
thumperhow do I find out what my "compose" key is?02:15
thumperprogramatically hopefully02:15
brycehthumper, you mean, apart from looking in the advanced keyboard layout settings dialog?02:17
thumperbryceh: yeah02:17
thumperI know that it is bound to AltGr on my keyboard02:17
thumperbut I'm trying to write an automated test02:17
thumperas far as X is concerned02:17
thumpermy AltGr isn't Alt_R02:17
thumperit is a multikey02:18
brycehthumper, good question.  I've assumed it's stored in gconf, but haven't ever looked for it02:18
thumperbryceh: where is the advanced keyboard layout settings dialog?02:18
thumperfound it02:20
brycehsettings panel > keyboard > layout settings > options02:20
* thumper nods02:20
brycehrather buried02:20
RAOFthumper: You should be able to do that with xmodmap or somesuch, I think?02:46
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thumperRAOF: got any more specific ways?  I've not used xmodmap before03:42
RAOFxmodmap -pk | grep -i multi_key03:45
RAOFAlternatively, if you've got a Display * and you want to learn more about the joy that is XKB, XkbGetMap appears to be your winner.03:47
RAOFthumper: Also, multi_key is X's nomenclature for the compose key.03:49
thumperRAOF: ah, ok03:49
pittiGood morning05:51
pittijbicha: I'm not opposed to the new keyring version, I just haven't tested it at all; there's quite some code changes in there05:52
pittijbicha: and I haven't checked for API and behavioural changes05:52
jbichaquicklist capitalization is a bit inconsistent, I think sentence case is the standard but someone else should take a look at my change to gedit06:16
didrocksgood morning07:12
pittihey didrocks07:13
didrocksguten morgen pitti, how are you?07:13
pittiquite fine, thank you! how about you?07:13
didrockspitti: I'm fine as well, thanks ;)07:14
RAOFBah!  That bug where <alt><right> would bring up the alt-tab switcher is back in the unity-team PPA.07:15
ricotzgood morning, could someone look at this last glib change http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/glib/ubuntu/view/head:/debian/patches/61_glib-compile-schemas-path.patch -- gdbu-codegen is actually located in /usr/bin07:19
didrocksRAOF: back?07:27
didrocksRAOF: it has been fixed yesterday07:27
* didrocks looks again at trunk07:27
RAOFIt was fixed in the archive...07:27
* RAOF may be out of date, though.07:27
didrocksRAOF: did you upgrade today? (there is no new revisions)07:28
didrocksmeaning as well that remaining release critical bockers aren't fixed :/07:28
didrocksRAOF: rev 204807:28
RAOFI'm not sure if I upgraded today or not.07:28
didrocksapt-cache policy unity ?07:28
RAOFbzr2047.  So that's fixed in the update.07:29
didrocksdon't do that ever ever again! I have enough load of bad news from them everyday :)07:29
RAOF...need to get 764MB of updates...07:29
RAOFGarghl.  Stupid autotools, nodist_xfixes_barrier_SOURCES != nodist_xfixes_barriers_SOURCES.  Would a sensible error message *really* be too much to ask for?07:46
didrockspitti: oh btw, meeting reminder day! :)07:49
pittididrocks: merci!07:56
pittihey Sweetshark08:09
* Sweetshark is sorting in duplicates again.08:14
didrockshey Sweetshark08:21
Sweetsharkdidrocks: hey, so I heard people are reporting unitys intended behaviour as a bug?08:22
Amozwell halo thar08:23
didrocksSweetshark: well, it's really not quite clear from the bug report, isn't it? :)08:23
didrocksSweetshark: when you hover the panel with a libro maximized, you have the buttons as well?08:23
Amozany updates on the shell 3.4 testing? :)08:23
didrockspitti: argh, was about to do gnome-icon-theme :)08:33
pittididrocks: ok, then please do08:33
didrockspitti: ok, for once I have some times to do some GNOME updates ;)08:33
pittididrocks: -symbolic, too?08:33
didrocksyeah ;)08:33
pittididrocks: I'll merge ibus then08:34
didrocksgood luck :)08:34
didrockspitti: ah, -symbolic is in sync from debian, maybe you want to upload to experimental + sync?08:36
pittiwe could do that, yes08:36
pittibut then we should also update g-i-t08:36
pitti(in Debian)08:37
didrockshum, as you wish then :)08:37
pittididrocks: for now, I think it's a bit far ahead in Debian08:37
pittiwe barely got the new glib08:37
didrockspitti: ok, let's upload to ubuntu directly for now then08:37
didrocksah ahead08:37
didrocksok, let's wait for syncing for -symbolic maybe08:38
Sweetsharkdidrocks: with libo maximized it works08:43
didrocksSweetshark: ok, let's wait on the bug report then08:43
Sweetsharkdidrocks: with LibreOffice in fullscreen mode it doesnt and it shouldnt08:43
chrisccoulsonhmmm, this isn't good. i can't configure both of my displays to be on this morning09:07
ronocmvo - ping ?09:11
didrockssalut seb12809:12
seb128lut didrocks, en forme?09:12
didrocksseb128: ça va, et toi? :)09:12
seb128un peu fatigué mais ca va sinon09:13
didrockstravaillé tard, non?09:13
seb128didrocks, pitti, jbicha: thanks for doing updates!09:13
pittihey seb12809:13
seb128didrocks, yeah, until 1am, wanted to get the new gtk out09:13
seb128but I got it in the ppa after all, it's a bit buggy09:13
seb128hey pitti09:13
seb128pitti, no need of meeting reminder reminder today I see!09:16
pittiseb128: didrocks already reminded me09:16
seb128pitti, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/canonical-desktop-team-precise-fixes-report.html09:16
seb128pitti, so we tie again!09:16
* pitti ^5s seb12809:16
chrisccoulsonwho broke multimonitor in precise? ;)09:16
pittiit would be nice if we could tie at precise release time09:16
pittichrisccoulson: broken how? seems to work here09:17
chrisccoulsonpitti - i can't get both screens to switch on. i just get an obscure error from the display panel09:17
chrisccoulsonand now i've managed to get unity to think both screens are on09:17
chrisccoulsonand all my windows are appearing on the screen that i can't see09:18
seb128chrisccoulson, was there any xorg or unity change recently?09:18
chrisccoulsonnot sure09:18
seb128chrisccoulson, I blame hardware and your dock station :p09:18
chrisccoulson1 second, i'm going to have to log out again09:18
chrisccoulsonthis must be about the 7th time already in 15 minutes ;)09:18
seb128I had weird cases where I had to power off my laptop to "fix" ports detection09:18
* pitti notes that "tig_ER" is a funny name for a locale09:20
seb128pitti, is that really a locale?!09:20
