
FernandoMiguelFOR THE LULZ https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67151000:14
ubottuGnome bug 671510 in general "GCalcTool does honor the precedence of operators" [Major,Unconfirmed]00:14
DaekdroomFernandoMiguel, I think whoever filed that bug is missing something important,.00:16
FernandoMiguelDaekdroom: such as?00:17
DaekdroomThere's no way gcalctool can tell where the denominator ends.00:17
DaekdroomSo it presumes it's only one number, instead of all the set of operations after /00:18
kanliotalt+printscreen+k is supposed to close x, but i think a bug in my ATI drivers causes it to lock up my pc.  is this a bug, where do I file on launchpad?00:33
jbichakanliot: I think you could run ubuntu-bug and report a display problem00:36
Daekdroomkanliot, don't you have to press CRTL too?00:37
kanliotubuntu bug needs a package, um,  i guess i can figure out what package i'm using00:37
kanliothehe  good try i'm not testing it :)00:37
kanliotyou try it first :)00:37
DaekdroomTurns out you don't.00:38
DaekdroomI thought that because Alt + PrntScreen is a shortcut for a PrintScreen, you'd need Crtl too, but I just tested it and it works with only Alt + PrintScreen + k00:38
DaekdroomAnd I'm using the radeon driver. So it might be Catalyst indeed.00:39
glosolizzecool: you here00:41
glosoli ?00:41
andrewacltCan somebody explain "/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Sector 48 is already in use by FlexNet; avoiding it." ?00:47
andrewacltI'm not dualbooting at all.00:48
glosoliWho's FlexNet00:54
glosoliHmm Wikipedia says it's some type of licensing00:54
glosoliandrewaclt: try running "sudo update-grub"00:55
andrewacltglosoli, yes, looks like some kind of drm crap00:56
andrewacltglosoli, I ran that and it executed fine, no errors00:56
glosoliSo you tryed running that command ?00:56
glosolirebooted after that ?00:56
andrewacltDoes that flush the boot track?00:57
andrewacltor is that just fdsik?00:57
lcc I'm getting occasional kernel panics with 12.04. I've never had any00:57
lcc      kernel panics with 11.10.00:57
zzecoolglosoli: yes00:57
glosoliandrewaclt: I am not sure, just try it00:58
glosolizzecool: go sleep :D00:58
zzecoolglosoli: i will soon00:58
zzecooli was trying to import the old ios 3 db to my iphone with ios500:59
glosolizzecool: Are you having laptop ?00:59
zzecooli made it after all :D00:59
glosolizzecool: I wana ask if you got DIM problems00:59
zzecooli have00:59
zzecoolbut i have the solution00:59
zzecoollet me go wc00:59
zzecoolill tell you01:00
glosolizzecool: Try running it on battery set brightness to lowest, then don't do anything for about 30 seconds, it should do dim screen, then move mouse cursor and boom01:00
bilalAnyone else having WiFi troubles? When I'm on a WPA-PSK network, my WiFi gets blocked every half an hour or so. Very random, no set duration, and I get a "group rekeying" message on syslog right before WiFi gets blocked. Sandy Bridge i7, iwlagn driver, precise01:04
bilalBy "blocked" I mean, I don't get disconnected from the network, but all network access shuts off. The browser, and all network accessing programs time out01:04
bilalI need to run a sudo killall wpa_supplicant to fix the issue.01:05
zzecoolim always on wpa and dont have any problem01:05
bilalI think it has something to do with the driver01:05
zzecoolglosoli: first of all01:05
zzecooli have a sony vaio and the brightness doesnt work out of the box01:06
bilalsince I don't have this problem on Oneiric, and on my Precise I've cleaned all NM settings, and have even tried ConnMan01:06
glosolizzecool: aaa sony ass01:06
zzecoolim using a tool01:06
zzecoolcalled smartdimmer01:07
zzecoolim using it with a script01:07
glosolizzecool: what's that tool for ?01:07
zzecooldimming on nvidia vgas01:07
zzecoolbrightness are the only function keys that doesnt work out of the box01:09
zzecoolin this sony01:09
zzecoolthank god01:09
zzecoolall the other working fine01:09
zzecoolas i thought  libgpod4  is broken for ios501:11
zzecooli cant sync music01:11
glosolican't help laughing01:12
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zzecoolstarting price was 778 euros i think or 76801:19
zzecooli dont remember exactly01:19
zzecooli paid 23801:19
zzecoolwrong channel :D glosoli01:19
hoshi411how can I change the color scheme ? im running ubuntu 12 and xchat and nautilus are blinding me.  i believe xchat can do it but .... how about nautilus?01:20
hoshi411im on unity by the way01:20
zzecoolhoshi411: you need themes01:23
hoshi411so i was able to change the colors for inside the chat window but .... how about the rest?01:23
zzecooland gnome-tweak01:23
hoshi411zzecool: themes for unity?01:23
hoshi411for ubuntu 12?01:23
zzecoolthemes for GTK01:23
blocky_if I want to install the beta on a fresh windows system is it better to install 11.10 and upgrade or install from the beta iso directly?01:23
zzecoolbeta iso01:23
zzecoolglosoli: tons of updates today01:24
zzecoolim downloading 69 more01:24
glosolizzecool: yeeee :/01:25
zzecoolhoshi411: the tool for the themes called  :  gnome-tweak-tool01:26
zzecoolhoshi411: after you install it open the dash and type advanced   , its the one called advanced settings01:26
zzecoolgood luck01:26
zzecoolits work both for unity and gnome shell01:27
trismbilal: this debian bug seems to have the same sort of issues you are seeing, the last post from yesterday indicates a fix may show up in the upstream kernel soon: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=65119901:31
ubottuDebian bug 651199 in linux-2.6 "linux-image-3.1.0-1-amd64: Connection lost on WPA: Group rekeying" [Important,Fixed]01:31
zutihmm... pulseaudio -k shouldn't probably kill gnome-shell? :)01:31
bilaltrism: Thanks for pointing it out, you beat me at googling :) I had been searching for bug reports on this for a long time, but never found that one!01:32
hoshi411zzecool: thanks, i imagine that only gtk3 engines are going to work with the tweak tool correct?01:34
zzecooli think it support gkt2 too01:34
zzecoolim not sure tho01:35
zzecoolmaybe im wrong01:35
DaekdroomIt handles both as long as the GTK2 and GTK3 themes are together.01:35
hoshi411hmm ... not showing up , the ones that I installed... for example nodoka01:35
hoshi411my favorite is nodoka-midnight01:35
zzecooli think oi have a solution for you then01:36
zzecoolhoshi411: :)01:36
hoshi411as long as i don't have to do anything dirty01:37
hoshi411im uncomfortable with "the grey area"01:37
eruditehermitdoes anyone here use gnome-shell and know why the battery meter is not updating?01:38
zzecoolhoshi411: i cant find it now01:40
hoshi411zzecool, its cool01:41
hoshi411: )01:41
hoshi411thanks for trying though01:41
zzecoolfound it01:41
trismbilal: after a bit more searching, it seems that specific patch is already included in 3.2.0-18.28 to fix bug 911059, but it seems some people are still having problems: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/94823501:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 948235 in linux (Ubuntu) "Intel wireless still randomly drops connection" [Medium,Confirmed]01:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 911059 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "Intel wireless randomly drops connection" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91105901:42
zzecoolhoshi411: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:satyajit-happy/themes01:43
zzecoolhoshi411: then open synaptic refresh and add the 3 themes  that you will find in this ppa01:44
andrewacltTo install grub, is it sufficient to simply grub-install /dev/hda or do I have to do anything special after wiping my MBR01:44
zzecoolthere is an elementary dark that looks very close to your theme01:44
Fyodorovnaandrewaclt, what is the problem overall?01:51
andrewacltI install ubuntu to a windows pc (completely overwriting windows), but I get this error "/usr/sbin/grub-setup: warn: Sector 48 is already in use by FlexNet; avoiding it.  This software may cause boot or other problems in future.". I was going to dd over the mbr and reinstall grub to fix?01:51
