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broderdo i need to have a lightdm greeter installed if i'm doing autologin?02:10
robert_ancellbroder, no, but if you quit your session it will attempt to return to a greeter02:15
broderrobert_ancell: ok, that should be fine. i'm trying very hard to prevent exiting the session02:16
robert_ancellthere's a bug request about making autologin always work, i.e. on session quit it just restarts the session (for kiosks etc)02:16
robert_ancellit will also attempt to start a greeter if the session doesn't start, and it should exit lightdm if that fails (probably needs testing)02:17
broderoh, awesome. yeah, that would be useful, but it's not essential for me. do you know the bug number for that?02:17
broder(autologin always working)02:17
robert_ancellbug 83933202:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 839332 in lightdm "Support embedded system by optionally automatically restarting session" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83933202:18
broderawesome. i'll keep an eye on it. thanks02:18
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TheMusourm is it just me, or does firefox fail to load after latest updates, I get a segfault.05:26
TheMusoDeleting ~/.mozilla didn't help either.05:27
* TheMuso removes flash to be sure its not the culpret.05:27
* TheMuso disables a11y to see if that could also be a culpret.05:30
jbichaTheMuso: firefox works here but LP says it hasn't been updated in 5 days05:30
TheMusojbicha: ok, seems something in the a11y stack is causing it to fall over. GRRRRRRR05:31
TheMusoyep a11y related. Whats more, apport doesn't give me a crash file.05:36
desrtcjohnston: awake?05:39
desrtcjohnston: sorry05:39
desrtcjwatson: awake?05:39
pittiGood morning05:47
TheMusoOk, the bug is in atk.05:49
* TheMuso rebuilds GTK2 to see if that helps...05:49
desrtpitti: 'morning05:49
* desrt spends entirely too much time chasing memory leaks in libc06:20
desrttime for bed!06:21
didrocksgood morning06:59
pittibonjour didrocks07:02
didrocksguten morgen pitti, how are you?07:02
pittididrocks: I'm great, thanks!07:03
pittibah, seb128 once again is three bugs ahead of me07:03
* pitti fixing more07:03
pittifierce competition this07:03
pittidoctor appointment, bbl07:10
didrockssee you later pitti07:14
pittididrocks: what is LIM?08:03
didrockspitti: locally integrated menus08:03
didrockspitti: having the menu back in the application window08:03
didrocks(but not exactly as they were)08:03
pittididrocks: that sounds like a step backwards08:04
pittiso all the effort of removing chrome that made natty pretty much perfect is crumbling08:04
didrockspitti: it would be an option, but not finding the menus is the #1 on the usability results issue by design08:04
pittithese days unity needs more real estate than old gnome already08:04
didrocksI just don't want we integrate that for the sake of it and risking quality08:05
pittididrocks: yes, agreed08:05
didrocksalmost everyone on product stategy agrees as well and are not confident08:05
didrocksthat would be nice if we can speak from the same voice in distro too :)08:05
didrockspitti: yeah, with always visible launcher, I know :/08:05
didrockspitti: just to be clear, the plan is not to take more real eastate, but having the menu wrapper in the application decoration (title bar)08:08
didrockseverything under one menuitem08:08
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chrisccoulsonhmmm, so, it seems that everything related to display configuration is completely broken on my laptop now :(08:36
chrisccoulsoni got a blank screen after undocking last night, which i could only fix with a reboot. and now i get the same after lid close :(08:36
sil2100hm, I've been wondering about something - why is the precise package for libgtk2.0-bin not including the gtk-query-immodules-2.0 binary, even though the manpage for it is still installed?08:56
sil2100It looks as if someone forgot about it08:57
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didrockssalut seb128, la forme?09:12
seb128didrocks, lut, bit tired but good otherwise ;-)09:12
pittibonjour seb12809:14
didrocksI'm fine, thanks :)09:14
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts?09:16
pittiseb128: gut, danke! und Dir?09:17
pittiseb128: fiercely fixing bugs to catch up with you09:17
seb128pitti, zehr gut, danke!09:18
seb128pitti, we are catching up with didrocks :p09:19
* didrocks crack the whip on the unity guys :)09:19
didrocksnot fair, all the GNOME uploads I did had no closed bug!09:19
pittisame for mine :)09:20
seb128same here09:24
seb128or mostly09:24
seb128RAOF, hey09:29
ubuntubhoyhi, anyone able to help with a netbook sticking at 'checking battery stats' on boot09:31
ubuntubhoybelieve its a lightdm issue09:31
ubuntubhoycan boot through recovery fine09:31
seb128ubuntubhoy, hey09:32
seb128ubuntubhoy, cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager09:32
ubuntubhoyits set to lightdm09:32
ubuntubhoyhad a look at that last night09:32
seb128ubuntubhoy, "lightdm"?09:32
seb128or the full path?09:32
ubuntubhoyfull path09:33
seb128ubuntubhoy, do you have unity-greeter installed?09:33
seb128ubuntubhoy, can you pastebin your /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log?09:34
ubuntubhoyhold on09:34
ubuntubhoyset to gdm right now09:34
ubuntubhoywill swap it back09:34
seb128bah, yeah another unity bug about "pornview"09:41
seb128how many of those discussion is that application worth?09:41
seb128we should just drop it from the archive...09:41
seb128and while I read email pitti score 4 bugs which put me 1 behind again :p09:41
seb128oh, 5 in fact09:42
pittiseb128: as I said, need to catch up with you :)09:42
pittiseb128@ubuntu.com has 222 fixes09:42
pittimartin.pitt@ubuntu.com has 217 fixes09:42
pittiseb128: so should be on par again?09:42
seb128pitti, http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bug-fixing/canonical-desktop-team-precise-fixes-report.html had 226 and 22309:43
seb128pitti, but something like that ;-)09:43
pittiah, right; seems the full report lags behind a little09:43
dupondjeThe battery indicator doesn't seem to work. It always shows 99% here :s09:43
seb128dupondje, gnome-shell?09:43
seb128dupondje, use a good desktop like unity :p09:44
seb128or "known issue"09:44
dupondjehéhé :)09:44
seb128the g-s-d signals changed and nobody fixed our gnome-shell package09:44
seb128the fix is in 3.4 but since we are on 3.2 still09:44
seb128talk to jbicha when he's online09:44
dupondjek :)09:44
dupondjei'll spam him :)09:44
chrisccoulsonhey seb128, pitti09:47
pittihey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:47
seb128hey chrisccoulson, how are you?09:47
chrisccoulsonyeah, not too bad thanks. how are you?09:47
pittiI'm quite well09:48
chrisccoulsonseb128, i fixed nautilus-sendto in bzr btw, but i can't upload it ;)09:48
seb128I'm good thanks09:48
seb128chrisccoulson, oh, let me sponsor that09:48
chrisccoulsonthanks :)09:48
ubuntubhoyseb128, pastebin.com/1FEpRJJ109:48
seb128ubuntubhoy, what about /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log  ?09:50
chrisccoulsonpitti - do you know how many packages are using ubuntu-defaults-builder to divert /usr/lib/firefox-addons/distribution/distribution.ini?09:51
seb128ubuntubhoy, oh09:52
seb128ubuntubhoy, seems a config bug09:52
seb128ubuntubhoy, what about /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ?09:52
seb128ubuntubhoy, something is weird on your box09:53
pittichrisccoulson: a handful by now, but there can always at most one of them be installed09:54
seb128ubuntubhoy, Unrecognized option: -background09:54
ubuntubhoyits has a weird GPU09:54
seb128ubuntubhoy, that's your xorg log09:54
ubuntubhoyyeah, I noticed that09:55
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm going to move the whole firefox install location to /usr/lib/firefox quite soon (I already did it on the nightly builds), as it fixes another problem we have09:55
chrisccoulsoni was just wondering how many packages i'd need to fix :)09:55
seb128ubuntubhoy, dpkg -l | grep xserver-xorg09:56
seb128ubuntubhoy, ii  xserver-xorg-core                      3:1.10.9-down1.9.2.901.2+git20101129+server-1.9-branch.65f2ab20-0ubuntu0sarvatt2~natty Xorg X server - core server09:59
seb128ubuntubhoy, that's your issue09:59
seb128ubuntubhoy, you got a non ubuntu xserver which doesn't support -background09:59
seb128you got it from a ppa or something I guess10:00
ubuntubhoywill be to do with the stupid Poulsbo GPU in this10:00
ubuntubhoyseb128, yeah10:00
ubuntubhoyotherwise I have no graphics at al10:00
seb128ubuntubhoy, you can probably hack your lightdm.conf to drop the -background option10:00
ubuntubhoyhow so ?10:01
seb128ubuntubhoy, try "xserver-command = /usr/bin/X :0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch10:01
ubuntubhoyin the conf ?10:01
ubuntubhoyTY for your time10:01
RAOFseb128: Yo.  What's up?10:03
seb128RAOF, hey, did you get any news from cnd on the gtk,xinput issue?10:03
seb128RAOF, just asking in case, I would like my scrolling back :p10:03
RAOFI've not got any news from him, but he's aware of the problem, and it seems to be upstream too.10:04
seb128RAOF, ok10:04
seb128RAOF, since you are here, second small question, is "-background" an Ubuntu-ish for xorg?10:05
RAOFI think we still carry a patch to add the pre-upstream background none flag.  Let me check...10:06
seb128ubuntubhoy, I think that config will not work, lightdm hardcode the flag, open a bug I guess10:06
seb128on lightdm10:06
RAOFseb128: -background is upstream, “-nr” is an ubuntuism.10:06
seb128RAOF, ubuntubhoy got an "interesting" issue, he installed "xserver-xorg-core                      3:1.10.9-down1.9.2.901.2+git20101129+server-1.9-branch.65f2ab20-0ubuntu0sarvatt2~natty" to get his poulsbo video to work10:07
seb128RAOF, which makes lightdm bail out of "-background unknown option"10:07
seb128well rather X bails out10:07
RAOFYeah, the 1.9 server would be too old.10:07
RAOFSucks to have a poulsbo.10:08
seb128RAOF, thanks ;-)10:08
ubuntubhoyis it possible to remove lightdm & keep ubuntu-desktop ?10:08
seb128ubuntubhoy, just install gdm and make it default?10:08
ubuntubhoytried that10:08
ubuntubhoystill hangs unless I go through recovery10:08
seb128ubuntubhoy, you can probably hack gdm.conf to drop the -background10:08
seb128ubuntubhoy, look to /etc/gdm/gdm.conf10:09
seb128or /etc/gdm/custom.conf10:09
ubuntubhoythen the same line as before ?10:09
seb128likely gdm.conf10:09
seb128ubuntubhoy, look for -background in it10:09
seb128ubuntubhoy, hum, no, same issue10:11
seb128it hardcodes -background as well10:11
ubuntubhoynetbook is daughters, wanted it run as-easy-as for her10:12
seb128ubuntubhoy, one thing you can try10:12
ubuntubhoyall ears10:12
seb128ubuntubhoy, in the lightdm.conf set "xserver-command = Xwrapper" or something10:12
seb128then create an /usr/binXwrapper which strips -background and call X with the remaining arguments10:13
seb128or which just ignore the argument and call "X -nolisten tcp"10:13
ubuntubhoyremove the original line in lightdm.conf ?10:14
ubuntubhoyxserver-command from before10:14
seb128create a /usr/bin/Xwrapper with i.e10:15
seb128exec /usr/bin/X10:15
seb128and set "xserver-command = Xwrapper"10:15
seb128in lightdm.conf10:15
seb128well probably no need of the exec10:15
seb128something like "/usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp"10:15
ubuntubhoywill give it a try10:16
seb128ubuntubhoy, other option is to rebuild lightdm with a small patch to drop that -background10:16
ubuntubhoyalso, I guess I then set default dm to lightdm10:16
seb128or to find a dm which doesn't use -background10:16
seb128i.e maybe ldm or something10:16
seb128seems ldm doesn't do it10:16
seb128so maybe it's easier10:16
seb128install ldm as a login screen10:16
seb128ubuntubhoy, good luck10:17
ubuntubhoywill need it :D10:17
seb128I need to get back to work know, I suggested the ideas I had anyway10:17
ubuntubhoythanx again mate10:18
* Sweetshark wonders about our userbase. I get at least three obvious dupes per day on precise (which is still beta).10:21
Sweetsharkreading ability seems to become a rare skill.10:22
Sweetshark*grumble* and freaking lp timeouts itself on every second query.10:24
Sweetsharkpitti: although it is fixed upstream already, is it possible for you to quickly create a bug pattern for "crash bibliography" to bug 527938?10:32
ubot2`Launchpad bug 527938 in df-libreoffice "[upstream] Writer crashes when trying to set up Bibliography Database soffice.bin crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52793810:32
pittiSweetshark: hm, many of these bugs are manual reports, not sure what to search for there?10:33
