
=== gary is now known as Guest8274
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Ubuntu One for Application Developers - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/03/06/ubuntu-one-for-application-developers/05:18
AlanBellmorning all07:50
diploMorning all08:11
* daubers tries to figure out why his RFID reader crashes after 4 reads08:29
dwatkinsPerhaps it doesn't like being up before 9am.08:44
daubersdwatkins: I'm wondering if it's cheating to just reset it after the 3rd read08:45
dwatkinsdaubers: technically yes, because that doesn't resolve the problem. What kind of device is it and what diganostic information can you get from it?08:47
daubersdwatkins: It's an arduino with an SM130 strapped to it :)08:48
daubersthe device itself is a serial device. But I think it's my arduino sketch causing the problem08:48
daubersthe code (less a few type problem fixes) is here https://code.launchpad.net/~daubers/+junk/rdghackarduinodoor08:49
dwatkinsah ok, I guess you'd need to have it output all its debug info to the serial line to see what's causing it to overflow or whatever08:49
dwatkinsI've been musing about setting up a temperature sensor with an Arduino, might be overkill but I already have the board.08:50
dwatkinsDo you have to close off any of the ethernet stuffs at the end?08:51
daubersdwatkins: In theory it should never end08:51
daubersThe serial stuff only get's created once, then the loop runs forever08:51
ali1234comparing char *s08:52
ali1234? really?08:52
daubersali1234: I know, I've fixed that in a version I've not pushed up yet08:52
daubersI wrote most of this at 2am on a sunday08:52
dwatkinsisn't that just comparing the contents of memory locations, or am I lacking in my understanding of pointers?08:52
dwatkinsah ok08:52
ali1234it compares the addresses08:52
dwatkinswhich could be anything...08:53
daubersyes, which is why I changed it :)08:54
dwatkinsso if we are to debug your code, I guess the latest version would be best08:54
* daubers digs out his laptop08:54
dwatkinsThat's a good point, I still have my 4th machine in my bag...08:55
* dwatkins has too many computers08:55
daubersnew version pushed09:02
ali1234daubers: it's still for of char * comparisons09:05
andylockranheya czajkowski09:05
andylockrandoes anyone know if progress has been made porting ubuntu one to osx?09:05
daubersali1234: Huh? I only did that in one or two places before and replaced them with String() comparisons09:06
ali1234then you have pushed the wrong version09:08
daubersali1234 Which line is char * on?09:08
dauberssorry, a char * comparison?09:08
ali1234line 3909:08
ali123440 and 4809:09
dauberswtf... my branched version definatley has lost those09:09
ali1234did you commit the changes locally?09:10
ali1234because the last revision, 2012-03-06 08:57:48 UTC, does not have it09:11
* daubers pokes it again09:12
daubersLets try that09:12
daubersthat one has a type on String, but otherwise seems ok09:14
MooDoomorning popey09:14
daubersali1234: That should be better09:15
ali1234now you have typos, that wont even compile09:15
daubersJust one, I fixored it09:15
popeyandylockran: dont think any work has been done on that yet, but aquarius might know09:17
aquariusandylockran, there's a chap who started a port on github09:19
aquariusandylockran, it's also on the U1 roadmap; you may have noticed U1 advertising for a Mac developer. :)09:20
andylockranah, kewl09:24
andylockranI hadn't seen that, the only github link now gets a 40409:24
andylockranaquarius: thank you09:25
diploAnyone got any idea on this09:25
diplo/dev/sda2              6048352   5623408    117704  98% /09:25
daubersdiplo: sda2 is nearly full?09:25
diploWhy  is the available not 42494409:26
diplobut displaying as 100 odd meg09:26
diploAny ideas where to look09:26
rhunwicksdiplo: blocks reserved for root on a ext3/4 filesystem?09:27
olycan anyone tell me why sites in firefox ubuntu break http://www.motachoice.co.uk/ as an example its always the top nav pushing the left bar down09:27
diploWouldn't they be subtracted on used though ?09:27
olythe same firefox on windows works i see this on a lot of sites, and for a long time on linux so looking for a fix09:28
gordoly, bigcalm is a web developer! he may know!09:29
gordor may not09:29
gordswings and roundabouts really09:29
* daubers was unaware a new series of Dirk Gently started last night09:30
olyyeah, guessing its font or something just strange that same browser would render it differently09:30
olyobviousl;y you could drop down the width, but that seems wrong when it works fine in firefox on other systems09:31
oimondaubers, yeah, they advertise come dancing on ice and eastenders incessantly, but you never know that a new series of spiral, the killing, DG, or any other programmes worth watching09:31
JamesTaitGood morning, all! :D09:31
AlanBelloly: what is broken? the text left margin over the diamond in vertical bars thing?09:31
daubersoimon: Don't get adverts :)09:31
olyif you look at the nav contact us is on a seperate line09:31
gordoly, tried using the ubuntu font in windows?09:31
oimonbbc has more ads than itv sometimes09:31
gordAlanBell, the left menu is waaaaaaayy at the bottom of the page09:31