andrewacltThat error is when I just apt-upgrade and it tried to install grub, not in the installer01:52
Fyodorovnaandrewaclt, flexnet is a problem, I thought grub had been adjusted, you might ask on the ubuntu forums.01:52
Fyodorovnaandrewaclt, you just have ubuntu now?01:53
andrewacltBut, if I just dd over the mbr, Flexnet will be gone, yes?01:53
andrewacltYeah, just ubuntu, no windows01:53
Fyodorovnaandrewaclt, yeah dd it. :)01:53
andrewacltI just wanted to make sure that the correct step after dding was "sudo grub-install /dev/hda" and I didn't have to pass some ubuntu specific configuration stuff01:54
Fyodorovnaandrewaclt, you have grub 2 right its sda01:54
andrewacltWell, I'm not sure it's sda. fstab looks funny these days, with UUIDs heh01:55
Fyodorovnaandrewaclt, you know the dd is just lessm that 512 right01:55
Fyodorovnaless than01:55
zzecoolandrewaclt: more ppl having this kind of problem01:56
andrewacltFyodorovna, good call01:57
andrewacltI just want 446 and not the full 51201:57
Fyodorovnazzecool, the grub maintainer colin I think the name is was working on this a while back I surprised anyone has a problem.01:57
andrewacltIt seems like there is a safer way that I could tell grub to overwrite everything01:58
Fyodorovnaandrewaclt, not sure exactly I just know if you go the full 512 it breaks the partition table.01:58
andrewacltFyodorovna, Yes, that's my understanding, so we can't have that01:58
Fyodorovnanot a good thing. :)01:59
hoshi411zzecool, thanks, installing now02:02
pdklhows unity in 12.04?   majorly improved?02:08
DaekdroomMuch snappier.02:08
TronicI guess I'll have to give that a try.02:09
TronicKUbuntu has been quite horrible so far.02:09
pdklwas wondering the same02:09
pdklim on kde 4.8 in archlinux02:09
pdkli just dont likegnome shell02:09
TronicI like both Gnome Shell and Unity on concept level but both of them need much more work.02:10
TronicIf the good ideas of both were combined, I'd be very happy already :)02:10
Tronic+ a little bit more room for configuration, e.g. allow one to disable screen blanking.02:11
pdklwell i need something different02:13
jbichaTronic: screen blanking?02:15
Tronicjbicha: Turns off your display after one hour.02:16
jbichaTronic: have you looked at gnome-control-center screen ?02:17
Tronicjbicha: The last time I did, the maximum was one hour and the "Never" option from Gnome 2 was missing.02:18
jbichaTronic: Never is there02:18
DaekdroomIt is there indeed02:19
TronicKubuntu has that same problem, actually. The default (if checkbox not selected) is about 10 minutes and the maximum value permitted is 360 minutes.02:19
Tronicjbicha: Okay, I guess it has been fixed at some point.02:20
jbichaTronic: you could also play with dconf-editor and look in org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power but I think Ubuntu has patched System Settings which is easier02:20
pdkl12.04 beta 1 is the latest and greatest?02:21
TronicJust checked on my laptop (with Unity) and yes, the setting is there. I found it missing with Gnome Shell but that I cannot test right now.02:21
arandpdkl: There is only one version of Precise - the current one.02:23
pdklburning it :P02:30
Dr_willis_there are the daily build iso's  i recall.. but those can be flakey at times.02:31
pdklwonder how much of a performance hit im going to take switching to ubuntu02:31
Dr_willis_depends on  the details pdkl02:31
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ricky-1I'm currently logged into ubuntu-12.04-beta1-desktop-amd64 on my desktop but there's no visible mouse; I can still click things (like the top-right icons.) I experienced the same thing after I did an "ubuntu-12.04-beta1-alternative-amd64" install; there was no visible mouse while trying to log in or even while logged in: I had to rely on the "Click Ctrl to highlight cursor position." The system said it was up to date. Right now I'm02:43
ricky-1at the very first screen with "Try Ubuntu" and "Install Ubuntu" tl;dr: no /visible/ mouse. What gives?02:43
Tronicricky-1: Which GPU & drivers do you have?02:49
ricky-1Tronic, I have an ATI HD5850, running with free/standard (?) drivers. Whichever drivers support that card by default02:52
ricky-1I haven't installed any GPU drivers02:52
ricky-1Someone suggested I stop X and "set it up myself" so far I've `sudo service lightdm stop`'d and am logged in via console02:53
ricky-1Not sure what to do next; that was next on my to-google list02:53
ricky-1rather, they suggested I not rely on hotplugging and set it manually*02:53
ricky-1Would that help? I mean, the system knows the mouse is there. It's just not visible02:54
quantumlemurhey guys, ever since I updated to 12.04, my machine has been hanging on the shutdown animation about half the time.  The other half, it shuts down fine with no problems.  Are there any known instances of that, or any troubleshooting / evidence gathering tips?03:02
quantumlemuralso, internet searches seem to point to acpi being the most common culprit, and that disabling part of it can sometimes fix it.  But I like the benefits of acpi...  if I don't find a solution (or don't like the solution), do I need to worry about it if I just have to do a hard shutdown half the time?03:06
scriptwarlockquantumlemur, could that be a network interface errors? check your log files for any errors03:16
quantumlemurscriptwarlock, hmm, I can't find anything, but then again I'm not totally sure where to look in the logs, or what to look for03:23
PhotoJim"Could not install the upgrades" - Error during commit.  Couldn't configure pre-depend libtinfo5 for libncurses5, probably a dependency cycle.  <- got that error trying to install 12.04 beta. ideas?03:24
scriptwarlockquantumlemur, /var/log//syslog?03:25
quantumlemurscriptwarlock, that's where I focused my efforts, but didn't find anything obvious.  Is there a tag where a shutdown is initiated?  I searched for HALT and SHUTDOWN and whatnot.03:26
scriptwarlockquantumlemur, have you tried somewhere on acpi boot options?03:27
scriptwarlockquantumlemur, something like acpi=off kernel param? actually never done this on newer ubuntus03:29
scriptwarlockquantumlemur, my machine is bahaving normally03:29
quantumlemurscriptwarlock, I haven't tried the acpi options yet.  I'll try those in a bit and report back... any other suggestions in the mean time?03:30
NorthHello? I wanna do the remote control from other desktop. could you tell me how to set. I am running 12.04LTS beta.03:32
Northcan anyone help me?03:33
Dmoleis there a way to show the "full path" of the current view in the file browser?03:33
DmoleNorth: what do you need?03:33
NorthI wanna do the remote control from other desktop. could you tell me how to set?03:33
scriptwarlockquantumlemur, verbose mode on shutdown i guess can let you see the text stuff03:34
DmoleNorth: ssh or vnc/etc03:34
quantumlemurscriptwarlock, oh, yeah, that could be helpful, thanks03:34
scriptwarlockNorth, enable the remote desktop03:34
NorthDmole: it might seem I need the detailed instruction.03:35
Northscriptwarlock: how can I set it?03:35
DmoleNorth just type "remote" into the search bar03:35
scriptwarlockNorth, open desktop sharing03:35
DmoleNorth: (in "dash home")03:36
Northi have been using 8.04LTS. I an not familiar with this 12.04LTS beta.03:37
Northi feel tough a little bit.03:37
scriptwarlockNorth, check box: allow other users and allow other users to control, if thats your own machine untick must confirm, require paswd, and check auto configure upnp03:37
Northscriptwarlock:  I did set it as your saying. Now I wanna try to remote from other desktop that has Windows OS. Any comment?03:39
scriptwarlockNorth, wth you never told us your working on a windows machine03:39
NorthI cannot use the remote desktop connection on the Windows OS PC.03:39
Northscriptwarlock: do I need to install the VNC viewer again?03:40
