
Waltherterran4000: ...jsut wondering, any possibility that you're running 12.04 beta?00:00
KI7MTnannes, you'd probably want to install a server addition though, as 256M wont run most of the UB desktops.00:00
terran4000Walther, As much as I love cutting edge stuff like Arch, no ... I'm too old for that. Nominally stable 11.1000:01
* cog installs ubuntu00:01
skinnymg1lol@ terran4000 , I'm right there with you on that one00:02
KI7MTWalther, 12.04 is going through daily updates, nothing is stable with those distro's yet.00:02
beetlej00zCan I ask a MINT question in this channel?00:02
WaltherKI7MT: I know, that is why I asked00:02
nannesKI7MT: ok..but.... do you think that if all the PCs are updating at the same time (by the apt source) it could make reduce internet speed (originating a LAN bottleneck)00:02
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org00:02
beetlej00zok, np00:02
beetlej00z#linuxmint-help is totally empty btw...lol00:02
KI7MTI'm running it in VM's but it's seriously buggy right now.00:02
Waltherbeetlej00z: /connect irc.spotchat.org first00:03
boxbeatsyhi, i just installed ubuntu on a new computer, rsynced my files over, and reinstalled all my packages.  then, i restarted my computer, and now it's frozen on the ubuntu loading screen (has been about twenty minutes).  does anyone know what might be causing this?00:03
Walther(also, I do have to say that at least for me, 12.04 has been the most stable alpha ever)00:04
KI7MTnannes, it's possible, but for what your looking at doing I dont think you'd have troubles, unless it's allot of concurrent connections.00:04
pocatamy problem is that when you minimize a program appears on the bottom bar i`am ubuntu please help :(00:04
Waltherboxbeatsy: did you try rebooting?00:04
boxbeatsyWalther: sorry, that's what i meant.  i rebooted my computer and now it's stuck at the ubuntu loading screen00:04
nannesKI7MT: about 20 cuncurrent at the same time.... it's for a school... I need to consider every thing before starting to do it00:05
sw0rdfishhey what does it mean that when I put in a blank CD a window pops up saying: "You have just inserted a blank CD. Choose what application to launch"00:05
nannes*cuncurrent connections00:05
sw0rdfishyet it doesn't show up00:05
sw0rdfishin df -h00:05
Waltherpocata: I'm sorry, I don't quite understand what you mean - what is your native language? There is most probably an ubuntu channel in it00:05
cogMy install currently installs a disk partition, should i not have opened up xchat? :)00:05
sw0rdfishor in: ls /dev00:05
terran4000On the plus side: speaker-test -c 6 -r 48000 -D surround51 (mostly) works.00:06
KI7MTnannes, If at all possible, and you need to be sure, I'd try to find a more modern desktop to be the server, support for P4 hardware is get very slim if at all these days.00:06
boxbeatsyWalther: i tried manually restarting my computer once also, but it returned to the same loading screen00:06
Waltherboxbeatsy: try getting into a terminal by ctrl-alt-f100:06
terran4000On the downside, compiling the A52 plugin (part of the libasound2-plugins package) didn't fix anything00:06
KI7MTnannes, a simple core2 would be fare superior and have much better support.00:06
Waltherboxbeatsy: in there, do "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"00:07
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nannesKI7MT: as I was thinking... but there's no money actually :( thanks anyway00:07
KI7MTnannes, ok, hope you get it sorted.00:07
AaronCampbellDoes anyone know of something like cl.ly for Ubuntu?00:07
AaronCampbellNot just screenshots, but screenshots that post to a site and put the link in your clipboard?00:08
CFHowlettAaronCampbell   http://imagebin.org/?page=add00:08
bastidrazor!ops | daniel Rob______00:09
ubottudaniel Rob______: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler or Jordan_U!00:09
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boxbeatsyWalther: ctrl+alt+f1 isn't triggering anything when i try on the loading screen.  should i boot into recovery mode?00:09
pooltable_help trying to log into yahoo mail but keep asking to upgrade how to buy bass it00:09
AaronCampbellCFHowlett: I can do it lots of places in multiple steps.  Would be nice to have the one application that does it all00:09
* CFHowlett Mark Shutttleworth is black? Who knew!00:09
Waltherboxbeatsy: yes, you should try that as ctrl-alt-f1 *should* get you to the terminal screen pretty much no matter what00:10
Waltherboxbeatsy: there's something wrong00:10
Waltherboxbeatsy: and when on that, run the updates00:10
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CFHowlettAaronCampbell   so a site to host screenshots?  gotta be one...00:10
CFHowlettpooltable  not an ubuntu issue...00:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:11
CFHowlettAaronCampbell   you mean like a centralized screenshot broadcasting utility?00:11
pooltable_ok how to fix it?00:12
CFHowlettpooltable it's not an ubuntu issue.  ask yahoo.00:12
sw0rdfishwhats a k-line00:13
pooltable_it keep asking to upgrade to IE 800:13
baconbacon123hello world00:13
CFHowlettpooltable are you using ie now?00:13
bastidrazorsw0rdfish: when you're kicked off freenode not just a channel.00:13
boxbeatsyWalther: ok, so i booted into recoveyr mode, and tried to run an apt-get update and go tthe following error "The following pacakges have unmet dependencies: kdelibs4c2a-kde3: Dpeneds: kdelibs-data-kde3 but it is not installed.  E: Unmet dpendencies.  Try using -f.)00:13
CFHowlettpooltable what browser?00:14
Waltherboxbeatsy: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade00:14
boxbeatsyWalther: i also got a bunch of warnings saying "Could not resolve 'ppa.launchpad.net'00:14
Waltherboxbeatsy: ahh... check your internet connection and re-run apt-get update00:14
pooltable_got it to work in opera but not firefox ?00:14
CFHowlettpooltable I just tested in ffox.  No mention anywhere of i.e.00:15
sw0rdfishyeah, got it bastidrazor :)00:15
pooltable_CFHowlett well it is on my end00:15
CFHowlettpooltable what url are you accessing?00:16
pooltable_CFHowlett  what is that ?00:16
CFHowlettpooltable what website are you trying to get to00:16
CoreyIs there a sane PPA to get Python2.7 from for Lucid?00:17
boxbeatsyWalther: it seems like the shell i'm getting in the recovery mode doesn't have internet connection, but i'm sure i had connection before i rebooted.  what could be causing this?  (i can't ping google.com)00:17
pooltable_CFHowlett  https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?&.src=ym sorry00:17
CFHowlettpool  tablehttp://imagebin.org/20214300:19
CFHowlettpool  table   http://imagebin.org/20214300:19
Waltherboxbeatsy: I don't really know00:19
pooltable_CFHowlett  yes00:20
zykotick9boxbeatsy: do you use wireless?00:20
danharibohi there00:21
CFHowlettdanharibo   greetings00:21
danharibocould anyone give me a hand with autoconf00:21
danhariboor point me in the direction of someone who can00:22
boxbeatsyzykotick9: nope, but i did have to install two custom drivers to get wireless/wired to work.  would those not work in recovery mode?00:22
danhariboI'm trying to add some extra folders to the path that the compiler looks for include files, but I'm not sure how to do that.00:22
zykotick9boxbeatsy: possibly not?  does ifconfig show any network devices?00:22
boxbeatsyzykotick9: no :( just the local loopback00:23
amalgamahi ppl.. i am running a stripped version of ubuntu 10.10.. if i upgrade to 11.04, will the upgrade download and install apps which are in the default distro but not in my installation?00:23
zykotick9boxbeatsy: sorry, i'm not to familiar with what is loaded (what is normal) for recovery.  Best of luck.00:24
Waltheramalgama: no, it only updates the required packages00:24
Waltheror, "should"00:24
amalgamaWalther: thanx..00:25
zykotick9amalgama: upgrading to a new version without the *desktop file could be an issue!00:25
UbuntuNerddo you know if Ubuntu 11.10 is good for netbooks yet? there was a power regression with the linux kernel.. i wonder if it's fixed.00:25
amalgamazykotick9: the *desktop file?00:25
zykotick9amalgama: what you're trying to avoid (perhaps).  Like the ubuntu-desktop metapackage.00:26
UbuntuNerdno? yes?00:26
WaltherUbuntuNerd: Should be fine - I've been using it for a while and getting over 4:5000:27
UbuntuNerdon a netbook??00:27
UbuntuNerdWalther: on a Netbook??00:27
WaltherUbuntuNerd: Samsung N51000:28
amalgamazykotick9: ah ok... i havent used upgrade in any distro, only fresh installs, a dist-upgrade i suppose will return which packages will be installed, right? I could check from there?00:29
CFHowlettamalgama   dist-upgrade will only update the packages present if new ones are in the stream00:29
zykotick9amalgama: dis-upgrade isn't what you want.  Personally i think upgrading ubuntu is a bad idea - hope you have good luck.00:30
lele5800hi.. can i ask some help?00:30
ubottulele5800: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:30
lele5800how to replace xfce with kde 5 ? and how to start with kde 5?00:31
Waltherlele5800: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get remove xfce00:31
Waltheror xubuntu-desktop00:32
zykotick9!info xfce400:32
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 40 kB00:32
lele5800Walther can i have both but start with kde?00:33
Waltherlele5800: sure00:33
Waltherlele5800: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and just make it default in the login screen00:33
lele5800i have to reboot after installation? or i can logout and login again? sorry for my bad english, i'm italian :D00:34
ubottulele5800: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)00:34
Waltherlele5800: logout should work00:35
pedrolucasplele5800, Nope, you can logout and login again, will work00:35
pedrolucasplele5800, Only if you installed some update that will need a reboot00:36
Waltherpedrolucasp: not talking about an update, just installing kde00:36
lele5800pedrolucasp how to logout? i'm a newbie00:37
stiltzkinHello folks, I was hoping someone could answer a question about fglrx. If I have a testing box running precise, should I compile fglrx for target Ubuntu/precise or Ubuntu/oneiric? If I compile for precise I get lots of compile errors. Not sure why this is. Any clues?00:37
terran4000I tip from the wise and foolish: when testing your high end audio system connected to your non-working computer, make sure to not leave the volume on SUPER ULTRA MEGA high when you think you found a fix. Not only will this make your cat jump and scratch you, you're wife will also make you sleep on the couch as a result.00:37
CFHowlettterran4000   :)00:38
Waltherterran4000: ouch00:38
stiltzkinI will direct this question to #ubuntu-testing if necessary, just thought I might ask here first since it's not only a testing question.00:38
terran4000But at least I fixed it =^_^=00:38
Fireterran4000: true story00:38
terran4000And visa is lowering my merchant fees.00:38
terran4000so all's well that ends well.00:38
lolcat^terran4000: you are wife?00:39
terran4000Walther, thanks for the ideas and helping out. Many thanks sir.00:39
Waltherno problem00:39
terran4000lolcat^, I'm not the wife. My wife is the wife.00:39
lolcat^terran4000: You said "you're wife will also make you sleep on the couch as a  result" ie "you are wife wille also make you sleep on the couch as a result", wich is an odd statement00:41
jaequeryhi guys i have a question, im setting up a new virtual server and i want to know, if it's better to have the fs use LVM or not, any advices?00:41
terran4000lolcat^, meh, my English isn't perfect. :)00:41
Walther!ot lolcat^00:41
stiltzkinI am following the guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI but changed "oneiric" to "precise" at the build step. The installer retrieved all dependencies for my system but fails to compile.00:41
Waltherstiltzkin: join #ubuntu+1 :)00:42
pfifoI think theres a problem with my package management system http://pastealacon.com/2983000:42
stiltzkinWalther, sure, will do00:42
terran4000Again, thanks much for the help everyone. Back to work we go. WEE!00:42
lolcat^Walther: Either I've ignored ubottu or that didn't work00:42
lolcat^ubottu: tell lolcat about ot00:42
Walther!ot | lolcat^00:42
ubottulolcat^: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:42
LucidGuySimple question.. what happends if a linux box runs out of memory?  and no swap.?00:42
pfifoLucidGuy, it reboots00:42
lele5800Walther thank you.. now kde is working...00:42
WaltherLucidGuy: Lag. It waits for more ram... and if there's none, it will crash / reboot00:43
lolcat^Walther: the "tell nick about ot" is nicer00:43
terran4000LucidGuy, the world ends ... or your machine slows down and might cause out of memory issues.00:43
Waltherlolcat^: which isn't implemented here00:43
lolcat^ubottu: tell walter about guidelines00:43
LucidGuyHmm .. been troubleshooting a sick ubuntu box for months ....  Going to kill myself if the system simply ran out of ram.00:43
Coreylolcat^: What part of "not implemented here" didn't you understand?00:44
lolcat^Corey: It worked a second ago00:44
CoreyIt did not.00:44
Waltherlolcat^: no it didn't, check it, I said it00:44
lolcat^"tell lolcat about ot" worked00:44
pnormanlolcat^: No it didn't, it responded to Walther.00:44
Waltherscroll back.00:44
lolcat^pnorman: It didn't it said "lolcat" wants you to know00:45
lolcat^!ot lolcat^00:45
lolcat^00:46 <ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ot lolcat^00:46
lolcat^tell $nick about something works00:46
pnormanlolcat^: No, it told lolcat^, not lolcat. Multiple people have told you someone else called it00:46
luojingutbHi! I'm on a Alienware m14x, trying to get the webcam working. I don't see it when I lspci. lsusb gives me Bus 001 Device 005: ID 187c:0521 Alienware Corporation which I'm suspecting is the webcam, but not so sure.00:47
lolcat^ubottu: tell pnorman about ot00:47
ubottupnorman, please see my private message00:47
lolcat^pnorman: See it works00:47
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lele5800another question, how to show the cube with the desktops?00:48
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:49
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
Waltherlele5800: basically, sudo apt-get indstall ccsm00:49
Waltheror compizconfig-settings-manager00:50
luojingutbI googled 187c:0521 but got pastebin hits. Any ideas?00:50
FireStormsI have problem with Apache/PHP following this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP . PHP will not display to the page (weird weird problem) yet the error logs say PHP is working fine. Additionaly Firefox will show the index.html page wheras Chrome says 500 interal server error00:50
hydrox24luojingutb: can you confirm that you can't open the webcam device with vlc?00:54
druonysusI am running ubuntu 10.04 LTS and need to install python 2.7. does anyone know of a good ppa I can use to install 2.7 from?00:54
hydrox24druonysus: I believe that python 2.7 should already be installed00:54
hydrox24druonysus: I am using 11.10 and my default python was 2.700:55
Waltherdruonysus: sudo apt-get install python2.700:55
hydrox24druonysus: I would make sure that you aren00:55
luojingutbhydrox24: I haven't tried vlc, but cheese says "No device found" and gstreamer-properties says it can't find /dev/video000:55
Waltherdruonysus: it is in the repositories :)00:55
trismWalther: hydrox24, not on 10.0400:56
Walthertrism: hm... could e.g. the oneiric ppa be added?00:57
hydrox24luojingutb: unfortunately info on you particular device is a little sparse...00:57
hydrox24trism: really? that's strange then. is it 3+ in 10.04?00:57
luojingutbhydrox24: I felt the same :(00:58
hydrox24luojingutb: I would double check that the webcam is enabled in BIOS too.00:59
j2daoshok guys, dumb question. how can I make my hostname report on my network? i cant ping $hostname, i can only ping $ip_address01:00
trismhydrox24: yes 3.1 is in lucid01:00
trismhydrox24: 3.1 and 2.601:00
hydrox24trism: thanks, I guess you learn somehting every day!01:00
j2daoshhostname is set in /etc/hostname, and i verify by typing 'hostname' in console, but its not being picked up by my router so other systems can ssh with the hostname01:01
luojingutbhydrox24: Hmm. Okay brb after a reboot then. (ps how does one reply to a specific person, like you're doing?)01:01
j2daoshluojingutb: type part of their name and hit <tab>01:01
hydrox24luojingutb: you're doing it too right now, but for private chat you can go "/msg $PERSONNAME $MESSAGE"01:01
j2daoshor what hydrox24 said01:02
hydrox24luojingutb: that will start a private chat rather than a public chat01:02
chestyleany good linux games?01:03
CFHowlettchestyle   look in software center and search "games"01:04
stiltzkinchestyle, definitely! depends on what kind of games you like to play. The Humble Indie Bundle games all run on Linux, for starters. So does Minecraft. There's included arcade/card games by default, and you can find many more in Software Center. Also try Nexuiz if you like FPS :)01:04
hydrox24chestyle: try looking at the humbleindiebundle offers to find the names of good games, all of the humblebundle games work on linux natively01:04
chestylewell, duh, I mean are there any good native linux games except HoN, Savage or whatever01:04
Octagonisthi, can you guys suggest some email with good privacy policy unlike gmail f.e.?01:04
stiltzkinhydrox24, humble indie brofist01:04
* CFHowlett "well, duh"? really?01:05
stiltzkinchestyle, also tons and tons of emulators run very well on Linux01:05
j2daoshcan someone atleast point me in the right direction where to get help?01:06
luojingutbhydrox24: I couldn't find anything remotely close tro webcam...01:06
stiltzkinj2daosh, what are you looking for help with?01:07
hmwj2daosh: you'd need a DNS server in your local network, /etc/hostname is only for your local box01:07
j2daoshi want to get my system to report a hostname to my router. so i can ping/ssh/ftp/etc to a hostname instead of IP01:07
j2daoshall of my windows boxes report a hostname, and my other linux server reports it, but I can't get ubuntu to report it01:08
CFHowlettj2daosh   might want to also ask #ubuntu-server01:08
j2daoshso my router status page just shows the IP and mac and hostname is blank01:08
hydrox24Octagonist: does it need to be webmail?01:08
hydrox24Octagonist: actually, that really doesn't belong here. This is a channel for *ubuntu* help01:08
Waltherj2daosh: try rebooting your network device. ifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth0 up01:09
Waltherassuming eth001:09
Octagonisthydrox24: yeah i know. sorry for that. no more questions.01:09
hmwWalther: can you tell me, how j2daosh machines "report" their names to his router? Is this UPNP?01:09
Waltherhmw: I don't know, for me, this sounds just that the network device is not working properly01:10
hmwWalther: I had to install bind in order to achieve name resolution01:10
Waltherfor me, just "hostname macchiato" does it fine01:10
hmwnever heard of clients "reporting" their names01:11
Waltheror "hostname ristretto"01:11
hmwexcept for SMB01:11
Waltherwell, I don't think "reporting" is really the problem here, but showing up in smb:// share or similar01:11
Waltheror the router logs01:11
j2daoshhmw: you may be on to something. my redhat server does have a smb share01:11
hmwbut he wants to use the name for ssh and alike01:11
j2daoshmaybe it's a cifs thing01:11
Waltheralso, perhaps sleeptime now... 03:12 here01:12
hmwj2daosh: if you configure your samba, this will not cause general name resolution, only smb clients will see that name01:12
hmwj2daosh: perhaps they put something new into Ubuntu, though. *puzzled face*01:13
hydrox24luojingutb: sorry, try the v4l wiki, but you're gonna get bogged down quickly in docs and stuff there.01:13
hydrox24luojingutb: what kernel are you running? (uname -r) if your unsure01:13
luojingutbhydrox24: 3.0.0-16-generic-pae01:14
runelindI'm having problems getting a USB network adapter to work.  I plug it in to my Ubuntu 11.10 desktop, and it works fine.  I plug it into my Ubuntu 11.10 server and lsusb sees it, but the interface doesn't show up01:15
runelindif I plug in a second, identical, usb nic, it shows up just fine.01:15
hmwj2daosh: perhaps you are using netbios for name resolution in your LAN01:16
hmwj2daosh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8820601:17
hydrox24luojingutb: OK, how brave are you?01:17
druonysusWalther: E: Couldn't find package python2.701:17
hydrox24runelind: try ifconfig -a01:17
druonysusit isn't in my repos01:18
runelindhydrox24: yeah, that's what I'm trying01:18
runelindnow showy uppy01:18
luojingutbhydrox24: Is this a trick question? I wouldn't mind re-installing the OS..?01:18
Waltherdruonysus: off to bed now :) hope someone else can help you - my suggestion would be to update01:18
hydrox24runelind: no, just are you brave enough to compile a new kernel on the off chance that the webcam would work, would mean reinstalling, but you would have to go into it with an attitude of doing it for the learning experience01:19
druonysusnope I did an apt-get update and then tried installing 2.7 and still nothing01:19
druonysuswhat repo should have the python2.7 package?01:20
hydrox24druonysus: It's in my repos so not sure why it isnt coming up.01:20
runelindhydrox24: I'm not interested in webcams, I just want my USB nic to work :)01:20
runelind(or both, rather)01:20
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python01:20
druonysushydrox24: are you using 10.0401:20
runelindI'm going to wipe out my network rules.d file01:20
runelindand see if that helps at all.01:20
WaltherG'night all01:21
hydrox24druonysus: no, but I check on my 10.04 machine now.01:21
colbyrunning 11.10 - my updater stopped working. it tells me there are updates available, but when i click to open the interface from the panel, it doesn't open.01:21
druonysushydrox24: thank01:21
luojingutbhydrox24: I could dare to go on those rocky trails. This laptop has webcam issue while running on windows too, and the alienware technician has failed to fix it. Does it sound like a lost cause?01:21
bashi_trying to install ubuntu via live cd and keep getting "executing grub-install /dev/sda failed"  how can I fix this?01:21
bashi_i have tried mounting the drive via live cd to install grub but so far haven't been able to01:22
Joneeetuxmy ? is:  well, i want to "erase" my ubuntu 10.04, and then re-install it ("clean install").01:22
magicJbashi_:  your bios settimgs may be stopping the write of boot01:22
bashi_mmk what setting would that be though that would prevent it?01:23
DropsOfSerenityis there a GUI way to automount windows on bootup rather than using /etc/fstab ?01:24
hydrox24druonysus: python 6 is in the 10.04 repos, is using that satisfactory?01:24
druonysushydrox24: no, we need 2.7 or our code breaks01:24
druonysusour app wont build01:24
hydrox24DropsOfSerenity: http://maketecheasier.com/auto-mount-your-ntfs-partition-in-ubuntu/2009/04/1401:25
hydrox24DropsOfSerenity: using pysdm.01:25
hydrox24druonysus: download this http://python.org/ftp/python/2.7/Python-2.7.tgz01:26
Oerdruonysus, install 11.10, it has python python 2.7.2-7ubuntu2 as default01:26
DropsOfSerenityhydrox24, thank you01:26
hydrox24then extract it, change into the dir and "./configure" then "make" then "sudo make altinstall"01:26
druonysusOer: 11.10 isn't really an option01:26
hydrox24druonysus: that's cool01:26
crfHi. I installed 11.10. And am using gnome fallback session. What package provides the menu? I would like to change the translation01:26
=== seraph1 is now known as grievous
hydrox24crf: provides what menu?01:27
crfhydrox24 -- the menu that says "Applications" "Places"01:28
JoneeetuxMy ? is:  if I, say, re-format my ubuntu partition to , say .ext2 (or maybe FAT32); then re-install ubuntu (10.04) from live cd--will that work??01:28
druonysusI have to use an LTS and other tools we have already work with 10.04 we will update them when 12.04 comes out but I can't justify spending time updating them with a release we arn't going to use01:28
DropsOfSerenityhydrox24, very nice tool worked perfectly, didn't know that existed, thanks01:28
KI7MTThis should work: system >> administration >> language support, then follow the prompts. How-Too http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17528/change-the-user-interface-language-in-ubuntu/01:29
hydrox24Joneeetux: should, however doesn't the ubuntu install give you the option of formatting the partition that the OS is to be installed onto as ext2 anyway?01:29
CFHowlettJoneeetux   the optimal format is ext4 - why downgrade??01:29
boxbeatsyhi, after installing a list of packages on ubuntu 10.04, i restarted and am now getting stuck on the splash screen indefinitely.  i've turned off the splash screen in the grub boot menu but i'm not seeing any errors. any ideas on how to continue?  i've also boot into recovery mode to check that there were no package errors to fix.01:30
crfhydrox24 ... in previous Ubuntu, 11.04, using gnome session, this file was language-pack-gnome-en-base01:30
colbyrunning 11.10 - my updater stopped working. it tells me there are updates available, but when i click to open the interface from the panel, it doesn't open.01:31
crfhydrox24, sorry , /usr/share/locale-langpack/en_CA/LC_MESSAGES/gnome-panel-2.0.mo01:31
Joneeetuxyes.  What I'm tryin' to do--well, I want to teach myself 'How' to do a "clean install"--with no evidence remaining of the previous hostname, & tc.01:31
crfhydrox24, but in the new Ubuntu, it is in a different file. I want to know which one.01:31
CFHowlettJoneeetux   format the / partition and install away ...01:31
JoneeetuxSo i guess Grub's 'stage 1' will remain:  just its stage 2 that sits on the ubuntu partiton will be erased?01:33
JoneeetuxIf it would be that way, I could then just reinstall ubuntu 10.04 right away, and set a new hostname, &tc--just like a new install, and my win7 would be unaffected??01:34
CFHowlettJoneeetux   if you format / everything gets wiped.01:36
JoneeetuxI have Googled this issue a good deal, but I'm havin' just a wee bit of trouble understanding....01:36
CFHowlettJoneeetux   you can format JUST the system partition "/" and that's all that'll get wiped.  Win7 will still be present.  the only issue will be ensuring proper grub configuration.01:37
Joneeetuxyes, that would just wipe-off the ubuntu partition, wouldn't it??01:37
CFHowlettJoneeetux   right.01:37
CFHowlettaltoid79   greetings01:38
melo1369Hey everyone, Was wondering if I could pick a Ubuntu guru's mind on an error I continue to encounter01:38
xangua!ask | melo136901:39
ubottumelo1369: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience01:39
JoneeetuxAnd as long as I then just re-install ubuntu, chances are that it'd bring me back to roughly the state my machine just after i installed ubuntu for the first time, dual boot with win 7?01:39
altoid79can someone help me with installing ubuntu 11.10 alongside windows 7 on a separate HDD?  I've followed this link here, but I cannot boot into ubuntu  http://www.linuxbsdos.com/2011/10/27/dual-boot-ubuntu-11-10-windows-7-on-a-pc-with-2-hard-drives/01:39
runelindhydrox24: the USB nic showed up after moving the 70-persistent-net-rules file01:39
colbyrunning 11.10 - my updater stopped working. it tells me there are updates available, but when i click to open the interface from the panel, it doesn't open.01:39
CFHowlettJoneeetux   correct.01:39
runelindhydrox24: now I just have to plug in the other 11 interfaces and hope they also work.01:39
melo1369I am currently working from my Asus G74sx 64 bit Win 7 OS. I have 2 Patriot 120GB SSD the one with Win 7 and the other I have installed a 32 bit 11.10 Desktop Ubuntu on. My install goes fine according to everything however, when I restarted after I installed, during boot I encountered a grub rescue error stating device not found.01:40
JoneeetuxI could probly use the advanced tab in ubiquity installer to point ubuntu into the vacant hole?01:40
CFHowlettJoneeetux   you should select guided or manual partitioning ...01:41
CFHowlettJoneeetux   see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot01:41
=== oscarpaats is now known as ozpy
ozpyHi. How to set on autohide the launch bar on Ubuntu 12.04????01:42
KI7MTJoneeetux, Here's another easy example: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/9059/dual-boot-your-pre-installed-windows-7-computer-with-ubuntu/01:42
ozpyHow to Autohide the left app bar on ubuntu 12.04????01:43
zykotick9ozpy: reask in #ubuntu+101:43
hydrox24ozpy: try #ubuntu+1 for that, we only support =<11.1001:44
Joneeetuxi successfully copied both links01:44
CFHowlettJoneeetux   read them. use them.  also see youtube for dual boot vids01:44
altoid79can someone show me or give me a link on how to successfully do this on 2 separate HDDs?01:45
Joneeetuxi thank you very much, Dudes (and Dudettes).  Thanx01:45
melo1369I am currently working from my Asus G74sx 64 bit Win 7 OS. I have 2 Patriot 120GB SSD the one with Win 7 and the other I have installed a 32 bit 11.10 Desktop Ubuntu on. My install goes fine according to everything however, when I restarted after I installed, during boot I encountered a grub rescue error stating device not found.01:46
Fyodorovna!bootinfo | melo1369 run his script and pastebin the results.txt01:47
ubottumelo1369 run his script and pastebin the results.txt: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).01:48
perfektOk, I'm having trouble getting xchat connected to tor through port 9050. I get "Connecting to localhost ( port 9050...01:48
perfekt* Connection failed. Error: Connection refused"01:48
perfektDo I need to open port 9050 or something?01:48
CFHowlettperfekt   sounds reasonable...01:49
bazhangperfekt, tor for freenode?01:49
perfekthow do I open the port? <- linux noob01:50
bazhangperfekt, you'll need to ask in #freenode about that01:50
perfektwell I followed all the instructions for getting xchat to work with tor, but it doesn't work, so I'm guessing I need to open port 9050. How do I do so?01:51
Zac_o_Oanyone happen to run an Ubuntu 11.10 server?  I have disks that are set to spindown in hdparm.conf, not being woken up by smartd (desired), and noatime set.  The disks spin up after only a few minutes of sleeping.  How do I figure out what's waking them up?01:51
bazhangperfekt, again /join #freenode for that01:51
melo1369I am unable to run bootinfo from windows right? I must run it in Ubuntu?01:52
Fyodorovnamelo1369, from a live ubuntu cd.01:53
Fyodorovnaor usb01:53
melo1369Okay brb I'll try it from a USB and let you know what happens :) thanks for the info thus far01:53
serzenisTÜRK KİMSE YOKMU YAA ???01:54
=== ZzTeenPopStar is now known as ZzBomb
bazhang!tr | serzenis01:54
ubottuserzenis: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.01:54
=== _h4ckm3 is now known as h4ckm3
serzenisada bakıcakmısın lütfen01:57
CFHowlettZac_o_O   ask on #ubuntu-server01:57
bazhangserzenis, english here, #ubuntu-tr for Turkish01:58
Zac_o_OCFHowlett: tx!01:58
Praxihmm wish my luck, trying to replace my windows work station with linux, see if I can keep it up01:59
Praxiwish me*01:59
h4ckm3you won't need it01:59
Praxireally worried about some of the things I do, lot of MSSQL & Visio, think I can handle the rest of the junk but those 2 things worry me a bit.02:00
Zac_o_Ovisio in wine?02:01
Praxiya what I'm trying now02:01
Zac_o_OSQL - no idea02:01
Praxiinstalling wine that is.  and I'm not sure how libre office spreadsheet will play with ODBC type things02:01
ihavnothanyone can help me about regexpr?02:01
ihavnothI wanna remove revision text in (<project name="device/common" revision="3b932551eb896cd1880e65b156059a5f34d2f655"/>)02:02
peepsalothello, i want to install two different packages from two PPAs which depends on the same libs, and a sligthly different versioning of the lib for each.  problem is when I try to install both at the same time, apt-get forces me to remove the other.02:03
peepsalotis there a way to just force an install regardless of any dependencies?02:03
KI7MTPraxi, LibreOffice supports ODBC, and I think there's a draw program, but not sure how vast it is compared to Visio02:03
nguyenthientam1Hi, I want to intall https on apache , help me02:03
peepsaloti think the lib versions are close enough that thjey will both run using the same libs, but the package manager won't let me try02:03
Praxikk thanks KI7MT02:04
bazhangpeepsalot, contact the PPA maintainers and ask them perhaps02:04
KI7MTHere's a guy using LibreOfiice, as apposed to Visio: http://smacak.wordpress.com/2011/01/26/opensource-alternative-to-microsoft-visio/02:04
hydrox24Zac_o_O: try powertop, it gives lots of info on things like that.02:05
hydrox24Zac_o_O: you'll have to install powertop from the default repos though02:05
Zac_o_Oah.  I'll look that up02:06
Zac_o_Ohydrox24: so is that something like iotop where i'll have to leave it open and watch it?02:06
scribawfreinstalled corrupt winXP how do I make winXP appear on grub2 appear?02:08
hydrox24Zac_o_O: A little, yes, but even more feature rich and detailed, also gives some control over turning on/off powersaving features (why I thought it might be useful)02:08
CFHowlettscribawf   sudo update-grub02:08
hydrox24scribawf: go into your ubuntu installation and run update-grub (or maybe update-grub2) and you should see the winXP option appear02:09
CFHowlettscribawf   see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:09
Zac_o_Ohydrox24: awesome - I'll check that out.  Any other ideas?  Which log to heck?02:09
scribawfhydrox24:  Tnx much will give it a try02:09
Praxihmm no sound coming out for my integrated audio02:10
scribawfCFHowlett; tnx also02:10
Praxiodd muted by default02:10
_cbApple using friend of mine is trying to vnc into my mach but being asked for credential. Any idea what he needs to type02:10
celthunder_cb: the vnc user/pw02:11
CFHowlett_cb   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows02:11
CFHowlett_cb   https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3659953?start=0&tstart=0 *sorry*02:11
celthunderCFHowlett: lol nice you have two totally unrelated links in your clipboard at the same time.02:12
munkybeatzi'm having trouble with fstab automounting my NTFS drive as Read only.02:12
* CFHowlett celthunder paste less, read more02:13
_cbcelthunder i don't have a password set up. I can VNC from my cell02:13
munkybeatzCould someone take a look at my fstab here [ http://pastebin.com/gsMM4ikH ] and look at sda4 and let me know what I should change?02:13
CFHowlett_cb    like this?  http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/24242/view-desktop-of-very-remote-ubuntu-box-from-my-macbook-pro02:13
leontopodWhy does the gui for ubuntu look like something that runs on a tablet computer?02:14
leontopodI don't get it.02:14
celthunderErnest: good day02:14
ErnestHi, good day to you!02:14
ubottuleontopod: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity02:14
celthunderleontopod: then use a different ui02:14
leontopodI'm not complaining. =)02:14
munkybeatzleontopod:  it has to do with the fact that ALL major OS's are attempting to go this way, so they can use a single interface on all devices for familiarity02:15
leontopodI'm just wondering why it looks like something that runs on a tablet computer.02:15
leontopodmunkybeatz, ah02:15
celthunderleontopod: because people are too stupid to use more than one ui02:15
munkybeatzleontopod:  this way they don't have to come up with 4-6 different interfaces, since we have tons of new devices coming out02:15
jefinc`leontopod: you have the option to not boot into unity when you login02:15
leontopodHey, I am not complaining. I just wondering!02:16
jefinc`I complain02:16
jefinc`because it's terrible02:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:16
munkybeatzleontopod: i understand. You'll find people get a bit huffy over this item though for some reason, many are against change02:16
ErnestWould anyone by any chance know how to troubleshoot volume on 10.04?02:16
munkybeatzanyone able to help with an fstab issue?02:16
Fyodorovna#ubuntu-offtopic is for opinions this is support02:16
leontopodhe wanted to get out of here!02:17
ErnestVolume troubleshooting... am I in the right chat here?02:17
celthunderFyodorovna: i  support your opinion! (joking)02:17
celthunderErnest: whats the issue02:17
celthundermunkybeatz: uhm something about that looks wrong02:18
ErnestCelthunder: A rather odd one, for whatever reason, my volume works, but only at a certain point and beyond.02:19
celthunderErnest: uhm that makes sense02:19
celthunderif its off or too loud its at max/min.02:19
ErnestCelthunder: Well, so it would seem, however, at a certain threshold is where the volume actually increases.02:20
ErnestThe first few notches are just silent.02:20
Praxihmm is there a shortcut key to lock ubuntu, similar to windows key L?02:20
CFHowlettPraxi   by default, no.  But you keybind up a shortcut.02:21
celthunderPraxi: you can bind one if you want02:21
spacebug-Ernest: take a look at the command "alsamixer"02:21
logIt's' Ctrl-Alt-L by default on my installation.02:21
Praxiooh good call log02:22
Praxiworks on mine too02:22
logCool. :)02:22
Praxity :)02:22
munkybeatzcelthunder:  what exactly is wrong then? I'm wondering if I forgot to add something or left something out of options02:22
logNo problem, Praxi. :)02:22
Ernestspacebug: "No such file or directory"02:22
GarbandAnyone know if I can use my external USB HDD to install ubuntu so I can dual boot? Or does it have to be cd/bootable stick? Or, would I be better off just using wubi? And, if that's the case; is it possible to run 64bit Wubi on a 32bit Windows install? lol02:23
thoongbeen out of the irc for 5 yrs. came back today to see it is still alive. :)02:23
celthundermunkybeatz: /dev/sda4  /mnt/windows  ntfs-3g   gid=users,fmask=113,dmask=002    0       002:23
celthundermunkybeatz: or something like that....02:23
munkybeatzcelthunder:  alright, lemme give that a try02:24
munkybeatzcelthunder:  thanks for looking/helping btw02:24
logthoong: Very much so. :)02:24
celthunderthoong: irc has been around for like 20 years and still going strong02:24
AmdpcHi...Any Chroma Keying Software for photo editing Available ?02:24
hydrox24thoong: as strong as ever!02:25
celthundermunkybeatz: any luck02:25
hydrox24Amdpc: you can probably do what you want to using the "GIMP" program. It's open-source, free and runs on ubuntu.02:25
spacebug-Ernest: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils02:25
Praxianyone use xnview?  how does it compare to irfanview on windows?02:25
celthunderGarband: wubi is useless yes you can use a usb hdd if you can boot from usb02:25
Amdpchydrox24 : Can you giude me about Using Chroma Keying in it ?02:26
logAmdpc: http://www.nebomusic.net/chromakey.html02:26
GarbandThanks, Cel. :D Looks like I need to figure out how to boot from my external drive now :]02:26
celthunderGarband: press f12 or something at bios02:27
celthunderGarband: should  let you set the boot order02:27
GarbandThat makes sense.. I remembered that you had to do something special to boot from usb sticks.. Was just gonna check if I could boot order the external hdd or if I had to format it a specific way02:27
hydrox24Amdpc: Gimp is similar to photoshop, you are looking to edit photos not videos right?02:27
Amdpc@ log : Let me try...N thanks..02:28
Amdpchydrox24 : Yeh..Only Photos..02:28
hydrox24Garband: you can either change the boot order, or choos the boot medie from the "boot menu" at startup02:28
munkybeatzcelthunder:  now it mounts as root, is there anyway to get it to mount so any user can read/write ?02:28
celthundermunkybeatz: is your user in the users group02:29
zykotick9munkybeatz: ext or ntfs/fat?02:29
celthundermunkybeatz: change the uid/gid to your users02:29
hydrox24Amdpc: try looking at this video for help with chrom-keying in gimp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYaHrkngITY02:29
celthunderzykotick9: he is using ntfs-3g02:29
GarbandThanks again, Cel, and Hydrox. I'mma go download ubuntu and try this out. :D02:29
munkybeatzcelthunder:  ok02:29
munkybeatzzykotick9: ntfs02:29
hydrox24Amdpc: first you'll need to download the plugin for it (instructions for install are in the description) here02:30
bodomHello, i have an issue using this iptables rule:  "iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner mldonkey -d -j DROP", now, when i issue "sudo -u mldonkey ping" i would expect to get some sort of "Forbidden" error, but i get ping replyes instead. Where am i wrong? Can anybody please help me?02:30
zykotick9celthunder: munkybeatz ok, can't help then...02:30
Amdpchydrox24 : Ok..Wait02:30
celthunderzykotick9: i probably shouldnt be either but it wasnt to start with worst i can do is make it the same02:30
Coral064I need a deployment specialist02:31
melo1369Alright I have the results.txt file... Am I allowed to post in here the results?02:32
Fyodorovna!pastebin | melo136902:32
ubottumelo1369: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:32
Coral064anyone experienced with deploying 10.04 ?02:33
hydrox24Amdpc: I am happy to help you get up and running but please remember that this is a channel for help with ubuntu, not gimp02:33
Amdpchydrox24 : Can you help me in PM ?02:34
L3topCoral064: yes02:34
Fyodorovnamelo1369, thanks hold on02:35
hydrox24Amdpc: yes, but what I meant was that I don't have expertise in the chroma-leying itself, I can probably only help you with installing the plugin & gimp02:35
melo1369_Thanks for looking into it :) I'm kind of a noob when it comes to this stuff. I took an intro Linux course at school but we only ran a Linux Mint on Virtual box and I have a network scripting course in the fall so I want to get a head start on dabling with the Linux environment more :)02:36
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, so grub got installed in the sda drive where windows is you want it in the sdb mbr, you can also reinstall the ms bootloader to the sda if needed so that you can choose either ssd HD to boot from.02:37
wingnut2626Hi everyone.  i am running virtualbox with 10.04 as a host.  how should the internet from wlan0 be configured in a windows xp host for it to work properly?02:37
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, you have the same ubuntu cd you installed with still?02:38
munkybeatzcelthunder:  alrighty, I got it. Couldn't have figured it out without you though. I set gid=users  and uid=100002:38
KI7MTwingnut2626, Just use NAT or Bridged02:38
L3topwingnut you call both 1004 and xp the host02:38
munkybeatzcelthunder: apparently, my username I use to login with wasn't even listed as a username that existed???  how's that?02:38
wingnut2626Oh im sorry.  xp is the guest02:39
rauschemcosine amoctma02:40
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, here is the install grub to the mbr from the live cd link. There are 3 methods in this area, make sure you read carefully and run the fdisc -l command to confirm that the sdb still shows a sdb, and reinstall to that mbr. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Copy_LiveCD_Files02:40
KI7MTwingnut2626, I just looked at mine, I have 16 guest OS, all are using NAT, and the Host is wlan0 also 10.04 UB02:41
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, fdisk -l sorry you will see this command first.02:41
Coral064anyone experienced with deploying 10.04 ?02:41
FyodorovnaCoral064, you mean in multiple boxes?02:41
melo1369_Sweet. I'll give it a try :)02:41
Coral064i have a cloning server setup02:41
Coral064ive been using for windows installations and it works great for that02:41
Coral064id like to create an ubuntu image on the cloning server02:41
FyodorovnaCoral064, you might look at clonezilla02:42
Coral064im using fog my cloning server is set up02:42
Coral064my question is how to i prepare an ubuntu image for cloning02:42
FyodorovnaCoral064, clonezilla does deployment, if I get your definition.02:42
Coral064ie deployment02:42
Coral064fog does multicast cloning as well02:43
Coral064for example02:43
L3topCoral064: look at remastersys.02:43
L3topit will spit an iso if that is what you want.02:43
Coral064for example hostnames will be an issue if the clients are on the same network02:43
L3topthat is all handled by remastersys02:43
Coral064k thanks L3top02:43
Coral064ill look into it02:44
Coral064oh one more question02:44
Coral064this is an issue with fog, for multiple partitions (ie linux) it cannot perform resizing02:45
Coral064how would i deploy to systems with different sized drives02:45
L3topok... well... remastersys will use the ubiquity installer...02:46
L3topif you want to just dump an image across different sizes02:46
L3topthat is going to take some work I believe.02:46
Coral064i have to look into remastersys02:46
Coral064thank you, much appreciated02:46
melo1369_fyodorovna Looks like everything worked. I'm going to reboot to ensure everything is good now :D02:46
cesarowhat do you guys think about a calendar/appointment application02:46
Coral064nice to know ppl konw whats up :)02:46
L3topI think you might end up making dd images, and resize2fs02:46
cesarosomething like outlook reminders02:46
aaron_chi, how can i downgrade my version of firefox to 3.6 from 10.0? i tried apt-get remove firefox and apt-get install firefox-3.6, but it simply reinstalled 10.002:47
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, cool just run in ubuntu sudo update-grub02:47
Coral064thank you L3top, gn02:47
Coral064thank you L3top, gn02:47
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, make sure tha\e sdb HD is first in the bios as well.02:48
zykotick9aaron_c: since ubuntu changed there policy regarding firefox, i doubt you can get firefox3 anymore.02:48
melo1369_okay Looks like I have an error.02:48
XabsterMy touchpad is acting up in 11.10: it works, but it's not detecting everything I do. It moves wobbly and clicks don't always register. It's a Toshiba PBLS8E02:48
melo1369_comes up error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?).02:49
jxshxxHi/Help - Can't remember the button I'm supposed to hold down during boot to get to Memtest02:49
aaron_czykotick9: :O what happened?02:49
zykotick9aaron_c: well, the package policy used to be - no version upgrades.  But they changed that specifically because of firefox.02:50
aaron_czykotick9: gotcha...i still see firefox-3.6 listed in the apt-get repository though.  it's odd because when i try to install firefox-3.6, it just goes back to 10.0....02:51
vacho_how do I use wget to load an entire website and all it's content including images?02:51
KI7MTvacho_, http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/downloading-entire-web-site-wget   But if there's dynamic contest, it's not going to generate it.02:53
Fyodorovnajxshxx, try shift02:53
zykotick9vacho_: wget -r URL02:53
Amdpcthanks hydrox24 .. :)02:54
jxshxxFyodorovna: Thanks, that's what I thought but it didn't work for me.  Will commence wearing out Shift keys ...02:55
vacho_zykotick9: how do I pipe it to dev/null02:56
zykotick9vacho_: you want to through the download away?  why download it then?02:56
vacho_zykotick9: to make it cache on the server02:56
melo1369_Fyodorovna still getting this erro: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). This is what occurs after I enter sudo update-grub02:57
zykotick9melo1369_: you aren't chrooted correctly, update-grub won't work02:57
melo1369_zykotick9 how do I fix that?02:57
zykotick9!grub2 > melo1369_02:58
ubottumelo1369_, please see my private message02:58
Fyodorovnamelo1369_,  I just noticed that the sb is a gpt the sda isn't did you actually boot ubuntu to the dektop?02:58
melo1369_I installed it to one of my hdd's if that's what you're asking.02:59
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, did ubuntu boot?02:59
melo1369_No when I installed it said to restart because install was complete. When I rebooted I got a grub rescue error03:00
no-name-hi. i've got faulty computer and can't boot into the os. can't boot into the os on another computer with the same hdd either (it just switches off, probably a driver issue), and can't get into the drive because I lost the encryption key :/ ... what can I do?03:00
no-name-(tyring to recover data)03:00
melo1369_i was able to get back on to my ubuntu using the usb stick03:00
vachoso I want wget to load all the content of a page and then tunnel it to /dev/null03:00
mauke-O /dev/null03:01
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, you have a funky setup one ssd with a mbrtboot that is sda the sdb is gpt I would run that script again and post a thread at the ubuntu forums, this is a bit more than a standard fix.03:01
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, you mean back on ubuhtu means you booted the live version on the stick?03:02
melo1369_I am on ubuntu right now. I am using the stick right now to access ubuntu. I ran the script from this boot up... was I not suppose to do that?03:02
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, follow the run script and put a thread with that at the ubuntu forums is my advice03:03
melo1369_Okay cool. Thanks for all your help :)03:03
Fyodorovnamelo1369_, no the script is fine run it again, you have a unusual partitioning set up that should be dealt with by people who know this stuff .03:04
vachomauke: THANKS03:04
vachomauke: wget --mirror -O /dev/null/ www.example.com03:06
vachomauke: what's wrong with that?03:06
maukethe last /03:06
no-name-hi. i've got faulty computer and can't boot into the os. can't boot into the os on another computer with the same hdd either (it just switches off, probably a driver issue), and can't get into the drive because I lost the encryption key :/ ... what can I do to recover my data?03:06
vachomauke: wget --mirror -O /dev/null www.example.com03:06
no-name-(the os is ubuntu 10.10)03:06
vachomauke: I don't see it download all the images etc on example.com ? :(03:06
maukevacho: what do you see?03:07
cog_How do I download & install ALL EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE available through the download manager? regardless of your state, health & happiness.  Thank you.03:07
vachomauke: don't want to see anything, but want to make sure it simulates a browser loading all the contnt of the page.03:07
dommerHello.  I have a .run file to install.  How do I install it?03:07
vachomauke: I want to cache an entire site and also propogate to CDN, so I need to load EVERYTHING of the site03:07
maukevacho: what do you see?03:07
zykotick9dommer: probably with "sudo ./foo.run"03:07
vachoDownloaded: 2,966 bytes in 1 files03:08
cog_I keep pointing & clicking but I would rather just type somithng like 'download all educational software'03:08
vachomauke: http://pastebin.com/vWLu8RY703:08
KI7MTcog_, Are you referring to Edubuntu packages?03:09
Fyodorovnacog_, you could apt-get it with a list of them and pray that all the dependecies are available.03:09
maukevacho: wait, you're literally using "www.example.com"?03:09
maukethat's just an example!03:09
vachomauke: lol, yes for now03:09
cog_i use ubuntu latest current lts03:09
dommerzykotick9 : didn't do anything03:09
vachomauke: tried other sites too...same problem..sites I know don't block things like that03:09
zykotick9dommer: did you replace foo with the actual name of the software?  and are you in that directory?03:10
KI7MTcog_, there's 4x meta packages you can just download / install them, if that's what your after: http://edubuntu.org/download03:10
maukevacho: in that case I'd have to look up what exactly --mirror does03:10
maukebut I can't be bothered03:10
vachomauke: thank you sir.03:10
vachoI hate wget :)03:14
XabsterRepost: my touchpad is acting up in 11.10: it works, but it's not detecting everything I do. It moves wobbly and clicks don't always register. It's a Toshiba PBLS8E03:16
vachomauke: ?03:17
maukevacho: ?03:17
vachomauke:  wget --mirror  -p -O /dev/null www.setmedialab.com any idea why it's not downloading everything from the site?03:17
maukeagain, I don't know what --mirror does03:18
bashi_thanks to whoever told me to check my bios settings due to grub failing to install, that was it!!03:18
vachomauke: ok without mirror.. how do I make it load everything?03:19
maukevacho: have you tried reading the manual?03:20
iNableso i installed ubuntu 11.10 with wubi... used it and was happy, but today i messed around with burg... and i forgot i installed ubuntu using wubi which directed me to a nice grub rescue prompt03:23
=== Gallomimia_ is now known as Gallomimia
iNablefortunately i have my parted magic disk always around... so i booted into parted magic and am searching for a way to restore grub03:24
iNableany tips on doing so... becuase im not really sure because of the wubi installation03:25
ab2tractlyinable wubi is easy03:26
bobbyflatscreenthis is asome03:26
ripper_does anyone know how i can add a dash style launcher (like the one in unity) to cairo dock?03:27
hydrox24how can I stop remastersys halfway through an operation?03:27
bobbyflatscreenna bro03:27
iNableab2tractly: i'm pretty new to ubuntu in general... so nothing's easy at all ;D03:27
bobbyflatscreencan someone re mind me how much ram ubuntu needs03:28
zykotick9!requirements | bobbyflatscreen 1GB RAM03:28
ubottubobbyflatscreen 1GB RAM: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu03:28
bobbyflatscreenthis is better tha twitter03:28
iNableso any ideas what i can do?03:29
ab2tractlyinable wubi is the easiest way to install ubuntu just follow the wizard no risk to hurt windows installation03:29
bobbyflatscreennewbie dont know03:29
ghost13question: is there a script that can display the contents of tailf /var/log/auth.log | grep Failed to a webpage so i can see it live as my ssh is attacked?03:30
vachof*ck wget03:30
ripper_can someone try to help me with my issue?03:30
bobbyflatscreenthe ubuntu formem is asom google it and cheak it out ansers all questons03:31
ab2tractlyripper_ whats your issue03:31
iNableab2tractly: you didn't read the first part i wrote, didn't you? i messed up grub by installing burg without using the wub-install0guide03:31
=== chris__0076 is now known as chris_0076