olyif you scroll down it has knocked the left menu to the bottom of the page09:32
AlanBellah, so it is09:32
AlanBellworks in chromium09:32
olynope not tried using the font in windows actually09:32
MartijnVdSHm.. I have a spare machine09:32
* oimon is going back to lucid today09:32
MartijnVdSlet's try btrfs root09:32
AlanBelloly: your site?09:33
olykinda, happens on a lot of sites though09:33
* bigcalm looks in09:34
gordfont is really the only difference i can think of09:34
bigcalmgord: oly: without looking deeper, I would not know09:34
olyi do the underlying code, css and all that is done by another department dont suppose they will want to restyle to fix,09:34
gordbigcalm, ctrl+u ;)09:34
bigcalmAnd it's not always the case. Ensure that everything validates09:34
bigcalmgord: you don't control me :P09:35
olyjust a bit annoying when your working on the site, so was wondering if any one new the cause / possible fix09:35
AlanBelloly: #primaryCol isn't floating right as far as it should09:35
olyeven chromium was wrong the left bar was there but the nav had wrapped still09:35
gordtoday i get my new roomba, tomorrow i purchase googly eyes for it, the day after. THE WORLD09:35
olydoes ubuntu apply different default styles to the indows version or something ?09:36
AlanBellif you set the width to 572px; it jumps right to the place it should be09:36
AlanBellno, it isn't styles it is a box model thing09:36
ali1234gord: it's not on HD until next week tho09:37
ali1234for some reason they are doing it all backwards09:37
gordali1234, me?09:37
gordali1234, maybe daubers?09:38
ali1234oh yeah, daubers09:38
daubersali1234: Is it not iplayerable in HD?09:39
ali1234maybe in lolHD09:39
ali1234maybe not though since it hasn't been shown in HD on the normal telly yet09:39
gordlast i checked iplayer HD wasn't pretty, artifacts you can see from space09:39
daubersIt's not iplayerable in HD09:39
ali1234yeah, iplayer HD is slightly better quality than dave09:40
daubersgord: I found it depends on which HD stream you get from get_iplayer09:40
olyunfortunately changeing the width i can not do, just dont get why you dont need same hack on windows ?09:40
olyseems there must be some underlying difference and fonts is the only obvious one09:41
AlanBellit is nothing to do with fonts09:41
diplorhunwicks, You were correct!09:42
diplo5% of space is reserved on root filesystem, which equated to 300mb we were missing.09:43
diploI new it saved space, didn't know it was that much09:43
olyany ideas why its getting treated different between win and linux though ?09:44
AlanBelloly: ok, maybe a little to do with fonts :)09:45
ali1234my guess would be DPI issue09:45
rhunwicksdiplo: by default it reserves 5% of the disk space for root - which doesnt make much sense on modern drives09:45
olyhehe, will try changing the fonts in a bit see if that resolves it :p09:45
rhunwicksYou can override when you create the filesystem using mkfs.ext4 -m 2 or similar09:45
ali1234some container isn't quite big enough and the button gets word wrapped09:45
rhunwicksObviously you cant do it after the fact - you stuck with 5% unless you copy everything off the filesystem reformat it and then copy it all back09:46
AlanBellok, so what is happening is that the "contact us" string is overflowing the space it is given, and wrapping down, this means it is an element before the float right PrimaryCol that the PrimaryCol doesn't want to be to the right of09:46
diploSomeone created a 6gb / file system09:46
ali1234that's what i just said lol :)09:46
diploAnd searching for space :D09:46
rhunwicksAny lvm?09:46
AlanBelloly: you could make primaryNav a bit bigger, or probably add a clear:both after primary nav09:47
olyunfortunatly i dont change stylesheets09:47
rhunwicksOr available space elsewhere so you could move /var or /usr onto a separate filesystem09:47
AlanBellor not float:right the "Contact Us" string09:47
AlanBellyeah, main thing is the float:right on #primaryNav li.contactUs09:49
AlanBellit would break on any system if you zoom text only09:49
diplorhunwicks, sorry on other screen09:49
diplo( Not an ubuntu system ) but no lvm :/09:50
diploFound 230mb in /var09:50
diplojust working out correct way of cleaning it09:50
rhunwickswhat system?09:50
rhunwicksI mean os09:50
rhunwicksapt-cache clean - or the yum equivalent?09:51
bigcalmOh boobs. Time for a reboot09:52
diploSorry guys, busy morning09:53
diploCentos 4.3 :/09:53
diploIt's /var/cache/yum09:54
diploBut yum/up2date not installed09:54
diploJust googling correct way to delete09:54
=== oimon is now known as Guest17170
olythanks for the info anyway AlanBell10:02
* popey tickles andypiper 10:04
* AlanBell spotted an andypiper video on a guardian article about the raspberry pi10:04
andypiperyes indeed10:05
andypiperleading to yet more moronic comments on said video10:05
andypiperyoutube is the height of antisocial media10:05
AlanBellit is a pile of fail10:05
mungojerryguardian commenters are as bad as dail mail commenters10:05
mungojerryalthough none are as bad as youtube10:05
AlanBellhttp://xkcd.com/202/ is what we say to that10:05
mungojerryhow do i regain focus to my terminal if compiz has crashed? xchat has focus right now10:08
mungojerrycompiz --replace &10:08
