumper has school run01:59
glosoliLIM is by default included in Precise silently ?02:01
Daekdroomthumper, wherever near Launcher I release the cursor.02:03
DaekdroomLet me get a screenshot02:03
DaekdroomInteresting. It fixed itself a few seconds after I got the screenie :P02:04
snadgei had to unity --reset to get the keyboard shortcut reversion02:05
snadgeit looks like you can configure it from both settings -> keyboard or ccsm02:05
snadgehopefully those configuration settings refer to the same thing ;)02:06
thumperDaekdroom: what are your steps to reproduce?02:13
Daekdroomthumper, play with drag n dropping icons in the Launcher until it messes up.02:13
thumperDaekdroom: hmm, I don't see it...02:18
thumperDaekdroom: what does "apt-cache policy unity" say?02:18
thumperDaekdroom: this could be one of the recent fixes02:19
Daekdroom  Instalado: 5.4.0+bzr2047ubuntu0+65402:19
DaekdroomI can't find any way to reproduce it. It just happens sometimes.03:04
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bschaefermhr3, hey, good morning. I have fixed those issues and it now has a nice autopilot test. For: https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/fix-711199/+merge/8919208:21
mhr3bschaefer, yea, i saw it, very nice work08:22
mhr3there's still one issue though, lenses can push results even when there's no search08:22
bschaefermhr3, o really?08:23
mhr3so what can happen is that you'll be displaying "no results" and there in fact will be results08:23
bschaefermhr3, hmm, do you know of an example where that is the case?08:23
mhr3bschaefer, if could happen in the home lens for example08:24
bschaefermhr3, does SearchChange get emited when that happens?08:25
mhr3say you have a new user account, so there will be nothing recent, but once you run something the lens will update even without search to show the app you just run08:25
mhr3not really, just the results model / results view will be updated08:26
mhr3bschaefer, but it's quite corner-case scenario, i'm not going to block the merge on that, still it should be fixed08:27
bschaefermhr3, hmm, yes agree!08:27
bschaefermhr3, I was thinking, if it was possible to 'text_changed.emit()'08:27
bschaeferthat will cause it to fire of that timer I have08:27
bschaefermhr3 I have to look at that code, as im not familiar with it as much though08:28
mhr3hmm doesn't sound like a clean solution to me08:28
bschaefermhr3, yeah, cause anytime an update happens it will emit that...08:29
bschaeferhence endless loop08:29
bschaeferhmm, well Ill look into that more08:29
bschaeferits getting a little late here08:29
mhr3probably 5.8 stuff :)08:30
bschaefermhr3, yes sounds good!08:30
bschaefermhr3, thanks for all your help and work for this :)08:30
mhr3thank you ;)08:31
bschaefermhr3, have a good night, ill get thumper to approve it in the morning and hopefully you can see it soon :)08:31
bschaeferwell my morning haha08:31
bschaefermhr3, have a good day!08:32
mhr3bschaefer, good night to you :)08:32
Saviqdidrocks, hey, pinging you to remember about "unity-common" for unity-2d on unity-merger08:36
didrocksSaviq: hum, didn't I say in the end that's maybe a bad idea?08:37
didrocksSaviq: let me rethink08:37
didrocksSaviq: some of your tests are depending on some assets, right?08:37
didrocksSaviq: or is it something else?08:37
Saviqdidrocks, the tests depend on the Unity dconf schema to be installed08:38
didrocksSaviq: yeah, so maybe you can ping mhr3 and kamstrup, they did some kind of "mock gsettings" for similar cases08:38
didrocksSaviq: which seems more correct to me08:39
Saviqdidrocks, truth is we don't care about gsettings or what the schema contains, just that it is there, but yeah, mocking the schema might work, too08:40
didrocksSaviq: seems a safer option to me in correctness as well as in build-depends and build-time (installing rdepends) ones, wdyt?08:41
mhr3afaik we dont mock gsettings, we wanted at some point, but dropped it08:41
didrocksmhr3: oh? I was thinking the work was finished here?08:41
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Saviqdidrocks, true, I could try and set GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR to our own copy08:42
didrocksSaviq: seems better :)08:42
mhr3didrocks, no, there's many things you can do with gsettings, but pretending you have a schema which you don't isn't one of them08:42
didrocksmhr3: hum, even with the dconf gkeyfile backend?08:43
