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* SpamapS has 5Mbit upstream and doesn't know what to do with it. :-P00:33
chilicuilseeding movies? =)00:35
SpamapSI don't own the copyrights to any movies, so no, that doesn't sound like a good idea.00:37
chilicuilu dont need to own the copyright since u'll not being doing profit of it, at least that's how it's here (mexico), I was just suggesting n.n00:39
cjwatsonI'm pretty confident that's not how it is where SpamapS lives.00:41
cjwatsonbroder: is lintian.ubuntuwire.org stuck?  http://lintian.ubuntuwire.org/tags/preinst-uses-dpkg-maintscript-helper-without-predepends.html shows last updated on Saturday00:42
ionThere are movies you’re free to seed. :-P00:49
RAOFSpamapS: Back up to U1!00:50
brodercjwatson: oh yeah, my vm host forgot how to talk to its disks on saturday, and the vm that's running l.uw.o probably didn't come back up. dealing...00:50
* cjwatson sings the I-hate-threads song00:52
cjwatsonit goes "la la la I hate threads"00:52
ionSounds more like you hate sucky implementations of threads.00:52
cjwatsonnope, I hate threads00:52
cjwatsonunless you mean the "process" implementation00:52
cjwatsonwhich hardly counts given the lack of shared data :)00:53
SpamapSeverybody sings that song, until they deal with twisted, then they start stalking their old crazy lover, threads.. hiding in the bushes.. following threads to work..00:53
ionNot sharing mutable data directly is an impotant part of threads sucking, yes.00:53
ions/threads sucking/a non-sucky implementation/00:53
RAOFcjwatson: I'm currently singing the I-hate-posix-signals song.  I WIN!00:54
cjwatsonRAOF: I'm dealing with signals *and* threads00:54
cjwatsonwho wins now?00:54
RAOFOk, you win.00:54
brodernobody wins00:54
cjwatson(I don't even actually want to use threads myself, but somebody wants this library to be thread-safe ...)00:55
brodercjwatson: the vm is back up and running an update. new results should be posted within the next couple of hours00:55
cjwatsonbroder: great, thanks00:55
RAOFcjwatson: Isn't the basic premise: {threads, signals} - pick one?00:55
broderthanks for mentioning it. i've gone ahead and set this vm to autostart, so maybe it won't happen again00:55
cjwatsonI think that with extreme care it is possible to make them interoperate in this very specific case00:56
slangasekI thought it was pick none00:56
cjwatsonspecifically use the self-pipe trick to wake up all threads that are sitting in select any time the signal in question is delivered to any of them, and ensure that any of those threads is capable of handling whatever ensues00:57
cjwatsonyou can get away with it if (as a friend pointed out) you *both* block the signal in question and take out a mutex around any manipulation of process-wide state00:58
cjwatsonbut it's hairy as all hell00:58
brodercjwatson: is this for libpipeline/SIGCHILD? does something like signalfd make this better?00:58
cjwatsonyes, and signalfd doesn't really help much00:58
broderoh hmm, yeah, i see00:59
cjwatsonyou could avoid self-pipe that way but you still have to do the extreme-care-for-process-wide-state bits00:59
cjwatsonI think it would be an optimisation at best01:00
SpamapScjwatson: well behaved libraries and threaded programs don't keep much process wide state though. :)01:06
cjwatsonSpamapS: Yes, but you have no choice when you have to interact with process-directed signals.01:07
SpamapScjwatson: indeed, signals are to threads as bowling balls are to pristine windless lakes early in the morning.01:08
slangasekSpamapS: that's far too poetic :)01:12
slangasekTREllis: gconf 3.2.3-3 merged01:12
SpamapSsigstop from upstart, you just want to trace my forks, forever wait for my fork      bug 40639701:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406397 in upstart "init: job stuck with expect fork/daemon when parent reaps child" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40639701:17
SpamapSdamnit, I meant forever you wait01:17
SpamapSsigstop from upstart, you just want to trace my forks, forever you wait      bug 40639701:18
* SpamapS decides to do haikus only on bugs that are Triaged and > 1 year old from now on01:18
brodercan we make that a bug filing requirement? i think having all bug titles in the form of haikus would be awesome. or at least interesting01:20
cjwatsonthe changelogs for debconf 0.9.10 and 0.9.11 are such that I've never bothered trying to beat them01:21
cjwatson"I updated the / Dutch translation (or rather, / some Dutch guy did -- thanks)."01:22
SpamapSthose are epic01:22
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pittiGood morning05:51
rickspencer3pitti, more beer this morning!06:42
rickspencer3wow, and the smoke tests look good too06:42
pittiupgrades are still poor, though06:43
slangasekmvo has been making progress on the apt issues there06:47
pittiI'll have a look into the other issues RSN (kdebase, the opencv breaks)06:47
dholbachgood morning07:54
jalcineMorning, dholbach07:56
dholbachhey jalcine07:57
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TREllisslangasek: brilliant! Thanks!08:54
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lenioshow would you recommend overriding a setting set in a /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/*.gschema.override file? (for example org.gnome.desktop.background)10:02
leniosi don't like the idea of modifying the file from gsettings-desktop-schemas package, and writing another override file doesn't work10:03
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dholbachlenios, you might want to ask in #ubuntu-desktop10:31
angelocjames_w: I'm intrested in solving bug 830110, can you help me? I'm relatively new to ubuntu contribution10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 830110 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Horrifically bright "Aero Snap" color (grid plugin?)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83011010:59
pittimvo: hm, I went through https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade-lucid-desktop/lastFailedBuild/ARCH=amd64,LTS=lts,PROFILE=ubuntu,label=upgrade-test/artifact/lts-ubuntu-amd64/apt.log11:10
pittimvo: and I'm still unable to see what it complains about; there seems to be a lot of problems with python:amd64, but I went through all of them, and I don't see a particular reason why it's held back?11:11
mvopitti: let me have a look11:15
* pitti wishes that he could peek into mvo's brain to see what he's looking for11:17
pittimvo: hm, the upgrade succeeded on i386, so perhaps it was just due to i386/amd64 buildd skew and the resulting uninstallability?11:21