AlanBellmungojerry: ctrl+alt+f1, log in, run unity10:08
mungojerryAlanBell, i'm back on lucid :D10:09
AlanBellor run DISPLAY=:0 compiz --replace &10:09
mungojerryfeeling the speeeeed10:09
gordcomment boxes are generally a honey trap for fail, regardless of the website they are on10:09
davmor2czajkowski: prod!10:11
davmor2morning all10:11
bigcalmDelivering Hayley's car for an MOT plus having an early dentist appointment, I'm ready for bed again10:11
bigcalmHi davmor210:11
davmor2bigcalm: my day start at 05:3010:12
czajkowskidavmor2: herrrro10:12
Dave2I just got into work, I'm also ready for bed again.10:12
gordah right your in millbank this week right?10:12
bigcalmdavmor2: that's your fault for going to London10:12
daubersWHy does itunes think it's more intelligent than me dammit10:12
MooDoomorning davmor210:12
davmor2MooDoo: morning dude10:13
davmor2bigcalm: technically it is the qa sprints fault for being in London and asking me if I can attend :P10:13
andylockranmorning all10:36
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:21
dwatkinshi brobostigon11:23
brobostigonhi dwatkins11:23
DJonesMorning all11:31
matttmorning morning11:39
mattthowzit martin11:40
mattterrr MartijnVdS :P11:40
matttjust realized that didn't actually read martin :P11:40
MartijnVdSWaiting for the mailman with a CPU11:41
matttoooh, nice11:41
MartijnVdSand some sticks of RAM11:42
MartijnVdSfor the new "granbuntu" machine11:42
popey\o/ granbuntu11:43
gordi need more ram for my "gordbuntu" machine really11:44
gordwell not need persay, more, its possible to put more in, so i should11:44
directhexhm, feeling good financially. looks like the car loan will be paid off at the start of november11:44
MartijnVdSI hope the port forward in her DSL modem holds this time..11:44
MooDoodirecthex: lucky you,£900 if i want the garage to fix my bike11:45
daubersMooDoo: How did you break it?11:46
MooDoodaubers: MOT ! boo, just wear and tear over the year and winter11:46
daubers£900 for MOT repairs?11:47
MooDoodaubers: yeah, i'm not getting them to do it though, i can do the work myself, just need to source parts11:47
daubersWhat do you need to do? Chain/break/tyres?11:48
MooDoodaubers: yup....11:50
MooDoodics/pads, tyre11:50
directhextoyota want to do hundreds of pounds of maintenance at my next service11:50
daubersand they where going to charge you £900? Was this a dealer?11:50
directhexnew brake mcguffins, i dunno11:51
MooDoodaubers: yeah it was......stuff that i'll do it myself, they can just retest11:51
daubersMooDoo: Ahh... dealer prices == ripoff++11:51
MooDoodaubers: oh yeah....i nearly died of heart attack11:52
daubersMooDoo: They don't like it when you point out that gold plated brake discs are pointless11:54
gordwhen i take over the world, all delivery people will be GPS tagged11:57
gordand will be made to work 24/711:57
dauberswhen I take over the world, delivery people will be the first against the wall11:58
gordhow will we get things delivered then?12:00
daubersanybody who asks questions will be next12:00
daubers\o/ problem solved12:00
czajkowskiwhoo my penguin oyster card holder has arrived together with the space invaders one for J12:00
dwatkinsSpace Invaders oyster cards, czajkowski? :D12:30
AlanBelljust what the smart london professional needs12:31
dwatkinsaha I see, in my excitment I missed the word 'cover' but it's still neat12:32
AlanBellyou didn't get this one then? http://shop.tfl.gov.uk/books_guides_travel_accessories_and_stationery/travel_accessories/product/Union-Jack-Oyster-card-Wallet.html12:32
* dwatkins wonders if having one that looks like a 5 pound note is a bad idea12:33
daubersdwatkins: Just turn it into a magic wand12:36
daubersbah, famous musicians make me angry12:37
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
MartijnVdSdaubers: which ones?12:39
daubersMartijnVdS: All of them! At the moment, especially morrisey12:39
daubersFamous musician trying to sell tickets/records in Argentina wades in to political quagmire to make himself popular shocker12:40
directhexanyone want to buy an xbox 360?12:46
popeyoooh, maybe12:47
popeydoes it have a red ring of death? ☺12:47
directhexit did in mid 2007, so they replaced the motherboard12:48
directhexit's been solid since then12:48
popeypm me the details, my kids liked playing with relatives kinect and dance games12:49
* awilkins hates Eclipse sometimes13:04
bigcalmawilkins: try netbeans13:10
awilkinsbigcalm, Well, I might consider it.. the primary reason I find Eclipse annoying is classpath issues when developing plugins for it13:11
bigcalmFair enough13:13
TheOpenSourcererWow: Raspberry Pi is selling at 700 units a second http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2012/mar/05/raspberry-pi-demand13:30
TheOpenSourcererDemand was 20 times greater than our supply... That's 200,000 units when she said that.13:31
gordone wonders how many of those were their intended audience13:32
TheOpenSourcererThey currently are only making "developer" builds. These are not the "final" device intended for schools or kids.13:33
AlanBellit is final13:37
popeynot really. final device is planned to have a case13:38
AlanBellthey are model B units, they will also do model A which doesn't have a network port13:38