ripper_ab2tractly, i'm trying to add an app search thing like unity has to my cairo dock03:31
zykotick9iNable: well, you're about to learn a tough less, wubi installs don't get much help in #ubuntu, maininly because experienced users don't touch wubi and are thus unfamiliar with it's womerkings.03:31
n0sqwhat can i do to get a faster connection with the centrino 1300n chip? i'm only getting 65 Mb while the pci adapter in my destop is getting twice that speed - both the lappy and desktop are running ubuntu 11.1003:32
hydrox24iNable: I am pretty well versed in burg, what's your issue?03:32
iNablezykotick9:  i justy wanted to try out ubuntu and was to lazy to reinstall it as i got comfortable with it ;(03:32
ab2tractlyripper_ like ubuntu software center?03:32
zykotick9hydrox24: hope you're familiar with wubi as well ;)03:33
ripper_ab2tractly, no not exactly more like the dashboard search03:33
bobbyflatscreenwindows installer03:33
ab2tractlyive played with wubi not sure how you messed up your grub03:33
bobbyflatscreendont use wubi use damein tools for dual boot03:34
ab2tractlyripper_ oh...03:34
ghost13is grub even installed when you use wubi? thought it used the default windows boot loader03:34
iNablehydrox24:  so i installed burg but without taking notice of a seperate install guide for wubiusers... after reboot i got grub rescue prompt03:34
ripper_yeah ab2tractly  i dont have that function and i honestly like cairo dock better than unity03:34
Tunix2I am setting up a wordpress in apaches web root directory /var/www. Should I just dump all the inxed.php and needed files in there, or is there a cleaner way of doing things?03:34
SubCoolcan someone help me with adb? im dieing here.03:34
iNablebe sure i won't use wubi ever again03:35
ab2tractlyrippper_ not sure anyone loves unity or the new gnome03:35
bobbyflatscreensorry dameon tools lite rember the lite its free03:35
ab2tractlyinable how exactly did you mess up grub when wubi doesnt even install it03:35
KI7MTripper_, better get used to Unity, as it's around to stay Im affraid.03:36
hydrox24iNable: OK, I would be able to help you, but I have never touched wubi, so sorry about that :(03:36
ab2tractlyripper_ download the iso for linux mint and try that out based on ubuntu03:36
FyodorovnaiNable, you can't use grub or burg with a wubi. Do you have a windows recovery or install disc03:37
iNableab2tractly:  i just installed burg... and at the grub rescue prompt i typ ls and only get "(hd0)" when trying to select it it says unknown filesystem03:37
bobbyflatscreenwhats unity03:38
iNableFyodorovna: i'm currently on parted magic.... bootet from the "ultimate boot cd"03:38
ab2tractlyinable ah....lol well you shouldnt have done that03:38
FyodorovnaiNable, Do you have a windows recovery or install disc03:38
bobbyflatscreenbesides wubi is made by ubuntu03:38
iNableFyodorovna: nope i just have (had...?) a recovery partition03:39
ab2tractlybobbyflatscreen its the default widow display manager for ubutnu 11.1003:39
mobilenoob11I have a question, but don't want to interrupt...03:39
ab2tractlygo mobilenoob1103:39
hydrox24mobilenoob11: just jump in!03:39
cog_How do I cancel alot of package installations?03:39
iNablebtw. unity is awfull just replace it with the standard gnome-shell :) gnome 3 is beautiful :D03:39
FyodorovnaiNable, two choices you can just dual boot ubuntu and use the grub bootloader or install lilo to boot windows directly, not sure if the wubi will show with that boot.03:40
godofwaranyone know how to add the hibernate and shutdown option in gnome 303:40
KI7MTHow do you send a bot msg to yourself?03:40
FyodorovnaiNable, or get a recovery disc and install the windows bootloader back and have wubi.03:40
mobilenoob11Having recently switched to Ubuntu, I have no idea what to use for my php/html editing. I used Taco edit for mac before. Does Ubuntu have a text editor that organizes php and html ?03:40
hydrox24godofwar: hold down alt at the menu03:41
kjsmobilenoob11: yeah it's called V03:41
ghost13mobilenoob11: gedit03:41
bobbyflatscreenwhats wrong with package installations and isnt there an iso manager03:41
ab2tractlymobilenoob11 you can check the unbuntu03:41
iNableFyodorovna: so... couldn't i just fix the mbr with testdisk or something and grub should detect everything again?03:41
godofwarhydrox24: that is just for shutting down, sorry I really meant to just say hibernate03:41
ab2tractlysoftware center or synaptic03:41
ghost13question: is there a script that can display the contents of tailf /var/log/auth.log | grep Failed to a webpage so i can see it live as my ssh is attacked?03:41
FyodorovnaiNable, I would not mess with testdisk myself when all you need is the windows bootloader, but that is just me.03:42
mobilenoob11will vi or gedit organize and color tags + variables?03:42
ripper_ab2tractly, any ideas for me?03:42
KI7MTlol  well that didn't work :-) how do I send bot msg to me?03:42
godofwaranyone know how to add the hibernate option in gnome 3???03:43
iNableFyodorovna: the problem is i don't have a recovery-cd and can't boot into my recovery-partition03:43
ghost13mobilenoob11: i know gedit does03:43
kjsmobilenoob11: yes syn on03:43
ab2tractlyripper_ have you tried out linux mint?03:43
ripper_yes and hate it03:43
iNablemobilenoob11:  did u try sublimetext2?03:43
hydrox24ripper_: what do you want out of your ditro?03:44
ab2tractlyoh lol are you using cairo dock with unity?03:44
savidI've installed the AMD Catalyst drivers for my radeon card, but I'd like to switch back to the open-source radeon driver temporarily to test something.  How do I do that?03:44
mobilenoob11Gedit is cooler than I thought. Ubuntu so full of lovely surprises!03:44
ripper_hydrox24, for it to look like osx and be ubuntu 11.10 :)03:44
ripper_hydrox24, im just trying to get the search function for ciaro dock03:44
ripper_thats all im missing03:44
ripper_everything else, is AMAZING03:44
ripper_yes ab2tractly ?03:45
ghost13mobilenoob11: thats why i love it03:45
ripper_I could of been sadistic and made my roomies learn to use openbsd :D but meh i share my pc so it has to be easy to use03:45
ab2tractlyripper_ try docky its been a while since ive used it but i liked it better than cairo03:45
Chipzzzripper_: what search function?03:45
ripper_ab2tractly, thats what im reading apparently03:46
hydrox24ripper_: try this http://www.howtoforge.com/mac4lin_make_linux_look_like_a_mac03:46
ripper_Chipzzz, like the one in unity03:46
mobilenoob11Thanks Ghost03:46
hydrox24ripper_: you'll have to use gnome-classic though03:46
ripper_nvm @ gnome clasic03:46
ab2tractlyripper_ is talking about the search funition in unity he wants it without unity but with a dock type program03:46
ripper_i've got everything i need hydrox24 the only issue i have is that i have to deal with the ugly traditional gnome menu03:46
FyodorovnaiNable, you can instal lilo from ubuntu cd and bot windows directly, I'm not sure though that it will boot wubi. But you could make a recovery disc there an reload the windows bootloader, and get wubi back most likely.03:46
ripper_ab2tractly, you just nailed it bro :D03:47
Chipzzzripper_: it has 'applications menu' instead... I don't think cairo has anything like the app search in unity03:47
ripper_ab2tractly, can you tell me why i cant view all my installed themes in system settings?03:48
KI7MTNone of the tweeks have the Unity search function03:48
ripper_i want not EXACTLY that but i want something similar to it03:48
ab2tractlyhave you tried alt + f2 then type r  and enter or a logout/login03:49
iNablemhm, i have a crappy installation of ubuntu which i started using because win7 seemed to be broken and now i fucked up the bootloader and have no access to my recovery partition nor a recovery dvd... i think i just get a external HDD backup as much as I can and totaly set up the freaking machine again... fml what a week03:49
ab2tractlyor maybe advanced settings03:49
FyodorovnaiNable, installing lilo is to the mbr with specific commands just so you know.03:49
hydrox24iNable: can you boot into linux at all? if not try a live CD03:50
iNablehydrox24: i am using parted magic atm... but i can't booting into anything without a cd03:50
iNable...parted magic via a bootable cd...03:51
XabsterMy touchpad is acting up in 11.10: it works, but it's not detecting everything I do. It moves wobbly and clicks don't always register. It's a Toshiba PBLS8E03:51
hydrox24iNable: try installing grub to the boot partition03:51
KI7MTiNable, you could try this method to restore Grub, if you have a liveCD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:51
KI7MTThat sould at least pick up windows, then you can work on getting Wubi back up an running.03:52
Fyodorovnahydrox24, this is a wubi install.03:52
FyodorovnaKI7MT, grub will not boot a wubi03:53
SubCoolCan someone point me in the direction of a place that can help me with my ADB?03:53
KI7MTFyodorovna, he lost his boot loader, so at some point he installed grub, as he's getting dumped to the grub menu.03:54
KI7MTAt least with Grub up and running, he can get back to Windows.03:54
FyodorovnaKI7MT, right but wubi does not use a complete grub in the mbr to boot it is from the windows bootloader.03:54
KI7MTFyodorovna, fare enough, but right now he can't boot windows either.03:55
FyodorovnaKI7MT, no you are wrong here.03:55
iNableit's all senseless03:55
iNablei just back everything up and reinstall win7 and ubuntu03:55
FyodorovnaKI7MT, I have given them what to do but they are not relizing what to do.03:55
KI7MTOk how so.03:55
iNablewith good and clean partitioning and so on03:55
zykotick9iNable: believe me about wubi yet?03:55
FyodorovnaKI7MT, it is in the channel03:56
iNablezykotick9: totaly. never again03:56
KI7MTGud luck with lilo\03:56
FyodorovnaiNable, make a ubuntu cd and I will get you into windows to make a recovery disc to load the windows bootloader and you will have wubi. Or just install ubuntu as a dual boot.03:57
iNablethanks for your help but it's not worth it to invest so much effort in getting a wubi-installed ubuntu back or entering a broken version of windows :D03:57
FyodorovnaiNable, windows is not broken the mbr is.03:57
EvilResistancewhats the correct way of specifying in apt that "this repository does not take precedence over any other repository EXCEPT for <given package>"?  I know it'd be apt-pinning, but i'm curious as to what all the args are03:57
ring1windows is broken by design ;)03:58
sergiuit is possible top enter notebook bios having a windows keyword?03:58
sergiuwant to install ubuntu from usb stick, but need to make it bootable from bios probaly.03:58
iNableFyodorovna: haha no win7 is broken itself... that's why i started to use ubuntu :D i got BSODs a few times a day... no matter what i restored or what03:58
iNablesergiu: of course it is03:58
zykotick9EvilResistance: if you run "apt-cache policy" the numbers on the left side indicate a repos priority.  Sorry i don't know how to set them, never personally had to.03:58
FyodorovnaiNable, ah, well get a recovery disc and run the recovery partition if yiou want it.03:59
ab2tractlyinable a bsod can be a hardware issue so using ubuntu might not help your problem03:59
iNableab2tractly:  i used ubuntu for 2 weeks now without a single problem...03:59
iNablea fuck that... i backup everything and get a new hdd ... there were some bad sectors too maybe that caused win7 to crash and ubuntu just didn't used them04:01
=== sergiu is now known as doom
iNablessd ftw04:01
iNablegood night everybody... thanks for your help!04:01
dannyhello what is the latest beta for ubuntu and could i have a link to download it usually i dont touch betas but i have been hearing good things about this one and i cant wait to update anylong04:02
ab2tractlygoogle it04:03
ab2tractlywww.distrowatch.com will have it04:04
Fyodorovnanothing like half of the story to waste a bunch of time.04:04
KI7MTdanny, most of the Ubuntu ISO are 20120302 or for other flavors use the daily's04:04
=== KaiSforza is now known as KAISforza
dannyhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/  this one looks like what im looking for04:04
dannyif i upgrade will it set me back on the right path when it is officialy relasesd?04:05
zykotick9!final | danny04:05
ubottudanny: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Precise and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 12.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1.04:05
dannyzkkotick9, thanks that is word for word what i was looking for04:06
zykotick9!tab > danny04:06
ubottudanny, please see my private message04:06
xrfanghi, I wonder if Subversion 1.7 will be included in Precisee repo or not...?04:07
dannyzykotick9: well thanks again that will help alot in the future as i ask alot of questions04:08
satyanash!tab > satyanash04:08
ubottusatyanash, please see my private message04:08
zykotick9xrfang: reask in #ubuntu+104:08
xrfangtks zykotick904:08
Xabstersynaptics touchpad + ubuntu 11.10 makes me a sad person04:09
jubeiguys what should I do if when my machine boots it doesn't do ifup?04:13
jubeiifup eth0 to be more specific04:13
almoxarifehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/870943/ <-- I ran rkhunter and got an interesting result, found KBeast Rootkit , the specifics are shown on the link, am I looking at a false positive?04:13
satyanashDoes Ubuntu work well with a MacBook * ?04:14
jubeianybody know how I can automatically mount an LVM at startup?04:17
=== beejeebus is now known as beejeebus-afk
noahmehladd an entry in /etc/fstab04:18
jubeinoahmehl: are you referring to me?04:19
jubeinoahmehl: thank you.04:19
Fyodorovnaalmoxarife, is that tar.gz the actual rootkit?04:19
noahmehldo an lvdisplay04:19
noahmehlto get the lv path04:20
almoxarifeFyodorovna: should be a link to a web page04:20
blackmatrix_nyhey folks, I need help merging my code to a repository in gitorious...anybody know how to do this or direct me to the appropriate channel04:20
noahmehland then you can add it04:20
zykotick9!who > noahmehl04:20
ubottunoahmehl, please see my private message04:20
Fyodorovnaalmoxarife, the link to the page is http://packetstormsecurity.org/files/108286/ipsecs-kbeast04:20
almoxarifeFyodorovna: I am at the page and the link is as shown for the page04:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:22
Fyodorovnaalmoxarife, I'm not sure what the tar,gz is personally.04:23
Fyodorovnaalmoxarife, you might try chkrootkit as well, but I doubt this is the place for a definitive answer really.04:29
darkphantomanybody know a good proxy server that u can use 4 free ?04:31
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
mi3hello everyone04:37
mobilenoob11Thanks everyone!04:38
mi3I installed lightdm on my ubuntu natty 11.04 and I switched to it but it does not show me the default background ,instead it shows me a blue background with no mouse and I have to operate everything by keyboard, any suggestions? I removed lightdm, but if I get some suggestions I might re install lightdm again.04:40
urgodfatherhello room04:40
mi3hello urgodfather04:41
urgodfatheris anyone familiar with the linuxbios project?04:41
mi3I installed lightdm on my ubuntu natty 11.04 and I switched to it but it does not show me the default background ,instead it shows me a blue background with no mouse and I have to operate everything by keyboard, any suggestions? I removed lightdm, but if I get some suggestions I might re install lightdm again.04:43
Fyodorovnaurgodfather, not rally ubuntu support but here is the wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coreboot04:44
urgodfatherFyodorovna: true, but i figured since im doing on an ubuntu system i should try my luck04:45
=== schredder_away is now known as schredder
xgptcan someone mention my nick?04:52
Xabsteri still have issues with my touchpad not working properly in ubuntu 11.10 - can anyone direct me a little?04:52
pocatahi i am problem04:52
xgptthanks Xabster :)04:53
zykotick9pocata: i hope you mean "i have a problem" ;)04:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:53
pocataI do not work as bar linux ubuntu Gnomes say I got it but when I open some window I do not go below04:54
pocataplease help me :(04:55
Firepocata: is your native language russian?04:56
pocatanow bulgerian04:56
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently04:58
pocataI asked but nobody can help ladies out there05:00
Firepocata: your english translation is not helpfull05:00
Firepocata: is your problem. you think you have gnome but you dont?05:01
aBoundpocata, Are you using Ubuntu as your Linux distribution?05:02
eQuiNoX__where can i get the source for ubuntu's driver for the rtl 2571F chipset?05:04
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
cesarothe mirror?05:06
superstrawSo I changed my unity-greeter background pic but the new one has a lot of little dots on it... how do i rid myself of these annoying dots?05:08
=== DJ is now known as Guest86708
superstrawdoh nm05:09
pocatawhen I open a program I did not go down in the bar even when you minimize05:09
superstrawfound it05:09
ibiwroHello! I'm using KDE 4.8 on Kubuntu 11.10. How can I setup mobile broadband? After connecting the device, I cannot select option to setup mobile broadband. Netwrok Management > Manage Connections > Mobile Broadband option is greyed out05:10
Firecan anyone tell which desktop pocata is using for the pic she posted?05:10
zykotick9Fire: looks like gnome2 lucid 10.04 to me - could be wrong05:11
Fireher problem is that open program dont appear in the task bar/launcher05:12
pocatafire: yes05:13
pocatathis is the problem :)05:13
Firepocata: I dont know the solution to your problem but now that it has been explained hopefully someone can help you05:14
unheedingmy UBUNTU is broken05:14
unheedinghow do i fix it05:15
Fireunheeding: Define broken05:16
unheedingnot working05:16
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:17
dooglusis there some way to turn the CPU fan on and off from the command line?05:18
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
dooglusI see a folder /sys/bus/acpi/drivers/fan with bind, uevent, and unbind in it, if that helps05:19
aBoundibiwro, Have you tried the #kubuntu channel?05:20
dommerCan someone help me get into the root account of my computer?05:20
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:21
dooglusdommer: type "sudo -s" then your user password05:21
zykotick9!noroot | dommer05:21
ubottudommer: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.05:21
lahwranare there any ipad-style tablets that run ubuntu?05:21
ubottuAnswers to various questions can be found at http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu05:21
lahwranas opposed to lenovo-style tablets05:21
unheedingfinally, i got answers!05:21
dommerok, now I want to change permissions on something....  will it work?05:22
johnnycr__Hey everyone, I'm trying to make the switch to linux on one of my desktop PCs and I've been having a lot of trouble getting my wireless USB adapter to work on the desktop, and I'm about ready to call give up on linux.  I've been in here a couple of times but nobody has been able to help me get this thing working yet.  Anyone want to give me a hand?05:22
lahwrandommer: use sudo to use root permissions05:22
lahwrandommer: sudo <command> will run <command> as root05:22
zykotick9dommer: what are you trying to set permissions on?05:22
dommerminecraft :V05:22
dommerI wanna make it an executable file05:23
ibiwroaBound: Yes05:23
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dommerok, now what05:23
dooglusdommer: chmod +x filenae05:24
lahwrandommer: no, that won't work05:24
lahwrandommer: you need to do java -jar Minecraft.jar05:24
dommerlol wat dooglas05:24
FireCan anyone help with an issue with Open programs not appearing in task bar/launcher below in gnome?05:24
aBoundibiwro, This channel currently only supports Ubuntu. I'm guessing nobody answered in kubuntu's channel.05:24
johnnycr__does anyone in here have some experience with usb adapters that can help me out? I've followed directions from ubuntuforums and nothing has worked so far05:24
dooglusdommer: to make a file executable, you use "chmod +x" then the filename05:25
lahwranaBound: running kde on ubuntu doesn't make it not ubuntu, you know05:25
sacarlsonjohnnycr__:  did you do sudo lsusb ;  and find out if the devices is supported in linux?05:25
lahwranaBound: any more than running chrome instead of firefox05:25
dooglusdommer: but if you're trying to run something interpreted, like java bytecode, you don't need to make it executable05:25
dommerDooglus: yeah if I'm scripting something05:25
lahwrandommer: just do what I said05:25
aBoundlahwran, Tell that to the channel topic. :P05:26
dommerlahwran : I tried and it failed to work05:26
johnnycr__sacarlson, yes it is supposed to be supported it is Realtek RTL8188SU05:26
lahwrandommer: and what did it do?05:26
aBoundlahwran, You don't go into a bash channel asking for zsh help when the two clearly have two different features.05:26
doogluslahwran: it didn't work.  didn't you hear him?!?05:26
aBoundKDE is not the same as Unity.05:26
lahwranaBound: but we're not in #unity05:26
dommerDooglus: Thank you :D I will have to do this for everything from now on I guess!'05:27
aBoundAnd we aren't in Kubuntu either.05:27
lahwrannor #unityubuntu05:27
dooglusI guess that satisfied him...05:27
dooglushe left05:27
dooglusnow how can I turn my fan off and on again?  it's making a horrible noise05:27
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: from what I see in 2010 is wasn't supported out of the box http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159453505:28
dooglussuspend & resume fixes it, but is a pain 'cos it knocks me offline05:28
johnnycr__sacarlson: so does that mean I won't get it to work?05:29
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: seems I see this This card does work on the daily build of i386 11.04  so hopefully the issue remains fixed for the next release.05:30
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: so what have you installed now?  did you try ubuntu 11.04?05:30
pocatahi i am problem help me please:(05:30
pocataher problem is that open program doesn't appear in the task bar/launcher05:30
johnnycr__I have lubuntu 11.10, and I also tried ubuntu 11.10 and ubuntu 10.04 and the adapter didn't work on any of them05:31
=== lupinedk is now known as Lupinedk
Jordan_Ulahwran: aBound: There is nothing wrong with asking about Kubuntu, or KDE apps in Ubuntu, or any other combination of software in the official repositories, in this channel. That said, you're more likely to find people knowledgable about KDE in #kubuntu than here.05:32
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: ok so when you say it doesn't work does it work at all at least in none encrypted networks?05:32
lahwranJordan_U: now that's reasonable05:32
XabsterMy touchpad is acting up in 11.10: it works, but it's not detecting everything I do. It moves wobbly and clicks don't always register. It's a Toshiba PBLS8E05:32
johnnycr__sacarlson: I cannot connect to my WPA2 network at home.05:33
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: ok if you disable wpa2 encrytion will it work?05:33
aBound!topic | Jordan_U05:34
ubottuJordan_U: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:34
totesmuh1oatsso 12.4 is coming soon eh?05:34
totesmuh1oatslooking forward to it. i think i'll be hanging on the the LTS release this time around too05:34
johnnycr__sacarlson: can't tell because my landlord setup the network and I don't have access to the router05:34
sacarlsonjohnnycr__:  also what is seen with sudo lsmod |grep 8712  ;  does the driver install?  you should see something like 8712u.ko05:34
totesmuh1oatszykotick9: /topic05:35
zykotick9totesmuh1oats: ;) ya, sorry 'bout that05:35
totesmuh1oatszykotick9: i'm not offended just lending a hand05:35
johnnycr__sacarlson: I got "r8712u    163310  0"05:35
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: well if we see the driver we might at least us the other encrytion method that can be switched but I have to find out how as I forgot what it's called05:36
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: so that shows that the device is recognized;  so what does iwconfig show?05:36
Jordan_UaBound: I assure you I have already read the channel topic. I'd rather not discuss at length what is offtopic for Ubuntu here, as it would be ironically somewhat offtopic. If you'd like to continue discussing this please join #ubuntu-ops.05:37
aBoundI'm not here to discuss I'm here to reference the topic to those who aren't using Ubuntu. If they want help they can clearly go to the #kubuntu channel.05:38
ldc_I have question: there is a way to see all the plugins and stuff in Firefox, like what kind of plugin your using for flash players...I've used it before but I cant remember what it is, and I don't know where to look for this sort of thing. I remember typing (plugins:info) or something like that...05:38
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: ok I found the encryption method you should use called wpa_supplicant http://dalebetts.blogspot.com/2010/12/setting-up-wireless-ubuntu-server-1010.html05:38
aBoundKubuntu is off-topic in here. :P05:38
johnnycr__sacarlson: iwconfig shows "no wireless extensions" and "unassociated Nickname: 'rtl_wifi'"05:38
zykotick9aBound: no it's not.  your arguing about this with an OP, don't you think they know what is ontopic for #ubuntu05:39
bazhangaBound, lets move on. all variants (official derivates are fine here)05:39
aBoundHow am I arguing with an OP when the topic clearly states what is ontopic.05:40
aBoundCurrently supporting 10.04 LTS, 10.10, 11.04 and 11.10 << Is that not enough validation for you?05:40
zykotick9aBound: bazhang above is also an OP05:40
Jordan_UaBound: Both I and bazhang are ops in this channel. If you'd like to continue discussing this please join #ubuntu-ops.05:40
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sacarlsonjohnnycr__: oh so what about sudo iwlist scanning05:40
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
ibiwroIs network-manager-gnome package default in Ubuntu for netwrok management?05:41
johnnycr__sacarlson: under the wlan0 category it says ESSID: "<hidden>" and Encryption key: on and some other things05:42
ldc_TO ANYone that wants to answer my above question.... I just figured it out its about:plugins (face palm)05:43
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: is your network hidden  or maybe that's just the name05:44
jlummehi, this is not really specifically ubuntu question. But there are so many people here someone might know...05:44
johnnycr__sacarlson: it is a hidden network05:44
jlummeI'm trying to download a webpage with wget, and it works otherwise ok, but the downloaded page seems to have all the scandic letters as garbage05:44
johnnycr__sacarlson: it's not broadcasted but I have the SSID and password inputed correctly05:44
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: I found more info on setup of wpa_supplicant but I think there is a way to set it in the gui someplace also,  but maybe wpasupplicant package must be installed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1857635&page=205:44
jlummeI tried setting the remote and local encoding options to fi_FI.UTF-8, but that doesn't seem to have any effect05:44
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: that's alot of complications for a system you don't know even works at all,  but it sounds like it must already be working just a mater proper settings05:46
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager05:46
scientesdoes the ubuntu installer support btrfs?'05:46
johnnycr__sacarlson: I know the router is good because I have other computers connected to it, and I know the usb adapter is good because I tested it on my windows PC and it worked fine05:47
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: ibiwro: take a look in networkmanager see if there is a box that selects wpasupplicant some place and play with those settings, that should give you a better chance05:48
sacarlsonjohnnycr__: I have no dought the hardware works but the uncertain part is if the drivers are working and configured correcty as they must not be05:51
Xabsterhow do i change how hard i need to press on my touchpad for it to regiser?05:53
scientesdoes the ubuntu installer support btrfs?'05:54
sacarlsonXabster: I would think in System>preference>mouse>sensitivity05:55
Xabsterthat's how fast it goes05:55
zykotick9scientes: seems like 11.04 and later do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs05:55
Xabsternot how hard i need to press05:55
sacarlsonXabster: no I think speed would be acceleration05:56
Xabsterno, acceleration would be acceleration05:56
Xabsterie. increased sensitivity as a function of the speed at which you move your finger05:57
sacarlsonXabster: did you try the other 7 settings that I see, I'm not sure more would be seen if I had a pad05:57
Xabsteryes, there are no options in the mouse/touchpad settings related to pressure05:58
Xabstersame goes for the synaptics driver thingy05:58
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Xabsterit doesn't have anything related to pressure05:58
sacarlsonXabster:  I see some other details here http://superuser.com/questions/229839/reduce-laptop-touch-pad-sensitivity-in-ubuntu06:00
LetterRiphi all, a chrome window has managed to get the tabe area above the location where the gnome menus are, and since i can't hide the are with the gnome windows i can't move the window down.  Is there a way to grab the window and move it down with a key combination or a way to hide the area that has the menus?06:01
zykotick9LetterRip: try holding ALT then click/drag the window06:02
Xabsterah i see, sacarlson, i also see that my touchpad is recognized as a two or three finger device and it's infact not - it only works with 1 finger06:03
Xabsterthat might be what is causing my problems06:03
LetterRipzykotick9: nope not working06:03
pfifosomething is wrong with my terminal, im using lxterminal and it is deleting the scroll back after 20-30 lines, the text isnt even off the screen yet and its gone06:04
LetterRipit works on other windows but the area i can grab is above the gnome menu area on this window06:04
zykotick9LetterRip: with ALT you should be able to "grab" anywhere?06:04
LetterRipzykotick9: try it on a chrome window it only works at the very top of the window06:05
zykotick9LetterRip: ummm, chrome06:05
LetterRipzykotick9: yes i have a chrome browser open and one of them is somehow part of the window above the menu area of gnome06:06
zykotick9LetterRip: oh i believe you (i don't have chrome/chromium to test), but i believe you!06:06
LetterRipit somehow happened when i drug a window from one workspace to another06:07
andrewacltI've googled, but does flash work in chromium 54bit?06:08
zykotick9andrewaclt: yes, there is even a 64bit flash available now06:08
andrewacltDo you have to do something special to enable it?06:08
andrewacltah, I thought flash was packaged with the browser06:09
andrewacltbut install the adobe flash plugin did the trick06:09
Xabsterokay, so, changing the pressure-levels really help my touchpad work better but it still "flickers" - meaning it moves irradic06:20
Xabsterit's so hard to hit the close button fx.06:20
VIPER-IIgood morning. Here I am... at it again!!!06:23
kionwill 12.04 still obligate us to Unity?06:23
pokuyVIPER-II, do you know the alienware media player themes for ubuntu?06:23
VIPER-IInope... sorry06:24
VIPER-III'd love to get my hand on some alienware hardware sometime though.... They're the wetdreams of geeks.  :)06:24
kionpokuy: I am running an Alienware. is there software to control the lead lights?06:24
pokuykion, i dont know sorry06:25
doogluspocata's problem was this one: http://askubuntu.com/questions/99932/missing-window-list-on-bottom-panel-in-gnome-classic06:25
VIPER-IIIs there a way to change a device-name into something else?  I have /dev/md127 (mdadm raid of /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdd1) and i want to rename the device to /dev/md006:25
pokuyVIPER-II, ok06:25
kionpokuy: That is THE ONLY reason i keep a Windows partition :(06:25
VIPER-II<--- Linux rookie testing EXT4 for the first time. I kinda used to hug NTFS to avoid linux-rights-based-partitions.06:27
VIPER-IIanyone in here knows about 'mdadm' ?06:28
VIPER-IIgood morning all joiners. Any of u know a bit about mdadm?06:31
EvilResistance!patience | VIPER-II06:32
ubottuVIPER-II: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:32
VIPER-IIEvilResistance: ok. Sorry. But can i have a minute of your attention then? The issue might be solvable without knowledge of mdadm. I just need to rename a partition/disk/device which used to be called 'md0' and now linux decided to call it 'md127' after i connected another harddrive.06:34
EvilResistanceVIPER-II, i'm not able to assist, unfortunately, i think knowledge of mdadm is needed, so i recommend patience06:34
VIPER-II... ok. Thanks anyways.06:35
VIPER-III do wonder though, how will new joiners know what question i asked earlier if i dont re-ask it.06:35
* VIPER-II scratches his head.06:35
EvilResistanceyou could post to ubuntuforums.org or askubuntu.com06:36
EvilResistanceyou're almost guaranteed to get responses there, maybe not as quickly, but...06:36
VIPER-IIhmmm ok.06:37
VIPER-IIthanks for ur patience.06:37
mongoany reports of intel gpu issues on the -18 12.04 kernel, making sure it is not just me06:44
almoxarifemongo: -18 didn't work so well for me on 11.10, -17 working fine06:47
omeDoes sensible-browser is maintained by ubuntu ?06:48
shayanwhen is precise pangolian(stable) coming out06:50
Fyodorovnashayan, 12.04=04=april06:50
shayanthank you very much BYE06:51
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VIPER-IIIs there a way to change a device-name into something else?  I have /dev/md127 (mdadm raid of /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdd1) and i want to rename the device to /dev/md0. It all started when i connected another drive which got named /dev/sdb1.06:55
VIPER-IIah.... the deafening silence..   :P06:57
Haaz~/.ssh$ openssl verify id_rsa.pub06:59
Haazunable to load certificate06:59
Haazany idea why's that?06:59
Haaz3077687448:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:696:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE06:59
Haazit shows up alot on google, but i cant find a solution06:59
* VIPER-II shrugs.... who knows...06:59
mrd_i need help07:00
omeHaaz: #openssl maybe ?07:00
omeHaaz: #openssl maybe ?07:01
mrd_i downloaded emaral theme manager how do i install theme from the system07:01
mrd_i downloaded emaral theme manager how do i install theme from it ?07:01
mrd_i downloaded emarlad theme manager i need help to install theme from it07:02
mrd_i downloaded emarlad theme manager i need help to install theme from it ... any one ...plz   help me07:02
Pikkachumrd_: one time is enough07:03
Huangheuse the default them.07:03
Pikkachumrd_: be careful or people will kick/ban you07:03
Pikkachumrd_: what ubuntu version?07:03
mrd_ubuntu 11.1007:03
Pikkachumrd_: my emeral was much prettier than yours :P http://www.videolog.tv/video.php?id=67050807:04
Pikkachumrd_: that was when 11.04 completely destroyed that look and I was able to recover from that07:04
Pikkachumrd_: but I gave up in 11.10 and I'm using Unity now :(07:05
mrd_can i have themes changed in ubuntu 11.1007:05
maushi all. I want to set LANG environment variable in xubuntu-12.04 for a particular user. Where it's best to put it?07:07
nstridesoutwhats the difference between ubuntu ultimate edition and the standard edition?07:07
Pikkachumrd_: there are just a few themes by default, right click > wallpaper or something07:08
mrd_how do i chane themes in ubuntu 11.1007:08
Pikkachumaus: maybe .bashrc07:08
zykotick9nstridesout: "ultimate" is not an official ubuntu version07:08
bobweaverthemes ?07:08
reith2004mrd_ install gnome tweak to configure themes07:08
nstridesoutmrd_ right click on your desktop...07:08
Pikkachureith2004: does it work with gnome3/unity?07:08
nstridesoutits soo bugged!07:09
Pikkachureith2004: hmm really? I guess I'll take a look, thanks for the tip07:09
reith2004Pikkachu yea it works... im using it, and my ubuntu look like a mac07:09
Pikkachureith2004: cool (or not)07:09
mongoalmoxarife: reseating ram was the fix btw, -18 is fine07:09
nstridesoutzykotick9_  nownder its bugged! i know no wo07:09
reith2004Pikkachu yea its cool hehehe plus the wooble effect... you can change the gtk themes, icons, etc..07:10
Pikkachureith2004: oh wait, can I migrate my old metacity themes (control, icons, window border, colors) into the new format?07:10
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almoxarifemongo: how does that fix it?07:11
mongoalmoxarife: i had odd artifacts and video tiling on this laptop for some reason07:11
mongocpu based gpu and flaky ram connection i guess07:12
reith2004Pikkachu yea,07:12
mongoexcept for small crashes in gnome which is expected 12.04 will be a great LTR, I wish libvirt was a bit more modern and there was sanlock but i'm quite happy so far07:15
Pikkachureith2004: oh cool!07:16
reith2004_Pikkachu did you try?07:18
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reith2004_Pikkachu also try cairodock its super awesome...07:19
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
VIPER-IIIs there a way to change a device-name into something else?  I have /dev/md127 (mdadm raid of /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdd1) and i want to rename the device to /dev/md0. It all started when i connected another drive which got named /dev/sdb1. Any sugestions on how to rename it?07:21
mongoVIPER-II: export the raid volume and define the member as md0 in /etc/mdadm.conf07:24
VIPER-IImongo: define 'export'07:24
mongoVIPER-II: the mdadm command07:25
blackany hackers here07:25
mongoVIPER-II: before you do that run blkid and copy down the UUID07:25
VIPER-IIthat's the funny thing07:25
mongothen look for a line that looks like ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID= in /etc/mdadm.conf07:25
Fyodorovnablack, they have their own channel07:25
VIPER-IIwith Blkid i see multiple uuid's07:25
blackits ok07:25
VIPER-IIboth /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdd1 has the same UUID07:26
VIPER-IIthen i see /dev/md127: UUID="8adcb270-e264-4d80-9231-109f6a8e2d0f" TYPE="ext4"07:26
blacki use black buntu07:26
blacki have Some questions07:26
mongoVIPER-II: if you cat /etc/mdstat does it look OK?07:26
Fyodorovnablack, not supported here. :)07:27
mongoVIPER-II: does it look like "md128 : active raid1 sdc2[0] sdb2[1]"07:27
VIPER-IIwas it mdstat for sure? cuz thta doesn't exist07:27
VIPER-IIi only have mdadm.conf in the folder /etc07:28
mongoVIPER-II: put "ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=8adcb270-e264-4d80-9231-109f6a8e2d0f" in /etc/mdadm.conf07:29
kwtmAnyone install Ubuntu over Windows 7?  Any problems with the dual boot?  Ie. will render the computer incapable of booting Win7?  (I have a Win7 computer but the Win7 installation disk is back at work.)07:29
mongoi'm betting the array wasn't started07:29
mongokwtm: it should give you the option to choose at boot time07:29
dan__hi @all07:29
mongokwtm: if you choose install side by side07:29
=== dan__ is now known as Guest92762
reith2004kwtm try wubi installation...07:30
kwtmmongo: Great, thanks.  I heard nightmares about "then you can't boot Windows unless you restore the Windows MBR, but here's how to do that easily ... " (followed by 16 pages of dizziyng instructions)07:30
Fyodorovnakwtm, grub 2 the ubuntu bootloader will boot windows.07:30
VIPER-II# definitions of existing MD arrays07:30
VIPER-IIARRAY metadata=imsm UUID=589539e3:2b64f306:705851ce:f34c29ac07:30
VIPER-IIARRAY /dev/md/TheVault container=589539e3:2b64f306:705851ce:f34c29ac member=0 UUID=df9c2556:4cfee77c:80da6ee5:5602380e07:30
FloodBot1VIPER-II: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:30
mongoVIPER-II: md127 is it's "i see a raid disk and don't know what to do with it" device name07:31
VIPER-IIonly 3 sentences.... sheesh...07:31
kwtmreith2004: If I understand Wubi, I have to boot Windows first before I then reboot Ubuntu if I use it, correct?07:31
reith2004kwtm nope, it creates a grub bootloader07:31
Fyodorovnakwtm, don't install wubi do a dual boot .07:31
zykotick9Fyodorovna: +107:31
mongokwtm: if you plan before blowing linux away you can make grub boot windows only07:32
almoxarifekwtm: correct, in order to so a wubi install you would need a working windows OS07:32
kwtmreith2004: Ah.  Ok, well I do have a bootable USB drive.  I just want to make sure Grub can handle Win7 gracefully.  OOPS!  I forgot to specify: This is Ubuntu 10.04 (well, Kubuntu 10.04).  DOes that still apply?  Can't remember if Win 7 was out at the time 10.04 came into being.07:32
Fyodorovnakwtm, wubi is not a grub boot.07:32
mongoyes 10.04 is fine07:32
kwtmmongo:  I've done it before for Win XP, but I want to make sure Win7 isn't some nefarious plot to make Open Sourcve fail.07:33
mongoi've run dual boot windows 7 from pre-release with no issue07:33
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mongonow I just run windows as a VM07:33
kwtmFyodorovna: Yeah, I preferred non-Wubi for that reason.  IT has control over Win7 but I want control over the computer without needing to involve Win7 (where I don't even have admin rights).07:33
reith2004kwtm i'm not sure with 10.04, i tried it on 11.10,07:33
salarshi everyone,how to config  exchange video cards?07:33
Fyodorovnakwtm, before you consider wubi read what the wubi designer says. http://howsoftwareisbuilt.com/2009/03/12/interview-with-agostino-russo-wubi-ubuntu/07:33
mongosalars: which video cards?07:34
Fyodorovnakwtm, you could put a full install on a flash.07:34
kwtmFyodorovna: Hmm, you seem to be trying to sway me away from Wubi.  If I don't plan to consider Wubi does that mean I don't need to read it?07:34
salarsmongo:thinkpad E52007:34
kwtmFyodorovna: That's exactly what I've done.  Sorry if I'm not clear --you seem to be putting out a lot of unnecessary text trying to convincve me of something,.07:34
hydrox24salars: no, we need to know the info on the two video cards07:34
Fyodorovnakwtm, no wubi no read yeah.07:34
mongosalars: just swaping boards or are you going from ati to nvidia?07:34
kwtmFyodorovna: I had Unetbootin put Kubuntu 10.04 iso on a bootable flash where it's running and I'm about to install.  i just wanted to make sure it doesn't clobber the Win7 MBR.  Here we go.07:35
salarsati + intel07:35
reith2004kwtm wubi is just to allow you to install ubuntu within the the windows 7..07:35
mongosalars: adding in ati?07:35
kwtmreith2004: That's what I thought; I' trying to break out of Win7 so I'm putting it on a separate partition.  Here we go!07:35
almoxarifekwtm: a wubi install happens from within a windows OS while it is running, its just another install to windows07:36
Fyodorovnakwtm, it will overwrite the mbr.07:36
kwtmFyodorovna: Will it render my computer unable to boot Win7?  If not, then it doesn't matter if it overwrites the MBR with grub.  I just want to go to work, boot Win7 like nothing happened, and then use Linux when no one is watching <evil sneer>07:37
zykotick9salars: are you talking about a hybrid video card, ATI & Intel?07:37
salars1:DIS: :Pwr:0000:01:00.007:37
Fyodorovnakwtm, a partitioned install will put grub in the mbr and you will have both OS in the grub menu.07:38
reith2004kwtm yea it will overwrite the mbr and will be replace by window7 like bootloader.. lols try a vmware or virtual box..07:38
lewis1711whenever I boot up or shutdown ubuntu gives me a bunch of error messages but of course they dissapear. how can I see them? they look important I expect they explain all these problems I'm having07:38
crizzylewis1711: 'dmesg' probably07:39
almoxarifelewis1711: look at syslog07:39
mongoor just boot to the USB07:40
mongoto see if you like it07:40
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red_ubuntu 12.04 how change a keyboard lang&07:40
zykotick9red_: reask in #ubuntu+107:41
reith2004do you guys encounter problem like checking battery status even if you are using desktop? and then the pc hang?07:41
salars00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)07:41
salars01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc NI Seymour [AMD Radeon HD 6470M]07:41
anandjeyaharhi, i ran apt-get upgrade last night and now cannot use the juniper VPN client.07:41
anandjeyaharClearly ubuntu has messed up the java installation07:41
Fyodorovnalewis1711, you might start with the problems.07:41
mongored_: in gnomelook at the gear like icon on the upper right, click on that and go to "system settings"07:41
anandjeyaharwhat's the quickest way to fix this07:42
anandjeyahari am on Natty Narwhal07:42
mongored_: once you get in there you will see "language support"07:42
VIPER-IImongo: sorry, I've read what you wrote and i'm not sure yet how to proceed. If i do BLKID i see the 2 devices /dev/sdc1 and /dev/sdd1 with the same UUID but different (and unique) UUID_SUB. After that I see a /dev/md127 with a UUID which i dont see anywhere (have a feeling that this is one that the system generated automatically for the /dev/md127)07:42
zykotick9mongo: you shouldn't offer support for 12.04 here07:42
lewis1711Fyodorovna: they're vague and I doubt people will be able to help. never the less - system is sometimes excruiciatingly slow, and sporadically my monitor will stop receiving signal during bootup causing me to have to unplug it at the wall and start again a few times07:43
ibiworHow can I use mobile broadband via bluetooth?07:43
mongoVIPER-II: use the md127 UUID07:43
mongozykotick9: sorry, i'm just a user :)07:43
lewis1711dmesg isn't saying too much, just saying "ehci_hcd 0000:00:13.2: port 5 reset error -110" about a million times07:43
lewis1711but thanks crizzy07:43
red_i'm lost a language panel after install gnome 307:44
* mongo will hold his tounge on gnome 3 :)07:44
zykotick9red_: for support for 12.04 please join #ubuntu+107:44
crizzylewis1711: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/rhel-redhat-centos-kernel-usb-reset-high-speed-ehci_hcd/ probably related to that, at least might give some clues..07:44
red_i'm bad speak english i'm need a russian keyboard07:45
ponrajuganeshwhat is the command to display all the running processes?07:45
zykotick9ponrajuganesh: "ps aux"07:46
ponrajuganeshwhether does it work for unix zykotick907:46
BlueWolfHi, Is there a way to set my computer to shut down quicker. Specially when it is asleep, I want to be able to hit the power button in a moments notice so that my machine can shut down quickly. I have a lot of scheduled power cuts?07:47
zykotick9ponrajuganesh: OT, but depending on what unix, you might need "ps -e" perhaps?07:47
ponrajuganeshcool ya "ps -e" works fine zykotick907:47
Fyodorovnared_, you should be on #ubuntu+107:47
ponrajuganeshhow to use a grep zykotick9, like it displays many list of processes where one needs to get the things that start with "BGw*"07:48
MrHarptasticHey guys07:48
zykotick9ponrajuganesh: "ps -e | grep BGw" might work07:48
ponrajuganeshya working awesome zykotick907:49
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zykotick9ponrajuganesh: if you aren't using Ubuntu, you shouldn't be asking in this channel07:49
ponrajuganeshonly this channel people are replying and I am using ubuntu only zykotick907:50
zykotick9ponrajuganesh: if "ps aux" didn't work - i highly doubt that...07:50
scientesponrajuganesh, what are you trying to do?07:50
scientesps aux shows all processes, and all users can see all processes (namespaces complicate things CONFIG_PID_NS, but you arn't using that)07:51
ponrajuganeshI got it guys thanks for your concern zykotick9 and scientes07:51
scientesthats why you should never put a password in a command line command07:51
VIPER-IIstrange. BLKID shows the UUID with ":" between the numbers, but in the mdadm.conf I only see "-" between the numbers. Should i change 8adcb270-e264-4d80-9231-109f6a8e2d0f to 8adcb270:e264:4d80:9231:109f6a8e2d0f   ?07:51
zykotick9scientes: FYI ps aux doesn't work on many "unix" system, thus why it's not working for ponrajuganesh i'd imagine07:51
BlueWolfHi, Is there a way to set my computer to shut down quicker. Specially when it is asleep, I want to be able to hit the power button in a moments notice so that my machine can shut down quickly. I have a lot of scheduled power cuts? And I never know if it's going to go off. I have an inverter by it does not last long and when it starts beeping then my computer needs to be shut down quickly. Please help?07:52
scientesVIPER-II, "blkid" on the command line works just finr07:52
scientesVIPER-II, (as root)07:52
VIPER-IIscientes: I'm peeping with BLKID what the UUID would be in order to write it down in my mdadm.conf07:52
ponrajuganeshinfact thereis no command with the option os aux in unix07:52
scientesBlueWolf, suspend is usually faster than shutdown07:52
leontopodBlueWolf, if it is a relatively recent notebook or netbook just press down the power button for five seconds07:52
leontopodit's in the specifications that the notebook/netbook HAS to turn off in five seconds if you keep the power button pressed down.07:53
VIPER-IIBut in the string that BLKID gives back i see "-" between them. Am i supposed to put that in Mdadm.conf or should i change the "-" with ":" first?07:53
scientesponrajuganesh, ps aux is gnu coreutils, busybox ps doesn't support any options, there is also the /proc equiv of ps07:53
scienteswhich would be /proc/foo/cmdline07:53
brun0l3zI ma having a bad day here people07:53
scientes!ask brun0l3z07:53
scientes!ask | brun0l3z07:54
ubottubrun0l3z: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:54
brun0l3zPeople my vmware player will not even load modules07:54
VIPER-IIsup brun0l3z07:54
scientesbrun0l3z, honestly, kvm and virt-manager font-end is way better and faster than vmware07:54
brun0l3zHere is what i get as error message:07:54
brun0l3zUnable to build kernel module.07:54
* VIPER-II don't know anything of vmware. Sorry.07:54
brun0l3zSee log file /tmp/vmware-root/modconfig-15496.log for details07:54
brun0l3zHey Scientes are you sure??07:55
scientesbrun0l3z, but if you need to build that you need to install sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`07:55
brun0l3zI did that bro07:55
scientesbrun0l3z, yeah, virt-manager/KVM is solid stuff, and is open source unlike vmware07:55
scientesit also supports alot more than the gratis version of vmware07:55
abruskihow to switch between apps that run only in terminal?07:56
brun0l3zscientes Thanks bro07:56
scientesabruski, either add a & after your command to fork it to the background, or end the curently running process with ctrl-c07:56
brun0l3zI think i just have to go with you here scientes07:56
scientesabruski, also checkout screen07:56
BlueWolfleontopod: Ok, Well if it helps I am using a desktop with Ubuntu 10.04 - it is a core i3 2.93Ghz, 2GB Ram, 240GT Nividia graphic card, 700wt power supply. Will holding down the power button still work? Will it suspend. And what does suspend do, shutdown sleep?07:56
scientes!screen | abruski07:56
ubottuabruski: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen07:56
abruskiwill check it out thank you ;)07:57
scientesabruski, the biggest thing screen is useful for is running a process on a headless server after you log out07:57
leontopodBlueWolf, I don't know07:58
brun0l3zHow exactly does a php backdoor works?07:58
leontopodI just know that if you hold the power button down on any relatively recently manufactured notebook or netbook it has to shut off in five seconds max.07:58
zykotick9brun0l3z: WAY offtopic07:58
brun0l3zwill vmware player work even if one has not installed the vmware workstation???07:59
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BlueWolfleontopod: Is suspend still the fastest way to shut down or turn off the computer. How would I set one of my keys so that when it is pressed or held it suspends?08:00
leontopodBlueWolf, I don't know.08:01
leontopodI am sorry I said anything. =)08:01
brun0l3zwill vmware player work even if workstation is not installed???08:01
lawltoadanybody running an asus g37sw?08:02
f4z8i1BlueWolf: Not for me. Shutdown is fast as hell anyway. Suspend is about startup.08:02
BlueWolfleontopod: Not a problem, thanks for the help anyway.08:02
BlueWolfDoes anyone else know how to solve my problem?08:02
scientesbrun0l3z, at one point vmware had a gratis version of vmware-server08:02
scientesvmware player is a totally POS software IMHO08:03
scientesas you can't do anything08:03
scientesbut really, virt-manager is awesome08:03
lawltoadmy touchpad is super buggy, it08:03
f4z8i1BlueWolf: How experiences user youa re?08:03
brun0l3zI agree with you scientes Virt Manager is the best08:04
lawltoadrandomly grabs things and drags them... i suspect it crashes compiz from time to time08:04
scientesbrun0l3z, then why arn't you using it08:04
scientesbrun0l3z, you can convert vmdk images to be used by virt-manager08:04
brun0l3zI am downloading it as we speak scientes08:04
scientes(forget the programs name, but qemu-somethingoranother)08:04
BlueWolff4z8i1: Well when my inverter battery is flat then it starts beeping and about 5 or so seconds after it starts it bombs my computer. I know my way around but I am not great on Linux - Why?08:04
zykotick9scientes: qemu-img probably08:05
brun0l3zsudo apt-get install virt-manager libvirt-bin kvm (to download virt - manager)08:05
scientesvirt-manager comes from redhat. yeah correct zykotick908:05
f4z8i1Oh, than let we discuss in private to make less spam.08:05
zykotick9scientes: yes v-m is redhat08:05
scientesbrun0l3z, well, kvm package doesn't exist anymore, its qemu-kvm08:05
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f4z8i1I'm not Ubuntu user either, but that doesn't matter08:05
brun0l3zThanks Scientes08:06
scientesand virt-mangaer will pull in libvirt--but i guess -bin is differn't08:06
scientesf4z8i1, then you should be in this channel08:06
brun0l3zI was getting an error already08:06
