
m_3hazmat: lp:charmrunner still won't let me push to it00:15
m_3hazmat: also your changes are in lp:~hazmat/+junk/charmrunner so they don't get built into the packages00:16
SpamapSm_3: lp:juju/docs I think00:32
m_3SpamapS: thnks00:34
hazmatm_3, ugh..00:36
hazmatm_3, the newest version is on pypi.. updating the branch00:37
hazmatm_3, you should be able to push now as well00:39
shazzner_I need to get back to work on my charm, but I had a general idiotic question about juju00:49
shazzner_I've been doing a lot of testing against AWS, but I have a server that I'd like to just test deploy to00:50
_mup_juju/enhanced-relation-spec r19 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com00:50
_mup_New relation-info command and other relation id discussion00:50
shazzner_is it possible to configure an enviornment to a bare metal server, deploy openstack, then configure to deploy to that new openstack instance?00:50
SpamapSshazzner_: if you just want to use one server, use the local provider00:51
shazzner_SpamapS: ah good point, is there documentation on configuring for local?00:52
shazzner_also I might want to try out openstack for other reasons00:53
shazzner_found this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/65359/how-do-i-configure-juju-for-local-usage00:54
SpamapSshazzner_: you can use devstack to get openstack up on a single server00:54
shazzner_hmm last time I looked at devstack it require a specific hardware configuration that I didn't have, I'll look into it again00:54
shazzner_oh I see the documentation on devstack00:55
shazzner_ok, some reading to do :)00:55
SpamapSshazzner_: you are probably confusing devstack with crowbar00:57
shazzner_probably haha00:57
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_mup_juju/force-upgrade r459 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com03:24
_mup_force upgrade impl03:24
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hazmatSpamapS, it doesn't really appear that go supports plugins13:40
rogpeppehazmat: indeed it doesn't. any particular reason we need them?13:44
hazmatrogpeppe, just a conversation from yesterday about out of tree provider plugins13:44
rogpeppehazmat: ah, i understand13:45
hazmatrogpeppe, we were discussing if LoadLibrary/dlopen was sufficient to support the use case13:45
hazmatbut that's not clear to me13:45
rogpeppei don't think it probably is13:45
rogpeppehazmat: but perhaps just linking against the new provider might be sufficient13:46
rogpeppehazmat: also, it would be reasonably straightforward to provide an "external provider" interface that talked with a provider through a local pipe.13:49
hazmatrogpeppe, once its out of process any rpc form would suffice13:50
rogpeppehazmat: yeah13:50
hazmatrogpeppe, including using zk ;-)13:50
hazmatso its just a question of launching the process13:50
rogpeppehazmat: i'm really thinking of something that implements the environs.Environ interface13:51
rogpeppehazmat: which could be a piece of Go code that sees an environ type of a particular form and launches a process as appropriate13:51
rogpeppehazmat: we could do it with no changes to the current code (only thing is the provider type would probably be "external" rather than the actual provider type.13:52
hazmatrogpeppe, sounds good, atm the need is theoretical13:53
hazmatm_3, what's the new jenkins charm test url?13:53
niemeyerGood morning all14:08
rogpeppehazmat: for the record, here's how i'd imagine the API to an external provider: http://paste.ubuntu.com/871477/14:09
hazmatrogpeppe, i'd go for a proper net conn/rpc but its not particularly relevant atm14:11
rogpeppehazmat: io.ReadWriter can be a proper net conn14:11
rogpeppehazmat: (the rpc details are all hidden behind the API)14:12
hazmatrogpeppe, ah ic..    yeah.. os.StdIn threw me.. but indeed it could be any net conn14:15
rogpeppehazmat: yeah. i thought the standard thing could be to read a directory containing executables with external providers, and start them up (if needed) with a duplex pipe on their stdin14:17
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DavieyHey, what is a reliable example charm.. is it still wordpress?14:43
SpamapSDaviey: yeah, though I find thinkup more interesting. :)15:22
SpamapSDaviey: mediawiki is also a decent choice.15:22
SpamapSDaviey: and our beloved python-moinmoin15:23