TheOpenSourcererI think the "final" will have a box13:38
popeylooking forward to taking this into the kids school13:38
popeythey're keen on getting them13:38
TheOpenSourcererDo you have one then?13:38
popeyICT teacher wants to see it in action13:38
popeynot yet13:38
popeymid april13:38
TheOpenSourcererFarnell told me mid-May this morning13:38
TheOpenSourcererI can understand it if they are really selling 700/sec13:39
TheOpenSourcererThat's astonishing13:39
AlanBelland impossible :)13:40
AlanBellthat is 2.5 million per hour13:40
TheOpenSourcerer"Demand for the Raspberry Pi  computer – a £22 British-designed system – was still running at 700 per  second at the end of last week, according to one of its main  distributors in the UK."13:41
AlanBellhowever if you start with the statement "we sold out the initial 10,000 batch in the first 15 minutes" you get to 700/second13:41
ali1234so by now they should have sold 1 for every person on the planet?13:41
TheOpenSourcererI ordered 2 :-D13:42
TheOpenSourcererBuy shares in ARM :D13:42
AlanBellactually you don't you get to something you can round up to 700/minute13:42
TheOpenSourcererWish I had 10 yr ago when it was suggested to me.13:42
TheOpenSourcererUltimately ARM13:43
ali1234do ARM get per unit royalties?13:43
TheOpenSourcererThey get a royalty13:43
AlanBellyes, thats how they work, they license the design for royalties13:44
TheOpenSourcererIt's a stonkingly good business model IUAM13:44
ali1234i thought it was a flat rate13:44
AlanBellhttp://www.arm.com/products/buying-guide/licensing/index.php maybe it is13:46
ali1234how do i make php write a debug message to the apache error log?13:47
ali1234just print?13:47
TheOpenSourcererali1234: in php.ini you can set a log file for php13:48
TheOpenSourcererand what type of errors to log13:48
ali1234i don't want to raise an error13:48
TheOpenSourcererNot sure if you can get it to write to the apache log file.13:48
ali1234i just want a quick and dirty message so i can tell what is going on13:48
TheOpenSourcererWill print arrays and objects13:49
ali1234but that goes into the web page13:49
TheOpenSourcerer(13:48:36) TheOpenSourcerer: Not sure if you can get it to write to the apache log file.13:49
ali1234but it clearly does when an actual error happens13:50
ali1234ah nice one13:50
AlanBelluse error_log and set the destination13:50
AlanBellgosh, it can email errors, that would be potentially annoying13:51
mattti have django email me errors, find it handy personally :)13:55
ali1234problem i'm having is php silently fails to do what i asked :(13:56
ali1234however i think i just figured out why13:57
matttcuz i suck at php troubleshooting13:57
ali1234ah there we go... id column on wp_posts in inexplicably uppercased13:58
ali1234still doesn't work :(13:59
AlanBellmattt: yeah, useful, but to be used sparingly!13:59
matttAlanBell: the idea is to enable that and have the emails directed at your devs ... works every time14:01
popeyhmm, can someone test something for me...14:02
popeyalt+F2, gedit14:02
popeyalt+f2, gksudo gedit14:03
popeynote the non-sudo one gives you 'untitled document 1' with no * to say it's been modified14:03
popeythe sudo one _does_ give a star14:03
popey(discovered when I did alt+F2, gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and found not only did I have xorg.conf open, but *Untitled Document 1  too)14:04
AlanBellif you add new tabs in the gksudo one they don't have *, it is just the first one14:05
mungojerryTheOpenSourcerer, i have shares in ARM since 199914:32
mungojerrythey are worth what i paid in 1999 due to the tech bubble. however if i'd bougt apple at the time, i'd be a millionaire by now14:32
* mungojerry isn't bitter14:33
mungojerryi wanted to buy acorn back in the day, but didn't know how. i really would be a millinoaire if i had14:34
bigcalmBuy the company or buy shares?14:38
AlanBell"I liked it so much I bought the company"14:39
diploCan anyone  recommend me a good tutorial for installing postfix14:39
* mungojerry has a remington shaver14:39
diploFound a few but they all differ slightly, hoping someone has some recommendations :)14:39
mungojerrydiplo , i found the redhat documentation useful14:40
diploNot read any of theres actually, been searching ubuntu postfix sorta searches :)14:40
diploWill take a look ta14:40
diploLast time I did a MTA was qmail from source 8-10 years ago14:41
mungojerryfixed all my performance issues with ubuntu today :)14:41
diploFunnily enough said install died on thursday last week after working flawlessly for the whole time14:41
* diplo is waiting for 12.04 and sort it from there14:42
PyjamaSpankJust moved from Nvidia to ATI, and upgraded to 11.04. How do I enable compiz in classic mode?14:57
DJonesIs it just me, or does this robot look as though its running backwards http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-17269535 (I know its got no head, but the feet look the wrong way round)14:59
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
=== tubadaz_ is now known as tubadaz
andylockranssh 19215:07
* MartijnVdS gives andylockran a new root password15:07
andylockranI wish that were my pasword15:08
andylockranmine is much more complicated15:08