pittie. g. bug 948315, I don't see an obvious pattern there10:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 948315 in libreoffice "soffice.bin crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 527938)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94831510:33
ubot2`Launchpad bug 527938 in df-libreoffice "[upstream] Writer crashes when trying to set up Bibliography Database soffice.bin crashed with SIGABRT in __kernel_vsyscall()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52793810:33
pittiSweetshark: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/82239479/Stacktrace.txt is a typical client-side crash trace10:34
Sweetsharkpitti: i have no idea how bug patterns work, but cant you just look for the words "crash bibliography" in the title/description?10:35
pittiSweetshark: I can, but houw woudl that e. g. help with 948315?10:36
pittiSweetshark: also, these titles are entered into the Launchpad page10:37
pittiSweetshark: that's after apport runs and searches for bug patterns10:37
pittiSweetshark: could we match on libbiblo.so in Stacktrace?10:37
pittihttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/81980649/Stacktrace.txt has libbibli.so10:38
pittiand I also saw a libbiblx or so10:38
pittiSweetshark: ok, seems matching on "program/libbibl.*\.so" should get us very far?10:39
pittiSweetshark: ok, added10:42
cjwatsondesrt: what's up?10:44
Sweetsharkpitti: yes, program/libbibl.*\.so is a good pattern10:55
Sweetsharkpitti: thanks a lot!10:55
chrisccoulsonthe atk update has killed firefox and thunderbird btw10:56
chrisccoulsonbug 94878810:57
ubot2`Launchpad bug 948788 in thunderbird "thunderbird crashed on launch" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94878810:57
chrisccoulsonstack overflow on start :(10:57
seb128chrisccoulson, :-(11:01
seb128chrisccoulson, only if you have a11y enabled?11:01
chrisccoulsoni haven't tried restarting it yet ;)11:01
chrisccoulsonbut we got 3 launchpad bugs in the last hour or so already11:01
seb128chrisccoulson, there are not so many commits so at least we should be able to easily revert the buggy one11:02
chrisccoulsonyeah, it's only with a11y enabled11:05
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, i don't even need to test this. it's this commit:11:09
chrisccoulsonthe issue is that firefox overloads get_name(), and it's implementation of that calls atk_object_set_name11:09
seb128chrisccoulson, iz firefox bog!11:10
seb128why would get() call set()?11:10
chrisccoulsonseb128, it's get() function is fetching the name from one of it's own properties, and syncing the name with atk11:11
seb128chrisccoulson, that's a firefox bug still no?11:12
seb128like that commit seems fine to me11:12
seb128or logically correct at least11:12
chrisccoulsonseb128, not really sure. i'm not sure we can change this in firefox at the moment without breaking it's accessiblity. in any case, that commit is changing semantics of atk_object_set_name. it wouldn't be so bad if applications couldn't overload get_name()11:13
chrisccoulsonbut it's calling get_name() inside set_name() ;)11:14
chrisccoulsonwhich is just as weird11:14
seb128chrisccoulson, I guess just revert it11:14
chrisccoulsonthanks :)11:14
seb128thank you for figuring it out and for the explanations ;-)11:14
seb128retracer "fixes" freak me out :p11:15
seb128we got like a ton of dups today ;-)11:16
seb128no kudos for slangasek for not fixing bug #948294 either11:17
ubot2`Launchpad bug 948294 in gconf "package gconf2 3.2.3-3ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 250" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94829411:17
seb12810 duplicates closed11:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, reported it to mozilla as well: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73371211:21
ubot2`Mozilla bug 733712 in Disability Access APIs "Stack exhaustion crash in getNameCB with atk 2.3.91" [Normal,New: ]11:21
chrisccoulsonok, a11y off again :)11:28
chrisccoulsonseb128, do you have time to revert it? i would offer, but i can't upload atk anyway ;)11:28
seb128chrisccoulson, ok11:29
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks11:33
chrisccoulsoni just noticed that the committer of that atk change has a bugzilla account, so I CC'd him on the mozilla bug ;)11:34
seb128chrisccoulson, he's API on #ubuntu-unity11:36
seb128I think11:36
chrisccoulsonseb128, oh, i didn't know his IRC name11:36
ubuntubhoyseb128, managed to get a dirty workaround to get it booting11:40
ubuntubhoysudo mv /etc/init/plymouth.conf /etc/init/plyouth.conf.disabled11:40
seb128that turns off the background option code I guess11:41
ubuntubhoyseems the -background was being called by plymouth11:41
ubuntubhoyso all's good11:41
ubuntubhoycan live without plymouth11:41
seb128ubuntubhoy, no "by plymouth", but "when transition from plymouth by gdm,lightdm"11:42
seb128so yeah, turning it off will lead to those not adding the option11:42
ubuntubhoyyeah, your description is correct11:43
seb128chrisccoulson, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/atk1.0/2.3.91-0ubuntu211:43
seb128chrisccoulson, please test, I didn't do that, I'm not sure how to turn a11y on without restarting my session :p11:44
chrisccoulsonseb128, thanks!11:44
ubuntubhoyonce again, cheers for your time seb12811:45
seb128ubuntubhoy, you're welcome, glad you got it working!11:45
ubuntubhoyas am I - otherwise I was looking at constant grief from my eldest11:46
seb128chrisccoulson, how do you turn a11y for testing? just as I know if I need it :p11:51
chrisccoulsonseb128, i just turned on the screen reader in the a11y panel11:51
seb128chrisccoulson, need a session restart?11:52
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, you should be able to test it without a session restart11:52
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, firefox still run fine for me, dunno why11:53
seb128chrisccoulson, I will let you test ;-)11:53
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
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xclaesseseb128, is it known that the only way to cancel a print job is to go to http://localhost:631 ?12:35
xclaessethe UI on g-c-c does not work12:35
seb128xclaesse, no, we don't use the GNOME g-c-c ui for a reason though12:35
xclaessethe stop button there does nothing12:35
seb128xclaesse, system-config-printer should work12:35
seb128xclaesse, I guess it's https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=66967912:35
ubot2`Gnome bug 669679 in Printers ""Stop", "Pause" and "Play" buttons don't work correctly" [Major,Unconfirmed]12:35
xclaessedunno on unity, but on gnome-shell, I have to start it from terminal...not even an icon in the launchers12:35
seb128xclaesse, right, that's because on gnome-shell we give the GNOME experience :p12:36
xclaesseseb128, on fedora (the definition of gnome experience, sigh) they have system-config-printer I get told12:36
xclaesseand it shows a notification in the message tray too12:37
xclaesseon ubuntu+gnome-shell I get no notification :(12:37
xclaesseseb128, ok thanks for the upstream bug, that's already one thing :)12:37
seb128xclaesse, ?12:39
seb128xclaesse, system-config-printer got deprecated in favor of the gnome-control-center gnome-settings-daemon ui,notifications12:39
seb128xclaesse, we got complains in the past for shipping system-config-printer under gnome-shell from GNOME users12:40
xclaesseyeah, but in f16, if you search for "print" in gnome-shell's overview, it shows an icon for system-config-printer, not in ubuntu12:40
seb128xclaesse, the .desktop has NotShowIn=KDE;GNOME;12:41
seb128well I guess we could drop GNOME from there12:41
seb128the idea was to not duplicate features though12:41
seb128xclaesse, if we drop it, searching for "printer" will give you 2 results, which as an user is confusing12:41
seb128xclaesse, "why do you get 2 printing tools" "which one should I used"12:42
xclaesseyeah, I understand12:42
seb128xclaesse, I recommend you talk to upstream to get the g-c-c ui fixed12:42
xclaesseotoh, better show a deprecated but working UI than a new shiny but not working ui... :(12:42
seb128xclaesse, that's what we do under Unity ;-)12:43
seb128we could turn off the control center ui under gnome-shell as well12:43
seb128but we got complain about that in the past12:43
seb128either were some people are unhappy12:43
xclaesseseb128, ah, so I just tested on f16, and actually the UI in the g-c-c works there12:43
seb128the real fix is to make the g-c-c ui work12:43
seb128xclaesse, do you have cups-pk-helper installed?12:45
jalcinesledgehammer would do?12:45
seb128jalcine, "sledgehammer"?12:46
jalcineworked for my laptop before it stopped turning on. lol12:46
xclaesseseb128, yes12:46
seb128ok, dunno then12:46
jalcineyeah, this big thing my dad has lying around in the house.12:48
jalcineuses when nothing else works.12:48
jalcineit's a miracle worker.12:48
xclaesseseb128, does unity show an icon when jobs are queued?12:48
xclaesselike gnome2 did12:49
seb128xclaesse, yes, we have a indicator-printers12:49
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xclaesseseb128, anyway, thanks for your answers :)12:52
seb128xclaesse, yw!12:53
tkamppeter_pitti, hi13:22
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pittitkamppeter: hallo13:30
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload cups-filters do Debian and Ubuntu now? I have made a new upstream release and committed it to the Debian BZR to include all test page fixes and a fix for Debian.13:34
pittitkamppeter: nice, thanks!13:35
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nessitahello everyone! quick question about packaging, I need to make one of my binaries packages from ubuntuone-control-panel be transitional. I've done that, but lintian complains with transitional-package-should-be-oldlibs-extra, and I was wondering if I can add fields Section and Priority to a binary package (I've always seen those in source packages only)13:39
pittinessita: yes, you can13:40
pittiand you indeed should in this case13:41
nessitapitti: should I add those right after the Package line?13:41
pittinessita: yes, that's customary13:41
pittinessita: technically the order doesn't matter, but usually you start with Package:, then section/prio, then dependencies, then description13:41
pittitkamppeter: done13:43
didrockstkamppeter: hey, printing is broken for me in precise, what should I check to help debugging?13:45
didrocks(the same machine was working on oneiric and some weeks ago on precise)13:45
tkamppeterdidrocks, what is exactly broken? Printer not detected? Wrong driver assigned? Test page not coming out? Job not coming out? Please see also the instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems.13:48
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.13:48
tkamppeterpitti, I am looking into the Ghostscript bugs and see two trivial-looking ones which one could quickly fix.13:49
tkamppeterpitti, one is bug 78923513:49
ubot2`Launchpad bug 789235 in ghostscript "ghostscript-doc should install docs in /usr/share/doc/ghostscript-doc/ instead of/usr/share/doc/ghostscript/ " [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78923513:49
didrockstkamppeter: the printer is detected13:49
didrockstkamppeter: in the cups web interface, I can see: "The PPD version (5.2.7 Simplified) is not compatible with Gutenprint 5.2.8-pre1."13:50
tkamppeterpitti, there are two possibilities to fix: 1. Let ghostscript-doc depend on ghostscript, perhaps this is the less invasive one; 2. Put Ghostscript docs into /usr/share/doc/ghostscript-doc/ instead of/usr/share/doc/ghostscript/. WDYT, what should be done here?13:50
tkamppeterdidrocks, this is a known problem and fixed in the current CUPS package. Do you have a completely updated system?13:51
tkamppeterdidrocks, CUPS must be 1.5.2-6.13:52
pittitkamppeter: why do you need a gs dependendy if you merely move the documentatin?13:52
pittitkamppeter: I thought 2. is what this bug asks for?13:52
tkamppeterpitti, these are two possibilities to solve, I will not apply both, either (1) OR (2).13:52
didrockstkamppeter: 1.5.2-6 is installed here and it's the one I'm running13:52
tkamppeterdidrocks, what happens if you run13:53
tkamppetersudo apt-get install --reinstall cups13:53
pittitkamppeter: the dependency seems absolutely irrelevant here13:53
pittitkamppeter: "As ghostscript-doc doesn't depend on ghostscript..." does not make sense13:53
tkamppeterdidrocks, what appears on the screen after "setting up cups"?13:53
didrockstkamppeter: let me try13:54
pittitkamppeter: the package is ghostscript-doc, so it should install its files into /u/s/d/gs-doc/13:54
