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JamesTaitHappy Monday, folks! :D09:48
webmasterChipaca, hi09:54
Chipacawebmaster: greetings, master09:54
Chipacawebmaster: IRC'ing from work, are you? tut tut :)09:54
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davidcalleOops :D09:55
davidcalleChipaca, silly xchat09:56
davidcalleChipaca, where do you want bugs on sources to be reported? On the video lens project?09:57
Chipacadavidcalle: lp:candiru is probably the easiest for me10:00
davidcalleChipace, a vampire fish? Because it... sucks data? :p10:02
Chipacadavidcalle: yes sir. And once you realize *how* it sucks data, you'll want to carve the image out of your brain, and won't be able to10:03
davidcalleChipaca, I won't sleep tonight, thank you.10:19
Chipacadavidcalle: i'm surprised you managed to uncurl that fast -- i gather you hadn't heard of them before :)10:20
davidcalleChipaca, I had, but it was buried deeply inside.10:22
Chipacadavidcalle: :)10:22
davidcalleChipaca, buried... deeply... inside...10:22
* davidcalle curls back into a ball of pain.10:23
davidcalleChipaca, how are you? :)10:23
Chipacadavidcalle: fine! Some things are broken, but people are working on them, and most things are ok. So, I'm great :)10:25
gatoxgood morning!11:02
mandelgatox, morning!11:13
* mandel yet another re-start11:13
nessitahello eveyrone!12:03
gatoxnessita, hi12:05
nessitahola gatox, how is it going?12:09
gatoxnessita, fine..... killing some bugs to be landed today i hope12:09
gatoxnessita, you?12:10
nessitagatox: what bug are you working on right now?12:10
nessitagatox: I dreamt the fix to a bug last night :-P12:10
gatoxnessita, yey! productive dreams!12:10
gatoxnessita, i have this one for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/not-validated-overlay/+merge/9588012:10
gatoxnessita, and i've made a small queue of the bugs i hope to work on today..... do you want me to share that queue with you?12:11
nessitagatox: oh, I dreamt the fix to that one :-P12:11
nessitagatox: yes please (but on private)12:11
gatoxnessita, yes12:11
ralsinagood morning!12:31
gatoxralsina, hi!12:32
mandelralsina, nessita morning!12:34
nessitahola ralsina, mandel!12:35
ralsinahello nessita, mandel, gatox12:36
nessitaralsina: I'm trying to debug why these tests are failing https://launchpadlibrarian.net/95044366/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-i386.ubuntuone-control-panel_3.1%2Br274-44~precise1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz, and since those are timeouting, I'm incresing the timeout to see if that's the issue. Would you please review? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/higher-timeout/+merge/9589012:46
mandelnessita, ralsina, gatox is there any example of using manhole to debug a twister server?12:46
ralsinanessita: sure12:46
mandelnessita, ralsina gatox I'm stuck with debugging why I get an IO error with libsoup :(12:46
ralsinamandel: out of my area of expertise, sorry12:47
nessitamandel: no idea, I know alecu knows. And perhaps verterok knows too?12:47
ralsinanessita: you did notice the error about "option -q not recognized" right?12:47
mandelnessita, thx, I'll see if verterok is here, if not alecu knows for sure12:47
mandelralsina, yeah.. twisted is a world inside python12:48
ralsinanessita: +1 on the timeout, let's hope it helps12:48
nessitaralsina: I didn't, but not sure if it's related... besides our script does not pass any explict -q :-/12:49
ralsinanessita: it's not handling -qt correctly12:49
ralsinanessita: but not related, since the tests it's running are timing out anyway12:49
nessitaralsina: you gave me an idea then12:50
ralsinanessita: but it means we are not running the qt tests when building :-)12:50
nessitaralsina: we no longer have qt suites to run separately12:50
nessita(since a month ago approx)12:50
ralsinanessita: then it's a remnant in whatever runs this12:50
nessitaI'm looking at that12:50
ralsinanessita: ack12:50
