
philip__Hello. I'm using devede 3.21 and i'm getting the spumux bug when trying to create dvd from mkv container with subs in it. It won't let me attach external subs either. Any ideas?00:18
CFHowlettphilip__   attendance in this channel is unpredictable.  devede is an app that most ubuntu users don't ever use.  Best bet is in the multimedia or ubuntustudio forums00:20
philip__Hi again. :) I see. Could you suggest an alternative application? Except for the dvd styler, doesn't work for me.00:22
CFHowlettphilip__   I've never made an DVD = suggest you do a software center search.  Many choices there.00:23
philip__I think i'm running out of options as i already searched through synaptic, google, etc. That's why i asked. I will try once more just to get the job done, and then i'll start a thread on the forums as i need the devede to be working. Thanks a lot.00:26
CFHowlettphilip__   god luck00:28
philip__Thank you. :)00:28
kephrenHi everyone. Just wondering if ubuntu studio is still being maintained/developped?15:56
holsteintheres an 11.10 release, and 12.04 dailies15:56
kephrenThanks Holstein. Is it still backed by Canonical or have they left it on the curb for the community to maintain like kunbuntu? ;)15:57
holsteinmaybe you are not totally familiar with how the 'derivitives' work15:59
holsteinthe repos are maintained15:59
holsteinthe packages are maintained by the community, or the paid devs15:59
holsteinthe bills are paid by canonnical15:59
holsteinall of us take advantage of those bills that are paid15:59
holsteinwe have no 'paid' developers, nor do any of the others per se16:00
holsteinbut, a lot of the dev's are envolved, and help as-neede, and as time allows16:00
holsteini dont think anything is kicked to the curb16:00
holsteini think the one guy that was on salary at kubuntu is not working on kubuntu anymore16:01
holsteinthat could be good or bad16:01
holsteinwould i like for ubuntustudio to have a paid dev?... sure16:01
holsteindo we need one? ...not really16:01
kephrenThanks for your informations. I didn't mean to sound rude, probably I am ignorant as to how the derivatives are managed. The fact is that I'm a long time linux user (mainly gentoo and others) and I'm looking into Ubuntu Studio right now as a tool for a presentation on the theory of sound and music that I'd like to give to teens that have access to a pc but probably not to pricey music software16:02
holsteinif you arent using JACK, ubuntustudio is likely overkill16:02
kephrenThat's why I thought of Ubuntu Studio as a medium to deliver my content16:03
holsteinJACK is likely overkill for most 'consumer' grade tasks, but if you need it, you'll know16:03
holsteinyou dont have to choose either16:03
holsteinwe have metapackages for ubuntustudio that include software16:03
holsteinyou can install ubuntu, xubuntu, lubuntu.. kubuntu... whatever... and install those meta packages, or just install the software you want16:04
holsteinyou can have kubuntu for example, and use the software we have in KDE or whatever else you choose16:04
holsteinkephren: i didnt find you rude16:06
kephrenI'm probably going to download an ISO and load it up in VirtualBox to see but I'm assuming I could build upon what have already been done with UbStudio to deliver a CD/USB solution that the teens could load on their home PC to tinker and see if they have enough interest16:06
holsteini just wanted to set the tone here... i dont slam canonnical for buisness decisions that dont really effect our community16:06
holsteinthats just my personal opinion though... and i understand frustrations16:07
holsteinkephren: our newer 12.04 release can be run live16:07
kephrenAnd I understood well. I didn't mean to seem like I was blaming anyone for anything. It's just that english is my second language and I like british humor so I tend to be naturally sarcastic even when I don't want to ;) eheheh16:08
holsteinkephren: right on! :)16:08
holsteinglad you found us16:08
holsteintheres a really nice community over at #opensourcemusicians as well that you might find helpful16:09
holsteinubuntu users, and others... lots of audio pros16:09
kephrenanyways, as I said, I appreciate the informations you gave me, it pretty much confirmed what I thought but there's nothing like real people on good ole IRC to get quick and clear answers ;)16:09
kephrengreat I'll make sure to visit! I'm thinking of releasing the presentation material under a common license16:12
kephrenThanks again!\16:12
holsteini did one for my LUG group16:12
holsteinon JACK and ardour... rakarrack... some softsynths16:12
holsteinand other effects16:12
kephrenWhat I aim with my presentation is just to introduce and hopefully interest teens into sound and music. Teens who would otherwise be bored out of their mind, hanging out in the streets and doing mischief just to entertain themselves. I'm thinking of showing them simple enough ways to have fun with Hydrogen, Audacity and such16:16
kephrenNothing very complicated for my first presentation, just enough theory to get them to read more. The key will be to support my speech with a lot of nifty visual material to keep them awake until the end... ;)16:18
holsteini did a little jamming ;)16:18
holsteinrouted a couple of instruments in16:18
holsteinand did a few loops16:18
holsteinit was fun16:18
kephrenmaybe if enough interest is shown I will end up learning more myself and make some more in depth presentations but for now I just want to scratch the surface and show them that there's a lot of fun to be had if you mix Art and Maths together ehhehe16:19
kephrenfun <- that's what its about imho16:20
kephrenand as a kid I used to have fun making myself a different drum daily with empty boxes that were used for grocery shopping... Hell... Now we have Hydrogen and a whole bunch of drum sets, if we can't find any fun in that I might as well just give up on humanity right now... ;)16:21
kephrenanyway I gotta go for now, thanks again for your info!16:21
kephrenSee you around16:21
ssfdre38hey just a heads up, who ever can work on the main site, should fix the logos cause they are messed up18:49
ssfdre38its missing http://ubuntustudio.org/images/background.png18:50
kf7aysHey all21:14
kf7aysAny Experts here?21:14
kf7aysI am trying to get networking running on Studio and it is not going well. Anyone have any thoughts on what needs to be done? I have tried to follow the instructions on the site, but they are vague at best.21:16
magpiiI am having a legal issue with youtube. i made a stopmotion animation using stopmotion and the music using lmms in ubuntu studio. heres the link to the email i recieved, any help please? http://codepad.org/CiDploPK23:53
magpiiI am wanting to monitarize the video i made, but i am unsure as to what information I need if any so that youtube can stop being arsey and post it23:54

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