DavieySpamapS: heh, really just want a golden charm to use as part of openstack ci testing15:24
DavieySo something that uses a bunch of instances, and certainly reliable. and fast :)15:24
SpamapSDaviey: lots of instances, I'd go with mediawiki15:27
SpamapSDaviey: because its really mysql+memcached+mediawiki15:28
SpamapSDaviey: and all of those deploy from the ubuntu archive, so they will be fast in theory. :)15:28
DavieySpamapS: super.. and can screenscrape a string from the default mediawiki landing page.15:29
SpamapSDaviey: you can even set the string you want by setting the title15:30
DavieySpamapS: don't get cocky now. :)15:31
SpamapSDaviey: juju set mediawiki name=x49493hfasdfasdf9a1 and then look for that15:31
m_3hazmat: still charmtests.markmims.com15:33
DavieySpamapS: nice!15:33
m_3hazmat: thanks for the ownership change... I'll try to push15:35
m_3I thought destroy-service griped at you if the service you're killing has active relations15:46
hazmatm_3, guru meditation unavailable15:49
hazmatm_3, it doesn't15:49
hazmatm_3, the relations get destroyed15:49
hazmatm_3, your jenkins appears to be hosed15:49
m_3hazmat: yeah, bouncing to pick up the new charmrunner changes15:49
m_3let you know when it's back up15:50
hazmatm_3, thanks15:50
m_3most changes can be caught during an upgrade, but I edited some charmrunner packages manually and wanted to wipe15:50
m_3hazmat: so elastic ips (bug #937949)... would it be reasonable to update these with zkcli or are addresses stored in the agents themselves?16:03
_mup_Bug #937949: juju status shows addresses that are out of sync <juju:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/937949 >16:03
hazmatm_3,  hmm.. so the cli always uses the latest ip address as given by the provider, but the inter unit communication uses addresses recorded by the unit agent at startup16:05
hazmatthe unit agent does not have any knowledge when the address changes16:05
hazmatwe could setup some sort of poll update for it16:05
m_3hazmat: right... so I'll never be assigning an elastic ip to a bootstrap node... they'll always be able to phone home16:06
hazmatm_3, hmm..16:07
hazmatm_3, we effectively send a machine and unit agent the dial home address when we launch the machine, if it changes at runtime its problematic16:07
hazmatm_3, but in this context its not really an issue outside of the status inconsistency16:07
hazmatbecause the private address doesn't change16:07
m_3the cli seems to use a mix of the two.. 'juju ssh 4' works fine but 'juju ssh <unit_name>' doesn't16:07
hazmatbut in general fluid networking isn't something we've dealt with very well16:08
hazmatm_3, yeah.. for anything relating to a unit address it delegates to the stored value16:08
m_3I've had problems changing relations with a unit that's been assigned an elastic ip16:08
hazmatm_3, really? the private address is the same.16:09
m_3example: head(varnish) gets an elastic ip16:09
m_3but had a problem destroying and re-relating related services16:09
hazmatm_3, if you have an example i'd be happy to take a look16:10
m_3sorry didn't keep the stack up and really have time to debug it... happened last week16:10
hazmater a recipe to reproduce16:10
m_3lemme see if I can reproduce16:10
m_3it's secondary atm tho... I can keep the head up without an elastic ip for now16:10
m_3just was wondering if I can fix the elastic ip problem manually by sshing into 0 and zkcli.sh16:11
m_3(charmtester still pending btw)16:13
DavieySpamapS: server meeting?16:14
SpamapSDaviey: as usual, 0800 is the worst possible time for it. :)16:14
SpamapSjust now back from dropping son off16:15
m_3hazmat: charmtests.markmims.com is back up... about to pound it with jobs16:27
hazmatm_3, what's the instance size16:31
hazmatm_3, and how many instances are actually running tests at a given moment?16:32
hazmatm_3, doesn't look like you have the latest changes16:33
m_3three currently, but that'll change based on the environments we feed in to test16:33
hazmatm_3,  that value should be converted in the cli16:33
m_3i.e., one per series or not16:33
hazmatnot at point of usage, but at point of ingest16:33
hazmatie.. add_argument(type=float16:33
m_3ah, gotcha16:34
m_3lemme see why it's not picking up the latest... it's doing an easy_install iirc16:34