* mandel hates pulse audio!12:56
mandelralsina, nessita FYI: http://www.lothar.com/tech/twisted/manhole.xhtml12:59
mandelin case you ever need it12:59
ralsinamandel: I won't. I will ask you minions to debug. Much easier.13:00
mandelralsina, wearing your pointy head hat, right? hehe13:01
ralsinamandel: a man has to know his limits.13:01
ralsinamandel:  ;-)13:01
gatoxalecu, hi13:22
ralsinahello alecu!13:22
mandelok, time for my lunch13:22
nessitahola alecu13:33
ralsinaI am not liking how freaking long it takes to run the u1-client tests. Any hints on how to run just a specific testcase?14:08
nessitabrb, door bell14:10
alecuralsina, something like: PYTHONPATH=. u1trial -r glib -p tests/platform/windows tests/status/test_aggregator.py14:17
ralsinaalecu: thanks!14:18
alecuralsina, also: PYTHONPATH=. u1trial -r glib -p tests/platform/windows -t Grouper tests14:19
alecuralsina, "-t" does a regex with the test name including the class14:19
ralsinaalecu: cool. I just saw the tests Itouched work so now Ihave to run the full suite anyway, but you saved me one full run :-)14:19
gatoxralsina, nessita small review please :D https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/reset-page-not-working/+merge/9590514:21
ralsinagatox: looking14:21
urbanapemorning, all14:23
gatoxurbanape, hi! o/14:23
nessitadobey: good morning! would you have some minutes to teach me how to do the transitional package for u1cp, so we can apply that to nightlies first? they are not building since all the gtk code is gone now14:31
dobeynessita: sure; the description needs changed, to state it is a transitional package, the .install and such files removed, and the dependencies changed to require the new package being transitioned to.14:34
nessitadobey: ah, is easier than I though :), thanks! will practice with nightlies then14:35
dobeyi think that's all14:35
nessitawill let you know14:35
ralsinagatox: typo "sing_in" instead of "sign_in"14:35
ralsinagatox: other than that, +114:35
dobeyyou can apt-cache search transitional to see current transitional packages, and apt-cache show one, for an example of the description changes14:35
nessitadobey: yeap, already doing it :-)14:36
gatoxralsina, ok, thanks, fixing!14:36
gatoxralsina, fixed14:38
ralsinagatox: you have my +1 already ;-)14:38
nessitaralsina: did you propose/land the branch for the u1cp man page?14:41
ralsinanessita: nope14:41
nessitaralsina: it would be ideal to have that before tomorrow's release14:41
ralsinanessita: ok, will do it while tests run for the other one14:41
nessitaralsina: thanks!14:42
ralsinanessita: or, worse case, this afternoon14:42
* mandel back14:42
nessitadobey: shall the Depends for the transitional package have a version specified? (I mean, shall that line be:14:42
nessitaDepends: ubuntuone-control-panel-qt (= ${binary:Version})14:42
nessitaDepends: ubuntuone-control-panel-qt14:42
dobeynessita: it should have the version i think; if only to ensure the right version gets installed14:43
nessitadobey: ack14:44
ralsinaok, I have to pick the kid from kinder, Iwill post  my standup now, you people do it at the right time, I will be here 10 minutes later or so14:46
ralsinaDONE: reviews, canonicaladmin, calls, half-day off, TODO: make indicate optional, do man page, techleads, reviews BLOCKED: mocker is mocking me14:47
alecuIf mocker keeps mocking everybody, then we'll get rid of it faster.14:49
ralsinaalecu: it's two stupid tests I have to fix, and a 30-line mock setup function I have to muddle through14:50
alecuralsina, every time I have to do something like that, it's usually faster to rewrite the failing tests without mocker, than to fix the tests using mocker, but YKMV.14:52
mandelalecu, ralsina even the maintainer/creator of mocker said it was a bad idea at the end..14:52
ralsinaalecu: tempting14:52
ralsinaok, fuck it, I am rewriting test_messaging.py14:52
alecuralsina, I think that's also what our resident test expert is suggesting too.14:52