scientes*shouldn't be in this channel f4z8i108:06
brun0l3zJust running apt-get install virt-manager (will get you virt - manager)08:07
f4z8i1scientes: In support in general, .. if I'm not interested, than I should go out?08:07
scientesbrun0l3z, i am not sure it pulls in kvm however as it also supports xen (but it should)08:07
scientesf4z8i1, well, you have to stay on-opic, which is support for people using ubuntu08:08
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f4z8i1If it's Linux in general, it's still no change.08:08
brun0l3zscientes once its installed i will see if kvm is included08:09
f4z8i1If it's Ubuntu I just can keep my mouth shut.. so I'm really not happy about your first reply.08:09
VIPER-IIis there a way to put a ext4 in FSTAB but without any rights? So that it behaves like ntfs without rights? So that i dont have to break my balls on which directory is from which user?08:09
scientesf4z8i1, well, not everyone can make the distinction08:10
scientesVIPER-II, well, mounting with the options nodev,nosuid, and maybe another for xattr? gets rid of the security implications08:11
scientesbut squashing it to one user is something totally differn't08:11
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brun0l3zvirt-manager is so simple to install just: apt-get install virt-manager qemu-kvm08:11
scienteshell of alot easier than vmware08:12
brun0l3zso so so so easy to install scientes its just apt-get install virt-manager qemu-kvm08:12
brun0l3zthat does it all08:12
brun0l3zOkay I have to reboot now later guys08:13
MrHarptasticwhat is bogon? Anyone know?08:13
MrHarptasticreferring to peerguardian lists08:14
scientesbru...oh geeze08:14
scienteshe didn't need to reboot....08:14
scientesoh well, he is still experiencing the greatness that is GNU/Linux08:15
AruzsiHi there,08:19
AruzsiI'm looking for someone who can help me solve grub2 "autoboot" problem.08:19
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AruzsiAfter an upgrade the 1st rebootis successful the next stop int the boot menu.08:20
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Guest13035hi all08:22
Jordan_UAruzsi: What happens when you select the Ubuntu entry from the grub menu? Does it still boot successfully?08:23
Guest13035I have problem with ecryptfs. I can't log in and mount my ~08:24
malkaunsalmost sounds like a euphemism :P08:27
SubjectOneis there a way to search and replace ( under ubuntu 10.10 ) for multiple html files ? ( i must change, or delete some code in like 500+ documents ) ?08:31
Guest13035who can recover ecryptfs data?08:32
SubjectOneG O D08:33
Guest13035someone else? :]08:33
Guest13035I'm trying command: sudo ecryptfs-recover-private08:33
SubjectOnesory Guest13035 i don't have enough experiance with ecryptfs08:34
BlueWolfAnyone know where I can find the Gnome / KDE or what the name is, Do I look in system?08:34
ja1luluhey i have ubuntu 11.10 wubi installed on my pc08:35
beatboxherohey I have a quick question. I have seen guys put in a "su" command in terminal so they dont have to type sudo all the time08:35
ja1lulushould i upgrade to 12.04 beta108:35
beatboxheroHow do i do that?08:35
Jordan_UGuest13035: You might try the ecryptfs-recover-private utility from a LiveCD http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/04/introducing-ecryptfs-recover-private.html08:36
geirhabeatboxhero: su and sudo are two completly different commands.08:36
beatboxheroThey still give you root permissions though right?08:36
beatboxherosorry if its a retarded question haha08:36
ja1lulushould i upgrade to beta1?08:37
ja1lului have 11.10 on wubi08:37
beatboxheroI would just rather type in su once then sudo a million times08:37
geirhabeatboxhero: Yes, but you need a root password in order for su to switch to root. And that's not recommended08:37
ja1lulubeatbox: type sudo terminal08:37
beatboxheroI was thinking of upgrading too. I wonder how stable it is.08:37
Fyodorovnaja1lulu, wubi is not a good idea in general upgrading is not either08:37
ja1luluand you will get a terminal as root08:37
beatboxheroOH! okay thats why it keeps failing to authorize haha08:37
ja1luluty Fydorovna08:37
beatboxheroand its bad why?08:38
geirha!root | beatboxhero08:38
ubottubeatboxhero: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:38
beatboxherojust because having that set up is a security risk?08:38
ryevisionhello friends08:38
beatboxheroHAHA nice08:38
Fyodorovna!tab | beatboxhero08:38
ubottubeatboxhero: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:38
ja1lulubeatboxhero: type sudo gnome-terminal08:39
ja1luluand you will get a root termianl08:39
ryevisionplease, been trying to enable fingerprint authentication with fprint and pam, and run into some noncritical issue08:39
VIPER-IIah... as expected "ext4" works beautifully. (Ofcourse i'm being sarcastic). How the heck do i get rid of those "rights" issues? My Sabnzbd makes a folder now with user-owner "Main" and i try to access it wiht my mediaplayer which ofcousre doesn't have the rights to access the folder. -_-08:39
beatboxherothanks guys. your the best.08:39
nyuszika7hbeatboxhero: You can use 'sudo su'08:40
Fyodorovnagksudo should be used08:41
geirhasudo -i or sudo -s is preferable to sudo su08:41
ryevisionwhich upon first logon fails to activate hardware or for whatever reason does not get logged in08:41
nyuszika7hFyodorovna: Only if you want to run graphical apps08:41
nyuszika7hgeirha: Right... I use sudo -i myself08:42
ryevisioni have two fprint attempts enabled in common-auth, so i have to twice confirm the failure and then login with password08:42
Fyodorovnanyuszika7h, not really08:42
ryevisiononce logged in it works well08:42
hoshi411how do i change my swap directory in ubuntu? i accidentaly made it a partition /dev/sda4 when i wanted it to be /dev/sda3/swap08:42
hoshi411the partition was ext3 and now it wont mount T_T08:43
hoshi411i changed my fstab to say it is ext3 but ubuntu still thinks it is a swap drive08:43
anandjeyaharhoshi411: swapon /dev/sda3 ??08:44
aamirHi, I am new to ubuntu, and came to IRC first time in my life. need help on apache module mod_env, for php dont know where to go.08:45
nyuszika7hFyodorovna: I know that most users here use Ubuntu with X11 installed, but I doubt there woulc be gksu[do] on Ubuntu Server, for example, and sudo -i works fine08:45
ryevisionhoshi411: could you ask more clearly please?08:45
hoshi411amandje: yes08:45
hoshi411ryevision, sure: so there are two things I want to do08:45
nyuszika7hSo why should they use gksudo? Maybe when they want to run GUI apps, but otherwise sudo is fine.08:46
hoshi411ryevision, on thing is, when I installed ubuntu, i told it to make sda3 my / directory and sda4 my swap directory08:46
hoshi411and it did that08:46
Fyodorovnanyuszika7h, the user addressed said nothing about a server.08:46
ryevisionand you want to reverse it now08:46
hoshi411but I actually wanted swap to be on sda4/swap08:47
nyuszika7hFyodorovna: Yes, but sudo works just fine...08:47
hoshi411so a folder called swap on sda408:47
hoshi411how can I change which folder ubuntu uses as a swap directory?08:47
ryevisionhoshi411: swap has to be a separate partition for persistance sake08:47
ryevisionhoshi411: you can split your sda4 unto two parts, one of which will be now used as swap08:48
hoshi411ryevision, ok , so what if I want to make it a different paritition, for example sda508:48
Jordan_Uhoshi411: There is no such thing as a swap directory. Swap partitions aren't mounted, and you can't convert a swap partition to an ext4 partition just by changing your fstab.08:48
ryevisionhoshi411: you would need to run gparted in root mode08:48
hoshi411where are the ubuntu settings for which partition it uses as swap?08:48
nyuszika7hAnyway, I might be wrong, I am not an Ubuntu user nor do I use GUI for 99% of things. Only a few things. So I mignt be wrong.08:48
ryevisionhoshi411: in /etc/fstab file, you have to edit it in root mode08:49
ryevisionhoshi411: first you need to have a partition prepared08:49
nyuszika7h(I didn't mean that I use GUI for 1% only.)08:49
hoshi411ryevision, there is no other location for those settings?08:49
ryevisionhoshi411: it is unlikely you have a gui for that setting08:50
hoshi411ryevision: I also want to get my sda3 partition back. After telling the installer that it was my swap parititon, it no longer recognizes it or mounts it as an ext3 partition08:50
hoshi411i doubt that the files on it are lost because I did not format it08:51
Jordan_Uhoshi411: If you want to convert a swap partition to an ext4 partition you need to actually create an ext4 filesystem on the partition. Once the filesystem is created, you can configure it to be mounted in /etc/fstab but it needs to actually *be* an ext4 partition first.08:51
ryevisionhoshi411: a partition can be mounted with a hell amount of settings, no gui could cover them all08:51
leontopodhoshi411, time to do a reinstall from scratch, sounds like08:51
hoshi411i only told the installer to setup the fstab as swap08:51
hoshi411but I want the files that were on the sda3 ext3 partition08:51
hoshi411I did not format it so they must still be there08:51
leontopodhoshi411, too late!08:51
ryevisionhoshi411: your sda3 now contains a swap filesystem, not an ext3 system now08:51
leontopodthey are gone!08:51
Jordan_Uhoshi411: All of the data on partition you made a swap partition is likely gone. Most of it irrecoverably.08:52
hoshi411only fstab thinks that it is a swap parittion and has forgotten that it is actually ext308:52
leontopodyou might as well install windows 7 on it now, hoshi41108:52
ryevisionhoshi411: once swap was created there, it has been wiped probably08:52
Jordan_Uhoshi411: Selecting a partition to be a swap partition involves formatting. A swap partition and an ext4 partition are different "formats".08:52
hoshi411ryevision, but I told the installer not to format it08:53
leontopodswap is just page space on disk, right?08:53
Jordan_Uhoshi411: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid".08:53
leontopodpages of memory get swapped in and out of the disk08:53
ryevisionhoshi411: swap is not being formatted in true sense, but it still wipes out file table data and structure08:53
WhereIsMySpoonthere appears to be an issue with the screensavers which xubuntu uses, and the drivers for my ati card08:53
hoshi411ok so actually, designating a partition to be used for swap does not necessarily require formatting08:53
WhereIsMySpoonas when i turn screensavers on, i get unable to handle kernel paging request errors08:53
leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, that sounds pretty serious08:54
WhereIsMySpoonya think :p08:54
Jordan_Uhoshi411: It *does* require formatting. An ext4 partition is not a swap partition, in the same way that an ntfs partition is not an ext4 partition.08:54
leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, switch to Slackware, you will LOVE KDE 4!08:54
ryevisionhoshi411: did you have vital data on that partition?08:54
WhereIsMySpooni think i have the latest version of xubuntu08:54
WhereIsMySpoonim running xfce08:54
jasonmsphey all.  Im running 11.10 after finally upgrading.  I used to have mounted drives on my desktop.  They are only showing now in the launcher. All my google searches are coming up with how to remove them, rather than add them.  ???08:54
hoshi411Jordan_U, http://pastebin.com/sGdLB3Fx08:55
WhereIsMySpoonmount -a?08:55
NewbI am running ubuntu 10.04 and i cant get any sound out of my audio output? any ideas. The headphones work at the moment I have to use to computers to listen to music08:55
WhereIsMySpoonleontopod, how do i know which version of kde im running08:55
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leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, that is a very very good question08:55
leontopodBasically, the easiest way is to open a KDE application and click the "About" menu option.08:56
WhereIsMySpoonleontopod, such as?08:56
ryevisionkde 4.8 is awesome :)08:56
hoshi411there are several OSs that can designate a parittion or directory to be used for swap, without formatting it. Debian is one. My old debian setup made used a directory inside of a partition as swap. What it did was mount that directory in a separate area and use it as swap. it not only mounted the partition but also the folder in that partition08:56
Jordan_Uhoshi411: That means that /dev/sda4 is a swap partition. Any files that used to be on it when it was an ext4 parititon are gone. You may be able to recover some of them, but I really hope you have backups. That is if it's really /dev/sda4 wich used to contain an ext4 filesystem.08:56
leontopodI am trying KWord right now, WhereIsMySpoon08:57
WhereIsMySpooni dont have that installed08:57
hoshi411when I used macosx it also allowed me to designate whichever partition I wanted to use for swap, without wiping the data08:57
leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, any KDE application will do08:57
leontopodjust open the application, click on About KDE08:57
WhereIsMySpooni dont know which ones are kde apps xD08:57
Jordan_Uhoshi411: That's called a swap file, not a swap directory. And it is not what you have here.08:57
ryannathanswhen IOMUU is enabled and I boot 11.10 live, I can NOT access my dedicated raid array on my adaptec 3805. when IOMUU is disabled, it works fine. How can I get it to work when IOMUU is enabled?08:57
leontopodThey usually start with a capital K08:57
ryannathanstypically, i'd previously get a kernel panic when IOMUU is enabled08:58
NewbNo audio output from ubuntu 10.04 any ideas?08:58
hoshi411wow... hmm .. ok ... time to get a second opinion. thanks though O_o08:58
ryannathansclonezilla works fine.08:58
hoshi411be back ...08:58
Jordan_Uhoshi411: Ubuntu can use swap files, but that is not what you have right now. /dev/sda4 is a swap partition, it no longer contains any files.08:58
WhereIsMySpoonok leontopod my kmoustool says revision kde 4.508:58
ryevisionhoshi411: running swap on a separate partition prevents many threats08:58
ryevisionNewb: phonon or pulseaudio?08:59
leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, http://www.intertwingled.net/aboutkde.png08:59
Newbpulse audio08:59
leontopodthat is what it shows for me08:59
NewbIve tried every setting08:59
ryevisionnaeh, sorry, not been using pa for long08:59
Newbevery configuration09:00
ryevisionNewb: make sure you have the right backend and right output metod configuret both in system settings and in application settings09:00
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
ryevisionit is the most frequent trivial mistake occured09:00
WhereIsMySpoonleontopod, i dont have a file settings help thing09:00
Newbryevision, will do09:00
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »09:01
ryannathansHow can I ensure the latest kernel is used on my liveusb?09:01
Companion[companion@cube ~]$ lsb_release -a -> bash: lsb_release: command not found09:01
ryevisionNewb: if you don't find your way, find someone knowledgeable in pulseaudio09:01
ja1luluwindows 8 vs ubuntu 12.04 ?09:01
WhereIsMySpoon11.04, natty, leontopod09:01
Newbryevision, will tks09:01
ryevisionNewb: sometimes purging PA and then reinstalling after reboot might work09:01
leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, in my KDE there are two different ways to set screen savers09:02
leontopodI don't know why there are two.09:02
rodgersayshigoodnight guys !09:02
Companionleontopod, screensavers are so 90's : /09:02
leontopodBut you might want to try both and see which one works better for you.09:02
ryannathanshow do i change kernel on a liveusb?09:02
ja1luluwhois ja1lulu09:02
Newbryevision, How would I found out if my sound card is suported by pulse audio09:02
ryannathansI need to ensure the default included kernel of the live usb is NOT EVER used.09:02
ryannathansit hasa bug09:02
Jordan_Uja1lulu: This channel is not for rating OSs. It's for Ubuntu technical support only (and only of released versions, #ubuntu+1 for 12.04 support).09:03
Fyodorovnaryannathans, a liveusb is running off the live cd, even with persistent you don't want a kerenel upgrade.09:03
ryevisionryannathans: what loader do you use?09:03
MrHarptasticok.. I'm sure you guys get this a lot..  How do I get the probe to check for Windows..?  I've got it on a separate partition...09:03
ryannathansFyodorovna: loader? I just dd?09:03
WhereIsMySpoonleontopod, im not running kubuntu, im running xubuntu as a window manager09:03
Fyodorovnaryannathans, good luck.09:03
=== eddie is now known as Guest61159
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Jordan_Uryevision: If you want an Ubuntu install on a USB drive, rather than just an Ubuntu installer, I highly recommend simply installing Ubuntu to the USB as you would to an internal drive.09:04
ryannathansRIPPING IDEA09:04
leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, oh, well have fun with that! =D09:04
ryannathansinstall ubuntu to raid array with iomuu off09:04
ryannathansupdate kernel09:04
ryannathansenable iomuu09:04
leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, you go!09:04
WhereIsMySpoonleontopod, ?09:04
leontopodI am running Slackware with KDE 4 and my screensavers work!09:04
WhereIsMySpoonim not USING kubuntu09:05
WhereIsMySpoonso i dont see how thats relevant09:05
leontopodhey, just sayin'!09:05
WhereIsMySpoonshall i file a bug about this then?09:05
leontopodyou gotta do what you gotta do, WhereIsMySpoon09:05
WhereIsMySpoonyou're supremely unhelpful, leontopod09:06
leontopodwe aim to please!09:06
ryevisionJordan_U: you probably wanted to assist ryannathans with that. but you are highly welcome to assist my problem as well :)09:06
* WhereIsMySpoon slaps leontopod around the face with a wet haddock09:06
leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, I say for now, turn all screensavers OFF.09:07
WhereIsMySpooni have already09:07
=== sins-_x is now known as sins
=== sins is now known as sins-
ryevisionJordan_U: I have set up pam to use fprint authentication as "sufficient" (two attempts before falling back to pam_unix). It works once logged in the system, but on first login, it fails twice to iniciate the finger scan and then only takes the password auth09:08
MrHarptasticrunning ubuntu 11.10.    I can't get back to Windows.  i've tried  "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" to make changes but I'm getting nowhere09:08
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: Ubuntu uses grub2, which no longer uses /boot/grub/menu.lst.09:09
Jordan_U!grub2 | MrHarptastic09:09
ubottuMrHarptastic: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:09
ryevisionJordan_U: it is unlikely to be an udev issue, but still, hardware fails to read on first kdm use, though querried by pam09:09
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: What happens when you try to boot Windows?09:09
SuperNovatake a look at this! never expected that! Kristen Stewart to act topless in the movie "Are you Cumming?". Take a look at her leaked first topless photoshoot: http://leakyneuron.blogspot.in/09:09
hot_wheelzI am trying to install and test the YouTube Lens but requires the following package to run09:10
hot_wheelzThe problem being that it appears to have been pulled from the repository so as you would expect it fails to install any idea why anyone?09:10
FloodBot1hot_wheelz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:10
MrHarptasticI don't get the option.. I've tried everything at bios, but goes straight to to ubuntu.09:10
WhereIsMySpoonJordan_U, why was SuperNova banned? ^^ He's previously made trouble here?09:11
ryevisionMrHarptastic: have you tried grub to autodetect your OS-es?09:12
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?09:13
MrHarptasticI have not. I'm still fresh to ubuntu. going on 48 hours now..lol09:13
WhereIsMySpoonlol its a nice first experience then MrHarptastic :D09:13
Jordan_UWhereIsMySpoon: Their message was not appropriate for #ubuntu in itself, and I suspect that the link was mallicious as well (do *not* visit it).09:14
MrHarptasticyes it is..lol I'll try that Jordan ^^09:14
WhereIsMySpoonoh lol09:14
WhereIsMySpoonJordan_U, i didnt spot his spam09:14
MrHarptasticI'm getting:      /dev/sdc1:Windows 7 (loader):Windows:chain09:15
MrHarptastic 09:15
ryevisionplease, anyone knowledgeable in PAM authentication here? :(09:16
jtannenbaumI had to xkill VGA and now none of my windows have borders09:16
jtannenbaum(ubuntu 10.04)09:16
jtannenbaumhow do I like restart/refresh the window environment09:16
VIPER-IIguys... what's the command again to format a hdd with NTFS?09:17
ryevisionsudo service restart gdm09:17
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: Then try running "sudo update-grub" and after it's finished try rebooting. You should get a menu at boot allowing you to choose between Ubuntu and Windows.09:17
MrHarptasticnice. That's what I wanted09:17
MrHarptasticIll try and report09:17
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jtannenbaumryevision: or yknow logging me out works too09:18
jasonmspother than creating a symboli link, how do I show mounted drives on the desktop in unity for 11.10??09:19
ryevisionjtannenbaum: restarting system, or xserver fixes a lot of issues09:19
zlynx1when im running tutorials on java webased i lost my sound. i can't play music anymore but the sounds on the tutorial works09:20
leontopodoh god, java09:20
MrHarptasticDidn't work Jordan. It just booted back into ubuntu.09:20
jasonmsp11.10 gconf-editor doesnt have an option for desktop in apps > nautilus.  Only desktop-metadata.09:20
sethwhat is the best file transfer program for linux?09:21
zlynx1seth: Filezilla09:21
sethI use filezilla on windows09:21
leontopodI disagree.  The best file transfer program for linux is scp!09:21
sethbut didn't knowif there was a better one in linux09:21
lwizardlanyone here know how to setup a android dev setup on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ? the guide on the android site isn't working properly anymore. I was reading it deals with the RSA hack months ago and have not been fixed for the usage guide yet09:21
WhereIsMySpoonscp works pretty well tbf09:22
Jordan_U!best | seth09:22
ubottuseth: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:22
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
sethok, what is your favorite FTP client for linux?09:22
WhereIsMySpooniirc konqueror can be set up to be an ftp client09:23
WhereIsMySpoonnot sure though09:23
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WhereIsMySpoonseth - i dont know, google it09:24
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: Well that's odd. Just for reference this is very rare, and you're unfortunately going to have to get your hands dirty in your early introduction to Ubuntu.09:24
dooglusseth: I like lftp on the command line, TRAMP in Emacs, my gf's daughter uses gftp, and filezilla is in the repos too if you like that09:24
dooglus!info filezilla09:24
ubottufilezilla (source: filezilla): Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 1277 kB, installed size 3168 kB09:24
MrHarptasticlol. I'm already hitting Google, so I feel you..bahaha09:24
MrHarptasticIt's cool. I like a challenge09:24
leontopoddooglus, that is mighty nice of you09:24
* WhereIsMySpoon gives MrHarptastic a cookie09:24
sethappreciate it guys. thanks!!09:25
sethI guess I'll use good ole filezilla09:25
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: Ubottu is going to send you information about running boot info script. If you need any clarification on any of the instructions feel free to ask.09:25
Jordan_U!bootinfo | MrHarptastic09:25
ubottuMrHarptastic: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).09:25
leontopodisn't filezilla just an extension?09:25
MrHarptasticthanks guys! I'll let you know what happens for reference.09:25
ryevisionWhereIsMySpoon: WhereIsMyCookie?09:25
dooglusleontopod: no09:26
WhereIsMySpoonI gave it to MrHarptastic09:26
WhereIsMySpoonHe ate it09:26
MrHarptastic^^ :)09:26
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: Well, my plan was that you would pastebn the RESULTS.txt from boot info script for me to see :)09:26
MrHarptasticon it09:26
zlynx1i have sound problem on my ubuntu can anybody help me out here ?09:26
sethwhats wrong?09:26
WhereIsMySpoonJordan_U, have you heard of anyone having a problem with screensavers in 11.04 (using xfce as window manager) with ati card/drivers?09:27
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zlynx1seth: whenever i'm running a webbase tutorials i can't play music using audacious ?09:27
WhereIsMySpooni keep getting could not handle kernel paging request at fffffc if i keep screensavers running09:27
jasonmspseth: filezilla for sure.09:27
WhereIsMySpoonand when i turned them off, it doesnt happen anymore09:28
Jordan_UWhereIsMySpoon: Not in particular, no.09:28
leontopodok, now I have to go looking for an ftp extension to firefox09:28
leontopodI bet there is one!09:28
WhereIsMySpoonJordan_U, also, every time it crashes like this, my /etc/network/interfaces file gets corrupted09:28
WhereIsMySpoonand i have to regenrate it09:28
zlynx1 leontopod: and seth: that is why i chose filezilla coz it also has addon on firefox09:28
sethhave you tried other music players?09:29
sethalways good to test other clients so you know its not a system thing, but client09:29
BoxyKThere's a warning in Ubuntu that the full-charge capacity of the battery has dropped. Does anyone know where to configure the threshold for this warning?09:29
Jordan_UWhereIsMySpoon: That makes absolutely no sense. I have no idea what is going on there.09:29
WhereIsMySpoonJordan_U, what should I do then?09:29
Jordan_UWhereIsMySpoon: I don't know. Sorry.09:30
WhereIsMySpoonJordan_U, is there a place to submit a bug about it?09:30
Jordan_U!bug | WhereIsMySpoon09:30
ubottuWhereIsMySpoon: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:30
leontopodWhereIsMySpoon, reinstall linux now!09:30
WhereIsMySpoonleontopod, shut up09:30
leontopodit does sound like your linux installation is corrupted, WhereIsMySpoon, in all honesty09:30
ryevisionWhereIsMySpoon: reinstall, and go for kde :)09:30
zlynx1seth: yes, i already tried another client and it's still the same ..09:31
hiexpodid you md5sum the iso first ?09:31
MrHarptasticJordan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/871201/09:31
ryevisionXfce seems pretty much a sinking ship to me09:32
Guest13035yeee, I recovered my ecryptfs data :D09:32
jasonmspfinally..  gnome tweak tool to get the  mounted drives back on the desktop.  That was the worst google search ever.  Does anyone know of another way other than using gnome-tweak-tool to put the mounted drives on the 11.10 desktop?09:33
BoxyKThere's a warning in Ubuntu that the full-charge capacity of the battery has dropped. Does anyone know where to configure the threshold for this warning?09:33
ryevisionJordan_U: please, do you have any insides on that login problem i described?09:33
sethzlynx1 have you checkd alexia mixer? or whatever its called?09:33
Jordan_Uryevision: No, I don't.09:34
MrHarptasticJordan_u: did you see my link?09:34
MrHarptasticjust checking.09:34
zlynx1 seth: no not yet, don't know about that ? i believe it's an issue with my sound ..just don't know how to troubleshoot ..09:34
ryevisionzlynx1: seth: alsa mixer yo mean?09:35
seth$ alsamixer09:36
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: Yes. My guess is that grub is attempting to show a boot menu, and the boot menu is technically "there" for ten seconds, and you're just not able to see it for some reason. Do you see ten or more seconds of black screen during boot?09:36
hiexpojasonmsp, it no longer mounts the drives on the desktop > I use 10.04  > that would be a bummer but you can always get to the drive through places I believe09:36
ryevisionzlynx1: you can check input/output volumes and PCM settings in alsamixer09:36
sethhad some problems with my sound and went there and messed around with settings09:36
ryevisionit's just an extended cli sound mixer09:36
ryevisioncheck if your PCM is not muted09:36
jasonmsphiexpo: thanks.  I really need them on the desktop.  gnome-tweak-tool worked to 'show mounted on desktop' but it would be nice to find another way to do it.09:37
Sharaakhey guys09:37
sethalsamixer has almost every sound control so you should be able to trouble shoot it there09:37
Ch_IossifHi to all! RAID problem on 12.04b1 - more: paste.ubuntu.com/869743 - any ideas?09:37
MrHarptasticJordan_U:   Absolutely. and that was something I was trying to figure out. My screen is blank and my monitor is putting out it's resolution settings for that 10 second period09:37
Jordan_U!pangolin | Ch_Iossif09:37
ubottuCh_Iossif: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:37
MrHarptasticI thought it was just loading or something..lol09:37
zlynx1ryevision & seth: they are 100% i can hear sounds on my webbase tutorials but not on my audacious or any sound client ...09:37
hiexpojasonmsp, thats wierd cause my 10.04 auto does it09:37
sethgo through the settings09:38
jasonmsphiexpo: yes.  I'm on 11.10 now.09:38
jasonmsphiexpo: 10.04 used to do it for me as well.09:38
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: That is when the boot menu is (attempting to be) displayed :)09:38
Sharaaki have a problem im running windows 7 64-bit home premium and am unable to get the windows installer to run at all. Could you help please09:38
ryevisionzlynx1: in pulseaudio settings, check if you have right default backend selected09:38
sethhas to be conflicting sound outputs09:38
MrHarptastichardware issue?09:38
ryevisionzlynx1: maybe your applications try read wrong backend09:39
MrHarptasticI did have some issues with my video card when I installed.09:39
hiexpojasonmsp, thats why i stay with 10.04 if it is not broke why try to fix it09:39
lesslesshello guys, have a problem here - although i installed mdbtools there is no open mdb file in libre base and google gived me no extra help09:39
MrHarptasticJordan_U: I switched to the (recommended) video card driver when I installed09:40
jasonmsphiexpo: good rule.   I was having problems though..  11.10 has been great. =)09:40
leontopodit's KrissyP!09:40
ryevisionnaeh, bb folks09:40
Jordan_UMrHarptastic: Let's try just setting a lower resolution in the grub menu. Run "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub". You should see a line like "#GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480" Remove the '#' to make it just "GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480" (that uncomments the line), save the file, run "sudo update-grub" again, then reboot.09:41
MrHarptasticJordan_U: On it09:41
zlynx1i don't think it's the problem on the settings of my sound client coz it was just working a while ago ..it stops working when i start running a webbase java tutorials09:41
=== reith2004__ is now known as reith2004
SharaakCan anyone explain to me why the wubi windows installer for 11.10 does not load atm? Or could at least point me in the right direction?09:44
Jordan_USharaak: Is there any reason not to do a standard dual boot install?09:45
BoxyKIs there anyone who knows about power saver? There's a warning in Ubuntu that the full-charge capacity of the battery has dropped (NOT the current charge level!). Does anyone know where to configure the threshold for this warning?09:46
MrHarpTasticWoot! thanks Jason_U09:47
MrHarpTastic<< On windows.09:47
SharaakThere is no reason really but I would prefer to do it via windows and shouldnt the installer work anyhow?09:47
Jordan_UMrHarpTastic: You're welcome :)09:47
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
Jordan_USharaak: It should work, yes. But in general most people (myself included) recommend a normal dual boot install over a Wubi install.09:48
SharaakJordan_U Could you recommend a good site for installing dual boot I have done it before but I lost my windows install last time and I dont want to do that this time09:49
cancerI can't connect to any channel via Quassel IRC09:49
Jordan_USharaak: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download09:50
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
_tasslehoff_my first command today "sudo rm -rf /etc/rc*.d/*". help....10:00
_tasslehoff_I *meant* to type bitlbee* ...10:00
minixvbox_tasslehoff_: quite a tupo10:02
_tasslehoff_minixvbox: yep, this is looking good :)10:03
airtonix_tasslehoff_: such a shame you didn't have etckeeper installed prior to tripping over that stone10:04
_tasslehoff_wonder if I can recover this in any way, or if backup & reinstall is next10:04
_tasslehoff_airtonix: oooh. that looks like a nice tool :)10:04
minixvbox_tasslehoff_: reinstall10:04
MrHarpTasticTaking off for a bit. Thank you to all the great mods and chimers for the help tonight. +110:05
WhereIsMySpoon_tasslehoff_, oops :P10:08
=== reith2004_ is now known as reith2004
* leontopod waves to WhereIsMySpoon 10:10
leontopodhey buddy! =)10:11
* WhereIsMySpoon drops leontopod off a bridge10:11
leontopodouch! =(10:11
WhereIsMySpoonit was a lava pit.10:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:11
kortsiI upgraded to 11.10 and now I cant find a way to change the theme colors like before. Is there a way to adjust those somehow?10:12
_tasslehoff_will have to reinstall I guess. question is if I go for 11.10 or 12.04 beta10:12
WhereIsMySpoon11.10 is horrible10:12
minixvbox_tasslehoff_: wait till 12.04 is released10:12
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: are you the same guy who was working for the tom tom group who was having problems with IP over usb10:12
minixvboxWhereIsMySpoon: 11.10 is fine without unity10:12
crizzy11.10 is fine with unity10:13
WhereIsMySpoonminixvbox, its slow and gnome3 sucks :(10:13
WhereIsMySpoonikonia, i found out what the problem with that was and why it was happening10:13
minixvboxWhereIsMySpoon: i use xfce and its great10:13
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: yes, you are the same guy though ?10:13
WhereIsMySpoonyes ikonia why10:13
user1hi, wireless network not connecting, pls help me10:13
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: because I'd like to you treat the users in here with the same respect you got when you needed help, stop ranting about things and telling people to shut up, please.10:14
WhereIsMySpoonikonia, leontopod was making un-useful remarks and being unhelpful10:14
lwizardlok i am getting a error when I do updates http://pastebin.com/pLQz5hD010:14
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: I appreciate it may not have been helpful, but neither are you current comments, nor is telling someone to shutup.10:14
WhereIsMySpoonalright, sorry10:14
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: thanks,10:14
WhereIsMySpoonikonia, you an ubuntu dev?10:15
ikoniaWhereIsMySpoon: no10:15
wietzehi Im looking for a kernel that has virtio drivers; how do I obtain such a kernel?10:18
NewbMy cpu usage seems to be really high for doing menial tasks10:19
Newbany ideas10:19
Newb83% just running firefox10:19
Newbof both prcessors10:19
dooglusNewb: too many youtube tabs open?10:20
minixvboxNewb: is flash running?10:20
dooglusNewb: flash seems to be very wasteful10:20
Newbjust 810:20
NewbI have dual core10:20
dooglusNewb: each one you close will reduce CPU usage10:20
Newbbut still10:20
minixvboxNewb: what do you expect from adobe?10:21
NewbIs there a lighter weight option in terms of browser that doesnt use the same amount of cpu10:21
minixvboxNewb: i use chromium, but i think your problem is flash, not the browser10:22
rexorNewb, try chrome from google10:22
raymearshi people. i have purged the xorg-edgers ppa using apt-purge and now i can't reinstall skype... http://pastebin.com/nDksGutq any idea what i could do?10:22
minixvboxrexor: why chrome? chromium is in the repo10:22
WhereIsMySpoonminixvbox, chrome has been shown to work better in some cases than chromium10:22
minixvboxWhereIsMySpoon: what such cases?10:23
RoadcrosserI need help on booting my ubuntu 11.10 on CLI10:23
Newbrexor, will do10:23
Roadcrosserany help?10:23
rexorminixvbox, it is the same10:23
RoadcrosserI don't have access to my laptop now though10:23
minixvboxrexor: no, chrome isn't opensource10:23
rexorminixvbox, he can just downalad package and package manager will do all for him10:23
WhereIsMySpoonminixvbox, http://news.softpedia.com/news/Google-Chrome-vs-Chromium-Understanding-Stable-Beta-Dev-Releases-and-Version-No-140060.shtml10:23
WhereIsMySpoonrexor, it isnt the same10:24
dooglusNewb: it's not really the browser that's using the cpu - it's the flash plugin.  all the browsers will use the same plugin, and so the same CPU10:24
WhereIsMySpoonminixvbox, basically chrome is more stable10:24
Newbhmm alternative to flash plugin dooglus ?10:24
minixvboxrexor: bottom line is if he uses a ppa (by downloading chrome) we can't support him, if he uses what is in the repo we can10:24
raymearssmall correction to my prev. post: i have purged the xorg-edgers ppa using ppa-purge and now i can't reinstall skype10:24
Roadcrosserno help?10:24
dooglusNewb: there's 'gnash' I think10:25
dooglus!info gnash10:25
ubottugnash (source: gnash): GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.10~git20110618-3ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 193 kB, installed size 612 kB10:25
dooglusNewb: I don't know how well it works10:25
Newbdooglus, tks anyway10:26
dooglusand chromium is plenty stable enough10:26
signal0hey guys... i have a problem on a fresh ubuntu server installation10:26
minixvbox!info lightspark | Newb10:26
ubottuNewb: lightspark (source: lightspark): High-performance SWF player (experimental). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 98 kB, installed size 864 kB10:26
lwizardlanyone know what I have to do to fix that error ?10:27
signal0http://nopaste.info/989a201c11.html <- any idea about that??10:27
NicekiwiIf i encrypt my home directory can i access it if i plugged the hdd into another ubuntu Computer ?10:28
TeodorMHi! any ideea how to make contiuous scroll (like in windows with click on weel)10:28
the^userhello, i have a problem, i haven move some maps from a windows pc to my ubuntu , but i can not delet them online look inside10:29
the^userdo somebody know how to fix this problem10:29
minixvboxthe^user: what do you mean by delete them online?10:31
jiffe98is there a way for ubuntu to be able to accept and respond to packets on a given IP, but if that same machine tries to connect to a port on that IP it is send out onto the network (meaning it doesn't think that IP is local)10:31
the^userdelet them from my ubuntu machine10:32
the^useri cant delet the maps10:32
minixvboxthe^user: are these maps just image files?10:32
the^userimage and video10:32
minixvboxthe^user: how are you trying to delete them?10:33
ryannathansI have 2 AMD 6970s. Should I install "ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates)" OR "ATI/AMD proprietry FGLRX graphics driver" OR BOTH?10:33
the^userjust to klik on them en delet10:33
minixvboxthe^user: where are they stored?10:33
the^userand my ubuntu say no way jose10:33
the^userthey are stored in my complet \map10:34
minixvboxthe^user: are they in your /home ?10:34
the^useryes they are10:34
EtheraelCompiz has just started segfaulting for no reason.10:34
Etheraelany ideas?10:34
Etheraeloneiric, was working fine previously.10:34
minixvboxthe^user: have you got them open with some other program when you are trying to delete them?10:35
EtheraelI just ran the precise pangolin live usb to check it out but didn't do anything to my disks, came back and compiz now segfaults whenever I run it.10:35
the^useri can open and copy the items but i cant delet them10:35
minixvboxEtherael: 12.04 support in #ubuntu+1 please10:35
Etheraelalso the background is back to being controlled by gnome and there single menu bar per program is plastered across the top of the screen10:35
Etheraelminixvbox: As I said, I'm not using 12.04, I just liveusb'd to check it but did not install, rebooted and now it looks like my oneiric install is hosed.10:36
minixvboxEtherael: ah, sorry10:36
SkeiMorning. I'm running 11.10 with GNOME 3 and was hoping someone could tell me how to append --full-screen to the gnome-terminal command that's called when I hit CTRL+ALT+T.10:37
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Nicekiwi If i encrypt my home directory can i access it if i plugged the hdd into another ubuntu Computer ?10:38
ryannathansif you are good and know the key10:38
htetaunghow can i configure burg-manager10:39
ryannathansif you know the key, The key is like xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx10:39
ryannathansnot sure how it all works10:39
NicekiwiHmmm k10:40
minixvboxhtetaung: why not just stick to grub?10:40
bambanxanyone can say me what theme is it pls http://s3.subirimagenes.com:81/imagen/previo/thump_7508097theme.png  ?10:40
Jordan_Uhtetaung: BURG is not supported here, and I personally recommend against its use.10:43
c3ssohello. somebody there who knows about unity greeter?10:43
tapoutif I select "reboot", why does it log me out instead of rebooting?10:44
tapoutit happens all the time, even in the latest 12.0410:44
trijntjeSince I had some trouble with my wireless network I'm no longer able to store my wireless password in the gnome-keyring, which means I must enter it every time the computer boots10:45
trijntjewhat can I do to fix this?10:45
Myrtti!cn | zcily10:47
ubottuzcily: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw10:47
tapoutanyone got netbeans and xcache debugging working?10:52
tapouti've set it up, it's listening properly.. port 9001 listens..  i can telnet to it, but netbeans always says waiting for connecting10:52
bambanxdamn tweetdeck work great on ubuntu10:53
DoxinI've got a server with 3 NICs in it, but only one shows when doing ifconfig, what gives?10:57
BlueWolf“System”->”Administrator”->”Services”: I cant find Services? I am using Ubuntu 10.04.10:58
florian__hello everyone! I am trying to run a *.bin file but can't can someone help?10:58
plouffeDoxin, try iwconfig10:59
minixvboxflorian__: what program is it?10:59
florian__it is a counter strike server10:59
florian__the file name is .hldsupdatetool.bin10:59
florian__i mad it executable by typing: chmod u+x hldsupdatetool.bin11:00
florian__then i try to run it wit: ./hldsupdatetool.bin11:01
plouffeDoxin, then "ifconfig <NIC>  up" to activate it11:01
geirhaflorian__: chmod +x, not u+x11:01
geirhaflorian__: But anyway, what's the error?11:02
trijntjeSince I had some trouble with my wireless network I'm no longer able to store my wireless password in the gnome-keyring, which means I must enter it every time the computer boots. How can I fix this?11:02
florian__ok geirha, what is the difference, what does the x do11:02
Doxinplouffe: thanks11:02
minixvboxflorian__: +x makes executable11:02
florian__the error is that he cant find the file, sorry i cant copy the error its in german, but thats what it translates to11:02
florian__thanx mini11:03
_tasslehoff_wohoo. copying /etc/rc*.d from a colleagues computer seems to have saved me. it managed to reboot, at least.11:03
geirhaflorian__: Actually, I read it as o+x which wouldn't have worked, but u+x should suffice. +x just makes it executable for all11:03
sethis there a way to use gnome shell instead of unity?? i can't stand unity.11:03
florian__ok geirha, thats what i thought11:03
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:03
crizzyseth: there11:03
geirhaflorian__: What does   file ./hldsupdatetool.bin    say?11:03
tapoutnetbeans+xcache debugging, zero issue setting it up on windows 7.  Works.  Same setup, won't work on ubuntu.  Anyone got the f'n thing working?11:04
JonathanEllisI just installed dropbox via the software centre on Ubuntu 11-10. After a long time, the progress indicator still says applying changes. The progress indicator is still rotating but the bar graph is not getting any longer. What can I do?11:04
florian__srcds@ubuntu-server:~$ chmod u+x hldsupdatetool.bin11:04
florian__srcds@ubuntu-server:~$ ./hldsupdatetool.bin11:04
florian__bash: ./hldsupdatetool.bin: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden11:04
geirhaflorian__: run the file command on it.11:04
florian__"Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden" translates to: file or path cant be found11:05
florian__how do i do that geirha, im just learning11:05
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geirhaflorian__: file ./hldsupdatetool.bin11:05
florian__./hldsupdatetool.bin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped11:05
tapouton ubuntu, if i'm logged in.. and i say REBOOT... the thing logs me out .. does NOT reboot.  why oh why?  Why wouldn't it be called "LOG OUT" if that's what they wanted it to do?11:06
florian__im running a 64 bit system, but that shouldnt be the problem, right11:06
geirhaflorian__: So it's because you're trying to run a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit system, without having the 32 bit libraries/loader installed.11:06
florian__allright geirha, i thank you so much11:07
geirhaflorian__: You need to install libc6-i386 or ia32-libs or something like that. I can't check atm.11:07
florian__do you have a quik solution to that, otherwise ill do some research11:07
florian__ok thanks a lot, ill check it out11:07
jkitzenabelson1how do we get help?11:08
minixvboxjkitzenabelson1: describe your problem and if someone know they will help11:09
jkitzenabelson1i cannot seem to enable the wifi and bluetooth on my computer11:09
jkitzenabelson1ive tried through terminal11:09
raymearsexperiencing 32/64 bit issues.  http://pastebin.com/AQ8GeWF6 any ideas anyone? thanks11:09
jkitzenabelson1ive done all the basic things11:09
minixvboxjkitzenabelson1: what wifi?11:10
jkitzenabelson1i can only connect through ethernet11:10
ryannathansAfter installing the 'additional drivers' for my AMD graphics card, I am no longer able to select a resolution of greater than 1920x1920.11:11
ryannathansI need a res of 5760x108011:11
ryannathansI have three monitors, before installing the drivers I had my desktop across all three11:11
crizzyryannathans: check 'amd catalyst control center' app11:11
ryannathanscrizzy: thanks11:13
JonathanEllisI just installed dropbox via the software centre on Ubuntu 11-10. After a long time, the progress indicator still says applying changes. The progress indicator is still rotating but the bar graph is not getting any longer. What can I do?11:13
ryannathansi need to restart....11:13
droid-0854Jon,  did you try top?11:17
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JonathanEllisdroid-0854: Are you talking to me? In which case I dont understand what you are asking. There doesnt seem to be any option in the menus to terminate the install11:19
Kyle6513howdy everyone, can anyone help me with setting up a usb printer via command line?11:20
droid-0854Jon type top into terminal11:20
Kyle6513I know my printer works with gutenprint, I'm just not entirely sure how to set it up using CUPS11:20
JonathanEllisdroid-0854: OK. What am I looking at / for?11:21
droid-0854Something eating process resource11:22
jkitzenabelson1i need help enabling my wireless and bluetooth11:23
droid-0854If there is no package working you might try11:23
JonathanEllisdroid-0854: OK. dropbox has 63% CPU. xorg has 15.7%, software-center has 12.5%11:23
droid-0854so it is still working and you can kill from top11:24
droid-0854I would leave it for now11:25
droid-0854Might be lagg11:25
JonathanEllisdroid-0854: CPU is running at 85%. Mem: 1025944k total, 829844k used, 194708k free, 30264k buffers. Swap: 1574332k total, 98316k used, 1476016k free, 377072k cached. How long would you leave it before killing it? How do I kill it?11:27
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JonathanEllisdroid-0854: I should clarify. CPU 87%us, 16%sy11:28
droid-0854With the letter k and the pid11:28
JonathanEllisdroid-0854: Thanks. dropbox has been running now for 69 minutes. How long do you think I should leave it?11:29
makarawhat's the bash for ssh'ing into port 7005 of a website?11:29
droid-0854Ewww um..... not my machine  :(11:30
TeodorMHi! any ideea how to make contiuous scroll (like in windows with click on weel)11:30
droid-0854Kill when you have given up.  Restart the job11:31
JonathanEllisdroid-0854: No, fair enough. Its a Pentium III laptop running at 1GHz with 1GB RAM. And which process would I kill, dropbox?11:31
c3sso uhm is somebody here who is familiar with unity greeter?11:31
Kyle6513anybody who can help me install a printer from command line?11:31
makaraTeodorM: are you talking about in a browser?11:32
droid-0854Jon, ya and software center11:32
TeodorMyes.. in browser.. or in a pdf file..11:32
makaraTeodorM: depends on the application. For Firefox go to Preferences > Advanced > General > Browsing > Use smooth scrolling11:33
JonathanEllisdroid-0854: Thanks very much.11:33
TeodorMthanks.. one more...11:35
Haugi_is there an easy command to remove ppa repos? The opposite of apt-add-repository11:35
LjL!ppa-purge | Haugi_11:35
ubottuHaugi_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html11:35
Haugi_Thanks !11:36
makaraHaugi_: Synaptic > Settings > Repositories11:36
Haugi_Yeah, I know about synaptic, was just wondering if there was a way to remove it thats as easy as "apt-add-repository"11:36
TeodorMThe colors in ubuntu apear diffrent from windows... the sky from pictures is not blue (like in windows)... and it is purple... why?11:37
makaraTeodorM: Windows have better graphics card support11:37
TeodorMis any way to solve the problem?11:38
LjLuh, not sure graphics card support is related to color rendering11:38
Kyle6513I can't get into the HTTP side of CUPS, any suggestions anyone?11:38
JonathanEllisTeodorM: You could try getting a test card bitmap and then setup your graphics card and monitor settings11:39
TeodorMok thaks11:40
JonathanEllisTeodorM: Your graphics card may allow you to adjust gain and gamma for all 3 colours. Monitor will probably have brightness, contrast and colour temperature settings. Might even have gamma11:41
JonathanEllisTeodorM: You will also find room lighting conditions affect what you see / adjust11:41
JonathanEllisTeodorM: You could also try taking a photo out the window, displaying that on your screen and then adjusting so the colours are similar to what you see looking out the window11:42
JonathanEllisTeodorM: Without specialist equipment or at least a light meter, setting up colour on screens is a bit of guesswork and trial and error until you like the result. Broadcasters spend a lot of time lining up critical monitors in studios with light meters, calibrated paper test cards etc. As far as I know that is the only way to get identical colour rendition on multiple systems11:44
leontopodand all that doesn't matter, because I am color blind!11:45
leontopodall that work for nothing!11:45
JonathanEllisTeodorM: I know thats probably beyond the scope of what you want to do but you can probably google for information if you are interested in the process11:45
TeodorMyea .. thaks11:45
droid-0854I like the color gray.  Easy to configure11:46
JonathanEllisdroid-0854: I remember setting up grayscale on projectors using a test card that had graduated brightness squares. If I remember correctly, you adjusted brightness so the 10% or 5% grey was only just distinguishable from black and the 90% or 95% grey only just distinguishable from white. I think you can probably also do the same for red, green and blue11:48
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droid-0854Jon, Imma use those tips11:49
JonathanEllisSorry that should be brightness so 5-10% grey is just distinguishable from black and adjust contrast so 90-95% grey is just distinguishable from white. Dont quote me on the numbers though. Cant really remember but Im sure there is some info on the net somewhere about calibrating monitors11:50
jhillswat up bitches11:50
FloodBot1jhills: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:50
JonathanEllisTeodorM: You might find that works for you. Make a bitmap with graduated areas of grey, red, green and blue and adjust red, green and blue gain, plus brightness, contrast and gamma11:52
droid-0854Gunshots by computer11:52
TeodorMyea.. I plan to print a file like this.. and copare with moniotor11:53
JonathanEllisTeodorM: and droid-0854: You can find monitor test images at and information at http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/11:53
droid-0854Jon, ty11:54
SmokeyDhi everyone. In the terminal I am copying one dir with "cp -pr sourcedir destdir"11:57
SmokeyDI was hoping this would preserve all permissions of sourcedir in destdir11:57
kosaidpohello guys11:58
SmokeyDbut somehow subdirectories which have permissions 755 in sourcedir are created in destdir with 70011:58
SmokeyDany ideas why this is?11:58
kosaidpois there any ubuntu app that can make me create new account or reset psw in windows 711:59
jkitzenabelson1i need help enabling my wifi11:59
bazhangkosaidpo, you'd need to be in windows to do that12:00
bazhang##windows for more kosaidpo12:00
jkitzenabelson1i cannot enable wifi or bluetooth through terminal12:00
kosaidpobazhang: ok thanks12:00
jkitzenabelson1its greyed out when i try to enable it12:01
aithox_hello how can i make my software recognized ?? i've flashplayer but i don't no how to set as default player for flash12:02
dtcrshrhello everyone! im trying to install ubuntu on this oldschool toshiba a10 notebook, but his cdrom is quite crappy, it gives me the kernel panic error (that seems very frequent, mostly in old and netbooks, google a lot about it) that is solved by recent updates. but since the cd is quite slow im wondering if theres a way to boot from a cdrom bootdisk, and after that use the usb ubuntu content, so it would be a faster install12:03
dtcrshrany clues on this direction?12:03
Rickardo_Is it possible to use ubuntu as a pass through print server like the WGPS606 from netgear?12:03
tiger77Hello i have a problem with Firefox. It crashes everytime i will log-in to puplik places,?12:03
jasonmsphey all..  Whats the code to place in the anyapp.desktop file that will set it to "always on top"?12:04
