
shoopdewoopso ive been running 10.04 off a usb key on my netbook (dell mini 1010) and all's been well after a few tweaks, but now ive installed it alongside winxp, and it brings me to an emergency prompt at the splash screen. also, how might i go about removing lxde (i dl-ed it to try it out, but id prefer to switch back. i realize i could from the login screen, but i cant get there from the live session)00:00
juacom99hi, can anyone help me with a hardware porblem, i bought a Toshiba  1Tb external drive and kubuntu is not recognizing it00:13
juacom99is not even show on fdisk -l00:13
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littlegirlHey there, the https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ContactUs page says to join the #kubuntu-testing channel to discuss CD testing, but it doesn't exist. Is there another channel I should join for that?00:14
nafgjuacom99: Have you tried the partition editor?00:14
juacom99i got info on that disk i don't wanna loos :S00:14
nafgjuacom99: Okay, but does it show it?00:14
juacom99let me check00:15
nafgWhen you go to System Settings and choose the partition manager, is it included?00:15
shoopdewoopso ive been running 10.04 off a usb key on my netbook (dell mini 1010) and all's been well after a few tweaks, but now ive installed it alongside winxp, and it brings me to an emergency prompt at the splash screen. also, how might i go about removing lxde (i dl-ed it to try it out, but id prefer to switch back. i realize i could from the login screen, but i cant get there from the live session)00:15
juacom99not show on the partition manager00:15
juacom99nafg: the disk has usb 3.0 support00:17
juacom99i don't know if that really matters :S00:17
nafgjuacom99: sorry, I don't know anything about usb 3.0. Is the port usb 3?00:17
juacom99nop 2.000:18
nafgIs the disk supposed to require a usb 3 port?00:18
littlegirlThe https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ContactUs page is outdated (last edited more than 3 years ago). Is there a more modern version of it somewhere that's accurate?00:18
juacom99i think so00:18
juacom99at work it was reconized just find :S00:19
juacom99but with other O.S00:19
nafgHow do you enable the typing break in Kubuntu?00:30
nafgNever mind, it's RSIBreak00:37
littlegirlnafg: Good job finding it! (:00:37
juacom99nafg: never mind i try in my back usb port and work just find00:38
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juacom99is really odd any way, why in the fron usb don't work and in the back it does :S00:39
littlegirljuacom99: You probably need to check your motherboard manual and make sure the jumpers are set correctly for the wires that lead to the front USB port.00:43
juacom99littlegirl: i use the front USB port all the time, is the first time they don't reconice a usb device :S00:44
littlegirljuacom99: Oh, I'm sorry! Maybe one of the connectors came loose?00:44
juacom99i'll connect a pendrive and check one sec00:45
juacom99littlegirl: my pendrive works just find on the front USB ports :S00:48
littlegirljuacom99: Maybe there's something about the item that doesn't work in the font port that's a bit more sensitive to some setting, or there's something in your system that's sensitive to something in that item. No idea. I'm kind of new to USB. (:00:48
juacom99littlegirl: i don't know either :(00:49
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TronicWhy do newly opened Gnome Terminal windows shrink to minimum size?01:50
almoxarife http://paste.ubuntu.com/870943/ <-- I ran rkhunter and got an interesting result, found KBeast Rootkit , the specifics are shown on the link, am I looking at a false positive?04:26
EvilResistancealmoxarife, not sure, because in my setup, i run it (11.04) and that kernel call doesnt exist04:29
EvilResistanceso... not sure04:29
EvilResistanceit might be, it might not be04:29
almoxarifeEvilResistance: yes, I was hoping some one else had the same image to compare results04:30
EvilResistancegimme a sec to scan my IT security sources, they may know more04:31
EvilResistancealmoxarife, i'm going to file a security bug against X.Org in this instance, and get the Ubuntu Security Team involved, this is not a good sign as far as i can tell.04:36
EvilResistancei'm getting a similar error on my VM04:36