zygaI've reported a bug on the software center: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/94789911:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 947899 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Empty "cancel" button while installing application" [Undecided,New]11:21
zygacan someone check if this affects other locale (I've tested this on pl_PL)11:21
zygait could be broken translation or some kind of unrelated bug/race (it's not 100% reproducible for me)11:21
pittimvo: similar with oneiric-main; so let's wait for the next run for now, and assume it was buildd skew11:22
zygamvo: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/95596771/software-center-empty-button-bug.png (if you have the time)11:23
pittimvo: so I think somewhere in http://paste.ubuntu.com/871292/ (small except) the reason for update-manager removal is hidden11:27
pittimvo: am I right that the first "Broken" block was resolved successfully? (until line 19)11:27
pittimvo: so I don't understand the complaint from lines 20 to 2211:28
mvopitti: the catch is "Investigating (3) software-properties-gtk [ amd64 ] < -> 0.82.4 > ( gnome )11:33
mvoBroken software-properties-gtk:amd64 Depends on python [ amd64 ] < 2.6.5-0ubuntu1 -> 2.7.2-9ubuntu2 > ( python ) (< 2.7)11:33
mvo  Considering python:amd64 1269 as a solution to software-properties-gtk:amd64 1000011:33
mvo  Added python:amd64 to the remove list"11:33
mvopitti: I think :)11:33
pittimvo: hm, s-c-gtk does not look any different than other python stuff11:34
pittiDepends: python2.7, python (>= 2.7.1-0ubuntu2), python (<< 2.8)11:34
pittilooks fairly normal?11:34
pittimvo: there's a ton of similar messages there11:34
pittimvo: wrt. http://paste.ubuntu.com/871292/, I just ran through the log to find why it's refusing to install/update python-gobject, but I don't find anything11:35
pittimvo: let's look at the i386 logs (the one I took the paste from), yesterday's GNOME updates broke amd64 installability temporarily11:35
pittimvo: i. e. https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade-lucid-desktop/lastFailedBuild/ARCH=i386,LTS=lts,PROFILE=ubuntu,label=upgrade-test/artifact/lts-ubuntu/apt.log11:36
pittimvo: but perhaps start with the pastebin, that's only 30-is lines and easier to see?11:36
mvook, I check the i386 one now11:36
pitti(I might have caught the wrong ones, of course)11:36
pittioh, found it11:37
pitti  Considering python-gi:i386 114 as a solution to python-gobject:i386 5611:37
pitti    Reinst Failed because of libglib2.0-0:i38611:37
pitti    Reinst Failed because of libgirepository-1.0-1:i38611:37
pitti    Reinst Failed because of python-gi:i38611:37
hrwdholbach: thanks for comment on my MOTU application11:37
* pitti drills down the chain11:37
dholbachhrw, anytime :-)11:38
mvopitti: what is the parent of this ? I look at i386,lts,ubuntu,upgrade,test (precise-upgrade-lucid-desktop) and that is a pass for me11:38
mvoI mean, it failed becuase of test failures, but the actual upgade was fine11:39
pittimvo: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade-lucid-desktop/lastFailedBuild/11:39
pittiand then i38611:39
mvoaha, thanks!11:39
mvoindeed, jenkins confused me11:40
pittiBroken libglib2.0-0:i386 Breaks on gnome-control-center [ i386 ] < 1:2.30.1-0ubuntu2 -> 1:3.3.90-0ubuntu5 > ( gnome ) (< 1:3)11:40
pitti  Considering gnome-control-center:i386 27 as a solution to libglib2.0-0:i386 318911:40
pitti  Upgrading gnome-control-center:i386 due to Breaks field in libglib2.0-0:i38611:40
pittimvo: ^ this is a success, right?11:40
pittibut further down11:41
pittiInvestigating (2) libglib2.0-0 [ i386 ] < 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 -> 2.31.20-0ubuntu1 > ( libs )11:41
pittiBroken libglib2.0-0:i386 Breaks on gnome-control-center [ i386 ] < 1:2.30.1-0ubuntu2 -> 1:3.3.90-0ubuntu5 > ( gnome ) (< 1:3)11:41
pitti  Considering gnome-control-center:i386 10000 as a solution to libglib2.0-0:i386 269011:41
pitti  Holding Back libglib2.0-0:i386 rather than change gnome-control-center:i38611:41
pittiisn't that the very thing it just looked at, and now decides it's suddenly broken?11:41
mvopitti: "  Removing aptdaemon:i386 rather than change python-aptdaemon:i386" <- this one looks fishy11:41
pittiso in that log it holds back a ton of packages due to libglib2.0-011:42
pittiwhich holds back python-gi, which holds back python-gobject, which probably also cuases the aptdaemon failure?11:42
pittimvo: ^11:42
mvoaha, ok11:43
mvoyes, make sense, I'm not that far inth elog yet11:43
pittimvo: so I'm currnetly wondering why libglib2.0-0 gets held back11:44
pittimvo: especially with above two snippets (the breaks: on control-center)11:44
pittiwhich first was happy, and the second time not11:44
mvopitti: is this one here: Broken gnome-control-center:i386 Depends on gnome-icon-theme-symbolic [ i386 ] < none -> 3.2.2-1 > ( gnome )11:45
mvo  Considering gnome-icon-theme-symbolic:i386 2 as a solution to gnome-control-center:i386 2711:45
mvo  Removing gnome-control-center:i386 rather than change gnome-icon-theme-symbolic:i386 <-ok?11:45
pittimvo: I don't see why the two would collide; control-center depends on icon-theme-symbolic11:46
pittignome-icon-theme-symbolic:i386 Depends on gnome-icon-theme [ i386 ] < 2.28.0-1ubuntu1 -> 3.3.91-0ubuntu1 > ( gnome ) (< 3.3) can't be satisfied!11:46
pittimvo: we updated both to 3.3 today, but yesterday they were both at 3.211:47
mvopitti: so just a issue that the archive was out-of-sync?11:48
pittimvo: it should have been fine at the time when this ran11:48
pittimvo: well, icon-theme anyway11:48
pittimvo: do you see a reason why it refuses to upgrade libglib2.0-0?11:48
pittimvo: especially the weird breaks: to control-center?11:49
mvopitti: I think what happens is that the removal of gnome-control-center is tried ot be undone because it would mean that ubuntu-desktop gets removed. so it tries to reinstall it, that does not work, so it keeps it, but because of the keep it needs to keep libglib2.0-0 too and that causes a cascade of error - does that sound plausible?11:51
pittiwhy would it remove it instead of upgrade? it's a versioned breaks11:51
mvopitti: but the original problem (that triggers this) is that the icons can not be installed and therefore gnome-control-center can not be upgraded11:51
pittimvo: ah, so that's the second breaks:?11:52
mvopitti: it can't upgrade it because of the icon-theme-symbolic dependency that it can not satisfy11:52
pittimvo: ah, I see11:52
pittimvo: so first it resolves the breaks with an upgarde, then it complains about icon-theme11:52
mvopitti: yes, and appears to be the case (it may even be more complicated, I see a message about libgoa-1.0-0 that I don't know what it is)11:53
pittimvo: ooh, indeed that test only started 3 hours ago11:53