scriptwarlockNorth, you can use vnc for windows03:40
Northscriptwarlock: OK let me try03:41
DmoleNorth: I like NX but it's not simple to setup03:41
NorthDmole: :)03:41
scriptwarlockNorth, you are on your own when configuring windows remote, i'm done with m$03:42
DmoleNorth:  youtube is your friend (I did not preview this) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwCQeNXr7Eg03:42
Dmolewe are all  M$ H8ers around here03:43
scriptwarlocknot actually never hate but dont like using my time for it03:43
NorthDmole: Are you serious?03:45
Dmolesemantics :)03:45
DmoleNorth: serious about what?03:46
DmoleNorth: haha the link was temvewer yah don't do that, but I'm sure you can find something03:47
scriptwarlockwas using teamviewer and its quit simple no more configs on router03:48
DmoleI think  there are 4 ish options for direct connect NX VNC freeNX thatother one03:48
NorthDmole: you said we are all  M$ H8ers around here.03:48
Norththanks to you, I succeded03:49
DmoleNorth: using any OS without a unaversal API (the CLI) and the closed nature is just not worth any effort03:50
DmoleOSX is nice though03:51
NorthDmole: I understand what you said from the view of computer user.03:53
NorthDmole: on the other hand , User needs the professional technical support like M$ has been doing.03:54
scriptwarlockNorth, we have free support from the community and paid from canonical(enterprise?)03:57
Northscriptwarlock: oh really?03:57
Northscriptwarlock: another question, how can I put the terminal on  the launch button panel?03:58
scriptwarlockNorth, obviously what we are doing now is a free support, right?03:59
ricky-1right click it I believe03:59
DmoleNorth:and then there is redhat THE "professional" OS M$ can't hold a a candle to that star03:59
scriptwarlockNorth, you using unity?03:59
Northscriptwarlock: sorry  I do not know what unity is .04:00
DmoleNorth: yes run it the right click on the icon and "lock to launcher"04:01
scriptwarlockNorth, your in ubuntu+1 irc supposed your using 12.0404:01
ricky-1Previously (ie: in 10.10), I could execute `sudo service gdm stop` to stop GUI and drop into a terminal. That doesn't seem to work now. What is the proper way to drop out of fancy X and GUI-land now?04:01
scriptwarlockricky-1, you mean ctrl+alt+f1?04:02
ricky-1that too, but what if I need to stop X04:02
jbicharicky-1: substitute lightdm for gdm04:02
ricky-1jbicha, ah, thanks04:02
Dmoleah! to get a path from nautilus drag the folder into terminal04:06
Northscriptwarlock: yes, I am using 12.0404:06
scriptwarlockNorth, have you done what Dmole suggested?04:07
Northscriptwarlock: yes ihave done.04:08
NorthA lot of crash reports poped up. it annoies me04:09
scriptwarlockNorth, yeah what is beta04:09
DanaGHow odd... i connected my android device to my pulseaudio server, and the audio was silent until the very instant i connected to vnc.04:10
DanaGConnected over bluetooth, that is.   Server as sink.04:10
DmoleNorth: did you "apt-get update;apt-get -y dist-upgrade;"?04:10
DanaGServer is on Precise.04:11
NorthDmole:  I will do  it now.04:11
DmoleDanaG: pulse only starts with a userlogin by default04:12
Northscriptwarlock: if I minimize the certain window, how can i know that a window is opened?04:12
DanaGI tweaked it two ways: system daemon, and lightdm autologin.04:12
Northwhat is the super key? when maximizing the window, it requires super + Up?04:13
DmoleNorth: the "windows"04:14
Dmoleor mac04:14
scriptwarlockNorth, i set my unity panel icons backlight>active icons on04:14
Northit's lunch time.  I will be back to you soon.04:14
scriptwarlockpressing down the super key displays the keyboard shortcuts04:15
DanaG_Argh, need to switch to laptop.04:15
ricky-1What would the proper way to get my fresh 12.04 install up-to-date using CLI apt-get be? Simply `apt-get update`, then `apt-get upgrade`?04:16
ricky-1last time i used the GUI it crashed halfway through04:16
Dmole"apt-get update;apt-get -y dist-upgrade;"04:17
scriptwarlockricky-1, update manager can handle the update that requires admin password04:17
ricky-1scriptwarlock, I got a segfault halfway through, after reboot it said something about partial upgrade so I let it, then i dont remember... but things werent looking up04:18
Dmoleif it fails again just reinstall (it only takes a minute04:19
scriptwarlockricky-1, ah yes sometimes i bumped with that msg terminal can save the day :)04:20
ricky-1hashsum mismatch T_T04:22
Dmolewhich repo?04:22
ricky-1precise/main? libreoffice-draw and libemempi. ran upgrade again and it didnt complain...04:24
NorthDmole: it's strange the windows key works on Ubuntu.04:44
Northscriptwarlock: how did you set unity panel icons bakclight.active icons?04:45
scriptwarlockNorth, install myunity04:47
North1ScriptRipper, using apt-get?04:49
scriptwarlockNorth, ?04:49
North1it's me04:50
scriptwarlockNorth, yep apt-get install or thru usc04:50
ricky-1Can someone help me figure out why my mouse is simply invisible? It works, I can move it and click stuff; I just can't see it. I have to use the "Pressing Ctrl highlights cursor position" option in settings.05:01
scriptwarlockricky-1, is that a ps2 or usb mouse05:03
ricky-1I can use either05:03
DanaGheh, I love how the update-checking window resizes spastically.05:03
DanaG... to fit the strings inside it.05:04
scriptwarlockricky-1, and mouse is generic?05:04
ricky-1scriptwarlock, yea05:04
ricky-1I'm going to try installing proprietary GPU drivers05:05
scriptwarlockricky-1, check if you have hwcursor on your xorg.conf05:09
ricky-1scriptwarlock, I don't know where xorg.conf is located any more05:11
scriptwarlockricky-1, yaiks i forgot05:11
micahgit's been deprecated since karmic I believe05:13
micahgat least having a default one has been05:13
DanaGoh yeah, so my server isn't completely headless... it has a sucky ASPEED remote access card... that sometimes can't be remote-accessed.05:16
DanaGBut anyway, that "local" interface automatically logs in as me, and then locks.05:16
scriptwarlockricky-1, you mentioned gpu have you installed yet?05:17
ricky-1ati hd 585005:20
ricky-1first attempt failed05:20
erapplemanhi, how do i get 32-bit binaries working with wine on 64-bit?05:21
erapplemania32-libs is still broken05:21
scriptwarlockricky-1, ubuntu 12.04 right?05:21
DanaGhmm, is fglrx known to be working at this point?  I'd be surprised if so.05:22
DanaGConsidering their usual lag.05:22
scriptwarlockricky-1, been here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI05:24
DanaGinteresting... it's using llvmpipe.05:26
ricky-1scriptwarlock, Yes, 12.04 b1. I haven't been there. I will look in a second. I'm /assuming/ the "(post release)" ati driver is what crashed jockey-gtk; after I re-ran it, the non "post release" driver seemed to activate just fine05:27
ricky-1oh hey05:27
ricky-1theres a mouse05:27
ricky-1What is the difference between the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver and the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver ?05:30
scriptwarlockricky-1, best answer driver and the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver ?05:32
ricky-1i meant05:32
ricky-1ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver  and  ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver (post-release updates_05:32
ricky-1my bad05:32
scriptwarlockricky-1, http://askubuntu.com/a/6671105:33
scriptwarlockricky-1, best answer05:33
snadgei dont know.. but the latest fglrx.. is broken05:54
snadgeamd needs to be administered with fatal beatings05:54
snadgeoh interesting.. so the solution to unity not working with the latest fglrx06:00
snadgeis to use the older fglrx06:00
snadgeeven though it has known issues which were resolved with the later fglrx06:00
snadgewell done06:01
scientesdoes ubuntu use fdisk to make msdos lables?06:27
scientesor is it all GNU parted?06:28
scriptwarlockscientes, gparted?06:34
scientesgparted is unlikely, but parted (which gparted is a front end for) is likely06:37