TeodorMhow can I adjust colors ? I can't find settings.. I must install something?12:04
f4z8i1Are xbindkeys still working these days in current Gnome adn KDE?12:07
makaraTeodorM: I12:10
makaraTeodorM: hold on12:10
makaraTeodorM: what version Ubuntu you got?12:11
linqeringhow to login it ?12:11
linqeringhow to login IRc pleast .12:11
linqeringplease ?12:11
pillehi, could somebody help me with some wlan-problems12:13
makara_TeodorM: I just go to System Settings and there is a button for 'Color' calibration12:13
ryannathansAfter installing the drivers for my graphics card (AMD proprietry in additional drivers), applications report they have a good frame rate, for example stellarium says I'm on 250FPS. My monitors can do 60FPS max. When I look at any 3d application, the framerate LOOKS to me like it's 30, it's very choppy. I turn vsync on and framerate is limited at 60FPS, however, the issue is not resolved. I can't stand everything being so choppy! What shoul12:14
TeodorMyes.. but in color I have camera to adjust... I want to adjust monitor colors12:14
aithox_hello how can i make my software recognized ?? i've flashplayer but i don't no how to set as default player for flash12:15
santoshfamilyis there any site from where i can get shell theme !12:16
ryannathansaithox_: right click application, it's in properties.12:16
linqeringhow to login in ORC please /12:16
ryannathanssantoshfamily: tried googling it?12:16
linqeringis / ?? NickServ identified ?..12:16
ryannathanslinqering: you mean IRC?12:16
ryannathanslinqering: ask in #freenode (/join #freenode)12:16
crizzysantoshfamily: http://gnome-shell.deviantart.com/gallery/2808198212:16
pilleee1124hi guys, could somebody help me with some wlan-problems?12:16
linqeringryannathans, I have registered .12:16
ryannathanslinqering: it's offtopic in this room. Ask in #freenode. it's probably /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD12:17
ryannathansAfter installing the drivers for my graphics card (AMD proprietry in additional drivers), applications report they have a good frame rate, for example stellarium says I'm on 250FPS. My monitors can do 60FPS max. When I look at any 3d application, the framerate LOOKS to me like it's 30, it's very choppy. I turn vsync on and framerate is limited at 60FPS, however, the issue is not resolved. I can't stand everything being so choppy! What shoul12:17
aithox_ryannathans: i can't find my software list there.. i manually installed it12:17
crizzyryannathans: probably compiz12:18
crizzyryannathans: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38028/performance-being-really-choppy-with-ati-drivers see this, answer #112:18
aithox_i can run it via terminal like this " FlashPlayer "12:18
crizzyryannathans: i have 120hz lcd myself, compiz'es default limitation of 50fps.. THAT was choppy :)12:18
SkeiMorning. I'm still failing at getting CTRL+ALT+T to load up gnome-terminal with --full-screen, using 11.10 and GNOME 3. I've added --full-screen to several places under gconf-editor but that hasn't helped. Any suggestions ? Thanks.12:19
crizzyryannathans: just drag it to the max (200)12:19
pilleee1124hi guys, could somebody help me with some wlan-problems?12:19
ryannathanscrizzy: oh boy... ccsm. I'm scared.12:20
ryannathansI touched this last time...12:20
user1hi, how to install apache webserver in ubuntu 11.1012:20
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crizzyryannathans: hehe.. be careful with it. only do those tasks12:20
ryannathansuser1: sudo apt-get install apache2 or something12:20
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:20
user1thanks - ryannanthans12:21
pilleee1124hi guys, could somebody help me with some wlan-problems? It seems that the acer-hotkey doesn't work.12:21
makara_TeodorM: monitor doesn't show in the color settings menu?12:22
ryannathanspilleee1124: please provide more information other than  'this doesn't work'12:22
makara_user1: you need to research this12:22
makara_user1: there are many installs, based on your needs12:22
linqeringryannathans, I did it .thanks vary much.412:23
ryannathansno worries.12:23
pilleee1124okay... the terminal command "iwconfig | grep -A4 wlan" says this:12:24
pilleee1124wlan0            RT2860 Wireless  ESSID:""  Mode:Auto  Frequency:2,412GHz      Link Quality:10/100  Signal level: 0dbm Noise Level:-143dbm      Rx  invalid nwid:0  Rx  invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0    Tx Excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:0  Missed beacon:012:24
crizzyhttp://www.foopics.com/showfull/9b8f8c4f91f8f4a5e9bbd25a262aaa70 my unity seems to like gedit ? :)12:24
Gage_I was browsing the internet with Google Chrome and it suddenly logged out. I'm using Ubuntu 11.04. This has happened before.12:24
ryannathanscrizzy: that happened to me too. Except with the application 'mumble'12:25
makara_Gage_: Xorg issue I think. I was using Firefox - created a new tab. Also when I preview a picture with large dimensions12:25
ryannathansI hate unity.12:25
Gage_I was saving a picture12:25
makara_Gage_: dimensions?12:25
makara_ryannathans: why?12:25
ryannathanscrizzy: do i need to reboot after the compiz?12:25
pilleee1124the command "lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net" shows this: 2:00.0 Network Controller [0280]: RaLink RT3090 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe [1814:3090]      Kernel driver in use: rt3090      Kernel modules: rt3090sta12:26
pilleee1124it seems that the driver is loaded and works correctly12:26
mintmanryannathans: wow12:26
aibohello, after booting up my system I always get /etc/resolv.conf empty, what should I do to always have `nameserver` there ?12:26
ryannathansmakara_: reasons such as those demonstrated in that image. It's really dumb for mouse users.12:26
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ryannathansif i had a tablet it would be okay12:26
crizzyryannathans: logout should be enough12:26
Gage_568 x 577 pixels12:26
makara_aibo: you need to turn of networking I think. It writes over resolv.conf12:26
makara_aibo: or set the DNS using the GUI12:27
Gage_ryannathans: Lifehacker has an article on how to make 11.10 look like previous versions with gnome-fallback-session12:27
aibomakara_, concretely? I'm on ubuntu server, so command-line only12:27
yt372I'm trying out 12.04 - can someone tell me how I change the theme?12:28
aibomakara_, here is my /etc/networking/interfaces http://pastie.org/private/exghqn79lbsb4sdoynpwa12:28
Gage_Lol, I just refuse to update to 11.10.12:29
Gage_Unity's horrible.12:29
makara_ryannathans: goto compiz and hide the launcher. Get Docky and load all your start icons into that. I have a shortcut key when I need the launcher to run a program as root or empty the trash bin but thats it12:30
mosnoGage_, 11.10 + GNOME Shell == reasonable alternative12:30
makara_ryannathans: there's also Cairo dock - software centre12:30
mosnoie. you still get your gnome session12:30
makara_gnome-fallback didn't do it for me12:30
mosnoah, if you don't have 3D i don't recommend GS12:30
SilverbackWell, day one of Xubuntu on a very old P-III - Seems to be very good and much lighter on the system than XP. Yep, I am a very olde "newbie".12:31
aibomakara_, solved12:32
makara_aibo: what was it?12:33
aibomakara_, apt-get remove resolvconf12:33
dr_willis Unity in 12.04 iis very useable12:34
makara_isn't beta out today?12:34
MonkeyDustmy unity 3d is ruined12:34
mosnodr_willis, any faster?12:36
mosnodr_willis, and is it still using compiz?12:36
dr_willisYes and yes12:37
yt372I'm trying out 12.04 - can someone tell me how I change the theme?12:38
paradiesstaubI'm currently testing precise. My PC just crashed compleatly and I on't know how to report the crash - could be the kernel or compiz.12:38
dr_willisSee #ubuntu+1 paradiesstaub12:39
ryannathansyay, better frame rate!12:42
ryannathanslooks smexy now.12:42
ryannathansnext, updating AMD Catalyst™ Proprietary Display Driver - Linux x86 & Linux x86_64  to 12.112:43
baldarishey guys , i have installed Virtualbox , when trying to install windows 7 , I am getting this error message ...been reading though forums..but cant seem to fix it..can some suggest me what i could do?Failed to open a session for the virtual machine windows 7.12:43
baldarisFailed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_SUPLIB_WORLD_WRITABLE).12:43
bazhangbaldaris, try in #vbox if you don't get an answer here12:44
crizzyryannathans: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Oneiric_Installation_Guide#Create_.deb_packages.12:44
baldarisbazhang, i tried there...after that i am here12:45
crizzyryannathans: basically just download, chmod the file, run buildpkg, install debs, initial config, and reboot12:45
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crizzy(has worked always for me like that)12:45
MonkeyDustbaldaris  https://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=40525&start=012:46
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seth_how do i get rid of unity?12:47
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:47
ryannathanscrizzy: the 11.9 is installed12:47
ryannathans/usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh is missing...12:47
crizzyryannathans: just install on top of old debs, works12:48
bennypHi. I'm installing ubuntu on a public computer (in a youth hostel lobby actually) Is there a card I can print out and attach to the monitor of an Ubuntu install in order to give users a heads up to why the computer looks different and purple?12:48
user1hi, how to check network monitoring for all users in office, in ubuntu 11.1012:48
MonkeyDustbennyp  there's this, moment12:49
ryannathanscrizzy: the installer is complaining the old one isn't uninstalled12:49
MonkeyDustbennyp  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/03/ubuntu-ads-start-appearing-online/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+d0od+%28OMG%21+Ubuntu%21%2912:49
Squarismis there some graphical alternative to TOP ?12:50
ryannathansSquarism: htop12:50
crizzySquarism: 'system monitor'12:50
baldarisMonkeyDust, trying to install Oracle VM Virtual Box 4.0.6 Extension Pack12:50
baldarislets see what happens12:50
crizzyryannathans: build the debs, don't run the installer itself12:50
crizzyryannathans: then dpkg -i *deb12:51
bennypMonkeyDust: looking more for something print formatted, preferably with basic instructions "IE = Firefox, Office = Libre" "Start Menu= Panel", etc12:51
=== jah is now known as getafix
bennypsomething I could glue to the side of the computer monitor12:51
MonkeyDustbennyp  why not make it yourself?12:52
bennypMonkeyDust: love to, but my schedule is tight.12:52
ryannathanscrizzy: it says it generated it and put it in the current dir, it didn't12:53
crizzysure you ran it with sudo ?12:53
=== tazjin|away is now known as tazjin
ryannathansyeah, i was missing dependencies12:54
ryannathanstrying again12:54
crizzyryannathans: you might be missing the required tools then: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Oneiric_Installation_Guide#Before_you_start12:54
yt372bennyp: Even people who haven't used Linux are familiar with Firefox. You could always rename shortcuts as "Internet", "Office" etc.12:54
ryannathanscrizzy: yeah i read the log and got the right ones12:55
bennypyt372: that's fine, but if something nice is prepared already, it'd be nice to leave the client with something12:55
ryannathans\o/ building12:56
bennypyt372: MonkeyDust , this is a little closer https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/Materials?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=Look-alikeContest%28uk%29.pdf12:56
Squarismryannathans, crizzy : i must say both of them are so-so in determining giving a good overview of what is eating memory / cpu... theres no tool like "disk usage analyzer" but for memory? I mean some graphical thingy... both htop an S.M. doesnt show subtree totals for mem...12:58
ryannathansSquarism: can't you just use htop and sort by memusage12:59
ryannathansbrb, restarting12:59
Squarismryannathans, not in tree mode... and in flatmode i get all damn subprocess/threads which gives me a damn long list13:00
crizzySquarism: well.. system monitor can show processes and their memory usage, no?13:01
yt372I'm trying out 12.04 - can someone tell me how I change the theme?13:02
Daekdroom!precise | yt37213:02
ubottuyt372: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+113:02
ultrixxwhich blogging software is the best that i can use on ubuntu-server?13:03
yt372ultrixx: Is this to run a blog on a webserver, or for the user to write a blog?13:04
ikoniaultrixx: you can use any blogging software you want13:04
ultrixxyt372: to run a blog on a server13:04
ultrixxi have heard that wordpress is so insecure13:04
ikoniaultrixx: ubuntu server is no different than any other web server host, so you can select any one you like13:04
yt372ultrixx: I recommend Wordpress. It's very popular, and user friendly for just blogs13:04
ikoniaultrixx: the guys in the #wordpress channel can explain it's pros/cons to you13:05
yt372ultrixx: They respond and fix security problems which are reported.13:05
ultrixxyt372,ikonia: thanks13:05
=== q-rban is now known as q0rban
faLUCEhi, is there a REALLY GOOD alternative to rosegarden for midi editing?13:09
ikoniafaLUCE: music production general has poor products on linux from experience13:09
ikoniathe tools for "mucking around" are fine13:09
faLUCEikonia: this is not an useful answer13:10
faLUCEI'm sure there's something good.13:10
ikoniafaLUCE: it is the truth though13:10
ikoniafaLUCE: if you are sure there is something good, why are you asking13:10
ikoniafaLUCE: if you are sure it exists, go and find it13:10
faLUCEbecause I can't find it13:10
ikoniarather than accepting that the product range is poor in general, as I'v suggested, I used a ton of tools and always go back to the industry backed tools which are unavailable on linux13:11
ikoniafaLUCE: also, please don't cross post the same question in multiple ubuntu channels, it's cross-posting spam and not useful13:11
artzhi.. how to determine problem on local network fileserver? it cancels  sftp connections on bigger load - over 1000 files....13:12
jasonmsphey all.  How can I change the display settings to default in unity from a recovery terminal?  I was changeing the display and I lost the ability to interface.13:12
jasonmspI can't see anything as the screen is all garbaled.13:12
artzjust cancels, and every program that is connected to fileserver crashes.... i have tried many computers to connect... so it must be server fault... but cannot find any log :S13:13
=== chad is now known as cwainey
cwaineyI'm having a small problem with streaming HD flash videos... I'm using Oneric with several browsers, all of which have the same problem... the HD videos are choppy. Any advice?13:15
ensihi, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 LTS, why am i getting "403 forbidden" when trying to install packages13:17
ensisuch as mesa-utils13:17
ensii have apt-get updated and apt-get --fix-missing to no end13:17
ensistill b0rked13:17
MonkeyDustensi  sudo apt-get upadate, first13:17
MonkeyDustensi  sudo apt-get update, first13:17
mosdef100200Hi there I have got ubuntu 10.10 running as wubi install can i install ubuntu 11.10 wubi beside the other ubutu on startup?13:17
ensiMonkeyDust: like i said i have done that already13:17
ikoniaensi: 403 is coming from the repo you are using, validate that repo is running13:18
ensiikonia: how?13:18
shipper_hello, is someone here who knows somthing about mwlib and renderserver?? i need help T_T13:18
ikoniaensi: well you can see the url apt is trying to use, validate that13:18
ensiikonia: well it reponds to ping13:19
ensibut i guess its not working otherwise13:19
ikoniaensi: ping is not a web response13:19
ikoniaensi: check it's running the repo over http13:19
ikoniaensi: that is how apt gets the info, it downloads it from a web server13:19
ensiwell i can see that13:19
ensibut if its printing the http response already.13:20
ikoniaensi: if you can see that why are you making silly reponses like "it responds to ping"13:20
encrypthi folks, running an upgrade and there's  a problem with the gnome-icon-theme package. it has unment dependencies and apt-get -f install does not resolve them. ??13:20
ikoniaensi: help your self as you clearly know everything already, despite asking basic questions13:20
ensiok it ives me 403 in browser as well13:20
ikoniaencrypt: do you have any 3rd party repositories or PPAs on your system13:20
encrypti've already unchecked them13:21
ikoniaencrypt: have you installed things from them though ?13:21
=== MartinS is now known as Guest81657
encryptprobably one or two packages for the faenza icons13:21
cwaineyAnyone know of any way to improve the playing of flash videos?13:22
ikoniaencrypt: I suspect that will be the problem then, the PPA's will have downloaded packages which will be causing the conflict with the ubuntu packages13:22
bennypINSTALL ISSUE: 11.10 i386 CD, graphical installer. ethernet is working (verified in firefox) but installer shows a grey "X" next to "internet connection is enabled". At next step, installer goes straight to partition table (windows is installed), but no table is presented, and options to create new table are greyed out.13:22
ikoniaencrypt: it's quite a common thing for PPA's13:22
ensiikonia: yeah i'll just do that13:22
jazzkovskyI'm trying to use wget to download a file from an ftp server. How do I apply the login data? Googled and couldn't find this ...13:22
encryptall third party repos are disabled, only official repositories from canonical, universe and so on since upgrading to 12.0413:23
dwatkinsjazzkovsky: the wget manpage has details on this, type "man wget" to open it or it's available online at various places also13:23
ikoniaencrypt: yes, but disabling AFTER you've installed things is too late, as the packages that cause the conflict are already installed on your systme13:23
encryptproblem is that i cannot run any upgrade13:24
jazzkovskydwatkins: thx13:24
encryptso should i remove those faenza icons...13:24
ikoniaencrypt: no, as I've said, it's quite common with PPA's to create conflicts, as a lot / most PPA's ae not maintained13:24
=== Mud is now known as Guest43525
jasonmspwheres the best play to share a screenshot here to show the issues I'm having with my display?13:25
encryptor maybe purge all non-official repos  and re-run the upgrade??13:25
fixxxermetHey guys.  I'm looking for a plugin of sorts for gnome that would, when I open new terminals, open them not on top of each other, but evenly across my desktop.13:25
jasonmspThe display needs to be reset as I can't interface with anything.13:25
fixxxermetI'm using 10.04.313:25
Mahmoudhi -- i have disk encryption, and following an improper shutdown (forced) while hybernating, i booted up my laptop again but my ~/Documents is just empty (ls shows no files!) -- hints?13:25
venonexist 64 and 32 bit procesor ? :D13:26
MonkeyDustvenon  is that a question?13:27
ikoniaencrypt: you can try but I doubt that will resolve the issue13:27
venonMonkeyDust yes13:27
jasonmsphey all.  I could really use the help.  My desktop/work computer is an oversized paperweight right now until I can determine how to reload the default display option, or clear it otherwise.13:28
bennypThe 11.10 graphical installer does not recognize my (working) ethernet connection or my (working) windows partition. any advice on how to proceed?13:28
encryptsince it is an icon-theme package, guess will have to do with other icon packages, probably the faenza icons? ive read one or two bad things about those13:28
venonMonkeyDust you know ?13:29
kosaidpohello guys13:29
ganesh_ariveguruhi....can anyone tell about zodb blobs...?13:29
kosaidpois there any app other than chntpsw that i can use to make new account in win ??13:29
venonis 64 and 32 bit procesor or its only os ...13:30
kosaidpocus chntpsw clear only psw so my problem is the account that i wanna use it doesnt exist anymore in the list so i need to create new one13:30
ryannathansamd ccc fails to change display settings. I want all three displays be be on same desktop (total res about ~6000x1080)13:30
wyldevenon: to use 64 bit OS you must have at minimum a dual core processor13:30
encryptthis is the output from apt:The following packages have unmet dependencies:13:31
encryptgnome-icon-theme-full: Depends: gnome-icon-theme (= 3.3.91-0ubuntu1) but is installed gnome-icon-theme-symbolic:13:31
ryannathanswylde: I disagree13:31
ikoniaencrypt: that doesn't change what I said earlier13:31
ryannathanswylde: my intel atom netbook has 1 core. 64bit.13:31
dwatkinsvenon: there are both 32 and 64 bit CPUs, you can install 32 or 64-bit operating systems on a 64-bit processor, but only 32-bit OS on a 32-bit CPU13:31
venonwylde I asked if that is 64 and 32 bit processor13:31
Hamedhi every body i have laptop dell inspiron 6400. wifi working but eth0 not working13:32
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dwatkinsvenon: dual core CPUs are 64-bit13:32
soreauHamed: What makes you think it isn't working?13:32
wylderyannathans: true enough, regardless you have to have specific hardware to use 64 Bit13:32
venonand core 2 duo ? :D13:32
crashanddievenon, core 2 duo is 64-bit.13:32
encryptso a single package is forcing me to do what, reinstall the OS????13:33
crashanddievenon, core duo isn't.13:33
venonbut can i install 32 bit os ?  or only 64  ?13:33
ikoniaencrypt: no, you can manually fix the dependency if you can13:33
crashanddieyou can install both, venon.13:33
dwatkinsvenon: core2duo is a dual core cpu13:33
ikoniaencrypt: on paper though it "could" force you down that route13:33
encrypthow, apt-get -f install does not do a thing13:33
venoncrashanddie ok ... but when i have only 32 bit cpu  just 32 bit os  ?13:33
crashanddievenon, yes.13:34
ikoniaencrypt: that's the issue, you'll have to manually work through the package dependencies and manage the packages rather than typing blindly apt-get -f install13:34
venoncrashanddie thanks :)13:34
ikoniaencrypt: depending on how the depencies are linked it may be easier/more realistic to re-install, it may not, you'd need to work it through13:34
hamed_i have wifi working but eth0 wired cable not why ?13:35
wylderyannathans: so that netbook uses an atom processor yes?13:35
cwaineyI'm having a small problem with streaming HD flash videos... I'm using Oneric with several browsers and official flash plugins. I have an 8600gt with proprietary drivers and I can play any other HD videos just fine, so it's a flash problem.  all of which have the same problem... the HD videos are choppy. Any advice?13:35
wylderyannathans: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/processors/atom/atom-processor.html <--- 2 cores13:35
encryptso all the dependencies are to be reinstalled, thats a first step13:35
ryannathanswylde: 2 threads. 1 core.13:35
ikoniaencrypt: no, as that would just re-install what you have13:35
crashanddiecwainey, flash under linux probably isn't able to use hardware accerelation13:36
cwaineyI have run them without problem in the past.13:36
encryptre-install all packages related to gnome-icon-theme13:36
cwaineyThe official flash plugin for linux has the same capabilities as the windows one.13:37
ryannathanswylde: enjoy, http://ark.intel.com/products/42503/Intel-Atom-Processor-N450-%28512K-Cache-1_66-GHz%2913:37
ikoniaencrypt: no, as that won't remove / resolve the other dependencies13:38
encryptso pls what should i re-install??13:39
wylderyannathans:  fair enough :)13:39
wyldebah wrong window13:40
hamed_i have wifi working but eth0 wired cable not why ?13:40
ikoniaencrypt: it's not as simple as "re-install packages" as I said you need to follow/work through the dependencies, and remove/install/reinstall what's needed to resolve the dependencies13:40
cwaineyencrypt, you need to manually resolve the dependencies of the program you want to install/run13:41
cogMy package installer stalled all night for a handful of packages, & I want synaptic & the classic window switcher.  Thanks :)13:42
yt372I'm trying out 12.04 - can someone tell me how I change the theme?13:42
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
Piciyt372 : Precise/12.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.13:42
encryptthat's a hard path for a 3-month-ubuntu-user. even if i choose not to install that specific package the same issue happens again13:42
yt372Pici: Ok, how do I change the theme in 11.10?13:43
Piciyt372: If you're running 12.04 please ask in #ubuntu+1.13:43
ikoniathere is no need for that lagnuage13:44
encrypthey guys, synaptics has a 'fix broken packages' function!!13:45
ikoniaencrypt: yes13:45
cwaineyEncrypt: yes13:45
willhey guys. does anyone have experience with soundcards and ubuntu? i'm considering buying a no name brand or a creative labs soundblaster, but i'm trying to figure out which is more likely to work13:45
cwaineyLinux tends to have very good soundcard support... you might have to fiddle around a bit to get it to work.13:47
cwaineywill, I have yet to find a SB card that doesn't work.13:47
=== Lupinedk is now known as lupinedk
encryptso synaptic is my saviour... should've started right there from the beginning13:49
bennypis there a short FAQ for windows -> 11.10 migrants?13:49
willcwainey: i've got an x-fi that works, though the one i'm considering now (for another PC) is a cheapo one that doesn't seem to have many success stories with ubuntu online13:50
willbut i'll take your recommendation in mind! i hope it'll be fine13:50
=== Robert_ is now known as Guest47873
geirhabennyp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows13:50
bennypgeirha: thanks a mint!13:51
hamed_ i have wifi working but eth0 wired cable not. why ?13:51
cwaineywill, I have an audigySE in mine, and the only problem I had with it was that I had to disable the digital output with alsamixer to get the analog working13:51
bmonkjhamed_, what does ifconfig give you?13:52
wingiei have assigned ALT+1, ALT+2, ALT+3... for my workspaces .. why isn't it switching workspace when hitting the combinations?13:52
willcwainey: that one isn't huuugely more expensive, so i think i'll get that. doesn't seem to have digital output in the picture though13:52
bennypgeirha: all of that info is out of date and beyond the comprehension of my clients, unfortunately :/13:52
willcwainey: my PC tower toppled over and the only thing that seems to have broken is the sound card... :(13:52
Sidewinder1encrypt, Yes, I'm a big Synaptic fan. I've heard that the later versions won't install it by default, but that it will be available in the repos.13:53
cwaineyWill, it does, the output is shared through the analog13:53
encryptbtw, following this topic, is the ubuntu-desktop package (or any other desktop package) fully functional on top of my native DE?13:53
cwaineyWill: hence why it need to be disabled13:54
encryptwell, i guess it doesn't have the pretty pretty GUI to be shipped out of the box (synaptic i mean)13:55
willcwainey: that would explain it! thanks :)_13:55
cwaineyWill: Also, I have the SE because I lost my onboard audio in a thunderstorm... just the audio, nothing else, so we're in the same boat :P13:55
wingiehow do i switch workspace with keyboard?13:55
geirhawingie: ctrl+alt+arrow13:56
willcwainey: haha, spooky. well i'm glad it worked out okay for you! now i just need to figure out whether to buy it from my local PC shop or screw them over and get it slightly cheaper online13:56
geirhabennyp: Sorry, I don't know any others.13:56
wingiegeirha: thanks .. where can i find these key combinations for the enitre OS?13:56
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cwaineyWill: :P that ones on you...13:56
Sidewinder1encrypt, Synaptic was default in all of the versions that I have used, Gutsy, Hardy and now Lucid.13:56
cwaineyWingie... google?13:56
bennypgeirha: ok thanks though13:56
geirhawingie: keyboard settings13:57
encryptsidewinder: things seem to have changed quite a lot since those versions, i guess13:57
hamed_module eth0 not found how can i get it ?13:57
=== Guest31147 is now known as kike
coghow to restart ubuntu software center downloads that failed all night long13:57
bmonkjwingie, if you use unity there was a background that you could put on your desktops with shortcuts13:58
Sidewinder1encrypt, You can say that again, alas; but, I won't go there. ;-)13:58
wingiebmonkj: im on unity but no such wallpaper13:58
hamed_device not found - module not found . could any one help me13:59
bmonkjwingie, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/ubuntu-unity-keyboard-shortcuts.html13:59
hamed_eth0 device not found - module not found . could any one help me14:00
encryptsidewinder: i just have the perspective of a new user, so can't say anything about previous versions, started with 11.1014:00
pip__could someone point me to a non-pae mini iso that I can try the 12.04 beta1 from please  If that makes sense..14:00
oliverytywho is using ubuntu 12.0414:02
encryptonly what people say in forums, seems that this linux thing (different DE and a miriad of OS) is diversifying to a point of do-it-yourself in computing14:03
XLVencrypt, yeah.. free will is a bitch14:03
oliverytyhey guys are you trying ubuntu 12.04?14:04
XLVoliveryty, topic.. ubuntu+1 specifically14:04
wingiethx for the help all14:04
ikoniacog: please stop being silly14:05
ubottuUbuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+114:05
=== sepehr is now known as Guest44904
ubottudenatk: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:05
encryptxlv yeah, but so much freedom leaves you with doing the same things on different OS, which is pointless, so better stick with one and keep on riding i gues14:05
MechanisMhello anyone knows new ppa for chromium? seems like this one https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa I used before is not updated long time.14:06
XLVencrypt, its not different OS, its all linux, and even same apps.. at worse you might have different location on config files14:06
encryptthat's right, different flavours is more accurate14:07
compdoccant wait to try  Ubuntu 12.04 LTS14:07
MechanisMcompdoc nothing special here. I'm on 12.04 a few months14:08
compdocMechanisM, but its not finished yet14:08
=== tazjin is now known as tazjin|away
encrypt6 month release is pretty hectic, after starting to discover the previous version you have another one on alpha or beta!14:09
MechanisMcompdoc I don't expect lot of changes. HUD is here, new login screen is here. and still nothing special yet.14:10
=== mun_ is now known as mun
encryptsynaptic is my friend, definitely :)14:11
cwaineyI'm having a small problem with streaming HD flash videos... I'm using Oneric with several browsers and official flash plugins. I have an 8600gt with proprietary drivers and I can play any other HD videos just fine, so it's a flash problem.  all of which have the same problem... the HD videos are choppy. Any advice?14:12
MechanisMsuch a shame faenza don't offer icons for 12.04 system-settings icons.14:12
godofwaranyone know how to hibernate with ubuntu 11.10 gnome 3???14:13
XLVcwainey, hardware acceleration setting is selected in flash settings? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187297914:14
Sidewinder1!lts > encrypt14:14
ubottuencrypt, please see my private message14:14
wingieis it possible to virtualize Windows and Mac OS X legally from Ubuntu?14:14
jpdswingie: Yes.14:14
MechanisMcwainey yep it's flash problem. I'm playing a flash browser based 3d game and sometimes pc even switching off suddenly.14:14
XLVwingie, windows, yes, osx, no14:14
studentWe are from Poland ;-)14:15
student1 xD14:15
crackerjackzMechanisM, what version of flash are you using and what web browser are you using?14:15
XLVstudent, sol14:15
wingiewhat's the best solution for it?14:15
yt372cwainey: Flash on Linux can be quite slow... The Linux/Mac versions are a lot more optimized14:15
jpds!best | wingie, but probably VirtualBox14:15
ubottuwingie, but probably VirtualBox: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:15
yt372cwainey: Oops, meant Windows14:15
crackerjackzcwainey, what version of flash are you running and what web browser?14:15
studentSiema Bogdan14:15
MechanisMcrackerjackz browser is chromium 18+ and flash is 11.1+14:16
cwaineyRunning flash 11 on firefox, and running official google chrome, the latest version, with whatever come preinatalled.14:17
MechanisMcrackerjackz flash 3d game causing high temperature.14:17
acerhello everyone14:17
cwaineyChrome keeps it's flash up to date by itself.14:17
MechanisMcwainey chrome != chromium14:17
cwaineyThought they were separate builds?14:18
encryptall this hassle of upgrading to have a lts version, three years ahead of relax and joy14:18
crackerjackzMechanisM, try opera with flash 10.3, i use a lot of video chat sites and facebook apps which often times use flash but i can not get those sites working with the newest version of flash.14:18
oliveryty12.04 is in beta1 now14:18
oliverytyI have installed it14:18
crackerjackzi have also noticed that opera is a little less buggier than firefox and chrome when it comes to flash14:18
Sidewinder1encrypt, And I hear that Precise will be 5 years for desktop. :-)14:19
XLVencrypt, beware what you wish.. if use use lts and want the latest and greatest capability of some newer package14:19
yt372crackerjackz: It shouldn't make a difference... The Flash plugin used by Opera/Firefox will be identical14:19
MechanisMcrackerjackz no I don't like blind to read code opera and I need flash 11.1+ to support nice 3d accelerated by video card14:19
crackerjackzyt372, you're right they do share the flash plugin but stickam.com works for me on opera.. and on firefox it doesn't14:20
hypershockcrackerjackz: have you tried gnash?14:20
Sidewinder1encrypt, This site tells alot about ubuntu, it's history and sorta' where it's going: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_%28operating_system%2914:20
MechanisMcrackerjackz look at this http://alternativaplatform.com/en/showcase/ your flash 10 even can't handle it.14:21
crackerjackzhypershock, in the past i have...14:21
yt372hypershock: Are you seriously suggesting gnash as more reliable than the properitary Flash? That's a joke...14:21
hypershockcrackerjackz: have you tried it lately to see if it solvers your problem?14:21
crackerjackzhypershock, yes14:22
MechanisMhypershock gnash can't deal with serious flash14:22
crackerjackzMechanisM, well how come a lot of websites i use will not render when i'm using the latest flash plug in?14:23
hypershockyt372: yes, i am actually. I use chrome all the time, but when I use firefox to test my website, often times it would complain despite the lastest adobe flash plugin being installed, but I just recently installed gnash again and it stopped complaining. however, i do have both installed.14:23
XLVhypershock, nice stew there14:23
yt372hypershock: That sounds more like a problem with your configuration than anything to do with gnash/adobe's plugins14:23
hypershockyt372: i don't have a problem, i like my stew. :)14:24
crackerjackzhypershock, i can help you with your website14:24
=== matt_ is now known as matter9
encryptsidewinder, thanks for the info, will have a look for proper moves on my future OS's quests, actually i have some space reserved for a new baby in my drive..14:24
crackerjackzi am very familiar with xhtml, css, php, and mysql14:24
cwaineySo, I tried opera and my frame rate doubled! I went from 2ps to 4 fps.14:25
hypershockcrackerjackz: really, like how? the flash elements are from my affiliate: amazon, so i have no control over why gnash was needed ff to make it work. however, like I said i prefer chrome for browsing.14:25
TeodorMhi! i haveubuntu 11.10... and it worked fine untill 5 minutes ago, when it started to not playing videos or having problems in playing video on the internet. for exeple.. on youtube.. the player it is tinyer, in vplay.ro the video does not start...14:25
MechanisMso anyone know ppa for latest chromium? ex daily-builds? I know and currently using https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa, but their "daily build" ended in january14:25
crackerjackzhypershock, so your website is all in mxml?14:25
crackerjackzmxml code14:26
MechanisMcrackerjackz mxml is flex14:26
crackerjackzMechanisM, which is for flash right?14:26
MechanisMyep correct14:26
MechanisMI'm ex flex dev14:26
crackerjackzi learned a little bit about flex played around with it for a couple days never really got too deep into it though i had too many other projects going on at the time MechanisM14:27
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XLVcwainey, read the link i posted14:27
encryptAt last update-manager finished its task!! thanks ikonia but thanks to synaptic!14:28
MechanisMcrackerjackz since html5 and css3 is out I'm ended up with flash/flex dev. and switched to python/django/nodejs + html5/jquery/css314:28
studentBooogdan ;-)14:28
studentodezwij sie14:28
crackerjackzMechanisM, do you think html5 will ever replace flash?14:28
TeodorMhi! i haveubuntu 11.10... and it worked fine untill 5 minutes ago, when it started to not playing videos or having problems in playing video on the internet. for exeple.. on youtube.. the player it is tinyer, in vplay.ro the video does not start...  what to do?14:28
crackerjackzTeodorM, sounds like a problem with flash to me14:29
MechanisMcrackerjackz nope. flash still have some features html5 never will reach, but a lot of platforms going to finish support flash.14:30
TeodorMso.. reinstall flash?14:30
MechanisMTeodorM yep reinstall flash plugin14:30
MechanisMand restart browser14:30
cwaineyXLV Checkbox says hardware acceleration enabled, but video info says it's not being used.......14:31
hamed_<hamed_> i have wifi working but eth0 wired cable not why ?14:31
crackerjackzTeodorM, also try different web browsers14:31
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XLVcwainey, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?s=3c2fbf3b96601ab322edc18a79f4b950&p=11428681&postcount=514:32
sipiorhamed_: it would be useful to know the card, and also how you tried to configure it.14:32
MechanisMso noone using chromium and noone know ppa for current dev builds?14:32
yt372I wouldn't advise using chrome/chromium, unless you like belonging to a botnet14:33
cwaineyxlv.. ohhh. that post :P14:33
MechanisMyt372 I wanted advice for ppa14:33
hamed_at first i have aproblem in wifi    then i run     sudo modprob b43 then wifi worked but auto eth0 disappeared14:33
johnmMechanisM: don't feed the troll ;)14:34
XLVMechanisM, https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa that one has a build from jan 1214:34
johnmMechanisM: tbh, I ended up uding the official chrome beta channels over the chromium-dailies, but if you prefer chromium specifically then the chromium-daily team have a ppa14:34
_Marcus!ot | yt372 (it's not a botnet btw)14:35
ubottuyt372 (it's not a botnet btw): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:35
MechanisMXLV yep I'm using it now. and they no longer maintain. current verion is 18 and stopped updating from this ppa14:35
teknosuperwhere do you come from?14:35
cypher-neojohnm, I found the Chromium dailies to be slightly unstable, so I'm using the beta PPA as well.14:35
MechanisMjohnm gimme chrom dev channel pp pls14:35
johnmcypher-neo: exactly the same treason I stopped14:35
yt372_Marcus: Chrome/Chromium exists within Ubuntu, so it was on-topic14:35
teknosuperis this live chat??14:36
johnmMechanisM: http://www.google.com/landing/chrome/beta/14:36
Piciteknosuper: This is the official Ubuntu support channel.  If you just want to chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic or #defocus14:36
hamed_and i add lp b43 in etc/modules14:36
_MarcusThis is the Ubuntu support channel, yt372. Not the Ubuntu Software Discussion channel. If you want to talk about that, go to #ubuntu-offtopic14:36
johnmyt372: suggesting a webdev not use one of the most popular browsers on the web through unfounded claims of its insecurities is off topic.14:36
cypher-neoteknosuper, No, it's actually delayed by a few nanoseconds so what we type can be input into the system.14:36
_Marcusjohnm: I wouldn't recommend it for that anyway. Chrome has low HTML5 support.14:37
johnm_Marcus: but its still very popular and therefore something any webdev presumably needs to test with regardless :)14:37
_Marcusjohnm: Yeah14:37
cypher-neoCan someone tell me what this error message means? I keep getting this message when I update. http://paste.ubuntu.com/871524/14:38
roastedIf I want to make changes to my mouse config file to operate differently, what file am I to change?14:39
yt372You don't have to use Chrome to test support for it, any other browser using Webkit would do14:40
XLVcypher-neo, http://www.garyshood.com/unknownmedia/14:40
XLVcypher-neo, for future reference, google the error message, first link14:41
arsh_hey,....  does the command  : sed -i.bak '/line of text/d' *     makes changes to the current dir or the home dir14:41
cypher-neoXLV, So that error really isn't important.14:41
_Marcusyt372: Chrome has changed from webkit. They still use it as a base, but it's different.14:41
XLVcypher-neo, no, it just complains for some unknown or not set up correctly mime types14:42
cypher-neoXLV, I don't feel compelled to edit it away. I just wanted to make sure that it was updating okay.14:42
cwaineyXLV- worked. thanks.14:42
cypher-neoXLV, Winamp... hahaha!14:42
Toddls- l14:42
Toddwrong window and a typo.. sorry14:42
XLVcypher-neo, blasphemy14:43
cypher-neoXLV, I was wondering why it was complaining about winamp when I was updating chromium.14:43
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XLVcypher-neo, just another mime type, it parses that whole kde.xml and complains about any not setup correctly mime type it finds in there14:43
hamed_http://paste.ubuntu.com/871515/   why my wired net not working but wifi working14:44
cwaineynow.... idk if I have any hope at all, but does anybody know of a way to access the itunes store in linux? does itunes work in wine?14:44
yt372cwainey: Older versions do I believe14:45
roastedIf I want to make changes to my mouse config file to operate differently, what file am I to change?14:47
pestilencehas anybody else experienced this problem:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/89606/gnome-terminal-doesnt-refresh14:48
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pestilenceit is incredibly frustrating.14:48
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satyanashroasted, I think you want your mouse to operate differently, and not your mouse configuration file.14:48
roastedsatyanash: well I'm working with Ubuntu on a Macbook, where touchpads act.. well... terrible. I found on Google someone suggested to type in terminal 2 commands, synclient fingerlow and synclient fingerhigh. Once I did that, the touchpad works GREAT, but this isn't permanent unless I add these entries to the mouse config file or whatever... I'm just not sure what that is.14:49
theadminpestilence: Have you tried other terminal emulators? xfce4-terminal is similar to gnome-terminal, for instance.14:49
satyanashroasted, you could put them in scripts, and make them autorun whenever you login.14:50
pestilencetheadmin: I have tried rxvt and mrxvt.  they both have the problem, although it is less severe.14:50
mneptok!info terminator | pestilence14:50
ubottupestilence: terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (oneiric), package size 226 kB, installed size 1884 kB14:50
roastedsatyanash: I could do that, however I'm curious if I could just edit the mouse file and be done with it...14:50
XLVroasted, then edit it14:50
theadminpestilence: Hm, does it persist in non-Unity desktops?14:50
satyanashroasted, somebody else might know it then.14:50
mneptokpestilence: did you read the forums post where people said that using a different nVidia driver solved the issue?14:50
pestilencemneptok: not sure what that has to do with my problem.14:51
roastedXLV: okay, and again I'm asking - which file....14:51
mneptokpestilence: try another terminal emulator14:51
roastedXLV: the documentation didn't say which file, it just said edit the synaptics file or whatever to make it permanent.14:51
mneptokpestilence: and temrinator is a good one14:51
theadminroasted: Put the commands in a script and add the script to startup apps, that's all14:51
pestilencemneptok: it is based on gnome-terminal...how is that a different emulator?14:51
roastedtheadmin: did it ever occur I'm trying to learn this out of sake of curiosity as well? Which... file... would... need... to... be... edited...14:52
pestilencemneptok: yes, I have updated the nvidia driver.  I did not try using the ultra old one that was recommended in the forum14:52
theadminroasted: There likely is none?14:52
roastedtheadmin: there is.14:52
roastedpositive of it.14:52
pestilencetheadmin: i have not tried it in non-Unity desktops.  I only have unity installed.14:52
roastedI just forget which one.14:52
theadminroasted: Or maybe xorg.conf, but I'm not sure14:52
roastedI thought this would be an easy question in here?14:52
pestilencetheadmin: i am going to try logging into the 2D desktop to see if that changes anything.14:52
mneptokpestilence: well, that forum post specifically says that a particular incarnation of the nVidia proprietary drivers are responsible for the issue.14:52
hamed_\<hamed_> http://paste.ubuntu.com/871515/   why my wired net not working but wifi working14:53
pestilencemneptok: that forum post is 3.5 years old.  you really think I should try installing a driver that was old when that post was made?14:53
R5Abonjour nous sommes14:53
mneptokpestilence: i think you should try the "nouveau" FLOSS driver.14:53
mneptokR5A: Anglais seulement en cette canal, STP.14:54
ActionParsnippestilence: guake is dead handy if you use terminal a lot14:55
satyanashguake ?14:55
pestilenceActionParsnip: i have not tried guake14:55
roastedSo, anyway, still trying to figure out which file I am to edit to adjust the behavior of my mouse. Where would it be?14:55
pestilenceit does seem that logging into the 2D desktop (sans compiz) has eliminated the problem.  I really like some of the compiz effects though.14:56
pestilencee.g. the keyboard shortcuts like ctrl+alt+numpad left14:56
ActionParsnippestilence: its great, hides and shows with F12 by default.You can kick off a long running command and then hide the terminal and get on with stuff, then show it again to see how things is going :)14:57
satyanashWOW! GUAKE is _Awesome_.14:57
satyanashJust checked out its screenshots.14:57
pestilencemneptok: is the nouveau driver useable?14:57
ActionParsnipsatyanash: very (yakuake is the KDE equiv)14:57
satyanashit can act as a replacement for dmenu, synapse, etc..14:57
satyanashwith the features of a terminal.14:57
ActionParsnipsatyanash: tilda is a lighter version, good for Lubuntu /Xubuntu14:57
mneptokpestilence: i don't use it (i have ATI) but AFAIK it is very usable, just no 3D.14:57
ActionParsnipsatyanash: should be default imho14:58
pestilence"just no 3D" means no compiz, correct?14:58
mneptokpestilence: correct14:58
pestilencewhich would totally defeat the purpose :)14:58
XLVroasted, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics#Synclient14:59
ActionParsnippestilence: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc14:59
satyanashWhy didn't I see this before!14:59
pestilenceActionParsnip: oneiric14:59
ActionParsnippestilence: what GPU do you use?14:59
roastedXLV: THANK YOU!14:59
ActionParsnipsatyanash: every day is a school day14:59
semixxhow i can upagrade my xubuntu 9.10 on 10.0415:00
pestilenceActionParsnip: nVidia Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] (rev a2)15:00
roastedXLV: drat, this must be old. doesn't exist.15:00
roastedXLV: oh, I see why. It's Arch. :/15:00
XLVroasted, maybe you need to create it15:00
MonkeyDustsemixx  best is to fresh install15:00
XLVroasted, its the same in ubuntu15:00
roastedXLV: I'm not sure I do. I thought I remember seeing it.15:00
ActionParsnippestilence: which driver are you using? nvidia-settings will tell ou15:00
roastedXLV: evidently not. xorg.conf.d doesn't exist in X11.15:00
pestilenceActionParsnip: 295.2015:01
ActionParsnippestilence: how did you install it?15:01
semixxmonkeyDust:i have no cd15:01
cwaineySemixx Go to ubuntu.com and download the the 10.04 release. then burn to cd15:01
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade15:01
pestilenceActionParsnip: myself.  the driver is installed correctly, that much I can assure you. And installing the official "restricted" drivers yields the exact same result.15:02
ActionParsnippestilence: I believe the 295 is beta15:02
mstentaHey all… just found out my Ubuntu-based VPS has been compromised… I'm not a sysadmin expert… any advice?15:02
pestilenceActionParsnip: that may be, but this bug seems to be in *all* nvidia drivers and/or compiz15:03
semixxbut i want upagrade on xubuntu 10.0415:03
ActionParsnippestilence: report a bug then15:03
MonkeyDustsemixx  repeat from ubottu : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes15:03
_Marcusmstenta: Compromised how?15:03
XLVroasted, http://askubuntu.com/questions/80488/sluggish-unresponsive-trackpad-on-pre-unibody-macbook-pro .. read that15:03
mstentaI noticed that SSHd wasn't working… so I went in through Webmind, and found a bunch of python scripts running these: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3624521/svcrack-py-and-svwar-py15:03
pestilenceActionParsnip: because I tried both of the versions offered by the restricted driver installer first15:03
mi3I installed ubuntu about a month ago, and at that time I had changed the permissions of dmidecode executable so that it would work with conky correctly, now I cant remember what permissions i had given, I also have no idea where that executable is located, can someone freshen me up?15:03
cwaineypestilence, for the record, how did you get the 295.20 driver to install? the download wouldn't work for me15:03
pestilenceActionParsnip: i can do that. I am guessing that the people there are going to point out the same thing that you just pointed out and force me to remove the beta driver.15:04
_Marcusmstenta: First, delete the files(if they aren't yours of course)15:04
Twinkletoesmi3: /usr/sbin/dmidecode?15:04
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pestilencecwainey: i got it from the nvidia website.  it is not recommended unless you are very comfortable with working without X15:04
drumusicianwhy is wunderlist not working?15:04
ActionParsnippestilence: worth a shot, you can get the stable 290 driver from the xorg edgers update ppa (less fresh more stable015:04
mneptokpestilence: beta quality closed source software tends to meet with cool receptions on FLOSS bugtrackers.15:04
mstenta_Marcus: ok… i shut down the server temporarily, until i could figure out the right steps to take. i know what user they are running under… should i try to ban ssh access for that user somehow?15:04
jribmstenta: you should reinstall imo15:05
pestilencemneptok: fair enough, but until we get some compromise on the nvidia driver that's the world we live in.15:05
_Marcusmstenta: First, find the IP they are connecting with15:05
_Marcusmstenta: Write that down so you can keep track of it.15:05
mi3Twinkletoes I got the executable but I cant recollect how I changed the permissions from the terminal15:05
cypher-neoCan anyone help me with a cron / gnome-scheduler question?15:05
cwaineypestilence, well, i tried to download the file, and the archive always dl'd as corrupt.... i got the 275.something release from the site, and it installed fine.15:06
mstenta_Marcus: how do I find that?15:06
Twinkletoesmi3: Do you want to know HOW to change the permissions?15:06
MonkeyDustsemixx  this is a direct howto link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Karmic15:06
drumusiciandoes anyone have succes getting wunderlist working on 12.04?15:06
mneptokpestilence: quite right. but until things change, keep your body armor on. ;)15:06
mi3yeah a little Twinkletoes15:06
MonkeyDustdrumusician  #ubuntu+115:06
cwaineypestilence,  I really have no problem working without X, I just couldn't get it to download. in any browser15:06
Twinkletoesmi3: chmod 755 /usr/sbin/dmidecode15:06
Twinkletoesmi3: That will set you back to the defaults15:06
_Marcusmstenta: I don't know about that. I'll find out in just a second15:06
pestilencecwainey: dunno. i could send it to you.15:06
mstenta_Marcus: thanks!15:07
cwaineypestilence, that would be much appreciated :P15:07
Twinkletoesmi3: It should also be owned/group-owned by  root/root15:07
_Marcusmstenta: There is the command "last". You have to log into that account over SSH though15:07
cypher-neoI am trying to add a scheduled task to cron. Didn't think it would be this difficult. I am trying to have cron execute TWO commands in order every 6 hours.15:07
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: do you have a desktop UI?15:07
cypher-neoWhen I test the configuration though, it only executes the first command. It doesn't execute the second15:08
_Marcusmstenta: So just log into the account over SSH, and type "last". There will be a list of who connected from where the past I dont know times15:08
_Marcusmstenta: Enough to help you15:08
cypher-neoActionParsnip, GNOME-Shell15:08
pestilencecwainey: give me a few minutes.15:08
cwaineypestilence,  thanks much15:08
cypher-neoActionParsnip, And I was using gnome-schedule as a frontend to cron15:08
mstenta_Marcus: ok… once i know that, is there a way to ban everyone from logging in temporarily? so i can download logs before they can possibly be deleted?15:08
lamofgodrocksYEAI'm on ubuntu 11.10 and I just upgraded my video card.  I removed the old drivers and activated the new video ATI driver.  Now most boots are a blank screen or jsut a blinking cursor15:08
_Marcusmstenta: Are you using ufw for your firewall?15:09
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: good enough, there is gnome-schedule you can use to schedule tasks. If the command needs croning as root run it with gksudo15:09