tkamppeterpitti, so the bug is invalid?13:54
pittitkamppeter: so 2 seems right13:54
pittitkamppeter: no, but 1. won't help; 2. is what the bug is about13:54
tkamppeterpitti, OK, so I will apply (2).13:55
didrockscups start/running, process 2122113:55
didrocksUpdating PPD files for cups ...13:55
didrockstkamppeter: ^13:55
didrocksseems to have restarted the daemon?13:56
seb128pitti, does https://pastebin.canonical.com/61805/ ring any bell to you?13:56
seb128pitti, that's what MacSlow gets when he tries to dnd english over german in ls13:56
pittiseb128: I see that all the time in language-selector, yes; seems mostly harmless, though13:56
seb128"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/LanguageSelector/LocaleInfo.py:124: UnicodeWarning: Unicode equal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal13:56
seb128  if lang_name == self._lang[lang]:"13:56
seb128pitti, he gets no .pam_environment created though13:57
didrockstkamppeter: same error showing if I try to print again after, with the new daemon started13:57
seb128but probably something else13:57
tkamppeterdidrocks, is there any screen output about PPD updating?13:57
didrockstkamppeter: 14:55:51      didrocks | Updating PPD files for cups ...13:58
didrocksthat's it13:58
didrocksnothing else13:58
didrocksthen the trigger exit13:58
tkamppeterdidrocks, what is the content of your /usr/share/cups/ppd-updaters/ directory?13:58
=== marrusl_ is now known as marrusl
didrockstkamppeter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/873030/14:01
didrocksit contains… stuff :p14:01
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didrocksI don't have any "PPD for printer $queue updated"14:03
didrocks(reading the postinst)14:03
pittiRAOF: I gave you bug 948848, if that's alright with you? I think you know the cli-common stuff best in the desktop team14:04
ubot2`Launchpad bug 948848 in gnome-desktop-sharp2 "lucid to precise upgrade: libgnomedesktop2.20-cil failed to remove : Can't locate File/Basename.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/share/cli-common/runtimes.d/mono line 12. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/cli-commo14:04
tkamppeterdidrocks, can you also paste your files /var/cache/cups/ppd-updates and /var/lib/dpkg/info/cups.postinst14:06
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didrockstkamppeter: sure http://paste.ubuntu.com/873042/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/873043/14:08
didrockstkamppeter: the timestamp of ppd-updates is when I --reinstall14:08
pittidoes anyone fancy working on bug 872701?14:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 872701 in libxklavier "Keyboard layout doesn't change" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87270114:15
seb128pitti, like anyone would ever enjoying working on keyboard stuff? ;-)14:18
pittiwell, I wanted to at least ask :)14:19
* pitti grabs14:19
mitya57pitti: (or anybody else) - can we please drop python-gtkspell from precise?14:23
mitya57the binary is being built from gnome-python-extras14:23
mitya57and it was split out because we needed it in main14:24
pittithere are still some 20 rdepends14:24
mitya57the binary *is built* from gnome-python-extras14:24
mitya57standalone source package doesn't make any sense anymore14:25
pittioh, I see what you mean14:25
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pittimitya57: done14:26
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tkamppeterdidrocks, can you give me the logs of your Oneiric->Precise update which made printing stop for you?14:29
didrockstkamppeter: I don't know when it stopped TBH, I'm not printing everyday14:30
didrockstkamppeter: and I upgraded like 4 months ago14:31
didrockstkamppeter: IIRC, it worked on precise at some point14:31
didrockstkamppeter: but right now, it's completely broken, any idea?14:31
pittiseb128, didrocks: why does gnome-session Recommends: unity? it causes bug 93676114:34
ubot2`Launchpad bug 936761 in gnome-session "Mythbuntu upgrade from Lucid to Precise pulls in all of unity" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93676114:34
seb128pitti, it does recommend unity | unity-2d | gnome-shell14:35
pittiit does sound a bit like a layering violation14:35
seb128pitti, and because it's useless without any of the required components14:35
didrockspitti: it contains the 3 sessions above14:35
seb128pitti, you want installing gnome-session to give you a working session14:35
seb128pitti, it wouldn't without that14:36
pittiok, so we need to break it further above14:36
pittignome-bluetooth -> gnome-control-center -> gnome-session14:36
pitti(all recommends)14:36
pittididrocks, seb128: would it be enough to have g-c-c recommends: gnome-session-bin?14:36
pittior drop it completely? that recommends doesn't seem very useful really14:37
didrocksI don't care about removing the recommends14:38
seb128pitti, the reason it's there is that g-c-c uses some of the gnome-session dbus interfaces14:38
seb128pitti, but yeah, if we need to drop a valid recommends that's the less annoying to drop14:38
pittithat would be -bin then?14:38
seb128pitti, right14:38
pittiseb128: ok, I'll change it to -bin then14:38
seb128pitti, yw!14:39
didrocksthanks pitti :)14:39
seb128pitti, that's g-c-c?14:39
pittiseb128: yes14:39
seb128pitti, I probably have an upload to do for it later, feel free to just put in the vcs if you want14:39
pittiyes, I was going to14:39
pittiseb128: earning you another bug :)14:39
pitti(no worries, j/k)14:40
seb128pitti, I need to, you scored like anoter 5 bugs with apport! stop writing buggy code just to collect fixes! ;-)14:40
didrocksthe bug counter doesn't take into account [ Martin Pitt ] ?14:40
seb128didrocks, no14:40
pittino, it doesn't14:40
didrocksoh, I have evil ideas coming :p14:40
pittiseb128: pushed14:41
seb128didrocks, like collecting all the fixes from dx is not enough? ;-)14:41
seb128pitti, danke14:41
pittiI'm just reviewing http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/kernel-bugs/reports/rls-mgr-p-tracking-bugs.html14:41
didrocksseb128: no, it seems I didn't secure enough my position when the release is blocked :p14:42
mhr3didrocks, that's what you get for blocking for so long :P14:42
didrocksmhr3: that's what you get writing so many regressions! :p14:43
mhr3didrocks, i'm not the one who's about to be dethroned from being #114:44
didrocksmhr3: agreed on that, you are on the good side! ;)14:44
mhr3didrocks, now i tell you a secret, we introduced all those regression just because of this *evillaugh*14:45
didrocksmhr3: I don't care, 5.4 is good enough in precise! :p14:46
* didrocks *evillaugh* as well :)14:46
didrocksmhr3: btw, lazy loading of lenses, and music rhythmbox lens, when do you get tests/approvals? :)14:47
* desrt misses the good old days where g-c-c was gcc14:47
mhr3didrocks, 1) there's a manual test 2) when you unfreeze :P14:48
didrocksmhr3: I meant "approval" not "merging" :)14:48
didrocksmhr3: I was picky on words! ;)14:48
mhr3didrocks, there's no point in reviewing if it can't be merged14:49
didrocksmhr3: crack on the whip on your coworkers then to fix the regressions I spotted end of last weeks :p14:49
didrocksmhr3: ah sooooooo, you are on holidays!14:50
didrocksgot it :)14:50
mhr3didrocks, i am?14:50
didrockshow is the swimming pool? ;)14:50
didrocksmhr3: well, no review, waiting on other to fix their issues, seems like it then :p14:50
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mhr3didrocks, and just chatting at the watertank, right? :)14:51
mhr3but yea, swimming pool is awesome, it's just kind frozen :P14:51
mhr3like everything i guess14:51
m4n1shits cold there? wth14:52
didrocksmhr3: all is relative, it depends on which kind of drinks you are using :)14:52
desrtdidrocks: how goes unity 5.6?14:53
mhr3didrocks, oh that's why atlantic doesn't freeze near coast of france? :)14:53
didrocksmhr3: :p14:53
desrtogra_: good afternoon14:54
didrocksdesrt: following lyon's weather? it got warmer at the end of last week and snowing on Monday :)14:54
* ogra_ would really like to know why xorg got so crashy recently14:54
jalcinewhere can I find a link to HIG?14:54
didrocksogra_: ah, for you as well? do you have a lot of writing in the disk when it crashes?14:55
desrtogra_: you bought a transformer prime yet? (or know someone who did?)14:55
mhr3the correlation between weather and unity release is unraveling14:55
desrtmhr3: i'm still trying to figure out what it all means.  i can't reason from a sample size of 1.14:55
ogra_desrt, nope, i'm happy with my "old" transformer14:55
ogra_didrocks, hard to tell, my arm netbook doesnt have any disk indicator14:55
mhr3desrt, no worries, didrocks can give you detailed history14:56
mhr3maybe wolframalpha could it too :)14:56
mhr3could do it*14:56
desrtalpha: please correlate release dates of unity to weather patterns in southern france14:56
didrocksdesrt: when, before doing a release, we freeze trunk14:57
didrocksdesrt: on last Friday, I was pretty confident we can unfreeze and release14:57
didrocksbut Monday spotted new issues14:57
didrocksso, we are really frozen :)14:57
desrtdidrocks: were these issues about the menu disappearing, or something else?14:59
didrocksdesrt: no, issues with pressing alt not showing the appmenu for non gtk3 apps (so gtk2, qt, xul)15:00
didrocksdesrt: and another regression from a yesterday's fix15:01
didrockson typing ^o in the dash15:01
mhr3didrocks, i thought the ^o fix broke ibus15:03
didrocksmhr3: yeah, it's the regression I'm speaking about, it broke ibus and Ctrl + code15:04
mhr3anyway, back to doing something useful15:04
jbichagood morning15:11
seb128hey jbicha, how are you?15:11
jbichaseb128: doing fine, annoyed at the gnome-keyring thing though ;)15:12
seb128the "hard to update"?15:12
jbichawell it works for me here except for 2 bugs we've reported to seahorse but who knows if there's other bugs15:14
jbichaI wish I had realized what the upstream gnome shell ffe was really asking for and spoken up before it happened15:15
* didrocks really wonders what writes this dconf value on the live :/15:20
seb128jbicha, can we revert that g-s patch in our 3.4?15:20
jbichaseb128: I haven't looked at doing that yet, I'm sure it's "possible" but gnome-shell development is so rapid it'd probably be a headache15:21
seb128hum, k15:25
seb128need to go out, bbiab15:25
czajkowskidaft question time, I know there was a bug a while back where the power icon wasnt showing the power draining or when it was plugged in.  I reported it.  Today am back with the issue of display not increasing in brightness when plugged in to power, and the power icon isn't showing it is being drained again, just lost work as it shut down.15:26
didrocksdesrt: if I strings ~/.config/dconf/user, I should see some key that are not on the default right?15:27
didrocksdesrt: there is a key change in the live cd for unity-2d (hide-mode set at 0"15:27
didrockswhich is set even when the user starts in 3d (and didn't ever start 2d, so not the application itself)15:28
didrocksif I gsettings reset, I get back the default value15:28
didrocksso obviously, something is wrong with the live user (which is created on the fly)15:28
didrocksany idea to debug it?15:28
* desrt appears perplexed15:31
desrthow is the live user's initial dconf database created?15:31
didrocksthat's my question, the user is created on the fly by casper15:32
* didrocks grep the script if it's still the case15:32
* desrt doesn't know anything about that15:32
desrti guess it does some gsettings or dconf writes15:32
didrocksit was in 10.04, I didn't touch since :)15:32
desrtmaybe it sets the hide mode...15:32
didrocksdesrt: I tried grep -r gsettings -> nothing by a11y15:32
desrtdidrocks: dconf?15:33
desrtdidrocks: strings on ~/.config/dconf/user is kinda lame, btw15:33
desrtdo instead: dconf dump /15:33
didrocksdesrt: ok, adding universe to the live repo and installing dconf binary, one sec15:34
desrt^ this is some kind of fail15:35
pitticyphermox: good morning15:35
desrtthat's the result of logging into a guest session15:35
pitticyphermox: I'm a bit confused about your response to bug 94861315:36
ubot2`Launchpad bug 948613 in bluez "[FFE] Enable the Source and Gateway audio profiles in bluez by default" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94861315:36
pitticyphermox: "i.e. not idle, drawing more power than if it's normally enabled but not paired with anything"15:36
didrocksdesrt: the live session is even worst15:36
pitticyphermox: ITYM "it won't draw more power if not paired"?15:36
cyphermoxwell, if you just have bluetooth and never touch it, by default the device is *enabled*, as in not powered off or rfkilled15:36