almoxarifeEvilResistance: I didn't think so either, but I don't really know a lot about rootkits04:37
EvilResistancewell ITSec is sometimes hard, if its not a false positive the security contacts will bje involved04:37
EvilResistanceand if they say "this IS a rootkit" i'll involve the LPAdmins04:38
almoxarifeEvilResistance: you did notice where the image came from right?04:38
EvilResistancealmoxarife, you mean the xorg-edgers PPA?04:39
almoxarifeEvilResistance: yeap04:40
EvilResistancesee privmsg04:40
almoxarifeEvilResistance: wait one, I have the pm'er on ignore all, send the pm again please04:41
ibiwroHello! I'm using KDE 4.8 on Kubuntu 11.10. How can I setup mobile broadband? After connecting the device, I cannot select option to setup mobile broadband. Netwrok Management > Manage Connections > Mobile Broadband option is greyed out05:00
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ubuntuGuys, I'm having problems. I need to expand the size of my trashbin.06:55
mysteriousdarrenubuntu: explain more please.07:05
ubuntuI need to increase the size that the trashbin can hold.07:05
mysteriousdarrenubuntu: what are you current restraints?07:07
ubuntu... How should I know?07:07
jalcineubuntu: it's typically a percentage or fixed amount.07:07
mysteriousdarrenubuntu: why would you change it if your not running into problems?07:08
jalcineWhat file browser do you use? Dolphin, Konq, etc?07:08
jalcineTools -> Configure Dolphin : Trash07:08
mysteriousdarrenubuntu: plus I have stuffed 200gb into a 250gb hd and never had any trouble. 200gb in the trash for those following.07:08
jalcineFor each mounted drive, there's a specific trash drive.07:09
ubuntuI just use linux for IT stuff... I don't screw around with it all.07:09
ubuntuCopying files to an external drive, etc.07:10
ubuntuThat's all, really.07:10
jalcineSince you're using Kubuntu, you could just empty from the command line with "ktrash --empty"07:10
* jalcine typically uses that command, for some reason.07:10
ubuntuWell... That's all.07:15
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fredixI have the same problem about flood alert from knotify http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kdepim-bugs/2011-June/055055.html09:22
wujiekubuntu 11.10如何安装中文输入法09:40
viKtor_hey guys how can i use this feature in chakra? “BorderlessMaximizedWindows=true” It is supposed to be in kwinrc (/home/user/.kde4/share/config) but it isn't there :S10:10
Tm_TviKtor_: hi, this is Kubuntu support channel, I would assume Chakra has their own (:10:11
viKtor_Tm_T: it is a kde feature (kwin) so i assume every kde distro can use this :S10:12
Tm_TviKtor_: but I cannot answer if there's something in Chakra that make things work differently10:13
viKtor_Tm_T: how does it work in kubuntu?10:13
Tm_TviKtor_: I do not know, I cannot find such option from the GUI and not have time to check if it still existing in the current Kwin release10:18
Tm_TviKtor_: looks like if you want that feature enabled, you add the line to the configuration file10:20
Tm_TviKtor_: if you like to get general KDE support, there's #kde10:21
raymearshi people. i have purged the xorg-edgers ppa using ppa-purge and now i can't reinstall skype... http://pastebin.com/nDksGutq any idea what i could do? i am stuck in dependency hell10:26
Tm_Traymears: that's aptitude?10:27
raymearsi think so.10:27
Tm_Tah, indeed10:27
Tm_TI wonder what apt-get says10:27
raymearsi have no held packages on my system, btw.10:28
Tm_Tand if you try install libqtgui4:i386 ?10:29
raymearshehe. yes. yes10:29
raymearsand it doesn't install because of something else..10:29
raymearsif i try and install that.. it doesn't because of smth else. and theeeen10:29
raymearsif i want to install that... it wants to remove half my system10:30
Tm_Traymears: what's the last bit (root cause) when you follow the chain?10:30
raymearsjust a sec10:30
raymearsit is.. libffi610:30
Tm_Tshow me the apt-get output please (:10:31
Tm_Tbroken packages, interesting10:32
Tm_T"sudo apt-get install -f" prints what?10:32
raymearsit's clean10:32
raymears0 to remove 0 to upgrade and all that10:32
Tm_T"sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-0:i386 libffi6:i386" ?10:33
raymearshang on. i will try yours in a sec10:33
Tm_Traymears: oh, please run "sudo apt-get update" first10:34