hazmatm_3, yeah.. that's going to get bzr revs16:35
hazmater.. not going to get16:35
m_3yeah, it's just 'easy_install -q charmrunner'16:35
hazmatm_3, un momento, i'll fix correctly and publish new version, eta 10m16:35
m_3I'd really like to just include it into the charm-tools package eventually16:36
hazmatm_3 done16:40
hazmatm_3, its more a juju-jitsu thing.. imo, but its mostly immaterial to me.. if you want to package it up sounds good to me.. i'm going to add env/stack dump/load next16:41
hazmatgiven infinite time, i can accomplish infinite things ;-)16:42
m_3yeah, it'd be useful to get something like snapshot working for other providers16:42
m_3that's what people want to see once this is stable16:43
m_3but one thing at a time16:43
SpamapSthe decision to put things in one place or other goes like this. If it does anything with charm *content* or *lists* , it should be in charm-tools. Everything else goes in jitsu16:58
m_3SpamapS: sounds good17:00
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jcastroSpamapS: m_3: hey we should catch up today17:44
jcastroI have some questions!17:44
jcastroand I wanna hear about strata17:44
m_3jcastro: yup17:44
SpamapSjcastro: sure, we have a team call, then you17:44
SpamapSjcastro: invite out17:58
SpamapSm_3: ^^17:58
hazmatSpamapS, can i join in?18:03
marcoceppiSpamapS: I'm uncertain of the changes proposed to the charm-tools package, I don't know if they're...generic enough18:15
SpamapSwhich changes?18:16
marcoceppiSpamapS: https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/charm-tools/add-charm-helpers/+merge/9620418:19
hazmatSpamapS, come back18:21
hazmatugh.. unicode decode errors all over the charm browser18:21
* hazmat shakes fist at jamespage 18:21
SpamapSX crash18:22
SpamapShazmat: re-invite pls18:22
hazmatSpamapS, done18:23
jimbakerhazmat, i didn't see those decode errors, but http://charms.kapilt.com/charms/precise/hadoop produces "Internal Server Error"18:29
hazmatjimbaker, yeah.. its there under the hood18:29
hazmatits a unicode decode error18:29
jimbakerhazmat, i assume we should be able to handle unicode in charms?18:30
hazmatjimbaker, its a template rendering problem, there's probably some ascii string getting mixed causing the issue18:31
jimbakerhazmat, sure18:31
hazmatjimbaker, it was one of the readme files on disk, fixed now19:22
SpamapSnijaba: just now saw your bug comment re drupal. PING19:23
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
_mup_Bug #885297 was filed: Drupal Charm from documentation should exit 0 when related host is not up <juju:Confirmed> <Juju Charms Collection:Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/885297 >19:36
jamespagehazmat, sorry - was it something I put in a README?19:44
jimbakerjamespage, i think you were just testing hazmat's code ;)19:45
jamespagejimbaker, I see :-)19:45
jimbakeri believe it's this little bit: HDFS™19:46
jimbakerinnocuous enough19:46
m_3jcastro: buildbot master/slave promulgated19:48
* m_3 rings the bell19:48
hazmatjamespage, no worries, not your fault at all19:49
hazmatjamespage, it was a good unit test ;-)19:50
jamespagehazmat, straight copy/paste from the upstream website....19:50
hazmatjamespage, cool, we just didn't have any unicode readme's before that19:50
hazmati wasn't encoding the file off disk properly19:51
hazmati've switched all readme processing to assume utf819:51
jamespagehazmat, I'd not actually realised that by pushing them to ~charmers they would appear on the charmstore...19:52
jamespagethats WIP for precise still19:52
SpamapShazmat: all of the readmes were "unicode" before that. You didn't have any *wide character* readmes before that. :)19:52
hazmatSpamapS, true19:52
SpamapSthats really the reason python got it wrong, and still gets it wrong.. because they missed the difference there19:52
hazmatjamespage, yeah.. that's the case, i need to switch it to only consider it official when its set as the branch tip19:52
hazmatSpamapS, py3 to the eventual rescue19:53
jcastrohey jamespage, in case you haven't realized this yet. Your READMEs on these charms are basically going to become the canonical resource for deploying H* on ubuntu19:53
hazmatie. promulgated19:53
hazmatjamespage, yeah.. that's a nice readme19:53
jcastroso it's a good thing they are complete!19:53