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didrocksgreyback: Saviq: unity-2d uploaded built against unity 5.6 btw, unfreezing now -2d :)08:56
Saviqdidrocks, awesome08:56
greybackdidrocks: yay08:56
angelockamstrup, mhr3: merge proposal 95591 done!09:54
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angelockamstrup, mhr3: opening sftp:// from dash is amazing!09:56
Saviqdidrocks, ssoo... not sure how to proceed, tried having a local set of gschemas but the tests use the running instance that doesn't know about my GSETTINGS_SCHEMA_DIR, so unless I actually do install the schema I can't fake it, as mhr3 said10:11
didrocksSaviq: I would surely ask desrt once he's around (he's generally on #ubuntu-desktop, will be here I guess in 4 hours)10:11
Saviqdidrocks, ok will do10:12
mhr3Saviq, well if you do have the schema at hand it should be possible to just use keyfile backend as didrocks said, the problem is when you dont have the schema10:15
Saviqmhr3, TBH in my case I just need to fake the schema being there, it's empty and that's enough, but it needs to be installed10:16
Saviqso yeah, keyfile might work, need to check10:17
mhr3Saviq, just try setting GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory10:25
Saviqmhr3, that might work!10:26
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angeloc_ mhr3: have you seen the patch?10:57
mhr3angeloc, on my todo11:02
angelocmhr3: great news! thank you!11:03
mhr3angeloc, btw what the agreement? did you sign it yet?11:08
mhr3what about*11:09
angelocmhr3: yes, but htere was a bug on the contributor agreement web page, wich I signalled and was fixed this morning11:09
angelocmhr3: but finally I did it!11:09
angelocmhr3: what's *?11:10
mhr3angeloc, i see two issues - pls dont use underscores in enum names11:11
angelocmhr3: so sorry... there is a guideline for vala somewhere?11:12
mhr3you're also using tabs and it's just eeeh :P (spaces only pls)11:13
angelocmhr3: yes, i have some glitches with my editor, i'll fix them as soon as possible11:14
mhr3angeloc, and last thing, i touched the same part of code you did, so there'll be conflicts, it'd be nice if you could merge lp:~mhr3/unity-lens-files/fix-921665 and set it as prereq for the branch11:16
angelocmh3r: minchia (Italian approving expression), ok, this is a little bit more difficult, but extremely entertaining!11:17
mhr3angeloc, i like that you're up for some challenge ;)11:17
angelocmhr3:I'm really addicted, Ubuntu development rocks!11:18
mhr3angeloc, also please use uri_regex instead of normal_regex, "normal" is very ambigous ;)11:20
angelocmhr3: I had a suspect ...11:20
mhr3eeh, i meant web_regex11:20
mhr3all of those are uris :)11:20
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Andy80_Trevinho: here you have the lspci output http://pastebin.com/mM7YWgH413:26
Andy80_Trevinho: http://pastebin.com/g2FbhaNB13:28
Trevinhoil modello esatto del computer lo sai?13:30
* Trevinho sorry13:30
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
tbfwhat's that? with unity 5.4.0+bzr2047ubuntu0+654 gtk apps keep their main menu attached...14:19
tbf...hopefully not intended.14:19
DaekdroomWhat do you mean by main menu attached?14:23
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tbfDaekdroom: they still appear in the application window...14:34
tbfDaekdroom: oddly they also get mirrored to the indicator panel14:34
tbftherefore communication seems to work at least14:34
DaekdroomI have that version installed and it's working alright over here.14:35
tbfhmm. odd.14:35
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gordmhr3, is it just me or is test_filesystem_lenses completely non working?15:10
mhr3gord, i hope it's just you :P15:11
gordmhr3, me too ;) for me it gets stuck in TestLensesAdded waiting for the lenses to load then times out - which for some reason causes gtest to not run the rest of the tests15:12
mhr3let me check15:13
mhr3gord, eeh15:14
mhr3task-1: [ RUN      ] TestFilesystemLenses.TestFileLoading15:15
gordmhr3, task-1: [ RUN      ] TestFilesystemLenses.TestLensesAdded15:16
gordTestFileLoading passes15:16
gordoh wait no fails15:16
mhr3it doesn't here :P15:16
gordtask-1: [  FAILED  ] TestFilesystemLenses.TestFileLoading (11 ms)15:16
mhr3what the hell broke it15:16
gordtask-1: unknown file: Failure15:16
gordtask-1: C++ exception with description "std::bad_alloc" thrown in the test body.15:16
mhr3gord, it's starting to smell like corrupted stack to me15:28