pestilenceit just drives me nuts when basic functionality is broken when i install a new system.  how can people put up with a terminal that doesn't refresh properly?  i don't get it.15:09
_Marcusmstenta: Wait. Are you at the machine physically?15:09
mstenta_Marcus: yea, pretty sure15:09
cypher-neoActionParsnip, I already got the root command to run. The problem I'm having is...15:09
mi3Twinkletoes, I am looking at the dmidecode properties, the Owner is root and has read and write selected, Group is read only, Others is also read only and the executable option is selected, which command i might have used?15:09
mstenta_Marcus: no, it's a Rackspace VPS15:09
L3top_can someone explain how "use best server" works, and how I might replicate this behavior?15:09
_Marcusmstenta: They you wont be able to log in if you block all connections.15:09
cypher-neoActionParsnip, I want it to run this command every six hours: "sudo apt-get update && source ~/.bashrc"15:10
ActionParsnipL3top_: i believe it's ping or maybe a small download from each15:10
mstenta_Marcus: right, so maybe just start by blocking the user that seems to be compromised?15:10
cypher-neoActionParsnip, It runs the first command perfectly! The second does not run. The window closes before it runs.15:10
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: I'd put that in a scipt, then cron the script15:10
Twinkletoesmi3: I dunno what command you might have used, but if you want to reset the perms back to default, use my chmod command previously15:10
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: why do you need to run the source command?15:10
_Marcusmstenta: Yeah. In the OpenSSH file you should have "DenyUsers replaceThisNameWithUser"15:11
_MarcusYou need to put that in there15:11
cypher-neoActionParsnip, I have a few peculiar bash scripts that are very useful. And to execute them all, I source it and they all run.15:11
_Marcusmstenta: That is in /etc/ssh/sshd_config15:11
XLVmstenta, i'd backup and reinstall15:11
XLVmstenta, you cant trust that install anymore15:11
cypher-neoActionParsnip, So make a .sh file out of the commands and schedule that file to run?15:11
L3top_ActionParsnip: does it use mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt xxx and then ping from there?15:12
_Marcusmstenta: Oh. XLV is correct.15:12
mstenta_Marcus: ok… i originally got tipped off to this because the ssh server was down, though… and Webmin said /etc/ssh/sshd_config was misisng15:12
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: the file extension means very little in Linux15:12
mstentaXLV: thanks, yea, I'm planning on nuking it once I get my stuff off15:12
_Marcusmstenta: Uh oh O.o15:12
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: a script is a text file with the top line:  #!/bin/bash   which is executable15:12
L3top_cypher-neo: just make sure you chmod +x nameofscript15:12
_Marcusmstenta: You shuold back up important things, like if you run a httpd server, back up all of that15:13
_Marcusmstenta: And webmin too15:13
_Marcusmstenta: I think Webmin has a tool to do that.15:13
lamofgodrocksYEAI upgraded my vid card to radeon hd6670 and now I get a blank screen.  Anyone seen this?15:13
ActionParsnipL3top_: not sure, but i'd imagine that's what it would do. You could use wireshark to monitor your traffic to see15:13
ActionParsnip_Marcus: webmin isn't compatible with Ubuntu15:13
jribmstenta: you should also attempt to figure out how it was compromised, otherwise it will just happen again15:13
cypher-neoActionParsnip, Couldn't I just point it directly to my bashrc file and let it run it?15:14
ActionParsnipmstenta: webmin isn't compatible with ubuntu15:14
kaushalis there a way to capture the output of commands run on multiple servers using cssh ?15:14
_MarcusActionParsnip: What do you mean "isn't compatible"? It's not official, but it works still15:14
BoxyKDoes there anyone know about power manager? There's a warning in Ubuntu that the full-charge capacity of the battery has dropped. Does anyone know where to configure the threshold for this warning?15:14
mstenta_Marcus and jrib: k, yea like I said before, I shut down the server, so nothings running right now… i'm just trying to figure out the best next steps when i turn it back on15:14
ActionParsnip!webmin | _Marcus15:14
ubottu_Marcus: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.15:14
cypher-neoActionParsnip, It's executable afaik, and it's the script I want to have run.15:14
_MarcusActionParsnip: We have an Ubuntu server here(11.10) and we installed webmin just fine on it, using a tutorial online15:14
mi3Twinkletoes, I dont want to get back to defaults else how will I load it conky? here is the snapshot15:14
jribmstenta: I would allow ssh access only for your current ip15:14
L3top_hmmmm... that means installing ubu... we use kubu for our base... so all of my machines are on kubu.15:14
mstentaActionParsnip: I had webmin running fine on it… it's Ubuntu15:14
ActionParsnip_Marcus: its not compatible which is why its not in the repos15:14
mi3wait let it get uploaded15:14
Mech0zWhen installing sabnzbdplus I want to use my filesystem\data as download location, but when I type Data/NZB it creates a folder in my Home folder15:14
dRealmWhen I install Ubuntu (11.10) via LiveCD, is the kernel being installed built during installation or is it pre-compiled?15:15
_MarcusActionParsnip: Well it works :/15:15
Twinkletoesmi3: then what is it that you want to do?15:15
ActionParsnipmstenta: it can break things, its why it was taken out of the repos15:15
cypher-neoActionParsnip, Never mind... Forget that last question15:15
ActionParsnip!ebox | _Marcus15:15
ubottu_Marcus: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).15:15
mi3I just want to know how to make that file read only15:15
cwaineyhey, how do you list running processes in the term?15:15
_MarcusActionParsnip: It may break things, but we don't have a GUI, nor do we want one, and webmin is good because we can go to it online15:16
uictamalecwainey - i prefer "ps -ef"15:16
_MarcusActionParsnip: It may not be supported, but you do have you have to sometimes15:16
Twinkletoesmi3: chmod ugo-w /usr/sbin/dmidecode15:16
mstentaActionParsnip: could it be the reason my server got hacked?15:16
ActionParsnip_Marcus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebMin15:16
ActionParsnipmstenta: its an open listening port so will reduce security15:16
mi3that will make it read only?15:16
Twinkletoesmi3: Yes15:16
scotty^owa down15:17
ActionParsnip_Marcus: I can only tell you what the official ubuntu documentation says, but what do they know, huh?15:17
mi3will conky be able to access and run it?15:17
abhinavmehtais there some app, which can store places like shops/restaurants etc, which I likely or would like to visit in future? this should be able to store there pic, contact info, gps-location etc…and above of all, should provide searching mechanism to those….so is there some any app for doing this..?15:17
_MarcusActionParnsip: :P15:17
Twinkletoesmi3: You need to learn about permissions if you're going to play around with things like this15:17
ActionParsnipcypher-neo: if you make the script and cron the script, it will run. The source command really isn't needed15:17
L3top_mi3 should take Twinkletoes advice15:17
Mech0zWhen installing sabnzbdplus I want to use my filesystem\data as download location, but when I type Data/NZB it creates a folder in my Home folder, how do I make it use the data folder I have on File System15:17
_MarcusActionParnsip: I know Ubuntu doesn't support Webmin, but I use it because we need it. Everyone here cant be bothered to learn how to use httpd on the command line.15:17
Twinkletoesmi3: The fact that you're asking means you probably shouldn't be doing what you're doing. However, if you want to learn about permissions, you could start here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_permissions15:18
MechanisMabhinavmehta I would suggest to use some website for this purpose.15:18
BoxyKAny expert on power manager here?15:18
ActionParsnip_Marcus: if you do your skills will be transferable as you can administer commands using CLI15:18
Trevor69420wat do u guys think is the best FTP server package i should use?15:19
ActionParsnip!poll | Trevor6942015:19
_MarcusTevor69420: Yes.15:19
ubottuTrevor69420: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:19
MechanisMTrevor69420 yep I'm using it15:19
mi3Twinkletoes your permissions command will make it look like this? http://imagebin.org/202211 bcos thats how my current permissions of the dmidecode file looks like[ i have not applied your command but have taken note of it]15:19
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Twinkletoesmi3: That file in it's default permissions (the ones I gave you earlier) is readable and executable by anybody anywhere on the system15:19
Twinkletoesmi3: that image doesn't give me the permissions15:20
dRealmWhen I install Ubuntu (11.10) via LiveCD,  does it ship with a prebuilt (binary) kernel or is the kernel built *during installation?15:20
theadmindRealm: Prebuilt15:20
theadmindRealm: Ubuntu is largely a binary distro, you almost never have to compile anything15:20
mi3i wonder how I allowed conky to execute dmidecode Twinkletoes15:21
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Twinkletoesmi3: Because that's the default setting for that file15:21
ActionParsnipdRealm: its prebuilt binary15:21
Twinkletoesmi3: It's readable and executable by "other/world"15:21
_MarcusActionParsnip: I've used command line all the time. I even removed it from Ubuntu just so I could have the Ubuntu Server feel without having Ubuntu Server. On the other hand, someone else here is used to Windows, and barely has to use the command line there. They didn't want to learn how to use the command line really well, because it would take too long.15:21
_MarcusActionParsnip: And because we didn't want a GUI using up resources, we used Webmin, because we can access it on other machines.15:22
ActionParsnip_Marcus: think of it as an investment.15:22
mi3anyhow I have taken note of both the commands and I will apply them when I need to re install conky and start dmidecode Twinkletoes[ 1st i should apply the sudo 755 command right?]15:22
XLV_Marcus, and that other has to maintain the server?15:22
_MarcusXLV: Yes.15:22
ActionParsnip_Marcus: webmin isn't compatible. Zentyal is compatible and in the repos.15:22
_MarcusXLV: But they don't work with httpd on command line15:22
_Marcus!zentyal > _Marcus15:23
ubottu_Marcus, please see my private message15:23
Twinkletoesmi3: To change file permissions, use the 'chmod' command.15:23
dRealmtheadmin, and this includes most of the .deb packages (being precompiled) right?  If I am not mistaken, all it does it downloads/fetches the dependencies and copies them to the right locations15:23
lamofgodrocksYEAHow do I get a terminal if I boot to a blank screen?  Is there a key combo I need?15:23
theadmindRealm: Correct, .deb packages are binary as well.15:23
mi3thanks Twinkletoes appreciated your help!15:23
theadmin!text | lamofgodrocksYEA15:24
ubottulamofgodrocksYEA: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode15:24
Twinkletoesmi3: 'sudo' just requests elevated privs when running that command, which you may/may not need15:24
waxstone<lamofgodrocksYEA>try CTRL+ALT+f615:24
Twinkletoesmi3: you're welcome15:24
pestilencehow would you search for bugs about the dialog when you hit alt+f2?  what search terms would you use?15:24
jribpestilence: run-dialog15:24
mneptok_Marcus: Webmin is a gigantic security silhouette.15:24
lamofgodrocksYEAwaxstone, can I get there from recovery mode?15:24
mi3I installed lightdm on my ubuntu natty 11.04 and I switched to it but it does not show me the default background ,instead it shows me a blue background with no mouse and I have to operate everything by keyboard, any suggestions? I removed lightdm, but if I get some suggestions I might re install lightdm again.15:25
lamofgodrocksYEAit only says read only options15:25
yt372mi3: What flags did you use when compiling?15:25
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MechanisMyou need panel to control server?15:25
waxstoneottu> lamofgodrocksYEA: i dont know but you can also try the method described by ubottu above15:25
MechanisMmneptok try out http://ajenti.org15:25
mneptok_Marcus: i would no sooner let someone with no CLI experience admin a Unix box than i would get on an airplane with a "pilot" that requires an autopilot to land the plane.15:25
ActionParsniplamofgodrocksYEA: what GPU do you use? Nice nick btw \m/15:26
XLVmneptok, bad analogy15:26
mi3yt372 I dont know how to compile I just added a repo and installed all the packages15:26
pestilencejrib: that doesn't yield a useful search unfortunately.  tons of completely unrelated bugs15:26
mneptokMechanisM: why would i want that exactly?15:26
jribpestilence: include the package responsible for it15:26
lamofgodrocksYEAActionParsnip, Thanks!  I've upgraded to radeon hd 6670.  Now my screen is blank15:26
mi3I got the repo from the web yt37215:26
ActionParsniplamofgodrocksYEA: is this on the install CD or is it an installed OS?15:27
MechanisMmneptok you talked about webmin so I thought you want admin panel15:27
* mneptok thinks MechanisM has gotten turned around a bit15:27
pestilencejrib: what package is that?15:27
jribpestilence: I don't know15:27
pestilencejrib: looks like somebody already filed it.  thank god.15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 842108 in unity-lens-applications (Ubuntu Precise) "run command (alt+F2): results do not contain the exact match" [Medium,Confirmed]15:28
lamofgodrocksYEAActionParsnip, Its an existing insstall.15:28
ActionParsniplamofgodrocksYEA: try the boot option:   nomodeset15:28
pestilencethis is one of the more sinister bugs i've encountered.15:28
ActionParsniplamofgodrocksYEA: what release did you install?15:28
mi3Is it by default or a bug?15:29
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lamofgodrocksYEAActionParsnip, it only booted once and I forget.  How do I get to nomodeset?15:29
spartan2276How can I get my Webcam to show while using skype? I go to the Sesstings and my laptop webcam is not listed15:29
pestilencemi3: was that directed at me?15:29
ActionParsniplamofgodrocksYEA: hold shift at boot and you can press E to (e)dit the kernel options. Remove:  quiet splash   and add: nomodeset15:29
mi3no pestilence15:29
cwaineyI did a stupid. anyone know how I can reinstall plymouth?15:29
mi3I installed lightdm on my ubuntu natty 11.04 and I switched to it but it does not show me the default background ,instead it shows me a blue background with no mouse and I have to operate everything by keyboard, any suggestions? I removed lightdm, but if I get some suggestions I might re install lightdm again.15:30
ActionParsnipspartan2276: does the webcam work in cheese?15:30
ikoniami3: you said that15:30
ActionParsnipcwainey: sudo apt-get --reinstall install plymouth15:30
pestilenceeven if you type in the full path to the executable, it *still* doesn't run it.  e.g. alt+f2 -> /usr/bin/empathy doesn't run /usr/bin/empathy!15:30
mi3ikonia maybe someone might notice it the second time15:30
ikoniami3: people noticed it the first time - that's why they responded to you15:30
spartan2276ActionParsnip: I think I may have a bigger issue it just said if I would like to install these packages(cheese) without verification15:31
mi3ikonia maybe i can freshen them up again15:31
nocsutud_whats up fellas15:31
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spartan2276ActionParsnip: so I guess the Key from the Ubuntu servers is messed up15:32
ActionParsnipspartan2276: can you give a pastebin of the output of:   sudo apt-get update15:32
ActionParsnipspartan2276: you probably added a PPA and not the key15:32
ikoniami3: please don't just keep posting the same question/info wait around 15 minutes between posts, or it ends up with you just spamming the channel15:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:33
spartan2276ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/3p3jrLSA15:33
TeodorMHi! I have trubble playing videos on internet... I've reinstall flash, but the problem is still there. What to do?15:33
mintgtalk for linux?15:34
DJonesmint: pidgin does googletalk15:34
ActionParsnipspartan2276: sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B515:34
MonkeyDustTeodorM  try this http://www.youtube.com/html515:34
mi3Does ubuntu 11.04 only supports gdm ? Or will it support lightdm as well? I get a blue background at login after I have installed lightdm and switched to it. Is the blue background a bug? Also I dont see the mouse pointer . suggestions welcome.15:35
ActionParsnip!info lightdm natty15:35
ubottulightdm (source: lightdm): Display Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.3-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 47 kB, installed size 236 kB15:35
mneptokmi3: 5 minutes != 15 minutes.15:35
ActionParsnipmi3: seems its available to Natty15:35
MonkeyDust5 != 1515:35
spartan2276ActionParsnip: do you want the output of this15:35
ActionParsnipspartan2276: was a key imported15:36
TeodorMHi! I have trubble playing videos on internet...one hour ago it was playing fine... I've reinstall flash, but the problem is still there. What to do?15:36
Mech0zanyone know how to give write access to sabnzb ?15:36
lamofgodrocksYEAActionParsnip, Worked!  Tx! =)  Should I be using ATI FireGL or Video driver for ADM graphics accellorators?15:36
MonkeyDustTeodorM  try this http://www.youtube.com/html515:36
spartan2276ActionParsnip: I guess not because I still get the same error msg when I do sudo apt-get update15:36
pestilenceis there a way to change compiz settings in oneiric?15:37
ActionParsniplamofgodrocksYEA: the additional driver app should offer what you need.15:37
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maliheya, where do I go to support *advice or get* for ubuntu server?15:37
ActionParsnipspartan2276: just go for it dude, install the packages15:37
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ActionParsnipmali: here or #ubuntu-server15:38
MonkeyDustpestilence  you need CCSM15:38
mi3sorry for repeating ikonia really am15:38
ActionParsnipmi3: lightdm seems its available to Natty15:38
cwaineyI try to boot into recovery console and my monitor gives me an out of range error. I know what package broke it, and I uninstalled that package, I need to know how to set the resolution back to default.15:38
mneptoklamofgodrocksYEA: what video chipset? is this an APU?15:39
maliif I have a patch for a package , and apply it in the deb package I guess I I have to remake the package, so prolly easier to give tio upstream... shouldn't ldap slappasswd lacking the "" for password be patche dby now. I see debian did it in January15:39
maliand ok, thanks ActionParsnip15:39
theadmincwainey: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf # pretty much15:39
mi3I know ActionParsnip but the login windows does not seem to be correct I get the blue screen and dont see any mouse pointer15:39
mi3sorry *window15:39
pestilenceMonkeyDust: what is CCSM?15:39
bluefrogmali bug report15:39
MonkeyDustlamofgodrocksYEA  OT: it's "lamb of god" (agnus dei) ;)15:39
cwaineyCompiz config settings manager15:39
lamofgodrocksYEADon't want to piss off obuto15:40
cwaineytheadmin, I assume x will then generate a new default config?15:40
phx79is there an email client compatible with outlook anywhere?15:40
MonkeyDustphx79  meaning?15:40
mneptokphx79: if your Outlook server does POP or IMAP, they all are.15:40
theadmincwainey: Yeah, unless you have a broken/very old X setup (unlikely)15:40
pestilenceMonkeyDust: ok, i'll try it.15:41
ActionParsnipphx79: compatible in what way?15:41
phx79our office uses outlook anywhere for remote email to the outlook client, pop3 & imap are disabled for security15:41
ActionParsnipphx79: do you mean compatible with Exchange?15:41
maliye well. that could take ages I guess bluefrog. hmm. I left ubuntyu after their/your farseof trying to push on people this G3, or unity or what it was but since I am runnig a server I thought ubuntu will be nice so I am back :x15:41
lamofgodrocksYEAmneptok, It is a diamond radeon hd 667015:41
ActionParsnipphx79: oh you meant COMPARABLE15:41
phx79ActionParsnip, yes but with the functionality that outlook anywhere gives you also15:42
mi3ActionParsnip is it really a bug or is it meant to be that way?15:42
MonkeyDust!pm| TeodorM15:42
ubottuTeodorM: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:42
maliphx79, what are you on about really?15:42
lamofgodrocksYEAShould I be using ATI FireGL or Video driver for ADM graphics accellorators?  I've got a diamond radeon hd 667015:42
ActionParsnipmi3: not sure, I've always use the default login managr because I don't really care about something I see for 3 seconds.15:42
mneptoklamofgodrocksYEA: FYI, the ATI proprietary drivers render my system unbootable. but i'm using an E-350 APU. new stuff.15:43
TeodorMok.. sorry15:43
ActionParsnipphx79: try Evolution is all I can suggest15:43
phx79evolution with exchange mapi only works while i am in the office and not out & about where as outlook with RPC over HTTP works everywhere15:43
MonkeyDustphx79  what's wrong with Evolution or Thunderbird?15:43
phx79they just aren't good enough15:44
mi3yeah thats right why do bother about that login window? there are tons of things to be done after logging in, right? ActionParsnip15:44
mneptokphx79: so ... a sysadmin decided to disable IMAP and POP due to "security concerns," but chose Outlook as a platform? that's precious.15:44
mi3maybe I should forget about this lightdm stuff15:44
pestilencedo you have to log out/log in to make CCSM changes take effect?15:44
MonkeyDustpestilence  try and you know15:45
mi3pestilence, no15:45
phx79with mapi you also get calendars and contacts, pop and imap you don't15:45
spartan2276ActionParsnip: ok installed cheese, ran it and I get no devices found15:45
ActionParsnipmi3: anything on the screen that brifly I have very little interest in, like changing the wallpaper on the login screen etc.15:45
ActionParsnipspartan2276: then the cam isn't configured15:45
mi3uh huh15:45
bluefrogphx79, if not mistaken a simple browser should be enough15:45
ActionParsnipspartan2276: run:  lsusb    and use the 8 character hex ID to find guides15:46
mneptokphx79: you're not getting mail, calendars or contacts ATM. so it's hardly a case of better functionality.15:46
Mech0zanyone know how to give write access to sabnzb ?15:46
spartan2276ActionParsnip: but it was working before this morning15:46
phx79i am as i am using W7 for work15:46
mi3bye and thanks!15:46
phx79i am as i am using W7 for work15:46
maliwell exchange then doesn\t work as well with linux standards ahead of their windows only stuff?15:46
maliye ok.. I would recommend then setting up a linux server then, instead of a limited windows server domain perhaps?15:47
mneptokphx79: then i think that's the answer. choose a Microsoft platform, buy into the lock-in and live with it.15:47
maliyou can use W7 easily with openldap/kerberos say etc15:47
malimail servers which give you protocols to use with webmail or so.. so you should be able to have your email outside of office, yes15:48
mneptokphx79: you could, as a Microsoft customer, ask them to fully open their MAPI specs so that others can benefit.15:48
malibut you will have to configure it and if you can\t , hire a linux man you cheapskate tool15:48
MonkeyDustphx79  or post your idea here http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/15:48
phx79webmail is only useful if you have internet 100% of the time15:48
mneptokmali: perjoratives are most unwelcome.15:48
ActionParsnipspartan2276: tried a reboot?15:49
malihehe.. well he is talkign about something kinda irrelevant15:49
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mneptokmali: perjoratives are most unwelcome. at all times. in all situations. full stop.15:49
malihe wanst linux to serve services which linux in fact has, but is trying to tell people here to tell his business MS server to fix it for him_ how is that any better? ,x15:49
spartan2276ActionParsnip: what is this Windows? LOL. No I really doubt that it will solve the issue as I rebooted it this morning after a software update15:50
ritzIs it possible to locally build a package for oneiric from bzr branch on precise, using buildeb plugin ?15:50
MonkeyDustritz  better ask in the precise channel #ubuntu+115:51
maliso , if I patch the openldap src here locally for my server. What happens when I apply it and/or you finally would patch it (as it doesn't seem it has). Say youpatch problems A..C and I patch A, D, F... should I then turn off your updates to avoid mine getting overwritten?15:51
pestilenceArgh.  Somebody deleted my response to http://askubuntu.com/questions/89606/gnome-terminal-doesnt-refresh and then protected the question.  And i have a solution for it now.15:52
MonkeyDustmali  that question sounds beyond this channel, i guess nobody ever tried it15:52
maliritz, usually the best thing is to just try.. sometimes something changes and it wouldn't work I would imagine.. other times it works quite ok, ior you manage to find where it breaks and create a patch to make it work15:52
pestilencethat is incredibly aggrivating.  people are wayyy to overprotective.15:52
maliLOL.. what is this channel then?15:52
bluefrogmali simple support15:53
pestilencedoes anybody in here have the ability to unprotect questions in askubuntu.com?15:53
maliah ok.. you have normal support too?15:53
ritzmali I am trying to fix an upstream bug, not very sure how to build a patched package or pass prefix/other options to configure script to match against local env15:53
starsinmypocketsI'm trying to debug a piece of software that continues to change one of my directory's permissions... I know that it's the php user, but any thoughts how to isolate this?15:53
maliwell, you could certainly try to pass it to upstream but don't know how quickly it would trickle back into ubuntu15:54
pestilencethe double whammy is that they deleted my response, but left several responses which are totally unhelpful "Try guake!"...15:54
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theadminritz: The development channel is #ubuntu-devel , you could ask there15:54
cwaineyokay.. I broke my ubuntu. When I try to boot into a recovery console, drop into a tty prompt, or otherwise do something to get out of X I get a out of range error on my monitor.15:54
maliI would say look up how to make packages... then download the deb package, extract source.. edit the conf options you wish to try out, change... try to compile15:54
ActionParsnipcwainey: what GPU do you use?15:55
pestilencecwainey: you need to blacklist nouveau15:56
maliwhen fails or not.. troubleshoot, then package it with a custon name I would guess ot avoid getting overwritten but ye.. now I think of it.. ritz, is this serve ror desktop? if desktop I would recommend going archlinux or so :)  (ye ubuntu-devel sounds right)15:56
mintmanfor what? I go with a bsd mail server and call it a day 486 let it build up dust in some dark room and forget it.15:56
ActionParsnippestilence: not if its an intel gpu15:56
cwaineyActionParsnip, I have an 8600gt. GPU isn't the issue. Nouveau is already blacklisted. problem was cause when I install plymouth-manager.15:57
pestilenceActionParsnip: he installed the nvidia driver.  i'm guessing it's not an intel card :)15:57
malistarsinmypockets: one can try a jail, *chroot( or you remove that user's rights to change those permissions15:57
cwaineyuninstalled plymouth manager and reinstalled plymouth, problem persists.15:57
ActionParsnipcwainey: plymouth doesn't like the nvidia driver, you will eventually get a display but the plymouth boot screen will not show15:57
starsinmypocketsmali - that's a good thought, then the bug becomes powerless15:58
starsinmypocketsmali can that be done by directory? for example, forbid www-data to change the /assets directory permissions?15:58
cwaineyActionParsnip, I know that. but it shouldn't affect booting into recovery console. that skips plymouth and boots text based15:58
ActionParsnipcwainey: if you uninstall the nvidia driver, is it ok?15:59
cwaineyActionParsnip, no.15:59
cwaineyActionParsnip, I select the _linux hernel here_-(recovery mode) option in grub, and I get the out of range error. I don't even get to select an option, yet normal boot works fine.16:00
cwaineyIfI try to drop into a tty console from a normal boot, I get the out of range message.16:01
robotti^I have problem with sound.16:02
minixvboxrobotti^: checked alsamixer?16:02
cwaineyrobotti^,  Like...?16:02
robotti^no sound when I am trying watch videos in browser16:02
robotti^minixvbox: I have sound when using video players on computer16:02
robotti^but not in browser videos16:02
ActionParsnipcwainey: you can set the res in /etc/default/grub    you will need a chroot from liveCD to change the grub and such16:02
robotti^cwainey: do you know what is problem?16:03
robotti^minixvbox: what I should do in alsamixer?16:03
ActionParsniprobotti^: can you give a pastebin of the output of:   uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'16:03
minixvboxrobotti^: is that via flash in the browser (like youtube)16:03
cwaineyrobotti^, sounds like an issue with flash, do you have the latest version?16:03
robotti^minixvbox: flash yep16:03
robotti^cwainey: Just installed16:04
robotti^cwainey: videos play, but without sound16:04
minixvboxrobotti^: which vids don't work?16:04
robotti^it is like it does not know what is sound output-device.16:04
robotti^minixvbox: videos work, but no sound16:04
robotti^in flash objects/videos16:04
minixvboxrobotti^: on all ones in flash?16:04
ActionParsniprobotti^: can you give a pastebin of the command I gave please......16:04
robotti^minixvbox: yes16:05
minixvboxrobotti^: sorry, i'm slow typing16:05
robotti^ActionParsnip: what command?16:05
ActionParsnip(16:03:39) ActionParsnip: robotti^: can you give a pastebin of the output of:   uname -a; lsb_release -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'16:05
n2iHi! How to select cursors theme? I have remember there is some command such as 'command --config cursor blah blah' but I cannot remember exactly that command now :|16:05
mneptokrobotti^: try this. log out and back in. first thing, find a Flash web video to watch? is there sound if no other app has yet used the audio subsystem?16:05
ActionParsniprobotti^: itwas quite clear.16:05
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mneptokrobotti^: and before you log out, pastebin ActionParsnip's stuff for us to look at while you try allowing Flash first access to audio.16:06
BoxyKSorry to bother you again, but I didn't receive any answer earlier: There's a warning in Ubuntu that the full-charge capacity of the battery has dropped. Does anyone know where to configure the threshold for this warning?16:06
BoxyKCan anyone help?16:06
robotti^ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/BGK9CT5J16:07
Trevor69420haha all that time figuring this out and the onlything that i didnt try was adding eth1 to the interface line16:07
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hotfloppyhey guys.. what is this mean ? "The username (hotfloppy) with which you tried to log in is already in use for a different account." got this when i try to login to loco.ubuntu.com using launchpad account.. is loco.ubuntu.com is for ubuntu members only ?16:07
ActionParsniprobotti^: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer     then enable the partner repo and install the adobe-installer package16:07
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ActionParsnipBoxyK: what make and model system?16:08
ActionParsnipBoxyK: and what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc16:08
robotti^ActionParsnip: now it is done16:08
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robotti^ActionParsnip: what now16:08
BoxyKActionParsnip: It's an old Lenovo. I don't remember the exact model name now.16:08
robotti^how to enable partner repo?16:08
zykotick9!partner | robotti^16:09
ubotturobotti^: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:09
scribawfI managed to mess up my WM with Enlightment, how do I recover my Gnome WM?16:09
MonkeyDustrobotti^  open Synaptic and select Settings - Repos16:09
ActionParsniprobotti^: enable the partner repo and install the adobe-installer and you will get 64bit flash for your 64bit OS16:09
ApteryxHello folks! Would anyone know how to enable auto-login remotely from ssh?16:09
ActionParsnipApteryx: use SSH keys16:10
BoxyKActionParsnip: Is it something model-specific?16:10
ActionParsnipBoxyK: and the output of:   lsb_release -sc16:10
robotti^ubottu: now sudo apt-get update?16:10
ubottuError: Unknown timezone: sudo apt-get update? - Full list: http://ubottu.com/timezones.html16:10
ubotturobotti^: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:10
robotti^ActionParsnip: now sudo apt-get update?16:10
davidecan someone help me with this broken sd-card ?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/871650/     i need to recover the files16:10
Captain_America2hey does any body know how to install ubuntu 11.10 on a Gateway G6-333c?16:10
ActionParsniprobotti^: if the repo is enabled and you have all gui package apps closed, yes16:11
ActionParsnipCaptain_America2: make an install USB or CD, boot to it and install16:11
robotti^ActionParsnip: and now sudo apt-get install adobe-installer?16:11
starsinmypocketsIs it possible to forbid a user to change permissions on a specific directory?16:11
Trevor69420errr Captain_America2 whats the issue?16:11
ActionParsniprobotti^: run:  apt-cache search adobe   to double check the package name16:11
Captain_America2its meant for running windows 98 but i have windows xp16:11
ActionParsnipCaptain_America2: thats irrelevant16:12
Captain_America2its a little slow at booting up but it works16:12
Trevor69420Captain_America2, did u try installing ubuntu and ran into problems?16:12
ActionParsnipCaptain_America2: again, doesn't mean anything16:12
Captain_America2know it doesnt recognize the cd i created16:13
robotti^ActionParsnip: adobe-flashplugin?16:13
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ActionParsniprobotti^: sounds good16:13
zykotick9Captain_America2: how much memory is in that system?  i wouldn't imagine very much.  Perhaps if ubuntu doesn't give the performance you want, you could try lubuntu for a lighter version16:13
Trevor69420Captain_America2, have ou burned an ISO before16:13
Captain_America2i tried everything even usb stick but it does appear on boot16:13
VIPER-IIguys? Anyone here has experience about avoiding so-called "honeypots" in Torrent world? I'm looking for a client for my Ubuntu machine.16:13
ActionParsnipCaptain_America2: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?16:13
Captain_America2512 mb ram16:13
robotti^ActionParsnip: it is installed16:13
zykotick9Captain_America2: i doubt a win98 based system would support USB booting16:13
ActionParsniprobotti^: ok then close all browsers and rerun, should be ok16:14
Captain_America2yes  it is verified ok16:14
ActionParsnipCaptain_America2: what video card do you use?16:14
ApteryxActionParsnip: I meant local auto-login (instead of stopping at gdm screen and asking for credentials at login)16:14
robotti^ActionParsnip: no sound16:14
ApteryxActionParsnip: but that machine currently has no monitor and keyboards and mouse to configure this graphically, so I'm trying to do it via SSH, modifying files.16:15
Trevor69420VIPER-11: what do you mean? are you looking to block honeypots?16:15
Captain_America2it doesnt have one jus ati 3-D agp16:15
robotti^ActionParsnip: video is playing, but no sound16:15
Mech0zHow do you give write access to sabnzbd?16:15
raidostarsinmypockets: sure, as long as they are not an owner of the dir and dont have write permissions on it16:15
VIPER-IITrevor: uhuh. Not sure how to avoid that. I've always downloaded with Usenet.16:15
MonkeyDustrobotti^  in a Terminal, type alsamixer, if you see MM, go there and press M16:15
ActionParsnipApteryx: ssh doesn't use a GUI, its a text based login16:16
Trevor69420VIPER-II, i think u can use MoBlock to block torren honeypots, but i have not used it16:16
Trevor69420it works like peer guardian16:16
starsinmypocketsraido - well, the problem is I'm trying to control a bug that's changing the permissions of the assets folder, so I thought I could cheat and forbid that, but it needs ownership & write permission16:16
Captain_America2i dont have a graphics card just Ati 3-D AGP manafactured in 199816:16
ActionParsniprobotti^: can you give the output of:   sudo updatedb; locate libflashplugin.so        Thanks16:16
Trevor69420Captain_America2, this is a graphiocs card16:16
zykotick9ActionParsnip: i think Apteryx wants to enable DM autologin, not ssh16:16
VIPER-IITrevor: my friend... i have NO clue whatsoever what 'peer guardian' is either. All i know is that some companies send ur ISP an email telling them that you're being naughty.16:17
mintmanVIPER-II: You mean trackers!16:17
Trevor69420Captain_America2, if you can plug a monitor in it it has a graphics card16:17
ActionParsnipCaptain_America2: thats the graphics card, the fact its onboard is moot, its still attached to the same bus and will be seen the same in any OS16:17
slackjawi'm using XChat-GNOME as my IRC client and i wish to know how to change the server16:17
Trevor69420alas not a very good one but it's still one16:17
Captain_America2oh ok16:17
robotti^ActionParsnip: flash is working, but it's sound it is not working16:17
Captain_America2but it runs through a agp chip16:17
ActionParsnipslackjaw: run:    /server servername16:17
VIPER-IImintmain: something like that.16:17
Trevor69420VIPER-II, i think you want moblock16:17
Captain_America2no card16:17
ApteryxActionParsnip: I know :). I think I found the solution, I need to modify /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf16:17
slackjawthanks will do that16:17
ActionParsniprobotti^: can you pastebin the output of the command I gave please16:17
VIPER-IITrevor: that blocks the peer or it blocks the whole torrent itself?16:17
ActionParsnipApteryx: sweet :D16:18
VIPER-IIThe thing is, I'm trying to figure out "HOW do they catch you"  ?16:18
robotti^ActionParsnip: I do not have installed updatedb16:18
Trevor69420it doesnt block all of torrents it bliocks a list of IPs that are known to be "honeypots" as you call them16:18
ActionParsnipCaptain_America2: try the boot option: nomodeset16:18
ActionParsniprobotti^: its in a standard install16:18
ApteryxActionParsnip: hmm but "autologin-user=myuser" is already in this file... so this stopped working from 11.10 to 12.0416:18
Trevor69420it uses a list of trackers to block16:18
raidostarsinmypockets: well thats a sticky wicket16:18
sd7VIPER-II: They can see everything.16:19
Trevor69420but you need to remember it's not 100% cuz some may not be in the list16:19
Captain_America2how do you tdo that?16:19
robotti^ActionParsnip: robotti@cybersoturi:~$ sudo updatedb16:19
robotti^sudo: updatedb: command not found16:19
VIPER-IIsd7: they are supposed to see peers that connect to them, right?16:19
VIPER-IIThey dont particularly need to send/receive data with you... the only fact that u're listed in the "leecher' is enouhg... is't it?16:19
Trevor69420it's the fake trackers that are reporting you16:19
Trevor69420not the ISP16:19
sd7VIPER-II: Yeah.16:19
starsinmypocketsraido well put... I'm having a hell of a time debugging this16:20
robotti^ActionParsnip: so you see.16:20
VIPER-IITrevor: indeed. so this program avoids you from even connecting to those trackers?16:20
ActionParsniprobotti^: sudo apt-get install mlocate16:20
Captain_America2how do you find nomodeset?16:20
Trevor69420VIPER-II, yep16:20
Trevor69420VIPER-II, that's the idea anyways16:20
robotti^ActionParsnip: thank you, now it is installed!16:20
zykotick9!nomodeset | Captain_America216:21
ubottuCaptain_America2: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:21
robotti^ActionParsnip: now running updatedb16:21
VIPER-IITrevor:  ehm... 'does it work?'16:21
VIPER-IIthe idea?16:21
robotti^ActionParsnip: I am using ubuntu server16:21
Captain_America2i have an intel PhoenixAward bios version 4O4CL0X0.15A.0009.P0516:21
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Trevor69420VIPER-II, Yea, but i use peerguardian not MoBlock, but it;'s the same thing16:22
Trevor69420and i have never had issues with peer guardian16:22
ActionParsniprobotti^: You are using desktop. You cannot view flash in CLI interface16:22
VIPER-IITrevor: then why shouldn't i use peerguardian?16:22
sd7web block, Proxy! :okay:16:22
Trevor69420VIPER-II, peerguardian doesnt run on ubunut it's for windows16:22
robotti^ActionParsnip: yes. but this is ubuntu server edition, I just installed ubuntu-desktop on it16:23
VIPER-IIMoBlock, heh?16:23
Trevor69420moblock does what peerguardian does just for ubuntu16:23
ActionParsniprobotti^: why did you install the server if you wanted a desktop OS?16:23
robotti^ActionParsnip: I was just thinking if it does work because of that reason.16:23
Trevor69420VIPER-II, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MoBlock16:23
robotti^ActionParsnip: because this xbmc and media-server16:23
ActionParsniprobotti^: by installing the desktop, you now have the desktop OS, not server.16:23
robotti^ActionParsnip: and it is connected to hdtv16:23
VIPER-IIah... nice16:24
mneptokVIPER-II: what torrent client do you use?16:24
freewayzifyhey pals16:24
plouffeTrevor69420, is it whitelist or blacklist?16:24
ActionParsniprobotti^: can you give the output of:    sudo find / | grep flash | grep so16:24
Trevor69420blacklist plouffe16:24
freewayzifymneptok wat version of linux are u using16:24
Trevor69420but i guess it could be configured for whatever...16:25
Trevor69420but i think in his case it makes sense to use blacklist16:25
freewayzify@Action pls help16:25
mneptokfreewayzify: err ... why?16:25
VIPER-IIi dont have any torrent clients yet16:25
mneptokVIPER-II: are you using Ubuntu?16:25
mneptokVIPER-II: if so, Transmission comes pre-installed.16:25
VIPER-IITransmission u say?16:26
plouffeblacklist sounds useless16:26
Captain_America2what is nomodeset again floodbot316:26
mneptokVIPER-II: i highly suggest you run it before continuing.16:26
minixvboxCaptain_America2: it disables kernel mode setting16:26
zykotick9!nomodeset > Captain_America216:26
ubottuCaptain_America2, please see my private message16:26
Trevor69420plouffe, why16:26
mneptokVIPER-II: i also highly suggest you take a long look at all the preference panes.16:26
grendal-primeI have this script i have to run to compile new network drivers for my phisical nic in my netbook.   Every time i get a kernel upgrade i have to run module assistance to get the source for the new kernel..i thought there was a generic package i could install that would also grab the kernel source for my new kernel..16:27
grendal-primewhats that package called?16:27
Nine_9hey guys, I don't understand how unicode strings work in python... how can i get the first letter in this case: http://paste.ubuntu.com/871676/16:27
Trevor69420it blacklists the IPs of the known honeypot trackers16:27
Trevor69420which is what he wants16:27
robotti^ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/fnuNR0Hk16:27
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zykotick9grendal-prime: check out dkms perhaps?16:27
plouffeTrevor69420, what about the unknown ones16:28
freewayzifyhelp! help!16:28
crf_hi Synaptic is crashing terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'16:28
crf_  what():  vector::_M_range_check16:28
Trevor69420plouffe well no it cant block those but nothing can16:28
jribNine_9: #python16:28
Trevor69420a whitelist wouldnt help him either16:28
plouffeor the ones just set up today, because their old one got blacklisted16:28
Nine_9jrib: i'm not allowed to chat there16:28
Trevor69420they update16:28
Trevor69420every hour or so16:28
VIPER-IIfunny though that the "Transmission" interface doesn't show any "config" button16:28
Trevor69420i mean it's not 100% fool proof16:28
jrib!register | Nine_916:28
ubottuNine_9: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:28
Trevor69420but better than whitelist16:29
freewayzify@jrib u know pyhton very well16:29
minixvbox!fixapt | crf_16:29
ubottucrf_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:29
jribNine_9: you need to register and identify to enter #python16:29
mneptokVIPER-II: Edit > Preferences16:29
Nine_9jrib: ok, thank you.16:29
Trevor69420if he used a whitelist he wouldnt be able to =conncect to any trackers until he knew akll the ones he could trust16:29
plouffewhitelist is safer16:29
robotti^ActionParsnip: yes. what you think?16:29
plouffeYea, but if you want safety, how do you discover which ones are fake?16:29
VIPER-IIi'll physically walk to the PC and switch to root16:30
plouffewait till someone gets sued 6 months after the fact?16:30
VIPER-IIcuz in the 'user' mode, i'm not getting any buttons except for downloading etc... nothing about prefs16:30
Trevor69420plouffe well there's a community that does that...like i said it's not 100% fool proof but it does a very good job16:30
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mneptokVIPER-II: you do not need root16:30
minixvboxfreewayzify: you need to state your problem to get help16:30
mintmanTrevor69420: Nothing is just setup a new client and the fbi can wrap a few hundered times at the door for illegal downloads.16:30
ActionParsniprobotti^: can you give the output of:   file /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/libflashplayer.so16:30
Trevor69420plouffe, they can usually tell who owns the IP16:30
elijahHow can I access a file on another Xubuntu computer on the same wifi network? I went to Nautilus went to "Go" then "Location" and then entered network:///computer-name and got a funky error16:30
crf_Ta, minixvbox, but that didn't stop synaptic from crashing.16:30
zykotick9plouffe: Trevor69420 this whitelist/blacklist torrent discussion has gotten away from ubuntu support16:30
plouffeit doesn't souind very proof at all to me16:30
elijahI can ping the computer in CLI16:30
Trevor69420sorry zykotick916:31
Dr_willis_elijah,  samba, sshfs, or other file shareing services.16:31
VIPER-IImneptok: can i have ur attention in private for awhile?16:31
robotti^ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/LptVRMdt16:31
minixvboxcrf_: do you have any ppas installed (or compiled programs yourself)16:31
crf_minixvbox, no self compiled ppas16:32
ActionParsniprobotti^: looks good, 64bit :)16:32
mneptokVIPER-II: run Tansmission. in the "Edit" menu is "Preferences." you open the preferences. you select the "Security" tab and enable the blacklist.16:32
robotti^ActionParsnip: I now, because I installed it :D16:32
robotti^ActionParsnip: but why no sound?16:32
minixvboxcrf_: hmm, sounds odd, maybe file a bug16:32
robotti^i know16:32
minixvbox!bug | crf_16:33
VIPER-IImneptok: mate, do you see "File Edit View etc..." at the top? Cuz i dont!16:33
ubottucrf_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:33
VIPER-III have the top bar16:33
VIPER-IIthen it continues with a bar with big buttons on which there is just "OPEN-button" a "Traingle" a "PAUSE" a "Minus" and "Properties" which is greyed out16:33
mneptokVIPER-II: cannot explain. i get a menubar here. but i'm XFCE, not Unity.16:33
elijahDr_willis_: Is the shares-admin command a good place to start?16:33
ActionParsniprobotti^: is it the same if you install chromium-browser ?16:34
crf_minixvbox, bug 87938316:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 607605 in synaptic "duplicate for #879383 Synaptic crashes when using orca or Accerciser" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60760516:34
robotti^ActionParsnip: I have installed chrmium-browser16:34
VIPER-IIhmm.... realy weird.  The thing is, i've tweaked "uTorrent" on windows to run as i want. So i really know about the torrent setings portforwarding and connection-max-numbers etc...16:35
VIPER-IIbut i simply can't get into the "Settings"     :S16:35
robotti^ActionParsnip: no sound on html5 and flash videos when using chromium16:36
Dr_willis_elijah,  never heard of that command. I just set up and use sshfs or ssh these days for quick transfers btween linux box's16:36
Captain_America2hey where do you type !nomodeset in windowsxp?16:36
sasorihi, what type of character is this ? \xD0\xA3  ?16:36
Dr_willis_Captain_America2,  thats a bot trigger.. not a windows command16:36
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:36
zykotick9Captain_America2: nomodeset isn't something to edit in WinXP, you edit at the Grub menu16:36
Dr_willis_see :)16:36
Captain_America2how do you get to this grub menu?16:37
Dr_willis_read the url the bot gave Captain_America216:37
rymate1234you know the menu that comesup when you boot Captain_America216:37
rymate1234thats the grub menu16:37
ubottuGuest72257: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:38
elijahDr_willis_: gtk16:38
Captain_America2i don't think my computer can support that feature16:38
robotti^ActionParsnip: what you suggest next?16:38
Captain_America2its too old16:38
blaxbbI managed to break postfix's config while installing it (invalid character in the server name.)  Any way to force the configuration options again on install?16:39
Captain_America2it dates back when it depends on legtacy devices not usb16:39
omnomanyone that know why I cant use a socks(ssh) that i've setup?16:39
Guest72257list grz16:39
omnomhere is a log http://paste2.org/p/192910916:39
sipiorblaxbb: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix", if i follow you correctly.16:39
blaxbbcan't just reconfigure it as it is not installed16:40
MerwinHi! I'm looking for a gui tools like "UltraEdit". I've got a 1 line file and I would like to add \n every 160 chars. GEdit doesn't handle this16:40
Dr_willis_blaxbb,  that command reruns the same config setup.16:40
elijahIf a folder is being shared on the network how do I access in Nautilus? On the left I selected browse network but all I see is windows network - 0 bytes16:41
blaxbb"/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: postfix is not installed16:41
Captain_America2my bios version is reallly old i dont think it has grub16:41
sipiorblaxbb: then install it.16:41
Dr_willis_Merwin,  vi and emacs have macro features. or use a tool like awk16:41
elijahI have a folder shared on a xubuntu machine and I want to access it from an Ubuntu machine16:41
Merwindr_willis, nothing easy to use ? :D16:41
Dr_willis_Captain_America2,  grub is what boots linux..16:41
Dr_willis_Merwin,  i find vim very easy to use16:42
blaxbbthat just fails with "Unmatched ( in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(^|[\.])ubuntu.( <-- HERE mail$/ at /tmp/postfix.config.135501 line 236, <STDIN> line 14.16:42
Trevor69420is there a way to set a size quota for FTP users16:42
Captain_America2but my comouter doesnt recognize the grub boot feature16:42
Dr_willis_160li<space><escape>  (i think)16:42
Trevor69420so that each user can only get a certain amount of space for their FTP box16:42
omnomanyone that know why I cant use a socks(ssh) that i've setup? Here is a log: http://paste2.org/p/192910916:42
Dr_willis_then . to repeate it over and over.. (i think)16:42
Captain_America2it just continues to boot to windows xp16:42
mintmanCaptain_America2: Ur losing me make a cd-rw bootable disc and call this a day using Ubuntu Iso..16:42
sipiorblaxbb: that's an amusing error. can you remove/purge the package, and try again?16:42
Merwindr_willis, this is easy? :D16:42
Dr_willis_Merwin,  yes.16:43
zykotick9Trevor69420: depends on your FTP server, i believe proftpd has quota support16:43
Trevor69420for me :-(16:43
Captain_America2it just doesnt work like that why cant you understand?16:43
blaxbbCan't remove --purge it, returns as not installed16:43
Trevor69420oh simple google search found the answer zykotick916:43
Dr_willis_Captain_America2,  so what have you done.. and what is the pc doing exactly.16:43
Captain_America2i have set the boot priority like this:16:44
Mayank1Hi I have installed ubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu Server. When I am trying to remotely connect to the server via xrdp(on server) and Terminal Server Client - I am not able to view the launcher. ,  I just see the top bar with the network options. However, if I directly login in the server machine I can see the launcher. What am I missing?16:44
* zykotick9 hopes FTP will die soon16:44
Trevor69420dont dis on FTP16:45
Captain_America21st boot device: cd-rom device16:45
MonkeyDustdie, maggots, die!16:45
Trevor69420it's a convenient tool16:45
Captain_America22nd boot device: Hardrive16:45
* Dr_willis_ dis's on ftp. :)16:45
Dr_willis_whatever that means.16:45
Captain_America23rd boot device:removable drives16:45
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Captain_America24th boot device: network boot16:46
Captain_America2and i disable quick boot mode16:46
crf_I fixed synaptic crashing by turning orca screen reader on and off. I don't want to have to do that everytime I login!16:46
Dr_willis_you need to run synaptic every time you login? :)16:47
Captain_America2and rebooted but nothing happened it ignored the cd16:47
omnomanyone that know why I cant use a socks(ssh) that i've setup? Here is a log: http://paste2.org/p/192910916:47
Captain_America2do ineed to use command prompt to mount iso or something?16:49
Dr_willis_Captain_America2,  so the issue is its not booting the cd?16:49
mintmanCaptain_America2: Bios. Great boot order! Is your Cd rom drive a CD-rw if not then you do you plan on booting a ISO image?16:50
Dr_willis_Captain_America2,   You did check the md5sum of the cd? how did you burn it to cd?16:50
Dr_willis_and the md5sum of the iso.16:50
Captain_America2it is a compact cd drive16:50
omnomanyone that know why I cant use a socks(ssh) that i've setup? log: http://paste2.org/p/192910916:50