andylockrandamn you all15:08
daubersor zooey?15:09
andylockraninstalling 12.04 :)15:09
andylockranon my aspire revo - oneric seemed to be really slow on it15:09
andylockrandoes that make sense?15:09
bigcalmDepends upon what you expect of it15:10
MartijnVdSWell it's not the best CPU ever, and not the best GPU ever15:10
bigcalmWorks ok on mine15:10
MartijnVdSbut it should work fine, i have some way older/worse machines and it runs OK on those15:10
dauberspopey: did google release a tool to go from gmail gplus to personal domain gplus?15:10
andylockrani had lucid on it, and it worked adequately as my tv media pc15:11
andylockranbut yeah, once I put oneric on it it 'seemed' to have slowed15:11
bigcalmWhen 12.04 stable is released, I'll put it on an SSD and put that in the revo. Should improve it15:11
bigcalmDid you fresh install or upgrade?15:11
* bigcalm shrugs then :)15:11
andylockranI've got a 120GB SSD that i might put in it, and take out of my mac15:12
kaushalis there a way to capture the output of commands run on multiple servers using cssh ?15:13
popeydaubers: not that I am aware of15:16
PyjamaSpank12.04 does away with GNOME completely?15:16
popeyPyjamaSpank: we ship gnome in the repo, but the default desktop is not gnome shell15:16
kaushalHi popey15:17
PyjamaSpankI'm having problems with GNOME , Compiz and my 11.04, so I'm reluctant to upgrade again15:18
PyjamaSpanknot sure if I should ask for help in GNOME, Ubuntu or ATI section15:19
dauberspopey: ta15:23
popeyTheOpenSourcerer: apparently that mail from farnell was sent in error15:23
popeyhi KrimZon_215:23
popeyoh, he left15:23
TheOpenSourcererThanks popey - how did you discover that?15:24
popeyhow else?15:24
andylockranTheOpenSourcerer: popey, saw that post too, but thought it was AlanBell that made the complaint :s15:27
andylockranguys, ImageMagic'k's convert command?15:49
andylockranhow can I set the position15:50
bigcalmWhat about it?15:50
andylockranI want to set the position to convert in relationh to form crop15:51
* czajkowski stabs gord removes his tea and bickie allowance 16:04
gordso violent..16:05
bigcalmMmm, tea16:06
gordroomba's seem so proud of themselves for doing the simpliest thing, well done, you managed to find your way home after walking 20ft away from it, you don't have to play a happy little tune just for that16:07
popeyi want a roomba16:08
bigcalmMe too. Except I would still have to tidy for it to go anywhere16:08
bigcalmI would need to have a cat before I had a roomba though16:09
gordmy cat and my roomba seem to be getting along well http://lightbox.com/photo/VfucWcb16:10
gordcourse she had a small heart attack and jumped about twenty ft in the air once it came on automatically to do the hoovering16:12
daubersH3/me might get a roomba for his new housey house16:12
bigcalmgord: why isn't she riding on it?16:12
gordshe ain't an animated gif16:12
* bigcalm heads to youtube for a fix16:13
gordwe need an episode of maru where he rides a roomba really16:13
gorda roomba with a box on it16:13
czajkowskigord: your patch hasnt fix my alt key issue when on irc it still launches hud16:17
gordczajkowski, not released yet, we have ap tests that confirm it works ;) wait for release16:17
ubuntuuk-planet[Alan Pope] Improved Unity Files Lens Call For Testing - http://popey.com/blog/2012/03/06/improved-unity-files-lens-call-for-testing/16:18
AlanBellwe should sort out a Precise release party16:18
* MartijnVdS now has a btrfs /16:19
gordMartijnVdS, careful with that, btrfs is shiny but falls over easy16:19
* popey pins a Bravery award on MartijnVdS 16:19
MartijnVdSNote I haven't converted /home yet ;)16:19
MartijnVdSAlso, there's btrfsck now16:19
MartijnVdS[    3.837132] Btrfs detected SSD devices, enabling SSD mode16:20
gordoh there is? wow, progress16:20
gordonly took like two years or something ;)16:20
gordAlanBell, party at your house? be there or be square?16:20
directhexdoes it detect ssd if it's on lvm on luks?16:20
ubuntubhoyanyone able to help me with 11.10 on an Aspire One A07561H netbook refusing to boot ?16:20
MartijnVdSubuntubhoy: does it give an error at all? or just a blank screen?16:21
ubuntubhoyhangs at checking battery state16:21
ubuntubhoybut it will boot fine through recovery16:21
ubuntubhoyafter selecting finish normal boot16:22
AlanBellgord: I am up for that16:22
AlanBellanyone got a different venue suggestion than round my house?16:23
diploIf there is enough notice I'll attend a meet up next one there is16:23
diploBeen meaning to come to the last 3-416:23
AlanBelloh, and RAT on 7th July?nolan name16:23
AlanBelloh, and RAT on 7th July?16:23
diplothat the train ?16:24
AlanBellchoo choo16:25
AlanBellTheOpenSourcerer: popey: czajkowski: christel: I am sure will be up for a RAT on 7th July :)16:25
TheOpenSourcererUnfortunately I am away that weekend.16:26
TheOpenSourcererLooks OK.16:27
diploDidn't realise it was that far but certainly a maybe16:27
diploNeed a hotel for the night though :)16:27
popey14th looks good for me16:28
MartijnVdSApt is scary fast now16:28
czajkowskiAlanBell: aye we should be ok also16:31
christelthere is a party at alans house?16:35
christeland a RAT16:35
christelin a train16:36
christeli have no idea what a RAT is, but i am totally up for it16:36