raymearsTHIS is the output to your suggestion http://pastebin.com/XYxVqfkj10:34
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raymearsthis si where it reinstalls everything10:34
Tm_Traymears: did you run apt-get update?10:35
raymearsi did it afterwards. same output10:35
Tm_Tthen retry installin libffi6:i386 and please pastebin the output10:36
raymearsvia apt-get it gives me the huge error message.. and tries to remove everything from my system10:37
raymearsvia aptitude.. it says10:37
raymearsi think the key is somewhere in here http://pastebin.com/gJFdYCrC10:38
raymearsthis seems to be circular10:38
raymearswhy does it require both at the same time, where do these requirements come from in the first place?10:39
Tm_Traymears: could you please give me the output of apt-get?10:42
raymearsapt-get what?10:42
raymearsoh. it is the same as last time10:43
raymearsi am thinking of downgrading it...10:43
raymearsdoesn't work either10:44
Tm_Traymears: ok, very interesting10:45
raymearshttp://pastebin.com/X4GQV8Kj this is me trying to downgrade10:45
Tm_TI don't understand why it finds a need to remove all those packages10:45
Tm_TI wonder how much stuff you have from ppas and are causing some interesting conflicts10:46
raymearswell..that the problem... the ppas10:47
Tm_Tatleast synaptic can show from where you have the packages installed (and it can also provide means to downgrade them easily to versions from main repositories I believe)10:47
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raymearsand the fact that i have a lot of stuff in here10:47
raymearsoh screw skype10:48
Tm_Traymears: the skype isn't the problem, the fact is your system is in a mess (:10:48
raymearscrap. wine is mucked as well10:48
raymearsyeah.. just noticed.10:48
raymearsshould i remove all ppas ?10:48
Tm_Traymears: that doesn't suffice, you have to solve the package mess too10:49
kugblenuhello, am new here10:49
Tm_Tbut yes, starting by removing untrusted (or unneeded) ppas10:49
Tm_Tkugblenu: hello and welcome10:49
kugblenuits great to join the community. (hope am part)10:50
raymearskugblenu: hi10:51
raymearsTm_T: what do you suggest i do then?10:51
kugblenuthis is my first time using the irc. am a complete noob10:51
raymearsok, i removed 2 ppas. the rest are.. standard ubuntu repos.10:54
raymearsall except kubuntu backports (semi-offical) and  ubuntu-x-swat10:54
raymearsTm_T: what would be an appropriate course of action now?10:55
kugblenuits like am in a whole new world10:56
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esplinterhi, I have this problem11:02
raymearsTm_T: holy crap deborphan lists kdebase-workspace and kdelibs... what the hell is going on with my system?11:02
Tm_Traymears: what ppas you had in use?11:09
Tm_Traymears: and what sources you have enabled currently11:09
raymearsTm_T: it is a very long story. but now i only have the stadnard kubuntu ones, in addition to which i have left enabled kubutntu backports and...ubuntu-x-swat11:11
Tm_Traymears: I would like to see sources.list and other relevant files, please11:13
kworkerhi, what's the current best way to make bootable instalation pendrive?11:20
kworkeri have only linux laptop and kubuntu iso file11:21
makuizzzhey guys, I want to setup my PPPoE connection. What do I type at "Service"? I tried "internet" but the connection does not show up11:28
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Peace-kworker: 1 format fat32 , add the flag bootable , then use unetbooin11:31
Peace-makuizzz: kppp ?11:31
Peace-makuizzz: btw i use the standard network manager11:31
makuizzzPeace. I am using the NetworkManager app11:31
makuizzzfrom the tray11:31
makuizzzso what do you have in the DSL tab > your connection > at Service?11:40
raymearsTm_T:  sorry was out for lunch. people had to drag me away11:51
raymearsTm_T: http://pastebin.com/iaZDmY2v this is the sources.list11:52
BluesKajHi all12:20
Fanfarewhere to set inlinerenaming in dolphin? cant find it animore...12:23
BluesKajFanfare,  in line renaming ? pls explain12:28
Peace-Fanfare: i guess it's disabled on dolphin 2.012:29
Peace-Fanfare: maybe could be appear on dolphin 2.112:29
Peace-dolphin was rewritten so...12:29
BluesKajrenaming docs or files ?12:30
Peace-BluesKaj: you know ... when you have to rename ..it appears a window12:31
