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bschaeferthumper, ping! I think the new char comp merge broke the ibus support. As well as using the ctrl for shortcuts...01:36
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bschaeferthomi, do you happen to have the unity trunk running?02:01
thomibschaefer: no, but I could shortly. what's up?02:05
bschaeferthomi, well I want to double check for a possible regression02:05
bschaeferon all ctrl shortcuts and ibus in the dash02:05
thomisure, I'll just build latest02:05
bschaeferthomi, thanks, I checked jenkins and it failed02:06
thomibschaefer: well, jenkins is rather broken today02:06
bschaeferthomi, ok, that would explain the failures02:07
thomiok, I'm running trunk02:07
thomiwhat should I test?02:07
bschaeferthe dash clipboard to start02:08
bschaeferjust type some stuff into the dash02:08
bschaeferand try to copy and paste it02:08
bschaeferor ctrl+a02:08
thomiyep - that's broked02:08
thomiwho did that?02:08
thomiahh, the composition character test02:09
bschaeferand njpatel, when they were pushing changes to IMTextEntry for comp char02:09
thomididn't run the tests before they merged huh? :)02:09
bschaefernjpatel said it passed all the test02:09
thomiwell, at least jenkins caught it02:09
thomibschaefer: he probably just ran the unit tests02:09
bschaeferyeah haha02:09
bschaeferthomi, yeah02:10
bschaeferthomi, well looks I have a fun night ahead of me :)02:10
bschaeferthomi, thanks for confirming02:10
thomino problem02:10
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jalcineAnyone knows the PPA to add HUD?02:45
jalcineOr should I just test out Precise?02:45
DaekdroomThere is no PPA for HUD for Oneiric, if that's what you're wondering.02:45
mhall119jalcine: yeah, you'll need to test Precise to try HUD02:48
thevinciwasn't the groove shark lens/scope installed by default on 12.04?07:36
thevinciI feel like i didn't have to install it before, but i just did a clean install of 12.04, and it wasn't there anymore07:37
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mhr3angeloc, ping?08:58
angelocmhr3: pong09:00
mhr3angeloc, i added a comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~angelo-compagnucci/unity-lens-files/fix-for-773841/+merge/96100/comments/20797509:02
angelocmhr3: ok. i'm doing it!09:04
mhr3angeloc, thx, it'll be ready to go once done09:04
mhr3nice tautology :P09:04
angelocmh3r: yes! for prerequisite branch I'm trying to get acquainted with pipelines09:05
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mhr3angeloc, prereq branch is just a field in launchpad, i dont think it's integrated with bzr itself... though i might be wrong09:07
angelocmhr3: ops... the only doc I found online about prereq branch is there http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/BzrPipeline. I'm really happy of your info, pipeline seems a big mess tome!09:09
mhr3not just to you :)09:10
mhr3angeloc, just click the resubmit proposal button on top of the merge request, and there's the source + target + prereq fields09:10
Andy80'morning guys :)09:13
angelocmhr3: done!09:14
angelocmhr3:done also prereq!09:15
angelocmhr3: launchpad totally rocks! It' really the best software project management tool out there!09:18
mhr3glad you like it ;)09:22
angelocmhr3: so now to include my branche we have to wait that your branch will be merged cause is a prereq, right?09:48
lorematteiMacSlow: hi!09:49
mhr3angeloc, right, but we're frozen now anyway, so nothing gets it right now09:49
angelocmhr3: frozen for 12.04? so changes will be included in 12.06 right?09:50
MacSlowhey loremattei09:50
lorematteiMacSlow: hello! Thanks for the review of my patch to unity. Sorry for the missings, I'm new to unity development.09:52
mhr3angeloc, no, fixes can still get in, but we want to release 5.6, so trunks are frozen...09:53
MacSlowloremattei, no worries... that's what we're here for :)09:53
MacSlowloremattei, just ask anything while you're going along the learning process09:53
lorematteiMacSlow: Thanks. The paperwork is now done. I'm going to write down the autopilot tests, but I actually have some troubles with running it.09:54