Ch_IossifHi to all! RAID boot problem on 12.04b1 - more: http://paste.ubuntu.com/871230/ - Any ideas?07:52
mongowhat package does the indicator-brightness role now? I have no brightness slider but xbacklight works as does the /sys files08:17
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tokarbolWhere should I ask about the logon screen in Precise?08:22
tokarbolNamely, I need to be able to add keyboard layouts in some GUI... and I need to ask is that possible?08:23
tokarbolAnybody on this channel knows this?08:23
mongoI don't have an answer but lightdm is the package you are talking about08:23
tokarbolisn't it some kind of 'greeter' over lightdm?08:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915468 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu Precise) "the unity-greeter keyboard's selection doesn't respect the user config" [High,Fix released]08:26
mongotheres the bug08:27
tokarbolI was just in the middle of the bug report list08:27
mongoIt is working for me but I only have two keyboards08:28
tokarbolhm... actually this one is that it does not respect some config file08:28
mongooh, do you not even have the selector?08:29
tokarboldo you know if there is a logon-screen GUI where you can set the layout to any arbitrary?08:29
tokarbolis there one?08:29
mongoyou can with the current one but you need to install the keyboards08:29
tokarbolI can click "en", but it's just en08:29
tokarbolwhich keyboards?08:29
tokarbola package?08:29
mongogo the "gear" in the upper right hand corner and go to "system settings'08:30
mongoclick on keyboard layout and you will see where you can add more08:30
tokarbolok, I can add keyboards there08:31
tokarbolbut that's only after I log in08:31
tokarbolthere's no gear on the logon screen08:31
mongothey will be there when you log out too08:31
mongoafter you add them that is08:31
tokarbolI added "Bambara" keyboard, but the logon screen shows me just pl08:32
tokarbolactually, I believe I have english locales installed as well, but there's no "en" keyboard08:32
tokarbolyeah, it seems that the user keyboard list has no correlation to the logon screen08:33
mongoodd, I just added bambra and logged out and it was there08:33
tokarbol(I guess that's the bug for...)08:34
tokarbolbut that's too late, I mean, I need to be able to provide more keyboards to the user who has never logged in08:34
tokarbolyou know, OEM08:34
mongoit is offering it for me, here let me reboot and make sure08:35
tokarbolmaybe I am using a different menu?08:35
tokarbolok, I can see I have an update to lightdm package available08:36
tokarbolwill try that08:36
mongoI think you would have to preseed the languages you wanted to have08:39
tokarbolwell... I upgraded, but I cannot see the languages on the logon screen08:42
tokarbolare the preseed values in the templates of lightdm?08:42
mongoyes I am not sure where, I only have to deal with a few languages per location08:44
tokarbolbut still that's asomething you preseed, right?08:47
KI7MTQuesiton, can we add the system monitor to the top bar in Unity?08:48
tokarbolthe seed is not in lightdm08:48
jokerdinomy eyes are burning09:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 947748 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Brightness control not working after latest update" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:02
jokerdinohow do i temporarily fix this bug?09:02
jokerdinosuggest an appropriate workaround09:02
mongojokerdino: install xbacklight, it will let you set the level09:07
mongojokerdino: i went back to xubuntu :) that worked too09:11
tokarbolAny idea how I can add languages to the unity-greeter screen?09:11
tokarbol(no user-specific)09:11
jokerdinolol thanks for the suggestion mongo09:16
jokerdinotokarbol: you want to change the language of the login screne?09:17
tokarbolyes, but I want to have more than one09:18
jokerdinooh i see.09:19
jokerdinoi am not aware of any ways to do that09:20
tokarbolso why the drop-down menu at all? or is it planned?09:20
jokerdinoi think the dropdown is for the input characters09:20
jokerdinotokarbol:  may be that is of any relevance to you.09:23
tokarbolI think this only applies to the GTK greeter09:25
tokarbolbut thanks for the tip09:25
tokarbolI tried this for unity-greeter, it triggered no change09:26
jokerdinowell, tough luck then09:26
tokarbolit is09:26
jhoechtl365Hello, I haunting a bug, anybody using Kubuntu 12.4 OR kde 4.8?10:02
valdur55jhoechtl365, use #kde channel.10:04
jhoechtl365valudr55: Will do, thanks10:08
edgarshi my laptop was on suspend and after wakeup i could see only the pointer10:41
edgarsso i tried ctrl+alt+f2 logged in and tried to run firefox10:42
edgarsgave an error no display given so i added DISPLAY:0 no dice10:43
valdur55DISPLAY=:0 ?10:45
valdur55edgars, what version, what video card, what driver ....10:45
valdur55do you use10:45
edgarsvideo card is intel 2000 i think10:49
edgarso and it worked perfectly other times its just this one time10:50
valdur55But what ubuntu version you use?10:54
glosoliwhat's up with beta ?10:54
edgarsglosoli , what do you mean with that?10:55
glosoliedgars: just seen your message "12.04 beta" ;D10:56
edgarsglosoli, wakeup from suspend just pointer visible cant do anything10:56
edgarsglosoli , happened just once10:57
glosoliedgars: Is your processor led blinking on laptop or computer ?11:01
glosoliI mean was it blinking11:01
edgarsglosoli, cant remember but i could do ctrl+alt+f2 and login from terminal11:06
edgarsglosoli, and i tried to run firefox but it said no display specified  so i tried adding DISPLAY:0 still didnt work so i did a hard shutdown11:08
AnAntHello, I tried to upgrade from Lucid 10.04.4 to Precise beta, but it failed, saying that it cannot compute upgrade path. I was told that it wouldn't work indeed until precise is released as stable. Isn't there a way around this ? Otherwise, how will the case of upgrading Lucid to Precise will be tested before release ?11:09
edgarsI cant see terminal when i alt+tab11:26
cosmic_libpulse-simple.so.0: cannot open shared object file11:28
cosmic_help !11:28
jacksounds like your pulseaudio is broken11:29
jackdpkg -S the file11:29
cosmic_ jack  ???11:30
jackapt-get reinstall the packagename you get11:30
cosmic_error while loading shared libraries: libpulse-simple.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:30
jackdpkg -S libpulse-simple.so.011:31
jackif that gives 0 results11:31
jackthe app is broken11:31
cosmic_cosmic@cosmic-desktop:~/Downloads/Metagolf$ dpkg -S libpulse-simple.so.011:31
cosmic_libpulse0: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpulse-simple.so.011:31
cosmic_libpulse0: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpulse-simple.so.0.0.311:31
cosmic_ok ?11:32
jackapt-get reinstall libpulse011:32
jackshould fix things11:32
cosmic_cosmic@cosmic-desktop:~/Downloads/Metagolf$ apt-get reinstall libpulse011:33
cosmic_E: Invalid operation reinstall11:33
jackdpkg -r libpulse0; apt-get install libpulse011:33
jackmight need a sudo11:33
cosmic_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)11:34
cosmic_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:34
cosmic_cosmic@cosmic-desktop:~$ sudo dpkg -r libpulse0; apt-get install libpulse011:35
cosmic_dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of libpulse0:11:35
cosmic_ kde-runtime depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ pulseaudio-module-bluetooth depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.1-0ubuntu11).11:35
cosmic_ pulseaudio depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.1-0ubuntu11).11:35
cosmic_ gnome-shell depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ speech-dispatcher depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ xbmc-bin depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.0).11:35