cyphermoxthat has to draw some power15:36
didrocksdesrt: the migration part is because of me btw, sorry ;)15:36
pitticyphermox: yes, understood15:37
pitticyphermox: I meant if we then enable the "source" option by default, does that make a difference?15:37
cyphermoxso as long as it's not paired it won't be drawing more power, so no15:37
pitticyphermox: ah, thanks; I thought so, but thanks for the confirmatino15:37
cyphermoxthe Source option only means that gets added to the profiles the device lists as supporting when something tries to pair to it :)15:37
cyphermox(same for Gateway too)15:38
didrocksdesrt: scripts/casper-bottom/25adduser in capser, it's what adding the user, so normally "clean profile"15:38
pitticyphermox: bug updated15:39
pitticyphermox: so that sounds rather harmless then15:39
cyphermoxpitti: the trick is just that it's a little confusing because if I enable bluetooth on my phone, it will automatically try to pair with my computer because that profile is enabled, just like it automatically tries to pair with my bluetooth headset if that's on15:39
pitticyphermox: yes, same here15:39
pittimy computer also automatically re-connects with my headset once I switch it on15:39
cyphermoxpitti: yes, the goal is mostly just to avoid people touching these config files for no reason, because that's silly if we can provide it15:39
pittiwhich is nice, it didn't use to in oneiric and earlier (that was a bug)15:39
cyphermoxpitti: right15:39
didrocksdesrt: user live session (beta1), without permanent disk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/873144/15:40
didrocksdesrt: see that hide-mode for 2d is at 215:40
didrocksand as well super key enabled…15:40
desrtso a lot of these settings are done by GNOME too15:41
desrtseems upstream has some issues here..15:41
desrtnot as many, but still some15:41
didrockshum, what possibly can be doing this…15:41
didrockswithout any call to gsettings in casper15:42
desrtin my case, it's apps15:42
didrocksyeah, not in unity-2d though15:42
desrtas if that makes any sense at all in gnome-shell?15:42
didrocks(as I'm dumped in 3d sessionà15:42
desrttedg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/873134/15:43
desrttedg: indicator datetime should be fixed to not do this...15:43
didrocksnothing in skel…15:43
desrtdidrocks: unity should be fixed too.  it's setting average-bg-color in addition to the favourites stuff15:44
desrtand uh... it's still in /desktop/ ?!15:44
didrocksdesrt: yeah, I tried to make them moving the schema last cycle, didn't work out15:44
didrocksfor average-bg-color, I guess it's how unity and notify-osd share the value, but not sure. Ask Mirco15:45
desrtMacSlow: ping15:45
tedgdesrt, ?15:46
didrocksdesrt: but that still doesn't help me to find the culpurit for -2d :p15:46
tedgdesrt, Do what?15:46
desrttedg: it's inappropriate to write to gsettings except in response to explicit user interaction15:46
desrttedg: the datetime indicator is writing to gsettings as a result of logging in15:46
desrtthis makes login take substantially longer15:46
tedgdesrt, Hmm, yes, that's a bug.15:46
tedgdesrt, Which key is being written?15:46
desrttedg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/873134/15:46
tedgAll of them?15:47
desrtthis is the list of everything that is written to dconf logging into a clean guest account15:47
tedgOh, my.15:47
desrtsome of those are GNOME bugs15:47
desrti'm pursuing that upstream15:47
desrtbut unity and datetime inidcator are also quite guilty15:47
MacSlowdesrt, what's up?15:48
desrtMacSlow: are you storing average-bg-color in GSettings?15:49
MacSlowdesrt, regarding the "average-bg-color"... yes using gsettings to "share" that value15:49
desrtMacSlow: GSettings is not an IPC mechanism15:49
desrtit's a database of user preferences15:50
desrtplease use something else for IPC15:50
desrtbecause dconf is very very very slow for that purpose15:50
tedgdesrt, Does g_settings_bind() cause a write?15:50
MacSlowdesrt, true... but for "average-bg-color" it's a bit inbetween15:50
MacSlowdesrt, so you would stick to dbus?!15:51
desrttedg: only if the property changes15:52
desrtMacSlow: i'd probably stick it on a root window property15:52
desrtMacSlow: but dbus would definitely be a better alternative to dconf15:53
tedgdesrt, Hmm, datetime only calls, g_settings_new, g_settings_get* and g_settings_bind*15:53
Beretanyone seen Jason?15:53
desrttedg: and one of the properties you are binding to are probably changing...15:53
desrttedg: or several of them, i guess15:53
didrocksBeret: which one, Smith or Warner? :)15:54
desrttedg: the default bind behaviour is to set the initial value of the property from the value in gsettings and only write back if it changes after that15:54
Beretsorry, definitely a redundant question15:54
tedgdesrt, Hmm, I wonder if we're binding before the defaults get set...15:54
desrttedg: gsettings also has no way to tell if a ::notify on the property is spurious15:55
mvochrisccoulson: so firefox is segfaulting on me in atk_object_set_name() - anything I can do about that?15:55
tedgdesrt, Well, it wouldn't write unless the value changed, no?15:55
chrisccoulsonmvo - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73371215:55
ubot2`Mozilla bug 733712 in Disability Access APIs "Don't call atk_object_set_name" [Critical,New: ]15:55
chrisccoulsonyou can upgrade atk :)15:55
mvofair enough, thanks!15:56
didrocksBeret: he's on holidays15:56
mvoI will wait for seb128 to upgrade atk for me :)15:56
Beretdidrocks, happen to know until when?15:56
desrttedg: a gsettings write is always a write15:57
chrisccoulsonmvo - oh, it's already uploaded. you just need to do apt-get upgrade ;)15:57
desrteven if the value does not change15:57
didrocksBeret: as the holiday calendar says, until EOW, so back next week :)15:57
Beretdidrocks, or more importantly, who is his proxy when he's out?15:57
mvochrisccoulson: I did that 10s ago15:57
didrocksBeret: pitti I guess15:57
chrisccoulsonand it's still broken?15:57
* mvo does another one15:57
chrisccoulsonare you using a mirror?15:57
desrtthe reason for that is that you may be writing an explicit value over top of the existing default value with the intent that when the default value changes in the future the new value will remain15:57
Beretdidrocks, thanks :)15:57
didrocksyw :)15:57
chrisccoulsonmvo - you need this version: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/atk1.0/2.3.91-0ubuntu215:58
tedgdesrt, It seems that would make sense for _set() but _bind() is different.15:58
tedgdesrt, Chances are you're not giving the same intention in that case.15:58
mvochrisccoulson: many thanks!15:58
tedgdesrt, As it could be expected multiple writes to a property would have no bearing on it.15:59
tedgWhat this says to me is that _bind() is broken and unpredictable.15:59
mvochrisccoulson: I'm a happy puppy again15:59
chrisccoulsonexcellent :)15:59
desrttedg: i could buy that argument16:02
desrttedg: at the same time, though, objects should only emit ::notify when the property has actually changed16:02
desrtso a workaround for that at the level of gsettingsbind would just be a workaround16:02
desrta) it hides the root cause of the problem16:02
desrtb) workarounds tend to introduce unintended side-effects in weird cases16:02
desrttedg: it may very well be that we're dealing with bugs in the widgets that you're binding to16:03
desrtor the gsettings binding code itself may be faulty16:03
desrteither way, i'd like to find the root cause16:03
desrtseb128: do you know if there is some extra logic for guest session logins?16:04
desrtthis, for example, seems to be a guest account 'specialty'16:04
didrocksdesrt: ok, so I'll look on my own then, there is no way to know the process calling a write I guess?16:05
desrtdidrocks: bustle?16:05
tedgdidrocks, https://launchpad.net/bustle-boot-log16:06
didrockscan try to install that if I unsquasf and resquasf the CD I guess16:07
didrocksthank desrt, tedg16:07
desrtfor a while i've been considering adding some 'blame' indicator to dconf service16:07
desrtthat on the very first incoming request it does a bit of detective work to determine who is responsible for it being started16:07
desrt(bus name, pid, process name, key written to, etc)16:08
didrocksthat would be really handy in that case for instance :)16:08
desrti think i'll do that now, in fact16:09
desrtwill help me trace down these bugs16:09
desrtand will help you at the same time16:09
didrocksdesrt: I'm stil unsquashfs in case a grep can help, but yeah, can be handy :)16:09
desrtdidrocks: well, you cna always reinstall your dconf package, logout, login?16:09
didrocks(anyway, I'll need to create my own live again to ensure the needed bits are in)16:10
didrocksdesrt: not really, as the ubuntu user is only created on first boot16:10
desrtthis will get into the live CD by release, i guess16:10
desrtokay.  so that's more interesting, then16:10
didrocksI want to have something as close as possible to the CD16:10
desrtbecause i was going to have it only enabled by an environment variable like DCONF_BLAME=1 or something16:10
desrtbut that won't work very well for the live CD16:10
desrtbecause you have no place to set it before the first login16:11
didrockscan a special switch of the package16:11
didrocksin the build16:11
desrtthe trouble is that it's a substantial amount of extra work to discover the pid and process name16:11
didrocksand then, I unsquashfs, chroot16:11
didrocksinstall the package16:11
desrtand i don't want this in the usual case16:11
didrockscreate the squash16:11
didrocksand boom16:11
desrtis there a way to set environment variables from the kernel commandline?16:12
desrt(could there be?)16:12
didrocksthat's an interesting question I never asked myself :)16:12
* didrocks googles16:12
desrtthat would be a very helpful debugging tool16:12
desrtAnything of the form `foo=bar' that is not accepted as a setup function as described above is then interpreted as an environment variable to be set. An example would be to use TERM=vt100 or BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz.bak as a boot argument. These environment variables are typically tested for in the initialization scripts to enable or disable a wide range of things.16:13
didrocksyeah, found that as well16:13
desrti doubt anything you set here would make it through to the user session, though16:14
ricotzseb128, jbicha, the gcr 3.3.90 dep of g-s is easily revertable16:14
desrtlet me test that theory :)16:14
didrocksdesrt: probably not though :/16:14
desrtdoesn't make it into the user session16:15
desrtit seems that upstart strips it out16:16
desrtaccording to 'ps e', pid 1 is the only process that has that in its environment16:16
didrocksno fun, that would have been awesome16:16
desrti wonder what systemd does :)16:16
desrtya.  not really acceptable.16:19
desrta central whitelist of every possible environment variable is an infuriating concept16:19
desrtif i have access to the kernel commandline then ... uh... it should be assumed that i can do whatever i want :)16:19
* desrt checks what systemd does here16:20
didrockskind of simple solution, making a script in rc.d: http://www.mail-archive.com/upstart-devel@lists.ubuntu.com/msg00306.html16:20
didrockswe want that on every computers, aren't we? :)16:21
desrthuh.  interesting idea.16:21
desrthave dconf attempt to open /proc/cmdline16:21
desrtit's not the *worst* idea i've ever heard....16:22
didrocksstill a workaround16:22
didrocksbut yeah16:22
desrtso systemd lets the environment through16:25
desrtall system services end up with it16:25
desrtthat's an improvement16:25
desrtstill doesn't end up in the user's session, though16:25
desrti bet pam has something to do with that16:25
didrocksyeah, there is probably some stripping done16:26
desrtso for now i think i will take both options16:27
desrt1) check the environment for DCONF_BLAME16:27
desrt2) failing that, open /proc/cmdline and check there16:27
desrtthat should handle both the case of someone wanting to do some local debugging without a reboot and your livecd case16:27
didrocksseems fine :)16:28
didrocksI hope the guilty won't be a gsettings pid as some script can directly call gsettings16:29
desrtthat would be quite obnoxious, indeed16:29
desrtif that happens, we can step it up a notch and record the parent process as well16:29
didrocksthat's maybe something to take into account16:30
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=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as jalcine
seb128that channel is crazy, out an hour and I've an hour worth of reading16:53
didrocksseb128: for once it's not you chatting! :)16:54
seb128didrocks, desrt: did you figure the gsettings stuff?17:00