chrisccoulsonok, it's definitely completely broken here :(09:20
pittiseb128: yes, just spotted it when running langpack-locale's tests09:21
seb128didrocks, gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (didrocks) -> let's wait on debian to sync it?09:21
seb128didrocks, I think we can wait after precise if we do that :p or ping pitti to do the update in Debian...09:21
didrocksseb128: pitti told me that debian was ahead of us?09:21
pittiseb128: we quickly mentioned it, but if we update it in debian, we should update g-i-t in experimental, too09:21
pitticertianly doable09:21
pittididrocks: err, no?09:22
pittiI meant that starting to update gnome packages to 3.4 sounds a bit early for Debian at this point09:22
pittiwe just barely got a newer glib09:22
didrocks09:37:18         pitti | didrocks: for now, I think it's a bit far ahead in Debian09:22
didrocksok, I understood the opposite09:22
didrockswill do then :)09:22
pittisorry for the confusion09:22
didrocksno, *I*'m sorry for it :)09:22
pittiseb128: "Tigre" in Eritrea09:22
didrocksok, gedit crashes on closing09:23
seb128pitti, learning every day ;-)09:23
pittiseb128: it does sound like there could be a few tigers there, though :)09:23
didrocksnot sure how much jbicha tried it09:23
seb128didrocks, .6?09:23
didrocksseb128: yeah09:23
seb128didrocks, by experience those are often due to plugins, maybe you use one that he doesn't?09:23
didrocksseb128: hum, I think I have quite a stock config09:24
seb128let me upgrad09:24
didrocksseb128: it's in the vcs still09:24
didrocksbecause he wanted to check the quicklist changed (see the pad)09:24
seb128oh ok09:24
mvoronoc: pong09:27
ronocmvo, hey09:27
ronocmvo, so i noticed yesterday that the RestartSchedule'd' signal has been renamed09:28
ronocto RestartSchedule()09:28
ronocon the packagekit interface09:28
ronocis this to stay that way09:29
ronocthe i-session will of course not be sensitive to such signals if it's matching against the wrong string09:29
seb128ronoc, hey09:30
seb128ronoc, glatzor seemed to say it didn't yesterday, are you sure you didn't typoed it in your commit?09:31
Sweetsharkdidrocks: hmmm, the plot thickens ..09:31
ronocseb128, am maybe i did, i thought it did work previously09:32
didrocksSweetshark: what do you mean?09:32
ronoci will change it back now to 'RestartSchedule'09:32
seb128ronoc, thanks09:35
pittitkamppeter_: do you have an opinion on the patch in debian bug 662660 ?09:35
ubot2`Debian bug 662660 in cups-filters "cups-filters: Please drop ttf-freefonts and use fontconfig to find the best-matching similar font" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/66266009:35
pittitkamppeter_: seems upstreamable to me09:35
Sweetsharkdidrocks: LibreOffice is doing fine. lo-menubar is acting up.09:38
Sweetsharkdidrocks: see bug 884523, bug 945317. the second one is esp. interesting as it is 2d only.09:40
ubot2`Launchpad bug 884523 in unity-2d "after oct 31 update, libreoffice can't detach from global menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88452309:40
ubot2`Launchpad bug 945317 in unity-2d "menubar doesn't show in unity2d" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94531709:40
didrocksSweetshark: please ping the 2d guys on #ubuntu-unity then09:40
didrocksfor #1, seems to be an extension issue09:40
Saviqdidrocks, did you encounter "#error "Only <glib.h> can be included directly.""?09:41
Saviqdidrocks, Hud.h includes <glib/gvariant.h>09:41
pittiseb128: hm, did we decide to keep libgnomekbd at 3.2, or has there just not been a 3.3.x release yet?09:41
seb128pitti, the second09:41
pittiseb128: grabbing then; also, want me to do nautilus, or do you want to?09:42
* pitti grabs gnome-themes-standard, too09:42
seb128pitti, as noted on the pad it's done in the vcs but blocked on gtk to be uploaded09:42
seb128pitti, gtk breaks mouse whell scrolling09:42
pittiseb128: ah sorry, missed that09:42
seb128which is rather annoying for users09:43
seb128so I keep it in the ppa until that's sorted09:43
didrocksSaviq: I think you need to include glib.h before including glib/gvariant.h09:45
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, sounds like it, but it's in UnityCore/Hud.h09:45
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
didrocksSaviq: try on your side, before including Hud.h to include glib.h directly09:46
Saviqdidrocks, yup, doing that09:46
tkamppeterpitti, for me it looks OK. What is missing is the aprropriate portion for ./configure. Especially there one could perhaps even make the build dependency on fontconfig optional, so that a packager or a user can decide whether he wants the fontconfig bits (we want them).09:51
pittitkamppeter: ah, it already build-deps on fontconfig-dev, so I had assumed it already uses it anyway09:55
tkamppeterpitti, then perhaps another componant uses fontconfig.09:57
pittitkamppeter: ah, I think it was a workaround for the new poppler09:57
pittitkamppeter: I want to upload cups-filters to D/U today, do you still have anything for this?09:59
tkamppeterpitti, then I will add that patch upstream and make a new upstream release and prepare a package on the BZR for you to upload.10:00
tkamppeterpitti, but now I remember that I am still waiting for a pdftopdf fix from larsu.10:01
pittitkamppeter: ah, it's not that urgent (the fontconfig patch)10:02
pittitkamppeter: but if you want to, sure10:02
tkamppeterpitti, pdftoopvp seems to use fontconfig, therefore ./configure already checks for it.10:03
pittimeh, the i386 CD is again oversized -- stop bloating!10:04
pittiadded python-paramiko, libo grew a bit10:06
pittiah, duplicity pulls in paramiko now10:07
pittiTheMuso: do you want to handle the atk1.0 update to 3.3.91?10:11
Saviqdidrocks, the hack you did for unity-merger doesn't seem to work10:17
didrocksSaviq: argh, it doesn't install unity-common?10:18
didrocksSaviq: I need to test it myself, will do shortly10:18
Saviqdidrocks, the dir isn't there in time for B10:18
didrocksah, crap :/10:19
didrocksneed to check if the .dsc is there then10:19
didrockswill have a look lalter10:19
Saviqdidrocks, I'll check out things and let you know10:20
didrocksand a nice kernel panic for me :(10:23
seb128chrisccoulson, did you solve your monitor issues?10:24
chrisccoulsonseb128, not yet. i'm on just one screen :(10:24
Saviqdidrocks, "/var/cache/pbuilder/precise-amd64/result/unity-2d_5.4.0-0ubuntu1.dsc" is there10:25