lorematteiMacSlow: I've found this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/QA/Autopilot09:54
MacSlowloremattei, got to be on a meeting any moment... but I can help out in ~15 min.09:54
lorematteiMacSlow: ok! thank you!09:55
angelocok, so new fixes will be in unity 5.8!09:55
davidcallemhr3, ping10:43
mhr3davidcalle, pong10:43
angelocmhr3: there is bug 770126 that is like something i fixed10:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 770126 in unity-place-applications (Ubuntu) "Alt+F2 - ssh:// and smb:// access doesn't work in Unity (should open Nautilus)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77012610:44
angelocmhr3: where to look for alt-f2?10:44
davidcallemhr3, would you have the time to do to the music lens what you did to the gwibber one? I'm looking at the TreeIndex merge and I'm a bit overwhelmed by the complexity of it.10:45
mhr3angeloc, it's in the applications lens (runner.vala)10:47
angelocmhr3: thank you! the bug is assigned, I think I can fix it, I reassing it to me?10:48
mhr3davidcalle, yea, i can do it at some point, could you do at least a simple substring search for the time being?10:48
davidcallemhr3, already done.10:48
davidcallemhr3, thanks10:49
mhr3angeloc, feel free to work on it, seems like it was never finished10:49
angelocmhr3, i tkink so10:50
mhr3davidcalle, can you open a bug about it and assign to me?10:50
davidcallemhr3, sure10:50
mhr3davidcalle, thx10:50
mhr3davidcalle, btw if the rb scope is now mostly working and can even search, y u no mp it? :)11:03
bmoezhi, can any one tell me if there is a scripting language to tweak unity, if yes, please where can i found documentation about it?11:04
davidcallemhr3, right. :)11:06
angelocmhr3: there is something wrong with my code, i modified the regex concatenating string + TLD_REGEX + string11:07
angelocmhr3: now c compiler (after valac) cannot compile because TLD_REGEXP is not expanded and gcc cannot compile11:08
angelocmhr3: _tmp8_ = g_regex_new ("(http[s]{0,1}://.+){0,1}" "[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\." TLD_REGEX "$", G_REGEX_OPTIMIZE, 0, &_inner_error_);11:08
mhr3angeloc, how did you define TLD_REGEX?11:09
angelocconst string = "..."11:09
mhr3angeloc, pastebin the diff pls11:10
angelocmhr3: http://pastebin.com/TX50euF311:13
mhr3angeloc, you need to define consts outside of methods11:14
angelocmhr3:generally i'm not so stupid ...11:14
mhr3angeloc, it's actually a bug in vala...11:15
angelocmhr3: fiuuu :)11:15
mhr3angeloc, also the idea is to use fewer lines now that you dont need to align it with the method call params ;)11:16
angelocmhr3: you don't like string wrapping? I can remove in istants!11:17
angelocmhr3: i think it's more readeable11:17
mhr3angeloc, no, i do, but it limited you to like ~40 chars11:19
mhr3now you can use ~70 per line ;)11:19
angelocmhr3: done!11:22
angelocmhr3: going to eat something, bye11:22
chrisccoulsonhi API. you're Alejandro, aren't you?11:38
APIchrisccoulson, hi again, sorry network problems11:57
chrisccoulsonhi API. not sure if you saw that i subscribed you to mozilla bug 733712 ;)11:57
ubot5Mozilla bug 733712 in Disability Access APIs "Stack exhaustion crash in getNameCB with atk 2.3.91" [Critical,New: ] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=73371211:57
APIuh, no, I missed it11:59
APIwell, it seems that I will need to revert that change11:59
chrisccoulsonAPI, yeah, we did that in ubuntu already just to unbreak firefox for now12:00
APIat least initially to solve this12:00
APIwell yes, but if firefox is affected probably others will be12:00
APIso probably it would be better to just revert that change12:00
APIand then think on something12:00
APInot sure if I'm in time to make a new release12:01
chrisccoulsoncool, thank you :)12:01
APIat least for 3.3.9112:01
APII will ask on gnome #release-team12:01
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VelmontJanC: So I actually managed to make dconf + lockdown/disable-lock-screen  work. When I set it using   dconf disable-lock-screen true  on the command line, my own user actually can't lock screen anymore. But the buttons are still there, which threw me off the trail.12:05