mandelalecu, who is that?14:52
alecumandel, who is our resident testing-related expert you are asking?14:53
mandelalecu, yes.. also, who is santa?14:54
* ralsina =================> kid14:54
mandelalecu, ya que pregunto :P14:54
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nessitamandel: aaaagggghhh I just found this!14:59
nessita    138 SSL_NOT_SURE = _('If you are not sure about this server, do not use it to'14:59
nessita    139                  ' connect to Ubuntu One.')14:59
nessitamandel: in the sso code, which is U1 agnostic14:59
nessitadid I review that? :-/14:59
mandelnessita, yes..  I think, is the ssl dialog, right?15:00
mandelnessita, what is wrong with it and I'll fix it15:00
nessitamandel: it says 'ubuntu one'15:01
mandelnessita, agh.. that is from design, s**t!15:01
mandelnessita, I did not pay attention to the string because they came from them..15:01
nessitamandel: right, but you need to change those to use a generic app_name15:01
mandelnessita, got you.. then I'll have to add a new param to the ssl dialog to get the app_name as a param15:02
nessitaand yes, I did review that :-/ (crap I did not notice that)15:02
mandelnessita, easy, I'll do that know since I'm block debugging libsoup15:02
nessitamandel: that will require a UI Fe15:02
nessitamandel: but yes, we need that...15:02
mandelnessita, oh pedazo mierda! true to the UIFe..15:02
nessitaalecu, dobey, standup?15:03
nessitagatox: go15:03
gatoxLanded some branches on friday, found some issues in the sso qt ui and filed those issues in launchpad, today: proposed 2 branches: Bug #945094: Qt UI: if logging in with a not validated account, the "enter verification code" screen has a loading overlay and never goes away (LANDED), Bug #945080: ResetPassword page not working (for review)15:03
gatoxKeep fixing bugs in SSO.15:03
gatoxnessita, go15:03
nessitaDONE: landed big branch to refactor the 'choose sign in' page for the control panel, finished tons of reviews15:04
nessitaTODO: start preparing releases for tomorrow, land only release-blocker branches, fix u1cp nightlies not building15:04
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes15:04
nessitaNEXT: briancurtin15:04
nessitaNOTES: everyone please note that trunks are frozen (so please abstain from landing stuff unless release-blocker, please check with me or ralsina)15:04
briancurtinDONE: more mac pairing, looked into the windows "don't run as root" issue15:04
briancurtinTODO: root issue, figure out the status of -windows-installer project15:04
briancurtinBLOCKED: no15:04
briancurtinNEXT: mandel15:04
mandelDONE: More libsoup debugging. I'm astuck with this bloody thing haiving IO errors.. I'm trying a diff approach to see WTF is going on.15:04
mandelTODO: Fix string issues that nessita just mentioned.15:04
mandelBLOCKED: libsoup is making my head hurt, I'm going to try a diff apppraoch with manhole for debugging15:04
mandelurbanape, please15:04
urbanapeDONE: Made progress on the ubuntuone client. Gonna try watchdog for the Mac filesystem events15:04
urbanapeTODO: Keep at it15:04
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:04
urbanapedobey: europe15:04
dobeyλ DONE: rb debugging, upstream fixed it15:04
dobeyλ TODO: fix u1ms: token-deleting bug, upload rb with fixes to ubuntu, twisted glib2/gireactor debugging,15:04
dobeyλ BLCK: none.15:04
nessitamandel: so, since we have not released the ssl dialog yet, we can propose a new branch and attach it to the same ssl dialog UIFe bug, ok?15:05
nessitamandel: so please build a branch ASAP where the app_name is a parameter15:05
nessitaalecu: standup?15:06
nessitaany comments anyone?15:06
mandelnessita, ok on it right now since libsoup is giving me headaches..15:06
nessitamandel: thanks15:06
nessitaalecu: go!15:06
* alecu is writing notes...15:06
alecuDONE: got an IRL syncdaemon crossing a proxy, initial tests to use Unix domain sockets to replace TCP for the tunnel on linux15:08