pittimvo: ok, thanks11:54
pittimvo: so let's try this again11:54
mvopitti: shall I re-run the test with the current archive just to ensure that its not archive-churn?11:54
pittimvo: ah, can you?11:54
pittimvo: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade-lucid-desktop/ -> this one11:54
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html is currently "Beer"11:54
pittiso it ought to work11:54
pittiit did have a lot of stuff this morning indeed11:54
seb128pitti, beer at this time?11:55
mvomaybe we should actually make the tester look at that file before it runs?11:55
seb128pitti, that might explain why we see some breakages in the afternoons :p11:55
pittiseb128: our goal is to have beer at all times11:55
mvofor me it said tea11:55
pittimvo: it certainly doesn't make much sense to try and run if ubuntu-desktop is uninstallable11:55
pittiwhich is often the case when seb128 upgrades gnome11:55
pittihe grabs the beer, and swoosh, the archive becomes a mess11:55
* pitti hugs seb12811:55
mvos/often/everytime/ ;)11:55
* seb128 hugs pitti mvo11:55
* mvo hugs seb12811:56
pittimvo: I was going to ask jibel to restart it, but if you could?11:56
mvook,lets talk after lunch11:56
mvoI trigger a manual run now and let you know11:56
pittimvo: that test hasn't succeeded in 12 days, so I'm eager to get a run on a known-good archive (which is now011:56
pittimvo: cool, thanks11:56
pittimvo: will that appear in jenkins?11:56
mvoI don't know, jibel will know :) he is the master of the jenkins11:56
jibelpitti, I was about to restart the test now that icon-theme-symbolic is in the archive. i386 succeeded yesterday11:57
pittijibel: ah, merci11:58
pittimvo: ok, after lunch we need to talk about another weirdness11:58
pittibut lunch -> good idea, bbl11:58
pittijibel: so I guess mvo already started it now11:58
jibelpitti, right, i386 is running and upgrading. I'll re-run from jenkins when it's finished to publish the resutls12:01
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sladenpitti: scour.  Currently it only Suggests: python-rsvg, python-cairo.  However both of these are needed dependencies for 'cmpsvg' otherwise it shrug and gives up12:04
sladenpitti: this means that during build scour is run by the exercise is pointless(?)12:05
sladenpitti: what's your preferred.  Move those to Recommends:/Depends: ?12:05
sladenpitti: or pull in those two as dependenices in indivudal packages?12:05
sladenpitti: hold on, you've answed this at  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mono/+bug/92760612:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 927606 in ubuntu-mono (Ubuntu) "add python-rsvg build dependency for verifying scour results" [Medium,Fix released]12:06
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jibelpitti, mvo i386 passed, re-running with jenkins now12:23
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pittislangasek: we can't add them as recommends, it creates recursive build depends loops12:52
pittisorry, sladen ^12:52
pittisladen: packages which have a lot of svgs, such as icon themes, need to b-dep on those themselves12:52
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pittijibel: ah, taht seems to be https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade-lucid-desktop/53/ ?12:56
pittijibel: or was that mvo's manual job?12:56
pittijibel: anyway, amd64 passed, and i386 test failure, nice12:57
pittijibel: is the x server test a race condition in the tests?12:57
pittiI see this quite often12:57
pittijibel: I'm filing a bug for the libreoffice-common failure in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade-oneiric-universe/lastFailedBuild/ARCH=i386,LTS=non-lts,PROFILE=universe,label=upgrade-test/artifact/universe-i386/apt-term.log12:59
jibelpitti, that's bug 916291 Sweetshark fixed yesterday13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916291 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Precise) "failed to upgrade from Oneiric to Precise: ERROR: Cannot determine language! - exit status 134" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91629113:03
pittijibel: oh, that's why I didn't see it13:03
pittijibel: thanks, duplicating13:03
pittijibel: ok, so looking forward to the next run :)13:03
pittijibel: so I'll trawl through the lucid-universe apt log now; it seems the failures of all other tests are already fixed or in progress13:04
pittiroaksoax: any progress on bug 840406?13:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 840406 in powernap (Ubuntu Precise) "powerwaked crashed with ImportError in /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/powerwake/monitors/ARPMonitor.py: No module named scapy.all" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84040613:11
pittiroaksoax: python-scapy is in universe, so at this point the new dependency should probably be dropped?13:11
pittimvo: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade-lucid-main/lastFailedBuild/ARCH=i386,LTS=lts,PROFILE=main-all,label=upgrade-test/artifact/lts-main-all/apt-term.log13:13
pittimvo: to my untrained eye this looks like another instance of bug 927993, do you agree?13:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 927993 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "ordering code may mark a package for configure before its unpacked" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92799313:13
pittimvo: or perhaps not? it tries to configure kde-runtime before libsmbclient gets unpacked and configured13:14
bigonis there a way to tell upstart that we want to track a pid file?13:18
mvopitti: indeed, this looks like another order failure, let me try to reproduce first13:19
pittimvo: oh, so it's not the same bug?13:20
mvopitti: I doubt it but lets see13:20
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pittimvo: I picked up some of your training and now walk through the apt.log of precise-upgrade-lucid-universe :)13:21
pittiman, the day that this thing goes green I'm so much having a beer13:21
* mvo runs with order code debug enabled to see what he can find out13:22
mvopitti: haha13:22
jibelpitti, this was bug 940396 and it was duplicated to 92799313:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 927993 in apt (Ubuntu Precise) "duplicate for #940396 ordering code may mark a package for configure before its unpacked" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92799313:25
pittijibel: ah, thanks13:26
pittimvo: ^ so maybe undupe it, if appropriate?13:26
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mvopitti: yes, the first bug is about --configure being call on a package that never saw --unpack, the second one is about a package that is configured before all of its dependencies are configured13:27