seb128desrt, what about guest session? did you get a reply!17:00
seb128mvo, stop lagging behind :p workaround otherwise was: stop using a11y17:00
seb128ricotz, ok17:00
didrocksseb128: not yet, desrt is going to make a version of dconf with this env variable17:00
seb128did I forget anyone? ;-)17:00
didrocksso that we can see what is the offender17:00
didrocksI unsquashfs the live as well17:01
seb128desrt, didrocks: speaking about dconf, no tarball for several GNOME release, florian is waiting for his fix to land17:01
didrocksand grep -r17:01
didrocksjust in case :)17:01
didrocksseb128: desrt will have one soon with this env variable stuff17:02
seb128desrt, didrocks: I found it17:07
seb128combined with17:07
seb128unity-2d-5.6.0/data/unity-2d.convert:hide-mode = /desktop/unity-2d/launcher/hide_mode17:07
seb128gconf -> gsetting migration17:07
seb128with a .gconf-default leftover17:07
seb128unity-2d-5.6.0/debian/unity-2d.gconf-defaults:/desktop/unity-2d/launcher/hide_mode 217:08
didrocksnice catch seb128 :)17:08
* didrocks stops his grep -r on squashfs17:09
didrocksI guess some question on the "why do you have some values set by default" from desrt also get some answers from that17:09
* didrocks kills gconf in unity-2d17:10
desrtseb128: i'm going to do a release soon17:12
desrtcomplete with blame mode for didrocks :)17:13
seb128desrt, well he doesn't need it now17:13
didrocksblame mode will always been needed anyway :)17:13
seb128desrt, but I could use it to do the "make sure nothing write a login"17:13
desrti need it :)17:13
desrtseb128: i'm almost done... support is in the service already17:14
desrtbut you have to use d-feet to query it, presently17:14
desrtso i will add 'dconf blame' to the commandline tool17:14
desrtcool.  done.17:26
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
desrtseb128, didrocks: http://fpaste.org/qKBt/17:28
seb128desrt, nice!17:28
desrtjust need to boot the kernel with 'DCONF_BLAME=1' on the commandline somewhere17:29
didrocksgreat :)17:29
desrtMacSlow: you are the first victim of dconf-blame :)17:31
MacSlowdesrt, I'll change it... but not today :)17:32
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
chrisccoulsoni'm sure that ruby has been at my coffee17:41
chrisccoulsonshe's going crazy!17:41
chrisccoulsonrunning around pretending to have hiccups17:41
desrtMacSlow: you need to fix this ASAP17:46
desrtguest-Gt2HeR@moonpix:~$ grep average-bg-color blames | wc -l17:46
desrtyou're writing to dconf 23 times on login17:46
seb128desrt, I think there is a fix in the queue for a week17:46
desrti wouldn't be surprised if you're adding like 1s to the boot17:46
seb128desrt, talk to didrocks about unfreezing17:46
seb128"Makes bghash only change the gsettings key once per wallpaper change, instead of on every frame it transitions to the next wallpaper."17:47
desrtokay.  good :)17:47
seb128desrt, oh, it landed, you don't run the ppa?17:47
desrtnot perfect, but better, at least :p17:47
desrtseb128: the unity staging PPA?17:47
didrocksseb128: it did land :p17:47
seb128desrt, right17:47
didrocksnot my fault17:47
didrocksnot my fault17:48
desrti learnt a while ago that i run that PPA if i want to hate myself :)17:48
didrocksnot my fault17:48
seb128desrt, well, it's a double edge sword17:48
didrocksdesrt: come on!17:48
seb128desrt, you are missing this fix :p17:48
didrocksdesrt: it's done with love ;)17:48
desrtso we have a problem with gsettings-data-convert17:48
desrtsomething about the way you do your default overrides in gconf comes across looking like a user value to gsettings-data-convert17:48
desrtresulting in writes to dconf17:48
desrtwe probably need to find a way to fix that17:49
seb128desrt, can you open a bug somewhere?17:49
desrtseb128: i've opened a bug upstream17:49
seb128ok, great17:49
* desrt wants to get this down to 0 for LTS17:50
desrtdidrocks: you should fix migrate_favorites.py as well17:50
desrtdidrocks: it should not be writing new values to gsettings unless there are old values to read17:50
didrocksdesrt: so, the question is, how would you mark the migration level?17:50
desrtwhich is not the case when logging into a fresh guest session...17:51
desrtdidrocks: the gconf migration tool uses a directory in ~17:51
didrocksdesrt: hum, it's not "one shot"17:51
didrockslike, we had to migrate defaults twice for instance for now17:51
didrocksso, that's why there is a version stamped17:52
didrockswell, in the past, we had first unity (the 10.10 version)17:52
didrocksthen, people wanted that we migrate more17:52
didrocks(from other docks)17:52
didrocksso, even people already using 10.10 with unity were migrated17:52
desrtso that should have been a separate migration script, i guess?17:52
didrocksand maybe, as the launcher hardcode .desktop file name17:52
didrocksthat makes things more complicated, but can work17:53
didrocksbut you will do a "stamp" for every migration script17:53
didrockson the file system?17:53
seb128desrt, didrocks: it's not like 1 write one time would be an issue17:53
desrtlook at ~/.local/share/gsettings-data-convert17:53
desrtit's a keyfile that marks the conversion tasks that have been run already17:53
didrocksyeah, but it means that unity will have to read it at every start17:54
desrtand it's quite fast -- we check only timestamps of the conversion scripts directory and the keyfile in order to know if we're up to date17:54
didrocksand I thought dconf would be faster than that :)17:54
desrtwhich is one check for *every* conversion17:54
didrocksone check at every boot17:54
desrtnot each17:54
didrocksto know if you already converted17:55
desrtat every login, in fact17:55
desrtbut it's strictly one17:55
desrtnot one per module... just one17:55
didrocksindeed, and why dconf isn't set for storing such data?17:55
desrtbecause the first activation of dconf-service is very slow17:56
desrtand it's something that should not happen when you login17:56
desrtone less process to start = faster login17:56
didrocksbut some other values are still read17:56
didrockslike the unity launchers17:57
GunnarHjmicahg: ping?17:57
didrocksso the process start at the same time?17:57
desrtdidrocks: no17:57
didrocks(well 3 lines of code after)17:57
desrtdidrocks: dconf-service only starts when you do a write17:57
didrocksdesrt: ok, so it's only "slower" on the first login17:57
didrockswhich is already the case TBH with ureadahead profiling your disk17:57
desrtyes.  i suppose so.17:57
didrocksor gnome-desktop creating your wallpaper cache17:57
desrtit's not a disaster17:57
desrtbut strictly speaking, i consider it to be a bug17:58
didrocksI have nothing against changing the check to another place17:58
didrocksbut it seems just to put some crap on disk somewhere else :)17:58
desrtas a matter of general principle, you should be able to login to your desktop and see that your dconf database does not exist17:58
didrocksand handing transition as well ;)17:58
desrtbut you're right17:58
desrtthis feels a lot like throwing garbage over the fence17:59
didrocksand getting a lot of crappy files in .config though :p17:59
desrtmigration is always a very difficult question17:59
didrocksI have no strong opinion, but I understand your intend :)17:59
desrtthere are far worse offenders in the meantime18:00
didrocksdesrt: I will try to think about it though :)18:00
seb128yeah, that seems a very low priority one18:00
* didrocks goes dancing, see you tomorrow!18:01
desrtdidrocks: g'night18:01
seb128'night didrocks18:01
didrocksdesrt: good afternoon, bonne soirée seb128, te couche pas tard :p18:01
desrtseb128: tracking bug is here: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67156618:06
ubot2`Gnome bug 671566 in general "various bits of GNOME are writing to dconf on first login" [Normal,New]18:06
desrtas far as upstream goes there are 3 main issues to fix and 2 of them are in gnome-shell18:06
desrti'll start looking at the gsettings-data-convert one because that's the only one that impacts ubuntu18:07
desrtseb128: how do i file desktop-wide tracking bugs?18:09
seb128desrt, you don't?18:09
desrti guess i'll file it against dconf-in-ubuntu, then?18:09
seb128desrt, you file on one component and do "also affect..." for each component to add18:10
seb128desrt, or you open separate bugs and tag them18:10
seb128desrt, but yeah, d-conf (Ubuntu) would work18:10
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
chrisccoulsonwth is going on with this build? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/95774042/buildlog_ubuntu-precise-amd64.thunderbird-trunk_13.0~a1~hg20120306r9572.88331-0ubuntu1~umd2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:35
dobeychrisccoulson: does that control file have a -dbg package? it looks like it's failing to add the header to the object file to point at the debugging symbols file for a -dbg package18:39
chrisccoulsondobey, yeah, there is a -dbg package18:40
dobeychrisccoulson: i wonder what objcopy is doing that the kernel thinks is invalid.18:41
desrttedg: so this datetime write-on-login stuff is probably somewhat related to the fact that it writes every 30 seconds, in fact18:44
desrttedg: as steve discovered at the rally18:44
tedgdesrt, Steve was saying that indicator-power wrote every 30s, and I believe that's been fixed.18:45
desrttedg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/91649818:45
ubot2`Launchpad bug 916498 in indicator-datetime "indicator-datetime causes frequent disk wakeups due to dconf write" [High,Triaged]18:45
tedgdesrt, Look at the string :-)  I imagine it's a typo on his part.18:46
desrthe filed it against indicator datetime...18:46
desrtso quite a typo :)18:46
desrtin any case maybe you should close the bug as invalid, then, and open a new one :p18:47
micahgGunnarHj: pong18:53
desrtseb128: there's some brokenness with the gconf packaging...18:55
seb128desrt, recent you mean?18:55
desrtprobably not18:55
desrtgconf installs an xsession.d script that sets some environment variables according to DESKTOP_SESSION18:55
desrt  export MANDATORY_PATH=${GCONF_PREFIX}/${DESKTOP_SESSION}.mandatory.path18:55
seb128desrt, ok, just checking it was multiarched this week and some users hit upgrade issues18:55
desrt  export DEFAULTS_PATH=${GCONF_PREFIX}/${DESKTOP_SESSION}.default.path18:55
seb128desrt, in case you were refering to that18:55
desrtthose files do not exist...18:55
seb128desrt, right18:56
desrtthis is the same issue?18:56
seb128desrt, I think it was didrock's stuff to allow for specific value for derivatives18:56
desrtso we don't use it18:56
seb128desrt, like UNE was setting stuff in their own dir18:56
seb128desrt, it's support for people to use if they want18:56
desrtjust making sure18:56
BeretI have a stupid question18:57
Beretwhat is the role of a package maintainer?18:57
jalcineNo question is stupid.18:57
BeretI submitted a bug to an application18:57
Beretthe result was it was confirmed as a problem and then I was asked to deal with it with the upstream and report back18:57
Beretwhich seemed completely odd18:58
jalcineBut, package maintainers are like the people responsible for ensuring that a upstream project's builds downstream are in sync.18:58
Beretthey're not responsible for the application's health in Ubuntu?18:58
Beretis that not the overall goal?18:58
jbichaBeret: which bug number?18:58
jalcineThey are, per se, but that sounds like a peculiar situation.18:59
Beretthe bug basically makes the app unusable so I thought the response I received was odd18:59
desrtseb128: so the way you guys do your default settings is tricky...18:59
BeretI just wanted to know if my expectations were out of line or something was broken18:59
jbichaif the bug is not specific to Ubuntu's packaging & it affects other distros, then it does need to be reported upstream; you're welcome to do that and if you don't want to, someone else will eventually do it19:00
Beretfor me that's OK19:02
Beretif I were an ubuntu user and I got a message like that, I would be put off19:02
Berethow would I know what upstream is or how to do that?19:02
Beretanyway, not a discussion for here19:02
Beretbut thanks for the info19:02
jbichaBeret: it might be appropriate for #ubuntu-bugs, that comment is more or less part of the triage process19:04
chrisccoulsondobey, ok, i figured it out in the end :)19:11
dobeychrisccoulson: what was it?19:12
chrisccoulsondobey, creating the breakpad symbols that we send to mozilla also adds a .gnu_debuglink section, and we were running that before doing "make install"19:13
dobeychrisccoulson: ah. so my interpretation of the error was in the right direction :)19:13
micahgGunnarHj: pon19:23
seb128desrt, re, was at dinner19:28
seb128desrt, why?19:28