alecuTODO: fix errors that mandel found in previous branches, finish current branch that starts the tunnel15:08
alecuBLOCKED: no15:08
* gatox lunch15:09
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gatox_lunchuhh sorry... alecu on standup yet15:10
alecuI pasted my notes above!15:10
alecu@ping ?15:10
briancurtini see you alecu15:10
gatox_lunchyes...... so, go back to lunch :P15:10
alecugatox_lunch, go ahead then, have lunch15:10
alecuhi jml15:11
dobeyhi jml15:11
alecumandel, ping15:11
jmlOn my last computer, I had my Tomboy notes synchronized to my Ubuntu One folder, using Tomboy's own "Sync to local folder" feature. Now I'm on a new computer, and I'm wondering how to get all of my old notes back in to Tomboy15:11
mandelalecu, pong!15:11
alecumandel, what's the issue that's blocking you with libsoup?15:12
dobeyjml: does the "Sync to local folder" feature no longer exist there?15:12
mandelalecu, I'm getting an IO error when I set the mock web server as the proxy url when ssl-strict is false..15:12
jmldobey: it does. still hasn't actually done anything yet though. I guess I could put it on a faster schedule...15:13
* jml tries that.15:13
mandelalecu, and is bloody hard to debug, I'm going to get the server running in a diff process to see wtf happens in the server side and then see if i at leasts reach it before the IO error..15:13
alecumandel, I may take a look, but my suggestion is to deprioritize libsoup using https proxies.15:14
jmloh. oops. awkward.15:14
jmlI forgot to hit "Save" on the sync dialog :)15:14
jmlsorry for the noise.15:14
mandelalecu, I'm going to fix an ssl dialog string error and then will go to that15:15
dobeyjml: heh. make sure you plug the speakers in, if you want sound :)15:15
nessitadobey: I'm lading this https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/15-minutes/+merge/95900 today so it can be released tomorrow (just FYI so you include that revno in the stable-3-0 update)15:32
dobeyi will have several branches to land today for releasing tomorrow probably. because debugging heisenbugs was hard. :-/15:33
nessitadobey: in u1client or rb?15:36
dobeynessita: in rhythmbox-ubuntuone and libubuntuone15:36
nessitadobey: also, I was planning on proposing a trivialish branch for bug #944982 (ui splash screen refactor) where only the new strings are added, so we can have those in the archive and translator can start working on them (also that was a request from the release team - to have the new strings in asap - )15:39
nessitadobey: and then we can work on the new UI for 2.99.9115:39
Chipacadobey: debugging heisenbugs is not hard. All you need to do is make sure you don't know how fast your computer is, and you'll find them in no time.15:40
dobeyChipaca: that's assuming it's a speed related problem :)15:41
dobeythe trick to finding heisenbugs is to use quantum entanglement, and observe remotely from another dimension, where a cat is both alive and dead at the same time.15:42
dobeynessita: i just commented on the bug about the strings, actually, and why i think we shouldn't necessarily put them in :)15:42
Chipacadobey: so, you get a stoner exotic dancer, and then what?15:42
nessitadobey: would you please ping rtgrant and perhaps Chipaca/ralsina about this in our internal  channel, so we can work this out before the release tomorrow (if we have to add any new string)15:44
nessitadobey: thanks15:45
dobeyalso, i want to burn ubuntuone-installer after precise.15:45
nessitadobey: +115:47
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ralsinadobey: small technical question about messaging.py after your changes on friday15:57
ralsinadobey: it turns out it's possible for 'gobject' in sys.modules and sys.modules['gobject'] is not None to be True, but  import indicate as pyindicate to fail and from gi.repository import Indicate to succeed15:58
ralsinaSo, basically, all those imports are a mess15:58
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dobeyralsina: only if you do the latter inside an ImportError, instead of inside the if15:59