christelif i survive this week!16:36
AlanBellyou will love the RAT christel16:36
MooDoochristel: Real Ale Train16:36
christeli am in!16:36
MooDoooh have i just spoiled it16:36
christelcan we make it depart NOW16:36
AlanBellok, so if 14th July is good for the local contingent I think we should go with that16:37
christeloh that is awesome16:37
christelMooDoo: join us!16:37
bigcalmOh, the RAT!16:37
bigcalmI had forgotten all about it16:37
bigcalmDid we agree on anything?16:37
christelhowever, i do feel we need to do something before then16:38
christelideally even before beerex16:38
AlanBellI think we just did bigcalm :)16:38
christelbecause we havent beered since last year16:38
bigcalmSorry, been concentrating on work :S16:38
Dave2All of you people have the same colour in my irssi, and it's a difficult one to read :(16:38
bigcalmAlanBell: what was agreed?16:38
AlanBellyes, Precise release party on 26th April16:38
AlanBellbigcalm: RAT on 14th July16:38
* bigcalm looks at calendars16:38
AlanBelland we should do another Happy Hour16:39
AlanBellperhaps the Wolverhampton crew could do one16:39
bigcalmAlanBell: prod davmor2 and mrevell. I know nothing of the area16:39
Dave2You should do one in Reading16:39
* Dave2 nods.16:39
AlanBellprobably more of a posse or massiff than a crew16:39
AlanBellreading is good16:40
bigcalmThe Wolverhampton disappointment?16:40
Dave2Argh now I want Sweeney & Todd pie16:40
christelyes! HAPPY HOUR16:40
Dave2Also I have 7 hermans in my freezer.16:41
Dave2Or is it 616:41
AlanBelloh marvelous16:41
christeloh yes! we need a herman hour16:41
AlanBellso, when can you make the Reading Happy Hour Dave2?16:41
christelwhy didnt we do reading yet16:42
AlanBellI will try to get to that one16:42
christelyeah! i will deffo do reading as that isnt very far awaaaay16:42
christelwe are also overdue our farnham pub crawl16:42
AlanBellchristel: because nobody specified a date :) it just takes one local to set a date when they are going to be at a particular pub16:42
AlanBellthen we all pile in16:42
christelDave2: for some reason i now have mental imagery of you dressed as shakira16:43
christeland it is not particularly hot :s16:43
AlanBellok, Dave2 how about 29th March16:43
bigcalmAlanBell: RAT - is one person booking places or do we need to do this individually?16:43
christelAlanBell: what is best for all the alans, weekends or weekdays (for local crawl)16:43
AlanBellbigcalm: individually16:43
Dave2AlanBell: perfect16:44
Dave2because I already booked the 30th off16:44
AlanBellDave2: what pub?16:44
Dave2You got me there :(16:44
Dave2The Hobgoblin!16:44
AlanBelldaubers: o/16:44
* popey asks other geeks16:44
AlanBellpopey: about the RAT?16:44
Dave2The problem with that one is that the pubs I go to are zerodegrees with work, which probably isn't the right place, and the Back of Beyond with the LUG, which is a Wetherspoons16:44
popeyabout the pubs in reading16:44
bigcalmCan anybody recommend some accommodation near the RAT?16:46
* diplo interested as well16:47
AlanBellit does connect with the return train back to Farnham and onwards to London16:47
TheOpenSourcererbigcalm: In Alton?16:47
daubersAlanBell: lo16:47
bigcalmTheOpenSourcerer: *shrug* I'd live that way so don't know what's ideal :)16:47
TheOpenSourcererThere are plenty of Inns, hotels & B&Bs around16:47
bigcalmHumm, a night in Farnham wouldn't be too bad16:48
christelyou'd live the alton way?16:48
popey"Reading Geek Night and TVRRUG meet in Copa, which is on King's Road, a short walk out of the town centre"16:48
diploTheOpenSourcerer, for me as well, what ever is closest to the get off point that I don't need another taxi and a place to leave the car16:48
popey"That's usually quite quiet, and you can book either the downstairs area (at canal level, for larger groups) or a side area upstairs (at ground level)."16:48
popey" Silicon Corridor meet at the Back of Beyond, which is a Wetherspoons another 50 yards down the road from Copa."16:48
popey"Hobgoblin is very small and crowded, and I think is in the process of being redecorated."16:48
daubersDOn't go to the Hobgoblin! Awesome pub, very crowded, nowhere to sit16:48
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: How about the Hotel De Ville?16:48
christelthe hobgoblin is teeeeeny16:48
daubersCopa is nice, but a bit poncy :) Back of beyond is a spoons16:49
christelthey only have enough room for one alan at the time16:49
Dave2what daubers said16:49
Dave2Althogh I've never been in Copa16:49
Dave2But I'd say it's more of a bar than a pub16:49
Dave2From the looks of things16:49
daubers(Sahara is expensive, but has the _best_ range of spirits anywhere ever and have bartenders who know what they're talking about)16:49
Dave2Sahara is definitely more of a bar than a pub16:49
daubersDave2: Exactley that :) They're quite good about booking downstairs though16:49
popey"The food at Copa is expensive and only "OK". The BoB is typical Wetherspoons."16:50
dauberscopa that is16:50
popey" The Warwick between the two is apparently a rather good Thai place."16:50
christeldaubers: spirits? are you trying to get us drunk :x16:50
dauberschristel: They have an awesome range of single malts16:50