didrocksSaviq: well, I'm alreay in the chroot, so I need to look here10:26
Saviqdidrocks, that's the chroot10:26
didrocksSaviq: yeah, but you have as well all the other packages, isn't?10:27
Saviqdidrocks, I dropped to shell in D10specifitests10:27
Saviqdidrocks, that's the only .dsc, though10:27
didrocksah interesting then :)10:27
didrocksok, will use that then10:27
didrockscan you give it a try?10:27
didrockswith -f10:27
Saviqdidrocks, but I didn't build anything else there10:27
Saviqdidrocks, so there might be more .dsc if you build other things, no?10:28
didrocksSaviq: nothing in /tmp/buildd ?10:28
Saviqdidrocks, empty10:28
didrocksneed to give a deeper look, not now though :(10:28
Saviqdidrocks, `find -name *unity-2d* /` only gave me the /var/cache :/10:28
Saviqdidrocks, that's fine, just wanted to let you know what I found10:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, hmmm, so, deleting my monitor.xml "fixes" it ;)10:35
seb128was it corrupted?10:35
seb128the xrandr code didn't change recently I think10:36
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, there's a couple of strange configurations in there actually10:38
chrisccoulsonthose 2 are weird: http://paste.ubuntu.com/871264/10:39
seb128yeah, I get chrisccoulson to do desktop debugging for the second time this week \o/ :p10:40
chrisccoulsonseeing as i have no VGA, and one of them has no settings for the laptop panel, which is what i couldn't get to switch on10:40
seb128the question is to know how you landed with that config...10:40
chrisccoulsonnot sure :)10:41
seb128did you use the capplet recently?10:41
seb128or cycle using the hotkey?10:41
chrisccoulsoni haven't used either of those for a while10:42
chrisccoulsonbut i did dock with my lid closed this morning, which i don't normally do10:42
ricotzseb128, hi11:12
seb128ricotz, hey11:12
ricotzseb128, did my message about glib reach you somehow?11:12
seb128ricotz, no11:12
ricotzgdbus-codegen is located in /usr/bin11:13
ricotznot in /usr/lib/...11:13
seb128oh, so the .pc is wrong?11:13
ricotzno the patch is wrong ;)11:13
seb128well, the patch to the .pc11:13
seb128so the .pc in result11:13
seb128gotcha, I didn't look hard, I though it was similar to the other binaries11:14
seb128shouldn't it be installed in the same dir than the others?11:14
ricotzhmm, not sure11:15
seb128ricotz, I will fix it in the next upload, thanks11:17
seb128ricotz, is anything using the .pc to get the gdbus command?11:17
seb128pitti, there? how did you "  import 1.1.4.is.1.1.3-0ubuntu1 upload: Revert to 1.1.3 until we can figure out proper solution to bug 94473611:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 944736 in lightdm "Fails to load any session" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94473611:17
ricotzseb128, ok, dont know, but if so it will break11:17
seb128in lightdm?11:17
pittiseb128: I grabbed the debdiff from LP and applied it11:18
seb128pitti, ok11:18
pittiseb128: so that commit could just be reverted before upgrading to the new version (except changelog)11:18
ricotzpitti, hi11:18
pittiricotz: hallo, wie gehts?11:18
seb128pitti, right, I tried to bzr merge-upstream but it's making my life miserable11:19
seb128pitti, tons of conflicts, I tried to resolve --take-other11:19
seb128 198 files changed, 11371 insertions(+), 12080 deletions(-)11:19
seb128in the diff.gz11:19
pittiseb128: right, I think you need to revert that reversion before11:19
seb128pitti, I will try to reverse that commit and then merge-upstream11:19
pittiseb128: want me to have a look?11:19
pittiah, or that11:19
seb128pitti, no, that's fine11:19
seb128pitti, I've everything locally11:19
ricotzpitti, gut, danke, und selbst?11:19
seb128pitti, I just tried other approchs but failed11:20
pittiricotz: prima11:20
ricotzpitti, there migth be some new LO ppa builds this week ;)11:20
ricotzpitti, lucid worked fine without cheating11:20
ricotz(it only used 21gb for amd64)11:21
ronocmvo, that 'RestartSchedule' bug is not being triggered11:31
ronocmvo, what package should i point the relevant bug to11:31
ricotzseb128, do you check gtk yet?11:33
mvoronoc: aptdaemon please11:33
seb128ricotz, it's in the desktop team ppa, I still have the mouse whell scrolling issues your mentioned11:36
seb128ricotz, did you talk to mclasen about it?11:36
ricotzseb128, no yet, feel free to do so11:37
seb128ricotz, I plan to ;-) would have been useful before the release though :-(11:38
ronocmvo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+bug/94210411:38
ubot2`Launchpad bug 942104 in indicator-session "the indicator stopped turning red on restart required" [High,New]11:38
ricotzseb128, i was asking him about the libxi dependency which isnt working for the patched one in oneiric11:38
ricotzseb128, as i said yesterday, disabling the xi2.2 might help11:38
seb128ricotz, well, ideally we want both11:39
seb128xi2.2 and mouse whell11:39
seb128I will talk to mclasen11:39
ricotzright, i am not sure gtk is blocking something already11:39
ricotzso this would be an option11:40
seb128only nautilus11:40
seb128which has 3 commits, 2 coming from Ubuntu (fixes from mterry) we have and one to fix scrolling with the new gtk11:40
mvoronoc: ta11:40
ricotzseb128, i see11:41
pittiseb128: lightdm happier now?11:45
seb128pitti, yes, I got it sorted, thanks11:46
seb128pitti, I still don't understand bzr resolve --take-other was not working11:46
seb128but after reverting your commit it's working11:46
tkamppeterpitti, larsu has found the cause of the N-up problem of pdftopdf and will work on it this afternonn. cups-filters will most probably ready for its next upload tomorrow in the morning.11:50
pittitkamppeter: nice, that sounds fine11:51
=== Amoz is now known as Afougner
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gemarickspencer3: are you there?12:23
gemarickspencer3: we have a bug that needs to be fixed to unblock software center testing and it is not getting enough attention, bug 93711912:23
ubot2`Launchpad bug 937119 in unity "unity-panel-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_hash_table_foreach()" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93711912:24
gemarickspencer3: any help from you to get some traction on this issue much appreciated12:24
lenioshi there12:33