ralsinadobey: basically, on https://pastebin.canonical.com/61599/ I am ending with idicate = None because the if isTrue, and the import fails16:00
dobeyralsina: so wrapping the whole if/else block inside a try makes sense (and is what i think you were doing in your branch)16:00
ralsinadobey: ack16:00
ralsinadobey: I don't want to do that because it may ignore things like import Glib failing16:01
mandelnessita, here you go: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-sso-client/appname-ssl/+merge/9592816:01
mandelnessita, linked to the same bug that the UIFe was given16:01
ralsinadobey: I think I will separate the indicate import from the glib imports and just try toimport it both ways16:01
dobeyralsina: if the glib import fails, then there's no way syncdaemon will get far enough to try this import :)16:01
ralsinadobey: makes sense put that way :-)16:02
dobeywell, unless you're on windows or something, where this code doesn't get imported anyway16:02
ralsinadobey: and the indicate we prefer is the gi one, right?16:08
ralsinadobey: at least on precise16:08
dobeyralsina: it depends on which reactor we're running under, hence the "if 'gobject' in sys.modules and…" statement16:09
ralsinadobey: ok, thanks16:12
dobeybecause in the new glib2/gi reactors, each one overwrites the other types of imports, to intentionally break them, by assigning sys.modules['gobject'] = None for exmaple16:13
ralsinadobey: oh, fun16:13
dobeyralsina: well, it's either that, or segfault :)16:18
nessitamandel: perfect, looking at it right now. So, the app_name can not be blank, otherwise the help messahe will look aweful16:22
nessitamandel: we need to make the app_name a required argument when running the UI16:22
mandelnessita, well is just done for the actual dialog, the argparse makes it compulsory16:22
mandelnessita, I can change that to be a normal arg and not be a keyargs if you find it cleaner16:23
mandelwhich probably is16:23
nessitamandel: ah, you re right, and that's great. But the ssl dialog should receive it as mandatory arg as well16:23
nessitamandel: yes, please!16:23
mandelnessita, certainly, is a few mins max, on it!16:23
dobeyif foo is None: raise InvaiidArgument('foo cannot be None')16:26
dobeybbiab, need to get lunch16:28
mandelnessita, branch updated making app_name an arg so it must be passed to the dialog __init__16:33
nessitamandel: ack16:40
ralsinadobey, alecu: book your flights, you are going *only* to UDS ;-)16:57
ralsinadobey, nessita: barebones manpage added inhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/manpage/+merge/9594817:03
mandelalecu, I don't think that add_feature_by_type in Soup works with gi :(17:12
mandelalecu, best way is to use add_feature and pass the required init feature17:13
mandelalecu, I was trying to set the logging for soup and found out that17:13
alecumandel, sounds troublesome, no?17:14
mandelalecu, not really it should be self.session.add_feature(SoupGNOME.ProxyResolverGNOME())17:14
mandelalecu, rather than self.session.add_feature_by_type(SoupGNOME.ProxyResolverGNOME)17:14
alecumandel, cool then.17:15
nessitaok, lunchtime here17:15
mandelalecu, I'll fix that in my branches17:17
ralsinamandel, urbanape, briancurtin: http://mbroadst.blogspot.com/2012/03/qjsonrpc.html17:18
ralsinaAnd yes, I know we won't switch to that ;-)17:18
briancurtini would like the name more if it crammed together another acronym17:19
mandelralsina, ok, and the reasons is, no qt reactor on syncdaemon!!!17:19
ralsinamandel: oh, but you don't need qt reactor. Any *other* jsonrpc implementation interoperates17:19
mandelbriancurtin, or at least have used the t so that someone cool pronounce it as cute-json-rpc17:19
ralsinasays right there "the jsonrpc standard" (yeah, right)17:20
mandelmierda.. unity went crazy17:33
gatoxmandel, it happens to me all the time :P17:34
mandelgatox, meh.. is a beta17:34
mandellets hope it gets better17:34
