
akgranerHow  cool summaries are already being written!! \0/02:04
Silverlionhi there07:16
Silverlionhey cody-somerville07:48
dholbachgood morning08:06
Silverliongood morning dholbach08:07
dholbachhi Silverlion08:08
dholbachbkerensa, not sure if you replied yesterday, but did you still have a completed interview somewhere? :)09:53
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=== Guest2873 is now known as Silverlion
Silverlionbkerensa: ping11:50
dholbachbkerensa, thanks for adding that interview - it looks good - do we have a picture of the guy? :)12:10
dholbachbkerensa, I'll go ahead and add a few news tidbits12:10
Silverliondholbach: next wednesday you can do a big thing about the SII ;)12:11
Silverliondholbach: ping13:16
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=== webjadmin is now known as JackyAlcine
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dholbachSilverlion, pong15:03
Silverliondholbach: you could do me a favor :D15:03
dholbachwhat is it?15:03
Silverlionthe SII is looking for Beta-Testers for his new project Speech-Controll15:03
SilverlionOnly requirements are Ubuntu and a mic ;)15:04
Silverlioncould you do me the favor and announce this on your news-side?15:04
dholbachyou could send something to the ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com mailing list15:08
dholbachI'm in the middle of 5 things right now15:08
Silverlionwe need it NOW :D not next week :D15:08
dholbachyeah, sorry - in that case I can't help15:11
Silverliondholbach: :D15:13
Silverlionno need to be sorry15:13
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=== JackyAlcine_ is now known as jalcine
silverlionakgraner: knowing you are busy i take a number to wait for a sec of your time ;)21:24
akgranercan you give me about an hour on the phone atm :-)21:25
silverlionif i am online then, surely otherwise i will ping you friday night on overnight duty :D21:25
akgranerthat will work21:30
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=== JackyAlcine is now known as jalcine

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