Dave2I've only been to Sahara after leaving Zerodegrees16:50
daubersand do cocktails16:50
Dave2So I've generally already been a bit intoxicated by the time I've visited16:50
christeli do appreciate nice whisky16:50
Dave2That corner is a straight <10 minute walk from where I love though.16:51
Dave2er, live16:51
daubersNever been to the thai place :)16:51
daubersJamies Italian is quite nice, can't book a table though16:51
daubersOracle is full of <generic chain> food places16:51
Dave2That it is16:51
Dave2Well, the food court is16:51
daubersThe bit by the riverside :)16:52
Dave2But not really the place for a happy hour16:52
TheOpenSourcererchristel: I got a bottle of this yesterday as a birthday present: http://www.bruichladdich.com/the-whisky/classic-whisky/classic-bruichladdich/2001-the-resurrection-dram16:52
popeyoh, did my mind say that aloud? ☺16:52
christelyou guys are useless, you've taken longer to uhm and aah over these potential venues than i do over buying shoes!16:52
dauberspopey: Food more than beer or beer more than food?16:52
popeyi care little for this 'food' you speak of16:52
Dave2It's a "people turn up and have beer and maybe food", rather than a "people turn up for a meal with some drinks", AFIAK16:53
daubersBoB then? We can always go somewhere else afterwards16:53
christelTheOpenSourcerer: oooh my laptop is called bruichladdich after a very beautiful bottle of bruichladdich flirtation i once had16:53
Dave2That might be bad for people who come late16:53
Dave2"Where is everyone? :(:(:("16:53
daubersDave2: That's what twitter is for16:53
christelyeah, i prefer beer to food16:54
daubersNormally end up dozing off quite happily in BoB anyway16:54
Dave2Not everyone has a smartphone!16:54
christelno food == more room for beer!16:54
Dave2But yes, the main problem is that I don't really know anywhere appropriate, BoB's is probably the closest.16:54
AlanBelldid someone choose a pub yet?16:54
* daubers gets some dice16:54
* popey gets some ice16:54
AlanBellroll that D2016:54
bigcalmHayley has expressed interest in the RAT :)16:55
Dave2I don't have enough experience of pubs in Reading that aren't zerodegrees, sahara, the hobgoblin, or bob's16:55
bigcalmWill book when I get paid16:56
daubersDave2: I'd just go with BoB or Copa16:56
daubersCopa is a little nice than BoB but BoB is more pubby16:56
christelAlanBell: march 29th, BoB, Reading.16:57
AlanBellok so what is BoB? does it have a longer name?16:57
christeli've decided for them16:57
AlanBelland a postcode?16:57
Dave2Back of Beyond16:57
daubersBack of Beyond, the weathspoons on kings road16:57
* TheOpenSourcerer recalls a catchy theme tune... 16:57
daubersSCLug meet there16:57
Dave2Or do we want to go with a Wetherspoon's closer to the town centre⸘16:57
Dave2‽, even16:57
TheOpenSourcererOh, sorry that was BoD16:57
* AlanBell is saying BoB like Rowan Atkinson16:57
christelDave2: oh, is this place near the train station for those training it?16:58
daubersAlanBell: http://www.jdwetherspoon.co.uk/home/pubs/the-back-of-beyond16:58
Dave2It's walkable16:58
christelsounds good16:58
Dave2It's not a massive distance, it's just not right in the centre16:58
Dave2(It's also ~20 minutes from me instead of ~10, if that helps at all.)16:59
daubersDave2: Meh, at the moment it's busable from me... but at that point it might be train+bus16:59
daubersAlanBell: The dice agree http://ubuntuone.com/43tdWXq174qAtlaHhMcg1217:00
* daubers has a heart attack17:03
davmor2czajkowski: prod for not being here and another prod just for proddings sake17:03
AlanBelldavmor2 just the chap17:04
davmor2wow I just saw the Topic man that looks awesome I bet it was popey who made the topic that awesome and possibly just to annoy czajkowski with the awesome17:05
davmor2AlanBell: I'm not here it wasn't me17:05
davmor2AlanBell: what's up dude17:05
AlanBellhappy hours \o/17:06
AlanBellneed one in Wolverhampton17:06
AlanBellit needs cheering up17:06
czajkowskithey cna have one tomorrow at llunch17:06
czajkowskiin the lgihthouse17:06
czajkowskiLighthouse even17:06
Dave2You reminded me of the BBC news article about cities17:08
popeyYou reminded me of a game written in perl called cities.17:08
Dave2Which I now can't find.17:08
christeli'll play with your cities.17:08
Dave2Found it.17:09
davmor2Right so I can try and organise one for after the co-working space a fortnight Thursday at a pub,  but we have a hell of a lot on top of each other currently17:09
davmor2AlanBell: ^17:09
Dave2http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-13841482 - "Although the whole of the UK was enjoying an economic boom, the new cities, with the exception of Wolverhampton, outperformed their regional counterparts in terms of increasing investment and reducing unemployment."17:09
AlanBelldavmor2: we are doing one in Reading on 29th March17:10
davmor2AlanBell: so ours would be the 22nd of march or the 19th of April17:12
davmor2gord, bigcalm: any preference?17:13
christelbigcalm wants both17:14
christelhe's greedy like that17:14
* christel nods17:14
bigcalmI have no idea what's being discussed, doing some work for a change :P17:14
hamitronwork? :| *confused*17:14
bigcalmWriting an API for a project that was started in 2001. Slow progress...17:15
