
TLEdpm: Good morning08:22
dpmmorning TLE08:57
TLEI can see that you were quite busy yesterday. If you got more time today I'd like to point your attention to the language packs08:58
TLEFirst of there are the full language packs for natty. You have a todo about contacting the LP guys about a full export09:00
TLEMatthew already did the documentation exports, so we are just missing the rest09:00
TLESecond, we are supposed to start testing a new (ordinary) oneiric lang pack this week, would you talk to pitti about how his time is or possibly agree to do the work your self09:01
TLEotherwise the schedules will be slipping, it would be great if we could have both the delayed natty lang packs and the (on time) oneiric ones ready for this thursday and then run the testing in parralel09:02
* TLE realizes he's a little bossy this morning, gets another cup of coffee to make it wear of ;)09:04
dpmNo worries, I'll see what I can do, thanks for the heads up :)09:05
TLEno problem, in any case, if you guys are really busy with more urgent matters please say so, so I can inform the translators and cancel some cycles and so on, I do however think it would be unfortunate to cancel the natty one, since we have already had Matthew do work on those09:13
TLEerr: work on that09:14
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
TLEdpm: hallo15:23
TLEany news?15:23
dpmhi TLE, currently waiting for a launchpad admin to generate the natty export15:27
TLEdpm: great15:27
jokerdinohey, i am planning to apply for ubuntu membership next week, can one of you  take a look and see if it is alright?15:38
jokerdino*see if my wiki page is alrite15:38
dpmjokerdino, looks good to me, two suggestions: 1) you need to fix the markup for the bullet points in the lists 2) In "Other contributions", you might want to add a link to your 'bugs' Launchpad page, so that your bug contributions can easily be seen15:40
jokerdinothanks for the feedback, fixing it.15:41
jokerdinowhat exactly should i be doing to mark up the bullet points?15:42
dpmjust add a space before the asterisk15:49
dpm *15:49
jokerdinooh, i am not that familiar with markup.15:50
jokerdinogot way too familiar with markdown in Ask Ubuntu15:50
jokerdinodp, now i am confused. how do i get the second level bullet points?15:53
jokerdinogot to go, talk to you later all16:00
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
TLEjokerdino: second level bullet point by adding an extra space before the *16:17
TLEYou see the problem is that it does not get recognized as a bullet point unless there is a least 1 space before the *16:18
TLEI think it was that dpm meant16:18
dpmTLE, Natty langpack export scheduled to start tomorrow morning, probably ready by late afternoon16:19
TLEdpm: awesome, so then if we can get a onieric lang pack with the latest translations done as well, then we will be back on track16:23
dpmTLE, what's needed for the oneiric one? Is the export not available already?16:25
TLEdpm: For the oneiric one, the exports are schedules, so it's just about copying them over to -testing if the build succeds. Right?16:26
dpmif it's a full langpack, pitti needs to build it manually16:27
TLEit's just an ordinary one16:28
dpmok, then yes, just copying16:29
TLEgreat, gotta go now, thanks16:30
crf_Hi. Is the panel in gnome fallback session called "gnome-panel"? And, is it translatable?18:57
kelemengaborcrf_: yes, it is. ti is also translatable in upstream gnome19:00
crfHi, I was here earlier about trying to translate gnome-panel. Anyway, I tried to download the en_CA.po file to edit it.22:18
crfThere is a button there to "download file"22:18
crfBut it doesn't work.22:18
crfIs there something wrong with Launchpad?22:18
crfIt only downloads a 0 byte file22:21

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