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Fanfarerenaming files by <F2> opens a dialog window...12:32
BluesKajyes renaming in the right click dialog , but what does he mean by in line renaming12:32
Peace-Fanfare: dolphin2.0 engine was re-written12:32
Peace-that feature is missing12:32
Peace-you should read the penz blog12:33
Fanfarenot opening a dialog, but simply edit the name inside dolphins view12:33
BluesKajI still have "rename" in the dialog12:33
Fanfarefolderview widget still has it12:33
FanfareBluesKaj: its not the functionality missing, its the anoying popup.12:34
BluesKajFanfare,  annoying? ..well, to each his own i guess :)12:35
FanfareBluesKaj: right, me anoying...12:35
BluesKajannoying to you , but not to me12:36
Fanfarewell, to each his own i guess :)12:36
FanfarePeace-: got an url?12:37
Peace-Fanfare: you know google ? well the fist link penz dolphin inline => http://ppenz.blogspot.com/2012/01/dolphin-20-status-update.html12:38
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why12:39
Fanfarepenz blog gave other missed dolphin, sorry12:39
FanfarePeace-: thx12:42
BluesKajFanfare,  do you mean renaming in the addressbar ..I still don't understand , so I'm curious12:42
Peace-BluesKaj: rename files...12:44
Peace-if there is inline you can edit without window pop up12:45
Peace-that is good for me12:45
BluesKajPeace-,  yes I know , but which method ?12:45
FanfareBluesKaj: u have folderview widget?12:45
Peace-BluesKaj: right click rename files12:45
Peace-on dolphin of course12:45
BluesKajno folderview here ..it wasn't working very well12:45
Peace-on windows double click on the name slow speed can active the renamin feature12:46
BluesKajok , now I have it figured out12:46
BluesKajfolderview doesn't show everything in the dir ..and there's no scrollbar , now recall why I don't use it , however I do have dolphin launcher in the panel12:51
FanfareBluesKaj: do u have folderview configured to show a folder with files in it? do u have set any filters?13:00
FanfareBluesKaj: no. no?13:00
BluesKajFanfare,  I have the default configuration13:02
FanfareBluesKaj: not sure what the default config is, so. simply right click in folderview and create some files and dirs from context menu NEW13:03
BluesKajFanfare,  I have dolphin added to the panel , so it's essentially the same thing13:03
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FanfareBluesKaj: new files should show up in folderview. if not check filtersettings in folderview config. remember its an AND filter13:06
BluesKajFanfare,  frankly , dolphin launches and shows all the file in /home ..which is the way I like it ...folderview seems redundant to me13:09
faLUCEhi, is there a REALLY GOOD alternative to rosegarden for midi editing?13:09
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FanfareBluesKaj: np, i use folderview as a sort of temporary dropbox13:13
FanfarefaLUCE: did u try frescobaldi, ist different but good13:14
FanfarefaLUCE: based on lillypond13:14
BluesKajFanfare,  I'm a home user so not a lot of file additions or removals13:15
BluesKajfaLUCE,  timidity ?13:15
Fanfaretimidity is not an editor13:16
BluesKajok , I'm not into midi , so my knowledge there is limited13:16
BluesKajour band has never looked at midi ...guess we're all too old :)13:18
FanfareBluesKaj: how do u set notes? dont u do it on pc?13:19
BluesKajFanfare,  nope, we record onto a usb stick then edit on a pc13:26
BluesKajthe mixer converts to wav13:27
FanfareBluesKaj: so u transcode from soundfile  to midi or u edit the soundfile?13:27
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BluesKajthe mixer has an output to usb , it's converted to wav in the mixer13:28
BluesKajfender passport13:29
Sifrazooy_Hi , i have a problem , after installing windows my grub disappeared as usual and i made a mistake while installing my grub i installed it from a previous live version and the grub didn't installed well anyway after installing the grub from it's version the grub installed with one issue windows disappeared from the grub menu list13:29
faLUCEI'm searching for a midi editor like cakewalk for windows13:36
nagato_Sifrazooy: type sudo update-grub in terminal13:36