gordmhr3, disabling the category tests (frequent causer of problems) leaves me with no errors, it just times out trying to load the lenses, i'd assume in WaitForLensesToLoad15:40
mhr3gord, if the waiting for load times out it's expected to crash (cause the stack variable with the lenses goes away)15:41
mhr3but why does it time out?15:41
mhr3oh god, pls tell me it's not because of timeout_add_seconds15:44
mhr3why the hell would you use that in tests...15:44
gordmhr3, flipping on debug, it does seem to load all the test lenses just fine15:50
gordapart from the ones designed to fail obviously15:50
mhr3i hate when tests are more flaky than the actual code15:53
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tsdgeosdidrocks: i'm confused about you asking for that DEP-3 thing for my metacity patch, none of the metacity patches have that16:09
didrockstsdgeos: probably because most of them are debian patches and it really depends on the maintainer16:10
tsdgeosactually some do16:10
didrockstsdgeos: but for most of the work we do in the ubuntu desktop team, we try to have them, especially when it's not obvious or we know it will be maintained for a long time16:11
tsdgeosdidrocks: i've added the comments16:17
didrockstsdgeos: thanks :)16:25
kelemengaborhi, could someone merge the branch proposed for https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/923762 ?16:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 923762 in unity (Ubuntu) "Files missing from Unity's POTFILES.in" [Medium,In progress]16:43
gordmhr3, ^^ re-review of kelemengabor's branch please?16:53
mhr3gord, review of https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity/safer-tests/+merge/95949 please?17:05
mhr3kelemengabor, gord, it looks good17:05
mhr3but last time didrocks was shouting, right? :)17:05
mhr3so let's have him take a look at it first17:05
gordmhr3, sure, will give it a spin17:05
didrocksmhr3: hum, shouting, for what? :)17:06
didrocksmhr3: no, just make the refresh of the .pot file a separate merge req, that's all :)17:06
mhr3didrocks, dunno, isn't that what you do all the time? :P17:06
didrocks(with the udpated POTFILES.in17:06
didrocksjust don't mix it with other changes :)17:06
didrocksmhr3: come on!17:06
didrocksmhr3: it's just you guys who like to make me work 12 hours a day :p17:07
mhr3didrocks, we just know you love your job to we want you to enjoy every bit of it ;)17:07
mhr3didrocks, anyway, since the branch just updates potfiles.in and .skip isn't fine, right?17:08
didrocksmhr3: will be great to update then in the same or just another branch the templates17:09
didrocksso that you, as upstream, avoid ending up with a lot of translation updates in a feature/bug fix branch17:09
gordmhr3, yaay, test works again :)17:09
mhr3gord, seems like the signal was the culprit17:10
mhr3didrocks, you're so nice to us, we don't deserve you17:10
didrocksmhr3: that's what everyone is telling me everyday </kidding> ;)17:11
didrocksI'm just your mother it seems some times :)17:11
mhr3yea, shouting at us everyday, that fits :)17:13
didrocksgord: welcome to the unity team17:25
didrocksgord: are you new? :)17:25
didrockswant some help? ;)17:25
* gord wonders if there is anyone else left who has been working on unity as long as him ... njpatel jumped ship!17:27
gordor rather, got promoted to some other ship17:27
didrocksgord: this launchpad email is confusing, what happened?17:28
didrocksabout you getting into the team17:28
didrocksand acked by… you :)17:29
gorddidrocks, was just me playing about, i wasn't in the team directly but through other teams, couldn't modify a merge request which was weird, so i thought adding myself directly might fix it, turned out jason was just trying to merge a branch into another branch of his, not trunk ;)17:29
didrocksgord: ah interesting :)17:30
didrocksyeah, makes sense17:30
didrocksso indirect membership and you add you directly yourself17:31
didrocksfunny :)17:31
PaoloRotoloHi all!17:41
bkerensa:( unity just displayed a weird screen artifact and upon reboot my unity launcher was reset18:32
bkerensaand desktop wallpaper18:32
andyrockom26er__, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/94736218:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 947362 in unity (Ubuntu) "As soon as you start to drag a dash icon, the icon is drawn for a moment at (100, 100)" [Undecided,New]18:42
andyrockcan you reproduce this one?18:43
andyrockhtorque, hello18:43