pittimvo: for the second one, I just discovered bug 892630 and commented on it13:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 892630 in apt (Ubuntu) "package gir1.2-glib-2.0 1.30.0-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89263013:28
pittiwith an extraction of the log13:28
pittimvo: that seems to be an instance of the second one (forgot to configure library before configuring rdep)13:28
mvopitti: yes13:29
* pitti retitles it to something easier13:29
pittimvo: so we should undupe bug 940396 and I make 892630 a dupe of it (or the other way round)?13:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 940396 in apt (Ubuntu) "lucid -> precise main all failed to upgrade: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of kde-runtime" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94039613:29
mvopitti: but that is not reproducable via some upgrade test run, right? that was a user reported problem?13:29
pittimvo: yes, 892630 was a user report13:29
pittimvo: 940396 is from jenkins13:30
mvopitti: sounds good to me, maybe 940396 as its actually possible to reproduce this error13:30
pittimvo: ack13:30
mvo940396 as the master I mean13:30
pittiok, I think all current upgrade failures are covered with bug reports then13:33
pittiand I think it's mostly these two apt bugs now13:34
jrgiffordI'm attempting to submit a fix for this bug, and following the instructions jbicha gave me have proved... less than fruitful. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-games/+bug/77137513:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771375 in gnome-games (Ubuntu) "No Unity QuickList for gnomine" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:39
mvopitti: meh, the main-all takes forever to run :/13:40
pittimvo: :/ 8.5 hours on jenkins :/13:41
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mvopitti: it looks ike its a dependency loop problem, but it still should not fail like this13:57
jibelpitti, I ran oneiric universe again and libreoffice 1:3.5.0-2ubuntu1 is still failing to upgrade. same error14:09
lynxmanpackaging question, I'm trying to copy the config files I have working in the debian/conf/* directory on a package that doesn't have an install file, the rules file looks like this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/871481/14:13
lynxmanline 22 is the one I added, I know cp is not the right one, I tried install -p -d -D -m 0755 but didn't work, for config files what would be the recommended best way?14:13
seb128pitti, apw: help on bug #94774814:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 947748 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Brightness control not working after latest update" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94774814:18
seb128do you know guys know how to debug that?14:19
seb128is there a known kernel issue?14:19
james_wangeloc, I'm not sure I know what to do with that bug. Was there a particular reason you asked me?14:19
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apwseb128, there might have been something to do with macs in the -18 kernel14:20
seb128apw, right, those are macs users14:20
apwmassocists all14:21
apwseb128, am discussing on #ubuntu-kernel14:21
seb128apw, thanks, I'm going to lurk there ;-)14:21
LaneyI noticed that my macbook no longer sleeps if I just shut the lid on the newest kernel14:22
Laneyguess that is part of this.14:22
* Laney goes to lurk there too14:22
cjwatsondpm: could you see if a Chinese translator could review stgraber's suggestion for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/892386/comments/5 ?14:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 892386 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No shortcut available for "forward" button for Chinese during installation / oem-config" [High,Triaged]14:26
angelocjames_w: because you are the one who created the source package, sorry if it was a problem14:29
dpmcjwatson, pinged translators and I'll follow it up14:33
dpmthanks for the heads up14:33
dpmcjwatson, stgraber, the Chinese translators didn't seem to happy about adding a shortcut on the translation where there isn't one in the original string. I've asked them to comment on the bug14:40
pittimvo: what is a dependency loop problem?14:42
pittijibel: ah, so we should reopen this?14:42
cjwatsonI kind of wonder why we don't have a shortcut on that msgstr to match GTK, in some ways14:42
cjwatsonmaybe it's also used in the KDE frontend though?14:42
jibelpitti, I reopened it.14:43
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jibelSweetshark, ^ bug 91629114:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916291 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Precise) "failed to upgrade from Oneiric to Precise: ERROR: Cannot determine language! - exit status 134" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91629114:44
stgraberdpm: I can definitely understand that, though the reason for the bug is that they added it for all the other ones in gtk ...14:44
stgraberdpm: so they should either add the shortcut for that one too or remove all of these they added for all the gtk stock buttons14:44
stgraberdpm: otherwise you get an inconsistent installer UI14:44
dpmstgraber, I'm not sure I quite follow why the shortcut appears in one button and not in the other. Is it because the Back one is stock and thus has a shortcut, and the Continue one is not stock and doesn't have one?14:46
dpmif so, would it not be better to add a shortcut in the Continue button in the source code?14:47
cjwatsonstgraber: well, no, the "Continue" string is in ubiquity proper but the others are imported from GTK14:48
mvopitti: the one in the bugreport? well, that its not resolved correctly :) I think the loop in itself is ok and is resolvable afaict14:49
pittimvo: I mean, if we could break a loop somewhere, that might help, but I didn't see a loop dependency on either glib or libsmbclient14:49
mvopitti: its kde-runtime, glib is fine14:50
cjwatsondpm,stgraber: yeah, on inspection, this string is shared with KDE which I'm fairly sure has different shortcut conventions14:50
mvopitti: and libkrb514:50
cjwatsonso I don't think it can be as simple as adding _, even in the translation14:50
mvopitti: well, I'm not sure, we could workaround it, but  I prefer to see it  be fixed in libapt14:51
* cjwatson tries to remember why the stock labels weren't good enough14:51
cjwatsonIt would read "Forward" rather than "Continue"14:52
roaksoaxpitti: Hi! yes I'm going to take care of that bug this week. Thanks for the reminder!14:52
cjwatsonbut it does seem illogical to use stock labels for one thing and not another, in the same button bar14:52