Dr_willis_Captain_America2,  it would be an old/rare pc these days that cant boot from a cd. :)    'compact compact disk drive' ? :)16:51
Captain_America2i burned it to disk using nero along time ago16:51
Dr_willis_Captain_America2,  so what version of ubuntu is this anyway?16:51
Dr_willis_has it ever booted on any other machines?16:51
Captain_America2i don't think 512 mb ram is enough16:51
Dr_willis_on a low ram system - a lubuntu, or xubuntu setup may work faster.16:52
Captain_America2it has booted on other machines16:53
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Dr_willis_Captain_America2,  that sort of narrows it down to some issue with the hardware/bios settings and reading that disk.   You could try putting the iso on a usb flash and booting that way16:54
mintmanCaptain_America2: How many scratches does this cd have on it?16:54
Captain_America2no scratches16:54
Captain_America2and itried usb but it didnt recognize it either16:54
Dr_willis_tried any other linux disrto cds ?16:55
Captain_America2it just ignored it aat boot prompt16:55
Doxintrying to install python-profiler creates some insane dependency issues, it expects me to remove ~100 packages, including apt, xorg, cinnamon and compiz. what gives?16:55
Captain_America2hey also my bios doen't dsupport f4 device boot16:55
Captain_America2unless i can install it16:55
Dr_willis_Doxin,  what command are you using? sounds like you got extra repos enabled also. :)16:55
Dr_willis_'F4 device boot' meaning?16:56
DoxinDr_willis: using synaptic, lemme check extra repos.16:56
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mintmanCaptain_America2: what is the make and model of ur old machine see how I have put bsd on 386.16:56
Dr_willis_minix :) is always fun for old old old machines16:56
Captain_America2you know o the newer machines they have in bios setup enable f4 boot menu16:57
VIPER-IImotherf*cking Ubuntu... ffs!!! ARGH!!! Been looking like an idiot for the program-specific bar INSIDE the window of the program. Forgot that Ubuntu automagicaly puts the Top bar (File, Edit, View etc) at the top of the screen!!!    argh!!!16:57
DoxinDr_willis_: where can i find enabled repos?16:57
Dr_willis_Captain_America2,  the key to select a boot menu - differs depening on the maker/bios/mb16:57
Captain_America2can i get tha for phoenix award bios setup utility?16:57
bazhangVIPER-II, no cursing here16:57
Dr_willis_Doxin,  synaptic has a gui i belive for it.16:57
VIPER-IIbazhang: id idn't curse.  Only intented it.16:57
Captain_America2mintman it is G6-333c16:57
Dr_willis_Doxin,  or look in /etc/apt/sources*16:57
yt189VIPER-II: If you don't like the retarded Unity interface, you can always change to XFCE/KDE/something sane16:57
bazhangVIPER-II, no obfuscated swearing either.16:58
Mayank1Hi, I am using xrdp to remotely connect to my Ubuntu Server. I cannot see the launcher. I just see the top bar and the empty desktop. What am I missing?16:58
VIPER-IIbazhang: ok... just had to take it out man... sorry.... Been looking like an idiot searching and re-installing "Transmission" for nothing. Went to Youtube to see what it looks like and saw the guy clicking at the top of the screen.16:59
VIPER-II<--- Feeling pretty stoopid right now.16:59
mintmanGot a simple question. I installed Cairo Dock, then resently decided to install XFCE and know every time I open a session of XFCE it loads Cario Dock can I stop it from loading every time I log in?16:59
DoxinDr_willis_: there don't seem to be any repos activated there.16:59
Captain_America2what f key would it be for a Gateway G6-333c16:59
Dr_willis_Doxin,  i just use the addppa command line tools, or alter the files directly i rarely use synaptoc to manage them17:00
Captain_America2the bios is manafactured by intel17:00
Captain_America2in the year of 199817:00
VIPER-IIyt189: it's ok. I just need to get used to it. Im a bit too spoiled by Uncle Bill Gates.17:00
exiliobanybody know how to rename the title on the toolbar of a .pdf file - toolbar title is different from filename and I have no idea how to chg.17:00
Soul_SampleVIPER-II: if you like windows, you should perhaps try with linux mint, their interface is a lot more similar to windows17:01
mintmanCaptain_America2: Gateway had a couple good yrs of production and know a big pile of junk..17:01
Soul_SampleVIPER-II: you don't have to do a reinstall, you can install cinnamon interface right into ubuntu17:02
Pici!ot | mintman17:02
ubottumintman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:02
Captain_America2what do you mean by "know?17:02
sw0rdfishhow do i get hardware info like cpu info especially?17:04
VIPER-IISoul_Sample: hhehe it's ok man. I was just being stoooopid!  I kinda found that Ubuntu puts the top bar-menu all the way to the top of the screen.  Been banging my head in the wall for the last 5 minutes.17:04
Picisw0rdfish: lscpu or cat /proc/cpuinfo17:04
pestilencesw0rdfish: cat /proc/cpuinfo17:04
VIPER-IIso mneptok: u there?17:04
mintmanPici: Not to be mean,but that Gateway machine has some poorest motherboards and graphics card support added to its design I ever seen in yrs. :) Sorry not trying to be rude just getting him to understand that has to be the worst machine I have seen in yrs.17:05
Soul_SampleVIPER-II: it's okay once you get used to it, although some applications such as gimp don't play nice with it17:05
Picimintman: I don't care anything about Gateway, your comments are off-topic for this support channel though.17:05
marekw2143hi, what are packages named lib*-cil for?17:05
mintmanPici: srry ops!17:05
Captain_America_hey who disconnected me and took my username?17:05
marekw2143I mean what does "cil" mean in that context17:05
sw0rdfishPici, pestilence: it will state there if it is dual core cpu right?17:06
user1_hi, diff b/w 32 bit and 64 bit hardware architecure??17:06
newercan anyone tell me, i'm going to make my computer dual boot with ubuntu and i'm wondering should i dl the 64bit version since my win7 is 64bit or dosen't it matter?17:06
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Dr_willis_newer,  if you got a 64bit cpu. may as well use the 64bit os.17:06
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FireStormsHey, anyone know how I can find path to PHP bin... it's not in /usr/bin/php17:06
Picisw0rdfish: it might, or just look for the number of CPUs reported.17:06
sw0rdfishoh ko17:06
sipioruser1_: approximately 32 bits.17:06
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neweroki thanks, was just wondering since on ubuntu.com they recommend 32 bit17:06
Captain_America_HEYYYY I WANT A ANSWER17:06
sw0rdfishthere's only one reported17:06
sw0rdfishso yeah17:06
sw0rdfishthanks picasso17:07
FloodBot1sw0rdfish: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
VIPER-IIanyone has that site of blacklists to avoid honeypots in torrents?17:07
bmoezhi, is there any tutoriel to learn how tweaking unity by any type of script17:07
PiciCaptain_America_: knock it off. No one disconnected you.17:07
bazhangCaptain_America_, join #freenode for that17:07
theadminCaptain_America_: Nobody, your internet connection is bad.17:07
minixvboxCaptain_America_: stop it, maybe consider registering your nick17:07
Dr_willis_VIPER-II,  i belive theres several of them.   but even blacklisting is not  foolproof.17:07
Dr_willis_!register | Captain_America_17:07
ubottuCaptain_America_: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode17:07
elijahWhy does Ubuntu ship with default of 60 for swappiness when it recommends the value to be at 10 for desktops?17:08
PiciFireStorms: you'll need the php5-cli package if you want to run php scripts not via cgi17:08
Captain_America_im on  but i was disconnected and when re entered captain america 2 was still on and then it just quit17:08
FireStormsPici Oh......... that makes sense, thank you :D17:08
Dr_willis_Captain_America_,  id suggest a more original nick name perhaps.17:09
bazhangCaptain_America_, /join #freenode17:09
PiciCaptain_America_: Questions about the technicalities of IRC can be asked in #freenode, not here.17:09
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theadminCaptain_America_: That happens all the time when your internet is of no good. This is also offtopic here.17:09
Captain_America_where was i about the boot  menu?17:09
mneptokVIPER-II: see PM17:09
h0ly_gh0st_rec0nlooks like a good spot to get support i'll check you guys out more later after work bye17:10
bmoezhi, can i tweak unity by any script languge17:10
skinnymg1caio, fellas17:10
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Captain_America_please tell me how to enable grub or an alternative mwthod i have only 25 minutes to do this17:11
Oerbmoez, there is my-unity, it will be standard in next release17:11
theadminCaptain_America_: What do you mean, "enable grub"? Grub is the default bootloader.17:11
greenithi, i have a problem with grub2 ... when i start ubuntu on my server, it selects an entry, but it doesn't start automatically.... this is rly annoying for a server-computer -.- how can i say grub again that it shall start the selected entry automatically?17:11
Oerbmoez, >>> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/12/unity-tweak-tool-myunity-gets-new-look-coming-to-ubuntu-software-centre/17:12
Captain_America_how    do   i    get17:12
mintmanCaptain_America_: Give me that model of Gateway machine I will look around the internet. I have a funny feeling that model had issues and it has nothing to do with Ubuntu! My cousin owned a Gateway machine back around time frame and had to call tech support to reinstall the OS which was windows17:12
bazhang!helpme | Captain_America_17:12
ubottuCaptain_America_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude17:12
zykotick9greenit: check the GRUB_TIMEOUT= value in /etc/default/grub ("sudo update-grub" if you make any changes)17:12
bmoezOer: i'm using ubuntu 12.04 and i have my-unity, but , if there any script languge for more advanced themes17:13
minixvboxbmoez: 12.04 issues in #ubuntu+1 please17:13
JeffJasskyHey, guys. Would it be about right to have a 16gb swap file if I have 8gb ram?17:13
Captain_America_MINTMAN: here is the model: G6-33c17:14
sipiorJeffJassky: should be plenty.17:14
zykotick9JeffJassky: i'd say that's overkill myself17:14
mintmanCaptain_America_: Thanks let me dig around for a min...17:14
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JeffJasskyYeah i thought it was a little big. I'm running an apache web server so for performance I feel like I'd like to nearly disable swapping..17:14
zykotick9JeffJassky: some swap is a good thing17:15
sipiorJeffJassky: disabling swapping will decrease performance, not the other way around.17:15
greenitzykotick9, thx, it was set to 2 secs, i just made the update-grub command and now it works again :)17:15
luvswatihow to delete old kernal ?17:15
JeffJasskysipior: won't it only decrease performance if all of my real memory is used? theoretically if I always had a few gigs of headroom in my real ram wouldn't swappiness decrease performance?17:16
sipiorJeffJassky: no.17:16
minixvboxluvswati: open synaptic and uninstall them17:16
JeffJasskysipior: k.. I must not fully understand what swap is for then.. :)17:16
zykotick9luvswati: for terminal option, use "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" to list and "sudo apt-get purge foo" to remove17:16
MonkeyDustluvswati  you can use ubuntu-tweak17:16
minixvbox!info ubuntu-tweak17:17
ubottuPackage ubuntu-tweak does not exist in oneiric17:17
LjLJeffJassky: swap is for taking *currently unneeded* bits out of your RAM, to make space for the needed bits.17:17
JeffJasskyLjL: aha okay.. and is that different from "cached" memory?17:18
MonkeyDustluvswati  minixvbox http://ubuntu-tweak.com/17:18
pythonsnakeWhich one cpufreqd   or  cpufrequtils?17:18
minixvboxMonkeyDust: so a ppa?17:18
MonkeyDustminixvbox  no PPA17:18
luvswati<zykotick9> thanks i had done it !17:18
MonkeyDustminixvbox  it's a .deb17:18
LjLJeffJassky: it's related. if you have free RAM, then you can use some of it as a cache for files, to access them faster. if you have swap enabled, you can make more space for the cache by swapping out currently unused programs17:19
minixvboxMonkeyDust: doesn't that imply its 3rd party and thus unsupported here?17:19
zykotick9minixvbox: yes17:19
LjLJeffJassky: the tradeoff by which the system decides how much to swap out programs in favor of file cache is called "swappiness", and is configurable.17:20
minixvboxzykotick9: thanks, i never understand why people look to unsupported 3rd party packages when they are uneeded17:20
pythonsnake(for cpufreq)17:20
zykotick9minixvbox: nor do i17:20
MonkeyDustminixvbox  because they are easy to use, for on thing17:21
minixvboxMonkeyDust: easy is relative and in my opinion not as important as supported17:21
JeffJasskyLjL: Thanks I appreciate the info. I think I understand. So one more question - if my swap isn't being used at all (0 bytes) would that probably mean swap is disabled OR could it just not be used yet (I restarted the server about 15 minutes ago. 7gb free memory still)17:21
MonkeyDustminixvbox  guess you're right, people don't come here for help and support17:22
* minixvbox thinks i should shut up before i get offtopic :)17:22
ZteamHi guys!17:22
LasivianHow can I remove a block of text from all files in a dorectory and it's subs?17:23
pythonsnakeLasivian: code something17:23
bazhangpythonsnake, not helpful17:23
ZteamI need some help to complete my setup of Ubuntu 11.04 with envrypted LVM17:24
f4straanyone know if the page source of the a google results page gives you the URLs of the ten results it gives you? ctrl+f then typing their addresses doesnt work17:24
pythonsnakemaybe open them all with some sort of editor then replace all in all file17:24
pythonsnakelike notepad++17:24
theadminf4stra: They don't -- they give some crazy redirection links via Google itself17:25
sipiorJeffJassky: if you're curious, have a look at the vmstat utility.17:25
ZteamI can get my system to boot but it wont accept my password17:25
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theadmin!password | Zteam17:25
ubottuZteam: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords17:25
theadminf4stra: For example, http://www.google.ru/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cts=1331054748792&ved=0CCQQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fexample.org%2F&ei=oEhWT56KGYLS4QTI1pCvCg&usg=AFQjCNFbkYxzDIXuUwBwoB2QRwTWALaVrQ -- not just http://example.org17:26
VIPER-IImneptok: thanks man. U've helped me allot. I'll let u be now.   :)17:26
majdHey #ubuntu! i'm trying to understand how curl works, and i've got this command: curl -u 'username:password' -H 'Content-Type: application/xml'  -d 'some_xml'  https://example.com/17:26
majdi understand that the -d option is for data, but usually data comes in key-value pairs, what's the key in my example?17:26
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Zteamtheadmin: nope i know my password and it works fine from the cd but not then I try to boot up my system17:27
Zteamtheadmin: I'm trying to get my lvm password to work again17:28
theadminZteam: Ah, lvm, sorry, I don't know how to work that17:29
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Zteamtheadmin: :-)17:29
Zteamanybody has any ideas?17:31
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f4stratheadmin whats that? how did you get that? how do i decipher the addresses from the page source?17:33
alfredfreddyfredhey, i am new to irc, am i connected now? can you hear me?17:33
zykotick9alfredfreddyfred: well, we can read you ;)17:34
alfredfreddyfredwell thats pretty cool i guess:)17:34
bobobobobobquestion:  I want to run ubuntu as my main os on a macbook pro.  Can I then make a mac os x vm?17:36
satyanashbobobobobob, Probably.17:37
bobobobobobI saw here that it is possible https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro17:37
bobobobobobbut I know making osx vm is a little tricky, but in this case I will be running on macbook hardware so it should be ok?  EULA?17:38
zykotick9bobobobobob: you might want to ask in #vbox if you can make Mac into a VM.  I kinda doubt it myself.17:38
bobobobobobzykotick9: okay, that is what I was thinking too17:38
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minixvboxbobobobobob: i think you are allowed to virtualise osx as long as you are on osx hardware (check the license to be sure though)17:38
Jordan_Ubobobobobob: It is not legal to run OSX under a Virtual Machine. At least it wasn't the last time I checked.17:38
Xeneth_studyingbobobobobob, Jordan_U It is not legal to do anything with OSX besides what apple tells you to do.  :P17:39
Dr_willis_I bet somewhere in the fine print they say its not even legal to run it.... ever... :)17:40
bennypcan i install netbook remix with the 11.10 wubi installer?17:41
Dr_willis_Bennit,  the netbook remix is a dead project.17:41
Dr_willis_oops that was for bennyp17:42
bennypdr_willis: is there an alternative, or a package, or just vanilla 11.1017:42
Dr_willis_11.10 installs unity, whichis what the netbook interface basically grew into.17:42
bennypDr_willis_: thanks, perfect17:42
bennypit's for a non techie client anyways, and since i put unity on their desktop, this will be better for her17:43
battlehandsI'd like to be able to access the files on my desktop from anywhere.  Though, online storage solutions are very expensive for the amount of data I would need to store.  I've been looking at buying a cheap server.  http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=DL360-XEON30-PB-R&cat=SVR  Is that a good option?  Could I install ubuntu server edition os on it?  How would I back up that server in case it17:43
FloodBot1battlehands: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:43
battlehands@FloodBot1 I'm not flooding.  That was my question.17:43
Dr_willis_be cheaper to get an online storage i bet. :)17:43
Dr_willis_if you just need storage.17:43
Dr_willis_but just about any pc thes4e days can work as a server and serve up files via ssh/sshfs/ or other ways.17:44
battlehandsdr_willis I need to store about 300GB of data17:44
zykotick9battlehands: why not just setup SSH, then you can have remote access to your desktop from anywhere17:44
Dr_willis_battlehands,  i saw a site giving away 50gb for free last week. :)17:44
Dr_willis_300gb is not that huge these days. :)17:44
battlehandszykotick9 My desktop has been crashing, and I don't want to need to access it and it be off.17:45
Dr_willis_theres $30-60 NAS box's that can share a usb hd. and share it over the internet also.17:45
Dr_willis_slow.. but cheap. :)17:45
sipiorbattlehands: might be interesting: http://www.crashplan.com/17:45
celthunderDr_willis_: you can do that for free17:45
Dr_willis_celthunder,  if you got the hardware allready.17:45
Xeneth_studyingbattlehands, I would just buy a used computer off of craigslist.  Not only will it more likely have built in drivers then a new PC, but cheaper.  for software, SSH is most secure option, which is easy with Ubuntu server.17:46
Dr_willis_but its handy to have a NAS the size of  deck of cards that can do all the work with no hassles.17:46
the^userhttp://imagebin.org/202228 i have a problem i vant delet map because of see image17:47
battlehandsAny opinions on the server that I linked?17:47
elijahDr_willis_: You said you just use ssh for file transfers?17:47
celthunderelijah: scp works great17:48
elijahcelthunder: I just want to transfer files from one local computer to another, is that an easy way? I was hoping to do it through Nautilus but it seems harder than it is worth, no?17:49
bobobobobob#vbox says it is possible, but since there are no guest additions for mac osx guest, it is not ideal user experience17:49
pros977elijah scp localfile username@remotecomputer:/directory/17:49
Churchelijah: add -r switch to above if you copy directory and want to copy it recursively17:50
ArielMTelijah: the computer you're typing commands at is the local computer, and the other is the remote computer.  it doesn't matter if they're sitting on the same desk or on opposite sides of the world17:50
celthunderelijah: how is scp hard17:50
elijahcelthunder: I meant using Nautilus to share files, scp seems easier17:51
flashissuehow to check which live version of CD running ubuntu i have? i am very very new to all this17:51
Churchflashissue: on terminal type cat /etc/*elease*17:52
zykotick9flashissue: from terminal "lsb_release -a" might work (not 100% sure on livecd)17:52
ArielMTdoes nautilus still have "connect to server" in the file menu?  (it does in 10.04 LTS, but idk about current)17:52
flashissuethaks church, btw i cant seem to get youtube working, could u help me plz ?17:52
battlehandsDoes anyone know how to backup an internal hd with another internal hd?17:52
Ghostlyi think i messed up, after an manual install of JRE (java) and uninstalling it the launcher icons does not disappear, any ideas what i can do?17:54
rexorbattlehands, try dd17:54
flashissuenope both commands didnt work, but i just want to get youtube and flash videos started =]17:54
monserdo you know where I can get this file http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mountall/mountall_2.11_amd64.deb17:54
monserI need it to avoid mountall bug when upgrading ubuntu - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/55958217:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 559582 in apt (Ubuntu Lucid) "Upgrade from karmic to lucid failes with Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall" [Medium,In progress]17:55
flashissuei tried downloading some stuff but it is not there on website .. install the ubuntu-restricted-extras .. this one i want .. i think ?17:55
ArielMTelijah: i don't know if nautilus after ubuntu 10.04 has it or not, but try nautilus -> file -> connect to server -> fill in ssh connection options.  nautilus should let you use the remote file system like any folder and use ssh/scp in the background to do what you want17:56
slackjawHi, I need some help in submitting patches to linux kernel-janitor group.17:56
slackjawchecked kernel-janitor irc channel17:57
slackjawbut no luck so far17:57
Fyodorovna!eol | monser17:58
ubottumonser: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:58
Smeteni got problem compiling source17:58
slackjawi might be able to help you in thatn Smeten17:59
stix_Hi guys. I have an old 7.04 - is there an old mirror available I can use as apt-source?17:59
celthunderSmeten: what are you comping whats it programmed in etc17:59
Fyodorovnamonser, don't just change the sources list look at the end of life wiki.17:59
maurymy keyboard goes crazy writing wierd characters and dmesg says "keyboard: can't emulate rawmode for keycode 24017:59
slackjawwhy you not move to latest and greatest17:59
maurydoes anyone know how to solve this?17:59
tajysWhy is my updater failing to download packages? O.o18:00
celthundermaury: remap  your key?18:00
Fyodorovnastix_, 7.04 is way past end of life, you will need to do a fresh install really.18:00
phretorI've set the hard/soft nofile limits for my user into /etc/security/limits.conf but ulimits -n keeps displaying the default value (1024): Any clue?18:01
Smetencelthunder: it was w3m and its saying then i compiling that c++ compiler is not working18:01
celthunderSmeten: do you have g++18:01
Oerstix_, check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors18:01
Smetenyes, i think so18:01
phretorit seems that no-one has an answer to my question: I've asked on several channels.18:02
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celthunderphretor: what was the question sorrf18:02
flashissueOk, what can i download right now which will allow me to SEE YOUTUBE ? i am booted through some live CD, and it cant show flash =[18:02
phretorcelthunder: I've set the hard/soft nofile limits for my user into /etc/security/limits.conf but ulimits -n keeps displaying the default value (1024): Any clue?18:02
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flashissuei want to see flash videos =[18:03
Fyodorovnaphretor, you using ubuntu18:03
celthunderflashissue: flashplugin18:03
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phretorFyodorovna: it's actually debian18:03
celthunderflashissue: or whatever ubuntu calls it18:04
flashissuecelcelthunder where to get it ? i am too new to all this .. i booted here because my windows gave up =(18:04
stix_Oer: feisty doesn't seem to be hosted on any of them18:04
Fyodorovnaphretor, not supported here. :)18:04
phretorok thanks18:04
xibalbahey folks, what's a good utility to test my disk i/o? I have some vmguests running on an iSCSI nas across a 1 gigabit link and i'm looking to test some disk throughput18:04
Oerstix_, then you are out of luck.18:04
Fyodorovna!eol | stix_18:04
ubottustix_: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:04
monserFyodorovna, where is life wiki ?18:04
zykotick9xibalba: iotop is a terminal app (requiring sudo)18:05
flashissuecan you give me some quick fix dumb proof link where i can click and wallah ! youtube shows videos ?18:05
stix_Fyodorovna: I know what eol is and I don't want to upgrade18:05
Fyodorovnamonser, I popted this once for you look up ^^^18:05
xibalbazykotick9 , does it give relatively easy output to read? I used bonnie but it just spit out too much information for me18:05
dlentzflashissue, have you installed flash?18:05
maurycelthunder, ow can i make it so that i does nothing18:05
maury for key 24018:05
Fyodorovnastix_, well your in a dead end loop then.18:05
flashissuedlentz: i tried, but its not dumb friendly =[18:05
zykotick9xibalba: give it a try and see, i'd say yes myself18:05
xibalbathanks trying it now18:05
flashissuedle tell me step by step ? =] ?18:06
monserwhat they say is just chaning the sources18:06
monserthat's all18:06
Fyodorovnastix_, eol is not even supported here other then to point you towards getting a release.18:06
dlentzthere's a firefox add-on called flashaid. that's "dumb-proof"18:06
stix_can I at least find an openssh-server .deb for my 7.04?18:06
xibalbado you think dd is a good benchmark? something like the command :  sudo apt-get install iotop18:06
monserthose guys from launchpad found workaround18:06
xibalba dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/file.out bs=10k count=100k18:06
monserhowever taht mountall is no longer available to download from that location18:06
celthundermaury: xmodmap18:06
flashissuedlentz ok .. i am to search that under synaptic package manager ?18:07
Fyodorovnamonser, you have a running karmic right?18:07
flashissuedlentz: nope, no such thing in synaptic package manager18:07
Fyodorovnamonser, then look at the eol link it is straight forward.18:07
mauryyeah but can i make it so that it does nothing18:07
xibalbazykotick9 , is this for monitoring disk specs or for bench marking htem?18:08
celthundermaury: yes18:08
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zykotick9xibalba: monitoring18:08
xibalbaahh, i needed something to benchmark them18:08
monserthat  link have no info about karmic18:08
flashissuei downloaded some stuff from adobe site, it doesnt work though18:08
maurythey explain how to make it do stuff18:08
xibalbathis looks slow as snot : bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 38.0232 s, 27.6 MB/s18:08
mauryi just want it to do nothing18:08
zykotick9xibalba: sorry you did say "test" origionally18:08
xibalban/p, miscommunications18:08
okumAnyone know how to fix this error?18:08
okumwhen i log in, it gives me an error "could not apply the stored configuration for monitors" and it loads a different theme then i have set. i can still navigate fine on the desktop, but when i exit the error, the desktop freezes for about 15 secs then switches to the theme i have set and i can navigate again.. snapshot:18:08
FloodBot1okum: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:08
celthundermaury: xmodmap has a clear option i think18:09
xibalbazykotick9 , any recommendations for benchmarking disks? i used hdparm too but that didn't appear to do any writes only reads18:10
webusnixhi! how can i complete remove all java version from my ubuntu18:10
celthunderxibalba: iotop18:10
xibalbacelthunder , for benchmarking?18:10
okumany know how to fix there error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/871836/18:10
Fyodorovnamonser, read closer it does notice this line. The first part will cover upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 and up (eventually to 10.04). We will do the following upgrades, 8.10 to 9.04 to 9.10 to 10.04 LTS.18:11
monserError during commit18:11
monser'E:Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall'18:11
monserRestoring original system state18:11
okumanyone know how to fix this error?! http://paste.ubuntu.com/871836/18:11
zykotick9xibalba: sorry, for actual benchmarking i don't have any suggestions.  Good luck.18:11
celthunderxibalba: not sure i know it does real time18:12
Fyodorovnamonser, if you don't do this correctly you will break it, do mnot change the sourecs.list and if yiou have which it seems tell us.18:12
okumAnyone know how to fix this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/871843/18:13
webusnixokum> are you spam ?18:14
zykotick9!here | okum18:14
ubottuokum: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com18:14
monserit's funny but the part for upgrading to from karmic is missing18:14
okumzykotick9: wtf i did use ubuntu paste broseph18:14
monserall they tell is chaning the sources18:14
maurycan someone help me clear keycode 240 with xmodmap?18:14
webusnixhow can i complete remove all java version from my ubuntu  ?18:15
okumwebusnix: no, lol.. just failed when trying to ask how to fix error.18:15
celthundermaury: what happened when you tried18:15
zykotick9okum: yes, and you expect people to go to your pastebin without ANY idea what your issue is.  the first sentence of !here is why i sent it.18:15
celthunderwebusnix: apt-get remove it18:15
ActionParsnipokum: do you use xrandr at all?18:15
webusnixcelthunder> when i remove sun-jre ubuntu auto install open-jre version18:16
mauryi just understand the systax18:16
celthunderzykotick9: he put his full issue in here earlier somone flagged him for spamming i think that was his solution18:16
okumActionParsnip: no.18:16
mauryshould i say keycode 240 = clear ?18:16
celthunderwebusnix: so remove both18:16
zykotick9celthunder: ahhh, thanks.18:16
mauryi read the man pages, it is not really clear18:16
okumzykotick9: yeah, why natt.. lol.. btw your username is ghey.18:17
monserdoes anyone have mountall for 64bit? in deb package?18:17
Fyodorovnamonser, it is all there you just are not understanding it.18:17
monsermountall 2.1118:17
minixvbox!attitude | okum18:17
ubottuokum: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:17
celthunderwebusnix: and what do you mean it auto installs is it a dependancy for somethiny you have installed.  also there is a force flag18:17
okumminixvbox: cool man.18:18
okumminixvbox: your username is also ghey.18:18
celthunderokum: good way to get help18:18
monserI'll try with 2.14 I found them18:18
ActionParsnipokum: http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-256312.html  may help18:18
okumcelthunder: wow, whats up with all the ghey usernames?18:18
ActionParsnipokum: actually, scratch that18:19
theadmin!gl | okum18:19
ActionParsnipokum: press CTRL+ALT+F1 and log in and run:   mv ~/.config/monitors.xml $HOME; sudo reboot18:19
theadmin!guidelines | okum18:19
ubottuokum: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines18:19
webusnixcelthunder> i cant cancel it! ubuntu auto install default-jre18:20
Mech0zHow do I give writeaccess to a application like SabNzbDPlus ? (So it can write to a folder root/data)18:20
monseri can not install it .It can not install dependancies18:20
celthunderActionParsnip: uhm what is that supposed to do?  mv a file that? doesnt do anything? to home? j/w18:20
celthunderwebusnix: check if its a dependancy18:21
minixvboxMech0z: what app is that? and do you trust it to write there?18:21
monserchange the permissions of the folder18:21
monserchmod 777 folder18:21
monserand anyone anything can write in it18:21
minixvboxmonser: that is never a good idea18:21
zykotick9minixvbox: +118:21
Mech0zminixvbox yes its a download app18:21
minixvboxmonser: don't offer that advice here please18:21
Mech0zminixvbox it gets its own folders18:22
monserdo you know how to fix that error?18:22
Broc93hello everybody!18:22
minixvboxMech0z: what is the app? what does it do?18:22
Mech0zbut minixvbox http://sabnzbd.org/ its very known, but I just dont know how to give it write access to that folder18:22
monserit says that it can not install all dependancies18:23
FyodorovnaGuest36909, running in root on the irc is not a smart move.18:23
monserbut i do nto see what18:23
monserhow to see the error18:23
Broc93I've got a big question: I've tried to install Xubuntu on a PC, but I got an error at the end of the installation, saying that there was a problem with the disc, or sort of. I've changed hard drive and CD drive. Now, after some minutes of installation, I get this screen: http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/8461/06032012261.jpg18:23
monserhow to execute the install of a deb package in terminal?18:23
Broc93what does it mean? How can I solve this problem?18:23
zykotick9monser: "sudo dpkg -i foo.deb"18:24
celthundermonser: dpkg -i18:24
minixvboxmonser: have you searched to see if it is available in the repo first?18:24
ungidohola como estas18:25
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monserI think the system is dead18:25
celthunderBroc93: theres a key combo to get out of a kernel panic i dont have it memorized though18:25
zykotick9!es | ungido18:25
ubottuungido: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:25
monserapt-get can not configure anything18:25
Broc93celthunder: well, but what does that screen mean?18:26
Mech0zminixvbox any clue what I should do to give it that access?18:26
monserE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on mountall18:26
celthundermonser: dpkg-reconfigure18:26
celthunderBroc93: that you hit a kernel panic.18:26
gaussblurinchello! how to install pscyr under linux?18:26
minixvboxMech0z: i don't use anything outside the official repos sorry, much less to go wrong that way18:26
Broc93celthunder: an error, so. why does it happen? :D18:26
Fyodorovnacelthunder, reisub18:27
celthunderFyodorovna: huh18:27
monsersame error18:27
Fyodorovnamaybe kernel panic usually is a hard restart celthunder18:27
Mech0zminixvbox isnt it part of official repo when I use apt-get to install it?18:27
monserit does not want to install it18:27
celthunderBroc93: it happens when your kernel crashes18:27
celthunderFyodorovna: ah yeah thats the combo thanks18:28
minixvboxMech0z: what is the package name?18:28
monserdpkg-reconfigure is for already installed, right?18:28
bingeram having problems with network connectivity using ubuntu 11.10 as dual boot partition with win718:28
Fyodorovnacelthunder, were you thinking of this key combo. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reisub18:28
celthunderbinger: more info18:28
celthunderFyodorovna: yeah18:28
Mech0zminixvbox nwm "Ubuntu Unofficial Repository"18:28
Broc93celthunder: ok, but why does it crashes? It's not a disk problem (I've changed it), neither a problem of the CD drive (I've changed it, too)18:28
bingerit was working just fine but now it ubuntu won't connect wired or wireless.  I am new to ubuntu.  Have checked network settings for auto ethernet and they look fine18:29
benjabrgen ingles18:29
monserany ideas?18:29
bingeri am back to windows to chat with you all18:29
monsergood choice18:29
celthunderBroc93: says paging issue try a different kernel or now ram18:29
Fyodorovnabinger, do you know the card?18:30
celthunderbinger: whats it say whet you try to connect18:30
monsermaybe it is time for the magical restart18:30
monserto see if it will boot at all18:30
monserwish me luck18:30
Broc93celthunder: a different kernel: what do you mean?18:30
celthunderbinger: any results in ip addr18:30
bingerit tries to connect but then fails and goes offline18:30
celthunderBroc93: i mean go to kertel. org and compile a different kernel or try changing your ram18:31
celthunderBroc93: kernel.org sorry18:31
zykotick9celthunder: for an install ISO that might be difficult ;)18:31
Broc93celthunder: but I still haven't installed the operating system...18:31
bingerhang a sec there was a web page that i found that was very similar to my situation18:31
celthunderzykotick9: which part18:31
celthunderbinger: whats it fail with18:32
Broc93quote zykotick9 :)18:32
celthunderbinger: like no dhcp can you get the gateway etc18:32
bingeryes, i think it could be dhcp...wait i'm trying to find the exact error message (I can't access ubuntu at present am in windows7 at the moment18:33
celthunderbinger: ok18:33
celthunderbinger: try static addressing and test if you can ping the gateway18:34
Broc93celthunder: so, the problem is with the RAM... sob18:34
Broc93thank you anyway :D18:34
celthunderBroc93: not necessarilly and i could be wrong18:34
wyldeBroc93: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM18:34
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celthunderBroc93: im just a noob dont take my guesses as final18:35
bingerwell i can't find the page I was accessing before but what happens is that it tries "connecting" for 30 secs or so and then fails and goes offline18:35
wyldeBroc93: it could be a problem with your iso18:35
marcos_amarisHello, I am having problems to install the WFDB lybrary in ubuntu 11.10, HELP18:35
bingerit WAS working ok enough for me to download 25gb of a repository yesterday18:35
BoxyK2ActionParsnip: Sorry for being away so long. May I ask you again regarding my battery issue? The pc is a Lenovo ThinkPad T520.18:35
bingercan i reinstall 11.10 on top of the existing install?18:35
celthunderbinger: try to connect from terminal see what it fails with check ip route and ip addr etc18:35
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celthunderbinger: you can but its not much of a solution.18:36
celthundermarcos_amaris: whats the error18:37
bingerok will try that and get back to you.  Actually I'd uninstall/reinstall it except that i don't want to lose the 25gb that i downloaded yesterday.  How do i copy it to an external drive?  The built in file manager only gives me the option of "home" and "desktop" within the ubuntu partition18:37
celthunderbinger: mount the external drive and then cp it18:38
bingerwithin terminal is the command simply "check ip route" or is it something else?18:38
rexorbinger, you mean routing table ?18:39
bingerhow to mount?  I double clicked on the drive (let's say drive f:) and it opens.  What means "cp it"? sorry18:39
celthunderbinger:dhclient eth0; ip route;ip addr should work for wired or it will show you what went wrong hopefully18:40
bingerI will copy and print :)18:40
celthunderbinger: mount /dev/drivepartition mountpoint then cp -r source destinaition18:41
mintmanDr_willis ran down Captian America setup... he Gateway G6-333 came with a 333 Mhz Intel Pentium II or Celeron processor (with a Mendocino core). It came with 64 MB of PC133 SD-RAM. and supports a maximum of 512 MB So anyone runs into Captain America the system will only run with Lubuntu or Xbuntu at best18:41
dragonkeeperhow do i retrieve a file from a repository,   not like when you add the repo and sudo apt-get install program .    i want to just retrieve the deb file  .....18:41
LucidGuyAnyone familiar with the "stress" command/tool?18:41
celthunderdragonkeeper: man apt18:41
celthunderLucidGuy: no nobody on the planet has a clue18:41
Gage_Apt-get still doesn't work18:41
celthunderGage_: whats it fail with18:42
mintmanNo way Captian America can run a full ubuntu setup. also the compact drive is not orginal drive and system at one point ran a price range of 1400 to 2093 dallors.18:43
celthunderGage_: are you online wehn you did that apt-get update18:43
Gage_just a few seconds ago18:43
celthunderGage_: try a different repo server18:44
bingerthanks cellthunder.  will give it a go.18:44
ribhooGage_: ping google.com see if theres a network18:44
ribhooGage_: try sudo apt-get update18:45
Gage_wait, how do I stop ping?18:45
LucidGuycelthunder, yes.. I'm sure you would know that.18:45
celthunderribhoo: same two things i asked18:45
celthunderLucidGuy: then dont ask fucking stupid questions18:46
LjL!language | celthunder18:46
ubottucelthunder: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:46
LucidGuythere was nothing stupid about the question ..  get a life dude.18:46
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pythonsnakewhat is more secure, wpa aes or wpa tkip?18:47
celthunderpythonsnake: aes18:47
mintmanCaptian America's system runs a ATI rage 128mb card as well is extremely slow. Best to go with Puppy Linux or a smaller distro. Ubuntu may not be ideal for the hardware is at best minimal and may very sluggish on Lubuntu at best.. Puppy Linux, Salx, Salitz, Finnix, Damm Small linux, CD linux will be a better choice for the limited resources18:47
DynamicFailI currently have a bash script that uses net-snmp along with standard linux calls (sed/awk to simple things like ls) and now someone wants a version to run natively on windows... what is the best process to get it to work on windows from linux?18:47
pythonsnakeor both?18:47
celthundermintman: what who cares18:47
mintmancelthunder: that was to much.18:48
vkandyguys i am trying to install trietool. i got libdatrie1-bin but i can;'t seem to run trietool.18:49
LjLmintman: do you have an actual Ubuntu support question?18:49
vkandyanyone used tritool?18:49
celthunderDynamicFail: perl/python/c18:49
Gage_So yeah, what happen?18:49
minixvboxLjL: i think he was helping a use who has long since left18:49
mintmanLjL: Already ran my past u and got no help.  So I will read and figure it out for my self18:49
celthunderDynamicFail: whatever you are good at the most direct would be qemu18:50
celthunderminixvbox: ah that makes sense i thought he was talking to himself lol18:50
Gage_So does anyone have any ideas as to why apt-get isn't working?18:51
mintmancelthunder: don't worry I can move along18:51
celthunderGage_: id check your repo is working or try the fix missing it mentioned18:51
celthunderGage_: check your repo list and connection to it18:51
BoxyK2I see a warning message that the capacity of my battery (not the current charge level) is getting low. Does anybody know how to configure the threshold for this warning?18:51
BoxyK2Does anyone know?18:52
Gage_same thing as my previous pastebin with --fix-missing18:52
Gage_how does I check repo list?18:52
celthunderBoxyK2: what app is giving the warning18:52
celthunderGage_: /etc/apt/sources.list18:52
BoxyK2celthunder: Unity18:52
BoxyK2I mean, there's a notification shown when booting18:52
waxstone Gage_: /etc/apt/sources.list.d for PPA's18:53
celthunderBoxyK2: try acpitool?18:53
Gage_so what should be in sources.list?18:53
BoxyK2acpitool shows the current max capacity warning, I think.18:53
celthunderGage_: the servers you connect to for apps.  make sure you can connect to them18:53
waxstonePersonal Package Archives18:53
BoxyK2But I don't think that there's the threshold from when on the warning is shown in Unity.18:54
celthunderBoxyK2: sorry not sure then18:54
BoxyK2thank you!18:54
parapanI have a problem with dd command opening dev/sdb1 permission denied ....how can I overcome this ?18:54
celthunderparapan: sudo18:54
sta7icparapan: sudo18:54
parapancelthunder: sta7ic : sudo what ?18:55
celthunderGage_: ping them grab a file you know is on the server do a traceroute anything that tests it18:55
celthunderparapan: sudo dd18:55
xibalbahey folks, is it possible to use tshark to capture data over an interval of time and rotate files? say i want to capture 60 minutes of data with a ring buffer of 5 files. i can see how to do this in tcpdump, but was wondering if its possible in tshark18:55
parapancelthunder: I used the command with sudo ..doesn't work ....I've made sudo chmod 777 /dev/sdb1 ...doesn't work18:56
xibalbasometihng similiar to the -G fflag in tcpdump18:56
Gage_gage@derptop:~$ ping http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ping: unknown host http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gage@derptop:~$ ping archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ping: unknown host archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gage@derptop:~$18:56
Gage_So no.18:56
minixvboxparapan: 777 is never a good idea18:56
celthunderGage_: does your dns work18:56
celthunderyabai: and you cant ping that whole thing what the.......18:57
Gage_Well, I can browse the web just fine18:57
Gage_so I'm assuming yes18:57
parapanminixvbox: I try to install freenas OS on a USB stick ...but I cannot write the OS to the stick ...permission denied18:57
celthunderGage_: ping the server not the whole url18:57
Gage_gage@derptop:~$ ping archive.ubuntu.com PING archive.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from zaurac.canonical.com ( icmp_req=1 ttl=39 time=127 ms18:57
minixvboxparapan: how is this related to ubuntu?18:57
celthunderGage_: yeah ok does the server have the files you were trying to grab on it18:58
Gage_don't know18:58
Gage_I was trying to get xchat18:58
parapanminixvbox: lol man .....ubuntu is the OS under I try to write an USB stick and it does not work ? am I entitled now to ask for help in this channel ?18:58
Gage_but I can't get anything else.18:58
celthunderparapan: unmunt sdb1 then try18:59
Praxihmm can't get visio 2010 to install into wine.  Looking at the appdb on winehq.com they all said they had to do things, but not really what :)18:59
hobbeltIs it possible to instantly ban an attacker if he uses a bad username on SSH? Like if user = ROOT -> instant ban?18:59
celthunderhobbelt: yes fail2ban18:59
hobbeltcelthunder im running fail2ban, however havent found the user name option19:00
gustavoferreiraHello, I'm using raw sockets to get all packets in one interface and send them all in another interface (basically, making my linux machine as a bridge) [yes, I know that can be done with kernel configuration, but I want to make my own program] it is simple, but one thing I noticed is that it miss some packets, maybe because, it takes some time to receive the packat and send them to another interface, and between that time, more p19:00
gustavoferreiraackats arrive and my program isn't able to "detect" them, I already tried some sort of thread, but it still miss a few, anyone here can help? Any implementation type you may know?19:00
parapancelthunder: doesn't work also19:00
minixvboxparapan: if you are dd'ing the iso shouldn't that be to sdb (the stick) not sdb1 (the first partition on the stick)?19:00
parapanminixvbox: tried with sdb and sdb1 ...not working .....19:01
celthunderhobbelt: hmm always sort of assumed there was one19:01
Praxitrying playonlinux too, but it just seems to hang also19:01
minixvboxparapan: you sure the stick is sdb?19:01
celthunderparapan: cfdisk /dev/sdb19:01
celthunderparapan: does it fail19:01
hobbeltcelthunder there is a REGEX feature which does that, but dont think you can set it separately, just dont want to ban sb who mistypes password once19:01
parapancelthunder: unable to get permission ...permission denied19:02
Promethesapplication menu is displayed with 1 second delay in gnome fallback session. Anyone knows how to fix this super annoying issue?19:02
celthunderparapan: uhm selinux issue?19:03
minixvboxparapan: what does uname -a say?19:03
Promethesfor example nautilus menu, terminal menu and many many others, this is really annoying19:03
mintmanparapan: try yumi, unetbootin or do a manual iso to usb stick19:03
celthunderGage_: were you able to grab the files off the server without apt19:03
Broc93wylde: I've used that ISO on 4 computers before that one, and the other systems works perfectly. Maybe the CD got damaged, but I think it's quite difficult19:03
Gage_What do you mean?19:03
celthunderGage_: not using apt try to download the files19:04
celthunderGage_: use axel or wget or uzbl or something19:04
celthunderBroc93: any luck with a different kernel19:05
FyodorovnaBroc93, have you run a memeory test?19:05
parapanminixvbox: uname gives me the user on my machine, linux version and so on ....19:06
minixvboxparapan: can i see it please?19:06
Broc93Fyodorovna: no, didn't have enough time today. will surely try tomorrow19:06
dommerWhy is it that my webcam won't work in Ubuntu?19:06
dommerIs there a package I need?19:06
parapanminixvbox: Linux xxxxx-laptop 2.6.32-38-generic #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 4 11:13:04 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux19:07
Fyodorovnadommer, looked on the web with the model and ubuntu?19:07
Gage_I don't know how to get the files without using apt. Just tell me what to do, I'm a n00b.19:08
dommerI thought logitech should work in it.  :|19:08
mrgreenfurHi Ya'll. I'm running a VPS that's still on 8.04 LTS. Should I upgrade the distro or is it not really worth it?19:08
SinnerNyxI have a ubuntu VM i'm using as an ssh server, which I'm also tunneling my dev http server through for development and testing. I'd like to make it so that I can forward certain requests to another machine on the same network (the VM's host machine in fact). My understanding is I need to make my ubuntu box into a proxy server. is this correct?19:08
minixvboxparapan: while unrelated to your dd problem, there is an update to the kernel in lucid19:09
Broc93Fyodorovna: if there's no prolem with the RAM, what should I do?19:09
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parapanminixvbox: and you're suggesting first upgrade and then try again ???19:09
FyodorovnaBroc93, not sure really, I just saw a suggestion to check the ram.19:09
minixvboxparapan: i find its always best to run the latest updates19:10
celthunderFyodorovna: it was mine i think19:10
celthunderFyodorovna: not sure what else would cause page errors19:10
jendersWhat is the difference between the lines, ... lucid and ... lucid-updates in /etc/apt/sources.list19:10
Broc93Fyodorovna: OK. So I'll make another CD with the ISO (just to be sure) and run a memory test, tomorrow. Thank you a lot19:10
minixvboxparapan: i can't see how the dd isue is related but worth updating anyway19:10
parapanminixvbox: still dd doesn't supposed to be affected by this .....it's a permission issue nothing more .....19:11
jrib!repos | jenders19:11
ubottujenders: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:11
Raymond__from the terminal how do i turn on the wireless card, BCM430619:11
jribjenders: one is for the "lucid" repository and the other is for "lucid-updates"19:11
minixvboxparapan: yes, thats what i was saying, but just informing you that your current kernel has an update19:11
parapanminixvbox: k man , thanks for the effort ...19:12
celthunderRaymond__: modprobe b43 or whatever ip addr wlan0 up or something like that19:12
bennypHey there. I'm trying to install on a toshiba network, and at partitioning, I get an input/outpur error on dev/sda19:12
bennypwhat could the problem be? corrupt flash?19:12
dasworthi. Where can i change ctrl+alt+Fx ? Thats X.org related or isn't?19:12
celthunderbennyp: sda is usually your hard drive19:12
celthunderdaswort: to what19:13
minixvbox!tty | daswort19:13
ubottudaswort: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.19:13
bennypcelthunder: right. I want to install to the hard drive19:13
theadmindaswort: It's not. Normally it's configured in /etc/inittab, but I have no idea how it's done with Upstart19:13
Gage_I feel dumb. Could someone (in simple words) help me get apt working?19:13
bennypsorry for not pecifying, but i'm installing from USB19:13
celthunderGage_: did the test work19:13
Gage_See, I didn't know how to do what you were telling me to do.19:14
celthunderbennyp: does your hdd work properly19:14
Fyodorovnabennyp, can you open gparted, take a screenshot and imagebin it.19:14
bennypcelthunder, Fyodorovna i'm concerned the flash is corrupted. gparted doesn't list /dev/sda, and the filebrowser doesn't notice the old windows partition (sda)19:15
bennypi can't mount /dev/sda either19:15
celthunderbennyp: you dont mount sda you mount the partitions19:15
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celthunderbennyp: do you have a weird hdd setup or raid some odd scsi setup etc19:16
bennypcelthunder: sorry it's been awhile. I have /dev/sda, sda1, sda2 and sda319:16
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bennypcelthunder: it's a toshiba netbook that hadwindows 7 installed on it. could have been that the win 7 setup mucked around with things19:16
celthunderbennyp: then cfdisk /dev/sda what does it say or try fdisk19:16
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jendersjrib: so if I remove lucid-updates I will never move past the release I've installed from?19:17
bennypcfdisk /dev/sda: FATAL ERROR  cannot open disk drive19:17
celthunderbennyp: hmm19:17
jribjenders: whether or not you remove it, you will never end up on a different release unless you tell ubuntu you want to upgrade your release.  lucid-updates provides updates to fix software issues19:18
bennypcelthunder: fdisk -l /dev/sda: cannot open /dev/sda19:18
celthunderbennyp: sec19:18
daswortokay. But i want to change the keystroke combo.19:18
minixvboxdaswort: i don't think you can19:19
celthunderbennyp: are you root when running those19:19
celthunderminixvbox: could he remap his keys?19:20
minixvboxcelthunder: ctrl alt and F* keys?19:20
bennypcelthunder: i'm running them off the iso19:20
bennypi'll try sudo19:20
celthunderminixvbox: just the f* ones the ctrl alt are kind of needed as is19:21
magpiihi. I am having a major issue while trying to install ubuntu 11.10 off a usb drive. It keeps telling me part way through that my usb drive may be faulty....its brand new bought today to replace another that was having the same issue while installing19:21
bennypcelthunder sudo cfdisk /dev/sda returns fatal error, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda returns nothing19:21