gatoxmandel, in ubuntu we trust :P17:35
mandelnessita, alecu I'm considering to set the logging of libsoup when the u1 debug flag is on, anything against it?17:38
alecumandel, what would you be logging?17:39
alecumandel, surely not the content of the traffic, right?17:39
mandelalecu, this are the available levels: http://developer.gnome.org/libsoup/stable/SoupLogger.html#SoupLoggerLogLevel17:40
alecumandel, up to SOUP_LOGGER_LOG_MINIMAL sounds safe. But we should check *where* this is logged.17:41
mandelalecu, default is stdout, which does not sound good17:41
mandelalecu, I'm using it for debugging atm, and I think is a good, helful thing  to do17:41
nessitamandel: nothing against, but please consider what alecu said about not prioritizing libsoup17:46
mandelnessita, yes17:46
mandelnessita, although, I though that the libsoup version is used in sso, or not?17:47
nessitamandel: nopes if qt is installed17:47
mandelnessita, ok17:47
nessitamandel: and when running from the controlpanel, qt will be installed17:47
mandelnessita, I was thinking about software center..17:47
nessitamandel: is lower priority right now17:48
mandelnessita, ack17:48
gatoxralsina, nessita another one bites the dust: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/verification-fail/+merge/9595817:48
ralsinagatox: cool!17:49
urbanaperalsina: I suspect I should still route vacation requests to beuno, yeah?17:52
ralsinaurbanape: yep17:52
mandelok, EOD for me..17:53
gatoxmandel, bye!! o/ enjoy!17:53
dobeyralsina: why'd you split up the imports? it makes the code messier :-/17:53
mandelgatox, I need to forget libsoup for that hehe17:53
ralsinadobey: the Glib and Indicate imports? Because if Indicate fails, Glib may succeed17:54
ralsinadobey: but if they are together everything  fails at once17:54
nessitagatox: that branch is not the correct on, I specifically removed all those params from the _move callback17:54
gatoxnessita, why did you do that?17:54
nessitagatox: please put in on hold and let's talk about that solution17:54
nessitagatox: because is making the API dirties, of course I did not know it will break the email validation17:55
gatoxnessita, quick mumble?17:55
nessitayes please17:55
gatoxnessita, on mumble17:55
nessitagatox: you disconnected :-/17:56
dobeyhrmm, we need to add crashdb.conf files for everything18:09
maxibertaralsina: Hi! Thanks for your comments18:14
ralsinamaxiberta: thanks to you for packaging Ubuntu One for Fedora :-D18:15
maxibertaThe control panel is not there yet, but it's coming.18:17
maxibertaTried to make it work with apt-rpm but hit this ugly bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=79997718:17
ralsinamaxiberta: are you working on the new Qt-based control panel?18:18
maxibertaNo, gtk18:18
maxibertaShould I?18:18
ralsinamaxiberta: yes18:18
maxibertaFine :)18:18
ralsinathe Qt control panel is more standalone, and we are deprecating the gtk one in thenext ubuntu18:18
dobeymaxiberta: the gtk control panel actually requires some apt libraries, to work18:19
dobeyralsina: i suspect the same issue as in that bug post, will also happen when packaging ubuntuone-installer, which will be needed18:19
maxibertaThe Qt control panel is more package-manager-agnostic then?18:20
ralsinamaxiberta: well, it won't require apt, at least18:20
ralsinadobey: why would Fedora need -installer?18:20
ralsinadobey: I don't think we are getting on the CD in Fedora! ;-)18:20
dobeyralsina: well, for the .desktop file18:20
maxibertaI managed to get a pretty decent control-panel-gtk with no installer (commenting all "import apt")18:21
ralsinadobey: it's easier to add the .desktop file instead of packaging that thing :-)18:21
ralsinaalthough implementing it on top of packagekit may be a cute idea18:21
dobeyralsina: also, other stuff may run ubuntuone-installer to start the control panel :)18:22
dobeythough, in 3-4 months, packaging it on fedora should be much easier18:22