pittiroaksoax: thank you!14:52
cjwatsonmaybe check with mpt?14:52
cjwatsonour back/forward button handling doesn't look desperately consistent in general14:55
sconklin@pilot in14:55
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Precise Beta-1 Released. Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/xmGdCW | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: sconklin
sveinseIn ext[4] rootfs, when is the "Last mount time" updated? Will it be updated on umount e.g. shutdown, or just mount/startup?14:55
mptdpm, I don't know why the stock string was never changed. Probably because it was inappropriately shared with (for example) the navigation buttons in browsers, where you do want just "Back" and "Forward"14:55
dpmmpt, what do you think the best way to solve that bug and be consistent should be? Both stock buttons with shortcut, or both non-stock buttons?14:58
mptdpm, I think the best way would be to make the keyboard combo for going to the next step Enter, and the keyboard combo for going to the previous step Esc.15:01
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Sweetsharkjibel: k, thx15:02
dpmmpt, cjwatson, that's probably a solution for +1, though, right? ^ Is there anything that can be done at this point in the cycle, or should the bug be wontfix for oneiric and precise?15:04
Sweetsharkpitti: any idea what in http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=blob;f=libreoffice-common.postinst.in;h=f2995c1058c96f1ed123ac0d1211a7a75ac8f395;hb=d596b0cbdc3ce6e18ff0201c5dc6b231dfb13a4c could trigger bug 916291? I dont even see anything UNOy being touched there ....15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 916291 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Precise) "failed to upgrade from Oneiric to Precise: ERROR: Cannot determine language! - exit status 134" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91629115:06
pittiSweetshark: what does #INCLUDE_SHELL_LIB# expand to?15:07
pittiSweetshark: btw, that postinst.in is wrong -- dpkg-maintscript-helper MUST NOT be placed within a $1 check15:08
cjwatsonmpt: I thought that was in general the case anyway, but it's not very discoverable so people missed it15:09
pittiSweetshark: well, in postinst you might get away with it, but it's still wrong conceptually15:09
pittiSweetshark: as dpkg-maintscript-helper also does stuff on other values of $115:09
pittiSweetshark: so, presumably it's the dpkg-trigger /@OODIR@/share/extensions15:09
pittiSweetshark: which causes an unopkg call15:09
pittiSweetshark: there might not be a locale set at this point?15:09
pittior one that it doesn't like?15:10
Sweetsharkas for dpkg-maintscript-helper, that was cjwatson IIRC.15:11
Sweetsharkcjwatson, pitti: ubuntu veteran fight!15:11
cjwatsonuh, no, but on the phone15:11
mptcjwatson, if something isn't discoverable, I try to make it more discoverable before adding a second thing :-)15:11
cjwatsonwill get back to you in a bit15:11
pittiSweetshark: for dpkg-maintscript-helper it's easiest to use debian/package.maintscript (see man dh_installdeb), that'll remove any remaining doubt; )15:12
pittiSweetshark: but anyway, it's not the cause for this bug, it just caught my eye15:12
cjwatsonI thought that's what I suggested for LO15:16
cjwatsonoh, no15:17
cjwatsonit was a bit awkward I think15:17
cjwatsonI think there were ordering concerns15:17
Sweetsharkhmm, so its that the share/extensions trigger (which I moved to -core) firing. However in the log provided from the jenkins-qa there does not seem to be any libreoffice-core action happening at all, so how can a trigger by it do any harm (shouldnt be there yet).15:18
pitticjwatson: I suppose .maintscript expands into #DEBHELPER#?15:18
cjwatsonpitti: yes15:28
pittiso that could just be moved earlier if necessary15:28
cjwatsonpitti: .maintscript definitely isn't mandatory though - I converted dozens of packages, most of them could be handled with .maintscript, but a handful couldn't and I do think that's OK15:28
pitticjwatson: oh, absolutely, I was just pointing out that it makes things easier15:29
cjwatsonand I think it's better to not use .maintscript if the alternative is moving code around in ways that we aren't entirely certain of15:29
pitticjwatson: the thing that is wrong is putting dpkg-maintscript-helper into an if [ $1 = ... ]15:29
pittiit might be harmless in a postinst (as at that point you can't roll back any more)15:29
pittibut it is actively breaking stuff in preinst and prerm15:29
cjwatsoncontrary to what Sweetshark says though, I didn't put it there15:30
cjwatsonthe most you can pin on me is that I failed to move it out of there :)15:30
cjwatsonmy change was to remove 'dpkg-maintscript-helper supports' guards and the like, which do more harm than good15:31
pittiSweetshark: so, we violently agree :)15:31
pittino fight, sorry15:31
* ogra_ puts away the popcorn15:32
L3topcan anyone explain to me how "Select best server" works? Or better yet, just point me to the code.15:32
* Sweetshark grabs ogra_ s popcorn and runs.15:35
AnAnthow can I test upgrade from lucid to precise ?15:35
mvocan someone with a nvidia (either free or proprietary) run  "python /usr/share/pyshared/debtagshw/opengl.py " and tell me the renderer string please? same for the fglrx driver please :) ?15:36
mvo(on precise I should add)15:37
L3topwas just gonna say...15:37
broderwho's the language-selector expert? there are 2 mp's that have been sitting around for a while that i don't know how to evaluate (https://code.launchpad.net/~debfx/ubuntu/precise/language-selector/kubuntu/+merge/92967 and https://code.launchpad.net/~jincreator/ubuntu/precise/language-selector/korean/+merge/93535)15:37
james_wangeloc, ah, that's an artefact of the way Launchpad reports these things, I don't actually know anything about that package15:39
james_wangeloc, smspillaz might be a good person to talk to as he commented on the bug15:39
Sweetsharkpitti: what is the canonical way to find out if another package is installed in a postinst script?15:39
pittiSweetshark: not sure whether there is THE  canonical way, but I believe "dpkg -s coreutils | grep ^Status" should give you the status15:41
pittiSweetshark: that'll tell you if it's uninstalled, unpacked, or configured15:41
Sweetsharkjibel: can you tell me if libreoffice-core was installed before this update was run, and if so at which version?15:43
jibelSweetshark, from dpkg.log 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu1 was installed15:46
jibelSweetshark, correction that's libreoffice-common15:47
jibellibreoffice-base-core was installed15:47
Sweetsharkjibel: but no libreoffice-core?15:47
cjwatsonpitti: please don't use dpkg -s in a postinst15:47