celthundermagpii: md5 the iso used?19:21
magpiithe iso was downloaded from the ubuntu webpage, gimme a sec to post link19:22
santoshfamilyhow to copy folder to /usr/share/themes ?19:23
celthundersantoshfamily: cp19:23
calicoI am confused, could some please explain what a Rolling distribution is an is it any different from Ubuntu?19:23
jacksantoshfamily: sudo cp -R19:23
celthundermagpii: md5 it to make sure it matches19:23
magpiithe iso was downloaded from here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download19:23
Fyodorovna!md5sum | magpii19:23
ubottumagpii: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:23
magpiihow do i md5 it?19:24
Fyodorovnamagpii, ^^^19:24
santoshfamilywhat is -R ?19:24
celthundercalico: you never reinstall they update as it comes out im in arch which in an example19:24
celthundersantoshfamily: recursive19:24
gareth_hey guys if I wanted some help with permissions/group settings for qjackctl on 12.04 where should I go?19:24
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minixvboxcalico: rolling is when you install and you never need to install again, it is continually updated (like gentoo or arch), ubuntu has 6 months releases so isn't rolling19:25
magpiiI have downloaded the 11.10 64/32 bit as well as the 10.04 32/64 bit and still having the same issue19:25
celthundercalico: basically the release rolls along you never have a version number etc your always current19:25
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santoshfamilypls explain by giving a example ?19:25
calicocelthunder: so what do you mean, if I install Ubuntu that mean''s that I'll have to REinstall in 6 months??19:25
celthundercalico: something like that or install over your previous one19:25
minixvboxcalico: yes, or upgrade to the next release19:25
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gareth_ah no worries, I should read the channel title in future :D19:26
calicominixvbox: upgrade just from the os, with the updates?19:26
minixvboxcalico: with a rolling distro there is no upgrading to the next release, you are effectively running the latest by simply being up-to-date19:26
celthundersantoshfamily: cp -r /source $HOME copies the directory /source to my home dir19:27
SinnerNyxis there a way to forward traffic to another machine based on port and the hostname used in the request?19:27
celthundersantoshfamily: and everything in it19:27
celthunderSinnerNyx: probably19:27
calicok tnx19:27
celthundercalico: yes basically19:27
santoshfamilythanks i am going to try it ?19:27
bennypcelthunder: check this out pastebin.com/2zYPSKjE19:27
SinnerNyxcelthunder: where would I start? can it be done with IPtables?19:28
celthunderbennyp: cant help you from there sorry19:29
bennypcelthunder: thanks a mint! have a great day19:29
celthunderyou too hopefully someone else has an idea19:30
daswortthanks for helping, i try it another way…19:32
Fyodorovnabennyp, how about a imagebin of gparted.19:33
celthunderFyodorovna: i think he said sda didnt show up19:34
bennypFyodorovna: well, i can tell you that sda didn't even show up19:34
celthunderericluwolf: hi19:34
ericluwolfI'm making an Ubuntu derivitive19:34
ericluwolfSharing the love.19:34
Fyodorovnabennyp, ah did you look in the disk utility?19:34
celthunderericluwolf: thats nice19:35
Fyodorovnabennyp, I recognize the fdisk did not see it a swell19:35
ericluwolfHow can I get started working with the derivative team?19:35
bennypFyodorovna: correct19:36
ericluwolfBennyp can you repeat your problem?19:36
pythonsnakeI installed cpufreqd but I don't have acpi-cpufreq is that normal?19:36
minixvboxericluwolf: what? if you are making a derivative that is your responsibility19:36
bennypand when i try to boot into the old windows install (safe mode or normal) it hangs19:36
jpmnr7como se usa isto?19:36
celthunderbennyp: he cant access sda without fatal errers even as root19:36
bennypericluwolf: trying to install on a toshiba netbook (nb205)19:36
theadminericluwolf: There is no such thing. The official Ubuntu derivatives are Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, Edubuntu and Ubuntu Studio. Any other derivatives are not supported and will never be19:36
martianDoes unity have a 'run' prompt like the alt-f2 in gnome2?19:36
theadminmartian: Yes, it's the same way (alt-f2) :P19:37
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martiantheadmin: then the keyboard must be messed up on this laptop ;)19:37
ericluwolfI know. But there is a way on the ubuntu wiki to work with them for hardware and security support. Development is all o n me tho19:37
bennypcan you advise on ssd diagnostic tools?19:37
Fyodorovnaericluwolf, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives19:37
bennyppreferably in software manager19:37
ericluwolfSata I presume19:38
theadminmartian: Possible, hm.19:38
martiantheadmin: oh, silly dell; had to hit clt-fn-f2 otherwise it was turning on and off the wifi :p19:38
ribhooanyone knows how to change language in lynx?19:38
sparcmI have problem with swedish characters, can anyone help me?19:38
theadminmartian: ...weird19:38
martiantheadmin: what's weirder is having to remove the keyboard and front panel to get at the hard drive :x19:39
ziglirahh it's a wonderful day19:39
bennypericluwolf, Fyodorovna might have something to do with a BIOS setting called "AHCI" needing to be disabled19:40
celthunderribhoo: should take the default19:40
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Fyodorovnabennyp, does windows still boot?19:41
lwizardlI have a file inside of the trash that refuses to let me remove it. I am getting Input/Output error. Is there a way to force remove it ?19:41
parapanminixvbox: what to hear the solution ???19:41
ericluwolfSwitch to combination or ide/pata in your BIOS. Windows setup doesn't like AHCI.19:41
bennypFyodorovna: no. I disabled AHCI, but haven't tried win yet19:41
theadmin!trash | lwizardl19:41
ubottulwizardl: Your GUI file manager's Trash folder is located at ~/.local/share/Trash/ for files moved to trash from your hard disk and .../.Trash-userid/ on external devices for files moved to trash from the device.19:41
ribhoocelthunder: no, got translit, had to change the use locale-based19:41
zykotick9ribhoo: not related to your issue, but if you want a text browser I'd recommend links2 or elinks over lynx19:41
celthunderlwizardl: rm rf19:42
bennypFyodorovna: that might have done it. installer now recogs the windows part19:42
lwizardlcellthunder, tried that even as sudo19:42
zykotick9lwizardl: an I/O error may indicate a hardware issue...19:42
KaiSforzaExcuse me, how do you turn off the screensaver using the terminal? aka, where's the conf file?19:43
bennypFyodorovna: oops! creating ext part failed19:43
zykotick9lwizardl: you may want to have a look at your "dmesg" output19:43
lwizardlzykotick9, I was making a clonezilla image of a laptop and the battery died and it refuses to let me remove it19:43
Fyodorovnabennyp, how many partitions do you see?19:43
celthunderKaiSforza: xset s 0 0 xset -dpms xset s off it .xinitrc19:43
bennypFyodorovna: 3, all ntfs19:43
celthunderKaiSforza: er in not it19:43
lwizardlrm: cannot remove `.Trash-1000/expunged/EXAMPLE': Input/output error19:44
Fyodorovnabennyp, post a screenshot of bgparted now, in imagebin.19:44
Fyodorovna!imagebin | bennyp19:45
ubottubennyp: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.19:45
bennypFyodorovna: since disabling ahci in bios i have sda1 (about 1500m label System), 2 (223gb (label Tl103127W0E) and 3 (7gb - recovery)19:45
Fyodorovnabennyp, if you want help then consider following requests.19:46
bennypFyodorovna: i'm operating off of two machine now, it's a bit cumbersome, please understand19:47
Fyodorovnabennyp, I'm not to into 20 questions.19:47
bennypFyodorovna: /dev/sda2 (main windows partition) has at least 923 bad sectors19:48
ericluwolfhey guys I'm back19:48
ericluwolfstill having problems, bennyp19:48
celthunderbennyp: thats pretty bad but new drives can ship with like 2 percent failure19:48
bennypericluwolf, celthunder yeah, after disabling "ahci" in bios I got the liveimage to spot the windows partitions.19:49
bennypbut the major win part has 923 bad sectors <- there's yer problem19:49
KaiSforzacelthunder: my friend's computer is booting up and logging in, but then going right to the screensaver. will that fix it?19:49
celthunderKaiSforza: uh maybe. try it19:50
ericluwolffsck in the terminal will help with tose nbad sectors19:50
ericluwolfi trust you can unmount and mount via the cli?19:50
zykotick9KaiSforza: FYI celthunder's suggestion is actually powersaving screen blanking, NOT related to screensaver19:51
bennypcelthunder, Fyodorovna, ericluwolf: results of gparted "check and fix" on the main windows partition: pastebin.org/CLbSmZE019:51
Fyodorovna!tab | ericluwolf19:51
ubottuericluwolf: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:51
bennypericluwolf: yessir19:51
Fyodorovnaericluwolf, please don't just talk.19:51
ericluwolfokay sorry. new to irc Fyodorovna19:51
KaiSforzazykotick9: do you know how to turn off the screensaver? where's the screensaver config file?19:51
celthunderzykotick9: sorry lol my screensaver is just tho power off or my monitor19:52
zykotick9KaiSforza: you might be able to kill to screensaver process?  Not sure on it's config from cli sorry19:52
KaiSforzazykotick9: what's the screensaver processes name?19:52
zykotick9KaiSforza: depends.  you could try "ps aux | grep screen" perhaps (no screensaver running here to check with)19:53
splicedhey, I'm having problems changing the directory of an ftp in ubuntu19:53
splicedwould someone mind helping?19:53
zykotick9KaiSforza: i know there is an xscreensaver and a gnomescreensaver19:53
KaiSforzazykotick9: (same) and thanks19:53
Fyodorovna!ask | spliced19:53
ubottuspliced: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:53
celthunderspliced: whats the error and did you check permissions19:53
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bennypericluwolf, Fyodorovna have to move my location i'll be back in 10 minutes. thanks for the help this far19:53
splicedFyodorovna: I did ask the question :p19:53
ericluwolfspliced: what's the remote filesystem19:54
splicedone sec19:54
Fyodorovna!help | spliced19:54
ubottuspliced: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:54
splicedis Fyodorovna a bot?19:54
Fyodorovnaspliced, no19:54
JJasonClarknoob question: how do I tell if my server is using iptables or ufw? Or does the question not make since because I not yet understand the programs well enough?19:54
celthunderspliced: no and you did ask to ask a question19:54
seth_how do i change the order of the sidebar?19:54
splicedI asked the question above it, anyway19:55
splicedone moment19:55
Fyodorovnaspliced, asking for help is not really a good idea.19:55
celthunderJJasonClark: iptable -L if you hove entries you are using it no idea what ufw is19:55
splicedi got that the first two times you said it19:55
splicedjesus fucking christ19:55
JJasonClarkcelthunder: thank you19:55
splicedjust wait a moment~19:55
pangolin!language | spliced19:56
ubottuspliced: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.19:56
seth_how do I change order or bar on left?19:56
celthunderseth_: drag n drop? what ui19:56
splicedok I followed that19:56
Fyodorovnaseth_, drag up or down some do not move.19:57
seth_in unity19:57
splicedand it's taking me to the entire drive of the VM19:57
ericluwolfsidebar? or in nautilus?19:57
splicedI just want it to be in /var/www19:57
celthunderseth_: drag n drop19:57
seth_thanks but the whole bar moves19:57
SeySayuxHey, does ubuntu come with a builtin firewall these days?19:57
Captain_Protonspliced, what fpt server you running19:57
splicedthe one from the link I provided: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7958819:58
theadminSeySayux: Yes, iptables and a frontend to it, ufw19:58
SeySayux*builtin and enabled by default to block all ports19:58
celthunderspliced: set the root dir19:58
ericluwolfSeySayux: I don't think so, but I know you can get one from the Software Center19:58
Fyodorovnaseth_, drag out side the panel to the right with left mouse key held down and drop19:58
theadminSeySayux: No, nobody would want to block all ports, that's just silly, Windows behaviour19:58
splicedcelthunder: I did, it's not working19:58
splicedand I restarted it19:58
impihello, with pureftpd i can connect from localhost, but not from outside the box? no firewall..19:58
celthunderSeySayux: no idea but iptables has always worked well19:58
impifeeling so dumb.19:58
JJasonClarkSeySayux: iptables and ufw are both installed by default on 10.04 server19:58
mintmanIf you want to reload Ubuntu ,but keep the programs you installed can you save the .deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives and reinstall system to the same state?19:58
ericluwolfSeySayux: But please don't take my word as law...19:58
celthunderimpi: what ip is it listening on19:59
SeySayuxtheadmin: Well, IMHO, ubuntu is moving towards more "Windows behavior" in attempt to woo Windows users into using it.19:59
celthunderspliced: any log files that might help19:59
seth_GOT IT! THANKS!! First time i've seen that UI function. Out and in. thanks!!19:59
Fyodorovna!0t | SeySayux19:59
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Captain_Protonspliced, are you using the "userftp" then ?19:59
Fyodorovna!ot | SeySayux19:59
ubottuSeySayux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:59
KaiSforzazykotick9: ok, go into the terminal and type $ps aux | grep screen   $kill -s pid-for-screen19:59
pythonsnakeI installed cpufreqd but I don't have acpi-cpufreq is that normal?19:59
SeySayuxFyodorovna: ?20:00
celthunderpythonsnake: yes ?20:00
JJasonClarkwhere is the iptables config file? I can only find the ufw one20:00
theadminJJasonClark: iptables is configured with the "iptables" command.20:00
zykotick9KaiSforza: you don't need the -s part, or you could use "killall NAMEOFPROGRAM"20:00
celthunderJJasonClark: wherever you save it to i put mine in etc20:00
impi0.0.0.0:*               LISTEN20:00
KaiSforzazykotick9: ah, thanks.20:00
pythonsnakehow do i get then please?20:00
ericluwolfSeySayux: I think that KDE is more for the Windows types. Not my cup of tea, but I've always been a GNOME fan... I think Ubuntu will be its own thing for years to come :)20:00
JJasonClarkahh, have to do your own and ad the startup commands?20:00
Captain_Protonok you have two options one: add right (user) to dir you want to ftp to. or change the right on the folder to 777 < not recommanded20:01
pythonsnakeget it*20:01
celthunderimpi: that would listen on all ports on all ip im sure you dont want that20:01
impii nmpa the box and i only get: 22/tcp open  ssh: 80/tcp open  http but no 21..20:01
bennypericluwolf: Fyodorovna: celthunder: ok i need an NTFS partition fixer-upper that runs from the iso (i.e. i can't boot into windows to use MS's tools)20:01
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celthundericmp are you suer its running20:01
Captain_Protonspliced, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/ add the user to www-data group20:01
SeySayuxMy problem currently is not whether Ubuntu is Windows like or where to get a firewall, but that *something* is blocking access to my box and when I was running Windows, it wasn't.20:02
celthunderbennyp: fsck20:02
ericluwolfbennyp: do you have your Windows install disk?20:02
Captain_Protonthen you should have rw access20:02
impicelthunder, yep its running since i can connect locally20:02
starsunflower_<ericluwolf> do you like the new gnome?20:02
ericluwolfbennyp: sudo ntfsfix /dev/<device name>20:02
ericluwolfuse fdisk -l bennyp to get your device name20:03
rcmaehlI just installed Windows 7 on my computer but now I can't boot into linux. I'm on a live USB right now so can someone walk me through the grub install. Note: My /boot is a seperate partition from my /. Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit20:03
ericluwolfstarsunflower_: I love the new GNOME!20:03
celthunderimpi: hmm did it log an error on listening to the external ips20:03
Captain_Protonspliced, you may want to make the www the ftp root20:03
ericluwolfstarsunflower_: As in GNOME 3. Part of me wishes Ubuntu would have gone with that instead... but Unity is cool too.20:03
impicelthunder, nothing mate. it's all systems go20:03
splicedtis what I am trying to do, but hmm20:04
celthunderrcmaehl: grub then setup (hdAUTAO,OEUHTA)20:04
rcmaehlIt doesn't load grub20:04
celthunderrcmaehl: replace the random crap with your relevant info20:04
starsunflower_<ericluwolf> ahh :) ic - i think i'm an old fart, don't like gnome 3, unity *or* metro in win8, lolz - I like hierarchical menus, less clicking20:05
rcmaehlIt goes directly to the windows boot loader20:05
celthunderrcmaehl: chroot and do the above20:05
ericluwolfbennyp: are you sure the ntfs is the problem or is it the mbr20:05
celthunderrc it should reput grub in your mbr20:05
rcmaehlso grub-setup20:05
ericluwolfstarsunflower_: i take it you're a little more of a kde fan?20:05
Fyodorovna!grub | rcmaehl20:06
ubotturcmaehl: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:06
impidamn you ec2.20:07
Fyodorovnarcmaehl, do you have a mbr setup or a gpt?20:07
starsunflower_<ericluwolf> actually no. I have run it, but it's a bit too bouncy imho. I do run it on my laptop from time to time. I've never done a straight KDE install and stuck with it, always went gnome and then installed KDE20:07
impiadded a port range. 21: working.20:07
impipunk a$$ biaatch20:07
rcmaehlFyodorovna: mbr as windows 7 doesn't want to do gpt -_-20:07
celthunderstarsunflower_: try xmonad20:07
celthunderimpi: lol20:07
impicelthunder, thanks for the help20:07
celthunderimpi: glad you gt it sorted20:07
impiSecurity Groups >.<20:08
Fyodorovnarcmaehl, okay is the HD gpt?20:08
rcmaehlas much as I hate having it like that20:08
celthunderrcmaehl: grub then setup (hdAUTAO,OEUHTA) what happened when you did that20:08
Fyodorovnarcmaehl, do yo have a boot partition for ubuntu?20:08
ericluwolfbennyp: any luck on your end with that nasty NTFS error?20:09
rcmaehlFyodorovna: yes /dev/sdb1 uuid=eea91651-dc63-40d8-a4fe-2acc3cd32c8320:09
Fyodorovnarcmaehl, on a mbr setup you do not need a boot partition, if that alone is what it is.20:09
starsunflower_<ericluwolf> I was thinking of trying out LXDE - is Xmonad like openbox or something?20:09
Fyodorovnarcmaehl, this is not a lvm I assume but a rxt type partitioning.20:10
celthunderstarsunflower_: its a tiling manager thats simple easy to use takes like 10mb of ram and has everythiny you need.  also it organizes your windows for you20:10
splicedif I pastebin the config file20:10
splicedperhaps someone can look to see if there's an error in that20:11
bennypericluwolf: just ran ntfsfix. failed: ntfs sig missing. volume corrupt, run dhfdisk20:11
ericluwolfstarsunflower_: I don't really have wxperience with that.... sorry :).. But I'm sure you'll like it if it's recommended.20:11
ericluwolfbennyp: try ntfsfix -f as root20:11
Fyodorovnaext type partition sorry rcmaehl20:11
splicednvm done it20:12
rcmaehlnever mind20:12
splicedDefaultRoot /var/www20:12
celthunderstarsunflower_: you can add /change pretty much anything you want in it in about 10 seconds as well20:12
bennypericluwolf: invalid option. i only have b h n and V20:12
mstentaHey all, I'm trying to identify how an intruder got into my Ubuntu server. I found a file called /etc/cron.d/update.db that adds the following "12 * * * * root chown root.root /tmp/sh; chmod u+s /tmp/sh" … seems suspicious to me… right?20:13
ericluwolfbennyp: sorry. do you have a windows install disk laying around somewhere?20:13
jribmstenta: yes...20:13
celthunderbennyp: did fsck worx20:13
aaron_chi, i accidentally executed this command: "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/alsa-daily".  how do i undo the changes it made?20:14
celthundermstenta: yeah i would delete that...20:14
CoolCoder http://www.diigo.com/item/t/2480215_110729697_6364607 please check this image. I have recently created a git repo from terminal of ubuntu. Now all my files in desktop, home folder have a svn symbol. let me know why is it?20:14
theadmin!ppa-purge | aaron_c20:14
ubottuaaron_c: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:14
mstentajrib: thanks. thought so. just wanted confirmation. :-)20:14
bennypericluwolf: i have a windows install on the sdd. maybe after disabling ahci it'll boot into safe mode20:14
mstentajrib: still trying to figure out how that got there… :-/20:14
bennypcelthunder: haven't tried since disabling ahci.. stand by20:14
ericluwolfbennyp: standing by....20:15
bennypericluwolf celthunder : which flags for fsck? it's ntfs20:15
aaron_ctheadmin: thanks, but when i try that i get Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: ubuntu-audio-dev alsa-daily.  and, when i run apt-get update it's givign me errors so i think the ppa is still there20:15
theadminaaron_c: are you sure you're typing it right? sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/alsa-daily20:16
starsunflower_<ericluwolf> idk that may be to much for me. I don't write haskell ;) Looks interesting though, esp for those with gargantuan monitors20:16
ericluwolfbennyp: sudo apt-get install N20:16
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ericluwolfbennyp: sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs20:17
aaron_ctheadmin: ya, i just pasted that exactly20:17
jribmstenta: what kernel are you running on the machine?20:17
bennypericluwolf: already newest ver20:17
ericluwolfbennyp: fsck -t ntfs20:17
mstentajrib: ubuntu 10.0420:17
theadminaaron_c: Huh, with the /, right?20:17
aaron_ctheadmin: it seems like it's ignoring the forward slash for some reason, even when i surround it with quotations20:17
jribmstenta: kernel20:17
aaron_ctheadmin: ya20:17
RyanDIs there an easy way I can log all actions/commands of a certain user/users?20:18
ericluwolfbennyp: OR fsck.ntfs20:18
mstentajrib: sorry… newb… one sec i'll figure it out20:18
hydrox24_ericluwolf: wouldnt you want to add the option to make fsck automatically fix errors too?20:18
mintmancelthunder: what exactly is xmonad? reading this website understand it runs in x11 enviroment?? what does it do?20:18
jribmstenta: uname -r20:18
theadminaaron_c: Odd... Okay, cd to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and find the .list file there20:18
mstentajrib: thanks20:18
theadminaaron_c: Then just rm it20:18
zykotick9mintman: it's a tiling windows manager20:18
celthundermintman: a window manager20:18
bennypericluwolf celthunder error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs20:18
hydrox24_RyanD: just monitor their bash history20:18
ericluwolfhydrox24_: yeah... that too20:18
RyanDhydrox24_: where to view?20:18
ericluwolfbennyp: What version of windows is it?20:18
mintmancelthunder: downloading now give it a try! :)20:18
bennypericluwolf: 720:19
* RyanD has never bothered to do this shit before.20:19
RyanDBut I've got a very, very lazy outsourced team on a project of mine.20:19
celthundermintman: its a tiling window manager give it a try it just makes sense yeah lol thats cool let me know if you have issues20:19
RyanDwell, that I'm managing.20:19
bennypericluwolf: the client said "after we installed 7 it broke"20:19
aaron_ctheadmin: excellent, thanks!20:19
mstentajrib: hmm… well it's a Rackspace VPS, and I currently have it in "rescue mode" so i can diagnose it… running uname -r in rescue mode gives me, but that might not be the kernel the machine is… is there a way to find that out, my machine is currently mounted in /mnt/...20:19
bennypnot sure if she meant right after or later on20:19
Fyodorovna!language > RyanD20:19
ubottuRyanD, please see my private message20:19
celthunderFyodorovna: ?20:20
jribmstenta: you can check /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:20
mintmancelthunder: hope not used fluxbox and most of the WM and DE so I hope this goes smooth. I see people add code so I can download enviroment I like. :)20:20
RyanDportland user is bitter because portland.20:20
Fyodorovna!attitude > RyanD20:21
ubottuRyanD, please see my private message20:21
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jribmstenta: but I am more interested in what kernel was booted when this was done; so it depends on whether you installed kernels and didn't reboot20:21
mintmancelthunder: Does this use a script I can edit?20:21
RyanDRather than being ridiculously passive-aggressive, I'd love for you to explain your issue.20:21
RyanDI come on here to get a question answered and you're hassling me for no reason at all.20:22
mstentajrib: hm… no /boot/grub - maybe because it's a virtual server?20:22
bennypericluwolf: fsck.ntfs not found20:22
* RyanD waits for next bot command!20:22
celthundermintman: .xmonad/xmonad.hs20:22
FyodorovnaRyanD, no issue your on a family channel use appropritte language and read te code of conduct.20:22
Praxiportland taunts me with sun, got a hour of it yesterday before it started dumping buckets on me again.20:22
prezeuscan anyone help me uninstalling unity?20:22
jribmstenta: I'm not familiar with rackspace.  What's the latest version in /boot?20:22
mintmancelthunder: thanks understand, hope this as easy to play with as conky20:22
mstentajrib: /boot is empty :-/20:23
zykotick9!notunity | prezeus20:23
ubottuprezeus: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic20:23
RyanDi tried googling appropritte but I just got a link to a Lexus forum, can you please explain what you mean?20:23
icerootprezeus: and replace it with what?20:23
fairuz_Hi, what telephone does canonical use to show the Ubuntu on Android demo?20:23
jribmstenta: maybe it gets mounted elsewhere20:23
RyanDSorry for taking up space with this, anyways, hydrox24_ donde esta el bash logs?20:23
celthundermintman: yeah try using mrelendigs config as a starting point20:23
mintmancelthunder: give it a try20:23
prezeusiceroot: gnome220:24
icerootprezeus: not possible20:24
celthundermintman: may want to install dmenu or gmrun as well20:24
icerootprezeus: there is no gnome2 anymore20:24
zykotick9fairuz_: you might want to try #ubuntu-phone if you don't get an answer here20:24
prezeusiceroot: I mean no google shell no unity....20:24
icerootfairuz_: picture looks like samsumg prime20:24
prezeusicerrot: gnome-panels...20:24
icerootprezeus: you mean gnome-shell?20:24
starsunflower_<ubottu> that's useful info. I have not delved yet. still running lucid. my son likes it on his netbook though20:25
icerootprezeus: there is no gnome2 anymore, so you have to choose, unity, gnome3, kde4, lxde, xfce420:25
fairuz_thanks. By t he way, just to make it clear. What canonical shows is not the same as some tutorials I found on the net on how to get Ubuntu on Android right? something using vnc and stuff.20:25
prezeusiceroot: I don't want gnome-shell either, just gnome panels...20:25
theadminprezeus: sudo apt-get install gnome-fallback20:25
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icerootfairuz_: yes its something totally different canocial is showinh20:25
theadminprezeus: That's as close as it gets to gnome2, HOWEVER it's NOT gnome2.20:25
fairuz_iceroot: it looks very nice20:26
mintmancelthunder: looking over darcs20:26
mstentajrib: ok… it's 2.6.3220:26
prezeustheadmin: but I heard that there is problems with the panels ?20:26
icerootfairuz_: http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android20:26
theadminprezeus: Well... "problems"? I don't know what kind of problems do you mean, they act and look a bit differently20:26
icerootfairuz_: yes, its a really killer-feature (imo) and i am very happy about what canocial is doing there20:26
Fyodorovnaprezeus, the gnome-shel will give you gone 3 and the fall back gnome a pseudo gnome 220:26
beatboxheroHey what do I do if my version of Ubuntu wont update properly? I get a 404 not found error when trying to update20:27
jribmstenta: which one :)20:27
theadminprezeus: Try XFCE, it's almost exactly same as Gnome2, you'll feel right at home with it20:27
celthundermintman: pretty cool right20:27
prezeustheadmin: thank you!!20:27
Fyodorovnabeatboxhero, what release?20:27
icerootbeatboxhero: which ubuntu version?20:27
fairuz_iceroot: Well we share the same opinion then :).20:27
prezeustheadmin: I'll try it20:27
celthunderbeatboxhero: try a different repo server20:27
icerootbeatboxhero: cat /etc/issue to find out20:27
jribmstenta: anyway, this is probably something you should also be contacting rackspace about if they're the ones managing your kernel20:27
beatboxherohmm not sure what version it is. i will have to check20:28
beatboxheroHow do I change the repo server with a GUI?20:28
icerootbeatboxhero: dont change the repo server20:28
mstentajrib: no worries, i'm already starting a new server and moving stuff over… i'm just poking around in the old one now to figure out what happened.20:28
icerootbeatboxhero: please provide the output of "cat /etc/issue"20:28
mstentajrib: … just trying to figure out how they got in so i can prevent it on the new server20:29
JJasonClarkwhere would log messages be placed for a failed mount call for mounting a NFS directory?  /var/log/messages doesn't show anything20:29
beatboxherookay will do20:29
jribmstenta: what services were you running on the old server?20:29
zykotick9beatboxhero: ""lsb_release -sc" would be a bit faster20:29
Praxidoes 11.10 desktop not have any screensavers?20:29
icerootJJasonClark: stderr on your shell and not in any logs20:29
beatboxherowhat does that do?20:29
zykotick9beatboxhero: shows your version20:29
mstentajrib: all kinds of good stuff ;-) ssh, apache, mysql, solr, webmin20:29
beatboxheroaww! awesome20:29
JJasonClarkiceroot: shoot. oh well. program not registered isn't very useful. I need to research more I guess20:30
mstentajrib: i appreciate your help! what do you mean when you say "which one"? what should i look for exactly?20:30
zykotick9!webmin | mstenta20:30
ubottumstenta: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:30
mintmancelthunder: got alot of flexiblity to windows manager. This will take me some time to learn seeing how I'm not a programmer. But I can say the Windows manager should rock20:30
beatboxheroOkay there we go im on karmic20:31
jribmstenta: well at least in the ubuntu repositories, there are various versions available of kernel 3.0.0... they are of the form 3.0.0-13, 3.0.0-14, and so on20:31
Shojohi mintman20:31
mstentaubottu: thanks, yea i heard that recently… i don't think i'll be putting it on the new server. do you think that caused the intrusion somehow? any way to know?20:31
ubottumstenta: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:31
iceroot!eol | beatboxhero20:31
ubottubeatboxhero: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:31
icerootbeatboxhero: last link ubottu told you20:31
Fyodorovna!eol | beatboxhero20:31
mintmancelthunder: be back go to logout into xmonad20:31
celthundermintman: ok20:32
mintmanShojo: found your problem20:32
trismJJasonClark: not directly related to your question, but /var/log/messages is not used in ubuntu natty+, you should check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/kern.log for items you used to find there20:32
beatboxheroiceroot? what do you mean?20:32
icerootbeatboxhero: read the links from ubottu20:32
zykotick9mstenta: webmin being the source of your problem would not surprise me at all20:32
Shojoi have a problem?20:32
mintmanShojo: sorry wrong person20:32
icerootbeatboxhero: your version is no longer supported and the repos moved20:32
mstentajrib: ah ok… i googled for how to find out the version number, found /usr/include/linux/version.h with a LINUX_VERSION_CODE 13264020:32
Shojooh lol20:32
icerootbeatboxhero: because of that you get 40420:32
jmazziI'm on 12.04; what do I need to do to have lightdm source ~/.xsession?20:32
icerootJJasonClark: #ubuntu+120:32
oCeanjmazzi: Precise/12.04 is not yet released (now beta). Please /join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion20:32
beatboxheroMakes perfect sense. thanks!20:33
icerootJJasonClark: sorry wrong nick20:33
icerootjmazzi: #ubuntu+120:33
jmazzithe same applies to 11.0420:33
mintmanShojo: be back playing with xmonad something new20:33
jmazzithis isn't specific to 12.0420:33
mintmanShojo: :)20:33
Shojohave fun20:33
icerootjmazzi: using 12.04 is not supported here, please use #ubuntu+120:33
oCeanjmazzi: no, you're currently on 12.04, that's not supported here20:33
JJasonClarktrism: thanks, I'll have a look20:33
mstentazykotick9: thanks… i'll see f i can find a way to confirm whether or not it is…20:33
jmazzioCean: k, but my 11.04 box exhibits the same bavior20:34
jmazzii'd like a fix for either20:34
celthundermintman: how do you like it20:34
mintmanShojo: 18+ yrs of linux I dont know if this will be fun :)20:34
mintmancelthunder: hold on not that fast20:34
pythonsnakeHow do I check cpu's freq?20:35
theadminpythonsnake: Most cpu information can be found by: cat /proc/cpuinfo20:35
Lee3i know this is a random question, does anyone know anything about car batteries?20:35
icerootLee3: offtopic here20:35
pythonsnakeHow can I change it? llower20:35
hydrox24_Hi guys, I want to remove a ppa that is slowing my updates down but I have installed a package for it. Is it safe to remove the ppa with a package from it still installed?20:35
K-RichLee3: they are 12c and usually around 200ahr20:36
iceroothydrox24_: yes20:36
celthunderhydrox24_: yeah20:36
Fyodorovnahydrox24_, you familiar with apt-fast as well?20:36
xangua!ppa-purge | hydrox24_20:36
ubottuhydrox24_: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:36
hydrox24_Fyodorovna: No, tell me more!20:37
theadminhydrox24_: Yes, but you'll stop receiving updates from that ppa20:37
johnny77_I am trying to create a Ubuntu install USB. The check sum is coming out right; I'm using unetbootin to make usb; I've tried it on two computer; both see the flash drive after booting, but neither will boot the flash drive; gives a operating system missing error.20:37
hydrox24_xangua: yeh, I was looking at using apt-purge20:37
zykotick9johnny77_: are you creating this USB from a gnu/linux or microsoft host?20:38
bicepjaiis there anyone who have used sg_utils tool sg_logs here ?20:38
johnny77_zykotick9: I20:38
johnny77_zykotick9: I'm using Windows20:39
ironfoot495I lost locslhost how do I get back can anyone help me with that?20:39
zykotick9johnny77_: ok, i can't help then20:39
sarig_hi all, having a slight nightmare with rsyslog on ubunto 10, using if fromhost-ip == '' then /var/log/%fromhost%_syslog.log <newline> & ~ does not record the inbound syslog feed to the new file, all messages just continue going into /var/log/messages, any thoughts ?20:39
celthunderironfoot495: you lost the pc you are using20:39
mstentajrib: i found this article (http://my.opera.com/devloop/blog/2006/07/12/faille-de-securite-dans-le-kernel-2-6) - (in french, but google translate works pretty well) - it seems to describe something similar to what i've seen… do you think that's evidence enough to assume that the intruder exploited the kernel vulnerability?20:39
celthunderthans hard to do i really is20:39
BatshuaHey guys, my install is hanging at the "choose timezone" page.20:40
Fyodorovnahydrox24_, sorry I have virtual running the computer is crawling. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81861920:40
ironfoot495celthunder: no I lost the ability to get localhost20:40
bicepjaihow do we send data for log select using sg_logs ?20:40
Companion<3 oCean20:40
celthunderironfoot495: readd it to your /etc/hosts and lo to your interfaces20:41
mintmancelthunder: run me past what do I need to do intially all I get is wallpaper that it no tools20:41
mintmancelthunder: installed just xnomad nothing else20:42
celthundermintman: yep didy ou load elendigs config or just going without one20:42
bennyphow do i install fsck.ntfs when ntfs-3g is installed20:42
celthundermintman: alt shift enter20:42
hydrox24_bennyp: install ntfs-progs20:42
mintmancelthunder: I got to edit the profile first20:42
bennyphydrox24_: selecting ntfs-3g instead of ntfsprogs, ntfs-3g is up to date20:43
mintmancelthunder: didn't load elendigs yet20:43
Praxioh ya, for the person who pointed out the CTRL ALT L thing to lock the computer, only works on gnome screen saver, not on xscreensaver if it ever comes up again :)20:43
celthundermintman: alt shift enter gives you a terminal use alt jkl space etc to move around resize things etc ., also.  you can switch desktops alt 1-920:44
celthundermintman: try the xmonad tour20:44
mintmancelthunder: roger that20:44
santoshfamilyhow to upgrade 11.10 to 11.10 by cd ?20:45
zykotick9santoshfamily: do nothing ;)20:45
Fyodorovnasantoshfamily,  11.10 to 11.10?20:45
Fyodorovnazykotick9, lol20:46
zykotick9santoshfamily: FYI in order to upgrade via CD you need the alternative ISO20:48
hydrox24_bennyp: sorry, can't explain that one.20:48
santoshfamilycan i create iso of my cd  ?20:48
celthunderzykotick9: or a lot of time20:48
bennyphydrox24_: thanks anyways20:48
hydrox24_bennyp: after installing ntfsprogs, try running the ntfsfix program20:48
zykotick9santoshfamily: i don't mean you need the ISO physically, you need an alternateCD20:49
zykotick9santoshfamily: ie. the regular LiveCD won't work20:49
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal20:49
bennyphow can i fix mbr?20:49
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qmrbennyp: i was thinking I'd write an article on that for my blog actually.  it's easy20:49
ZteamAnybody can help me to fix my LVM-encrypted system20:50
bennypqmr: http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/20:50
bennypqmr: recommends using ms-sys, which i can't find installed on in apt20:50
qmrbennyp: that's stupid.20:51
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)20:51
hydrox24_bennyp: use this command, replacing the partition/disk as is appropriate: sudo ms-sys -m /dev/sda20:51
liam__anyone know where i can get the v4l2ucp source code20:51
hydrox24_bennyp: lol, just went there OK checking now :)20:51
Zteamit refuses to unlock thrr harddrive but I know my password is right20:51
bennyphydrox24_: i don't have ms-sys, and apt doesn't know about it20:52
santoshfamilywhat does i386 and amd64 mean ?20:52
ha1dfohi all.20:52
zykotick9santoshfamily: architecture, i386 = 32 bit, amd64 = 64 bit20:52
qmrbennyp: look, boot up, sudo su so you're root.  next, you need to mount your stuffs.  mkdir mnt.  cd mnt.  now, mount / in mnt, and /boot if it is separate .. then, chroot mnt /bin/bash , grub-install --boot-directory=/boot20:52
minixvbox32bit and 64bit20:52
bennyphydrox24_: qmr: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/fix-corrupted-windows-ntfs-filesystem-ubuntu/ suggests using lilo20:52
qmrbennyp: make sense?20:52
qmrbennyp: yea, it's not 199820:52
ha1dfoIs there any program in ubuntu that is intended to keep some of my processes running? (like a cluster application controller)20:52
qmrbennyp: also update-grub afterwards20:52
santoshfamilydoes it also tell the processor ?20:52
ha1dfoor maybe keep them running and report SNMP if something is stopped20:52
zykotick9santoshfamily: you choose which version based on your processor, not the other way around20:53
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hydrox24_bennyp: I wouldn't jump on that boat quite yet20:54
zykotick9santoshfamily: well, that's no 100% true20:54
bennypqmr: i'm using the livecd to fix a busted win7 install, and hopefully clear the corrupted ntfs partitions away for ubuntu20:54
santoshfamilyi have amd processor which will be the correct ?20:54
zykotick9santoshfamily: depends, is it 64bit - & do you want 64bit20:55
hydrox24_bennyp: OK, I'm giving the go ahead for using lilo now20:55
qmrbennyp:   ?  what is your goal20:55
hydrox24_bennyp: tell us the command before you run it though.20:55
santoshfamilyhow to know that ?20:55
zykotick9santoshfamily: i386 will work no matter what20:55
hydrox24_qmr: fix broken windows mbr20:55
bennypqmr: ubuntu on a toshiba netbook with a wonky ssd20:55
K-Richhmph, I have to based on mu gfx card... not suppoerted in newer ubuntus (last for me is 10.10)20:55
bennyphydrox24_: lilo -M /dev/sda (the ntfs drive) mbr20:55
chrisg91Hi I have a really quick question as to installing ubuntu 12.04, I want to install alongside Windows 7 so I'm trying to use the "install alongside option" but the slider that lets you allocate disk space does not tell you which side is for ubuntu and which is for windows can someone tell me which is which?20:55
bennyphydrox24_: qmr: problem is, fdisk only SOMETIMES recogs /dev/sda20:56
zykotick9bennyp: i don't think installing lilo is goint to help you, but i haven't been following - seems like an MS issue to me...20:56
Fyodorovna!precise | chris20:56
ubottuchris: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+120:56
minixvboxchrisg91: 12.04 support in #ubuntu+1 until it is released20:56
bennypzykotick9: except i don't have windows boot media that works :/20:57
hydrox24_bennyp: I would suggest a lowecase M, let me check.20:57
bennypzykotick9: and i can't seem to be able to just wipe the drive20:57
chrisg91minixvbox: okay thank you20:57
zykotick9bennyp: another observation, using gnu/linux to try and fix NTFS isn't the greatest solution...20:57
LjLbennyp: ms-sys isn't there anymore, but there is still the package "mbr" that might work20:57
hydrox24_bennyp: alright, your all good, go for it!20:57
qmrbennyp: I thought you wanted to fix mbr to boot into ubuntu and windows.  I'm confused.  if you want to install just install ..20:57
qmrbenuse better hardware I guess..20:57
bennypLjL: unabel to locate pkg20:57
LjL!info mbr20:58
bennyphydrox24_: fatal read in/out error20:58
ubottumbr (source: mbr): Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible computers.. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.11-4 (oneiric), package size 19 kB, installed size 84 kB20:58
bennypqmr: would love to, it's the client's20:58
LjLbennyp: it's there in Oneiric. what version of Ubuntu are you using? keep in mind it's in Universe, you might need to enable that.20:58
hydrox24_bennyp: do you know which partition the mbr is on? or which partition the mbr is?20:58
minixvboxbennyp: if your harddisk is failing then you need a new one (chkdsk and fsck can't repair hardware faults)20:58
hydrox24_lukafulmine: g'day!20:59
LjLhydrox24_: uh, the MBR on a partition?20:59
zykotick9hydrox24_: MBR are never on partitions, they have a different name then20:59
bennypLjL: qmr hydrox24_ summing up: I'm running off the liveiso (usb) on a toshiba netbook. the client has three ntfs partitions with at least 932 bad sectors20:59
bennypi can't use chkdsk because i dont have working windows boot media20:59
minixvboxbennyp: if your harddisk is failing then you need a new one (chkdsk and fsck can't repair hardware faults)20:59
lukafulminehydrox24_ are you from australia???21:00
bennypminixvbox: i'd like to avoid that conclusion if i can21:00
bennypminixvbox: but at this hour of the night i might have to21:00
LjLbennyp: and your goal is restoring the client? i think your first goal should be salvaging the data, the hard disk is probably broken21:00
Zteamanybody have a clue on how get lvm-encryption to work in ubuntu21:00
bennypLjL: they dont have data, IIRC21:00
minixvboxbennyp: how do you propose to work around 900+ bad sectors?21:00
bennypminixvbox: i have no proposal >:D21:01
minixvboxbennyp: you need a new harddrive, that is the fix21:01
LjLbennyp: well as others are saying, you're probably just wasting your time with an HDD that's broken anyway. but even if you want to try anyway, it's seriously not a good idea to try to fix NTFS from within Ubuntu, so i really think you should procure a Windows CD to do that21:01
bennypLjL: no cd rom drive. its a netbook21:02
Zteambennyp: have u tried to run SeaTools or some similair tool21:03
Andi_Mhey folks.  I just did a fresh install of 10.04 on a brand new machine and it doesn't seem to be detecting my ethernet adaptor :/21:03
LjLbennyp: well a USB key then, it's possible if i recall correctly to make one from a Windows CD using some software that Microsoft provides (although you probably need another Windows computer to do that one)21:03
jhutchins_wkbennyp: If the bad clusters are stable, you may be ok - for a while.  If they're changing, the drive is actively failing.  The rules for an SSD are a little different, but usually it's only a short matter of time before it fails completely.21:03
jhutchins_wkbennyp: Most rescue CD's will have an image that will work from a USB drive (and there are USB CDs).21:04
bennyp2team: jhutchins_wk : thanks21:04
LjLbennyp: have you run smartmontools on the drive, by the way? that might tell you whether the drive is irremediably gone, or whether those bad sectors are just a one-off event (which i find unlikely, but).21:04
bennypLjL: says smart not supported21:04
zykotick9Andi_M: (not uncommon for 10.04LTS) your ethernet is probably not supported OOTB - i have that issue with 10.04 on one of my EEEs, but a newer ubuntu worked fine21:04
LjLbennyp: uhm, are you use it's an HDD? some netbooks have flash memory instead21:04
bennypLjL: it's /dev/sda21:05
bennypdoes that imply flash?21:05
BatshuaAsking agan with more detail: My 10.04 install keeps hanging at the "choose timezone" page.  It doesn't matter if I'm online or not.21:05
LjLbennyp: no, that doesn't imply much. which model is it?21:05
minixvboxLjL: i think he has an ssd21:05
bennyptoshiba nb20521:05
zykotick9bennyp: actually that says close to nothing these days - only that it's using scsi emulation21:05
bennypzykotick9: thanks21:05
bennyp2team: i'd love to run a good disk diagnostic, but don't have one on usb at the moment. can you recomment an image to flash?21:07
LjLbennyp: uhm, the specs of one NB205 model say HDD, but maybe other sub-models have SSD, i wouldn't know. how big is it? if <32GB or so, then it's probably SSD, otherwise probably HDD21:07
bennypits 250. probably hdd21:07
caycepif i want to run gnome 3 shell, is it safe to sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop?21:08
celthunderbennyp: im on an nb205 atm works fine21:08
bennypcelthunder: i'm jealous ;) i think this one's hdd is shot21:09
xangua!nounity | caycep21:09
ubottucaycep: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic21:09
Fyodorovnacaycep, no21:09
Zteambennyp: If I were u I would download Ultimate boot cd and then run Seati21:09
* Batshua drops a pin21:09
Fyodorovnacaycep, which ubuntu release do you have?21:09
celthunderbennyp: swap the hdd its like a 2 second process for the nb205s21:10
ZteamSeatools or some other tool21:10
caycepi started out w/ minimal xubuntu isntall lol21:10
Fyodorovnacaycep, leave unity there, just install gnome-shell.21:10
bennypZteam: ok i'll try it out thank. any chance to boot from a second partition of my usb drive?21:10
caycepyeah that's what i have.21:10
caycepprob shouldn't mess w/ it21:10
bennypcelthunder: i would if i could but i dont have another on hand. will try at first op though21:10
caycepi was a bit perf conscious - i moved over from an old p4 w/ 1gb ram to a core i5 w/ 4 gb ram21:10
ubottugpm: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:11
caycepit laughs at unity now but i like the gnome shell a little bit more21:11
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gpm /msg ubottu !alis21:11
minixvbox!alis > gpm21:12
Fyodorovnacaycep, there is a full club down the street doing that. :021:12
ubottugpm, please see my private message21:12
Zteambennyp: i have no idea21:12
ubottuZteam: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:13
minixvboxZteam: what are you doing?21:13
bennypZteam: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/ but it only runs on win21:14
zykotick9!msgthebot > Zteam21:14
ubottuZteam, please see my private message21:14
hydrox24_bennyp: I can also recommend lili (LInux LIve USB creator)21:15
hydrox24_it is also windows only, sorry didn't mean to address that last one to bennyp21:15
bennypZteam: there's http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/ but it runs on linux (i've got a mac here, the busted machine, and one pen drive)21:15
hydrox24_gtg now, cya guys!21:15
bennypmaybe i can do it with wine21:15
Oerbennyp, use unetbootin , linux mac win21:16
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:16
minixvboxbennyp: i don't think wine would have access to usb21:16
bennypOer: ten pints!21:16
Zteamminixvbox: trying to resolve a issue with my lvm-encrypted system21:16
minixvboxZteam: i see, never used lvm sorry21:17
Zteamminixvbox: not me either21:18
guntbertZteam: have a look at http://www.linux-mag.com/id/7568/21:19
Zteam!search lvm21:19
ubottuFound: lvm, sbuild, raid21:19
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guntbertZteam: and maybe http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/04/introducing-ecryptfs-recover-private.html21:20
libertyp1imeHey guys. Im trying to get notifications working. I am running xmonad instead of gnome and I was wondering if/how I can run the notifications daemon and have them appear on the screen. When I run notify-send "hi" "hello", nothing seems to happen21:21
mneptokZteam: if it was trivial to reset passwords of LVM-encrypted volumes then the purpose would be defeated.21:21
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SinnerNyxif i prematurely stopped apt-get in the middle of downloading files, do those files still exist? Is there some way to purge them?21:24
mneptokSinnerNyx: sudo apt-get clean21:24
SinnerNyxmneptok: great thx21:24
lozzer i want to revamp the gui for this app http://postimage.org/image/t58g6hbnv/ any idea on how to start21:25
donavan01Is there any sort of encryption program that I can put on a usb flash drive and run on any machine both windows and linux that will make the whole process pretty much seemless sort of like bit locker in windows?21:26
Zteammneptok: well not if u have the right password in my case Im perfectly able to unlock the disk from the CD but the same password wont unlock the harddrive if I try to boot from it21:26
guntbert!ot | lozzer21:26
ubottulozzer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:26
bennypOer: netbootin isn't what i need. I want to boot multiple os's from a single usb key21:27
pythonsnakeavailable frequency steps: 2.40 GHz, 2.40 GHz, 2.27 GHz, 2.13 GHz, 2.00 GHz, 1.87 GHz, 1.73 GHz, 1.60 GHz, 1.47 GHz, 1.33 GHz, 1.20 GHz21:28
pythonsnakeand it says frequency should be within 2.40 GHz and 2.40 GHz. Is that normal?21:28
mneptokZteam: /boot is on its own partition?21:29
FireStormsRecently installed Apache on Ubuntu -- anyone know if Apache gets it's system time from my Ubuntu's time setting21:29
FireStormsAnyone I can check?21:29
guntbertFireStorms: no reason why not - what is your problem?21:30
jhutchins_wkbennyp: You would just do them as normal installs with grub or lilo as a boot manager.21:31
Zteammneptok: yes thats right, any ideas?21:31
trismlibertyp1ime: depends on which notification daemon you use, if you install notify-osd, it should start automatically when something sends a notification, if you use, say, notification-daemon, you may need to start /usr/lib/notification-daemon/notification-daemon first manually (it is usually started by /etc/xdg/autostart/notification-daemon.desktop)21:31
mneptokZteam: not really.21:31
bennypjhutchins_wk: multiple OS's on the USB key. I want to make an super useful computer diagnostic and ubuntu installing drive21:31
FireStormsFireblasto, problem is my Apache time does not seem to be accurate21:31
FireStormsI need to know where it pulls its time settings from21:32
jhutchins_wkbennyp: Right.  Go right ahead.21:32
Fireblastonot sure if I can help you with that!21:32
Zteammneptok: well guess I have to live without lvm-encryption then :)21:34
guntbertFireStorms: look at the output of     sudo apachectl status | grep Time21:36
libertyp1imetrism: thanks for the heads up21:38
FireStormsguntbert, thanks, Apache does indeed use Ubuntu's system time21:38
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TellmarchHi, what to do if after an installation of ubuntu with Wubi there is no option to choose windows on boot?21:41
antihc3anyone know how to start unity with xinit -- :121:41
FyodorovnaTellmarch, are you getting a grub menu at boot?21:42
Tellmarchnevermind, it fixed itself at 2nd boot (or missed it at first)21:42
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junctionsQuick question: How do you upgrade a xubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10, no longer supported) with a bootable USB alternate drive for 11.10?21:43
junctions (I want to upgrade, not do a fresh install)21:43
jhutchins_wkjunctions: I believe you usually want to upgrade to each release in sequence, fix any issues, then upgrade to the next.21:44
junctionsIn the software sources it has "Add CD-ROM" which doesn't prompt me for USB information (computer has no optical drive unit)21:44
cwaineyjunctions, chances are an upgrade installation would break your system from that far back.21:44
minixvbox!eol | junctions21:44
ubottujunctions: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:44
Priceyjunctions: You could download the alternate cd and upgrade off off that I believe.21:44
Priceyuuu awesome link there from minixvbox/ubottu21:44
jhutchins_wkjunctions: So you'd do 10.4, 10.10, 11.4, 11.1021:44
trever420what would be the proper way to assign a NIC on my Ubuntu server two IP addresses (like in windows you can assign an network card a second IP in the advanced options for IP configuration)21:45
cwaineyOn a side note, are graphical artifacts upon login common under precise?21:45
junctionswow! thanks for the flood of help! I'll follow ubottu's link, and thanks for pointing me to doing sequential upgrades. luckily I'm only one step inside EOL, so the others should be a breeze21:45
minixvboxjunctions: you'd save a lot of bandwidth and time if you fresh install though21:45
onlowsecurityany one has nmap and could help me scan a host, please?21:46
Fyodorovna!eol | junctions21:46
ubottujunctions: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:46
trever420i sorta use nmap21:46