leniosasked in -devel but heard it might be better to ask here: how would you recommend overriding a setting set in a /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*.gschema.override file? (for example org.gnome.desktop.background)12:33
tkamppeterpitti, I tried the patch from http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=662660. I uninstalled ttf-freefont (with --force-depends). The job completes (does not error out and gets removed from the queue) but the output is unreadable.12:35
ubot2`Debian bug 662660 in cups-filters "cups-filters: Please drop ttf-freefonts and use fontconfig to find the best-matching similar font" [Wishlist,Open]12:35
didrocksgema: that would be nice that 1. you state that earlier 2. pinged the upstream first (the unity team) 3. try to ping the maintainer in ubuntu before (me)12:35
tkamppeterpitti, I have also tried to remove the links in /usr/share/cups/fonts/ and it still gives the bad printout.12:36
didrocksgema: I have a priority list where I put items for the upstream list when people ask first12:36
chrisccoulson_fantastic. we have a power cut12:37
chrisccoulson_for probably the first time since i've lived here!12:37
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didrocksrickspencer3: FYI ^12:37
gemadidrocks: we had someone from unity there saying they cannot reproduce12:48
gemadidrocks: but now that I know you are the contact person, will do in the future12:48
gemadidrocks: do you think you can have that at least looked at at some point soonish?12:49
didrocksgema: he didn't tell that, he told the stacktrace wasn't helpful12:49
gemadidrocks: he has the code to reproduce the problem12:49
didrocksgema: yeah, I'm putting it on the priority list with a high version12:49
gemadidrocks: thanks12:49
gemarickspencer3: forget about it, found the man I needed to find :)12:49
didrocksgema: we will have hopefully a new unity release tomorrow, once the release critical will be fixed12:49
didrocks(this won't contain this fix though)12:49
didrocksbut I'll ensure they get it fixed then12:50
didrocksand will backport in the package12:50
gemadidrocks: fair enough, as long as it is on your radar for beta 2 I am happy12:50
didrocksgema: ok, thanks :)12:50
gemadidrocks: dave is having trouble testing software centre due to it, so it is in everyone's benefit to have it fixed as soon as we can12:50
gemadidrocks: sorry for the misunderstanding!12:51
didrocksgema: no worry, I'll keep you posted12:51
gemadidrocks: thanks a lot12:52
didrocksgema: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuMtju1x8UoEdDNCT1U5MlVodjIwNGJPdnU5YVltVmc#gid=1 is the priority list12:52
gemadidrocks: cool, I will bookmark it12:52
pittitkamppeter: ah, thanks for trying12:53
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tkamppeterpitti, so as it is I will not take the patch upstream, it needs some more work.12:54
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pittitkamppeter: CC'ed you on my reply12:55
pittitkamppeter: right12:55
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.12:56
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pittiseb128: meh, gconf renamed its library?13:08
pittilibgconf2-4 -> libgconf-2-4 apparently13:08
pittijust saw it in binNEW13:08
seb128pitti, dunno, talk to slangasek, I saw he merged the multiarch debian version13:09
seb128but I didn't look into details, I guess they did13:09
pitti*shrug*, ok13:09
seb128     + Rename libgconf2-4 to libgconf-2-4, make it MA: same.13:09
seb128     + Make libgconf2-4 a dummy MA: same package depending on both too.13:09
seb128pitti, ^13:09
seb128yeah for useless renames...13:10
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pittisilly LP exception in the amd64 retracer, restarting..13:38
pittidoctor appointment, bbl13:45
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jbichagood morning13:56
jbichaso why does Design not like sentence case any more? "Lock to launcher" seems a pretty strong counter-example13:58
jbichabut then again, it's just terribly inconsistent, "Empty Trash", "New Terminal", Nautilus' "Open a new window"13:58
seb128jbicha, hey, how are you?14:00
jbichaI want to follow up on the Design mailing list but I'm curious who made the decision for Design this time14:00
seb128jbicha, it's a bit complicated, HIG, GNOME, etc use "New Tab"14:00
seb128design whant "New tab"14:00
seb128I told John it was a bit idea since that inconsistent with GNOME etc14:01
seb128but he says our design guideline suggest only the start of sentence to be capital cased14:01
seb128so our options are to follow GNOME or to patch everything out14:01
seb128I told him we should take the easiest path and follow GNOME style for the lts14:01
seb128then discuss it at UDS14:02
seb128jbicha, does it make sense?14:02
jbichaseb128: ok, but that decision needs to be announced or something with all the quicklist activity going on14:02
ogra_tsk, capitalized letters are so overrated, we should drop the first letter capitalization too14:02
ogra_for consistency14:03
seb128jbicha, it was?14:03
jbichaseb128: where?14:03
seb128jbicha, the unity list wiki recommend capitalized style and mhall went through the merge request with updated instructions14:03
seb128jbicha, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/LauncherAPI14:03
seb128jbicha, "a Name=, which is the entry as it's displayed which should be in title case. "14:03
seb128the example as well14:04
seb128Name=Take a Screenshot of the Current Window14:04
jbichaseb128: ok, fair enough, the screenshot on that page needs updating though14:04
seb128jbicha, sorry for the mess14:04
seb128jbicha, it's still not clear what is best to me, design recommendation and what they use is conflicting with what we used until now and GNOME is doing14:05
seb128so either way it's going to be work14:05
seb128jbicha, do you have an opinion on what is best as an english speaker? ;-)14:05
jbichaI don't think there's a clear best, title case is traditional, but for a good counter-example, the new GNOME help uses sentence case for titles14:07
seb128jbicha, do you know if GNOME has any guideline or preference for their list if they plan to it for shell?14:08
jbichaseb128: except for help, they seem to still use title case everywhere14:12
seb128jbicha, ok, we will stay on that for this cycle14:12
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jbichaoh and I do get an apport crash popup when I close gedit 3.3.6 here14:28