ralsinadobey: yes, but in a Fedora context, u1-installer fits like a piramidal peg in a hypercubic hole18:22
ralsinadobey: once you kill it? ;-)18:22
* ralsina is almost willing to give packaging for arch a try18:23
maxibertaFYI Im also waiting on this bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=80004418:24
ralsinamaxiberta: well, the PyQt control panel should not be affected by that18:25
dobeymaxiberta: how is that bug blocking you?18:25
maxibertaRight :)18:25
dobeyxvfb-run will also 'work around' that issue18:26
maxibertaJust running "python setup.py" in ubuntuone-control-panel crashes18:26
* briancurtin lunch18:26
dobeyoh because it does gtk_init on import, right18:26
dobeywell the gtk control panel is gone in trunk now anyway18:27
dobeyso the next release won't even have it18:27
dobeyso, tomorrow it will be gone in the tarball :)18:27
maxibertaHa, thanks for the tip18:27
maxibertaIn fact ubuntuone-control-panel-qt 2.0.0 fails on line 33 "from ubuntuone.controlpanel.gui.qt import main"18:34
dobeyralsina: oops. missed your reply about the indicate imports. and i don't think the split is necessary.18:34
ralsinadobey: open to change, comment on the MP?18:35
dobeymaxiberta: we didn't package it for linux in 2.0.018:35
dobeymaxiberta: 2.99.5 is the current released version. 2.99.90 will be released tomorrow18:35
maxibertaGood to know. Congrats18:36
dobeywell i should say should instead of will. releases aren't fully automated, and if the machines take over tonight, who knows what will happen :P18:37
dobeyralsina: commented18:39
ralsinadobey: thanks18:39
ralsinadobey: my approach was to offer the API as a noop in case Indicate is not available18:40
ralsinadobey: I suppose I could check the usage of the API and make the check there, but that's more error prone18:41
ralsinadobey: because the next guy that uses show_message has to know to check if it's available18:41
dobeyralsina: you could just add more return if indicate is None to the other pieces18:42
dobeywell show_message checks if it's available, in your branch18:42
ralsinadobey: ok, let me think about it 5' and see if I can do something nicer18:42
dobeyralsina: you could add that same check to the _server_callback (which nobody should use anyway)18:43
ralsinadobey: will never get called if there is no indicate anyway18:43
ralsinadobey: except tests, which will be skipped anyway18:43
dobeyright, or unless someone imports, but if they do, whatever, it can break :)18:44
ralsinadobey: hmmmm ok18:44
dobeywhich just points out one of the big things i really dislike about python18:44
ralsinadobey: I still think it's overreacting to 3 new lines but hey, I respect your opinion ;-)18:44
dobeywell, it's 8 lines instead of the 3 it would have been :P18:45
dobeyor used to be even18:45
ralsinadobey: but I have to add another if later, so 3 ;-)18:45
dobeyi was basically fine with your previous branch to fix it. :P18:45
ralsinadobey: that one didn't work18:46
dobeywhy not?18:46
ralsinadobey: because show_message sometimes returned a value and sometimes didn't18:46
ralsinadobey: so it was not exactly pretty18:46
dobeyoh, so the tests broke because you didn't also fix the tests in it?18:47
ralsinadobey: a bit more than that. The tests worked, but would have broken if run on Lucid18:47
ralsinadobey: and the API was inconsistent18:48
ralsinadobey: changed in revno 120418:49
dobeyoh, because there was an Indicate gir on lucid, and the tests were only magically working because of that being installed before, anyway18:49
dobeyso the tests were already broken on lucid :)18:49
ralsinadobey: right18:49
ralsinadobey: now they are broken and ignored on lucid ;-)18:50
gatoxnessita, ralsina the same branch as before with the api changes that we talk with nessita : https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/verification-fail/+merge/9597819:38
ralsinagatox: I can only look at it tonight19:38
ralsinagatox: late tonight19:38
gatoxralsina, no problem19:38