trever420not CLI though21:46
trever420i have zenmap that i tend to use, but same thing21:46
johnnycrhey all, I've been having trouble getting my wireless adapter to work for days now... are there any network experts in here?21:46
Fyodorovnajunctions, opps sorry I missed you had eol info already. :)21:47
pythonsnakehi, I can't scale freq anymore: frequency should be within 2.40 GHz and 2.40 GHz. I use powersave governor. anyone got an idea?21:47
trever420johnnycr, far from expert... but what seems to be the issue?21:47
junctionsthanks minixvbox. I don't mind sparing bandwidth, and I don't want to have to decide what to save and what not. hopefully it won't crash midway21:47
trever420johnnycr, what kind of NIC is it?21:47
onlowsecuritycould any one scan with a network mapping tool, please?21:47
johnnycrits a Rosewill RNX-N150UBE card with a Realtek 8188SU chipset21:47
FyodorovnaPython1320, there is a cpu frequency applet you can get check OMGubuntu I believe21:48
trever420onlowsecurity, do you want both IPs scanned or the range scanned?21:48
minixvboxjunctions: always backup what you need first (whether upgrading or fresh install)21:48
onlowsecurityrange would be fine21:48
onlowsecurityno actualy both21:48
Fyodorovnapythonsnake, there is a cpu frequency applet you can get check OMGubuntu I believe21:48
trever420give me a sec21:48
johnnycrtrever420, its Realtek 8188su21:48
FyodorovnaPython1320, sorry never mind, :)21:48
pythonsnakeI don't think that would solve my problem...21:48
KI7MTjunctions, you could also go from 10.04 LTS straight to 12.04 LTS without all the point releases in between.21:48
minixvboxpythonsnake: why were you asking on #archlinux earlier?21:49
pythonsnakewhy not21:49
junctionsminixvbox: oh, I  basically *need* nothing. I'd just rather not loose setups I've already done in that machine (VNC and stuff like that).21:49
onlowsecuritythanks a million trever420, http://paste.ubuntu.com/21:49
pythonsnakeminixvbox: because no one seems to know here :)21:49
trever420johnnycr, give me one sec and i'll see what i can figure out... is that a usb card?21:49
Fyodorovnapythonsnake, you want to see what it is running at?21:49
LjLonlowsecurity, trever420: this is not really the channel for this to be honest though, also port scanning is a gray-area activity, don't get yourselves in trouble21:49
junctionsKI7MT: that's the plan. I'll upgrade once and wait for april to do the next one21:49
johnnycrtrever420, yes it is usb and I've tried some things that I found in ubuntu forums but no luck21:50
KI7MTjunctions, that's a much better plan :-)21:50
pythonsnakei want to underclock my cpu21:50
FyodorovnaPython1320, your rather vague really, what exactly is it you want.21:50
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Fyodorovnapythonsnake, ah good luck .21:50
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pythonsnakei meant just go to lowest freq21:51
onlowsecurityLjL, unless you're scanning your own hosts. wich would be plain stupid, but still, :]21:51
pythonsnakehardware limits: 1.20 GHz - 2.40 GHz21:51
brianElHello - every 1 in 3 times I boot my Ubuntu (11.10) I get the 'No caching mode page present' displayed upon startup, and I am unable to proceed further.21:52
brianElHere's a screenshot - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3547656/IMAG0272.jpg  - can anyone help me?21:52
benwalburnif I install ubuntu alongside windows using the usb stick method, does it require me to reinstall windows?21:53
SHOVELLi want to resize my partition so i can move my /home to its own partition can this be done?21:53
onlowsecuritybenwalburn: no21:53
benwalburnalright thank you21:53
CanEzgiinstalled kde desktop manager in my ubuntu21:54
CanEzgiand then write in pc startup "kubuntu"21:55
KI7MTSHOVELL, yes, it can be done, you'd need to shrink one partition to make room for the new /home then format it and add the mount point in /fstab21:55
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drumusicianis there a specific irc channel for xampp on ubuntu?21:55
minixvbox!xampp | drumusician21:56
ubottudrumusician: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.21:56
SHOVELLKI7MT, ok then i would need to resize the / partition how can this be done safely?21:56
drumusicianwell I guess I'musing a LAMP stack21:56
trever420johnnycr, ok i can help u now21:56
minixvboxSHOVELL: from a livecd21:56
Fyodorovnadrumusician, isn't your nic a oxymoron, just kidding. :)21:57
jiffe98is there an ubuntu text editor similar to notepad++ which will give me an sftp connection box with a file selection area?21:57
trever420sorry....  johnnycr i assume you tried the linux driver right?21:57
KI7MTSHOVELL, id' recommend gpartd  if your not familiar with partitioning with fdisk.21:57
johnnycrtrever420, yea I tried a few different methods to install the driver21:57
johnnycrtrever420, is there a way to tell if the driver is installed properly?21:57
Praxijiffe98, I've been using JEDIT as a notepad++ replacement, although not sure if it does what your asking21:57
CanEzgihmm other methods solve problem21:58
CanEzgiin format21:58
trever420johnnycr are u using Desktop edition or Server edition?21:58
grzesagHi, I need help with openload and cron job. in crontab I have: */1 * * * * openload -l 1 localhost >> /home/grzesag/OpenLoad/openload_output.txt but it save jus summary and zeros thank for help21:58
SHOVELLKI7MT,  gpartd is fine but it wont let me resize the / partition so i would have to do this in a livecd ?21:58
secherNot sure where to make this comment, but is it just me, or is the MSWin8 interface remarkably similar to the Gnome3/Unity interface?21:59
johnnycrtrever420, I'm actually using Lubuntu, but it's not a server edition21:59
trever420oh hmm give me a sec21:59
FyodorovnaSHOVELL, you can't resize a partition your using21:59
jhutchins_wksecher: I think they're both trying to borrow from Apple/21:59
minixvboxSHOVELL: you can't resize a partition that is in use (mounted), so yes you need to use a livecd21:59
SHOVELL... live cd it is21:59
KI7MTSHOVELL, Yes, the partitions need to be unmounted. If it's all on the same physical disk, you not really gaining much by doing it.21:59
SHOVELLthank you21:59
jhutchins_wkminixvbox: Actually, while a bad idea, it's possible.  I think gparted will do it.22:00
minixvboxjhutchins_wk: i don't think so22:00
SHOVELLi want to share the home dir across mukltiple distros22:00
FyodorovnaSHOVELL, sometimes good sometimes not so good.22:01
KI7MTSHOVELL, Ahh ok, that will work well then. Dont forget to edit you FSTAB22:02
trever420johnnycr one thing i think you can do is check this file with a text editor:  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and see if you see the card listed there22:02
SHOVELLugh know of a good tut for this?22:02
jhutchins_wkSHOVELL: That's not bad with console use, but remember all of the quirky little hidden, version-dependent configuration files in $HOME.22:02
trever420there;s a section there that says "DRIVERS=="22:02
trever420see if it even has a the WLAN interface listed there22:03
Knocker1if I have a APC that is 420 watts and its running around 800-900 watts is that bad to keep it plugged in running that high on overload? or does it not matter22:03
trever420(with the MAC address)22:03
jhutchins_wkminixvbox: I've known people who did it, so yes, possible.  May involve LVM.22:03
SHOVELLjhutchins_wk, but i couls use different user names and avoid that issue correct?22:03
ericluwolfComing to you live.22:03
trever420knocker well if power faisl u wnt be running much of anything for long22:03
trever420but no it prob wont overheat if thats what you mean22:03
Knocker1i understand that, ok thank you so much22:03
Knocker1thats all i needed to know, appreciate it22:04
Knocker1even if the alarm is going off? i had to mute it in the control panel22:04
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trever420the alarm is going off when there's power? or only during a power failure?22:04
Knocker1when theres power22:04
trever420hmmm... that shouldnt happen22:04
johnnycrtrever420, in that file under usb devices it says Driver==?*22:04
minixvboxjhutchins_wk: ah, lvm is a whole different thing22:05
Knocker1thats what im sayin22:05
Knocker1let me enable the sound again and see if its doing it22:05
Knocker1ya when i enable battery backup alarms at all times it goes off instantly22:05
trever420johnnycr, thats what mine says but i dont have a usb adapter... is there a NAME= field on that same line22:05
Knocker1its cool im going to switch things around thank you22:05
junctionslol, I just realized ubottu is a bot :P thanks again minixvbox (and Fyodorovna) . It's already doing a dist-upgrade and everything is running smoothly. Hopefully I won't have to do anything else (as you may have guessed, since I let it be an EOL system it's not one I care much for)22:05
Fyodorovnajunctions, cool. :)22:06
jhutchins_wkSHOVELL: Yes, different users, different $HOME folders.22:06
minixvboxjunctions: hope it works for you22:06
johnnycrtrever420, it says name = wlan022:06
trever420ok good so it's seeing the card22:06
trever420thats good22:06
trever420in terms of driver im not sure it should say anything cuz none of mine say anything either...22:06
trever420but they work22:07
trever420i wanted to see if it actually saw the card tho and it sounds like it does22:07
johnnycrtrever420, well it seems to detect the card when I try to connect to the router but it always fails to connect22:07
trever420oh that's interesting22:07
johnnycrtrever420, I know the router is good and I tested the adapter on another pc and it works22:08
trever420johnnycr, can you type in "iw list"22:08
trever420not sure if u have to be sudo tho22:08
trever420but try it with out22:08
soeehi, is there some ppa with gimp for precise ?22:08
Fyodorovnasoee, I think it is in the repos22:09
ramonubuntu es una puta mierda22:09
minixvboxsoee: 12.04 questions in #ubuntu+1 please22:09
ramonva fatal22:09
Fyodorovna!es | ramon22:09
ubotturamon: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:09
johnnycrtrever420, it says nl80211 not found22:09
trever420johnnycr, actually try iwlist all one word22:09
trever420not sure it makes a difference22:09
johnnycrtrever420, it came back with a list of things, what should I look for?22:10
trever420can u paste that for me22:10
trever420!paste | johnnycr22:10
ubottujohnnycr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:10
coffeHello, been trying to get my nvidia and intel gfx to work.   so far i got in X nvidia to run on 2 screens . but cant get the intel to work if i switch to console everything is on the intel card.22:11
johnnycrtrever420, http://paste.ubuntu.com/872132/22:11
Dwade09how do i back up my linux os so all my settings are saved and all i have to do is copy the settings file back over the new linux install?22:11
minixvboxcoffe: switchable graphics doesn't work well with linux at all at the moment22:11
celthundercoffe does your bios /mb support using both at the same time22:11
coffecelthunder,  yes.. got it to work in wintendos :/22:12
coffeminixvbox,  ok.22:12
trever420also johnnycr please be aware i havent used wireless with any of my ubuntu systems in a VERY long time so i'm taking shots in the dark here so dont get be to concerned if i cant help you.. doesnt mean it wont work, just means i might not KNOW how to get it to work, but i'll definitley try22:12
trever420oooo that has no output johnnycr for a ny of those22:12
johnnycrtrever420, well I definitely appreciate the help22:12
trever420normally it lists out the compatibility of the card but that isnt saying anything22:12
trever420like youd get a number for bitrate22:13
trever420but not in your case22:13
trever420give me a sec22:13
Dwade09how do i back up my linux os so all my settings are saved and all i have to do is copy the settings file back over the new linux install?22:13
trever420johnnycr, can i see what directions you followed to install the card originally?22:14
coffesystem boots on nvidia ..  when grub starts its using intel.. but lightdm uses nvidia agan22:14
trever420i just want to see what they make you do22:14
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mneptokjohnnycr: what does "lsmod | grep rtl" output?22:15
bloodriverHelp!  I'm trying to set up wireless network.  Yet to22:15
trever420mneptok, thats what i was looking for lol22:15
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trever420i didnt know what to grep tho22:16
SifrazooyHi , i have a problem , after installing windows my grub disappeared as usual and i made a mistake while installing my grub i installed it from a previous live version and the grub didn't installed well anyway after installing the grub from it's version the grub installed with one issue windows disappeared from the grub menu list22:16
bloodriverWIndows works but Ubuntu and Wii not22:16
trever420and lsmod would've been pretty big22:16
bloodriverdoes Ubuntu 'see' AES?22:16
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trever420Sifrazooy, looks like you might need to manually add windows to the grub menu22:17
bloodriverthe Wii and Ubuntu machine detect the router signals but do not connect22:17
mneptokbloodriver: ensure there's no MAC filter.22:18
bloodriverok 'tok I'll check22:18
johnnycrtrever420, mneptok, one sec22:18
Sifrazooytrever420 : yes ,and i managed some how to add a file /etc/grub.d/ named 11_windows and added somethings on it and it ended with a windows word in the grub and when i choose it it opens another grub 1.5 and a grub command like this grub>22:18
johnnycrmneptok, that command gave me no output22:19
trever420Sifrazooy, are u using Grub2?22:19
bloodriverno MAC filter22:19
mneptokjohnnycr: is this an internal card? a dongle?22:19
trever420i assume anyways u would be22:19
Sifrazooytrever420 : yes22:19
trever420mneptok, it's a usb dongle22:19
trever420looks to be alot of issues with it in ubuntu mneptok22:19
mneptokjohnnycr: have you tried having the dongle actually connected as the machine boots?22:19
trever420i dunno if ndiswrapper would work mneptok and maybe use the windows driver on it22:20
Sifrazooytrever420 do you have any solution for it22:20
johnnycrmneptok, its a dongle, yes I have it connected as it boots22:20
trever420Sifrazooy, just a sec looking into it22:20
mneptokjohnnycr: "uname -a" please22:20
johnnycrtrever420, i followed these http://paste.ubuntu.com/872132/ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1622313 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157366922:20
Sifrazooytrever420 thnx22:21
pratik_naraincan i install the new unity 5.4 in oneiric22:21
bloodriverif my router puts out "AES+TPIK" will that cover Ubuntu/Wii22:21
trever420Sifrazooy, can u paste the output of sudo grub-mkconfig22:21
trever420!paste | Sifrazooy22:21
ubottuSifrazooy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:21
johnnycrmneptok, Linux jonathon-A740GM-M 3.0.0-16-generic #28-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 27 17:50:54 UTC 2012 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux22:21
mneptokjohnnycr: is that 11.04?22:22
johnnycrmneptok, I'm running Lubuntu 11.1022:22
bloodriveroh crud...i just thought of sum'in22:22
Sifrazooytrever420: http://pastebin.com/eXSBK1KZ22:22
mneptokjohnnycr: OK, well, it's pretty clear the Linux kernel you have does not yet have a driver for that device.22:23
johnnycrmneptok, so do I need to install a different OS version?22:23
trever420Sifrazooy, cna you also paste the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' for me to !paste22:24
=== _sjs is now known as DoctorBaconite
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:25
mneptokjohnnycr: that will not help unless the mainline kernel has gotten a driver, and whatever distro you use has updated to it.22:25
trever420just want to see where windows is installed22:25
johnnycrmneptok, so is there a way I can upgrade/downgrade my kernel?22:25
mneptokjohnnycr: the easiest path is to compile the driver from Realtek yourself, or choose a dongle with better support.22:25
Fyodorovna!bootinfo | Sifrazooy pretty unusual to have a custom grub for windows run this script and pastebin the results.txt22:26
ubottuSifrazooy pretty unusual to have a custom grub for windows run this script and pastebin the results.txt: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).22:26
johnnycrmneptok, is compiling a driver something that a linux noob would be able to do?22:26
mneptokjohnnycr: in Ubuntu kernels only get serious revision bumps with new releases. and you don;t want to run 12.04 yet on the *chance* there might be a driver by now.22:26
rhizmoehowdy all22:26
SifrazooyFyodorovna : i know i missed around alot :(22:26
mneptokjohnnycr: if you can go with the "return and replace dongle" option i would.22:27
rhizmoebetween ubuntu/bash, screen, and irssi, how can i best trackdown my seemingly-utf8-related display issues in terminal?22:27
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, run the bootscript it is more revealing. :)22:27
lordican you give me advice on how to save battery while running ubuntu?22:27
johnnycrmneptok, alright thanks for the help22:27
rhizmoei get a lot of those, like, black diamond with a question mark in irc22:27
newtony2can anyone explain to me git? please?22:27
rhizmoenewtony2: what do you already know?22:28
KI7MTjohnnycr, boot an 11.10 Live CD and see if you can get it too work from there, if so, the module is ion the kernel.22:28
mneptoknewtony2: this is Ubuntu support only.22:28
yeats!git | newtony222:28
ubottunewtony2: git is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)22:28
rhizmoeyes, and #git22:28
mneptoknewtony2: there are plenty of better places to find git tutorials.22:28
KI7MT.. is in the kernel ..22:28
johnnycrKI7MT, I'm currently running 11.10 though22:28
newtony2nothing other than it is used to host source code and you can clone and edit the source22:28
pfifoLinus created git? no wonder its so bad22:28
rhizmoeba dum PSH22:29
KI7MTjohnnycr, well then you could try 12.04 Beta but it's not likely to be there either.22:29
KI7MTWhat model is your wii card?22:29
newtony2so if i wanted to install python on ios is would use the git to download the source then compile it for (i think) ARM22:30
trever420Sifrazooy, i see tat there is an entry in your grub config that says set root='(hd0,msdos6)22:31
pythonsnakehi, I can't scale freq anymore: frequency should be within 2.40 GHz and 2.40 GHz. I use powersave governor. anyone got an idea?22:32
pfifonewtony2, python is so popular I would hope ios has a pre-compiled binary available for install22:32
yeatsnewtony2: how is this related to ubuntu?22:32
Sifrazooytrever420: i installed it in sda622:32
Sifrazooythe script gave me  353: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "fi")22:33
cweagansif I was going to install Ubuntu on my macbook pro, should I use x86 or amd64?22:33
DoctorBaconite cweagans https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook22:33
newtony2cweagans:  depends on what processor you have22:34
=== KAISforza is now known as KaiSforza
Sifrazooyubottu: the script gave me  353: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "fi")22:34
ubottuSifrazooy: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:34
newtony2click the apple in the top left hand corner and goto about this mac22:34
KI7MTjohnnycr, I just looked at 3.2.1 Kernel sources, Realtek 8129/30/39 and 60 have support, if it's not one of those, then you'll need to compile and modprobe the driver.22:34
cweagansnewtony2: i have intel core i722:34
SifrazooyFyodorovna : the script gave me  353: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "fi")22:34
newtony2then use the x8622:35
sikilpaakei made a copy of all of the files in /var/cache/apt i transferred them to a /var/cache/apt in a recently installed computer, how can i make the new computer install all the programs from these files?22:35
newtony2unless you have a 64bit i722:35
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, you have ubuntu in a windows extended? Have you run sudo update-grub in ubuntu?22:35
cweagansnewtony2: it's 64bit - I'm running Lion right now, which is 64 bit only22:35
trever420Sifrazooy, installed linux on SDA6 i see that22:35
SHOVELLjohnnycr, i had the same issue hang on22:35
samuelhello guys22:35
johnnycrKI7MT, it's 8188...22:35
SifrazooyFyodorovna yes22:35
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, to both questions?22:35
samuelanyone know how to use dconf from the command line to set unity favourites?22:36
SifrazooyFyodorovna considering windows extended i did that too :$22:36
samuelthe command is dconf write /desktop/unity.......22:36
samuelbut I need to add a value which is in GVariant format???22:36
newtony2cweagans:  i would test the amd64 ver but it may be buggy. if it is then use the x8622:36
cweagansnewtony2: will I get any extra benefit if I use the 64bit version?22:37
johnnycrKI7MT, 8188 is supposed to be compatible with kernel version 2.6x. Are there previous versions of ubuntu that run on that kernel that I could use?22:37
samuelthe value should be ['nautilus-home.desktop', 'google-chrome.desktop'] but what is that in GVAriant format?22:37
SHOVELLjohnnycr,  see my pm22:37
KI7MTjohnnycr, I just looked at what's ion the kernel, and I didn't see 8188 listed anywhere, let me search the kernel again.22:38
johnnycrSHOVELL, that worked for you?22:38
SHOVELLyes what machine  do you have?22:38
=== sta7ic is now known as Guest45823
horseatingweedsMuon software center started crashing after I tried installing FireFox. So I tried to do the updates with the update center. Now it's hanging at 61%. What should I do?22:39
newtony2the benefits of using using your processor to its full potential22:39
thereindarknesshey guys, I'm new to ubunto, I want to connect with filezilla22:40
thereindarknessdo i need to install something special22:40
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, this a fresh install of ubuntu?22:40
cweagansnewtony2: well yeah, but I'm just going to be using it for SSH, vim, and a handful of browsers22:40
SifrazooyFyodorovna its a recovery for grub after installing windows22:40
KI7MTjohnnycr, 8188 is not in the klernel, as far as I can tell, but doing a quick google, there's allot of how-too to get it to work in Ubuntu22:40
SHOVELLjohnny sorry yea it did but what machine are you running?22:40
johnnycrKI7MT, i tried following a bunch of things that I google searched also22:41
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, which partition is windows in the main C22:41
newtony2ok sorry22:41
Alchimistahello, anyone knows how to have firefox stable and aurora or nightly instaled at the same time?22:41
filo1234thereindarkness: install filezilla it's in the repos22:41
newtony2cweagans: what was the last msg you sent22:41
SHOVELLjohnnycr,  sorry yea it did but what machine are you running?22:42
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, so you had Ubuntu instyalled inside a windows extended firsr?22:42
cweagansnewtony2: well yeah, but I'm just going to be using it for SSH, vim, and a handful of browsers22:42
KI7MTjohnnycr, All that's telling me is that it's not supported out of the Box.22:42
SifrazooyFyodorovna i installed ubuntu when windows was installed first then i re-installed windows which removed the grub22:43
johnnycrSHOVELL, I'm running lubuntu 11.10, kernel version 3.0.0... the driver for 8188US is only supported by kernel 2.6 and earlier22:43
newtony2well then really its up to you.22:43
horseatingweedsMuon software center started crashing after I tried installing FireFox. So I tried to do the updates with the update center. Now it's hanging at 61%. What should I do?22:43
cweagansnewtony2: why would the 64bit version be buggy?22:43
SHOVELLjohnnycr, no the machine  what is the machine22:43
KI7MTjohnnycr, here's what's on Ubuntu's hardware list for Realtek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsRealTek#USB22:43
johnnycrSHOVELL, custom built desktop22:43
SHOVELLjohnnycr, i am running that driver under 3.0 kernel22:44
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, when you ran the bootscript it was from a ubuntu live cd.22:44
johnnycrSHOVELL, which driver did you download, there are a number of them in that link22:44
SifrazooyFyodorovna: sry don't understand this one22:45
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, you had errors on running the bootscript, were you on a ubuntu live cd at that time?22:45
SHOVELLjohnnycr, hmm was a while ago dont remember sorry22:46
newtony2well sometimes like on the acre 5135 the device bus is actually reported wrong to macosx86. you are trying to use ubuntu on a machine that is only supposed to use macos. eventhough it is an intel mac somethings just MAY not work without some work on your part22:46
SifrazooyFyodorovna: when i installed the grub ?22:46
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, run this script from a ubuntu live cd and pastebin the results.txt. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/22:47
cweagansnewtony2: ah, i see. okay22:47
cweagansI think i'll give the 64bit version a try22:47
newtony2np enjoy and please tell me about your exp22:48
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  man i am now on the installed version do you want me to switch to a live cd22:48
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, no install will work.22:48
jiffe2is there a way to make alt-tab workspace specific?22:49
cweagansnewtony2: will do. thanks again!22:49
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  so you want me to switch to the live cd22:49
newtony2man i still need help with this git thing. will i have to download python-for-ios then compile for arm11?22:49
captureithey guys, how do i accesss an ubunto server with soethign liek filezilla22:50
captureitit says connection refused22:50
newtony2captureit:  what kind of server22:50
pfifonewtony2, you wont get any help with that on this channel22:50
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, no install will work.22:50
newtony2oh pfifo any suggestions about a channel22:51
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, how did you get into the install?22:51
pfifonewtony2, search alis bot for an ios related channel22:51
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  i really don't understand you right now22:51
captureituh.. ubunto server to host website22:51
KI7MTnewtony2, #ubuntu-arm may work for you.22:51
SifrazooyFyodorovna: you mean how did i got to the installed version22:51
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, how did you boot the ubuntu install?22:51
captureitlike, i just wanna connect with ftp program22:52
captureitso i can upload and dl stuff...22:52
SifrazooyFyodorovna: i installed the grub and my only problem is that windows doesn;t appear on the choices list22:52
pfifocaptureit, ubuntu can perform that task rather well22:52
newtony2click places then connect to server22:52
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, ah wel the bootscript may help here, I suspect you have grub in the windows partition the script will tell us.22:53
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  i managed to run the script but it gave me an error22:53
Linguist_Salamun alaikum22:54
Linguist_how can I find you here? lol22:54
captureitpfifo: well... i can't see to connect from filezilla login22:54
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, you might want to try the ubuntu forums.22:54
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  i managed to run the script it gave me boot_info_script version: 0.60        [17 May 2011]22:54
Sifrazooy/home/ahmed/Desktop/boot_info_script.sh: 353: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "fi"22:54
=== angela-android is now known as nothingspecial
ZehleIn Ubuntu 9.10 there was a commmand called "exec". What is that command called in 12.0422:55
ZehlePlease help122:55
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, did you unpack the zip to the desktop and run this command  sudo bash ~/Desktop/boot_info_script.sh22:55
pfifoZehle, there should be an exec commandin 12.0422:55
CFHowlettZehle   exec is present22:56
ZehleWell ir doesn't really work for me :P22:56
gamalielhi, I'm having a problem with lvm and ubuntu. It seems no matter what I do, it won't install the bootloader22:56
mcurranAnyone here good at troubleshooting sound?  I have a nforce board (6150SE/430) GF104 comes up as the controller.  I have two options in Audio prefs. (High Def GF104, multiple outputs options) or Internal Audio.  My system sound theme works only with Internal selected, but media players won't work.  Additionally, if I pick the GF104, all is fine, but I lose the sound theme sounds...  Anyone got any ideas?22:56
=== Squarepy_ is now known as Squarepy
ZehleI'm trying to install "vncserver" but i need to change in .vnc/xstartup to see the ubuntu gnome design instead of that boring grey terminal when i connect.22:57
eruditehermitcan anyone help me with hybrid graphics? I was trying the following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics#Script_for_use_during_bootup but it doesn't work on my machine22:57
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  http://pastebin.com/tNPyfzdM22:57
gamalielI' ve mounted my partitions and chrooted, but to no avail22:57
ZehlePfifo and CFHowlett22:58
CFHowlettZehle   ???22:59
ZehleI'm trying to install "vncserver" but i need to change in .vnc/xstartup to see the ubuntu gnome design instead of that boring grey terminal when i connect.22:59
ZehleYou see?22:59
CFHowlettZehle   sorry I know zero about vncserver22:59
ZehleOhh, that sux ^^22:59
ZehleThanks anyway! ;)22:59
gmachine_24I have a comp running Ubuntu 10.x - works as a music server. There is a monitor connected to it but would like to make it headless. But, no idea how to do that.22:59
ZehleCan anyone else here anything about VNCserver?23:00
pfifogmachine_24, you could just, not use the monitor23:00
DoctorBaconiteZehle, have you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers ?23:00
mcurranCFHoelett, use xtightvncviewer, it's much better.23:00
sandjkirklandI am having issues with oneiric. It freeezes and monitor goes white. This problem is so random that I can go days without problems but othertimes is like 2 or 3 times in an hour, like today. i did lspci -v and copied it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/872149/23:00
filo1234Zehle: paste your xstartup file23:00
gmachine_24pfifo, hi. But I need to be able to log into the machine from a remote machine ......23:01
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, I found your problems, you have put grub legacy in sda1 that was originally the W7 boot partition, no biggie, you also are missing the correct boot files for W7 is sda2, and the bootflag should be there. Do you have the Widows install disc?23:01
ZehleDocotBaconite, not really :) I find it easier to chat with a person than to search through an database ;) But i'll check there!23:01
pfifogmachine_24, login how? ssh should work with or without any GUI stuff23:01
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  yes i do23:01
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, hold on let me look closer23:02
gmachine_24pfifo: Yes, I understand. But I've never set that up - I can do some research, though. I'm sure it's fairly simple.23:02
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  ok :D23:02
desnaikeZehle the ansnwer might be here. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers23:02
pfifogmachine_24, what program are you running on the remote machine? ssh with x forwarding works to run a gui app on remote machines and is probably all you need23:03
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, if you look in home can you see the sda1 partition in the left panel?23:03
Zehledesnaike: yes, someone said! :)23:03
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  i can see all of my partitions23:03
ZehleBut I'm setting up an vncserver using vnc4server23:03
filo1234Zehle: paste your xstartup file23:04
Zehleokej, chill for a sec23:04
gmachine_24pfifo - for the most part I only run Squeezecenter - but I do an incremental back up every once in awhile using rsync. Which I keep meeting to automate.23:04
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, open the sda1 and just delete all things grub.23:04
ZehleFILO: #!/bin/sh23:05
Zehle# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:23:05
Zehle# unset SESSION_MANAGER23:05
Zehle# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc23:05
Zehle[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup23:05
Zehle[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources23:05
FloodBot1Zehle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:05
Zehlexsetroot -solid grey23:05
gmachine_24pfifo - squeezecenter starts automatically when booting; I can connect to it from remote computers to play music.23:05
filo1234!paste | Zehle23:05
ubottuZehle: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:05
ZehleFilo:  That's how it looks now23:05
desnaikeZehle it shows an example to customize what u need.23:05
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, we just want to remove the grub files from sda123:05
filo1234Zehle: past in pastebin please23:06
filo1234!paste | Zehle23:06
pfifogmachine_24, well if it is designed to be a remotely accessed program like that, then why do you need to log into the remote machine?23:06
Zehleaha :)23:06
Zehle!paste #!/bin/sh23:06
Zehle# Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:23:06
Zehle# unset SESSION_MANAGER23:06
Zehle# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc23:06
Zehle[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup23:06
FloodBot1Zehle: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:06
Zehle[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources23:06
Zehlexsetroot -solid grey23:06
gmachine_24pfifo - because I run rsync as a back up every once in awhile.23:06
pfifogmachine_24, well every once in a while hook up the monitor and rsync?23:07
gmachine_24pfifo - but as I said, I've been meaning to turn that into a cron job23:07
gmachine_24pfifo lol yes that is what I do now.23:07
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  would u say to me what the boot files should look like or what is their names ?23:07
KI7MTgmachine_24, run rsync thru ssh and you should be good.23:07
gmachine_24K17MT ok.23:07
pfifogmachine_24, you can use ssh to get a shell on that machine, thats what I suggest23:07
KI7MTgmachine_24, example: rsync -avz -e ssh remoteuser@remotehost:/remote/dir /this/dir/23:08
ChipzzzSifrazooy: are you talking about the actual grub executable?23:08
ZehleFILO: This is how it looked from scratch http://paste.ubuntu.com/872204/23:08
SifrazooyChipzzz: the grub files that Fyodorovna told me to delete23:08
FyodorovnaSifrazooy,  you might see afile named boot and in it would be one called grub, anything with the name grub should be deletd23:08
gmachine_24K17MT - is ssh installed by default or must I install it?23:09
FyodorovnaChipzzz, he has grub-legacy in a windows boot partition.23:09
randomDudehow do you change users permissions on ubuntu 11.10? previously user-admin allowed me to specify that xyz user could connect to and manage network connections without sudo access23:09
GASSYPOOTSi cant use WUBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:09
KI7MTgmachine_24, and to set it up so you dont have to enter a passwd: http://linuxproblem.org/art_9.html23:09
pfifogmachine_24, its ser4ver componet needs to be installed `apt-get install openssh-server` I believe23:09
CFHowlettGASSYPOOTS   then don't - dual boot23:09
GASSYPOOTSit says pyrun.exe23:09
FyodorovnaChipzzz, he has posted the bootsctipt if you want a look23:09
ChipzzzFyodorovna: ah... i just got here & missed the beginning of the story... thanks23:10
KI7MTthen create a cron job to rsync at a specific time each day or whatever.23:10
gmachine_24OK, thanks. I'm sure I can take it from here. :)23:10
KushTimeHey guys, I'ved OC'd my CPU and would like to know how to find out my CPU speed in ubuntu 11.1023:10
pfifoKushTime, cat /proc/cpuinfo23:10
FyodorovnaChipzzz, for your pleasure. :) http://pastebin.com/tNPyfzdM23:10
KushTimepfifo, that does not show me the right info, it says my cpu MHz is 1400, that's not even stock23:11
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  sry but is there any way that i can know the name of sda123:11
GASSYPOOTSand how do i use that?23:11
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, it is the smallest partition, if that helps.23:11
GASSYPOOTSbut the pyrun wont go away23:11
ubottugassypoots: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:11
ZehleHow do I get this code to launch the ordinary ubuntu design instead f the terminal thingy? http://paste.ubuntu.com/872204/23:12
GASSYPOOTSis there anyway to stop pyrun from reapering23:12
SifrazooyFyodorovna: actually the smallest partition is the one i installed linux on and it is the only one and for you informations :D i didn;t found any grub or boot files in any of the drivers23:12
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, should be very little in it as well.23:12
ZehleIt may have to do with the command exec gnome-session &23:12
ChipzzzFyodorovna: interesting... thanks :)23:13
GASSYPOOTSis there puppy linux for windows?23:13
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, you installed grub in sda1 sda6 is where ubuntu is23:13
pfifoZehle, im not sure about this, but I dont think vnc supports alternate greeters23:13
Zehlepfifo: Alternate greeters means?23:14
CFHowlettGASSYPOOTS   http://www.puppylinux.com/23:14
lccIs make checkinstall a good form for installing easily removable packages from src?23:14
pfifoZehle, that ugly grey login screen is known as a greeter23:14
nilsonmoralesi use puppy linux23:14
ZehleAha, okej...23:14
nilsonmorales528 lucid23:14
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, one of the grub installs the first one that did not work that is.23:14
velkolcc, yes23:14
ZehlePfifo: But I saw a guy on Youtube make it dissapear and so that you could use ubuntu as ordinary.23:14
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  i guess i figured out what it is23:14
lccvelko: ok, thanks23:14
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, it takes a bit at first to figure that stuff out. :)23:15
SifrazooyFyodorovna: its a 100 mb partition windows made when i was installing it23:15
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, exactly the windows boot partition.23:15
SifrazooyFyodorovna: so how i can actually access it ? :S23:16
bibic682hello, I have an ati 9800xt running in 10.10. Easy  way to enable 3d acceleration ?  Or just upgrade23:16
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, you don't see it in home I did not think you would but was wondering.23:16
filo1234Zehle: hey sorry I'm a bit lagged23:16
ZehleFilo: okej :)23:16
filo1234Zehle: try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/872212/23:16
SifrazooyFyodorovna: its partition windows made linux know nothing about it except i installed the grub in it by accident23:17
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, if nopt there no biggeie we just need to open gparted next and put a bootflag on sda223:17
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Fyodorovnanot* Sifrazooy23:18
=== Knorre`BNC is now known as Knorre
filo1234Zehle: you have to restart vncserver23:18
MrHarptasticHey guys23:18
ipl31I would like to build a custom initrd image that is similar to the D-I based one that orchestra installs, is there a good how to in this? I would like to build from scratch instead of re-packaging the initrd that orchestra installs23:19
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, you have gparted installed in ubunrtu?23:19
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  installing it right now :D23:19
desnaikeZehle instead of x-window-manager & replace with gnome-session &  then restart server23:19
GASSYPOOTScant get pyrun to go away!!!!23:19
pfifoipl31, I know of one...23:19
ZehleFilo: Yreah i know. I'm trying now23:19
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, cool, open it and right click on sda2 then manage flags and then boot23:20
filo1234desnaike: x-window-manager must be active23:20
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  i opend gparted what should i do should i format the 100 mb partition23:20
Pikkachuwhy doesn't Ubuntu font work in windows?23:20
filo1234or you don't have window23:20
pythonsnakehi, I can't scale freq anymore: frequency should be within 2.40 GHz and 2.40 GHz. I use powersave governor. anyone got an idea?23:20
FyodorovnaSifrazooy,  right click on sda2 then manage flags and then boot23:20
CFHowlettPikkachu   ask microsoft?23:20
ChipzzzFyodorovna: was that the bootinfoscript from here?: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bootinfoscript/23:20
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  then ?23:20
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PikkachuCFHowlett: stop it23:21
Sifrazooy Fyodorovna thats it ? :D23:21
FyodorovnaChipzzz, yeah, a mans best driend23:21
PikkachuCFHowlett: http://font.ubuntu.com23:21
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, you have the sda2 showing as boot now?23:21
ChipzzzFyodorovna: it certainly is! I'd never seen it before... thank you very much!23:21
filo1234Zehle: it works for me, but I use lxde23:21
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  so now i can restart and try it ? :D23:21
CFHowlettPikkachu   I'm familiar with the font.  It's open source.  Microsoft isn't.  Do the maht.23:22
ipl31pfifo: where can I find it :)23:22
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, no we need to reboot to the windows install disc and run some commands23:22
pfifoipl31, check this first http://linux.koolsolutions.com/2009/11/12/initramfs-ramfs-tmpfs-compressed-image/   and if thats not deep enough, adapt this http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Initramfs23:22
PikkachuCFHowlett: stop it now23:22
ipl31pfifo: thank you23:22
ZehleFilo: error message: " Could not aquire name on session bus"23:22
SifrazooyFyodorovna: so what is this commands ? :D23:23
spartan2276How can I fix the Backup app? right now its broken23:23
spartan2276DejaDup wont work23:24
ZehleFilo1234: error message: " Could not aquire name on session bus"23:24
filo1234Zehle: are you using gnome?23:24
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, so boot the windows disc after the language hit r then get to the windows command line the terminal and run all of these commands. This will reinstall the windows files needed in sda2 and the mbr. You will just have to reload grub again to the mbr as you did after making sure windows boots on its own  http://paste.ubuntu.com/813664/23:24
ZehleFilo: Ubuntu 12.0423:25
xangua!pangolin | Zehle23:25
ubottuZehle: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:25
filo1234Zehle: I don't think that it's gnome-session then23:25
pfifoPikkachu, ubuntu does not work in windows because ubuntu is a complete operating system, as is windows. Under normal circumstances your computer can only handle running one Operating System at a time.23:26
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, make sur after the commands you reboot to windows it should go straight in if working reload grub to the mbr again from the ubuntu cd.23:26
ZehleFilo1234: Explain as if you explained for a noob! :)23:26
Pikkachupfifo: tell the font authors to stop putting it available under windows23:26
Pikkachupfifo: and stop non-sense23:26
bibic682If I upgrade to 11.10,  can I keep my same desktop?23:27
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, and make sure you rember that ubuntu is on sda6 when you reinstall grub23:27
pfifoPikkachu, I have no Idea what your talking about23:27
Fyodorovnabibic682, from what?23:27
Pikkachugreat to stop highlighting me23:27
filo1234Zehle: I don't know what Xsession manager does it use, maybe Unity or gnome3, so the gnome-session it's wrong on that file23:27
CFHowlettPikkachu  the claim that ubuntu font is available under windows appears NOWHERE23:27
[tla]hi. i have a 11.10 (upgraded) server (64 bit) and the X display (nvidia driver / GeForce 9500 GT) has stopped working after a dist-upgrade (has worked under 11.10 fine prior to this). monitor is samsung 1080p TV connected via HDMI. Symptoms are "start gdm" causes screen to go blank then text console is redisplayed. xorg.0.log here: http://paste2.org/p/1929076, xorg.conf here: http://paste2.org/p/123:28
[tla]929081. tried installing driver from nvidia web site but no change. help please.  thx.23:28
ZehleFilo1234: so you mean it should say something else instead of "gnome-session &"?23:28
Fyodorovnabibic682, Are you offered that as a upgrade and no it is a different desktop.23:28
PikkachuCFHowlett: stop highlighting me, stop mentioning my nick23:28
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SifrazooyFyodorovna:  thnx for you help and sry if i disturbed you i don't know how to thank you :D23:28
Pikkachuanyone got his bluetooth always activating again and again? turning it off won't last the next reboot23:28
xanguaCFHowlett: i see a big orange button that says 'Download for free'23:29
CFHowlettPikkachu   feel free to ignore me.  I don't ignore fud23:29
pfifo[tla], run `sudo update-initramfs` and reboot23:29
xanguawell not that big but visible23:29
PikkachuCFHowlett: stop trolling23:29
CFHowlettxangua   see no mention of install to windows ...23:29
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, no disturbance this should work. :)23:29
SifrazooyFyodorovna: thnx :D23:29
PhosphateAnyone know if there's a 2d-settings for 12.04 or some way to keep the unity pannel from dodging?23:30
xanguaCFHowlett: i see, so you don't know how to install a font in windows¿ try a windows channel23:30
CFHowlettxangua   I wasn't the one trying to install it.  Please help pikkachu with that issue.23:30
ZehleFilo1234: Okej, well got to go ;) Thanks for your help, It will work somehow ;) Haha! See ya!23:30
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, the only catch might be the grub-leagcy in the sda1 but I doubt it will be a problem, if it is just reformat sda1 as a ntfs and then do all this again.23:30
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Pikkachuhow to call an operator?23:30
bibic682Fryodorovna...11.04 is  the next update...Im looking for the better ati driver for 3d acceleration23:31
pfifoPikkachu, dial 023:31
[tla]pfifo: -u option sufficient?23:31
PikkachuCFHowlett stop trolling, for the third time23:31
Pikkachupfifo: that's not funny23:31
KI7MTPhosphate, on the login screen, click on the gear and select 2d.23:31
Pikkachupfifo: stop trolling too23:31
pfifo[tla], yes23:31
elodiepardon, mais y a-t-il une chat IRC pour l'Ubuntu en français ?23:31
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  i am sure that there is a grub files in sda1 because i thought that it is the windows partition and forgot about what windows made while installing it23:31
ubottuelodie: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:31
SifrazooyFyodorovna:  shoulf i format it ?23:31
herriojrfor some reason on 10.04 LTE x64, I cannot get it to download sun-java6-jdk from canonical partners, has something changed?23:32
SifrazooyFyodorovna: should *23:32
elodiemerci beaucoup23:32
spartan2276oh crap gnome control center wont stop starting up even after I kill it through system monitor23:32
rawfodogI want to block a website, is there a host file in ubuntu like on windows ?23:32
xanguaherriojr: sun/oracle java is no longer on repositories23:32
zykotick9herriojr: it's been removed, if you want sun-java download it from oracle23:32
pfiforawfodog, /etc/hosts23:32
PhosphateKI7MT Thanks was hoping for a way to change the unity bar dodge behavior under 2d23:32
herriojrxangua: thanks23:32
rawfodogthanks :D23:32
spartan2276I clicked on Backup and it just started to loop, Can anyone help me fix this issue please23:32
herriojrxangua: I guess the Lucid release notes are out-of-date23:32
l_rwhat is the gcc version in ubuntu beta 12 04?23:33
bastidrazor /w 323:33
bibic682I read they have a different....better driver support for my ati 9800xt23:33
Phosphatel_r 4.6.223:33
ubottul_r: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the 16th release of Ubuntu and is in Beta testing from 2nd March, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+123:33
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, you could, we just want the partition numbers the same, and the bootflag on the C partition which is now sda223:33
SifrazooyFyodorovna: i will start doing what yoou did wish me luck :D23:33
bastidrazor!info gcc precise23:33
KI7MTPhosphate, unfortunately, there's not much that can be done with the launchers behaviour, other than not using it :-)23:33
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.112ubuntu1)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.2-4ubuntu1 (precise), package size 5 kB, installed size 41 kB (Only available for any all)23:33
l_rare there any plans to use gcc 4.7?23:33
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, good luck. :)23:33
pfifol_r, sure, things always are getting upgraded, if you cant wait I heard there is a few PPA's that have gcc4.7 with c++11 support23:35
PhosphateKI7MT Thanks, I'll try the stuff that worked under 11.0 but I think you're probably right.23:35
SifrazooyFyodorovna: rebooting with windows CD :D Bye :D23:35
FyodorovnaSifrazooy, see you agin I hope. :)23:35
KI7MTPhosphate, they have it locked down pretty tight, so if you find a way lets us know :-)23:35
PhosphateKI7MT Will do.23:36
filo1234Zehle: yeah something instead gnome-session & but I don't know what! I don't have 12.04 and no more gnome or unity here23:37
bibic682anyone.....does 11.04 have the 3d enabled diver for ati radeon 9800 xt ?23:39
mintmanPhosphate: I thought at this point Unity was to be a Touch screen distro... Is Ubuntu pointing the Unity desktop in a new direction I also seen at SEC them working to possibly intergrate into TV and cable shows ?  Is there a new aim to the update???23:39
Phosphatemintman: I believe Unity is intended to be the main UI for standard desktop for everything so touchscreen as well as kb/mouse, but I don't have any cool inside info.23:43
filo1234Zehle: btw what x session uses remote machines?23:44
oldg3newcan you please help me with (L)ubuntu 11.10 on PowerMac G3 (B&W)? I keep getting no GUI and "$ sudo modprobe aty128fb" gives me "aty128fb: cannot reserve frame buffer memory". I also added aty128fb to /etc/modules and added to initramfs too.23:45
[tla]pfifo: not working unfortunately. xorg.0.log: http://paste2.org/p/192958323:45
ZehleFilo: huh?23:46
JackDacksHello, could someone please tell me how to search for channels? Thank you23:46
KI7MTJackDacks, what irc program you using23:47
CFHowlettJackDacks   /msg alis help list23:47
filo1234Zehle: the remote machines, where vncserver running, which kind of desktop enviroment uses?23:47
JackDacksThank you CFHowlett23:47
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CFHowlettJackDacks   I THINK that's the one you want ... see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist23:48
pfifook [tla], run #6 on this list just to get a working system, then you can reinstall nvidia drivers afterwards https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/NvidiaDriverSwitching#Problem:__Need_to_fully_remove_-nvidia_and_installing_or_reinstall_-nouveau_from_scratch23:48
pfifofilo1234, theres only room enough for one pipe on this IRC23:49
JackDacksYes, thank you CFHowlett23:49
JJasonClarkanyone have a recommendation for learning server setup/maintenance for Ubuntu server?23:51
filo1234pfifo: sorry?23:51
pfifofilo1234, im just kidding23:52
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JJasonClarkopps, asked that wrong.  wanted to know about books23:52
filo1234pfifo: sorry but I'm a bit tired and my brain is laggeg23:52
JJasonClarkanyone have a *book* recommendation for learning server setup/maintenance for Ubuntu server?23:52
KI7MT JJasonClark https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/serverguide/C/index.html23:52
filo1234I have a rest, by all23:53
pfifoJJasonClark, id look for a debian book, and apply it to ubuntu23:53
JJasonClarkpfifo: thank, good to know23:54
JJasonClarkKI7MT: great place to start, but I'm looking for a dead tree version23:54
KI7MTThere's a PDF version that's printable as well: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/23:55
KimlarouxI have Ubuntu and Fedora installed with a dedicated Boot partition. Everytime there's a kernel upgrade in Ubuntu, the MBR is erased and I have to recover it using a fedora live CD. How can I upgrade Ubuntu kernel without having the MBR overwritten?23:55
[tla]pfifo: all done except 1st step of step 6 - nvidia-settings --uninstall (--uninstall is not a valid option in my version).  will reboot23:55
pfifoKimlaroux, install ubuntu's bootloader on the partition insted of the MBR23:56
PhosphatejjasonClark Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook by Evi Nemeth, Gatrh Snyder etc is a really solid generic admin book which should work23:56
Kimlarouxpfifo, I thought it was, but I guess I was wrong... How do you go about changing this?23:56
KI7MTJJasonClark, a quick search on Amazon, there's several UB Server Books listed.23:57
pfifoKimlaroux, i think 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc` should do it23:57
Kimlarouxpfifo, I'll try that, thanks23:57
PhosphateIt also covers Ubuntu specificaly and is a big pile of dead trees if you opt for the version23:57
JJasonClarkPhosphate: have you read this book? Did it work for you? The cover looks interesting23:57
PhosphatejjasonClark yes I've actually bought every edition of it dating back to the 90s when it was just Unix System Administration Handbook. It's really solid and written by guys who know their stuff.23:59

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