hazmatjcastro, we need to start being better about asking people to add a sensible extension for format.. right now things are really all over the place.19:54
hazmat.rst / .markdown etc19:54
jcastrooh, we just say README right there19:54
jcastrowhat do you want the extension to be?19:54
SpamapShazmat: does py3 assume utf8?19:54
hazmatjcastro, whatever standard extension there is for the format the author is using19:54
hazmatSpamapS, internally all strings are unicode, wrt to input/output its explicit encoding if you want strings, else its a byte stream19:55
jcastrohazmat: we support .rst and markdown, what else? is that the only 2?19:55
SpamapShazmat: ok so perhaps py3 got it better than I had thought. :)19:55
hazmatSpamapS, i haven't really played with py3 at all outside of demos for user groups.. the anger has not come, and without anger this is no experience ;-)19:55
hazmatjcastro, really any of the mappings here.. should be good https://github.com/github/markup19:56
jcastrook so steal that basically19:57
hazmatjcastro, ie. any of those extensions.19:57
jcastrook, after this mail I'll use this as a reason to do a MP on the docs properly this time19:57
hazmatand of course .txt19:57
hazmatugh.. hopefully not .pod19:57
jcastrowell, what do you support?19:57
jcastrook so we'll accept a pod but just make fun of the person?19:57
hazmatjcastro, keep in mind though we're not rendering the format inline19:58
hazmatjcastro, where are all the ideas/bug reports? ;-)19:59
jcastrosorry I haven't gotten there yet, one more email to go!20:00
jcastrowhere's the project again? sorry, I was doing well today but then got distracted by Clint's wild ideas20:00
* SpamapS whispers in jcastro's idea "Wear peanuts for shoes. Eat a donut in the rain. Purple Hair...."20:02
jcastrom_3: pretend we have a config option in a charm for node.js from a PPA vs node from the repo, what would your ideal command look like?20:03
jcastroI'm working on that node email20:04
m_3jcastro: we should standardize on that... jamespage uses "release" with "distro" or "trunk" (http://paste.ubuntu.com/871998/)20:06
m_3jcastro: I'm good with that... 'juju set node-app release=trunk'20:06
m_3jcastro: is that what you're asking?20:06
m_3jcastro: marco talked about a charmhelper for that too... lemme look20:07
jcastrowe'd need a PPA right?20:07
m_3nope, nothing in helpers20:07
m_3'ppa' -vs- 'trunk'/'head'/'tip'/'edge'20:08
jcastroI don't think in helpers20:08
jcastroI think we had talked about it20:08
m_3jcastro: see if he'll own the one we already have instead of rewriting a new one... he can rewrite that one at will20:09
m_3SpamapS: hey, so got a charm-tools MP with no tests20:14
m_3SpamapS: but the helpers look great20:14
m_3SpamapS: they were added as a result of a charm review, so I'm tempted to merge it and then ask peeps for tests afterwards20:15
m_3SpamapS: how much of a stickler should we be on this?20:15
m_3it's probably asking them for quite a bit more work20:16
SpamapSm_3: smoke tests wouldn't be though, right?20:28
SpamapSm_3: if the charm that makes use of them is tested, I'd accept that as coverage. :)20:29
jcastroSpamapS: see mail wrt. evan's deploy script22:05
jcastroSpamapS: I feel bad that he had to make this.22:05
_mup_juju/force-upgrade r460 committed by kapil.thangavelu@canonical.com22:15
_mup_force upgrade unit state support22:15
hazmatm_3, the helpers are crack22:15
hazmatm_3, there executing juju from the units22:15
hazmatand the buildbot charms are a quite odd as well, install juju wrappers, symlinks from outside of the charms..22:17
robbiewhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/+bug/904201 <- woot!22:19
_mup_Bug #904201: need supporting code to model machine constraints <juju:Fix Released by fwereade> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/904201 >22:19
m_3hazmat: hmmm... maybe I got the old branch mistakenly... they fixed the reviewed problems22:25
m_3had some problems while promulgating... maybe barfed it22:29
m_3hazmat: those're fixed... just branched lp:charms/buildbot-master and slave and they're good22:32
m_3no wrapper and no cross-charm links anymore22:32
hazmatm_3, cool, then perhaps its just their readme that needs an update22:35
hazmatrobbiew, just the first of several22:35
hazmatbut indeed, WOOT!22:36

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