cosmic_ libgmlib0 depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ cinnamon depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ openjdk-7-jre depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ pulseaudio-esound-compat depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.1-0ubuntu11).11:35
cosmic_ gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.0).11:35
cosmic_ libgmtk0 depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ openjdk-6-jre depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ libphonon4 depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ vlc-plugin-pulse depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.0).11:35
cosmic_ libcanberra-pulse depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ audacious-plugins depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1); however:11:35
cosmic_  Package libpulse0 is to be removed.11:35
cosmic_ indicator-sound depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ gnome-control-center depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ libpulsedsp depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.1-0ubuntu11).11:35
cosmic_ libasound2-plugins depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ libespeak1 depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ libfluidsynth1 depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:35
cosmic_ libpulse-mainloop-glib0 depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.1-0ubuntu11).11:35
cosmic_ pulseaudio-module-gconf depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.1-0ubuntu11).11:36
cosmic_ libpulse-dev depends on libpulse0 (= 1:1.1-0ubuntu11).11:36
cosmic_ libxine1-misc-plugins depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:36
cosmic_ gnome-settings-daemon depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:36
cosmic_ libsdl1.2debian depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:36
cosmic_ pulseaudio-utils depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.1-0ubuntu11).11:36
cosmic_ pulseaudio-module-x11 depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:1.1-0ubuntu11).11:36
cosmic_ empathy depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1).11:36
cosmic_ mplayer2 depends on libpulse0 (>= 1:0.99.1); however:11:36
cosmic_  Package libpulse0 is to be removed.11:36
crizzywhere's floodbot when you need it11:36
cosmic_dpkg: error proces11:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:36
glosolihead_victim: you was faster ;D11:37
edgarscosmic_ sudo apt-get install --reinstall libpulse011:38
valdur55head_victim, use !pastebin | username on next time ;)11:39
head_victimvaldur55: yeah I realised just after I hit enter :/11:39
tokarbolhey, mongo, I found why I could not see the keyboards for my user11:42
tokarbola couple of days ago I put "greeter-hide-users=true" to lightdm.conf11:43
tokarbolbecause this shows me the "Other" user selection, which otherwise is not shown11:43
tokarbolwhen I commented this out and click a user, I actually get selection of user keyboards11:44
tokarbolIs there a way to retain the "Other" user selection while having multiple users?11:44
tokarbolReading this:11:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 915390 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "Show a more selective list of alternative keyboard layouts." [Medium,Fix released]11:45
tokarbolI get the impression that a long list was removed on purpose,11:45
tokarbolbut for a user that has no keyboard selected, it might be better to list a long one instead of just one... or let him run a chooser or something11:46
candtalanHi there. Am looking for novice help about the dash. And lens(es).12:03
AnAnthow do I change the unity-greeter sound theme ?12:23
brendandAnAnt, easy12:28
brendandAnAnt, select Startup Applications from the sessions menu12:28
AnAntwhat sessions menu ?12:29
brendandAnAnt, in the top right hand corner12:29
brendandAnAnt, where Shutdown is12:29
AnAntis that after login ?12:29
brendandAnAnt, don't make this difficult :)12:30
AnAntI don't see a sessions menu in unity-greeter12:30
brendandAnAnt, i assume you're using the system in question right now?12:30
brendandAnAnt, the sound isn't played by lightdm12:31
brendandAnAnt, you are talking about the login sound right?12:31
AnAntno, I am talking about sound played when unity-greeter is started12:31
brendandthe one that sounds like a bounce?12:32
AnAntto me it sounds like a drum actually12:32
brendandAnAnt, yeah12:32
brendandok, that one's probably harder12:34
AnAntso ?12:34
glosoliAnyone uses Deja-Dup12:37
glosoli ?12:37
glosoliI am interested to know how the backup works, I mean if I delete some folder form my home dir I am ReBackuping, would it remove it from backup too12:39
jackman duplicity12:40
scriptwarlockglosoli, make a test folder and try to backup and delete see what happens12:40
glosoliI know that, just asked firstly maybe someone already knows12:44
candtalanI press superkey. I see the dash, with focus on the house.  how to get focus on files?12:44
glosoliyou can't as far as I know12:45
brendandAnAnt, you need to make an ogg file and replace /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/dialog-question.ogg with it12:46
brendandthen restart12:46
candtalan for lens testing, how to explain http://popey.com/blog/2012/03/06/improved-unity-files-lens-call-for-testing/  shows files focus?12:50
popeycandtalan: I dont understand the question12:52
candtalanI press " [super] + F" and I don't see what  you seem to, with the dash focus on files. Have i misunderstood?13:03
popeycandtalan: it certainly should do. super+A = applications, super+F = files13:05
candtalanah, thanks, I trust  it is not case sensitive?13:05
popeywell, you dont need shift held candtalan13:09
popeyjust press super and the f key13:09
candtalanok thx I will  register a bug13:09
scriptwarlockheh back up tools takes time to upload..13:22
AnAntbrendand: is /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/dialog-question.ogg hardcoded in lightdm / unity-greeter ?13:27
AnAntbrendand: I mean doesn't it take dialog-question from the sound theme I use13:28
=== tokarbol_ is now known as tokarbol
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pdklhi, i like to disable unity on one monitor , any suggestions?13:51
pdkli use the monitor as a vmware machine / rdp / workbench13:51
scriptwarlockpdkl, using nvidia?13:52
pdklyeah, got twin view on too13:52
scriptwarlockgo to nvidia settings and disable the second monitor13:53
pdkli stil want to drag windows to it :P13:55
Rabenklauehi, I've a problem with installing wine on precise: http://codepad.org/AfLP3k0L Does anyone have any hint how to solve the dependency issue?14:04
RabenklaueI've read here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1936014&highlight=wine+precise that it "should" work now on precise, but for me it still has the dependency mismatch thing.14:04
scriptwarlockRabenklaue, you using 64bit ubuntu?14:07
Rabenklauescriptwarlock: Yes, I'm using 64bit Ubuntu14:07
RabenklaueKUbuntu respectively14:08
scriptwarlockRabenklaue, installing wine via apt-get?14:08
Rabenklauescriptwarlock: Yes, without any ppa's added14:09
brendandAnAnt, I have no idea what a sound theme is14:11
scriptwarlockRabenklaue, you tried wine1.4rc6?14:18
Rabenklauescriptwarlock: http://codepad.org/dmctozmp Candidate: 1.4~rc6-0ubuntu114:22
scriptwarlockRabenklaue, wine is working here but its 32 not 6414:27
croffeHello. Pangolin install goes to grub rescue for me after install due to FakeRaid setup, and I have not been able to boot it, but this worked on 11.10.  Any tips on troubleshooting? I've seen some posts on dmraid, but no go fixing it yet. I'm missing Ubuntu on my desktop already :(14:29
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ph8hi all, I want to do something crazy, like start joining my linux servers and/or desktops to our windows domain - what's the best way to do that these days? I found articles on centrify but i can't find the package in Precise?14:50
scriptwarlockph8, samba?14:53