seb128jbicha, yeah, didrocks was mentioning that this morning14:28
seb128jbicha, he didn't upload because of it14:28
* pitti retries control-center amd64 build14:54
desrtpitti: hello.14:55
desrtoff the phone? :)14:55
pittihey desrt14:56
pittiheh, yes14:56
seb128pitti, I'm about to update control-center so probably no need to retry old builds14:56
seb128desrt, hey14:56
desrtso i was noticing that the latest precise doesn't do XDG_RUNTIME_DIR14:56
desrteven though i've been telling for over a year that it is really necessary to support this14:57
desrtmeanwhile, i have some patches waiting on bugzilla for improving NFS support that depend very heavily on this functionality14:57
pittiright, it's something systemd specific14:58
pittiso we might get it next cycle14:58
desrtpitti: you told me some time ago that it could probably be implemented in consolekit or so14:58
pittibut I don't really see us crowbaring this into CK at this point :(14:58
pittidesrt: right, just nobody found the time to do it, and so far it's not a mandatory feature14:58
desrtpitti: you didn't really have any lack of advance warning... :/14:58
desrtpitti: well... dconf-on-nfs on ubuntu is already somewhat broken14:59
desrtbut it's about to get worse14:59
desrtanyway... i agree that it's no time to hack it in at this point15:00
pittiwe can get something like /var/run/user/ relatively quick, but it won't have all the required properties15:01
desrtso i'm going to hold off on accepting the patch until next cycle15:01
pittiin particular, cleaning it up when the user logs out sounds a bit racy15:01
desrtbut you really really need to promise to do XDG_RUNTIME_DIR next cycle :p15:01
pittithat needs some actual CK support15:01
desrt(one way or another)15:01
chrisccoulson_we're switching to systemd, aren't we?15:02
* pitti assigns bug 894391 to himself15:02
ubot2`Launchpad bug 894391 in consolekit "support $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89439115:02
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
desrtchrisccoulson: that would certainly be the easiest way :p15:02
seb128chrisccoulson, we as desktop are over those level :p15:03
seb128chrisccoulson, no sure what foundation is doing ;-)15:03
* desrt doesn't really care about the mechanism -- only the interface15:04
seb128but I'm for sure not putting my hands on init stuff15:04
seb128whatever they want ;-)15:04
seb128I like my system to boot though15:04
seb128so I'm not looking forward an init system change if there is one15:04
mdeslaurseb128: what, you don't want to be converting init scripts to systemd and fixing boot races full time for the next 4 releases?15:04
seb128mdeslaur, exactly what I'm not looking for indeed!15:05
seb128I remember how many years it took us to get sound working again, please let my init alone ;-)15:05
desrtmdeslaur: going to sign the anti-lennart petition? :)15:06
desrt"first he broke my sound... then he broke my init..."15:06
ogra_there is a petition ?15:06
desrtit's hilarious15:06
* ogra_ looks for his pen15:06
chrisccoulsoni was just about to say that it sounds like we're suggesting that everything lennart writes is unreliable ;)15:06
desrt235 people signed it15:06
mdeslaurdesrt: ha! awesome :)15:06
pittimterry: good morning15:11
mterrypitti, hi!15:11
pittimterry: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/duplicity/0.6.18-0ubuntu1 -> how much does this need paramiko? It's a very large package (0.8 MB)15:11
mterrypitti, needs it for ssh.  We can't drop python-pexpect due to the switch?15:12
mterry(not for ssh as used by deja-dup though)15:12
mterry(so we could drop it to a suggests without a big loss of functionality for desktop users)15:13
pittimterry: no, hplip and checkbox also need it (and it's smaller, too)15:13
mterryah right15:13
pittimterry: just trying to see what we can remove again, as the CDs once again are oversized :/15:13
mterrypitti, ah in that case, I can drop it to a recommends15:14
mterryi mean a suggests15:14
seb128pitti, we will not win  the space back from langpacks base update at release?15:14
pittimterry: so it either calls the ssh binary through pexpect or uses paramiko to do it via a library?15:14
pittiseb128: first, the update packs are empty, and second, not on the live system15:14
seb128pitti, did we drop ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk yet?15:14
pittionly on alternates (but they have no problem)15:14
pittiseb128: I dropped it in the seeds, yes; let me check if we have -meta rebuilt15:15
pittiTask: ubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-usb, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-usb15:15
* pitti rebuilds15:15
pittiseb128: we'll add u1-installer instead15:15
pittianyway, rebuilding meta, and then let's see what tomorrow's image does15:15
mterrypitti, no it can't use pexpect anymore.  But it has its own baked in ssh backend that uses paramiko or it has a GIO backend which can be used for all the non-cloud protocols, which is what Deja Dup does15:15
pittimterry: hm, dropping ssh support would be a shame15:16
mterrypitti, well, users and Deja Dup can just use the GIO ssh backend for it15:16
pittioh, if that works, sure15:16
mterrypitti, yeah.  Deja Dup users would never notice.  Only users of the commandline, who would have to add --gio to their command line15:17
mterryOr install python-paramiko15:17
pittiso, dropping u1-control-panel-gtk will save us *gasp* 80 kB15:20
desrthow is CD space this cycle, anyway?15:24
pittidesrt: we were within limits for beta-115:24
pittiafter much squeezing :)15:24
* desrt doesn't get what took up all the extra space15:24
desrtwe dropped mono for crying out loud15:24
pittidesrt: that was only 6 MB or so15:25
pitticurrent mono is split up rather well15:25
pittidesrt: and we added python 3, and firefox/tbird grew quite a bit15:25
desrtso what filled the 56MB?15:25
pittiwe dropped py3 again, and tbird/ffox shrank by 1 MB again15:25
desrtso chrisccoulson's fault, mostly15:25
pittithe kernel/firmware also grew quite a bit15:25
desrtthat makes sense15:26
desrtthat's something that is going to be more complicated soon15:26
pittino, not really15:26
chrisccoulsoni was hoping they would shrink by a bit more than that :(15:26
pittinext cycle we get a 750 MB limit, and it'll grow15:26
desrtno linux-weird-storage-drivers-modules package?15:26
pittii. e. sabdfl said we'd do USB images15:26