mvoglatzor: hi, any chance you could review my auth-conf branch :) ?19:31
mvoglatzor: or do you have any concerns about the approach?19:31
desrtseb128: you don't patch schemas19:48
desrtseb128: rather you install new settings in a different database19:48
desrtseb128: the gconf API is unable to tell the difference19:48
seb128desrt, yeah, patching schemas is the suck :p19:49
desrtseb128: anyway.. i think i have a solution19:49
seb128desrt, it's not GNOME_ME_HARDER :p19:49
seb128desrt, btw several people asking this way, is there a "priority" in gschemas overrides?19:50
seb128desrt, like Ubuntu override the theme but xubuntu wants to override it over Ubuntu19:50
seb128how do they do that?19:50
desrtseb128: yes.19:50
desrtbut i don't remember what it is19:50
desrtiirc the overrides are processed in alphabetical order19:50
desrti don't remember if it's first-wins or last-wins, though19:50
seb128desrt, ok, seems similar to gconf where we just ordered the override by numbers19:51
seb128like we should do 1_ubuntu ... then they can do 2_xubuntu19:51
* desrt is currently patching the gsettings-data-convert to only read values from the user database19:53
desrtseb128: bored?20:09
desrtseb128: if so, a gconf upload with the patches in https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671581 to the desktop ppa may be fun20:11
ubot2`Gnome bug 671581 in gsettings "gsettings-data-convert interacts badly with vendor overrides" [Normal,New]20:11
desrtthat fixes 11 of the dconf writes20:11
desrt(it seems that the gnome-settings-daemon one is a side-effect of the gsettings-data-convert doing the write)20:13
GunnarHjmicahg: Hello, I'm waiting for you response to my comment at https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gnome-settings-daemon/patch43/+merge/9121020:18
chrisccoulsonman, i love compiz20:18
desrtchrisccoulson: me too20:19
desrtit's very shiny20:19
desrtit makes me happy20:19
chrisccoulsondesrt, now, i don't know if you're being sarcastic or not20:20
chrisccoulsonj/k ;)20:20
desrtchrisccoulson: is there ever really a doubt with me? :)20:20
chrisccoulsonheh :)20:20
seb128hum, I wonder which one of you is an hater over the other one :p20:25
* desrt is always very nice20:25
seb128desrt, gconf uploaded to the ubuntu-desktop ppa btw20:25
dobeyhow did ubuntuone-control-panel-qt get on the CD?20:25
desrtseb128: holy crap that was fast :p20:25
seb128dobey, I guess something recommends something which recommends a control-panel?20:26
seb128dobey, deja-dup Recommends ubuntuone-control-panel,20:26
seb128it's mterry's fault!20:26
mterryuh oh20:27
dobeyseb128: but that doesn't recommend qt20:27
dobeyoh, it does20:27
seb128Recommends: ubuntuone-control-panel-gui20:27
dobeyi see20:27
seb128mterry, hey, btw, nice to see you are still around ;-)20:27
mterrydeja-dup doesn't need the GUI20:27
seb128mterry, how are you?20:27
desrtseb128: he's planning to quit?20:28
mterryseb128, :)  doing yet more animation work for unity-greeter at design's request20:28
mterrydesrt, no  :)20:28
seb128desrt, I hope not, I just tends to be quiet on IRC20:28
seb128like I didn't see him talk on this channel for a week, maybe out of around meeting time yesterday20:28
* desrt tries to figure out what the heck is wrong with datetime indicator next20:28
seb128that's how you see people really working :p20:29
seb128in opposite to people like me who spend their day on IRC20:29
chrisccoulsonthat sounds a bit like me. i hardly ever talk to anyone on IRC now20:29
chrisccoulsonit's like i'm in my own little cave ;)20:29
seb128to then spend their evening doing the work they didn't do during the day ;-)20:29
mterryseb128, heh20:29
dobeyseb128, mterry: ok, we'll be back off the CD on the next image i guess. am having nessita remove the recommends and make it a suggests :)20:29
micahgGunnarHj: I figured a desktopper would have done that by now20:29
mterrydobey, seb128: are we going back to ubuntuone-installer days?20:30
dobeymterry: there isn't enough room on the cd for pyqt :(20:30
mterrydobey, and the gtk version is right out?20:30
dobeymterry: so afraid so, yeah.20:30
dobeymterry: yeah, and it's a transitional package now. so upgrades will install the qt version and not get the installer20:31
nessitaseb128, mterry: uploading a new u1cp with recommends switched to suggests very soon20:31
dobeywell, won't get the installer ui. it'll just run the new one20:31
GunnarHjmicahg: I suppose that since you replaced the desktop team with yourself, it disappeared from their list.20:31
chrisccoulsonwell, today has been a fun day. i really feel like a beer now20:31
mterrydobey, hrm.  deja-dup does use the GUI for logging users into U1.  But last cycle I did work to support the case of launching the installer.  Hope that still works20:31
nessitamterry: I guess you're confusing the control panel UI with the SSO UI20:32
mterrynessita, oh, might be20:32
nessitamterry: the sso UI is in the CD, both  gtk and qt versions. Both steady, stable, and working20:32
dobeymterry: it should still work20:32
nessitamterry: so nothing should change in your user experience, please let me know if you notice something odd, I will help debug further20:33
micahgGunnarHj: hmm, seems like a bug somewhere20:33
mterrycool, thanks20:33
micahgGunnarHj: I guess I'd suggest requesting a second review from -sponsors or -desktop, I disagree with you, but there are plenty of other people who can commit to that branch who might agree with you20:35
GunnarHjmicahg: I can do that, if you like. But do you really mean that you interpret those guidelines differently?20:35
desrttedg: https://code.launchpad.net/~desrt/indicator-datetime/gvariantbuilder/+merge/9645120:37
GunnarHjmicahg: It's not really worth fighting for, IMO, but since you pointed at those guidelines, which I actually had read before, your request was a little confusing to me. ;-)20:39
micahgGunnarHj: yes, I read it differently, but as I said, there could be room for other interpretation20:41
desrttedg: i also traced down the source of your gsettings problems20:42
desrttedg: basically you shouldn't be calling g_settings_bind() on yourself from your init function20:42
desrttedg: the reason for that is because gobject freezes the notify queue during object construction and releases the notifies later20:43
desrttedg: so gsettings sees a bunch of property notify signals at that time and does a bunch of writes20:43
tedgdesrt, Yup, but it seems that it should really be smart about that.20:43
tedgdesrt, It seems like a quite obvious way to use bind.20:43
desrttedg: i don't think i've ever seen anyone else do it like this, in fact20:44
desrtsetting properties from inside _init is a total fail20:44
desrt(see my recent blog post for reasons why)20:44
tedgdesrt, Well, that was done by Karl, but I reviewed it.  I think it makes sense.20:44
desrttedg: in any case, it looks to me that the indicator never changes the settings20:44
desrtonly the preferences dialog does20:44
desrtso you could most easily solve the issue by changing them to readonly bindings20:45
GunnarHjmicahg: Ok, I'll ask somebody else, no problem. On another topic, I saw that you are assigned bug 918604. Will you deal with it soon?20:45
ubot2`Launchpad bug 918604 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] lightdm-gtk-greeter" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/91860420:45
desrttedg: i guess i have to wonder why you go to the bother of setting up gobject properties if you never use them from outside of the object...20:45
desrtthere are easier ways to use gsettings than shoving everything through a property binding that only exists for the sake of binding to gsettings...20:45
tedgdesrt, Well, again, not me.  I generally avoid properties to avoid GValue :-)20:46
desrttedg: a good strategy :)20:46
desrttedg: in any case, i'll prepare a merge with the changes to make it readonly20:46
tedgdesrt, Cool, thanks!20:46
desrti'm pretty sure that writability doesn't work anyway due to the fact that the object never emits notify signals on its own :)20:47
tedgI'll put datetime at the bottom of my release list.20:47
mhr3desrt, is there some known bug in precise with glib's q_sort_with_data?20:49
micahgGunnarHj: yeah, I meant to finish that last week, I won't be able to get to it until the weekend now though20:50
GunnarHjmicahg: Ok, thanks, then I know. As I'm sure you realize, it's inconvenient that it's not in the archive.20:51
micahgGunnarHj: it is in the archive, just not buildable from source at the moment20:51
mhr3desrt, nvm, of course it's me being stupid20:52
desrtmhr3: the pointer-to-pointer thing?20:52
desrttedg: a bit of bzr help, perhaps?20:54
desrttedg: i branched indicator-datetime20:54
desrti did my first patch for the gvariantbuilder thing and pushed it20:54
desrtproposed a merge20:54
desrtuncommited and reverted20:54
desrtthen i did the unrelated patch about the gsettings thing, committed, pushed20:55
desrtnow when i try to do a new proposal it doesn't understand that i am trying to propose the second branch i pushed (even if i explicitly specify it)20:55
desrtit keeps trying to propose the first, which gives an error about "already proposed"20:55
GunnarHjmicahg: I see. Just as bad in practice, though.20:56
micahgGunnarHj: we won't release like that with it unbuildable, so I don't see the issue20:56
desrttedg: in any case, here's the branch i pushed.  sorry i can't figure out how to propose it: https://code.launchpad.net/~desrt/indicator-datetime/readonly-binding20:57
tedgdesrt, The button that says "Propose for merging" ?  :-)21:00
desrttedg: do you know how i can convince bzr to do it?21:00
tedgdesrt, bzr lp-propose-merge21:00
desrttedg: read ^^21:01
GunnarHjmicahg: Further development is blocked; isn't that enough of an issue?21:01
tedgdesrt, Ah, okay.21:01
tedgdesrt, Your parent is set to the other branch instead of to trunk21:01
desrttedg: weird21:01
desrtwhenever you push to a new place it sets the old default push location as the parent, i guess?21:02
tedgdesrt, Yeah21:02
desrti can see the reasonining there21:02
desrtbut obviously not so good in this case21:02
GunnarHjmicahg: Lubuntu has apparently succeeded in making a buildable (possibly quick-and-dirty) source package: https://launchpad.net/~gilir/+archive/lubuntu  Would that possibly something to use as a starting point?21:02
micahgGunnarHj: I already have 2 buildable versions that need to be merged21:03
tedgdesrt, but what you can do is just add the second branch on the command line: bzr help lp-propose-merge21:03
GunnarHjmicahg: But in that case ... No it's me who don't see the issue. ;-)21:04
* tedg thinks desrt is just doing these patches for more karma21:04
GunnarHjs/No/Now/ (sorry for sloppy typing tonight)21:04
desrttedg: i tried specifying the branch explicitly.21:04
desrtno help21:04
tedgdesrt, You know, if you convince GLib to move to LP you'd earn a ton more karma.21:05
desrti probably should have re-cloned instead of reverting to the previous commit21:05
desrttedg: launchpad karma is worthless21:05
desrtthe real competition is bugzilla points :)21:05
tedgYeah, typically that's what I do.  Do you use bazaar shared repos?21:05
tedgIt makes always branching from trunk cheap.21:05
desrtno.  i don't think that i do.21:06
* desrt just bzr branch lp:whatever21:06
tedgdesrt, If you do "bzr init-repo" one level up it'll use that dir for all of your version cache.  So then it'll find the revisions in there for everything you already have.21:06
* jalcine wonders if there's a lp branch called whatever21:06
desrtthat's a feature i've often wanted in git21:06
tedgdesrt, So then I have my dir structure layed out ~/Development/project/branch21:06
desrtit only works for one project?21:07
desrtnot like a a sort of global object cache?21:07
tedgdesrt, It can work for all, but then tags start to conflict.21:07
tedgdesrt, Though, those are only warnings.21:07
desrtya... you can do the same with git, then :/21:07
* desrt wants like some cache in ~/.cache/gitcache/21:07
desrtwith just ... lots and lots of objects21:08
tedgSure, I'm not sure how you handle the tags though, at least in a VCS that has them as annotations on revisions.21:08
* tedg wishes Bazaar had stronger tags21:08
seb128desrt, bah, you started doing proper merge request, I guess I need to start using git properly to make up for it ;-)21:08
desrtseb128: i thought you went to bed :p21:08
desrtseb128: we're down to only 2 things writing to dconf now21:09
mhr3desrt, no, abs (0.13) < 0.00001 == true :/21:09
seb128desrt, no, just moved to couch,tv with laptop21:09
desrtseb128: didrock's favourite migration stuff and macslow's average bg colour stuff21:09
seb128desrt, is that using unity trunk?21:09