pitticjwatson: dpkg-query ok?15:48
cjwatsonif you must, use dpkg-query instead, but I'm not certain it's reliable in a maintainer script15:48
jibelSweetshark, and libreoffice-core 1:3.4.4-0ubuntu115:48
cjwatsonI *think* these days it might be; it used to be that dpkg wasn't re-entrant, in that the status file on disk wasn't necessarily up to date15:48
cjwatsonbut generally if you have to do that it's the sign of a design error anyway15:48
pittiSweetshark: does the "cannot determine language" error message correspond to any code in unopkg itself? it might check the locale which might be invalid during the dist-upgrade15:49
jibelSweetshark, list of libreoffice-* packages installed before upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu.com/871618/15:50
Sweetsharkpitti: unopkg uses a _lot_ of libreoffice infra. calling it halfway through the install is icky.15:53
Sweetsharkjibel: thanks.15:53
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pittiSweetshark: so perhaps the trigger should be made robust against failures, and the postinst configure then does another call (at a point when all dependencies are configured and unopkg has a better chance of working)15:53
pittiSweetshark: in general, triggers can be (and often are) called when packages are unpacked but not configured15:54
Sweetsharkpitti: But I still wonder which trigger is actually called there: -common 3.4.4-0ubuntu1 should be gone, -common 3.5.0-2ubuntu1 has no does not provide a tigger action, it just fires it, -core 3.4.4-0ubuntu1 has no trigger action, -core 3.5.0-2ubuntu1 is not installed yet. so where does the trigger action come from?15:55
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Sweetsharkpitti: so "the trigger should be made robust" *confused* which one?16:00
mhall119mvo: ping16:04
mhall119mvo: did you have a change to look over the edit-patch MP from yesterday?16:04
mvomhall119: not yet, I will try to do it next16:05
Sweetsharkpitti: so what I would consider to do: in both -common and -core postinsts, check if we have both a  3.5.X -core and 3.5.0 -common and then and only then trigger the trigger.16:05
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ritzIs it possible to locally build a package for oneiric from bzr branch on precise, using buildeb plugin ?16:06
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mhall119mvo: thanks, I'm working on a blog to get people using it for their quicklist and keyworkds submissions16:07
Sweetsharkjibel: is there a way to recreate that update scenario easily locally (in a VirtualBox or whatever)?16:08
jibelSweetshark, you can restore the clone in a VM and reproduce from there16:18
jibelSweetshark, hm, try https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/precise-upgrade-oneiric-universe/ARCH=amd64,LTS=non-lts,PROFILE=universe,label=upgrade-test/44/artifact/universe-amd64/apt-clone_system_state.tar.gz instead16:19
* Sweetshark just recognized again how awesome mutt is.16:34
Sweetsharkwhen you edit a mail (what I just did in my todo-folder), it marks the old mails as deleted an creates a new one, thus not confusing other clients.16:35
shadeslayermterry: ping16:40
mterryshadeslayer, yo16:40
shadeslayermterry: hey hey!16:41
shadeslayermterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openal-soft/+bug/58632416:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 586324 in openal-soft (Ubuntu) "[MIR] openal-soft" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:41
shadeslayermterry: I'm almost done generating the symbols file and uploading a package to my PPA, could you upload it to the archives?16:41
shadeslayer( I don't have upload rights just yet, working on fixing that ;) )16:42
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shadeslayermterry: packages should appear here : https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental16:42
mterryshadeslayer, ok.  will check back after lunch if they are done building16:43
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shadeslayermterry: thanks!16:43
mterryshadeslayer, thanks for patching!  :)16:43
shadeslayerthat PPA is full16:44
apwcan anyone tell me what gvfsd-trash's role in the world is?16:47
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maliapw, I would assume it tries to provide underlying services to the file manager say , especially with regards to auto mounted volumes. but thats just a guess17:09
slangasekbdmurray: you said on 941172 that you pushed a new branch, I don't see changes in lp:update-manager and I don't see a branch listed at https://code.launchpad.net/update-manager/ ?17:16
bdmurrayslangasek: thanks, really pushing now17:16
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apwcjwatson, is it VT7 that has the kernel console output when installing from the liveCD ?17:27
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cjwatsonapw: not sure I recall offhand, since the live CD doesn't do the transparent VT thing17:33
apwcjwatson, thanks, i'll let them search for it :)17:35
pittiSweetshark: wouldn't it be easier to add an || true to avoid package installation failure if the trigger fails?17:42
pittiSweetshark: and then re-run unopkg in "configure" (i. e. not triggered)17:42
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dobeyhow does one find a diff of what changed exactly between different debian policy versions? ie, 3.9.2->3.9.3?20:26
micahgdobey: there's an upgade checklist file in the debian-policy package20:27
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SpamapScan packages in main use -Zxz ?20:30
micahgSpamapS: as long as you have a Pre-Depends on dpkg >= 1.15.620:32
micahg*binary Pre-Depends20:32
micahgcomponent doesn't matter in this case20:33
SpamapSmicahg: I had thought there was some problem with xz and d-i20:33
micahgAIUI, it won't improve space on the images, I though that the issues with d-i were fixed, but I guess cjwatson could speak to that point20:33
SpamapSPlease do not use this for packages that are Priority: required or20:35
SpamapSPriority: important, as you will break the installer if you do (and20:35
micahgah, then I guess that the answer is no :)20:37
SpamapSwhois is standard.. so.. should be ok20:37
* micahg thanks SpamapS for the reminder about that20:40
shadeslayermterry: so, openal-soft is going to be in main now?20:41
mterryshadeslayer, once and if archive-admins approve and push it in20:42
shadeslayerah ok20:42
brodermicahg: i think -Zxz will improve the server/alternate cds20:45
micahgright, it's the squashfs it won't help20:45
SpamapSthat reminds me.. I need to un-static-link mysql-client and mysql-server soon20:50