desrtya... to be honest, burning to a CD is something that i stopped doing a while ago anyway15:27
desrtquite a shame, though15:27
pittiyeah, same here15:27
desrtjust as we have this cool new technology for an image file that boots from USB and also CD...15:27
desrtwe remove the ability to burn it to a CD :p15:27
desrti guess people may still use DVD15:27
pittidesrt: that wasn't the main concern15:27
pittiyou can use a DVD15:27
pittithe main concerns are (1) every extra 50 MB will lose you so many people who can't download it any more due to slow bandwidth15:28
jbichapitti: I thought next cycle would be 800 MB ;) or is it "use or lose"? :(15:28
pittiand (2) it removes the pressure for not piling up too much cruft15:28
pittijbicha: or 800, don't remember15:28
pittibut in principle we'll go towards 1 GB15:28
desrtpitti: the good news is the decrease in software complexity from not having to do more and more dirty hacks to save 1MB here and there15:29
desrtpitti: and the users you lose because of buggy behaviour due to that15:29
pittidesrt: I'm not sure whether putting more and more libraries and runtimes on your system counts as "decreased complexity"15:30
pittidesrt: py2, py3, gtk2, gtk3, its C#, C++, python and perhaps gs bindings, Erlang15:30
pittiwe had images like that15:30
desrtpitti: right.. but given that you require that you have a choice about how to do it15:31
desrtpitti: so did you hear about the new gcr?15:36
pittidesrt: the splitout from libgnome-keyring? sure15:36
desrtpitti: the fact that we require the 3.4 version if we want gnome-shell 3.415:37
seb128desrt, didrocks, chrisccoulson, pitti: can you "xinput list <your_mouse">15:37
pittidesrt: bug 94744715:37
ubot2`Launchpad bug 947447 in gnome-keyring "[FFe] gnome-keyring/seahorse 3.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94744715:37
seb128xinput list, spot your mouse, and do it on the number15:37
seb128and give me the increment value please15:37
seb128i.e xinput list 10 | grep increment15:38
desrtincrement: -1.00000015:38
pittimy usb mouse: increment: -1.00000015:38
desrtthat's my external USB mouse15:38
desrtthe internal mouse device for my thinkpad has no such field15:38
pittimy trackpad: increment: 111.00000015:38
didrocksincrement: -nan15:39
pittitrackpoint: no such field15:39
desrttrackpad for me is also 11115:39
didrocksfunny :)15:39
pittididrocks: double negation!15:39
desrtoh ieee75415:39
seb128nan here as well15:39
seb128it's what breaks gtk scrolling15:39
seb128didrocks, is that amd64?15:39
didrockspitti: yeah, does it means it's a number at the end? :)15:39
didrocksseb128: no, i38615:39
didrocksMicrosoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)15:39
pittiamd64 here15:39
pittiA4Tech USB Mouse15:39
didrocks(yeah, a bad gift/joke from my ex-coworkers ;))15:40
seb128didrocks, ok, maybe a 32b issue, thanks15:40
desrtseb128: blame RAOF :)15:40
seb128desrt, I'm blaming cnd for now15:40
seb128desrt, debugging with him15:40
desrtseb128: be nice to him.  he's had a rough week :p15:40
seb128<cnd>  I have -nan on my i386 netbook15:40
pittisee, i386 can't even represent -1 properly15:42
pittithis arch should die15:42
brodercan we start bootstrapping x32 instead? :)15:42
desrtx32 is using the new feature of the amd64 instruction set with 32bit pointers, right?15:43
broderright. so all the extra register goodness of amd64 without the memory overhead of doubling your pointer size15:44
desrtextra registers are not all good...15:44
desrtmore registers = higher context switch latency15:44
desrtthe best feature of amd64 is the ip-relative addressing mode, anyway :)15:45
desrtno more call-and-pop thunk :D15:45
Ursinhapitti, hello :) unity* packages should be our concern, right? desktop team, that is15:51
pittiUrsinha: yes, shared between desktop and DX15:51
Ursinhapitti, right; I'm asking because there is a lp team to which all packages we need to be aware of bugs are subscribed to15:52
Ursinhaand unity packages aren't there15:52
UrsinhaI'm subscribing them15:52
Ursinhaand thanks :) no one replies irc as fast as you do15:53
seb128Ursinha, pitti: can't we just add the unity set to the script rather than duplicate it?15:53
Ursinhaseb128, not sure what you mean15:53
Ursinhaseb128, I'm talking about a team (~desktop-packages), and I use the package subscriptions to determine the bugs we need to monitor15:54
seb128Ursinha, well, there is like 15 sources in unity, rather than adding those to wherver you add them, can't you just watch the unity-team list?15:54
seb128Ursinha, or watch both ~desktop-packages and ~unity-team?15:54
Ursinhathat would break the idea of having a team with all packages that desktop cares about :) that's for scripting purposes only15:55
seb128Ursinha, ok15:55
Ursinhaand pedro created this team specially to avoid people that use ~desktop-bugs of being nagged15:55
seb128works for me15:55
seb128Ursinha, I guess I mostly wanted to point that unity-team has a list of unity packages already, it's not only "unity", you might want pick their list ;-)15:55
pittiseb128: looks like no meeting again today, no agenda items15:56
seb128pitti, right15:56
Ursinhaseb128, ah, cool. I was actually talking about unity*15:56
pittiseb128: I'll probably be on the phone in half an hour15:56
UrsinhaI guess I added the wildcard there :P15:56
seb128Ursinha, ;-)15:56
seb128pitti, you are turning into a business man ;-)15:57
pittiI have exactly one tie only15:57
* seb128 hugs pitti15:57
Ursinhapitti, business man nowadays don't need ties15:57
pittiand I don't want to shave off my goatee15:57
Ursinhathey spend the day in calls15:58
pittiI'm sure rickspencer3 doesn't know what you are talking about15:58
Ursinhaseb128, thanks for the pointer, I'll check unity-team for their packages15:58
Ursinhaseb128, could you make me admin of ~desktop-packages team, please? I see you are an admin there16:01
seb128Ursinha, done16:02
Ursinhaseb128, merci!16:02
seb128Ursinha, de rien ;-)16:03
* rickspencer3 notes that he is wearing shorts and hoody atm16:05
Ursinhathat's what I was talking about :)16:06
Saviqdidrocks, any idea what happened with https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/automerge-unity-2d/167/console ?16:29
Saviqdidrocks, we got 3 builds like that16:29
* didrocks looks16:30
didrocks6/6 Test #6: focuspathtest ....................***Failed    0.02 sec16:30