dobeytedg: "stronger" tags?21:10
desrtseb128: no...21:10
seb128desrt, the bg stuff might be fixed for good with trunk21:10
desrtseb128: it's with the various patches i wrote today aplied21:10
tedgdobey, Where placing a tag is revisioned.21:10
seb128desrt, I didn't check but ideally it should only write it when the bg change21:10
desrtseb128: last i heard is that the background thing reduces 23 writes to 121:10
desrtwhich is still more than zero21:10
desrtdidrocks i give a free pass because it only happens once on first login21:10
desrtif unity is doing this every time, ...21:10
dobeyhmm. wonder how i should word a bug against rhythmbox for ffe/uife to get a new version in21:11
seb128not sure if they counted "change" as "be different from the previous computed one" or "be different than the one which was displayed"21:11
desrt(i'm even uncomfortable with didrocks, but migration is really hard stuff.... so....)21:11
desrtseb128: is the change in the unity staging ppa?21:11
seb128desrt, well first login will also have gsettings migration stuff for most users21:11
seb128desrt, yes21:11
desrtokay.  let me test21:11
TheMusoRAOF, bryceh, do we have the patch to fix this bug? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4407921:12
ubot2`Freedesktop bug 44079 in Server/Input/Core "XI2 FocusOut events missing parent of focus'd window" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]21:12
desrtseb128: the gsettings migration stuff won't happen on real first login21:12
desrtonly first login after an upgrade21:13
desrtand it won't happen for guest accounts, for example21:13
brycehTheMuso, checking21:14
seb128desrt, to be honest I don't care much about "first login"21:14
seb128desrt, that one is always going to be slow, would it only because readahead etc takes a boot to be in place21:14
desrtseb128: so the reason i care most about first login is because of smoke testing21:15
desrtseb128: the QA team is doing a test to see if dconf-service is running after login21:15
desrtof course that will be tested on 'first login'21:15
desrtso if we can try a little bit harder to make it clean so we can have it testable, i think it's worth it21:16
seb128desrt, well they can be a bit smarter, log all the calls and check to "known ones"21:16
seb128and list any unexpected one21:16
desrtseb128: that's true.  'dconf blame' will make that quite a lot easier now21:16
brycehTheMuso, yes, both are in our xorg-server in precise21:16
TheMusobryceh: Thanks muchly.21:17
desrtseb128: hum.  you were supposed to take both patches from that bug -- not just one21:18
desrtseb128: also: it looks like you added the patch but forgot to include it in the series21:18
desrtthe first issue is not so important... it just supresses a warning... the second issue is more important... :)21:19
seb128desrt, crap, I blame slangasek21:20
TheMusoseb128: Thanks for the atk upload, I narrowed that issue down yesterday when I discovered firefox problems, but got calle daway/side tracked before I could properly test and upload a fix.21:21
seb128desrt, thanks for noticing it21:21
desrthe was distracting you? :)21:21
seb128desrt, no, he forgot to bzr add files in the vcs21:21
seb128desrt, I had it in the serie but I pointed the issue, he fixed it, I rebase but screwed the rebease21:21
* desrt doesn't say anything about version control systems21:21
desrt(wait?  did that count?) :)21:22
seb128TheMuso, no worry, thanks to chrisccoulson21:22
seb128desrt, ;-)21:22
seb128desrt, should I take both patches then? I didn't care much about the warning but I can include it21:22
TheMusochrisccoulson: Indeed thanks, as above, I discovered that issue yesterday, but got sidetracked.21:23
desrtseb128: for completeness, yes21:23
seb128TheMuso, there is a new official tarball with the revert if you want to update21:23
desrtthat's what will go upstream, if it does21:23
* desrt checks the new unity21:23
desrtso.  it's better21:25
desrtbut still 2 writes on login21:26
desrt(i tested 5 times... 4 times it had 2 writes, 1 time it had 1)21:26
tedgdesrt, So I'm trying your hud-service and I'm not getting any highlighting of matched strings.21:28
tedgdesrt, Is that a known TODO?21:28
desrttedg: correct.21:28
desrti knew about it but it fell of my list21:28
seb128I didn't even know the hud was doing that :p21:30
desrtseb128: if i type "open" then the hud shows21:30
desrtFile > <b>Open</b>21:30
dupondjejbicha: around ?21:30
jbichadupondje: aloha :)21:30
desrttedg: wanted to talk to you about it, actually21:30
desrtright now you hilight the entire matched item -- not just the part of it that matched21:31
dupondjejbicha: seems gnome-shell needs some update, cause the battery indicator is broken ... :)21:31
dupondjeis that on the todo list or ? :)21:31
desrti assume that's done for sake of simplicity.... is it something we ever will want to change?21:31
seb128desrt, yeah, I just never noticed before, I never bothered typing a full word :p21:32
tedgdesrt, Yes, it should be just the matched portion if it's a perfect match and then if it's not, the word.21:32
tedgdesrt, So "fi" will result in "<b>fi</b>le" but "if" will result in "<b>file</b>"21:32
desrttedg: k.  i'll keep that in mind for when i dig into the algorithm21:32
* desrt has been trying to hold himself off from the perfomance improvements until the refactor branch is landed21:33
tedgIt's not actually sending actions for me...21:33
desrtas in it's failing to activate menu items?21:33
tedgdesrt, yes21:34
desrtolli was seeing that as well21:34
tedgOh, that just worked...21:34
tedgNow it didn't...21:34
desrttedg: so there's a bit of a weird situation...21:34
desrttedg: and i'm not exactly sure of the best way to deal with this21:35
desrttedg: the query now supports updating itself if new menu items appear while you're searching which is a change vs. the last version21:35
desrttedg: however, this means that the index into the results array has to be invalidated (bceause it may be stale)21:35
desrti currently deal with this by ignoring stale indexes21:35
desrtso if the app sends a 'change' signal in response to getting the focus back (due to the hud window closing) then the index could be stale just as it is being delivered to the hud21:36
tedgdesrt, Don't make the key an index to an array, but make it something that is absolute?21:36
desrttedg: ya... this all goes back to that stateful talk we were having earlier21:37
desrtthe only way i could really do that at this point is by having a global hash of HudItem21:37
tedgdesrt, i.e., for dbusmenu the path, server and ID are absolute21:37
desrtwhich is maybe the correct solution21:37
desrttedg: ya... but invocations are done via hud_item_activate()21:37
tedgWhy isn't the key backend specific.21:37
desrttedg: to make it easier to extend21:38
jbichadupondje: just added to my to-do list for this weekend since gnome-shell 3.4 in Precise will take longer than I hoped21:38
dupondjecool :)21:38
dupondjeit looked to cool that my battery stayed at 99% :p21:39
desrttedg: i'm starting to like the idea of an item hash21:39
tedgdesrt, At that point it'd probably be easier to just use the memory address of the item.  And then validate it before using it.21:40
tedgdesrt, Then you don't need to invent a hashing algorithm.21:40
desrttedg: memory addresses get reused21:41
desrtrapidly so when gslice is involved21:41
desrtimplementing the hash will be borderline trivial21:41
tedgOkay, trivial, one hour, go!21:41
desrti doubt i'll need 15 minutes21:42
desrtbrb :)21:42
jbichadupondje: I've been on gnome-shell 3.3.90 the past week or so, so I haven't seen the bug at all for a while21:42
dupondjepackaged version is still atm21:43
* jbicha points to the GNOME3 PPA :)21:44
=== jalcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine
desrttedg: done :)21:56
desrt14 minutes :p21:56
* desrt is suddenly in the mood for a dconf release22:03
seb128desrt, did you merge propose your update?22:18
desrtseb128: which update?22:21
seb128desrt, the fix you just did for the hud?22:26
desrtseb128: i just pushed it directly22:26
seb128desrt, where?22:26
desrtto my branch22:27
seb128desrt, well, it should go to trunk22:27
desrtmy branch got merged22:27
seb128desrt, tedg send an email saying toi not upload 0.3.92 he rolled waiting on the fix22:27
desrthow nice22:27
desrti don't think i can push to trunk...22:27
seb128desrt, right, that's why I asked if you did a merge request22:28
seb128so we can get it in trunk22:28
desrtokay.  i understand now22:28
seb128so we can unblock the distro upload22:28
seb128desrt, thanks ;-22:29
seb128tedg, ^22:29
desrti have to do a merge request for every change i make now?  this is gonna get old fast.... :p22:29
seb128desrt, well you can batch commits and do one merge request ;-)22:30
seb128desrt, or try to get access to trunk :p22:30
seb128desrt, well at some point I guess systems will use the same thing didrocks put in place for unity22:31
seb128desrt, i.e jenkins merging merges approved automatically after running tests and builds22:31
seb128that's quite nice22:31
seb128you get stuff build tested and make checked for you and merged if everything is ok ;-)22:32
desrti like it22:32
desrtnow i can blame the bot if something screws up22:32
tedgseb128, Okay, I'll circle back around and do another release, I need to go in a bit though.  Might be in the morning.22:35
* desrt is not 100% that this solves the issue you were seeing22:35
seb128tedg, I might just upload the tarball you already rolled with that patch tomorrow22:36
seb128tedg, if you don't get a new one22:36
seb128tedg, I think the issues are not stoppers, we can fix them tomorrow with another tarball if needed22:36
seb128tedg, oh, it was not just the hightlight but also actions not working?22:37
dobeyhrmm. does new gtk+ fix the scrolling issue?22:37
seb128tedg, so yeah, ignore that, let's wait to make that is fixed, tomorrow would be ok though22:37
seb128dobey, what new gtk? what scrolling issue?22:37
dobeywhatever one i installed today when i did apt-get dist-upgrade22:38
dobeyand my scroll wheel apparently not working any more22:38
RAOFkenvandine: I presume you're aware that gwibber no longer scrolls correctly?22:38
dobeyRAOF: it would appear that evolution doesn't either. when i move my scroll whweel in evo, the message list scroll bar just jumps all the way to the bottom :(22:40
seb128dobey, do you use 32 bits?22:40
RAOFdobey: No, evolution works (on amd64); gwibber's broken in a different way.22:41
RAOFActually, the new smooth-scroll evolution is pretty funky.22:41
dobeyseb128: yes22:41
dobeyRAOF: yeah, gwibber was broken before the new gtk for me, i think22:42
seb128dobey, known issue, cnd is working on it, it's an xserver,input bug22:42
seb128it's 32b specific22:42
seb128dobey, cnd says he's about to upload the fix22:43
dobeycool. i'll dist-upgrade in a bit and see if it's there22:44
desrtseb128: did you resubmit the gconf build?22:47
seb128desrt, yes, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/95838197/gconf_3.2.3-3ubuntu1.2_3.2.3-3ubuntu1.3.diff.gz22:49
seb128starting in 2 hours though22:49
seb128builders are busy22:49
desrtseems to be22:49
desrtoh well.  no emergency.22:50
seb128dobey, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxi/2:
seb128^ that should fix scroll on 32b22:50
dobeyseb128: cool. i'll test it when it's published22:53
seb128desrt, help22:57
seb128desrt, git pull --rebase tells me22:58
seb128refusing to pull with rebase: your working tree is not up-to-date22:58
seb128I had a commit22:58
desrtseb128: you have non-checked-in changes22:58
seb128but trunk changed22:58
seb128I did commit22:58
desrtlook at 'git status' or 'git diff'22:58
desrtperhaps not all of your changes got committed (no -a?)22:59
seb128desrt, ok, git --reset didn't do what I though it would do22:59
seb128desrt, I had to add "--hard"22:59
seb128desrt, thanks22:59
seb128desrt, I had a local change, I though --reset would drop it23:00
seb128but seems not23:00
desrtreset --hard for that, indeed23:01
desrtsoft/mixed resets never affect your working tree23:01
seb128I though it would let me pull with uncommited changes23:02
seb128bzr let you do that23:02
seb128it's like "I"ve work in progress I didn't commit but I want to rebase before commiting"23:02
desrtthat's 'git pull'23:03
desrtthe trouble only comes when you have both committed *and* uncommited changes23:03
seb128I had both23:03
seb128I had a commit and a work in progress chang23:03
jalcinedesrt: that's where stash comes into play.23:03
desrtgit stash23:04
desrtgit pull --rebase23:04
desrtgit stash pop23:04
seb128I think that's too much for a day :p23:04
jalcinebest thing since sliced bread.23:04