dcorbin_worktop shows Xorg as burning 15-17% of my CPU when I'm "not doing anything".  Any ideas on how I can figure out what it's doing?13:37
FanfarefaLUCE: Whats your use case, whats wrong with rosegarden?13:38
FanfarefaLUCE: http://www.openoctave.org/ ?13:41
Sifrazooy_nagato: actually i did13:41
Sifrazooy_dcorbin_work: do you use firefox ?13:42
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BluesKajfaLUCE,  have you looked into swami ?14:00
BluesKaj!info swami14:01
ubottuswami (source: swami): MIDI instrument editor application. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0+svn384-2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 256 kB, installed size 844 kB14:01
BluesKajfaLUCE, ^14:01
Sifrazooy__Hi , i have a problem , after installing windows my grub disappeared as usual and i made a mistake while installing my grub i installed it from a previous live version and the grub didn't installed well anyway after installing the grub from it's version the grub installed with one issue windows disappeared from the grub menu list14:10
BluesKajSifrazooy__,  http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html14:16
qw-Russianhello alll14:22
designbybeck_Greetings all!14:22
qw-Russiani have question14:22
designbybeck_ok qw-Russian you go first ;)14:22
qw-Russianafter install Windows XP  in VirtualBox, my size for VB is bad i would like maxsimizeted my screen or normal set size for VB14:24
designbybeck_did you install the host/guest addons?14:25
designbybeck_i'm not quite sure what they are called right off hand14:25
designbybeck_but i seem to remember those might be needed in order to change the screens resolution in a VM qw-Russian14:26
qw-Russianone minutes please14:26
qw-Russiandesignbybech, see this screeen http://s006.radikal.ru/i214/1203/76/ae09a1879f77.jpg and you understand me14:33
designbybeck_qw-Russian: try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PglZkX4ipw14:35
Sifrazooy_Hi , i have a problem , after installing windows my grub disappeared as usual and i made a mistake while installing my grub i installed it from a previous live version and the grub didn't installed well anyway after installing the grub from it's version the grub installed with one issue windows disappeared from the grub menu list14:35
designbybeck_you'll need the Guest Additions which I think are in the Software Center14:35
BluesKajSifrazooy_,  pls don't repeat you rquestion then leave ...look at the url I posted above14:37
Sifrazooy_Blueslaj: i looked at it and i didn't understand anything from it14:37
qw-Russiandesignbybeck_ no this video didn't answer my question14:38
designbybeck_did you install the Guest Additions14:38
qw-Russianwhat is the Guest Additions ?14:39
designbybeck_qw-Russian: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch04.html14:39
qw-Russiani am understand14:40
qw-Russianmaybe )14:40
Sifrazooy_BluesKaj : it's so Complex14:41
Sifrazooy_BluesKaj : and i left to try some changes on the grub14:43
qw-Russiandesignbybeck_, thank you it's work14:45
designbybeck_great! Glad to help qw-Russian. pay it forward!14:46
qw-Russiani have one question15:16
qw-Russiani would like to create such service on creation of sites as at ucoz only for itself on a computer?  Even for began with two domains15:18
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markusI don't understand what you just said15:33
qw-RussianI would like to create the same system on creation of sites as well as ucoz15:44
SifrazooyHi , i have a problem , after installing windows my grub disappeared as usual and i made a mistake while installing my grub i installed it from a previous live version and the grub didn't installed well anyway after installing the grub from it's version the grub installed with one issue windows disappeared from the grub menu list15:45
SifrazooyPlease someone help me i tried more than five things till now15:45
markusyou have to mount the system that your old grub is installed15:49
BluesKajSifrazooy,  after adding windows to the grub menu , did you do , sudo update-grub ?15:49
SifrazooyBluesKaj : i did what this blog said http://erickoo.wordpress.com/2009/06/14/how-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala/15:50
markusNormally your partitions get added automatically15:51
markushere are the steps:15:51