didrockstest faiing?16:31
Saviqdidrocks, that's fine, look at the reason16:31
Saviqwell, fine as in... xvfb seems to die16:31
didrocksSaviq: yeah, it seems to die before you are killing it16:31
Saviqtrying pbuilder locally16:31
* Sweetshark is confused. when do we have team-meeting? in one hour right?16:36
mterrySweetshark, I think now, but today there was nothing on the agenda.  Maybe there is now...  /me checks16:38
Sweetsharkmterry: k, thx.16:38
seb128should be now16:39
mterryseb128, heh16:39
seb128if somebody has a topic please say so ;-)16:39
seb128hey mterry16:39
Sweetsharkumm, UDS travel planning? still postponed, or what?16:39
mterryoh, thought you meant that you just added agenda items as i was checking16:39
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seb128Sweetshark, jasoncwarner is back at the end of week, I guess we will get an update then16:42
seb128mterry, sorry, I meant the meeting should be now if somebody has a topic16:43
=== Guest32450 is now known as albrigha
seb128Sweetshark, but you are not likely going to the dx rally so I guess you can probably book16:43
Sweetsharkseb128: ah, indeed. well, I can wait until next week. just didnt want to book two days before the UDS ;)16:45
Saviqdidrocks, the tests pass here in my local unity-merger16:52
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didrocksSaviq: weird, are you sure you apt-get update to have the latest components in your pbuilder?16:52
Saviqdidrocks, and what's more none of the failed merges even touches anything tests related16:52
Saviqdidrocks, I did go `pbuilder update`, should do the same thing, no?16:53
Saviqeverything looks up to date16:53
didrockshum, weird16:53
* didrocks retries manually16:53
Saviqdidrocks, another one merged fine16:58
didrocksSaviq: tried manually just now16:58
didrocksSaviq: and working16:58
didrockson the server16:58
Saviqdidrocks, so wtf?16:59
didrocksmaybe some temporary glitches, I don't know16:59
Saviqdidrocks, ok, reapproving16:59
didrocksyeah, seems the best to do right now :)16:59
* Sweetshark fixed another >400 Heat bug.17:24
Sweetshark... and dances a bit now.17:24
didrocksok, will try to do some exercice while there are still some lights outside17:34
* didrocks waves good evening17:34
* Sweetshark too </AOL-mode>.17:35
pittigood night everyone!18:14
seb128'night pitti18:15
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Laneyseb128: bug #947095 sounds like the one i've got, fyi18:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 947095 in gnome-power-manager "Closing lid fails to suspend" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94709518:49
seb128Laney, ok18:52
* Laney uploads tomboy for karma18:53
Laneyoho, already done19:24
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
TheMusopitti: Yes I'll take care of it today.19:37
BoxyK2Hi there, I have a question to a NotifyOSD warning. I receive a warning that the maximum capacity of my battery is getting lower (not the current charge level).19:56
BoxyK2Does anyone know what's the threshold for this warning?19:56
BoxyK2Where can I see that?19:56
BoxyK2Can I change it?19:56
BoxyK2Can anyone help? (Or does anyone know where to look that up?)20:00
mterryBoxyK2, it would be in org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power (navigate to it in dconf-editor)20:00
mterryBoxyK2, but I don't see anything like that20:00
mterryBoxyK2, just settings for charge level20:00
mterryBoxyK2, nothing for capacity20:00
BoxyK2yes, exactly.20:00
BoxyK2that's exactly the same thing that made me confused20:00
BoxyK2mterry: Do you know where else I could look?20:04
jbichaBoxyK2: you could poke around http://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-settings-daemon/tree/plugins/power20:04
mterryBoxyK2, if it was configurable, it would probably be there.  The only other place I'd look is the source itself20:04
BoxyK2I even tried that...20:05
BoxyK2I found the warning message, but I did  not find where this string is being displayed.20:05
BoxyK2There was no reference to that string in the source codes.20:05
BoxyK2I checked the settings daemon20:05
BoxyK2I checked the power-manager20:06
BoxyK2and I checked NotifyOSD20:06
BoxyK2But nowhere a reference to that warning message.20:06
mterryBoxyK2, search on http://open-tran.eu/ for the string?  sometimes that helps narrow it down20:23
BoxyK2I already found the string in the source code. But I did not find the string referenced in the sources.20:24
dobeyBoxyK2: and where is that string in the source code?20:41
BoxyK2let me check again20:44
BoxyK2(I think it was in gnome-power-manager)20:44
htorqueBoxyK2: hi, the .po file suggests '../data/gnome-power-manager.schemas.in.h' lines 29 and 3020:45
dobeyhtorque: i don't see any text in that file that would be in a notification about battery capacity getting lower20:51
dobeyat least, not in git20:51
htorquedobey:  hm, in version 3.1.3 from 2011-07-25: "Remove the notification for battery low capacity, the feature was rejected in g-s-d (Richard Hughes)"20:52
mterryI thought the Ubuntu One control panel was supposed to be in Qt now?  The GTK one is still on the CD20:56
BoxyK2htorque: Does that mean that this error message does not exist anymore?20:59
BoxyK2I don`t find the string in the source code anymore.21:00
htorqueBoxyK2: which version of ubuntu are you using?21:00
BoxyK2here I have oneiric ocelot21:00
BoxyK2but at work I have an older version21:00
BoxyK2(I`m not completely sure which one. But definitely older than the current one.)21:01
htorqueBoxyK2: this notification should be gone since oneiric. in natty there is a key to disable it (/apps/gnome-power-manager/notify/low_capacity).21:01
BoxyK2aaah, that makes sense.21:01
htorque(this is ubuntu 11.04)21:01
htorqueto disable it, you can run: gconftool-2 -s -t boolean /apps/gnome-power-manager/notify/low_capacity false21:02
BoxyK2But I don`t want to remove it, I just would like to see from which percentage of the orignal capacity this message is shown.21:02
BoxyK2Do you know where I can look up that value?21:02
sladenis unity-2d broken for everyone or is it just me .com ?21:07
seb128sladen, just you I think, or at least nobody else raised it21:12
dobeymterry: it is in qt now. and the gtk package shouldn't be on the cd any more. my understanding is pitti pulled it out of the desktop seed21:12