Ian_indeed, samba14:53
Ian_but iirc, it's better to join you windows pcs to a linux network14:53
Ian_it's what we do/did at uni14:53
ph8samba looks complicated?14:54
ph8hence i looked at centrify and one more...14:54
EtheraelSo oneiric has been utterly screwed for the past month or so and I got sick of it and decided to try pangolin, after the install it looks like the ubuntu installer silently overwrote the bootblock of my secondary hard disk that contained a truecrypt lock. Wow... that's really amazingly incompetent.14:55
Ian_Etherael: you should be more careful, it's your incompetence that broke it too.14:56
=== Ian_ is now known as Ian_Corne
EtheraelIan_: True, I did not imagine that it would actually install grub to both disks right over the top of an existing MBR without so much as a warning, when the disk I asked it to install to is completely different from the disk with the truecrypt bootblock.14:56
EtheraelI guess i underestimated just how badly things are getting with ubuntu.14:57
ph8so the question really scriptwarlock appears to be, Centrify or Likewise open?14:57
scriptwarlockph8, well are comfortable with centrify?14:59
Ian_CorneEtherael: well, i doubt it installed in but, but rather on your first disk or something, with the other one already having grub, which was updated?15:02
Ian_Cornenow, all this doesn't matter, is there any way to restore?15:02
Ian_Corneand did you file a bug report?15:02
EtheraelIan_Corne: I don't know if you would even consider it a bug? It didn't i nstall over the top of the truecrypt drive, it just nuked only the bootblock and replaced it with grub.15:03
EtheraelTwo drives, one which actually was the target drive, and was installed, and another drive that has a full disk encrypted OS on it that I didn't want touched.15:04
EtheraelIt installed to the one it was supposed to, but nuked *both* disk bootblocks and installed grub on them.15:04
Ian_Cornewell that is a bug15:04
Ian_Cornewhy would it install grub twice..15:04
EtheraelI have no idea.15:05
Ian_CorneI've done many installs on multi disk systems, never had it install on more than one disk15:05
Ian_Corneso you should file a bugreport15:05
Etheraelit didn't install on more than one disk, the other disk is still there, it just installed grub on it's bootblock wiping out the truecrypt loader.15:05
Etheraelwhich I think might effectively happen to be the same thing as nuking that entire disk.15:05
Etheraelunfortunately for me.15:05
Ian_Corneso it installed grub on two disks while it shouldn't15:06
scriptwarlockEtherael, so it's supposed to install ubuntu on a single drive?15:06
Ian_Cornethat's what you have to report.15:06
Etheraelwhich it did, yes.15:06
Etheraelit just installed grub on all disks attached to the system (two)15:06
Etheraelwhere do I file bug reports?15:07
scriptwarlockEtherael, that happened to me before then the next time i installed ubuntu to the second machine i dettach the second drive which has a lot of files..15:08
Etheraelit may well be the entire drive is actually completely hosed.15:08
Etheraelthe one it wasn't supposed to touch.15:08
EtheraelI am trying to mount the partitions via truecrypt now, no luck.15:08
scriptwarlockEtherael, awtz that hurts15:09
EtheraelNot entirely, partition was mostly just for gaming, I only even noticed it was nuked because pangolin is an even bigger fail than oneiric.15:10
EtheraelI got so sick of it it drove me back to windows.15:10
EtheraelHey, what do you know, that got nuked too.15:10
nelhageJust upgraded to Precise. Apparently, suspend no longer locks my screen, I think because I have autologin enabled. Is there some secret setting I can kick to revert this behavior?15:11
scriptwarlockEtherael, that means ubuntu combined the 2drives to one without prompting you15:11
EtheraelScript I don't think so, it's not mounting those partitions15:12
Etheraelwell, at least I hope not.15:12
Etheraelnope, it's not.15:12
Etheraelthey're the same size they used to be, just the bootblock is gone, so effectively they're gone too, since the bootblock is the key that unlocks them.15:12
scriptwarlockEtherael, have hope to recover15:13
EtheraelI don't think I could be bothered trying to find that truecrypt recovery iso, who knows where it is by now, and it's only games, they can be reinstalled.15:13
EtheraelI don't keep any kind of critical data in windows.15:13
scriptwarlockEtherael, have you reported the incident?15:14
EtheraelNope, first I want to see if this drive really is definitively gone forever.15:14
scriptwarlockEtherael, hard lesson to learn eh... be very watchful next time15:15
EtheraelThere's no way I'm ever going to expect an OS to nuke a bootblock on a drive it was told not to touch, that's not careful, it's just stupidity on the part of that OS.15:16
EtheraelThe lesson to learn is, don't use this.15:16
EtheraelLesson learned.15:16
scriptwarlockEtherael, if you can report this to the devs things might change15:17
EtheraelI don't think so anymore, I have spent about a month just trying deseperately to get oneiric to a usable state, it was after getting thoroughly sick of that I finally cracked and decided to give pangolin a shot, as far as I can see the entire edifice of what ubuntu was is just crumbling into uselessness.15:18
Etheraeland this is definitely the last straw.15:18
ior3kEtherael: would you mind reporting that though? It may be some unusual combination of hardware that's causing this--if you report it, maybe the next person with a similar combination won't get their second hard drive hosed15:22
Sidewinder1Etherael, I most certainly understand how you feel; I've lost data before as well. The two things that I note, always have a back-up if it's irreplaceable data and be especially careful using OSs that haven't been officially released (fixed). But please do file the bug report as ior3k and scriptwarlock suggested.15:26
EtheraelLike I said, it's not irreplaceable data, it's just a bunch of games, I'm just stunned that something so blatantly bad was ever allowed to happen.15:26
EtheraelI dread to imagine what will end up happening when someone does actually lose some critical data because of this or an issue similar to this.15:27
tarvidI am having a number  of hardware recognition issues on this laptop an Acer 7763Z-4088. Any reason not to try the 12.04 beta?15:28
scriptwarlocktarvid, what issues could that be?15:31
tarvidscreen and monitor detection, suspend15:31
scriptwarlocktarvid, we never know until you plug the live usb stick of ubuntu 12.0415:32
brendandEtherael, what makes you so sure another OS/distro wouldn't have done the same thing?15:33
croffeHello. Pangolin install goes to grub rescue for me after install due to FakeRaid setup, and I have not been able to boot it, but this worked on 11.10.  Any tips on troubleshooting? I've seen some posts on dmraid, but no go fixing it yet. I'm missing Ubuntu on my desktop already :(15:34
Sidewinder1Etherael, I'm in no way doubting your veracity, and it is a VERY serious error, but I'm more than a little curious as to why no one else has experienced this; at least not to the best of my knowledge.15:35
Sidewinder1Etherael, I know it's a bad time but did you do anything out of the ordinary with the install? And was it a fresh inst. or did you use the upgrade tool oneric--->precise?15:37
Etheraelbrendand: Because it would be utterly retarded? The only reason I can think of to actually design this in is because you don't ever want to be in a situation where the drive that is booting does not have a bootblock that boots the OS your user jus tinstalled, and you figure hey whats the worst that could happen, it will just nuke a windows bootblock but grub can boot that os anyway so no worries.15:37
EtheraelSidewinder1: Upgrade.15:37
EtheraelI've decided to try find my truecrypt rescue disk, reinstalling all those games will probably take longer than that.15:38
Sidewinder1Etherael, Perhaps that's part of it? Still totally unacceptable.15:38