davmor2bigcalm: a happy hour I said we would run one on a co-working space day as half the people likely to come would already be there17:15
bigcalmdavmor2: sounds good17:16
davmor2bigcalm: I'd finish the project first then you'll be able to write the api much quicker17:16
bigcalmdavmor2: heh. The project is finished, this is an additional enhancement17:16
bigcalmI meant that writing the API was slow progress17:16
davmor2bigcalm:  so are either of these 2 dates  22nd of march or the 19th of April  better for you?17:17
popeyAlanBell: that patch to improve compiz already _is_ in 12.0417:17
AlanBelloh, cool17:17
bigcalmI thought it was one per month? With this month's having just been posted to the mailing list17:17
christelAlanBell: we should do a co-working space day! i am all jealous of them.. all you alans should partake, only you spend your days at client sites i guess17:18
AlanBellbigcalm: roughly, so we can plan the following month17:18
AlanBellchristel: we are looking into getting an office17:18
christeloooh can i come work in your office? :D17:18
bigcalmdavmor2: other than the workplace days themselves, I have no plans for either date. You choose :)17:20
christeli suffer with serious cabin fever when working on silly (big) projects17:20
AlanBellchristel: well we have to find one first17:20
davmor2gord:  same question ^17:20
christeloccasionally i do the laptop in pub thing, but then i end up drinking wine and watching people instead17:21
bigcalmchristel: me too17:21
christelwhich is such a bad move17:21
* bigcalm froths at the mouth far too often17:21
davmor2christel: you gonna come it's only a couple of miles from yours right ;)17:21
christeldavmor2: hehe i think it's like 2 hours :P17:21
davmor2christel: We'll take that as a yes then right? :D17:23
TheOpenSourcererGod I fancy a pint.17:24
Dave2I still want a Sweeney & Todd pie17:24
TheOpenSourcererThink I might offer to drop the kids off at Scouts shortly ;-)17:24
christeli fancy a pint but i have a silly project to finish17:28
czajkowskichristel: no rest for the wicked :)17:29
Dave2Gaah, I really want a Sweeney & Todd pie, it's been all of several weeks since I had one.17:30
christelczajkowski: indeed!17:38
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: Who's this pint woman and does your missus know?17:41
TheOpenSourcererShe is tall, slender & dark and slips down real easy.17:42
davmor2TheOpenSourcerer: Hahaha17:49
Dave2My phone told me I'd got an e-mail from the sclug mailing list informing me that there's a happy hour in Reading on the 29th.18:05
* Dave2 head off18:05
Dave2heads, even18:40
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
smoutysouthampton happy hour?!? Suggest the Hobbitt on the 20-03-0919:45
* AlanBell thinks smouty is living in the past19:46
gordhe just has a reeeeeeeally long ping19:47
MartijnVdSAlanBell: nah, in the future. 2020 hasn't been yet19:47
smoutysorry I am antiquated but meant 20-03-1219:51
gordyou meant 03-20-12!19:52
gordwait no, i'm wrong19:52
gordi'm tired19:52
smoutyto clarify 20th march 201219:53
smoutythat is for a happy hour in southampton at the hobbit19:55
jacobwgood evening20:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Laura Czajkowski] Ubuntu Accomplishments  Install and have some fun - http://www.lczajkowski.com/2012/03/06/ubuntu-accomplishments-install-and-have-some-fun/20:18
Oliczajkowski: Hey, thanks for standing up for Ask Ubuntu earlier (even if it did mean bodhi_zazen got super-upset)!20:30
czajkowskiOli: not going into that again :)20:31
OliOh I'm sure there's more than enough fire under that bridge, but I'm just reading it and wanted to thank you for the initial comment.20:31
czajkowskiOli: np20:32
czajkowskiOmNomDePlume: language!20:33
OmNomDePlumeArseanal 3 - 0 Peelan20:34
bigcalmczajkowski: going to the RAT event?20:41
bigcalmHayley is too, upping the lady quota :)20:42
AlanBellczajkowski: Jon coming too?20:50
brobostigonlol. on thr mailing list alan described RAt, with the title. "Choo Choo!" :)20:52
brobostigoni like.20:52
AlanBellit does!20:54
bigcalmAlanBell: are we not able to add ourselves to this event?20:57
AlanBellno, because I don't want anyone adding themselves on Launchpad and thinking that they don't have to buy a ticket20:58
AlanBellso I set the registration URL to the website20:58
bigcalmFair enough :)20:58
AzelphurI just found a pretty scary security vulnerability in gamesurge o.O20:58
AzelphurI can gline practically any bot on the network20:58
bigcalmAlanBell: maybe add people upon being told of tickets being purchased?20:58
AlanBellwe can sort out a "so who is going then" thing nearer the time, but I don't want people getting confused20:58
Azelphursomeone used it to attack my bot, which is how I found out20:59
czajkowskiAlanBell: yup21:26
lozzer i want to revamp the gui for this app http://postimage.org/image/t58g6hbnv/ any idea on how to start21:30
jacobwlozzer: subscribe to the development list, study the source, contact the developer with questions that arise.21:32
matttevening all21:48
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=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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