BoxyK2htorque: I already checked that in the sources before but I did not find this threshold value anywhere (but I am not sure if I mixed up oneiric and natty). Do you have an idea where I can find it in natty?21:13
dobeymterry: hrmm. so it is on the cd still. i wonder what went wrong with that?21:13
seb128dobey, cd didn't get rebuilt since21:14
sladenseb128: ta :)21:14
seb128dobey, pitti only uploaded the source with the change today21:14
seb128dobey, it should be on the CD tomorrow21:14
sladensabdfl is currently keeping Florian busy, but I'll try and grab him afterwards21:14
dobeyseb128: ah! i thought it got removed from the beta21:14
dobeyseb128: that explains it. thanks21:14
htorqueBoxyK2: you can download the latest version of the source code of gnome-power-manager for natty from launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/2.32.0-2ubuntu2.121:14
jbichaseb128: ah I had a minor change I added to the nautilus desktop branch, I should have said something but I didn't expect new gtk to land already21:15
seb128jbicha, weird that it let me push without conflict21:15
BoxyK2thanks! I will check that.21:15
seb128jbicha, oh, crap, did I forgot to push?21:16
seb128jbicha, I think I pushed but I didn't noticed it failed21:16
jbichait's not a big deal as Unity doesn't support the new actions yet anyway21:17
=== jalcine_ is now known as JackyAlcine_
htorqueBoxyK2: there's a bug number mentioned in the sources for that low-capacity warning, maybe it helps: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32674021:18
ubot2`Gnome bug 326740 in gnome-power-manager "Warn user when last_full capacity has dropped considerably" [Enhancement,Resolved: wontfix]21:18
seb128jbicha, can you pull --overwrite on nautilus?21:21
seb128jbicha, I rebased your change over my commit and pushed --overwrite that21:21
htorqueBoxyK2: also the code suggests, that you get the warning when the capacity drops below 50% of the "design capacity"21:22
seb128jbicha, feel free to upload if you want, the earlier the better for translators21:22
BoxyK2htorque: really? did you find it in the code? I just downloaded and unpacked it.21:22
BoxyK2htorque: I was just reading the bug report you sent just before.21:23
htorqueBoxyK2: check the file src/gpm-engine.c, look for the function 'gpm_engine_device_check_capacity'21:24
htorquebut i think we are quite off-topic here...21:24
=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as jalcine_
BoxyK2ok, I checked gpm-manager.c and didn`t find it. I`ll check that now. and yes, you are right, it`s off-topic.21:25
BoxyK2nevertheless, thank you for your great support!!!!21:25
=== jalcine_ is now known as jalcine
raar77bin ich hier richtig wenn Ich probleme mit meonen ubuntu habe21:53
raar77wenn Ich mein laptop starte habe Ich immer ein kurzen Balken in verschiedenen Farben21:54
RAOFraar77: While we have some German speakers here, I think you'll have better luck in #ubuntu-de21:54
raar77manchmal kommt es dazu das das Bild verzehrt ist21:54
raar77can you send me a Link21:55
sladenraar77:   /join #ubuntu-de21:55
raar77when i wright ubuntu de than i find A cirkus from google21:55
sladenraar77: #ubuntu-de ist Deutsch Sprache IRC kanal21:56
raar77ok thank you i find itz21:57
robert_ancellseb128, hello22:04
seb128hey robert_ancell22:04
seb128how are you?22:04
robert_ancellseb128, good22:05
grzesagHi, I need help with openload and cron job. in crontab I have: */1 * * * * openload -l 1 localhost >> /home/grzesag/OpenLoad/openload_output.txt but it save jus summary and zeros thank for help22:06
seb128robert_ancell, I uploaded 1.1.6 today, fixing the vcs was "fun", especially to get merge-upstream to work over the version revert22:06
robert_ancellseb128, yeah, that seems to be a big downside of bzr packages, at least the way we have them set up22:07
robert_ancellit lets you do things it can't handle, then it's a nightmare to repair22:08
RAOFseb128: What was desrt suggesting you blame me for last night?22:11
seb128RAOF: it's cnd to blame for I think, cf #ubuntu-x log22:11
seb128RAOF, xinput return a -nan increment on i38622:12
seb128RAOF: that breaks mouse wheel scrolling in new gtk22:12
RAOFThat's unlikely to work well!22:12
seb128RAOF, indeed, I hope cnd sorts his today, I just uploaded gtk, since it's only mouse wheel scrolling, the bug is not in gtk and is on i386 only...22:13
robert_ancellseb128, so, do you think that weird 1.1.4 bug about not being able to log into anything was a red herring?22:13
seb128robert_ancell, one of the guy on the bug said it was specific to his account and doesn't get it with the new version22:13
robert_ancellseb128, with 1.1.6?22:13
seb128robert_ancell, I think some people got it by 3d not working and lightdm not respecting the session selection22:13
seb128robert_ancell, yes, I put 1.1.6 in the ppa and one of the guys said it was working for him22:14
robert_ancellok, cool22:14
seb128robert_ancell, I think it was just "unity-3d is start and doesn't work on this box"22:14
seb128robert_ancell, btw do you test the system integration part, script in some way?22:14
robert_ancellwhich part?22:14
seb128or is that integration test material and you don't do that yet?22:14
seb128robert_ancell, the fact that lightdm was calling the x11 script with a buggy number of arguments22:15
seb128robert_ancell, i.e how do we know that another change will not break the x11 script parsing again?22:15
robert_ancellseb128, I test it wraps it, but not the way it handle args.  I was planning to add that, but the behaviour seems wrong to start with22:16
robert_ancellbut then again, I want to kill that script anyway22:16
seb128we wondered why you had it at the first place22:16
seb128rather than just calling Xsession22:16
robert_ancellGDM had it's own one if I remember, and I though there might be some difference22:17
seb128ok, those old compat stuff are always a mess22:17
seb128I hate them22:17
robert_ancellyeah.  it's a complete mess and a terrible way to integrate stuff in22:17
robert_ancellRAOF, do you think the U-G RetainPermanent stuff was always broken and just has shown up now?23:08
RAOFrobert_ancell: Possibly.  That's just a guess, though.23:09
RAOFOther options include cairo; IIRC the X connection it's using isn't RetainPermanent, and it could be creating necessary intermediate resources.23:10

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