scriptwarlockSidewinder1, i did that before but i never reported the matter because of my carelessness. and now he has the guts to voice out :)15:39
Sidewinder1Ian_Corne, Yes, but, I'd certainly be a little miffed, in his shoes. :-)15:39
brendandEtherael, who says it's designed in?15:40
EtheraelDifference between a bug and a feature.15:40
Etheraelif it's not designed in and it was just accidental, that doesn't really make it any better.15:41
brendandEtherael, i would suggest you describe your scenario to the guys on #ubuntu-installer. they'll tell you if it was intentional or a bug15:41
Sidewinder1scriptwarlock, Well, I'm an LTS guy; I upgraded (as opposed to fresh, which is generally recommended) from Hardy to Lucid with only very minor issues. The fact that PP hasn't been released is need for quite a bit more caution, IMHO.15:42
tarvidany easy way to upgrade from 11.10 to 12.04 beta directly?15:43
scriptwarlocktarvid, update-manager -d15:43
scriptwarlockSidewinder1, true15:44
jacki'd edit sources.list and apt-get dist-upgrade15:44
DaekdroomThat is a good way to break your system.15:45
tarvidthanks, I have a decent connection for a few days asnd this laptop is a good place to test15:47
scriptwarlocktarvid, you sure you wanna do that? were still using beta115:48
tarvidof course not15:48
edgyHi, I heard good things about electricsheep but I don't know  how to make it my screensaver and how to choose one sheep15:49
tarvidbut I'd prefer to have some input at beta than after the release15:49
edgye.g: http://v2d7c.sheepserver.net/cgi/dead.cgi?id=1248515:51
brendandEtherael, http://pzolee.blogs.balabit.com/2010/07/grub2-and-truecrypt-windows-linux-dual-boot-system/16:00
scriptwarlockedgy, be aware that you are in ubuntu+1 support, you have any concerns?16:02
edgyscriptwarlock: yes, I think it's a bug in ubuntu+1 because I read that it should work by default one launched16:02
Etheraelbrendand: I'm not sure why you're linking that to me?16:04
bazhang!find gnome-documents16:05
ubottuFound: gnome-documents16:05
bazhang!info gnome-documents16:05
ubottugnome-documents (source: gnome-documents): Document manager for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.4-1 (precise), package size 182 kB, installed size 1096 kB16:05
edgyscriptwarlock: electricsheep doesn't even show in kde screensavers16:07
edgyI also have an nvidia card and plugged an external monitor to my laptop but it's not recognized16:16
scriptwarlockedgy, installed nvidia settings?16:17
edgyscriptwarlock: yes16:17
edgyscriptwarlock: then what?16:17
scriptwarlockedgy, mine is working properly what nvidia vc you have?16:17
edgyscriptwarlock: gtx 560M16:18
scriptwarlockedgy, enabled the twinview?16:19
edgyscriptwarlock: no, I don't know how to do that, I used to just plug a monitor in my previous laptop with intel card and I get a pop-up16:20
scriptwarlockedgy, take a look at your nvidia settings you can find the twinview option if you plugin the second monitor16:21
edgyscriptwarlock: ok I got it and now the external monitor works but it displays a different screen16:22
edgyscriptwarlock: ok got it now, I need to choose clone16:23
edgyscriptwarlock: that is very difficult ;)16:23
scriptwarlockedgy, :)16:23
edgyscriptwarlock: seriously, is this the way people do multiple monitors with nvidia?16:24
scriptwarlockedgy, dunno16:24
edgyscriptwarlock: for you?16:24
scriptwarlockedgy, nope16:25
edgyscriptwarlock: sorry you tried nvidia before?16:25
scriptwarlockedgy, yes using it now16:26
edgyscriptwarlock: and when you plug the external monitor you got a pop-up or you need to manually launch nvidia-settings and set it from there?16:26
scriptwarlockedgy, when i'm using a laptop and wants to connect to the projector its auto16:28
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edgyscriptwarlock: so you just plug the project and viola you got your screen in the projector?16:28
scriptwarlockedgy, on pc this is only once you configure and save and lifetiime you have dual monitor enabled16:29
edgyscriptwarlock: I have a laptop and it's not working as you say, is this a bug?16:30
scriptwarlockedgy, yes with the laptop and i seldom use the fn+f316:30
scriptwarlockedgy, with ubuntu 12.04?16:30
edgyscriptwarlock: yes16:30
scriptwarlockedgy, i think not all laptops has the same as mine this is just a cheap intel laptop16:31
scriptwarlockedgy, same behaviour16:31
edgyscriptwarlock: ok I will try to live with it16:32
edgythanks for your care16:32
scriptwarlockedgy, can be a bug when fn+f... wont respond16:32
edgyscriptwarlock: on next reboot I will test this fn+f3, actually I forgot to try it16:33
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pdklinstallation bug, when install manually,   and your /home is xfs, it doesnt install xfsprogs && xfsdump by default so when it boots it complains about check disk error.16:53
ScG^Dedicatedanyone here that could help me with a problem that I have in AppArmor in Ubuntu 12.04?17:01
bladimirsqhi there17:17
bladimirsqhi im just trying Ubuntu 12.04 beta.... i got a problem with internet connetion.... DHCP assignation its ok incluiding defaut gateway address in the network information are ok buttt i cant reach an answer when i ping the default gateway or any address no internet any ideas???17:17
pdklip addr | grep inet17:19
pdkltest to see if you can ping yourself.17:19
ScG^Dedicatedin 12.04 I added a Firefox profile in AppArmor (completely default I only created it) and now my Firefox does not load anymore. Anyone that could help me with that? :)17:20
bladimirsqi can ping myself and any machines in my local network i mean plugged in the same switch17:23
tarvidbladimirsq, check your default route. Do you more than one interface?17:25
bladimirsqi guess can be a problem with default gatway address maybe the iptables or routing tables Idk17:26
tarvidif you have more than one avahi does not always make the best choice17:26
bladimirsqnoo its just one interface17:27
tarvidhave you tried to ping the net hop?17:29
tarvideasy to have two e.g. wireless and Ethernet17:31
bladimirsqno i just have ethernet17:32
bladimirsqill get a wireless modem to try if the problem is just with the ethernet interface... anyway im completly sure there is a problem with 12.04 becouse 11.10 works porperty17:35
tarvidwhat is the gateway when you type route17:35
bladimirsqill download wireshark to follow the ping command17:36
tarvidit is not the interface if you \can access the local lan17:36
tarvidI am just upgrading to the beta from 11.1017:37
bladimirsqyeah but maybe its a problem whit iptables or something17:37
bladimirsqahhh ok ill try the upgrade17:37
bladimirsqthanks tarvid17:38
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alkisgHi, did the wheel of the mouse break in some recent update, or is it a local problem of mine?17:58
alkisgI.e. wheel works for middle click, but not for scrolling17:59
jbwiv__can someone point me to instructions for getting three monitors working under 12.04? I have two nvidia cards and three monitors. Not sure if I need to configure xinerama...if so, I did try one of my old xinerama configs and while I can get three monitors showing in Ubuntu 2D, they're all mirrors. anyway, I need to understand the appopriate method of configuration here. thank you very much in advance...18:07
jbwiv__is there a documentation wiki for 12.04?18:12
ScG^Dedicatedjbwiv: I am pretty noobisch still with linux in general but I would suppose it would not differ that much from how to do it in 11.1018:13
aamirwhere should i post crash report, of unity + compiz for 12.01?18:16
jbwiv__ScG^Dedicated: it didn't work in 11.10. supposedly 12.04 brings better multi-monitor support18:17
coz_hey guys.. I am getting no options for setting up a printer ,, in this case a kodak thermal printer dock18:18
ScG^Dedicatedjbwiv I cannot help you more then to link you this: http://www.google.nl/search?q=ubuntu+12.04+multi+monitor+support&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:nl:official&client=firefox-a18:19