gatoxralsina, it depends from a nessita's branch also19:38
nessitawhich I'll be proposing soon19:39
nessitabut found a weird thing with the forgotten password page :-/19:39
gatoxnessita, what? can i help you with something?19:39
nessitagatox: I don't think so... but there is this weird try again thingy in that page, which is insconsistent, since we're handling there generic errors but we don't do that handling anywhere else...19:40
nessitaso I wonder why is there19:40
nessitaand also, the logic is wrong, so right now is showing a misleading message to the user19:40
gatoxnessita, i remember there was a really old need for that..... i don't know now19:41
nessitaI'm >this< close to wipe it off19:41
dobeyone down19:45
alecuoh, it's stopped raining.19:55
* alecu runs to the kinder, carrying a couple of umbrellas.19:55
alecusee you guys in a while.19:55
gatoxalecu, bye19:55
gatoxnessita, ralsina another review (when you have a moment): https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/clean-form/+merge/9598620:01
dobeyyou know what's awesome? moving milestones to a different series, that's what.20:01
ralsinadobey: milestones are usually heavy stuff not meant to be moved. In fact it's like their defining feature, not being mobile.20:01
dobeyralsina: perhaps. but moving milestones from trunk, to appropriate series, is quite nice20:02
dobeyat least, it is nice, if it does what i think it will do in the end after i've moved them all20:02
ralsinadobey: I blame the leaky abstractions20:03
dobeywould also be nice if lp just disallowed setting milestones on the development target20:04
dobeyor at least, if there was a per-project config option for it20:04
ralsinaOk, gotta go to the edocrinologist20:07
ralsinaor however that's spelled. Or spelt20:07
ralsinaSo, will do reviews late at night, mail them to me. gatox, nessita, I mean you, mostly ;-)20:08
nessitaralsina: ack20:08
gatoxralsina, ok, i'll send you the branch now..... and EOD!20:08
briancurtinralsina: i might have some windows/syncdaemon/root questions/comments - may email them20:08
ralsinabriancurtin: please20:08
dobeyralsina: endocrine20:12
dobeywhat about my reviews? :(20:12
ralsinadobey: please you too. Don't get jealous :-)20:12
dobeyralsina: i can't help it. i am a jealous god. :P20:14
ralsinadobey: here, have some burnt goat.20:14
* dobey wouldn't mind dinner at the gold place again20:15
dobeybut it's in bsas and i am not20:15
ralsinadobey: I could eat some alligator. A live one. I am hungry.20:16
dobeynessita: how's the cp package update btw?20:29
nessitadobey: you mean the nightlies?20:29
nessitadobey: they built and I installed them successfully20:30
nessitadobey: should we remove somehow the "old" -gtk package from people's computers?20:30
dobeynessita: not right now. the transitional package essentially does that (makes it an empty package), but we'll need to keep it around for precise at least. for quetzel, we can probably drop it for good (or bring back a gtk3 version ;)20:31
nessitadobey: ack, thanks20:32
nessitadobey: is tarmac for u1client "stucked"? I'm asking for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-client/15-minutes/+merge/95900 (approved  5 hours ago)20:33
dobeymaybe? i'll look20:33
nessitadobey: thanks, ussoc branches are not landing either.... so may be stucked20:55
dobeynessita: i think the world exploded20:58
nessitadobey: it did? and we\ re angels now?21:02
nessitadobey: now, seriously (no one will buy we can turn into angels), is tarmac stucked?21:04
dobeynessita: well i can't ssh to it, so :)21:05
gatoxnessita, branch re-merged with yours and conflicts resolved21:09
nessitagatox: loooooking21:09
gatoxok,, now EOD!21:10
dobeycrikey, it's that late already21:10
nessitaok., I'm gone21:53
nessitabye all!21:53
dobeyok, need to get away for a bit, later22:28
nessitaralsina: you around?23:51
nessitaralsina: just pinging for reviews, will go cook dinner now23:52

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