cjwatsonSpamapS: yeah, if you convert something debootstrap has to install to xz, I'll have to revert it, but otherwise it's fine20:52
SpamapScjwatson: just to confirm, Priority: standard is ok, yes?20:53
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cjwatsonSpamapS: in general, yes.  whois is ok.20:55
cjwatsonbuild-essential would be bad due to --variant=buildd.20:56
cjwatsonactually no, that's fine, debootstrap can do it in general it's just when it's run in the context of d-i20:56
cjwatsonbrain atrophying, apparently20:56
bdrungiulian, Laney: is there a reason why i should not sync haskell-csv?21:07
* micahg would guess the fact that the whole stack needs to be rebuilt would be a reason to wait21:09
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iulianbdrung: We are gonna get all the Haskell packages sync'ed and thus I think there's no point in syncing it now. We also have to fix the armhf build failure (GHC currently fails to build on that architecture).21:36
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bdrungiulian: k, then i will wait for it21:37
jdstrandmdz: fyi, since you asked about it before, I filed bug #94848121:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 948481 in telepathy-mission-control-5 (Ubuntu) "adjust Build-Depends to include dh-apparmor" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94848121:52
jdstrandmdz: sorry21:52
jdstrandmdeslaur: ^21:52
jdstrandmdeslaur: that is a master bug with a bunch of tasks for the packages that use dh_apparmor21:52
jdstrand(that I didn't fix earlier today)21:52
mdeslaurjdstrand: cool21:53
infinitySpamapS: You missed the dpkg pre-dep on your whois upload.22:04
dupondjesuperm1: there perhaps ?22:04
infinitySpamapS: See the LP binary upload failure logs.22:05
superm1dupondje: yeah, what's up22:05
infinityiulian: Ugh, GHC regressed on armhf?22:05
dupondjesuperm1: I dunno if you can forward bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/901410 somewhere internal @ Dell ? :)22:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 901410 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Dell XPS L502X] Applying soft block to bluetooth hard blocks wlan" [Medium,Triaged]22:05
superm1dupondje: ah interesting.  that's one of the new XPS 13's right?22:07
slangasekinfinity: ghc - build regression?22:07
dupondjewell i'm having a XPS 15, seems like somebody else with a XPS 13 has same issue now22:07
seb128slangasek, hey22:08
slangasekseb128: hi there :)22:08
infinityslangasek: Yeah.  Happened last week, I guess, I didn't notice until going through logs today. :P22:08
seb128slangasek, can you look at bug #948294? I didn't look at it yet but we just got 3 dups and since you did the update..; ;-)22:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 948294 in gconf (Ubuntu) "package gconf2 3.2.3-3ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 250" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94829422:08
slangasekseb128: yeah, looking22:08
seb128slangasek, thanks22:08
superm1dupondje: ah ok.  well we don't do certification for ubuntu on XPS, but i'll see what we can do about it22:08
dupondjesuperm1: I know :) but if it can fixed it would be cool.22:09
dupondjesuperm1: its just annoying that I can't disable bluetooth properly now. This eats power ofc :D22:10
slangasekseb128: hmm, right - so the old gconf2 package is still installed and its trigger is being called, but the underlying libs are apparently in an inconsistent state :(22:15
seb128slangasek, lack of breaks?22:15
slangaseknot sure if it's better to do that, or to make libgconf-2-4 have a circular dependency with gconf-service22:16
superm1dupondje: as a temporary workaround you might be able to just disable bluetooth in the firmware if you don't use it much to help with the power eatings22:17
seb128slangasek, can you get https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+build/3264443 https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa/+build/3264444 to build?22:17
seb128slangasek, i.e scored up22:17
slangasekseb128: not a buildd admin22:18
seb128slangasek, since you are around ;-)22:18
slangasekinfinity can though22:18
seb128oh, I though you were22:18
seb128infinity, ^22:18
dupondjesuperm1: true. Anyway it would be cool if it could be fixed :)22:19
infinityseb128: Done.22:20
seb128infinity, thanks22:20
seb128infinity, both? the amd64 score didn't change22:21
infinityseb128: Picky, picky.22:21
seb128infinity, ;-)22:21
seb128infinity, now it did!22:21
seb128thanks ;-)22:21
iulianinfinity: Yea, it was really a surprise to be honest. It seems that janimo` has a fix though. I'm gonna take a look at it as soon as possible if Laney doesn't beat me to it.22:25
infinityiulian: Oh, shiny.  If Jani's on it, I'll happily ignore it.22:25
mhall119seb128: is there an easy way to say "Take the last n revisions of this bzr branch, and turn them into a patch instead"?22:29
seb128mhall119, bzr diff -c <rev> > patch ?22:29
slangasekbdmurray, infinity: looking at the InstallCmdLine in bug #947738, can either of you tell offhand if this is a CD or USB?22:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 947738 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "precise failed to install: unable to initialize policy plugin" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94773822:29
slangasekmhall119: bzr diff -r -$((n+1)) > patch22:30
mhall119seb128: I meant a package patch22:30
slangasekbzr diff -r -$((n+1)) > debian/patches/patch? :)22:30
mhall119will a bzr diff work for a quilt patch?22:30
slangasekyes, it's the same format22:31
mhall119oh nice, so much easier22:31
slangasekoh, you should probably do:22:31
slangasekbzr diff -p1 -r -$((n+1))22:31
slangaseksince quilt really wants -p1 instead of bzr's default of -p022:31
slangasek(an unfortunate bzr default, that)22:31
mhall119so, bzr uncommit; bzr diff -p 1 > debian/patches/patch; bzr add debian/patches/patch; bzr revert; dch -i; bzr commit?22:33
mhall119like that?22:33
slangasekyou also need to add the patch to debian/patches/series22:33
seb128mhall119, why uncommit?22:33
mhall119seb128: to get the patch's changes out of the source22:33
slangasekso echo patch >> debian/patches/series22:34
* mhall119 is writing for people who have already committed their changes to a bzr branch22:34
slangasekwho's the audience?22:34
mhall119slangasek: people who have been following my previous blogs about adding quicklists and keywords22:34
slangasekif this is for new contributors to Ubuntu, I'd rather they just push a merge proposal with whatever changes they've already made...22:35
mhall119slangasek: you'd be in the minority on that preference I think22:35
slangasekamong Ubuntu developers who'll be merging?22:35