tarvidpackage gconf2 3.2.3-3ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 12718:23
tarvidanything I should do?18:23
jbwiv__can someone point me to instructions for getting three monitors working under 12.04? I have two nvidia cards and three monitors. Not sure if I need to configure xinerama...if so, I did try one of my old xinerama configs and while I can get three monitors showing in Ubuntu 2D, they're all mirrors. anyway, I need to understand the appopriate method of configuration here. thank you very much in advance...18:42
DrHalanhey guys.. why isn't empathy updated? it still on 3.3.518:51
blackbuganyone here??18:54
trismblackbug: yes18:54
tarvidsuspend with lid close now works18:54
Daekdroom255 and you.18:54
trism!info libgtk-3-dev | blackbug18:54
ubottublackbug: libgtk-3-dev (source: gtk+3.0): development files for the GTK+ library. In component main, is optional. Version 3.3.18-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 3938 kB, installed size 16573 kB (Only available for any all)18:54
brobostigon!info empathy unstable18:55
ubottuempathy (source: empathy (3.2.2-1)): GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.2-1+b1 (unstable), package size 2371 kB, installed size 5327 kB (Only available for any all)18:55
blackbugtrism + ubottu: I just updated apt repository and now its recognizing libgtk-3-dev..weird. its installing you, i will update in mins.18:57
trismblackbug: it seems you will also need libglib2.0-dev and libcanberra-gtk3-dev18:58
lukescharfDoes Precise include Gnome 3.3?  Or is it still Gnome 3.2?19:06
blackbugtrism: i installed libcanberra-gtk3-dev as per your suggestion, and it worked..thanks.. although libcanberra-gtk-dev was installed previously but somehow didn't worked. thanks for helping out.19:09
trismblackbug: good to hear19:09
trismlukescharf: we have bits and pieces of 3.3.90 (which I guess is 3.4), still missing gnome-shell and a few others, but that should be coming bug 94175519:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 941755 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "FFe: Update gnome-shell/mutter to 3.3.90" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94175519:11
lukescharfIs the plan to track 3.40 as it isreleased?19:12
trismlukescharf: I don't have any more information besides what I can see in the repos and what is in that bug report (and the linked clutter bug it depends on) sorry19:15
SpamapSUgh, what happened to ctrl-alt-(left|right|up|down) for workspace switching?19:16
* SpamapS refers to the handy new keyboard shortcut thingy and sees that it is now, for some reason, super-shift-cursor19:17
SpamapSwhich is annoying because it makes all kinds of things happen before I switch. :-P19:17
MadEchidnahello folks19:17
MadEchidnaso I installed the beta last night, and ran all the updates. Now, when I try to launch a program from the dash, clicking the icon does nothing19:18
MadEchidnais there something I can do to reset unity?19:18
blackbugi want to debug a core file, but i cannot see it inspite the application crashes with segmentation fault(core dumped) msg. i already checked my ulimit, and its set to unlimited. what could be a reason for this?19:18
eitchhi guys, does anyone know if locking the screen is broken in precise?19:32
itaylor57eitch, it is for me19:32
eitchitaylor57, it is broken for you?19:33
eitchdamm... quite an important feature for me...19:34
itaylor57i will try agin and see if i still have the problem19:34
lukescharftrism: Many thanks!  I ran the Oneiric beta, and I'm trying to decide when to upgrade to the Precise beta, and Gnome improvements are something I'm looking for.  Many thanks for the info!19:34
itaylor57it will cause me to reboot19:34
ScG^Dedicatedhow do you lock the screen anyway xD19:34
eitchitaylor57, on my machine nothing happens. Not if i press ctrl+alt+l or select the action in the system menu19:35
itaylor57nope it is working for me now after the updates19:35
eitchScG^Dedicated, ^^19:35
ScG^Dedicatedin precise the lock is working for me :)19:36
ScG^Dedicatedjust checked19:36
eitchScG^Dedicated, ok, thanks.19:37
ScG^Dedicatedeitch: you're welcome :)19:37
eitchWhich package is screen lock, so that i can check if there is a bug report and then maybe report one?19:38
ScG^Dedicatedeitch: I am sorry but that I do not know19:38
eitchScG^Dedicated, ok, thanks19:39
pdklim trying to get used to unity.19:46
ScG^Dedicatedthat's good :)19:46
mongoif it wasn't for the silly new alt-tab action unity/gnome shell would be fine but it is pretty inconsistant19:46
pdklbut having two monitors makes it a bit rough, i would perfer just one launchbar, not one per monitor19:47
mongoit is a lot more mouse driven though which is a bummer19:47
mongois vswitch fairly well baked? I am debating replacing bridge-utils with it19:48
pdklactually im finding im going to the mouse less often. there is keycombos to switch appilications.. aka <super>"windows key" - 119:48
mongopdkl: I often need to switch between three windows, two of which are the same application19:49
mongoalt-tab on all other GUI's post windows 3.1 has been LIFO, now I have to think about if it needs to be alt-tab or alt-~19:49
pdklmongo, alt tab to the correct window19:50
pdklkeep holding alt, and arrow down19:50
mongopdkl: that requires me to move my hand off home key row19:50
mongoso a massive step back IMHO19:50
mongosame as having to use a mouse19:51
pdkluse vim keys19:51
pdklsuper - j /k19:51
mongoreally I think i'll just help get kerb5 support into xfce19:51
pdkli just did it19:51
mongokrb5 support is the main reason I don't use xfce at work19:51
pdkldoes it19:51
mongopdkl: still more than alt tab tab19:52
mongowhich is how every other UI does it19:52
mongoIMHO they should have made alt-~ the fancy non-power user keyset and left alt-tab the same19:52
pdkli was offering how to do it now, now on how others do it19:52
pdklhmm pause on alt key does  ittoo19:53
mongopdkl: it is still a regresson, it requires thought vs. I want the window I was using n times ago19:53
mongothey could have put a pause to bring up the fancy window too, so an instant alt-tab-tab would work as before19:54
mongognome has just decided to move to where the money is, in touch centric UI's19:54
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NOSaturnsome of the drop menu's do not draw (r click and even the regular menu items too sometimes) until i mouse over them. how would i search to see if that's an existing bug?20:47
soeeguys is it possible to install gimp 2.7.5 on precise ?21:20
itaylor57!info gimp21:23
ubottugimp (source: gimp): The GNU Image Manipulation Program. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.12-1ubuntu1 (precise), package size 4611 kB, installed size 12814 kB (Only available for any all)21:23
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=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine
glosoliWhy is it that open source driver even simple things like opening nautilus and interaction with other programs does twice as faster as proprietary drivers ?22:03
glosolifor video  Imena22:03
glosoliI mean''22:04
paulo_gomeshi all, i'm on unity2d, when i press the desktop switcher, my dash doesn't hide anymore (i set it to auto hide). any tips?22:33
wtfdoggie22hey ... cannot find any gui-options for hibernation, yet sudo pm-hibernate seems to work properly23:09
wtfdoggie22should i open a bug  report?23:09
wtfdoggie22for a support channel, there is pretty little response :-D23:15
trismwtfdoggie22: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-modify-policykit-to-allow-hibernation-in-upower and bug 81239423:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 812394 in Ayatana Design "Disable hibernate option by default" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81239423:16
wtfdoggie22ok thanks23:19

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