seb128for the record I just hate git :p23:04
seb128could a vcs be harder to use? ;-)23:04
desrtjalcine: would be nicer, i think, if attempting to rebase a dirty tree stashed automatically23:04
desrtseb128: hah.  i had my fair share of bzr annoyance today, thanks :p23:04
desrtbzr has logic that if i push somewhere and then push to a different place the first place must surely be the 'parent' of the first23:05
desrtso all future diffs are made against it, for example23:05
seb128desrt, like I read those commands but I'm unsure why I need to understand why there is pull and a pull --rebase23:05
desrtseb128: here's why:23:05
seb128can't they just have a pull fetching what is new and applying it ?23:05
desrtgit pull is basically short for 'git fetch' plus 'git merge'23:05
desrtso a pull will result in a merge if there are both changes in your tree plus changes upstream at the same time23:06
desrtwhich is fine, but a lot of people like the history to look linear23:06
desrtthat's where rebasing comes in -- it modifies history to make it look like your committed your changes on top of the work that appeared later23:06
seb128so any non pushed commit will be moved on top of what is pulled?23:07
seb128hum, k23:08
seb128I guess I don't care much about "order of commits"'23:08
desrtso then 'git pull' is probably always fine for you23:08
desrtbut you may annoy others who care more :)23:08
seb128but I also get that some people might :-)23:08
seb128desrt, thanks23:08
seb128anyway got it sorted23:08
desrtin the general case git-rebase is insanely powerful23:08
desrtand this power causes problems with uncommited things in the tree23:08
seb128yeah, in this case I had a commit I did early that I failed to push without noticing23:09
seb128(trunk changes while I was doing the change)23:09
seb128and I did another change I didn't commit yet23:09
seb128then I noticed the push failed23:09
desrtfor example, you can use rebasing to change the order of history entirely (like completely re-ordering the order of commits, splitting commits up or merging them, etc)23:09
seb128and I wanted to push that one commit to keep going on the next one23:09
desrtwhich could cause problems with this sort of uncommitted state that's assumed to be at the end23:09
seb128yeah, that's git weirdness to me, the "let's change history" thing ;-)23:10
desrtread the 'how and why to fake it' paper :)23:10
seb128desrt, my german side tells me changing history is wrong :p23:11
seb128things are the way they happened ;-)23:11
desrtseb128: welll.. there's history and there's public history23:11
seb128well no connotation to history fact, just to way things should be done ;-)23:11
desrtchanging public history is widely considered to be a huge faux pas23:11
desrtand most projects have commit hooks that prevent it from happening23:12
desrtprivate history that's only on your laptop (or in your own work-in-progress branch) is another story23:12
seb128desrt, right, I was going to say that it feels like an easy way to corrupt an existing vcs23:12
seb128or to have somebody doing bad things23:12
desrtthat's why git has commit IDs23:13
desrtthey are cryptographic hashes of the entire project history up to this point23:13
* jalcine just figured out where those hashes came from, lol.23:13
desrtif even one character in a commit message changes or a timestamp changes by 1 second, the entire commit ID changes23:14
desrtanywhere for all history23:14
desrtbecause part of what makes up the commit ID is the ID of the commit that came before23:14
desrtso you get the chaining effect....23:14
seb128I guess that makes easier to notice any issues ;-)23:15
desrtit's not even a security check, either23:15
desrtit's how git works at its very essence23:15
desrteach file is a 'blob' and the ID of the blob is its hash23:15
desrtall the files that make up a (sub)tree are reffered to by their hash value23:15
desrtand then the tree making up the commit is referred to from the commit23:16
desrtin order to find the object to unpack it it has to have the correct hash...23:16
seb128desrt, what's the english word for corruption close from "tempting"? I'm close I'm sure but it doesn't come back :p23:16
seb128desrt, I'm sure git makes a lot of sense if you understand how it's technically done ;-)23:17
seb128which you seem to do :p23:18
desrtseb128: i think the most important thing to understanding git is understanding what's really going on23:18
desrtthe entire thing is a directed acyclic graph of these objects23:18
seb128I'm not sure I care enough about vcs to spend time looking at that though ;-)23:18
desrtyou just have to understand each command as being some operation on that graph23:18
desrtand then it's all insanely logical23:18
desrtnot sure most people care to think that way, of course....23:18
desrtbut if you like to think that way then it's really the greatest possible system23:19
seb128right, most people probably just learn the command and what they do23:19
seb128like you don't think about what fs do when you type mv :p23:19
desrtspeak for yourself ;)23:20
desrti think what i like about git is that i can do absolutely any concievable operation on it23:20
desrtand for most of the ones that i want to do there are automated tools to do them for me23:20
desrtfor the others, i can script it or do them manually23:20
desrti only have to figure out what my desired operation is in terms of permutations on the graph23:21
desrtit's truly a hacker's tool :p23:21
jalcineCreated by the hacker of hackers, lol23:25
mdeslaurseb128: could you take a look at my proposal in bug 938076, and see if it's acceptable and/or too late?23:27
ubot2`Launchpad bug 938076 in gnome-settings-daemon "Auto-lock on suspend is still needed when encrypting file system" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93807623:27
seb128mdeslaur, I was just reading the comments on that bug23:27
mdeslaurseb128: it never ends :)23:27
desrtwho is benjamin kerensa?23:28
seb128desrt, ?23:29
seb128mdeslaur, I Cced mpt on the bug23:29
desrtseb128: he marked one of my bugs as 'Opinion' :p23:29
seb128mdeslaur, the proposal works for me but I learnt since long that I'm not a designer :p23:30
seb128desrt, ;-)23:30
* desrt marked it back to 'New' and feels like maybe he should explain23:30
desrtis there some way to do a grep of all bzr repos in launchpad?23:32
seb128desrt, like checkouts all repo to grep through, or do you look for a repo?23:34
seb128desrt, usually http://code.launchpad.net/<project> lists all the vcs for project23:34
seb128desrt, i.e https://code.launchpad.net/indicator-appmenu23:35
desrtseb128: i mean *everything* :p23:35
* desrt wants to find out who is using this unity average-bg-color setting23:35
seb128desrt, oh, unity and notify-osd23:35
seb128desrt, unity-2d as well23:35
seb128that's all I'm 99% sure23:35
seb128it's new from a month or so23:36
seb128desrt, what they do is "unity write its color so notify-osd can read that value and use the same color without having to recompute the background medium value"23:36
seb128well and also "so unity doesn't need to do the maths again if the bg didn't change"23:37
desrtwhy would it have to do that?23:37
desrtfor the 2d fallback?23:37
seb128desrt, "that"?23:37
seb128desrt, notify-osd is a standalone process23:37
desrtwhy does notify-osd need to know the median background colour?23:37
seb128desrt, because its color matches the background23:37
seb128same as the dash23:37
desrti thought it was black23:37
seb128it used to23:37
seb128that's a new feature23:37
desrti see....23:37
desrtthis is definitely an X11 root window property23:38
seb128desrt, I suggested they did a dbus call for it but macslow prefered the "store in gsettings"23:38
desrtor should be, i mean23:38
desrtdbus call would also work, but is slower23:38
desrtalthough it's probably easier to write23:38
seb128yeah, I tend to not think about xproperties23:38
desrtx properties are not so much fun :p23:38
seb128it's not something "common" for some reason23:39
seb128or I didn't cross it enough to have it as a reflex ;-)23:39
desrtfor something that's so closely related to the root window, it sort of fits...23:39
seb128desrt, https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/notify-osd/fix.810325-2/+merge/9200023:40
seb128desrt, https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/notify-osd/fix.810325/+merge/68537 was the original one where I suggested dbus23:41
desrtseb128: you did the right thing23:41
desrtyou just gave up too easy :)23:41
desrtyou know... this really really needs to be an X property :p23:42
* desrt is thinking about how the dbus approach would work and likes it only a little more than the gsettings way23:43
seb128desrt, write a patch, I'm sure they will consider it ;-)23:43
desrtya.  i think i will23:43
desrtthat will only leave didrocks left :)23:44
seb128desrt, my main complain with gsettings btw was your insane "abort on missing schemas" stuff :p23:44
desrtseb128: i designed gsettings using the git philosophy23:44
seb128desrt, that's making my life harder every time where I write a patch which used to be "do a gconf call"23:44
desrt"do everything you can to annoy frenchmen"23:44
seb128desrt, you used to be able to get a key and deal with it being null23:45
seb128now you need to write a schemas23:45
desrtseb128: you are free to "do a dconf call" equivalently23:45
seb128which means you need a schemas somewhere even for "upstream_behaviour" hacks23:45
desrtyou make the mistake of assuming that gsettings is something like gconf23:45
desrtit's not23:45
desrtdconf is the thing that's like gconf23:45
seb128desrt, like I wanted to add a setting to tweak the gsd xsettings for appmenu23:45
desrtya... we're gonna need to figure out what to do there23:46
seb128but I stopped because I blocked on the stupid schemas and where to put it23:46
desrtwell, i guess if we get the new gnome-shell into universe then it's a non-issue23:46
desrtwhat's the progress there looking like anyway?23:47
seb128desrt, ricotz said it should be easy to revert the new gcr requirement23:47
seb128that's the last thing I read about it23:47
seb128I assume jbicha is still looking at it23:47
seb128desrt, well it was not only g-s23:47
desrtnon-working gmenumodel + unity?23:48
seb128desrt, it was also unity users who hate appmenus23:48
desrtthey can unintsall the appmenu indicator23:48
seb128desrt, that breaks the hud23:48
desrtwhy the fuck is hud-service in the same binary as libappmenu.so?23:48
desrti mean... it's bad enough they're in the same source package23:49
desrtthey should _definitely_ be in separate binaries23:49
seb128desrt, it's not in the archive23:49
desrtthey actually have absolutely nothing to do with each other at all23:49
seb128so it's not in the same binary :p23:49
seb128but yeah, you have a point23:49
seb128desrt, ignore that23:49
seb128your version is not in yet, but yeah...23:50
desrthopefully it's not too late for a packaging tweak there23:50
seb128desrt, still I assume there is a case for people with different preferences on the same system23:50
desrtbecause people are going to want to be able to uninstall the appmenu indicator23:50
desrtya. that's true.23:50
desrtthere's something a bit more infuriating23:50
seb128desrt, well I was thinking a gsettings key would be a better solution than removing a binary23:50
desrtthe hud will break anyway if you remove the appmenu indicator23:50
desrtbecause the registrar lives inside of it23:51
desrtso hud will work, but only for indicators and gmenumodel23:51
seb128desrt, changing the xsettings should give you local and unity menus at the same time no?23:51
seb128with hud still working?23:51
seb128desrt, which was my plan23:51
seb128was -> is23:51
desrtaim higher23:52
desrtwe need a generic xsettings override interface23:52
desrti'll make a patch for that23:52
seb128having a command line to set xsettings would be good for debugging as well23:52
seb128I hate having to rebuild gsd to try xsettings :p23:52
desrtnow you ask for more :)23:52
seb128desrt, you told me to aim higher!23:52
desrtso there are two usecases here23:53
desrtfirst is that you want to change the value of some settings using gsettings23:53
desrtthe other is that you want to do temporary tweaks with dbus?23:53
desrtcould it just be all gsettings? :)23:53
seb128well I guess I would be fine with the first one23:54
seb128in practice that's the most frequent one23:54
desrtso i'll just put an a{sv} in GSettings23:54
desrta dictionary of the keys you want to change23:54
desrti'll even add it to the schema :p23:55
seb128desrt, anyway that will be for another day for me, time to go to bed!23:56
desrtgood night :)23:57

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