
pleia2knome: screenshots http://xubuntu.org/?page_id=534&preview=true (not published, need to be logged in to see)04:06
Unit193Doh... I can't view then.04:06
pleia2pretty much the same screenshots as on the front page, but bigger ;)04:09
knomeUnit193, you can. go to xubuntu.org/wp-admin and you should be able log in with ubuntu SSO.09:13
knome(anyone on the xubuntu-team on LP should be)09:14
knomepleia2, btw, in the recent updates, the site will be locked to a minimun width of 980 - that means that you should be able to insert content up to 600px without having to worry about it overlapping the sidebar09:16
Unit1930_o Well...09:16
knomepleia2, so to say, we could use bigger shots in that page09:16
knomepleia2, i also set the "large" size to 600x1200 to accommodate this...09:18
ochosiseems like the zeitgeist-recommend from UCS is not really necessary for it to work normally (even the history function seems to work ok without it)15:07
* ochosi no like sean davis, he's reporting so many bugs today :/16:15
ochosigah, abiword also changes the mouse-cursor16:18
ochosiwhat the hell is wrong with those people!16:18
Unit193ochosi: Not only that, but this "Simon Steinbeiß" person too... ;)16:47
ochosiUnit193: hehe17:11
Unit193Did you happen to get the link to the fork of your theme? It's not really the best, but it does exist nontheless.17:12
ochosinope, where is it?17:16
Unit193https://github.com/daz4126/Blackbird/ It's.... one way to go with it.17:18
ochosipff, that's just a fork of the initial version of blackbird17:19
ochosiit's extremely incomplete17:19
ochosijust a recoloring of greybird17:19
Unit193Aye, it's sure not complete.17:19
mr_pouitthere's not additional commit?17:20
ochosithere are four or so, but mainly tiny tweaks and a different xfwm theme17:20
mr_pouitah, in the blue branch, not master17:20
ochosimaybe i should contact the guy and ask him whether he wants to contribute17:21
Unit193Right, was just pointing out that it exists, never figured it'd be of much help. (I have that running on one, and a modidied shimmer one here.)17:23
ochosihm, i see17:26
* micahg wonders if our themes got hacked with the rest of github17:38
knomeis pavucontrol seeded by default?18:03
knomeand is there any reason not to, if not18:03
knomewhat's the image size situation?18:04
micahgno, we didn't need it before18:04
jandruskHave they published any formal reports as to when the flaw will be patched/fixed?18:04
knomejandrusk, what flaw?18:04
micahgjandrusk: github's already been fixed18:04
jandruskI guess my question is, do they know backdoors have not been placed within the system since it has been at risk?18:05
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahg\o/ we win, xfce 4.10 release after precise release, new date 4/28 :)19:00

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