VelmontJanC: So that means that the important code is actually there, -- but not the "hide when disabled" part.12:05
APIchrisccoulson, it seems that I'm in time to make a new release12:06
APIso alghouth alexander proposed to add a reentrance guard12:06
VelmontJanC: And also, I need to understand how dconf works, -- because I have to explicitly set it in the session in order to work. So need to find out how to do systemwide dconf settings (actually, for all the computers), and have it have it disabled there.12:06
APII think that I will just revert the change12:06
APIto ensure that the change will be in this release12:07
chrisccoulsonexcellent, thanks :)12:07
ryeumm... has somebody fixed bug #932906 ? can't reproduce on 5.4.0+bzr2057ubuntu0+65412:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 932906 in unity (Ubuntu) "HUD loses keypresses for the first second after opening" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93290612:14
didrocksrye: yeah, it's fixed in trunk :)12:15
ryedidrocks, sweeeeeeeeeet.12:15
ryei start to see the value of hud - virt-manager indicator - open machines12:17
didrocksrye: changing the milestones, thanks for the highlight btw :)12:17
ryedidrocks, you are very welcome, and thank you very much!12:17
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APIchrisccoulson, I have just made a 2.3.93 ATK release12:49
chrisccoulsonAPI, thanks for that12:49
APIchrisccoulson, thanks to you, for pinging me12:49
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mhall119Cimi: ping13:02
Cimimhall119, pong13:02
mhall119Cimi: do developers have control over whether or not to use ayatana-scrollbars in their app?13:03
Cimimhall119, yes13:03
Cimimhall119, they could set the environmental variable at the startup of their app to 013:03
mhall119Cimi: do we have some documentation explaining how to use them/not use them13:03
Cimig_setenv ("LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR", "0", TRUE);13:04
mhall119is that all?13:04
mhall119they can't change things on a per-scrollarea basis13:04
Cimijust after gtk_init I'd say13:04
Cimimhall119, no13:04
mhall119ok, thanks13:04
mhall119MacSlow|lunch: ping13:05
Cimimhall119, but you could in theory13:05
Cimimhall119, call g_object_new instead gtk_scrollbar_new13:05
Cimiand get the OBJECT you want13:05
mhall119Cimi: if that's not a method we want to promote, then I'm not going to include it in our docs13:05
Cimino then13:06
mhall119ok, thanks13:06
DaekdroomHuh.. I can't seem to use the mouse scroll wheel in Gnome-terminal and gwibber anymore.13:08
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MacSlowmhall119, what's up?13:37
mhall119MacSlow: hey, just wanted to check if https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDevelopmentGuidelines was still up to date13:38
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mhall119and if http://www.galago-project.org/specs/notification/0.9/ was still the proper API to follow for app developers to use notify-osd13:38
MacSlowmhall119, basically yes...13:38
mhall119any caveats that I should be aware of before we copy/paste them to developer.u.c?13:39
MacSlowmhall119, regarding the fdo/glago spec... it still applies minus our different handling of timeouts (ignoring them, just n-osd controlled) and actions (not allowed by n-osd)13:40
ryeDaekdroom, interesting, me too - gnome-terminal is not scrolling with trackpad scrolling feature. Is that what gtk change for smooth scrolling was about?13:41
DaekdroomWell, both gnome-terminal and gwibber do not use smooth scrolling.13:42
mhall119MacSlow: thanks for the update13:42
DaekdroomAt first I thought it was a overlay-scrollbar issue. Hence why I mentioned it here, but it might be GTK indeed.13:43
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ryeDaekdroom, there was something about this yesterday here13:52
ryeno, can't find it13:54
ryeand: re bug for the windows not appearing in alt tab - that's 93789813:55
seb128Daekdroom, rye: scrolling is known to be broken on gtk3,i386 xorg input driver bug13:59