om26er__uh he was quicker :D18:43
htorquehi :-)18:43
andyrockhtorque, can you confirm? :)18:44
bilalAnyone knows the difference between an autopilot test and a normal one?19:41
mhall119tedg: do you know if the sound indicator support MPRIS 2.1?19:53
bschaeferbilal, do you mean a manual test vs an autopilot test?19:53
tedgmhall119, I don't know, but I'd guess yes.19:54
tedgmhall119, Conor would know...19:54
tedgbilal, Basically the level of integration.  Autopilot runs on a complete-ish desktop.19:55
tedgmhall119, Yes19:55
tedglamalex, Can you answer bilal's question a bit better than that? ^19:55
bilalthanks tedg, that's what I needed19:55
mhall119tedg: also, we need some instructions for pre-seeding HUD data19:55
mhall119something we can put on developer.u.c19:55
bilaltedg: no need, thomi is helping me with it ;)19:56
bilalthanks a lot anyway19:56
tedgmhall119, Hmm, yes.19:56
tedgWe should make a demo and document it.19:56
mhall119tedg: do you happen to know if there is any documentation about using MPRIS to connect to the sound menu?19:58
mhall119http://www.mpris.org/2.1/spec/ isn't very helpful19:59
tedgmhall119, This looks like it's out of date: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu#Music_player_integration20:01
mhall119tedg: do you think http://theravingrick.blogspot.com/2011/02/easily-support-sound-menu-in-python.html still  have a good example of integrating with python?20:02
mhall119or is it out of date now too20:02
tedgmhall119, Out of date, that's before we did all that work in libunity for people.20:03
tedgmhall119, They should just be able to use libunity today.20:04
mhall119so no more MPRIS?20:05
mhall119they just use Unity.MusicPlayer and the like?20:07
tedgmhall119, Well, it is MPRIS, it's just done in a nice to use API.20:09
tedgmhall119, We've implemented the MPRIS client.20:09
mhall119tedg: ah, cool, is there any documentation on doing that then?20:11
mhall119good afternoon thumper20:11
tedgmhall119, I think only the API docs, but again, ronoc would be the guy to ask, he did all that work.20:12
mhall119tedg: is ronoc also a good person to ask about docs for the message indicator?20:15
mhall119or is there someone better I can ask20:15
bschaeferthumper, good morning! I have a review for you :)20:16
bschaeferthumper, https://code.launchpad.net/~brandontschaefer/unity/fix-711199/+merge/8919220:16
thumperbschaefer: morning, I'll look at it soon20:17
bschaeferthumper, thanks, and no worries just wanted to add it to your todo list20:18
tedgmhall119, No, messaging indicator is me :-)20:23
mhall119tedg: ah, well then while I have your ear, I need some documentation on integrating with the message indicator to put on developer.u.c20:25
angelocmhr3: why you removed AppInfo.launch_default_for_uri (uri, null); from your ubuntu-lens-files branch?23:07
angelocI cannot understand23:08
angelocmhr3: ?23:25
mhr3angeloc, cause it's not needed23:26
angelocmhr3: yes, it's needed to open web url with browser web, and after my patch, open mountable uris in nautilus?23:27
angelocmhr3: how can I open uris without launch_default_for_uri or launch_uris?23:28
mhr3angeloc, what makes you think it's needed?23:29
angelocmhr3: Have I to add a special case in yor code that use these function only when an uri is detected?23:29
angelocmhr3: I think that is used to open uris, isn't it?23:30
mhr3it did, but it wasn't necessary for standard uris23:31
angelocmhr3: who launches firefox when on dash user write google.com?23:31
mhr3if you return NOT_HANDLED from the activate method, unity tries to do what it can do23:31
mhr3and it can open uris23:32
angelocmhr3: so my patch is totally useless! Target of my patch was to extend launch_default_for_uri to use launch_uris if a mountable uri is detected, but if Unity knows how to handle all the uris itself, my patch is worth nothing, am I wrong?23:34
mhr3yes :)23:35
mhr3angeloc, unity just does exactly what the files lens was doing before your patch23:35
mhr3ie trying to run a sftp://... uri but failing cause it wasn't mounted23:36
mhr3your patch changes the default behaviour, that's why it works23:37
angelocmh3r: ok, ok, Unity can hadle web uris, but not mountable ones, so before return new Unity.ActivationResponse (Unity.HandledType.HIDE_DASH); I have to add code to handle mountable uris23:37
angelocmhr3: right?23:37
angelocmh3r: I'm happy, I almost done!23:38

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