mhall119well, among people who have been asking me to get them to use edit-patch and submit changes that way22:35
seb128slangasek, the complain I think that those are inline changes without changelog entry22:36
seb128slangasek, mostly against the wrong vcs for desktop stuff22:36
seb128though agree it might be easier to just deal with those by fixing them ourself22:36
seb128but we shouldn't recommend stuff to keep done this way22:36
slangasekoh, well, I've never used edit-patch, and it doesn't look like an obvious fit for the UDD workflow at all22:37
ScottKSome of us still prefer the ways that have nothing to do with UDD.22:37
james_wmhall119, bzr dep3-patch -r -n..22:38
seb128slangasek, it's just a wrapper about dpatch-edit-patch and the cdbs quilt equivalents22:38
slangasekdep3-patch> hunh22:39
slangasekseb128: yeah... none of those are part of my workflow :)22:39
james_wI think it might be spelt bzr patch --format something in precise22:39
james_wjelmer will know of course22:39
mhall119james_w: bzr: ERROR: command 'dep3-patch' requires argument LOCATION22:39
james_woh, you expected my suggestion to work?! :-)22:40
mhall119james_w: also, bzr patch is for applying patches, according to it's help22:40
james_wdiff I mean, don't I22:41
* jelmer waves22:41
jelmerthere was some talk about integrating 'bzr dep3-patch' back into 'bzr diff --format=dep3', indeed. But it hasn't happened yet.22:41
james_wah, ok22:41
james_wmhall119, try "bzr dep3-patch -r-n..-1 . > debian/patches/whatever"22:42
* mhall119 wants a "bzr patchdeb" that finds the last revision that matches the parent branch, pops them off into a patch, add's their comments to the changelog, and commits the result22:42
mhall119all I want is everything, is that so much to ask?22:42
jelmermhall119: that is mostly what 'bzr dep3-patch' does22:42
jelmermhall119: basically, if you run it inside of the package branch and specify the location of the branch with the patch it will do that.22:43
mhall119jelmer: does dep3-patch only work on uncommited changes?22:44
jelmermhall119: no, it only works on committed changes22:44
slangasekwell, if you diff against the current branch and use -r, it should work with both, no?22:45
slangasekbut if they're committed, it's going to be awkward to get them into quilt in a way that makes everything happy22:45
bdmurrayslangasek: I cannot tell22:45
slangasekyou almost might as well use dpkg-source --commit at that point22:46
slangasekbdmurray: ok, thanks for looking22:46
jelmerthe most interesting thing about dep3-patch is that it tries to generate the DEP-3 header22:46
bdmurrayslangasek: however changelog for usbcreator mentions 'Always write cdrom-detect/try-usb=true' so sounds like a usb stick22:48
slangasekthat was my best guess22:49
slangasekand the dupe bug does *not* have this, so looks like a CD22:49
mhall119alright, I'm not getting how to use dep3-patch22:52
jelmermhall119: what are you trying to do exactly?22:53
mhall119say I have lp:~tcfox54-gmail/ubuntu/precise/gimp/add_quicklist22:53
mhall119it has 1 revision on top of ubuntu:gimp, rev 5122:54
mhall119I want to turn rev 51 into a patch22:54
stgrabermhall119: let me try something quickly22:56
stgraberonce I finished downloading that gimp branch ... isn't exactly light apparently ;)22:57
jelmermhall119: here is an example of what I'm using: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/872184/22:57
* jelmer tries for gimp22:57
mhall119and just to make things more fun, say this branch has already been pushed to LP and an MP created for it22:57
mhall119jelmer: so -d is for the unmodified branch, and LOCATION is the modified?22:58
jelmermhall119: (yes, though -d defaults to ".")22:58
mhall119ah, perfect, I had that all backwards it seems22:59
mhall119so the output of that goes into debian/patches/add_quicklist, echo "add_quicklist" > debian/patches/series, then should I have them remove their changes from the source, or just dch -i and push with both the changed source *and* the patch?23:00
mhall119is this even worth having people do for existing MPs and branches, or should I just make a tutorial for new contributions?23:02
stgrabermhall119: alternatively: bzr uncommit && dpkg-source --commit23:03
stgrabermhall119: assuming you have the .orig.tar.gz in the parent directory23:03
mhall119stgraber: I'll assume they won't23:03
stgraberthis will prompt you for a patch name, generate debian/series and open vim in your patch so you can set the headers23:03
mhall119since I instructed them to get things from bzr23:03
stgrabermhall119: then they can just run bzr bd -S which will generate it from the branch for them23:03
mhall119again though, is it worth if for the few existing, non-merged branches?23:04
infinityI'd like to pretend that people changing packages will have the .orig (and, indeed, the previous source version) in their parent.23:04
stgrabermhall119: actually: bzr bd -e && bzr uncommit && dpkg-source --commit23:04
infinityBecause I sure do love when people obviously didn't debdiff a.dsc b.dsc to see how many undocumented changes they accidentally introduced (or what they dropped)23:04
stgrabermhall119: that will generate the orig.tar.gz, will uncommit and commit the diff to a patch23:05
mhall119dpkg-source will do a bzr commit? or just create the patchfile?23:05
infinityThe latter.23:05
mhall119will it update the changelog?23:06
stgrabermhall119: it'll take any delta in the source directory and make that a patchfile, creating debian/patches/series if necessary23:06
stgrabermhall119: it also adds the default patch headers that you just then need to fill23:06
infinityIt won't touch the changelog, no.23:06
stgrabermhall119: no, it doesn't touch the changelog and won't include changelog changes in the patch because they're fine where they are23:06
stgrabermhall119: so if yu run: bzr bd -e && bzr uncommit && dpkg-source --commit && bzr add && bzr commit -m "Clean commit this time"23:07
stgraberyou'll have a new commit called "Clean commit this time" replacing your old commit and with the changes in debian/patches instead of inline23:07
slangasekmhall119: however, there's a 'dep3changelog' helper in devscripts which will take the dep3 patch header and attempt to create a changelog23:07
mhall119so many options...23:08
slangasekyes :/23:08
mhall119ok, gotta run, but thanks everyone, I'll try all of these out and see which one I'm most comfortable writing about23:08
SpamapSinfinity: ACK, fixing23:13
SpamapSinfinity: and thanks.. I was a bit confused by the fail to upload :-P23:16
infinitySpamapS: There's an upload log that points out why. ;)23:17
SpamapSYeah I didn't see that before I ran off to the dentist :p23:17

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