seb128it's being worked13:59
seb128well "mouse wheel scrolling" (and likely equivalent pad scrolling)13:59
seb128you can use page up,down on the keyboard or scrollbars14:00
tokarbolNot sure if it's the right place to ask, but - is it possible to define multiple default keyboard layouts to unity-greeter? Config or somewhere in source?14:00
ryeseb128, hm, i am on x86-6414:00
* rye checks14:00
seb128rye, is scrolling broken in all gtk3 apps?14:01
DaekdroomI'm on AMD64 too.14:01
DaekdroomFor me it's only broken in Gwibber and Terminal.14:01
ryeseb128, well, gnome-terminal is broken, nautilus is ok14:01
seb128can you guys do a "xinput list <device_you_use_number>14:01
seb128xinput list14:01
seb128then figure the number for your mouse,pad,whatever14:02
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seb128xinput list that and grep for increment14:02
seb128what is the increment value?14:02
DaekdroomFor master pointer, right?14:02
ryeseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/873031/ - no increment14:02
DaekdroomOops. I mean, master keyboard.14:03
seb128rye, you picked the wrong device14:03
seb128"Virtual core XTEST pointer              id=4[slave  pointer  (2)]"14:03
seb128that's not a real device14:03
DaekdroomHm. I should get some sleep later.14:03
Daekdroom⎡ Virtual core pointer                    id=2[master pointer  (3)]14:04
DaekdroomIs that it?14:04
seb128can you pastebin "xinput list"14:04
ryeseb128, http://paste.ubuntu.com/873036/14:04
seb128rye, ok, yours is a different issue14:04
seb128so maybe g-t,vte needs an update to deal with the new gtk14:04
seb128I couldn't test here14:04
seb128scrolling is just broken on i38614:04
seb128in any gtk3 app14:05
seb128the driver return a buggy increment14:05
seb128yeah, ok, you guys have a different bug14:06
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ryebug #948612 - filed yesterday14:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 948612 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "gnome-terminal does not scroll with mousewheel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94861214:09
ryealso, the menu part is true too - can't hover the menus14:10
ryethe global menu i mean - the menu gets open, but browsing through it does not change anything14:11
Daekdroomrye, I don't think that's the bug that's affecting me.14:22
DaekdroomI can scroll up in gnome-terminal by clicking the overlay scrollbar, and global menu is working fine for me too14:22
ryeDaekdroom, i can't grab the overlay scrollbar thumb in gnome-terminal o_O14:24
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seb128rye, I doubt that bug is a gtk one14:26
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seb128rye, like g-t or vte needs updating for the g-t issue, dunno about menus14:26
ryeseb128, will ass gnome-terminal to the bug too then14:27
seb128rye, no, please just reassign14:28
seb128rye, having several components on a bug is making them annoying to work with14:28
ryeseb128, checking w/o overlay scrollbars first, ok, understood14:28
ryeerm, was the LIBOVERLAY_SCROLLBAR=0 env var handling removed?14:35
seb128rye, no14:41
ryeok, cool, it is overlay-scrollbar-independent14:42
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ryeseb128, this is what i was telling about the menus - https://launchpadlibrarian.net/95763208/out.ogv15:01
ryetalking about15:01
seb128rye, is that unity-3d?15:02
ryeseb128, yes, bug #94861215:02
ubot5Launchpad bug 948612 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "gnome-terminal does not scroll with mousewheel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94861215:02
seb128ok, weird, I don't get that here15:02
ryebug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/94902915:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 949029 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "[precise] Menus no longer react to mouse movement" [Undecided,New]15:02
ryeseb128, are you using trunk unity?15:03
ryeoh, i wil need to test this in unity2d too then15:03
ryebuttons don't highlight too15:03
ryein gtk3 apps15:03
seb128rye, weird15:04