SifrazooyBluesKaj : after i that all what i found is a link to windows when i choose it it open a black screen and grub> (terminal15:51
SifrazooyBluesKaj : i will recheck again16:02
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designbybeck_I'm doing some screenshot instructions. and I wanted to use the KDE Mouse Icons in some of them. Is there a folder I can find these in SVG?16:24
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swexanybody who using backports repository with kubuntu 11.1018:38
swexcan you change file associations thru dolphin file props or system setting?18:38
swexI just can't apply settings my progress bar just looping 0 to 100 %18:39
swexdunno why18:39
swexprobably bug18:39
swexbut fast googling didn't give me any18:39
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shadeslayerswex: which KDE version do you have?19:48
swexshadeslayer, 4.8 from backports repo19:52
shadeslayerhm, could you try out KDE 4.8.1 from the backports PPA and maybe that issue is gone with 4.8.1?19:52
shadeslayerswex: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports20:06
qbityou did mean KDE 4.8 and not 4.8.1 right?20:08
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AnonRootKILLneed help installing virtualbox20:23
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littlegirlAnonRootKILL: Have you tried the instructions here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox/Installation20:26
AnonRootKILLI have tried everything nothing seems to fix my problems20:27
littlegirlAnonRootKILL: What problems are you having?20:27
AnonRootKILLi think i have tried everything and MESS up everything as well20:27
littlegirlAnonRootKILL: Hopefully it can be solved. (:20:27
vprints_laptopdid you install build-essential ?20:30
AnonRootKILLidk i have mess up with everything20:31
AnonRootKILLthat i dont know what to do20:31
AnonRootKILLi need someone with Team Viewer20:31
AnonRootKILLSomeone ? http://pastebin.com/SLX9wCa7 HELP ME PLEase?20:35
vprints_laptopDid you install build-essential before installing virtualbox?20:46
DarthFrogHis solution is obvious:  Install virtualbox from the Ubuntu repos, not the one he downloaded from Oracle.21:12
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shoopdewoopalright, newbish question alert: just installed 10.04 on my netbook (dell mini 1010) and im wondering if java (jre AND jdk) and flash are already here or if i need to download them. if so, from where do i get them?21:46
markussudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras kubuntu-restricted-extras21:47
shoopdewoopawesome! thanks :)21:47
sluckxzwhy would sudo work fine in a shell but not graphically in muon?21:56
qbittry using kdesudo instead if you're trying to start a graphical app as root21:59
CanEzgii installed kde desktop and then pc startup viewed kubuntu logo22:05
CanEzgihelp me22:05
BluesKajCanEzgi,  and then ?22:05
lnxslckCanEzgi, install ubuntu-desktop22:06
CanEzgiyes install ubuntu desktop but not it22:07
BluesKajCanEzgi,  did you install kubuntu-desktop22:07
BluesKajchoose kde at the login menu22:08
qbitone of the little icons gives you a choice of what session you want - choose KDE22:09
CanEzginot see kde in logi menuü22:13
Sifrazooy_how i can open file directory as a root22:15
CanEzgiis it true22:17
Sifrazooy_does any one knows how i can open the file manager with a root priviliges in a GUI interface22:21
qbitkdesudo dolphin22:23
qbitthe bad thing about that advice is if you didn't already know how to do that you're just setting yourself up for disaster22:26
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
uberdubcan any one help with a compilation error?23:47
uberdubIve pasted the output here: http://pastebin.com/zzgSyb0v23:49
jEhrichsinstall ktorrent23:52
uberdubI have all dependencies, and cant find a cmakelists.txt file23:52
uberdubthats what Im doing23:52
uberdubtrying to install ktorrent 4.223:52
jEhrichsalso libktorrent-dev?23:53
uberdublibktorrent install fine23:53
uberdubpretty sure got the dev23:53
uberdubwhere to get the -dev? Its not in the repos, and locate doesnt find it on my system23:55
uberdublibktorrent compiled fine23:56
uberdubno errors23:56
uberdubdont seem to have libktorrent-dev23:57
jEhrichsshould be in the repos. at least I found it23:58

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