mhr3angeloc, why still so much free space when defining the const string?15:06
angelocmhr3: to make it enters my low-res monitor...15:06
angelocmhr3: how many lines i have to shrink15:07
mhr3angeloc, i'm all for doing 80 chars per line, but why not just string =\n  "fooo"15:07
mhr3instead of string =\n                          "fooooo"15:08
mhr3ie same rules as blocks15:08
angelocmhr3: you are right, there is to much blanks before strings ... sometime i'm really stupid!15:09
rye100% reproducible, in both unity and unity2d15:09
angelocmhr3: done codestyle fixed|!15:16
mhr3angeloc, now it's awesome, thx! :)15:17
angelocmhr3: :)15:17
ryewebm0nk3y, have your gtk3 windows stopped reacting to mouse movements too?15:21
webm0nk3yrye: yes15:23
webm0nk3yoh gtk3?15:23
webm0nk3yrye: terminator works with the mouse15:24
ryewebm0nk3y, well, global menu , like in the video of bug #94902915:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 949029 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "[precise] gtk3 apps no longer react to mouse movement in their windows" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/94902915:24
angelocmhr3:thank you very much!15:24
mhr3angeloc, thank *you*15:25
webm0nk3yrye: I don't know what the mousewheel behavior is supposed to be in a menu...never used it15:27
angelocmhr3:your support was invaluable!15:28
ryewebm0nk3y, that's not the mousewheel, that's just hovering the mouse15:31
webm0nk3yrye: oh....yes I saw that.. however it started working after i used the keyboard to move the selections up and down,15:32
webm0nk3yrye: once i used the keyboard once, it kept working for everything...very odd15:33
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angelocmhr3: I don't know if I made a mistake, but i asked you fro review! https://code.launchpad.net/~angelo-compagnucci/unity-lens-applications/fix-for-770126/+merge/9639416:41
mhr3angeloc, k, added to todo16:43
lorematteidavidcalle: hi!17:05
davidcalleloremattei, hey!17:05
lorematteidavidcalle, during past days I played a bit with graphicdesign lens a deviantart scopes porting both to unity 5. Do you agree about pushing them on launchpad?17:07
davidcalleloremattei, of course! They are currently being proposed for inclusion in Oneiric Software Center. So, it would be a perfect timing.17:08
lorematteidavidcalle, ok! :) So I'll push them and file a merge request.17:09
davidcalleloremattei, nevertheless, I will make some modifications to them before putting them in the PPA, the scraping part can be improved a lot.17:10
davidcalleloremattei, thanks a lot :)17:10
davidcallemhall119, ping17:12
lorematteidavidcalle, ok. Thank you!17:12
mhall119davidcalle: pong17:13
davidcallemhall119, I've made a small merge prop on singlet, have you looked at it?17:15
mhall119davidcalle: not yet, I'll check it out though17:16
davidcallemhall119, ok. It's just a small thing to handle filters in a better way.17:17
mhall119ah, good one17:18
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PaoloRotoloHi all!17:35
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hggdhwhich package to assign on bugs on the Unity dash?18:59
Daekdroomhggdh, unity, unless it's specific to a lens/scope.18:59
hggdhthank you18:59
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mhall119tedg: ping21:24
tedgmhall119, Howdy21:26
mhall119hiya tedg, I was wondering when you were going to have a change to write HUD pre-seeding blog/documentation/something21:26
tedgmhall119, Uhm, honestly, I'm not sure.21:27
mhall119tedg: is it complicated to do?21:28
mhall119if not, even just a single paragraph and some sample code will suffice21:28
tedgmhall119, Well, the 140 character answer is: use HUD, do a hud-dump-application and that's the file you need.  Put it in /usr/share/indicator-appmenu/hud/app-info and you're good :-)21:31
tedgmhall119, But the instructions so be a bit more verbose than that :-)21:31
mhall119yeah, something explaining what things in that file are and how they affect HUD would be needed21:32
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desrtbkerensa: hey23:28

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